UphukChapter 2 free porn video

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Having left in late spring, we arrived at Brunswick, Georgia in early summer. The bustling port town had been started just about twenty years earlier and seemed to be flourishing. I made temporary storage arrangements for my goods and rented a plot of land upon which we erected tent like structures with rope, sailcloth, and stakes. I knew that I wouldn't be allowed to house so many slaves at any of the local inns so we just made do; the summer weather would be easier to endure outside than winter and we could be thankful for that.

Brunswick was a much smaller place than Amsterdam. There really weren't that many merchant's to talk with. I was able to get some information regarding where land could be had from a friendly local who became even friendlier after I bought him several pints at the local pub. At this time the entire state of Georgia had less than a hundred thousand people or less than two people per square mile. Buying land wasn't all that hard to do. I was able to buy thirty thousand acres about fifty miles northwest of Brunswick and sixty miles southwest of Savannah.

I was fortunate in that I was able to purchase eight large wagons and eight teams of horses over the next few days. I'm sure I was quite the surprise to most of the town's residents. First I arrived with the goods necessary to support a small colony and I bring my own slaves. Second I pay in gold coin what must have seemed a large sum to most and I don't bat an eye at doing so.

We traveled to the parcel of land I had purchased and began the many time consuming tasks which were before us. Though much of the acreage I now owned was covered with trees there were more than enough open areas for planting and building. Hans, with eight of the slaves working with him, began making use of the axes and adzes to fall trees and square them up into beams for building. Some of the trees were sawn into planks. The wood was stacked for drying.

I bought four oxen and set half a dozen of my slaves to preparing the ground for planting. First they removed any rocks and then began the hard work of plowing the ground up.

I picked a large meadow area which seemed to be higher than any other open area on my property to use for our main building site. I found it to be desirable for several reasons. First, it was high enough to allow heavy rain to run off and not flood the area. Second, it was about two hundred yards south of an enormous pool of water from which a small creek flowed. I had visions of diverting some of this water for use in our buildings and in particular to create bathing and sanitary toilet facilities. I used stakes to layout where I wanted my home to be built. Next I gathered all of the remaining male slaves and began scouring the many streams, creeks, and small rivers that crossed my property. We made good use of the dozen wheel barrows I had purchased filling them with rocks of all shapes and sizes and transporting them back to the building site. After seeing what we were doing, Hans took some time to fashion a sledge for the horses to pull.

We spent more than a month of hard work gathering rock, felling trees and shaping them into beams and planks, gathering sand, lime, and clay all in preparation for building the main house, a large barn, and many smaller cabins and outbuildings. We mixed clay and mud and formed them into bricks using molds I had bought for the purpose. We built raised drying racks inside of crude hut style structures and kept small fires burning underneath them to dry the brick more quickly than the humid Georgia climate would have otherwise allowed.

My slaves worked hard and I made certain that one contingent of slaves was always focused on procuring food and water. I made an arrangement with a merchant in Savannah to receive deliveries of meat, flour, sugar, cornmeal, and other essential foods on a weekly basis. We shot the occasional deer or wild boar as the occasion presented itself and even had some good fish dinners resulting from the efforts of the younger female slaves.

The main house would be a three story home the exterior walls would be composed of logs squared with the adze for a tight fit. I planned on laying stone against the outer walls and joining the stone work together with a sort of cement made of locally obtained materials. The Romans had been building with cement more than a thousand years ago so I knew it shouldn't be too much of a shocker.

The barn would be large enough to hold thirty horses with a second story for storing hay and other things. It would be composed of squared logs and coated with pitch obtained from the endless number of pine trees on the property.

We worked hard on all fronts and by mid fall had all of the exterior work on the main house and barn completed. Our efforts had also yielded us an abundance of garden produce and we had managed to plant a rather large orchard consisting of apple, cherry, plum, and peach trees.

I was very pleased with what we had accomplished and yet somewhat concerned about how we'd make it through the winter food wise so I continued the arrangement with the merchants in Savannah. I also was very concerned about having enough room for all of the slaves to be housed inside and out of the weather. I knew if I housed them inside of the main house I'd feel heat from other slave holders unless I tampered with the lot of them telepathically. I figured we could finish the interior of the house later. At least I'd be warm enough for the winter; now I needed to know that my slaves would be warm enough as well.

One thing I was very pleased about was that while Hans and I were working with a crew of about eight slaves putting buildings together, the other slaves that had learned how to work with the axes and adzes kept busy harvesting more lumber and shaping it; I guess it makes a difference when you know that at least part of your work will benefit you directly. In any case the slaves that had been gathering other building materials saw what our lumbermen were doing, followed their example, and continued gathering materials. We had enough to begin working on the cabins right away.

Hans and his wife would be living with me in the manor house this winter so that left us with forty other people who logically seemed to fall into fourteen groups either related to each other or from the same village. Following my example we worked to get the smaller cabins exteriors finished and sealed saving the interior work for last.

All of the merchants and townspeople I spoke with assured me that Georgia winters were fairly mild so I had hopes that we'd be able to keep working through the winter but I knew I'd feel a lot better after all of the cabins were up. As it was we did quite well in that regard. We were still sleeping on the floor for a while until Han's got around to working on the beds and other furniture, but we were out of the cold. I had ordered a large duck down mattress for my own use and about fifty good sized mattresses filled with corn leaf so while we all slept on the floor for a bit — we were comfortable.

We had fitted the kitchen fire place in the house and each of the cabin fire places with cooking grates. I had long term plans for a large building with several good stoves and ovens in it where all of the cooking could be done and the slaves could eat together in comfort. For now they could continue to use the cooking grates, but with the time allotted during the winter I was continuing to work on things in the house and one of those things was to build several Dutch ovens made of brick and the iron fittings I'd purchased for the purpose. Next to the Dutch ovens I placed a free standing iron stove. I had laid a layer of brick on the floor before placing the iron stove there. I also bricked the section of wall behind the stove.

The short and mild winter saw much progress on the interior of our homes as well as the building of many pieces of furniture. Four of my slaves worked with Hans on a regular basis learning the craft of carpentry. As their skills improved the amount of furniture Hans and his group could turn out picked up accordingly. We had stacked the lumber up on one end of the second floor of the barn. The other end held hay I'd purchased for the horses. Hans made use of the open area in the middle of the floor for a temporary workshop and that was where the bulk of our furniture was built.

All of the slaves found ways to stay busy throughout the winter. Most of the men not involved in the carpentry made use of the milder days to continue harvesting lumber, cutting and shaping it as necessary.

Things progressed steadily over the next year and by the time the winter was come again my house and all of the cabins were completely finished as were a number of other buildings we completed during the summer. One of the more important things we'd accomplished during the summer was the building of a system of sealed aqueducts leading water from the large pool high above our meadow to a large holding tank built on a sturdy platform about thirty feet above the ground and from there to various locations where the water was needed.

I calculated that the pool was about a hundred feet above the ground level of our meadow. The depth of my holding tank was fifteen feet. The drop from the top of the pool to the top of my holding tank was just over fifty-five feet. The drop from the holding tank to the highest floor in my home was about six feet and the water at the bottom of the tank had both gravity and the weight of the water above it to help push it out so we had respectable pressure in our system.

I had cheated a bit on the construction of the holding tank in that I had used some materials from engineered and fabricated in the lab left for me by the Haliseons. I made my slaves overlook this addition to the project as well as a few others. For instance the valves in our system were of a much higher quality than could be manufactured with current earth technology and the sealant we painted the inside of our wooden aqueducts was much better and more importantly non-toxic.

Next to the holding tank we built another tower about four feet lower than the water tower and with a much smaller holding tank. This tower was made entirely of stone and brick and contained a bottom fed broiler system and an upper hot water tank of my design and fabrication again assisted with elements from my lab with many details 'hidden' from my slaves memories. This provided the house with hot water for baths and cooking as well as providing water for two bath houses we built for the slaves to bathe in, one for the males and one for the females.

That summer had also seen the construction of a large mess hall with a good sized kitchen, my blacksmith shop, a drying shed for lumber, a smaller drying shed for produce and meat, a small forge, an oven for firing ceramics, and several cold cellars.

My cold cellars were probably a bit unique in construction as well. I had my slaves dig a very large rectangular hole about twenty feet deep fifteen feet wide and forty-five feet long not to far from the banks of the deep creek feeding into the upper end of the pool. In the night I slipped a special liner in the hole unbeknownst to my slaves and then making use of my telekinesis very quickly lined the interior of the hole with rocks mortared together with cement. The rest of the work was finished by the slaves at my direction and consisted of adding two walls dividing the long room into three equal sections, a wooden beamed roof sealed with pitch, and three heavy wooden entrance doors on raised shafts with steps leading down into the room below. Once the whole assembly was completed we buried it with dirt and then from inside the creek we removed the dirt between the creek bank and our underground storage cellars. This created a water cooled set of underground rooms that would be quite a bit cooler than anything at ground level.

We also managed to put up a significant amount of fencing, a large chicken coupe, and to plant several good sized gardens for produce. My goal for the following summer would be to plant several large fields, build more cabins for slaves, and to begin raise goats, milk cows, and beef cattle. I couldn't hope for much in the way of fruit from our large orchards until our third summer. I wanted my estate to be as self-sufficient as possible so we pretty much needed to be able to manufacture most of the things we would need as well as being able to grow most of our food.

Lukas die Graef, or "that rich Dutchman", was gaining quite a reputation for being eccentric; but I was also gaining some respect as tales of our rapid progress were carried by the merchant's deliverymen back to Savannah and Brunswick.

I've been telling you a lot about the building of my Georgia estate because I found it to be a personally challenging and enjoyable time and because I wanted you to understand that much of my life was lived in the normal human way; however, with only two hours of sleep being necessary each night and the ability to quickly travel via wormhole or telekinetic flight, it is also true that I had an active night life. It is also true that I didn't stay at the estate all of the time. With my telepathic tethers to each of the slaves, and for that matter to Hans and his wife, I could instantly know what was happening back at the estate from a variety of perspectives and influence things remotely; so often during the summer and especially during the winter months I began to take occasional trips.

I had purchased small warehouses in Savannah and Brunswick and from time to time would use wormhole travel to visit each property. In the evenings this was especially convenient and gave me an opportunity to make acquaintances and build friendships within the two towns. I was often invited to social events in both towns and frequently attended. I enjoyed the opportunity to visit with the eligible daughters of the wealthy and used the time to get to know their parents and in particular their mothers.

On one such night in the spring of 1794 I was feeling the need to sow some 'wild oats' as they say and ended up putting some eleven different women under my influence, sampling their DNA, and fucking seven of the suitable married women being sure to fill each with my seed. Four of the younger women received long term suggestions to have them visit me at my estate sometime in the near future and of course I assured their parents approval via telepathic persuasion.

I also found that there was one very lovely young woman whom I just adored; however her husband was one of the nastiest and most loathsome characters I had yet encountered. About four weeks after I'd first met the lovely young Julia Pritchard I bumped into the couple again at another Savannah social event. Harlond Pritchard, Julia's husband, was as drunk as could be and still stay on his feet. Sitting in the main parlor with many other people present I spoke to Julia and several other people paying equal attention to all.

How Harlond could view my behavior as anything other than sociable is still quite confusing to me. I didn't give into the urge to touch, kiss, or hold his lovely young bride instead choosing to respect the fact that she was taken to the point of sitting across from her instead of next to her. I quickly learned that Harlond was full of jealousy and couldn't even bear the thought of another man speaking with his wife when he called me out and challenged me to a duel. I didn't know quite how to react at first so I sent telepathic feelers into both his mind and Julia's and what I learned decided things for me.

Harlond couldn't control his jealousy and felt inferior to other men. He had attached his negative feelings to Julia and often beat her for his own shortcomings. Any love Julia had once had for the brute had completely disappeared; she secretly hoped I would accept the dual and kill her husband at which point all of his property would revert to me as well as the responsibility of caring for his young wife. Even if I didn't take her as my wife she felt a life as a widow, mistress, or companion under my care would be better than her continued relationship with "the nasty bastard". It only took seconds for me to complete my telepathic investigation and my reply must have seemed almost instantaneous to those present.

"Alright Mr. Pritchard, if that is what you truly wish."

"I do," the drunken man confirmed with his slurred speech.

"Shall we duel with pistols or swords?" I asked.


"Fine then, pistols at forty paces and we each supply our own weapons. Would you like to die now or when you are sober?"

At my declaration that he would soon die, Harlond took a good look at me almost as if he was seeing me for the very first time. I stand at just over six feet six inches with very broad shoulders and am fully muscled. I had my sword and what appeared to be two conventional dueling pistols on my person at the time as well as two throwing knives hidden in a built-in sheath inside the top of each boot. The two pistols were designed cosmetically after the gentlemen's weaponry of the day; however they had a slightly longer bore and used my own design of ammo manufactured in my Haliseon lab and were accurate to about two hundred yards while the current weaponry of the day was quite often inaccurate at less than a tenth of that distance. Additionally each pistol held seven rounds in a loading clip that slipped into the interior of the hand grip.

"Meet me tomorrow at noon on Market Street. Bill Marks will be my second," Harlond said gesturing to another man nearby. "Who will act as yours?"

I had made good friends with one of the heroes of the day, a former soldier who had gained some notoriety fighting in the recent revolutionary war. He happened to be in the room with us and when I glanced at him he nodded my way and said "I'll be his second."

Harlond may not have thought too much of me, but Bill Marks turned a bit pale when he saw who I'd have at my side.

As the Code Duello transcribed my second a Major William Becker negotiated with Bill Marks to have Mr. Pritchard withdraw his challenge. When Mr. Pritchard stubbornly refused the duel was on. I said goodnight to all present taking time to give special thanks to Major Becker and then left heading for a nearby inn. As I was walking I kept a telepathic eye on the impulsive Mr. Pritchard in an attempt to be forewarned of any cowardly plot he might concoct. Before I went to sleep I used my considerable telepathic skills to prevent him from conceiving of any such treachery.

The buffoon had the gall to have a message sent to me at the inn encouraging me to "enjoy the last breakfast you'll ever eat". I was very certain of my safety in this situation and did in fact enjoy my breakfast considerably in large part because I was certain it would not be the last for me. I was protected with the "armored" undergarments provided by the Haliseons over which I dressed entirely in grey. I visited the barber shop as soon as it opened and had my hair, beard, and mustache trimmed. I stopped outside the cobbler's shop and had my boots polished till they shone like mirrors.

I was ready and waiting at the place appointed for the duel well before noon along with my second - Major Becker. Bill Marks came towards us holding the palms of his hands up to show that he was coming peaceably. He then, acting as Harlond Pritchard's second, put forth a new proposal of Harlond's. He suggested that the duel could be avoided if I paid reparations to Mr. Pritchard for insulting the character of his wife by my 'unseemly' behavior.

Before I could get a word in Major Becker quite loudly suggested that Mr. Marks get out of my sight before I took insult at his less than gentlemanly remarks and shot him along with Mr. Pritchard. Bill quickly ran back to where Harlond was standing to report our response.

Word of the impending duel must have spread like wildfire since the street was lined on both sides with curious onlookers. The town constables were in attendance and one of them moved to the center of the street and motioned for Harlond and myself to join him along with our seconds.

"I'm Constable Wiggins. I understand that you Mr. Pritchard have challenged the Count to a duel with pistols at forty paces. Is this correct?"

"It's true that I challenged this scum here," Harlond said gesturing towards me, "but he is not a Count."

"Actually he is, but that's not important right now," the constable replied.

Constable Wiggins had us stand back to back and instructed each of us to take twenty paces forward and wait for his signal at which time we were to turn and fire. I took twenty extra long paces and drew my pistol. When the signal came I spun on my heel, quickly raised my gun, sighted on my opponent and fired. A large red stain was blossoming on the cloth covering his heart. Harlond was dead without even getting a shot off. I quietly re-holstered my weapon and walked over to where the constable was now examining a very dead Mr. Pritchard. Bill Marks and Major Becker were also in attendance.

"One shot dead on Mr. Die Graef. I understand Mr. Pritchard insisted on dueling but I can't say I care for the practice very much," the constable told us.

"I feel the same Constable Wiggins," I replied, "However I do not fancy a bullet in the back from a man who wants me dead and prefer dueling to that outcome."

"I quite understand your point sir," the constable commented. "I do believe that there are several legal matters to take care of now. If you would be so kind I would like you to come down to the Constabulary along with Major Becker and the newly widowed Mrs. Pritchard."

I walked over to where Mrs. Pritchard was standing surrounded by several female companions.

"Julia, I apologize from the bottom of my heart for any distress or anguish caused by today's unfortunate happenings," I told her a gentle voice.

"You have caused me no distress Count. Though I do not wish to speak ill of the dead I believe my days will be improved due to today's duel," Julia replied in an even tone.

"Constable Wiggins asks that you accompany us to the Constabulary where he wishes to address several legal matters," I said offering her my arm.

Julia put her hand on my arm and let me guide her over to where Constable Wiggins was waiting. Together the constable, Major Becker, Julia, and I walked to the Constabulary. I was somewhat confused by what I learned there. Apparently Mr. Pritchard was quite well to do. Where his feelings of inadequacy and self loathing came from certainly had nothing to do with his financial circumstances. If he were still alive I could use telepathy to probe deeper but that avenue was now shut off to me.

The Constabulary was only concerned about disposition of property and issued a formal certificate of death for Harlond Pritchard along with a property disposition statement both of which had some sort of seal from the "State of Georgia". After filling out a statement regarding the duel and saying our thanks and goodbyes to both the Major and Constable Wiggins, Julia and I left the Constabulary.

She put her arm in mine as we walked toward the bank where Harlond Pritchard had kept his accounts.

"I suppose I'm expected to dress in black and go through a period of mourning for my late husband — but I intend to do no such thing. I didn't wish to speak of it in front of the other ladies, but Harlond has been nothing but evil and nasty towards me since the moment we wed," Julia said in clipped syllables.

"I'm very sorry to hear that a Lady such as you are has suffered so cruelly and so long Julia. You are intelligent, kind, and charming as well as very beautiful and I can't understand how any man could desire to treat you poorly."

She blushed at my words of adoration and looked up at me with just a bit of shyness and asked "So you won't put me away then?"

"No Julia," I said as I telepathically tethered her to my will. "I'll not put you away. I will take you as a companion and you will live on my land and bear my children."

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Cassie and Ged both graduated with First Class Honours Degrees and celebrated with their families and friends at their graduation. Cassie's younger siblings, brother Mike and sister Marie came for the degree ceremony along with her parents. The family, with Ged included, celebrated afterwards with a meal at the hotel at which the family were staying. Two days later, Cassie and Ged celebrated with his parents at his favourite restaurant in Chinatown. He was an only child and thus there was...

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LANewGirl Kallie Taylor 19 Years Old

Our Main Producer is back this week, and he introduces a new Blonde Teen. Wow, what a hottie! This girl would get any photographer rock hard. As she teases our camera with her sexy yellow top and pink bra, she suddenly finds herself with a stiff cock right in front of her face. She is so tempted to suck on it. She wraps her lips around the cock and begins to suck – pumping with her mouth. Asking for cum. Asking to ride the cock – to cum on it. And at the end, receiving a thick load of cum in...

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Kevin and Denise Naked in SchoolChapter 29 Friday Brings Completion Perhaps

When I woke Friday morning, the weather was overcast but the storm had passed. Then I learned that this time of year was hurricane season in this part of the country. Indonesia had similar storms we called cyclones and Japan had typhoons. Can't escape the nasty weather, right? Apparently the storm yesterday was from the outer fringe of a hurricane. That's why we got that really gusty wind and all that rain. Go figure; I need to start listening to the weather. Denise and I arrived at school...

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The RutBreaker Part III

As with Helen, Larry’s second meeting with Ian was in complete contrast to their first one. Ian had been quite garrulous the first time they met but this time he was quiet. He also appeared nervous. They met in the same hotel and sat in the same lounge bar with a drink. Larry had come to town to see a client regarding a new contract and fortunately Ian had a space in his diary to meet up for an hour.“So, how’s your week been Ian?” Larry opened.“Hectic,” came his answer. “Work is very busy at...

2 years ago
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Sex And Strikes And Rock N RollWeek One

FRIDAY MARCH-4 It was another typical hot autumn night in Melbourne. The sheet that had started out covering Vikki and I had long since disappeared enabling me to look down at the exquisite bottom of her perfectly formed naked body as she lay beside me. She was half on her right side and half on her stomach with her right arm stretched above her head and between the two pillows it was resting on. Looking at the clock on the bedside cabinet in my bedroom I noted the time, 12:02am. In around...

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When I Was 15 Part V

When I Was 15: Part V I was awoken and lead away from the desk by Suzy, Jennifer and Sam. They talked amongst themselves as I walked behind them, shorter than they were even in my sexy white calf- skin high-heeled go-go boots, my mouth still ringed with dried cum, my tight shorts stained from where the man's cum leaked from my ass. My cock still remained imprisoned in its latex sheath giving me the appearance of a pubescent girl. The latex vagina was so lifelike that I could not...

3 years ago
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Arlene and JeffChapter 11

Jeff started to remove Little One from his back as Jill sat slumped in the chair, but Diana put a restraining hand on his arm. "Wait, Baby." "What? Why?" Jeff said, frowning. "Jill's obviously sick. Little One can get started on her while she's out, or sleeping, or whatever she's doing," he whispered back. "And Caitlin just told me..." "Her pulse is really high..." Caitlin started. "Bill and Kathy need to see her like this," Diana broke in. "I think Jill has just fainted...

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Magical voyages a VR experience

Sitting down at the food court in the mall to eat your tacos you find your eyes start to wonder around the mall looking at all the hot things shopping in the mall. Aah to be young again and back chasing that gorgeous tail. You can't help but admit to yourself that as you get older your taste in women has never changed. You like hot 18 to 20 little sluts, especially the cheerleader types. Sadly the older you get the less and less likely that is going to happen. If you were only rich you laugh to...

4 years ago
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Frigate CoveChapter 7 The Changing Tide

Cam waited until after nine the next morning before he called the hospital. "Can you tell me if Ms. Glynnis Urquhart is allowed to have visitors, please," he asked the receptionist. "Let me check, Sir," she said, pausing for a moment before speaking. "No, Sir. She is still in Intensive Care. Are your Mr. Stuart?" she asked. "Yes, that's right. Is there a problem?" "I can't answer that, Sir, but Doctor Chan would like to see you on Monday morning." "Oh ... okay ... what...

5 years ago
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Savannah Ch 03

=============== Author’s Note: Three years. That’s a long time to wait for a chapter, especially since I ended the last chapter with a devastating cliffhanger. I’m sure most of my readers assumed I lost interest in this story, or that I’m the laziest writer in the history of Literotica. Neither is the case and I actually have a (legitimate?) excuse for the epic lateness of what you’re about to read. The truth is, ‘Savannah’ is the story I’m most proud of. I know that my profile is known for...

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GirlsOnlyPorn Bernie Matty Gifts For My Girlfriend

Matty and Bernie are enjoying a quiet day together, with Matty on the couch and Bernie in the kitchen. Bernie brings Matty a treat of chocolates while hiding a second package behind her back. When Matty has sampled the chocolates, Bernie pulls out the other box. This one contains a dildo that Bernie is ready and willing to try it out with Matty right here, right now. Setting the chocolates aside, the girls get to work enjoying themselves. Playing the toy along Bernie’s breasts is the...

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Stepson FantasyChapter 4 Wanda

After the incident of the face painting orgy on the basketball court by her stepson and his buddies, Peggy had to take a break from the boys for a day or two. It had been a surreal, totally spontaneous, and erotic event. She loved the eroticism but felt it would be awkward to be around them so soon after it happened, so Peggy called Wanda. She just had to meet up and tell her partner in ‘Prurient Interests’ her latest tales about the boys. Wanda was a friend from college, who never married,...

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Having fun while alone

Introduction: This is a little story i want to share with you guys. I really hope you like it. Tell me anything i can do better with Im home alone. I text you baby im home alone come over when you come over you see me in a pair boxers that are to small making my hardon pop out from the slot getting you wet already. I grin and pull you in and push you against the door as i grind against you my dick pushing your panties into your pussy lips under your skirt. I suck on your jaw line making you...

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The Shikima Interface

The Shikima Interface By T.H. Tiger A fan fiction based on the Manga by Rumiko Takahashi, Ranma 1/2 and the anime La Blue Girl. If you are not familiar with Ranma 1/2, run a net search using it as a reference. Believe me, you'll find lots of reference material. This story may not make any sense to any one who is not acquainted with the series. This is a lemon, another word for porn. If that offends you do not read this. It also contains NC sex. If that offends you don't read this....

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Art CriticChapter 6 Pushing at the Darkness

It wasn’t as easy as they made it sound. I was anxious to the brink of panic. I’d never been alone with any girl other than Annette, Morgan, and Kendra. And Mavis. I kept reminding myself that I had painted a series of Mavis that was now gracing the covers of paperback books and half of those sessions had been just Mavis and me. Annette and Morgan were my lovers. Kendra was my best friend. Mavis was Mavis. I still didn’t know what our relationship was ... would be. I liked Susan. She’d come...

3 years ago
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Arlene and JeffChapter 533

The Retreat Ship had returned to her hovering position behind the Retreat. While they waited for the healing chamber to complete its job, she grew comfortable seating for them nearby. Kei was sitting snuggled in Jeff’s arms, her eyes still red, but she was no longer crying, having finally accepted that her mother was going to be okay when Ship finished with her. “Why did he do that to her?” she asked, yet again. “Because he’s an asshole, but ... he needs to pay for this,” an upset Clan...

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If You See It Kiss It

If You See It, Kiss It Years ago my wife made it a house rule…if you see it, you must kiss it. She was referring to her bare pussy, of course. As our children got older though it started referring to panty-covered pussy too. My wife would lift her short skirts or spread her legs wide while sitting on the couch. I would most certainly see her panty-covered pussy and kiss it. It did not take long for my daughter and son to catch on to what was happening. My daughter would spread her...

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Zeus and Io Books 1 and 2Chapter 17

By 2100 hours, we were back on the Interstate, heading for Phoenix. At Phoenix, we would have to decide whether we were going to El Paso and Juarez, or back to our base on the reservation. I had expressed my opinion that we would not be able to get very much in positive results at the border. However, the final decision was to be made by Zeus and Artemis ... and Martinez, although I felt he was too close, personally, to participate rationally. I began to update my biological partners on the...

2 years ago
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I watched a TmwVRnet movie this morning, the first-person action delivered directly to my eyeballs via my Oculus Quest 2. The virtual reality sex was so realistic that I found myself aggressively humping the air, as if I could really touch that beautiful Euro chick in front of me in her virtual bedroom. The load I blew was satisfying as all hell, but once I took the headgear off, I realized everybody else on the bus was staring at me. Oops!The TMW in the name stands for TeenMegaWorld, a nice...

VR Porn Sites
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Is She Happier Without Me

If you recall from my various tales of romance won and lost, I became a newly divorced man at the age of 45. It was quite liberating after nearly twenty years in what turned out to be a relatively boring marriage. My newfound freedom no doubt went to my head a bit and I soon found myself with a 23-year-old girlfriend and a red sports car. I hate to use the phrase ‘mid-life crisis’, but a more accurate descriptor eludes me at the moment. After a while I began to realize that although Joyce...

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The Experiment

The Experiment by Pippa © I had been out clubbing these last few weeks, trying to screw my name into the record books after the break-up of my marriage. I had been lucky on this last occasion and had met twin sisters. They were both extremely beautiful, 5’4′ tall and exuded an air of permanent sexuality. Claire was the youngest by about six minutes, she was a real tearaway and, seemingly up for anything. Rachel however, although extremely pleasant, was much more demure, the professional...

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NubileFilms Daisy Stone Vina Sky You Want Me Too

Daisy Stone and Vina Sky are hanging out in the kitchen as Daisy shares information about her husband, Tyler Nixon. As soon as Tyler walks over to shake Daisy’s hand, Daisy knows that Vina will be sharing her man whether she likes it or not. Tyler leaves to take a shower and Daisy bides her time before sneaking into the bedroom while Tyler is drying off. Stealing a kiss from her friend’s husband, Daisy lets her hand slide down to the obvious desire that’s poking out from the...

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Morning Sun

The morning sun came through the windows as Cody Elliott stepped through the door. He closed the door behind him, locked it, and dropped his bag on the floor. He’d sit soon, but he had to check first. With soft steps, he walked up the stairs and down the hall. The floor creaked and he stopped, but heard nothing and continued on. He opened the bedroom door, leaned against the doorjamb, and looked in. There she was. He watched her sleep for a minute, shaking his head at himself for fearing...

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Blame it on Bacchus

Vesta, goddess of the hearth, was taking her leisure in her garden when she was startled from her reverie. "Auntie Vesta!" cried the cheerful voice of her uninvited visitor. "So good to find you here!" The portly god who greeted her was Bacchus, god of wine. Vesta sighed and inwardly cringed. In truth, she would have preferred a visit from any other god, even Vulcan, who at least remained civil when he kept his temper in check. Vesta supposed Bacchus may have been tolerable when sober but...

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Amandas Journey Day 2 Part 4

Amanda's Journey Part 4 Chapter 1 "Wake up Princess," I hear Jennifer say softly as she nuzzles the back of my neck. I slowly open my eyes, to a bright, sunny day. I attempt to roll over, only to find myself still bound in silk scarves. Jennifer props herself up on an elbow, and starts running her nails up and down my triceps. My body shivers in delight, and I feel my nipples harden, as the goosebumps pop up on my arms. Did last night really happen? It must have, I'm...

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Driving with Uber An Unexpected Benefit Chapter 11

I had left Khrystiana’s place around 11:00 after having witnessed a totally unexpected turn of events after the dinner with Khrys and Klara, Khrys’ younger sister.  Klara had been very hurt by Khrys’ lack of confidence in her when she arrived at the beginning of the summer.  Klara decided, in front of me, to give her sister a very thorough and intense spanking.Some background information would probably be useful.  Khrys had moved to the United States a couple of years ago after taking a job...

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My sexy step daughter Part 6

Without a word she lowered her head into my lap and inhaled my cock. While I loved the young girls, I was not going to deny myself the wonders of an experienced mouth. Suzy looked up at me as she slide down and my cock head pushed past her throat. She looked up at me as she swallowed my cock again and again. Her right hand jerked my cock as she worked my cum out of my balls. With a roar I shot load after load down her throat, which she swallowed like a pro. She continued sucking my cock and...

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Spanking Amanda

I’ve changed the name to protect the guilty :) It’s quite short - I can’t imagine lasting long if this ever came true. Let me know what you think. ======================================================================== I’d met Amanda 2 years before as part of an online chat room. I’d considered her hot from the moment I’d checked out her profile, and couldn’t believe my luck when she hit on me. We’d been getting heavy in chat for some time, but had finally met in ‘the real world’. I’d...

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My sexy best friend

Angel’s glistening green eyes stared a me. She was quite beautiful and I was glad to call her my best friend. We hadn’t been hanging around very long, just a semester or so but our personalities matched up and we started handing around all the time. She told me she had made out with a girl before, but I didn’t judge because so had I. I had no feelings for her and didn’t worry about the possibility of her liking me. ‘I wish I had your chest, Ashley’ she sighed. ‘Why mine?’ I wondered. ‘They’re...

3 years ago
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Unique Night

It was March. I had been with my boy friend for three years. It seemed like an eternity. I was getting sick of the sex. While he pleasured himself in me, I was feeling nothing. I went to the bar that night. Only for a drink. To get my mind off of what was happening with him. It was a long week of fights and slamming doors, crying calls to my mom. I had no idea what to do. Three shots, and a bunch of tears later I saw her. The most beautiful women I had ever seen. Not the kind where you wish...

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Demoness Chapter 1

"Damn humans. I promised mom I'd go to school with them, but it's just getting worse by the second. I can't walk 5 feet without bumping into some random pevert who begs me to fuck him." Drena said into the phone. "Don't worry, s*s!" exclaimed her brother whom was talking to Drena through the phone. "They could **** you." Drena paused for a second and replied,"I am not a ****e, I am a r****t! I am a succubus after all.""Heh, sooo... whatcha wearin'?""Don't phone sex me.""I wasn't. I wanna know...

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meeting two women at a music festival

I was away from home again, travelling for work, and this time-- only the second time ever-- I found myself messing around, in this case an older female couple, although they'd only had limited experience with each other. It happened at a music festival I attended while in town (Western Canada). I met one of the women- Chandry was her name-- in a line for beer, and we started talking. She was at least at tall as me-- 5 ft 10-- with long black hair, late 40s, European face with fine cheekbones...

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Sleazy married guys fucking me in a public toilet

It’s been a bad couple of weeks I’ve been working long hours and I really needed some stress release. When I first moved to Sydney I used to go to a toilet block used as local beat. Normally now I go to Arrows a local sex club as “Toni”. But I was so tired that I couldn’t be bothered putting on the all the make up, clothes etc. I drove down to the beat about 9pm and parked 50 meters away with a good view of the entrance. While I was waiting I slowly started to play with my cock hoping that...

3 years ago
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StonefingersChapter 10

The dog days of early August came and went, and after lo these many weeks (only five weeks, actually, but it sure seemed longer) we were scheduled to head for Gwinnett for the final three-game series of the season with that club. There were only sixteen games left in our International League season. We were tied for the Division lead with Gwinnett, but I was secretly kind of hoping we wouldn’t make the playoffs. All making the post-season would do would be to delay my return to Lawrenceville...

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An Office Romance

Rebecca had always been quiet and meek around others. She kept herself to herself and clung to her few, close, friends who liked her just as she was…and why would she want anything more? Her days were usually long and stressful but knowing that the weekend was coming up made it all worth while. She took a sip of water and continued reading through the last few chapters; she worked for Python Publishing. Her boss had been keen to get this book edited and published by today and Becca was not...

4 years ago
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The Guitarist ndash The Dancer

The Guitarist – The Dancer.I’ve been with this rock group for just over a month and the music is great. I’m happy playing rhythm. Not being lead is easy for me which allows plenty of time to watch the great looking, scantily dressed girls. They are all colours – hair and skin- , tall short, skinny plump, big tits to flat chested; they’re just enjoying themselves. One girl with outrageously large boobs is dancing with her boyfriend just below my position. When her hands are raised high only her...

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My Second ChanceChapter 16 Girls

The girls are incredibly giddy for the rest of the day. After lunch, I send Carol up the hill to get back to work, as I made some phone calls. When I am finished, Dahlia is still cleaning up from lunch. She has just put a plate away and is heading to the sink when I intercept her and give her a passionate kiss, grabbing her ass. Lightly placing my hand on it and slowly work into a deep massage. When I pull away, I ask, “I know you girls like to be competitive when it comes to me. Please do...

4 years ago
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my sleep over

I got hard when I saw her the first time and every night I dream of her fucking me in different positions and giving me a nice blow job. I would suck her juicy pussy and. I would cum on her big breast. I dream dis everyday. And jack off twice a day. Tiana is so hot I wanna fuck her hardcore! when I was at my house thinking about Tiana, my mom knocked on my door and said that Fry was lookin for me. He want us to play basketball. He made a bet that if I win I get to sleepover at their...

2 years ago
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Dost Ki Behen Puja Ke Saath 3 Din

Hey friends, aaj mai aapko apni sacchi kahani sunane jaa raha hu jo abhi 1 mahine purani hai. Mera naam Rajat hai aur mai B.Com. 2nd year mai padhta hu, Yeh meri pehli story hai toh agar koi galti ho jaye to maaf karna, Ye kahani Mere dost ki behen ki hai jo 12th class mein padhti hai. Uska naam Puja hai par ghar mein sab use vinni bulate hai aur wo bilkul kareena kapoor lagti hai aur usse bhi acchi hai. Mai bachpan se use janta tha kyuki uska bhai mera kafi accha dost tha. Wo umar ke saath...

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