Jenny Ch. 04 free porn video

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This is a re-posting of an earlier story. I have re-edited it to improve the punctuation, grammar and, I hope, the readability.

Tom sat on the edge of the stateroom bed, slowly undressing as he waited for Jenny to return from the head. He was unusually tense for a reason. He had made up his mind, and this was his moment of truth. It wasn’t that he had any doubts, but he was entering uncharted waters, and he wasn’t quite as sure of himself as he’d like to be.

Jenny opened the door and quietly closed it behind her. She saw the smiling face of Tom but immediately noticed an air of seriousness about him as well. She walked across and sat beside him and put her hand on his and looked at him.

‘What?’ she asked after a silent moment.

‘Jenny … I … I’ve been wondering when … I mean … I wasn’t sure until now … no … that’s not right,’ he stammered, and then stopped cold.

‘What are you trying to say, Tom?’ she asked with the hint of a smile on her lips.

‘Jenny, I … I’ve been in love with you since the first day we met,’ he began. I don’t know why or how, but I knew right away you were the girl for me. The last couple of months have just been fabulous, and they were just the proof that I was right,’ his voice trailed off.

‘Jenny, I love you and I want to marry you,’ he said shakily.

‘I’m absolutely sure I love you and I’m absolutely sure I want to marry you … soon.’

The entire time he had been speaking to her, his eyes had not left hers, and he had not blinked.

There was a quiet moment before Jenny spoke.

‘What took you so long?’ she giggled. She wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him with all the strength she could muster.

‘Yes! … Yes, Tom! … Yes, I will marry you,’ she said in genuine happiness.

They fell back on the bed together and hugged and kissed and looked at each other and smiled and giggled and stroked and nibbled. Finally, Jenny broke their reverie:

‘Where’s my ring?’ she said, poking Tom playfully in the chest.

‘I’m a cautious man, Jen. Come with me Monday and you can pick out the one you like. That way you won’t be cringing at my bad judgment,’ he chuckled.

‘That could be a pretty expensive decision, you know,’ she smiled.

‘I guess I’ll have to trust in your good judgment then, won’t I.’

That’s exactly what husbands are supposed to do, even future ones,’ she said with an arched eyebrow.

‘Then I might as well start now, eh?’

They were quiet again for a while. They continued to look at each other and touch and explore gently their faces and necks and shoulders. It was intensely intimate in its silence.

‘When did you know?’ he asked quietly.

‘Same as you … that first night. That first magical, wild, reckless, special night,’ she said seriously.

‘Love at first sight!’ he smiled.

‘It really does happen … and it happened to us both … at the same time. Magic,’ she said in wonder.

‘Jenny … I have a serious question for you,’ he said, looking intensely at her.

‘What?’ she searched his face.

‘It’s about children … I mean … more children. You know I love Nikki. The truth is I love kids, period. Would you consider … having more?’ he asked cautiously.

‘Oh Tom.’ she said, tears forming in her eyes. ‘I would love to have your children. Just don’t wait too long. I’m not getting any younger,’ she smiled through her tears.

‘There’s just one complication, Jen,’ he said. ‘I promised Nikki I would ask her permission if I wanted to marry you. I’ll have to talk to her in the morning.’

‘Unless I’m very much mistaken, you’re going to get a very loud, happy yes,’ she laughed. ‘But thank you for thinking of her. That moment on the deck tonight was something that I will never forget.’

‘She’s my other special lady,’ he said.

‘Tom …’

‘Hmmm …’

‘Shouldn’t we get started on that next child?’ she said coquettishly.

‘I thought you’d never ask,’ he grinned, rolling her up completely on the bed and gently pulling the sash on her robe.

He had stripped to his jockey shorts awaiting her return, and she was naked under her robe. He slowly pulled the robe apart revealing her flawless body to the low amber light in the small cabin.

He bent to kiss her and then slowly his mouth moved down the side of her neck to her throat, then shoulders and finally to her breasts. His fingers traced the outline of her areolas while his lips plucked at her nipples, first one, then the other. Jenny’s back arched, her eyes were mere slits, and a soft moan passed her lips.

Tom’s hand softly stroked her abdomen and then gradually slipped further down to her soft, downy patch and began to slowly and gently rub her slit. Jenny’s reaction was building as her hips began to move, first imperceptibly, then lifting and almost rotating rhythmically. His forefinger softly probed her labia and gradually entered her, passing the quickly moistening inner lips and then searching above her much lubricated opening for her clitoris. Jenny’s response intensified and her moans became more audible.

‘Now Tom … I’m ready now … please … now,’ she moaned softly.

Tom removed his hand and rolled Jenny on top of him. Her eyes were unfocused and partially closed, and her breathing more irregular. He pushed the front of his jockey shorts down below his scrotum, freeing his stiffening cock and lifted Jenny’s hips while she moved her knees forward.

She was poised awaiting his erection, and it was a now familiar act. She would slowly allow herself to be impaled on his rigid organ. It was no surprise to Tom that she chose a slow, erotically stimulating dance toward their mutual climax.

Jenny’s entire consciousness was centered on her vagina as she concentrated on moving Tom’s thick manhood further and further into her. Tom watched with detachment as Jenny surrendered herself to her erotic desires. He held her hips in his powerful hands and almost imperceptibly began to move his hips upward, increasing the penetration with each stroke and then withdrawing slightly each time. Jenny’s head was beside Tom’s and she lifted it slightly to kiss him, her fingers laced together across the top of Tom’s head.

‘Oh Tommy … I love you …I love you so much,’ she mumbled. ‘Make us a baby, Tommy … please.’

Tom smiled and kissed her cheek and stroked her butt cheeks with his hands as his erection was now almost completely enveloped by her. He began to increase his hip movement and was thrusting more quickly and forcefully into her. Jenny began to react, and her head was moving more erratically.

She was now making whooshing noises as pushed herself against Tom’s thrusts. Tom could feel her butt muscles clenching in rhythm as he continued his powerful strokes. Her vaginal muscles were also contracting and heightening Tom’s sensual enjoyment. Tom knew that Jenny was beginning to build toward an orgasm while he wasn’t there yet.

Jenny began to writhe and Tom once again increased the tempo, then slowly slid a finger above his pulsing member and began to stroke her clit. There was an almost instantaneous reaction from Jenny as she crooned a strange tuneless song ending in another cry as she expressed her orgasm. She shook for a few moments and then her knees collapsed and she slumped under Tom, lying motionless for some time.

Tom stroked her body with his hands and kissed her forehead. Her nose, eyes and lips were buried in the crook of Tom’s neck and her breathing had finally slowed to a more normal rate. Tom could feel her eyelashes flicker finally and he knew she was coming back from her ‘voyage.’

After a few minutes, Jenny lifted her head and smiled at her husband-to-be.

‘Hi,’ she said groggily.

‘Hi,’ he replied simply, smiling at her satisfied smile.

‘You done?’ she asked.

re you?’ he returned.

‘I could go for another visit to outer space,’ she smiled.

‘The rocket is loaded and ready,’ he said.

‘So let’s blast off then,’ she said, stretching and pushing herself up beside Tom’s chest.

They began again, this time with Jenny moving on all fours beside Tom and inviting him to take her from behind. Tom finally removed his underwear and moved behind her, grasping her hips and using her hand to guide him to her slick, welcoming entrance.

He pushed carefully forward again to enter her. The resistance was much less and her generous natural fluids made his passage a smooth, single stroke. Jenny looked back at him and playfully wiggled her ass to tease him and Tom responded with a gentle slap on her butt.

‘Oh, wife abuse … already!’ she mocked.

‘We’re not married yet,’ he smirked. ‘It’s just simple assault.’

‘Oh yeah!’ she said. ‘More like assault with a deadly weapon!’

Tom smiled but didn’t respond. He was seeking that special spot they had discovered early in their lovemaking, the place that would give Jenny her most profound orgasm.

For several minutes, the only sound was the squishing, liquid sound as he smoothly stroked in and out of her.

‘There … there it is Tom,’ she finally moaned.

Tom began to increase the pressure as he entered her, his rigid organ reaching for the top of her vagina. He was pushing more forcefully into her and then withdrawing more quickly until only the head remained in her. He began to feel his own changes, a tightening of his scrotum, a tingling sensation that signaled the beginning of his orgasm. He knew he had little time to bring Jenny to her desired completion.

Jenny could feel the changes in both herself and Tom and patiently waited as her orgasm built from within. This was not an ordinary release, but something special they had discovered for themselves. He had found her ‘G spot’ and the quality and nature of the orgasm was nothing like the ones she had experienced before. She couldn’t expect one every time, yet Tom would make it happen if he could. She felt the continuing building of sensation and knew that it would happen this time.

And then it overcame her. She felt the breath go out of her and knew she had made some sound but wasn’t conscious of what it was. Her eyes were open wide but she wasn’t seeing anything, at least nothing she recognized. It was almost like an out-of-body experience as she drifted into some other existence.

She had no idea how long it lasted nor could she describe what it was she felt, but she knew is was the most satisfying feeling she had ever experienced. As she came back from her semi-narcotic state, she felt an overwhelming sense of peace and physical pleasure. Somewhere along the way, Tom had joined her on her travels and they were together in soul as well as body.

Tom lay on his side, still inside Jenny as he spooned into her body. He knew she had orgasmed from that special place again, and he was happy for her. Her acceptance of his marriage proposal was the high on which he would end this day. Like Jenny, he had no doubt Nikki would approve, but he had promised her he would ask for her permission, and he would keep that promise. It was his last conscious thought of the day.


The first sound Jenny heard was Tom pulling on his shorts and then his ‘Matron’ sweatshirt. He slipped on his sandals, turned, bent and gave Jenny a soft kiss on her cheek. Jenny looked over at the small clock on the wall. It was just after seven.

‘Don’t you ever sleep in?’ she asked groggily.

‘Oh yeah, but I have something I need to do,’ he smiled. ‘Nikki’s up. I heard her a few minutes ago wandering around, so now’s my chance to talk to her alone.’

‘Hmmmm,’ was Jenny’s languid response as her eyes closed again.

Tom quietly opened the cabin door and slipped out, closing it again without a sound. He saw Nikki sitting at the Galley table, still dressed in her pajamas, looking at one of the books she had brought with her.

‘Good morning,’ Tom said in a whisper. ‘Are we the only ones up?’

Nikki nodded and asked, ‘Is there anything to eat?’

‘Let me have a look,’ Tom replied.

He opened a few cupboard doors and looked to see what he could find for the young girl’s breakfast. One of the upper cabinets had a couple of boxes of cereal and some bowls.

‘Cheerios or Wheat Crisps, Nikki?’

‘Cheerios please,’ Nikki replied, not looking up.

Tom opened the small refrigerator and found the milk. A drawer alongside the sink produced a spoon. He was in business. He prepared the cereal and put it down in front of Nikki and sat on the bench opposite.

‘Nikki,’ Tom began. ‘Do you remember that I promised you I would talk to you if your Mom and I wanted to get married?’

‘Uh huh,’ Nikki replied, looking at Tom across the top of her spoonful of cereal.

‘Well, last night I asked your Mom if she would marry me and we could be a family,’ he said seriously.

‘What did she say?’ Nikki asked, equally seriously.

‘She said yes. But I promised I would ask you too, so that’s what I’m doing,’ Tom continued. ‘Is it OK if I marry your Mom, Nikki?’

‘Sure! You love her don’t you?’ she said matter-of-factly.

‘I really do. I love you too Nikki. I’m a really lucky guy if I can have both of you in my family,’ he said sincerely.

Nikki smiled that honest little-girl smile. ‘Will you be my Dad?’

‘Yes Nikki, I’ll be your Dad,’ Tom replied with a tear forming in his eyes.

‘Cool!’ Nikki said simply, and went back to eating her cereal.

Tom reached over and stroked her head, touched his finger to his lips and placed the remote kiss on her forehead. He stood up and climbed the three stairs to the afterdeck out into the morning air.

‘That was harder than I thought,’ he thought as he allowed himself to relax and breath again.

Ten minutes later, Tom went below and made coffee. He thought he heard some stirring in the master stateroom, but so far no one had put in an appearance. He found the mugs and pulled out four, searched for and found the sugar, and poured some cream into a small container he found in a cupboard. By the time he had poured his coffee and stirred in the cream, Steve quietly appeared from the master stateroom.

‘Mornin’,’ he said smiling. ‘You’re up early!’

‘Yeah, had an important meeting with Nikki,’ he winked. ‘Coffee’s ready. I’ll be up on deck.’ he said.

Steve was only a minute behind Tom and sat with him on the afterdeck cushions.


‘I asked her and she said yes … I mean … I asked both of them and both of them said yes,’ Tom stammered.

‘Congratulations,’ Steve said, reaching out to shake his friend’s hand.

‘Thanks,’ he replied.

‘I think it’s going to be harder to tell Mom than it was to ask Jenny,’ he said ruefully.

‘She kept bugging me to bring her over and I kept putting her off. She going to be pissed she didn’t get a vote,’ he laughed.

‘You think there’s any problem?’ Steve asked seriously.

‘No, none at all. It’s not like Jenny’s a stranger. They’ve met her at the furniture store and bought some things from her. It’s just that I’m sure Mom would have liked to have given her formal approval before I asked her.’

‘And your Dad?’

‘He votes with Mom on this kind of thing. No problem that I can see. Hell, I waited long enough for the right one to come along. I expect they’ll be happy and go to work on Vinnie now,’ he laughed.

A sleepy looking Ingrid poked her head above the hatchway stairs and slowly stepped up onto the afterdeck. She was carrying her coffee and yawned as she plunked herself down on the cushion next to Steve. Steve leaned over and kissed her cheek and she smiled sleepily.

‘Mornin’ Babe,’ Steve said quietly.

‘Hmmmm,’ was Ingrid’s reply. She turned her he
ad and kissed Steve and then leaned her head on his shoulder.

‘I see your wife is a morning person,’ Tom laughed.

Tom could hear Jenny’s voice below and after a minute or so, she appeared in the companionway with her obligatory cup of coffee in hand.

‘Well, it seems that all the members of the coffee club are in attendance at last,’ Steve observed.

‘Our bodies might be here, but I wouldn’t bet on our minds,’ Jenny replied blearily.

‘Don’t you think you’ve got something to tell us, Jenny?’ Steve suggested with an arched look.

Jenny blushed and looked down into her coffee cup.

‘I suppose our secret is already out anyway,’ Jenny said quietly.

‘Tom proposed last night and I accepted,’ she continued with a smile.

Ingrid snapped to alert, jumped up, spilling half her coffee and rushed to Jenny’s side.

‘Oh, that’s wonderful, Jen. I’m so happy for both of you,’ she enthused, giving her a big hug.

‘Does Nikki know? When’s the wedding? Did you get a ring?’ she fired in staccato fashion, moving to Tom to give him a congratulatory hug and kiss.

‘I asked Nikki’s permission this morning and she said yes,’ Tom smiled.

‘As for the rest, we haven’t decided on a date and we’re going to the jeweler of Jen’s choice on Monday to find a ring.’

‘This boat is going to have quite a romantic reputation,’ Ingrid smiled.

‘First Steve and I, and then you two.’

Nikki appeared at the top of the companionway and looked around curiously. She had gotten dressed and was wearing jeans and her new, very bulky ‘Matron’ sweatshirt.

‘What are you guys talking about?’ she asked as she crossed the deck and sat beside Ingrid.

‘Your mom and Tom are getting married,’ Ingrid said brightly, giving Nikki a hug.

‘Yeah, I know. Tom told me this morning. I said it was OK,’ she stated with a straight face and a positive nod of her head.

‘I think you had better start calling your new dad ‘Dad’, don’t you think,’ Jenny suggested.

‘Yeah. Is it OK even if you aren’t married yet?’

‘Sure, Nikki, it’s great with me,’ Tom said smiling.

‘Do I get to go to the wedding?’ Nikki asked seriously.

‘Of course!’ Jenny said quickly. ‘You’ll be the maid of honor.’

‘I will?’ she looked surprised. ‘What do I have to do?’

‘Don’t worry, it isn’t hard,’ Jenny said soothingly. ‘But you get a special dress and you get to be in the pictures.’

‘Yippee! I can’t wait. When is it going to be Mom?’ she asked, now excited.

‘Soon, but we have to get a church and then we’ll know what the date will be,’ Jenny continued.

Tom sat on the cushion wearing a seemingly permanent smile. His arms were now wrapped around both his ‘girls.’

Steve stood up and asked who wanted breakfast and three yes votes were followed with a ‘what are we having?’ from Nikki. ‘How about ‘Eggs Benny’ for the adults and some scrambled eggs for Nikki?’ he asked.

He quickly secured the unanimous approval of all hands.

‘I’ll give you a hand, Steve,’ Jenny offered.

‘Thanks, Jen. Give me a couple of minutes to get organized and then we can get started,’ he suggested.

‘Tom, why don’t you pass around the coffee pot and I can get another one on the go.’

Within a few minutes, wonderful aromas were wafting up the companionway from the galley, and the group’s latent hunger was beginning to surface.

Ingrid set up the table on the afterdeck and two small portable tables for Nikki and the condiments.

Their breakfast was consumed with gusto, and there was much talk about the forthcoming wedding. Ingrid was preening with pride over her perceptive matchmaking skills, while Tom was thinking out loud about the housing arrangements, announcing to his parents, and other practical issues.

Jenny needled Tom about a honeymoon, and Nikki wanted to know if she could have the basement bedroom and bathroom when they moved to Tom’s house. They were a happy group, and Steve had to force himself to get the boat ready to turn back to Fisherman’s Cove. Ingrid and Jenny volunteered to look after the dishes with Nikki offering to help as well. Tom and Steve went about getting ready to move out of the small bay and head down the Gulf.

By noon, the ‘Matron’ was well along the southern part of the Sunshine Coast and heading for a small bay near Gibson’s Landing for a lunch break. Tom had replaced Ingrid as the alternate helmsman, and although he didn’t have the deft touch of Steve’s partner, he could manage to keep the boat on course and the sails taut. The sun had finally broken through the scattered cloud and the temperature had been rising steadily.

Same as Jenny Ch. 04 Videos

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Shaun was standing alongside Ken, who had his headphones on listening to the radio traffic on the radio, set into the side of the truck. “All the positions have reported in, Shaun,” Ken said softly. Shaun smiled and nodded; he glanced up beyond the side of the truck seeing the sun come up over the crags. The truck was facing down towards the valley floor covered in camouflage netting. Young Saul stood behind the twin 50cals, gazing at the exit of the gorge some eight hundred yards...

3 years ago
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The cock milker pt 2

The last few days had been great fun. I fucked Shaila almost everyday.Shaila even managed to give me head in her car once. The one thing about Shaila was she would always leave a scratch mark or a bite mark on me every time we fucked. There was this one time where she left a very visible bite mark on my back. I had just got out of the shower and yet to put a t-shirt on when Mrs.Ahuja walked in with a cup of tea for me. As luck would have it she immediately noticed the bite mark on my back. She...

2 years ago
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Rules Are Made To Be Broken

They spent the long drive home largely in silence. She rested her hand on his thigh, occasionally squeezing gently, imploring him to look over at her. Instead, he kept his calm green eyes fixated on the road, his expression unchanging. She wanted to plead with him, kiss his chin and cheek and apologize profusely until he took her in her arms and hugged her close. She knew this was not an option, however. All she could do now to mitigate her fate was to respect his request for her to keep quiet...

1 year ago
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Mamun8217s Lusty Paradise

I was squeezing my tit with one hand and fingering my wet cunt with another, as my dad’s fucking scene with aunty was playing in my mind. What was igniting the fire in my cunt was that aunty was looking into my eyes all the time dad was fucking. She was making sexy, moaning noises and lifting her buttocks to meet my dad’s pounding cock. I was not asleep like dad thought when he shook my shoulder gently. “Come on, wake up, you will be late for college”, he said and I moaned as I reached orgasm....

3 years ago
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Naughty Daughter Gets Even Naughtier

Rick and Bruce PartakeMy sixteen-year-old daughter Sherry, who spends every other weekend at my place, had misled me into thinking she had a date Saturday evening. I took her to the mall to buy some sexy clothes, and when we returned home, she dressed up to model them for me. It was then that she disclosed that she didn’t have a date but bought them solely for my pleasure. I fucked her for the first time that afternoon, and soon after she confessed she was fucking her soccer coach and his other...

4 years ago
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PalimpsestChapter 19 Ravenous

"You look like a wild woman," Joe responded when Marta asked why he took pictures of her. "I never saw you so drunk and happy." They'd arrived early to the rave, parking at an adjoining lot acquired when the boss acquired the warehouse building. Blackened windows kept the inner lights from leaking out, but the building thrummed with loud steady bass. It got a bit louder when Joe opened the outer door to the building for Margie and Marta, though not as loud as the space itself. The door...

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The Greenwich TalesChapter 1 When Larry Met Daphne

I first met Daphne shortly after I'd joined Freddie Clegg Enterprises. I was flying back from a trip to the Caribbean. She was on the same 'plane. My first impression of her wasn't great. She looked shabby; overweight, badly dressed, poor complexion and greasy hair. I guessed that she was about forty but it was hard to say. She could have been older. Perhaps I should introduce myself. I'm Larry. I look after marketing for Clegg. Well at least I did when all this kicked off. This was one...

1 year ago
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BurningAngel Karma RX Tits and Tattoos

Enjoying the breeze outside, blonde stunner Karma Rx douses her big round titties and ass in coconut oil, sensually massaging it into her skin. She needs to get stuffed hard ASAP and only Small Hands can deliver the deep dicking she desires, and walked in on him completely naked getting right to business. The gentleman went down on his lady before fucking her throat and tossing her onto her back to pummel that pussy, and taking her juicy melons for a spin! Karma earned his sticky jizz all over...

3 years ago
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Sexual Tension With Maid

Hello Indian sex stories readers, I am 20 years old, average physique, originally from Malabar side of kerala but currently studying in Bangalore. I have pinned down a few real and fictional stories before on ISS. Today, I’ll share something which happened with my maid when I was in 12 std. When this happened, she was probably about 20 years of age. During those days in Kerala, we had a full time maid at our house. She stays at our house 24×7 and goes to her village only once in three months or...

2 years ago
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Path To GloryChapter 15

Beth and I left the conversation at that point for a day or so. It was Mack who broached the subject next. "What are your plans as far as dating," he asked at dinner two days before Beth's departure. "Are you going to keep dating when Beth leaves or try to stay together?" We told him we were still reviewing the options. "Well, you haven't been dating long," he said. "But I'd be interested in hearing where you both think this relationship is headed." I know I hadn't thought...

4 years ago
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In a slaves head

You return to the silent room after being away for the night, my body glowing and dripping with perspiration, hanging on the severe bonds. My muscles can no longer take the strain from the straps and the manacles, so my flesh sinks into the restraints, my body joints distended with weight going through my ligaments.I manage to raise my head as I hear you enter, everything is black, the heat lamps have taken a toll on my skin and I hang here pathetically, my body speaking a thousand words, but...

1 year ago
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Alexis The Dark Fairy Chapter 4

After getting into her car Alexis changed back to her normal self and began flying around inside the car."What are you doing?" Vanessa asked."I've never actually been inside a car before. We fairies had always relied on magic and flying. What makes it work?" Alexis was buzzing around so fast Vanessa could hardly keep up with her. Vanessa let out a soft giggle."I'm not a mechanic so could not tell you exactly but to put it simply it runs off of gasoline, which is a flammable substance that the...

2 years ago
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Journal of an AgentChapter 25 Alyson Hannigan

It's true what they say about your life flashing before your eyes right before you think you are going to die. For me, that happened in those few seconds right before my BMW landed like a breaching whale into the dark ocean off the California coast. I saw lots of things and lots of people - my family, my friends, the girls who had broken my heart, the girls I had fallen in love with and all the flings and one night stands in between. I could see nothing in front of me beyond the black...

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The Scholarship

The Scholarship by Couture "Have you heard anything Tracy?" Mrs. Jones asked her son. Who was busy playing the latest video game on the TV in the living room. "No mom," Tracy said, his controller making the staccato tap-tap-tap his mother loathed. "I've been accepted at several schools, but no scholarships." "I told you to play sports," Mrs. Jones said. "How many times did I tell you. Pick a sport and get good at it. It's a sure ticket to a scholarship. But instead you sit on...

3 years ago
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Sonia Sharma A Dirty Whore 8211 X8217mas Celebration With Strangers

Hi guys mai sonia randi sharma ek baar phir hazir hai aap logo kai saath rangraliyaa manane kai liye aap logo ko bahut sara pyar dene kai liye aap logo kai bade bade lambe hot cocks ko apne hotho se gila karke apni chut or gaand ki pyas bhujane kai liye ohh guys aap log bahut ache hai or aap logo ke reviews or comments hi mujhe kahte hai or mai apni life ka ek sunahra hissa aapke saath share kar deti hu to guys is story kai pahle bhi maine bahut si stories likhi hai to please pahle un sari...

1 year ago
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HussiePass Chiara Chianti Big Rough Crazy Passionate

Nipply newbie Chiara Chianti makes her industry debut today on Hussie?Pass, and we paired her up with young big-dick buck Johnny Love for this update. The scene starts with director Johnny Robins helping us get to know a little bit about the self-proclaimed “pasta slut” before Chiara sheds her skimpy bikini and utilizes her fingers to get her meaty vag ready for action. Johnny makes his way into the picture with some motion lotion for Chiara’s perky tits & sweet backside, which she...

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A simple smile

 "Almost there guys," I said as I looked into the back seat. My two Malamute dogs looked back at me. I hated seeing them like this, cooped up in the back seat of my SUV. "I'm sorry," I said as a single tear traced down my face. I wiped it away and shook my head. "Enough of that," I cursed myself. I had cried enough on this long drive. Texas was a long way behind me now, so was a great life that I had left behind. Georgia was going to my new home, a small town I had never heard about...

1 year ago
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Stranded DaddiesChapter 10

When the action started on the bed, with Dave crawling between Cindy's thighs, Denise saw it over her shoulder. She got up off her father's lap, then, and went to the end of the bed, where she had a ring-side seat to what was going on. She felt Dick's sperm running down her leg and unconsciously sealed her leaking pussy with two fingers, that squeezed her pussy lips together. At first she couldn't see anything, because Uncle Dave's hand was in the way. But, when he removed it, there, in...

4 years ago
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Bath House Visit PT2 Gay

As I grabbed my towel and headed toward the shower room I decided not to wipe the cum off my face. I walked over slowly with a towel thrown over my shoulder, cum still all over my face and a hard cock. I managed to turn some heads on my walk of shame or walk of pride. I rinsed off my body quickly and chose to explore the glory hole area. My cock was aching for some relief. The glory hole area had a raised platform with several large holes. About half of them were enclosed in cubicles with...

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Party girls own story

This happened a few months ago and I haven't told anyone about it, but I can't stop thinking about it.I'm a white women in my early 30s, and I've been with my share of guys, but never more than one at a time, and over the past few years not so much as I have been focusing more on work and been in some steady relationships. So anyway, I had been seeing this (white) guy for about 6 months and it was going okay, but we had a fight and split up so I went out with a girl friend of mine to a club. I...

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Megans first job part 1

February in Australia is scorching hot and not having a car of my own or a license I had to take public transport which wasn’t so bad apart from times were the buses can get a bit crowded, just my luck today was one of those days as I was crammed in between a larger man in a business suit and a couple of male high school kids, I swear, I could faintly feel the older mans crotch poking into my jean-clad arse every time the bus came to a stop or it took a sharp turn left or right, he was kind of...

3 years ago
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Making Love To My Cousin

Hi Friends its mohit again to narrate you my story how I fucked my cousin sister sakshi. As you all know from previous stories that i was living with my aunt and my cousin sister now talking about my sister she has just turned 18 and passed her school and took admission in B.Sc. in a college near our home. Looks wise she is slim with average boobs size as she is just 18 know and yes as got some fleshy thighs and a very seductive ass. She is 5ft 4in tall. Overall she is a good package and yes...

2 years ago
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Five Vials First Date

"Excuse me. Can I buy you a drink?" Victoria looked up from her seat at the bar to see a handsome young face wearing a genuine - if not slightly nervous - smile. She glanced down at her notes, reaching for her train of thought and realizing it had hopelessly derailed. She looked back up, the man standing in front of her shifting slightly. He appeared to be trying to figure out what to do with his hands. It was kind of cute. Victoria closed her notebook and slid it off the table, into...

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The Postman Rang Twice

Ten years after we began our joint venture, my brother, Jillian and I, after downing the better part of a bottle of Jack Daniels, reviewed the lot in life we'd dealt ourselves. Michael seemed content enough, modeling for and promoting our project, doing the accounting, driving the motor home and letting Jillian collect his sperm. I was content enough screwing all those generous Johns and Janes, filming the proceedings and then producing all those, ever-so-profitable videos. Last but by no means...

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Its Midnight and Im LostChapter 10

Just moments later, Mara appeared to wake up. “What happened to Mentor? Is he okay? Where is he, and how did I get here?” I gave her the entire story as I knew it. Mentor was brought into the bedroom, and there was a tender meeting between the two of them. Of course, the action was a bit more energetic on Mentor’s side, but what else would you expect from a 6-year-old boy? Mara got out of bed and showed no sign of having gone through her recent experience. By the way, the drunk who nearly...

1 year ago
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My 13th Birthday initiation with mom

In my family, we have something called the initiation into adulthood. This is not an initiation like a barmitzvah or something like that, but very different. It goes like this: on the 13th birthday of a c***d in our family, the parent of the opposite sex will join the c***d in a log night of sex, in which the parent will not only give the c***d their first sexual experience, but teach the c***d everything they know about sex so that someday they might teach their own c***dren. Another thing I...

2 years ago
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My Clan Family Defending Our Way Of Life

Copyright© 2001-2003 A gay young prince from Morocco Made love in a manner rococco. He painted his penis To resemble a venus And flavored his semen with cocoa. I lost myself into my work. The loss of Anne hit me harder than I assumed it would - yet it happened during a time of joy. The birth of my first child, a daughter, was miraculous and a joy to my world. Minutes after her birth, Anne slipped away into oblivion - nothing the doctors could do, could save her. Perhaps mother...

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Wanting to go farther

So now I had taken the final step... I had been fucked and dominated by a old man and loved it for some reason, which I would later discover after self-reflection. He had only made one little comment about the hair on my butt, but that was enough and I started to shave my butt and thighs. Just this act was and is in itself was exciting and sensual, whenever I shave my butt and thighs my heart starts to beat faster and I start breathing heavier. I look at my handy work in the mirror. I stare at...

3 years ago
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New Start on Life and Love

I felt like I was living a dream. I had gone from a small town, single mom, and now I was in my New York City apartment with the love of my life. I was standing on the balcony, sipping on a glass of wine, and watching the city move when John stepped out to join me. The night was cold, we wouldn't be out long so he kept the door open with our curtain drawn as a barrier. This allowed us to hear the kids, but kept the cold air out of the apartment.His arms wrapped around my waist, and I leaned...

Love Stories
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Becoming Sarah

I was driving home from a work trip. That is how it started. There was roughly 85 miles to home. I had been driving for about an hour when my mind began wandering the way it always does when I'm not preoccupied. It always goes to the same place. For the better part of five years, I have been cross-dressing in secret whenever I have the house to myself. Sometimes I do it because it excites me sexually, and sometimes I do it just because it feels right. The way silky panties slide around on...

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SLUT ASHLEY 17Keenum sat on the couch, reviewing the images that he saw just moments ago. Not just his cum shooting on Ashley’s pretty face, but also that gorgeous, tanned ass of hers. The way it shook when she walked away from him made him lust for her yet again. In just a few minutes, he had himself so worked up that by the time she emerged from the bathroom he was fully recovered and a little turned on again. He stood up and walked her to the door, his long penis hanging between his legs.At...

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A New Career

"A photo shoot? What's that?" Tiffany explained that she and a few friends all got together at a photography studio once in a while and shot off some digitals to sell. She said that I could play a part and be paid, too. I had just met Tiffany last night. We'd had a late night romp and then as we were just laying there this conversation ensued. I asked her what it entailed, and she said I'd have to be willing to have sex on camera. She told me the hardest thing would be for me...

4 years ago
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Adult Education

"I bet he wants your ass, too. Men always think women want that, and they never do."I watched the other ladies in the group laugh or look down. That was Jennifer talking, and she was teasing Jackie about her boyfriend, whom Jackie described as "pretty adventurous in bed.""What do you think, Eric?" Amy's eyes challenged mine as I snapped over to her."I think I'm smart enough to stay out of this conversation," I replied, to a couple of giggles from the ladies."Well that's the nice, safe, boring...

2 years ago
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The Advert

This continues the story of 22 year old Scott being spanked by his Mum, Sheila. 22 year old Scott was shell shocked. His Mum, Sheila, had been scolding him over what had happened for what seemed like forever and still he could not believe his joke had backfired so badly. It had only been a joke, just a joke. He had placed an advert on a web site that he thought was really funny, which read, “I need a spanking and want people to watch. The highest bidder gets to spank me and the next three get...

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Breaking FreeChapter 5

It got to be late October again, marking the two year anniversary of my moving to Connecticut. I'd long since settled into a lazy routine, spending four routine hours on my computer in the mornings, and then making the five to ten necessary phone calls I needed to in the early afternoon. Business was still strong, but there were customers who had business failures, and these outlets for my chimes needed to be replaced with new ones. Since my move from California, the ambition I'd once had,...

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My Hot Hindi Teacher

Hello Friends,My name is Lucky Qureshi.Presently I Study at Delhi rkpuram college in 12th class.Two Years before i was in 10nth standard and My hindi subject was little weak.Therefore I started going for hindi tuitions.My hindi tutor name was Mrs.Sheela,She was nearly 50yrs old,5’5 height,fair complexion and 36,28,38 of hot body.Her Husband was dead 10 years ago.One day after my hindi board paper she called me at her house alone as she want to discuss about the paper.It was Tuesday Evening and...

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