Ingrid Ch. 01 free porn video

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This is a re-posting of an original story from 2007 entitled Quartet – Ingrid. I have attempted to improve the grammar, punctuation and, I hope, the readability of the story.


He picked up the local phone book, flipped to the Yellow Pages and found what he was looking for. Punching in the numbers on the keypad, he listened as it rang. Just after the second ring, a soft female voice answered.

‘Ingrid’s Designs, how may I help you?’

‘Good Morning. My name is Steve Inhalt, and I was given your firm’s name by Roger Anthony. I understand you did some work for him and he was very complimentary with the results.’

‘I’m pleased that he’s pleased,’ she said, again in a soft, very feminine voice.

‘I didn’t catch your name, miss.’

‘I’m Ingrid Solberg, the proprietor and sole employee, Mr. Inhalt.’

‘Miss Solberg, I recently purchased a home in West Vancouver and it badly needs modernizing. Mr. Anthony is a client of mine and I trust his judgment. He says you can do the job, and that I will be satisfied. I’d like to arrange an appointment to meet with you and show you the property. We can go from there.’

‘Thank you for calling me Mr. Inhalt. I can’t make it today, but how about tomorrow afternoon, say about three?’

‘Three will be fine. I’ll look forward to seeing you then. Bye.’

‘Goodbye,’ again with that soft, smooth-as-silk voice.

He hung up the phone and wondered what sort of woman was the possessor of that provocative voice. He couldn’t remember being turned on by just a voice on the phone before, but she had come close. He walked back to the spare bedroom in his apartment and resumed his work.

At three the next afternoon he was standing in the empty shell that was to become his residence. He looked out the curtainless picture windows to English Bay below and Vancouver Island in the distance. The entrance was just to his left. Anyone approaching the front door would have to come past the big windows.

When Ingrid Solberg walked by the windows at a minute after three, he was stunned. She was the most spectacular woman he had ever seen. In the two or three seconds that she was in view, he absorbed all the information he could from what he had seen. She was tall, medium length dark red hair, voluptuously proportioned, and had an almost imperial posture. She didn’t just walk, she strode to the front door.

He waited a couple of seconds after her knock to compose himself before walking to the door. He opened it and looked straight into her clear blue eyes. She wore a lovely smile as she held out her hand.

‘Mr. Inhalt?’

‘Yes, yes, uh Miss …?’


‘Yes, Solberg. Please come in.’ He realized he was stammering, and must have looked as awkward as he felt.

‘You’re right on time,’ he said, searching for something to say.

She was wearing a pale blue sleeveless blouse, navy blue slacks with a bright yellow belt and shoes. Despite her physical appearance, she was all business.

‘Actually, I was a couple of minutes early. I wanted to look around the property and see what’s what. No good doing up the inside if the place isn’t going to make it on the outside.’

She said it in a matter-of-fact manner, but with a light smile on her face. That smile seemed to be a consistent feature.

‘Well, actually, I do have plans for the exterior. The siding is to be stained. The carport floor will be lowered eighteen inches and the space made into a proper garage. The little galley will be expanded into the back to permit a full size, fully equipped kitchen. Why don’t we walk around and I can show you what I’m planning.’

‘Great, let’s go.’

‘Why don’t you lead and I’ll follow and tell you what I’m thinking,’ he suggested.

‘Fine.’ Again, that smile.

As he walked behind her he looked at her more openly. Regardless of how he tried, he couldn’t help being distracted by this woman. Her skin was a soft white, she was certainly not a sun worshiper. Her lovely, bare shoulders and arms were sprinkled with tan freckles. He had never thought of freckles as sexy, but this woman changed all that.

She would walk a few feet, make a couple of verbal observations, and write a few notes. She took pictures with a small, pocket flash camera. When she turned to face him, he saw the freckles on her forehead and cheeks. Very sexy, he thought. He began to wonder where else those freckles appeared. Her question caught him in mid-daydream.

‘Pardon, I’m sorry I didn’t hear your question,’ he stammered again. She had him completely off balance.

Once again that enigmatic smile and silky voice.

‘Who have you chosen to do the construction work?’

‘Tony Blanton. He also came recommended by a client. Talking to him, he was thinking a lot like me, so he was an easy choice.’

He had recovered some of his composure.

‘You’re very lucky to have clients who can steer you to the right people,’ she said, looking over her clipboard at him.

‘I certainly am.’ He was looking directly at her. She smiled slightly and turned back to the house.

‘Tony’s a good choice. He does solid, quality workmanship, not flashy, and is usually on time if his clients don’t mess him up with changes.’

That sounded like a hint. He made a mental note not to frustrate Tony with last-minute decisions or delays.

‘That’s a good point and one of the reasons I’ve called you. I want to get a head start on the detail decisions and make sure we don’t get behind or miss something.’

He was beginning to regain his usually orderly thinking.

‘I’d like you to assess the space and give me some renderings on what you think will work.’

‘Pardon me for being nosy, but is there a Mrs. Inhalt to share in these decisions?’ she asked with a serious look.

‘No, no Mrs. Inhalt,’ he said quietly.

He thought he saw a hint of a smile, but maybe it was just wishful thinking.

‘Just me for now, but to clarify, I don’t want a ‘Macho Batchelor Pad’ or some all-male domain. I want it to be a home that I will want to live in for a long time. This location is very special and there aren’t many like it on the market.’

‘You’re not kidding. It’s spectacular. How did you find it?’ she asked.

He laughed. ‘A client in the real estate business of course.’

She laughed and yet wondered aloud at the continuing connections he had established.

‘Have you lived in West Van long?’

‘No … just a couple of years. But I did live nearby when I was young, before my parents moved us to California.’

‘What brought you back?’ Once more the curious look.

‘Oh, it’s a long story, but this is where I belong’ he said quietly.

She moved to quickly change the subject.

‘If you decide to hire me for this project, I will submit a complete list of materials and work to be done, fully costed. I will work with you on design and colours. I can provide a turn-key project where there is nothing for you to do but pick the items and choose colors. Am I correct in thinking that’s what you want?’

‘Yes, a turn-key is just the ticket. And yes, you are hired. Just give me the estimates and I’ll sign the contract. I’d like to get started right away if that’s possible.’

‘Yes, I can start right away. However, I don’t usually have a contract, just a letter of understanding. Will that be OK?’ Again, the curious concerned look.

‘Of course, whatever you feel comfortable with. Your credentials are … impeccable.’

He said it with an arched eyebrow and crooked grin. His reward was a big, open smile from her in return. She had the most beautiful smile, and perfect brilliant white teeth with a lovely dark shade of lipstick to show it all off.

She could have told him she wanted him to pay double, and he’d have agreed. She had the job when she walked past the front wi
ndow almost an hour earlier.

‘Face it boy, you’re hooked!’ he thought.

‘Do you always make decisions as quickly as this?’ she asked.

‘Yes, when I’m confident it’s the right decision,’ he said, back in control but only just.

She continued to roam the house, making notes and snapping pictures. He sat on a stool at the kitchen pass-through and watched her. He realized how big she was, likely six feet and looking at her legs and torso, he guessed 160 lbs. She was big, but there was no sign of excess weight.

He caught himself watching her backside as she moved around the house. It was beautifully rounded and perched tantalizingly atop a pair of perfectly tapered, long legs. Her slacks weren’t skin tight, but they revealed enough to know she was in proper proportion from head to toe.

Everything about her seemed to be extraordinary. This was a real-live Viking princess. The red hair and freckles were all the evidence anyone needed. With a name like Ingrid Solberg, what else could she be but Norse?

She finished her survey and walked back to the kitchen.

‘There’s a lot to do, but it shouldn’t break the bank to get it done. Do you want me to have a look at the outside too?’

‘Yes please, Ingrid. As I said, I want to refinish the unstained cedar exterior, and I’d like to use rustic brick around the entrance to the new garage.’

Ingrid nodded her agreement.

‘I’ll just be a few minutes. I want to walk around the outside and get a sense of what it might look like in a new colour.’ She opened the front door and stepped onto the patio.

He watched her every move. ‘No rush,’ he thought. ‘I’m enjoying the view.’

She returned fifteen minutes later, clipboard in hand, and that captivating smile on her face. ‘I think the big challenge will be to select the right stain colour for the cedar. What kinds of colours to you favour?’

‘I’m not sure if it’s the right term, but I like muted tones … like earth tones,’ he said.

‘Well then, we’re in agreement,’ she grinned. ‘That’s exactly what I think is required. We want the house to blend into these remarkable surroundings. I’m trying to decide how to use the colours in that massive rock in the front. I need to give it some thought, and try some test patches on rough cedar.’

‘That sounds great,’ he enthused. ‘I’ve obviously chosen well, Ingrid. You’ve caught my feeling for this property right away. I think this project is going to turn out better than I had hoped.’

His smile was broad and genuine. He wasn’t just flattering her, she really had read his mind. Or maybe she really did think like he did. He would find out soon enough.

‘It’s almost five Ingrid. Can I buy you a drink at Maurice’s in the Village? Maybe we can chat about the house or whatever.’

‘Uh, well … sure, that sounds fine. I’ll meet you there in twenty minutes. I just have to drop my stuff off at the office.’

She flashed him another of her killer smiles, turned, strode out the door, past the windows to the driveway.

He waited until she had driven off before locking up and heading to his apartment. He had just enough time to wash and change into his non-construction duds. As he walked to his car, he noticed the tightness in his stomach. This woman had really gotten to him.

He tilted back the driver’s seat and thought about the day. He couldn’t get her out of his mind. She was the most incredible woman he had ever met. He was sure she would intimidate many men, but he was beginning to feel slight less anxiety around her. She had him off balance and discomforted in the beginning, but as he recovered, he began to regain his confidence and take back some control.

She was a powerful woman in more ways than one. She had self confidence without arrogance. She was bright and witty. The more they talked, the more they seemed to have in common. He found he was opening up to her rather than keeping his carefully constructed shell secure.

For the first time since Diana had been killed, he was attracted to a woman His friends had tried to set him up with a variety of dates over the past year or so. He had no enthusiasm for any of these women, despite the attractiveness of several of them. He was beginning to think he would never recover from her death. His only escape from this depressing thought was work and his hobbies.

Suddenly, there was Ingrid. He was looking forward to seeing her often as the renovation of his home progressed. Naturally, they would have to have many meetings, and he would want to accompany her to pick out materials and finishes.

When he arrived at Maurice’s, Ingrid was already there, seated at a quiet booth away from anyone else. He was pleased with her willingness to spend a little social time with him.

She had changed clothes too. She wore a v-neck cotton t-shirt with a silkscreen print of bright colours in a swirling, random design. She had changed from slacks into a knee-length summer skirt in an azure blue. White sandals and a simple slim gold watch were her only accessories. He thought she would look fabulous in almost anything she wore.

He had changed into a short sleeve, button down sport shirt in muted tones of tan and blue, tan khaki slacks, and polished brown topsiders. He was casual but very neat. His clothes defined him. Always neat and tidy, it was his signature.

‘Hi,’ he said with a big smile. ‘You’ve changed. You look lovely … I mean … very bright and summery.’

He was back to stammering again. She had that smile on her face which told him she knew perfectly well that she was the cause of his awkwardness. ‘Rats!’ he thought, ‘stumbled again.’

‘Thank you. I was ready for something a little lighter and cooler as well as an after-work drink.’

She smiled that smile at him again and instantly he felt better. That voice! It was like velvet. What would it sound like when she whispered in your ear? Instant orgasm maybe?

‘You changed too. You look very … professional,’ she said brightly.

‘Thanks. I guess that’s my epitaph, neat and tidy … professional.’ He said it before he realized it sounded like a caustic comment.

‘I only meant … ,’ she started to protest.

‘I’m sorry Ingrid. I didn’t mean it to sound like that. I guess my mouth gets in motion before my brain engages. How about we start again?’

‘OK … you look very handsome Mr. Inhalt.’ She sounded a bit girlish, but it was clearly in fun.

‘Thank you Miss Solberg. You look very fetching yourself’.

He tried to sound light but wasn’t sure he had succeeded.

‘I thought we progressed to Steve and Ingrid?’ she teased.

He wrinkled his forehead but there was a small smile on his lips.

‘We have.’ He relaxed a bit more, quickly changing the subject.

‘Which wine did you order, Ingrid?’

‘It’s an Italian white, a Pino something I think the waiter said. It’s very nice. I normally drink red wine, but it seemed like a white wine day.’ She had sipped only a small amount from the glass.

He motioned to the waiter and signaled that he wanted a glass of the same for himself. Jean, a long serving professional at Maurice’s, nodded his head in acknowledgement and slipped off to the bar.

His wine arrived in no more than a minute. Steve barely had time to comment on the early warm weather before it arrived. He held his glass up in salute.

‘Well, here’s to our project and its success.’

Ingrid lifted her glass and lightly touched it against his and replied, ‘Yes, our success.’

She smiled that quiet, sexy smile and she looked directly into Steve’s eyes.

‘I think we are going to do just fine with this job. I can’t wait to see how it will transform the property.’

Steve hadn’t taken his eyes off her face and realized with a start that he had been staring at her. He blinked and looked at her hands briefly, then back at he
r face as if drawn by some magnetic force. Had she noticed him staring? If she did, she either didn’t mind, or was enjoying his attention.

They exchanged casual conversation for a couple of minutes more until Ingrid changed direction again.

‘Have you been living on your own for a long time, Steve?’

The question caught him a bit off guard, but he responded carefully. ‘It’s been about three years.’ He was cautious with his response and uncertain about how to carry the conversation further, or even if he wanted to.

‘I’m sorry Steve,’ she said quickly. ‘I’m prying again. I’m too nosy for my own good.’

‘It’s OK Ingrid. I’m having a hard time deciding what to tell to whom.’ He saw the look of concern and the frown on her face, and he wanted to erase it quickly.

‘Relax, I’m not some criminal on the run or someone with a shady past. I just had a bad time for while, and I’m trying to come to terms with it. You must be someone special because you’re the first person that I’ve even mentioned it to. Have you ever thought about a career as a counselor?’ he grinned, hoping to relieve the tension he could see on her face.

They sat quietly for a few moments, sipping the wine.

‘Come on Ingrid, it’s your turn. You and I have something in common. We both run our own business from our homes. Am I right?’

He looked her straight into her lovely hazel eyes and smiled. It had the desired effect.

‘Yes, I am a one woman show, and I do work from my home. I’ve been working for the past four years to get this business on its feet, and I think I’m finally getting close. Your client’s referral was exactly what I’ve been trying to develop.’

She began to look at her hands and then up to his face.

Once he got her started, she was off and running. She talked about her education at a small interior design college and her dreams of designing homes for the wealthy. She talked about her parents in Manitoba and her younger sister at school in Ontario. She talked about her love of food and dislike of cooking, her friends at college and their career paths. She even talked about her frustrations as a young teenager with her height and size.

She was bigger than most of the boys in her school and she had an unhappy, difficult time with her self-esteem. She had few dates. The braces on her teeth at thirteen and fourteen and the awkwardness of her rapid growth at fifteen frustrated her. Ingrid’s mother nagged her to improve her posture. She had taken to hunching over to reduce her height and become less visible and it made an awkward, gangly girl even more self-conscious. Her grades were good, but she was unhappy and tended to associate with other less attractive girls.

At sixteen, it all changed. Her breasts began to grow and the braces were gone. The ‘problem’ of the freckles was unsolvable, but the boys in her age group began to catch up to her and she became less conscious of her height. Her mother’s constant insistence on improving her posture was showing results. She walked tall, proud of her new shape and less worried about her height.

As she matured, the boys began to take notice and suddenly, she was being asked for dates. Her self-esteem grew along with her popularity, and soon she was one of the more popular girls in the senior class. She walked proudly down the halls of her school, becoming choosy which boys she would date.

Her growing breasts were a natural target for the raging hormone crowd, but she was big and strong enough to control the situation. She enjoyed petting and the obligatory ‘feel-up’ in the darkened movie house or the back seat of a car. She was beginning to feel like a woman and was taking more control of her life.

She was oblivious to Steve’s eyes, fixated on her as she spoke about her youth. He was amazed at how open she was, and how intimate some of this narrative had become. She wasn’t rambling or upset as she told her story. She was calm and ordered in the relaying of this ‘ugly duckling to beautiful swan’ tale. Steve wished he had the nerve to tell her just how beautiful she had become. He found it hard to imagine her as anything less.

‘Um, it’s past six. Why don’t we have dinner together? I’m really enjoying talking with you.’ He tried not to plead.

‘Oh, I don’t know. I’ve got a presentation tomorrow morning that I need to tidy up tonight.’

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Bill looked up from his math homework wondering what kind of twisted minds could come up with geometry. The people clearly had a high threshold for boredom because geometry had to be the most boring topic in the world. His eyes settled on the cat. It was curled into a ball beside his math book. It was just out of reach and watching him. “Can’t you find something more interesting to do?” Bill asked the cat. The cat raised its head and licked a paw. It put its head back down and continued to...

3 years ago
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A Con Game Interrupted

"Oh god baby, that's it, like that, oh yes, oh yes, push baby, push it in deeper. Come on lover, fuck me hard, fuck me." Her raven black hair was spread out in a fan across the white pillowcase; her legs were spread wide and her feet, still in her high heels, were pointed straight up at the ceiling. The man, his name was Dave, was ramming his cock into her as hard and as fast as he could go. She was clawing at his back and her nails were leaving red marks on his skin. "Yes baby, yes, fuck...

1 year ago
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HandsOnHardcore Sasha Rose Down And Dirty With The Intern

Hot Russian number Sasha Rose stars in another Hands On Hardcore shaft stiffening performance when she’s getting down and dirty with her bosses after business hours. Once the office closes on Friday it’s time to get freaky and Miss Rose loves nothing more than being bent over the copy machine and railed doggystyle. David Perry and Mugur tag team the glamour model, pummeling her shaved pussy and ass fucking the multidick sucking addict until an orgasmic ending is had by all when the...

1 year ago
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MomIsHorny Helena Price Stepmom Punishes Little Perv

Helena’s husband has been away for a while, she is horny and wants him back. so she decides to text him very hot pictures of herself, her stepson is spying on her, enjoying every sexy pose Helena does, when she gets into the shower, he sneaks into her bathroom to see the pictures on her phone but Helena is showering with the door open, so he cannot resist and starts jerking off. Helena caught him and decides to have her way with him, she shoves his face into her pussy and makes him eat...

4 years ago
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Unlawful affair

Hi friends, I am Sucheeta here, I am posting my confession here, as I am ardent reader of this site from many years. Let me tell you myself Sucheeta, I am aged 34, I am married, mom of two kids, and working in a private company as a chief coordinator. I am fair looking lady, bit plump but I know guys think me sexy as I have attractive curves I measure 35/30/36, sexually I am a happy women as my husband gives me enough love, peaceful life, pleasure and satisfaction. This happened last august...

1 year ago
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My Army of One

“I can’t believe it’s been two years already,” I said to myself as I pulled into the airport parking lot. Two years ago my husband Kevin left for Iraq. Now today, he is finally coming home. I quickly parked the car and walked towards the gate, where his plane would be landing. The few sort minutes seemed to drag on through eternity. I saw the plane land, and my heart began to race. It felt like it was going to pop out of my chest. I saw my soldier step onto the pavement, and I immediately ran...

3 years ago
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Everyone loves a good Jail story

The darkness of the sack cloth and staggering into a cell, I fell to the floor and then was stood erect. Handcuffs come off and two guards grin at me. I knew their names. But for all the wrong reasons. I'm quickly stripped naked by the two guards. They remain clothed, but do pull out their cocks, leaving me standing naked for a moment before my ass is slapped hard. They grab my hair, forcing me on my hands and knees, my hands are bound behind my back, and pull my hair so my head goes...

4 years ago
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Fucked by 10 Men

I wanted to share the details of Alex and Adam's sex party/orgy last Friday before I start getting in to this weeks fun with Rachel and Taz. I also thought that writing about it would get me turned on and super horny for when I meet the young couple later tonight.Little bit of back story for those of you who haven't been following my sexual adventures over the last decade. Alex is a guy I knew through a group of guys I hang out with, here on the coast north of Sydney. I was, and still am,...

1 year ago
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MylfDom Blaten Lee MILF Freak On A Leash

Blaten Lee loves that her husband is the boss of her relationship. Something about being told what to do really turns her on. But her appetite for cock has been growing stronger while he has been away at work. Luckily, her stepson is moving back into the house, which gives her another strong male presence to fawn over. She watches his package as he greets her and knows she needs a taste. He demands that she make him a sandwich, and immediately her pussy gets wet. Then one day she brings home a...

1 year ago
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My first experience as a bull Cuckold

This incident happened a couple of weeks back and just to let you know what I like - here it is. I'm 29, based in Mumbai but originally from Delhi. I'm single and I want to stay that way for a while. I like what life's doing with me and I want to live it just this way. Raghini is a friend of mine from school. We studied together from the 7th to 12th. We used to live nearby and had the same school bus. We were always just friends - there was never anything more to it. After our 12th we went our...

3 years ago
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My Name Is Nik And I Am A Cuck

Lonavla.. October was a good time to visit. I had visited my farmhouse quite a few times before, right from my childhood to young days. But this time it was going to be special. Was taking my newly wed wife to the farmhouse for an ecstasy filled night. Made all arrangements there and was super excited about this. We had just returned from our honeymoon 2 weeks back. But that seems a super excited night than the honeymoon ones. We reached smoothly, speaking very less through out the journey. At...

2 years ago
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sex on the lawn

Sex on the lawnChapter 1A number of years ago I live in a part of Birmingham called Kings Norton. My wife was part of a very large family, (10 brothers and 11 sisters) they were all married and most of them had c***dren, the strange thing was though that most of them would change partners and think it was an everyday thing. It was a common thing for them to get their tits out and push them in your face or rub their nipples to try and get you horny, many times I have been working under a car...

1 year ago
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Australian StoryChapter 25 A hollow feeling

Friday 13-Jul 2007 Chris leaned back on his horse, looking back down the trail to check on Shahia. She smiled up at him and leaned forward on the horse, spurring it to a canter so she could catch up to Chris. "There, see." Chris gestured in front of them, and Shahia saw what he meant. "Oh, Chris, that's amazing." They had just reached the highest point of his uncle's farm. From here, you could look out east, tracing the contours of the land as it gradually fell towards the coast,...

3 years ago
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The Cuckold The Making Of part 1

Grace was agitated. She looked at the clock again 6:20 pm. Jason, her husband was due home at 6:00 pm. Jason had been gone for almost three weeks, working somewhere in Chicago. He was a junior architect in a private firm that specialized in all-glass buildings. He had called her yesterday telling her that he would be home Friday for at least the weekend. His flight from Chicago plus travel time to their home would put him walking through their door at 6:00 pm, give or take a minute or two....

Wife Lovers
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Son Helps SexStarved Mom 8211 Part 3

I woke up a bit late the next morning. It was 9 am when I woke up. I hurried quickly, took a bath, and went to the living room. Mom wasn’t there. I went to the kitchen. My horny mom was sitting on the kitchen slab. Suresh was kissing her lips and fondling her melons. I coughed to get their attention. “Oh, hi, honey. Good morning,” mom said. “Good morning,” I replied. “You don’t mind me kissing your mom, do you?” Suresh asked. “No, no problem,” I said. “Good, because we’re gonna...

1 year ago
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Mother Makes F

Here I am in a Caribbean Resort hotel room in a 69 position with my new daughter-in-law. As we lick each other's pussy we are both getting fucked in the ass. She is being ass fucked by her new husband who is also my son. I am getting ass fucked by my son's best friend who was also his best man. Before I finish this scene let me tell you how we all got here.I am a divorced wife who made out very well in the custody battle and financial settlement. My son and I have lived very comfortably in a...

4 years ago
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Unbelievable Summer Ch 16

When Bobby got home from Mrs. Fargo’s house in the wee hours of the morning, his home was quiet. It looked as if everyone was in bed. He walked quietly down the hall toward his bedroom and noticed a dim glow under Lana’s door. ‘She’s probably staying up late studying,’ he mused as he walked by. He went in his room and stripped off everything but his underpants. He was walking from his closet to his bed when Lana appeared in the doorway. Bobby gulped and stared at her. Lana wore a lace...

2 years ago
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Alternate Discipline Plan in EuropeChapter 41

Timmy was awakened by the clock radio going off. He jumped off of the bed, expecting that Sandra would soon also awaken and move to shut that annoying sound off. However, Sandra wasn't moving at all, she lay there on her back, still in a deep sleep and dreaming about Frederik and Veronique. The dream she was having was very exciting and erotic. In her dream, she was lying in between Frederik and Veronique. Frederik had both his hands on her breasts and was pushing down on them, while...

3 years ago
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Ana behaves like a real bad girl

Anita promised me she would behave herself on this girl’s night out.She would only take some margaritas with her girlfriends, not a single man anywhere…At three o`clock, as I was watching some porn, my cell phone buzzed.It was my sweet Ana, asking if I was still awake. I said that I was still waiting for her.Almost immediately a photo came through. She was sitting on a chair, her legs wide spread, her cotton thong at her ankles and her hand was pressing between her shaven mound…Ana just said...

1 year ago
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MyPervyFamily Andi James Kelsey Kage Fun For The Whole Family Part 3

This is like a dream come true! I get to fuck my stepmom AND stepsister at the same time!! It’s obvious that sis is nervous, she thought since mom caught us experimenting and having sex that she was in trouble.. But I told her about the fun mom and I had and I think she actually got a bit jealous! I had to explain to her that the only reason mom and I messed around was because of how turned on she got from watching us! Is that true, mom? Yes sweetie, something about watching the two of...

3 years ago
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Esther stone

Esther sat on the side of the road, freezing, she feared that if she didn't find a place to stay soon, she probably freeze to death.Lately life had been pretty fucked up for Esther, both her parents had die before she could barley talk, and this year she had run away, because her foster parents were abusive.She had no one now, and was stranded on the side of the road. Esther picked herself off of the ground and started walking again, until a huge house came in sight. "Warmth." She said, she was...

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Rina Rani ki Seal Kholai


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Buffy the Shemale Vampire Slayer Part XI

Buffy the Shemale Vampire Slayer, Part XI By Cal Y. Pygia Darkness had fallen upon the demon world. In the intermittent flashes of lightning that resulted from Willow's weather spell, the landscape was illuminated, and the horrible phallus-plants were revealed, writhing and thrashing. The cock-stalks within Buffy's mouth, cunt, and ass, and the hollow tubular stems attached to her nipples and cock also squirmed and wriggled. She shuddered at the feel of the thick, serpentine...

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the park bench

The Park BenchThe day I met Arthur, I was taking a stroll on my way home from work, and the day was so warm I chose the longer park route over my normal direct one.  I had stopped at the cafe for a guilty ice-cream and was leaning over a wall admiring the fountains and sunken gardens as I licked it.  From behind me I heard his voice “That’s a sexy butt if ever I saw one”.  I turned round wondering if it were someone I knew, and prepared to give an abusive riposte if it weren’t.But I was met...

2 years ago
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Mistaken Indemnity

--- Mistaken Indemnity (MF, Mf, con?, nc?, impreg) by Krosis of the Collective --- Hey, how ya doin'? Name's Hugh Johnson. No, really! "Hugh", not Hubert, is actually on my birth certificate. Hugh is a long-standing family name due to a great-grandfather being a war hero or something, and I'm lucky enough to have been saddled with the Johnson surname as well. Even worse, my Dad's name is also Hugh. That's right: I'm Hugh Johnson, Jr. It's actually not that bad. ...

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Cum Medicine

My wife Kellie and her sister Kristin sat in the doctors office waiting for him to return with results for Kristin’s recent blood work. She had been losing weight recently which wouldn’t be a big deal if she wasn’t already so petite. Kellie was worried enough that she had demanded that Kristin see the doctor. Kellie was shocked when the nurse had weighed in Kristin at 87 pounds when they arrived. She seemed to be losing an addition pound every week or two. She was very short, under 5’ tall...

2 years ago
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A Stranger In My House Chapter 2

Linda took a short walk around the floor for a few minutes to stall for time. She was supposed to be signing some papers and wanted it to look good. In reality, however, she was trying to process what Dr. Kensington had told her. Three young lives, snuffed out simply because they were enjoying the day. Sure they made a bad decision in driving while drinking, but being killed in such a horrific manner seemed unjustly harsh. She wondered what the families of the three young boys was going...

Love Stories
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Urvashi8217s revenge

Once upon a time, I (Sapna) had planned gangbang of Urvashi. Made her the fuck toy, the most wanted slut by getting her on bed with three of my friends. Turned the innocent girl into the naughtiest girl. After that, we had fucked boy’s together, made love with ourselves just girl on girl and even in group. But somewhere, in Urvi’s mind, a revenge was getting planned for me. Somewhere in her silent mind, the dangerous plan was getting made. And, it was of my gangbang. It doesn’t matter to me...

1 year ago
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Tammy and I meet mary

After work I would get home about 1 in the afternoon. One day after lunch Tammy announced that she wanted me to help her work on her tan. She stripped, and we went out to the backyard, where I found out that she had already laid a blanket out on the grass. On the blanket was a bottle of tanning oil. She had also pounded 4 tent stakes into the ground, with ropes attached to each. She pulled my cock and balls out of my pants and sucked until it was hard, which took about 5 seconds. Then...

2 years ago
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A Girl Called LenChapter 7 Am I falling in Love

Back in Exeter my work had piled up, and for the next few months I had hardly any chance to get to London except on the odd occasion that Len was there, let alone get to Berlin where she was performing now. It was strange, as I missed her. As a friend it was always good to see her, but now I felt that something was missing from my life, it felt so natural when we were together, as if the two of us made an item bigger than the sum of the parts. Happiness is your girl phoning you from Berlin,...

4 years ago
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On the Counter

Once I set you up on the counter, I press myself between your legs and push my thumbs deep into your hips and pull you close to me. I kiss you super softly and then pick you up off the counter and take you to my bed. I drop you on your back on the fluffy covers and pillows and you giggle and pull me down with you. In 1 motion I slide your panties down and off of your ankles. I waste no time going down on you and getting right to business. I wanted you bad and I could not stand to wait. You...

3 years ago
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A Night out in Sydney

In order to reach Sin Sity in Sydney you have to climb a steep set of stairs almost hidden behind a nondescript pizzeria, not far from the middle of town. At the top of the stairs the space opens up to a bar-room with plenty of wood and in a corner a Jacuzzi, lovely for relaxing with or without friends. Just next to the jacuzzi, a spiral staircase winds its way up, and behind it there are several other rooms, variously occupied with beds or sofas for lazily or not so lazily lounging in....

2 years ago
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The Warehouse Part 1 In the beginningChapter 5 Janes wish

Jane I felt Jon getting up but didn’t open my eyes immediately. The last image I had from last night was burned vividly in my brain. I thought Genja and Claire were going to kill Fiona when she asked the computer for privacy. When Jon lowered his boxers, I’m pretty sure I heard Fiona groan. I know I nearly orgasmed. I was dripping from the vision in front of us. He was massive! Now I’ve had my fair share of men over the years. But what I saw before me was bigger than anything I’d seen...

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Mandy The Complete Story Book 2Chapter 5

"Yes," Mandy thought, "That had been a fantastic Christmas Present ... For both of them." Drifting back to reality from her reminiscing, Mandy looked at her fingers resting on Bob's shoulder. Absentmindedly picking up a small piece of lint there she let it flutter to the floor beside her. She gave his shoulder a quick affectionate brush and smiled. Returning her hand back to his shoulder she thought how sometimes life changes radically in an instant. "Sometimes for the good, sometimes...

1 year ago
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The Futa Fairy Futas Hot MILF Wish Chapter 1 Cassandras MILF Desire

Chapter One: Cassandra's MILF Desire By mypenname3000 Copyright 2017 “Oh, my god, Cassandra, check out what Deidre posted on her Facebook page,” Lana, my best friend, said. “It's a pic of her and her sister with their cheeks pressed together, looking so happy. Oh, god, it's so corny. 'Closest sisters in the world,' it says.” “Really?” I said with a giggle, reaching for my phone beside me to check out the post. Deidre had gotten real weird the last few weeks of school, spending all...

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Fun with the PC Repair Man

By now if you have been reading my last few posts you have probably figured out that we are a very fun and kinky couple. We love to have fun with each other as well as with others when we can and when both our professional and personal life allows. We still discuss each other’s fantasy and continue to enjoy helping each other fulfill these fantasies as we go through life. So to continue with stories of our life of sexual fun with each other and others after our first full threesome I continued...

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