Strangled Co-ed free porn video

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university in California. She was 5'7" tall, with brown
hair and gray eyes. She lived just off campus in
an older complex of townhouse apartments. On this
particular Tuesday; she had attended her normal schedule
of classes followed by a lab. After the lab; she had
met several of her girlfriends at a nearby restaurant/bar
the group hung out at. After some food and chat; Kristin
excused herself from the group to go home and study for
Semester 1 Exams that would be starting tomorrow. She
wanted to do well the next 3 days so she could enjoy
her Christmas break next week with her family in Virginia.
Reaching her door; Kristin unlocked it and went inside. She
placed her bookbag on the chair; removed her literature book
from it and carried the book with her upstairs. Tossing the
book onto her single bed; she removed her black loafers and
nudged them under the bed. Her hands lifted the thin soft
white sweater she was wearing and her fingers unclasped
the latches on her bra. She now removed it leaving the
sweater in place. Feeling the urge to pee; Kristin went
into the bathroom; lifted her short gray and black plaid
skirt; pulled down her red panties and proceeded to drain
her full bladder. That felt so much better! She now
returned to the bedroom and turned on her stereo to a local
rock station. Kristin rolled her sheer black thigh hi
stockings down to just above her knees. Taking her book
in her hands; she crawled stomach first onto the patchwork
quilt that covered her bed and kicked her stocking clad
feet straight up into the air.
As the sound of the rock music filled the room; Kristin was
engrossed in her review of the material. She didn't see her
attacker enter the room with a white nylon cord stretched
between his hands. He pounced upon the unsuspecting
young woman and wound the cord tightly around her throat.
Kristin fought with all her might as the cord cut into her
lovely throat. She tried to free herself but her attacker
was just too strong. Her lungs burned as she tried to breathe
but couldn't get any air. Kristin thought, "this can't be
happening to me". Her head was throbbing and an eerie
dizziness set in. She began to weaken and her fighting
subsided. The attacker kept the cord tight around her throat
as the young woman lost consciousness. Once she was still;
he removed the cord from her throat and stood beside her
her. Grasping her left pony tail and left thigh; he
rolled her over and checked for a pulse. Finding a pulse;
he also observed her chest rising and falling. She was
still alive! Good!
Taking the cord he had choked her with; the attacker
tied Kristin's right hand securely around the wrist to
the left headboard post. Removing 3 other cords from
his pockets; he tied her other wrist to the right
headboard post and her ankles to the footboard posts.
Straddling Kristin's unconscious body; he lifted her
sweater to reveal her firm young tits. Grasping both nipples
between his fingers; he pulled them upward until the
breasts were stretched tight against Kristin's weight.
Letting the nipples loose; he slid down until he
was between her legs. Pulling a short pointed knife
from his belt; he lifted Kristin's plaid skirt and
stared momentarily at her red bikini panties before
cutting each leg opening and pulling the garment off.
The attacker pressed the crotch to his nose and inhaled
deeply before tossing them aside and staring at the
exposed crotch of his victim. Her young pussy was bald.
With her shapely legs spread; he could see the pink folds
of her womanhood and could feel the warmness of it
as he touched it.
Unsnapping and unzipping his black jeans; the attacker
pulled them and his undershorts down. His long hard dick
now unleashed; he positioned himself above Kristin's
delicious young cunt and thrust himself inside. Kristin's
pussy was tight and dry and it was somewhat uncomfort-
able to him at first. Although she was not a virgin; she had
only had intercourse on two other occasions in her young
life. Kristin's attacker began to pump her helpless
pussy. He began to pound her luscious hole harder with
each downward stroke. He could feel his excitement building
as he raped the unconscious coed. But suddenly; Kristin
began to awaken. Her left leg jerked and then she opened
her eyes. Kristin was staring into the face of her attacker
and immediately recognized him as Ted Buranski; the bartender
at the restaurant/bar she frequented with her friends.
He had asked her for a date several times but she had refused
because there was something strange about him.
Kristin felt the tearing pain as he continued to pound her
pussy. Her mouth opened to scream but all she could utter
was a gurgling gravely noise. The strangulation had taken
care of that. Kristin realized she was bound and that her
struggling was of no use. She turned her head to the side
and tried to convince herself that it would be over soon.
Seeing his helpless victim awake seemed to spur Ted on
even more. Realizing he was close to orgasm; he slowed
his strokes slightly for a few moments to prolong his
pleasure. Knowing the moment had arrived; he thrust
deeply into Kristin and shot his hot sticky load into
her aching pussy. Wave after wave shot into her. She
lay there thinking " I hope he doesn't get me pregnant".
But pregnancy was the least of her worries. Ted removed
his long hard dick from Kristin's throbbing pussy.
He slid up on to her chest. She turned her head to
look just as Ted positioned his dick, covered with
his cum and Kristin's blood, directly in front of
her mouth. His right hand produced a knife and he told
her to "suck it and I don't want to feel any teeth."
Kristin had no choice but to comply and began to suck
the disgusting organ; almost choking on it as Ted
rocked back and forth with pleasure.
Ted abruptly removed his dick from Kristin's mouth
and got up off the bed. He walked to the bathroom
and Kristin could hear him peeing in the commode.
To her disgust and horror; he now returned to the
bedroom stroking his big dick with his right hand.
He crawled back between her legs and thrust his
hard rod into Kristin's pussy again. As he pumped
the helpless young woman; his hands encircled
her throat. Kristin struggled to breathe and to
free herself but it was not to be. She was weakening
rapidly; her face was turning deep purple again
and more blood vessels in her once lovely gray
eyes began to burst. Kristin's last thoughts were
of her family in Virginia as her body died and her
eyes became fixed in a death stare. Ted continued
to press his fingers around her throat until
several minutes later; he shot his load into
Kristin's well used but now dead pussy.
Withdrawing himself from her once more; he untied
her arms and legs from the bedposts. Grabbing
the corpse by her left ponytail and left thigh;
Ted flipped her over onto her stomach so that her
virgin asshole was in view. The crack of Kristin's
shapely ass was sticky with his cum that has leaked
from her pussy. He lubricated his right forefinger
and thrust it inside to try to loosen her up.
Withdrawing his finger; Ted retrieved the bed
pillow from the floor and a cushion from a nearby
chair. He positioned Kristin's corpse on top of
the pillows so that her lovely ass was elevated.
Kristin's body didn't feel any pain as he crawled up
behind her and thrust his fully erect organ through
her virgin asshole into her rectum and began to stroke
it in and out. Ted pounded his rod up her ass until
he came and then crawled off. He rolled the corpse
off the pillows and onto to her back and stood and
stared at his handiwork. A truly lovely young woman
indeed! That would teach her not to refuse Ted
Suddenly Ted was jolted back to reality by the ringing
of the telephone on the nightstand beside the bed.
On the other end of the line was Kristin's father
in Virginia. She was his only daughter and he adored
her and was looking forward to having her home for
Christmas break. Little did he know that Kristin
would be coming home in a coffin. After a dozen rings;
he decided she was probably with one of her friends
and hung up the phone. He would try again tomorrow.
Ted decided he better get out of here. He went
downstairs to the back door; slowly opened it and
looked to see if he could see any one watching.
Observing no movement; he quickly slipped into the
nearby woods and back to his place. Kristin was
his first victim but she would not be his last.
Meanwhile; Kristin's lovely young corpse lay cooling
and stiffening on her bed.
The next morning; Kristin's friend Danielle came by
at 8:30AM to walk to exams with her. She couldn't
understand where Kristin was. Repeated ringing of
the bell and knocking did not get Kristin to the
door. Her car was parked in front so where could
she be. Thinking Kristin might be ill or injured;
she got the apartment complex manager to open the
door and they went in. Calling Kristin's name as
they went through the downstairs; they received
no response. They went up the stairs to check
the bedroom and bathroom. Imagine their horror
as they entered the room and saw Kristin's almost
nude corpse with thighs wide apart on the bed.
Danielle began screaming and then fainted. The
apartment manager broke her fall as she went to the
floor. He then immediately dialed 911 before
carrying Danielle downstairs and placing her on
the couch.
It was only a matter of minutes before the first
police arrived. He briefly talked with the manager
and then went upstairs to check the crimescene.
Shortly thereafter the place was abuzz with police
and medical personnel. The coroner arrived and
was escorted upstairs. He began his preliminary
examination of the victim. During the examination;
he rolled Kristin's corpse over; his gloved hands
inserting the probe
of the digital thermometer into her side to get her liver
Temperature. Recording the temperature; he turned Kristin
over onto her back
again. There was no doubt as to the cause of death;
strangulation. Also it was obvious that she had
been sexually assaulted. Lots of dried semen on her
crotch and thighs. Kristin's body was now placed
in a black body bag and transported to the morgue.
Her autopsy would be performed early the next
Meanwhile; detectives were interviewing the
apartment manager and a revived but distraught
Danielle. Later that night; Kristin's parents
were notified that their daughter was dead.
Shocked and grieving they made arrangements to
fly to California.
Upon arrival at the morgue; Kristin's body
bagged corpse was placed in one of the drawers.
Early the next morning; she was removed from
the drawer and the bag and placed on a steel
examination table. The coroner removed
the white sweater that Ted had left pushed up
above her breasts; the short skirt that was
bunched up around her waist and rolled her
nylons down and off her feet. The coroner
was alerted that Kristin's parents had arrived;
so he covered the naked corpse with a sheet
up to and covering her breasts. Her arms were
placed on top of the sheet and another short
sheet was placed over her head and upper body.
Now her parents were called in to make the official ID.
Fighting back tears; her parents walked up beside
the corpse. Lifting the sheet; the coroner exposed
their daughter's cold pale bluish-purple neck and
face to their view. Kristin's father barely retained his
composure but her mother immediately became nauseous
and had to be helped out of the room.
Once the parents were gone; the coroner uncovered
the corpse again. Samples were taken of the sticky
contents of mouth, vagina and rectum as well as the
dried fluids on the other parts of the corpse. The Y-
incision was made and Kristin's internal organs
were examined. Kristin's scalp was prepared and the
saw was brought out to remove the skullcap for an
examination of the brain. Once the coroner was finished;
the skullcap was replaced and the scalp was sutured
back in place. The Y-incision was sewn up and Kristin's
corpse was released to a local funeral home to be
prepared before it was flown home to Virginia for
a funeral and burial.
Kaufman's Funeral Home was owned by George Kaufman .
He and his son Ron were the morticians/embalmers.
George was recovering from heart surgery and still was
not back at work. Ron transported Kristin's corpse
from the morgue and placed her on the slab. Ron had
always been turned on at the sight of pretty dead women
and his father had no trouble talking him into entering
the business. This one was very pretty even with the
sewn up Y-incision. Ron felt his penis stiffen as he
bent over and kissed Kristin's pale cold slightly parted
lips. His gloved fingers caressed the nipples of her
breasts and then he placed both hands on the breasts and
squeezed them gently. Sliding his hands down to her bald
pubic mound; he gently spread her shapely thighs apart
and caressed the lips of her cold dead pussy with his gloved
fingers. One of his fingers slowly parted the inner lips
and slid inside. Ron's erection had turned into a raging
hard-on and pre-cum was leaking from the tip. He pumped
Kristin's dead cunt with his finger as his other hand
rubbed her shapely thighs. Removing his finger; he dropped
his pants and shorts; pulled out some lube jelly and
coated his penis with a glob before also lubing Kristin's
gaping hole. Ron crawled up on the young coed and
positioned his dick just touching the inner lips.
He slowly entered the young woman's corpse until he
was fully inserted and began to slowly but gently stroke
in and out. His hands savored Kristin's body as if she
was alive. In Ron's excited state it did not take long
for his climax to occur. Wave after wave of his hot sticky
cum shot deep into Kristin's young dead pussy as his body
shuddered with pleasure.
Some time later; with his desire and lust now satisfied;
Ron climbed down from the luscious corpse and proceeded
to wash away the evidence of his act. He proceeded to
arterially embalm the body and placed the fillers in the
throat and nose. The eyeballs were removed and replaced
and the eyelids and mouth sealed. Venting/draining tubes were
inserted up the young woman's vagina and rectum and the
ends were plugged. Kristin's corpse was dressed in a
black lace bra and matching french cut panties. A pair
of sheer black lace top thigh hi stockings were rolled
up her shapely legs and into place and black high heels
placed on her feet. Her favorite dark blue mini-dress
was positioned and zipped into place. Ron now carried
Kristin's corpse to the silver coffin her parents had
picked out and placed her inside. Using a photograph
they had provided; he styled her hair and applied
makeup and lipstick and jewelry. Stepping back to
look at his work; she looked really beautiful.
Kristin's parents were called to view their daughter
and gave their approval of Ron's work. She looked
like she was sleeping. Ron had done excellent work.
Kristin's coffin was transported to the airport and
placed in the cargo hold of the plane her parents
were returning to Virginia on. Kristin was going
home to her family for Christmas although not in the
way she had wanted or imagined. The Matthews family
Christmas this year would be a very somber occasion.
As the plane carrying Kristin's parents and her
corpse lifted off the runway; Ted Buranski already
had his lustful eyes on another coed. Time would
only tell if her fate would be the same as Kristin's.


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Yes Massa

Yes Massa.I was tired when I made my way back to our little shack, just past dusk. It had been a very hot day and I had been on duty fanning Mistress Elizabeth and Her guest on the veranda all afternoon. I’d heard talk that there was a new kind of fan, much lighter than the heavy one I had to use but Mistress wasn’t going to pay out for something that didn’t effect Her.I was sad that I was just a slave; something inside me felt it wasn’t right. But what could I do? I was just a nigger on Massa...

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My first older lady

I was 20 y.o when I meet my friends coworker she was a 63 y.o lady she was 5'4 nice thick bbw she had nice DDD breasts big hips so me and a couple of friends picked her up so we can go to nice club close to my house we a some drinks and we started talking I don't know how but we ended up talking about our sex life she was telling me that she had 2 years with no sex so I asked her what kind of guys she like she said that she was married to some one her age for 30 years and she had never had an...

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10 cocks one night

So I consider myself straight, I don't find men attractive but every few months I get a massive urge to suck dick so I'll go months without even thinking about men or cocks then all of a sudden I can't think of anything else, it had been a whilst since I had last sucked dick and I was getting more and more in the mood for it. My wife revealed that she was away in Spain for a week with work in a couple weeks time so I saw the opportunity I wanted to be horny as hell so for the next two weeks I...

2 years ago
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Eat Me Out

Girls! Be careful what to say in front of your boyfriends/ spouses. Take me as an example; I was talking yesterday morning with my boyfriend after a really nice lovemaking, my tongue slipped out that I had a new fantasy. I want to be tied and eaten out till I cannot take it anymore. "Your wishes are my commands" he -Ricky my boyfriend- replied, of course I giggled and laughed at him being my innocent self. It turns out afterwards he wasn't kidding. A week later he told me to get off early...

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JordanChapter 8

Trish and I had discussed how to let the school know of the temporary arrangements. Finally we decided the best way was for me to take Jordan to school together with a letter from Trish and her 'in loco-parentis' document. After breakfast Monday morning, Jordan got her school stuff together and off we went. While I was generally familiar with the location of the school, I had to have Jordan give me some directions. When we got to the school, Jordan and I went to the office and asked to...

2 years ago
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Helping One Another For Bed

Hi to all. this is my first story in the site and also my first experience too. any girl or bhabi who want some fun time with me can mail me at and after you read about the incident of my life please sand me feedback at the above mentioned website.. To introduce myself , I am a resident of agra and works in a reputed school as an English teacher. people say i am a virtuous boy. i am 26, 5.10 in height and slim built. till this incident that i am narrating i had no affairs….neither platonic nor...

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RD and Mons Rape

I am a male I am now 31 years old. The following story takes place when I was between 18 and 20 about my sexual experiences. Although I am very bi-sexual, I am also married to a bi-sexual female who is well aware of my past. My name is Rudy, my last name begins with the letter D, and therefore, my nickname is RD, which everyone including family refers to me as. A little history about my background. My mom’s name is Toni who is 39, a cool mother, and a knockout for her age. She is 5’ 4”,...

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Fun on a sunny day

I started writing this in the Forum section and then realized it was going to be to long. I’ve had sex a few time outside and have always loved it. One of my favorite happened a couple of years ago and I thought you may enjoy. It was the middle of the week and my husband was not traveling so we were having a good time just hanging out together. My husband decided he wanted to go visit this lake park/area about 40 minutes away. I really wasn’t interested but agreed to go. He smiled and asked me...

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A Sensuous Story

I pulled up to your house, noticing that it was dimly lit. As I approached the porch, I noticed the light from one candle being lit, coming through the big living room window. It was just letting off enough light that I could see your shadow sitting in a chair in the middle of the living room. I started to knock, but the door seemed to open by itself. I stepped in to the entryway, watching you turn your head just slightly to acknowledge my entrance. I stood at the door, scoping out your...

3 years ago
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Real life Masturbation Story at Doctor

Every year I go to a dermatologist to get screened for skin ca. My doc is a japanese woman in her early 30s. When I get there an asst or nurse who looks to be in her 20s shows me to the room and tells me to take off everything except my boxer shorts. So I do and I sit there and wait for the doc to come in. The excitement of being in just my boxers in front of the doc and asst is pretty intense my heart races. I usually like to fluff my cock up a little so I quickly rub it to make it grow a...

2 years ago
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kate 9

We sat at the table eating I felt so awkward sitting naked in front of her,So what would you like to do tonight she asked,I thought you was dressing me up I said?Oh yea that's going to happen she said but that will only take half hour and its only 7 o'clock but what do you want to doI want to lick and shag you I said!Oh so romantic she laughed, stand up she said I stood up , come closer she said , My cock was level with her chin, she stared at it, turn round she said and bend over , I...

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A Few Days Away

A few days away, she had said. Get away from it all, she said. A little holiday away from the stress and pressure, forget about lads for a while. That was the plan anyway, but here she is now flirting wildly with the first boy who shows her a scrap of attention. Gabby has always been the same, unable to resist even the shallowest of chat up lines, falling every time. I stand there like a complete fool as she laughs at his lame jokes and touches his arm as they talk. I know where this is...

2 years ago
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Making Change

Making Change By The Tar Baby *** OK to be freely distributed, just try not to make any money off of it, and make sure you credit the author! *** The elevator doors closed on John, the young executive, as he headed up towards work. Suddenly, his 6'1" frame began to shrink. His feet became smaller as nail polish appeared on his toes. The black penny loafers he had been wearing grew slender heels as the tips became more pointed to conform to his now diminutive feet. The heels...

1 year ago
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AllGirlMassage India Summer Jaye Summers The Sore Cyclist

Jaye Summers walks into the massage parlor in pain. India Summer greets her and asks her how she may be of service. Jaye tells her that her ass is really sore from spending so much time on her bike and as she was biking past she saw the sign for the parlor and wondered if she could get a massage without any appointment. India tells her that she just got a cancellation and that she’ll be able to personally service her immediately. Jaye is thrilled. India asks Jaye to follow her to the...

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The Anniversary Party Ch 1

The Story is written by lohengren99 at literotica.comMy mom had sounded very disappointed when I told her I wouldn't be able to make it to their home for their 30th wedding anniversary."But, Richard, your brother can't be there either.""Sorry, mom, but I can't get out of the trip I've got scheduled. And I'm not responsible for Ross's life. What about Marie? Will she be there?""I haven't talked to your sister yet so I'm not sure" I could hear the hurt in her voice and it was hard to keep the...

1 year ago
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Losing virginity to my boss

I spend most of my time at home watching tv or paying games on my xbox. I was scolded alot by my family to go get a part time job but i never could. One day my elder brother got into an accident and broke his arm. He worked at a coffee shop which was owned by our landlord, Joe. Now after my brother got into the accident i was asked to work there until he was well. I never liked our landlord, he always looked at me very perversely, in short he made me really uncomfortable. A few days working...

2 years ago
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Breaking News My Mother is Fucking her First Cli

This is not a story.I woke up to the sounds of my mother fucking one of her clients. Since we share a wall in this 2 bedroom apartment in LA, every grunt, every groan and every thrust is audible, so much so that I can even hear the man breathing and cursing as he plows mom's soft, juice and shaved cunt. How do I know what my mother's cunt looks like, you ask.Since she has been a prostitute for over 20 years, my mother seldom wears clothes at home. She usually fucks her johns and walks out naked...

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Elizabeths Story Chapter 6 How Far Should We Go

After a very, very exciting weekend of sexual discovery and inappropriate behavior, Gary and I started to settle into a routine of mutual masturbation, humping and oral sex. We were both in a constant state of arousal, hormones surging through our young bodies. We were behaving like the sex crazed teenagers that we were.Mom did not seem to detect any change in our behavior; at least she did not demonstrate any suspicion towards either Gary or me. Mom stayed with her routine of drinking herself...

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Her father saw her naked

on the couch. She fell asleep naked and the fun part is that her father really saw her naked in situation like this. But the rest is fiction (how I would have wanted to happen). Her father DID come for visit and I really was in the bathroom while he went to the living room where Mina was sleeping naked and uncovered. So we had sex on the couch in living room and right after that she fell asleep. I was awake, watching TV and we were both naked under the blanket. I had to go to the...

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I love my best friend

Introduction: sorry its really short please ignor typos Im on my phone!!!! I had liked my friend tiana since we were 14, we always hung out and she was the only person who understood me. Soon, whenever I masturbated I would think of her. She has huge tits and a nice figure I always imagined fucking her. one day when we were 16, I couldnt take it any longer!!! She came to my house and nobody was home. I took my chance. we went up to my room and as soon as we got there I tackled her onto my bed....

4 years ago
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Another time with her

After having been with her my sex life felt a little lackluster so I tried to spice it up myself. Anal was out of the question with my wife and even getting head was a mission. I fantasized often about sucking her dick, the texture and taste and the feeling of when she exploded in my mouth, I loved it so much I started trying to replicate it. I was blessed with good flexibility and one day alone at home I started trying to cum in my own mouth. I’d seen it on some forums and sites and knew if I...

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Fun on the River

?Fun on the River? PrologueThe Right Hon Mrs Grace de Vere Cobblehaugh sighed deeply.  Mrs Cobblehaugh (pronounced ?cobbler?) was not happy.  Yet why should this be?  The heiress to the vast de Vere estate had every right to be content with her lot.  After all, she was a beautiful, intelligent woman with a handsome, dashing husband.   It was a glorious summer day in 1895, and the lawn outside her holiday cottage stretched down to a pretty little river.   She was wealthy; she was healthy; she...

2 years ago
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You have to love a colonoscopy

YOU NEVER KNOWSo a week ago I had a colonoscopy no big thing most older people have had them. But what happen afterwards blew me away and made me have to tell the story. I love anal and having anything up my ass so I was kind of looking forward to it. I always have some discharge from this so I was worried that it may happen in front of the nurses. They told me that they give you a little sedative to relax you so I felt like maybe that would help.let me go back 25 years for a minute. I meet my...

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Crossdressing Domina gets a new slave

I have been a crossdressing Mistress for several years now. I have a petite body and always looked good in a dress. I take on many slaves but my favorites are other men who look great in dress. This is a story about my favorite slave I have ever trained.I had been anticipating the arrival of my new toy all week, and he was moments away. My new slave, eager to be trained under my heels. The first time I saw him I had brief fantasies of my hands and mouth exploring every inch of his petite and...

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Nurse Lexi Gives In1

Let’s start with the basics. My name is Lexi and I’m 26 years old. I have medium brown hair with its own natural wave, my eyes are bright green with eyelashes so long and thick I never need makeup, and I’m 5’8” tall. I’m may not be the skinniest, prettiest girl in the whole world, but I get by and I like the way I look. My breasts are a 36 D, and my ass is a perfect heart shape. Guys seem to like my looks pretty well too. But most of the time, they just stare at my tits. I’ve been...

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BlacksOnBlondes Brandi Love 08162022

When Isiah’s wife comes home at 4 am he knows exactly where she was. She must have been at one of the swinger parties that his new neighbor the hot older blonde Brandi Love has been throwing. Damnit – Isiah is on the board of the HOA and is the president of the Neighborhood Morality council. He does not need this house of hedonism in his hood. Especially when his wife is up there getting dicked down. Time to put an end to this bullshit. Brandi is used to dealing with these upset...

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Mark Smythe Esquire Naked in SchoolChapter 20

“I do wonder, though, if you’ve factored in the issue of whether or not people will still get injured, not to mention the major potential problem with people not aging as Companions after fourteen. Wouldn’t they get frozen in permanent adolescence, then? Even the most mature fourteen year old would have limitations, wouldn’t they?” I observed as Evelyn and Chloe groped me back while drying me off in the shower. “Well, I merely stipulated what they would specialize in, but, yes, you have a...

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Bromfields Temptations Ch 11

Synopsis: Jim has been forced to push Bette into prostitution. She goes reluctantly, but quickly discovers there’s real money in sex. She’s just made her first really big score, and has brought another prostitute home with her — who turns out to be Louise! Working Girls I whirled. It was Louise! I saw at once that she had changed. She was heavier, had another line or two in her face, and she sported one hell of a black eye. But the real change was in her eyes and the shape of her mouth. ...

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Holiday with my mum

I was on holiday with my mum. We were staying in a hotel in Crete and mid way through the week I couldn't help but keep peeking at mum in her bikini. For her age at 34 she was a fairly attractive women. Shes about 5ft 6, brown hair, brown eyes, size 12 with a 38D bust. We were mid way through the week and had got ourselves into a little routine, we'd go down to the pool, have lunch, sunbathe more and then go for dinner in the evening. It was nice just me and mum. I liked that as I could look at...

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Sharing Claire The Agony The Ecstasy Part 15

I stood in the departure area watching Neil’s back walking away from me, and I felt a deep pang of regret and loss. We’d spent most of Sunday and Monday together, just the two of us, but now this time together seemed all too short. Even as the pain of loss and separation spread throughout my body, I sighed as I thought about the dilemma that had caused our separation. I’ve always been a curious mix of stubborn and caring, and the challenge to make things right with the school had been something...

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