Phoenix Pt 3 Ch 08 free porn video

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Jolene flew over an abandoned homestead that had been left untended two years ago when the last homesteaders had died of the plague before her arrival. This parcel of land could be awarded out to some deserving soul or family the next time she held court in her new Goddess’ Temple. It would be viewed as a magnanimous gesture of good will, she hoped.

Jolene was not very popular, although she was as fair-minded as any other goddess who held her own court. But people remembered that it was she who had ordered the only execution since the goddesses arrived and created their 'new order'.

She wasn’t too worried, though. It wasn’t like she didn’t have the time to prove her benevolence to the people in her district. She had all the time in the world. If nothing else, she would simply outlive those who remembered that single act of cruelty.

There were two more abandoned farms she wanted to check out, so she banked left. Noticing a pleasant updraft, she spread her wings wide to take advantage of it, stretching her entire body ecstatically as she was swept upward.

Jolene doubled up and folded her wings forward as a sudden cramp seized her belly. Then she stared down at her stomach in amazement. She was covered with blood! As she watched, a hole appeared in her right breast. It hurt like hell, causing her to lose her balance.

She spiraled dizzyingly downward, unable to keep her wings stretched and level, mostly because of that terrible cramp in her stomach. As another hole appeared in her chest just below her left breast, she realized what was happening.

“I’m being shot!” she exclaimed out loud, still not wanting to believe it.

Madly seeking over the wildly spinning landscape, she tried to determine where her sniper was, but she couldn’t concentrate, and she was spinning and falling too rapidly.

As the ground rushed up to greet her, she spread her wings despite her agonizing pain and madly pumped against the rushing air. A hole punched into her diaphragm just beneath her breastbone, knocking the wind completely out of her. Jolene hit hard, face first, and lay unmoving on the ground, bleeding from several large holes in her back where the shells had gone completely through her slender body.

“Nice shootin’, Jed!” a voice from half-a-field away called out.

“Couldn’t help it – landed right on top o’ me!” Jed called back, not about to admit that he'd been terrified that the creature was coming right at him to vengefully tear him apart.

Russell trotted across the weed-covered field toward where his brother was bending down over their trophy. By the time he reached Jolene’s crash site, Jed already had her wings bundled up and tied neatly behind her.

“Almost done,” Jed said, grinning and looking up as his brother trotted up, breathless from his short run. “About the size of a small deer, wouldn’t you say?”

“A bit puny for my taste,” Russell replied, grinning back. “But I reckon she’ll cook up okay.”

Russell helped Jed pick the little vampire up and heave her over Jed’s shoulders.

“We can have some fun with her before we cook ’er, ya know?” Russell grinned, running his hand over Jolene’s blood-streaked bare rump. “She may not be human, but she got all the necessary parts…”

They both laughed, agreeing that they would, indeed, have some fun with their dinner.

“Didn’t Momma ever tell you it ain’t proper polite to play with yer food?” Jed laughed.

“I ain’t gonna play with it,” Russell laughed. “I’m gonna fuck it! And then I’m gonna eat the part that I fucked!”

“How many shells it take to bring ’er down?” Jed asked. “I got her at least twice…”

“I got her twice, too!” Russell replied. “Make sure we git all the shot out ’fore we eat ’er.”

“What ya suppose she is?” Jed asked. “Ever seen anything like ’er before?”

“Nope, not in real life,” Russell replied. “But, there’s pitchers of winged things like her in a book Pa had. She's like some kind ’a demon straight outta hell!”

“Think it’s safe ta eat ’er?” Jed asked. “If she’s from Hell, she might be poison…”

“Well, we can feed part of her to the dog, reckon,” Russell said thoughtfully. “Then if he don die, we’ll eat ’er!”

“Good thinkin’!” Jed agreed. “Hate to see good meat go to waste! Here – it’s yer turn to carry ’er!”

Jed rolled the limp form down off his shoulder and onto the ground in front of him.

“Didn’t bleed very much,” Jed observed. “Fact, I can’t even tell where I shot ’er!”

“Weird!” Russell observed, thoughtfully wiping sweat off his forehead. “Look! She's breathin’! She ain’t dead yet!”
“Better shoot ’er agin!” Jed yelped. “Don’t want no angry demon swarmin’ all over us like a mad hornet!”

“Use the shotgun on ’er!” Russell hollered.

Jed anxiously unslung his long double-barreled twelve-gauge and shoved it against Jolene’s chest, right between her breasts. She opened her eyes and stared at him in horror, then arched her back with a guttural grunt as a hole appeared where her heart used to be. She flopped backward on the ground; her eyes rolling up into her head, her chest, belly and neck spattered with fresh blood.

“Shit!” Russell exclaimed. “Now she gonna bleed all over me!”

“Well, we could wait a few minutes ’til she done bleedin’…” Jed replied. “I need a rest anyway from carryin’ ’er. I ain’t afraid t’ tell ya this demon girl scares the beegeebers outta me!”

After about ten minutes, the bleeding seemed to stop and Russell hoisted her up. As he lifted her, her wings flopped loose and spread out behind her.

“Aw, shit, man!” Russell complained. “You done shot the ropes off! I cain’t carry ’er like that!”

“Grab a leg,” Jed replied. “We’ll just drag ’er…”

With one burly brother on each ankle, they dragged Jolene, her limp, useless wings flopping over the ground behind her, toward the abandoned homestead where they were staying.


Béla raised her head, feeling dizzy from all the blood Elaine had taken, and grinned at her barely conscious sister, her own mouth bloody as well. Her pussy was still twitching from that last series of orgasms, and she was pretty sure she could get at least one more if she worked at it.

‘What was it Beth said?’ Béla wondered, partially dreaming. ‘Oh, yeah! If you’re still conscious when you’re done, then you aren’t done!’

‘I aren’t…’ the thought came from somewhere in the direction of Elaine’s head.

‘You will be…’ Béla thought back, and moved her leg so that Elaine’s slippery pussy was pressed against her thigh.

‘Ooh, yeah…’ Elaine echoed dreamily. ‘That’s… yeah!’

She began humping weakly against Béla’s thigh, giving Béla a free ride on her own thigh.

“One more time…” Béla muttered, her voice barely a whisper.

Then she was grinding her pelvis down against Elaine’s leg and slamming her leg up against Elaine’s cunt. Both sisters groaned as another orgasm flooded through their bodies and into each other.

“Don’t stop…” Elaine grunted.

She kept humping, trying for yet another orgasm, then, achieving it, rolled back on the bed and passed out cold.

Béla lay half on top of her sister, gasping weakly. As she passed out , she dream-walked out of her body, deciding to go see Jake. It had been almost a month since she’d visited, and…

‘Help me… Please… Béla…’

“What?” Béla asked, so startled that she vocalized the word with her sleeping body.

‘What’s wrong?’ she asked the air around her. ‘Is someone here?’

‘It’s me! Jolene!’ Jolene’s ghost cried. ‘I’ve been killed… shot!’

‘Where are you?’ Béla cried into the ether surrounding her.

‘Right here!’ Jolene said, sounding very upset that Béla couldn’t see her.

Suddenly she was visible in the dream image she was creating. Béla stepped into the image and joined her.

“Look!” Jolene exclaimed, pointing to her bloody corpse being dragged along the ground. “I’m dead! These hunters... They shot me! They were talking about eating me; like I’m food! One of them compared me to a deer.”

“That’s terrible!” Béla cried. “Where are we? I need to get here, fast!”

Jolene showed Béla in her mind.

“Oh, God, Jolene,” Béla said, really upset, now. “You’re at least a day away! I’ll never reach you in time! Wait! Father’s ship! Let me see what they can do!”

Béla faded from Jolene’s dreamwalk image, leaving her alone to watch her body. A short while later, the brothers arrived at a farmhouse and dragged her into a barn.

Getting her winged body onto the cleaning slab was awkward and cumbersome, as her wings kept getting in the way of any handhold they could get on her slender, blood-slicked torso.

‘Oh please oh please oh please! Hurry, Béla!’ Jolene kept chanting desperately to herself in her dream state, having absolutely no idea what Béla could do from so far away. ‘Oh, God! They’re going to cut off my wings! My arms!”

She was right. Jed had taken an old, rusty saw down from its rack on the wall and was oiling up the blade.
“S' been awhile since this was used,” Jed mused as he smeared oil up and down the blade. “Hope this don’t break… Hold her wing out tight, now, Russ.”

He took a stroke and sawed into Jolene’s left wing, right at the shoulder. Jolene, still in her dream state, screamed in terror even though she couldn’t feel it. She could see it, and that was enough!

The top of the barn exploded and a blinding flash filled the entire inside of the structure. The saw fell to the straw-covered floor, its wooden handle in flames.

“Jed!” Russell screamed, not seeing his brother anywhere. “Where you at, Jed? … Jed!”

Realizing that his brother had been struck by lightning or something, Russell dropped to his knees and wept. After a few moments, he noticed that the barn was on fire and he was pretty much surrounded by flames.

“Oh, God!” Russell whimpered. “I gotta git outta here!”

He started to lumber toward the open door, then remembered their prize. Jed may be gone, but he wouldn’t want the last kill they made together to go to waste. Turning back, he hoisted Jolene over his shoulder, wings and all, and ran across the burning floor. Once outside, he dropped her to the ground. She hit with a thud and a grunt, then pulled her wings forward, reforming her arms.
Russell stared at her transformation, radiating a mixture of terror and rage.

“You’re alive?” he asked, daring her to tell him she was.

Jolene lay on the ground, still too weak to move much, and stared up at her tormentor, blinking and swallowing rapidly as her body began to function again. She coughed heavily several times and spat out some blood. After that, her skin color began to return to normal and she began to breathe more easily.

“You kill my brother you Hellspawn!” Russell spat at her.

There was an axe wedged in the chopping block next to where he was standing. With several frantic jerking motions, Russell yanked the axe free and raised it over his head. The look of fear and hatred on his face told Jolene she was about to be cut completely in half.

She cried out weakly and tried to roll out of the way, seeing him correct his downward stroke to pin her to the earth even as she began to roll. Another blinding flash sent the axe sailing out across the barnyard and left a perfectly round hole smoldering where Russell had stood a second earlier.

Jolene lay sobbing on the ground, her shoulder torn and bleeding. Terrified and not understanding what had happened, knowing only that she had been about to be murdered and now somehow she wasn’t, she let go and passed out completely.


It was warm, and someone who smelled really nice was kissing her forehead and murmuring softly into her ear. The breath from those sweet lips tickled her flesh around her ear and neck. That was what had awakened her. She opened her eyes.

“Béla!” Jolene said, smiling up at her rescuer. “How… where? … Are you really here? Am I dreaming you again?”

Béla grinned down at her sister and nodded. “No, Sweetie, I’m really here. And you’re safe.”

Jolene struggled to sit up, her body sore and stiff from lying on the cold ground for the last…

She wasn't on the ground. She was lying on a bale of hay. The remains of the barn smoldered nearby.

“How long…” she started to ask.

“It took me a day to get here,” Béla said softly, almost apologetically. “I flew part of the way, got a railcar to Providence, then flew from there to here.”

“All that flying?” Jolene asked. “You smell really good for that much of a workout.”

“I’ve been here several hours,” Béla explained. “I let you snack, but then I had to clean up a bit. I gave you a bath, too, and laid you out in the sun to dry.”

Jolene grinned. “Thanks.”

Then she jerked her head around, wildly searching as she remembered…

“Those men!” Jolene cried out. “They tried to kill me!”

“They’re gone,” Béla said, her voice still soft. “They won’t hurt you anymore.”

“But… but,” Jolene tried to say, but not finding the words, she switched to imagery.

An image of a dead woman tied to a lamppost. She was burning. Jolene had ordered her death. An image of Béla promising the populace of her district that such a violent and savage reprisal will never again occur, no matter the provocation.

“What happened to those men?” Jolene wanted to know. “I saw one… explode!”

“I saved your life,” Béla told her. “As ‘Carte Blanche’, I overruled my own law and commanded the bridge officer, Chief Raman, to protect you – even if it meant killing those two ‘hunters’. He had his gunner use the laser cannon on them.”

“So once again I’m responsible for the loss of valuable human life,” Jolene murmured.

“No!” Béla insisted, hugging her tightly “They would have murdered you! You surely didn’t go looking for them, did you?”

“Of course not!” Jolene replied defensively. “But… I thought you were angry with me for ordering the execution of…”

“Stop!” Béla demanded. “I was never mad at you! I was upset, but only until I viewed the court records. I never faulted you for your decision.”

“No, but there are those who do,” Jolene replied. “I feel it in people’s minds, and in their attitude toward me. Sometimes I bend over backwards to give a really light judgement, and that plaintiff’s resentment hits me right in my face!

“Then I came up with the idea of awarding people unused land for doing good things and flew up here to check out what was available. As soon as someone got me alone, they shot me out of the sky and did their best to murder me! That shows how popular I am...”

She showed Béla her image of waking up and discovering a shotgun being jabbed into her chest, then being killed as her heart and lungs were blasted out through her back.

“I’ve never been shot before,” Jolene murmured, upset and still bewildered by the experience.

“Well, that’s something you won’t forget very easily,” Béla replied, not really knowing what else to say.

They sat in uncomfortable silence for a few moments. Jolene would have gladly fled if she’d been strong enough to fly away, but she couldn’t, and Béla seemed to be pretty much determined to stay with her until she was stronger. So they sat, silent, for the moment.

“There is something I should mention,” Béla said, breaking Jolene’s reverie. “You said something about ‘light judgements’?”

“Yeah?” Jolene replied, wondering what Béla was going to say.

“Well,” Béla continued, “being in people’s minds so much, I’ve found that most people – the decent ones, anyway – most of them know what they deserve and what they don’t deserve. If you give someone a break, and they know they don’t deserve it, that person will thank you profusely and be ‘ever so grateful’… But… in that instant when you felt bad and gave him a break, you lost his respect.”

“What?” Jolene asked, confused now.

“You didn’t play fair with him,” Béla explained. “You played him as a favorite. And he will eventually come to hate you. Things that happen to him will somehow become your fault. I don’t really understand why people react that way, but often, not always, they do. I think it has something to do with each person’s ability to be responsible – either they’re responsible for what happens to them, or you are.”

“God, that’s wicked!” Jolene exclaimed, understanding a little better. “It’s possible, I suppose, that what you said could be what’s been happening in my district. I’ve been too lenient. ‘Unfairly’ so, so it seems.”

“It could be,” Béla agreed. “Plus, if someone brings charges against someone who has wronged them, and you let them off, you lose their respect as well. If that’s what you’ve been doing, any problems you’ve been having in that area aren’t really likely to be because of that one decision to execute the Lady Sarah.”

“I need to lie down for awhile,” Jolene said. “That’s a lot to think about, and I still feel pretty weak. I’m just glad you aren’t mad at me.”

Béla smiled and kissed her sister. “You need another feeding.”

She lay down across the hay, almost pushing Jolene onto her back, and presented her neck.

“I’m awake now,” Jolene protested. “You don’t need to do that!”

“I like doing that,” Béla replied. “I was in the middle of doing that when you cried for help.”

“Oh. Sorry,” Jolene said sheepishly.

"Don't be," Béla replied, and showed Jolene the image of what she and Elaine had been doing.

Béla had just passed out from blood loss when Jolene, dreamwalking, had called for help.

“Ooo, you make that feel so sexy,” Jolene grinned, embarrassed at sharing such an intimate, obviously female moment.

“It is sexy,” Béla replied, smiling back. “And now that I know you’re all right, I’d like to show you some things that can help you if you ever get shot up again.”

“What sort of things?” Jolene asked, not having the slightest idea of Béla’s erotic fascination with guns.

“Well, for starters,” Béla began, “I want you to watch what I do when I get injured.”

She showed Jolene and image of being shot, and how she could convince her nervous system to dissipate the pain more evenly so that it didn’t all hurt in one spot.

“The dissipation of the pain makes you tingle all over,” Béla explained. “That can actually be pretty arousing.”

Image of Jake shooting her in the belly button with a twenty-two rifle, and Béla having an orgasm because of that. Then she was lying on a rotting log and coming over and over as her inner thighs and pussy were shot full of holes.

“Whoa!” Jolene exclaimed. “You can do that?”

“Sure!” Béla laughed. “Once you get used to it, it feels great! And your body will just digest the bullets. It’s not like you’d die, or anything…”

“I don’t know…” Jolene murmured, not really convinced.

Béla stood up and looked around the barnyard. No guns from Jolene’s recently evaporated kidnappers were readily visible, but there were tools and several sharp objects lying around. Béla went over and picked up a long, wicked-looking metal shaft, pointed on one end and round on the other. After looking at it for a moment, she recognized it as a crowbar.

“This’ll do,” Béla said, mostly to herself, then louder, “Hey, Jolene! I found something we can practice with!”

Jolene didn’t get up. She was still feeling weak and disoriented from her ordeal. Béla then remembered that she’d offered Jolene her blood, and threw the crowbar gently in the direction she had to walk to get back to Jolene’s side. If she wanted it later, she wouldn't have to walk so far to get it.

“Sorry, I’m getting ahead of myself,” Béla said as she dropped down beside her sister. “Let’s get you healed, first.”

Lying down on her side, she patted the hay next of her, indicating that Jolene should lie down with her. She did, radiating anxiety and nervousness mixed with some dizziness.

“Come on, Honey,” Béla said softly, exposing her neck. “You need to feed. No more nonsense about it. Okay?”

Jolene stretched forward, her nipples brushing the tops of Béla’s breasts and she delicately began kissing and licking her neck.

“This feels really awkward,” Jolene mentioned, not ready to go through with it.

“Let me help, then,” Béla replied, and bit down hard on Jolene’s neck, breaking the skin with her teeth.

“Oowww!” Jolene howled, trying to pull away.

Béla wouldn’t have any of her sister’s prissy attitude. Holding her tightly so she couldn’t get away, she locked her teeth into Jolene’s neck muscles and sucked. Hard.

“Jesus! Stop!” Jolene cried out, terrified at the sudden attack after all that had happened to her.

‘Bite me!’ Jolene heard in her mind. ‘Bite me back!’

Having no choice, and starting to get pissed (finally!), Jolene bit down on Béla’s hard little neck muscles and tried to gnaw her way through.

‘Not like that!’ Béla thought at her. ‘Haven’t you ever done this before?’

“God, no!” Jolene yelped. “Why in the world would I do this?”

‘Well, what did Elaine do when she initiated you?’

‘We bit each other between the legs, you bitch!’ Jolene yowled into Béla’s mind. ‘Isn’t that how females do each other?’

Surprised, Béla let go, kissing and licking Jolene’s neck wound and radiating her apologies. Jolene lay, fuming and gasping, as the cruel gash began to heal.

“You didn’t have any trouble sucking on my neck when you were unconscious,” Béla mentioned, no longer needing to lap the blood from Jolene’s nearly healed neck wound.

She lay back on the ground and spread her legs. “If this is where you want to go, that’s fine with me. But you’re weak and you need blood. Don’t make me force-feed you…”

Jolene was doing her best to ignore her irritation with this sister who’d been handed the freedom to do whatever she wished, knowing that no amount of protesting would win anything from her. With a defeated sigh, she gave in, and leaned forward.

“I really don’t feel like it, you know,” Jolene murmured sullenly as she lay her head down on the inside of Béla’s right thigh.

“You’ll feel better in a few minutes,” Béla replied, ignoring Jolene’s attitude. “Now feed!”

Béla twitched as she felt her sister’s lips and tongue caress her sensitive flesh. Jolene was feeling out the muscles and tendons where the inside of Béla’s leg met her crotch, and Béla was starting to get aroused from all that concentrated licking. Finally finding the spot she wanted, Jolene gently bit down on the most sensitive, soft area of thigh that she could find, knowing full well what that was going to do to her dominating, overbearing sister. That was exactly why she did it.

Béla groaned and did her best not to thrash about as she felt Jolene suck her soft flesh up into her mouth and bite down gently with her teeth. Then her whole body was on fire as Jolene’s sharp teeth bit down into tender tissue, tearing through sensitive, soft flesh. Béla remembered being shot there once, and her whole body had reacted just like this. She held her trembling body tense, determined not to kick her sister’s head away or interfere with her sister’s necessary feeding.

‘Where in the hell did she learn about that spot?’ Béla asked herself frantically. ‘Holy shit! That’s more sensitive than my clit!’

Jolene was into her feeding, now, and firmly holding onto Béla’s thigh and hips as she sucked, making joyful little swallowing sounds. With her sister’s firm grip on her body, Béla let loose a little and bucked her pelvis a few times, finally allowing herself to orgasm.

Jolene raised her head for a moment. “Like that, do you?” she grinned, blood running down her chin, then returned to her warm, sticky feast.

Béla couldn’t answer. She was too aroused to form words. Reaching down with her left hand, she dug her fingers in between her legs and began rubbing her ignored clitoris furiously, then radiated an incredible orgasm through her sister, less than an inch away.

As Jolene felt her sister come that second time, she stopped feeding and nuzzled her wet, blood-sticky face over another inch into Béla’s sexual center, nudging her masturbating fingers out of the way.

Kissing and licking through Béla’s soft, sexy flesh, Jolene’s tongue found that hard little nub that Béla had been paying so much attention to a few seconds before, and pressed down hard against it. Béla’s hips rose up in answer as she tried to get her entire vulva into her sister’s warm, wet mouth.

‘This is what Elaine and I did that first time,’ Jolene thought into Béla’s mind as she gently surrounded her clit with her lips and teeth. ‘It’s a great way to learn how to handle sexual feedback…’

She bit down. Béla shrieked and humped her hips up into the air, nearly bucking Jolene right off her. Hanging on and forcing her sister’s body flat again, Jolene opened her mouth to suck in more of Béla’s girl-flesh and bit down again. She bit through the soft skin in a slightly different place each time, careful not to tear any off.

Béla cried out and came again, not arching her back quite so high this time, but definitely changing her mind about that now-neglected soft spot where her thigh and pelvis connected being more sensitive than her clitoris. Nothing could possibly be more sensitive than that tender, explosive bit of flesh that Jolene was so casually chewing on right this instant!

Her head held tightly in place with both Béla hands, Jolene kept biting her sister and sucking on her bleeding flesh while Béla thrashed wildly against her. Jolene was finally getting excited by all the orgasmic radiation coming from her sister’s undulating body and kept her eyes open as she fed so she could watch Béla’s tight, sexy belly muscles dance and flutter as she thrashed back and forth and up and down.

“Nnggaaawwodd!” Béla hollered as she came for maybe the fifth or sixth time.

She’d completely lost track of how many orgasms she’d had in the last few minutes, but somehow she didn’t care anymore. All she cared about was that next orgasm coming right… soon… right about… RIGHT NOW!

Another pure animal sound came out of Béla’s throat as she came again. Somewhere way off from the center of Béla’s extremely limited attention span, she could feel Jolene’s laughing mind – Jolene total in control, Jolene making her come and come and come again…

“Witch!” Béla managed to yell, then was consumed by her next orgasm.

As Béla came crashing back to the ground, Jolene released her suction grip on Béla’s clit and let her just lie there, twitching and moaning. Béla shuddered in the aftermath of that last orgasm, her body still experiencing smaller orgasmic shocks, much like the aftershocks of a major earthquake.

Jolene sat up, feeling much better after her feeding, and casually wiped the blood off her mouth and chin with her bare arm, then licked her arm clean. Béla was still lying in the hay, panting heavily, her eyes staring unfocused into the air, her pussy bleeding slightly as it healed.

“That was for biting me in the neck,” Jolene said when she was pretty sure Béla would be able to hear her. “Next time, ask.”

“Gnnuhh,” Béla moaned. Then she passed out.

When she came to a little while later, she was alone. She sat up and looked around.

‘Jolene?’ Béla called out with her mind.

‘In the house,’ came the reply.

Along with the reply was an image of food being prepared on an old electric stove.

‘She must have found something to eat in there,’ Béla decided, then staggered up on her feet and wobbled toward the nearby structure.

She let the screen door slam behind her and leaned wearily on a dusty countertop. She gazed across the room at Jolene, still naked, but clean, now. Jolene was watching a pot on the stove.

“And here I always thought you were a bit of a cold fish,” Béla said, trying to make light of the ecstatic torture Jolene had done to her earlier in the name of revenge.

“I can be sexy,” Jolene replied, looking over at her still-exhausted sister. “I just never thought that you…”

“Me, neither,” Béla laughed, still sounding tired. “But we have Elaine in common, it seems.”

“I was actually looking for her when I found you,” Jolene admitted. “I didn’t really know what to expect… you know? You’re… Well, you’re pretty high-handed sometimes, and I halfway expected you to side with the two…"

She hesitated.

“You ordered them killed!” Jolene continued, more urgently now. “I thought you were against killing! Even criminals!”

“You thought wrong,” Béla replied, not upset by the accusation that she might defend the rights of some butcher over the rights of a wounded and dying sister. “My rules and laws apply to decent people – not vicious animals hiding inside human skin.”

“So,” Jolene said, more quietly now, “we’re not so different after all.”

“No,” Béla agreed. “I can kill as readily as any of my sisters. I have killed, in the past, to protect people I cared about. I didn’t care if the person I killed had a family or children who loved them or not. It didn’t matter. They were threatening or harming others, and I don’t tolerate that. If someone viciously harms another, that person’s rights are forfeited by his actions.”

“I’m glad it was you that noticed me, then,” Jolene said. “I don’t think Elaine would have had the necessary ‘Oomph’ to order Chief Raman to execute someone using the ship’s cannon.”

Béla laughed. “Being ‘Carte Blanche’ has its advantages, I suppose. But she would have found a way to save you, regardless. Of that, I’m certain.

“What are you fixing?” Béla asked, putting her attention on the steaming pot, now.

“Some canned soup I found in the cupboard,” Jolene replied. “Mushroom, I think.”

“Smells good,” Béla grinned as she pushed up from the countertop she was almost lying on. “I’ll find some bowls.”

It was later, and the two girls had cleaned up the kitchen in the abandoned farmhouse. They had also cleaned up the mess the two vagrant ‘hunters’ had made over the (apparently) several days that they’d lived there.

“This homesteading idea of yours sounds pretty good,” Béla was saying as they walked back outside. “My district is too close to the equator, though. I don’t think there are any abandoned farms there.”

“I’m hoping it’ll work out,” Jolene replied. “I just hope there aren’t any more of these vagabonds loose out here.”

“Let’s go find out, shall we?” Béla asked, grinning at her now very-healthy looking sister.

“You’ll help me?” Jolene asked, stunned by the offer.

“Sure!” Béla grinned. “What are sisters for?”

The two of them launched themselves into the sky. Béla kept the fact to herself that she was deeply disturbed at the discovery of sub-humans like the two who’d attacked Jolene existing in what she considered ‘her’ paradise. She planned on making sure there weren’t any others.


Same as Phoenix Pt 3 Ch 08 Videos

4 years ago
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A true threesome story I love getting revenge

This is a true recollection of my first threesome. I was just barely nineteen years old, and I had been fooling around with one of my guy friends, who we will call Asher, for a little over a year when he started dating a girl we will call Selena. Now Selena, while gorgeous (very slim, tall, blonde, tan, and big fake perky tits) was a true pain in the ass. She was clingy with Asher, always talked behind my back because she knew I had been fooling around with Asher before he got with her, an all...

2 years ago
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Locked up notions

You're a horny high school aged boy, eager to get locked up and controlled by other women. But who will you choose? Sarah ( best friend, threesome) Kate (reluctant dom, romantic) Amanda (neighbor, dual free use) Julie (femdom) Emily (incest) (More detailed descriptions will be added to the routes as I end up writing them)

2 years ago
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The Chronicles Of Sonali 8211 Part 4 How Rick Fantasized About Vineeta

I was feeling infected by Vineeta’s youth and bubbly new-found charm. Yet I was still feeling reluctant to believe that my best female friend has just confessed to me that she has fucked her son. The image of my son Joydeep- Joy, passed through my mind once and threatened to take alarming shades. I exercised tremendous control to get him out of my head. I cleared my throat and looked at Vineeta. “So was it only one time, Vini?” “Oh no, not at all,” She blushed heavily. “We have been fucking...

1 year ago
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GangbangCreampie Gwen Vicious G273

Gwen’s shirt may say, “don’t touch,” but the FIVE COCKSMEN seem to have some trouble reading it. Gwen doesn’t seem to mind, though. It’s almost like she’s teasing them. You be the judge. That glorious ass comes out to play quickly as Gwen bends over and starts putting all her Cocksmen in her mouth like she needs their dicks to breathe. Chris breathes some life into her pussy with his mouth before taking the first spin in Gwen’s pink Cadillac. The...

3 years ago
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The NerdChapter 3 Married Life

I was happy to get back home because I had my new wife all to myself with no other men around. I still had to suck her off morning and night, but at least she would jerk me off a couple times a week. I liked my new job and my birthday was getting closer when she said my punishment would be over and promised to make love to me, so overall things were going well. One evening when I got home from work, I saw Kathy sipping wine and chatting with some guy in our living room. "Hi sweetie, this is...

3 years ago
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My Step Mommy Nagami

Hi ISS readers and this is Suresh from Andhrapradesh na age ippudu 25 years. I would like to narrate a wonderful experience happened in mhy childhood for your pleasure. Madi konchem rich family memu town ki dooramga oka farm house lo undevallamu. Naku 12 years unna;ppdu ma amma nirmala ma neighbour uncle tho lechipoyindi. Ma ammaki sex yava chala ekkuva. Ma dad business meeda monthly 25 days tours lo untadu. Ma dad ki ammaki age lo 14 years difference unnadi. Andukani ma ammaki satisfaction...

2 years ago
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new link

1 year ago
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Private Kaisa Nord Family Matters

Kaisa Nord has come to Private Gold, Love Radio and today she gets much more than she bargained for with her stepbrother Don Diego. After practicing putting a condom on a banana these two are horny and ready for the real thing as Kaisa dives straight in for a sloppy deepthroat blowjob before offering up that curvaceous body and juicy pussy for a fuck. Enjoy the incredible big tits of Kaisa in action as this sexy girl takes a hard pounding on the bed fucking her way to a hot cumshot all over her...

3 years ago
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My Nextdoor Neighbor

It was a turbulent time in the suburban neighborhood of the South Bay. Kai had recently graduated from his high school, and was ready to start a summer of fun! Oh. I guess I should introduce Kai. Kai is an 18 year old dude. He was not very outgoing. Quite shy. ...that was, until his parents got a disturbing phone call.

1 year ago
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Frisky Emily my stepdaughter

100% fiction! I've always been close to my step-daughter Emily (18 years old girl). Me and her mother Jan married 9 years ago. I had never thought of her in a sexual way when she lived at home. It wasn't until she moved out and started dressing more like a grown woman then the kid I had known for 9 years. So to speed things up Emily had 2 weeks off for Christmas holidays and had came home to visit. Jan and I had been planning for her visit for weeks. I even went and bought her a small bottle of...

1 year ago
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As you return home from work one evening, you find a large shipping package waiting for you in front of your apartment. Bringing the package inside and opening it, you find a letter and hundreds of vials containing a mysterious red powder. You decide to inspect the letter. -- WARNING: PROPRIETARY INFORMATION. DISCLOSURE OF THE CONTENTS OF THIS PACKAGE AND THE LETTER CONTAINED MAY RESULT IN CRIMINAL PROSECUTION. Dear Valued Tomorrow Industries Consumer, Congratulations, you have been selected...

3 years ago
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Let me tell you a little bit about myself. I’m your average 17 year old girl (with not-so-average tendencies). For some reason, I’m horny all the time, but I’ve always been too shy to explore with other people. I mean, I’ve masturbated and seen a lot of kinky stuff online (I’m really turned on by some of that kinky stuff too), but I’ve never, for lack of a better term … fucked. I look really innocent, and everybody thinks I’m goody-two-shoes, but I probably know more about sex than any other...

2 years ago
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My Wifes Perversion

AKA Don't Stand Too Close to Me My wife is perverted, sadly not in a sexual way. I call her perversion the 'Flowers in the Attic' syndrome, but a co-worker explained to me that description wasn't entirely accurate because while my wife was interested in secrets that families, especially secret prominent families kept, she is more interested in families that practice the various 'cides' in life; fratricide, patricide, matricide and any other ones that involves family murdering family she...

4 years ago
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Welcome To The Neighborhood

I wake one morning to the sound of rain through my open window. Rubbing the sleep from my eyes, I drag myself out of bed and pull the curtain aside to reveal the dreary day. The sky is thick with moisture and grey as far as I can see. The rain is coming down in a steady drizzle. I don't even bother pulling a robe on over my silky, light blue nighty as I head to the kitchen for my morning coffee. I run my fingers through my long blonde, sleep tousled hair and head for the porch with my coffee...

Straight Sex
1 year ago
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One Time at Band Camp

‘One time, at band camp…”Repeated to me for most of my high school and college years, these words from American Pie rang in my ears. Little did I know how true this one phrase would prove to be in my junior year of college at band camp.There was an urban legend about “encounters” between the senior members of the drumline and the senior members of the colorguard.Despite my spiked hair and faded concert T-shirts, I was still very much a geek. Worse, in fact, I was a band geek. Everything I knew...

2 years ago
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It Just HappenedChapter 9 Jennifer

Ed and Jen came in and found us embracing, Millie commiserating with me because of the predicament I had just described to her, broke and being forced into kowtowing to a rich girl in order to hold on to my job. I pulled my head away from Millie, hoping to alert her that we had company. She misunderstood and thinking that my intention was to kiss her, she closed her eyes and pushed her lips into mine. "Ahem!" Jen said rudely interrupting what was becoming a very tender moment between her...

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Frankie and Penny

During the 1950s, Frankie worked for a mid-level mobster named Pete Sargeni or better known as Big Pete. Frankie was a flunky and acted mostly as a gofer for Pete. Pete kept him around for two reasons. First, Frankie could always be depended upon to do exactly as told without asking why. Second, Frankie had a gorgeous buxom wife, Penny ,that Pete loved fucking.Pete never could quite understand how a mouse like Frankie ever wound if with a sexy hot wife like Penny. What Pete did not know was...

Wife Lovers
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The Control Effect

Jim Walker thought of himself as an average guy--a 22- year old graphic arts student at Central University. When he dropped in to the University Med Center, however--for his weekly visit with Dr. Sandra Graham-- he thought of himself as perhaps a little better than average, helping to further the progress of medical science. Sitting on Graham's examination table, he watched the pretty doctor's movements as she first retrieved her clipboard, then turned to him with a small white pill and a cup...

3 years ago
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Kumar Apartment Season 2 Part 791 Maa Bete Kar Rahe Bharti Ko Taiyaar

Narrated by Rahul Hello dosto, main Rahul. aaplogo ne dekha kitchen mein Bharti ko dikhate hue main apni maa ki gand chod raha tha. Kavita aunty maa ke kamre mein so rahi thi. Unhe kamre mein lock kar hum teeno yaha kitchen mein the. Mujhe aur maa ko dekh Bharti kafi uttejit thi aur abtak jhad bhi chuki thi. Main ab bhi jhada nahi tha. Maa mere lund ko pakad muh mein lekar choosti hui Bharti ko dikhane lagi. Fir lund ko muh se nikal haat mein lekar hilati hui mujhe dekh boli: Ise bacha kar...

2 years ago
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My Big Ass Cousin Sister Adrija 8211 Part 2

Hello guys, I hope you all are doing okay. I got busy due to work, so it took longer to write the second part. I hope you guys enjoy it. I came back to my senses when my big ass cousin sister Adrija called my name and I quickly put my dick inside my pant. I was scared, I thought she saw me jerking off in the living room. But she didn’t say anything and I realized she couldn’t see what I was doing. I was relieved. I noticed my cousin drying her hair with a towel. She was wearing a floral maxi...

1 year ago
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Coed Conqueror

Its amazing what calling in a few favors and a couple fake credentials can get you. Take my path for example, for years i did whatever it took to rise up in the world. I've lied, cheated, and stole every chance i got to get a little further ahead. Made a lot of enemies but made more powerful friends. After spending years dealing with the some of the worst of the world you learn to pick up on tells and and gather information. Like information to overthrow a powerful mob leader and take his...

1 year ago
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PornstarPlatinum Lydia Black Dee Williams 2 Sluts And A Good Dick

This is going to be a ton of fun today, I’m here with Lydia Black, then later on Nathan Bronson will pay us a visit. Lydia is hot, I love her jet black hair, hard little tits & perfectly shaped ass. First we start the scene right off with hot kissing & licking, within no time, I have Lydia’s long legs spread wide open. I love her sexy tattoos & ripped stockings. After lots of hot pussy play, in comes Nathan who gags the fuck out of both of our mouths, then fucks us both...

3 years ago
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Truth Or Consequences Part 2

If I don't do this now I never will. How long has it been? Seven years? Longer? She'd be in junior school... Stop it! The ferry doesn't go anywhere near the open sea. Here it comes now, breasting the placid surface with almost swanlike grace. The idea that it could ever get into difficulties is absurd. You take a risk hundreds of times greater every time you start your car. All you have to do is find a seat on the covered deck well away from the side, concentrate on your book...

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the key party III

Hello there, my name is Amber, and just a ordinary girl, who wound up in a special encounter. I stand a little under 5' 6', wear glasses, and best can be described as a dish-blond librarian. (Her words, not mine. I have seen amber "cut loose" once, and was very impressed. It involved myself, amber, and two other girls at one of our parties. This girl outlasted ALL of us.) I got a job as a sales handler overseas for a small shipping company. It was just a job, and some excitement...

2 years ago
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This was something that I have done with others for a long time... the following is a hypnosis script that I use for the ones that want to experience hypnosis do it's deepest levels. This is just the start... but those that read it, wanting to be taken in the spell, can begin to feel what the depths of the mind can bring. If you believe, and if you know that it is real... or could be real... then you will be amazed at what you could feel. Please enjoy.I want you to pay attention to each...

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A Wish Unwanted Part 17

A Wish Unwanted - Part 17 by Limbo's Mistress "Lee," I said, the words catching in my throat, making the single word sound more like a croaked accusation rather than an astonished greeting. "Pee-Jay," he replied, smiling as his eyes glimmered behind the lenses. His hands continued to hold my arms. Not forcefully, but as if wanting to make sure I was going to remain upright if they let go. His touch brought with it that familiar, delightful, tingle that seemed to leap between us to...

2 years ago
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DreamsChapter 15

It was not a dream that Josh was experiencing. It was reality. As real as it could get. He was escorted by an armed security guard to clean out his desk, pickup his paycheck along with the two weeks notice and taken out of the building. Jane was in the elevator as they went down to the ground floor. She followed him outside. "I'm so sorry, Josh," she said, almost in tears. "I was astonished to hear what happened Saturday." "Thanks Jane, you're a good friend." She stood on her toes...

4 years ago
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Lesbian classmates P 2

Today Jasmine's parents are on some kind of trip and I know that she would invite me to her so I could return the favor. Yesterday was great with her but I don't know why she didn't speak to me once.After hours my thoughts became true. She invited me to her, and asked if we can go directly from school. When we got in her building and got on the elevator she started started kissing my neck aggressively. She pushed the stop button and started undoing my pants. She slid down her hand down my...

1 year ago
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Real Experience With My Friend Part 8211 1

Hi friends my name aslam, I am here to tell you my real experience happen in my life. I am a regular user if iss. I used to read all stories . This happen with one of my online friend. She is elder than me and married. We became friends and started chatting and became close friends. She was from chennai and I live in bangalore. Her name was vidhya.She was 29 yr old and 34-32-32 was her figure.Her husband was busy in work . Becoming close we use to chat and exchanged our mobile numbers and we...

3 years ago
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The View From the Hill at TwilightChapter 3

Except over the Christmas break, Emily had not been home since arriving on campus. People in her part of the world tended to think of a hundred mile trip as a journey of a lifetime. Well, maybe not quite that extreme. Still, they didn’t travel easily. Emily had taken a bus home for Christmas and again rode the Greyhound back for the new year. She had repeated the ride when school ended for the summer. When she arrived back home her family was, of course, glad to see her. Her friends from...

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Love For An Older Man Chapter 3

A couple of weeks had passed since Michelle had met Amy and they became good friends.  Amy would meet her in the gym every morning and they would work out together. Afterward, depending on their plans, they would come back to the condo and have some wild fuck sessions.  Since their first time, Amy had become an expert at girl-on-girl pleasure. Sometimes Bob would join them, but if he was not around, it was just the two of them. Bob was planning for their Mexico trip, which was coming up soon. ...

Love Stories
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Vivians Adventure

A little story about the Landlady's friend :) Vivian's AdventureVivian had been Diane’s best friend for nearly twenty years. She had seen her go through a divorce and adjust to being over fifty and single. She had tried to help her out by introducing her to a few eligible bachelors she knew, but nothing ever worked out. Viv always thought Diane was different than most women. She never acted her age. Diane didn’t complain about the things everyone else her age complained about. Di had never...

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Fuckbuddys flat mate

I had to pick something up from my fuckbuddy's flat this morning, she was at work I ring the buzzer to be let in her flat answered. I said can you let me in, ok she said the door clicked open I went up to the flat she had the door open for me, She was standing there in a towel just covering her tits & cunt, I've fucked her before she got a very hairy cunt & loves cock, a lot of men have been to the flat & fucked her, well she said hello have you come to pick that thing up, yes I...

1 year ago
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My Hubbys Boss Me

Hi there, I am Priyanka (24) and my husband’s name is Amit (28). We both belong to Mumbai and live in a posh waterfront apartment provided by the FMCG Company in which Amit works. He is in Sales and marketing and therefore has to stay out of home quite a lot of time. I am 5’ 2” and quite an expensive doll when it comes to my looks; green eyes, well curled lashes and luscious red lips, fair complexion, free falling brown hair, 36-25-26 figure and a nice pair of tits people could kill for. My...

Erotic Fiction
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Joy of Their YouthChapter 19

The evening fuck session when Chuck and Sue made love again while Cindy and Tim did the same was a very hot and erotic experience after the two couples had been fucking each others' mates for all those months leading up to that time. Chuck and Tim were both very much enjoying how their lovers' pregnancies had really filled out their bodies, their breasts being at least one bra cup size larger with them nursing and their figures had filled out a bit as well. Both men loved being able to...

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Amanda Part 1

Her breasts may have been the cherry on top of the cake, but the cake itself was a hateful creature. Amanda was a textbook trashy milf. The type you fucked in the ass behind a dumpster outside a dodgy nightclub. A divorced, alcoholic mother of two, Amanda’s drinking had entirely ruined her life. Over the course of a few short years, her husband had had left her, she had lost custody of her children, and the bank had taken her house. I first met Amanda at a rehabilitation facility where I was...

4 years ago
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Template Chapter 1

Template The smell of disinfectant, hovering over a deeper taint of rot. The scent of a body slowly failing, the shameful weakness of being all out of beginnings but not having a clean clear ending. Everything that yellow-tinged white of old stained ivory, the colors of a sick bed. The men with black suits and black briefcases were silhouettes against the picture window behind them, the panoramic view of the estate that I hadn't seen in weeks. One was talking, I could barely hear him...

2 years ago
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ElenaChapter 7

Elena had just gotten back from another visit from her mom’s place. When she walked into my room she was looking really pale. “Elena? What’s wrong? Can I get you some medication or something? Do I need to drive you to the doctor’s?” I asked frantically. She was like a statue for a minute before she finally answered, “I’ve actually been to the Doctor’s. You remember how I was feeling a little sick before I left? Well I was still feeling sick the day after I got to my mom’s place. And she did...

3 years ago
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The Blind Date Night Part 1

The date was arranged by a good friend of mine, she said she'd shown my picture to Warren and he kept pestering her to arrange a meeting. I finally agreed to meet him with no strings attached or promises. I had no idea what to expect or how far things might go but I always like to be prepared. I showered, shaved my legs and any other area that needed attention, shampooed my hair and perfumed and powdered my body. I decided to wear black thigh hi stockings, a black push-up bra and the cutest...

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Mattie My Journey to Freedom Part 2

Mattie, My Journey to Freedom; Part 2My recovery from surgical procedures went better than expected.I felt a-bit giddy on the examination table, without the paper gown, naked. Jenny placed my feet in the stirrups and ran Velcro straps across my knees and feet. My legs were stretched away from each other as she adjusted the height of the seat and spread my legs even further. With my cunt open, Jenny began poking and touching me. She seemed to have lost her professional detachment and was simply...

4 years ago
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After fucking my fat slut a few times, he started telling me how he wanted me to fuck him behind my gf's back in our bedroom. At first I told him no, but because he was such a good slut, I decided to give him what he wanted. I invited him over one night when I had the weekend to myself and we made it happen. I had him naked on our bed, his big fat ass wearing a black thong and I was on my knees behind him. Looking at his big round ass as I ran my hands all over it, making his ass cheeks giggle...

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8 November 2008Chapter 2

Dan, Tina and Lisa enjoyed their breakfast then made plans for the day. Lisa said she had a prior engagement she had to attend later on in the day and could stay with them until three. Tina suggested returning to the Oasis Aqualounge for more sexy fun. Tina and Lisa put on their same dresses looking suggestively sexy for Dan. He drove them to the Oasis where the girls were viewed by those already there. He decided to keep his clothes on for now and loosened the bow that held their dresses...

4 years ago
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New Sensations

Dear readers, This is my first poem. Please don’t be too harsh in judging Thanks! ~Lids I’m sitting on my bed, completely undressed I’m waiting for you to come near My fingers reach down And I pretend it’s you And I hear a soft whisper in my ear I stick one in And suddenly I’m taken The pleasure is hard to bear I pretend it’s you Licking, Sucking, Fucking And then, I’m suddenly there Thriving, twisting, moaning, screaming If only it were really you That could stick your...

2 years ago
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Hot Bhabhi Ne Mailsh Karwaya

Hi dear friends. I am Sonu. From u.p. Age 24. Ye gatna meri or meri bua ki ek friend ki h. Jb me uske ghr gya tha. Uska naam Seema age 31. Seema kafi rich fmly se thi or dekhne me bahut beauty. Uske 3 bachche the. Wo rich thi pr swabhao ki bahut achchi thi. Us din jb me ghr bahr ja raha tha to bua boli sonu bahr ja rahe ho to ye kheer seema ji ko dete jaao? Me ok. Me kheer leke gya to me sidha andr gya to sima ji leti thi. Wo boli aao baitho. Me bola bua ne apke liye kheer bheja h. To wo boli...

3 years ago
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my first bbw fuck

I was college in the late 1990s when a girl in my year who was large but fucking sexy.we got on together and spoken much at lunch times.Then we started to date each other.well one lunch time I felt very horny so we went back to my room for a good fuck.Got back to my room and we go it on.I took her top off and licked played with her fucking big tits.Then licked her tummy, then removed her skirt and pulled down her knickers.She had the most fucking sweet pussy,with that I LICKED her pussy until...

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My Real Sex Life 8211 Part V

I think you all remember me now and I don’t have to introduce myself by wasting a page again So lets start My name is Deva (not real name). Let me briefly tell you about myself I’m now 27 years old, 5.95 feet height, athletic body and average looking. I have my Own Business and I’m a Martial Arts and Yoga Trainer in Bangalore, Hyderabad and Chennai gyms. (Why so many places you will know in the stories. People who may know me might study these stories so I want to keep my identity...

4 years ago
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A Hot August Night

Late on a hot August afternoon I boarded the subway at 14 th Street, and sat down in the next to last available seat. At the following stop a black couple, obviously lovers, boarded and she took the seat next to me, with him standing in front of the two of us; leaving me staring at his right hip. I’d been kinda edgy all afternoon; knew my period was coming because I was as horny as a cat on a hot tin roof. I had been daydreaming about how I was going to have Stevie fuck me later after I’d had a...

Quickie Sex
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Blue Milk

Blue Milk by [email protected] {Standard disclaimer- you must be 18 to read this story. It deals with sex, more sex, and dairy products!} Blue Milk, everybody had to have it. The first true aphrodisiac. One sip or mixed in another drink and the recipient was taken over by uncontrollable lust. Yea, right. But it was the latest craze sweeping the nation and my paper wanted a story. Kind of the latest fad of the month fluff piece. Before getting too far into the story I decided I...

2 years ago
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KarenscreweduphotmailComChapter 2

I stopped at the grocery store on the way home. Then I went home and put away my groceries. When I got home I found that I had an emergency message from one of my larger clients. Several of the local banks are clients of mine. While the actual hours that a bank is open may leave something to be desired by the bank customers, the amount of work that is done when the banks are closed by the people that process the transactions overnight and on weekends is huge. I'm on call 24/7 in case...

3 years ago
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A Close Call Book 1 A New BeginningChapter 10

Two of the women were particularly skilled in basket making, so Doug assigned them the job of making the casings for the bombs. He wanted the baskets to be as strong and as dense as possible, so the women made them as double layered containers. There was no need for them to be spherical; the trebuchet certainly didn't care! The structure they came up with was a nearly cylindrical, truncated cone. There was a flat bottom and a flat top, and the fuse was run out the top. The casing was lined...

2 years ago
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Climbing a tree 2

My sister continued to massage my cock. We could hear my mother downstairs humming. We looked at each other and giggled. She handed me the ice and told me to put it on my head. She changed her position on the bed so she could face my cock. The air in the room was heavy with sex. I started to get semi hard as my sister rubbed my cock. She seemed fascinated with it. She stroked it. She held my balls in her hand and tugged. I asked her if she ever did this to anyone before. She said, ‘Once, while...

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Recovery of a Hero Ch 12

Chapter 12 The Hero’s new Family This story is a work of fiction only. Any chance resemblance to actual people or events is purely accidental. It turned out to be a week before Uncle Dar could go home. We all stayed until he was better, including Shelly and Sandra. They’d gotten permission from their parents for that somehow. I think the fact that Megan was there helped a bit. She had even cancelled practice while Dar was in the hospital, and then would go get the whole team and bring them...

1 year ago
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TeamSkeetExtras Gia Derza Whitney Wright Girls Under Arrest

In the patrol car on the way to a call, Officer Warren (Jake Adams) and Officer Holmes (Nathan Bronson) explain to the camera that this is a bad part of town. A lot of unhappy people that live there lash out, so they get called out often. They arrive in an industrial area and spot bolt cutters lying on the ground next to an open chain link fence. The cops stop the car, jump out, and move into an adjacent warehouse. There are two girls inside, Whitney Wright and Gia Derza. When they see the...

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The PostPartum Blues

 My husband and I decided we were ready to start a family. In planning for this event, I had decided that I wanted a midwife to attend me at the birth of our first child. My husband was dubious but I had this earth-mother image of myself and was adamant. A friend suggested I might want a doula also.Now doulas are not medically trained so they can not deliver babies as a midwife can. The doula serves as a comforter and guide during the birthing process. She helps the mother relax during labor....

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Put it in me0

         I drive my black toyota camri to school every morning. I have to drive my senoir brother Robert to school as well ever since his dumb ass got his car towed. I let the windows down and blasted my lil wayne cd as i speed through a red light. Robert reaches in his pocket and grabs a pack of cigerettes, lights one and puffs.           I have fourth period french with Terrance. Shit. I walk down the hallway. Applying my lipgloss. I drop my books on my desk. I notice Terrance come into...

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Holly Willoughby Insatiable part 2

A long black car turned a corner and stopped momentarily, its headlamps illuminating Holly’s naked body, bow-legged she started to stagger away from it when it began to move. It pulled alongside and as she was not able to move quickly a door opened and yanked her inside.“My God, it IS you!” a middle-aged plump and rather greasy man in a suit looked at her wide-eyed. The door was pulled shut by a very large man who was scowling at Holly. “You’re the biggest story in the country right now! What...

3 years ago
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Badi Bahen Ko Exam Dilaya Aur Pyar Ka Path Padhaya

Dosto mera naam raj hai aur mein 23 saal ka hoon. iss ka regular reader hoon. main aap logo k beech apni pahli ghatna pes kar raha hoon joki mere aur meri badi didi k beech ki hai didi ki shadi abhi do mahine pahle hi hue hai agar pasand aaye to mail kare Dosto maim pahle is story ki nayaka k bare mein bata doon. Name hai anita age hai 26 saal hight hai 5.5feet size hai 26-24-28 .ek dum mast maal hain. ghar k log bahar gaye the per mein aur didi ghar per the kyu ki didi exam chal raha tha aur...

4 years ago
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Mistress Hannahs Pathetic Husband Part 6

Having accepted the riding crop, Mistress Leelee seemed to understand that she was being given the opportunity to do something to me, but she was clearly lost."He's yours now Leelee. It starts with the first order. If you're going to turn your cheating husband, a little experience with Michelle here will give you confidence. I suggest you order him to stand in front of you and work from there. wouldn't you like to inspect him?"Mistress Leelee seemed to understand the gravity of her situation...


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