It Didn’t Work Out Ch. 05 free porn video

This is the fifth of twelve chapters. To really understand it, you should read the previous chapters before reading this one. Once again, I want to thank my editor Terry for his valuable help! I hope you enjoy the story.
The house was finally ready for Christmas Eve. Bridget looked around and everything seemed just right. She took the 23rd off so that she could get everything done. She still had needed to get some shopping done so she got that out of the way first thing. But then the rest of the day had been consumed with cleaning and decorating the house. The tree was in the living room. She loved that it was a high ceiling so that they could have a very tall tree. This year she had gone only with white lights and no ornaments except for the star at the top. There were trimmings all around to give the house a wonderful evergreen smell.
All of today’s preparations were complete. Don had a roaring fire going. The food was either ready to go in to the oven or already in it. The smell of the prime rib roasting was just starting to fill the kitchen. And the table was set and ready for dinner. She arranged it so that she was at the head of table with Don and Sian on either side of her.
As she went into the bedroom to check herself in the mirror, Bridget could feel the butterflies in her stomach get bigger. Although she loved that she would get to spend time with both Don and Sian, she also worried a little about how it would go with all of them together for an extended time. She primped her hair, wanting it to look just right. She had on a pleated dress that came down to her knees. It flared out at the hem. The top was black and the lower part a dark ruby red except for a band of black at the bottom. It had a little hanging ruby red bow at the waistline. She fiddled with it to make sure that it looked right.
Thinking back over the week and a half, Bridget smiled but it didn’t help calm her butterflies. She and Sian were doing very well, although with the crush of the holiday it had been harder to see each other. Both she and Don had company Christmas parties that had taken away some of the time. And then there was just the normal shopping and other things. But the days Bridget and Sian were together had been great.
While the weather had been horrible, the championship game itself had been awesome. Both teams were really good and the game was tied with no score at the half. Bridget remembered how different it felt than the previous game. She was no longer pretending to be with Sian. It was the first time that they were open about being together with people who were aware she was married. It felt awkward until one of the guy’s girlfriends came up under her umbrella as they were watching.
‘You know, a lot of us were wondering how long it was going to be until you two admitted what you felt about each other,’ she said with a friendly smile. ‘It’s nice to see you both looking happy.’ Her smile grew a little bigger as Bridget blushed.
‘It’s all pretty new to me. But thanks,’ Bridget smiled back even as she felt her cheeks blush. She tentatively reached around and gave her a little hug which was returned. After that a couple of others along the sideline came over and gave her little supportive comments and from then on, she felt as comfortable as usual.
About halfway through the second half, they finally went ahead. Sian knocked a header in off a corner kick. As she ran away from the goal to celebrate, the first place she looked was at Bridget. She flashed a big smile as she saw Bridget jumping up and down, making big splashes in the puddles. That ended up being the only goal of the game. After getting the championship trophy, the team decided to forgo the normal post game dinner. The temperature had dropped and everybody was soaked through to the bone. They just wanted to get home and get warm.
When they got back to Bridget’s car, she just started driving to Sian’s apartment without even asking. Sian had a blanket wrapped around her and was shivering pretty hard. It wasn’t far from her home so it wasn’t too long before they got there. She took Sian’s keys and led her into the building and up to her apartment. Once there, Bridget took her straight to the bathroom where she started to run a hot bath.
‘Sit down,’ she ordered Sian who obeyed by sitting on the toilet seat. They hadn’t even waited for Sian to take off her cleats and so those were the first things to come off. Bridget carefully piled the dirty clothes up in a corner as each one came off. Even though it was the first time that Bridget was seeing Sian getting undressed, she wasn’t paying attention to that. She was just taking care of her girlfriend. When Sian was completely naked, the bathtub was just about full and Bridget helped her get into it. Sian made a little whimper as she felt the shock of the hot water on her ice cold body.
While Sian lay back in the water, Bridget went and made her some tea. By the time she got back, Sian felt better. She was a little bashful as Bridget reentered the bathroom. Without thinking one of her hands went over her breasts and the other over her pussy. Even though she felt that odd wave of shyness, she also liked the way that Bridget looked at her. When Sian moved to cover herself, Bridget became more aware of it too. And it was apparent from her grin that she liked what she saw.
‘Yum,’ Bridget said and then laughed as Sian squirmed a little. She got down and knelt by the tub. She carefully put the tea where it couldn’t get knocked off. Reaching for the sponge, Bridget dipped it into the water. ‘I think someone needs a little cleaning,’ she said in her sexy voice. She put a little body wash on it and then began to gently rub it around Sian’s collarbone. The strokes were long and slow. Each time Bridget started again, she moved down a little bit. Sian’s eyes were closed but as the sponge began to go over her breasts her lips parted just a little bit.
‘You’re beautiful, Sian,’ Bridget told her. ‘Your face is and your body is.’ Just as she said it, the sponge touched Sian’s nipples. There was a noticeable shiver that went through Sian’s body. Bridget kept on moving the sponge back and forth. And she kept going down further over Sian’s body. It was always a light touch. It wasn’t specifically sensual but it had that effect. As she reached Sian’s mound, she had to push away Sian’s hand. Now she was a little more direct. Her strokes were longer and circular. Sian bit her lip. Even still, she didn’t keep it up for long. She continued down Sian’s legs, first one then the other.
When she reached Sian’s feet, Sian stirred. She looked over at Bridget. ‘That felt good, Baby.’ She reached over and stroked Bridget’s face. ‘If you go any further, I think it will be hard for me. And I’m not sure you’re ready for that.’
Shifting, Bridget moved so that she could get her face close to Sian’s. They kissed very softly for a few moments. When their lips parted, she pressed her forehead lightly against Sian’s. ‘I know. I’m close though, darling Sian. This much seemed right to me.’ In the back of her mind was the promise to Don that she would not make love without him being there. Once she started something with Sian, she wasn’t sure if she would have enough control to stop.
‘It’s okay. It’s enough for now. We have time, Bridge. I’m not going anywhere,’ said Sian. She pushed Bridget’s hair back away from her face and kissed her softly. As the kiss ended, her hand went down Bridget’s back. Sian suddenly realized that Bridget was still in her own wet clothes. ‘Bridge! What are you doing still almost soaking wet?’ Her voice was a little angry. ‘Why didn’t you tell me?’
‘Because my darling Bridget, I’m not soaking wet. I’m a little damp and you were shivering to death and I wasn’t. I had on a nice coat the whole game that kept me pretty warm. It just got soaked through late in the game. So don’t get mad. You needed taking care of more than I did,’ Bridget said. She brushed her lips against Sian’s. ‘I
like taking care of you, my darling Sian.’
Unable to maintain her irritation while Bridget was being so loving, Sian still pulled back and insisted that Bridget needed to get out of her wet things too. ‘I don’t want you catching your cold. We have the party next weekend and then Christmas. I’ve got some clean sweats in my room that would probably fit you and you can grab a shirt.’
Bridget knew that Sian was making sense so she stood up. She started to go to Sian’s bedroom, but then she stopped and turned around with a smile. Her fingers went to her jeans, undoing the button at the top and unzipping them part way. Her pink polka dot panties were visible. She had Sian’s full attention. Lifting up her damp sweatshirt, she pulled it over her head. Underneath it she had on a tank top over her bra. She dropped it on top of the rest of the clothing. Grabbing ahold of the tank top, she slowly pulled it up her body. Bridget could feel it dragging over her bra and her nipples hardened in response.
Sian loved the matching bra that Bridget revealed. She felt her own body respond to the sight of Bridget stripping. Her eyes followed Bridget’s hands as they went down to her waistband. Her hips began to move a little from side to side as she slowly worked them down. They were tight enough that her panties wanted to come with them. Bridget paused and looked over at Sian with a sly smile. She raised a finger and waggled it at her. Then she pulled them back up before going back to finishing taking off her jeans. Now she stood in front of Sian just wearing her underwear and socks. Turning around, Bridget bent over pushing her ass out towards Sian. She reached down to take off her sock, her butt wiggling the whole time. Bridget peeked back at Sian with that same smile. Then she turned back around and bent over one more time. This time she held her arms close so that her breasts pushed together so she had more cleavage. Her last sock pulled off and she dropped it in the wet pile.
‘Like what you see?’ Bridget said in her sexy voice.
Sian laughed a little bit. Her throat felt a little tight. ‘You know I do, Bridge. You are so unbelievably beautiful,’ she said.
‘So are you, my darling Sian,’ Bridget said as she swayed forward to lightly kiss Sian one more time.
When Bridget stood up, Sian noticed that there was a wet spot in the center of Bridget’s panties. ‘Oh don’t forget about all your wet clothes,’ Sian said in a joking tone.
Her hand going to touch the spot, Bridget smiled at her. ‘I won’t, but this one I want to keep wearing to remind me of how you turn me on.’ Swaying her hips as she walked out, Bridget smiled to herself. Both of them were becoming more comfortable with this aspect of their relationship. She liked that Sian was fine with them taking it a step at a time.
The two of them ate the meal that Bridget made and then afterwards they curled up on the couch to watch a movie together. It was their first domestic type of night and Bridget loved it. There was something wonderful about being held in Sian’s arms and resting her head on Sian’s shoulder. They didn’t pay much attention to the movie and instead enjoyed their slow exploration of each other.
While they were in a deep kiss, Bridget felt Sian’s hand moving up to touch her breast. She moaned into the kiss as Sian’s hand cupped it and slowly moved her hand around in gentle circles. Bridget’s hands slid up to hold both sides of Sian’s head as she deepened their kiss. Her tongue thrust into Sian’s mouth just as Sian’s fingers found her nipple. She felt them gently tugging on her nipples
‘Yessssss,’ Bridget hissed through the kiss. Sian’s fingers were making her feel so excited that her hips were starting to push up and down. And the kiss was becoming more passionate. It was like they were biting each other. Sian’s tongue was thrusting into her mouth in time with her tugs on Bridget’s nipples. She wanted more. It was like a shock running between her nipples and up to her mouth. Even with only her nipples, Bridget could feel that she was coming close to cumming. Part of it was what Sian was doing to her but even more it was being with Sian. ‘Oh God, Sian!’ Bridget said when she couldn’t stand it anymore. Her hips were bucking hard as she felt her orgasm ripple through her body. It wasn’t a big orgasm but her fingers grasped Sian’s hair as she cried into Sian’s mouth.
Sian held Bridget as she came. Her eyes were open even as Bridget hungrily kissed her. She didn’t want to miss a second of it. Her fingers kept pulling on Bridget’s nipples, trying to coax the orgasm to last longer. But as she felt the shaking of Bridget’s body start to fade, her fingers let go. Reaching, she stroked Bridget’s face. The feeling of Bridget clinging to her was at least as good as having given her their first orgasm together. At that moment, it was only the two of them. Don wasn’t anywhere in her thoughts, nor was he in Bridget’s.
As Bridget slowly recovered she offered to try and do the same for Sian. ‘No Bridge, I’m fine. I can wait. I didn’t plan that but I’m glad it happened.’ For the rest of the evening, they just cuddled together. When it came time for Bridget to leave, she almost asked if she could stay. If she had work clothes there and her gym stuff, she might have. The thought of sleeping with Sian was a wonderful one, if not tonight then maybe after the party next weekend.
When Sian had finally shut the door behind Bridget, she turned and leaned against it. She closed her eyes. Her thoughts were full of Bridget. Maybe she couldn’t say it out loud but Sian knew that she had already lost her heart. All the problems in the situation seemed resolvable at that second.
The next night Bridget told Don all the details about her evening with Sian. Despite how excited it made him, he managed to avoid playing with himself while she was talking. And this time Bridget was more reliving it than retelling it and found herself getting very excited. When Don began to touch her, she told him to just fuck her. She didn’t need to get any wetter than she was and she didn’t want him disrupting the memory of being with Sian. She kept her eyes closed as he entered her. She kept thinking about Sian as he began to move in and out of her. It wasn’t the same as being with Sian but she put her hand on her nipples and tried imitate how Sian had touched her. It helped Bridget keep focused on thinking of Sian.
Don was thinking similar thoughts as he fucked Bridget. This was about lust for both of them. Bridget’s story had excited him so that he wasn’t sure how long he could last but at that moment he didn’t care. His cock sliding deep into Bridget’s tight wet pussy felt amazing. She was responding by thrusting herself down on him. It had been a while since she was that excited. He could hear her cries getting sharper and sharper as he slid in and out of her. He was close himself when he felt her pussy start to spasm. He pounded into her harder, wanting to cum at the same time. He felt Bridget peak and then she cried out louder than before. ‘Oh, Siannnnnn!’
‘Oh, fuck,’ he thought. That was the last straw and he started to shoot his cum deep into her. As he continued to fuck her through his orgasm, he knew his wife was thinking about being with Sian. It made him cum as hard as he could remember. His cock went in and out of her as it slowly got soft and finally popped out. He collapsed on top of her for a few moments before he could lift his body up.
‘You were with her in your mind, weren’t you Honey?’ he said softly.
Bridget looked away. She knew he was right but she didn’t want to say. It wasn’t just the admission that she was thinking about Sian. It was that the whole time, she had wished it was Sian. She let him kiss her for a few moments before making an excuse that she needed to go to the bathroom. When she came back to bed, she was ready to go to sleep. For once Don picked up on her mood and just went and brushed his teeth before coming back to bed. They cuddled up toget
her and shared a brief kiss before Bridget rolled over and turned off the lights. Don was asleep in minutes. Bridget found it much harder to join him. All her worries from before she started down this path were vivid in her mind.
The party with Sian was the last major event she had before Christmas. She debated about staying over with Sian all week. As she was getting ready for Sian picking her up, she finally made up her mind. ‘Don?’ she called.
He walked into the bedroom. ‘Wow, you look great!’ And she did. She had found a tight sweater dress that was black, grey and white in stripes, with black leggings. They showed off every curve that she had but was tight everywhere else.
‘Thanks, Sweetie,’ she said. ‘I want to ask you a question. With the ground rules still intact, I would like to stay over tonight with Sian. So no going all the way, but maybe something less than that could happen. Would that bother you?’
‘Not at all. I know you two are going to be up late for the party. And if either of you want to drink, you are better off not driving,’ Don said. As he said it, he had a thought. ‘If she is willing to sleep over, then Christmas is likely to be very good!’
‘As long as you don’t mind, Sweetie, then I think I will,’ she said with a smile. ‘Do you think you could do me a favor? I’m running behind. Could you pack some nice clothes for me in the morning and something to wear to bed? And my toiletry kit is under the vanity.’ She turned back to work a little more on her makeup.
Don went to the garage and brought in a small roller cart and carefully picked out some things for Bridget. He found that he had to remind himself it was December. He wanted to pick out skimpy outfits. Instead, he found a pair of jeans that were extremely tight. When she wore them, they almost looked like skin. He found a low cut bra and the matching thong that went with it. He found a long sleeve t-shirt that would really show off her breasts. He hoped that Sian would appreciate the way he dressed her in the morning. He wanted to make sure that Sian would be ready to finally make love to her on Christmas Eve. For bed, he found a black and white chemise with tiny panties. He trusted Bridget to keep to the ground rules but he wanted to make it very hard for Sian. He put the rest of what Bridget would need in the bag and rolled it to the door.
When the doorbell rang, Don went and let Sian in. She was wearing a dark tailored woman’s suit, with a white shirt underneath. It was clearly for a woman but gave a hint of masculine too. Obviously Bridget had let her know what colors she was wearing, even if Sian hadn’t seen the outfit. She looked nice but Don thought she looked more butch than he ever remembered before. He guessed that was the look she was trying to achieve.
It felt a little more awkward this time compared to the last. They shook hands and exchanged pleasantries. But then there was a lag in the conversation as they waited. Don noticed the bag and grabbed it.
‘Bridget was thinking that it might make more sense for her to sleep over rather than you have to drive her home, if you don’t mind. Here is her bag with what she will need,’ he said.
Sian smiled. ‘I don’t mind at all, Don. I’m glad you don’t either. I don’t mean this to be cruel, so please don’t take it that way, but I am very much looking forward to going to sleep with your wife.’ She took the bag and went out to the car to put it in the back. Once again, she couldn’t help think as she did it. ‘What an idiot.’ If Bridget was just hers, she would never risk that love.
While Sian was doing that, Don walked back into the bedroom. He went over to give Bridget a kiss but as she looked toward him, he knew what she would say if he tried. It was a little hard to do but he smiled and said simply, ‘You’re with her. I know.’ Bridget just nodded at him. She heard the door open again and went out to see Sian.

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