Karen and Michelle 2
- 2 years ago
- 72
- 0
(This story is in two parts, I’ve often wondered if something is too good to be true, is it always the case. Human nature makes us wonder but sometimes when it stares you in the face, you do have to ask yourself, maybe… Just maybe.)
My very special thanks go to LSEiland, for her editing of both these chapters.
Being asked to step into my boss’ office one sunny Monday morning and fed enough bull to make me want to throw up about how this company couldn’t do without my talents… blah, blah, blah… did not start my week off all too well. I had zoned out and waited for the punch line. Not even I saw this one coming down the tracks- I was given one of those good news, bad news talks by my then boss.
The good news was I was being promoted to become one of the youngest department heads in the company. The bad news was the job promotion meant I had to up sticks and move to a new state. It seems our company was opening a new office in Houston and you can guess who they wanted to run the IT side.
I think what made my boss stall was how quickly he got me to agree. Hell, why not. My last relationship had recently cratered with most of our friends taking her side. When Jasmine decided to pull the plug on our relationship, she did a fine job of pulling up the drawbridge on the way out. For some reason she thought I would drop to my knees and beg her to stay.
When I didn’t go crawling to her, she got pissed about it. This wasn’t fitting her plans to leave me a broken wreck. Yes, Jasmine was a real piece of work and the false accusations and out and out lies that followed made me wonder who this woman really was. The accusations ranged from taking her ass while she was asleep to feeding drain cleaner to the neighbor’s children.
All my time was spent countering her accusations that in the end, I just didn’t have it in me to fight her anymore. At least we never made it past the engaged stage. Lord knows what I would have been worth when she finished divorcing me.
So for the last three months, all I seemed to be doing was drifting. A change was what I needed and if this company was going to pick up the bill for the move, and throw a promotion into the mix as well… Hell, why not.
Although I would never admit it to upstairs, it was one of my smarter moves. The team I found when I got here was a good bunch and reaffirmed to me that geeks make good computer people. We were actually working sixty hour weeks for the first two weeks- until I pulled everyone aside and reminded them they had a life outside of work.
Tony being the mouth of the group pointed out that I didn’t. The room hushed some right about then. Poor Tony shifted on his feet and found the floor real interested just then. What could I do? The guy was right, so I did what this geek needed to do and checked the internet for locations of gyms in my area. Shortly, I found myself sitting with one of those personal trainers who asked what they could do for me.
I did stretch a point and ask if they could make me into an Adonis, but would settle for some exercises that made sure my stomach didn’t extend over the waistband of my pants. Well the girl laughed, much to my relief. She let me down gently when she mentioned that the Adonis look may take a while, but she did get me started on the machines that would keep my waistline at bay.
So there you have but a brief glimpse of my life as I huffed and puffed away on one of those pain machines. A man in his late twenties, head of IT in a city I had never been in until my promotion, staring at myself in one of those mirrors they always seem to place strategically around the room.
Karen didn’t make any sort of grand entrance, but you sure knew she came into the room. My attention was divided between the machine and Karen, simply because of what went on when she came in. The gym rats just nodded to her and continued to lift the equivalent of a truck engine at each end of a bar. The women looked and smiled, some waved, but everyone -and I do mean everyone- left her alone.
It was clear to me that she was known in this gym, yet not one person went up and talked to her. All I could say to describe Karen was that she was definitely a woman. I wasn’t sure about the rest because she wore track bottoms and either a sweatshirt or track top. It was both her face and demeanor that made you look, and if you weren’t careful, stare.
She was a brunette with hair that stopped short of the middle of her back. The eyebrows matched, so I figured the brunette in her came natural. There always seemed to be a look about her that made you smile as she passed, yet never initiate a conversation with her. She was never rude and when she did talk to the folks at the gym, they always felt like she had made their day.
One time I passed her and noticed her head height matched mine. She was five foot seven, although she never used her height to intimidate anyone. Her beauty was natural, what she looked like as she came into the gym would be what you saw when she woke next to you in the morning.
If a piece of equipment was already being used and Karen looked like she wanted to be next to use it, invariably the person using the machine would step aside. Not in fear. Karen never gave off that sort of vibe, it was just genuine respect that led to people cutting short their own fitness regime for her. She would always smile and thank the person. You could tell, even from across the room, that there never was any animosity about it.
So that’s how my life was for the next three months- work, work, work. Did I mention I worked a lot, the typical no life guy? First one in the building and the last out, even then I didn’t go home, instead heading for the gym. Sometimes I would see Karen every day, but then she would disappear for a week or so. Another thing about Karen was the tracksuits, she was never out of them.
She would train in one until the sweat seeped through, but it never came off in the gym. The change came in mid-June. The AC at the gym decided that it didn’t want to play anymore. Most folks went home and some of those who stayed lost a couple of pounds in that sauna. Even I was thinking of heading home when Karen walked in.
Her routine was always different, today she had decided to bench press some weights after looking around for one of the gym assistants. When she couldn’t find one, she asked one of the knuckle draggers to assist her. I swear that man added an inch in stature that Karen had not only spoke to him, but had asked for his help.
Karen set off with warm up weights but soon got into some impressive stuff. As she was lifting, the arm of her tracksuit got caught on something and ripped. Seeing the danger, he grabbed the bar while Karen slid out from the weights. His stature went up another inch when she thanked him. She then pulled her top off and for the first time, I noticed that Karen had tits and a very impressive set at that. The sports bra held them firm to her body, yet showed them in a glorious light.
It was as she once again lay on the bench that I spotted the bruise on her right side. About the size of my hand and very recent given the color. There were a couple on her arms and a smaller one on her left side. I watched for a while, yet the knuckle dragger didn’t seem to notice the damage to this woman’s body.
The last few of us left in the gym either didn’t notice or care. It was that very moment that Karen Black became an enigma to me that would haunt my thoughts for days. How could a woman with such an aura about her be nothing but a punching bag? Why wasn’t anyone in that gym the least concerned that one of their own was being beaten, and judging by the bruises, pretty badly as well.
The words ‘it’s none of my business’ haunted every thought I had about her along with the words ‘don’t get involved.’ Hell, I only knew her name because a couple next to me said it as she walked in with one of the g
ym assistants one day.
Even though work was still full on, the demands from the folks upstairs started to ease off and my team actually managed to sit down for a few minutes a day. To us, that was a step in the right direction.
Tony still kept the badge on his chest as the mouthpiece of the team.
‘You know boss, we’ve been here for just over eight months now and you haven’t mentioned a girlfriend, boyfriend even.’
As I looked up at him, he held up the family photo he had on his desk.
‘You know your yearly evaluation is going to suck right? You know that when I fire your ass you won’t have a reference worth shit?’
Tony shrugged his shoulders.
‘What can I say, the team delegated me to look after you and make you feel welcome.’
I laughed, and could see the relief on the faces of all in the room as well. I still didn’t answer his question, knowing why saddened me slightly. The cratering of my last relationship and this promotion left me with no time to do much else than hit the gym for an hour or so, and go to bed after I had eaten.
Knowing that I had to break the cycle I was in, and actually do it, seemed to be the puzzle I was dealing with now that upstairs had started to ease the pressure on us all.
The unexpected manner of this cycle ending came in the form of a flower lady standing by the entrance to the gym. She looked like she could use a good meal, and the thirty I gave her for the flowers made her smile. The trouble was it left me with a bunch of flowers I had no use for. Keeping the red colored one and handing the rest to the nice lady at reception was all I could think to do.
She smiled and even held up her hand to show me her wedding ring. It simply made me laugh. I told her it was a thank you for her smile each day, not a bribe. As I made my way up the stairs to the changing room, I did notice that she stood to get something to put them in, rather than tossing them in the trash can. The machines kept me company as my thoughts once again drifted back to the comments Tony had made.
For months now I had no excuse. With the pressure easing on us all, there was no logical reason to continue this way. All my team had made that point very forcefully. It was also then that Karen came in and sat on the machine next to mine. Although she set about her exercise regime with some venom, it was plain to me she had something on her mind.
With a sigh, and visions of those bruises on her body I had seen some months earlier, I was still at a loss to decide if any of this was my business. It was also time to head on home. I had an early meeting in the morning and then onto a plane back to head office. As I picked up my bag, the flower came into view. Still my mind screamed it was none of my business, perhaps one day I will listen to myself.
Karen looked up as I stood in front of her, her hand automatically coming out to accept the flower. The confused look as she held it made me wonder if anyone, even a stranger like me, had ever given her flowers.
‘Just remember you’re never alone. People do care and wish you well. Take that to heart and choose the path that will help you achieve what your heart wants the most.’
I didn’t think I was being profound. Hell I was more shocked she didn’t tell me to take a hike. She just smiled and thanked me before I left the building and drove back to my apartment.
Other than spending half the night staring at the ceiling, my mind went over what I had said to Karen, thinking that it was the stupidest thing I had ever said to a woman. Hell, thinking about it, I was even more amazed she didn’t call security and have me tossed out of the building.
With a sigh and a thought that I really should get some sleep, I tried to think of a positive about the event at the gym. The only thing I could think of was that she didn’t laugh in my face. Sleep took me soon after the flush of embarrassment subsided.
The next ten days were a haze of meetings at head office. The good news was I got a slap on the back for the job we did to get the office up and running ahead of schedule. The bad news was there would be times they would send me places to do the same again. That wasn’t such a big deal with me, since my social life sucked real bad anyway.
So with smiles all around, I headed back. Since it was late when I landed, heading home seemed the most logical thing to do.
Being updated from my team meant I was still at work well past office hours, sorting out the details. The gym got missed again that evening, but picking up my bag in the morning on the way out was a must. The receptionist at the gym waved and smiled as I passed her. That girl had the cutest smile.
I was deep into my session on my last machine when Karen came in. It was the voice that startled me, I hadn’t even seen her until she spoke.
‘You need to talk to one of the assistants. You’re using that machine wrong, with your stance, you’re placing too much stress on your lower back.’
Turning to look at her made me smile. I hid the anger real well. Karen had her sweat top off and the bruises had moved to different parts of her body this time, but looked recent. I understood the advice of a total stranger wasn’t worth shit, but why was she still putting up with the beatings? And why didn’t her friends say something? That’s what I didn’t understand.
‘Thank you, but the damage is already done. Skiing accident when I was twelve years old. My back now has a slight bend that the traction couldn’t fix.’
Karen winced as I explained, the smile returned soon enough though.
‘Skiing sure sucks doesn’t it?’
I thought for a moment, before mentioning that skiing didn’t suck but rolling down the hill only for a tree to stop me from going any further sure did. Karen looked like she wanted to be sick about then.
I had to leave, seeing those bruises on her and the casual way she dismissed them started to make me sad.
‘Thanks again for the advice and the flower. Although I noticed that Cheryl seemed to have got the better end of the flower deal. She kept them until they died. You have a fan for life with that girl.’
I shrugged my shoulders. She was married, and I’m not a home wrecker. I liked Cheryl and her smile sure made my day.
‘Advice is cheap, it’s what we do with it that counts.’
I knew I should have kept walking. The showers seemed to be calling to me, yet I stood and looked at her. Her eyes were captivating. The feeling that I should try just once more rushed at me and made itself known before my senses told my mouth to shut the fuck up.
‘You have no idea how well people like you. I’m a casual observer and I see it. You have what it takes to turn this around, yet for some reason you don’t feel you can. Look around you and see. Even the folks in this room alone would walk side by side with you on this. Stand and fight it Karen. You’re not alone, you’re never alone.’
I had to force myself to stop, even biting my lower lip in case she sensed my anger growing at the casual manner she looked over the beating her body was taking, and the lack of anyone doing anything about it.
Even as I walked out of the gym and to my car, I still asked myself how anyone could treat a woman like her the way she was being treated.
That evening, I resolved to quit the gym. I liked Karen and wanted to get to know her better. The beatings she was taking showed she was already in a relationship. Hell, even I snorted at that thought – some relationship that is. But the evidence was in front of me. When she was just an enigma, I coped. When we started talking to each other, those dynamics changed.
Work became my buddy again. Upstairs wanted two of the rooms converted into video conferencing rooms, so we set about putting in all the bells and whistles. We also used one of the smaller offices as a training room to familiarize the fo
lks using the conference rooms with the equipment going in.
We finished three days ahead of schedule and one, or both of the rooms, seemed to be in constant use. I did insist on a service period for each of the rooms, and a roster went onto the door so the geeks didn’t clash with the non-geeks. Houston started to get noticed by head office. The big boss was lavished with praise and as usual, the worker bees got ignored, or so I thought.
Three weeks after the completion of the conference rooms, I was summoned to head office. When my ass hit the seat, I was told that upstairs was so impressed with the work done at Houston on the video conferencing rooms that they were going to use them as a template for the rest of the company. Some rooms would only need updating, while others would have to be ripped out all together and replaced with more up-to-date technology.
I swear for a week while we worked out the details, conference room six looked like geek central. Come five o’clock that Friday, everyone was in a cab and heading for the airport. I wasn’t stupid – no one was leaving until all the work was done and upstairs had signed off on it.
I was still in my hotel room packing when my cell went off. I never answer withheld number calls, but felt this time I had no choice, in case it was one of the bosses and there were questions.
‘Hi… It’s Karen.’
I went through every woman’s name at head office in my head and couldn’t come up with a Karen. The laugh on the other end sounded like she needed to fill in the gaps.
‘And here I was thinking I was rather memorable, Karen from the gym.’
Sitting down was a necessity. The pause was longer as well. I thought it best I spoke this time, and asked her how she got my number. It turns out I’m not the only one who could bribe Cheryl. Karen commented on the fact that I had left rather abruptly, and not returned. She listened to me telling her of the project that got dropped onto my lap and had taken all my time. I even added the trip to head office.
When she asked me where head office was, she practically squealed down the phone that she was in town for an event. Once my hearing came back, I asked her what event she was at.
‘You’re kidding right, the MMA event over at Tara-Plex Stadium? I tell you what, stay an extra night and come and watch me. I will leave a ticket at the reserved tickets counter for you, ok?’
I agreed, told her what hotel I was at, and she said that was only a couple of miles away, but to get a cab over by six so we could talk before the event started. Pulling my laptop out of my bag, I looked up the Stadium and then looked up what MMA was. I will say one thing, we geeks know nothing about sports. What an eye opener this was.
After adding another night to my room, getting a cab to the stadium got me there ten minutes early. The crowd already started to gather. It took me a moment to find the ticket counter and show them proof of ID before being handed a pass and told it would allow me backstage, as well as grant me a seat in the balcony overlooking the event.
Whoever Karen was, she could sure pull some strings. I did wonder how much this pass would go for any of the people waiting to come in through the front door. The woman at the ticket counter told me to come in and stand over by the wall. Someone was going to come for me. Still unsure what or why, I did it anyway. Five minutes later, some guy came up and checked my pass. There was not an inch on his arms, other than his hands, that didn’t have a tattoo on it.
He smiled and introduced himself as Brad and asked me to follow him. And thank goodness he did, I would never have worked out the labyrinth of corridors and doors we went through to finally come up to a single door. He knocked once and when he heard something, opened it and let me in, closing the door behind me.
Karen sat on a table in the middle of the room in shorts and a tight top, her hair held back and tied to form a tight ponytail. I would like to think of myself as polite, but even my jaw dropped.
By Redlegtiger Please remember that this is fantasy and anyone thinking that they should do these things in real life, deserve to be locked up and have the key thrown away and play sissy slut to their cell mate for eternity. If you are not at least 18 years of age please leave. Chapter 9, Karen’s Home Town Humiliation Continues Karen woke up about 4:00 am in the morning. It took her a minute to realize where she was and then she turned over and found herself staring into the sleeping...
Introduction: Love story, Matt finds his dream girl. Karen and Kelly (The Rest of the Story) I made some minor changes to Part I but the story is still the same. If you have already read part I, skip down about half way and start on part II Karen & Kelly I My name is Mathew, everybody calls me Matt. I live in a big city up north. Summer vacation is over and today is my first day of junior high school. In the big city, there is an elementary school in every neighborhood within walking...
By Redlegtiger Please remember that this is fantasy and anyone thinking that they should do these things in real life, deserve to be locked up and have the key thrown away and play sissy slut to their cell mate for eternity. If you are not at least 18 years of age please leave. Chapter 4, Karen’s Night of Hell Karen woke up when the trunk was opened. She noticed that they were inside a garage and there were no windows to indicate how long it had been since she left the porn shop or...
By Redlegtiger Please remember that this is fantasy and anyone thinking that they should do these things in real life, deserve to be locked up and have the key thrown away and play sissy slut to their cell mate for eternity. If you are not at least 18 years of age please leave. Chapter 8, Karen’s Home Town Humiliation Begins While Darrell was watching television, Karen was Laying in the bed. It took a while but she finally started coming out of her daze. She had time to think about...
Tuesday night I dragged Karen to a mixer. She resisted me at first, but it was my turn and I wouldn't let her say no. I always went with her and now it Karen's turn to indulge me. "Who knows?" I teased my best friend as I watched her get slowly dressed. "You might meet some hot blonde and..." "Named Bambi?" She giggled. "I was thinking Tiffany." I stuck my tongue out at her. "You should wear skirts more often. You've got great legs." "My short little legs?" Karen fixed the...
By Redlegtiger Please remember that this is fantasy and anyone thinking that they should do these things in real life, deserve to be locked up and have the key thrown away and play sissy slut to their cell mate for eternity. If you are not at least 18 years of age please leave. Chapter 10, Karen’s Home Town Humiliation Continues at Keplar’s Meats Karen’s mind was reeling from all that happened as she left Marta’s and walked down half a block and across the street to Keplar’s Meats. ...
Introduction: Shy boy meets beautiful girl and her sister. Karen & Kelly My name is Mathew, everybody calls me Matt. I live in a big city up north. Summer vacation is over and today is the first day of junior high school. Thats the day I first saw Karen, she was walking down the hallway with a couple of friends of hers. None of the girls that I went to elementary school with ever dressed is tight sexy clothes. Karens hips were swaying in a way I had never seen before. She was wearing black...
My name is Mathew, everybody calls me Matt. I live in a big city up north. Summer vacation is over and today is the first day of junior high school. That’s the day I first saw Karen, she was walking down the hallway with a couple of friends of hers. None of the girls that I went to elementary school with ever dressed is tight sexy clothes. Karen’s hips were swaying in a way I had never seen before. She was wearing black hip-hugger jeans and a form fitting green knit blouse. I could see...
My now ex-wife Karen H is in her sixties now. Over many conversations and indiscretions on her part, I have much of her sexual life written down, but not all of it as she was such a slut. I enjoyed her telling me her sexual past and though it happened years ago, I will always treasure the voyeuristic moments that she shared. When Karen was 16 years old, she was with one of her first boyfriends (James) and during their dates she loved being fondled and touched, as you do at that age. She was a...
Part 14She fingered me the whole time she read it. Oh, and I felt so naughty. I was being caught by my Karen. Then I felt the dildo teasing my pussy.“Is this what you want? Being fucked in your sweet tight girl pussy?” Karen never spoke like this before. But hearing her talk to me like that made me go crazy. I was shaking from sheer excitement.“Yes, I do!”She smacked my bottom and oh, it hurt after all the smacking before. “Aarrhhh!” I almost shouted out “Yes yes yes, I do! I love big cocks...
"Don't be stupid, Karen," Karen told the mirror.Fifty dollars worth of d**g-store makeup littered the counter. She had already made herself out to be a raccoon and changed her skin color completely before going through the painfully annoying process of taking her make-up off, had decided against the glue-on nails after purchasing them, and it looked like all she would get out of her money and a couple hours work was a hint of eyeliner. Karen didn't trust herself to put on more."Serves you...
By Redlegtiger Please remember that this is fantasy and anyone thinking that they should do these things in real life, deserve to be locked up and have the key thrown away and play sissy slut to their cell mate for eternity. If you are not at least 18 years of age please leave. Chapter 7, Karen’s Journey Home Karen woke up early that morning just after the sun came up. She had only slept for about three hours. Between the cool night mountain air and her aching tits, ass and pussy,...
Introduction: On-line lovers meet As Karen merged into the highway traffic, she put the car on cruise and threw the Unplugged/Clapton Chronicles into the CD player. Traffic on the road was very light, just perfect for getting her head together. Thinking back over the past year, she couldnt believe all that had happened. Karen had married her high school sweetheart thirty-four years ago. Health issues left her husband with erectile dysfunction that medication was not able to help. They had not...
As Karen merged into the highway traffic, she put the car on cruise and threw the Unplugged/Clapton Chronicles into the CD player. Traffic on the road was very light, just perfect for getting her head together. Thinking back over the past year, she couldn’t believe all that had happened. Karen had married her high school sweetheart thirty-four years ago. Health issues left her husband with erectile dysfunction that medication was not able to help. They had not had sex for about...
He told me one night, a war story about being on the occupational force in Japan after WWII. He told me how he would pick out young pretty Japanese girls walking past his posted position and rape them on the ground. As if I agreed to this behavior. I calmly told him he was a coward and if I had been in his unit, I would have gotten rid of him. I told him we weren't friends and not to talk to me except work related. I guess he called the security company and tried to have me removed....
Hi, I'm Jim Nettles and this is my story.I guess if you're happy you ignore what's really going on around you. Then by accident you discover your wife is cheating on you and your world turns to shit. I thought my 18 year old daughter and her friends were sneaking into the basement drinking my homemade beer. Instead the camera I installed in the basement caught my wife's boyfriend fucking her and drinking my beer.*********** ******JT and I are members of a beer club here in Atlanta, and he...
By Redlegtiger Please remember that this is fantasy and anyone thinking that they should do these things in real life, deserve to be locked up and have the key thrown away and play sissy slut to their cell mate for eternity. If you are not at least 18 years of age please leave. Chapter 3, Karen’s Afternoon at the Porn Shop. After Darrell left the clerk leered at Karen and ordered, “Come back here behind the counter and let me have a closer look at you missy.” Karen hesitated...
PrologueEveryone calls me Rich. It’s short for Richard, but also because I’m filthy rich. I’m not the guy who flaunts his wealth, but I have a nice car, nice house, and I have a trophy wife. Here is where the story begins. My trophy wife is named Karen. I’m a thirty years her senior. She 24yo and has a smoking hot body. Hey, that’s why I married here. I knew she was after my money, but I figured that I would be getting that body to myself for the rest of my life. I mean she a real looker. Long...
My girlfriend Karen had a drinking problem but I didn't mind. She liked to drink to the point of passing out almost every night of the week. None of her coworkers or family knew this of her because she only did it when we were home alone.I didn't mind because she kept our home clean, usually cooked a decent meal for us and liked to have vigorous sex just before passing out for the night. She was a great lay and had no objections to trying new things. We had tried everything we could imagine...
By Redlegtiger Please remember that this is fantasy and anyone thinking that they should do these things in real life, deserve to be locked up and have the key thrown away and play sissy slut to their cell mate for eternity. If you are not at least 18 years of age please leave. Chapter 2, Karen’s Honeymoon Begins Once Darrell and Karen got to the cabin, he told her to bring everything in as he was going to check the facilities out and make sure there were no problems. In fact he...
Chapter OneIt’s been about a week since my newly retrained slutwife has returned home. I can say that she was not wavered once in that time. She has maintained our house, keeping it clean. She’s had dinner prepared and ready for when I arrive home from the office. Now mind you, she never cooked before. Her meals have been scrumptious too.Each evening she is naked, except for her collar, in the “Ass up” position. It’s where she’s on all fours, with her legs spread, her head is on the floor, her...
Chapter 1, Karen’s **** and forced MarriageThis story starts s*******n years ago in a small rural town in the mountains of Washington State. Karen Peterson was the sweet 15 year old daughter of very strict and very conservative, religious parents Jack and Laura Peterson. She was also a genius that had skipped two grades and was in her senior year of high school. Karen was a very good looking young brunette with shoulder length, naturally curly hair. She was about 5 feet 5 inches tall and...
Part 1 We were sitting under a tree outside the youth centre smoking, my cousin Karen and I. It was late May and the evenings were still a bit chilly. We could see the coloured lights and hear the pounding of mind-numbing disco music through the two large windows facing the street. “I'm bored,” said Karen and buried her cigarette butt in the soil. I nodded and flicked mine off towards the bike racks. Karen leaned her head against my shoulder and ran her hand affectionately over my chest. I...
FetishBy Redlegtiger Please remember that this is fantasy and anyone thinking that they should do these things in real life, deserve to be locked up and have the key thrown away and play sissy slut to their cell mate for eternity. If you are not at least 18 years of age please leave. Chapter 1, Karen’s Rape and Forced Marriage This story starts seventeen years ago in a small rural town in the mountains of Washington State. Karen Peterson was the sweet 15 year old daughter of very strict...
After we had finished eating, we cleaned away the picnic and I lay back and Karen snuggles up to me, as we watch the clouds drift past. When all of a sudden Karen brakes the silence. "James", she gets my attention "I love you". Those three words make my insides turn to jelly, three words I have wanted to hear ever since we first met, to which I reply "I love you to my darling Karen". We turn to face each other, and for the very first time, we kiss. The kiss starts to get passionate, and...
As in the pasty, they arrived in the night, without warning. Even before Karen knew they were there, one of the men was pulling the heavy leather bag over her head, plunging her into darkness. She tried to scream out, but something placed over the hood, filled her mouth, and she felt a strap being tightened behind her head.At the same time she felt a needle being thrust into her arm, as she was given an injection.She tried to get up, to fight them off, but they were stronger than she, and held...
for her birthday, we had agreed to go and spend a few nights alone together in a hotel. I left my car at hers and we walked with our back packs to Diss train station. I kept the location of our hotel a secret so it would be a surprise for her. At Norwich we had to change trains, and court a train to Ely, where we changed again for Cambridge. Our hotel was a luxury hotel, overlooking the river. We was too early to book in so went for a walk around the city before booking in. Once we were...
for her birthday, we had agreed to go and spend a few nights alone together in a hotel. I left my car at hers and we walked with our back packs to Diss train station. I kept the location of our hotel a secret so it would be a surprise for her. At Norwich we had to change trains, and court a train to Ely, where we changed again for Cambridge. Our hotel was a luxury hotel, overlooking the river. We was too early to book in so went for a walk around the city before booking in. Once we were...
Karen and Michelle?s Sad StoryBy [email protected] remember that this is fantasy and anyone thinking that they should do these things in real life, deserve to be locked up and have the key thrown away and play sissy slut to their cell mate for eternity. If you are not at least 18 years of age please leave.PrologueStory SynopsisThis is the story of a Mother, Karen, and her daughter, Michelle, who each have a sad and sordid past and how they become the slaves of a spoiled...
After I was done with my shower, I headed for my mom’s bedroom, and saw an outfit she had already laid on the bed. My mom was over by the makeup table.“Take a seat, sweetie...I can apply your makeup!?”I went over and sat down. She applied some foundation and went onto my eyes. She gave me really nice, dark red (kinda) eyeshadow with some fine shimmering to it. After that she used an eyeliner to make my eyes pop, and she even had my eye lashes curved. I’d never tried that, but they looked so...
Karen was a slim, short-haired blonde – a southern girl who was raised in Georgia. She came to Texas for college and then never got around to leaving. She didn't think of herself as being all that pretty, but most men would not agree. Karen was exceptionally attractive, and she always paid a great deal of attention to her appearance. She began working as a home health nurse. Her duties included taking care of a Mrs. Wilson, who happened to be the mother of one of the more successful trial...
MILFThey were in his car, heading for a remote cabin in the Catskill Mountains.Michael was kidnapping Karen.Although he didn’t know it.And Karen certainly wasn’t about to tell him.Because he wasn’t, really.And besides, it was her idea.----------It all started with a silly attempt at humor on Michael’s part:One Friday on a summer evening Karen drove to Michael’s apartment building after work, as she often did. As she crossed the street and hurried up the stairs to the door she failed to notice...
BDSMWhen I got home after meeting with "Ken" and "Karen" and was unpacking and storing my stuff I found a piece of paper that I didn't pack. I unfolded it and it was a note from "Karen". Apparently she had written it when I had went to the bathroom to clean up and "Ken" had gone to the kitchen. It said: Hey. Had fun tonight. Would love to meet with you again, just the 2 of us this time. Call or text me. KI put just her name with the cell number in my phone and...
By Redlegtiger Please remember that this is fantasy and anyone thinking that they should do these things in real life, deserve to be locked up and have the key thrown away and play sissy slut to their cell mate for eternity. If you are not at least 18 years of age please leave. Prologue Story Synopsis This is the story of a Mother, Karen, and her daughter, Michelle, who each have a sad and sordid past and how they become the slaves of a spoiled little rich girl, Sarah, many years...
Please remember that this is fantasy and anyone thinking that they should do these things in real life, deserve to be locked up and have the key thrown away and play sissy slut to their cell mate for eternity. If you are not at least 18 years of age please leave.PrologueStory SynopsisThis is the story of a Mother, Karen, and her daughter, Michelle, who each have a sad and sordid past and how they become the slaves of a spoiled little rich girl, Sarah, many years later. Because of her...
I heard them talking. “Man she is fucking hot. Mmmm did you see her ass in that skirt” I felt extremely dizzy laying in Karen's bed. It was all dark in the room except the light coming from the slightly open door. I heard Jacob say. “I really loved those legs of her. And those pretty pantyhose feet. Mmmmm. Look at my bulge” The whole room was spinning and somehow i still felt great. my body got this feeling of butterflies in my stomach hearing them talk about me like that. I love the sensation...
Chapter OneSunday morning started out much like Saturday. Karen had my cock in her mouth when I woke up. Can there be a better way to start the day? The only difference was today Karen did not to get to cum. I let her worship her Master’s cock but she was left hanging. I had plans to do this all day. After breakfast, she cleaned the dishes while I prepared for some contact play. When she finally entered the playroom. I had some toys ready for her. As she entered the room, she fell quickly to...
Chapter One“OH.MY.GOD! OH.MY.GOD! OH.MY.GOD!” With a loud moan, Karen’s orgasm rocked her body as her hips pumped a steady rhythm. Darnell tightened his grip on her hips and threw his head back as his balls started to pump his white seed deep into Karen’s ass from behind. Finally, he fell back, his long cock pulling out of her tight ass and collapsed onto the bed. She slid forward, her huge tits splayed out to each side from underneath.A short while later, Darnell came out of the bathroom after...
Hi, I'm Jim Nettles and this is my story. I guess if you're happy you ignore what's really going on around you. Then by accident you discover your wife is cheating on you and your world turns to shit. I thought my 18 year old daughter and her friends were sneaking into the basement drinking my homemade beer. Instead the camera I installed in the basement caught my wife's boyfriend fucking her and drinking my beer. JT and I are members of a beer club here in Atlanta, and he...
Karen had been saying for a while that she wanted to rent a sail boatagain and get back out onto the ocean. It has been something she hasdone before, and loved.As it was late summer, and while it was still hot, I decided it wouldbe a nice thing to setup for her. I found an advert for a boat andcaptain. The captain sounded OK on the phone and the price for anafternoon's boat hire was good. We discussed going up the coast for acouple of hours and then finding a cove to anchor in to have a...
Karen, My School Teacher - Part 16By HosieryQueenPart 16I walked with my 2 large plastic bags with my dresses and the corset in them. My little perfume gift I had in my purse. I walked for a bit and it didn't take long to get to the tattoo shop.I walked inside and out came a tattoo-covered, red haired woman out from the back. She was chewing gum. She sounded nice, but looked pretty tough. She glanced her eyes over my body.“Hey sweetie. Wow, you are a really cute one! What can I help you with?”...
Chapter 1 Dave had been invited to join three other couples at the nearby ski lodge for a weekend of fun in the snow and in the hot tub. Everybody else had a steady lover, but Dave really didn't so he prevailed on Karen, a 16-year old that he'd been having sex with to go along with his as his weekend date. Karen and Dave had fucked before and he occasionally would go over to her house and prevail on her to give him a good blowjob. Dave loved being with Karen because he'd already figured...
‘You jerk!’ Bridgette shouted at Karen, as Karen remerged from the soapy water in the tub, like a dolphin jetting up out of the ocean, to splash resoundingly in the water below. ‘You got me all wet!’ Bridgette’s grin belied her mock anger. ‘Well, duh, you ARE in the bathtub, Bridge. You already ARE wet!’ Karen replied. ‘Not my hair, dummy,’ replied Bridgette sulkily, though she wasn’t really mad at Karen. After all, she knew what would inevitably result from two highly sexed, beautiful 18...
I first met Karen during my second year of college, but we didn't really know each other that well...she was just a friend of a friend at the time. We didn't really start hanging out together until we moved into the same apartment building in our third year of college...her apartment was just four doors down from mine. We had a class together one semester and sometimes we would walk to and from school together. She was the type of person you couldn't help liking...an exciting and...
"You jerk!" Bridgette shouted at Karen, as Karen remerged from the soapywater in the tub, like a dolphin jetting up out of the ocean, to splashresoundingly in the water below. "You got me all wet!" Bridgette's grinbelied her mock anger."Well, duh, you ARE in the bathtub, Bridge. You already ARE wet!" Karenreplied."Not my hair, dummy," replied Bridgette sulkily, though she wasn't reallymad at Karen. After all, she knew what would inevitably result from twohighly sexed, beautiful 18 year old...
Karen My best friend’s sister I had always had a crush on Karen and was always trying to get a look down her shirt or up her short skirt when I was over at Bill’s house. I was 15 years old when I first meet her and from that day on I knew that one day I would see her naked body and hopeful get to use my man hood on her. Karen was 4 years older than me , but always treated me like I was special , She was so bubbly and smiled all the time . She would hug me whenever she saw me and I was always...
Karen had made up her mind. She knew that she would not be able to get Jim out of her system until they finally did what they had been unable to do while in school. She knew that she still felt that strong sexual attraction for him and she also knew that he returned it, even though it may not be as strong as hers. She had analyzed the problem as Jack might have done and had come up with what seemed to her the logical conclusion. "One," she said to herself, "I have an uncontrolable urge to...
The music started. But i frooze. How did i get here. I'm going to show myself to Mick, my teacher. His going to see me fully dressed as a girl. Mick have known me about 5 years now. The music stopped. “Hello Brian! Are you there?. You need to come out when the music starts” I wanted to do this. And on the other hand i won't. “Ok ok. I'm coming. But you can't record this ok?” “No no i wasn't going to. But i really wanna see you. You already talk like a real girl. Sounds so fucking sexy. So come...
Karen Jones was upset. She had just hung up the phone on her husband who was away on a business trip for the third time this month. This time it was Chicago, last week it was New York, always some different city. She knew he had to take these trips, visiting his legal clients in all the big cities, but she couldn't help but wonder what he did on his business trips at night. John had been quite a ladies man during their college years, tall and good-looking with dark curly hair and a muscular...
Karen. I had recently started a new job, you all know how that can be, getting to know the way the company works and also getting to know your new colleagues. The blokes were all okay, but, the office staff would take longer to get to know. I mentioned to one of my workmates that I had my eye on one of the girls in particular. "What's the small blond like?" I asked during our break one day. The girl in question was quite petite, about 5 feet 2 inches tall, perfectly shaped legs, deep hazel...
AnalDamn it, Margaret, I bought him the most uncomfortable full body brief, and he still enjoyed it. He say's we girls just have to suffer to maintain an attractive girlish figure. I'd love to knock his girlish figure through the roof. How I wish he'd suffer the real cramps we women go through during our periods. I'll bet he'd love it. He uses his tampons and maxi pads throughout the month anyway. He takes Midol and his women's one-a-day vitamins so he can be more like me. It makes me sick to...
Jack Bell sat in his car after loading his suitcases in the trunk. "What do I do now," he asked himself. "A hotel, ok - but not that downtown Marriott, that's for sure." He quickly made a decision and drove to a hotel near the airport and reserved a room for a week. He felt that he would, hopefully, have made some decisions about his future by that time. He unpacked in somewhat of a daze. The intensity of the emotions that had washed over him the past couple of hours drained him. He...
I woke up the next morning still dressed in all my clothes. Had a boner in my pantyhose so i took care of that first. The sun was shining thru the window, and onto my hosed legs. Loved how the sun was warming my pantyhose legs. I loved how they looked. I wanked while i arched my feet in the air. Didn't take long for me to cum. Thinking back on the last few days. Mmmm felt so good. I heard a knock on the door. I hide my cock away and pulled my dress down and sat on the edge of my bed. “Come in”...
Enjoy! As always in the early mornings, Karen Thompson was already up, sitting by the table in the kitchen, drinking coffee whilst reading the headlines in the newspaper, not having time for anything else as she was never late for work - being an secretary for one of the bigger companies in the city - and wasn't planning on arriving late this Monday either. She was already dressed, of course, and due to her work she was now wearing a white blouse and a gray, short skirt. Beneath all...
It was a day home early from my trouble-shooting job. I hope Karen was ready for me. Two weeks on the road wasn’t fun, but maybe tonight would be. Oh damn, David, Karen’s brother is visiting. He’ll probably be around for a few days. Damn and double damn! These thoughts traveled through my mind when I had to park in the street because David had parked in my spot next to the side door. I opened the trunk of the car and pulled my suitcase from the back. As I opened the door into the kitchen, I...
Karen picked up Bobbie’s discarded butt plug. She didn’t know why Bobbie hadn’t taken it with her, but from the smells still permeating the air in the lavatory, she had a good guess. Well, that and seeing the disheveled Bobbie slipping out the back way gave her a pretty good clue. She took it to one of the sinks and was washing it when the door opened and Morgan walked in.Morgan was a manager from the other company on this floor of the building. She was many of the things Karen didn’t care...
MasturbationChapter OneKaren and I have been having some fun lately with her new found sluttiness. She has been teasing the bag boys at the grocery store. They fight over who is going to sack our groceries, so they will get a nice tip when they help bring our bags to the car. What’s really funny is I have someone on staff that grocery shops for me. So our trips to the store are just to tease them.I know its cruel in a way, but those boys will have some visuals for their spank bank when they head to bed....
Chapter OneKaren and I have been having some fun lately with her new found sluttiness. She has been teasing the bag boys at the grocery store. They fight over who is going to sack our groceries, so they will get a nice tip when they help bring our bags to the car. What’s really funny is I have someone on staff that grocery shops for me. So our trips to the store are just to tease them.I know its cruel in a way, but those boys will have some visuals for their spank bank when they head to bed....