S&S NerdChapter 2 free porn video

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Meeting S&S - The Beginning

I was welcomed on board the aircraft by a very well dressed man in dress slacks and a sport coat who introduced himself as Chuck Johnson, the pilot. Standing next to him was a nice looking lady, equally well dressed, who was introduced as Lisa Johnson, the co-pilot. They escorted me into the aircraft where I was surprised to see my former student, Sandy Flowers. Next to Sandy was a lady who smiled beautifully, and who was also introduced as Sandy Flowers. I thought I had heard wrong, but let it ride.

On the other side of the aircraft was a huge man that looked out of place in a fancy aircraft, and equally out of place since he was also well dressed. Next to him was a really cute girl who smiled all the time, and was also as nicely dressed as everyone else on the plane. They were introduced as Donny and Gerry, key people with the company's R&D department.

As soon as everyone was belted in, the aircraft rocketed off the runway and headed toward Florida.

A little over two hours later, Chuck announced that we were in the landing pattern.

During the flight we all talked about university experiences and those things from our youth that we enjoyed. I was surprised when the huge man said he loved to ride horses, but had a tough time finding a horse big enough to carry his weight. The smiling Gerry, next to him, told of having been a two-time barrel racing champion at the state fair in Austin. I felt at home with these people.

I did find out that I had heard correctly when I entered the craft that my former student Santana Flowers, known as Sandy, was indeed married to a girl by the name of Sandra. The result was two Sandy Flowers. It would be months before I learned that Sandra's maiden name had also been Flowers.

Upon landing, a young guy who was almost, but not quite, a lab rat looking guy met everyone. He was introduced as Dennis and he announced he had a vehicle to take all of us back to the patio.

I thought to myself that was funny. What the hell is the patio?

When the vehicle stopped and we got out, I was surprised to find that it really was a huge screened-in patio in the midst of a trailer park. Dennis offered me iced tea or a soda and said that most anything I might want was available, but didn't offer me a beer at that time of the morning. I saw the tapper on the front of the refrigerator, and even witnessed a biker looking guy drawing a beer.

Dennis had ushered me to a table with several people sitting at it. It surprised me that the pilot and co-pilot of the aircraft that flew me here were there, as well.

Santana began, "First of all, Doc, you have to relax around these people. None of them will harm you and all of them want you to be the man they seek. I've already told them all about you and they have confirmed you are second to none within the framework of the type of computer person we need and want."

Santana made the introductions. There was Steve Sharp, the owner of the parent company, S&S. Next was his wife, Sue, a well endowed blonde who was a partner in the parent company and was also the head of Quality Wear clothing. The pilot was confirmed to be Chuck Johnson, an investing partner in many of the S&S companies, and Lisa Johnson, who was like Chuck's partner. Also present were Donny and Gerry, whom I already knew well from our conversations during the flight. A man named 'Wes' was introduced as their aeronautical engineer who designed and created all of the company's new aircraft. There was a man named 'Jeff', who was in charge of the fiberglass shop and also worked with Gerry developing some kind of composite materiel the company had created. The last person at the table was an older man named 'Abe', who was introduced as the head of rebuilding and an R&D contributor. Another lady came out of the large manufactured home the patio was attached to and sat on the other side of Steve. She was introduced as Mercy Sharp.

When the introductions were complete, I was all ears and asked, "What kind of computer do you want? What do you want it to do?"

Sandy said, "We need something powerful enough to give us all of the data necessary for a newly designed aircraft to pass its initial and subsequent wind tunnel evaluations. After that you, or rather the computer, would be expected to analyze all of the aircraft functions. You'll have to be in charge of buying the equipment, as well as designing and developing the software to do the work we want.

"You would be working with Wes here. Wes is some kind of aeronautical engineering genius who dreams new technologies for aircraft, and then does all he can to make the dreams come true."

"Your job is to help Wes make those dreams into reality. Your knowledge and equipment will prove Wes's designs as well as assisting him with them."

I exclaimed, "Holy smokes, Sandy, you don't want much, do you? Tell me more, though. Would I really get to select whatever equipment I want and would I really have full autonomy for the project?"

Everyone around the table was nodding yes to me. "Well," smiled Sandy, "for the computer side of the project, yes. But unless you're an aeronautical engineering genius too, Wes would be in charge of the design portion of the project."

Then there was a variety of questions that came from the others sitting around the table. It was apparent that all of them were no slouches when it came to business. They obviously knew more about computers than the average person, but were restricted by what was commercially available rather than what was possible for what they needed done. That is where I would come in.

While the friendly interrogation was going on, some sweet rolls had been set out on the table, and glasses of tea and cups of coffee were being refilled by various women who came and went from the main building that looked to be someone's home. I heard an occasional baby cry, so I knew there were women with infants inside.

The lady named Mercy Sharp didn't say anything, but sat watching and listening to me intently as if she were trying to read my mind.

After over an hour of questioning, Sandy Flowers asked, "Doctor Feeny, I have to ask you, what is your full name? The only thing I 've ever heard you called was Doc, Dr. Feeny, or just plain Feeny."

This brought a smile to my face, "My full name is Salvatore Markus Feeny. Before you ask," I stood up and stretched, "My mother is an Italian who married a northwest redheaded Texas cowboy while he was stationed in Italy. She named all of us kids using fancy Italian names and taught all of us to speak, read, and write in Italian so we could communicate with our relatives in Italy when we visited them or they came to Texas. At the same time, my mother learned to speak, read, and write as near perfect English as you can find. I was fascinated with Italian history, and my relatives were fascinated when they discovered that the Wild West was not as wild as they believed, but still wild enough to give almost anyone a thrill.

"I loved being a farmer, or rancher, as they are called in Texas, but I love the world of computers even more. I'm looking for a balance. I want to have some regular non-academic friends, and maybe go riding sometimes and just be a regular person. I'm looking for a company that can use my talents, but is down to earth, relaxed, and strives for perfection. I'm a little anal about that."

I didn't understand why almost all of the people at the table began laughing when I said that. My concerned expression caused Sue Sharp, she of the enormous chest, smile and say, "We're not laughing at you. Perfection is a way of life in our companies. Doing perfect work is our most important mission. We've learned that if we strive to make whatever we are working on perfect, we make more of a better product in less time. You'll see signs on the walls of our businesses that direct and encourage perfect work. Before anything comes from our companies, employees must take our products through a door with a sign above it that asks, "Is It Perfect"?"

I was able to take my eyes off her chest and look her in the eye while listening and hearing what she said. I was thinking to myself, "I have to see these signs for myself. These people do talk the talk. Did they walk the walk?"

There was a lot of activity at the other tables. I noticed ladies putting platters of sandwiches out, followed by bowls of soup. There had to be close to thirty place settings, but we were the only people sitting in the patio at that moment.

As soon as I thought that, electric and gas golf carts began arriving and parking in a long row just off the road. The tables were filling up fast, and women were putting more bowls and platters out on more tables.

Then the attack happened. More than two dozen kids were coming in the doors, getting hugs from the various women, and being sent to the restroom to wash their hands.

The pilot, who I remembered was Chuck, told me, "Let's move over to the table on this end and have lunch. If you don't claim your space around here, you'll miss your chance. Donny, here, will eat everything up, and you'll starve. Just ask Gerry."

There was an "Oh, you" from the smiling girl who sat with the Goliath. The soup was some kind of delicious homemade vegetable beef. The sandwiches were all a combination of ham and turkey. You could put a slice of cheese on it and doctor it up with whatever you wanted. They did have a pile of hot peppers in a bowl near us. Chuck and Mercy were scooping a lot of them up before I could fork one.

The lady with Chuck, the co-pilot introduced as 'Lisa' told me, "This is kind of 'serve yourself' around here. Coke or Mountain Dew is at the bar where the ice is. Coffee is from the big coffee maker, and if you want water, there are bottles in the refrigerator where the beer keg is."

Donny got up with his and Gerry's glasses and headed toward the bar. I followed and found a glass, put ice in it, and used the dispenser to put Coke into the glass. I saw they had Coke, Diet Coke, Mountain Dew, and Dr Pepper. I liked Dr Pepper, too; it's a Texas thing, especially the kind that used to come from that little town, Dublin, in central Texas, where the soda had been made with real cane sugar.

As we ate, Wes, who was next to me on my left, said, "We work on some stuff that requires a pretty stringent security clearance. Do you know of any reason you might have difficulty passing a clearance investigation?"

Hmmm, that's a strange question for a small company in Florida. I did see a lot of men wearing S&S uniform shirts with different logos on them. It was as if there were multiple S&S companies. That's when I remembered that the office where the airplane parked was labeled CS&S Air Charter. There was a big sign that said, "All Flight Students Sign In upon Arrival." There must be a lot going on out there too.

When we finished Steve Sharp said, "Doc, Salvatore, or however you want to be called, I'd like to give you a tour of the business park, which includes the R&D building, our main shop, and we'll also look in on some of the Quality Wear shops.

Instead of a little golf cart, we got into a long cart that held ten people. I sat in front with Steve, Chuck and his co-pilot sat in the second seat, Donny and Gerry sat in the third seat, Dennis and Sue sat in the fourth seat, and Wes and Sandy sat in the rear seat facing backward. Another cart with the rest of the people, followed behind.

As soon as we exited the trailer park's side entrance, we passed by what appeared to be a huge public park with baseball diamonds, football and soccer fields, some tennis courts, and lots of green grass and trees. As we went by that and turned to the left, away from the main road, where we came upon what appeared to an RV dealership on the left. The sign over the door, in average sized letters announced "S&S Motorhomes". Parked in front of the building were about a dozen huge motorhomes. Considering the economy, I'm surprised they had that type of inventory.

On the other side of the street was what was obviously a golf cart or utility cart store, but only had a simple S&S sign. There were probably fifty carts of various models under a covered awning in front of the store and more inside a showroom. This was Florida and people did use a lot of these. I, of course, knew there were golf cart communities all over the country. What surprised me was that the building was huge, making me think there was more to that business than just selling various carts.

The next building on the left was obviously a semi truck dealership. There were five big tractors, of four different manufacturers, sitting in front of the building. There was a Volvo, a Peterbilt, an International, and a Freightliner. The fifth tractor there was one of those weird looking, low wind resistance bodies that have been gaining popularity. The back of this building was huge to accommodate repair of the big trucks and also some motorhomes I saw being worked on.

The last two buildings on the left side of the street had another two of the funny looking low wind resistance tractors in front of it, and when I was able to see inside, I could see a body being lowered onto a chassis. Steve said, "Truck owners bring their tractors here and we remove the old metal body, rebuild the mechanical parts of the truck, and install a low wind resistance body for them with some nice accoutrements. We make the bodies to order for each customer. When we finish with a truck, it is beautiful and will save the owner/operator thousands of dollars a year in fuel. Of course, over every door around here, there is a sign asking "Is It Perfect?"

I liked the attitude and I was beginning to think S&S was a lot bigger than I had originally thought.

We drove behind the cart building and I was able to see inside, as the doors were open for fresh air with the mild weather. There was the answer. As far as I could see in the plant were assembly lines with various carts on them. They build carts here, as well as sell them.

We drove in front of a strip center that had various small businesses that were mostly machine shops. On the other side of the street, the first building we came to was the R&D center. The place was under construction and Dennis explained they were building on to accommodate more activity, and their now new computer department.

We did a quick tour inside, but didn't get too close to some of the items they were working on. I think this might have been one of their secure areas. Next was more construction expanding a building that said simply, "Education Center".

Steve told me this was where S&S had a training program for people in many trades. He said they trained carpenters, electricians, plumbers, air conditioning specialist, welders, sheet metal workers, and now machinists. The new addition was to expand the machinist training area. Back in the cart, Chuck pointed down a new road that went to a big building that was near completion. He said, "That is going to be one of the best machine shops in the country, and every man working there will be some form of disabled vet. We are training as many vets as possible right now, and for those who are qualified and willing to commit, we have a program to send men to the University for accounting, law, pharmacist, or lab technician courses. We are going to try to employ over two thousand disabled men and women. We will be giving back."

I was impressed. I had often thought the military would be a great learning place, but I somehow knew that I wouldn't have the opportunities to play with the computers I loved so much. Dad had been in the military for the last of the Viet Nam war, but didn't have any real combat experience. He had spent a great deal of his enlistment in Italy.

The Quality Wear plant was enormous. There were seven total buildings that all seemed to be busy. The parking lots were filled, but something strange was happening. A long string of kids from about three to five years old were holding hands as they were led across the street into a huge vacant park area. Sue spoke up, "Those are our workers' kids. We have facilities to take care of all preschoolers and to also handle the kids who get out of school before their parents get off work. It gets really crowded in there between about three and five. The busses bring them directly here, and we make sure we inventory every kid. It's quite a task."

We parked and walked through the main entrance, with Steve and Sue waving at the receptionist. As we passed a door that said, 'Nurse' Steve said, "If you think you might want to work with us, go in there and do your drug test real quick. That will be one less thing you'll have to do later."

I thought about it for only a second and went into the room. Chuck followed me and said, "You have to have company for these, and I thought you might be more comfortable with me rather than the nurse."

The procedure is painless and only takes a minute. Chuck had to explain to the lady that I was a probable future employee, and was getting this part of pre-hire out of the way. The nurse told me, "We choose various employee groups and do spot drug tests, so don't think we don't watch." I had to smile at that, as I'm sure eighty percent of the staff at the University I was trying to escape from, was using one form or another of recreational drug. You could walk down the hallways in the enclosed classroom areas and smell it as you went by a professor's office.

We toured a couple of sewing rooms. There were cute cartoons on the walls with caricatures of Steve and Sue along with many others. Over the door was the sign, "Is It Perfect?" They were walking the walk. From the huge plant, we drove around the big park area, out to the main road, then back toward the trailer park, past a good sized two building Holiday Inn Express. You could tell the rear building was new, with a pool and cabana between the buildings.

As we drove through the front security gates of the park, Steve told me, "We'll take an Expedition to the shop so you can see more of the company. I envision a research computer system contributing to several of our businesses. If we were to have that kind of engineering facility available, who knows what we could create?"

We drove a short distance to a group of buildings with a huge "S&S" sign in front. Across the street was another group of buildings that said Quality Wear on the front sign. That must be a really big company.

When we walked into the S&S showroom, there was a race car hanging from the ceiling. Also hanging were race car and drag bike frames. I knew what they were, as a friend I grew up with could beat almost anyone at the motorcycle dirt drags. In the showroom, were a very fancy motorcycle, a drag bike, a big generator, and several sheets of what looked like clear Lucite. I saw two of them had large bullets imbedded in the glass. I wondered what that was all about.

We walked past a blind receptionist who stood and cordially greeted us. Steve and Sue said something to her and we walked through two big double doors into what was obviously what Steve called his 'shop'. We walked to the right behind some welders working on race car frames, then behind an area that was cutting and bending sheet metal, also for racecars. I noticed the signs around that encouraged perfect work. Something else that I noticed was that all of the workers gave enthusiastic greetings to Steve and all of us as we passed.

We entered another very brightly lit area of work stations that were copies of each other, six engines up on stands, with two people at each stand working on an engine. People would go back and forth between benches with sophisticated measuring equipment, do something with a part then return to the engine. Steve said, "This is our motor shop, where we build perfect motors that are beating the competition." I was astounded at how clean the floor was considering they were working on motors.

On the far end of the shop were two biker looking guys working on a couple of motorcycles. Near them, a short redhead was using an airbrush to paint an intricate design on a set of motorcycle fuel tanks. This was a busy place.

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our new prostitute

Hi. Did you read my 1st story named "the punishment". I informed that i am a member of a sex community. i don’t want to mention its name. i want to mention you a small story which happened nearly a year ago. kaite was a poor girl. she was working in a hotel as a servant. One day she was in the need of money. She once saw a public show performed by our community. She came to know that we will give money for a play. so she decided to perform a play. She met me and informed me about her needs....

1 year ago
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A Perfect CrimeChapter 7

How the hell had this happened? I hadn't hit anyone had I? So how the fuck could I have murdered someone? The police were not very forthcoming either. They tried to interview me alone at first, pressurising me to 'confess and make it easier on myself'. At least I was alert enough to realise I desperately needed a lawyer, refusing to answer any questions until I had one. Eventually the police left me alone in my cell to wait. There was no way me or my family were going to have the...

4 years ago
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The Devils PactChapter 7 The Date

"I'm so sorry about the mix-up, Sister Louise," the check-in clerk at Chicago's O'Hare International said, disbelief tinging her voice whenever she said "sister". The clerk, Nancy, still didn't quite believe I was a nun. I couldn't blame her since I was dressed in a tight, cobalt blue dress that barely covered my ass and had a deep, plunging neckline. I was wearing stiletto hills that made my ass nice and perky, and thigh high, black stockings held up by garters that peeked out...

2 years ago
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Thrasher Girls 1 The Lincoln

My friends and I hang out at a 24-hour coffee bar called “Magic Beans”. We’re there all hours of the day and night. It’s usually six or seven of us, three girls and the three guys. There’s me, Rhonda, but I go by ronni. I’m fifteen, long dark curly hair, and I’m about 5’4, 110 pounds. I have big boobs for a girl my age, 34C if you’re into that. I guess my body is all right because a lot of guys hit on me and everyone is always trying...

3 years ago
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Meagans Growing Cum LustChapter 9

As Debbie was painting, Peter broke the normal rule about not talking. "I hope this doesn't bother you Mrs. D., but I didn't know anything could feel as good as cumming all over your daughter's tits did. How much do you think I shot?" "I'm not sure," Debbie admitted. "It looked noticeably larger than even the massive orgasms you had after the naughty school poses. I can hardly wait to take a closer look at the video in slow motion." "Those were really powerful, but nothing...

1 year ago
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BFFs Kara Lee Kiarra Kai Quinn Wilde Briding Dirty

Quinn Wilde, Kara Lee, and Kiarra Kai are super excited that one of them is finally getting married. But when the bride starts to get cold feet about the whole thing, the bridesmaids have to figure out a way to save the wedding. They decide to call up the brides ex boyfriend for one last hurrah. Maybe if she gets his dick one more time, she will be able to focus on her new man! He comes over and presents his thick wedding gift and the three babes take turns drooling all over it. Then, they bend...

4 years ago
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But Im Not Gay Wife Wager

I stared blankly at the television. It was a chip shot. A gimme. My favorite football team had just missed a 22 yard field goal that would of won the game. Hell my 14 year old neighbor could of made that kick. What rubbed salt into the mental wound was my girlfriend, who was dancing around the living room with glee. We had made a little wager on the game and she had won. Why did she pick the winning team? Not because of any in-depth analysis. She picked the winning team because she liked the...

3 years ago
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Wife Sharing Is Fun 8211 Part II

Well, this episode tacitly made a strange and unique conjugal understanding between Arindam and Tulika. Yet when Arindam spoke of a next “show” . . . his intelligent wife toned down his request, suggesting that they should avoid locals that it or such escapade might put them into trouble or other complications. Another couple of months went away, and then came the famous 9-day-festival — “Navaratris” [from the end of September] in Gujarat, which is corresponding with the “Durga Puja” (1st week...

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Alex’s cell vibrated in his pocket and his cock hardened in simple-minded kneejerk Pavlovian response. He knew the vibration signaled a text, and he knew Evie had sent that text, which could mean only one thing. Evie was back in town.Fuck.She said she’d be here this week. She had keys to his place. Not that she ever bothered to use them.It had to be her.He leaned forward in his office chair to hide his growing erection and to bring the conversation with his co-worker to a close so he could...

3 years ago
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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 182 Meanwhile What Had Been Happening in Corvallis

Tuesday, May 3 to Friday, May 6, 2005 Vanessa's story interrelates too much with Mom's and the PIs, so I'll merge their stories to make them more comprehensible. Vanessa's fun and games started when Prof called her early Tuesday evening, after he'd started talking to Patrick. Patrick had mentioned that Binion's would send investigators to Corvallis. Prof had excused himself, called Vanessa, warned her that there could well be investigators in Corvallis already, and to keep Mark...

3 years ago
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A WellLived Life 2 Book 6 SamanthaChapter 23 Outline First Particulars Later

September 25, 1992, Chicago, Illinois “Ready?” I asked Jessica on Friday morning. “I have my bag, my notes, and my slides for the overhead. I’m ready.” We walked out to the car and got in for the drive to O’Hare. “Have you been to Minneapolis?” I asked. “No. Have you?” “I’ve driven through it a few times, but that’s it. What are you going to do besides present your paper?” “Attend five sessions on various aspects of emergency medicine, avoid getting seduced by slick pharma and...

4 years ago
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Possession Chapter 1 "Where are we going to get another person?" Pam Nolton asked Connie White. They were in the building cafeteria after work and had only 2 hours to come up with another woman to make the thirteen required for their Wicca Ceremony - but the ceremony was being held the same night as the full moon celebrations and all the Wicca friends had plans made for weeks. They had been able to find 10 women they knew who would come out for the free drinks after but they were...

3 years ago
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Jakes Journal The Philippines JoyfullyChapter 14

I am ninety-four now and about to lay my hands down from journal recording because of advancing age and finally infirmity. I do have some final things to record. My Girls, their ages at my 94th Birthday and their children: Joy/68: Lori, Willie, Joe Abbey/49: Desiree, Loni, Gale Mitch/50: Girlie, Nomi, Rosealie, Lili Jun/45* at passing: Becca, ReBecca, Rowena, Adel Cherise/59: Sam, Ramon Anabel/43: Nikki, JoJo Rose/52: Ivy Rosemarie/41: Jou, Karen, Steve, Krista, Manny Jana/40:...

2 years ago
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Hi ! everybody. Welcome back. I am a regular reader of Andaharvasa’s ISS & it is my 2nd submission of Anubhav. Humble request if you have not read the 1st chapter, pls read and proceed to chapter. 2 so that you could understand each and everyone and the situations involved without any further inintroduction/repeatation. Continue now.. In our department, (in 1995-96): 4 ladies & 3 more gents excluding self & Jeso; they are namely: (Meena Ghate – Marathi, 29 years, married-hot un-happy mood, No...

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Blackmailed and Seduced to be a Sex toy

Hi to all ISS readers. I’m Nikhil here again with a true story as to how I lost my virginity and was made a sex slave by a dominating woman during my teen years. Now I am a cool middle aged guy working with an MNC and am based at Bangalore. I keep traveling on work to all the cities in India as I am in the marketing department. Calling all women and girls to send their comments or response to . This story dates back to the time I was in school and studying in class X in Kolkata. Both my folks...

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Special Massage Lesbian PT2

April had heard the words the masseuse had spoken, but couldn't believe what she had heard. Turn over? She wants me to turn over? I haven't recovered from the orgasm I just had and now this girl is promising meAnother forty-five minutes! I know my nipples are still hard. If this girl touches them they will only get harder, April thought. I am still wet. My clitoris is still hard, like a pebble. If the girl left the room, I would stay in here and fantasize about her and give myself another...

1 year ago
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Sex With My Girlfriend Nisha The Gujarati Girl

Hello friends, to be frank this are my first story on iss. I’m reading iss when i was 18. And at present i m Kushagra Singh 24 from Kolkata (W.B). I am not a bong. I am available for cam chats and love to have private meetings too. Till date i have fucked many girls approx. 8 to 10. And it’s true. Let’s come to the story now. I had a gf name Sonali; Nisha was her friend’s sister. She is at present 21. 34 – 28 – 32; slim figure with round boobs and brown nipples. I use to love shaved pussy. But...

1 year ago
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Consequences of the wish

Consequences of the wish Six months ago ... The handsome arabic man smiled at me, and asked, "Are you sure that's your wish?" I nodded. "Yes. I want all the boys to know what it's like to wear skirts or dresses. I can't believe how they tried to look under my skirt today, so the shoe should be on the other foot." "Granted," he said, and vanished. The next morning, I hurried to school, anxious to see how embarrassed the boys would be to be in skirts. Then they started to...

3 years ago
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As I lay on his soft muscled hardened thigh his shrinking penis slipped from my loving lips as the last droplets of his nectar of life dripped down my chin and dropped onto his tight thighs. He gently stroked my long blonde hair telling me how much he loved our time together and how he cherished our soft gentle way of making love. He then reached down and pulled me up to his face where he shared a very intimate soft gentle kiss our tongues wrapping around each other in a loving embrace. Just...

4 years ago
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Im a Dirty Little Cunt

Im breathing heavily. Master is giving me that look again. Any submissive knows the look Im speaking of. Its that hungry stare, that glint of mischief, and the surge of power that come when your Master is giving you that look. I instantly knew that I would not be going to sleep for awhile. I shiver when I feel him move, his broad body moving beside me, his beard tickling my neck. I hear him breathe out a low sigh and then feel it brush up against the most sensitive part of my neck. His strong,...

3 years ago
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A Night Spent Satisfying My Aunt Shaila

Hi, friends, this is Shyam again, This is about a very unexpected but pleasant night I spent with my aunt Shaila (father’s sister) at the new house. I am from Pune basically. But I had to rush to Ahmedabad to visit my uncle who was ill and admitted to a Hospital near SG highway. It was a quick decision hence I could not pack properly. I boarded the Pune Ahmedabad Duronto and went straight to Hospital. I saw my aunt Shaila there in the lobby. She seemed very tired but as usual dressed...

2 years ago
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Maple Heights Ch 1

Valentine’s Day was Millington Chase’s favourite time of year. In the evening, he opened his mansion for a group of people selected through to attend a special party.His business was a small side-line but it gave him an immense amount of pleasure. It was certainly far more fun now than his main company, Maple Heights Investments. That had been causing him quite a few headaches of late.With deals falling through and endless staffing issues, he was more than disgruntled. Although he’d always...

Office Sex
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Me and Mr Smith 2

It was a Wednesday, and I had a free afternoon, so I decided to drop by one of Mike's lectures. I took a seat in the back row, so he would not know I was there. He was rambling on about some author from the 1930s. It wasn't as if I was paying attention to what he was saying, I just always thought he was so sexy when he was teaching. He was in mid-sentence when he finally spotted me, eyeing his chest subtly. He stalled for a moment and then continued on. At the end of the lecture, he...

2 years ago
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Can We Survive I

Damned in trouble again, my dad is going to be pissed, All I was doing was sitting... atop of the water tower in the center of town. Well I could say, 10 years ago it wasn't the center of town. The town had grown. My name is Jacob(Jake) Tinsley I am 16 years old. 5' 9” tall, I weigh 155 pounds of solid muscle. I am not ugly nor am I handsome. My Mother always said I was ruggedly good looking. I sure miss her, she was killed last year by some black youths (Their words) playing the...

3 years ago
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Building a Nest of Our Own07 Religious Tirades

“Thanks for helping us ferry people,” Al began. “We honestly needed the assistance with this.” “Yeah, there’s a real ... full load to transport,” Betty said, catching herself before saying something she shouldn’t in front of so many small children. “Believe me, it was worth seeing you go apoplectic every time someone mentioned Lozzlint,” Xi giggled before turning to her bond-mate. “And you’re going to have to learn to reserve your adult language for telepathic messages.” “With you two...

2 years ago
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How The Sultana Acquired A New House Slave

How the Sultana Acquired a New House Slave By Riget99855 I was tired. That was for certain, I had been wandering now for days somewhere in Saudi Arabia, I guess. I had got drunk and reached for that wench in some makeshift foreigner's bar, I think. Though... in this country there was not supposed to be any bars... or whores! So I was told! Everyone was religious. Maybe it was the hashish, or some half-poisoned moonshine. I really can't remember. Brain seemed half-gone. Anyway,...

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Prodigal SonChapter 15

Jeff Huffman was thinking about his lunch. Trying to decide if the 2 bit beer and sandwich deal at the saloon was better than the 6 bit steak at the diner. He had decided that pastrami and rye plus a bucket of suds was better than a tough, overcooked beefsteak. When the bell over the door announced a customer. “Yes, sir, can I help you?” “I need to send a telegraph to Wilkins, Nevada.” The newcomer was a medium height, well-built man. While his clothes were dusty, they were made of...

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First Taste of Cum I wasnt Gay But

Diana and I had finished an early morning game of tennis and were standing by the locker-rooms at the tennis club. Just as we were about to go in and get changed, the four men who had being playing on the court next to us came into the locker-room area.They started to talk to us, exchanging pleasantries while looking at my wife. The four of them were slightly older than Diana and myself but were all in very good shape. One of them offered Diana bottle of cold water. As she took a sip, it spilt...

3 years ago
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Wannabe Sex Addict Meets The Dominatrix 8211 Part 1

Welcome to Simraan’s saucy tales of sexual domination – The damsel who first gives sexual stress to men who want it and then release the tension with her refreshing ways that shrink the toughest of testicles! The pleasurable ass whipping those naughty men get for not obeying their sexy mistress, the wannabe sex addicts who beg for their mistress to leave them as boxes of ripped condoms keep piling up, the crazy dirty lovers who get an erection only after being humiliated abundantly, the married...

4 years ago
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A Close Call Book 1 A New BeginningChapter 25

The Cactus Flower continued to shadow, sometimes literally, the two men on the ground as they searched for the source of the oil slick. They had walked for about half a mile when the geologist let out a hoot of triumph. He had earned his name of Oil Finder. They found a fairly large pool of oil lying on the surface and they could see where it was seeping out of the ground. Doug silently pined for a GPS position locater right then, since the pool was hidden from the air by a number of trees;...

2 years ago
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Thanksgiving Dinner

THANKSGIVING DINNERBAKING COOKIES?Tam, can you get those sheets of cookies out of the oven.?  ?Yea Mom, we don’t want to give away burnt cookies. (LOL)?   ?Tammy be nice, get those sheets out please.?  ?On it Mom.?Gail was in hurry to get ready for her stint at the Main Street food pantry. ?Ok, honey, more sheets of cookies.?   ?MOM!!!   Oh, OK, only two more.??Tam, they want me to help out Saturday, can you come too.??I work in the morning and then go to the Autism kid’s center.??Yea, Ok I...

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A Modern Bards TaleChapter 4

I woke up myself about 6:30. And the bed was full. Maeve was on my right; Chyoko had her head on my left shoulder. Astrid and Dorothy were behind her, and both Heathers were snuggled up behind Maeve. That was all I could see without raising my head too far. I managed to wriggle out from under the ladies and down to the foot of the bed without waking them. As I had expected, all of her friends were snoozing on the ample mattress. I noticed that Molly was almost off the edge. I gently rolled...

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NubileFilms Haley Reed Your Touch

Haley Reed is just back from the store when she drops her bag of groceries. Bambino hears the commotion and kneels to help her pick everything up. Their hands touch, and sparks fly between them. With the refrigerator standing open and forgotten behind him, Bambino goes to Haley where she has hopped onto the counter with her thighs spread to show her panties beneath her miniskirt and gives her the deep kiss she craves. Leading Haley to the couch, Bambino lays her down on her back and covers her...

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A Shot In The DarkChapter 10

Jennie had been thinking about sexual things for the better part of a month now, and her thoughts had become increasingly more focused on the ultimate form of sexual expression, intercourse. It was starting to become something of an obsession with her. Before that first confrontation with Mike, over him having been in her backyard, Jennie had rarely masturbated, and when she had, she seldom went far enough to give herself an orgasm. Now, after less than a month, she was averaging three...

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