Emma 01 free porn video

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She lived in an old Victorian house across the street from our family home. The house was owned by my father and was filled with the students from the nearby college. The rent was fairly steep, but the house was big and beautiful, allowing seven students to practically have their own flats, sharing only a big kitchen. If something were amiss my father would send me over to fix it for them.

At first I hated the job. I had no time to mess around someone else’s living quarters, being a student myself and needing every spare moment for the studies. But once Emma moved in, I didn’t mind it much anymore. She was kind and gentle girl, always a bit of a loner, not really making friends with anybody who lived in the house, not even me. Always courteous, she would make certain there was distance between her and the rest of the world, devoting all her time to the books and her little Chihuahua dog, Angelique.

From time to time I would bump into her at college and she would smile and greet me warmly, only to hurry away, preventing me to involve her in conversation beyond “Hello, how are you?”

I asked her to a party once and she heatedly declined, using the all too transparent of an excuse of having to study. A few weeks later I drove past her on my way home from a class and offered her a ride, but she refused that, too.

Slowly, my liking of her turned into annoyance. She appeared to be a snob, believing nobody was good enough for her, or so I thought. I had girlfriends aplenty, but it was her I really wanted and she clearly didn’t like what I had to offer. To her, I was probably nothing more than a janitor, someone who desperately tried to attract her attention, and for whom she didn’t have a minute to spare.

Christmas time came and I knew that everyone in the rented house had left to visit his or her family. Everyone that is, but Emma. She and her blasted dog were the only ones left, and I was more than pissed off when I had to walk over there on one particularly bitterly cold evening to fix the furnace in the cellar. I was late for a party and didn’t feel like dirtying myself with ashes.

High and mighty Emma didn’t even have the decency to come down and tell me what was wrong. She simply explained everything to my dad over the phone and I was instructed on what to do. I saw to it that she had heat in the house and just as I was about to leave the cellar, an idea came over me, something I’ve never entertained before, not even in my wildest sexual fantasies late at night, when I lay in my bed, wanking off furiously, thinking of Emma or some other girl that took my fancy.

I decided to return to the house late at night after the party and just watch her sleep. Even though I was furious, she was a beautiful girl and despite having lost all hope of ever dating her, I still enjoyed looking at her face. I read somewhere that a sleeping person is at its most innocent, or maybe it was vulnerable. Whatever the case may be, I wanted to see her when she wasn’t hiding her true self from me. I walked over to the small window in the corner of the cellar, which was big enough to allow a person to enter from the backyard and quickly checked the cellar door, making sure Emma was nowhere near to spot me. I unlocked the window, opened it and then closed it again, leaving it unbolted.

“All done, Emma!” I yelled up the stairs as I had finally left the cellar. I waited for a minute and after a few uncomfortable moments, she finally replied, thanking me for my trouble and bidding me goodnight.

I was still shaking my head as I exited the house. She proved to be more and more bitchy by the day. Now, years later, I can understand her reluctance to make friends with the world, but at the time, I was young and foolish, all I knew was that there was fun to be had and parties to attend to. I never cared enough to find out why she kept isolating herself from everybody.

The party that I went to proved to be somewhat of a disappointment. Very few of my friends showed up and I was in a pissy mood all evening. I had a few beers but even that didn’t satisfy me and unlike other times I stopped drinking before I got intoxicated. I kept thinking of Emma and how I would avoid her being alarmed by the inevitable barking of her pet rat. Truth to be told, that dog didn’t make much noise, but one never knows with animals. When least expected, they could make a ruckus and spoil one’s plans, to say the least.

I left early, telling my best friend Brian that I had a late night date, trying to make an alibi for myself should the trouble ensue and I found myself in a tight spot. I drove through the countryside, avoiding the pubs that were my usual haunts, finally arriving in Reading well after midnight. I noticed that I was trembling all over and it wasn’t just due to the cold. I was nervous and excited both at the same time.

Why I thought seeing her asleep was such a good idea, I couldn’t tell. Not then, not now. I believe I just wanted to be close to her when she wasn’t on guard, seeing her like she most certainly wouldn’t want me to see her. It would be my personal revenge, I thought. At the same time, I tried to come up with an excuse in case she did catch me in the house and the best I could think of was that I came to make sure the furnace was still in a working order. Even now, I still break out into a sweat just thinking of how foolish I had been and what sorts of trouble I could have gotten myself into had the things gone wrong. Even though I wasn’t truly drunk, I think the little alcohol that was in my system had boosted my courage, as I seriously doubted I would have gone through with the spying thing if I were stone cold sober.

I parked the car at the end of the street, making certain that she couldn’t have heard or seen me coming home. Ever so quietly, I slipped into the alley behind the house and quickly checked to see if there were any signs of life in my own home. Apart from the small light above the front door, it seemed my parents were sound asleep and I was grateful for that. Now, I only had to worry about Emma and her dog.

The light in Emma’s room appeared to be off as well and I knew she always went to bed quite early. I sincerely hoped that this was the case on that particular night, too.

I opened the unlocked window at the back and slipped inside the house, softly landing on a small, thick rug that I had placed in the cellar earlier in the evening just for that reason. I held my breath and slowly closed the window, silently grateful that the hinges didn’t creak.

I turned towards the door and a high-pitched sound coming from behind the big cardboard box that housed an old washing machine almost made me jump out of my skin. For a moment I thought it was the rats, although we’ve never encountered that problem before. If it were the little buggers, I wouldn’t be the one dealing with them. They creeped the living daylights out of me even when simply watching them on the television, I wouldn’t want to bump into them in real life.

Then the sound changed into whining and slowly and ever so carefully I walked over to the box, peeping behind it. To my great amazement, the doggie crate that Emma used for her pooch stood there and through the metal bars Angelique’s sad face looked at me.

I stood as if bolted to the floor for a moment, expecting the dog to burst out into a mad barking session. The dog, however, appeared to have recognized me, her whining becoming slightly louder, but still nothing to alarm Emma.

I couldn’t understand why she would put the dog in the cold cellar in the middle of the night. She loved that blasted Chihuahua more than anything I could’ve thought of and this was certainly out of the ordinary.

“It’s okay, Ang.” I said and poked my finger through the bars, letting her get my scent, which I hoped would pacify her. Her cold nose touched my finger and she gave it a few quick licks, without making any additional noise. Satisfied that the dog would not give me away, I left her where she was and slowly crept up the concrete stairs, grateful that Emma left the cellar door open.

The minute I stepped into the ground floor hall, I had a feeling something was not quite right. I could hear noises upstairs, but they didn’t sound like a television program, or so I believed. There was more than one voice, I was certain of that.

I took off my shoes and very slowly crept up the carpeted stairs towards the first floor. The noise was becoming louder now, although still somewhat muffled and for a moment I thought someone was clapping.

A cacophony of sounds, which in one instant became recognizable, hit my brain and I froze. It was not the clapping I heard, it was flesh smacking against flesh. Clearly, the puritanical Emma was having sex. The other thing, which stunned me even more, was the other voice that I heard. It belonged to someone that I knew very well. It was the voice I heard every day. Sometimes that voice would praise me, more often than not, it would scold me. My father was up there with her. My own dad!

For a moment I was going to turn around and flee the house, grabbing my shoes and bolting through the front door, not caring if the couple upstairs heard me.

Then, the anger as well as curiosity got the better of me and I simply had to see what was going on. I remained standing on the stairs for a while longer, trying to control my breathing and hoping that the loud hammering of my heart was indeed only heard by me.

Step by painful step I climbed the stairs, approaching Emma’s bedroom at the top of the landing, its door wide open, a flimsy and flickering light of a candle pouring out into the hall. She must have had her shutters drawn or I would have noticed the light when I was standing outside the house.

As I got closer to the bedroom, the words began taking shapes and every once in a while I would clearly hear what they were saying, or rather gasping.

She said: … Peter (my father’s name)… darling (I felt like someone punched me in the stomach)…hurting me…oh yes…oh no…please, faster…
He said: …my little tart…tight cunny…fuck uncle Peter (the feeling of nausea hit me hard this time)…that’s it…that’s it…fuck your uncle Peter, sweetheart…

I stood still for what seemed like forever. Finally, I managed to gather enough courage and strength – by now, my legs were dangerously wobbly – and crept the last few stairs up, kneeling on the floor and ever so carefully looked around the corner into Emma’s room.

The first thing I saw was my father’s big, milky white and hairy arse moving in the rhythm of fucking. Ever since I can remember, my dad has been quite overweight and the sight of him naked only added to the feeling of disgust. I couldn’t see much of Emma as they were standing with their backs against the door, but her long and lanky legs were visible, one on each side of him. She was standing on tiptoes, leaning against something, probably a chair, clearly struggling not to fall over. My father’s back shined with sweat and he kept his white socks on, something I always found distasteful on a man having sex. The skin on his arms and legs was flapping, reminding me of a walrus making his way across the icy ground. There were roles of fat around his waist, wobbling with the rest of him with each movement.

The loud smacking of his stomach against her arse cheeks and his huge balls waving between his legs were hardly an arousing factor but I felt myself going slowly hard. My jeans were suddenly too tight and kneeling on the floor, I didn’t quite dare unzip myself and take my cock out, but I did rub myself through the thick material as if attempting to pacify the growing hardness. Again, I do believe this boldness was a direct consequence of a slight intoxication, which I was not even aware of.

She gasped each time he rammed inside her, which was accompanied by his grunt, making him sound like a hard laborer. I remembered those grunts from when he would be doing things around the house, picking up heavy objects or moving furniture. The disgust I felt over my dad was indescribable.

“Not so hard, please!” she said all of a sudden and it had struck me as funny that even in the moments of heated passion, which she had obviously been feeling, she would manage to word her sentences politely.

Ignoring her, my dad seemed to speed up the pace and fuck just as hard as he did before if not harder. She began whimpering and her gasps have turned into muffled screams.

“You like that, don’t you, baby girl?” grunted my father. “You like uncle Peter to fuck you hard!”

I felt dizzy.

“Yes,” she gasped, “but not so hard.”

To my eyes, he rammed her even harder.

“That’s right!” he said. “Squeeze me, baby girl! Squeeze uncle Peter’s cock tight!”

The flesh against flesh slapping was loud, to me it sounded as if the whole street could hear them. She must have been squeezing like he told her to, as in a few seconds he grunted hard again: “That’s it! That’s it!” I couldn’t figure out what was up with that ‘uncle Peter’ thing.

Suddenly he pulled out and straightened up, his hands reaching for her and I could see her head as she was turning around. In panic I withdrew behind the wall, afraid that I might have been to slow. To my great relief no scream of horror followed, only a muffled hard breathing that I presumed belonged to Emma.

I chanced another glance and now, I could see Emma’s delicate hands resting on my father’s arse cheeks, her fingernails digging deep into his flesh. As if on cue, he sidestepped a bit, trying to keep his balance, slightly turning them both so that I could see her mouth wrapped around his cock, taking it in deep.

As nauseated as the entire scene made me, I was fascinated, too. Her long hair was in ponytails, her face was clear of make up and she looked much younger than her nineteen years. She had beautiful, round breasts, which were now showing the traces of fingers where my dad had been squeezing them. My father had obviously had secret fantasies of the forbidden kind and I thought of my mum, a devoted housewife, pretty in her own delicate way, who believed that matching the color of one’s shoes and tops was the peak of sophistication. I felt sorry for my mum and at the same time I was angry with both of them; all three in fact. They were doing (or not) things that clearly affected me, as well, even if they were not aware of it.

“Open up wide!” my dad commanded and grabbed a ponytail in each hand. She did as she was told and he slid his cock deep inside her mouth, probably halfway down her throat, at the same time pulling her onto him, making her gag and her eyes water. I looked up in his face, noticing that the sweat beads were gathering at the end of his thick beard and every time he would move, they would break off and land on his chest. His black hair was slicked back, looking wet just like the rest of him.

Surely, I thought, she would stop this maddens at any given moment, but to my great surprise she didn’t. Her eyes were closed tight, tears slowly finding their way down the side of her cheeks and it seemed that he was manhandling her head so strongly she had no control over it. The sight was pathetic and brutal, yet very arousing.

Only then did I notice an array of sex toys strewn about the floor. A rather large butt plug, a dildo, a vibrator, a number of smaller butt plugs, all in hot pink, clearly bought as a set. ‘You kinky little bitch’, I thought.

“Emma…” my dad gasped and she half opened her eyes. “I’m about to cum!” he said between his grunts and one of her hands slipped off his arse and found its way between his legs, her fingers rubbing his crack and to my great horror, I could see what I thought one of them digging inside his arse hole.

His grunts turned into half screams and she began retching from the force of his ramming inside her throat. I knew he was cumming, just as I knew that this was my last chance to clear out of there before being spotted. If I waited until they were done, I was bound to get caught.

I crept down the stairs and put on my shoes. I couldn’t be bothered with climbing through the cellar window. If they were this careless then they should get something to be worried about. His grunts turned into very loud “Ah…ah…” gasps and I could hear Emma gagging and moaning at the same time. I stepped out into the street and deliberately slammed the door, hoping that I ruined the ultimate moment for my dad, at least this once. Obviously, the night I had seen them together was not the first time they had been fucking behind my mum’s back, Emma had known him too well. He told her he was cumming and she knew exactly what to do. I felt sick.

I slipped back into the shadows of the alley behind the house and walked through the narrow passages that formed a labyrinth of sorts, surrounded by the backyards, quietly entering my own home. I was deeply disappointed in my dad and Emma. At least, I found out that she was a hot-blooded woman, which I began doubting a while ago.

A plan began forming in my head of which I was only half-conscious. I would find a way to make them both pay! How, I didn’t quite know yet, but I would manage it somehow.

I found my way around the house and into my bedroom in darkness and minutes after I had taken off my clothes and slipped under the bed covers, I heard a quiet opening and closing of the front door. My father’s heavy footsteps rushed up the stairs and I could sense rather then hear him opening my bedroom door.

“Milosh?” he whispered? He would only call me that when he was extremely annoyed and I was in trouble. At other times he would use Milo like everyone else. “Milosh?” he repeated again and I continued pretending that I was deep inside the oblivion of dreams.

He grunted softly and a flashback of him standing over Emma, grunting his way deep inside her pussy almost made me cough. My bedroom door closed quietly and I sighed in relief. He wasn’t certain it was I in the house on the other side of the street, although I believed he had a pretty good idea. I also believed that he was too much of a coward to confront me with it, and if he was to kick up any fuss, all I needed to do was to tell on him to my mum. Not that she would believe me, of course. Lost in her own world of gossip and trivial pursuits of antiques and books, her head was usually high up in the clouds somewhere.

But not yet, I thought. I won’t tell her yet. First, I will have my revenge and afterwards, we’ll see what happens. Slowly I drifted off into an uneasy sleep, conscious of the hardness between my legs, deliberately ignoring it. I would not wank off on account of my own father’s infidelity. That would have been an ultimate betrayal, I felt. I will think about what to do tomorrow I decided satisfactorily.


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My 14th Birthday Gift

Once it was just Madison and I left in the house, I decided to go upstairs to take a shower. Madison just hung out in my room while I hopped into the shower. Madison was still sitting there when I had gotten out on her phone. "I'm surprised you didn't notice!" She said. "Notice what?" I replied. Madison said, "I never gave you your birthday gift!!" I didn't even realize it until that point. "Well, did you get me anything?" I asked. "Yes!" She replied. Once she...

3 years ago
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Jims Vacation Part 1

It was 6pm and the sun was setting while Jim sat sipping rum on the deck of the vacation house he’d rented for the week. It had been several years since they took a proper shore trip where the family could unwind and relax for a long enough time. The kids were older now and easily took care of themselves, finding things to do and friends to hang out with. In fact, Lily and Ben were at the beach several blocks away from where they were staying. They’d promised to be home for dinner. Molly,...

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Identical Twins Camping Trip

Hi, my name is Tammy, and I am one half of identical twins. Hunter and I are now 30 years old and we have been almost inseparable since birth. On reading some of the stories posted on this site, I decided to “come out of the closet” and reveal parts of our lives together. As I sit here typing this story, Hunter is beside me, helping me remember some incidences that occurred during our growing up. Unless you are a twin, you have no idea how strong a bond can be between...

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Dylan Dreyer After Hours

2 yrs ago I was working late on some analysis reports. The back office was empty with a few lights on here and there, but I was sure no one else was around since it was a long weekend. At about 10pm I decided to get some coffee from the break room when I noticed someone was already in making a fresh pot. I walked in and saw Dylan who was apparently working late as well on a project due Monday.She smiled at me and asked if I wanted a cup. I had just seen her complete her show earlier that day....

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Making Danielle Cum

Ignoring my pleas, you bury your cock all the way into my little pink hole. You hold it there feeling me squirm, I'm panting, trying to catch my breath, the pain is unbearable, and I scream in agony. "Yea baby, that's it, scream for me, tell me how much it hurts." You pull your cock out of me only to shove it back in again with such force that I almost pass out. The pain rips through me with each thrust. "Do you like my big cock? Does it feel good when I shove it deep into your tight little...

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The Keeler HaulChapter 2

Cynda Balarde was a petite woman with very blue hair that sparkled in the light of the shuttle port's glare. She had dark, expressive brows above even more expressive eyes and a small mouth that was currently set in a grin that seemed wider than possible. As soon as Anya was clear of the access way, the two were hugging and squealing like school girls. Pete and Ross watched this for a second before turning and grinning at each other. This was far from the cool, aloof and sophisticated...

3 years ago
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The Haircut

My wife had gone out of town a week ago and would not be back for another week. I had made an appointment to get my haircut with a woman named Sara. She cuts hair out of her house. I went over at about seven in the evening. Sara was there in some jersey shorts and a tshirt, no bra. she had said her husband was out of town also and that is why she was able to get me in even though it was late. I had been out playing golf all day. She had made us a little dinner which we ate and then she went to...

1 year ago
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Cockatoo part 26

Cockatoo Part 26 Shane stuck out an enormous hand and I instinctively shook it, hoping for the first time in my life that my handshake would be a little limp. "G'day girls. What a coincidence," he said. "I thought it was you on the dock but I couldn't be sure. I know you said you were leaving today, but who would have guessed we would be on the same ferry. I didn't know myself until this morning. Had an urgent call to get back to Bangkok. All the flights are full, so I had to...

2 years ago
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The cloud

The rain had been falling non stop for three days. Roads were flooded making it almost impossible to move about. Most businesses had stayed closed because of flooding, the school was still open but most of the kids wished it was closed, the local river was overflowing, the pumps at the chemical factory were coping with the flood waters, that was the official statement released by the management of the factory but many local people suspected the pumps were not coping and when the alert sirens...

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Chapter 1 Nassie swung her staff around her body, connecting with the large brute to her left. Stunned, he fell to the ground clutching his middle. Quickly Nassie swung again and again hit a brute to her side. She had been fighting for a long time, heard the shrieks of her village and seen the smoke rise. But no matter how many of the raiders she dropped more kept coming. She knew it was a losing battle but she would not go down with out a fight. Slowly the circle of warriors closed around her...

1 year ago
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Nainas greatest experience

First of all thanks you for such a tremendous response it will take me a while before I get back to all of you… Anyway back to work… Dear new readers to enjoy this part you must read part one first… from the responses I have received I promise it won’t be a waste of your time… so don’t spoil the fun & start at the beginning… Now for those who have enjoyed part–1, here is how Naina’s day ended… In that locker room Naina’s senses had truly deserted her… and as if entering the empty boys locker...

3 years ago
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Mirror ImageChapter 7

"But you're asking me to..." "I am not asking, Catherine. You will give me what I want. If you don't I will take you instead." Cathy stood gazing into the glow of the mirror. What she had seen today had aroused and created an even greater need in her for satiation. As soon as the sun had gone down, Cathy had feigned a headache and retired to her bedroom where Dahlgrin had delivered on his promise never to leave her unsatisfied. Now she stood facing the mirror, considering the...

1 year ago
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Me And My Sexy Suman Bhabhi

Me and Suman Bhabhi Hello my dear friends I am Rohit back with another story. Well let me inform you all that this story is not real, this is a purely work of fiction. Well this my story tells about that how I cheated upon my friend by fucking his beautiful wife Suman. Well that was the time when my friend Rajat was getting married and before his marriage he decided to introduce his fiance with me because I was going out of the city for some office tour. So I and he left for the Suman house...

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The Italian Job 8

The Italian Job 8The second part of this tale involves the interpreter “I know, I know” I can hear you all saying “Oh not another fucking interpreter” but hear me out and draw your own conclusions after.Mrs Chikolova was supposed to be our interpreter for the duration of the job but it turned out that she could hardly speak any English although she could read it but no one else could speak any English so no one knew she couldn’t, to look at her you would have thought she was a middle aged...

2 years ago
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Wearing Sexy Stockings Can Lead to Wonderful Surprises

As long as I can remember I have loved wearing sexy lingerie. I felt that being able to wear sexy lacy items was part of my right as a sexy woman. I especially love stockings and garter belts. Although I wear pantyhose at times, I prefer stockings. My favorite brand is Wolford but I wear others. I love the feel of wearing them and the looks I get from men and some women. I love the stares I get when someone sees the garter bumps in my skirts or a little bit of stocking top. It works especially...

3 years ago
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Protection and Preservation Book 03Chapter 7

[Preservation – Jim in New Mexico] As I rode into town, I saw smoke start to rise in the distance at the other end of town. I drove to that point and found the RV just starting to catch fire from a service station that was burning and causing the smoke. A naked female body was in the road about thirty feet from the RV. The body wasn't moving. I checked and it was Sue's body. She had been shot and it looked like she had been raped. I moved to the RV thinking that someone might still be in...

2 years ago
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Making Little Brothers Night

I have two brothers, both younger than me. We were swimming and my wife had caught the youngest, Andy, staring at her tits sneaking peeks at her pink nipples. She was wearing a bikini and had started teasing him by loosening the top. She kept bending over letting him get some good long looks at her nips and it was driving him nuts! My wife was 32, long red hair, green eyes, big tits with half dollar sized pink nipples that really puff out from her tits when erect. She also had a shaved pussy...

2 years ago
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Our First Three way

Back when I was in the Army I was away from my wife a lot so we would write erotic letters to each other and when we could talk, we had some good phone sex. I would always try to bring up the fantasy of group fun but she did her best to avoid that subject. Letters from her were sexy but really 'vanilla' involving lots of romance between her and me while mine on the other hand were hardcore and dirty and most always involved other people. While I was deployed to the Desert I got a letter that...

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Family Sex

Hi ISS readers this is Sanjay. I am going to share my experience with you. Please note that the title is only suit when u read it forth coming parts of the story… It was many years back when it was happened. I stayed in a house outside Chennai. I was staying alone and a maid used to come to do the household works. Her name was Rani. She was also staying alone. She was staying in the out-house. I had an eye on her. She was very beautiful girl of the age 20. I would admire her boobs whenever she...

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It was my Dream Cum true

I liked him so much. I had dreamed about him all the time. I would fall asleep thinking about him right beside me. One night I was sitting at the computer talking to some of my buddies on MSN. All of a sudden someone adds me. I knew it was Steve. I had liked him since the first day of school. I had heard lots about him and people told me not to get involved with him cause he was pretty bad. I didn’t care. I thought he was sexy. Well on MSN we started talking and he said that we should get...

First Time
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Ready for Round Two Blacken

Nina had always been intimidated by black men. Maybe it was because growing up she just didn't have much interaction with them, since her school (and whole town in general) had been a predominantly white population. Or perhaps it was the negative way in which her grandfather (and several other family members and family friends, too) regarded them. At the very least, Nina felt that she couldn't have much in common with a black man because of how wildly different her upbringing would have been...

4 years ago
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The White Surburban Housewife

It was summer and me and my husband and our son were on vacation in Florida. Weeks before our vacation my husband Dan had bought a new digital camera and started making a record of our trip. He really got into his photography and was taking pics of everything we did. At night he would download the day’s pics to his MacBook and using his photography software he would crop and enhance his photos. Some were quite good.Every evening after dinner we went for a walk along the beach to watch the...

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I had been struggling to pass math all semester. I was barely maintaining a D and I knew if I didn't get that up to a c+ I would fail the class and flunk out of college. I used to be very good at math when I was in High school but that all changed when I got to college. My math professor had it out for me she always teased me for my clothes and always hounds me about being late for class and falling asleep in class she was a big honey brown skinned Amazon 5'9 260 pounds witch was mostly ass and...

1 year ago
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My Neighbors Son Gets Caught Spying Part 2

In part 1, I caught my neighbors’ son, Tim, spying on me while I was sun tanning. I asked him over to help out with chores and I ended up giving him his first blow job. When we were done, he asked if he could come back the next day for more chores. It was Sunday and my hubby was still out of town. Giving Tim a blowjob the day before had left me very horny. My dildo was my very good friend that night. I wasn’t sure if Tim really would come back and if he did what I would do. About 2 in the...

First Time
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Lucys Imagination

Lucy pulled up her hair into a loose ponytail as she got home, dropping her keys on the kitchen counter. Something was bothering her; she huffed and clamped her lips anxiously, her cheeks rosy. “You should come have some fun with us instead!” What Amy had said jokingly earlier that night still echoed in Lucy's mind. “Well, thanks for the offer, but I think I prefer boys, still!” Lucy questioned her response, stalling as she undressed her coat. Again, she sighed to herself. “Just forget it,” she...

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Gone with the Wind 3

Gone with the Wind by Shrike Chapter 3 Just as I tried to swing the knife down into my body someone grabbed my hands and held them immobile above my head. My Dad's angry voice boomed, "What the hell do you think you're doing?" He quickly took the knife from my hands. Then he picked me up with one arm around my waist and took me back to the dining room. There he put me on a chair while Mom and Remo were watching with confusion. Mom asked, "What happened?" Dad scowled at me and...

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An adult son

The Adult SonI have been working out of town, and lucky for me my mother has allowed me stay at her house as it is close to the jobsite.Today I came home from work to find the house empty.  I don't know where my mother has gone, but I hope whatever she is doing it will leave me adequate time to play with myself undisturbed. I go upstairs to my room, turn on the computer, and pull off my shoes, socks and work pants.  I drag out the toy bag I have hidden in the closet and after rummaging around I...

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The End of an average day

“We shouldn’t” you whisper as you grind your ass into my crotch . “We will” I respond gently in your ear just before I nibble on your ear lobe. “Here?” You raise and lower your ass against me, slowly forcing the towel to the floor. “Yes.” I cup and slightly lift your 38C tits. You’re not wearing a bra and my thumbs flick across your pert nipples. “But the kids” you say, not doing anything to stop me. “Are sleeping” I pinch your nipples, rewarding me with a gasp of...

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Loving My Bunny GirlChapter 10

Tuesday, October 31, 2045 Halloween at high school was always an interesting experience. Some students wanted to pretend that they were still children, but most were worrying about upcoming midterms and tests. Most of the student body had seen or heard about the fight at lunch, and I found that many students came up to me to offer thanks that one of the campus bullies had been brought down I was mostly ignoring this. Instead my thoughts were on lunch and my plans to surprise Wendy for her...

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The Slut Within

I am NOT the author.am simply sharing I was 22 years old at the time, and I had been crossdressing for a few years. For some reason I could never control my desire to put on women's clothes and prance around my apartment looking all sexy and slutty. Normally I can never decide what specifically to wear as I like to change it up all the time, from wearing latex lingerie to sexy roleplay outfits and beyond. I am 5'9 with a slim build, shaved body and long brown hair and eyes, with a 5 inch clitty...

2 years ago
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A Lesbian Love Story of SortsChapter 5 Le Chateau Club a Lesbian Bar

I slept in past lunch, before slowly getting up for the day. I read the newspaper, called my mom, and finished the new Steve Martin novel "An Object of Beauty", which by the way is a riveting novel about the art world in America in the 1990s. Around three, I called Gwen. "Hi Darling," I cheerfully opened with. "Hi," she responded, reluctance lingering in her tone. "So, do you want to go out for supper and an early movie before heading to the club?" "Sure," she said, after a...

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Ten to Six

Introduction: The electricians extra tool, is put to good use TEN TO SIX The doorbell rang for the third time before Fran Shannon could make it up the stairs. She had been busy in the basement trying to figure out what to do with all of the water. She glanced at the clock in the hall as she hurriedly walked to the door. Coming. She hollered. It must finally be the damn electrician. She mumbled to herself as she approached the front door. Yes, could I help you? She asked, opening the door,...

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