Kate’s Uni Days Ch. 02 free porn video

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The next morning Kate woke gradually, with a heavy head and aching limbs. She stretched as she reluctantly greeted consciousness. She opened her eyes to the brilliant light of a new day coming in through her window. She shivered right through and goosebumps spread over her body as she suddenly noticed the chill of the room. She then quickly worked out why she was so cold. She had slept the whole night completely naked with no cover over her. For a fraction of a second the situation perplexed her until memories of the night before began to filter back into her fuzzy head. A smile spread over her features as she had remembered how her dream had come true almost perfectly the night before. She had been well and truly fucked by a guy she’d met that evening at the students’ union.

After having recollected that much she also noticed that she was totally alone. She sat up wearily on the bed and tried to bring things back into focus. As she looked around her room she noticed that there was no trace of Dan having been there at all. He must have slipped away some time earlier. Maybe he had woken her to tell her he was going, maybe not, she couldn’t remember anything of it. She shrugged dismissively. She guessed this was the way a one night stand was bound to end really. Being a stranger to such things she hadn’t known before, the casual sex scenes in her fantasies had obviously never run that far, the fun being over and her partner just disappearing. She wasn’t sure why she felt at such a loss about it. Dan had come back for a fuck. That was it, just to get inside her and fuck her. She could hardly begin to play the victim, that’s all she’d invited him back for as well. ‘And it was well worth it,’ she thought to herself and grinned. She felt satisfied in the knowledge that if he had’ve stayed then this morning would have obviously been much more awkward for both of them.

‘No,’ she said resolutely as she stood up. ‘That’s just the way it is.’ A glance at her bedside clock with sleepy eyes showed her it was already 11:30 am. She had no real deadlines today apart from having to go over to the university building to enrol. She walked giddily to her radiator and yanked the knob round to turn it on. Her head still pounded loudly in her ears and she leaned against her bedroom wall to steady herself. She hoped that a refreshing shower would be able to clear some of the cobwebs.

The university was only a short walk from Kate’s accommodation so after leisurely showering and getting dressed she strolled over there at around 1 pm. As soon as she got through the door she began to regret not having gotten up earlier. Everyone had presumably also been enjoying their university freedom the night before and had only just managed to drag themselves out of bed at this time of day. The crowds were massive and Kate knew that she was going to be there a while. She’d been told that all she needed to bring along for this was a couple of small photographs of herself for her student card and luckily she’d had the foresight to get some before she’d arrived at university. She approached a group of young people who seemed to her to be loitering in a roughly orderly fashion.

‘Excuse me,’ she said to a thin wiry brown haired man who was spending his time fiddling with his jacket zip as he waited. ‘Is this the queue to enrol?’ The young man turned to face her with a long angular face and high cheekbones.

‘Yes. It is,’ he said in a posh voice.

‘Thanks,’ she said sweetly and promptly joined what seemed to be the end of the queuing crowd.

The man went back to staring ahead and fiddling with his zip. Kate put him down as a history student, probably always had his head stuck in some book or other. The queue moved at a snail’s pace and as Kate gradually shuffled forward every few minutes the monotony began to get to her. Her mind began to wander back to the previous night’ back to the better half of university life. She still couldn’t believe how easy it had all been. It seemed that as a young girl at university all you had to do was dance a little, flirt a little, and find someone with a like mind who wanted an easy screw. Well she certainly knew where to go when her pussy needed that type of satisfaction again. A warm glow flowed through her as she remembered how Dan had looked at her: how she’d managed to attract him wither manner and her body. How great it felt to not have someone just compliment her on her appearance as a pleasantry but do it because they wanted to see it stripped bare! She’d have to…

‘Er, excuse me!’ Her reverie was interrupted by the posh voice of the wiry man. She realised the queue had shifted on, but she had not. She giggled nervously and thanked him as she rushed forward to close the gap that had formed between them.

‘Mind on other things?’ he asked inquisitively.

‘Kind of,’ she said embarrassed. ‘Its just I’m not feeling quite myself today.’ She hoped that would be the end of the conversation with him but he had other ideas.

‘Go out last night did you?’ She gave him a rough précis of the night, naturally altering the end part. She omitted to tell him that her night was finished off by having the most exhilarating fuck of her life. He had also been out the night before and his account pretty much mirrored hers. She doubted however that he had had to make any alterations to his story. He wasn’t ugly by any means, he just had that swat look about him.

‘I’m Greg by the way,’ he said offering her a skinny hand to shake. She told him her own name and shook it pleasantly.

After another few minutes of small talk and another few people freeing up space further up the queue, they’d worked out that they only lived a block apart from each other.

‘Our flat was considering having a bit of a drink tonight actually if you’re interested,’ he offered. ‘Nothing special, just buying some booze in and supping it at our place.’ She was taken aback at the suggestion but tried not to show it.

‘//Thanks,’ she said smiling sweetly. ‘I might just do that.’ She’d resigned herself to not go out that night after last night and had decided to wait until the end of the week. Greg’s kind invitation hadn’t really swayed her ideas on that at all.

She enrolled relatively quickly and without too much fuss. It probably just seemed quick to her having spent at least an hour in the queue waiting to do so. After she’d signed her name countless times and been issued with her student card she pushed through the bustling students to escape the building and walk home. On her way back she began to think about the night ahead. It would just be a night off for her, a bit of TV, her own first cooked meal in her new flat and an early night with maybe a hint of a book to read before sleep. That was pretty much how every night of her life was before she’d reached university. She forced a smile at the thought of it. She’d enjoy it, it’d be ok, but it wouldn’t be anything like last night. She began to consider her options. Her shower and her stroll in the fresh autumn air had cleared her head and she thought she could probably force a drink down later, this was Freshers’ week after all. It wouldn’t do to be stuck inside. Gradually the man’s invitation began to seem more attractive to her. It might be a laugh going over to see his flatmates.

‘You never know, you might get lucky again,’ she thought to herself dreamily as she walked. ‘You might even take Greg’s virginity.’ She giggled but admonished herself inside for being both so harsh and so bold. She’d already confessed to herself during their chat that she was attracted to him in a strange sort of way. But it wasn’t his physical attributes that turned her on really. The idea of sleeping with him gave her the buzz. The idea of being able to get another man into bed, to be able to make two men want to put their cocks inside her in as many days. He’d already invited her over for a drink with him and his flatmates after only talking to her for a few minutes. Ma
ybe there really was a chance he wanted to get inside her knickers.

‘There’s only one way to find out,,’ she thought.

By the time she got home there was just time to fix herself a meal and watch minimal TV before she had to begin to get ready for the evening. As it was only casual she decided she wouldn’t go crazy on getting dressed up, especially as they were not even going out anywhere. She chose her kneehigh black boots, a plad skirt generously longer than the one from the previous night, matching black lace panties and bra and a short-sleeved pink top which didn’t reveal too much cleavage. She added some finishing touches of make up in the mirror and was suitably pleased with the result. Her conservative clothing mixed with her fuck-me footwear gave just the right mixture of looking for sex but not especially being on the prowl for it. He hadn’t specified a suitable time to arrive when they’d chatted but she figured that nine would be a safe bet. Before she strode out of her room she picked up one of the bottles of wine she’d brought from home to supposedly use as an icebreaker between her and her flatmates. As far as she could tell most of her flat was still empty and the couple of guys who were there spoke very poor English. With bottle in hand and her thin summer jacket draped over her shoulders she walked confidently down the steps and out into the breezy night towards the neighbouring block

She buzzed the flat and quoted Greg’s name. She was let in and quickly found her way up to the right flat. Each block in the set of accommodation pretty much mirrored each other and so she knew exactly where to go.

The warmth of the convivial kitchen was welcoming to her, just as much as the people inside. She recognised Greg standing by the sink appearing to be acting as barman, serving everyone their desired drinks. Another four people were gathered around the large circular kitchen table in various positions, most of them clutching a rather pungent looking alcoholic cocktail.

‘Ah Kate!’ exclaimed Greg as he saw her enter. ‘So glad you could make it.’ He put a spirit bottle down on the side and walked to her to give her a quick hug. Kate felt a little strange at him being so forward with her, after all they’d only met a few short hours ago. There again it would help her plan if he acted warmly towards her straight away and would mean less work on her part.

He introduced the people gathered round the table and was delighted to see her alcoholic contribution. She took one of the remaining seats dotted around the room and tried to fall neatly into the conversation. She was never the most sociable of girls and tended to find meeting a whole group of people at the same time quite daunting.

‘I’ll pour you some of your wine if that’s ok Kate,’ Greg offered quickly. Kate offered to do it herself but he was insistent. When her glass arrived at the table it was obvious why he was resolute to do the dishing out himself. A half pint glass rested in front of her filled with her white wine.

‘Are you serious?’ she said laughing dryly.

‘Well, it just saves me having to keep getting up to pour you more doesn’t it,’ Greg remarked.

‘I brought it to share out though, I get so tipsy after wine.’

‘Maybe I should’ve got you a pint,’ joked Greg. Kate laughed with the rest of them at his insinuation.

As the evening continued Kate sipped her wine cautiously. She had come to tonight with the intention of taking Greg home with her so she didn’t need his obvious attempts at getting her intoxicated. The evening carried on simply, with someone bringing in a stereo and treating the group to some music to help the atmosphere. Kate found she got on quite well with the people gathered there. She made sure to not hurry the wine but after the first half pint had been finished her tongue was loosened enough to chat more readily and felt more comfortable about the situation. She decided that she had got the wrong idea about Greg from her first impression. He could’ve easily have passed as a nerd in his spare time and she didn’t doubt that he was no stranger to burying his head in a book when he had the time. But he seemed to be treating this start at university as an opportunity to show off his charms. He was definitely the big noise amongst the crowd, easily overshadowing the only other male present, his flatmate named Ben. Ben seemed nice to Kate but didn’t get much chance to offer any contribution to the night.

Greg was swilling his drink back easily and still ensuring he was the genial host and pouring everyone very generous measures of anything they needed as soon as their glass was nearly empty. Being the only significant male in the room meant that he also flirted outrageously with anything feminine that moved. Kate had hoped that his attention would be focussed on her the whole time but Greg insisted on making provocative comments about all the girls there, and revelling in their collective giggling. Kate wondered why she’d even been invited, unless his aim was to force one huge gangbang in his flat. Before she knew it Greg had filled up her glass for the third time way before it was empty, complaining bitterly about how slow she was drinking. Convinced that the evening was not going as planned she decided to cut her losses and return to her flat. She insisted that she couldn’t possibly drink any more wine and excused herself to the assembly.

‘Come on Kate!’ exclaimed Greg as she got unsteadily to her feet to leave. ‘The evening’s only just begun. And I’ve poured you that drink now, at least finish that, then I’ll let you go.’ She smiled weakly as he put on his best puppy-dog eyes for the audience. Reluctantly she sat back down. She had nothing to do at all tomorrow and if she drank enough water before bed then she’d be ok for escaping a hangover like that morning’s. To ensure she could go to bed at a reasonable time she began to gulp down the wine, at least it would send her off pretty sharply. The conversation was becoming to absurd for Kate’s liking. Everyone else was most definitely drunk at this point as they’d been drinking at nearly twice her speed. It wasn’t too long before Kate was draining her glass and hurriedly but unsteadily standing up to ensure she wouldn’t be subject to another glass. Greg took the hint.

‘Well thanks for coming over Kate, we really enjoyed having you here.’ She thanked him as she grabbed up her jacket and slung it over her shoulders. She bid everyone farewell and went to the door.

‘I guess that’s pretty much the end guys,’ Greg said in his matter-of-fact tone. ‘I’ going to bed soon anyway.’ He got up and followed her to the door. ‘Here Kate I’ll show you out.’ He held the door as Kate walked through it and then followed her through. He put an arm gently around her shoulders as he walked with her towards the entrance.

‘I didn’t mean to bring an end to the evening,’ Kate said, filling the silence. ‘Everyone else seemed to be having a good time as it was.’ Greg shrugged.

‘No its ok, I’d had enough anyway.’

‘All of your exotic cocktails making you tired?’ Kate enquired as they reached the door and stopped.

‘Tired,’ Greg said on cue. ‘Who said I was tired?’

‘But…’ Kate began.

‘I just told them all I was going to bed,’ he paused letting her come to the conclusion herself before he spelled it out for her. ‘All I’m trying to work out at the moment is, whether you are going to join me or not.’

Her eyes widened as she realised the full extent of his proclamation.

‘So much for him being a virgin,’ she thought to herself. She viewed his lanky frame as he leaned against his flat door for leverage. She suddenly became flushed, her stomach beginning to flutter as it had done the night before. If anything however she was maybe even more nervous than from that time. Firstly she didn’t feel quite as calmed by the alcohol tonight, and also this was another deal altogether. Last night was just about getting the ball rollin
g and letting her body experience the touch of a new man. If she went to bed with Greg though it would mean another virtual stranger entering her pussy, barely a day after another had fired his load into it. The old Kate would’ve been shocked at such behaviour. The old Kate would have called her a slut and forced her to shoot out of is flat and run home straight away. But ever since last night’s sex she was the new Kate. And the new Kate right now was feeling her pussy twitch into life with the idea of welcoming another fresh cock between its rapidly moistening lips. She would be crazy to pass up the offer, two different cocks gliding into her in as many evenings was far too tempting an offer.

She nervously began to play with a button on her blouse as she answered him.

‘Well as I was going home myself, why don’t you assist me back and make sure no one jumps out on me in the darkness and tries to take advantage of me.’ She smiled a mischievous smile and pushed the handle down to open his flat door. He smiled back as his cock began to stir from its confines and gather stiffness.

He took her hand in his as they exited his block and walked briskly towards hers, both their minds filled with the excitement of enjoying each others’ bodies as soon as they got inside the warmth of her room. Her pussy was buzzing with every step, she needed some sex and fast. She realised that Greg was just a normal horny teenage guy and that he would’ve fucked any of those girls there tonight. But fuck it, she was the lucky one he’d decided to go to bed with and momentarily her pussy would have its prize deep inside it.

They paced quickly and confidently up the stairs, neither of them breaking the spell by speaking. She let his hand go to unlock her door and he took the opportunity to place his over her arse and give it a generous squeeze. He followed her inside and made sure the door was shut and locked. She turned to face him and his slender arms embraced her. They kissed, a long wet kiss as his hand returned to her arse, only this time it had sneaked under her skirt to enjoy it through her thin panties. She held him close crushing her massive breasts into his chest. There breathing became more audible as his nimble fingers began to unbutton her blouse from the top downwards.

‘Oh Kate,’ he said in between kisses. ‘You’re going to be so good, I know you are.’ He finished wrestling with the last button and deftly pushed the blouse from her shoulders. She straightened her arms to let the garment fall down her arms and off onto the floor. After some fiddling with the clasp of her bra he had it undone and that too fell away leaving her breasts to fall free before him. He took her in his arms again feeling her naked breasts press into him, her rapidly growing nipples poking out from her soft skin and through his shirt.

His hand roamed gently over her back, and down into the waistband of her panties to slide over her smooth arsecheeks once more. They began to kiss more feverishly as his hands explored her.

‘Will you suck my cock for me Kate?’ he asked quickly. ‘Hmm? Take my cock in that pretty mouth of yours? Yeh?’ He said it merely to turn her on and the writhes of her pussy against his bulging cock proved that he had been successful.

She answered his direct question by quickly unbuttoning his jeans and pulling down the zipper. She was about to reach inside his pants to grab his cock when he spoke.

‘Get on the bed honey and I’ll get it out for you to suck,’ She complied eagerly climbing on the bed, lying on the far side to give him room, her pussy buzzing like crazy desperate to see what type of cock she would soon be enjoying. He hurriedly kicked off his trainers and pushed down his boxers and trousers, letting his cock spring free. It was by far the longest cock she’d ever seen for real at around 8.5′ but almost probably the thinnest too. Kate knew that this was certainly going to be the deepest any cock had ever reached inside her. It stood at full attention away from his body and Kate could clearly see a spec of white at the tip of it indicating that she was about to be tasting a dash of precum in her mouth. He patted the space on the bed which she had left for him with his hand.

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Kates Enlightenment

Hi my name is Kate and I have a story to tell you about my lifestyle change and how it changed my life. I had been married to Steve for 20 years when the first incident took place and it set in motion a chain of events I could neither have foreseen nor seemed to have any real control over once it started. Whilst living in the suburbs of London, I had a group of friends who were a mixture of single, engaged and married women, varying in ages from late 20s to 40’s like me. We often met as a...

2 years ago
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A Girl and Her Unicorn Chapter 3 The Unicorns Mothers

Chapter Three: The Unicorn's Mothers By mypenname3000 Copyright 2016 Anton – Rothin Forest, Kingdom of Athlos Almost nine months had passed since the last time I entered these woods. This time, I had no fear. I was beyond fear. After my leg recovered, I traveled to the island of Mictam and sought out the dread warlocks of Chevsa. I only had fleeting memories of the...things performed on me by those dreadful men. In my dreams, flashes of pain, blood, and loss filled me. A scar ran...

4 years ago
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Eine Busfahrt zur Uni

Lutz war unglaublich müde. Es war auch erst kurz nach 7 Uhr morgens. Die S-Bahn hatte Verspätung und nun musste er sich wieder in diesen total überfüllten Bus quetschen. Aber er wollte natürlich pünktlich in der Uni sein. Seine blonde mittellange Mähne war noch etwas zerzaust. Sein Rucksack hing lässig über der Schulter. Er trug heute die schwarze Lederjacke und Jeans. Insgesamt war er keine allzu auffällige Erscheinung, aber alles in allem konnten Frauen durch seinen Anblick durchaus schwach...

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Hot night with a old uni ex

This encounter happened last weekend.....I was out with a few friends last weekend catching up and we end up at a popular club after dinner for a few drinks. As we arrived at the club it was quite empty as it is still early in the night, but the number start to pick up as the night go on. To put the story short around 11pm a group a girls wearing very skimpy clothing enter the club and by the look at them, they were out celebrating a hens night. All the guys in the club were checking the girls...

2 years ago
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Maami Or Uni Beti Ko Chudaai Ka Asli Maza Or Sukh Diya

Hi friends, mera naam ronit ha, aur me iss ka bahut purana reader hu since 2007-08 or mene 1 story bhi post ki thi or aaj kal wo hot list me bhi h. Girls/bhabhis/aunties can contact me for any type of free service with 100% secrecy guaranteed. Ye story ha mere, meri maami or unki jawasn ladki ki waise to maami bhi bahut jwaan h. Me or stories ki tarah ye nhi kahu ga k unko dekh k log muth marte ha ya unko chodna chahte ha kyu ki mujhe kabhi kisi ne aisa kuch nhi kaha. Or han mere cock/lund k...

4 years ago
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A Girl and Her UnicornChapter 3 The Unicorns Mothers

Anton – Rothin Forest, Kingdom of Athlos Almost nine months had passed since the last time I entered these woods. This time, I had no fear. I was beyond fear. After my leg recovered, I traveled to the island of Mictam and sought out the dread warlocks of Chevsa. I only had fleeting memories of the ... things performed on me by those dreadful men. In my dreams, flashes of pain, blood, and loss filled me. A scar ran down my chest like I had been gutted open like a fish and my insides hollowed...

2 years ago
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A Girl and Her Unicorn Chapter 2 The Unicorns Prowess

Chapter Two: The Unicorn's Prowess By mypenname3000 Copyright 2016 Anton – Tol Via Village, Kingdom of Athlos “You're blinded by Biaute's cunt,” cursed Stefan as I marched towards the dark edge of the Rothin Forest. “It's dangerous in there. The unicorns will gore you. They're monsters.” “She's in there,” I growled. My Cherise had always been so fascinated by the forest. “Something's happened to her.” “Yeah, the cursed unicorns gored her,” my friend snarled, seizing my arm....

1 year ago
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A Girl and Her UnicornChapter 2 The Unicorns Prowess

Anton – Tol Via Village, Kingdom of Athlos "You're blinded by Biaute's cunt," cursed Stefan as I marched towards the dark edge of the Rothin Forest. "It's dangerous in there. The unicorns will gore you. They're monsters." "She's in there," I growled. My Cherise had always been so fascinated by the forest. "Something's happened to her." "Yeah, the cursed unicorns gored her," my friend snarled, seizing my arm. "And they'll gore you, too, Anton. She's dead. It's been two...

2 years ago
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Kates Enlightenment Part 2

I continued stroking James’ rapidly growing erection and very soon my hand failed to close even halfway around him.  He was now kneading my swollen breasts and nipples and his tongue was working its magic in and around my very sensitive left ear. His hot breath, his ministrations of my breasts and the feel of his enormous and weighty cock in my hand were combining to make my head spin with lust and anticipation. I felt his right hand travel down over my hip and onto my soft belly and I swear...

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Kates Begining Sunday

For once, it was Katie who woke up first. Despite Carolines bed being smaller than Tricia's both of them had managed a good nights sleep, Tricia more than Katie as she had still to wake up. She cuddled up close enjoying the feeling of just being close to Tricia something she had previously been denied. That morning snuggle in a bed with someone that loved you was so comforting to her. She considered starting a nipple hunt but decided that it wasn't her right to suckle when she decided...

4 years ago
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Those Uni Days

Hey! New little story for you. I apologise if I offend anyone with my writing as I am not a guy, or a bisexual for that matter, so I have little experience, and I apologise if I come across as stereotypical. But apart from that, ENJOY! I have long known that I am a bisexual. It doesn’t bother me, and with my Dad being gay, he is completely for it, so I had nothing to worry about. The only thing is, starting a new university, especially half way through a semester, can be daunting enough for a...

2 years ago
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A Great Fuck With My Booby Sunitha Aunty

Hi readers, this is Rahul again with my second incest story. Hope u all liked my first story titled “my sexy young little virgin sister” and I also hope that u will like this story too. This is a story about my crush on my aunt sunitha. Sunitha aunty is my chacha’s wife and she is a good looker without a doubt. Me and sunitha aunty are very close and we move in a very friendly manner. Sunitha anuty got married to my chacha at a very young age. She now has two daughters but she still looks...

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Rajam Sunitha the twins

Hi ISS readers. This is the Tale of the Twins Rajam and Suita and their debauchery in the family. This is all pure fiction. Enjoy. Rajam and Sunitha are twins; Rajam is my mother 47 years . I am Rahul doing third year BSc in Chemistry. My aunt Sunitha is a widower since last 5 years. I am the only son and my aunt too has a son of my age; name Pankaj and was doing his part time computer course and was in stock trading business. Sunitha aunt came to stay with us for a while. One day at night my...

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Rajanm Sunitha 2

Continued… After 4 days, Rahul was back home. Sunitha had began to scheme of ways she could seduce him. One day Rajam went to buy some things and Sunita offered to stay home and make coffee and tiffin for Rahul. She timed her self after checking with Rahul on the mobile when he will be home. She took a bath and then covered herself in a towel that was just covering her tits and came just below her cunt.She was standing and combing her hair infront of the mirror. Rahul came up to his mothers...

1 year ago
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Sunitha Aunty and ME

Hi friend this s Herusen from chennai once again with my stories.. During the past 4 years, the one woman that I always had it in my mind was that I would love to taste the fullness of my aunt Sunitha. She was probably around 40 years old, but with the killer body that she has, she always looked younger. Let me describe her to you. She always had her hair in a bun with streaks of gray sprinkled throughout. Her breasts were pretty large -what I could say of them, because she always kept them...

2 years ago
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Humping Sexy Babe Sunitha

This is rahul again coming to share my sex encounters with my hot sexy young girl Sunitha. Readers may recover the stories of my encounters had with my colleagues Madhavi and Sujatha and with Pranava, the horny daughter of Sujatha. I also submitted my other encounters/fuckings with my Aunt Lalitha and neighbour Aunt Seetha and horny servant Rajeswari. Now coming to Sunitha, she is a friend of our servant girl Rajeswari and of 18 years age with 32-28-38 size. Readers can imagine the figure of...

4 years ago
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Fucking Hot College Girl Sunitha

I met Sunitha at college. I had just graduated from High School three months previously and was in my Freshman Year at the Centennial College. I was seventeen at the time. Let me give you a mental image of myself. I’m an average-sized guy, about six foot; I lettered in three sports (Boxing, Basketball, Football), so I’m very athletic; I have black hair, brown colored eyes, and a visible tattoo that I’m very proud of. Now to describe Sunitha’s physical characteristics is hard enough, seeing as...

3 years ago
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Uni day

I was in my final year, I remembered I was at the cooler having a sip when a girl walked passed and smile at me. I smiled back and wondered who was she, her face rang a bell in my mind but I could not quite place a name to her. I watched her sat at the bench table near the cooler, studying. I decided to approach her as I just ended class and had nothing to do.As I walked nearer, I recalled her. She was the girl in my statistics class in year 1, named Jane(fake).I went up and asked her how she...

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Unforgettable Experience With My Aunt Sunitha

Hello Readers and this is my first story and what I write is my first ever sex experience. I started watching porn when I was in my 12th standard from there on I must have watched some thousands of hours of porn. I’ve a huge DVD collection and I always use to fantasise and masturbate. This is roughly about me, let’s dive deep into my sex experience with my aunt Sunitha. Sunitha is my Mother’s younger brother’s wife. She’s in her early 30s and stands 5.7″ tall with perfect weight and fair...

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Slut wife Sunitha

Sunita was worried and tensed. Tonight was her first marriage night. Hers was an arranged marriage. She remembered the time, she had seen her future husband(Ajay) for the first time. He was fair, tall and handsome looking, with a good job in US. Since he had limited holiday, he was keen to return back to US with his wife. The marriage was all held in a short time and now she was sitting on the bridal bed awaiting him. Sunita was tall 5’8” and had a slender body. She had round eyes, thick lips...

2 years ago
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Juniper JonesChapter 2

Juniper and I had a great dinner, even if, strictly speaking, it wasn't Italian. We agreed that Ramizotti's hours, varied menu, and prices all were superior, even to Sabatino's. I had her home at a reasonable hour, teasing her a little about still living with her parents at her age -- almost twenty-four. "They still want me around," she said, "and they're good people. I couldn't love Pops any more if he was my real dad, and ever since he came into our lives, Mom's been happier and...

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Juniper JonesChapter 5

We split the four-game series with the Sox and gratefully flew home Sunday night for a welcome open date on Monday to be followed by three night games against the Yankees. I hadn't been called upon again in Boston, but the way the season was progressing, I felt comfortable that I would be getting into games with reasonable frequency. The current ridiculous .200 batting average didn't prey on my mind, because I knew I was only one hit away from .333. Early-season batting averages are...

3 years ago
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Juniper JonesChapter 8

Juniper enjoyed Monday night so much she took a mental health day off from work on Tuesday and we spent most of the morning in bed. I called Mary Jane and asked her whether I could drop by on Wednesday morning to talk to her instead, and she raised no objection. I hadn't been told that my talk with Juniper's mom was something I was supposed to keep a secret, but I kept it to myself anyway. The Red Sox came in Tuesday night and thoroughly whipped our ass, 13-4. We were never in it, and...

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Juniper JonesChapter 10

We lost the final game in Minneapolis, but we managed to take some encouragement from it because for once it was our offense and not the pitching that had fallen down on the job. Sam Bailey had his first good outing since early April, giving up only two runs in seven innings. For Sam, it was a no-decision, but we still ended up on the short end, 3-2. For once, there were no delays at the airport, and we were on the ground in Toronto and busing in to our downtown hotel well before 9 p.m. I...

2 years ago
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Juniper JonesChapter 14

Cleveland was inhospitable, beating us three out of four at "Progressive" Field (formerly known as "Jacobs Field"). Along with Baltimore's fans in the stands, I found myself hoping that the Orioles never got so desperate for spare change that they would sell "naming rights" to Oriole Park at Camden Yards. I'd seen an Internet blog where one local man said that on the day Camden Yards was renamed something like Pillsbury Park or Folger's Field, he would be through showing up for ball...

2 years ago
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Sandra Joins In Fun At Uni 2

My roommate Shelley had given me two big orgasms. As I was recovering, she said, "Now about this Sandra..." She was referring to the note that someone had passed under our door after seeing us together.The note read, "You two were so hot. I didn't mean to perv, but I couldn't resist once I had a peek. We should have a threesome sometime. Sandra 205""I wonder who she is. I mean, we've probably seen her around," Shelley mused.I roused myself and took the note from her and read it. "I...

2 years ago
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First Time With A Girl Fun At Uni 1

After my last class of the day, I was trudging in the heat to my dorm room. I walked up to my floor and down the hallway to my room. I slipped the key into the lock and opened it, nudging the door with my knee.As I opened the door, I heard a moan. I glanced over and saw the back of my roommate Shelley. She was sitting at her desk, facing away from me, and looking at her laptop. I stepped into the room and set down my backpack quietly.I then noticed a buzzing sound, and I had to investigate. I...

3 years ago
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Uni dorm

Hi, I’m Robbie, I go to university in Kent, England. I’m 6ft 2”, 19 years old and well built. Now, going to university is hard, if you haven’t experienced it yet or never will, leaving your family behind for the first time is difficult, especially at 18. The most difficult part of it really is leaving your loved ones. For me it was my girlfriend, I’ll tell you a little bit about her, she’s blonde with purple bits at the end, slim and about 5ft 6” but that’s not her best attribute, she has 34D...

4 years ago
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Lonely at Uni Part 1

University was a tough transition for me. Having to leave behind all my family, my friends and my boyfriend. They’d all promised to visit me as soon as they could, but I was still teary-eyed as I said my goodbyes to my parents and siblings and pulled out of the drive to start the 4-hour car journey. I’d refused help with moving my stuff in, it would only drag out the inevitable moment when I’d have to say goodbye. I should introduce myself. My name’s Jessie, I’m 18 with brown eyes, black hair...

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Uni Life

Chloe Russell couldn't sleep. It was a big day for her, moving away from the comfort and security of sleepy suburbia. Most of her friends had already left for their respective universities the previous weekend, and now it was Chloe's turn to leave her quiet, uneventful town behind. Weeks had gone into preparation for the "big move", endless checklists to make sure she had everything she needed for her new beginning. At least she wouldn't be alone, Chloe thought as her best friend, Megan would...

1 year ago
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“Alright. Thanks for helping me. I’m gonna miss you” you say with a grin on your face as you hug your Mum. “You better call every day...” she says as she begins gripping you hard and shedding some tears. “Alright mum. He’s old enough to live by himself” says your brother with a grin causing her to release you from the longest hug ever. He then extends his hand and you make contact using your hand before pulling eachother into a manly hug. “I’ve moved out already so there’s not much I can say”...

4 years ago
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Sister home from uni

My sister was home form university for a long weekend, she was eighteen and I was a little younger. As she was home our parents decided to have a few days away with friends. It was early evening and I went for a shower, I had just started when the bathroom door opened and sis' walked in, she sat on the loo and was watching me. " I see you are still taking my panties while I have been away", I looked at her and felt very awkward. "It's o.k I don't mind, do you wank in them, do they give you a...

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Uni with Sandra part 8

My name is Danni, I'm 27. This is the eighth story based on my diaries and memories from when I was a teenager.Sandra and I shared a house with another two girls in our first year at university. My earlier stories were about my introduction to girl on girl sex and progression to three-way, four-way and then to five-way sessions when Fiona joined our group.I've written about the first two five-way sessions we had. We had two more before the end of out first year. The third was a similar...

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Title Uni with Sandra part 7

My name is Danni, I'm 27. This is the seventh story based on my diaries and memories from when I was a teenager.Sandra and I shared a house with another two girls in our first year at university. My earlier stories were about my introduction to girl on girl sex with Sandra and progress to threesome sex. Later stories tell how we progressed to four-way sex sessions and also had a five-way. Our five-way happened when another of our housemates, Fiona, accidentally walked in on one of our four-way...

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