Retired Headmistress and Headmaster
- 2 years ago
- 39
- 0
Foreigner - 1979
"Kim, we're getting ready to come in, but I need you to do something first," Caleb said through their Companions, and keeping Jorge in the mental loop.
"I'm busy being frightened at the moment," Kim replied tensely, trying to use humor to prevent herself from sliding into full-blown terror. "What do you need me to do?"
"When you touch someone, or someone touches you, there is an emotional signature that you pick up," Caleb explained carefully. "That is why, after touching someone, you can read them easier at a distance. Have you touched all three men?"
"Oh, yeah," Kim replied bitterly. "They've all three touched me," she continued, revulsion clear in her thoughts.
Caleb felt Jorge stiffen beside him, and take a step forward. He put a hand on Jorge's arm to hold him for a moment longer.
"Kim, I need you to of think of each man, individually," Caleb continued. "I need their emotional signature to offset the advantage they have with their weapons."
Kim quickly did as Caleb asked, and Caleb better understood her revulsion. Two of the signatures felt bad, in a slimy sort of way. The third was truly evil, and made Caleb feel like he had dipped his fingers is a pile of rotting filth.
"Caleb, they're walking towards me! Hurry!," Kim screamed in their minds.
"Kim, If I can't get to you, before the men do, I'll initiate the link between Companions, and pass it to you," Caleb promised.
Caleb nodded, and Jorge ran beside him, as Caleb sprinted towards the door to the warehouse. It was locked. Caleb investigated the window, which was in the door frame, before fishing into his backpack. He pulled out a roll of duct tape. He quickly taped the window-pane with the tape, before smacking the window with his elbow. The window broke, but without the noise of falling glass.
"I need to get closer to them," Caleb explained to Jorge in a whisper, as he reached through the window, and unlocked the door.
They entered a short hallway that ended at another door. This door wasn't locked, and they could see Kim tied to a bed, on the far side of the warehouse. She had been stripped. A nearby empty cardboard shipping box attested to where the bed came from. Three men were standing around the bed, and one reached towards Kim.
Caleb initiated the link that Al had talked about. He linked with Kim, or rather, Al linked with Alice. Caleb was still too far away to take any positive action, himself. It would have been a long pistol shot, too, if he had tried firing across the warehouse. Giving Kim control of the link was the only solution he could think of. Caleb, or Al, also provided the flash of information about what she could do with the power the link represented.
The power increase of linked Companions does not increase linearly. It increases exponentially because it represents the power of the Companions, plus whatever power their host can contribute to the link. Two linked Companions has the power of between two and four, depending on the power of the host. Three minds linked, would have the power of three to six. All the power of a link would be put at the disposal of the master host.
There were seven Companions in the world that were fully integrated with their hosts. Everyone one of their human hosts were angry at the wrong they were witnessing. Human emotions, according to Al, represented a more unique and powerful force than he had ever known. The power generated by the seven nearly reached a power of twenty instead of the expected fourteen or less.
The most dangerous gender of any terrestrial species, is the female. A reason for that is that in a fight, females have no preconceptions of honor, or rights, or 'limited response' to a threat. The military phrase that most aptly describes a females response to danger is; 'go big, or stay home'.
The man reaching for Kim's leg was startled when the girl suddenly stopped struggling against her bonds. Her terrified expression instantly changed to rage, and her eyes blazed. His hand had nearly reached her leg, when he froze.
The man reaching for Kim was one of the two whose mental signature simply felt slimy. When Kim lashed out, she fused his motor functions with a precision learned from Al in the last heart beat. Slimy number two also began reaching for her, and she fused his motor functions, too. Then, with a rictus snarl, she tweaked both men's motor functions. She wasn't quite sure what she did, but she was very happy with the results.
Each man's body began twitching, and writhing, as every skeletal muscle in their bodies began pulling their bones in random directions. They couldn't scream, but their eyes bugged out in pain and horror.
Rotting Filth man was a whole different proposition. Kim could read what all three men intended to do to her. Slimy One and Two intended to inflict the normal indignities a rapist might consider with a young woman. There was nothing normal about Rotting Filth man's intentions. He was the one that had shot Jorge. He wanted to do terrible things to her. He wanted to debase her, hurt her, and crush her spirit so badly that it could never recover.
Kim was not as 'gentle' with Rotting Filth man as she had been with Slimy One and Two. She didn't freeze his motor functions because she wanted to see his entire body writhe in pain. Kim didn't know if Al was aware of how much information he had provided, but knowing where the pain receptors were, and how to control them, gave Kim some diabolical options.
She lashed out at Rotting Filth man with her mind, and sent every pain receptor in his entire body into overdrive. He screamed, and Kim's rictus smile changed to a wide grin. It wasn't a pleasant sight.
The pressure on the soles of Dick's feet caused excruciating pain. He fell to the floor to escape the pain, but he couldn't escape. Every place his clothes touched his body caused pain. The pressure on his skin from lying on the floor caused more pain. Air moving across his skin caused pain, and not the simple, bearable pain of a very bad toothache, or gall stones, or possibly even child birth. This was the pain of his entire body being thrust into a flesh searing fire, except his body's nervous system didn't shrivel and die. His nervous system remained very functional. He screamed again, but that only increased the pain!
Caleb and Jorge hurried through the door, and towards Kim. Jorge tried to avert his eyes from Kim's body, and whipped out a knife to cut Kim's bonds.
"That is Master Sergeant Denison," Caleb said with satisfaction, looking down at the screaming man.
"Pay attention, and look where you're cutting," Kim ordered Jorge angrily. "I don't need any extra holes in me. Caleb, they cut my clothes off. I need something to wear," she commanded.
Caleb looked at the two semi-frozen men, shrugged. He began struggling to take the shirt off the larger of the two twitching men.
"I don't mind him being in pain," Caleb said conversationally, nodding towards the writhing man on the floor, "but the noise of his screaming is irritating. It could attract unwanted attention, too," Caleb explained as he continued struggling to take the man's shirt off. "You still have control of the link. Would you freeze his vocal cords, please?"
The silence was immediate, except for the sound of the Master Sergeant's feet drumming on the floor.
Caleb got the shirt off, and quickly draped it around Kim. Jorge finished with the bonds holding her hands. Kim shrugged into the shirt, hiding her charms, and quickly began buttoning it. Her glare never left the man on the floor.
"It's hard to keep him conscious, when he's in that much pain," Kim stated as an observation.
Jorge finished cutting the bonds holding her feet, and Kim shakily stood. Jorge gripped her elbow, until she quit swaying on her feet. She nodded to herself as she steadied, took one step, and then stomped the heel of her bare foot into the junction of the writhing man's thighs.
Master Sergeant Denison would probably have been classified as a psychopath by any reasonably skilled shrink, before the evening that he met Captain Jane Janus' little girl. He had still been capable of participating in polite society. His insanity was only apparent to those that knew him well. That moment, when the girl kicked him in the balls, was when any semblance of sanity shattered. His eyes bulged as the pain radically increased, when he hadn't believed pain could be any worse. Pain became his world. His mouth opened wide in a silent scream. The last shred of his sanity, and his humanity fled into the dark recesses of his mind, searching for a place to hide from that terrible agony.
"I think he's gone," Caleb said, looking down at the man. "It would be kinder to kill him."
"I hope he lives to be a hundred," Kim said viciously. "He certainly wasn't considering any kindness towards me."
"One of the very real dangers when dealing with filth like him, is sinking to their level and becoming like them," Caleb said gently. "That is a lesson your Granddad had to learn to become a good cop. It is a lesson every soldier learns when dealing with the atrocities of war. You're a little young, but it is a lesson that you need to learn now. Kim, do you want to be like him?"
"No," Kim choked out, before doing something with her mind that Caleb didn't quite catch.
Kim turned to Caleb. Hugging him, she began crying with deep, racking sobs. Caleb hugged her back, and looked down at Dick Denison from over her shoulder. He wasn't moving now, and his eyes had dimmed.
"She killed him!" Caleb thought to Al as he felt the link between the Companions dissolve. "She turned him off like a light switch. That was pretty cool."
"Yes, and she'll have nightmares about taking a life," Al said sadly. "I've warned Alice. She will do what she can, but there's not much that can be done for mental anguish."
"Could I have done this from across the room, and spared her?" Caleb asked.
"Capable with the link, eventually? Yes. Able to right now? No," Al answered solemnly. "Some things, like reading people, are easy for you to do because humans are constantly doing them, anyway. Think of it like a muscle that you use a lot. It gets well developed. Attacking a mind, as Kim did, is more difficult. That's because it isn't a muscle that humans normally use. They were near enough for Kim to do it, but you were too far away. If your world continues to be such a dangerous place, then you need to think about developing defensive and offensive skills and tools. Young ones, such as Kim, should not have to learn such things, or endure such pain."
It had been a chance meeting between Mrs Dawson and Lucy Thomas at a book reading club. Janet Dawson was the headmistress at the sixth form college for girls that Lucy Thomas had attended. Lucy was the head girl and head prefect.Janet Dawson was now forty-five years old, and Lucy was twenty-two-years old.Having met at the book club and got on well, they went for a drink together one evening and were now back at Janets’ house having another drink and an increasingly friendly chat.It was during...
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Best Porn Games((Hey everyone! Quick little bit before we hop in. This is a little spoof of "The Hunger Games". I thought the idea could be fun to toy around with if it was sexual. Obviously some things needed to change! All characters herein are at least 18 years old! And its been a long time since I've read the hunger games. So if things don't add up quite right with the book I apologize! We'll just call it a difference in dimensions! Hope you enjoy!)) This takes place in the alternate dimension of the...
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(Coverage of female slaves in competition. Contains body mod, piercings, humiliation, degradation, lactation ponygirls, bondage, slavery, orgasm control and more. Enjoy!) “Welcome back to our network coverage of the thirtieth Summer Cuntlympic Slave Games,” a clean shaven blonde man with boyish good looks said to the television camera in front of him. “I’m Bob Cuntas and joining me here in the studio today are Bambi Bimbofuck and Howard Cocksell. It’s great to have you here...
This may be archived/posted anywhere. Just give credit where credit is due, thanks! Night Games By Pretzelgirl "Most games are lost, not won." -- Casey Stengel * * * Evenings are the best for sporting events. High school, collegiate, or the pros --there's nothing like the brilliant white glow of halogen lights in an emerald field set against a jet black sky. So the field wasn't emerald. It was concrete. And the lights weren't white. They were dirty yellow. For...
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BDSMhi iss readers this is my original story with my sis i wnated to share it with u people because these are the things tht can’t be shared with any one if u like it mail me to if any bro or sister had such experience plz share with me.This is a chat i done with some one who asked me for my real story rahul_shadow2000: if i lie, u pay something too me rahul_shadow2000: ur wish, Sudha Kumar: oh boy Sudha Kumar: i will tell u a real incidnet Sudha Kumar: t happened when my age is 10 and my sis is...
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It’s a stormy Autumn day in 1794. Salt spray assaults your nostrils, the wind tears at your hair, flecks of sea foam scurry down the side of your body and your cunt is full of the Captain’s spunk. You’re used to the pitch and yaw of the ship but no amount of tossing and rolling is going to dislodge you from your position as the ship’s figurehead... It had all started some fifty years earlier when the “Gilly Den” had been privately commissioned by the late Rear Admiral Sir Justin Burrows for...
SupernaturalRachael had not been ravished again since little Mobana had taken his own personal revenge nearly a week ago. His games of torture had pushed her to the edge; but since then marooned in this remote palace harem she had spent her captive hours trying to make conversation or rationalise with the other concubines. They were from around the world and although English seemed to be spoken by most it didn’t really help. They acted mute either through fear or by the continual practices of sexual...
Emma Kemp was eighteen-years-old and at sixth form college, but hated it, and so sent a message to the college saying she was ill. However, far from being ill, she went to the seaside and intended spending the day on the beach.Miss June Johnson was the fifty-three-year-old headmistress at the sixth form college. She also wanted to get away from the college for a few days and spend some time by the beach, so she told them that she had badly damaged her ankle and had to convalesce. She...
SpankingDisclaimer: In case you didn’t know, CHYOA has rules and writing guidelines. The three rules are that excessive gore and violence shouldn’t be used, all characters partaking in sex must be the age of consent, at least 18 years or older. The last rule prohibits bestiality, where a human and animal have sex. For those who think this might cross the border, the breeding creatures in this story are sentient. They may not speak the humanoid languages, or understand the humanoids, but they are...
FantasyIt wasn't long after young Patrick Connelly moved to Tenth Avenue from the crowded tenement on Mott Street that he heard the scary story of "The Terrible Headless Robber of Tenth Avenue". When he first heard it behind the Church near Fourteenth Street, it amused him and he hid his giggle behind his covering hand. Of course, it was only a few weeks before Halloween and he suspected the two boys in the dreaded eighth grade were trying to scare him in front of the eighth grade girls so show how...
“You’re serious,” said Ellie in her flatly affected voice. Otherwise known as Negasonic Teenage Warhead, the girl raised her perfectly shaped eyebrow at her girlfriend. The neon streaks of pink in Yukio’s hair were almost as bright as her toothy smile. “Of course,” Yukio went on, undoing the front of her costume to reveal the pink sports bra she had underneath. Both girls had just come back from a training mission and were peeling themselves out of their sweaty uniforms in their shared dorm at...
Dear reader, if you are unfamiliar with the locations described in this story please check out my profile. There is an album of photos taken on the day on which this story takes place. I had two Olympics tickets in my hands. They weren’t the greatest seats and it was a morning athletics session of qualification rounds. But that didn’t matter. I was going to the London Olympics and I knew who I wanted to take with me. When I called Heather I could hear the excitement in her voice. Was that due...
Dear reader, if you are unfamiliar with the locations described in this story please check out my profile. There is an album of photos taken on the day on which this story takes place. I had two Olympics tickets in my hands. They weren't the greatest seats and it was a morning athletics session of qualification rounds. But that didn't matter. I was going to the London Olympics and I knew who I wanted to take with me. When I called Heather I could hear the excitement in her voice. Was that due...
ExhibitionismMy name is Emily, I am 21 years old and finished the free education that is available to the public. Being born in the slums I got the education fit for the slums. My dad has been stuck here his whole life and I’ve decided I’m getting out of here for good. Only problem is I’m broke, and it costs money to move between districts. The only kind of work for girls like me around here was manual labor such as house work which payed nearly nothing. It’s designed that way to keep the district...
This story follows on from the Lush Notorious competition entry, Her Headmistress.Emma bit her lip and was more than a little worried when she saw the note from Miss Jackson, the headmistress at the sixth form college. It was her first day back at sixth form college after her holiday when she had attended the S&M fair and, first of all, caned Miss Jackson, and was then caned by her. Emma remembered the promise that Miss Jackson made to her which was to give her a caning every week for the whole...
SpankingCapture Games by Tory Spencer CD, Bondage, Real Life, SIBC, Preteen-teen I get introduced to the neighborhood bondage game, a new girl friend, and a dream week with nail polish and dressing. Chapter One When I was about 11 (two years after discovering bondage and dressing), we moved to the suburbs like many. The neighborhood was full of kinds of all ages. It was kind of ruled by a group of older boys who played lots of games on a large tract of woodlands next to the houses...
The Headmaster,I am the new gardener/caretaker of an exclusive girl’s school. I was very lucky when my, then boss died. I was promoted at a young age; just 21. I regularly go about my manual work in the summer without a shirt. The female staff and students all take their time watching me work. The girls range from 11 (not interest what-so-ever) to 18.The Headmaster is strict and lives within the school with his wife. Over the short time that I’ve had free range of the school I have found out a...
You've always been happy to have gotten all the latest game systems before anyone else you knew, or that they knew, for that matter. But when your local Best Buy offered a special super-limited, one of a kind game system, you HAD to have it! You looked with pity at everyone camping outside for the chance to push past each other to get it. You, however, had played too much Splinter Cell to do that. Instead, you go in through the back way, using the employee uniform you borrowed from a friend who...