Phoenix Ch 10 free porn video

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Fifteen-year-old Katie flinched back anyway as she glared at that wicked-looked ‘thing’ held delicately in the doctor’s white-gloved hand.

“Now, sweetie,” Tanya said in the sugary voice she often used on her youngest daughter. “Frankie had his last year; now it’s your turn. I have an implant, and it doesn’t bother me at all.”

“I don’t want it!” Katie insisted. “Don’t I have any rights? You can’t force me – it’s against the law.”

Tanya sighed. Katie was always the rebellious one. “Sweetie, in this day and age, I’d feel a lot better if you’re wearing a Body Monitor. It’s not a snoop like your friend Carrie says. It’s a tool, and it’s for your protection. If you come up missing, I want to know how to find you.”

“Mom,” Katie argued, “I’m not going to run away again! I promise!”

“Honey,” Tanya replied, her voice sounding a little more tired, “There’s somebody out there who is murdering your friends. This newly developed Body Monitor is the only defense we have until we catch him.”

“He hasn’t murdered anyone I know,” Katie sulked. “Besides, what makes you think I can be…”

Her mother’s sudden frown silenced the young girl. She was special, as were all the members of her family, and that ‘special-ness’ was a secret among them. Not even their family doctor knew.

Katie had been about to say, ‘What makes you think I can be killed, anyway?’ After all, neither her mother nor her older brother and sister knew what she did in private. In fact, the tiny incision in the side of her neck where the Body Monitor would be placed would be a minor trauma compared to some of the things she’d privately done to herself while exploring the capabilities and sensations of her sexually developing body.

“Alright, fine!” Katie said angrily, suddenly changing her mind. “Put it in!”

The doctor moved smoothly, but quickly, before the moody young teenager changed her mind again. A tiny sting, and it buried itself in the side of her neck. Dr. McCarty quickly put a bandage over the tiny hole to prevent any blood from leaking down the girl’s neck and upsetting her further.

“Now check the point of insertion tonight before she retires,” Dr. McCarty said to Tanya. “If there is any redness or swelling, call me and I’ll meet you here in my office.”

“Thank you, Doctor,” Tanya said, smiling.

She knew, as well as Katie, that the wound was already healed under that bandage. That was their family secret.

“Alright, then,” the doctor replied, then to Katie, “Okay, sweetie, let’s see how it’s working, shall we?”

She handed Katie what appeared to be a purse. Katie opened it. On the inside was a surface that was camouflaged to look like a mirror.

“I can use this like a regular purse, right?” Katie asked, deciding to cooperate with the bullying grownups.

“Of course!” the doctor said cheerfully. “Now, you need to imprint your voice pattern. Press on the corner of the mirror… that’s right… Now, give your monitor a code name.”

“Hot Dog,” Katie replied, saying the first words that came into her mind. That was her nickname for her brother, Frank, when she was feeling friendly toward him. She had nicknames for everyone – usually more than one nickname per person depending on her mood at the moment.

“Good! Now, let go,” the doctor said. “Okay, let’s test it, shall we, sweetie?”

Katie grimaced at that old woman calling her 'sweetie', then nodded her head. “What do I do?”

“When you want to check your Body Monitor,” explained the doctor, “just open your purse, look into the mirror and say the code word.”

Katie sat down and reopened her new purse. “Hot dog.”

A display appeared, showing her heart rate, blood pressure and GPS coordinates.

“Where’s Mom?” she asked it.

Another line appeared, showing the same GPS coordinates.

“Where’s Dad?” Katie asked, knowing that her father didn’t have one of these devices implanted on him.

Nothing happened. She looked up at her mother.

“We’ll see that he gets one, Honey,” Tanya promised.

Katie smiled, realizing that she could keep track of everyone in her family with this little device. The downside of that, of course, was that anyone who had one of these could also keep track of her.

“Where’s Frankfurter?” she asked it.

Another line showing her brother’s coordinates replaced the line displaying her mother.

“How come it knew who to look for?” Katie asked, perplexed.

“This is connected to your home system,” the doctor explained. “Your Body Monitor probably asked your home system who ‘Frankfurter’ was, and got the information that way.”

“Hmm,” Katie replied, thinking. “Okay.”

She got up and walked toward the door. ‘Please’ and ‘Thank you’ were no longer part of the teenager’s vocabulary – not for the last year or so, anyway.

“Oh,” Katie said, suddenly remembering why her mother was insisting on this invasion of her privacy. “What happens if I get attacked or something and I’m not carrying this purse?”

“Your Body Monitor continually transmits your location and your vital signs to your home system,” the doctor explained. “The transmitter is in your purse. So long as that is within fifty feet of where you are, your location is known. That way, you don’t have to carry your purse around with you at home. An alarm will signal if your home system decides that you are in danger.”

“Wild,” the young teenager replied, bored again. Then she turned and left.

Tanya caught up with her at the elevator. “That wasn’t so bad, was it, sweetie?” she asked in her sugar voice.

Katie turned her head and looked up at her mom. “It feels funny.”

“I know,” Tanya admitted. “Mine does, too.”

“I don’t get it,” Katie said. “You’re always like – It’s us against the world don’t invade our privacy go way and leave us alone! Now, you’ve hooked us into the citywide system that monitors everybody’s locations! You can’t even drive your own car anymore! And I’ve always looked forward to that! They come up with these Monitor devices and suddenly you just lay down like a whipped dog and do what they say! That’s really disappointing, Mom.”

“Katherine,” Tanya replied quietly, using her daughter’s full name to let her know that she was being very serious. “This is the price we pay for living around other people. There has to be some control. The reason for that is there are people out there who aren’t as responsible as we are.

“People are not allowed to drive in the city anymore because there were too many independent acts of selfish behavior that were getting people injured and killed. Now, hardly anyone gets killed in a traffic accident, and traffic jams are a thing of the past.”

“But, Mom,” Katie said, trying not to sound like she was whining, “now anybody can just punch up your numbers and find out where you are! Isn’t that invasion of privacy?”

“Of course it is!” Tanya agreed. “But look at it this way – every time you use the phone or activate your personal system, your location becomes public knowledge anyway. The only advantage here is, your can always be found, no matter what kind of trouble you get into. You can be rescued without having to call 911.

“Please try to understand that this is an incredible load of worry off my mind, will you, Honey?”

The elevator arrived. Mother and Daughter were silent again until they were alone and walking out toward the car.

“I still don’t like it,” Katie murmured, almost to herself.

“Young lady,” Tanya said, stopping in the middle of the aisle. She smiled at her favorite daughter, then squatted down on her heels and looked up at her. “You know what I use mine for?”

Katie shook her head.

Tanya leaned forward and whispered conspiratorially, “It keeps me from getting pregnant!”

Katie’s eyes widened in shocked surprise. “It can do that?”

Tanya nodded, grateful that she had her daughter’s complete attention. “It’s more foolproof than a morning-after pill…”

“When we get home,” she said, rising back up, “punch up the instructions for your monitor. It can do a lot of things, including letting you know if someone is spying on you. That should take care of any concerns you have about your privacy. Okay?”

Tanya felt relieved and happy. She and her daughter were friends, again. They hadn’t been friends for the last year – ever since she walked in on her daughter during one of Katie’s self-exploration sessions.

It wasn’t just the fact that the child was masturbating – it was the two dozen safety pins carefully poked through her barely-developed breasts and nipples, traveling in a shiny line down the child’s stomach and decorating the soft tissue around her little labia.

The blowup between them had been so intense that it was months before either of them could even speak a civil word to the other without war breaking out all over again.

When they got home from getting her implant, Katie went directly to her room and sat down at her console. She punched up her privacy code, then read the instructions on her Body Monitor as the text and diagrams scrolled across the screen.

As she learned how to access the device’s features, she programmed them in. She set up a ‘safety zone’ outside her room. If anyone approached her bedroom door within five feet, her Body Monitor would go into ‘Alarm’ mode.

She tested it to see what the Alarm Mode felt like. It was a tiny, but very noticeable vibration in the side of her neck where the device was implanted. She had no doubt it could wake her up if she was asleep.

She also programmed it so that it wouldn’t alert other family members if her vital statistics changed suddenly unless she also spoke the word ‘help’. Now she could ‘experiment’ without alerting the entire family. She also set it so that if she sub-vocalized the word ‘help’ three times in a row, the alert would be sounded.

When she got to the question, ‘Do you wish to be included in the Citywide Grid?’, she entered, ‘No’. Then it asked if she wanted to be notified if someone nearby was in danger or was calling for help. She entered, ‘Yes’, figuring it was her civic duty to help someone if they were having a heart attack or something.

‘It is required that you be included in the Citywide Grid to be notified if someone nearby is in danger. Do you wish to be included in the Citywide Grid?’

Katie thought about it, feeling that she’d been tricked by the previous question, then gave in and entered, ‘Yes’.

She was finished. Her Body Monitor was programmed.

“Locate family members,” she said to the little mirror in her purse. A three dimensional diagram of her house appeared with different icons representing each person positioned somewhere in the diagram.

“When’s dinner?” she asked it. There was a delay of several seconds. Then it responded, ‘one half-hour from now’.

Katie wondered how it knew, then realized it must have accessed the home computer and calculated dinner by determining what devices were activated in the kitchen and for how long.

It was getting dark. Katie didn’t like showering then going to bed slightly damp, so she usually did it before dinner. The simple act of showering before dinner also put her in a better mood to tolerate Brother Brat-Worst and Sister Slut while she ate.

“Shower – one hundred degrees,” she said as she doffed her clothes and bounced through the door to her own private bathroom. The shower came on, controlled by the home computer, while she pulled off her socks and threw them into the hamper. When she climbed into the shower, the water temperature was perfect.

She’d hardly soaked down her hair when her Body Monitor Alarm tickled the side of her neck.

“Crap!” she exclaimed. “Shower off!”

As the shower trickled down to nothing, she wrapped a towel around her wet body and stepped out of the bathroom. Someone was knocking on her locked bedroom door.

“What!” she exclaimed angrily. “I’m in the shower!”

It was her favorite Brother Brat-Worst. “Mom sez not to get your implant wet!”

“Shit!” Katie exclaimed to herself, then stormed over to the door, unlocked it and pulled it open.

“Take a look!” she snarled, turning her head and displaying the skin where the Body Monitor was implanted. “Anything sticking out?”

“Nope,” Frank Junior said, too cheerfully. “Nice ’n smooth.”

“Good! Now drop dead!” Katie sneered, then turned to slam the door in her brother’s face. She shrieked as Frankie yanked the towel away and bolted down the hallway toward the stairs, cackling wildly.

“God-damn-you-Wienie-Brain!” Katie screamed at his departing backside. She wasn’t about to chase him downstairs naked just to retrieve her towel. It would be just her luck they would have company. Frankie was an expert at setting her up to display her absolute worst behavior whenever company showed up.

She slammed the door behind her.

“Privacy Mode!” The door locked.

“Shower on!” She heard the water start running in her bathroom.

“One hundred degrees!”

“Fuck Frankfurter!”

She snarled loudly to herself as she stomped stark naked back into the bathroom so she wouldn’t hear the home computer:

Unable to comply with ‘Fuck Frankfurter.’

Twenty minutes later, she stepped out of the dryer and pulled her still-damp hair into a high ponytail. Slipping on a simple smock, she headed out of her room and toward the stairs, determined to do her very best to have a civil meal with her uncivil siblings.

At least, Mom wasn’t picking quarrels with her now. Maybe she had an ally, but she wasn’t going to count on Mom to side with her. Mom bent over backward to prove to the rest of the family that she loved her children all the same. Katie smiled to herself, knowing the truth. She would always be Mom’s favorite, despite that horrible war they had. Maybe that was why they'd had it...

Halfway down the stairs, she stopped, frozen in position with her mouth hanging open. There was a really hot guy sitting on their couch! He was looking right at her! Then Katie realized why…

Holy fuck! I’m not wearing any underwear and he can right up this stupid smock!

She turned bright red from head to toe, then bolted back up the stairs, knowing full well that she was showing off her bare backside as she fled. The last thing she saw before she turned and ran was her Brother Brat-Worst’s smirking face. And Sister Slut was perched on that gorgeous guy’s lap!

“Katie, please unlock the door,” Tanya called out softly.

She could order the home computer to unlock the door, but that wasn’t how she wanted to handle her little girl.

“Go way!” Katie muttered, raising her head from her pillow to speak, then burying her face in it, again.

“Come on, Honey, let me in,” Tanya said, unwilling to break the now uneasy truce they still had between them.

After another moment, Katie got up and unlocked the door, evidently feeling the same way about her mother – their newly found truce was too fragile to throw away on some temper tantrum.

“Why did it have to be you?” Katie whined, flouncing back down on the bed as her mother entered the room.

“What do you mean?” Tanya asked, perplexed.

“Why couldn’t you send Wienie-Brain or Alice-the-Wonder-Slut up to get me?” Katie expounded. “Why did it have to be you?”

“Because I didn’t think you’d leave me standing in the hallway locked out of your room like you would them,” Tanya said softly.

“I would have, yesterday,” Katie admitted. “Sometimes I feel like locking the whole world out – even Carrie!”

Tanya sat down at Katie’s desk. The display on Katie’s console told her that Katie knew who was downstairs. Jake Pestova’s profile was displayed on the screen. She wasn’t about to discuss the settings her little girl had programmed into her new Body Monitor, though.

“It’s not easy keeping secrets from everyone, darling,” Tanya said, understanding the true root of Katie’s social problems. “But that’s why Uncle Jake is here.”

“ ‘Uncle’ Jake?” Katie asked, looking up at her mother with ‘that’ look.

“That’s what your brother and sister are calling him,” Tanya confessed, “now that they know who he is.”

“What secrets does he have?” Katie wanted to know.

“Well, Honey,” Tanya said, “He’s going to talk about Béla after dinner. That’s why we invited him to come. We need to know more about what she gave us all those years ago.”

Katie remembered the stories she’d heard as a child – about the vampire girl’s last night on earth. She also believed that her father privately resented this ‘Jake’ fellow. After all, Dad had known this Béla character for thirty years, but she only lived three more months after pairing off with Jake.

She also remembered her father visiting in the middle of the night after her big blowup with Mom about those damned safety pins. He told her about the weird cravings she could expect to have and that these were some of the side effects of being infected with vampire blood.

His explanation helped her to understand the need she felt to ‘play’ and with her understanding came some ability to control it better. Her mom thought that Katie was over that rather gruesome ‘phase’, but her father knew better.

His wife never got over that phase and he knew his daughter wouldn’t, either. He helped a lot by making sure Katie had enough privacy to experiment by adding this new section onto their house just for her. Then, much to Katie's disappointment, he left her alone.

Katie’s curiosity about her vampire heritage barely outweighed her embarrassment at being caught on the stairs sans panties, so she allowed her mom to persuade her to come down to dinner.

Once downstairs and at the table, Katie didn’t taste any of the food she ate. Most of her attention was on ignoring her brother’s laughing stares and her slut sister’s breathy comments and those eyes that were just all over ‘Uncle’ Jake.

Katie couldn’t bring herself to look at Uncle Jake at all. Just thinking about him looking at her naked bottom made her blush bright red, and that’s how she spent most of dinner.

After dinner was ever worse for Katie. Her sister Alicia was almost twenty and looked full-grown. She had incredible hair, just like her mom, and a rack that was to die for. And she really poured on the charm for Uncle Jake, sitting on his lap and teasing him, blowing in his ear when she thought no one was looking. No one looking didn’t include Katie – Alicia always went out of her way to show off how much sexier she was than her bratty, flat-chested, kid sister.

The worst part was that her parents didn’t seem to mind – almost like they encouraged her sister to behave like the slut she was. Maybe they were tired of feeding her and were trying to get her married off. Katie didn’t know which one it was, but she uncharacteristically kept her mouth shut so she didn’t ruin the evening for everyone else.

Surprisingly enough, her brother Frankie, ratfink that he usually was, didn’t try to get her to blow her cool. He was actually nice. That screwed with Katie’s mind as much as everything else did.

Those two hours were really educational, though. She, along with her older siblings, was told she could expect to live several hundred years, and any children she might have would live nearly as long as she did.

Mathematically, she calculated that if she had children at a certain young age, then her children had children at that age, by the time they were back down in longevity to the single century life span, the entire family could die out in the same decade, except for the last generation, which would continue like normal people with average life spans.

Later that night, she was in her bedroom and almost asleep when her privacy alarm went off in the side of her neck. That was going to take some getting used to – but it beat the alternative of being caught with her pants down (or in her case, with her pins in). After checking her console and realizing it was her dad, she met him at the door in her nightgown.

“I just wanted to tell you how proud I was of you tonight, sweetheart,” Frank told her. “You and Frankie were both on your best behavior. I’m really pleased with both of you.”

Katie snorted derisively, then said, “Sorry, Daddy. I was thinking of Alicia.”

She didn’t call Alicia the ‘Wonder Slut’ to her father. He wouldn’t have it. But she really proved that was who she was tonight.

Frank smiled. “I know, darling. She laid it on pretty thick. But Jake’s smart. He can handle…”

“No, Dad!” Katie interrupted him. “He can’t! He’s just a man, and nobody can resist Alicia. Dad…”

She sighed, knowing that her father wasn’t going to want to hear what she had to say.

“Alicia…” she faltered for a moment. “My sister isn’t exactly a virgin, Dad. She hasn’t been for a long time.”

Surprisingly, her father didn’t get mad. “I know, Katie. She's fought her own inner war just like you’re fighting yours. She has vampire blood in her veins, too. She's more outgoing than you are, so she found other, less self-destructive outlets for her needs and desires.”

Katie smirked. “Dad, are you saying Alicia’s a slut?”

Frank chuckled quietly, enjoying the look of pure delight on his daughter’s face. They shared another secret, bringing them a little closer.

“Yeah, I guess I am. She certainly acted the part, tonight.”

“She sure did,” Katie agreed wholeheartedly. “If you don’t lock her into her room, she’ll be in Uncle Jake’s room before morning.”

“Check your monitor, sweetheart,” her father said. “Don’t be too upset at what you discover. She's five years older than you, and Jake would be a good catch for her.”

“Sister Slut and ‘Uncle’ Jake?” Katie asked, a look of disgust on her face. “Ugh!”

“Sweetheart, I don’t think Alicia is his type,” her father assured her. “You’re right that he is just a man, and he probably can’t resist your sister’s considerable charms over the short term. But I don’t think he’ll marry her.”

“Good!” murmured Katie. “More meat for the rest of us… Girls, I mean.”

“Katie!” Frank jested, laughing with her and picking up the jest.

Then he hugged his daughter good night and left. She closed the door, once again alone, wanting her father and knowing she could never have him.

“Privacy Mode,” she instructed the console.

She took off her nightgown and draped it over the back of the chair. It was convenient for answering her door, so that was its permanent location between washings.

Pulling a box out from inside the headboard drawer, she picked out a wide stretch belt and draped it around her skinny waist, then fastened it, pulling the straps as tight as they’d go. Her body was starting to buzz already from her sexual anxiety and the squeezing sensation of the elastic belt. As aroused as she was, she wouldn’t need much stimulation, so she only put one pin through each hard little nipple, hissing with her pain and her pleasure as she did so.

Grabbing a handful of flesh around her belly button, she shoved a two-inch pin through, gasping at the fiery sensation of the cold pin puncturing through her soft, warm flesh, then fastened it.

She repositioned her stretch belt so that the buckle was right over the pin, pressing it even more tightly against her delicate skin. Another belt went around her ribcage, squeezing her already-pinned nipples beneath it, giving her even more sensation.

Lying down on the bed, she wrapped her legs around her body pillow – a long, thick pillow that was almost as long as the mattress was, and hugged it tightly, pretending that it was her personal lover. Reaching up with one hand, she set the bed to vibrate for its maximum time, which was only twenty minutes.

In only five minutes, she had her first orgasm for that night’s session, humping the body pillow and imagining that Uncle Jake was ravaging her.

Or her dad…

Yes! Her dad! That was her favorite fantasy.

“Fuck me, Daddy,” Katie whispered quietly in the imaginary ear of her body pillow as she humped away, feeling the emptiness of her young body needing the touch of a lover so badly.

“Fuck me… fuck me… fuck me…”

Then she was coming, squirming against the loving body of her pillow lover and pulling on her tight belts to move the pins around in her tender flesh, accepting that pain and the squeezing pressure of the belts in the place of a lover’s caress.

She fell asleep still wrapped around her body pillow. That was how she fell asleep most nights, but this night she still wore the pins and the belts, secure in the knowledge that her newly inserted Body Monitor would wake her if someone intruded into her fantasy world.


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Hello readers, thank you so much for your kind feedback on the previous parts. I am glad many of you liked it so much. Even loved how some lonely ladies trusted in the privacy and had some nice chats discussing kinks and fantasies with me on google hangouts. See you there soon. Continuing with story. At 08 pm, I reached Shalu’s house, and I rang the bell. She opened the door, and there she was in her visual best. She was wearing a really tight kameez. It was white, and she wasn’t wearing...

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Married Chinese Lawyer First Encounter Story

So like I explained in my post about the Married Chinese Lawyer introduction, I met her when an ex-gf of mine introduced me to her as a fuck buddy. My ex was a cuckqueen, she enjoyed watching me fuck the lawyer who was a good friend of hers. It was just purely a fuck buddy entertainment relationship for my ex. I had only met her a few times and only knew her first name. Had no idea what she did, how old she was or any other information. It was just to fuck her so my ex could watch and enjoy and...

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We Three The MMF Version

I am just writing this little story to remind you of our time together. It was really a wonderful experience; both you and Chris are wonderful people. I never really felt like I would have this type of experience in my life, and I want to thank you both for letting it happen.You haven't forgotten it, have you? I certainly never will. Even as I sit down to write this I feel thoroughly aroused by the memory. My tummy is aching and my cock is hard and wet. I'm not sure how much typing I will be...

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Dream of Souls Ch 01

For someone who inspires me… His hand trailed up the inside of her thigh, tickling the soft skin there. She arched her back, pressing her breasts into his body. A small sigh escaped from her lips at the delicious feel of his hard body against hers. Lips wrapped around her erect nipple as his hand continued to slide along her skin, moving ever closer to the wetness that had been increasing with every touch. ‘Yes, God, yes!’ fell easily from her lips as his very skilled fingers found her...

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King Universitys New Slut Part 8

Chapter 8: Another Unexpected Twist"Mr. Howard?!... What are you doing here?" I say. Mr. Howard looked at me with a puzzled look on his face. "Tyler? You know Darius?" he asked. "Darius is my friend, I just came to visit him." I say. "How do you know him?" I ask. "Darius is my son.,” he said. My eyebrows rose from total shock. "Oh! Your son? But his last name is Ford?" I ask in confusion."His mom's last name is Ford. I'm in the process of getting a divorce. He decided to keep his last name as...

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The Runaway

The rain was washing against the window shutters as it had for the last couple of days. The cold and depressing weather added to the hopeless mood that Mark Cockwidth was filled with. He was sitting in his kitchen wondering whether he should again drown his sorrows with a bottle of vodka as he had done some days ago. Not that this had been the first time ? he had done this too often during the last months, much too often since his wife has left him. His glance locked again with the slim,...

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rich boys love 42

when we got home i told harvey to go to bed he gave me his horny eyes and said "you coming with me" with a breif pause i said "i told you mr your banned until your better that means all form of jacking off sucking and sex until your body has healed fully" "what!!! really babe come on that is so not fair" "yes it is baby you was stabbed because of me the only thing i can do to make up for that is helping you get better" harvey came and hugged me and said "babe i wasnt stabbed because...

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Former Teacher PT3

For her, it was a dream come true. A former student had become a teacher. It wasn’t his first day teaching for the guy was 30 years old however to her academically speaking an intelligent former student had pursued education, and now had come back to his alma mater to teach. Hannah smiled once she saw the resume. Hannah happened to review it at least four times that afternoon. She remembered Robert Palms well. Robert was almost a 4.0 student she recalled. In addition to all the football honors...

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MarciaChapter 2

It was a strange weekend for me. The fact that the gas station where I worked was closed for repairs and I wasn’t in Burling Heights was something I was unaccustomed to. It seemed different for me to be at the KSU library instead of pumping gas. I met my roommate Lenny for dinner at the Rathskeller. He peppered me about what went on at the fraternity house last night. We—fifteen brothers and myself, a pledge—had left Lenny at Corner Bar when we left with one girl—Marcia Zillich. I could only...

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The Ring AOChapter 93 Expansion

Fred and Helena woke up at 7am and ordered breakfast. Helena rang William asking about the amount of business he did with Melbourne and Victoria. He advised some 150 plus packets a week. He has no agent in the area. Helena mentioned about the possibility. He agreed to go ahead, if worthwhile, under the Australian operation. The next call was to Lisa, who was still at home with Joe. They mentioned it sound good but would need to have a local manager. Helena advised Fred of the calls and...

2 years ago
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Journey into Cuckoldry Twice Shy

It was six months since the extraordinary evening described in ‘Journey into Cuckoldry’ happened, in which my lovely wife Alice and I had been seduced by our friends Steve and Carmen in our own MPV as we drove home from a late night concert. Well, to be precise, Carmen had given me a lingering hand job in the front seat while I tried to drive, finger her pussy and watch the action in the back seat in the rear-view mirror, all at the same time. I hadn’t done a very good job of any of them. In...

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FantasyMassage Richelle Ryan Lonely Wife

When Richelle Ryan complains to her brother-in-law masseur Derrick Pierce that her husband is always working late, he invites her to come by the spa for a nice, relaxing massage. She shows up for the treatment, but feels really awkward because she doesn’t know how her husband will react to Derrick giving her a full body massage. Derrick tells her to forget that, he’s a professional and this is his job. She’ll be covered with a towel. It will be entirely appropriate. After she...

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What a vacation Part 1

Shannon was glad that winter was finally coming to an end. The cold, snowy days were driving her nuts. The days were short. The skies were dark. The winds were cold. Mike was no happier. Mike found himself thinking about the few weeks past he had spent with Shannon, dreaming especially intensely about her breasts. What he would give to be with her right now. He holding her, she touching him, the way only Shannon could. It was late, but suddenly the urge to call overcame Mike. But just as he...

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The Passion Of Art Version AlphaChapter 5A

Valerie enforced Robby's grounding, to her daughter's great delight. Every day after school and on weekends, Megan made a great fanfare about her being allowed to go to her friends' houses, while Robby had to stay home. Had Megan stayed home once in a while herself, she might have learned that both mother and son were quite happy with the 'grounding', since it gave them plenty of time to have more hot, torrid sex, on the kitchen counter, and elsewhere. As soon as Megan announced which...

1 year ago
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My Friends House Part 7

I took the soaked clothes off and threw them into the basket. I then washed the pantyhose she gave me and hanged them to dry. I saw a pink razor and some shaving cream and decided to shave my body. I only used a normal razor and never such a pink girly one. I creamed my legs, then took the pink razor and started shaving my legs. It felt so good using that razor! I really felt like a little girl!His mom came into the bathroom again and saw me shaving my legs with her razor. I got pretty...

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The Beautiful Twins

The Beautiful Twins: Part One By Some Writer Paul was sat in his Friday morning History class.The lesson was fairly dull, but it was made more interesting by the fact that his teacher waswearing a slightly too tight blouse, that perfectly framed her breasts.Through the gap between buttons in the front, Paul could just see the whiteof her bra.At the desk beside his, a girl shuffled her legs and caused her skirt to inch up, revealing more of her thigh.It was summer, and thatmeant almostall the...

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The Tides of WarChapter 50

At times he opened his eyes and was dimly aware that he was fastened to the side of a mule on a stretcher. He heard moans coming from the other side of it before the darkness fell again. The mists began to clear and as he opened his eyes one of Yasmin’s helpers was wiping his brow with a cool cloth. Where am I?” His voice croaked. The girl looked alarmed and dashed away to be replaced by Susan’s face. Suppressed tears glazed her eyes, “Hello darling, don’t try to talk, you need rest now,”...

3 years ago
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Teresa Scalia Barbara and Roxanne Get Acquainted

Preface: In this story there are a couple references to earlier encounters between Teresa and Barbara. For a full accounting of those incidents, I refer you to the stories The Tale of Mrs. Teresa Scalia (uncovered) and Teresa Scalia Gets Her Revenge. An electronic version of the William Tell Overture's opening clarion call rang out from Barbara Anderson's purse indicating a call on her cell phone. "Hello this is Barbara" "Barbara, Rhonda here. Have I got some news for you. Have you...

2 years ago
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Betrayed by Helen

--------------------------------------- As I sat at my desk squinting at my screen, the dull throb in my head re-asserted its presence and I winced in pain. It was clear that I was of no use at work today. My headache was never going to go while I was sat staring at pages of figures and I was very keen to get rid of my headache in time for tonight. I had arranged to take Helen, my girlfriend, out to dinner followed by a show she had been dying to see. I resolved to go home and rest my...

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How to name my sweet partner

Hi ISS readers, this is Naren (definitely not my real name). I am here to share with you all the wonderful experience I had/having/will have with a Single Lady here in the US. First of all I am staying in a Community where we have lots of Desi, particularly south Indians. I am single, single in every term. No family, no relations. Had few friends in India, but not many in the US. Made few friends at office. Most of the times I am all by myself. Being a frequent visitor to US, I was aware of...

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FragebogenName: Fitschi 41Geschlecht: MannAlter: 32Augenfarbe: BraunHaarfarbe: Dunkel BlondGröße: 196cmGewicht: 92kgPenis: 28 x 7Bist Du dominant: unterschiedlichBist Du sadistisch: neinBist Du devot: neinBist Du masochistisch: neinWen würdest Du suchen?:FrauenBist Du rasiert: JaWie rasierst du dich: NassWie oft rasierst du dich: täglichBist du gepierct: neinBist du tätowiert: neinRauchst Du: neinWelche ist deine Lieblingsstellung: Doggy,ReitenWo hast du am liebsten Sex: unter der DuscheWo...

2 years ago
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Curiosity Killed the CatChapter 14 Analysis

Thursday, May 30, 1996, Sanford Maine For once, I had awoken before either the alarm went off or my sister had gotten up. I lay there for a moment, just enjoying the feel of her soft body against mine. Her head, which rested comfortably in the crook of my shoulder and chest, was breathing warmth across my chest. I craned my head to look over at my alarm clock; it was 6:16. We didn’t need to get up until 7:00. Good, I figured that I would just lay there until we needed to move. I didn’t want...

1 year ago
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PovLife Jessie Lynn The Fuck Buddy Roommate

Jessie just moved to the area and is in DESPERATE need of a roommate. She decided it might be a good idea to put some flyers up around town explaining her situation. One of our friends spotted her, and decided to find out a little more. It turns out she just moved from Nevada and was supposed to be living with her boyfriend, but they just broke up. Our guy luckily had two open bedrooms! Jessie decided to check it out, and our boy decided to check her out if you know what we are saying. After a...

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Sisters in Slavery Chapter Three

Also due the story line the names of characters have been changed. To help the reader from being confused by these changes here is a listing of the changes. Molly is now Brothel Whore 3567-A Megan is now Brothel Whore 3567-B Unnamed twin # 1 is now Brothel Whore 3569-A Unnamed twin #2 is now Brothel Whore 3569-B The stepmother Shannon is now Mistress 3567 Chapter Three Sisters become lovers As her training began to progress Brothel Whore 3567-B had learned the truth...

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Sex and the Extended Family The Beginning Part 4

After my encounter with Jeff, I really felt as if I had died and gone to heaven. Our lovemaking left me totally satisfied. I fell asleep on my rumpled, soiled sheets with a smile on my face, my body coated Jeff's his jism, my no longer virgin pussy filled with his cum. I don't really know how long I slept but I slowly became aware of someone sucking my nipples. At first, I thought I was having a very erotic dream. My eyes closed, I surrendered to the currents of sexual arousal coursing through...

1 year ago
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Jokes and Giggles Part TwoChapter 188

GOTTA PEE Two women friends had gone for a girl’s night out. Both were very faithful and loving wives, however They had gotten over-enthusiastic on the Bacardi Breezers. Incredibly drunk and walking home they needed to Pee, so they stopped in the cemetery. One of them had nothing to wipe with so she thought she would take off her panties and use them. Her friend however was wearing a rather expensive pair of panties and did not want to ruin them. She was lucky enough to squat down next...

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Games 3 Chucks Gaming NightChapter 6 Center of Attention

The silence stretched out for a long moment until Jackson spoke up, breaking the stillness. “I think we’ve all had plenty of enjoyment. Don’t you think Niki deserves some too? Steve, grab that blanket, and Brenden, finish getting the game stuff in the box and clear off the table.” Waiting while Steve got the blanket, Jackson moved forward and spread the soft flannel fabric over the table. “Um, Niki ... lay down, and we will, you know, make you feel just as good as you made us feel... ?” The...

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Mistress Lynsea

Olivia quickly pulled out of me and quickly laid on the floor and Mistress moved over so she was standing above Olivia's face and she slowly lowered herself down and Olivia stuck her tongue out eagerly awaiting her Mistresses pussy. As soon as Mistress was sitting on Olivia's face, Olivia started licking as fast as she could but Mistress told her to slow down and to make sure she cleaned every last drop of my cum from her pussy so Olivia did as she was told and she slowed down her licking and...

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Net Helper

Hi I am your thanks for all for good response thanks for all female…. who contact me and given your suggestion this is my another stories for you all I changed my email id please comment on that   Internet Love affairs Hi I am bobby This is my story how I become real lesbian I am of 24 years. In one way I am lesbian by birth. Because of my attitude , I am having so many friends more I have girls only. But I dint have any dare to have sex with girl, When I was in final year, my dad given me a...

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Bi guy fucks friends mom

(So fucking a milf is a big thing when it come to your first cross gender intercourse. For a flash back I am Asif In my last to stories were my adventures with my friend Aaron and yes i am a bisexual. More dominated towards the gay side which you will understand by the last 2 stories.) So this event took place in the end of january around 25 when Aaron was enjoying my ass at his place. Suddenly Ajays called on Aarons phone and Aaron told me to suck him as he was fucking me and he wants me to...

4 years ago
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When The Truth Hurts Chapter 7

Megan read the letter again. There was no hint. It seemed like a goodbye letter that Patrick Parkerhad written to Mark and her. He was asking them to be safe and protect each other. He was wishing them good luck in life. There was no mention of anything, not even about the key. She could not count the number of times that she had gone through the letter. Without a clue, she would be unable to take her next step. The image of Nathan Meyer kept flashing back in her mind. It was preventing her...

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A Filmy Analysis

It is a summer evening at a film-developing lab in Ottawa. The air conditioning is going full blast to prevent the machines from overheating; it is rather hot outside. A cute attractive young brunette named Laura B. is working in the lab; she is wearing a light blue lab smock, but underneath she is wearing only her bra and panties. She is 4'11" of voluptuous build — not fat at all — her dark brown hair is down to her shoulders and anyone can see subtle bits of auburn in her hair. Her ample...

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Tina and the Stuffed Pussy Chapter 2 Tinas First Show

Eddie quickly realized that if he was going to have Tina occupied putting on shows for the customers (and he was), he would have to bring on some additional help or resign himself to waiting a lot of tables. With the increased crowds he expected, he probably needed more than one waitress / entertainer anyways. With this in mind, when he woke up Saturday morning he placed an ad in a local free “entertainment newspaper” for an adult Waitress / Entertainer. After accomplishing this chore he...

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CuckoldSessions Melissa Lynn 02172019

Meet Melissa Lynn and her Hubby. They’re a happy couple who enjoy the “swing lifestyle”. Hubby has another passion, too: gambling. Since he seems to always have money, Melissa isn’t really aware of Hubby’s vice. But oh, how things change! Because when Melissa walks into their home after a walk, there’s Hubby — and two black men who Melissa doesn’t know — in her kitchen! Turns out the men work for a character named “Chi Town”, and...

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BangBrosClips Adriana Chechik Anal Makes Adriana Chechik Squirt

Adriana Chechik has an insatiable love for big black cocks. She loves them inside all of her holes. This time around we paired her up with two of the hugest cocks in the business. Adriana was penetrated but these two monsters at the same time. She loves having both holes filled. She can’t help but squirt several times as her pussy and asshole get stretched further than ever before. And of course, this all ends with two giant loads. One in her mouth and the other one right inside her pretty...

1 year ago
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Joy land mai maza aa gaya

Hi readerz jesa k ap jante hain k mera naam hai Bilal aur me Lahore pakistan me rehta hoon….Age hai 16 aur Fsc kar raha hoon me ne apni pehli story likhi thi jis ko apne passand ki aur mujhe mails aur calls ki thanks a lot pakistan me koi bhi girl mujh se friendship karna chahti ho to just mail me and lahore ki koi bhi aunty ya girl have a enjoy sex with me just mail me my Email is …Ab story batata hoon kasam se real hai bilkul pls believe me… Me 16 ka hoon aur 1 slim smart larka hoon...

3 years ago
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Gulf Waters

One summer long ago, Rascal and I took a vacation in St Petersburg, FL to enjoy the Florida sun and the warm water of the Gulf of Mexico. The beach was beautiful and the waves were gentle. Rascal and I enjoyed the relaxed pace of sleeping late and then sitting on the beach during the day and nice meals at night. We enjoyed swimming and playing in the gentle waves of the clear green water of the gulf. Ah, we were relaxing and enjoying each other.Yes, we enjoyed each other with plenty of sex in...

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Blacked very hard Chapter Three

“And the best is yet to come…”Whispered this huge black man; as he was putting me on my elbows and knees. He climbed up behind me and I soon felt his huge dark mushroom parting my swollen pussy lips.I just moaned in pleasure, closing my eyes and enjoying that powerful and hard intrusion.Meanwhile, Mike pulled out from Laura’s cunt and Jake grabbed her hair, dragging my girlfriend also on all fours on the other end of that king sized bed. But Mike sat down at the edge, with his legs hanging...

1 year ago
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Homeless pt2

The call came from Kathleen. I was told a taxi would pick me up at 8.30 that evening and I should be dressed casually…be freshly showered and to be wearing the posing pouch she had me wear on the day that I submitted to all this. I assumed this time she wanted me for her pleasure. The taxi dropped me off at the address and I walked up the gravel drive to the large house, the curtained windows showing bits of light from the rooms they protected. I rang the bell, after a few seconds it opened,...

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It Started With the Antiaging Supplement

Prudence Shakesworthy affectionately known to close friends and relatives as simply "Pru" was busy on the stationary bicycle pedaling her way to a firmer more presentable backside as advertised on television. In point of fact, her hindquarters were really quite attractive but her built-in critical standards saw it as boring and unappealing. Of course, it was hard for her to get a really good view of what was going on back there without the benefit of strategically placed mirrors angled just...

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Jessies Wild Ride

Back in my high school days, I drove a 1970 Ford pickup with four on the floor and a 390cc engine in it. It was sky blue, had mag wheels and I chromed everything I could. The reason that is important will be made clear a bit later. I was dating a girl a couple of years younger than I was. I was eighteen and a senior. I worked half days, so I always had spending money. I was 5’10” 200lbs and solid. My hair was shoulder length curly brown and I already had more facial hair than many grown men...

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It really Happened

Our first threesome was the greatest sexual turn on I had ever experienced. A friend of ours, Steve, who came over just about every weekend, was who I had my eye on. I am Leiza, and my husband is Bill. Steve would come over and my husband and I would drink, smoke, and talk on the ham radio until late at night, then Steve would always hit the road around two am. Bill and I would then go to bed. This routine had been going on for about three months now. Luckily, on this particular evening Steve...

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The Many Misadventures of Young Adults pt 6

"Bitch!" Hermione heard her friend, and lover, Ginny growling as she stomped angrily towards her."Excuse me?" she said, hoping that she wasn't the target for Ginny's rather formidable temper."Oh! Not you Hermy. That Ravenclaw cow, Cho Chang.""Been sniffing around our Harry has she?""Oh, that I could deal with. He's been sniffing around her!""Tell me about it. Ever since that bint Fleur Delacour showed up from Beauxbaton Ron hasn't so much as put a finger on me. Or in me.""I know. He doesn't...

2 years ago
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Weather for Two

‘Rain, rain Don’t go away Don’t forget to come Come again another day Sam and Chinwe Wants to play’. – Anonymous The day flew by unnoticed as she immersed herself in lab work. She had to ace her praticals this semester if she wanted to really climb into four point five C.G.P.A at the end of the year. Chinwe’s only thought was of her presentation in two days. All was in fufillment of the requirements to graduate from the department of food science and technology, in the University of Uyo. The...

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