- 3 years ago
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This is a re-posting of an original story from 2007 entitled Quartet – Ingrid. I have attempted to improve the grammar, punctuation and, I hope, the readability of the story.
He picked up the local phone book, flipped to the Yellow Pages and found what he was looking for. Punching in the numbers on the keypad, he listened as it rang. Just after the second ring, a soft female voice answered.
‘Ingrid’s Designs, how may I help you?’
‘Good Morning. My name is Steve Inhalt, and I was given your firm’s name by Roger Anthony. I understand you did some work for him and he was very complimentary with the results.’
‘I’m pleased that he’s pleased,’ she said, again in a soft, very feminine voice.
‘I didn’t catch your name, miss.’
‘I’m Ingrid Solberg, the proprietor and sole employee, Mr. Inhalt.’
‘Miss Solberg, I recently purchased a home in West Vancouver and it badly needs modernizing. Mr. Anthony is a client of mine and I trust his judgment. He says you can do the job, and that I will be satisfied. I’d like to arrange an appointment to meet with you and show you the property. We can go from there.’
‘Thank you for calling me Mr. Inhalt. I can’t make it today, but how about tomorrow afternoon, say about three?’
‘Three will be fine. I’ll look forward to seeing you then. Bye.’
‘Goodbye,’ again with that soft, smooth-as-silk voice.
He hung up the phone and wondered what sort of woman was the possessor of that provocative voice. He couldn’t remember being turned on by just a voice on the phone before, but she had come close. He walked back to the spare bedroom in his apartment and resumed his work.
At three the next afternoon he was standing in the empty shell that was to become his residence. He looked out the curtainless picture windows to English Bay below and Vancouver Island in the distance. The entrance was just to his left. Anyone approaching the front door would have to come past the big windows.
When Ingrid Solberg walked by the windows at a minute after three, he was stunned. She was the most spectacular woman he had ever seen. In the two or three seconds that she was in view, he absorbed all the information he could from what he had seen. She was tall, medium length dark red hair, voluptuously proportioned, and had an almost imperial posture. She didn’t just walk, she strode to the front door.
He waited a couple of seconds after her knock to compose himself before walking to the door. He opened it and looked straight into her clear blue eyes. She wore a lovely smile as she held out her hand.
‘Mr. Inhalt?’
‘Yes, yes, uh Miss …?’
‘Yes, Solberg. Please come in.’ He realized he was stammering, and must have looked as awkward as he felt.
‘You’re right on time,’ he said, searching for something to say.
She was wearing a pale blue sleeveless blouse, navy blue slacks with a bright yellow belt and shoes. Despite her physical appearance, she was all business.
‘Actually, I was a couple of minutes early. I wanted to look around the property and see what’s what. No good doing up the inside if the place isn’t going to make it on the outside.’
She said it in a matter-of-fact manner, but with a light smile on her face. That smile seemed to be a consistent feature.
‘Well, actually, I do have plans for the exterior. The siding is to be stained. The carport floor will be lowered eighteen inches and the space made into a proper garage. The little galley will be expanded into the back to permit a full size, fully equipped kitchen. Why don’t we walk around and I can show you what I’m planning.’
‘Great, let’s go.’
‘Why don’t you lead and I’ll follow and tell you what I’m thinking,’ he suggested.
‘Fine.’ Again, that smile.
As he walked behind her he looked at her more openly. Regardless of how he tried, he couldn’t help being distracted by this woman. Her skin was a soft white, she was certainly not a sun worshiper. Her lovely, bare shoulders and arms were sprinkled with tan freckles. He had never thought of freckles as sexy, but this woman changed all that.
She would walk a few feet, make a couple of verbal observations, and write a few notes. She took pictures with a small, pocket flash camera. When she turned to face him, he saw the freckles on her forehead and cheeks. Very sexy, he thought. He began to wonder where else those freckles appeared. Her question caught him in mid-daydream.
‘Pardon, I’m sorry I didn’t hear your question,’ he stammered again. She had him completely off balance.
Once again that enigmatic smile and silky voice.
‘Who have you chosen to do the construction work?’
‘Tony Blanton. He also came recommended by a client. Talking to him, he was thinking a lot like me, so he was an easy choice.’
He had recovered some of his composure.
‘You’re very lucky to have clients who can steer you to the right people,’ she said, looking over her clipboard at him.
‘I certainly am.’ He was looking directly at her. She smiled slightly and turned back to the house.
‘Tony’s a good choice. He does solid, quality workmanship, not flashy, and is usually on time if his clients don’t mess him up with changes.’
That sounded like a hint. He made a mental note not to frustrate Tony with last-minute decisions or delays.
‘That’s a good point and one of the reasons I’ve called you. I want to get a head start on the detail decisions and make sure we don’t get behind or miss something.’
He was beginning to regain his usually orderly thinking.
‘I’d like you to assess the space and give me some renderings on what you think will work.’
‘Pardon me for being nosy, but is there a Mrs. Inhalt to share in these decisions?’ she asked with a serious look.
‘No, no Mrs. Inhalt,’ he said quietly.
He thought he saw a hint of a smile, but maybe it was just wishful thinking.
‘Just me for now, but to clarify, I don’t want a ‘Macho Batchelor Pad’ or some all-male domain. I want it to be a home that I will want to live in for a long time. This location is very special and there aren’t many like it on the market.’
‘You’re not kidding. It’s spectacular. How did you find it?’ she asked.
He laughed. ‘A client in the real estate business of course.’
She laughed and yet wondered aloud at the continuing connections he had established.
‘Have you lived in West Van long?’
‘No … just a couple of years. But I did live nearby when I was young, before my parents moved us to California.’
‘What brought you back?’ Once more the curious look.
‘Oh, it’s a long story, but this is where I belong’ he said quietly.
She moved to quickly change the subject.
‘If you decide to hire me for this project, I will submit a complete list of materials and work to be done, fully costed. I will work with you on design and colours. I can provide a turn-key project where there is nothing for you to do but pick the items and choose colors. Am I correct in thinking that’s what you want?’
‘Yes, a turn-key is just the ticket. And yes, you are hired. Just give me the estimates and I’ll sign the contract. I’d like to get started right away if that’s possible.’
‘Yes, I can start right away. However, I don’t usually have a contract, just a letter of understanding. Will that be OK?’ Again, the curious concerned look.
‘Of course, whatever you feel comfortable with. Your credentials are … impeccable.’
He said it with an arched eyebrow and crooked grin. His reward was a big, open smile from her in return. She had the most beautiful smile, and perfect brilliant white teeth with a lovely dark shade of lipstick to show it all off.
She could have told him she wanted him to pay double, and he’d have agreed. She had the job when she walked past the front wi
ndow almost an hour earlier.
‘Face it boy, you’re hooked!’ he thought.
‘Do you always make decisions as quickly as this?’ she asked.
‘Yes, when I’m confident it’s the right decision,’ he said, back in control but only just.
She continued to roam the house, making notes and snapping pictures. He sat on a stool at the kitchen pass-through and watched her. He realized how big she was, likely six feet and looking at her legs and torso, he guessed 160 lbs. She was big, but there was no sign of excess weight.
He caught himself watching her backside as she moved around the house. It was beautifully rounded and perched tantalizingly atop a pair of perfectly tapered, long legs. Her slacks weren’t skin tight, but they revealed enough to know she was in proper proportion from head to toe.
Everything about her seemed to be extraordinary. This was a real-live Viking princess. The red hair and freckles were all the evidence anyone needed. With a name like Ingrid Solberg, what else could she be but Norse?
She finished her survey and walked back to the kitchen.
‘There’s a lot to do, but it shouldn’t break the bank to get it done. Do you want me to have a look at the outside too?’
‘Yes please, Ingrid. As I said, I want to refinish the unstained cedar exterior, and I’d like to use rustic brick around the entrance to the new garage.’
Ingrid nodded her agreement.
‘I’ll just be a few minutes. I want to walk around the outside and get a sense of what it might look like in a new colour.’ She opened the front door and stepped onto the patio.
He watched her every move. ‘No rush,’ he thought. ‘I’m enjoying the view.’
She returned fifteen minutes later, clipboard in hand, and that captivating smile on her face. ‘I think the big challenge will be to select the right stain colour for the cedar. What kinds of colours to you favour?’
‘I’m not sure if it’s the right term, but I like muted tones … like earth tones,’ he said.
‘Well then, we’re in agreement,’ she grinned. ‘That’s exactly what I think is required. We want the house to blend into these remarkable surroundings. I’m trying to decide how to use the colours in that massive rock in the front. I need to give it some thought, and try some test patches on rough cedar.’
‘That sounds great,’ he enthused. ‘I’ve obviously chosen well, Ingrid. You’ve caught my feeling for this property right away. I think this project is going to turn out better than I had hoped.’
His smile was broad and genuine. He wasn’t just flattering her, she really had read his mind. Or maybe she really did think like he did. He would find out soon enough.
‘It’s almost five Ingrid. Can I buy you a drink at Maurice’s in the Village? Maybe we can chat about the house or whatever.’
‘Uh, well … sure, that sounds fine. I’ll meet you there in twenty minutes. I just have to drop my stuff off at the office.’
She flashed him another of her killer smiles, turned, strode out the door, past the windows to the driveway.
He waited until she had driven off before locking up and heading to his apartment. He had just enough time to wash and change into his non-construction duds. As he walked to his car, he noticed the tightness in his stomach. This woman had really gotten to him.
He tilted back the driver’s seat and thought about the day. He couldn’t get her out of his mind. She was the most incredible woman he had ever met. He was sure she would intimidate many men, but he was beginning to feel slight less anxiety around her. She had him off balance and discomforted in the beginning, but as he recovered, he began to regain his confidence and take back some control.
She was a powerful woman in more ways than one. She had self confidence without arrogance. She was bright and witty. The more they talked, the more they seemed to have in common. He found he was opening up to her rather than keeping his carefully constructed shell secure.
For the first time since Diana had been killed, he was attracted to a woman His friends had tried to set him up with a variety of dates over the past year or so. He had no enthusiasm for any of these women, despite the attractiveness of several of them. He was beginning to think he would never recover from her death. His only escape from this depressing thought was work and his hobbies.
Suddenly, there was Ingrid. He was looking forward to seeing her often as the renovation of his home progressed. Naturally, they would have to have many meetings, and he would want to accompany her to pick out materials and finishes.
When he arrived at Maurice’s, Ingrid was already there, seated at a quiet booth away from anyone else. He was pleased with her willingness to spend a little social time with him.
She had changed clothes too. She wore a v-neck cotton t-shirt with a silkscreen print of bright colours in a swirling, random design. She had changed from slacks into a knee-length summer skirt in an azure blue. White sandals and a simple slim gold watch were her only accessories. He thought she would look fabulous in almost anything she wore.
He had changed into a short sleeve, button down sport shirt in muted tones of tan and blue, tan khaki slacks, and polished brown topsiders. He was casual but very neat. His clothes defined him. Always neat and tidy, it was his signature.
‘Hi,’ he said with a big smile. ‘You’ve changed. You look lovely … I mean … very bright and summery.’
He was back to stammering again. She had that smile on her face which told him she knew perfectly well that she was the cause of his awkwardness. ‘Rats!’ he thought, ‘stumbled again.’
‘Thank you. I was ready for something a little lighter and cooler as well as an after-work drink.’
She smiled that smile at him again and instantly he felt better. That voice! It was like velvet. What would it sound like when she whispered in your ear? Instant orgasm maybe?
‘You changed too. You look very … professional,’ she said brightly.
‘Thanks. I guess that’s my epitaph, neat and tidy … professional.’ He said it before he realized it sounded like a caustic comment.
‘I only meant … ,’ she started to protest.
‘I’m sorry Ingrid. I didn’t mean it to sound like that. I guess my mouth gets in motion before my brain engages. How about we start again?’
‘OK … you look very handsome Mr. Inhalt.’ She sounded a bit girlish, but it was clearly in fun.
‘Thank you Miss Solberg. You look very fetching yourself’.
He tried to sound light but wasn’t sure he had succeeded.
‘I thought we progressed to Steve and Ingrid?’ she teased.
He wrinkled his forehead but there was a small smile on his lips.
‘We have.’ He relaxed a bit more, quickly changing the subject.
‘Which wine did you order, Ingrid?’
‘It’s an Italian white, a Pino something I think the waiter said. It’s very nice. I normally drink red wine, but it seemed like a white wine day.’ She had sipped only a small amount from the glass.
He motioned to the waiter and signaled that he wanted a glass of the same for himself. Jean, a long serving professional at Maurice’s, nodded his head in acknowledgement and slipped off to the bar.
His wine arrived in no more than a minute. Steve barely had time to comment on the early warm weather before it arrived. He held his glass up in salute.
‘Well, here’s to our project and its success.’
Ingrid lifted her glass and lightly touched it against his and replied, ‘Yes, our success.’
She smiled that quiet, sexy smile and she looked directly into Steve’s eyes.
‘I think we are going to do just fine with this job. I can’t wait to see how it will transform the property.’
Steve hadn’t taken his eyes off her face and realized with a start that he had been staring at her. He blinked and looked at her hands briefly, then back at he
r face as if drawn by some magnetic force. Had she noticed him staring? If she did, she either didn’t mind, or was enjoying his attention.
They exchanged casual conversation for a couple of minutes more until Ingrid changed direction again.
‘Have you been living on your own for a long time, Steve?’
The question caught him a bit off guard, but he responded carefully. ‘It’s been about three years.’ He was cautious with his response and uncertain about how to carry the conversation further, or even if he wanted to.
‘I’m sorry Steve,’ she said quickly. ‘I’m prying again. I’m too nosy for my own good.’
‘It’s OK Ingrid. I’m having a hard time deciding what to tell to whom.’ He saw the look of concern and the frown on her face, and he wanted to erase it quickly.
‘Relax, I’m not some criminal on the run or someone with a shady past. I just had a bad time for while, and I’m trying to come to terms with it. You must be someone special because you’re the first person that I’ve even mentioned it to. Have you ever thought about a career as a counselor?’ he grinned, hoping to relieve the tension he could see on her face.
They sat quietly for a few moments, sipping the wine.
‘Come on Ingrid, it’s your turn. You and I have something in common. We both run our own business from our homes. Am I right?’
He looked her straight into her lovely hazel eyes and smiled. It had the desired effect.
‘Yes, I am a one woman show, and I do work from my home. I’ve been working for the past four years to get this business on its feet, and I think I’m finally getting close. Your client’s referral was exactly what I’ve been trying to develop.’
She began to look at her hands and then up to his face.
Once he got her started, she was off and running. She talked about her education at a small interior design college and her dreams of designing homes for the wealthy. She talked about her parents in Manitoba and her younger sister at school in Ontario. She talked about her love of food and dislike of cooking, her friends at college and their career paths. She even talked about her frustrations as a young teenager with her height and size.
She was bigger than most of the boys in her school and she had an unhappy, difficult time with her self-esteem. She had few dates. The braces on her teeth at thirteen and fourteen and the awkwardness of her rapid growth at fifteen frustrated her. Ingrid’s mother nagged her to improve her posture. She had taken to hunching over to reduce her height and become less visible and it made an awkward, gangly girl even more self-conscious. Her grades were good, but she was unhappy and tended to associate with other less attractive girls.
At sixteen, it all changed. Her breasts began to grow and the braces were gone. The ‘problem’ of the freckles was unsolvable, but the boys in her age group began to catch up to her and she became less conscious of her height. Her mother’s constant insistence on improving her posture was showing results. She walked tall, proud of her new shape and less worried about her height.
As she matured, the boys began to take notice and suddenly, she was being asked for dates. Her self-esteem grew along with her popularity, and soon she was one of the more popular girls in the senior class. She walked proudly down the halls of her school, becoming choosy which boys she would date.
Her growing breasts were a natural target for the raging hormone crowd, but she was big and strong enough to control the situation. She enjoyed petting and the obligatory ‘feel-up’ in the darkened movie house or the back seat of a car. She was beginning to feel like a woman and was taking more control of her life.
She was oblivious to Steve’s eyes, fixated on her as she spoke about her youth. He was amazed at how open she was, and how intimate some of this narrative had become. She wasn’t rambling or upset as she told her story. She was calm and ordered in the relaying of this ‘ugly duckling to beautiful swan’ tale. Steve wished he had the nerve to tell her just how beautiful she had become. He found it hard to imagine her as anything less.
‘Um, it’s past six. Why don’t we have dinner together? I’m really enjoying talking with you.’ He tried not to plead.
‘Oh, I don’t know. I’ve got a presentation tomorrow morning that I need to tidy up tonight.’
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Posted: August 20, 2008 - 11:14:48 am After delivering the sanding supplies to the Dairy King, Sean was given the rest of day off by Mr. Catchums. He stopped by Suzie’s house on the way home to let her know that he had the entire afternoon off and was hoping to spend it with her. To say that he was hoping for a little repeat of the activities of the previous evening would not be an exaggeration. He knocked on the backdoor and waited for someone to answer. Mrs. Emery opened the backdoor and,...
Every man desires something in life. I desired my 39 year old mother. I was helping her put away the Christmas decorations. She was standing on a step ladder in the garage. I turned to hand her a box of decorations and found myself staring into the folds of her camel-toe. It proved to be the inspiration of my desire."Is that it?" she asked looking down at me."What?" I blushed. I handed her the box in my hands and croaked, "Last one."Mother ran her fingers lovingly through my dark hair before...
Sissy Emma is Turned Chapter 7 Steve unlocked me from the cage and handed me over to Master. I went to wipe Steve's cum from my face, but was told to leave it. "So Sissy, that's 3 serious demerits you've earned for that little escape attempt. I warned you not to mess with me, but you just couldn't help yourself could you? "No, Master" I said sheepishly. "Right, well get yourself home and learn to follow orders, he said. "I want you to have an early night and watch the videos I...
I feel the sunlight on my face and open my eyes just slightly, but close them again due to the brightness entering the room. Taking a deep breath, scents of the night before fill my lungs, a smile gently forming. Then I feel the warmth of your body wrapped around me. My body tenses and gets slightly excited as I feel your hard cock at the small of my back. Edging myself a little toward you, I move my head around to reach your lips, finally opening my eyes to find my way faster. I wrap my arm...
Introduction: A Satyr seeks to settle the score on an insult A Satyrs Revenge Ancient Greece 841 C.E. You gave me your word that you wouldnt have sex with me! The young girl protested. I made no such promise, the Satyr smirked. But you said … she insisted. What I said the Satyr explained patiently, was I wouldnt take your virginity. And I wont, but you may soon regret my promise to you. Youre the Devil. She cried angrily. If only I were, he chuckled. We made an agreement. I honoured my side...
Todd's Story by Todd In the beginning, and I am not certain that this has anything to do with the rest of the story but you never know, my sister used to love to dress me in her doll clothes when I was very little. I do not know how long this took place or how often. But my parents have confirmed that it did take place. Later in life, in junior high, I shared a bathroom with my older sister and our dirty clothes were gathered in a common hamper. One day curiosity got the...
Hello, I’m 19 years old, studying here in Bangalore but basically from the Malabar side of Kerala. This is a real cum fictional story. I wouldn’t want to describe myself in detail here but love to get in touch with new people ;). Mail me at ! This story is about how I got a chance to fuck my partner at an event who works for the event hosting company. The event was organized at one of the leading hotel in Bangalore (don’t want to mention the name here) and the event organizers needed a few...
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Free Porn Tube SitesAlice gave a ‘I’m going’ in a way it would be just a call into the wind, she knew her husband would ignore her, it was just a sort of recognization agreement, that really had no meaning for she knew as no doubt her husband did as well that the marriage just existed, there was no intimate connection, they were like two but separate individuals living in the same abode. She closed the door and clicked the ‘on’ command for her vehicle. Her mobile gave a signal for a text, a quick examination told...
Rae's words bounced around in my head as I drove home: "I thought it would be a kick to have Jimmy pay me to let my own husband fuck me." Was that an admission that she was fucking for money or was she jerking my chain? And if she was selling herself, what did that say about me? The thought was certainly on my mind the first night I saw her go into the privacy rooms with Jimmy and Billy and yet when she came home I had fucked her until I was exhausted. The very next night I had sat in...
Part 4Chris had phoned Lori and told her that they wouldn't see each other until the party. She had then spent the time organizing and arranging the 'do.' She had invited more than usual, so it would give Chris a better chance to blend in. Even extra caterers had been drafted. Everything was going to plan.Come that Saturday morning, Lori still hadn't been intimate with her husband, which was well overdue, going by their normal sex life. But only one person now floated her boat, and she was...
Mind Control---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- All characters mentioned herein are of at least eighteen years of age or older. This story contains various forms of male humiliation and associated or tangential fetishes, including... Cuckoldry Dehumanization (Pet Play) Futanari (Female with Both Genitalia) Futanari on Female Gokkun (Semen...
TranssexualBlonde, petite and sexy, it’s of course none other than Mona Blue, an amazing teen who has come to Private Specials, Sexy Nerds looking to make things up to her boyfriend Potro del Bilbao after an unfortunate jump scare gone wrong. There’s no better way to revive a man than with a blowjob as Mona gets things started under the sheets with some gagging and deepthroat fun, then enjoy the rest of this beauty in action on as she puts her sexy teen body to work, moaning and screaming...
xmoviesforyouHi friends. Jaisa ki aaplog mera name jante he honge. For the new readers of this site, it’s rakesh kumar. My age is 23. I have an average body and a handsome face. Mai assam se hoon lekin abhi bihar mai business karta hoon. If any aunty, bhabhi or girl want real sex. Then you can mail me. Mera chudai ki kahani ka feedback bhi aap log kar sakte ho. Ek ladki thi anjali, age 22. Us se bat karke maine jana ki thori poor family se hai. Dil ki achi hai aur sex ki bhukhi. Uske ghar me maa, papa,...
EroticBitchModelMoe Moe is a very slutty fuckdoll. She often forgets to wear her panties and sits with her legs open showing off her open vagina and hoping that someone is going to fuck her. Very often, someone does.When she goes out walking, she wears a small skirt, which can be blown up by the wind so men can see that she is wearing nothing underneath. When she is passing a group of men, she likes to show them all how slutty she is. She is frequently dragged into the bushes by these men and...
Chapter 1Mortified. If Ron had thought of the word he might have used it to describe how he felt at the moment -- so embarrassed and so angry at himself that he wanted to crawl into a hole and never come out. He had been so freakin' stupid!She said she was going to the grocery store!He usually locked his door when he did it, but he had been in such a freakin' rush to get to his room to gawk at Mrs. Gregerson sunning at her pool, her freakin' bikini top undone, her half way decent ass barely...
Relaxing in Andrea's new chairs after their meal, Danica suggested that Grant go bring them some tea from the couple's home. As soon as he left, Danica let the crooked grin that had been trying to cross her face all evening free at last. Heather chuckled slightly and said, "I know that look." Danica moaned, "Mmm, you aren't the only one. Isn't that right, Andrea?" Andrea's face grew flushed with color, and she giggled, nodding her head. Danica leaned toward Heather and said,...
Another thing. Tyche seems taller ... and she’s used to baby sitting. So ... I cornered the Powers that Be ... I am pissed at Seven. “What did you do?” I was NOT happy with my daughter. “Foster parents. I couldn’t come back with you ... so I stayed.” “I had you for FIVE years ... you could have at least said goodbye!” And I gave That a minutes think. Another axe to grind... ‘Nother thing. Tyche should be nine ... we were there five years.” “Yeah ... don’t ya just love the watch.” Not...
The alarm rang at 6:30 a.m. and Becky Wilson rolled over in bed and stretched. It was mid-August but the weather had been pleasant most of the summer; no scorching heat waves. Nonetheless, she wanted to get an early start to her day to finish some chores around the outside of her house. She was about six months into her single life. After 19 years of marriage, she had divorced her husband over his woman chasing. He was a handsome, confident, successful man who had made low seven figures in...
Hi there everyone, it’s been a long time since my last story and frankly I do not even remember the name of that one. So let me re introduce myself, I am Akash , 22 years of age living in Delhi and the story I am going to share with you is about one of my Facebook friend and how we got into a friends with benefits relationship. So it all started after my 12th board exams back in 2009. I was 18; when Facebook was quite new in India and I had just created an account on it, with no expectations at...
It's a normal Friday night over at Rachael's house along with some the guys just hanging out chatting, watching tv, and trying out a few beers and such. At one point in the night Rachael asks if I can stay at her house tomorrow to watch her dogs while shes at work all day as well as her dad. Sure enough being a good friend I say yeah no problem. So the night goes on and we all have a good time and later that night we all go upstairs to sleep in her room.It's Saturday morning around 10am and I...
All characters in this story are currently over the age of 18 Main Characters Richard ‘Ric’ Anthony Evans –Son of a Texas Rancher Marge Evans – Texas Housewife, Ric’s Mother Carl Evans – Texas Rancher – Ric’s Father Yvette Michelle La Grande – French Cousin of Ric Barbara La Grande – American born, French Mother of Yvette, Marge’s Sister Henri La Grand – French Business Magnet, Yvette’s Father (Deceased) April – Texas Ranch Girl, Yvette’s Special...
“Dare ya!” The dare up for grabs was a four ounce cup of alum pickle juice. We had started out with the pickle. Not bad ... pretty sour ... more so than your typical bar dill. Pucker your lips. Another beer to wash away the sourness and we were ready for a bit ... or bite ... of very sharp cheddar cheese to “cleanse the palate.” Someone bought another pickle ... we were unsure who ... and the guilty party didn’t step forward. My money was on the Texas cowboy. He had a late season Elk license...
Dad came under surveillance off and on for the next year or so. They would park down the street and follow him to see where he was going. Usually they got bored of it and went after someone else. The two practices flourished especially the poor, except that being poor meant that they could not pay. The in-town clinic was not now paying enough. This was not because less money was coming in but that dad had hired more doctors and got them to administer to the sick for a salary. The overhead...
The Continuing Adventures of Alexa & Jenny: #1 The Honeymoon "UGH! This suitcase isn't going to be big enough!" Jenny exclaimed as she looked at the pile of clothes that was laying on the bed. We were getting ready for our honeymoon trip through Europe, Well, mostly the UK. We were flying to London on Wednesday night and then a few days in London hanging out before taking a little road trip up to Scotland for Jessica and Paige's wedding. After that we were going to Paris for a...
Aja and Jason sat holding hands in the back office behind the sanctuary at the Lucas Street AME church. He recognized the place as where he had set up his remote more than a year before. Sitting across from them at his desk was the pastor, wearing a red polo shirt. He sat, his hands tented. “Aja,” he said, “I’ve known you a long time and you’re much loved by our congregation. I’m delighted you two have chosen here for your service.” “I wouldn’t want it anywhere else,” she replied. “I’m...
January 25th, 2007, Wednesday Gianetta ‘Jan’ Philouma nee Bruno “Carlos, where’s my sister-in-law?” she asked. “I believe she is ... uh... ‘patrolling the perimeter’, Senora.” “Please send someone to ... never mind. I’m sure...” “Hey, Jan,” Paula Philouma said as she walked in. “Heard you were looking for me.” Jan slowly rubbed her eyes, wishing she’d been able to sleep. “You’re sure he’s not dead?” Paula flowed into the chair next to her sister-in-law. “Positive, honey. If he was...
Robert unhooked my wrists, then sat comfortably on the couch and smoked a leisurely cigarette while I sat in front of him on the armchair with a towel under me and removed the rubber bands from my breasts. He had sent me into the bathroom to get the towel, and it was a good thing he had. I had never before gotten so much stimulation from touching myself, and my juices were flowing freely. When I finished, he told me to stand up and move to the center of the room. He reconnected my wrists behind...
The Sunshine Girlby MorlockI have a tip for you girls who like toys - forget the boyfriends who are investment bankers, lifeguards or the like. All you get from them is money or big dicks. Get yourself an engineer. My name is Mary Lynn Decker, 32 years old, widowed and I love bondage - specifically, self bondage. Severe self bondage and with a little to a lot of pain thrown in. There is nothing spectacular about me - average height, brown hair, still a good figure since I watch out for the...
We hadn´t lived in our house long, before the house next door was bought also. Ours was a nice house, in a wonderful neighborhood, and we seemed to have nice friendly neighbors albeit a little older than us. We christened our road ‘gods waiting room’. We normally liked to keep ourselves to ourselves, however our new neighbors were about the same age as us, Tom was only a couple of years older and his wife Rachel was a couple of years older than him. I would say that from the first time I saw...
I started to replay yesterday's events in my mind, hoping that I could figure things out. I remember lying in bed, stretching, looking at the clock that read 10:30 am. The day was wasting away, as the morning sun cast a window-shaped slash of warmth across the sheets. I turned over, and there was Madison, lying next to me, still lost in her own sleep. A lock of brown hair lay across her cheek, and I gently tucked it behind her ear. The sheet silkily molded to her curves. My feelings for...
October was hectic for Mark as he settled into his new life as an undergrad. He spent most of his time diving into his studies. By the end of the month, his bet with Dennis was all but forgotten. Right after their field trip in September, he had made it a point to smile and greet Kara in class, and she ignored him for a few days. But then he was passing her on the quad and said hi, and she hissed "Fuck off!" at him in return. Mark considered walking into Dennis's room and leaving $3 on the...
As a basically straight married man who has had a curiousity for man to man action for years, I would look at pictures on the net and read stories of other guys experimenting with other men. I would jerk off to the thoughts of being with another guy in the same room or sitting next to me. Sometimes fingering myself as I would J/O and I loved the sensation that it gave me when I finally came. I began to have all kinds of fantasies about this and what it would be like to have a another guy fuck...