Sell Me. free porn video

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''Sunday was a good day for a chance,'' she began, ''How was your weekend?''

''Saturday I fished off the coast with a buddy, and yesterday I led a charter Shark spotting.'' I told her.

''And how was your wife's weekend?''

''No idea, you know if I had my way she'd be the chum I used to lure in the sharks.'' My wife and I had married two years ago, and as soon as the ring was on her finger she brought out her true colours, which were various shades of green.

''No offence sir, but I know a pretty good lawyer.'' she told me, divorce had been on my mind for a little under two years. But with her it didn't seem like an option.

''Two months ago I asked her if she would go away for a million. But she just smiled and shook her her head. She wants it all, you see. She thinks she deserves it all.'' I told her as I walked into my office, she followed behind and put the coffee down onto the desk with the report.

''So what have I got today?'' I asked her.

She didn't even need to check her notes or diary, she just replied, ''Promoting one of the office staff to team leader. I've left the two candidates and their information at the back of the weekend report.''

''Maybe I could marry you.'' I joked.

''No that wouldn't be any better for you,'' she calmly replied, ''Because I truly deserve it all.'' she said with a smile as she left the office.

At least with her I had regular sex whenever I wanted it, I thought to myself as I sat down.

I flipped through the file and then the profiles of the two candidates, both females who have sold my security systems to more people than anyone combined. I knew that Michelle was going to call for them individually at my request, just like at my request on Friday when she fired the team leader I'm about to replace.
The job was an easy one, teach your own selling skills to those below you and make them better. But sadly Carla failed to teach what she knew. Onwards and upwards.

''Michelle, I'm ready for the first one,'' I told her over the phone. A few minutes later and she was showing in a young girl who I had obviously never seen before. She looked presentable enough, with a knee length skirt and tights. She wore a vest top underneath a blazer. She had her attire down nicely, but I wasn't sure about the purple streaks in her hair.

''Please, take a seat,'' I greeted as I directed her to a chair. ''As I'm sure you know, I own Rylock, and after reading up on you I can say with honesty that Rylock is a better company for having you.''

''Thank you,'' her smile was a shy one, and her eyes looked quite sad, but then I assumed that was down to her being mixed race.

''That's assuming that your name is Eva, that is.''

''Um, no, no it's Abigail.'' she replied.

''Oh, well that's a shame, she must be up after you.'' I told her, I was joking of course, but I wanted her to fight for what I was offering. I didn't want someone to loose a step just because the boss knows their good.
''Well, Abigail, what I'm looking for is a new team leader. Carla lacked drive, once she got the role she slipped backwards and that's not what I need or want. I want somebody that's going to grab the rest of them by the scruff of the necks and make them better. Unfortunately I can't make you both team leaders, so this is your chance to take a huge step forward.''

''Okay,'' she said with an affirmative nod.

''I want you to sell me on your underwear.'' I told her.

I'd never seen the colour drain from somebodies face like that before, it was as if she had the life sucked right out of her. Like a deer in headlights she didn't know what to do or say next.

''Ex-excuse me?'' was all she could get out.

''I don't need security, and I'm not going to ask you to sell me this goddamn pen, because I don't need any of these things. I want you to make me want to go out and buy the underwear that you're wearing. I want to believe that I'd never be able to look at a woman in anything else.''

''Um, okay, right,'' she stammered.

I leaned back in my chair and watched her for a moment, ''Hey if you can't do it then don't panic, just means I won't have to think of something else for Eva to sell me on.'' I told her. The moment I uttered Eva's name I saw her eyes dart to mine, she knew that Eva was the favourite, and she didn't want to lose this promotion.

''The law of averages states that you have to go through eighty people saying No, before you get one Yes. Well do you know how I have managed to get that eighty down to ten? Oh that's right, I get a Yes in every ten attempts,''

The confidence that had been sucked out of her was beginning to build again, I watched her shift in her seat as her comfort level began to rise.

''I get one Yes from ten people telling me No, because I'm never uncomfortable. I'm always at complete ease and never the same girl twice.'' she told me as she began to slowly get to her feet. She kicked off her shoes as she rounded the desk and then sat on the edge of it. She brought her foot up and placed it on my knee,

''You feel that?'' she asked sliding her foot up and down my thigh, ''the way my foot glides up and down your leg? Feel it,'' she told me as she brought her foot up again and placed it in my hand.
''That's not the everyday feel, I've almost never felt anything softer against my legs. Do you like the way it feels against Your skin?'' she asked.

Her foot slipped from my hand and she brought it up to my face, I was the owner of a multi-million dollar company, and right now an employee was rubbing my cheek with her foot. I glanced to her crotch and saw her thighs, ''Stockings.'' I murmured under my breath.

''The best stockings you've ever felt.'' she told me as she unzipped the back of her skirt. She stood back to her feet and let it drop to the floor. She revealed her black panties and turned on her heel to face away from me, giving me a view of her perfectly shaped ass.

''Do you see how the fabric of my panties stick to my skin? They seem almost like a tattoo, providing me with complete comfort whatever the position I'm in. It feels as though I'm not wearing any at all. And yet,'' she stopped mid-sentence and slipped her thumbs down the back of them, ''Slipping them on or off is so easy, once you get them over your cheeks, they practically...'' she stopped again as she pushed the panties down over her ass, and they they slipped down her legs, ''...drop off.''

I watched her slowly turn her hips, she hooked her panties with her foot and raised them, she leaned against the desk and made sure I couldn't see her vagina as she raised her leg and dropped her panties right in my lap.

She span back around to face away from me as she slid free of her blazer. She tossed it into the chair she had previously been sitting in and slowly began to pull her vest top up her body.

''Of course, the perfect panties and stockings won't give you the confidence you need to talk strangers into buying what you got.'' she said.

She walked slowly with her back to me, her ass moved in perfect rhythm as she pulled her top up over her head and dropped it on top of her blazer. She paused for a moment in a pose that allowed me to full appreciate her backside. The light hit her skin and reflected from the stockings in a way that made me use every type of personal restraint possible to stop myself from jumping the desk and taking her.

''The right bra can get you anything you want in life, but only if it's strapped around the right breasts, and on the body of the right mind. Choosing which bra to put on in the mornings isn't as easy as you might think, it has to reflect on the kind of day you want to have.'' she told me.

She turned around and put her hands on her lips, her legs were crossed in a way which gave away very little to my eyesight, her black bra was worn with pride. It had smooth looking cups and tiny reflective studs scattered over them. The shoulder straps were split into two, making it seem as though the bra was both supported and slipping down her shoulder at the same time. I didn't know where she had found it, but I liked it.

''They say you should always go a cup size bigger, and when in business you should go one smaller to look more professional. But I can't help but always wear just the right size. Because no matter how well it's hidden, I know it's there, making me feel sexy and making my breasts look..''

''...Amazing.'' I finished her sentence for her. I took a guess and estimated her to be somewhere in the B-cup range, but I had never had this kind of desire to want B-cup before now.
I wasn't sure any more if it was the bra, her words, or the delivery of her words, that made her breasts look so appealing. Before she started 'selling me' I would have said she was an average built woman with a cute face, but now, I wanted to buy her an apartment.

She slowly began walking back towards my desk, ''And do you know the best thing about this bra?'' she asked as she came around to my side. I slowly shook my head, I could only imagine how I looked right now supporting an obvious hard-on.

She sat back on my desk, bringing both of her feet up to my crotch and slowly massaging my hard hidden cock.

''The best thing about this bra, is when I get home and undress. I slip out of my clothes like I did just a few minutes ago, and when I'm wearing nothing but my stockings and bra, I simply...''

I wasn't sure how it happened, but my trousers had become unzipped, and on top of that my full erection was on complete display. She massaged it between her feet, the silk stockings felt like nothing I had felt before. I looked at her though bliss-filled-eyes as she reached between her breasts,

''...Flick this switch.'' she finished as the front bra clasp popped open, she ripped open her bra as though she was ripping open a shirt. Her breasts exposed, her small brown hardened nipples aiming right at me as I felt the explosion of semen shoot right out of me.

''Fucking-- fucking hell,'' I moaned, ''I'm sold, and I'm spent.'' I told her as a huge smile appeared on her face.

My semen was splattered over her feet, my trousers and still dribbling down my shaft as she hopped off the desk. She made her way around to her clothes and began getting dressed again.

''I told you, the right underwear can get you anything you want in life, maybe even a promotion.'' she told me as she buttoned up her blazer. She pulled off her stockings and dumped them in the trash bin on her way out of the office.

Michelle then walked into the office and I made no attempt to move or cover myself, she looked me up and down and asked, ''So what do you think?''

''I haven't had a foot-job before.'' was all I could say, ''Okay, you wanna clean this up for me?'' I asked.

With out saying a word she came around to my side of the desk and got down on her knees, her hands were placed on my thighs and she brought her open mouth down around my slowly shrinking cock.
There were many reasons why she was the highest paid secretary in the country, she did everything I needed her to with no questions asked.

I couldn't help but hold the top of her head as she bobbed back and fourth, my sensitive manhood responded to every flick of her tongue and pretty soon had become hard again. It stood as a strong mass as she brought her mouth muscle up and down it, occasionally glancing up at me as her saliva washed away the semen.

I could feel my empty sack begin to tighten as she again took it deep, ''You trying for another raise?'' I joked.

''You want me to stop?'' she asked.

''Of course not, I want you you to drop your panties.'' I told her.

With out pause she got to her feet and hitched her skirt up around her waist, she leaned over my desk while slowly slipping her red cotton panties over her ass. There was no stockings or tights, just the smooth toned skin of a mixed race beauty. I stood up and lined myself up behind her, she placed both of her hands down on the desk and braced for impact.

There was a list of things I knew I never needed to do with Michelle, and one of them was lubricate her. I poked against her clitoris and then pushed my way into her. She let out a short gasp as I pushed into her as far as I could go and then began thrusting.

I held onto her hips as I slammed into her, with every jolt a gasp escaped her throat. ''I tell you this every time,'' I began, ''You can go ahead and be as loud as you want.''

With that said her short gasps became loud moans, I gave sudden bursts of rapid thrusts before slowing, making sure I got balls deep each time. I felt her muscles clamp around my cock as she went flat to the desk, her moans became cries as she got closer to her climax.

Her feet came up off the floor as I thrust her further onto the desk, she now gripped the edge as I delivered one last flurry of rapid fucking. She popped with an orgasm just as I did. We both let out a long moan of relief as what little semen I had left splashed against her cervix.

I dropped back into my chair and watched as my almost transparent semen began dripping out of her.

''That'll be all for now, Michelle.'' I told her.

''There's fresh clothes in the drawer, sir. And I'm going to move your second candidate interview too after lunch.'' she replied as she pulled her panties back up and rearranged her skirt. She then left the office without saying a word.

''Thank you,'' I muttered.

Lunch was the perfect time to read over the weekend reports, Michelle had gone out and gotten us both some sandwiches and was sat with me as I read through them. There was however, an abnormality.

''Eva has worked quite a few weekends recently, hasn't she.'' I noticed.

''Ever since you fired Carla.''

''So she's either low on cash, or eager to impress.''

''Well she wouldn't be the first to kiss ass, to be honest she has a pretty strong mind for business. If I had to pick without interviewing them, I would recommend Eva.'' she told me.

''I would love to see you interview them.'' I joked, Michelle smiled politely in return.

''Well after watching your technique via the security camera earlier, I may be able to manage it.'' she shot back with a confident smile.

I scanned my eyes over Eva's file, ''I see here she had a significant amount of time off last year.''

''Yes, she had surgery.''

''Oh, was it successful?'' I asked.

''I think so,'' she started as she took a sip of water, ''her breasts certainly look healthier.''

I smiled and dropped the file down onto the desk, ''Okay, back to work. Give me five minutes and send her in.'' I instructed.

She got up and gathered up the papers we had been looking over and left the office. I leaned back in my chair and checked my phone, Michelle is like a goal keeper for keeping phone calls away from me. Nothing gets passed her, not even my wife. And for that I'm thankful.

A few moments later and Michelle was showing Eva into my office, the first thing I noticed about her was her vibrant red hair, obviously a dye job, but never the less it dropped half way down her back.
That was when I noticed the skin tight black leather pants, there wasn't a crease to be seen and I could only imagine the struggle she must have had to get into them. Her red high heels were the same shade as her hair, and she was tall, christ, she must be around six foot.
She was wearing a long sleeved black top that was clinging to her almost as tightly as her pants, with a low neck line I had an ample view of her enhanced breasts.

''Please, take a seat.'' I told her.

She sat down and crossed her legs, how she managed in those pants I didn't know. ''As I'm sure you're aware, I'm the owner of Rylock Security. And we need a new team leader. I was fortunate enough earlier to interview the first candidate, Abigail, and now it's our turn.''

''Are we the only candidates?''

''Yes. You are the only two people I can be confident in when it comes to bringing everyone else up to your level.''

''It's strange, the last time I saw you I was applying for the job of your secretary.'' she told me.

She caught me off guard a little, ''Really?'' I asked, ''I must have missed that in your profile. And I certainly don't remember you.''

''Well I was a little different back then, flat chested and no confidence. I had blonde hair too.'' she told me.

''I really don't remember,'' I told her. ''I'm a little concerned though that it took you three years to get on the radar for a promotion.''

''Well It took a little while to create the person you see before you.'' she replied.

''Fair enough, so, when Abigail had her interview earlier I asked her to sell me something. And no, don't worry, it's wasn't a pen, but she did really well. So unfortunately I can't ask the same of you, instead I'm going to test your leadership skills.''

''Can I ask what she had to try and sell you?''

''Her underwear.'' I told her bluntly. ''I wanted her to make me the worlds biggest fan of whatever she was wearing.''

''Oh,'' she said slightly taken aback, ''That sounds difficult, considering that I'm not wearing any.''

It would have been my turn to be taken aback, but I knew before she came in that she was headstrong, as Michelle had said, she had a mind for business. But that's not to say that her comment had gone unheard. I couldn't help but glance at her slim figure and bulging chest as she sat before me soaking it all in.

''So you come in to the office on a Wednesday morning and morale is low, nobody has managed to make a sale all week and you know that you have to turn it around by the weekend otherwise I'm going to coming at you with a truck. What do you do?''

She took a long moment to think about her answer, before finally saying ''I get on the phones myself and show them how to do it.''

''Is that all?'' I asked.

''No, I tell each person to excuse themselves before going into the toilets. I then tell them that if they don't go and pleasure themselves and return to their desks relaxed and relieved, then they're going home.''

''Wait, so you would tell them to go and masturbate?''

''Definitely.'' she said smiling, ''It relaxes you, you need to feel relaxed otherwise the person on other end of the phone will know. If there were guys working on our floor I would suggest an orgy, but there isn't.''

I wasn't sure if she was bluffing or being honest, but either way she gave me short and straight answers.

''Okay,'' I said, ''three business men walk into the building and want to invest, but the lobby sends them to the wrong floor and their on yours. I'm already in a meeting and Michelle is with me, so it's all on you as floor manager, what do you do?''

''I show them into the third floor conference room, I tell them that you will be with them as soon as possible, and then I keep them entertained until you arrive.''

''How do you entertain them? A game of scrabble?'' I ask.

''No,'' she answered laughing, ''I fetch them drinks while allowing them get a good view of me,''

''How do you do that?'' I interrupted.

''I come to work every day for an opportunity to impress. I always look one hundred percent.''

''So right now I'm a potential investee. I don't have all day to wait, and here you come bringing me a drink. Keep my mind off the clock.''

She briefly smiled and got to her feet, she picked up a glass of water and brought it around to me, leaning over me slightly she placed the glass down onto the desk. I could smell her perfume and was an inch away from her hips, her ass was sticking out and I couldn't help but check it out.

''So how much are you looking to invest?'' she asked.

''I'm not sure, I wanted a look at the figures before I made a real decision.'' I replied. She turned and leaned onto the desk.

''It's a very good company to work for,'' she said, ''It's constantly growing,'' she said dropping her eyes to my crotch, ''Expansion is something that we work hard for here.''

She arched her back a little and then stretched her arms up, ''Long hours and hard work built this company,'' she pushed her chest out and I noticed her hardened nipples, ''And it's with long hours and hard work this company has become one of the worlds biggest names in security.''

She finished her stretch and leaned forward a little, ''We're big on everything here, nothing is too small, we can see the smallest problem and take it with everything we have.''

She chose each word carefully, it was almost subliminal. After blowing my load twice already today she had managed to get me on the way to my third erection.

''When I started working here, I had nothing, and now,'' she ran her hands through her hair and held it all back in a messy bun, ''Now I've grown.'' My eyes were locked to her breasts, I should have asked her to sell my on fake ones because I had never been a fan of them. But I had the urge to see hers.

She got back up form the desk and then straddled me, sitting on my lap and placing her hands on my shoulders.

''I can see that your all about growth, and I can feel your strength,'' she then leaned in close to me and whispered in my ear, ''you have no idea how far I can take you.''

It took a lot to keep my hands at my side, almost like the worlds greatest lap-dance, it was hard to keep them to myself as her chest pushed up against mine.
She leaned back a little and took my hands, ''Can you feel how much I've grown as a person?'' she asked as she placed my palms down on her breasts. I let out a short sigh as she flicked her hair from off her shoulder. Her piercing green eyes were locked onto mine, she smiled, ''Do you want to see, how much I've grown?'' she asked.

Before I could answer she reached down and began lifting her top up over her head, her breasts sprang into view and I gave in to my instincts.

I grabbed her forearms and kept them pinned behind her head whilst she was in mid-undress, her face was covered by her top, she couldn't see anything as I dived onto her nipples. They were as hard as bullets, I lightly bit down on them causing her to moan.

I climbed to my feet and her legs wrapped themselves around my waist, I put her down on the desk and delivered a tongue lashing to each nipple. I never like fake breasts due to their lack of movement, but there seemed to be enough to keep me entertained. I released her arms and allowed her to fully remove her top, I pushed myself upright and slipped my fingers underneath the waistband of her pants, I gave them a tug and they began to peel off of her. She kicked off her heels as I pulled her pants off, she quickly reached for my belt and in seconds my trousers were dropped to my ankles.

She grabbed me by my neck tie and pulled me into her, she let out what sounded like a squeal as I slipped inside of her. She brought her ass up off the desk and wrapped her legs back around me, keeping me rigid, she began gyrating against me. The way her hips moved was almost mesmerizing.

She was completely shaved down below and though she only supported herself with one hand on the desk she had complete control.

I pulled her up off the desk and supported her as she began bouncing herself off of me, she had no issues with letting her feelings be known, she was practically screaming in ecstasy. It occurred to me that she might be trying to be heard by Abigail, but there was no way.

I cast a quick glance up to the security camera in the room and thought about what Michelle was doing right now, she was watching, that much I knew.

Eva had thrown back her head and released her leg grip, I was now carrying her while diving myself in and out of her. She let out moan after moan,

''Oh my fucking god, yes, fuck me, fuck me hard!'' she yelled.

Her breasts bounced about as much as they were going to, she brought her head forward and kissed me hard on the mouth before giving me a little bite on my lower lip.

''I'm so wet, I want you to fuck me in the ass.'' she told me.

I let her drop down to her feet and she knelt into my chair with her ass out. I didn't want to guess at how often she was plugged in the ass, but it was already slightly open. I delivered one mouthful of spit to her ass and then began pushing my cock inside.

She let out a soft gasp as her ring widened around me. I slapped her ass hard as I began thrusting backward and forward. I reached around her and cupped a breast as my balls began slapping against her clitoris, pretty soon my balls began to feel tighter.

''Fuck, I think I'm close,'' I muttered, ''I want it in my ass, please, cum in my ass.'' she begged.

I reached up with my free hand and grabbed her throat, I pulled her back back as I pounded her ass as hard as I could. Her cries echoed around the room, I pulled her back against my chest and bit down on her earlobe.

My hand slipped from her breast down to her clitoris and I began massaging it, ''I want you to cum.'' I told her. Almost instantaneously she erupted in a climax. She bucked a little and threw herself forward, I grabbed a handful of her hair and didn't give her a moment to rest. I went in and out of her like a machine, before finally releasing whatever I had left, right into her rectum.

A few moments passed before either of us moved, my cock dropped out of her and I was followed by my semen. She turned a little before slumping into my chair, I was leaning against my desk as she gently rubbed her aching vagina.

''I think I might invest in this place.'' I told her, giving her the yes that she worked hard for. She smiled and laughed a little as she pulled herself to her feet.

''I'll put the paperwork together.'' she told me.

A little while later I was sat in my chair massaging my balls, they had been emptied three times in the same day for the first time in a very long time.

Michelle walked into the room and sat down in the chair opposite me, ''Well that was a vigorous process.''

I smiled weakly at her, ''Some day, huh?''

She smiled from the corner of her mouth, ''So who are you going to choose?'' she asked.

''I don't know, did you know Eva went for your job?'' I asked.

''Yes, I remember her.''

''Of course you do, you remember everything.'' I replied.

''Do you remember that before you gave me the job, you were going to give it to that black girl? Alicia?'' she asked.

''Oh yeah,'' I remembered, ''What happened to her?''

''She went back to being a ballet dancer.''

''She did ballet? I thought they all had small breasts, Alicia's were huge.'' I recalled.

''She was blessed.''

''So, who am I going to choose?'' I asked.


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Best friends become more than best friends

My name is Amy, I have the best friend in the world and no I’m not talking about a woman. His name is Ryan and he listens to me, and spends a lot of time with me. I’m a brunette and I’m 5’10. He is a brunette too and is 6’1. So after being best friends for about 8 years, I thought there should be at least some sexual tension between us. That has not been the case though. We met in high school and now as we’re both 26. We still hang out and party too. So I had to wonder if was ever interested in...

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Parent Teacher Conference

"Come in, Mister and Missus Roget... Steven. "It's a little crowded in here but please try to make yourselves comfortable. Steve, let your parents sit on the couch." Susan was struck by how attractive her student's parents were, both in their late thirties or early forties, and both with good figures and fine features; she could see where their son got his looks. For their part, in addition to their surprise at her age, the two parents were having very similar thoughts about Susan. Susan...

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Sissyholics Anonymous

Sissyholics Anonymous by Aimee Westin (aimee 2) Step One The first step is to admit that you have a problem. And that problem is twofold. First, there is your testosterone addiction which has been worsened by the social conditioning that has caused you to present yourself to the world as a faux man. Second is fact that you are powerless over your sissy urges. As a result, your life has become unmanageable. You will lie, deceive, & misrepresent yourself to others in order...

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The Destroyers Book 2 Hope and BetrayalChapter 37 Battle for Karsakini Part 2

Ted staggered to his feet, smoke pouring from several consoles around the bridge, sitting down into his chair he snapped out orders, "Damage report!" "Sir, we have a fire in landing bay delta, damage to port side weaponry, shields down to forty percent. I'm estimating ten minutes to full recharge, minor damage to secondary engine four. Hull is intact, no breaches. Casualty report coming in now, thirty-nine dead, sixteen wounded." "Status report on the Crytherian battleship?" Ensign...

1 year ago
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The sweet girl next door

The Girl Next DoorI can remember like it happened yesterday . I am your average guy who likes to go to the beach and see all the young things bounce around in the skimpy bathing suits like anyone else. But I never would have believed I could see the best show from my very own garage. It was a hot summer day in July and I was busy working on the weekend to do list. I had been off on business most of the week so there was lots to do. I was in the garage working on the old lawn mower when I...

3 years ago
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Cop Town Girl Chapter Three

Cop Town By Michele Nylons Chapter Three - Tunnel Penelope awoke on Saturday morning and after she had showered and recovered enough from her hangover she sent Brin Longmire a text to which she got no response. She had a busy day packing up and moving into her new apartment so she didn't really care that he didn't respond. She moved her stuff into her pokey little apartment which was located in one of the least salubrious areas of the city. She was just happy to be an appointed...

2 years ago
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My wifes first pro work

That work was just outside the Purdue Campus. The time period was the hippie dippy era of 1970. The wife was a laboratory department head in life sciences at Purdue. She did the standard duties and kept the labs in order. On breaks and coming to and from work, she ran…in a nicely abbreviated outfit. Everyone on campus knew of that blond headed sleek runner. At the same time, the wife was already an experienced swinger. She really enjoyed sex. So, when she began running past a newly opened...

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Elaine Griffen Black BreederChapter 5

Three days had passed since Elaine Griffin and her crew had taken 100 Czech men and 100 Czech women on board her newly redecorated sub. It was like a giant eel-shaped hospital-medical facility. The Czech men and women came from all kinds of backgrounds such as military, civilian and once these people have children, they would either be taken care of by their biological parents (that is if they do work) or by some government-run institution (like Nazi Germany's Lebensborn program). The men...

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XSFGCChapter 27 Missing Pieces

Hampton Coliseum Hampton Virginia Paul David was walking to his car in the massive parking lot adjacent to the Coliseum glad to be away from his client. As an executive insurance representative, Paul's clientele were large venues like the Coliseum. Like all clients, some could be quite enjoyable and some could be like the Coliseum's Mr. Goldfield, a real prick and anal to boot. After a day of meetings with the pricks of the world, Paul wanted nothing more than to get home and sip his malt...

3 years ago
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Devious Majik Holiday Help

Author's note: Welcome to Devious Majik, a new chain of retail stores in upscale shopping centers and malls across the country. The products sold at DM often have certain... transformative effects. The following story details how one employee came to work at the store. If you enjoy this and want to find more tales set in the DM universe I've been playing around in, just search for 'devious majik' on DeviantArt. Devious Majik: Holiday Help "Mr. Heartguzzeler?" Tricia poked her head...

2 years ago
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Living the Fantacy on Nude Beach

Zelda is my wife of 20 years now and we have had an active and adventurous sex life. She is voluptuous and really hot in bed. You must see her very tight pussy when its shaven and those really large 38DD tits, wow she is great in bed. On a hot Natal day, we decide to head down to Umhlanga's nude beach. We have never been there and thing it would be fun to see who frequents the place. We arrive and the beach is active with all sorts of people, there are the older nudists taking in some sun and...

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The Rise and Fall of Marcy DentonChapter 9

Marcy had been afraid that Lamar would punish her for her distortion of his wishes at the reunion, but by the following Tuesday he was smiling and obviously pleased that, at the very least, Marcy was being praised by those who had partaken of her, with terms like "vixen" and "wildcat" being bandied about. "One hundred and thirty-two! Damn, bitch, that must be some kind of record! Who woulda ever thought a White chick could fuck that many Black men in one evening!" He looked into her...

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An Encounter at the Ticket Counter

Inspired by ‘A Small Case of Overkill’ by Sara H * Katrina stood behind the ticket counter, tired from a long day of work, counting down the minutes until her weekend began. She idly typed in a few keystrokes to prepare for the next customer, and looked up at the line of people snaking their way toward the clerks. That’s when Katrina saw her. Standing in line, behind a couple of other customers was a blonde bimbo dressed in an outfit so skanky, Katrina thought, it would make a Brazilian...

1 year ago
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Mom Dad Sex Ed

Note : This story is completely fictional! First, let me say that my parents were always VERY straight-laced while I was growing up. I never saw either of them nude; no sexual content was allowed in the home, either in print or on TV; even talks concerning sex (you know, the birds and the bees talk) were very clinical in nature. That is, until my 18th birthday. dad (44) were in bed one evening, and called me into their room. This was not unusual, as they often had instructions about the chores...

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Lauras Story an Interracial Lesbian RomanceChapter 285

Deshona called while Sara was staying over. Fortunately, Sara was asleep in Laura's bed. She did not wake up when the phone rang since Laura usually kept the ringer turned off on her bedroom phone. She and Sara had been soul-fucking for about two hours, and both were satiated and exhausted. Laura had been watching her sleep when the phone rang in the living room. Watching Sara sleep was an ethereal pleasure for her. Sometimes she would lie beside her, head propped up by her crooked elbow...

2 years ago
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Lost Tribe

As I sat at my desk I was literally counting down the hours. It was only two more hours till the end of the day and the start of my vacation. A well-deserved vacation I might add. I had been working long hours for months now without a day off in my new job. Don’t get me wrong, I enjoyed the work. It was very gratifying and the boss appreciated my efforts. I just needed a vacation and bad. Since getting a divorce several months back, I have had newfound freedom to do things I had always wanted...

3 years ago
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Holiday Hump

Sometimes experiences happen in the most surprising ways and a young married hottie certainly surprised me by taking advantage of my sleeping erection. It all came about when a friends married daughter living overseas needed someone to look after her dog while she and her hubby along with their 2 kids went for a 2 week holiday. It just so happened that I had some holidays due but a lack of money to go anywhere too far, they offered me the use of their car and home and also the plane...

4 years ago
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Harlot SeedChapter 15

She ate ravenously at lunch, putting away a platter of fries and a steak so thick, devouring a salad and three bottles of beer. Regina still felt a shade hungry when she stopped, but she also felt a little guilty, and smiled over at Dale across the table. "All that sex makes me starved," she said. "I have to build up my strength if we're going to keep it up." Her son reached for her hand. "That we are, Mom. Just like Carey and his mother, I'll bet. There hasn't been a peep out of...

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Zoe Trilogy 3 After Zoe

"Grant ... what are you doing?" came the shout from behind me. "Stop ... stop!!!" followed quickly. I was too far gone to stop. I was balls deep inside Zoe with my cock pumping its precious load of hot cream into Zoe's exploding teenage pussy. We were in the midst of some sensational "break-up" sex, and nothing else mattered. Not even the hysterical screams of my mother from the doorway to my room. That was the reason why I was banished to stay with my aunt Beth for the summer...

1 year ago
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Grappling With SurvivalChapter 9 Stupid Ideas Justified

"We have new information on the plagues that constitute The Great Death that everyone listening should be aware of. It may not help you avoid it, but at least it will give everyone a common frame of reference. There appear to be at least five different component plagues of the Great Death. We've decided to name them in reference to specific figures, not because of any specific reason, but just because we needed some terms we could easily use. Normally one uses Latin names, but never having...

2 years ago
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The Hypnotic Adventures of BeautyChapter 4 Happily Ever

My name is David Rothman, and this is a story about the three most impressive women I've ever met. Now, one of those ladies I already knew. Wanda Perkins, a fellow grad student at Berkley. Sharp, pretty, witty, and a total bitch. Well ... she could be, when she wanted to. I had pursued her during the past two years ... and I'd even gotten her to go out with me once. We both had a really good time; but when I had tried to kiss her goodnight, she turned me down flat; and she'd refused to...

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Mother Love

My mother and I share a special relationship that is of husband and wife. Her name is Sarita and is about 50 years of age though very good looking even at this stage in life. She is a bit fat but very fair with long hair and looks like the typical Indian housewife. I am her only child. My father is posted out of town so we stay alone in our house. I was sure that she always felt lonely and needed company, but I never expressed any desire to her being a bit scared. I never knew we would go this...

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Nayi shadishuda padosan ki chudai

Hi guys and gals aaj main aap logon ko apna 1 real exp. Batane jaa raha hoon jo mere saath 2 mahine pehle mumbai mein hua a handsome male of 24 aur body bhi kaafi acchi hai..height 5’11” lund ka size 8 story thodi lambi zaroor hai par aapki choot aur lund gile zaroor ho jaayenge. Main us time akele rent par rehta tha aur mere aas pass koi neighbour nahi aaya tha. Fir kuch time baad 1 newly married couple mere pass wale ghar mein rehne k liye aaye mera work schedule itna hectic...

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The Wifes DareChapter 8

In May we both graduated and settled into married life. My parents told us to build a moderate size house on part of the ranch that I had always admired, sited on a hill overlooking the river below, stating when the time came for us to start having children we could move into the "Big House" the very large family ranch house, and they would move into this one or use it as a guest house. The site was on the opposite side of the ranch so we had plenty of privacy. We also had constructed a...

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Tim the Teenage Part XXXII

Tim, the Teenage Part Thirty-Two By: Rass Senip +++ Chapter VIII: 9th Grade, Summer 1986 - After Summer Camp Part 3 - Who's The Master In This House? (mc, mf) "Tim, you never did say why you were coming with us," Penny said as she got comfortable against Michael's chest. We were riding in the limo with the permanent bed. I had planned to use it for sleep if not sex. Penny was a little mad at me for insisting I ride along with her. She thought I wanted some gratitude from her in...

4 years ago
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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 61 Mansion Plan

Friday, April 15, 2005 (Continued) I'd taken the sobbing Carol up to 'our' room. She needed lots of reassurance and I had plenty for her. As much as she wanted. She blamed herself because she'd started it by letting slip the "lots more girls" comment and had then twisted Mom's tail about it. "Mom and Dad would've known all about it in a couple of weeks anyway. We were intending to get lots of girls into my life, so they'd be calling home, coming to it, and I might even be...

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Syls First Boy Love

Hi, I'm Sylvia, but my friends call me Syl. The summer before my senior year in high school, I was seventeen and already had my driver's license, but no car of my own. I had just gotten my first real job, working part-time in the snack shop of the summer swim club where my family belonged. The swim club was at the edge of the sub-division where we lived. I usually walked there and back, about fifteen minutes each way. There was a guy named Rick who worked there, as a lifeguard and swimming...

First Time
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Megan Enraged Book 2 of Wizard a Love StoryChapter 18 Remembering A Friend

Their group arrived in Longview, Washington on May 14th, 1980 in the early evening. They were greeted at the hotel by John's father. "It's good to see you, son," Victor Plamondon said as he embraced John. "It's good to see you too, Dad," John said with more feeling that was normal for him as he hugged his father back. John had been trying to emulate Udit's stoic persona. Sean had kidded him about it on several occasions. "You would get more mileage out of that look, if your face...

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Presdoh The Wolf and The Crane

Author's Note Welcome to my second story about Charles (Charlene) Stewart. If you haven't read the first, you probably should since it has the basic details of how Charles got into his current fix. In a nutshell, however, young Charles is a witch from a long line of witches. Not evil witches, but generally good people who are attuned to the natural forces represented by Gaea. In the first story, The Ant and the Chrysalis, Charles bungled a shape-changing spell that left him stuck as a...

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A Nice Tight Taboo Ass His Birthday Present pt1

Ah,The Obligatory Office Birthday Party. What a way to fuck-up a perfectly good day! Every Employee's Birthday We go through the same old shit. We are forced to endure the speaches peppered with stale jokes,lousy pot-luck food and even lamer gag gifts. We are trapped like livestock,in an overcrowded,overly warm Staff room filled with virtual strangers and the reek of clashing perfumes,colonges and bad breath!It's Public humiliation at it's finest! Is it not?! But,there is One good thing that...

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Eye for an Eye Ch 1

This was a story that I got inspiration for as of recent. Let me know how you all like it. This is first real story that I am attempting outside of the ‘Science Fiction’ world that we have going on here at Literotica. I hope that everyone likes it. Comment please! My apologies ahead of time for my writing style… the story is going to start off slow at first, but I love to give a lot of back story on my characters. I am going to take an interesting turn with this. So the next chapter of the...

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Robin and Pat Naked in SchoolChapter 2 Monday After Lunch

Robert - Home Economics I knew that taking this class -- at least as Robert -- would single me out. I had no idea how much when I enrolled in it, or that things would be made worse by being naked this week. At least we do get to wear aprons when we are cooking like we are this week. Mrs. Dewitt asked me if I needed relief and I told her no, not that I would not have had plenty of volunteers since I am one of four guys in this class of twenty students. She then had the rest of the class put...

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The Girl With No NameChapter 18 Lower Danubia

News of the Duchy’s victory in Horkustk Ris did not reach the Kingdom of the Moon immediately. A few survivors from the Kingdom’s rout did manage to sneak past the Grand Duke’s Royal Guards and slip across the border into the Kingdom. However, the Kingdom of the Moon survivors, who could not have numbered more than a few dozen, had no incentive whatsoever to contact the Lord’s advisors with news of the defeat. In the Kingdom of the Moon, the military policy was victory or death. Anyone...

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Lucky Jim 1FirehairChapter 19

A Bold Stroke Feb 19, 1862 It was snowing lightly when we boarded our train for St. Louis. Despite the snow and pre-dawn hour, there were nearly as many people there to see us off as there had been to greet us upon our return four months ago. I couldn’t believe how much we had accomplished in these last four months, especially during the winter. Feb 20 Our arrival near St. Louis went mostly unnoticed, mainly because we had built a spur from the main track to the fort and left the main track...

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Don and Donna

It never would have happened if Sis hadn't taken that job at summer camp. Or if Mom hadn't gone back to our old place for a week. Or maybe I was really ready for this to happen but just didn't know it yet. You see, we were just moving in to our new house. The moving van was in the drieway, a big long wide driveway with a basketball hoop off to one side. Mom had parked our own rental truck out on the street, because it was towing our car and she didn't want to try backing up with that...

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Life in the Harem

Cast: Calista: Lead character Master: Master and owner Sir Jon: Master's longtime friend Lady Martha: Master's first wife Lucinda: a very ambitious slave who takes an interest in Calista Jacinta: Paired off with Calista, she too is a house slave Mildred: Mother hen to the slaves, she is the eldest house slave Jasmine: Arab slave girl who took over for Calista as greeter Clara: den-mother to the harem slaves Petra and Paulina, Roxanne, Quan-Yi, Gretchen and Barbie: harem...

1 year ago
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The Convert

"Well dear", the wife said. "I think it is time I moved to the lounge for we will start to board in fifteen minutes". Her husband finished off his coffee and gave a nod as he got up. "Have a pleasant trip", he said. "If you decided to stay longer just give me a ring with you new flight plans and give my regards to Heather". With that his wife walked towards her flight gate, there was no kissing or hugging, that sort of intimacy hadn't been associated with his marriage for decades. He...

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The Pebble a Sequel

The Pebble - a Sequel By Janet Harris If you remember, I found a magic pebble which enabled my wife Amanda and I to swap bodies when our souls passed through the hole in it. We used it to be each other for several glorious weekends until its power just faded away. We tried all sorts of things to revive it and then gave up and put it away. About six months later, we were making love when Amanda suddenly had a fresh idea. She was on top and, after penetration, as we often...

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Christinas Secret

Too many times tonight guys on separate occasions tried to pick up Christina. But she was not interested she just wanted to drink alone and be with her thoughts of how unhappy she had been. The past few relationships she had did not last or ended in disaster and the last thing she wanted was to be with another guy at least tonight. On the other side of the bar this beautiful blonde who could have stepped off a sun-kissed California beach has been watching Christina and her continued rejections....

2 years ago
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There Can Be Only One Chapter 12

There Can Be Only OneChapter 12 Sunday mornings were always the same. They all went to the eleven o’clock service except for Mr. Gorman who coaches an under s*******n soccer team that play in a Sunday league. He is usually gone by the time we all get up although Mrs. Gorman usually cooks him a big fry up for breakfast. If any of us wanted to have a cooked breakfast we know the rules… let mum know before she started to cook Dad’s Sunday treat. None of us usually take up that offer… Dad shouted...

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Dont Sleep in the Subway Part TwoChapter 10

One of the most annoying things that I remembered of that stay on Staten Island was the hordes of mosquitoes that descended on us at night like we were a late-night snack for them to munch on and suck our blood with the impunity of superior numbers. I must have terminated hundreds, if not thousands, of the insects with a vengeance unmatched since my gory days with General Sherman on his march into Atlanta and across Dixie like the mighty hand of God almighty seeking justice for the brave...

2 years ago
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The Catalyst RebornChapter 37 You Can Never Be Sure

Charlie POV: The talk and subsequent agreement for us to help ‘sexually educate’ Matt and Ralph’s kids led to many discussions. The idea of teaching such nubile, young cuties about loving and sex while arousing on one hand, left us also questioning whether we could be sure just how it would affect them. We DID decide that before we indulged their desires, they were going to get a discussion to let them talk through the possible complications. Those ideas led to the adults of both families...

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Secretly Licking the Receptionist Behind Her Counter and Fisting

The next day, when we were going out to the beach, Giulia was again tending the reception desk. She smiled shyly as she watched us approach her. Martina was wearing a Bikini that looked three sizes too small for her, barely covering her nipples and pelvis, and showing dark pubes all around the sides of her bikini bottom. Over that, just to cover it up slightly, she wore a loose blouse that she knotted under her wide breasts, and some really short jean shorts. I was in my orange and black...

1 year ago
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My Mother chapter 2

part 2 Well in about 1978 after I divorced my daughter's mother. I was without a place to live and had custody of my daughter. My mother said we could stay with her because she was alone and had the room. She had a small two bedroom place. She said we could put my daughter in the one room along with a twin bed for her to sleep in. She gave me her room with the queen bed. Most nights it was the same old thing take care of daughter...

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Johns MemoirsPart 1

I didn't know why I was failing English. In fact, I was getting mostly 80's on everything else except English. Maybe it was because I was paying attention ,listening to what the teacher was talking about. Or maybe it was because I was too busy,thinking of sexual fantasies of my English teacher,Ms.Kori and I fucking. My mom wasn't pleased when she saw that my midterm was a forty-five percent. She screamed at me for what seem like hours, about how I should pay more attention in my school...

3 years ago
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Archies Veronica Gets Her TurnChapter 19

After the four bestial lovers had slumbered for what seemed like hours, they got off the bed and Veronica Lodge escorted the three dogs to the cabin's well-stocked kitchen and tossed them a large T-bone steak as reward. "Damn!" She gasped, looking up at the clock. "It's past 2 AM. I better get home." She couldn't believe that they had been fucking for over three hours, and slept another two. She was still shocked at how all of this had come about. To start off with three gorgeous...

4 years ago
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Doing MandyChapter 13 Getting Some Help

Tom finished fucking Mandy and no sooner had he put his cock back into his boxers that morning than he began to hatch the next sex rendezvous that he would share with his busty blonde sex partner. He went and got a bite of breakfast, giving Mandy a little time to catch her breath after their lusty fuck that morning. About two hours later, Tom went to a phone booth and dialed Mandy's number at her office. The phone rang a couple of times and then he heard Mandy's sexy soft voice...

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