Breaking Point Ch 11 16
- 4 years ago
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"Can we have Rick come out again?" the twins asked almost in unison when he had biked out of sight on his way back to campus Sunday evening.
"I'd like that, too," Naomi assured them. "I'll bet he shows up at some of your games."
"I hope so! Say, what was that shouting when you were talking to him and we were in the pool, Mom? You were going to tell us something, then he stopped you."
"Oh, I was just teasing him," Naomi said, trying to sound nonchalant.
"Mo-om! We don't believe you."
After Naomi refused several times, all the while thinking about how she could make something good out of it, the twins threatened their newly discovered doomsday weapon - tickling. Naomi was frightfully ticklish, and they were far too strong for her to have any chance of resisting.
"OK! OK! Remember, you asked for it, and remember, I was just teasing him. I was about to tell you that you could take your suits off if you wanted to."
It was fun watching their absolute astonishment, followed by some incandescent blushing. "Mo-om! Did you really tell him you were going to say that?" Naomi nodded. "But ... but, we could never do that! Why would you let him think it?"
The girls were actually upset, which was not at all what Naomi had intended. "Wait! Wait! Don't get upset. Let me explain. First of all, Rick has had very little experience with girls."
"But he's such a fox!"
"Yeah, well, he has kind of a sad story, but you need to ask him about that yourself. Anyway, he had not noticed that your bottoms were bare until you turned around to close the patio door after getting the Cokes, Celia. When he saw your ass, he let out this groan."
"He groaned? Why?"
"Because it got him so aroused - so horny - to see so much of you."
"You ... you mean he liked what he saw?"
"Did he ever!" Naomi assured them. "I was telling him how you always worry that you're not sexy enough, and you know what he said? He said 'But they're perfect!'"
"No! Did her really say that?"
"He really did. Then he guessed that those weren't the suits you usually wore, and I explained about our big discussion on which suits. That's when I stuck in a little lie. I told him what you really wanted to do when he was here was not wear any suit."
Celia was quite agitated. "Mom, you made him think we're sluts or something!"
"Oh, come on, Celia. He thinks you're perfect, remember? Besides, he didn't believe me. When I was going to tell you you could swim bare, he stopped me. He didn't want to embarrass you."
"Oh." Was all Celia could say to that. After a moment, though, Delia had a different response.
"I'd sure take my suit off if he would."
Celia was watching her mother. When Naomi flushed and shivered a little, Celia pounced. "MOM! You'd skinny dip with him, too, wouldn't you?"
Reverting to the girls' level, Naomi retorted "Are you saying you wouldn't?"
Then, everything degenerated into giggles. When that settled down, Celia, who was still a little upset, demanded "You'll tell him you were just kidding, won't you?"
"Not unless I can say it about both of you," Naomi teased. "I think your sister is ready to show him her pussy hair and her nipples. That's about all he hasn't seen already." That revived the giggles.
"You going to have sex with him, Mom?" Naomi was not terribly shocked at that question. Remembering how she had felt at their age and seeing all the signs of early maturation, she had decided to be completely open with them. Since Jack's death, it had become a priceless bond to be able to talk freely about anything to do with their bodies and sex.
"Wouldn't you rather have him be sort of a substitute brother?" Naomi countered.
"Let's talk about the family rules on incest, then," Delia quipped. She managed to make her twin gasp, a major coup. Spurred on by the reaction, she added "You into sharing, Mom?"
Naomi's instincts were to come down hard on Delia for talk that suggestive. The problem was that she knew her girls. Delia, especially, was not into idle chatter and joking. Maybe inviting Rick out was a bad idea. Probably she should not have done the skinny dipping jokes.
"I'm sorry, Girls. I guess I should not have let this suggestive stuff into Rick's visit. It's just..."
"It's just that you're horny, he's gorgeous, and he's a sweet guy," Delia finished for her. "Mom, don't forget that we're horny, too. How old were you when you started having sex? I've forgotten."
Delia most certainly had not forgotten, and she had chosen a very gentle way to remind her mother that their needs were the same as what hers had been at that age, and that they were overdue to satisfy those needs.
On a roll, Delia just laid it all out. "Mom, please! Get him out here again. Get him in bed and teach him how to do it right. Then let us have our turns."
"But ... but won't that come between us," Naomi protested, unable to deny that she would like nothing better. "Won't jealousy be a problem?"
Celia finally entered in. "Don't tell me you don't know about stuff Delia and I have done with each other, Mom. We wouldn't be jealous of each other, and we could never be jealous of you. Would you be jealous?"
"Whoa! Whoa, Girls! How did we start talking about all of us having sex with Rick?"
"That's easy," Celia claimed. "You just take two horny virgins and an even hornier mom, you throw in one perfect stud, and you've got a ... a reverse gangbang."
"Celia, that makes it sound kind of trashy. I can't think of Rick that way," Naomi scolded.
"You're right. I can't either," Celia backtracked. "Guess I was just trying to shock you a little."
"You did that. You do realize that if Rick has sex with you it's statutory rape, don't you."
"That's why officially, he will only be having sex with you," Delia said, returning to the conversation.
"Hey, have you girls been plotting something like this for a while? You didn't even know about Rick until last night."
"Well, we've been looking for guys you might want to go out with. We figured we could get them to do us, too. Oh, as long as you were willing, I mean. What man would turn down a chance like that, anyway?" Delia challenged.
"I had no idea you two were thinking about stuff like that. I suppose boys your age aren't at all interesting, are they?"
"You should know," Celia shot back.
"Yeah, I do know."
"Would it really be such a tough thing to break in Rick for us, Mom?"
"How did I raise such comedians?" Naomi muttered, purposely loud enough for the girls to hear. "Of course it wouldn't be tough. OK! I admit that I've got the hots for him. I know he's too young, and everything, but no man since your dad has gotten to me like he has."
"We figured that out when you wore the bikini," Celia teased. "The thong next time?"
"How did you know I had a thong?"
"There were pictures on Dad's computer of you in that suit - a whole bunch of them."
"Oh, I forgot about those." Naomi shivered involuntarily as she remembered when Jack had managed to display those pictures from his computer to their big-screen TV while they had sex on the floor. She could not stop a tear from forming.
"Sorry, Mom. We really miss him, too, but I know it's nothing like you feel." They pulled into a group hug and there was silence for a while.
"Are you worried that it will, um, dishonor Dad if you have sex with Rick?"
"Oh, I think I'm past that. You know, we talked about what if one of us died. Neither wanted the other to stay celibate."
"Good. So, next time the thong? Or nothing?" Don't depend on a teen to be diverted from the real issue for long.
"Hey, slow down, please! You know your dad was my one and only. I've only ever made love, not just had sex with someone. I at least want to get to the place where Rick and I really care for each other, and I want him to really care for you, too. I think that can happen pretty quickly, but it won't be tomorrow. Let's manage to see him as much as we can, then play it by ear. I promise we'll talk about everything, OK?"
"Well, OK, but don't make it too long. Otherwise we'll have to haul a couple of those dweebs from school into bed."
As he pedaled wearily back to campus, Rick could not believe how much one day had affected him. The three women - the twins were definitely women - had been completely different than any women he had spent any time with before. Oh, Mrs. Emerson had also been different, but his relationship with her was necessarily professional, regardless of how much she had helped him personally.
Perhaps it was born of a long-neglected need, but he had a sudden sense of 'belonging'. Despite Naomi's teasing, he had felt comfortable - at ease. It seemed like the women were happy that he was there and wanted him to be with them more. Well, he definitely wanted to be with them more.
One serious problem was trying to keep the twins positioned as surrogate sisters. What really made that difficult was the image that would probably never leave his memory. It was when he first noticed that their suits left their asses bare. That ass he had first noticed was only the centerpiece of the image imprinted on his mind, though. Downward, the two globes of the heart-shaped whole split into her substantial but nicely tapered thighs, then on down to knees, calves, and feet that were all lovely to look at. Upward from that ass was a taut and surprisingly narrow waist. From there, her torso formed an amazing triangle, topped by wide, straight, muscular shoulders.
As experienced a biker as he was, Rick could ride safely while thinking deeply. As a healthy young male with at least normal sexual urges, he could not recall ever looking so critically, and yes, longingly, at a woman as he had looked at Naomi and the twins that day. Could it be that unless the woman seemed to invite his appreciation, he could not give it? He was certain that all three of the Brown women were delighted when he looked at their bodies.
Unbeknownst to Rick, he arrived at the same conclusion as had Naomi. He would try to manage his feelings about the women until he got to know them much better. He would take every chance he could get to be with them. The concept of family, a real family, kept running through his mind.
When Naomi finally got to bed, after sitting up a long time and downing an unusual two glasses of wine, sleep was a while coming.
Part of her mind was berating her for even talking about the three of them having sex with Rick. What kind of mother would encourage her fourteen-year-old daughters to have sex? And with the same man she wanted?
She had this little mental debate about which part of her mind was making that objection, the emotional or the rational. She 'knew' she was supposed to keep her daughters from having sex too early. But had it been too early for her at that age? Absolutely not. Of that, she was convinced.
Had it not been for the illegal but wonderful sex with Jack, Naomi was certain that the desperate need of her highly hormonal body would have ruined any hope of productive teen years. She could see the same threat in her girls. They were women with women's needs.
Normally, Tuesday was the day Rick took the bus to one of the off-road areas because his classes ended at one-thirty. Instead, the Tuesday after his Sunday visit, he biked about thirteen miles to watch the girls' softball game.
When he arrived, Naomi saw him first and exclaimed "Rick, I was at school. You could have ridden out with me!"
"I needed the ride, Naomi. Usually, I go off-roading Tuesdays, so at least I got some miles in."
"And you gave that up to watch the girls? Will they ever be impressed!"
"Well, I wanted to see you, too," he told her, with boldness that surprised him.
"How did you know I would be here?"
Shrugging, he answered "You're just that kind of a mother." There was that little shiver that Rick had seen from her a few times.
Naomi just blurted out what she was thinking. Fleetingly, she wondered if he would understand - it was a good test. "Rick, you have to stop saying that kind of stuff. We're planning to eat out afterwards. My panties will be so damp that people will smell me."
His answer did not give her the information she wanted. "Oh, well, unless the girls get to shower, no one will notice you. It's pretty hot today. In fact, I'd better stand away from people and watch."
After his answer, Naomi still did not know if he understood about arousal and female lubrication. He did, but she would have to ask him straight out at some point.
During the game, he never really had a chance to sit. Since Naomi really wanted to be with him, she followed him around as he took hundreds of pictures with the powerful little camera that he always had with him. It had been with him Sunday, and there were many pictures he had wanted to take. He had just thought that would be pushing it for a first visit.
"Why don't you ride with me to the house. We can pick something up instead of eating out. I'd like to load those pictures onto our computer."
"I don't have any other clothes with me," he pointed out. "Do you really want me in your car smelling like this?"
"We can handle it," she said with a smile. "When we get to the house, you can wear something of Jack's - or not?" That last was delivered with a very sexy little pose and look.
Once they knew Rick would be along, the twins were more than happy with 'Hot and Ready' pizza. Naomi kept the pizza warm in the oven, and they took a short swim before eating on the patio. An old swimsuit of Jack's worked, barely without falling off. He never put anything else on before donning his biking outfit again for the trip home. Naomi offered to drive him, but he really wanted the ride.
As he rode, his thoughts were on the women and his relationship with them. There was that feeling of family again. The girls had been thrilled that he had made it to the game, and very impressed with all of the pictures. Naomi had been attentive and flirty in turns. He was glad he did not have to choose just one mood. The whole was just ... nice. He could not wait to do it again.
Rick had attended two more games and spent another Sunday with the Browns when his carefully guarded seclusion from his birth family ended. He was alone in the cafeteria, sipping coffee and studying between classes when someone sat down across from him at the otherwise unoccupied table.
Finishing the paragraph he was reading as a signal to the person that they were rudely interrupting him, then finally looking up, he saw his cousin Megan. Staring at her and trying to moderate the disgust he felt, he just said "Shit!" It was the kind of reaction he would never have dared to try even a few weeks earlier.
Her face flushed briefly, he guessed from anger. "What kind of greeting is that?" she demanded. There was no humor in her look when she said it.
"It's not a greeting," he retorted, once again amazed at his own boldness. "It's a curse against my bad luck."
"Bad luck?"
"I guess I should be happy I made two years without anyone finding out where I was. What year in school are you?" Since she had books with her, he knew she was a student.
"I graduate in two weeks."
"Damn! Damn! Damn! I came that close to making it through the year."
Megan just stared at him for the longest time. "Why did you just disappear? Why didn't anyone know about Valedictorian or scholarships or anything?"
"Well, the twins knew about Valedictorian. Not my fault it wasn't important enough to tell their parents. As for disappearing; I was just following the family tradition."
There was another flush and this time her voice showed real anger. "Why do all the men leave, anyway?"
"Megan, if you're a college graduate, you already know the answer and you're just playing with me. If you don't know, than I can't imagine how you earned a degree."
"God, Rick! I've never seen you so bitter and angry."
"Well, you never paid any attention to what my mood was before, so how would you know? I've got to get to class. Congratulations on your graduation. Bye."
He knew Naomi's schedule and caught her leaving her last class. "Any chance I could spend the night at your house and ride in for morning classes?"
Naomi would have to come in earlier to get him to class, but she did not hesitate. "Great! The girls will be thrilled. I have a committee meeting tonight, but I'm sure you won't get bored."
She waited until they were at the house before asking why, and he replayed the encounter. With a few more questions he had explained where Megan fit in the family and what his previous relationship with her had been.
She decided it would be fun to pick up the girls from practice and surprise them, so the conversation ended there. The twins were both surprised and delighted.
Now able to tell them apart, he knew it was Celia who asked "Is something wrong, Rick? You usually only come out on game nights."
Celia was sitting beside him on the back seat, and he reached over to squeeze her hand. He hoped she could sense how much it meant to have a woman concerned about his feelings. "How about I tell it all again when we get home." It was Celia's look that made him realize that he had said 'home' rather than 'your house'.
When they got to the house, Delia was obviously in some discomfort. When he asked, she said that a muscle in her back had tightened up. "Let me see if I can work it out for you," he offered.
"Oh, that would be great," she enthused. "Wait. I stink. Let me get a quick shower."
"Sure. While I try to untie the knot in your back, I'll tell you what happened today. Hurry back."
"Where did you learn massage?" Naomi wondered, after Delia had gone off to shower and Celia went to another bathroom to shower.
"I really don't know massage. Biking leaves lots of cramps and tight muscles. I've learned to feel out the problems and loosen them up on my own legs," he explained.
"And I'm sure you wouldn't mind getting your hands on her body, would you?" she teased.
"Busted. Hey, you want a back rub while we wait?"
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Breaking And Entering By Mary Beth Sanford Copyright © 2020 Mary Beth Sanford All rights reserved. This story or parts thereof may not be reproduced in any form, stored in any retrieval system, or transmitted in any form by any means--electronic, mechanical, photocopy, recording, or otherwise. Mary Beth Sanford First Draft Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author's imagination or used in a fictitious...
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BREAKING & SELLING SARAH WITH MY FREINDS HELP It was a rainy day in November, I was sitting down in front of my computer jerking off to images of hot blonde women being hogtied and fucked thanks to my best friend john who sent them to me by e-mail, John and another friend Rowan were calling around to hang Out at my house, my parents were away for the weekend so the only ones at home were Sarah and me, Sarah was my 15-year-old sister 3 years younger than me and it was...
Over the years I’ve had the opportunity…no… the privilege of painting the most exquisite canvases, but Kay was the most unique and challenging. I remember her sashaying into the room with that ‘All that and a bag of chips’ attitude. I knew from simply looking at her that she’d never had to beg, never had to work at getting any man to do her bidding. She was perfection personified and she knew it, from her deep raven locks to her dainty feet and all the space in between. He, of course, was not...
Over the years I've had the the privilege of painting the most exquisite canvases, but Kay was the most unique and challenging. I remember her sashaying into the room with that 'All that and a bag of chips' attitude. I knew from simply looking at her that she'd never had to beg, never had to work at getting any man to do her bidding. She was perfection personified and she knew it, from her deep raven locks to her dainty feet and all the space in between. He, of course, was...
BDSM"Hey handsome! I missed you," she said, moving across the room with a cute-almost stumble. She wrapped her arms around me, but I stood rigid. She must have felt that, sensed something was wrong, because her smile began to fade. Her lips still stayed stretched up, but her eyes started to fill with worries. "We need to talk, Serah." Breakups are nasty. I didn't want to hurt Serah, but then I also didn't want to be with her anymore. She was gorgeous, don't get me wrong: around...
Mum and Dad were out. The summer day was sweltering, muggy, and overwhelming. My shirt was halfway across the room, next to the erratically whirring fan. I was lying on my bed, idly flipping through a Marvel comic, not really interested, when there came a knock at my door. ‘Yeah, come in, ‘ I called, not moving or even looking up. Of course, it was Fee who walked in, completely naked. She looked a little ... worried, I noticed. ‘Domini, can I sit?’ She asked. ‘Yes, of course, ‘ I said,...
Breaking Up And Making Up "Well, Nobody's Perfect!" Joe E. Brown "Some Like It Hot" Nikkie Silk Chapter One Danny stood at the bar and looked around the pub. It wasn't his usual, but this one had looked bright and warm from the outside on a gray, rainy day. The after work rush wouldn't start for a couple of hours or so yet, so there were only a few old boys who looked like regulars, nursing their pints and looking miserable, cursing the smoking ban. A couple at a table in the...
Alex finished his third set and slowly stood, rolling from the bench to the floor. He had just finished working on his shoulders and arms; cardio was next, followed by some pull ups to work on his back. He wiped the back of his neck with a towel, and casually looked towards the check-in counter at the far side of the gym floor. There she was, right on time. She flashed her brilliant smile to the boy behind the counter and gave him a flirty little wink as he handed her the sign in...
The entire story is a fiction, all characters are fictions. The story contains lot of forced sex scenes, people who are not okay with that, don’t read the story. This is my first story, please excuse the typos and the grammatical errors. I apologize if the story is a bit long. Feedback to Breaking Hema – Part 1 Mr. Swaminathan is a 50 year old man who lived with his wife Ambika in a suburban town called Avadi in Chennai, he worked as a manager in a reputed bank. Swami came from an extremely...
He came across a message from one of his favorite playmates and paid special attention. “Click on these two links,” she suggested. “I think you will like them!” Based on his experience, she knew exactly how to please him, so he happily clicked on the first link. As he began to read first about an interesting individual and then about his philosophy on life, he became enraptured. “Anyone who thinks like this guy is worth getting to know,” he mumbled to himself as he read. Rock found...
I woke up one morning and came downstairs to find pet making breakfast. I sat down to the table and read the morning paper she had placed on the table. One of her duties is to put the morning paper at my place so I can read it before going to work. I was reading it when she put breakfast in front of me. Something was strange - normally, I get a perky "Good Morning, Master!" from my pet, but today she was quiet and reserved. I didn't think much of it at the time and went on about getting ready...
BDSMI am not entirely proud of what I did, but put yourself in my shoes for a minute and maybe you shall understand. See, I have been working overtime at the managerial aspects of my work lately, so my sleep schedule is completely broken. But at least that night I am getting a nice, relaxing sleep. It is the first one I had had for weeks, in fact. Or at least, it would have been, were it not for the fact that I was rudely jolted out of sleep by a sudden, loud crash coming from downstairs. Here is...
My best friend from the group was a girl named Eva. She’s two years older than me and we met when we were little. She’s always been a beautiful girl; purely Irish with blonde hair and a thicker, but not fat, build. She was also always the troublemaker of the group – the first to come up with a stupid idea like borrowing her mom’s car without a license, wandering off around town without telling our parents, and doing all sorts of things that got me in trouble. As we grew older and entered high...
It was a rainy day in November, I was sitting down in front of my computer jerking off to images of hot blonde women being hogtied and fucked thanks to my best friend john who sent them to me by e-mail, John and another friend Rowan were calling around to hang Out at my house, my parents were away for the weekend so the only ones at home were Sarah and me, Sarah was my 15-year-old sister 3 years younger than me and it was my job to “baby-sit” her for the weekend even though she was old...
Drake woke up to the command ‘Out.’ He looked around, not sure what was going on. Once again the command was given, and this time he realized Raell was out of the wagon and they were standing in front of a massive house. He got up, but Raell was already walking away, his ties in her hand. Drake was yanked out of the wagon, right onto his scraped chest and hands. He yelled, but scrambled up. He didn’t want to get dragged any more than he already had. He followed her around the house and to a...
So There I was at a very good friends Wedding Reception, and was having a pretty decent time as well. I was contemplating leaving when, Elaine I very refined Lady that I had met earlier in the very long morning, Approached me withan Extremely Beautiful Young lady, somewhat less refined than herself. Who she introduced to me as her Daughter Raylynn, I replied Wow ! What a Beautiful Name for such a Beautiful Young Lady, as I shook her hand she said why thank you.You two have a lot in common...
Ranma never liked rainy days. Well, you simply have to hate rain when even slight contact with the cold water turns you into girl. All because of that cursed Chinese lake. Aware of that, Ranma already turned himself into girl before leaving the Tendo Dojo and dressed girl school uniform. Running fast, she jumped into the city bus that was just about to leave bus stop. But for a martial artist it wasn't a problem to reach and sneak inside. Sadly, the rain was so intensive that she was...
Clarissa studied the younger version of her Dan with a knowing eye. "Dan, I think DJ is in love with Cami," she said, her voice just loud enough for the two men to hear. DJ felt the flush that settled in his cheeks under her gaze. He looked from Clarissa's tear stained cheeks and up to the questioningly look from his father. With a sigh, he closed his eyes and nodded. "Yeah, I'm in love with her. But she doesn't know and if I don't get her back then I won't be able to tell...
Annabelle's Introduction The following tale centers around a sixteen year old girl by the name of Annabelle Flint. An unusual name, but she was far from that being a very respectful teen, that saw only the brighter sides to life despite her many woes to the contrary. For her the first thirteen years of her life had felt like a dream, that sadly came crashing back down to reality when her parents who had been secretly fighting for many years finally divorced. The thirteen year old Annabelle...
Tuesday was another day of dodging Marielle and accomplishing only slightly more than Monday's meager output. Wednesday morning, he was pondering how to handle the first interaction with Marielle as he approached the company's entrance. He was brought up short by a hand on his chest. "Gordy, I'm terribly sorry, but you have to wait here." It was Cal, the head of company security. Another member of the security staff was right behind him holding a box. Within a minute, the head of HR and...
I remember the day it all began as if it were just yesterday. It was nine in the morning when I met my first period students. There were ten students in all, a total of five boys and five girls. All of them were sophomores and seniors, ranging from the ages of sixteen to seventeen. I looked my students over as most teachers do when we meet them for the first time. I saw rebels, jocks, boys and girls of all shapes sizes. One attractive blue eyed red haird girl stood out from the...
This is a partial rewrite of a story that I wrote about 2 years ago. Breaking the Curse By Morpheus "Curse it." Prince Caiden growled, pulling a bandage on his arm, disgusted by the sight of blood that soaked through. It wasn't the blood that disgusted him, just the fact that it was his own. And that it shouldn't have been. "He cheated." Caiden growled, glaring around his empty room. Just a short while earlier, Caiden had been sparring in the castle courtyard with one of the...
Breaking My Record By: Breanne and Michael Alexander I guess I should probably introduce myself. Some of you know me. Some of you don’t. If you’ve ever read Michael Alexander’s ?Silver Locke?, ?Heart of Ice?, or ?The Museum of Inquisition?, you’ve probably met the character that’s based on me. If you’ve ever read Michael’s Blog, (, or his website (, then you’ve probably read most of my previous daily assignments. Hope...
Stan looked dubiously at the little crystal trinket dangling from his hand. His marriage was on the rocks, but he'd been hoping for something a little more useful than half-baked folk remedies. Both men took a moment to appreciate the curves of Tracey's ass under her short tennis skirt as she collected their empty beer bottles. Will's wife ignored their gazes and exited the room as silently as she'd entered. "Seriously? I remember you worrying about Tracey playing the field. And...
ONE WEEK BEFORE THE EQUINOX PARTY Vanessa Allen set down her phone on the dressing table in front of her and stared at her reflection in the mirror. Her skin was too pale, a stark contrast to the dark curls that hung loosely down over her shoulders. She let out a slow breath and leaned back in her chair. Her husband James had just given her another of his infamous ‘working late’ excuses and right now the last thing she wanted to do was host their anniversary party. It had been his idea in the...
Lips pressed softly to my own, to my cheeks, my forehead. I was lying on my back, mostly cosily asleep, one arm around Fee--hang on. Fee was no longer there ... well, who else would be kissing me like that, anyway?! It seems that I was correct in assuming that we would make love again in the next eight hours. Still fighting against sleep, I stayed prone in my horizontal position as Fee kissed me tenderly. Then she was touching my cock, which was affected by morning hormones and already...
Introduction: Cain Wanted to join a fraternity, but didnt expect such a warm welcome!! Please leave relevant comments or else I will get them deleted!!! Stop putting adverts up on my stories!!! Breaking Cain. Chapter 1: The Break In The house was dark, the only sounds around, was the soft repetitive click of the clock quietly ticking away. The house was still and everyone was obviously sleeping. It was a winters day and it was 4 in the morning, no one is gonna be out of third bed unless they...
In continuation of my previous story, Years pass by, my brother shifted to Saudi Arabia for a job. A few years later, I also joined him and was working with him. My father passed away at a relatively early age, he was 52. My sister got married in our home country. My mom started living with us in Saudi Arabia for the most part of the year. She was just spending a couple of months back home with my sister each year. I was obviously spending more time with my mom. She was lonely as well and of...
IncestBreaking the Routine by Tgaby Saturday Prologue It was a cold and blustery November day when Maya finally found the nameless little store on 75th street. There was nothing on the front to indicate that it was a store at all, but she knew this was the place the moment she saw it. She'd heard rumors of its existence through the wives' grapevine, usually mentioned in hushed tones as having helped with couples therapy in a peculiar way. Nobody she had asked would give her any details...