- 2 years ago
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This is a re-post of an early story of mine. I have re-edited it to improve the punctuation, grammar, and, I hope, readability.
Nikki had calmed down and was sitting in a chair beside her mother with her towel wrapped around her. She was watching Tom string a floating white rope across the shallow end of the pool at the three foot depth. It would serve to mark Nikki’s safe area and prevent the floater from moving into the deeper area. She had recovered from her fright and was waiting to get back into the pool.
‘Good for her,’ Tom thought to himself.
Tom bent down to whisper in Jenny’s ear.
‘Jenny, why don’t you use the bedroom and change into your swim suit? If you and I get in the pool, there won’t be any problem for Nikki to follow us.’
Jenny looked up at Tom and nodded.
‘OK … I won’t be a moment,’ she responded.
She was still a bit shaken by the incident, but impressed with Tom’s quick action and natural instinct to calm Nikki and take away the fear. He kept showing her what a remarkable man he was. She walked into the second bedroom and retrieved her bikini top from the bag and quickly removed her tank top and put the swim top on. She pulled her towel and her wrap out of the bag and walked back out to the deck.
Tom had slipped off his shorts, having worn his swim suit beneath. He looked up as Jenny came through the French doors and smiled at the beautiful woman who had just become his lover.
‘Shall we just go jump in?’ he asked.
‘Why not … last one in?’ With that Jenny sprinted the short distance to the pool and jumped feet first into the pool.
Tom was only a second behind her and Nikki laughed when she saw the big cannonball waterspout he made with his tucked jump. Nikki stood up and left her towel on the table beside her and walked to the steps at the shallow end. Tom waded down to the rope, dove under it and came up directly in front of Nikki. Jenny was treading water, carefully watching what was going on in the other end.
Tom sat on the pool bottom and squinted up at Nikki.
‘Coming in Nikki?’ he asked. ‘Don’t be worried, I’ll be right here,’ he promised.
‘OK, here I come,’ Nikki answered cautiously. She walked down the steps into the pool and took Tom’s offered hand. He guided her into the water again and she pulled the floater over her head and gently launched herself out into the small, safe area. Within a couple of minutes she was playing on her own, and was back to her normal, carefree self.
‘Nikki, the rope will stop your floater from going into the deep end and if you need to, you can grab onto it. It’s very strong. OK?’
‘OK, thanks.’
Nikki happily paddled around in circles, singing a song she knew from school.
Jenny just shook her head and watched as Tom once again handled a tricky situation with Nikki calmly, almost expertly.
‘OK, confess Tom,’ she said quietly when he had returned to her side. ‘You have a wife and five kids and you work as a child psychologist.’
‘Nope. Just little old me,’ he smiled. ‘Maybe good instincts,’ he acknowledged.
He reached out and pulled Jenny toward him. The water was just under Jenny’s chin and he had a distinct height advantage when we began to caress her body beneath the surface of the water.
‘Tom!’ she hissed. ‘Stop it. Nikki will see us’.
‘Nope. Have a look. You can’t see Nikki below the water from this angle. She can’t see us,’ he stated.
He immediately took advantage of her nearness and wrapped his arm around her midsection and began to tickle her.
Jenny laughed and cried out, ‘Stop!’ but to no avail.
Nikki looked up, at first smiling, and then laughing.
‘What’s happening, Mom?’ she called.
‘He’s tickling me again,’ she laughed.
With that, Tom renewed his attack amid squeals and laughter from both the girls. Tom took advantage of the happy mood to hold Jenny and caress her body and kiss her. From the corner of his vision, he could see Nikki watching them with a big smile on her face.
Jenny was having fun and had lost much of her reluctance for personal contact with Tom in Nikki’s presence. She too was aware of Nikki watching them, and her approval took a big weight from her. She was aware of Tom’s hands roaming over her body beneath the surface. She began to respond to him and was glad there was enough distance to Nikki that she wouldn’t hear her moans.
‘Tom, stop … please,’ she pleaded. ‘Save it for later,’ she whispered.
‘Hmmm … that sounds promising,’ he grinned.
They swam and played and frolicked in the pool for over an hour before Tom and Jenny got out. Nikki continued to paddle around in the shallow end, quite happy to amuse herself.
Jenny and Tom sat together at poolside, sipping a fresh ice tea and holding hands. Jenny tried to relax. She couldn’t account for why she was so unsettled with this new relationship. She didn’t want to be insecure or overly possessive, but something told her this man was special and she desperately wanted to be with him.
‘It’s ridiculous,’ she thought. ‘I’ve only known him for a day and already I’m obsessing about him. How in the world could this happen?’ she wondered to herself.
She was conscious of the knot in her stomach and tried to relax. She wished she could grab him and drag him to the bedroom and make love with him. She wanted his confirmation again.
Tom gazed longingly at Jenny and thought how lucky he was. Out of the blue, this wonderful, alive woman was part of his life. In less than a day they had twice made love! She had captivated him and he wanted her to be with him every day if she would!
He saw the shadow of concern cross her face and wondered what was bothering her. He needed to remember to keep an eye on Nikki, but he really wanted to get into a deeper conversation with Jenny. They had spent so much of yesterday telling each other about themselves, but not what was in their heart. Now they had made love and it had changed the relationship forevermore.
Last night was a reckless, over-the-top experience he couldn’t account for. It took all his self control to not overpower her. He was conscious of his physical strength and her feminine persona. But she drove him to the edge of control last night, and he could see how he might lose it.
This afternoon was completely different. A quiet, gentle experience that brought him great comfort and pleasure. It was as if she was a different person.
Nikki was finally summoned from the pool by her mother. ‘You’ll be as wrinkled as a prune if you stay in any longer. Go get dried off and changed,’ she ordered.
‘Bring your swim suit out so it can dry in the sun when you’re done,’ Jenny reminded her.
Tom rose and walked to the barbeque, pulling the cover off and lifting the lid.
‘Just like Mom and Dad used to sound,’ he joked, looking pointedly at Jenny.
She blushed as he knew she would.
‘Yep, Mom gives the orders and Dad runs the barbeque. It’s the natural order of things.’
‘Oh, so you’re an old fashioned kind of guy, huh,’ she harrumphed. ‘I suppose you think women should be kept in the kitchen or the bedroom until summoned, do you?’
The game was on.
‘Heck no! They can do some gardening too! And somebody has to clean the rest of the house. Might as well be the women ’cause the men have to work all day,’ he said haughtily.
‘Them’s fightin’ words, buster,’ she growled.
‘Oh yeah? What kind of fight would you like?’ he said ominously as he began to walk toward her lounge chair. When he reached her side he had a maniacal look on his face.
‘How about a … tickle fight!’ he yelled, quickly grabbing her rib cage and causing her to squeal loudly.
‘No, No … not fair! You’re too big for me!’
She was laughing and squirming as he continued to
apply his fingers to her ribs. Then he grabbed a foot and began to tickle the bottom of it. Again, Jenny squealed in laughing protest. At that moment, Nikki came bouncing out the door and stopped dead as she watched the mock battle in front of her.
‘Let’s tickle mom! Let me tickle too!’ she shouted as she ran over to her mother’s side.
‘Not fair!’ Jenny protested. ‘Two against one! Nikki, help me!’
Nikki rushed at Tom and tried to tickle his ribs, but her little fingers and lack of strength didn’t make any impression on him. Tom sensed her intent and tried to pull away, feigning fear of Nikki’s efforts. The laughter and yelling and play went on for a minute or so until Tom yelled, ‘Time out!’ and picked up Nikki, slinging her over his shoulder as if she weighed nothing.
‘Truce?’ he looked questioningly at Nikki’s face peering around his shoulder, upside down.
‘OK, I’m getting dizzy,’ Nikki confessed.
Tom gently flipped her over and held her in his arms while he dropped on the lounge chair beside Jenny.
‘That was fun,’ Nikki enthused. There were smiles all around. Tom poked Nikki in the ribs and she squealed as she jumped from his lap.
Tom put his head back on the lounge chair and surveyed the scene. If this was what domestic married life was like, then it was just fine with him. Nikki was a delight, and he was only beginning to discover the wonder of Jenny. He was thinking of ways they could be alone together for longer than just an hour or two.
He sensed this was a turning point in his life and he was excited by the prospect. Jenny seemed to be everything he was looking for in a life partner. She was a mysterious mix of quiet, old fashioned values, and passionate excitement that he would never have expected. She was a contradiction, but a lovely one.
Jenny felt light-headed. The obvious connection between Nikki and Tom was a godsend to her. His attitude toward her daughter was genuine and protective. Tom was everything she hoped he would be. Was this too good to be true? Was this the cause of the discomfort he felt? She couldn’t find any flaws, but they hardly knew each other.
‘Go slow, girl, go slow,’ she warned herself silently.
As the summer wound toward its end, Tom and Jenny had been dating for almost two months and Jenny felt confident now that Tom was the man she had been seeking all her adult life. He was exactly what he seemed to be. Kind, gentle, bright, confident, wonderful with Nikki, and even more wonderful in bed.
She felt that he was falling in love with her just as she had fallen in love with him. It all seemed so simple. All she had to do was wait until he asked her ‘the question.’ She wondered how patient she would have to be.
Their love-life had been hit and miss. It was nearing the end of August and Nikki was still out of school. Both could sleep-over at Tom’s house without it being a problem. They had become more open about their relationship in front of Nikki, often hugging and kissing and holding hands.
Nikki had noticed, accepted, and said little about it. She was happy to be at Tom’s with his swimming pool, and it was fun to sleep in the basement bedroom. She had her own bathroom and she could pretend it was her own house. It gave Tom and Jenny the privacy they wanted in the bedroom.
But Jenny was working weekdays and she had to get Nikki to Audra’s before going to the store. For Tom, summer was the busiest time of the year, and with the extended daylight, he was up early and often late getting home for supper. He and Jenny were still learning to adapt to their new schedules.
Tom’s mother had been nagging him to bring Jenny and Nikki to dinner at their house and Tom had promised he would, but it just had not happened yet.
Near the end of August, Steve and Ingrid Inhalt had invited the three of them out on their sail boat, ‘Matron of the Sea.’ It was a thirty seven foot ketch-rigged cruiser of Swedish design. It had plenty of room for them all and they had decided to make it an overnight sail up the Sunshine Coast to Bargain Bay.
Nikki was excited by the trip. She would be sleeping in a bunk near the galley amidships, while Tom and Jenny shared the forward stateroom. Nikki had gotten used to the idea that Tom and her mother would sleep in the same room. Their hosts would have the master stateroom.
Tom had made sure his brother Vinnie was aware that he was taking this weekend off, and that he would be in charge of the Saturday crew. Tom would have his cell phone with him in case of any questions or emergencies, but he would leave Vinnie a comprehensive list that should cover everything. Tom’s new lead hand, Robbie Delgado, would make sure things got done since Robbie would have a copy of the task list.
The summer had been long, sunny and hot, typical of the last four years. The rains usually quit sometime between the beginning to middle of July, and this year was no exception. In fact the weather had been mostly fair on almost every weekend since May, giving Steve and Ingrid many hours of fine sailing.
Steve had purchased a half share in the boat from George McConnell five years ago. George had been using it less and less as his wife had become a partial invalid and he had aged. He was happy to join Steve and Ingrid on the occasional weekend, but seldom took the boat out alone any more.
Ingrid loved ‘The Matron’ from her very first trip and treasured her time aboard. She had become a skilled sailor herself, with all the necessary navigation and seamanship skills. The recent addition of a Global Positioning System had completed a minor upgrade in the electronics. The boat had been maintained in every respect, and was immaculate inside and out.
Their sail on Saturday had been uneventful and pleasant. The winds were fairly light, but south-westerly, and their progress was smooth and relaxed. They had set all the available sail, including the mizzen. Steve had prepared a lovely light lunch with some cold Czech Pilsner for Tom and himself, and Ingrid’s favorite Italian Pinot Grigio for her and Jenny.
‘The Matron’ was no sloop or race boat. It was a slow moving cruiser, but with all the amenities that any cruiser could want. A full galley, a head with shower, two staterooms, a large, covered wheelhouse and a lovely curved stern seating area for six people.
Tom and Jenny watched Steve and Ingrid work the boat from the time they slipped their moorings in Fisherman’s Cove to the setting of sails, the changes in course, and the setting of the anchor in Bargain Harbor. They were watching a silky smooth team at work. It looked to take no more effort than if they were doing the dishes or washing the car. They were a wordless, seamless pair. An economy of movement with a maximum of result.
Steve had set the small, portable stern barbeque in place, and had prepared Albacore Tuna steaks for their dinner. The tender steaks were enthusiastically received by everyone, including Nikki. As usual, the presentation was almost restaurant quality.
Nikki had amused herself with a small telescope that Steve had brought up from below. It wasn’t quite dark yet, but Nikki interested herself by spying on the houses in the bay, and seeing who was up and what they were doing. The adult foursome was chatting quietly about the day and their enjoyment of being away from the city and the traffic and the noise.
Ingrid and Jenny had spent over an hour talking privately on the way up, while Steve had spent some time showing Tom the electronic gear and navigation aids on ‘The Matron.’ And of course, some ‘guy talk.’
Dusk had come more quickly on this late summer evening and the five sailors had donned the special sweatshirts that Steve and Ingrid had arranged. They were the same dark green as the boat’s hull, and each had an original impressionistic design of Ingrid’s on the front showing ‘The Matron’ in full sail while the left shoulder had the monogra
m found on the boat’s china and silverware.
Nikki’s was a bit large for her, but her mother suggested ‘she would grow into it.’ They were sitting on the stern cushions and watching the burnt orange sunset over Vancouver Island as the last light of day faded away.
‘Time to get your PJ’s on Nikki,’ Jenny said quietly.
‘Aw mom … can’t I stay up and look at the stars on the telescope?’ she complained.
‘OK, but just for a few minutes,’ Jenny agreed.
‘Let me set it up for you, Nikki,’ Steve offered.
‘Nikki, go get your PJ’s on while Uncle Steve gets the telescope ready,’ Jenny ordered.
‘OK mom,’ Nikki agreed, racing off to the companionway and down into the hold.
Steve got up and set the telescope toward the eastern sky and brought the small stool from the corner of the wheelhouse over to the scope and set it down where Nikki could sit and look at the stars. In a few minutes, Nikki bounded up the steps and went directly to the telescope and watched as the stars and planets slowly paraded across the view in front of her.
‘Why are the stars moving, Uncle Steve?’ she asked.
‘They aren’t moving, we are. The earth is turning, so it looks like they are moving,’ he explained.
Nikki looked at him, wrinkled her forehead, and said, ‘Oh.’
The four adults continued their conversation as Nikki continued to look through the telescope eyepiece. At some point, she got bored and stood up, stretched and walked over to Tom, climbed up on his lap, put an arm around his neck and placed her head on his shoulder.
It was such completely natural move and it caught everyone off-guard. Jenny watched nonplussed as her eyes began to fill. She was rendered speechless. Tom simply put his arm around Nikki and held her as he continued to chat with Steve. Ingrid looked at Jenny and back at Tom and just smiled her ‘I knew it’ smile. Jenny looked away to try and hide her emotions. It was one of those sublime moments that happen only once, and they knew they would never forget it.
Earlier that afternoon, Ingrid and Jenny finally had a chance to have the private chat they had promised each other.
‘He’s the one, isn’t he?’
‘Yes, he’s the one,’ Jenny turned to Ingrid, smiling. ‘I’ve been waiting a long time, but it’s been worth it.’
‘You and I have a lot in common, girl. We both got burned early and still found ‘Mr. Right,” Ingrid smiled.
‘I keep wondering if there’s something I’m missing or don’t know, and I can’t find anything that I don’t love, Ingrid.’
‘Quit looking. He’s exactly what he seems to be. The only mystery is why some dame hasn’t snapped him up by now.’
‘I think he’s as fussy as I am when it comes to relationships,’ Jenny offered.
‘Then you must realize that you are the chosen one,’ Ingrid remarked with an arched eyebrow. ‘When do you suppose he’ll figure it out for himself?’
‘Soon, I hope. I know he loves me … I know it. He said so. I just want him to prove it,’ Jenny said hopefully.
‘What will it take?’ Ingrid asked.
‘A ring. No less!’ Jenny stated emphatically.
‘Good for you Jen.’
Jenny paused, lost in thought for a few moments.
‘How much trouble did you have getting Steve to the altar,’ she asked tentatively.
‘None!’ Ingrid stated bluntly. ‘I was the reluctant one. He must have asked me twenty times to marry him before I finally said yes.’
‘Really! I was scared to death of another marriage. I was fixated on all the things that might go wrong instead of all the things that were right. I was living my past again and besides, Steve and I had experienced a couple of very decisive moments early on in our relationship that might have blown it all apart. Every single time, I was the one who created the drama,’ she explained.
‘Wow, I had no idea.’
‘Oh yeah. I was quite a handful, and the only thing that kept our relationship on track was Steve’s absolutely unswerving commitment to us. He just wouldn’t accept that anything would get between us,’ she confessed.
‘I had no idea he could be that single-minded … thank god! Mind you,’ she smiled. ‘the make-up sex was incredible!’
Jenny laughed in recognition. ‘We haven’t even had the slightest argument. I have no idea what ‘makeup sex’ would be like with Tom.’
Jenny Toms is a mother of two k**s one boy 17yrs and one girl 15yrs. her and her husband Randy Toms live in a upper middle class house in a good part of town. Jenny is almost 38yrs. but looks about 26 has 34C tits perfect onion of a ass long dark hair, her and Randy have been together for ever they meet at 12yrs. and still hold that same flame of love. The household is a firm one but very loving one. Steve the son is still in school but sometimes trains with the college football team...
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Jenny was excited. She and her husband Ted Kidd were enjoying a free, all expense paid weekend in Las Vegas, curtsey of the company Ted worked for. Ted had to attend a five-day convention that would start next Monday and end Friday, but the company booked the rooms for the full week. They had arranged a golf outing for key employees on the Saturday before the conference leaving that evening and Sunday for the couple to enjoy a mini vacation. Jenny and Ted arrived late Friday night and Ted had...
Copyright 2013 by madengineer3 There is no explicit sex in this story. If you want detailed sex, this story will not please you. ******************** My name is Isaac and I’ve been a ‘loner’ most of my life. My interests, to a large extent, have never been those of the average ‘Joe’ on the street. I can partially blame, if blame is the right word, my parents. My dad was the professor of physics at a well known university and my mom was the professor of mathematics. The result was that I was,...
I wrote this story a while ago and wanted to share it :)While I’m out at the store, Jenny, the girl who lives next door, comes over to see you. She comes over every now and then for girl talk which always end up with boys as the subject and you two have become close friends. She tells you she just turned 18 and her boyfriend' birthday is next week. She says she has never let her boyfriend get past second base but for his present this year she wants to let him go all the way. She says she...
Note : This story is completely fictional! When Jenny cleaned her mother's closet she found a VCR tape and decided to play it. It was a tape of her naked when she was a baby lying on the bed. She didn't think anything about it until her father and mother appeared nude. Her ate her pussy while her dad jacked off on her face. Jenny wanted to turn off the tape but she was fascinated. Then her dad finger fucked her little hole until it was bloody. He must have broke her cherry! She carefully put...
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My name is Jenny I am 22 years of age. Although I say it myself quite attractive, with shiny black hair, very dark brown eyes, a well shaped nose, full red lips, a firm 36D pair of tits that turn up slightly making my nipples point upwards, a 23 inch waist with a flat belly, 32 inch hips , a tight arse , long shapely legs and where they meet there is a downy black bush of pubic hair surrounding a pair of pouting cunt lips. I am 6.1 ft tall and weigh 109 pounds.Now to my story.I was awakened by...
JennyI met Jenny after my first marriage dissolved. I was in my mid-thirties and new to dating. Since the 80’s the home computer had become common and people were talking in chat rooms, yahoo groups and other places. This was before Myspace and Facebook. I met Jenny through a cousin of mine. She was a distant relative of his. We talked and I’m sure she noticed me staring at her breasts. She was married, around 21 and had recently had a c***d. She was blond, about 5’8” pretty, thin with...
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Jenny: Chapter 1 By Princess! Edited By Stanman63 "Jennifer, you ungrateful bitch! Why haven't you done any of your chores today?" she yelled as she entered the bedroom. He was sitting on his bed wearing a black satin maids outfit. He looked up at his step mother and defiantly rose from her bed. "Because, I can't take any of this anymore. I am leaving," he said, courageously. "Well, we will just have to see about that won't we," his step mother said. "I am giving you one...
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12 years ago I spotted her again through my telescope, in her little bikini, lying on a recliner in her tiny back yard, she was almost all legs. She lived with her mother and step-father in a trailer park, on the very edge of the woods. Her name was Jenni Lane, she was thirteen. From more than three thousand yards away, I admired her tan body, as she began to oil herself. My plan was coming along well. As I stood away from my telescope, I ran the plan through my mind one more time. ...
I spotted her again through my telescope, in her little bikini, lying on a recliner in her tiny back yard, she was almost all legs. She lived with her mother and step-father in a trailer park, on the very edge of the woods. Her name was Jenni Lane, she was eighteen. From more than three thousand yards away, I admired her tan body, as she began to oil herself. My plan was coming along well. As I stood away from my telescope, I ran the plan through my mind one more time. The contractor had...
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“Let’s hit the road, Bunnie!” That war cry was so Anne, with her spontaneity and fable for the dramatic. For some unknown reason, I thought back to the moment the name ‘Bunnie’ had come about. It was actually a bit embarrassing. I had been in the process of unpacking my things and stowing them away in the dorm room I had been assigned, when I came about a Mars bar in one of the side pockets of my travelling bag. It had been there for the whole 200 miles drive to the college, it was summer and...
Unlike my other stories this one is not 100% true. its just one of my fantasies. though there are a lot true parts, you'll just have to guess what is and isn't true. Enjoy!When my husband Charles and I, Lynlee, were first married we moved into a mother-in-law apartment attached to my father-in-law's, his name is Eric. Eric's wife, my mother in law, unfortunately passed away when Charles was young. So Eric had been single since.Eric had a very nice home and 5 acres of land to go with it. My...
Aiden Ashley is new to Kink, and is ready to explore her kinky side. She begins by servicing Tommy’s cock. He explains to her the rules of the day, using his crop. Aiden crawls along the dungeon floor in a very seductive manner with hopes of impressing her Master. Tommy puts her to good use while she is there, and makes her clean his boots with her tongue before putting her mouth to a better use. Next she gets face-fucked and then tied up to use in other ways. Aiden is tied on her back with her...
xmoviesforyouWe started dating, long distance at first (she lived “close”, but it was a few towns away), but I eventually got a job in her town and we rented a house together and got a dog. To this point we still hadn’t done anything with a dog yet, we had just talked about it and watched some porn together and had sex with each other. She told me about her experiences. She grew-up in a rural area where everyone had a few acres, mostly with horses and such. They had two female dogs and one of their...
Chapter 15 Bobbie was a little grumpy, but felt lighter than she had recently. Despite cramps, she smiled some, happy to see Beth and Amber who had joined them for lunch to talk about the cupcakes. "Cooking is all science, really. I mean, there's the art stuff, too, but the physics of it... Those were so good. I was wondering if you could make some for the bake sale?" "Bake Sale?" Bobbie asked, Beth's expression mirrored Bobbies. "Yeah, we do the big musical in the spring. We...
(This story is both a companion piece and a sequel to ‘My War’ by LeapYearGuy and is written with his permission. My thanks to him for very graciously allowing me to use his characters from his moving and poignant story. Although the original story is somewhat covered by PFC Kent, the original should definitely be read to get an understanding of the characters and how they ended up where they are. By the way, ‘REMF’ is a Vietnam era term used to refer to a ‘Rear Echelon Mother Fucker’, someone...
Okay, it was a long road trip. I was traveling to the city with one of my hockey buddies to play in a hockey tournament. My ass was sore from sitting down all the way but it was fairly comfortable considering I wore track pants and a T shirt. I stand at 5ft10 inches, and my buddy is 6ft2 and is alot bigger than me. I had short, brown hair at the time, with some meat to my butt cause im a hockey goalie but with an athletic build. Im flexible as well. My buddy is bigger, with brown hair, is tall,...
My name is Sanya. At least that is my name today. I do not know what it will be tomorrow or six months from now, but that matters little. It shouldn't matter at all. Not to you. I will try to tell you everything you need to make you cum. Knowing that while I'm writing this, I have a vibrator strapped between my legs and I have to stop every few minutes while I cum. It turns me on to describe to you that I am not good for anything but abuse and humiliation. It turns me on, it makes me hot....
Last time I came up with a story was a long time ago. Happy new year 2019 folks. How are you’ll motherfuckers been here? I hope it’s all fine over there and down your dicks and pussies. Horniness always has time to blow out. So I’m back again. This time I am gonna tell you another dashing one. Previously it was how I and my cousin sister fucked over and mom joined us. Later my mom had great sex with her thinking we were asleep. Okay so my basically my family is an incest group. My family and my...
IncestCharlie was sound asleep, dreaming about crazy stories. He was mid dream when he began to feel kisses on his body. Up his torso to his chest , up his neck and back down he felt these soft lips. His eyes clinched tight to bring climax to this pleasure. Slowly he felt a hand reach down to his slowly expanding cock. It grasped around it squeezing, tugging, stroking up and down. As this set of lips made its way down. His cock began to pulsate at the thought of getting blown. Charlie scooted down...
Becky is the Head girl at my school. She is 18 and I am 16. She is very sporty being the captain of the hocky, netball and Lacross teams. I go to watch all her games. When i joined the school, i just got a bed in the dorm with all the other girls. But the older girls like becky have there own rooms and are allowed to have a best freind to 'room' with them. When I joined, Becky was my mentor, the first time i met her was on a sunny afternoon, i had been dropped off by my parents and was feeling...
It was the summer before her junior year in high school. Diana was unsure of what would happen. She was new here in this small town. Her parents had moved the family to this coastal area as soon as she and her brother had completed school. Now they were getting adjusted to living in a town that had the amount of people found on one block of her old home city. She still thought of her last home as her real home. Diana was a shy girl. She hadn't always been that way. But coming of age had caused...
LesbianScotty was thirty when he moved into the apartment in the old building on the narrow, tree-lined Blackbird Street. His best friend, Bridget Durer, helped him move his scanty furniture in. When they were finished, Bridget was sitting on his recamier sipping espresso, looking brightly at Scotty and around the apartment. Scotty sat facing her on the only other possibility, an armless, wooden chair. Bridget pulled a joint out of her purse and lit it. “I thought the two women who live in the other...
“Everything’s so dark,” Shirley muttered as Robert drove through their neighborhood. His roadster’s headlights cut the gloom but only straight ahead. Except for a few houses with lit candles or battery backups, everything was pitch black. His wife was a wonderful woman and willing to endure almost anything. One of the things she drew the line at was anything in complete darkness. The one time he’d suggested camping as a fun vacation, she’d stared and replied, “Camping? Out in the wilderness,...
It is the first time we have been away together. A few days in a new city, a chance to explore each other outside of the stresses and distractions of our everyday lives. Yesterday was perfect – a long train journey, a couple of glasses of Champagne, the surreptitious fondlings in the half empty first class carriage. The vigorous fuck – fast, hungry – that is inevitable after so much time apart, and the slow love making as we settle in together for the night. Curling up in his strong arms as we...
Brightman First Offer “Jim, I think we’ve got company,” Vi Brightman called out from the kitchen. “Oh? Anybody we know?” he replied, standing up from his leather-padded swivel chair in their ranch office. “No. It’s somebody in a suit. And it’s a Lincoln Town Car with Colorado plates.” Vi watched the car circle around. It came to a stop alongside the gated rail fence separating the yard. A balding, paunchy man in a tailored suit emerged from the passenger side. The driver stayed...
She hurried to finish cleaning the house. He had given her a specific number of chores to accomplish and she wanted to get them done. She was already in trouble and didn't want to make things worse! The upstairs bedroom was nearly done, but she still had set the proper mood for his return. She made the bed with the red silk sheets she knew he loved, she lit a pair of candles and some incense, she dimmed the lights, and placed the pillows just so. She watched the clock, and noticed that they...
CuckoldMILF Superslut Kendra Lust returns to after a 3 year hiatus to take on the NEW MONSTER COCK, Dredd. There’s not much to say about this mature beauty that hasn’t already been said, but she knows what she’s doing with her banging’ body and can devour men with it. She’s wearing a skin tight see through top that doesn’t leave much to the imagination as she calls up Dredd to let him know she’s in town for a couple of days. Kendra wants Dredd to come over to celebrate, but when he...
xmoviesforyouChrissie and Brad Chrissie was unsure why she was doing this. She and Brad had been married just over two years and they loved each other. They still made love with passion and Brad was always thoughtful seeing to her needs above his own. Yet she felt compelled to give Brad the serum! She also had a strange half memory of sucking a big black cock! which made her blush just at the thought. Even worse was the fact she had loved it. He tasted so much different from Brad, before Brad would...
Three months had gone by since I awoke to find myself ten thousand years in the future. Many things had changed, but many were still the same. I searched in vain for any signs of prejudice, favoritism or intolerance. They appear to have been erased off the face of the earth. Good riddance. Instead, people take pride in their accomplishments, their heritage, anything that makes them stand out from others. Not as something that made them better than others, just as something to be proud of. I...
It had always been a fantasy of mine to have a professional naked photo-shoot. It might sound weird but I wanted to immortalize my body at its peak, so that when I grew old and shriveled I could look at pictures of me as a young, beautiful girl. The problem was to find a photographer I liked and trusted to do the shoot. First I didn’t want it to be a man taking my pictures. Second I didn’t know how to go about finding someone who was good at nudes, it’s not like it was a common thing outside of...
I watched as Reverend William Summers slid out from behind the wheel of the three year old Chevy his congregation had recently purchased for him. From the way he was carrying himself, as he approached my office door, I could tell that he hadn't completely recovered from the car accident he'd recently been involved in. His previous vehicle had been totalled in the crash. The driver of the other car hadn't been insured, and the good reverend had carried only the state minimum coverage on his...
I stepped out of a steaming hot shower and looked up into the mirror, he was standing there watching me dry myself off, just as he had been watching me through the glass shower bathe myself in soap and hot water. I smile at him as I lift my leg onto the side of the bathtub to dry my leg. I slowly bring the towel up my leg, across my thigh and between my legs. I let out a soft moan and tilt my head back as I continue to dry my stomach and down my other leg. As I bring the towel up my other...
Leesha had just left the driveway. She looked in her rearview mirror, as if to make sure she wasn't being followed. She retrieved her cell phone from her purse, and put it in the glove box. She reached into the center console and picked up another phone. She pressed the number one for speed dial, and pressed "TALK" She nervously listened to first one ring, then two. Finally on the third ring, a man answered. "Hello?" The voice said. "Hi ya handsome." Leesha said seductively. "I'm...
Hi pals how are you all? I am Sono (name changed for privacy) basically I am from Vijayawada (any girls/aunty below 28 from Vijayawada you can get back to me @ working in chennai as software engineer I am regular reader of ISS and I am big fan.. I just share my experience with of girlfriend honey(name changed) pls bare with my English Its in the year 2013 at time of our m.Tech we used to go daily by bus to college one day accidentally touched my gf navel for standing support ,here...
Note : This story is completely fictional! Hai readers this is for my Incest loving readers who addicted Mom and son Incest. Desperate mother turns to her son for the satisfaction she has been literally gasping for. Not long, I suggest you read it all. It's all a build up to the climax at the end read it all for the full effect. My name is Annambal, and I’m forty eight. I’m average height, slim, with an ample chest and what I like to think is a tight ass. All in all I like to think I am a...
IncestI went back home and found the house empty, not only was there no sound, but now even the walls seemed empty to me. I went to the computer and searched the net, read a couple of stories and even they left me empty in ways I needed filled. Writing had always been a thing to take away the idle time of emptiness when Jane was home, but now I simply hungered for companionship, and only one would serve to fill that void, her name; Brenda. I busied myself with household chores, laundry, washing up...
TabooClaire eased herself off the bed and stumbled across to the wardrobe, opening the door and taking out one of her dressing gowns. It was made of silk, covered with a bright multi-coloured pattern and once on, fell to half way down her arse. Even when she tied it around her body, it was too short to conceal her swollen wet pussy and bottom but Claire was too turned on to care. The biggest surprise to Paul was that his wife had decided to put anything on at all. The strength had been drained from...
ExhibitionismAmanda Clark was considered by all her friends and even her enemies to be one of those girls who didn't "put out" except maybe the odd bit of oral sex here and there. It was the Spring Dance that changed all that for pretty little Amanda. She was like way past her 16th birthday when she was asked by Tyrone Johnson to the dance. The pretty dark brunette, with unusually large breasts for a schoolgirl in the junior class; did not hesitate for a second and agreed with the less than subdued...
My cock was still wet from my girlfriend when I pulled up to my sister’s boyfriend’s house. I beeped the horn twice and waited, my mind flashing to about 10 minutes earlier when I was laying on my girlfriend’s bed as she rode on top of me, cumming on my cock as I filled her with my load. When I saw the front door open and my sister step out, all thoughts of my girlfriend were pushed from my mind and my cock started to fill up again. Her hips swayed confidently as she walked to the car,...
The Black Ring II (Disclaimer: Disociative Disorder, Schizophrenia, and vivid Suicidal thoughts are featured) It all began with a funeral. I was dressed in an uncomfortable cheap suit standing with my fellow classmates mourning the death of Maria. She had died in a horrible car accident a few days prior. The wound on my forehead had not yet healed completely. No one present knew I was the other occupant in the car. If I was an ordinary person, I might have blamed myself or felt...
So while we were having our drinks i said to sam " you choose what happens next " think it caught her by surprize - my suggestion, " i would't know where to start, i said lets explore the various play rooms, see what they each in turn have to offer ? she lead the way in so far as by the chain a had attached to her collar, i kept it short , after a short while she said can we return to the first room we were in ? she felt more at home in that one, fine by me i said,Now look at the stuff on the...
"Did you really masturbate while you watched us?" I asked. "Yes, it was really fucking hot. I mean he was plowing you like mad. I'm surprised the neighbors aren't bitching at us right now. I mean from looking at you, I'd have no idea that you moaned so much when you had sex. I mean damn my lady, if I didn't know any better, I'd say you were Wonder woman," Jeanette replied. "Hey, only your dad can call me that," I said. "Sorry, but still Callie, did my dad really rock your...