Selling Brielle free porn video

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Selling Brielle, Part 1

Story by All These Roadworks (2022).

Author's Note: Writing pays my bills and keeps the lights on - so if you enjoy this story, please consider supporting its creation with the purchase of an e-book or membership from (Click here to view the store.)

Also - my kinks aren't my politics! I support respect, equity and positive, enthusiastic consent. (Click here to read more on my content policy.)


Jillian had never doubted she was a lesbian, until she accidentally stumbled on the online rape video, and it made her question everything she knew.

It wasn’t a real rape video, of course. It was entirely and unconvincingly staged. She had found it because she was searching for lesbian porn, and this video had been labelled “lesbian” because it had two girls in it, and sure enough at the start of the video the girls were engaged in a lesbian soul kiss, their lips locked passionately as they fumbled to rip each other’s clothes off.

But no sooner had the girls stripped down to their panties then a man burst onto the scene. The girls reacted in mock terror to this new intruder, and flailed helplessly as the male attacker used handcuffs to secure one girl’s hands behind her back, and then ripped the panties off the other girl and began to rape her, while her girlfriend watched helplessly.

Jillian’s pussy had already been getting wet from the earlier, innocent lesbian action, and her hand had strayed to her cunt to gently stroke her clitoris. But when the camera focused on the mock-anguish on the face of the lesbian getting raped - and then jumped to her girlfriend, whose expression mixed feigned outrage with a definite tinge of slutty lust - Jillian felt her pussy throb with sudden urgency, and nothing would do but that she grab the dildo on the computer desk beside her, shove it forcefully up her fuckhole, and then pinch and pull at her clit until a powerful, shuddering orgasm overtook her.

Afterwards, she closed the video immediately, overcome with guilt and disgust. What had she just watched? What had she just orgasmed to? The thought of sexual behaviour with men disgusted her. She was revolted by even the thought of a penis. And yet she had just reached climax from watching a man shove his cock non-consensually into a lesbian’s vagina.

She felt sick. She hated herself.

She called Joel.


Under normal circumstances, when Jillian was upset, she would have talked to her wife, Brielle.

The two had met in their first year of university, and gotten married in their second. Both girls were devastatingly beautiful - Jillian a buxom brunette, and Brielle a lithe, virginal blonde - and they knew from the first time they kissed in public on the university common lawn that they would feature in the erotic fantasies of many of their male friends.

“Let them dream,” Brielle had whispered mischievously between kisses, their faces close together, their cheeks flushed with passion and arousal. “We have reality.”

They had moved in together shortly before their wedding, spent a blissful year as newlyweds, and celebrated their first anniversary only a month ago.

But the two girls were not without their differences, and the most prominent of these was religion. Brielle was a devout Christian, and she still went to church every Sunday.

“How can you?” Jillian had asked. “Your pastor stands up there in front of everyone and says that gay women are sluts who are going to hell. He looks right at you as he says it. How can you still be part of that hateful church?”

Brielle had been frustrated and angry. “The fact that Pastor George has a particular interpretation of the Bible doesn’t change the reality of God, Jillian. We can have a difference of opinion on homosexuality and still worship the same creator. This is important to me. It’s part of who I am.”

But Jillian noticed that when Brielle came home from church she was always a little more reluctant to kiss Jillian, and she blushed a little when she did.

It was bad enough that Brielle vanished to church every Sunday, but a week ago she had announced that she was going to attend a four-day church camp at a rural community.

“Why?” Jillian had asked, baffled.

“I just have been feeling cut off from my religion,” said Brielle. “Like, I know you don’t like to talk about it, but that means my Christianity feels like something I just do on Sundays, rather than part of my life. I know why it’s not for you, and I really accept and understand that - but I just feel like I want to do something to reconnect. It’s a four day retreat, with a lot of prayer and meditation, and singing and community building, and I think it will really be good for me.”

Jillian hadn’t liked it. She felt jealous. She felt angry at Brielle’s church. She was worried that Brielle would be brainwashed, or that there would be some kind of conversion therapy, and that Brielle would become more ashamed of her sexuality.

And so they had fought, and heated words had been exchanged, and Brielle had ended up leaving for her camp while the two women were still angry at each other.

So Jillian couldn’t call her wife, and tell her about the upsetting porn she had seen, and her equally upsetting reaction to it.

So instead she called Joel.


Jillian had known Joel longer than Brielle - ever since her last two years of high school. Tall, lanky, and bespectacled, Joel had been the epitome of a nerd at school - but over the intervening years he had filled out to become what Jillian supposed a heterosexual girl might called “rogueishly handsome”.

He had originally gone on from high school to the same university as Jillian, to study computer science, but in his very first year he had been headhunted by a major tech company, dropped out of university, taken a position paid in vested stocks, and now two years later he was independently wealthy, living in an expensive modern mansion that featured not one but two swimming pools, and a view looking down over most of the city.

Meanwhile Jillian was still struggling through her arts degree, and trying to keep up with bills on the minimum-wage-plus-tips of a waitressing job.

Joel took Jillian’s call instantly, and invited her over to his mansion, and within a half hour he was welcoming Jillian at his door with a warm and reassuring hug, and inviting her in to his spacious and decadent lounge.

“So what’s up?” he asked, as he installed her on the couch, and mixed himself a drink.

Jillian, of course, had no intention of telling Joel about the porn. He was entirely too interested in her sex life - and that of Brielle - as it was. He missed no opportunity to make a joke about how sexy their lesbian relationship was. Jillian should have found it off-putting, but instead she kind of liked it. It was nice to know that someone found her attractive - and acknowledged she had found an equally gorgeous wife - and the fact that Joel knew he would never have a chance with either of them made it safe.

“I was just lonely with Brielle away,” lied Jillian, “and I heard a noise in the house and got spooked.”

“Well, you know you can come over any time,” said Joel, sitting beside her with his drink. “Is that really all, though?”

Jillian paused. Actually, there was something. And it was entirely possible Joel could help.

“We’re struggling,” she said. “Financially.”

“Ah,” said Joel.

“Like, I don’t mean to whine about it,” said Jillian, “but neither of us are making much money, and our studies don’t leave us much time, and the bills keep stacking up.” She took a deep breath. “We’re four months behind in rent. If we don’t pay it soon, the landlord will kick us out.” She paused again, and then said, “Brielle doesn’t know. I handle the money and… I’ve been afraid to tell her.”

Joel took a long sip of his drink. “That’s really shit,” he said.

There was a silence.

Jillian felt a surge of guilt. She knew that what she had said may as well have been openly asking Joel for money. And Joel had the money, certainly. But was that really their relationship?

“What other bills do you have?” asked Joel, finally.

Jillian got out her phone, and went to open her email. “I’ll show you,” she said.

But instead of opening her email, her thumb slipped, and instead she opened her camera gallery.

And there, as the first picture, was a nude photo of Brielle, lying in bed, with a dreamy, slutty smile on her face - the product of Jillian’s nimble work on Brielle’s pussy using tongue, fingers and Hitachi.

“Shit,” she swore, and closed the photo quickly.

Joel was grinning. “Was that Brielle?” he said.

“No,” said Jillian immediately.

Joel feigned surprise. “What, you’ve been fucking other gorgeous blondes?” he asked.

She blushed. “No. I mean, that was Brielle, but you shouldn’t have seen it.”

“Do you keep a lot of nudes of your wife on your phone?” asked Joel.

“I don’t know,” said Jillian, uncomfortable with the conversation. “Like, maybe twenty. What, you don’t have pictures of your girlfriends?”

Joel shrugged. “I don’t have a girlfriend at present.”

There was another pause, and then Joel spoke.

“I’ll give you five hundred dollars for them.”

There was one more long silence.

They both knew what Joel meant, but Jillian was pretending she didn’t. She was pretending he hadn’t said it. She was pretending he wasn’t serious.

Most of all, she was pretending her pussy hadn’t just throbbed again with sudden wetness.

“I’m serious,” said Joel. “You need the money. You know Brielle would help you if she knew - and, well, she *can* help. In a way.”

That was bullshit. Brielle would never consent to selling her nudes to a man. Jillian knew that, and Joel certainly knew that - or ought to.

But… would Brielle help, if she could? Right now she was away at church camp - or “cult camp”, as Jillian had called it in a moment of heat. It may have been staggered over a weekend, and the Friday and Monday around it, but the weekend was when Brielle normally worked shifts at the local supermarket. Not only was Brielle not making money that would have really helped them out, but she’d actually paid out a significant amount of cash for the privilege of attending her stupid God-sleepover.

Was that fair?

And why was Jillian’s pussy wet?

“Five hundred for twenty photos?” she asked. “Really?”

She meant to imply it was a ridiculous offer, but Joel misinterpreted.

“Fine then,” he said. “Just for three. But make it the best three. And tell me how you came to take the photos.”

She dithered.

“Brielle will never even know,” said Joel. “I swear. It’s not like I can’t picture her naked whenever I like anyway. I have an imagination. And I can pay pretty good artists. I could commission them to paint me a realistic nude of her doing whatever I wanted. How is it any different to have the actual photo?”

Jillian’s face was flushed. She didn’t have a good answer for Joel, righ then and there. She knew there must be one, but she couldn’t think what it was.

Joe reached out and put an arm on Jillian’s shoulder. “Come on,” he said. “Between friends. You came here looking for help, didn’t you? So I’m offering help.”

“Fine,” said Jillian, committing before she could back out. “Three photos,” she said, and opened her phone, swiped through her gallery, selected three images, and forwarded them to Joel via a secure chat app.

Joel opened them, and looked at them, and his smile broadened.

Jillian felt sick again. What had she just done? Why had she done it? What kind of lesbian would betray her girlfriend to a man?

She knew Joel would masturbate to these images. He would masturbate while looking at nude photos of Brielle, that Brielle didn’t know he had. The next time he saw Brielle, he would be thinking of her nude, and Brielle wouldn’t even know.

Jillian was breathing heavily. She squeezed her thighs together tightly. She could feel her erect nipples rubbing against the inside of her bra.

“Tell me about them,” said Joel.

He showed her the first photo. It was Brielle in the kitchen, in the light of an early Saturday morning, cooking breakfast, wearing nothing but a pair of pink panties. She was turned partly away, but her bare breasts were visible in silhouette, and her ass was pert and shapely within the panties.

“She doesn’t bother dressing properly in the mornings until she’s had breakfast, most days,” said Jillian. “She often cooks half-dressed. I thought she looked pretty and I took a photo.”

“Uh-huh,” said Joel. He flicked to the next photo. “What about this one?”

Brielle was sitting in a bathtub. The bathroom was lit by candlelight, and rose petals floated in the water. She was beaming with affection. Her bare tits were fully visible, and the water was clear enough that her shaved pussy could be seen - albeit distorted - beneath the surface.

“That was on our anniversary,” said Jillian. “I poured a bath for us to share.”

“So you got in the bath after this?” said Joel.

“Yes,” blushed Jillian.

“So you were nude when you took this photo?” he asked.

“Yes,” admitted Jillian, blushing even harder.

He flicked to the third photo - the one he had first seen on her phone. Brielle, nude, legs spread, pussy wet, her face in an enraptured expression of post-coital bliss.

“That was after…” Jillian blushed, and stopped. “I mean, we had just…”

“Had you just fucked?” asked Joel bluntly.

Jillian nodded.

“What did you do to her?” Joel asked.

“Licked her,” said Jillian shyly. “And fingered her. And used a massager.”

“You licked her pussy?” asked Joel.

Jillian went even brighter red, and avoided eye contact, which was answer enough.

“So you were naked too?”

Jillian nodded.

“And her pussy juices were on your face?”

Jillian’s eyes went wide. “Joel!” she exclaimed. “Stop! Why are you doing this?”

Joel made an expression of wounded innocence. “I’m paying you five hundred dollars, Jillian.” He flicked his phone to another app, and stabbed the screen. “There! I’ve transferred it! That’s a whole rent payment taken care of. I just want to know what I’m getting for my money.”

Jillian took a deep breath. What he was saying was true. He *was* helping. And it was a lot of money, for only three photos.

“I’m sorry,” she said. “Thank you.”

“It’s okay,” said Joel.

Jillian sighed. “I should go,” she said.

“Are you sure?” asked Joel.

“Yes,” he said. And she added, “It’s okay, really. You’ve helped. Sorry for being a bitch about it. Thank you.”

“That’s all right,” he said. He stabbed at his phone again. “I’ve called you a car,” he said. “The fare is on me. Get home safe.”

“Thank you,” said Jillian again, and got up, and headed for the door.

“But just so you know,” said Joel, holding up his phone, with the post-sex photo of Brielle on it, “this is the photo I’m going to masturbate to tonight. And I’m going to picture that it’s me fucking Brielle, and it’s me cumming inside her that’s given her that expression, and the reason she looks like that is because she knows I just impregnated her.”

Jillian looked at him with shock - and felt her pussy pulse with such urgent need that she almost forgot to breathe. She couldn’t process her sudden mix of humiliation, guilt, disgust, and lust at the words he had said.

“Just so you know,” he said again, and smiled.


When Jillian got home, she almost dropped her keys in her haste to get through the door, and then while pulling her clothes off, she really did rip her blouse, ruining what had been a fairly expensive garment.

She didn’t care. She was nude by the time she got to her computer, and within seconds of turning it on, she was looking for the rape video again, her fingers already between her legs, forcefully abusing her clitoris and finger-raping her fuckhole.

She found it, and she started breathing deeply and heavily as she watched the lesbians get fake-raped once again.

Only this time she wasn’t seeing the faces of the female actors. She was seeing herself and Brielle. Herself, half naked, handcuffed, watching her wife being raped - and Brielle as the one being raped.

It was the most intense orgasm of her life.


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Selling my mouth

I’ve always had this fantasy about sucking strangers cocks for cash, whenever I masturbate I imagine taking someone in my mouth and having them use my mouth and tongue and then paying me for my services. I’ve spent many a night thinking about this as I’ve teased my clit to orgasm. On one particularly horny day, I’d been sharing my fantasy with a stranger online while I played with my pussy and he suggested that I actually do it. I was so turned on that I decided to post an ad on a popular...

4 years ago
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Selling Insurance

After his conference call he joined me in the living room. he sat acorss from from so it was impossible fo rme to touch him with my foot without coming on like a total whore. the coffee table where my papers were was quite low so it made it impossible fo rme to cross my legs while flippign through my paper so i had no choic ebut to sit on the edge of the chair and i knew he had a very clearn view up my short skirt while we talked. he asked me-i have 6 people that want my business, why should i...

2 years ago
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Selling mums pussy part 4

As Mum was servicing her last client i had a phone call from the local education office its was a guy called John Harris he wanted to know if i could rent him a women for the sex education class he was running at the school .I asked him what he ment he told me its a new hands on education class he was trying out . I said that sounds a good idear the k**s dont seem to take much notice when we just read it out to them so we thought we would try this i only...

4 years ago
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selling mums pussy part 3

Hi a little about me before i get on with the story .Im now 18 mum never wanted a baby so i was looked after by a nanny who was about 46 i saw mum about once a month then only to say hi to me .My nanny as i told you in part 2 gave me a wank after my bath when i was 12 i loved that she just gave me a wank so i would make dad keep her in the job this got my young mind working overtime if she wants to keep her job here what else would she do .So next night after my bath she took my little cock in...

2 years ago
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Selling my mouth

I've always had this fantasy about sucking strangers cocks for cash, whenever I masturbate I imagine taking someone in my mouth and having them use my mouth and tongue and then paying me for my services. I've spent many a night thinking about this as I've teased my clit to orgasm. On one particularly horny day, I'd been sharing my fantasy with a stranger online while I played with my pussy and he suggested that I actually do it. I was so turned on that I decided to post an ad on a popular...

Oral Sex
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Selling My Hot Wife On Nudist Beach

A few months back , Me and My Wife Suzanne were on holiday in Spain.We Are Both Keen Nudists And enjoy the Nudist Beach Scene.My Wife Suzanne Is 5 ft6 ,Slim-Toned , Very Short Blonde Hair ,Blue Eyes , Darkly Tanned , 38c Breasts, Trimmed/Strip,She is 41 years old and has a huge sex drive , we have sex quite often but my performances are quite pathetic at times and i know myself i am not fulfilling my Wifes many Needs.She goes to the gym alot and trains hard to keep her self in very good shape...

3 years ago
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Blond hair going toward grey and dull lack-luster eyes were the first things that everyone noticed about her. She stands 5’ 3” if she would ever stand up straight and her skin was showing the result of years of neglect. At 135 pounds she’s not too bad, but her waist needed trimming and tightening and her tits were already sagging more than they should have.Rachael is my cousin. We grew up in the New Jersey shore area. She was only 3 years younger than me so we played together at times and not...

3 years ago
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Selling Chrissy

Note: Chrissy is a real slut housewife who has done many interracial movies. This story is true as told by her husband Jack and written by me. I have her bio on my fiction site.Jack was going to tell you about the first time I sold myself for sex, but I insisted I wanted to do it, besides, he wasn’t there for part of it.So here goes, the story of my go go friend, Nicky, and my husband, pimping my body. Jack and I began to spend every Friday night watching Nicky dance. In between sets she would...

4 years ago
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Selling The House

Copyright© Ding-dong! Ding-dong! Thump, thump, thump sounded my cane as I hurried to the front door as fast as I could go. I silently cursed the temporary problem I was having with my legs that made it necessary to use the cane to get around the house. "Hi. Are you Sheryl?" I asked of the pretty young woman who stood outside the storm door. "Hi. Yes, I am. Are you Ed?" she responded. I pushed the storm door open and held it for her. "Yes, I am. I'm pleased to meet you." "Me,...

4 years ago
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Counselling and the brown wings

I already knew why Erika didnt participate in anal sex with me, at least not on the receiving end anyway. I knew, because shed previously told me exactly why that was, and my heart went out to her when she did. Her introduction to it had been vastly different to mine, at the hands of two big bullies, brutal, humiliating and very, very painful. All Ill say on the subject was that she was just a few weeks old at the time, and with virtually no idea of how to please a man, sexually. By the time...

3 years ago
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Sell Me

''Sunday was a good day for a chance,'' she began, ''How was your weekend?'' ''Saturday I fished off the coast with a buddy, and yesterday I led a charter Shark spotting.'' I told her. ''And how was your wife's weekend?'' ''No idea, you know if I had my way she'd be the chum I used to lure in the sharks.'' My wife and I had married two years ago, and as soon as the ring was on her finger she brought out her true colours, which were various shades of...

2 years ago
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Sell That House

I am realtor, I sell houses for living. I am very good at it. I am 52 years old, I work out, divorced, have nice c-cup tities, blonde hair and I am not fat. I get hit on alot so I know I am attractive. I have an assistant named Judy who is an attractive married woman, 46, nice boobs, not overweight, blonde hair also. We had a client set up an appointment to view some high end homes. This man was around 70, he brought a partner who was probably the same age and they each brought a son, I would...

4 years ago
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Sell That House

I am realtor, I sell houses for living. I am very good at it. I am 52 years old, I work out, divorced, have nice c-cup tities, blonde hair and I am not fat. I get hit on alot so I know I am attractive. I have an assistant named Judy who is an attractive married woman, 46, nice boobs, not overweight, blonde hair also. We had a client set up an appointment to view some high end homes. This man was around 70, he brought a partner who was probably the same age and they each brought a son, I would...

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Sell Baby Sell

It was enough to make me want to scream! I worked my butt off for six weeks to land the deal and then the asshole who was supposed to be working with me, but who didn't do a damn thing except ask me once a week how things were going, got half the commission and a promotion. Don't ever let people tell you that women in the work place are not discriminated against - I'm living proof that they don't have a clue what they are talking about. I've worked for the XYZ Corporation for eleven years...

1 year ago
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Sell Your GF

Do you consider yourself as a cuckold lover? Well, I have a peculiar site to introduce… and it has a rather interesting name. is a premium porn site that covers the cuckold fetish mostly. Although that’s the name of the site, and that is how they advertize it, nobody is selling anybody. This is all play pretend and all that jazz, calm the fuck down.In simple terms, it is about horny dudes who want to see their woman get fucked by another man. They are usually willingly doing so,...

Premium Cuckold Porn Sites
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Sell Me

Chapter II met my wife Sue when I started a new job in the English countryside, many miles from my home. She is 5' 7" tall, and very pretty, with a beautiful slim figure, long shapely legs and magnificent D cup breasts. But her most arresting feature is her color, she is an albino. Her long hair is pure white, her skin is white with a pinkish tinge and her eyes are very pale blue, the dominant color with human albinos. The overall effect is stunning.Like most of the men in the office I fell for...

1 year ago
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Her First Sensational HK Hot Massage

It was Em’s first solo business trip to Hong Kong. She knew the place well and had been there on business before, but always with a colleague, usually her boss, along for the ride. So she was no stranger to the Fragrant Harbour but a novice in terms of the delights it was said to offer. She was no stranger to hot massages either, having sampled them in various places around the world and now and then at home, when the opportunity arose. Sometimes these were at home, by the pool or on the...

Straight Sex
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Getting Lizs Knickers Down

It would be good to read one of my other stories about Liz first. It will give more depth about her personality, and her behaviour. Reading the stories about her being gangbanged or spit roasted on holiday will give you an insight. An insight that I never had when I met her unfortunately.I was in a bar one Friday night with friends, took a step back to let somebody walk by, and I felt a crunch. I turned around and one of the most beautiful girls I had ever seen was jumping up and down in pain....

First Time
2 years ago
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Period of AdjustmentChapter 9 Getting in Touch

I had picked up my Avis rental at the Kitchener airport and set off to the address Denis had given me. He would phone ahead to let the surveillance team know I was coming and what I looked like. I had no idea what I was going to say to Elise since I didn't know how she would react to my arriving on her doorstep. Denis said she would be home by five in the afternoon and it was just before five-thirty that I pulled up in front of a bungalow on the east edge of town. It was a modest looking...

4 years ago
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Career Day

Career Day "My daddy is prettier than your daddy!" Eight-year-old Billy Tayler stood in front of the classroom, his tiny voice growing larger by the moment. He was waring a short blue tie and a white shirt. The adults and children in attendance laughed gently at his opening line. Billy looked at the faces in the crowd, and he continued, just the way his mother and he had rehearsed. It was Career Day at Reagan Elementary School. You know the kind of day. The adults come to talk...

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Phoenix Pt 3 Ch 05

Various passers-by, noticing an obviously religious rite being performed by their goddess, stopped to see what was happening. Word spread quickly and a large crowd gathered around her in a very short time. The goddess was chanting a simple prayer in ancient Sumarian, a dead language no one around her knew. It was the chanting that was important, not the understanding. The understanding would come later. Where she stood was important to the understanding. Before her was the blackened...

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Mom Helped To Touch Sister

Hi my Name is Vinay age 26 from Bangalore, I am the diehard fan of incest stories which started reading recently and want to narrate the real incident that happened in my life. While reading incest stories I used to think that they are no real, but now I believe that many of the stories are real and not fiction. Coming to my story we are 3 members me (Vinay) Widow Mom (Suma aged 46) sis (Payal aged 22). We lost our father 5 years back, he was running a business and was a drunkard, once he died...

2 years ago
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How to Be a Genie 12 Easy Steps Ch 01

Chapter One: No Ordinary Girl There were two things that Cypress Madison had never been. She had never been anything more than ordinary. She was not talented, or graceful, or even very smart, although most people assumed she was a genius of some sort. No, she had no ability for anything like sports or the arts. And her GPA was usually just enough to keep her from being flunked out of college. There was simply nothing special about her, and she was used to it. Content with it, in fact, ordinary...

1 year ago
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The White GhostChapter 8

The business of supplying game meat to the tavern and to various businesses around John's Crossroads was doing quite well. They were bringing in four to six deer a day, and could have sold more if they could get them. The trouble was that Turtle and Joe were still hunting the Indian way by sneaking up on an animal to get close enough to attack it with a knife or by taking it from ambush. This was damned time consuming so they rarely could take more than one or two deer in a day. On the...

1 year ago
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Abandoned Parking Lot Part 1

PART 1It begins...Well, I found out that Anne fucked that professor again. She came to my dorm drunk at 3am, fighting with me, calling me a little bitch and pussy, and she began slapping my face. I won’t even get started on what she was on about. I tried calming her down, but whenever I said anything she just slapped me, or if I tried to stop her from drinking more from her loaded thermos, she pushed me. She said, “I’m going to F*** that professor again. By the way, his cock, is like, way...

2 years ago
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Nasty Boy Lovely Girl Part 3

I had awakened around six the next morning. I had not gotten much sleep, The rollers will take a lot of getting used to when it comes to sleeping. Every time I would move my head a new part of my scalp would get it's share of the prickly curlers. Women do really suffer for their beauty, just as Mother had always said. I have to say that even though the neglig?e's bra clung tightly to my boy chest, the filmy material was quite comfortable to sleep in. I laid there, afraid to move my e...

2 years ago
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Team Photos 1 Alex

Introduction: Alex takes some photos It all started when I began taking photos of our touch rugby team. It was a mixed team and my sisters, Caitlyn, Lauren and I had been playing for years. Caitlyn was the older of the two, she had just had a birthday last month. She was a very shy and petite girl at only 4ft 10 and very slim build, which contrasted nicely with her B-cup boobs and long brunette hair. Lauren on the other hand was very opinionated and constantly getting in trouble at school. She...

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Cody It's a Sunday, I think. The smell of medicine intoxicates me. I want to scratch my scabs so bad. My fever is higher than normal. I can't stop shaking. The doctors keep promising medicines to make me better but what I have cannot be cured. They'll give me something to make it better. Something to slow my death and calm me for a few weeks, but the infection always comes back. It's there, living in my body, a constant reminder of my past sins. I want to yell for the doctors to leave me...

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Holi ke rang

Hello mai meenu umar 18 saal ek dum gori chitti ubhrate hue chuchia , gol chuttad is ummar mai hum ladkiyo ki chut jyada machlti hai, sex ki shaukin ghar mai babhi bahiya didi aarti ki marrige ho chuki hai, meri chut ki seal mere jijja g nai todi thi, mai apni figure bata du 30-26-32 +2 mai padti hu, holi aa rahi thi mausam pura rangeen tha mera abki baar holi par maze karne ka pura man tha maine man mai socha ki jijja g ko bulaye rango ka tayohar aur rangeen ho jayega. Maine puri planning bana...

3 years ago
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Serendipity Version AlphaChapter 7

It was two days before the front door opened and the now two musketeers came in just like always. I was at the computer, working. I'd neglected work for the last week. I thought I had a pretty good excuse, but still, I needed to catch things up. When I heard them come in I got up and went to the door of my office. "Hey," I said in greeting. "What's up?" "Swimming," said Ashley. "Ahhh," I said. "Have fun." "Can we use Kat's room to change?" "Sure," I said. "Come swim...

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