Always Keep An Open Mind free porn video

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‘Do you ever get that feeling that you just need to find someone for a good, hot fuck?’

Kate froze at the coffee machine, hand on the lever. Had she really heard what she thought she’d heard? Turning in place, she directed her best cold glare at the customer on the other side of the counter. ‘I beg your pardon?’ she drawled slowly.

The guy gave her a big, unapologetic grin. He looked normal enough: fairly young, average height, slightly shaggy dirty blond hair, in decent shape. He was wearing jeans and the t-shirt from some band under a black leather jacket. He did have amazing eyes though – bright blue and compelling, hard to look away from. Of course, that made it hard to miss when he swept those eyes up and down her body. It was pretty obvious when they lingered on her small bust and narrow hips, continuing down her legs before returning up to look her in the eye. Kate had never been more thankful that she had a standard ‘keep away the freaks’ outfit that she wore for her late-night shifts: an ancient, shapeless brown cardigan on top of a black t-shirt, faded blue jeans, and canvas sneakers. It did a nice job of concealing her rather unexceptional 27-year-old body from prying eyes, and having her long brown hair pulled back in a tight ponytail helped too. Usually, anyways.

‘Sorry,’ he said, rather unconvincingly. ‘It’s just been one of those nights. I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable or anything. It’s just that you struck me as a really open-minded woman, and I didn’t think you’d be offended by my comment. Would you say you’re open-minded?’ he asked, stressing the last two words in an odd way.

One of what nights, Kate wondered momentarily to herself. One where you need to ‘find someone for a good, hot fuck’? But then she lost the track of that thought as she processed the rest of what the customer had said. The words ‘open-minded’ seemed to echo in her head. She did consider herself to be pretty open-minded, didn’t she? She was a modern woman, one who was open and relaxed about sexuality, right? Maybe she was being a bit uptight about this. Her cold expression warmed up as she gave him a small smile. ‘No worries,’ she answered. ‘I’d say I’m pretty open-minded, yes. And I know what you mean. That ol’ libido gets revved up sometimes, doesn’t it?’

Boy, did it ever. The guy’s comment reminded her that it had been a few months since she’d had a good hard cock – or hand, or tongue – between her legs. Nothing since she’d broken up with her last boyfriend when she’d found out he’d been sleeping with her flatmate. Even as that thought popped into her head, Kate felt a warm surge go through her pussy and nipples. Why had she, an open-minded modern woman, gotten so upset about that? She remembered how her flatmate and boyfriend had looked when she’d walked in on them, Sarah down on her knees on their living room floor with her big tits – so much bigger than hers, was that why Keith fucked her? – almost scraping on the carpet, Keith crouched down behind her with his cock buried in her pussy. It was almost funny, how shocked they’d looked when she came home early from work, but in retrospect, they’d looked pretty hot. Maybe she should have joined in…

She shook her head. Where had that come from? Trying to ignore the growing warmth in her breasts and between her legs, she finished making the guy’s cappuccino and took his money. While she was making change, he continued chatting sociably. ‘Of course, that’s not really a problem for me when I’ve got a girlfriend, you know? Then I can just go to her for a good, hard, no-holes barred fuck, right? But when I haven’t got a girlfriend – like now, for instance – it’s a bit of a problem. When that happens, I like to go out some evening and see if I can find a good, open-minded woman somewhere who might be up for a bit of fun. Say, at a café somewhere, where she might be feeling a bit bored and lonely working the late shift. Like you, for instance.’

Kate nodded automatically. Yes, she was an open-minded woman, like he said, that’s why she wasn’t offended by his talking about fucking, right? And here she was, working the late shift at the café, and now that she thought about it, she realised that she was feeling a bit bored and lonely. Was she up for a bit of fun? The idea sent another pulse through her tits and pussy. She could feel her panties starting to get a bit damp, and her nipples hardening . She took a second look at her customer as she gave him his change. He was actually kind of cute, or hot even, and his blue eyes were mesmerising. Since she was a modern, open-minded woman, she decided to give him a taste of his own medicine and made sure she was really obvious in checking him out, especially what looked like a healthy size cock bulging in his jeans.

She looked back up to find him grinning widely. ‘There’s a catch, though,’ he warned. ‘It needs to be a woman who’s got everything I’m looking for, doesn’t it?’

Kate nodded again, and felt suddenly nervous. What if he didn’t like her? What if she didn’t have what he was looking for? For a moment she wondered why she should care what he thought about her, but that thought seemed to melt away when she looked at his eyes again. The words ‘open-minded’ bounced around inside her head, looking for something to attach to.

Maybe her concern was obvious, because he leaned forward to give her hand a comforting pat where it lay on the counter. She didn’t even mind, or move her hand away. ‘Would you like to know what I’m looking for?’ he asked. ‘I think, as an open-minded woman, you’d find it very interesting. I’ve been told that it can even be a life-changing experience, believe it or not.’ Then he chuckled at some private joke. ‘Hey, you know the problem with having an open mind? Someone might put something in it!’

Kate giggled. She remembered hearing that joke before. ‘Sure!’ she said enthusiastically, ‘I’d love to hear what you’re looking for!’ she said. Maybe it wouldn’t be such a boring night after all. At least it would pass the time, right?

‘Well,’ he started thoughtfully, ‘I seem to have a knack for finding just the right woman. Even if she sometimes doesn’t seem to be quite right at first. Let’s take you, for example, and consider the physical requirements. Now, at first glance, you don’t seem to have very big tits, do you?’

She had to shake her head at that. She looked down at her chest, sadly contemplating the small b-cups hidden under her big sweater. They seemed hardly visible at all! She hadn’t even bothered to wear a bra that night. Why bother?

‘But it must just be the bad light in here, I think,’ he continued. ‘Because now that I take a second look, I can see that you’ve got a pair of beautiful big tits after all. I can’t think how I missed them at first! I mean, they’re pretty obvious even under that big sweater, aren’t they?’ Again the little laugh.

Kate frowned for a second. What was he talking about? She didn’t have big … then a wave of dizziness swept away that train of thought, and when it receded it seemed to leave behind a soft, fluffy, happy haze in her head. What had she been thinking about? Oh yeah – she looked down at her big soft tits, hard to miss even under her t-shirt and cardigan. You could almost see the nipples pushing out, even through the thick wool. She tried to remember how long it had been since she’d actually been able to see her feet past her tits without leaning over. Middle school maybe? She’d always been a bit embarrassed by them, but the frankly admiring look the customer was giving them made her suddenly glad she had them. It also made her wish that she’d worn something a bit less concealing. She made do with pushing them out a bit further, and breathing deeply.

‘So that’s lucky, isn’t it?’ he went on. ‘Because I just wouldn’t be interested in someone without big tits. Maybe that’s a bit shallow of me, but they can be a lot of fun, can’t they? I mean, they must be so sensitive’ – she felt another pulse of arous
al go through her tits as he said that, and her nipples got even harder – ‘and as for me, well, I love a good tit-fucking. Some women don’t seem to like that, but you seem more open-minded than that. I expect you really like it, actually. Am I right?’

Kate was so distracted by the feelings in her massive boobs that it took her a second to realise he’d asked her a question. She stopped squeezing her tits and thought for a moment. Open-minded. ‘Well, of course,’ she answered thoughtfully. ‘Why wouldn’t I? It feels awesome to wrap ‘the girls’ around a big hard cock, and they’re big enough to go all the way around. And when a guy cums on them? That feels fabulous too. Sometimes that even sets me off, especially when I rub it all over!’ Her last boyfriend, Keith, had been a big fan of tit-fucking her, Kate recalled, and had just generally loved her huge boobs. She had fond memories of lying on the bed as he stroked his cock into the fleshy tunnel she made by pushing her tits together, slick with sweat and precum, until he lost control and spurted creamy jizz onto her chest and chin, or pulled back to spray it all over her tits, where she could rub it in while he watched. Good thing she had such big ones, too, because she’d caught him checking out her flatmate Sarah’s almost equally impressive rack more than once. For just a second, she had a vision of walking in on Keith fucking Sarah on her hands and knees on the floor in the living room, tits hanging low … but of course, it had been her down there with his cock in her pussy, and Sarah who had walked in on them. God, that had been an awesome night! Too bad Sarah had been too uptight to join them. That would have been hot.

Kate suddenly realised that she was standing there kneading her breasts as she remembered her ex-boyfriend’s affection for them, and that her customer was sporting a very obvious – and large – erection as he watched her do it. She wondered how his cock would feel between her tits. She dropped her hands self-consciously to the counter, but he just smiled at her, even wider than before. ‘I knew you’d be into tit-fucking. Most open-minded women are, I find. So if I see that this open-minded woman I’ve found has, shall we say, fulfilled the first requirement, then I can move on to the second. Again, let’s take you as an example. Moving on from your impressive breasts, I would turn my attention somewhat lower, to find, well, a distinct lack of curves.’

Kate flushed. He was right, she didn’t have much in the way of waist and hips and behind, and what she did have was made pretty shapeless by her loose old jeans. It was weird, really, in comparison with her rather lush top half, but what could you do? The rush of embarrassment left her feeling a bit warm, so she quickly unbuttoned and discarded her cardigan. That left only her faded black t-shirt to heroically restrain her bouncing boobs. Odd – she must have forgotten to wear a bra that night. Oh well, at least that meant her nipples were really obvious, pressed against the thin fabric. She took another deep breath, and resolutely kept her hands at her sides.

But he hadn’t stopped talking. ‘That’s what I thought, anyway, but it’s hard to see when you’re on the other side of the counter. When you step out to where I can see you better …’ He stepped back from the counter and gestured at Kate to step forward, which she shyly did. He continued smoothly, ‘I can see that I was wrong again. You’ve got the curves in all the right places, don’t you?’

Kate’s moment of doubt – she wasn’t curvy down there, was she? – was even briefer this time. Then the dizziness washed it away, leaving behind what seemed to be an even thicker pink, sex-scented haze in her head. That might have been why she ran her hands down from her narrow waist to where her hips flared out, turning slightly to make sure he could see her well-shaped ass filling out her tight jeans. Of course she had curves down there! She’d look pretty silly with giant boobs and no ass, wouldn’t she?

‘Very nice,’ he complimented. ‘And it must be very sensitive, yes? An ass that luscious is just crying out to be touched, isn’t it?’

It certainly was! Even the tight denim of her jeans felt great, and she had a sudden urge to ask if he wanted to have a feel for himself. Keith had been more of a tit-man, really, but he hadn’t neglected her behind either. She remembered one night, for instance, when he’d bent her over the arm of the couch and spanked her until her ass was bright red and burning. She had been shocked to find that the spanking set her pussy gushing, and she had cum hard without him doing anything else. Well, he had teased her asshole with his finger too, but she’d been afraid to let him do anything more than that, even if it had felt pretty good. And she’d always loved it when he grabbed hold of her ass for extra leverage when he fucked her from behind.

The customer smiled at her again. ‘So you’ve got the tits, and you’ve got the curves, and that’s great. But that’s not all I look for in an open-minded woman, you know.’

That brought Kate down to earth again. Well, mostly, anyway – she was still rubbing her hands gently on her ass-cheeks, and wondering if it would be out of line to give her nipples a pinch or two. What else could he want, she wondered? And did she have it? And would he fuck her anyway, if she didn’t? Wait, what?

‘For instance,’ he continued, ‘When I first walked in here, I thought your face looked kind of plain. No makeup, no effort to look good, your hair pulled back in a really unflattering ponytail.’ She had to admit he was right with that. She had actually tried to not look good before coming in to work. What had she been thinking? ‘But again, I see I was wrong. You’ve got lovely long silky brown hair – it must have just looked like it was tied back – and you’re made up beautifully. I especially like the dark red lipstick, very nice!’

Another surge of pink dizziness, and Kate brushed her hair back behind her ears, checking automatically in the mirror on the wall to make sure her lipstick wasn’t smeared. Of course she’d taken care to look good, why wouldn’t she? You never knew when you might meet someone you’d like to fuck, right? She licked her lips suggestively and stared openly at his crotch. Her head was crowded with sexual thoughts and images, and she probably couldn’t have remembered how to work the espresso machine if her life depended on it. She didn’t notice when one of her hands moved up to gently squeeze one of her huge tits. The other one was toying with the snap on her jeans.

Kate’s customer was watching her closely, with a smug sort of smile on his face. ‘And of course,’ he said seriously, ‘what’s on the inside every bit as important as what’s on the outside. After all, it wouldn’t do me any good if I found my perfect woman, physically speaking, and she didn’t want to do anything fun, would it?’ That seemed to call for a response, so Kate vaguely shook her head ‘no’. The snap was undone now, and that hand was playing with the zipper. The other one was creating wonderful sensations by pinching her nipple. They seemed to shoot directly into her brain, thickening the pink haze filling her head. ‘I reckon an open-minded woman should be up for pretty much anything, shouldn’t she? And able and willing to take the initiative, so I don’t have to do all the work. For instance, she’d have a good idea of what to do if I did this…’ And he nonchalantly unzipped his pants to release a very hard big cock.

Kate couldn’t take her eyes off it. Her whole world seemed to close down to focus in on it, and she felt a massive surge of sexual heat run through her body and gather in her tits, in her ass, between her legs, in her lips and mouth, and especially in her head. The pink haze coating her thoughts seemed to intensify and thicken, drowning out anything non-sexual in her head. Her pussy spasmed and gushed enough juices to soak through her jeans, her nipples became almost painfully hard, and her mouth flooded with saliva. She
slipped down to her knees in front of him. She was an open-minded woman, all right, and she knew exactly what to do in this situation. Keith had always told her that she was a great cocksucker! Just last night she’d given him a long, slow, wet blowjob that finished off with a big mouthful of cum for her. She’d only spilled a little of it. Well, on purpose actually, he always seemed to appreciate a few drips down her chin.

Letting go of her tit and her unzipped jeans, she grabbed his cock in both hands and gave it a few firm strokes, then leaned forward to slide her mouth down over the head. The taste of the precum on the cock sent little sparkles through her head, and Kate eagerly worked her lips up and down the shaft, coaxing more of the delicious stuff out to run down her throat. She approvingly noticed that the circle of red lipstick left behind was really close to the base, her practicing was paying off! She was so involved in what she was doing that she barely even noticed when the man reached down and pulled her t-shirt up to release her tits, though she did get momentarily annoyed when she had to take her mouth off his cock so he could pull the shirt over her head.

She forgot that pretty quickly, though, when he grabbed her exposed mounds, roughly squeezing them and sending even stronger jolts of pleasure through her body. She giggled as he pulled her to her feet by her tits, his cock leaving a little trail of precum across her skin. As he planted a firm, wet kiss on her open mouth, she mashed her tits up against his chest. With one hand she continued stroking his cock, while gently caressing his balls with the other. She briefly remembered that anyone walking by the café could see her like this, but then decided that that was actually a really hot idea. She hadn’t used to, for some reason – she’d refused to let Keith fuck her in a semi-concealed spot on the beach once, and had only reluctantly given him a blowjob late one night at the back of a bus – but now she thought it was great. Must be getting even more open-minded, she thought happily. Keith would be happy when he found that out!

Pulling his lips away, her customer gave her a self-satisfied grin. ‘Seems I was right about you, wasn’t I?’ he said. ‘You are an open-minded woman who knows what she wants, aren’t you?’

She certainly was. And what Kate wanted right that moment, she realised, was his big cock inside her pussy. So she suddenly pulled back from him, pushed her jeans and soaked panties down to her knees, and turned around to lean down onto a table with her ass pointing straight at him. She could feel her juices running down her legs, but when she leaned down she was momentarily distracted by the feel of her nipples resting on the cold hard table. For some reason she didn’t remember that ever happening before. It was almost as if her tits hadn’t always been big enough to rub against a table or bed or whatever when she was down on her elbows like this. But that was silly! After all, hadn’t she just been thinking about that time with Keith on the lounge room floor?

Those odd thoughts were pretty quickly driven out of her head by the feel of her customer’s cock pushing up against her dripping pussy lips and sliding deep into her cunt in one long hard stroke. That brought a long moan out of Kate’s throat, which turned abruptly into a loud squeal when he gave her ass a hard smack. Her pussy clenched tightly around his cock, leaking even more juices out around the shaft. Then he put a hand on each soft hip and started fucking her hard and fast, pulling her back roughly against him with each stroke.

Kate loved it. This was the best boring late-night shift she’d ever had at the café! She was so glad that she’d been open-minded enough to decide for herself that she wanted him to fuck her. Resting her head on one arm on the tabletop, she snaked her other hand down between her legs to rub at her clit. Her vision dissolved into a thick, pink haze as his cock and her finger quickly carried her towards an intense orgasm. She dimly heard herself moaning and telling him to fuck her harder, while he told her what a good little open-minded slut she was. That sent more warm shivers through her sex-filled head, he recognised how open-minded she was! And not just an open-minded woman, but an open-minded slut! That was even better, wasn’t it? Then her orgasm hit, breaking over her like a huge wave, helped along by his finger pushing into her tight ass. Kate came harder than she ever remembered coming before, strangled grunts coming from her mouth as her whole body stiffened and jerked. It went on and on as he kept on fucking her pussy and finger-fucking her ass. The sensations seemed to harden the pink haze in her head into a slick candy-coating of pure sex.

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March 8, 1992, Chicago, Illinois Michelle and I were sitting in the steam-filled sauna with sweat pouring from our bodies. I had been surprised by her request, but honored it, and as she’d asked, we’d just sat quietly for the first ten minutes. Eventually she broke the silence. “Did you think about what I asked you to?” “Yes. And I think I’ve solved the question of hugs. I don’t hug my guy friends. I don’t hug my parents. Other than my kids, I only hug women who have been, are, or are...

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Sorcery The Gropening

In the year 2020 a new card game appeared on the market. No one had ever heard of it before but it quickly swept the nation. Many were surprised at this change since it required any store that hosted games to create special rooms for playing it but the proprietors were all strangely willing to go along with this. The game was Sorcery: The Gropening, often abbreviated as StG or just Sorcery, it was the most popular collectible card game to ever exist despite being 18+ only. Within five years it...

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Openmind Sexy Mom

Open mind sexy Mom By san I live with my mom for several reasons. I’m 20 and mom lets me have my freedom. I can do just about anything, except drugs and bringing girls home for sex. Otherwise, I have the run of the house. My last reason is; my mom is hot. My mom works in real estate and does some modeling for the local TV shopping channel. She models clothes and jewelry, sometimes makeup. My mom is 40 and petite, with a 38c chest. I think she looks perfect. My father left mom for another woman...

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Master Santino The Arena Reopens

Master Santino-The Arena Reopens: This is a another part of the series. You do not need to read the rest ofthe story to understand it. If the story offends you, don't read it. Male Modificationand enslavement. John Santino died. That is what started the events that changed a number oflives. John was part of our small gay group that met once a week for fun andgames. He owned an old building that was not in use any more called ARENA.Well not in public use. Our group had used it for our parties....

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Mrs Copenhaver

Mrs. Copenhaver's Night Out Judy Copenhaver called to her son Clay. Get the phone son, I'm in the middle of fixing supper. Its for you Mom it' s Sister Sorensen. OK come tend supper while I see what she wants. Hi Emily,whats up? Ooh I need to see you. Well I'm fixing supper,whats up? These two women had been lovers for several years. I need to see you, you know why. I'll meet you at the church house in a few minutes These women used their Custodial assignments for the church as a...

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Are you looking for a free site that offers users an opportunity to upload, share and download whatever kind of content including erotic photos and porn videos? Open Load. may as well be your best or only bet. This site is free allows you to upload unlimited files whether photo thumbnails or videos at remarkable speeds. It's simple, reliable and mobile-friendly. I am sure you are interested to know more about the site so follow through the review, a free content...

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What can we find at X Openload? If you are not a fucking toddler, then you may have noted that Google is making it harder for people to access porn. That’s exactly why you need a porn tube, a place that gathers and streams tons of XXX videos for your fapping pleasure. Whether it is Blondes, redheads, petite girls, fat women, BDSM, teen, MILF, and what have you are all parting their thighs (and other places) to welcome huge throbbing dongs in their fuckholes in steamy, high-quality...

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Who’s up for some Open TGC? I bet you either got a raging boner when I asked that or you’re just utterly fucking confused right now. Hey, I feel you on that. My whole job is looking at Internet porn all day and it took me a good half hour to figure out what OpenTGC even stands for. It’s a deep-niche sexual fetish, so naturally, it’s going to have its own nomenclature, secret codes and in-jokes. It sprang out of Reddit, too, so the neckbeard vibes and insular posturing is doubled; I was scared...

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The Darkness Part One The gatekeeper falls

The Darkness Part one: the gatekeeper falls: "Won't you share the darkness with me?" - Irish saying It must have always been there, when the light gave way, hidden in the shadows. Those same shadows grew longer now as the sun disappeared. They crept across the playing fields on the edge of town, covering the ground first, then climbing up the bramble encased fences of the houses that bordered the playing fields and across the small patches of grass that were called back gardens up...

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The Outlaw and the Innkeepers Daughter

Author’s Note: This story was written at the suggestion of a medieval re-enactor friend who served as the template for the main character. She has recently passed away and this story is now dedicated to her memory. Goodbye Artemas Innkeeper of the Inn of the Drunken Hare, March 5, 2008. * The two forest outlaws watched nervously from the edge of Barnesdale Woods. Well concealed, they took their time to assure themselves that no one along the Nottingham road would see them approach the old...

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The Gamekeepers Cottage

“You must be the gamekeeper.”The words were spoken by a thin, pale woman of about thirty-five, wrapped in a red waterproof jacket, jeans and walking boots. She was standing at the foot of the treacherous, mossy concrete steps that led down from my holiday apartment, Gamekeeper’s Cottage. It was on an estate in deepest Cornwall, former home of some lord of the manor who had made his fortune from the tin mines that used to flourish in the area.“Yes, I’m the gamekeeper,” I said, entering into the...

Straight Sex
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Lucy the Zookeeper

Lucy woke late with the sun beaming through the thin tulle covering her bedroom window. Her friends had helped her celebrate her 25th birthday the night before and she started a little later at the zoo today because she would be one of the last to leave. She didn’t mind this though as Lucy had loved animals her whole life and had wanted to work in a zoo or be a vegetarian since she was 7 years old. Lucy texted her boyfriend thanking him for the wonderful night and invited him to dinner...

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My Latina Houekeeper

I am a sales man for a large auto part chain and travel around the country selling parts to local car dealerships. I usually leave Sunday night and come home on Friday after 6pm from the airport. My wife works as a principle of a elementary school on the other side of town. Her family lives in the area and her sister comes over and keeps her company. We met in college and she fell in love with me. She was cute but her boobs were only a size 34B and I always tried to get her to get a boob job to...

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Fucking My Maid And Shopekeeper

I am choco again with a true story, which happened 12 years ago. I am 38 from bangalore with moderate physique. This is my second story on iss and have been a fan of indian sex stories for long time. Thanks for the feedback on my previous story. Another episode with my maid and shopkeeper, who was working with us at home since he was staying and also looked after the shop as a cashier. We were living in joint family and she had a room separately in our house. I had my room on the first...

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Clan Peacekeeper

Kaire did not really have the same types of crime as the humans. At least not until we learned more about them. We have had peacekeepers for a millennium but mostly they were to settle clan disputes. Now they were more like the human constables or peace officers and had learned to cope with the new crimes. I was sixteen and unmated and a cadet officer in my clan. What that meant was any arrests had to be reviewed by a clan member that was a full peacekeeper. Not that I had ever made a mistake...

3 years ago
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Keepin Busy

“Hi Shorty. I’d like some company if yer available. Good. The door’s open.” Them were the code words for my pussy was wet and ready. It also meant that I’d be in bed nekkid when he got here. All the housework was done and I didn’t have much to do the rest of the day. So I ordered in some entertainment like city folks does Chinese food. Now Shorty don’t stand real tall but his pecker stretches my cunt all the way deep. After taking off his boots and dropping his Big Smiths on the floor he took...

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The Innkeepers DaughterChapter 2

Mistress Mercy Goodnight attended her father’s side the following morning when the doves were singing their memories of the previous evening in waves of musical sound that greeted the ears of one and all regardless of their receptiveness to the unsolicited source at such an early hour. She did her best to conceal her heightened sense of guilt and shame from her father. The young girl truly regretted her disreputable behavior the previous night in making the stay of Donna Isabella and Don...

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DominoesChapter 13 Summer 19891 The Groundskeepers

Waking up on Friday morning as a high school graduate changed nothing, except that I was going to have some free time to reflect on the way Cindy had left. Strangely, I felt no loss, just cheated that we hadn't talked about what had happened in the cottage. The free time that I thought I was looking forward to having, evaporated at breakfast. First, Mr. Oldham invited me, well; he informed me that I was going to accompany him to the office that day. And then Suzanne told me that Mr. Oldham...

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Masishen EvolutionChapter 43 Rules of Peacekeeping

The Masi'shen embassy conference room was full. Ambassador Jon'a-ren and Michael sat at the head and foot of the table, respectively. They were ringed with invited guests from the United Nations, the U.S., France, and Africa. The Masi'shen were preparing to mount a ground-breaking peace-keeping mission in central Africa. "Explain to me this non-lethal stun technology your forces use, please," Secretary-General Kusnadi asked. "It is a directed cone of tuned energy," Michael explained....

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Keep 2 Porn! For years now, I have been listing the best websites to access fap content on my website. The collection is extensive, making it the perfect place for folks looking for fresh material to beat the dicks to. Still, I continue to scour the internet to ensure that you have everything you’d need to pleasure yourself, so the selection grows every day.Well, the latest addition to my site is Keep2Porn. This is a platform with hot content you can jerk off to until your cock is fucking raw....

Free Porn Download Sites
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a story from a Copenhagen suburb part 2

The dinner had been exquisite. They had briefly discussed how to continue their affair. Ingrid was getting a little tipsy, so it would not be fair. As a compromise, they had agreed to discuss it over breakfast.The Taxi stopped a few hundred meter from his house. The streets were dark and empty. They had walked a few meters, just enough for the taxi to drive off, when she felt something cold around her wrist.“Hey, what is this?” she laughed. “Just give me your other hand, Ingrid...No, behind...

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a story from a copenhagen suburb part 1

They did not know one another; they took the same train every morning from the same suburban station and both got off at the main station. Often they also rode the same train back, but they had never talked. Then, one Friday morning in September, at the peak of rush-hour, as they both were getting off the train, the man had handed her a slip of paper and had disappeared in the crowd, before she could react. The note simply told her to call a telephone-number when she was ready to meet her new...

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Episode 88 Copenhagen Conference

Author’s NoteThis story is part of a mini-series that started with a little girl called Grace going shopping with her Dad for a new black bikini in Episode 83.No characters in this episode are real except for Alia (sorry babe – only a brief mention) and Lola G-spot (who might be able to read it if she ever gets her PC working properly).All events are purely the result of my warped imagination.At the time of writing, I believe that no SexBots are quite as advanced as Suchi – we wait in...

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Housekeeper pt1

1.PreludeAfter almost 20 years of legal profession, I was now an accomplished lawyer: I had my own firm, several younger lawyers working for me, big and important clients, a sports car, and a house on the hills overlooking the city.But my personal life was a mess: I had no friends, only coworkers and clients, and most importantly, my wife left me. We met during college, and had a very torrid relationship at the beginning. We were virgins when we met, so we discovered everything together. And we...

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The Cafeacute Reopening Part 2

I slipped on a pair of old boxers and we returned down to the lounge with Abbey still licking her lips with a smile on her face, she picked up her glass of juice and too a large gulp and I could see the glow on her face as she savoured the taste, “Mmm sir, this tastes so good” she sighed softly as she glanced down at my tatty old boxers letting out a giggle as she realised my cock was visible through the front opening, the button had long gone.“Do I get the job sir?” she asked as she sat back...

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The Housekeeper

Mrs Hopkins had been the Housekeeper at Alden Manor and had worked for the - Alden family for the last twenty-five-years. She was now sixty-five-years-old and had started work for the family soon after they had got married and had seen both their children born. Indeed, she was very much part of both children’s upbringing.The current Alden’s in residence were the third generation and they lived by some very old-fashioned standards. They expected Mrs Hopkins as the Housekeeper to manage the...

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Zaid the shopkeeper and his communitys workchapter five

Smiling at the baby, while Zaid would never dream of taking another Muslim guy's woman, he was envious that it hadn't been him who had fucked and impregnated this tall, magnificent, delicious redhead. Then he realized what she had said; Yusuf-perfect, a Muslim name, but his intelligent, searching eyes fixed upon the gold Christian cross around her neck. Then Zaid stretched to look at her delectably shaped bottom flaunted by a short, clinging skirt and he thought it the most delightful he...

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227 THE KEEPERS DAY OUTI met Julie when she was a young lass of 17, Julie was and still is in my eyes a stunner, five-foot six tall long blonde hairs, and the most beautiful blue eyes that a man could drown in. She was about a size 12 with a magnificent pair of 38 EE/F tits and was apparently very popular at school. I was not the first young man to have succumbed to her charm`s but she has always been faithful to me since we were an item, though she was always eager to play with others...

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The Housekeeper

Saturday morning and Father O'Rourke was at his breakfast table in the kitchen of the parish house of the Church of All Saints. He was a fairly young man in his late twenties and had been in his present incumbency for just over a year. Saturday was when the priest did the parish accounts for the week and he sighed as he finished his cup of tea and slid the ledgers in front of him for his attention. Doing the accounts was not one of his favourite tasks and later he would have to put some...

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Club Gomorrah The Sissy Saga Chapter 1 The Mindfuck

The afterlife is a dark void of nothingness. I thought to myself. Maybe death is just you existing after you died and not being able to move or see or speak. Fuck what if someone cuts me open and takes out all my organs to see how I kicked the bucket? Does the pain go away, what if my body gets burnt to ash and I feel it for the rest of forever? “Oh good, you're awake, I was getting bored waiting for you to finish napping.” The warm honey of the girl in the red dress voice filled the...

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As he lay his tired body to rest. His weak and pale body, so drained for energy. So damaged from endless painful years of sickness. He is so tired of the reality of pain. So much he wish he could leave reality to itself. Wish he could escape into his own private world. A world were he would not be sick. A place were his appearance is not regarded as repulsive. A place of love instead of pity. He tries to turn to his side but his damaged lungs can not conjure the air for him to do so. Even as...

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Yuletide Mindfuck

Bleak midwinters. Shane Houston supposed they didn’t get a whole lot bleaker than working Christmas Eve late shift in Cinemagic Video, frosty winds or otherwise. He glanced up from his paperback at the garishly-lit dreariness to check for customers. The drab horror of the place was only emphasised by the few decorations Arlo had cared to string casually about the shelf-tops. God, you’d think the guy might put in a little effort if he wanted to keep his business solvent. Shane had been short on...

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Fun with Mindcontrol

You are a male grad student doing ancient resarch for a term paper on ancient Sumer. In the labyrinth of books you find a Sumerian translated tome. After spending a great deal of time deciphering it, and reading the entire book. You realize that you have read and developed the ability to contol the minds of others. Sweet now what

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Jack stared at his phone in confusion, but decided to tap on the mysterious app that had appeared. A screen is displayed. M - Mind B - Body R - Reality There's then a ToS section.

Mind Control
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The Mindbender

Dave Morgan was the first of a new breed, better than any ever seen before. He was born with the potential to do anything he wanted, but without knowledge of his greatness his abilities stayed latent for most of his life. For 18 years it was just a spark at the back of his brain. There was no great event that caused the spark to ignite, it had just had enough of not being used and broke free from its prison. And so, at 9:00 am on a chilly autumn Sunday Dave woke up to discover the amazing...

Mind Control
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Club Gomorrah Part 2 The Mindfuck

*Everything here is fiction.*Title: Club Gomorrah.Chapter One: Day One.Black, cold, painful and wet. The afterlife is a dark void of nothingness. I thought to myself. Maybe death is just you existing after you died and not being able to move or see or speak. Fuck what if someone cuts me open and takes out all my organs to see how I kicked the bucket? Does the pain go away, what if my body gets burnt to ash and I feel it for the rest of forever?“Oh good, you're awake, I was getting bored waiting...

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The zamindari system was introduced by british in India. A certain area will be governed by zamindars and they are the owners of the land. They set own rules. When the British were paid with taxes they don’t mind about any despot behaviours. The Raj Thakur is one of the richest zamindar. He pays tax in advance and he is friend for most of the British generals. Their family is ruling our area generation by generation. He has taken charge at the age of 26 and now he is 32. I am Sindhu, born in...

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