- 2 years ago
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As Kintook’s first wife, Calia held the highest status among the women of the large village, but with this privilege came great responsibility. She was the leader of Kintook’s 4 other wives and of all his children. She bestowed fertility upon all the women of the village and held the responsibility for the fertility of the entire earth. Any personal shortcoming she carried would directly affect all life. While her husband held the power of healing, health and happiness, she held the power of life itself.
Calia watched her eldest daughter grinding the wild barley into flour.. Taryn’s lush curly hair twinkled in the sunlight. Her delicate face, full pink mouth and long limbs gave her the graceful look of a gazelle. Her breasts had grown into full ripe melons. Her long bright pink nipples poked through the curtain of beads. A small tuft of hair graced the little ‘Y’ at the tops of her firm thighs. She was the embodiment of beauty and fertility.
Taryn had been born on a full moon at harvest. Her First Moon, the full moon following her 20 years, would fall on the first day of her 20th year, and it was at harvest time of one of the most fertile years the entire Kabati tribe had ever seen. Taryn had brought Calia high status from the moment of her birth. As soon as the villagers saw Taryn’s light caramel skin and golden brown hair, they all knew Taryn would be special
Calia had spent Taryn’s entire life preparing her for her responsibilities as a Kintook’s wife. For 20 years Calia taught Taryn how to harness the power of life and pass it to the women of the village and to the plants and animals of the earth.
Calia was both excited and fearful for her daughter’s future. Taryn would have even more status than the village elders if she were to become pregnant during the 20 days of Taryn’s Rites. But if Taryn failed to bleed at first penetration, or if she was found to be barren, then she would put to death and a new wife for Kintook would be chosen. Even if she passed the first tests of her life giving power, she might still lose her status. The expectations for Taryn were impossibly high, much higher than those for any other Calia in the Kabati tribe.
Kintook entered the hut and gave her the traditional greeting of patting her head with his right hand. Calia looked up at her husband. They had been chosen as children and Calia was grateful her husband was a gentle lover and attentive friend. She was married to him at the end of Taryn’s second year, according to tradition. He was barely a man then but already well respected in the village. He had grown into quite an impressive man, strong and kind. She squatted in front of him and kissed his penis cover, signaling her respect for his position in the village.
Kintook sat next to her and put his hand on her thigh. ‘They will come for Taryn in 3 days.’ He said. Calia said nothing, looked at her feet and tried not to cry. Taryn had been promised to Jala, a village more than four day’s walk to the west. Calia’s heart ached because she would only see her daughter twice a year during the Kabati tribal gathering.
Calia’s husband tenderly took her in his arms and kissed her forehead. She pressed her body against his and rested her head on his strong shoulder. They sat in this manner for a long time, each comforting the other. Kintook eventually reached behind Calia and unhooked her chest beads and then reached down and untied the beaded cloth covering her womanhood. He lay her down next to him and took in her beautiful nude body.
The Kintook stood, removed his headdress, beads and penis cover and then lay down on the furs next to his wife. Calia took her man into her arms and pulled him into her. She was at her fertile time and hoped she would soon be filled with new life. She pulled her legs up and wrapped them around his waist as he penetrated her to get his seed as far up into her belly as she could. After he shot his hot seed up into her womb she rolled over onto her side with Kintook’s leg under her hips and her back against his firm belly. Thus entwined, they napped in the warmth of the afternoon.
The Jala elders had arrived at nightfall. The women of her village had spent the earliest hours of dawn preparing Taryn to meet the Jala elders. She was clothed in the traditional fertility dress of her village. Strings of white bone beads were braided into her ash covered hair, her body was covered in gray ash. Her usual chest beads were replaced by a curtain of bones, bleached white in the sun. Her loincloth was the soft white belly of the gazelle.
With the women bustling around her, Taryn did not have much time to contemplate the changes about to come. Her mother had spent Taryn’s entire life preparing her for her role and Taryn was long prepared for this event in particular. It’s coming felt as natural as phase of the moon that signaled her journey to Jala village. Her only nervousness came from having to speak the ceremonial words in front of the entire village. Would she remember them or would she stumble?
As soon as the first glint of sunlight peeked in the horizon, her mother led Taryn from the hut to the ceremonial grounds in the center of the village. They were followed by all the women of the village. The village men stood in a wide circle at the ceremonial grounds. The Jala elders joined the elders of her village and her father in the center of the circle. Each man stood nude except for his ceremonial yellow penis cover, the length of which signified each man’s stature in the village. Her father’s penis cover was nearly 3 feet long.
As Taryn and her mother approached the circle, the men separated just enough for them to pass through. The village women formed a second circle behind the men. Taryn understood the significance of joining her father and the elders inside the circle. She understood her status was higher than that of everyone in her village except her mother, father and the elders.
Taryn stood 3 feet in front of her father with her eyes downcast and her arms folded elegantly at her waist, as she had been taught. As she expected, her father patted her 3 times on the head with his right hand – a ceremonial greeting reserved for village Kintooks toward women of high status in the Kabati tribe. In return she bent slightly from the waist to kiss the tip of his penis cover, a show of respect for his manhood and status.
Her father beat his Acha staff on the earth 3 times. ‘This is the eldest daughter of the Kintook. This woman is the hope of the ground and the sky. This woman is rain. This woman is beating of the heart.’ He said loudly enough for the village to hear. ‘Who takes an oath for this woman?’
Calia stepped forward to stand to the side between Taryn and her father. Kintook acknowledged his wife by patting her on the head with his right hand and she kissed the tip of his penis cover. ‘I take this oath’ her mother said loudly. ‘This woman is seeded on First Moon.’ Taryn knew these words certified to the Jala elders that Taryn was the resultant child created during Calia’s ceremonial rites, and as such, Taryn was qualified to be endowed with the power of life. Kintook beat his Acha into the ground 3 times and Calia moved to stand behind him.
The oldest man in the village, one of the elders, stepped forward to speak. ‘I am Banduk and I thank this Calia for bringing my wives children, grandchildren and many great grandchildren. This Calia brings us many goats and pigs. This Calia brings us the grain and the fruit. This Calia honors the Kintook.’ Banduk took a moment to reposition the stick he used to support his aging body before continuing. ‘This Calia bled for the Kintook at First Moon and honored the seed of this village by bringing this life forward.’ Banduk raised his arm toward Taryn. ‘This old one remembers these things. This old one honors this life.’
Taryn was proud that Banduk spoke for her. He had been like a grandfather to her all her
life. His eloquent words now were heartfelt and genuine. Taryn knew the Jala elders would be impressed by Banduk’s honor. As Banduk stepped back to take his place with the other village elders, Taryn went to him and kissed his penis cover. He put his hand under her chin and lifted her face so that she could see his broad, proud smile.
For the first time Taryn thought about what she would be leaving behind. Banduk’s age made it impossible for him to attend the Kabati gatherings anymore. Taryn realized this might be the last time she ever sees her dear Banduk. Tears began to well up into her eyes but were quickly wiped away as Banduk mouthed ‘danna’ – a Kabati word that could mean ‘lifelong joy’, ‘child’ or ‘blessing’. It was his way of reminding her that their memories of each other would last her lifetime and he would always be with her.
She moved to stand in front of her father again. By now the sunlight had moved over the horizon enough to fill in the shadows created by the torches surrounding them. Taryn faced into the morning sun and watched a large flock of ngnaga fly over the village. The sun glistened on the dew covered bountiful harvest gathered in the circle, a testament to the Jala elders of Calia’s fertility shared by the entire village.
Kintook turned and brought Calia forward to stand in front of her daughter. Banduk’s wife, the eldest woman in the village, began to sing about the life and fertility Kintook’s daughter would bring to Jala. During the song Calia’s right thumb was cut just enough to produce blood and Calia pressed her bleeding thumb against Taryn’s forehead – the bright red almost garish against Taryn’s gray ash covered face. As the song progressed Calia tied a small pouch on a leather string around Taryn’s neck. The pouch contained the tooth of a male lion, the seeds of 3 plants and small cut of cloth caked with Taryn’s first menstrual blood. She would wear this pouch constantly for the rest of her life.
Taryn was now endowed with the power of life and qualified to bestow that power as she saw fit. Every member of the village knelt in honor of her life. One of the Jala elders spoke. ‘ The Kintook is honored this day. This man honors this Calia who brings forth this life. (gesturing to Taryn) This life is a blessing to this man. I beg of this life to honor the seed of Jala.’
‘This woman honors the seed of Jala’ Taryn replied, though a bit too soft to be heard by the entire village. She stepped forward and kissed the penis covers of all 3 Jala elders. With that the drums began to beat and the villagers circling them began to stamp their feet and move around the circle. The men moved clockwise while the women behind them moved counter clockwise. The village elders and Jala elders sat facing away from Taryn and her parents. In the middle of circle Taryn was actually alone with her mother and father. She held onto her parents crying softly, not wanting to leave everything she had always known. Her father embraced her and reassured her. Her mother shared her tears.
Soon came the time to leave. For the next four days she would walk in complete silence with the Jala elders to Jala village.
She and the elders had arrived late in the afternoon and were joined more than 3 miles from the village by nearly all the people of Jala village. Though the arriving party walked in complete silence, the people of Jala chanted in honor of her all the way to the ceremonial grounds. The elders who had traveled with Taryn told the people they personally witnessed Taryn’s endowment and then she was led away by 3 older women of Jala to a hut on the edge of the village.
Taryn was grateful to finally be alone in the small but well-appointed hut. It was filled with an abundance of food, sweet clear water and animal skins. Taryn sat down on the pile of furs in one corner of the room, intending to simply make herself comfortable, but falling asleep instead.
A rustling in the room woke her. One of the old women was making herself comfortable atop furs covering a straw bed. Still mostly asleep, Taryn looked up and saw the bright nearly full moon centered in the smoke hole of the hut. A lion roared off in the distance. Safe in the familiarity of life on the grasslands, Taryn was soon off to a deep sleep.
Taryn woke with a start to the sounds of children being hustled off to their huts. It was already late evening and the village bustled with preparations for tonight’s fertility ceremony. Taryn had no idea what would take place, as this was one event her mother did not teach her about. She sat on her bed for several minutes shaking off the dreams from her nearly 24 hour sleep. As she moved to stand, the 3 older women who had been with her last evening entered the hut. Two of the women carried baskets and one carried a large clay pot filled with water.
The women introduced themselves and explained they were there to prepare her for First Moon. There was something safe and reassuring about the women and Taryn felt completely at ease as the women removed all of Taryn’s beads and garments except the small leather pouch. The women cooed reassuringly about Taryn’s beauty as they washed the ashes from her light caramel skin and rich brown hair. After she was gently patted dry Taryn was offered a bowl of milky white liquid to drink. Though it smelled sweet, the taste was quite bitter and it took a bit of encouragement for Taryn to drink the entire bowl.
While two of the women cleaned her, the other was clearing the table and covering it with several thick soft furs. Taryn was asked to lay on her belly on the table, and soon one of the women was kneading Taryn’s body with oil that had been perfumed with fragrant yarrow flower and brightened with shimmering powdered mica.
Taryn closed her eyes and enjoyed the soothing feel of the old woman’s hands kneading her feet and ankles. The old woman took her time, slowly working her way up the back of Taryn’s elegant legs, pressing her thumbs firmly into Taryn’s calf muscles and then delicately oiling the back of Taryn’s knees.
It was about this time the liquid from the bowl began to take effect. Taryn’s senses became incredibly heightened. The dim light from the single torch in the room seemed extremely bright. She could hear each flutter of wings from the fly buzzing across the room. Her skin felt each individual hair of the furs under her. It was as if every atom of life became a separate, fascinating entity to her.
The woman had finished massaging the oil into Taryn’s neck, shoulders, back and arms and had moved down to Taryn’s plump, perfectly rounded buttocks. Taryn felt hands spread out over her back, thumbs pressing firmly all the way down her spine, slipping into the cleavage of her behind and delicately caressing her anus before being moved over the mounds of her bottom and around her wide hips. Again and again the woman moved in this manner, pulling the life force from Taryn’s mind and heart down to her middle.
By now the euphoria and heightened sensual feeling caused by the drug was in full effect and Taryn compliantly allowed herself to be rolled over onto her back. Gentle hands pulled her legs apart slightly. The sensation of the cool night air on her warm exposed center kept her complete attention until the hands returned, this time to her face. Taryn melted into the furs as her face was gently kneaded and then her graceful neck and shoulders. The warm oily hands moved over and around Taryn’s supple breasts. Each time the hands moved away and then back over her breasts Taryn would instinctively arch her back in anticipation.
The old woman worked her way down over Taryn’s smooth flat belly, pulling erotic energy down to Taryn’s womb. With each move of her hands, the old woman’s touch became a little firmer and more demanding. She slid an oily hand firmly down over Taryn’s navel and lower belly, down over her pubic bone and into the Y.
Taryn shivered with a new sensual awareness as the hands caressed her
inner thighs starting from her knees and moving up to her groin. Gentle hands lifted her knees off the fur and spread her legs apart to expose the ultra tender flesh leading to her womb. Warm oily fingers massaged the thin sliver of skin between each labia and her groin. Stroke after stroke the fingers moved down over her pubis, down along side each labia and around to the soft flesh between her holes.
Taryn began to move her hips slightly in unison with each stroke of the massage. The old woman smiled knowingly to herself, recognizing the eroticism rising up in Taryn. The old woman gently massaged Taryn’s labia by taking each between her thumb and forefinger. Pulling them gently apart, the old woman could see the gathering wetness up inside Taryn and knew the time to begin First Moon had come.
The ceremonial grounds were appointed with 3 large ground fires and surrounded by torches. Taryn had been carried out on the fur covered tabletop on the shoulders of the Kintook’s four brothers and set on top of a wooden support about 2 feet high in the center of the circle. An 8 foot tall pole was on each side of Taryn’s bed. Taryn was helped to a sitting position. For several hours the drums beat and every man of the village but 2 danced and chanted in a circle around Taryn. Their chants called upon every living thing to accept Taryn as the Calia of Jala.
The bitter liquid given to Taryn earlier continued to work on her, intensifying all of her senses and filling her with a sense of well-being and oneness with her surroundings. She watched the movement of the men encircling her. They were all completely nude. Their only adornments the pattern of facial scars each man wore proudly, the yellow body paint they had applied for this ceremony, and a necklace made with a small piece of bone and the hide of the first animal that had ever given it’s life to him to feed the village.
Taryn sat quietly taking in the deepening sensual stimulation. She would hear each man’s breathing as a separate sound, each grain of dust moving under their feet. She could differentiate each man’s smell as they moved in the circle around her. After a time she was aware of each man’s location in the circle at every moment.
As the dancing continued she became aware of each sensation within her own body. She could feel each separate nerve in her skin react to the sensation of either cool night air or warm fire. She could hear the slightly different sound her breath made as it escaped her right or left nostril. She could feel the distinct movement of each minute movement of muscle within her body.
Soon the moon reached the location in the sky that signaled the arrival of Kintook. The men stopped moving around the circle and stood chanting and stamping their feet to the drumbeats. The men directly in front stepped aside just enough to allow a young man to enter the circle.
He was tall and thin. The ornate mask he wore covered his facial markings. He wore a long yellow penis cover. Taryn looked for the first time at the man who would eventually become her husband. His body was an oiled dark chocolate, strong and beautiful. Taryn looked at the beautiful pattern of scars covering his tight belly. The scars denoted that this young man was much respected by the village on his own merits and that his deceased father had been a well respected Kintook.
The young Kintook walked toward Taryn. He was followed by the oldest and most respected man in the village. This man carried an ancient Seesi wood rod about 2 feet long, 3′ in diameter and rounded on one end. This rod had been a part of Jala village for centuries. It had been sanded and oiled many times and was as hard and smooth as marble. The old man had been present when the rod had been used for the First Moon of the young Kintook’s mother.
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His name was Peter. He was my first. I’m getting ahead of myself, so I will start from the beginning. I returned to the golf course the next day, feeling sexual and ready to explore more with the two men I had met previously the day before. They were waiting for me. I guess I was surprised, thinking maybe they wouldn’t show up. Their cocks were out of their pants and erect. They smiled at me and as I moved toward them, I noticed a golf cart in the distance driving toward us. It was the ball...
Best Halloween Ever - part 6 By strangefun WARNING: This story contains extremely graphical depictions of sex, abuse and humiliation. Something stirred under me and I woke up. Waking up on top of a mummified rubber doll with my entire femboy package stuffed inside her mouth and her stiff dicky poking me in the face was amazing. The strong smell of latex mixed with stale piss and cum exploded inside my nose, making my dick twitch inside the hot tightness of the rubber doll's...
With our teenage girls less demanding on her time, Reb began working in a nursing home. The fact that she worked a permanent afternoon shift worked out well. The kids went to and from school by bus. Reb leaving for work after lunch. I fed the kids their evening meal, making sure they did their homework. Reb returning home at eleven. Life really was good. After four years of this life, I began to tire of continually hearing about the sickness she had to cope with. I'd been supportive for...
Hi all, I am here to share my experience with you all. I am Ritika Raj, 36-year-old working women. About my appearance I am fair, 5.2 ft tall weigh 55 kgs and my stats are 34C 30 36, I have shoulder length cut hair, black eyes. I am separated and live with my son. About my experience, I have had no prior sex life before marriage and sexual life with husband was more than average. After separation, I was left alone and had made up my mind not to marry again. I still was enjoying people...
We set sail for San Diego on Friday afternoon. It took us 34 hours to make the trip southward. It would take us closer to 44 to make the return voyage because of tides and winds and a lot of other things I didn’t know about. Our last day in Cabo San Lucas was as hectic as our last day in San Diego. The ladies wanted to do the shopping they had put off and have one last drink at all the bars we’d hit while we were there. Liz was giggly (and amorous) when we boarded the vessel. Our comely...
Her name was Rebecca Anne Courtney and I had lusted after her since the seventh grade, but while I might have told myself that I would kill to have her I knew in my heart that it would never happen. The simple truth of the matter was that Becky couldn’t stand me. Because of mutual friends she tolerated me, but I never knew why she didn’t like me. At first I thought that it might be that she didn’t know me all that well so naturally I tried to rectify that. Whenever I saw her I would approach...
While Bob was away getting the rental truck, I packed the few things we had needed over the night and morning. It was a whole morning's work to load the truck after he got back. We went up to check the apartment one last time. We didn't want to leave anything behind, and we wanted it nice and neat for the landlord's inspection. We needed to get our whole deposit back. The living room was clean, and our stuff was gone or packed in the two bags that would ride in the front with us. "Goodbye,...
Here I was. An 18 year old black boy in a white neighbourhood, without my boyz. My parents decided it was time to move me out of the dark streets and into a quiet neighbourhood to keep me out of trouble. So now here I was, Friday afternoon, lying on my back in bed all alone at home. No friends around to get in trouble with. As I got up to close the blinds of my window I saw silver BMW pull up into the driveway next door. We haven’t met the next door neighbours let so I was wondering who was...
Interracial=================================== Ch 17 All I want to do is walk into my familiar bedroom, play a few video games, read a comic or two, or maybe even re-watch an episode of Battlestar Galactica. Is that too much to hope for? Unfortunately, I'm afraid it is, for there’s a sock on the doorknob. I’m a bit surprised by that, as Dennis and Robin haven't been too shy in the past, and haven't cared when Gina and I'd watched them. For a minute or two I stand there, debating on just...
The hobo had been hanging around the junction most of the day. Dubbed ‘Squeek’ by his friends he had been living off the streets most of his adult life, earning a buck where he could. Handing out newspapers and washing windscreens for tips wasn’t bad work but it was getting late into the afternoon. He was getting hungry and needed a meal and a bottle badly. Maybe even a dollar suck from one of the crack whores on his block. Rattling his change bag Squeek grinned to himself. Yeah. Another hour...
Note: This story was commissioned by Ultrasound 7 and has allowed me to share it with you. This may contain scenarios and acts that I normally wouldn’t write. There will be a strong sex slave/domination theme. I will keep this from violating any cannon established in the world and I developed the mythology that drives this story. Kurtis – Ankush, The Queendom of Naith “I’ll let my Minister of Foreign Security and my Minister of Internal Security explain the situation,” purred Queen...
Author: Powerone Title: Captured For Sex Summary: Her account of her capture and defilement by twomen. Language: M+/F, anal, oral, violent, humil, n/c, rough By Powerone, Copyright 2004. Author may be reached at [email protected] She struggled as the two man held her. One pinned her armsbehind her back, the other was fighting off her kicking legs. She was taughtto fight her attackers. She had attended a rape protection class and they hadshown her various ways to fight off her attackers....
Title: The Second task (The sequel to 'The Task') Author: Syren When Jane had woken up the day after she had submitted herself to the abuseby three strangers in an alleyway she could barely get out of bed because thepain in her pussy and ass was so bad, she had bruises up the inside of herthighs a pussy lips also had bruises and blood blisters on them. Her tits wereeven more bruised than the day before, they were basically two black and bluemounds sticking out from her chest. It was a month...
Vicky and Dave walked nude, hand-in-hand to the dressing room, their bodies still flushed with the glow of orgasm. The other couples greeted them with congratulatory hugs and kisses, which lingered with provocative caresses of one another. The young pair showered and dressed. On their way out, many of the late staying patrons smiled and applauded their exceptional performance. Dave noted quite a few couples were still dancing the new "Tribal" dance he had introduced. The scene was sexually...
BODY: Maria was about to turn 13, in fact next weekend. Maria had began to blossom in the last year as her legs became long, tanned and muscular. All the boys noticed her now and her butt had begun to do that rhythmic sashay that girls do so well. Maria could hypnotize any guy that watched her walk. Every man in her family from 21 to 90 had watched Maria come to this point. Maria had been so sweet and flirty the last year and men took note! Maria was almost without a...
Trained To ServeVic’s hands were sweating furiously as he tried to remain calm rubbing his hands along his dry pant legs for the fifth time in almost an hour. He absolutely hated flying. The hum of the jet engines filled the passenger compartment. Vic looked over at his wife Sandy. She was finally asleep. Vic knew she hadn’t slept in three days and he sure wasn’t going to wake her now. They were the only two passengers on the private two engine jet that took off from Chattanooga that night....
Hi guys, my name is Arun. I am 18 years old. I am studying in first year of college. I belong to a quite rich family. My mom, Ramya is 37 years old. She was married to my 45 years old dad Ramesh when she was 18. Since her parents found out about her love story with her classmate, she was forced to marry. She was an all-rounder in those days. Besides her love, she was able to concentrate on studies too. After her marriage, she missed having sex with her lover. My dad was not interested in sex,...
Incestby Royal Trycon © ~Having visited your home on several occasions, due to family gatherings and surprise birthday parties for friends, I can't say the thought of getting to know you better hadn't ever crossed my mind. There was always a certain glow about you when I was around, that led me to believe you had thought about me as well. Thus came the day my car happened to break down near your place, and I thought just by chance, you might be able to give me a ride to work. Not sure if...
The Color of Dangerby IggySee her standing there, at the corner of Second and Hanlon, waiting to cross Second and follow Hanlon all the way back to her modest apartment. Shoes, black, with a low heel and quite fashionable, bought at Payless at 50% off. Skirt, black, knee length—standard issue for waitresses at the Fandango, showing off the nicely trimmed figure of a girl who is on her feet most of the day. Blouse, white, also standard issue, and filled out quite thoroughly by the swell of...
This is a work of Fantasy. I hope you enjoy.Stephanie and I had been married a few years and enjoyed a reasonable sex life. She knew of my dressing and although she didn’t approve she indulged me now and then and we had sex when I was dressed or with me wearing lingerie. I think secretly she was jealous of my legs. She was a petite sexy woman and we were almost the same size but I still had my own stuff that I’d secretly obtained from eBay and op shops.I didn’t consider myself bisexual,...
It was the summer before my freshman year, the first day of summer vacation in fact, and I had a plan. Rumors had abounded among the guys in my class during the last week of school. One guy had heard from his older br***er that there was a stash of porno magazines hidden in the woods near my house. I lived in a heavily wooded subdivision, and several tracts of forest lay nestled between the back yards of the houses. I explored these woods extensively while growing up, and I knew them well. When...
“Mr Haverstein can see you now,” announced the Production and Research Director’s Personal Assistant, a Series B droid called Janice and known by the less respectful staff as “RBF” for the intransigent expression she maintained irrespective of the requests being made for access to her boss. The sunny disposition that Alexa had acquired in commissioning had obviously not been a feature of Janice’s. With what they viewed as conclusive evidence of Alexa’s faulty behavious, Chris and Amanda had...
Oh the miserable and calamitous spectacle! Such as haply the world had not seen since the foundation of it, nor be outdone till the universal conflagration thereof. All the sky was of a fiery aspect, like the top of a burning oven, and the light seen above 40 miles round about for many nights. God grant mine eyes may never behold the like, who now saw above 10,000 houses all in one flame; the noise and cracking and thunder of people, the fall of towers, houses, and churches, was like a hideous...
HistoricalSylvia Watson, a twenty six year old young journalist, walked over to her desk at the New York Times and sat down in her chair and sighed. She placed her bag on the back of her chair when an Asian guy in a dark suit came over to her."The new boss is in the office," he whispered. "Her face is like thunder. Where have you been? The first meeting with her was half an hour ago.""My alarm went off late," Sylvia replied, she pushed a long strand of blonde hair off her shoulder.The door to the far end...
TransHi readers. I’m Sarfaraz Khan a 23 year old male from South India, single. Those girls and guys who haven’t read my previous stories are requested to read them and enjoy. I’m sure you’ll enjoy shagging. As seen from my previous stories I don’t believe in forcing or threatening for sex. I create an atmosphere where the lady herself agrees for it. I am thankful to all for your tremendous response to my previous stories. So coming straight to the story. This happened when I was fresh to my new job...
Myself Arjun (), a software professional aged 32 from Bangalore. I am working for a small software firm in a reputed position and I got this opportunity to pen up coz of my job. I am married and having a good family life. However, something is missing from life due to my wife’s lack of interest in sex. Even I am interested in enjoying it outside, I never tried something until this happened. This happened in 2015. We were hiring new developers for our company and I got many resumes during that...
Seeing the photo of Derek with my wife, his extremely erect cock against her skin, had sparked a white-hot flare of combined jealousy and anger almost instantaneously. Now I was struggling to control it, struggling to apply reason and logic and not do something in a fit of rage, something that would be very uncharacteristic of me. Marci sensed my anger and had the wisdom to say nothing as I drove us out of the parking lot, my fingers aching and my knuckles white from gripping the steering wheel...
Wife LoversNote : This story is completely fictional! Hi reader another blockbuster for you read and write to me. My name is Annie. I live with my husband of 20 years and our son Elvis. Everything was normal until one day when Elvis asked me to let him see me naked. Elvis a good looking although extremely shy young man. He has a lot of friends but has never had a girlfriend. From talking to the other mothers at school events it seams that Elvis is the last of his group to be dating. Hearing them complain...