It Didn’t Work Out Ch. 03 free porn video

This is the third of twelve chapters. To really understand it, you should read the previous chapters before reading this one. Once again, I want to thank my editor Terry for his valuable help! I hope you enjoy the story.
The next day, Sian and Bridget got to the field early so that there would be time to get ready and talk over the game plan before it started. Sian was just finishing stretching when she glanced over at the opposing team. Bridget was surprised when Sian suddenly swore. Looking over at Sian, Bridget saw that she was quite dismayed. Squatting down next to her, Bridget put a hand on Sian’s arm. She heard Sian muttering something like ‘those goddam assholes.’
‘Hey, what’s wrong?’ Bridget’s voice was full of concern. Turning to look at Bridget, Sian’s face was a combination of pain, sadness and anger. Bridget stroked Sian’s arm as she waited.
‘Look across the field, on the end. Do you see the woman in green that is warming up? It’s my ex. She’s not even on their team. They brought her in just for this game to try and throw me off. Most of the people in our circle know I haven’t dated since we broke up, and a fair number know I struggled with getting over it. I doubt that Roberta even knows they are playing me. It would pretty unlike her to be a part of it. But they are hoping that I am distracted,’ Sian’s voice reflected the same feelings as were on her face.
Looking at Bridget, Sian was surprised at the flare of anger that passed over her face. She seemed madder than Sian was.
‘Nobody messes with my friend,’ Bridget coldly said. ‘Two can play that game, Sian. For tonight, let’s show her that you are over her and are dating a hot blonde. I’m here for you, you know that.’
‘Huh? What do you mean,’ Sian was confused.
‘Stand up and I’ll show you,’ Bridget said. There were a few others from Sian’s team standing around and they smiled at each other. They picked up on what Bridget intended quicker than Sian.
A little warily, Sian stood up in front of Bridget who moved in close to her. ‘Now I want you to go along with whatever I do, Sian. Do you understand?’ Bridget’s voice was much sultrier than Sian had ever heard before.
‘Ummm, okay Bridge,’ Sian was starting to get an idea. Bridget took it from a half formed idea to full realization when she slid her arms around Sian’s neck and pressed her lips against Sian’s. It was a light kiss but Sian was still stunned. Without thinking, her own arms went around Bridget’s back and held her.
Lifting her lips from Sian’s, Bridget looked into her eyes. ‘Nobody fucks with my friend around me. We will do the distracting, not her. You just focus on the game and don’t worry about her, Sian. You are over her. You know that. You haven’t brought her up to me in weeks. And maybe this won’t bother her, but maybe it will. She may not have known what they were doing but all’s fair in love and soccer.’ While she spoke, Bridget’s fingers stroked the back of Sian’s neck and their bodies pressed lightly together. Although her teammates could hear what Bridget was saying, from across the field it looked like two lovers having an intimate moment.
‘Are you sure, Bridge? This could get around and give people the wrong idea,’ Sian was concerned for her friend even though she loved the willingness to stick her neck out.
Kissing her once more, Bridget made it clear that she was committed. ‘Win the game for me, baby,’ she said as she released Sian’s neck and stepped away. The smile on Bridget’s face could only be described as predatory. ‘Beat those assholes, Sian.’ This time there was no sultriness in her voice. It was cold and hard. Everyone around could tell just how pissed Bridget was.
Sian reached out and took Bridget’s hand. She squeezed it as she mouthed the words ‘thank you.’ Out loud she said, ‘We better keep you away from Roberta. I wouldn’t want my new girlfriend tearing out the eyes of my old girlfriend.’ Sian was partially serious. She thought Bridget looked ready to do it.
‘No one tries to hurt you with me around, baby,’ Bridget said. She meant it, both in the role she was playing and how she felt about her friend. Sian might be bigger and stronger than her, but Bridget knew that she had a sensitive heart too. She was determined to protect it.
The game was about to begin and Sian was going to run out on to the field when Bridget pulled her back close. ‘Good luck kiss,’ she said. Bridget had been watching the other team out of the corner of her eye and knew that Roberta’s attention had been caught by the two of them. Bridget held Sian tight and gave her a long kiss. As they parted she whispered, ‘Ignore her. If she says anything, ignore it. Just let her stew.’ Sian nodded and ran out.
During the first half, the game was very tight. Both teams got their chances on goal but came away with nothing. The best chance was when Sian got a breakaway and had a shot from the side. At the very last second, the goalie got one finger tip on it and knocked it just far enough to hit off the corner post. Sian stood there for a few moments with her hands on her hips, shaking her head in disgust. As she turned to head back up field, Roberta ran past her and made a comment to Sian. Bridget couldn’t tell what she said nor could she hear what Sian said back. Whatever it was, Robert stopped dead in her tracks and her head swiveled to look over at Bridget. She stayed like that for several seconds.
Bridget smiled sweetly at her and then turned to yell at Sian. ‘Next time, baby! Remember the reward I promised you for every goal!’ The other people on the sidelines alongside Bridget laughed and then whistled and made some cat calls. Bridget chuckled as Roberta slowly walked forward to get back into the game. A couple of the other players waiting to substitute in came over and high fived her.
When the half ended, Sian came trotting off the field. Bridget rushed over to meet her with a bottle of water. Sian tried not to laugh too hard as Bridget did her best impression of a hero worshiping younger girlfriend.
‘Oh Sian,’ Bridget gushed. ‘You played so well! I thought for sure that shot would go in!’ She put an arm around Sian and they walked back to the bench to sit down. Once there Bridget put her chin on Sian’s shoulder and gave a good impression of nuzzling. ‘Told you, Sian. It’s totally throwing her off her game. Second half, you’re going to run all over them. You were already starting to get better breaks.’
Sian kept up the pretense by putting her arm around Bridget. Even though she wasn’t laughing anymore, she still had a big smile from being amused. She turned to look at Bridget. ‘Thanks Bridge. You really helped me avoid staying bothered by Roberta.’ She leaned a little further forward and gave Bridget a peck on the lips. ‘You saw her try to needle me about getting tired. I don’t think she expected me to say that my stamina was so improved after having to keep my younger girlfriend satisfied!’ Sian laughed. ‘Oh, what’s my prize if I score a goal, Bridge?’ She laughed again.
Looking coy, Bridget said in her sultry voice that Sian would have to score to find out. As she said it, she dropped a hand onto Sian’s thigh and slid it between her legs. She didn’t do anything more than caress Sian’s inner thigh, but Sian’s eyes practically bulged. With that predatory smile back, Bridget leaned forward and whispered in Sian’s ear, ‘Don’t you want to score, baby?’ And then she took Sian’s earlobe in her teeth and pulled it.
Even though Sian knew this was a joke, she couldn’t help feeling the first signs of excitement. Between the night before and what Bridget was doing tonight, Sian was more aware than ever before of just how attractive Bridget was. With Bridget’s hand stroking her inner thigh, Sian felt her nipples hardening. She closed her eyes for a moment as her body shivered. When Sian opened her eyes, she saw that the referee was indicating that they had about five minutes left of the break. She need
ed to stretch. Bridget felt her move and turned to look. She immediately took her hand away, only to reach up and turn Sian’s head towards hers.
‘You are going to be great this half. You are going to smoke them.’ Bridget spoke quietly before giving Sian a soft kiss. This time Sian couldn’t help herself. She was turned on enough that she flicked her lips against Bridget’s. When they parted, Sian’s tongue darted just once into Bridget’s mouth. It surprised both of them but they continue to kiss for another couple of seconds. They looked at each other but it was hard to read what was going on behind either of their eyes. Then Sian got up and started doing her stretching. Bridget sat and watched her, lost in her own thoughts. When Sian finished, Bridget got up and came over and gave her a big hug and they kissed again. This time they were both more under control.
‘Go win, baby!’ Bridget shouted as Sian ran back out onto the field. ‘I want to give you those prizes!’
The second half was completely different. Sian and her team clicked and they dominated. Within two minutes, Sian took a long pass, turned and drilled it right into the back of the net. She did it so fast that the goalie wasn’t even close. Bridget screamed and danced around on the sidelines. When Sian looked over with a big smile, Bridget yelled, ‘I owe you one prize now, baby!’ Even from a distance, Bridget giggled as she could see Sian blush.
Ten minutes later, Sian faked another shot on goal and instead lofted it up just out of the goalies reach so that one of her teammates could head it in. Before it was done, they scored three more points with Sian getting a hat-trick. Bridget thought the last one was the best. Sian got the ball in a position to make a breakaway. She sprinted towards the goal with the ball and only Roberta had the position to stop her. Bridget saw her coming and faked a move around her. When Roberta bit and tried a tackle, she spun and whipped right past her. Roberta was left lying on the ground as Sian put the ball up in the upper corner of the net where the goalie had no chance.
From the sidelines, Bridget could see that Roberta made some sort of comment to Sian as she was walking back to get into position. Sian looked over at Bridget and then turned and said something back. Roberta’s face went from nasty to sad. She almost looked like she was going to cry. Sian’s face on the other hand looked more triumphant than when she had scored. Bridget smiled. ‘It’s about time. She really has moved on from Roberta!’ she thought.
Having taken a huge lead, the team contented itself with just playing out the last few minutes. They didn’t have to work hard as the other team just wanted it to end. As the game ended, the team mobbed Sian and carried her off the field. They dropped her down right in front of Bridget.
‘I think this gal is owed three prizes, Bridget. Make sure you pay off!’ the team captain shouted. Everyone laughed and most of them hugged Bridget too. It was Bridget’s turn to blush as many of them whispered their ideas as to what the prize should be. By the time she was left alone with Sian, her face was burning.
Sian’s face was beaming as she came up to Bridget. She took both of Bridget’s hands in hers and stood close. ‘Thanks for being here. Thanks for being such a wonderful friend, Bridge. Until today, I thought I was still getting over her. Now I know I’m free of her. Did you see her say something to me again? This time it was personal. She told me that I looked ridiculous letting some young woman like you paw me in public like that. I told her that she wasn’t my girlfriend any more. She gave up the right to any say in how I behaved when she left me. And that I would behave any way I wanted with my new much younger girlfriend.’ Sian hugged Bridget tight.
‘Break it up you lovebirds!’ The team captain called over to them. ‘Victory celebration time at the pub! Come on! You can get a room later!’ He laughed as he saw them both start.
They broke apart and Sian put her gear back in her bag. As they started walking to her car, Bridget reached over and took her hand. Sian looked over at her. Not meeting her gaze, Bridget just kept walking. Sian nodded and kept going too, only she moved just slightly closer. Neither one of them said anything the entire way back to the car.
The silence continued for a while as they drove to team’s favorite pub. Finally Bridget looked over at Sian. ‘Can we find someplace to talk tonight? Maybe get a table away from the others after a while?’ she asked.
‘I guess we should,’ Sian replied. Feeling a little nervous, she reached her hand over and held Bridget’s. She felt reassured when Bridget squeezed it. They both were quiet after that.
After parking, they walked side by side to the pub without touching. When they got to the door, Sian reached reflexively for the door and held it open for Bridget. As she followed her in, Sian was more highly aware of Bridget’s body than she could ever remember. Her nervousness increased. She was used to Bridget as just a friend. She didn’t know how to react to this weird zone they seemed to have entered.
There was only one chair at the table. Even though there was room to fit one more, everyone insisted that Bridget should sit on Sian’s lap. While Sian glared at everyone, Bridget was a good sport and agreed that it was only right for her to sit in her ‘girlfriend’s lap.’ She waited for Sian to sit down and she sat sideways on her lap with one arm around Sian’s shoulders. Sian really had no choice but to put her own arm around Bridget’s waist. At first, Sian was extremely uncomfortable but slowly she got over it. Certainly the pint of ale that she drank helped. Bridget also helped by not pushing the envelope any further. Despite the urgings of the team to tell them what Sian’s prizes were, Bridget would only say that was between her girlfriend and her and was none of their business. Eventually the teasing died away for lack of any reaction.
When everyone’s attention was caught up in a story being told at the opposite end of the table, Bridget leaned in close and whispered in Sian’s ear. ‘Let’s not eat here, if you don’t mind. We can just tell them that I have to get home and then go somewhere more private.’
The closeness of Bridget’s lips to her ear brought back the slightly excited feeling to Sian and she didn’t trust her voice. She simply nodded.
‘Thanks. You just say something when you’re ready to leave,’ Bridget whispered again.
Sian felt like leaving right then but she knew that she should hang out with the team for at least a little bit. Despite being anxious, she was able to get into the flow of the conversation. Having been around the team a lot over the last couple of months, Bridget found it easy to participate. She was having a good time when Sian looked at her watch and made a comment about Bridget having work tomorrow. Because of that, they would need to be leaving.
That set off another round of teasing. Some of them acted like they assumed that Sian really needed to go so that she could get her prizes. Others teased Bridget about watching out or Sian would really seduce her.
With a wicked tone in her voice Bridget responded, ‘From what you’ve seen, does it look like she would be the one doing the seducing?’ Everybody laughed at that. The whole team insisted on coming over and giving her a thank you and hug before they were able to leave.
When they got back into the car, Sian turned to Bridget. ‘Where would you like to go, Bridge? There are lots of places that are private.’
‘I was thinking that there is that new upscale Mexican place not too far from your apartment. We were talking about trying it. It would be fun to go there. And when we walked by it, it looked like you have some privacy there too,’ Bridget replied.
Smiling, Sian agreed and started heading in the direction of her home. Unlike the drive to the pub, they talked about the game and the fun they had at the pub. It felt ver
y natural and before they knew it, they were there.
When they walked into the restaurant, Bridget knew that she had made a good suggestion. The restaurant was mostly empty and the lighting was turned down to provide a romantic atmosphere. After a little prodding, the hostess took them to one of the more secluded tables. Their conversation at start was limited only to what they wanted to eat and drink. Bridget waited patiently until the waitress brought them their beers.
Finally when they were alone and unlikely to be bothered for a while, Bridget started talking. ‘I think I have made you feel confused, haven’t I?’
It took Sian a second but she nodded. ‘Yes, Bridge. I’m not sure what’s going on. It seems like one thing, but that also seems like it can’t be. I am not sure what you want and I am afraid of hurting our friendship. I don’t know how our friendship became so important to me, but it is.’
‘It is to me too, Sian. And I don’t want to do anything that would get in the way of that.’ Bridget paused as she thought about her words. ‘I also know that I care for you a lot, and I wouldn’t want to hurt you.’
‘I care about you too, Bridget,’ Sian started to say but Bridget to reached out her hand to indicate she wasn’t done.
‘No. When I say that I care for you, I mean I think I have feelings for you. Or at least, I am starting to.’ Bridget fell silent for a moment then she said, ‘I wanted to talk to you about it and see what we do.’ Then in a very quiet voice, she finished by saying ‘And to see if maybe you had some too.’
Even though Sian knew what Bridget was asking, she couldn’t respond to that question right away. She needed to sort things out in her mind but what Bridget said also raised questions. They were questions Sian needed answered. ‘But Bridge, you’re married. Are you saying you’re leaving Don? That you’re gay?’
Feeling like Sian’s last question was the easiest, Bridget started with it. ‘Am I gay? I don’t think so. I think I’m bi. When I was in high school, I had a girlfriend Sian. I was experimenting but it felt good to me. I wish it had gone on longer but my mom found out and freaked out. It caused a huge rift and in the end, I couldn’t do it anymore. I bowed to her pressure. But I’ve also had good straight relationships, so I don’t think I am inherently one or the other.’ She took a sip from her beer before continuing. ‘But I’ve been curious. More curious lately. I just haven’t had any opportunities, not when I was single. And I haven’t been interested in cheating on Don.’
Bridget sighed. She was sure that she was messing this up. But the door was opened, she needed to keep going now.
‘You asked about Don. He knows I’m curious. I’m not looking to leave him but he has given his okay for me to experiment if I ever find the right person. It isn’t that easy for me. I can’t do one night stands. I never did. It seems like I would just feel cheap and anything good would be ruined,’ she continued. ‘I’ve never made love with someone that I didn’t feel something for. I need that for it to be right.’
‘So you are saying you want me to be that person? That you would like us to make love so that you know what it is like?’ Sian’s voice was carefully neutral. She was still trying to work out her own feelings.
‘You almost have it, dear Sian. I don’t just want to make love with you. I told Don that if I ever do this, I need it to be a relationship where I feel something special. I would want us to date, to court, and to eventually make love if that is where it took us.’ Bridget spoke with a wistfulness that penetrated through Sian’s brain. She got what Bridget was trying to say.
‘Damn Bridge, you want my heart. And what do I get? I do care for you, Bridge but you are asking me to give everything to you and you’re not offering the same. You say you want this but you don’t want to leave him,’ Sian felt her pitch rise a little bit as she felt the beginnings of anger.

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