Breaking Point Chapters 36-40 free porn video

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36. A Woman Scorned? One man scorned and covered with scars still strove with his last ounce of courage to reach the unreachable stars; and the world will be better for this. Miguel de Cervantes ***** Using the birthday party as a deadline, Reeves contacted Rodriguez to try and push the negotiations along. He also had LaRue's new information as a carrot to dangle in front of the security Colonel. A meeting was agreed, but for the day after the party, which worried him slightly, since he knew the German firm were planning to visit the refinery the day before the party. He was expecting the President to make a birthday announcement about the refinery, which was why he wasn't happy. Rodriguez would have met earlier, but Marco hamstrung him by insisting that he wait for 48 hours after the Germans look round. His argument that it was a British built refinery fell on deaf ears, or at least ears that were not listening... ***** Rachel and Katie had continued with their self-defence training and strengthening exercises. Rachel also noticed that her figure was improving too, with her breasts now definitely C-cup and her waist now becoming narrower. Admittedly, they had been using a simplistic corset, but even so, she didn't wear it doing her exercises, or the training, so there had to be something else aiding the reduction, the diet and exercises seemed the most likely. Katie was also doing more exercises aimed at giving them a better figure. Knowing what was expected of them made Rachel's performance as Alfreida easier to accomplish. The slight accent, occasional dropping into German where her English vocabulary was known to be faulty. The friendship between Alfreida and Katie blossomed much as it had between the originals, although Rachel was disappointed that there were several aspects of Katie's life and personality that could not be programmed into Alvarez, aspects that would have made her a positive asset to Rachel, not least because they could have worked together to keep her whole. Now that they were back in the Capital, Rodriguez and Ortega were seen to visit the bunker more frequently, even if they didn't associate with the women as often or as closely as they had. Constantine was the main go-between, that was when Heinmann wasn't in the bunker, re-making acquaintance with the two women in his life. He probed and queried the memories of both women, making sure that they were taking in most of the tape playback each night. They enjoyed many feminine activities and were even let loose in the kitchens to make some food for themselves. The second week, Heinmann required that, after their exercises, they should practice dancing, and found a couple of soldiers who danced to act as partners for them. Mostly the obvious Latin American dances, but they also practiced the Waltz, Foxtrot and Quickstep and also the Jive and Twist. Rachel, who had liked to dance as Ray, was very happy to learn, or rather relearn how to dance, being lead. Katie had memories of dancing, but was obviously out of practice, put down to the long recovery from her 'near-fatal' crash. Heinmann was deliberately not playing any of Alfreida's tapes about how she felt after the death of Katie, or Kath as she called her. Also nothing after arriving at the hotel in Tripoli with Johan just before her untimely death. It was explained that she had fallen ill with some form of encephalitis which had damaged her memory. Great for explaining why she couldn't remember the last five years, and for covering holes in the 'downloaded' memories. Fortunately, they just assumed that she had missed that bit of the tape, so they played it again the next night, allowing Rachel to learn what she had missed. Carmelita, Rosaria and Sophia were often seen, but they only visited them professionally twice in the two weeks between the announcement of the birthday party for the President and the day before the event. They were polite, but it was obvious that Heinmann was holding the two women in Coventry unless it was about their food, their exercise or between themselves. ***** Heinmann himself was busy in his little domain, going through the tapes he had been using on Rachel, setting up the recordings and marking up the sequence for the week. In the small cubicle used tapes were stockpiled in the corner, marked up for content and recipient. He felt secure now, because he had finally managed to use his influence to get Rodriguez to back off. He wasn't worried about upsetting the security commander, he had, after all, been pivotal to his promotion to Lt Colonel, so as far as he was concerned Rodriguez owed him. He had appointments with Johan booked for every day, but his son missed the entire first week of appointments, instead he had been at the British Embassy, trying to talk to Reeves or Martinez. He even tried to find which hotel Martinez was staying in, in the hope of door-stepping him. Quite what he planned to tell him he wasn't sure, he could hardly start the conversation with 'You friend Captain Barker is now my sister', so it was perhaps as well that a security officer caught up with him and advised him that he should stick to talking with his father or, if he wanted to talk to someone else, Colonel Rodriguez or Major Ortega would be prepared to hold long conversations with him, in safe surroundings. Johan got the message and so he returned to his own hotel and, the next day, attended his meeting with his father. ***** Rodriguez was busy looking at what had been found in Barkers car. The transmitter, a UHF device, effectively inert as there was no power supply or aerial attached, however a pre-made rolled up dipole aerial of copper wire was in the glove compartment and, found resting over the transmitter, the components of a dish aerial. The scientific office were looking over the Transmitter to discover what frequencies it could be set to and they were also investigating the bandwidth of the aerial. The routine work also claimed the attention of the Colonel and his deputies. Meaning that they only had short consultations on the activities connected with Heinmann, barker, the Junta threats and the booby-traps on the refinery and elsewhere. Also into the second week, Hernandez met with Rodriguez in a caf? to report on his investigation into the loss of members of the Junta. He now was certain that, although the circumstantial evidence pointed towards Dannilo Marco as the mastermind and all of the evidence pointed at the plot coming from within the Interior Ministry, there was no damning evidence. Hernandez did admit that if the suspect had been a civilian, they would be in custody, but he wasn't prepared to move against the Vice-Admiral, especially with the potential of negotiations with either the British or the Germans over the refinery. They were just finishing their meal when Ortega joined them. He had spent the morning in the bunker, inspecting the Presidential Guard ahead of the party and checking in on the 'guests' as Barker and Alvarez had been designated. "They are doing many exercises now, including self-defence," he told the others. "Not unusual, I would teach my children self-defence if I had any," Rodriguez admitted. "I do," hernandez admitted. "I am worried about the way things are going," Ortega confided. "If Heinmann is sure his personality change has been wrought properly, he will want them associating freely. That could cause problems, because everyone in the wider diplomatic community know that these two women are dead!" "I don't think so," Rodriguez said, trying to calm the conversation. "For one thing Heinmann wouldn't risk someone commenting 'I thought you were dead' to one of the women. I suspect only the intelligence services in NATO know they are dead, and the Libyan authorities in the case of Alfreida." "We know," Ortega commented lightly. "We went out of our way to find out," Rodriguez pointed out. "After we broke Barker and discovered his interest in Alfreida. We wouldn't have known otherwise." His companions nodded in agreement. "So we can't stop them from mixing once Herr Doctor decides to let them out of the bunker. Although I suspect he will still keep them on a short leash. We will have to see if they attend the President' party next week." Hernandez had the responsibility for the party. "Security for that is in process. We will have guards at all the lifts and staircases, on each floor. Snipers on the roof and patrols around the area to look out for any irregularities." "Are we televising the party this year?" Ortega asked. "No, not after the problems last time," hernandez answered. "One less worry then. Well, let's be about our duties friends," Rodriguez announced, signalling to the waiter that they had finished. ***** Reeves had noticed the sudden increase in contact with Johan, but he was not about to lift his embargo on passing information to the young man. Especially since he was now certain that Johan had had contact with Barker. In addition, he was still being pressed for a deal on the refinery. That situation was stagnant at the moment, with Rodriguez unable to make a deal and Sir Frederick preparing for the Birthday Party. He was also insisting that Reeves attend in case a deal could be put together in a room at the party. Reeves hated formal functions, not because he was single, his secretary would always provide a trustworthy and intelligent partner at any formal event, but because of the formality, he had never enjoyed formal events. LaRue and Martinez rarely visited the Embassy now that they were quartered in one of the better hotels in the Capital. But then there was very little for them to add until or unless there was some kind of agreement reached. They certainly couldn't bolster his actions for recovering Barker. He tried not to think of what had happened to his operative, mostly because it gave him a cramping feeling in his groin and a desire to protect everything there. ***** The day of the party Heinmann sent instructions to Carmelita for what should be done for the ladies to prepare them, it included a thorough shower, hair wash, trim and re-style and suitable make-up for the evening event, then assistance with dressing. Everything went very well, and both women were ready to join with their escorts by seven pm, as requested. Rachel chose a French navy blue evening gown with a scalloped d?colletage, a matching handbag and court shoes with 2?" heels. Katie chose a charcoal grey evening dress, shoes and clutch-purse. They stood waiting with Carmelita, who had also been invited. She was wearing a two colour dress of cream and red with a red carnation in her curled hair. Carmelita's escort proved to be Major Ortega, who arrived just as the women were starting to wonder when they were being collected. A few minutes later they heard the sound of Johan and his father, from the tone, they were arguing. They waited for the salon doors to open, but Rachel was listening hard to see if she could hear what was going on. "This is not the time to argue about this Johan, you need to do as I ask." "As you order, this is wrong father, you know it is." "Enough!" Karl Heinmann opened the salon door and walked in, he wore something close to a smile as he looked at the three women and he nodded an acknowledgement of Ortega. That surprised Rachel, since he was usually emotionless. "Escort your sister Johan." Johan looked at his father and shook his head. "It would be better for me to partner Katie." Heinmann controlled his anger and took Rachel's arm, allowing Johan to partner Katie. He led the way to the main lifts, the guards snapping to attention as the party moved through all the checkpoints. Rachel noticed that Heinmann was watching Johan, who kept putting his hand on his coat pocket. Rachel knew there was something up. He looked at her worried look and smiled. "Oh Father I do love you," she said and hugged him tightly slipping her arms around him under his dinner-jacket, as the lift headed upwards. ***** Reeves and Barbara climbed out of the official car and followed Sir Frederick and Lady Hyde -Williams into the ministry. This was one formal occasion that he would rather have passed on, except that it got him closer to where they were holding Barker. ***** A short man, with a black briefcase, entered the apartment building opposite the Ministry, he went up to an apartment on the sixth floor and sat down on the bed, leaving the briefcase on a chair next to the window. The window was slightly open to allow the room to cool down. He just sat there, waiting. ***** 37. Errors and Omissions Erased Without pain, there would be no suffering, without suffering we would never learn from our mistakes. To make it right, pain and suffering is the key to all windows, without it, there is no way of life. Angelina Jolie ***** When they reached the correct floor the lift doors opened and Heinmann indicated the Ortega should leave first. "Major, if you and your partner would like to go ahead I want to talk to my family." "Of course," Ortega took Carmelita off to the right, while they others went left. The Heimann family gathered in the anti-room for Karl Heinmann to try and sort out the poisonous atmosphere between Johan and himself, which was also affecting Alfreida and Katie. He indicated for the ladies to sit down while he went into a corner to have strong words with his son. "What is the matter with you?" he demanded. "This is wrong Father, what you are doing to these women is wrong. You cannot relieve the past like this." "I have proven that your Grandfather's methods work. Given the starting materials, this has proved most successful!" "Father, listen to yourself. Starting materials? They were once both strong, career minded men. Experts in their fields, one of them was actually a friend! Now they are shadows of two dead women." "Do not say things like that." "It's true though Father, isn't it? Katie died in Lebanon, helping people in a disaster area!" His voice then caught as he spoke of his sister. "Alfreida died because she was in the wrong place at the wrong time. I was there, I saw her corpse as Ray Barker pulled me clear of the burning debris. Although he was weak, desperate to escape, he stopped and helped me, and you've done this to him," he flung his arm backward, pointing at Rachel/Alfreida. The women could hear the argument as tones and see the gestures, so they knew that some of the argument was about them, only Rachel heard 'Ray Barker' and the other names, so she pretty much knew what the argument was about. She also knew that it was something that they should stay out of, but Katie was starting to get annoyed, especially after the arm waving. "It is fitting that he replaces Alfreida. It was because of him that she died." "You can't replace her, father, you can't duplicate her personality, her strength of will, her humanity, and you haven't, you've even limited her independence, her ability to defy you. You don't want the Alfreida I loved, you want a puppet Alfreida, a manageable clone." "You dare to challenge me, you ungrateful brat!" heinmann was starting to go red in the face. "How dare you question me!" "Father, you must undo this! You must let go of Alfreida, she's dead and this..." he pointed back at the women again. " not the way to remember her." "Why do you think I insisted that you all record your day to day lives, so that I could reconstruct you if something happened." "All? Including Katie?" "Of course, why do you think she is so real, that and the fact that your Aunt Magda started programming her eighteen months ago." "Aunt Magda?" "The First Lady, your Aunt Magda." "But you said you only had a brother, Marcus, who..." The start of a realisation stopped him mid-sentence. "You were already programming Alvarez eighteen months ago? Why?" "I needed to know if we could Program someone with minimal contact." "Minimal contact?" "Get them to Program themselves. Set up a post-hypnotic suggestion that they take a psychotropic pill as a nightcap and listen to pre-set recording with the new memories on it. Then set up a trigger, in Katie's case seeing Alfreida with blonde hair in a plait." "And Alfreida?" "That doesn't matter, you must stop this Karl Johan Heinmann, this instant." "Won't work father! I wasn't sure until now, but now I know you are an evil, manipulative maniac. You are going to stop this now, and give those women back some semblance of a life of their own, not as puppets on your strings." "They have no personalities, outside of what we have given them, that was the whole point of feminising Ray Barker and then training him as Alfreida. By destroying the original personality, I have been able to replace it with the person I want them to be." "And Alvarez?" "Was suicidal, deeply depressive immediately before triggering, doubting everything about his/her existence." "So you murdered them both to get your own way," Johan stepped back, away from his father and put his hand into his pocket as if to look for something. Heinmann gave a cruel smile as he took a small .25 Berretta from his pocket and pointed it at Johan. "Looking for this, son?" he asked. "You didn't even feel it go, did you?" "Nor you this," Rachel said from the far side of the room, pointing Heinmann's own Luger at him. "Oh Father I do love you," she repeated the simper from the moment she hugged him and relieved him of the gun. "A...Al...Alfreida, what are you doing," heinmann stammered, shock replacing the cruel expression on his face. "Put the gun down, then we can talk sensibly," Rachel said, watching the man closely. "'Frieda, what's going on?" Katie asked. "Small family argument which someone has taken a bit far, put the gun down Karl!" Heinmann moved the gun to cover both Johan and Rachel, but he didn't lower it. Johan, seeing the gun move, made to move a bit closer to his father, in the hope of disarming him. "Back Johan, let's defuse this situation. Karl, I'll put this gun down if you put yours down and kick it towards the door." "What are you doing Alfreida, you must listen to me, listen to what I tell you. Drop the gun!" "Not this time Karl. This isn't IPCRESS. either." The dawning of understanding started to flower across Heinmann's face when Rachel felt a hand grab her right arm. Realising that Katie was responding to the instruction didn't help as her companion in torment turned into a threat to her life. The ensuing struggle for the gun was watched by Heinmann, who took his eyes off Johan for just long enough for Johan to grab a small pool cue and smash the gun out of his father's hand. All movement in the room stopped as the familiar sound of a gunshot echoed around the room then, with a look of shock and surprise, Katie slipped out of the tight embrace to the floor, leaving Rachel holding the smoking gun. Within seconds the door burst open and armed soldiers rushed into the room. Rachel, almost nervelessly, dropped the gun to the floor and looked at the injured woman. Johan kicked the Berretta over to the guards and lowered the cue, letting it also drop to the floor. "Medico!" Rachel shouted at the guards, "r?pidamente" She bent to the injured woman and did a quick examination. The gun had been at waist level, the bullet entering just below the ribs at a slight angle. She couldn't be sure if it had struck the heart or just the liver and lung, there seemed to be no exit wound in her shoulder. "I'm so sorry," she said, tears forming in her eyes, but the woman didn't reply, her eyes rolling in their sockets with the pain. Frothy blood appeared at her mouth. Confirming the lung injury. Rachel turned her so that she lay on the injured side, leaving at least one lung free of blood for her to breathe. Footsteps heralded the arrival of several people, including Dr Sanchez- Montoya. "Quickly, take her to the the bunker," she followed the corpsmen as they carried their charge to the lift. Rachel looked at the blood on her hands and on her dress and looked up as Rodriguez walked into the room. He saw the blood, on the floor and on Rachel, saw the gun and the look of horror on Johan's face, then the look of abject failure on Heinmann's. "Take Dr Heinmann to Headquarters, he is to speak to no-one, not even you. Put him in Interrogation One." "Colonel!" The two selected guards effectively frogmarched Heinmann from the room. "Johan, I think you had better sit here," he then signalled the remaining guards to keep eyes on the young man. Johan nodded and sat on the chair he was near. "You, young lady, need to come with me." Rachel wanted to brush away her tears, but her bloody hands dissuaded her from using them. Rodriguez took her elbow and then led her to the main lifts, before taking her down to the bunker as well. Some five minutes later she was back in the bathroom of her little prison, washing herself and putting the dress into a bath of cold water to soak. The blood hadn't penetrated the material of the dress, so her underwear was spotless. Thankful, she stepped through the bedroom and into the wardrobe room to choose a new outfit. To go with her sombre mood, she chose a formal black dress, just over knee length, with a high round neckline. She emerged to find Rodriguez sat in the armchair, indicating that she should sit on the settee. "Well, what happened?" "Well, Johan and Father were arguing..." she began, but Rodriguez was shaking his head and his finger as if to say, 'No, not that story.' "The truth, Rachel Barker, the truth." "Oh. How long have you known?" "About two weeks. Carmelita informed me." "But you haven't said anything... You let me... Paulo Rodriguez you are an absolute bastard!" Rodriguez grinned. "What happened?" "I knew something was going to happen because Johan and Karl were arguing so much, mostly over me. So I watched them closely. I could tell Johan had a gun in his coat pocket, only a small one, so I thought it best that I have one too. Since I knew Johan would not let me close enough to pick his pocket and that Karl habitually wore the Luger he had from Germany in a shoulder holster, I gave him a big daughterly hug, and snitched it just before he had picked the Beretta from Johan's pocket." "I see. So what went wrong, did he realise you had taken the 9mm?" "No. He wound Johan up to the point that he could try and trigger some kind of post-hypnotic suggestion to make him obedient, but it didn't work. Johan then went for his gun, but Karl pulled it instead. That was when I drew the Luger and told him to put it down. He tried to order me to obey, but instead Kath grabbed my arm. I was trying to get the gun safety on, but in the struggle the gun went off. The rest you pretty- much know." Rodriguez nodded and then stood up. "We'd better be getting back upstairs. It doesn't pay to keep the President waiting, especially on his birthday." "You are still going to present me? Are you mad? Besides I want to see how Kath is, if she's still alive." She straightened her dress as she stood, picked up her handbag and headed towards the medical section. Four soldiers stood guard, but Rodriguez guided her into the infirmary section. The nurse who delivered the hormone tablets was there watching through the glass in the top of the doors. "How's it going?" "They are operating now," she said, turning to face them. "I was told the bullet transected the liver and right lung, just missing the pulmonary artery and vein, then exited the lung and lodged in the scapula." "What are her chances?" Rachel asked. "From the gunshot, quite reasonable the doctor thinks. But mentally there could be a problem." "Mentally?" "When they brought her in she was screaming in English and Spanish, none of it made any sense. I thought she was English?" "Long story Sister," Rachel said. Rodriguez tapped her shoulder and pointed upwards. "How much longer will the surgery take?" "No idea. I'll have the Colonel paged when she comes out." "Thank you." With no choice now, Rachel followed Rodriguez out of the infirmary. Carmelita was returning to the Salon as they exited. "Carmelita, could you undo this French Plait please, I am getting tired of other people dictating how I look." "Si. Come this way," Carmelita replied. Rodriguez lifted his hands to the air in defeat. Carmelita only took 10 minutes to undo the plait and brush through the hair, with Rodriguez looking at his watch every two minutes. At the end of it Rachel grabbed the beautician and hugged her, giving her a big kiss on the cheek. "Thank you." With a happy smile she made her way to the door, catching Rodriguez by surprise. "Come along then impatience!" This time they went for the cargo lift out through the barracks area and then up to the back area of the conference level. Making their way through the various waiters and other servitors they finally reached the main conference hall, where the birthday party was in full swing. A guard saluted Rodriguez and whispered in his ear. He replied in the same manner and then led Rachel forward. Glancing around the room she noticed three sets of double doors, all guarded by two armed guards, three large French windows onto the balcony, also guarded by armed soldiers and another small anti-room door. Then she noticed the women, most in their evening finery, many with ostentatious jewellery. Some in most inappropriate dresses. Then she saw the President and his wife. Esteban Venegas was in the uniform he had worn on his visit. Magdalene was almost dowdy by comparison, wearing a simple, below the knee, dirndl dress in mid-blue, with a lilac inset and white under-blouse. The dress seemed so out of step to the full-round skirts so many of the other Junta wives were wearing. She was sipping champagne when Rachel spotted her. Then she turned and saw Rachel, the glass descending slowly to waist level as she excused herself from the group she was with and came over. Rachel gave a short curtsy as Rodriguez bent to kiss the First Lady's hand. "I take it that the shot was Karl being an idiot," she said, smiling throughout although her words were scathing. "No Aunt Magda, I'm afraid that Kath grabbed my arm and the gun went off. I was trying to stop Johan and Karl from shooting each other." "Oh no, how is she?" The concern was genuine and took Rachel a little aback. Magda moved away from the crowd to a quiet corner and steered Rachel and Rodriguez towards some chairs. "Downstairs having surgery. But apparently the injury has made her lose her mind." "Seeing Juanita again I suspect, but it didn't affect you did it Captain Barker?" "Aunt?" "I'll accept the honorific, but don't lie to me. I know my father's research a bit better that Karl did. You didn't lose your personality when he broke you, did you? No, you were already developing, possibly even re-inhabiting an alternate personality as a woman." "I don't know what you are talking about Aunt Magda." "Rachel wasn't it Paulo?" She looked at him in deadly earnest. "Yes Ma'am." "There see. Truth is so much easier. So you had discovered that deep down, ever since you were a child, that you felt wrong. But as you were never in a school for any length of time, and looked after by nanny after nanny until you went to boarding school, you could never tell anyone or do anything about it. At boarding school, where you were expected to be a boy and do boys things, it was even worse until you found the school theatre group. That gave you a legitimate reason to play a girl, and you were the best in the role I bet." Rachel could feel tears forming at the back of her eyes as Magda outlined, almost exactly, what had happened to her in those early years. She looked at the woman, who she now knew had also been a man, and saw understanding, compassion and even a little love in the look. "What sent you down the Macho path?" she asked. "A guy called Tommy Barnsley, two years my senior. Challenged me to join the Rugby team as fly-half. I was always good with my feet, penalties in football, etc. then my father found out I was playing girls in the school plays and told me to join the Army or Navy. I ended up joining the Army section of our CCF and doing well enough to go to officer school within the Royal Engineers. I hated the soldiering, but loved the technical stuff, which seemed strange." "Well, we'll talk again later. You go wipe your eyes and then come back and join the party. I insist. Oh, and you have MY instruction not to avoid Sir Paul Reeves. If he approaches you, tell him exactly who you are and say you are on parole. We will give you back once the damages are repaired," she patted Rachel's knee and let her rise, handing her a handkerchief. She then turned to Rodriguez and they began talking in Spanish as Rachel walked away. In the first sentence, however, she heard the word 'renuncia' and glanced back. Without looking at her, Magda waved her on, away from them. Rachel found the rest-room and sorted herself out. Several other women were in there, including Reeves's secretary, Barbara. She had just refreshed her lipstick and saw Rachel's reflection in the mirror. She made a double-take and then turned to face Rachel. "Hello. Don't I know you from somewhere?" "I don't think so," Rachel replied, wanting to be alone rather than embroiled in espionage straight away. "It's so strange to see another Englishwoman." "I'm not English, I'm German," Rachel lied. "East German originally." "Oh, well, have fun," Barbara left, but did look back for another double take before she left, which Rachel spotted in the mirror. She entered one of the stalls to give herself some privacy and sat there for nearly ten minutes thinking about what to do next. To cover herself she flushed before she left, washed her hands and freshened her lipstick and perfume and then went out into the hall to see what the party would bring. A wandering waiter offered her a flute of champagne, another a small paper plate of vol-a-vents. She found a corner of a table to rest the plate on and sipped the champagne. In the interval Rodriguez appeared to have left and some of the dignitaries had also gone. Magda had returned to her husband and she saw Vice-Admiral Marco circulating, fortunately in the opposite direction. It wasn't until she realised someone was right behind her that she discovered that Reeves had spotted her, presumably waiting for her to emerge after being warned by Barbara, who she now spotted diverting General Cortez's attention. "Hello. My secretary says you are East German, I don't think so. But let's see." "You wish to talk to me?" Rachel asked. "Yes, someone here tells me you're looking for passage to the Alderaan system?" Rachel smiled before she could stop herself. "Yes indeed, if it's a fast ship." "You are a hard woman to find Miss Barker," he sat down beside the table, offering the other corner seat to Rachel. "I, how did you know?" "Leia, I am your father? Not the sort of slip you would make, except deliberately." "How did you recognise me?" "Do you know how many photographs there are of Alfreida Kepler-Heinmann on file, thanks to you." "I can't come in yet." "I know. Rodriguez has been liaising with me to get the refinery repaired. He needs you to help prevent another disaster." "It's more than that. I accidentally shot Alvarez earlier, we were struggling. They had turned her into Kath Fellows, but on Heinmann's side, so when he ordered that I put the gun down, she tried to make me. I couldn't get the safety back on." "Why resurrect Kittyhawk?" "I don't know, but I want to find out. That's another reason for staying. The last is, they just arrested Heinmann." "They did? Why? What happened to his high level influence?" "I think the source revoked it." "Do you know the source?" "I think so, but it's not something I want to reveal as things stand." Reeves nodded in understanding. "One thing Paul, don't tell Pop or Jeremy about what has happened to me." "Why on earth not? It's not as though you had a choice is it?" "It's too complicated for now. Maybe I'll explain later, if I get through this." "I can pull you now, you have diplomatic immunity." "No Paul, Ray had diplomatic immunity, I don't." "So what do we call you?" "Unofficially, Rachel." "And officially?" "Wait for the official notification. Here I think I have been introduced as Alfreida Heinmann. Apologise to Barbara for me, but there were others in the rest-room." "She'll get over it. Watch your back." "You do the same." They parted and Reeves went over to the knot of Ambassadors from European countries while Rachel made her way back to the Presidential group. Outside it was darkening, only a faint light fighting against the glare of the lights in the hall. Rachel was quite relieved that she had changed her dress, as the dress she had been wearing had been quite thick jersey, but her current LBD was polyester-cotton, 40-60, so she wasn't feeling the heat quite as much as the military men in their dress uniforms. Three waiters moved towards the balcony doors, intending to let some of the heat out and the cooling night air in. The left hand window, however was blocked by the group around Admiral Marco. Marco, who had been feeling the heat himself, called to the waiter that he would do it. He pulled down the lock and pushed the windows open. Pausing to revel in the cool air he waved at a small group of citizens who called out "Viva Presidente!". Next second a single shot rang out and Admiral Marco fell to the floor. The women in the public group screamed and suddenly two further shots rang out, this time from the roof of the Interior Ministry. A single cry answered the shots and a squad of men, mixed sailors and security soldiers, ran from the Ministry to the building the shot came from. Inside the room everyone from the Admiral's little group backed away from the windows as fast as they could. Rachel, who had run towards the balcony, was stopped by President Venegas. "Wait until it is safe." "But Admiral Marco..." "Will not receive any aid if whoever goes out there is also shot. Wait for the all clear." She could hear the sound of sirens approaching the building and then the telephone on the wall rang shrilly. A waiter answered the phone then nodded to Venegas. He let go of Rachel's arm and allowed her to duck her way to the floored Vice-Admiral. He was still breathing, but the breathing was laboured. She was joined by two military medics who took over. She made her way back to the President. "Why would someone shot the Vice Admiral?" she asked. "They wouldn't. They were waiting for me. I was supposed to be the only Admiral here, Dannilo was supposed to stay away because of the succession. But as he was throwing the party, he insisted on staying." "Who could have ordered a sniper?" Rachel asked. "Karl," Magda said darkly. "Why?" "Because we were pulling the plug. Once the refinery explosion took out the surveyor from German Petroleum there was nothing more we could do," she explained. "Explosion at the refinery?" "They were inspecting the transfer pipes. They were told not to take radios with them but they had a satellite telephone." "Oh my god." Rachel buried her head in her hands. "They were told not to operate radios there." "This whole thing was supposed to be over in six weeks. I was to give Alvarez a false trail, then get recovered because I'm a diplomat and we would have negotiated repair and removal of the devices in return for a British stake in the refinery. Six weeks we estimated, tops. How long have I been here?" "About nine months," Venegas replied while Magda spoke with a couple of the guards. Ambulance men came in and put the Vice Admiral on a stretcher before carrying him away. "They'll have to take him to the main hospital, it seems the operating theatre downstairs is still in use," Magda said as they watched Marco being carried away. "That's also my fault," Rachel said, sounding very unhappy. "From what I have been told, no, it was Karl again. All he had to do was put down his gun, I know you would have put both of them away." "I couldn't flip the safety catch," Rachel said. "It would not have worked. Karl disabled the safety years ago." "But..." "Go to bed my child. We will talk tomorrow; you have had a really trying day." Magda nodded to the guard nearby who handed his rifle to a colleague then came over and took Rachel's arm in a very gentlemanly manner. He then led her to the lifts and guided her back to her effective home in the bunker. He smiled and wished her goodnight, in Spanish, then left her to undress and get into bed, she didn't bother with the water or the pill, she just went to a disturbed, but exhausted sleep. ***** 38. Protagonists and Partners "I wanted a woman who could get me out of a Third World prison. Life's too short to hang out with people who aren't resourceful," -- Jeff Bezos ***** The party quickly ended after the Vice Admiral was carried away and the diplomats were encouraged to leave for their own safety. If Venegas had been planning to announce anything at the event, the happenings in the anti-room and the on the balcony, had postponed any announcement. Venegas and Magda left the building in an unmarked car and drove a zig- zag route back to the Palace, just in case there was someone out there still. He had changed his Admiral's coat for an Army Greatcoat as disguise too. Rodriguez had persuaded Cortez to come with him to Heinmann's den on the second floor. They found the room locked but Rodriguez had got the spare key from the guard-room earlier. They opened the door and stepped in. The room was empty. They quickly went around the room and found the compartment where the tapes and tape machines were hidden from normal prying eyes. A chough behind them made them turn sharply, going for their side-arms. The sound emanated from an elderly man with a bottle of water and a bucket in his hands. "Can I help you gentlemen?" he asked in English. "Who are you?" Cortez asked. "I'm Axel Schatz." "What are you doing here?" "Whatever Herr Heinmann requires. I mostly use the tape recorders." "How long have you been here?" "Ten months." "Sit, explain," Rodriguez said, noticing that the old man was looking a little unsteady on his feet. Axel sat and explained his role, to play back the tapes as instructed by Heinmann. He answered all of their questions, describing the linkages to the bunker and other areas of the building. Finally, Rodriguez asked what he was supposed to do now, since they had arrested Heinmann. He explained about the list, what tape, which order, played to either Barker or Alvarez. When and how to play the instructions tape and where to record information from for Heinmann himself. The two security men were astonished at the complexity of the work the elderly man accomplished and astonished at where he was getting information. Finally, they asked why he was telling them all of this, whereupon he admitted that he had been told to reveal all if challenged and to shut down everything. They watched as he put his bottle on a small table and the bucket underneath. He then began to shut down the tape recorders and the amplifiers and slide the tapes into their boxes. However, he refused point blank to let them have any of the tapes. Not that they really wanted to look at them, at least not yet. They decided to leave Axel where he was, on the condition that he lock himself in the room. He agreed, saying he was used to it. Once they left, listening for the lock to 'snick' home first, they made their way to Headquarters. Heinmann was sat in the interrogation room, in the inquisitors' chair, waiting with a look of disgust on his face. Rodriguez deferred to his commander for the initial interrogation, making his way into the observation room instead. Cortez entered the room and looked at Heinmann. "I believe you are in my chair! Other side of the desk!" Heinmann looked at him in challenge. "Well, we'll just throw you in the prison for a little while," he moved towards the door. Heinmann rose and took the chair to the other side of the desk. He straightened the chair and sat down, leaving Cortez to take the prisoners chair and move it to the other side. Cortez had no intention of falling into Heinmann's power game. He grabbed the back of the disputed chair, slammed Heinman forward and then yanked the chair out from under the German. Heinmann scrabbled for a hold on the table, but ended up falling backwards and slamming into the floor. Cortez then stepped over the chair and, resting his arms on the chair back, sat down, smiling benevolently at the prostrate Heinmann. "Let us have a conversation Herr Doctor, about you and your little plots." "Go to hell!" "You first!" Cortez kicked out with his right leg and clipped Heinmann' left elbow as he tried to lift himself off the floor. "Stay down, pig!" He rose again and stood over his prisoner. "Understand one thing Doctor, no-one will stop me from beating you to within an inch for your life. I can do what I want with you, there will be no call for restraint, no call for mercy, no directive to hold off. You did something to someone to ruin your hold over whoever was protecting you. So answer quickly, answer truthfully and answer fully all of my questions. Remember how we started with Barker? Perhaps we should start feeding you female hormones, poetic justice?" A strangled gasp came from the floor as Cortez lowered his foot over Heinmann's left hand. "Do we understand each other Doctor?" "Si!" "Then we shall begin!" He nodded back to the mirror and Rodriguez started the tape recorder to record what went on in the room. ***** Rachel awoke after about four hours sleep. Surprise not to hear someone talking she sat up, then she remembered shooting her companion and fellow victim. Flinging the bedclothes from her she grabbed the dressing gown and slipped her feet into the slippers before making her way to the infirmary. Two guards stood outside the entrance and look at her in surprise. "Is Kath okay?" she asked them. They look confused and one of them knocked on the infirmary door. The sister opened the door and looked at Rachel in surprise. "It's very early what do you want?" "How is Kath, the lady who was shot, how is she?" "They have had to take her to the main hospital, she is in intensive care." Rachel reacted as if she'd been gut-punched. The sister took her into the infirmary and sat her down next to the row of cubicles. "What happened?" "There were complications after the surgery to remove the bullet and repair the damage. They took her to intensive care as a precaution" "Why not keep her here?" "Not enough staff," the sister replied. She wondered what would have happened if she had been shot when she tried to escape? Would they have found the staff? She composed herself, thanked the sister and then returned to her room, she may as well get some more sleep if she could. ***** Reeves got back to his office and checked his watch. He unlocked and opened his drawer and took out a little red address book. He quickly thumbed to the right page and dialled in the number. It obviously rang for a very long time at the other end. Finally, a gruff male voice answered. "Hello? Do you know what the time is?" "About 2:30 am Tommy. Sorry about this but I had to let you know, Titania is on stage here and I think you need to come and look. But don't tell her brother." "You have the playbill?" "No, just an advert, and a brief public appearance." "Really. I think I'll come watch then, but I'll bring the brother anyway. Keep the peace with TPTB." "Look forward to it T. Bye." He put the phone down and rubbed his hands in delight. This was going to be a lovely day, even if he had to work all night to prepare. ***** Rodriguez left the cubicle as Cortez brought his questioning to a close. By now Heinmann was sat at the table looking at his hands, which he was wringing quite violently. Two guards stepped into the room once Cortez left. Rodriguez met the General in the corridor. "What now General?" "We go home and get some sleep. Tomorrow you go to the President and ask him about the refinery. If he says yes, then you go negotiate with that man Reeves you spoke of." "What will you do sir, with Heinmann and what he has told us?" "Heinmann can go to the prison for now, solitary confinement. As to the rest, another night of the long knives..." "What about the people we've already got?" "You can re-instate Castellano, if he's still alive. But reduced in rank I think. Check with the President. The rest are insignificant." "Yes sir." Rodriguez stopped off long enough to order Heinmann taken to prison and Castellano brought to Headquarters for 9 am. Then he found his driver and went home. Cortez spoke to a lieutenant and gave his instructions. The Lieutenant looked shocked, but nodded at the instructions, then he saluted and left. Cortez gave an ironic smile and left for home himself. ***** Morning brought a number of developments across the country. In the district Capital of Grendera, the Vice President awoke to find his guard replaced by security soldiers. He was allowed to dress in civilian clothes and then escorted to a van and driven away to San Carlos. Several members of his guard had also been arrested, but they were being held locally. The arrest, however, had been very low key. Several members of the Interior Ministry were arrested as they entered the building, they were all taken to the prison and locked up. The man with the black briefcase was removed from the building opposite the Ministry during the night, his three-piece rifle carried by one of the officers who had rushed the building almost immediately after the first shot. He was dead when they removed him, but he lived long enough to tell the arresting soldiers who had hired him. Two bullets to the chest had made his survival mute and he wasn't a professional assassin, only a trained sniper. Rodriguez breakfasted early, after only four hours sleep, then made his way to the hospital. Over breakfast he had checked on the status of both Admiral Marco and Katie. He was told that Marco was recovering and his condition was serious but stable. Checking further he discovered that Alvarez/Katie had been admitted as a Jane-Doe, who's condition was described as critical. A check with the prison confirmed that the arrests were being made and that Heinmann was being very vocal in his complaints about the solitary confinement, however the officer in charge was ignoring the noise. He gave some instructions, for the preparation of Heinmann for further interrogation later in the day, and confirmed that a tidied-up Castellano was being delivered to the Security headquarters. Happy with his preparations, he met Gerardo who drove in to Headquarters. Picking up Castellano, they made their way to the Presidential Palace. On arrival they were shown into the audience room, where the First Lady was waiting with a lady-in-waiting. Castellano gave an intake of breath as he saw the young woman. "Can you allow Castellano some time with his sister?" Magda asked. "Yes ma'am." Castellano and the woman embraced and went off to an anti-room. Magda was smiling. "I am glad you have allowed him to survive, he was only trying to protect her from Karl." "There seem to be a lot of women and would be women involved in this mess. And Karl Heinmann seems to have been the arch villain of the piece." "It doesn't matter; Esteban will still have to step down." "Why Ma'am? The situation with Castellano will not become public." "Two deaths, an assassination attempt on you and, yesterday, on Esteban that resulted in Admiral Marco getting shot. The explosion at our prestige refinery. No, we must step away from the limelight and let someone younger and stronger take over the presidency." "Is that what you want or what the President wants?" Rodriguez asked. "Esteban is in charge, despite what many people, especially Karl, believe. I love my husband and I want what is best for him." "Where is the President?" "Speaking with the hospital about Marco, he will join us in a few moments." "You know they have sent Alvarez there?" Magda nodded, pursing her lips in emotion. "What do we do with Barker?" Rodriguez asked, watching closely for the reaction. "Whatever she wants. Karl is discredited, his work can be undone, at least with Miss Barker. I don't think he managed to program her at all, otherwise she wouldn't have been able to draw down on him. He's a total control freak," she examined him in return. "You know, don't you, she's not programmed? Oh good. Juanita said she was against the programming because Rachel was a person in her own right." Rodriguez looked at her in confusion. "I have an interest in Miss Barker Colonel. We are very alike. Would you please arrange for her to be given more freedom? She needs to see sunlight after so long in the bunker." "We can move her to the Alvarez estate, it is easy to secure..." He noticed her angry look. "...For her protection. I can send Carmelita and Ortega to provide companionship. Getting her away from the Capital might be a good idea." "Give her something to do. That will be better for her. She has always been active Colonel; you have had her stagnating for months." At that moment the President entered. He greeted his wife with a kiss and shook hands with Rodriguez. "Has Magda told you?" "Mr President?" "I am standing down as soon as you have safeguarded my legacy." "Sir?" "Get the refinery operational Colonel. And make a deal with the Americans, they can have an embassy and I get to live in America once I resign." Rodriguez was shocked, not about the deal, but that the President who had managed to quell almost all opposition to military rule was going to stand down. "Have you chosen a successor?" "I have recommendations for the Junta. You have arrested the Vice President?" "Yes, but I'm not clear as to why." "He was the one working with Karl. He hired the assassin to kill Esteban, planned to lift Constantine to your position after eliminating you and Cortez 'for treason', with evidence from Miss Fellows and Alfreida Heinmann. Karl would then become the power behind the throne, using the two women as pawns in the plot," Magda explained. "We thought you were providing him support," Rodriguez retorted. "We were, but only for Alvarez and Barker. And then only until we realised how obsessed he was with recreating Alfreida and Katie," Magda replied. Venegas nodded in agreement. "When we saw them in the bunker it was quite a shock." "Magda believes that Miss Barker is still a person, that she hasn't become Alfreida Heinmann. If that is so, can you use her to clear the refinery, talk with Sir Frederick and Sir Paul to get BP to patch up the refinery and get hold of the Americans to offer them the deal." "If that is your order sir?" "It is my wish Colonel, but you may call it an order if anyone questions it." "As you request Mr President." Rodriguez left the Palace, with Castellano who seemed to be happy beyond comprehension. "Thank you Colonel." "For what?" "For safeguarding my sister. I can die happy knowing that the First Lady will look after her." "You're not dying Lieutenant Commander; we don't waste talent if we can avoid it." "Lieutenant Commander?" "Disciplinary demotion two ranks and fine of six months' pay equivalent. Oh, and now you work for me!" They made their way to the Ministry and went up to Heinmann's office. "Axel, It's Colonel Rodriguez." The door was unlocked and they entered, Castellano went and sat on a chair as he was starting to feel really weak, while Rodriguez inspected the collated tapes and paperwork. "Thank you Axel, is there anything I can do for you?" Axel shook his head. Rodriguez repeated his instructions about staying in the room with the door locked, but added Commander Castellano to the people who could enter. Then he sent Castellano home to recover and get some real food, slowly. He then got back in his car to drive to the British Embassy. He had a meeting with Reeves and Sir Frederick. ***** Rachel had very little sleep as she replayed the events again and again in her mind. The more she examined it, the greater the certainty that she had no way of stopping the shot. The soldier in her told her that she had to let go of it. She gave up on trying to sleep about 7 am, went into the bathroom and ran herself a bubble bath. An hour later, relaxed and smelling of lavender, she went into the wardrobe, dressed in her underclothes and chose a plain outfit for the day. She then sat at the dresser and ran her mother's hairbrushes through her hair a hundred times. Once that was done she dressed in the simple A-line skirt, pale grey blouse and fitted jacket. Determined to take her life back, she slipped her feet into a pair of beige sling-back shoes, feeling that the two inch heels would be appropriate for the morning, then she made her way to the canteen. The total silence of the corridor was un-nerving. There was no sound from the Salon or the gym as she walked to the connecting door. She was really nervous as she twisted the handle and walked, unaccompanied, into the main corridor. Here at least there was sound. Laughter burst from the canteen area and she stopped, somehow she felt very alone. She wondered if they knew she wasn't Alfreida. Should she be Alfreida given that Karl Heinman had been arrested the night before? The decision was taken from her as she stood, frozen to the spot just past the connecting door. A familiar voice behind her called out "Ray? Is that really you?" She turned slowly, to see Johan entering the corridor by the main entrance. "Hello Johan. Who were you speaking to?" "My sister, even before Father tried to remove her more independent attributes, could never have thought of holding a gun on him, let alone stealing his from him in the first place, so you must still be my friend Ray Barker." "Are you sure Johan? You never knew either very well once we started helping deliver aid and longer haul work." "I know my sister never handled a gun." Rachel gave a wry smile, her look one of tolerance, as if correcting a child. Using both memories she said softly. "Oh Johsie, you have no idea what I may have done." "Don't call me that. I'm not a child and you are not my sister!" "Oh but you are, in this business you are a child Johan. Now if you want to grow up explain to me why you are here without Karl?" "Father was arrested yesterday, you were there." "He's not still in custody though, is he?" "Yes, I spoke with the guards upstairs, they said that many people have been arrested." "Not Carmelita?" "No, guards and some officers. Constantine for one." "Come and have breakfast with me. You can tell me all about it." ***** Rachel was just finishing her breakfast when the rumours started to filter round the room. Hushed and whispered comments and some open cries of astonishment. She finally heard, from the next table, the news that was disturbing the people." What's going on?" Johan asked. "Shush!" Rachel listened to the comments and then caught the important news, the Vice President had been arrested for masterminding an assassination attempt on Vice Admiral Marco. She knew, of course, that the real target had been the President, but that wasn't the point, they were discussing the succession, who would take the places of the four top men who had been lost, five if Marco couldn't return. Major Ortega entered the canteen, looking for Rachel. He spied her, and her companion, and crossed over to the table. "Could you please get your coat and handbag Miss." "Why so formal?" "Now please miss! Mr Heinmann, I suggest you return to your hotel and stay there for the time being." Rachel noticed the tension in Ortega's voice and didn't argue a second time. She rose and returned to her quarters and chose a raincoat and handbag, into which she transferred her make-up and an empty purse, she changed her footwear for a pair of flat heeled shoes. Rachel re-joined Ortega who led her back, through the barracks, to the freight lift. They exited the building into the covered car park and into the back of an official car. There was no conversation on the short trip to Security Headquarters, they entered the controlled courtyard and Ortega and two guards escorted Rachel to an interrogation room. Five minutes after she arrived General Cortez came into the interrogation room. "Former Colonel Alvarez passed away this morning, complications following a gunshot wound." Rachel gasped in shock and looked at Cortez, tears forming in her eyes. Despite the beginnings, she had grown to like Maria/Katie and was distraught at being the cause of her death, then she guessed where Cortez was going with the interrogation. "It was an accident General I can assure you." "You had possession of a firearm, and you used it. In consequence a member of my staff is now dead." "Are you really going to play this out? Who are you going to charge me as? Alfreida Heinmann? She's dead, Raymond Barker? He has diplomatic immunity." "You misunderstand, Miss Barker, don't deny it, I know you have been fooling that lunatic Heinmann, I don't intend to charge you." "You backed him, at first, General," she replied, adding, "So why have you bought me here?" "See how you are out of your comfort zone." "I see. Well?" "Better than I expected, which is good." He nodded toward the mirror, a moment later Ortega entered with a set of coveralls and a toolbox. "If you would accompany the Major." Rachel found herself being led to an enclosed Land Rover and driven out of building and through the Capital. It took a few seconds to realise that she was being taken back to the refinery. A lump came to her throat, as she had heard, only yesterday, that one of the devices had exploded. The journey nearly complete, she caught sight of the refinery from the hills that separated the Capitol from the oilfields. There was a large scar where the device had exploded two days before. She had struggled into the coverall on the journey and tied her hair into a long ponytail with some twine. "I am doing this for the President and First Lady, not for Cortez, you understand that Carlos?" "You remembered my name." "Of course. How many people died when the bomb went off? "Five, the engineer, his assistant. The refinery worker showing them around and two guards. Nine others were injured." They reached the refinery and Rachel accompanied Ortega to the locations of the various booby traps that she had set, so many months before. Ortega was glad that she was there to help and that she was far away from the political storm about to hit the Republic of San Carlos. ***** 39. At this Junta Sometimes I think that a parody of democracy could be more dangerous than a blatant dictatorship, because that gives people an opportunity to avoid doing anything about it. Aung San Suu Kyi ***** The cabinet room of the presidential palace was well guarded, the thirteen chairs around the oval table were empty when Esteban Venegas and his wife entered. He nodded approvingly and then gestured to the guards at the far end of the table. Taking his place at the head of the table Venegas had Magda stand at his right while the guards opened the entrance doors and allowed the remaining members of the Junta to enter. Empty chairs next to the head of the table played mute witness to the absence of Vice Admiral Marco and General Araya. Due to the gap the first member of the junta to take his seat was Air Marshal Lorenzo, then Air Marshal Vargas, the remainder took seats on alternate sides. Three more spaces appeared in the group around the table, gaps for Torres and Espinoza nearest the President. Once the Junta was seated, Venegas spoke. "Gentlemen. Someone has been manipulating us for their own reward, I have taken steps to resolve that situation, which is why General Araya is not here," he paused for a moment to let the news sink in and the resultant murmur of comment to wash through the assembly. "We have lost people, important people. Each of you has been spoke too about replacements and I now have a list of suitable replacements. We will now vote on who and how." The next half-hour was spent voting for replacements and nominating a new Vice President. The prognosis for Vice Admiral Marco was still serious but stable, so most accepted that he would be fit to return in the future. Promotions were also agreed, including Cortez's long awaited Field- Marshall's baton, along with Torres position. Commandant Rivero was also given his predecessors job on the Junta. In all seven new members were elected by the existing Junta. The new members were then sent for, Cortez and Rivero were already waiting, the others had to be collected. Rodriguez, Hernandez and d'Santos were all promoted two ranks, to Brigadier General, Colonel and Major respectively. Ortega was promoted to Lieutenant Colonel, although most of them would not find out about the promotions immediately. Other promotions in the other services some long overdue, some in recognition, were also agreed by the new Junta, but Venegas advised that, although duties would be allocated, until they were publicly sworn in, the new members would have to work unrecognised. He wanted to hold a public event to celebrate the re-birth of the government and give people a reason for a holiday. The event was set for the beginning of the next month. ***** Rodriguez felt a little beleaguered in the conference room of the British Embassy. He sat at one end of the table with d'Santos and Castellano. The latter two had joined him after he had been formally invited to talk with the British. At the other end of the table Sir Paul Reeves, his secretary and a Captain LaRue from America. "What, exactly, are you authorised to negotiate Colonel?" Reeves asked. "I can agree terms to allow your British Petroleum to run the refinery and take the revenue, as long as you buy the oil from us at market prices and sell petroleum to us at two-thirds cost." "What about the American Embassy?" "For the right aid package we would re-instate the Embassy and renew diplomatic ties." They talked through to lunch time, broke for food, then returned to the table for two more hours of talking. As they drew to a close Reeves threw in a small throwaway question. "How is Rachel by the way?" He wasn't prepared for the answer. "Oh she's helping at the Refinery," Rodriguez grinned as he left. ***** Rachel looked at the command block in the sunlight. The scars of new work against the older, storm weathered concrete emphasised where the first explosion had blown out the wall of the block. She wondered idly who had set that one off, as it wasn't one of hers. She turned to Ortega. "When did that happen? I think I remember Cortez having a go at me over it. But this one wasn't mine. We didn't put anything in the control rooms." "You took 'credit'." "I wasn't entirely with it then; besides you wouldn't have believed a denial." "Possibly. But this is yours." They arrived at the outlet system and Rachel spotted her handiwork. She had checked out the toolbox on the journey so dived into the tools and looked at the device. There were patches of corrosion over the unit, but she knew exactly what to do. It took a while, because she was out of practice, but she deactivated the device and handed it to the guards Ortega had commandeered. They spent most of the afternoon going around the refinery checking out and removing all but one of Rachel's devices. Ortega followed the proced

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Breaking And Entering Expanded

Breaking And Entering - Expanded By Mary Beth Sanford Synopsis: Matt's first Breaking and Entering under California's Penal Code 459 was accidental and a tranquilizer dart screwed that one up. His second another residential, tripped an alarm. After both it was becoming obvious he was either going to need to quit breaking into homes or check them first to make sure they didn't have little girl clothes that fit him. Editors Notes: This is the promised expansion of the original...

2 years ago
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Breakingin Slave Kevin

Key-words: MMM/m Slavery, gay sex, rape, abuse, forced labor, torture  and scatologyBreaking-In  Slave  Kevin? 2011 by Masostud,  the right resides with the authorNote: This is a work of fiction. All persons and names are coincidental. Who feels insulted by descriptions of hard-core slavery and dirty abuse by scat-scenes is requested to leave this story unread. You have been warned.Summary: The gay Kevin (19) was devoted to dominating men. He went deliberately into the fangs of two strong-build...

2 years ago
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Breaking Point RickChapter 3

But Megan did call, and almost begged for a chance to talk some more. After Naomi's stern warnings, the twins managed to be polite, but there was no way Megan could miss the disgust and near hatred in their eyes. It shocked her with the similarity to what she had seen in Rick's eyes. Naomi saw the girls' looks and Megan's reaction, and it made for a great opening. "The girls are more than a little in love with Rick, and they know how wounded he is. They assume you were one of the guilty...

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Breaking Point Chapters 2630

26. A Tangled Web "Just because something isn't a lie does not mean that it isn't deceptive. A liar knows that he is a liar, but one who speaks mere portions of truth in order to deceive is a craftsman of destruction."? Criss Jami ***** Rodriguez walked into the salon just as Carmelita was completing an hour of electrolysis on Rachel. He schooled his expression to neutrality and hitched his trouser up as he settled himself on the second styling chair. Rachel glanced across at him...

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Lady Blackrook Victorian Adventuress En Pointe

[email protected] Lady Sally Blackrook, Victorian Adventuress By Gincrack Lady Blackrook?en pointe!The Forests of the Carpathian Mountains Urging his horses on the coach driver steered the carriage through the darkness of the forest. There was still snow on the ground and the gibbous moon shone from a cold cloudless sky its reflected light helping the driver to find his way, he light from the carriage lanterns being pale and ineffectual. Behind the screens on the carriage windows sat a...

4 years ago
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Breaking Point Ch 1620

16. Revelations "There is an ancient tribal proverb I once heard in India. It says that before we can see properly we must first shed our tears to clear the way." -- Libba Bray ***** Five minutes after Rodriguez left, Rachel stirred from the bed and reset the straps on her left shoulder. Humming, she danced a few steps around the room, until she saw herself in the mirror. The voice inside spoke then. 'Wake-up.' Which happened with a start. "Shit! This is crazy. I've got to...

4 years ago
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Breaking Point GordyChapter 3

With constant urging from Gordy, Randall found a very good engineer who was able to replace Gordy after eight months. The final five months before approval probably did not suffer from Gordy's abscence. At first, Gordy had been tempted to contact the HR person who had called him out of the blue. First, though, he investigated that company's ownership. Obviously, he never called. While still contracting with Medi-Vanced, Gordy was contacted by another medical firm, but one with no products...

3 years ago
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Housebreaking a new pet

My heart was pounding something fierce, beating in rythm with the sound of my heels click-clacking over the sidewalk. I tried to tell myself not to be nervous, but I couldn't kid myself - there was plenty of reason to be nervous. For one, what I was planning to do was actually dangerous, regardless of how many safeties I had agreed upon with my source, my contact on the inside. But the tingling crawling from my neck over my spine into my nether reaches also stemmed from a different kind of...

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Housebreaking the Kitten

Swirling images. Dark.Silence.Daytime? Nighttime?Should I be somewhere?Eyes, opening. Darkness still.It must still be early morning, Shampoo thought to herself. Plenty of time to sleep, to rest, to ...That dream! The Amazon could only recall bits of it, fragments of memory as if it took place eons ago, the way dream memories usually are. She squeezed her eyes shut, trying to block out the images that floated behind her closed lids and drift back to the sleep from which she had awoken. A dream...

2 years ago
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Titcage All Chapters

TITCAGE Claire didn’t want to work at Titcage. But work experience during the school holidays was compulsory for seniors and despite her best efforts she couldn’t convince her parents or teachers that the so-called Committee For Gender Equity was against women, not for them. Funded by church groups, conservatives, and the world’s richest men, the organisation existed for one purpose: to change community and government attitudes to women and restore women to a role solely as sextoys,...

3 years ago
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Reversal of Roles For a Day All Chapters

Chapter 1 The Switch After years of being my Dom, you say you want to switch with me for a day and experience some new things. We will find out just how submissive you can be. I have sent you a large box along with some brief instructions telling you what time you need to be ready for the limo to pick you up, what you are to bring with you and what you are to wear. There are three seperate, plain wrapped packages inside the box. You are to bring the package marked with a one along with...

1 year ago
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Sex at Gunpoint

Chapter 1 I had sent a letter as reply to the answers I got to an ad in a Danish adult magazine called Weekend Sex, we were seeking a man to tie my husband and "rape" me! The headline in the ad said: TIE MY HUSBAND AND RAPE ME! 1 1/2 month had gone without getting any answer from him. (In the following I will call him Steen). His letter was rather naughty and I was interested in meeting him. I send him a new letter. 3 days later he phoned me, he had been send to work in Norway by his...

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The Lesbian Debt All Chapters

LAURA AND ERICA Her girlfriend's cunt tasted as good as ever. Laura lay in the top position of a nude 69, her short fringe of pink hair hanging over her eyes as she lapped at her lover Erica's pussy. She loved this position. She loved the feel of her large tits being splayed out to either side of her lover's trim stomach; she loved the feel of Erica's boobs against her own midriff. She loved Erica's head between her thighs, loved knowing she could clench her knees together and trap it...

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Heads You DressThe Final Chapters

CHAPTER SIX --- THE SALON & THE SECOND DREAM 1 A few weeks later Jason arrived for work in medium heels, low cut, patterned blouse and women's trousers, his lips as pink and glossy as ever. He was surprised to find Kelly in his office. "What are you doing?" he asked. "Morning, Jenny. Fetch us a glass of juice each and we'll talk about it." "Huh?" "Hurry. I'll not tolerate slackness." What the heck was going on? Jason thought. He reached into the small fridge and...

1 year ago
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Breaking And Entering

Breaking And Entering By Mary Beth Sanford Copyright © 2020 Mary Beth Sanford All rights reserved. This story or parts thereof may not be reproduced in any form, stored in any retrieval system, or transmitted in any form by any means--electronic, mechanical, photocopy, recording, or otherwise. Mary Beth Sanford First Draft Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author's imagination or used in a fictitious...

3 years ago
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The Outing of Claire LaPointe

Last year, I wrote a story entitled Foul Language, wherein a bitter, angry Geoff Matheson had been through an ugly, unjustified divorce from his wife of 30 years. The most dispiriting part of the whole episode was the vile treatment he received at the hands of his wife’s divorce lawyer, one Claire LaPointe. Geoff survived the divorce, and moved to the West Coast to start a new life. He was not a happy man, and only the single good fortune of having a large corporation purchase an obscure...

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A Mothers dissapointment

many thanks. Jill walked into what felt like a normal day at the office; the office surroundings gave no indication that it was the last day of work before the Christmas break. Their boss was a strict short man, who had no Christmas cheer about him. The workers knick named him Scrooge behind his back, due to the sheer lack of generosity especially at this time of year. Jill knew Scrooge had a bit of a thing for her, as he would always go beetroot red when he spoke to her. Jill thought...

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Goa Never Disappoints

This all started when I got a promotion in the office. Now I was about to handle a team of some 10 people. It was a big responsibility. I had the responsibility of those 10 people and I was responsible for getting the project completed on time. In my team, there were 4 girls and 6 boys. Most of them were good at working. They were very much technical sound due to which my projects started to get easily completed. After getting one big project completed our client from the USA decided to sponsor...

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westpoint grads and my hot wife

When My brother-in-laws best friend graduated, My wife found out they were having a party. Seeing that my wife had already had sex with her younger brother several times, she asked him if we could get an invite. He grinned and said why are you wanting a lot more of that young cock. she said umm Ill owe you if you get us invited. Tom laughed and said ok. I'll see what I can do.We were invited and on the day of the party Peggy wore a sundress that was very light colored and if you stood across...

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Where She appoints

Where She appoints "This place is amazing! Hard to believe the Romans used this place for curses" "Its true though. you've seen the little markers, and heard the translation of the curses." "That last one was wild. 'May the one who finds my gold coin and does not return it lose his manhood in temple where she appoints' Who is She, anyway?" "Just some local version of Juno, the Queen of the gods" "Hey! This looks like a gold coin!" Later ..... "I'm a girl!" That curse...

2 years ago
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The nausea isn't as all-consuming as usual when I crawl in my underwear across the air-conditioned lock-up to lie gasping and perspiring at its edge. I must be acclimating to time jumps.Coherent thought's a luxury in these first few minutes so I simply wait for my breathing to steady and the shivering to kick in as the chequer plate metal floor absorbs whatever residual heat I possess. That way, at least I know I'm alive.As the mind fog lifts and the hum of the cobalt fluorescent light replaces...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Flashpoint Yuis Story

"Can I help you?" the saleswoman asked from behind me. I tried not to suppress a guilty start, but my hand moved away from the black panty-shorts too quickly. I had walked into the lingerie boutique impulsively and would have left as soon as I realized I was the only customer in the store, but the shorts caught my attention. "I like those," she said smiling when I turned towards her. I had a problem with pretty women and stopping my eyes from staring; the Asian cast to her eyes fascinated...

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A New Life The final 4 chapters

“Good Morning sleepyhead,” I heard as I opened my eyes. “My name is Qi; I wanted to see what you had before you came to the party preparations room.” She smiled down at me and then turned and headed to the bathroom. I watched, as the smallest woman I ever saw, walked into my bathroom. She was barely four foot tall, if that. She had acute little ass that had the gentlest sway as she walked and I think I could wrap my hands around her waist without trying. I quickly jumped up when I heard the...

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Waiting Out the Storm Final Chapters

Chapter 4The ice maker was on the far end of the hall from their room so that helped kill a little time. He wanted to give her time to get into position and wait there for him as long as possible. He wasn’t exactly sure what he was going to do next except that he knew that putting ice cubes into her pussy was going to be involved. He also knew that she was going to be there with her pussy full of a cool bottle and a vibrating egg that could go off at any minute with her ass in the air waiting...

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Aunt Jeans Illicit romance 12 chapters

Chapter 1Mortified. If Ron had thought of the word he might have used it to describe how he felt at the moment -- so embarrassed and so angry at himself that he wanted to crawl into a hole and never come out. He had been so freakin' stupid!She said she was going to the grocery store!He usually locked his door when he did it, but he had been in such a freakin' rush to get to his room to gawk at Mrs. Gregerson sunning at her pool, her freakin' bikini top undone, her half way decent ass barely...

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The Senpai and the Kohai the missing chapters

Chapter five I walked upstairs. I started dreading walking out in public again. In my room I found a yellow dress with short sleeves. It had floral suiting. It reminded somewhat of a Japanese, or perhaps Chinese, dress. I undressed, and rummaged around my underwear drawer to find some suitable things to wear. How should I choose? It wasn't exactly obvious. If I wanted to avoid the lingerie to be seen through the fabric, I had to choose something lighter. White, perhaps. There...

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Breaking Up Isnt Hard I Am

“I have to say, this really has to be my very favorite breakup ever.” I stretched out my body, so that my fingertips just touched the headboard and my toes touched the base of my bed. Then I rolled back over, so that my thigh was draped over Kate’s legs. As I propped myself up on one elbow, I watched my other hand slowly whisk across her breasts and stomach. “I’m totally serious,” Kate said firmly, looking directly at the ceiling. “We’re finished. I can’t see you anymore.” I had suspected...

Straight Sex
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Breaking Point Chapters 2125

21. Rachel "A woman's guess is much more accurate than a man's certainty." -- Rudyard Kipling, Plain Tales from the Hills ***** The next morning, Rachel awoke and went straight to the bathroom. Careful examination revealed the bruising beginning to show on both breasts. She washed gently and then went to get dressed. As she walked into the boudoir so Juanita came in with an elderly looking gentleman. "Rachel, this is Professor Ferrandis. He wants to talk to you." "Just let...

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Maybe Its Magic Final Chapters

Maybe It's Magic by RH Music Chapter 7: The Concert It is Thursday, just two days until our evening out in New York, and I am worried. Am I starting to have feelings for Mr. Feyla? Is that possible? What is clear is that my female parts (as I call them now) get wet all on their own - no salve required (although I still apply it every two hours, as Morgen suggests). Further, the 'indentation' is getting deeper and deeper, up to two knuckles deep. Okay, it's a hole. I...

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Breaking Point RickChapter 2

"Can we have Rick come out again?" the twins asked almost in unison when he had biked out of sight on his way back to campus Sunday evening. "I'd like that, too," Naomi assured them. "I'll bet he shows up at some of your games." "I hope so! Say, what was that shouting when you were talking to him and we were in the pool, Mom? You were going to tell us something, then he stopped you." "Oh, I was just teasing him," Naomi said, trying to sound nonchalant. "Mo-om! We don't...

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Breaking All The Rules part 3

Tuesday morning back at my house I awoke in a spooning position, with Marley Paterson’s bare ass cheeks grasping my stiffening prick. Her ass cheeks felt so damned inviting. I found myself wanting to roll her over on her perfectly flat tummy, then slowly force myself inside her snug pussy from behind, so I could wake the beautiful young teen with a hot early morning fuck. For some reason since these events began, starting at the high school then winding up at my house wrapped in the arms...

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Breaking All The Rules part 2

As the evening went on I couldn’t get the X rated threesome I had with Marley and Jenifer off my mind. Let alone that my old high school sweetheart Andria Baker, who just happens to be the principal of Eagle Lake High, and just happens to be Jennifer’s mother, and a married woman at that. She wants to have a weekend affair with me while her husbands out of town this weekend. This of course makes things even more complicated, but Very interesting. Now I’m walking through my empty home...

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Breaking Brittany

Breaking Brittany1: The Break-In2: Breaking In3: Broken In1 – The Break-InWith one final jab of the paperclip, the lock opened.Vince eased the door open and peered through the crack. The front foyer was dark. He slipped inside, shutting the door behind him.The soles of his boots thudded softly against the hard wood floor as Vince crossed the foyer into the dining room and, seeing no light, moved to the living room.Still nothing. He headed upstairs.The door to the master bedroom was ajar. Vince...

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breaking him in

He looked at the breast forms and shook his head slowly. They would fit his bra perfectly. His bra, he couldn’t believe that he had gotten used to saying "his bra". She had broken him in to the wearing of "his bra". She had broken him in to the bra, the panties, the stockings, the shaved legs, the women’s shoes. The painted toe nails and now she was adding the forms to the list of humiliations. He wanted to protest but didn’t, he had learned that to protest would only had time to his sentence...

1 year ago
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A New PastChapter 42 PointCounterpoint

“Who are they?” I asked once security cleared us to edge past the protesters in the wake of the bus carrying the interns. It had taken long enough that we had swung by the rental house so we could drop Jeryl to get the kids in bed. “Greenpeace? The Sierra Club?” “No,” Alison said with a scowl. “It’s a group called ‘Save our Shores’. The leader here is a man named Seymour Xavier.” I nodded. “And what, exactly do they think we are doing to harm the shores?” Alison shook her head. “The best...

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Life Lessons combined chapters

The boys on my side of the street and the girls on the another side I watch as the boys, just a minute ago were talking and rough housing with each other when one of them notices the girls and they go dead silent looking down at their feet trying not to be noticed by two average looking girls, all because they look a little order then they do. Those boys continue to walk on and as they come in front my house I see one of the boys look back at the girls whom are now several house away just...

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How Are You Not Being NeglectedChapter 7 Only three chapters

I went to the house and as Olga smiled at me she told me about her morning preparations, "My breasts were pumped a little this morning, but there is so much milk that remained only for you. I put the rest in the fridge, so when you're thirsty you could drink it later. Yesterday I ate a lot of chili so my milk would be extra tasty for you." She told me, as this would be an everyday activity. My cock took over control in my brain. She stood a short distance from me I could see her whole...

1 year ago
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BREAKING & SELLING SARAH WITH MY FREINDS HELP It was a rainy day in November, I was sitting down in front of my computer jerking off to images of hot blonde women being hogtied and fucked thanks to my best friend john who sent them to me by e-mail, John and another friend Rowan were calling around to hang Out at my house, my parents were away for the weekend so the only ones at home were Sarah and me, Sarah was my 15-year-old sister 3 years younger than me and it was...

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Breaking Kay

Over the years I’ve had the opportunity…no… the privilege of painting the most exquisite canvases, but Kay was the most unique and challenging. I remember her sashaying into the room with that ‘All that and a bag of chips’ attitude. I knew from simply looking at her that she’d never had to beg, never had to work at getting any man to do her bidding. She was perfection personified and she knew it, from her deep raven locks to her dainty feet and all the space in between. He, of course, was not...

1 year ago
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Breaking Kay

Over the years I've had the the privilege of painting the most exquisite canvases, but Kay was the most unique and challenging. I remember her sashaying into the room with that 'All that and a bag of chips' attitude. I knew from simply looking at her that she'd never had to beg, never had to work at getting any man to do her bidding. She was perfection personified and she knew it, from her deep raven locks to her dainty feet and all the space in between. He, of course, was...

3 years ago
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Breaking Up Breaking In

"Hey handsome! I missed you," she said, moving across the room with a cute-almost stumble. She wrapped her arms around me, but I stood rigid. She must have felt that, sensed something was wrong, because her smile began to fade. Her lips still stayed stretched up, but her eyes started to fill with worries. "We need to talk, Serah." Breakups are nasty. I didn't want to hurt Serah, but then I also didn't want to be with her anymore. She was gorgeous, don't get me wrong: around...

1 year ago
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Breaking PointChapter 2

Mum and Dad were out. The summer day was sweltering, muggy, and overwhelming. My shirt was halfway across the room, next to the erratically whirring fan. I was lying on my bed, idly flipping through a Marvel comic, not really interested, when there came a knock at my door. ‘Yeah, come in, ‘ I called, not moving or even looking up. Of course, it was Fee who walked in, completely naked. She looked a little ... worried, I noticed. ‘Domini, can I sit?’ She asked. ‘Yes, of course, ‘ I said,...

4 years ago
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Breaking Up and Making Up

Breaking Up And Making Up "Well, Nobody's Perfect!" Joe E. Brown "Some Like It Hot" Nikkie Silk Chapter One Danny stood at the bar and looked around the pub. It wasn't his usual, but this one had looked bright and warm from the outside on a gray, rainy day. The after work rush wouldn't start for a couple of hours or so yet, so there were only a few old boys who looked like regulars, nursing their pints and looking miserable, cursing the smoking ban. A couple at a table in the...

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Barbara and the couple two short chapters

Barbara gets piercings Seth watched Barbara again from a distance. This time they were in the middle of the city and the red headed girl was looking for adresses. Seth had send her only a adress and a time. So far she has not seen him yet but she had followed every command that he had given. She was sturdy and ready for anything. Wondering if he should try to have her be a piss slut once, he saw that the girl had found the adress. She had arrived at a tattoo and piercing parlor. Seth...

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Cupids curse in proved grammar and proof read first 4 chapters

It's nothing new to me. I've been having same dream ever since my 18th birthday. At first it was only happening once a week, but now it’s happening every night. “Shit! I’m going to be late.” I shouted after looking at the time on my IPhone. You see today is the first day of the 19 years I've spent on this planet that I will be living alone. Well with my best friend. “Jaden, come downstairs right now.” My mom shouted from down stairs. “I'm coming mom.” I said in a nonchalant tone. You...

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Cupids curse The first 4 chapters

As I get off the bed to come to her I feel the same sharp pain in my eyes. I never stop moving as almost if my body was possessed. Drawling me closer to this mysterious women with every step. When I finally reach the sofa my heart starts thumping wildly like a horse on a open field. Again she signals me to sit down by her. The mysterious women does nothing more nor nothing less. And in reply to her soundless motion I take my seat next to her. As I sit down next to her she let's off a odd...

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Alicias Lesson CAW8 entrant All 5 Chapters

An XNXX exclusive. ***** This runs about 13,000 words so be warned. Check the tags and enjoy. Introduction: Bryan falls in love with Alicia, a coworker. As their relationship advances, two women he works with show their interest in him. One Alicia invites to have a little fun, and the other Bryan hints that he likes. Jealousy breeds a taste for revenge, but who is the killer? ***** Alicia drove to work, cruising at a leisurely pace with plenty of time to spare. She would make it...

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Abigail three chapters

It is a sad fact of life that many of our teenage children come off the tracks. There are many hypotheses that try to explain how it is, our society cannot cater for the younger generation, how it fails them at a fundamental level and leaves them to learn and fend for themselves. We teach our children the usual things, History, Geography, to read and write, numerical skills, but we seem to have forgotten how to teach them social graces and how to behave. But, for a large slice of the...

4 years ago
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The Truth About Bethie The First Part Chapters

9. Bethie's wishWe cuddled and pecked and necked for a good little while after that. Not worrying about pictures, just enjoying ourselves. I was by then completely in her spell, so comforted from my earlier anxiety about Lizvette, and guilt-free about Bethie. She was very much in command and very obviously enjoying her status as lady of the house and love of my life.She was curious to see the pictures, and eager to secure them. At her request, we moved to the den. There, at my desk, she sat in...

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