Angel Ch. 08 free porn video

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The following week, Pennsylvania:

It was the Tuesday a week after Angel left, and Josh sat on the couch watching the basketball game while Emily was baking something in the kitchen. Every now and then he would let out a hoot or a holler when someone from the team he was rooting for made a basket. Emily had gone through the trouble to make him a sandwich and bring him a beer the moment he came home from the office.

He was still in his pressed shirt and the tie was hanging off the arm of the couch. Only the side table lamp was on and it was starting to get dark outside. Intent on the game, Josh never heard the phone ring until Emily brought it to him.

‘Its Owen.’ She said, handing him the phone.

‘Hey man, what’s up?’ Josh said into the receiver.

‘Nothing J man. Getting a group of guys together for Max’s Bachelor party this weekend.’

‘Oh yeah? What’s the plan?’

‘Some of the guys wanted to go away, like a retreat thing. Wanted to get some suggestions.’

‘Huh. Well, do we want booze and babes, or hunting and camping?’

‘The majority vote is for the booze and women.’

‘What about a weekend in Baltimore?’ Josh regretted suggesting this the moment it came out of his mouth. He wasn’t really sure what made him say it except for the fact that he knew Angel lived there.

‘Damn Josh, that’s a hell of an idea. We could hit some of the strip joints, stay at one of the hotels at the harbor. The wife and me visited there last year. Not too shabby.’

‘Well, uh, or we could go over to the beach side of Delaware.’ Josh hoped the second suggestion would be taken instead.

‘Hell no, we should go to Baltimore. Max will get a kick out of that!’

‘Well, whatever O. Just let me know what the final plan is. I can get away for anything, and welcome the opportunity to do as often as possible.’

‘Shit Josh, you haven’t been married even 5 months yet and already you are running from the old lady. Just wait until the brat gets there.’

‘Ha ha. Just call me back with the details.’ Josh hung up the phone as Emily returned to the living room with a tray of brownies.

‘What was that about?’ She asked, setting the plate on the table.

‘Owen is throwing a Bachelor party for Max. Wants to go away for the weekend. The beach or something.’

‘I don’t want you to go away for the whole weekend, Josh.’ Emily said in a whining voice. ‘I have a doctors appointment on Saturday and I still haven’t been feeling well. I wish you would stay here.’

‘I’ll think about it Em, but as part of the bridal party, I do have certain obligations.’ Josh had no intentions of staying home this weekend, but in order to pacify Emily, he said what he could to smooth it over.

‘Well, I wish you wouldn’t go.’ Emily said grumpily as she sat down next to Josh and propped her feet up on the table. Josh reached for her hand and sat in silence for a few minutes. Slowly, he started rubbing her thigh and moved his hand over to the place where her love hole was hidden under a small pregnant belly.

He massaged lightly, feeling friction build and the heat spread. He hadn’t fucked since Angel left, and it had been months since he had fucked his wife. He was horny and he wanted a piece of ass, even if it wasn’t Angel.

He leaned over, nuzzling Emily’s neck, kissing her sloppily and allowing his other hand to grope her breasts. She turned her head to kiss him back and his mouth mashed her, his tongue darting into her mouth. She moaned a distressed sound that Josh took as an okay to precede. Angel liked it rough, and having that with her, made him want it now with Emily.

He slipped his hands into her elastic pants and began massaging the top of her mound. He found the clit swollen and he rubbed it ferociously all the while kissing her hard. He managed to pop a button off her shirt and he heard it tinkle across the room as his hand made it into her bra. Emily’s breasts were large globes that seemed heavier now that she was pregnant, and Josh liked that. He leaned over and took the nipple into his mouth, biting hard.

‘Ouch!’ Emily complained, pulling back. ‘Be careful!’

Growling almost playfully, Josh popped open the rest of Emily’s shirt to expose both breasts. She began to squirm under his hands and Josh could feel his cock pressing tightly against his trousers. Emily eventually stayed still, allowing her husband to paw at her body. He began to slide her pants off and she began to cry. Josh stopped, and sighing in frustration, threw up his hands.

‘What now?’ he asked

‘Why…why do you have to be so rough?’ She asked, wiping her face with the back of her hand.

‘Em, I’m not being rough, I just want to fuck and I hate that I have to get you ‘in the mood’ every time I want to stick my cock in you.’ Emily retracted as if she had been hit. Josh had never talked to her that way, and the shocked look on her face softened Josh for a moment.

‘Look, I want to make love to you and I wish you felt the same.’

‘I do too,’ she said tersely. ‘But right now, I just don’t feel like doing that.’

‘God, when do you ever? Before we got married I couldn’t keep you off me. Now all of a sudden your like a fucking nun!’ He said, his voice starting raise.

‘I am sooo sorry I am pregnant and find sex repulsing. Really, I did this myself right? I got my self pregnant!’

‘Trust me Em, you do not want to have this conversation with me right now.’ Josh stood from the couch and turned to leave the room. ‘You won’t like how it ends.’

Josh left the living room and the basketball game behind. He grabbed his laptop and thundered up the stairs. He needed to clear his head, need to stop seeing red and goddamn it, needed to get off. The boner in his pants was still raging hard and becoming more and more uncomfortable.

Josh slammed the door to the bedroom and locked it behind. He took off his shirt and as he sat on the bed, he began thinking of Angel, her sweet ass offering him the pleasure of burying his cock deep into her pussy. Another wave of pulsation circulated through his cock and he unzipped his pants to release the pressure.

His cock sprang free, and the head was swollen and almost purple, ready to explode. God, he needed to have her. He needed to get off. He took off his pants and boxers, now standing nude except for his socks. Checking again to make sure the door was in fact locked, he made his way back to the bed and leaned against the headboard, spreading his legs slightly.

Slowly, he began thinking of Angel, her tits, her ass, her sweet little cunt. He imagined himself spreading the lips of her pussy, tasting her little bud and dipping his tongue into her hole. He began to stroke his cock, using the beads of precum to slide his fingers more easily over the tip. He thought of sliding his rod into her opening, slowly at first and listening to her moan his name. He imagined nibbling her nipples, pulling them taught against his mouth, sucking them all the way in.

Pumping harder now, his hand slid effortlessly over his knob, stretching the skin tight at the top. He closed his eyes and imagined Angel ridding him, her tits bouncing in his face, her ass making a slapping noise when she hit his balls. He was so close now, ready to explode at last. He imagined her kneeling in front of him, her mouth working his nuts, licking the shaft and taking the head into her mouth. With a few more yanks he cam hard, spurting the white cream onto his stomach.

Sighing, he relaxed the grip on his cock and stood, careful not to leak cum onto the bed. He flicked on the light in the bathroom and took a towel from the shelf and wiped the jiz clean from his body. He started the shower and when the temperature was right, he stood under the spray, and finally feeling relaxed.

When he got out and had dried off, he heard the phone ring again and grabbed it from the cradle next to the nightstand.
< br> ‘Hello?’ Josh said.

‘Hey man, its Owen. We have a plan.’

‘What’s the plan?’

‘We are totally going to Baltimore on Friday. Staying at the Hyatt at the harbor.’

‘Who’s coming?’ Josh said pulling on lounge pants.

‘Yours truly, Max of course, Nic, Evan, Trey and you.’

‘Man, that’s gonna be a blast.’

‘Hell yeah! Limo is coming at 3, so be ready my man.’

‘Will be. See ya then.’

Josh hung up the phone and headed downstairs. He took his blanket and a pillow along with his laptop back down to the den and made up camp. He figured that Emily would be sleeping alone in their bed tonight, but at least he could beat her to the punch and make his bed on the couch before she asked him to.


Friday couldn’t come soon enough for Josh. Thursday night he started packing for the weekend away and over the last few days had grown considerably calmer, knowing he would soon be in the town where Angel lives. Of course, he didn’t know once he got there if he could find her, or wanted to find her. But he did want to find her. He just wasn’t sure if he would be able to.

On Thursday, he called Angel’s mom and asked casually if she knew where Angel and Johanna lived or worked or their phone numbers. Curiously, Angel’s mom didn’t have a clue. This made it quite difficult for Josh to find them if he did decide to go hunting for her. Aside from searching every dental office in town, his chances of finding her were slim.

By 3 pm on Friday, he was ready to go and the limo arrived right on time. He was the last to be picked up since he lived on the edge of town and in the direction of southbound lanes out of PA. He hauled himself into the seat and was handed a beer. He slapped high fives with his friends closest to his seat and nodded to the others. The limo lurched away and the rowdy boys hollered loudly. Relaxing a few degrees more after each mile of PA fell behind, Josh began to enjoy the time with his friends.

Several hours later, the limo pulled into the lot of the hotel and the guys removed themselves on woozy legs and Owen checked them into the hotel. The male boding and rowdiness continued up to the 12th floor and into the elaborate suite that Owen had reserved for their weekend of fun.

‘Holy shit O!’ Max, the groom to be exclaimed. ‘This is fucking great!’

‘Yeah man,’ Nic said from the living room. ‘They left mad booze in the bar!’

Owen beamed at the attention his planning was being paid, and one by one they gave Owen a high five.

‘So, gentlemen, let the fun begin!’ Hoots and hollers ensued after Owen’s last comment and a flurry of excitement roused the group again. The guys changed into night wear and made their way down to the lobby of the hotel. The 6 boys waited while the limo circled around the block for the last time and came to a stop at the front of the hotel. Once again they were on their way.

‘Well, what’s the first stop?’ Evan said. He pushed his brown unruly hair out of his eyes.

‘My man Fred!’ Owen said shouting to the front of the limo to the driver. ‘Where can we see some ass around here?’

‘Well, do you want to see ladies in bikinis, or ladies in the buff?’ Fred said, glancing in the rear view mirror.

‘In the buff!’ The 6 guys said together from the back.

‘In that case,’ Fred said, switching lanes, ‘you need to go to the Gold Club. Hot women and cold beer, my friends.’

‘On to the Gold Club, then.’ Max said.

The rest of the night was spent drinking and getting as close to the girls as possible. They each paid for a lap dance for Max and although the girls were smoking hot, they weren’t putting out. Owen was slightly disturbed at this, since he was the man in charge this weekend, and he wanted his friends to get laid and have a good time.

On the ride home, Fred asked how it was and if he was right.

‘Hell yeah!’ Josh said, drunk and slurring his words. ‘Just tell me one thing, where can we get some ass? Real ass?’

‘Yeah man!’ Nic said, suddenly looking concerned. ‘We are here to par-tey!’

‘My friends!’ Fred said, ‘I will not steer you wrong! Tomorrow night we go to The Block where all the good shit is if you’d like. And I just so happen to know a man who knows some girls who will come to the hotel and dance. If you catch my drift!’

‘Hell yeah, Fred! Bring it on!’ Trey said grabbing another beer.

When they finally got back to the hotel, all except Owen stumbled into the lobby. He exchanged the information with Fred for the name and number of the guy to get the stripper for the following night. Owen was dead set about making this weekend memorable for all of his friends.


Saturday came for the boys with too bright light and pounding headaches. Groggily, they all dressed and finally managed to get out of the hotel by noon. The wandered to the harbor and ate lunch at the notorious Hooters and drank from the pitcher that caused them pain the night before.

‘Man,’ Evan said, picking up a wing. ‘Last night was a trip!’

‘For sure.’ Trey said, eyeing the young girl in the fluorescent orange shorts. ‘My head is killing me.’

‘You’re telling me!’ Max said. ‘I am just glad I actually remember getting those ball rubs last night. What fun would it be if I couldn’t remember that?’

Josh laughed and Owen motioned for another pitcher of beer to be brought. He cleared his throat. The guys around the table quit bitching about their hangovers and gave Owen their attention.

‘While you pussies were puking your guts up this morning, I got a hold of our pleasure source for this evening.’ Owen enjoyed the fact that his friends were now paying close attention to his every word. ‘The stripper will be ascending our hotel room at 9 tonight for entertainment. I have taken care of the fundage needed to cover her flat rate, but anything extra,’ he paused and looked them each in the eye, ‘Is yours to pay. Understand?’

The boys nodded their heads. Josh spoke up. ‘And, uh, who is this guy who is setting this up?’

‘Some dick named Romeo. He was a real ass on the phone.’ Owen said.

‘Romeo?’ Josh scrunched up his face. He thought this name sounded familiar but couldn’t place it. He knew he had heard it before, and recently, but he couldn’t for the life of him remember.

‘Yup. Said he was sending one of his best dancers.’ Owen made quotation marks in the air to emphasize. ‘Yeah, if that’s what you call them.’ He snickered.

The conversation waned and they wrapped up lunch. Set with a long night ahead of themselves and too tired to comprehend doing anything else, they made their way back to the hotel for a quick dip in the indoor heated pool and then back to the room for an afternoon siesta.

At 9 pm sharp, a call came from the front desk and when Owen put down the phone in their spacious living room in the suite, he was excited.

‘She’s here boys!’ He said loudly, causing the guys to scurry from their rooms and from the kitchen. Owen left out of the room and impatiently waited for the elevator to take him to the first floor. When the doors opened he searched franticly for the hot piece of ass the guy Romeo promised. Sure enough, a smoking brunette was standing at the front desk. Her long legs were showing underneath her lightweight coat.

Being nonchalant, Owen went directly to the information desk and said that he had a guest waiting for him. Before the concierge could respond, the brunette turned and stuck out her hand to him.

‘My name is Amber. I believe we have business.’ She smiled seductively at Owen and he returned her smile. He led her to the elevators and rode in silence to the 12th floor. He held the door for her to exit first and watched her tight little ass sash shay past him. He could feel a tingle in his pants, but settled himself before entering the room.

Amber smiled when she saw all the handsome men before her. She took off her jacket to revea
l a white nurses uniform complete with stethoscope. Cheers rang out from the boys and Amber raised her hand.

‘Alright boys, this is how we are going to play this game.’ She put her hand on her hips and smiled again. ‘First, who is the husband to be?’

Max raised his hand as if he was being held up. The others clapped and shouted. Amber raised her hand again.

‘Settle down boys! Okay, you,’ she said pointing to Max, ‘I want you in the middle. Can someone find this hot stud a chair?’ Trey and Nic raced to the kitchen and found a chair and placed it in the middle of the room. Max eagerly sat down.

Amber moved easily to where the stereo was positioned under the TV and flicked through the stations until she found some club music. Moving her hips slowly at first, she began to dance. The boys took seats on the several sofas and watched.

She moved towards Max, snaking her hands over his muscular shoulders and through his hair. Her tits grazed his head, and he could feel the soft mounds on his back. He began to feel a stir in his pants and Amber was quick to notice. She slid a hand to his crotch, and massaged his cock through his pants. Max grinned and looked to his friends who were giving him thumbs up signs. Amber stood in front of Max now and took his hands and placed them on her breasts.

‘You like that?’ She asked. ‘Why don’t you take off my shirt and see what’s under here, hum?’

Max enthusiastically began pulling the snaps apart, each one more strained against her chest than the one before. Soon enough the shirtdress was open to expose a white lace bra and matching thong, held up by a garter belt. Amber straddled Max’s lap and began to slowly gyrate on his cock. Instinctively Max held his hands to his sides, not wanting to break the number one rule of lap dances.

‘Baby, this is an all access show. You can touch anything you want.’ Amber said, sliding Max’s left hand to her tit. He grinned again and used his other hand in the same way, tentatively, afraid she would rescind the offer. When Amber only threw back her head and moaned he became braver.

‘Take it off!’ Owen yelled.

‘Yeah, man, we want to see!’ Trey also said, chiming in excitedly.

Max, egged on by his friends reached behind her hot body and unsnapped her lacy bra. He tits sprang free and with a push of his hands, Max dropped both her bra and the dress to the floor. Amber leaned closer to Max, rubbing her erect nipples in his face, brushing them against his lips. He looked at her questioningly but she only nodded. He took one of the nipples into his mouth and bit gently.

‘Oh, baby!’ She moaned, grinding harder against his crotch. ‘That feels so good!’

Max, more forward now, began roaming his hands over her body, and rocking his hips into hers. The boy watching were now excited enough that their erections were evident through their pants, and Evan had even slid his hand into his pants.

‘Looks like your friends like me.’ Amber said.

‘Hell yeah! But I get you first right?’ Max asked concerned for a moment.

‘For sure baby. You get my pussy first.’ Amber smiled wickedly and then stood. She turned around and snapped her ass into his face. Laughing, Max slapped her rump, which resounded with a loud smacking sound. Another rouse of laughter came from the boys on the couch. Slowly, Amber slid her thong off her ass with the hooks of her thumbs. Following the beat of the music, the thong dropped to the floor.

Amber slinky leaned over Max’s lap and undid his pants. Like a spring, his cock sprang out of his lap and his full 9 inches were exposed. He drew in a breath when she sucked the head into her mouth. She licked her lips and smiled.

‘We have a live one here boys.’ She said. Returning to her work, she wiggled her ass as she bobbed her head up and down. On the couch, Evan and Nic had dropped their pants below their hips and their meat was hanging out. Slowly they were stroking their cocks, intently watching Amber suck Max’s dick.

Standing, Amber now re-straddled Max and slowly impaled herself on his shaft. Max rolled his eyes back into his head and moaned. Josh had removed his pants completely and so did Owen. All 4 of the other boys were leaning on the edge of the couches eying the sex happening in the middle of the room.

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Pretty soon I have a considerable lead and I leap into the air, instantly morphing into a large eagle like bird but with my own twist. Thats the thing, not only can i transform into real animals, objects, and people but i can adjust the appearance or the chemical makeup of that object to whatever suits me. The bird is as big as an F-16 and has a black appearance but the feathers seem to bend light around it essentially making it invisible... that is if your not looking for it. I bank around...

3 years ago
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Across the Unclaimed LandsChapter 6

It is surpassing strange how much understanding might be given between two men without a single word in common, only by expressions of the face, gestures, and fraught looks. It was enough of a foundation to build on, and I soon learned the trading language of gesture, which was held in common with most of the tribes which had intercourse and exchange, and with those who interacted with them, and so forth. My bride's name was Do rah meh, and she indicated that it meant the swift swooping...

3 years ago
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Samhain Lessons

There was once a shy young woman. She was pretty, but she didn’t know it. She was witty, but she didn’t know it. She was desirable, but she didn’t know it.This young woman was from a noble family. But one so far down the social register they were never invited to the great feasts or balls. This suited our young woman, as that meant she didn’t have to make idle conversation with dull young men while drinking weak wine from golden cups.Her family was an old one and still followed the ways of the...

First Time
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fuckin in d classroom

It was first time of ever fingerin a gal usually I dreamt about it and masturbated to it... Anyway let me not bore u... I was in class getting some assignments done den she came to class men were those boobs huge aniway we were talking nd den I bought up d topic of sex asking her if she has done it before I den ask do it wit me she said ok. She den sat on my laps nd startd grinding me god was dat good I den dragged ha skirt down nd started fingering ha she nw started talkin dirty tellin me 2...

3 years ago
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Women Of My Wife8217s Family 8211 Part 2

Next day I woke up a bit late and my mother in law was about to go to the bath room to take bath. She gave a warm smile and facing me she raised her hands to untie her hair. That gave me an excellent vision of her big breasts, so inviting, I immediately got a hard on. She noticed that as I was not wearing an under wear beneath my dhothi and she smiled again. I got up and grabbed her breasts and removed her blouse. She was wearing a bra and naked breasts danced before my eyes. She removed her...

2 years ago
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Partners and Wives Swarm VersionChapter 2

Dirk Hanson and his women decided on the next morning, since it was a Saturday, to grab some breakfast at the nearby diner. It was not a big chain, just a Mom and Pop operation run by an old friend, Hal Davis. He had recently lost his wife to breast cancer, so the whole Swarm business didn't really worry him, one way or the other. All that mattered to Hal was his diner and his patrons. Being on such good terms with Hal, Dirk and the ladies easily won a booth for themselves. They just had...

3 years ago
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1 A Day At The Sex Shop

For about a year when I was at university, I worked in a sex shop, selling everything from dirty books and videos to sex toys and lingerie. There were booths in the backroom for private viewings of videos but I was not in any way required to attend to the customers using them. I simply had to make sure they were relatively clean, which in itself could be pretty disgusting at the end of a Saturday evening.I was nineteen when the following events took place and had been enrolled at the local...

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Naughty Wife

I will never forget the time my husband (ex-husband now) convinced me to have a threesome with him and his best friend Johnny. He had begged and begged me to do it but I have always been the shy type and just could not see myself doing something like that.One night my ex-husband had gone out for a few drinks with Johnny and I stayed home. I was not expecting him to bring home company but he did. It was Johnny. I got outta bed and went and sat on the couch between the two of them. From the first...

4 years ago
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Stepdaughtertobe pt 4

This is part four of the story. We get a little rough this time. Amy and I had a few minutes alone on Sunday evening when Rachel was in the bathtub. We were able to talk a little about what had happened the night before, and where to go from here. She fully understood our predicament, and was on board with figuring out a plan. The middle of the night was problematic, since I have a day job and shes in school, as well as the fact that Rachel could wake up and discover us at any moment. I have...

4 years ago
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A Little HelpChapter 10

Two months had passed since fall break. It was early winter now. Things were going really well between Ilse and me. Since fall break, I slept half a week in her apartment and the other half in my house. Whenever I spent the night at her house, I also tucked the children in bed, and told them a bedtime story about Prince Bram and Princess Naomi. Teddy and McQueen regularly had guest roles in these tales and the kids loved my imaginative stories. Lately, Ilse loved sitting in my lap while I...

1 year ago
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CuckoldSessions Jackie Hoff 03272022

Jackie keeps catching her husband Celtic on social media liking all of these random girls on social media. In Jackies mind, when you like a random girls pic on social media, it is equivalent to cheating. One week Jackie caught Celtic liking girls on social media three different times. Celtic finally gave Jackie a free pass to like anyone she likes. So Jackie and Celtic decided to shake on it. This is when Jackie thought to herself: “I know exactly who I like!!” Celtic comes home from...

2 years ago
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Vasanthi8217s Sex Pics

I love my mother a lot, I do. I have tremendous respect for her. She took care of me and my younger brother all by herself after my father cheated on her and ran away with some whore. My mother, who goes by the name Vasanthi, pretends to be strong for us. But deep down I can understand that she is also a human. She feels pain too. She too can make mistakes. I know it, but I just hope someone would have told me this that night. It was around 10 pm after dinner. The family was seated at the...

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More by Cherysse St. Claire Alex DuValle hid in his bedroom, anxiously waiting for his parents to leave. Had Frank and Stephanie known their son had returned home, they would have been horrified. He was supposed to be at Tommy's house. Alex's parents had an active social life and they frequently packed him off to stay overnight with his best friend when they had one of their events to attend or just wanted a little "alone time." Tonight was one of the former;...

4 years ago
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Adventures Of Time Dilator 8211 Part I

I know what you think, I know what your thoughts are. You are confused, don’t know what to believe. The boundary between real and imaginary is blurring. Yes what you believe is true. This is a memoir I am writing to you and you alone. I never thought what it would feel to get a super power, till I actually got one. Now I am not very proud of it, but then, hey, it is who I am. I know why you stopped wearing panties. You ran out of them. All your panties disappeared one after another, till the...

1 year ago
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An Assumed InheritanceChapter 4

"Well, old friend, we have two mysteries solved." Esfalan was speaking to Verothlen, seated on a hard bench in front of Cormorlan's working desk. Verothlen was helping himself to Cormorlan's wine. "Which mysteries would those be?" Cormorlan did not seem pleased with Verothlen's free manner with his wine decanter. "The year, or rather how long I was away, and the year, or how long it has been since Mindia was home to the Mindirrim. They had left, due, I would hazard a guess, to a...

2 years ago
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My Hot Little Neighbor Angie Part 3 of 3

Joy and I had a great marriage, or so I thought. Then, I overheard my wife of ten years, telling Angie, a neighbor and close confidant to my wife, that I had performance issues in the bedroom. I was both hurt and astonished at the revelation.I did a little self-evaluating and several days later, just when I was about to confront my wife, I was approached by Angie as I was out moving the lawn sprinkler around. I had a secret crush on Angie, as she was “Playboy bunny” beautiful, and super...

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My real life story Part6

I’m now 27 years old, 5.95 feet height, athletic body and average looking. I have my Own Business and I’m a Martial Arts and Yoga Trainer in Bangalore, Hyderabad and Chennai gyms. (Why so many places you will know in the stories. People who may know me might study these stories so I want to keep my identity undisclosed. I’m writing these stories with the permission of few ladies with whom I’m in contact with. I had Sexual encounters with aged, middle aged, married and many sex starved...

3 years ago
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Confessions of a Small Town Girl 3

After that night in Ben's Truck, our relationship took a big turn. It seemed every time we were together, I ended up with his penis in my mouth. I also started looking at other guys at school, and wondered how it would feel to have their penis in my mouth. I was becoming an addict, and I was so embarrassed and ashamed of myself. What kind or person was I turning it to? Almost every night now, especially if Ben and I had not been together, I was masturbating. I was so addicted to it, I could not...

Oral Sex
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Panty play in the Post room

Sarah moaned softly, an expression of pleasure etched on her pretty young nineteen year old face, as she leant back in her swivel chair. Her business skirt was pulled up round her waist and her right hand was thrust deep down the inside of her skimpy panties, her fingers rhythmically massaging her pussy. She still had all her clothes on and was still wearing her blouse, her sexy patterned stockings and her knee length boots. Her shapely legs were wide apart. Her right leg was dangling...

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Personal Fantasies

Everyone dreams about making changes to their lives. It’s part of the human condition to desire better things. I was no exception. These impossible desires kept me awake at night. I wanted to be prettier, curvier, or smarter. I wanted to be popular, have more friends, or more sex. I wanted love and lust and everything in between. I knew I wanted too much, but these daydreams helped me through tough times. I kept them close, like treasured possessions, everywhere I went. I thought about the cute...

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Tushy Keisha Grey Leah Gotti Best Friends Share Everything

Leah and Keisha have been best friends for forever. They see each other almost every day and share all their intimate secrets. Leah has been dating Jean for a while now, and her ultimate fantasy is to share him with the one girl who means everything to her. On a hot sunny day by the pool, sexual chemistry is in the air, and Leah encourages Jean to kiss Keisha in the cool water. One thing leads to another and once they are in the house, still hot and wet, they embark on a sexual experience the...

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Total Woman Clinic 02

Syd had recovered nicely since yesterday. He rode the elevator by himself down to the Main Floor and used his keycard to open the elevator rear doors into the private therapy facility. Waiting there stood a Hispanic beauty wearing the standard Total Woman Clinic booty shorts and tee-shirt uniform. Her brown eyes and wavy dark hair highlighted a very attractive face carrying a bright smile. Her chest was more athletic than Mandy’s carrying cone shaped boobs topped with visible points centered on...

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Ashs Metamorphosis

Ash took a deep breath. For as good as life had been for the trainer, things were starting to become... stale. It felt as if he was stuck in a loop of sorts, unable to break free no matter what he did. "I just want a change." he thought, laying down in his bed. Sleep came quickly, with him unaware of what would await him come tomorrow.

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My Life Part 21 Murder in the Bunker

I grabbed the prepaid and called Mounika. I am guessing I woke her up, because she answered sleepily. "Daddy?" "Has Maddie taken care of that idea yet?" I asked. "No Daddy, we didn't find anyone when we went scoping out the one place yesterday." she answered quietly. "We need to put that on hold for a minute." I told her. "I need Maddie to find someone else. She needs to be very covert, but I need to have her find a Dr. Aarons. I am not sure of her first name, but she is a...

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Back Seat Driver

It was a year ago today, I remember I had woke up thinking that today was the day I was going to try and get to second base with my sister, and just to clarify that meant I was going to stick my hand up her shirt. Ever since she had returned from college after finishing her courses of study Tara had been going out each night and getting drunk. She didn't have a car but since I did I would offer to drive her into town and later pick her up. Before going home we would stop off and get something...

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The Mature Women Affairs 8211 Part 1

Hi friends, thanks for your overwhelming response to . Off late, my inner Ranjit is awakened when I meet a mature female. My sexual emotions tend to overflow. There have been many sexual encounters with mature females. You can reach me via my email/google chat at and telegram (username:@TS_Network18) This all started when I met my cousin aunt (mami). I had been to my cousin Nirav’s marriage function in Goa at a beachside resort. I had no intention of mingling with her as I had met her first...

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Gratification Through SelfstimulationChapter 6

Leaving the lingerie store, Azelia is feeling pretty good about herself. But she doesn’t have a gift for Zelena. So she slips into the first store she comes to, a shoe store. Well, there should certainly be something in here that will make a good gift, just not one that benefits both of them. Or course, Azelia loves shoes as much as the next woman! The store is as big as the lingerie shop with a fully glass front, like most shops in the mall is. Azelia has been in the stores many times...

1 year ago
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My Dad is a Doctor I am a Voyeur Ch 02

My Dad is a Doctor & I am a Voyeur Ch. 02In my previous story, I told of how I had installed a very sophisticated video camera in a vent in my father's surgery and that it was attached to my computer. I also explained that with good feedback, I would release some of the more interesting tales. Do not forget to vote, dear reader, I am easily bought. In fact, I am a complete slut. So far, all the feedback has been very positive, however, I welcome comment from the no talent morons as well. I...

3 years ago
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There and BackChapter 30 Were Where

I took over organising the tents when we camped after that, making sure that the one I shared with Aedan was near Zev's, and both bordered the woods so they could sneak out together. It was cute. I contemplated trying to change tents again – Bodahn had found more canvas, we could do it – but I couldn't think of a way to do it without arousing suspicion in everyone else. Both Aedan and Zevran were suddenly much more cheerful. I wasn't sure whether it was knowing that I didn't disapprove,...

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GloryHole Sarah Jessie 12252021

Sarah had one of those nights tossed and turning with her pretty little head filled with naughty thoughts. While dressing for work the next day for her boring old job she noticed she picked out something extra slutty. By the time lunch had rolled around, she was all worked up and not sure what to do about it. The bathroom stall at work would not be able to contain these moans she needed to make. She remembered her GF telling her about the Glory Hole and how a girl could get her needs filled...

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Our Wedding Night

The things I’ve told you is true, I must confess that I can not help myself as I am addicted to you. When we are together it feels so wonderful, so exciting. When we are not together the things that go through my mind are about you. Sometimes I wish I could do more with you, move the way you want me to move. I have dreams of when we get married, of our wedding night. I’m wearing a beautiful cocktail dress and heels. My hair is all fixed up, with a little makeup on. We leave the hotel we are...

4 years ago
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A Birthday Surprise Ch 01

*seven weeks ago* ‘Let me get this right -You want me to buy her a guy…for her birthday??’ My sister sighed. ‘Em, c’mon. You said you needed an idea for a present, and this would absolutely put you in the running for ‘Best Aunt Ever!” ‘Amy, I’m already the best aunt ever.’ I mumbled, ‘That happens when you’re the only aunt.’ Then it was my turn to sigh, as I closed my eyes and rubbed my forehead. ‘But yeah, you’re right, I DO need a great gift idea…Alright, fine…What do I need to know?’ ...

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