Selling Jean 2 free porn video

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311 selling Jean 2
The ate together, Rob though tired had had a traumatic night worrying about his wife, they sat at the now empty table, Rob pestering for details, to which Janice explained what a brave wife he had, it was she who described the whole scenario, Jean breaking in at various points to explain how she had felt, or add the odd detail, always referring to the little tormenter as “The little shit”
Saying that Janice had warned her that he was a one hit wonder, and that it had proved to be so, It was then that Janice, said that she had introduced two other women to the discipline, the first hated it so much, she had vanished in the taxi and not been seen again, the second took to the pain like a duck to water, loving every adrenaline rush, enjoying being used, every tiny hint of pain, her husband taking her in the taxi, again she had not seen her again, but had had a phone call saying that she had wanted to carry on but that her husband had strongly refused to let her!
Jean asked if she (Janice) “had ‘gone through the hoop’, this way,” and was told that she had “got the tea shirt, not loving being used from choice but because “big al” had taken money for her to be used, and you didn’t refuse “big al” or you would star in a snuff movie quick sharp! Rob asked why she worked for such a man, and she said, he had bought her, and sadly she knew no way of getting from his clutches, unless he dropped dead!
She explained what had happened last time he had hired her out, saying it had taken 3 long weeks before she could even get out of bed easily, and she still had the scars up the insides of her legs, though they were faint now.
Jean said she” had found the whole incident, both frightening and hugely different, though strangely I had climaxed as I blacked out, both times massively and spontaneously, so there was something in the thing that was enjoyable, though to me it was not so obvious!” Janice explained that “strangely she too had experienced climaxes, huge climaxes, especially once she had got over the fear, gone with the pain, and begun to serve the master whoever he was!”
Rob said he “couldn’t understand the being used, and the receiving pain thing, though the thought that both the women had had climaxes, while receiving pain, it was strangely turning him on!” Janice grinned, saying that “perhaps he would like to see her scars then, if it would help him relieve himself” and Jean not to be outdone said “or mine!” To Jean`s surprise, Rob laughed and said “he would love that” perhaps to check if they were testing his metal or pulling his leg. The women exchanged glances, then as if by mutual consent the both laughed and began shedding whatever clothes the wore. Rob looked shocked, his wife proffering her marked breasts, long before Janice managed to shed her trousers, both by this time laughing heartily, Jean lent over the table placing her breasts flat on the table top, pointing to the band aids and tearing them from her body said to her husband , “he had them flat like this , and nailed me to a block, needles right through here”… “and here!” she pointed out the marks…”does that turn you on?” she asked, cocking her head to one side. He said, “it did”, standing so she could see his huge stiff errection poking at his fly in a way that said he was not k**ding. By now Janice had removed all bar her tea-shirt, she moved over next to Rob, and sat on the table, opening her legs as she lay back letting him look at the thin, nearly invisible marks, pointing out one or two up near her virgina. His eyes strayed to the puffy lips, the still red welts on the pale backside from the hiding she had taken for “big al,” Then realising what was on offer, and his being married, his eyes snapped to his wife, desperately and silently asking with his eyes if she minded him even looking at another woman, luckily, she nodded, mostly because by now she was bending to kiss the lips of her friend. It took only that tiny nod to open the door to an exciting threesome. Rob bent to first examine, and then begin lapping, at the attractive whores labia. She hardly noticed, her attention being grabbed by Jean, her fingers involved deep within the older woman`s sexual orifice, while Jean was sucking at her breasts, having dragged the Tea-shirt from her hidden teats.
Rob by now desperate to screw the woman, asked her if she would mind if he entered the body of the distracted woman, to which Janice gurgled at him to, ”just get on with it!” and that was exactly what he did, it took him but a few moments, hot seed boiling into the woman, he rested on her belly, watching his chased and till now heterosexual wife, enjoying a lesbian relationship with this experienced woman.
Unusually for him he managed a second round, then he withdrew, sat for a while watching the two women so engrossed in sex that he left them to play, staggering off to the spare bed, both satisfied and exhausted.
That evening, making his sandwiches, packing his bag for that nights work he mused at the change in his woman, would she complete the financial tryst, shaking them loose from the shark? He wondered, and how would she react, him having had her friend, it was a mad, mad world. He let himself out, leaving the women, both, long ago satisfied and now sharing the marital bed to sleep in one another`s arms.

It was the following week when Jean answered the door to Janice, they kissed then over coffee, Janice told her of the days and nights and the men that had had her, booked by “big al” to fill in her time till the next “big booking!”
Janice asked, “Did she need to be in the auction?” instantly she knew what was meant, taking a deep breath, and recently having totted the money owed to the shark, and the cash in hand, asked “what was the money to be made?” Janice couldn’t say what would be bid, asking “how much was needed?” she was told there was “a shortfall of $10,100 dollars!” the woman shrugged, saying that it had been known, but it was near the ceiling! However, they could hedge their bets, she knew a well healed black lad, a virgin, that would pay top dollar to have anal sex with a white matron, she would have done the job herself but according to him she was not matronly enough! She had already recommended Jean, and had got the booking for her, if she wanted it, but please not to let her down. Jean grinned, asked how much it paid, and was gratified to hear the lad would pay five or six hundred dollars, more if he as very happy. The last question was “when?”
Janice made a call and they were collected by a chauffeur driven Pontiac.
The pair left Rob a note, then got in, the car whisked them out of town, swung into a huge gated estate. At the palatial house the car ran into the courtyard at the rear and they were met by a coloured lad black as soot, of about 18 summers, tall fit and hansom. They shook hands, he giving his name as Carl.
He led them inside, then turned to Janice and said, “my driver, ‘Peter’ has said he would like to do business with you, I will of course pick up the tab, she shrugged, realising he really wanted privacy, the driver appeared, and Carl took Jean`s hand, whisking her away telling him “to be ready to take them home at half an hour after I bell you.”
Eyeing Jean`s body hungrily, he led her to his bedroom a huge room full of solid old furniture, right down to a four-poster bed. He sat on the bed, saying that although he was eager his life had been one that so far had not meant he had chance to woo women, so he asked,” did she know why she was here?” she said “yes, you are a virgin and wanted a matronly lady, for both virginal and anal sex!” he laughed, blushing as only a young black can, then said, “that was exactly right,” he went on he that he had problems meeting and talking to women in his social band, mostly as they were prudish mares, and he wanted to sleep with a real woman who knew what it was for, for his first sexual tryst, but his mother wouldn’t play, and his one aunt laughed at him.
In an understanding sort of way, she just kissed him, and the moment of shyness passed, like a fish out of water the lad let his hands wander over her clothed body, his lips on hers eagerly but clumsily welded to hers. Till finally the surfaced for air.
He asked her name, she gave it as “Jean,” then suggested he unclothed her, and they spent a little time for him to “find his way about before the main event!”
He grinned kissed her again then began undressing her, it was clumsy, and eager, she slowing him to extend the whole experience, making him begin at the top, explaining women`s likes and dislikes, as each item was shed, pointing out the location of hooks, poppers, zips and so on taking him through the stages like a teacher with an eager c***d, learning a game he had few ideas about. She began to enjoy his caresses, in fact the whole experience, was to her a joy. Realising that a female climax may frighten the lad, hers soon distantly approaching just such a position, and he never having experienced such a phenomenon, she told him of the obvious symptoms, explained the importance of pleasing the female partner, and that in turn heightening the experience for him.
Attentively he did just as he was bid, taking time to fondle and caress, first her shoulders, then as they were revealed her breasts, lavishing much gentle interest in her nipples, suckling and kissing the nubs in a most gentlemanly way, he seemed oblivious of the nail marks and continued till she had to remind him that breasts were not the only attributes of a woman worth exploring.
Still skirted she allowed him to reach under the hemline, his eager fingers finding her wetness, her instruction tempting him to slide the wet knickers from her hidden hips, she stepping daintily from the damp silky rag, when they reached her ankles. Allowing him to feel but not see her sexual cavity and play for a while finding his way about this unfamiliar territory, until she suggested, first that he removed her skirt, then that they lay on the big old bed together and he could explore her body properly.
This they did, her patiently laying naked but for a tiny girdle that she had worn at her wedding, and stockings that enhanced her legs in their silky encasement.
She had him place his forefinger on each interesting part of her femininity. Her eyes closed, explaining the name and use of each damp and excited part, revelling in his tender touch, till she could stand it no further and came in a sudden and explosive climax, that fortunately she had predicted, and consequently he was prepared for, in fact other than exciting him further it did not put him off or worry him.
While she was coming around, a little he divested himself of his clothing, returning to play, his lips once again on her breasts, his right-hand straying to caress the damp clitorise, sending her into another mad climax which he loved.
She stopped him saying that he had “grasped that lesson well!” and that “perhaps they could return to that later!”
She saw his tool now for the first time, 8 or more inches of very dark brow log, uncut, stiff and dribbling precum.
Licking her lips in appreciation of the treat in store, she squeezed it between her breasts, before she taught him how to enter her, easing him in a most excitingly slow way into herself, until he was mounted to his hilt in her hot and receptive body. they lay together.
He surprisingly not having ejaculated yet, began slowly and instinctively to work himself in the old way we know so well, she urging him on, with each thrust begging him to have her harder, and still harder, as each body jarring assault, pushed its way deeper into her body, the pace quickening until with a groan he filled her with his hot cream, she too rising to the occasion her hips high from he mattress, in a moment of supreme bliss that she knew he would remember all his life.
They slumped on the wet mares, bodies still, the moment just too much, his body limp a grin on his face wider than the Mississippi.
The lay perhaps half an hour, together side by side, enjoying the whole world, talking quietly, he wanting reassurance he had done well, and her glowing in her praises until his hand once more strayed to her breast, and his lips to hers. His tool like a mast brown and erect once more, she smiled, happy at the restorative powers of youth.
She turned away from him, letting his arms surround her, hands on breasts, head on her shoulder, nibbling her ear hot breath on her neck his stiffness in the crease of her ample backside, precum wetting her brown star, quietly she whispered, “you want me there?”
He replied that he “had long wanted to try that so very shunned style of sex, he had seen on the internet!”
She said he was “to wait,” then stood laying a pile of pillows in the centre of the mattress, before reaching into her handbag, squeezing lube from the tube onto her finger and applied it, then d****d herself over the pillows, face down telling him to” be gentle at first, it can be painful for the lady and waiting his pleasure.
She felt his young, dark body kneeling in between her open legs, felt his tip lining up with her, his weight on her buttocks, his breath hot and heavy on her neck and knew that now was the moment. His tip began its invasion, the brown ring tight, the force slowly opening the slippery muscle as he entered. Pain in a hot searing sheet ran from her bowel, she groaned and too his credit he stopped instantly, laying unmoving for long agonising seconds.
She whispered, that “it`s alright, let`s get it over with, it gets better for me in a while!”
He pushed on, this time taking little notice of her groans and cry`s, his mons hard against her cheeks now he stopped, the pain though not vanishing at least receding, slowly he began to retreat, then in again, slow steady thrusts that gave her a thrill she had not experienced for some years, Rob not being a devotee of this particular act, though she once started enjoyed it.
Again, she urged him on begging him now to “fuck her harder,” and “go on try and fill me to the brim!” “Hurt me go on, harder, really go for it, ram it home.
Each thrust now savage, hard and brutal, he trying to make her cry uncle, beg him for mercy, or just scream, but to her it was meat and drink, she was being used, rammed, filled, and it was orgasmic. He could do no more, his balls contracted and that feeling we men all crave came on him as his tool injected spoonful`s of hot grey cum deep into this gentle matron he was now mastering. She in turn felt her bowels fill, and it sent her into extasy,
They lay conjoined for a while, his body heavy on her back, his black hands on her white arms, gentle but strong.
Finally, he had shrunk enough to allow them release, she felt empty as the hot but limp tool fell from her, rolling over to face him clenching her violated ring to keep inside the lads life giving juices.
They kissed once more, equal lovers not schoolmarm and pupil, his hands soon on her breasts, black on white, pinching just a tiny bit, kissing her throat, nipping at her soft curves, tracing her curves stiffening yet again, was there no stopping him, he was soon back inside her, tool stiffening again as he began once more to hammer away at her, his hips banging and slapping at her body like waves on a breakwater, thump, thump, thump, thump, the bed rocking now, no quarter being given or for that measure asked for, it was hard, brutal and the hammering strokes of a newly confident lad, who today had become a man, and was saying so in the most practical way he knew.
They arrived together, a massive and magic orgasm that was a credit to her training and his youthful energy. His goo filling her as only a youth could, hot and huge.
Again, they lay together, their breath returning till they could again speak.
He thanked her, asking if she still wearing a wedding ring was married, divorced or what. She explained she was married, and he assuming she was a cuckolding wife suggested she “stoppered herself to save his seed for your husband!” passing her a box of tissue to do just that, saying he “hoped the offering would turn him on, his balls he felt were now empty.
He rang the bell for Peter, then he kissed her as she dressed saying he would never forget his Jean the virginity taker. He pushed into her bag a package, obviously the payment, which made her feel dirty for just an instant, then she kissed him passionately, saying that he was a good pupil and she was proud to have helped. They met Peter and Janice by the car, another package thrust into her hands, and the day out was over. The trip home was a haze, Janice saying Peter was a real stud, perhaps for his benefit, Jean adding that she had been royally taken too, Janice pressing a small packet into her pocket, before she dropped off at the end of the century highway, then on her direction they carried on to Jeans home. The car purring away as she opened the door Peter indifferently not looking back.
Rob ordered pizza, then saying it was his night off asked what had happened.
She explained in detail, savouring each tiny point to excite her husband more.
The delivery came, they ate, then she dropped the bombshell that she had saved the lads seed to prove her story,
Leaving the plates Rob whisked her off to the bedroom, unstopping her body he licked and kissed the juice her young bull had left him, finally having her as well as he had on their wedding night. She showered, then refreshed went back to his bed
Sadly his body clock was by now suffering from confusion, sleeping was fitful, and come the dawn would have been simple for one used to working nights, thus he made up for lost time screwing Jean royally during his waking hours, to her mixed feelings, having had sex hard twice during daylight, as well as analy, and now three times during the dark of the night, meant she was feeling fairly tired when the phone went just after they had both got to sleep that morning. It was Janice, asking if she had taken the pills as they were not guaranteed to work the later it was left. it was then she remembered the small package. Delving into the bag she found the small package and the larger one from her lover of yesterday. The smaller was ‘morning after pills’, good old Janice, thought of everything once more, gulping them down with a glass of water, she turned to the larger packet contained the cash, whoreing cash, one step nearer the sharks payment. She counted it $1000 dollars, just 9,000 to go and she mused she would have done yesterday 9 times over if she could, though she knew deep inside she would not get as good a booking ever again, it would have to be the pain route, and the very thought made her shudder, but she knew it was inevitable...

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Wish of Jeanie

Jeanie waved goodbye to her two boys as her parents pulled away. She knew that she was going to miss them while they were gone for the weekend, but also knew that she needed the break. Unfortunately, that break wouldn’t really start until she finished catching up on the housework. There were too many things that she’d put off, and she knew that she simply couldn’t relax until each and every one of them was done. She tied back her strawberry blonde tresses, and went to work. The hours slipped...

1 year ago
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Wish of Jeanie

Jeanie waved goodbye to her two boys as her parents pulled away. She knew that she was going to miss them while they were gone for the weekend, but also knew that she needed the break. Unfortunately, that break wouldn’t really start until she finished catching up on the housework. There were too many things that she’d put off, and she knew that she simply couldn’t relax until each and every one of them was done. She tied back her strawberry blonde tresses, and went to work. The hours slipped...

Group Sex
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I dream of jeanie

I Dream of JeanieI have been happily married for 13 years now. My wife and I, like most other couples have had our ups and downs over the years. It just so happens we are on one of our downs now. I am not really sure how it all got started but the end result was me getting thrown out. I don't resent her for it, sometimes some time apart is good to regroup then rekindle your love. But during my time away I began a new chapter in my life. I only hope she can accept it and go along with it.So our...

2 years ago
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I was annoyed…At first …Then I was amused.- - -I have lived in Midtown Manhattan for most of my adult life and Eugenia’s Creations just off Herald Square is my favorite boutique. I am a curvy girl and Eugenia designs specifically for ladies with a figure. I tend towards the slightly edgy side of strong tailored pieces, which means I don't do frilly stuff well. Nevertheless, I have a great appreciation for good design that is executed with style; wearable, functional clothing that doesn't...

Love Stories
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Wish of Jeanie

Jeanie waved goodbye to her two boys as her parents pulled away. She knew that she was going to miss them while they were gone for the weekend, but also knew that she needed the break. Unfortunately, that break wouldn't really start until she finished catching up on the housework. There were too many things that she'd put off, and she knew that she simply couldn't relax until each and every one of them was done. She tied back her strawberry blonde tresses, and went to work. The hours...

3 years ago
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Facebook meme:You know what’s really uncomfortable?  A bra.  But we still wear one in public.  Not for me, for others.That was posted by my hiking partner, a woman in her early sixties who is in excellent shape because of her hiking and her work as an occupational therapist.  Whenever we go out into the woods, I’ve always been happy to let her take the lead so I could enjoy the view.  Such a nice ass wiggle. I commented back, You don’t need to wear one on my account.We’ve spent a lot of time...

Oral Sex
1 year ago
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Milking Time B4 Chapter 2 Barocca Duz Jeanne

Chapter 2: Barocca Duz JeanneBarocca smiled warmly at Jeanne, and she quickly undid the two knots that held her bikini panties on, and tossed them to the side. Barocca focused her thoughts, and released the mental control over her cock. Almost instantly, Barocca's cock lengthened and expanded so that it was now eight inches long, and as thick as several of Jeanne's fingers were. Jeanne shook her head in disbelief. "Damn. You weren't k**ding about some of the things you can do with your...

2 years ago
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Selling Hot Cars

CHAPTER 1 The sun reflected off the balding head of widower Buddy Dunlop as he arrived from poolside to see who was knocking at the backdoor. ‘Whatdoyerwant?’ he said to the guy dressed in a khaki shirt and shorts and wearing boots, long black socks and a black Stetson and supported a big pack on his back. ‘Hi Uncle Buddy.’ Huh? ‘Is that you Dino?’ ‘Sure is,’ Dino Dunlop said, eying at the lean bronzed nude body of the 55-year old and then focusing on the luxuriant sun-bleached moustache....

2 years ago
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Billie to Billie Jean

My GF moved out so I needed someone to move in with me to pay the rent. I had been a secret CD for 3 mos.My friend T hooked me up with a guy named B whom moved in and began sharing the rent with me. The first few wks,I kept my girly secrets.I had my own lingerie,skirts and 2 dresses.I could do my own make up too.I was hoping to find a new GF whom would appreciate a guy like me.I put ribbons,bows and barrettes in my long blonde hair.I joined a dating site but mostly got hits from horny old men...

2 years ago
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Jean and Denica decided to take the day off. Work had been grueling for the last few weeks and they decided to take some much-deserved time off. Besides, their friend Veronica was on vacation and told them they were free to use her pool while she was gone. So, they went over to her house and let themselves in with a key she had left them. Once there, they slipped into their bathing suits and jumped into the pool to cool off. It was almost 90 degrees today and the water felt great. They played...

3 years ago
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Norma Jeane

Norma Jeane was nine. She was also frightened. Not because her mother stacked her in foster homes when she was five. Or because those foster homes had been very cruel to her. It was not the daily hard work that earned her some nice bread. Or the frequent scolding. It was Mr. Kimmel. Mr. Kimmel was the Carpinson's star lodger. He was a sourly white man, a huge face with ugly pink smudges that looked up from between thick white collars. Norma had to strain to get a look at his eyes because of...

4 years ago
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Selling Bettys Pussy

Tom and Betty were a fun couple in their thirties. They’d been together since high school and, despite a few bumps in the road, had been happily married for twelve years.When Tom lost his job, things began to look pretty grim for them financially. While they didn’t have a ton of debt, they also had very little tucked away for a rainy day.Betty worked as a waitress at a local diner near the Interstate. One evening, after a long day of job hunting, he stopped in the diner to have a meal with...

3 years ago
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I Dream of Jeannie

Roger sees that Tony’s car is gone so he figures that he’s already left. Roger decides to go inside anyway and maybe score a cup of coffee from Jeannie. “Good morning Jeannie”, he calls out as he walks through the front door, “How about a cup of coffee?” Roger sees no one but hears a soft sobbing coming from the living room. “Oh, good morning Maj. Healy”, says Jeannie rising from lying on the couch; as she is wiping tears from her eyes. “My Master has already left for work but you...

4 years ago
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Selling Jean 3

312 Selling Jean (3) Time was running out, she was very aware of that there were days not weeks on the ticking bomb of the sharks threats. They were still just under $8000 dollars short, having pawned the last of Robs grandmothers legacy of jewellery. She talked it over with Janice and Rob and very rapidly came to the conclusion that she had to be auctioned, and in this week`s auction too! Janice saying it was a weekly affair, and on Jean`s request making a call to someone she called “tits!”...

1 year ago
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Selling mums pussy part 2

Hi part 2 begins in the flat i am renting so i can sell my mums pussy mum had just serviced a cock and was waiting for the next guy to turn up to fuck her .You may think it weird im selling my mums pussy for money but it goes back a long way mum never baught me up it was left to a nanny to look after me i hardly ever saw mum when i was young so did not realy now her .Dad was at work all the time so it was my nanny who looked after me .She was a 45 year old she gave me hand job when i was about...

2 years ago
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Aunt Jeannie

Aunt Jeannie We three had been best friends as long as any of us can remember. Jeannie,Carol and Ruthie; I'm the one in the middle; Ruthie is two months younger andgrew up in the house next to ours on the right. Jeannie is about a year anda half older and grew up two doors to the left of my house. Jeannie, Caroland Ruthie – we were always together. There was never anything that we did as kids that I don't remember us doingtogether. We were more like sisters than our real sisters and brothers....

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Deflowering Jeanette

As stated at the end of this story: “Stud” of the shelter, I promised a woman named Lynette that I would meet her granddaughter, Jeanette, and possibly have sex with her. I met Lynette at a battered women’s shelter that my, mom, sister and I had to stay at because of a domestic situation at home. I also had the pleasure of fucking Lynette several times while staying at the shelter. I was still a minor teenager as were the girl I deflowered...

3 years ago
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Jeanie Adams, 28 year old only daughter of Mr and Mrs Albert Adams of Acacia Drive, Amblehurst, had a reasonable middle ranking career for which she was far too intelligent, and a healthy interest in sex. With the help of several boyfriends she had gained what she considered to be a pretty comprehensive knowledge of physical love in all its various incongruities and deliciousness. The men were often initially shocked to find that anybody as obviously popular and attractive as Jeanie could...

3 years ago
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Sam and Jeanette

[Note: Words of encouragement can be sent to samburdell2008 at excite dot com] The Convention ---------------------- Jeanette (the woman I met in Vegas a month before) and I timed our flights to arrive in Kansas at about the same time. We were to meet at the small baggage claim area. We both loved science fiction and fantasy, so we thought it would be fun to see eachother again at a convention. [Jeanette isn't her real name, but she reminds me of pool player Jeanette Lee, so...

2 years ago
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Dreams of Jeannie

‘Hey Dave!’ Joe said as he opened the door to see his old friend. ‘Come on in.’ ‘Thanks man,’ Dave said. Joe led Dave into the living room and gestured for him to sit. ‘It’s been a long time, Dave.’ Joe said. ‘Yeah, college,’ Dave said. ‘Glad we got connected again through Facebook.’ ‘And we turn out to live so close to each other. Wild stuff,’ Joe said. Joe and David’s conversation was interrupted by a woman’s voice coming from the direction of the kitchen. ‘Master, I have cold beers...

1 year ago
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Selling My Girlfriend My Roommates Family repost

Selling My Girlfriend: My Roommate’s Family Sarah and I trudged up the apartment stairs to my apartment. Both of us were tired from a long day in classes and work. My plan was to make diner, fuck Sarah, study...maybe, then sleep. Repeat the next day. That was also about as complex as our relationship got due to our busy workloads. I opened the door and we entered. It was a two person apartment and my roommate was sitting in a chair in the living room. Jason was majoring in something...

4 years ago
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Selling her body for art

My business had taken off in the last few years, and her prospects had gotten worse. Living as an artist was hard enough when the economy wasn't a wreck, and when she told me that she might have to give up her dreams and start working a 9 to 5 job I gave her another alternative. I said, 'You always told me you were willing to make any sacrifice in order to be a real artist. What I want from you will leave you a lot more time, and a lot more money, to pursue that dream. Hell, it may even...

3 years ago
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Rapehouse 2 Finishing Jeanne

Rapehouse 2: Finishing Jeanne "Aaaaaaarrrrrrrggggghhhhh!!!!" a loud cry of terror is heard from Jeanne's cell as I smoke a cigarette outside and look at the moon.  For the last 72 hours I have been getting paid to let people rape Jeanne, a girl I kidnapped from work. My conscience is kicking in so I think I'm about to let her go. She has been raped by 12 customers and an additional 4 people, Delta (me), and Charlie Bravo and Alpha (my staff). We are wanted by the police and must...

3 years ago
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This year I've had time to start a few new stories but no time to finish any. Yet, I don't want 2011 to end with none posted. So here's a short one. Jeanne by Vickie Tern Hi, Charlene? What do you mean, so early -- it's past noon! No, I'm just calling to tell you that you were right! Absolutely right! Yes, it was marvelous, and there's lots more coming, I can't wait to tell you just how much more! He's...

4 years ago
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Jeannie moaned into her ball gag as her Master beat her imprisoned sex. She lay naked on the cold concrete basement floor, covered in angry red welts, her hands by her head, cuffed by the wrists to the thick leather collar around her neck. The cruel clamps around her nipples had become unbearable an hour ago, only a few minutes after Master had placed them there. Her modest breasts were especially bruised - Master liked the knowledge that Jeannie's breasts would be sore every time she wore a...

3 years ago
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Aunt Jean

I was watching a video on here that reminded me of my Aunt. Some is true, some is fantasy, Thoughts of her are always a pleasure to remember.I loved my Aunt and Uncle, they were good people. My Uncle served in World War II and stormed Omaha Beach on the second wave, after the war he worked for the government. In his spare time he built custom cabinets- he taught me a lot. He and my Aunt never had c***dren, she was unable to have any, so they adopted. My cousin was a shit, she never truly...

4 years ago
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My Aunt Jeannette

Last weekend the f****y got together three day trip. We usually go to a beach or a park, but this time we decided to go hiking. After we arrived at the cabin my 71 year old aunt Jeanette decided it would be best for her to stay behind and not try to hike the trail. She’s is 5ft 2ins tall. 135 pounds with very large saggy breast and a super large ass. I volunteerd to stay with her so she would be all alone. The hike is an overnight trip so everyone else grabbed their sl**ping bags and backpacks...

2 years ago
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My Aunt Jeannette

Last weekend the family got together three day trip. We usually go to a beach or a park, but this time we decided to go hiking. After we arrived at the cabin my 71 year old aunt Jeanette decided it would be best for her to stay behind and not try to hike the trail. She's is 5ft 2ins tall. 135 pounds with very large saggy breast and a super large ass.I volunteerd to stay with her so she would be all alone. The hike is an overnight trip so everyone else grabbed their sleeping bags and...

2 years ago
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My Prelude To Jeanne

I never shared that my story, "She Finally Did It", posted August 4 is actually true. Of course, I changed the names to protect the guilty.The story that I share here is the prelude to how Jeanne and I met. And yes, it is the gospel (probably the wrong word to use here) truth.As I alluded in "She Finally Did It", my wife was widowed when she and I met via an online dating service. I was divorced since the early 90's. As a single guy who really was pretty tame before divorcing, I let it all fly...

4 years ago
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In Her GenesChapter 11 Jeanne

By January 3, David, Melanie and Josh were back in L.A. They had all gone to the New Year's Eve gig of the Clearwater Posse and had great fun. Of course, with David in his wheelchair, there had been no dancing. Melanie spent most of the night with her small tushy parked in David's lap. A few snide remarks and veiled accusations were made, but there was also a great number of people who were genuinely happy when David did a brief demo of his improving leg control. That night, Melanie also...

1 year ago
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He watched her as she shuffled slowly to the front door of her apartment block. She was maybe five feet five, brunette, slightly built. The nose was a little long, maybe, and a bit bulbous at the tip -- but not much, and it didn't detract from the frail beauty of her face. Her bust -- well, that was what had drawn his attention initially. It wasn't huge or anything, but it seemed substantial on her slight frame. That had been several weeks before, when she'd been out in a midriff top with a...

3 years ago
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Jeannie, my JeanniePart IWakeup Call!!I was lying in bed half awake, half asleep.   My mind was wondering when I became aware of a strange sensation.  I awoke to see my thirteen year old daughter Jeannie in bed beside me.  Her right hand was wrapped around my erect cock which she held tightly. ? BABY!  What are you doing?  You have to stop!!? ?Dad, it is OK, I have been dreaming of this.   I know how you have been looking at me since Mom left.? ?You have to stop!!?  I did nothing to stop her,...

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