Doc Ch. 12 free porn video

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I awoke to someone pounding on the door of the cabin. Dawn got up and slipped into her dress to answer the door. Upon opening it, she discovered the storekeeper and two other men. One of the other two was hurt, with an arrow protruding from his shoulder.

I heard Mr. Miller ask, ‘Is the Doc here? We have a wounded man here. There was an Indian attack at his claim. Him and his partner here managed to run them off before they could do much, but he got shot with an arrow.’

I went to the door and quickly checked the injured man. I looked out toward next door and saw that Rose and Sally already had the boys up and out, getting ready to return to the ranch. Seeing that the cabin I normally would use as my office was therefore free, I told the men to take the injured man to the next cabin, and that I’d be right there.

As soon as I was dressed, I went next door to examine my patient. I noted that the arrow in his shoulder was the same as those we’d seen stuck in the two dead prospectors Grandpa and I found. Like those, it had the black and blue bands of the Crow, not the red and yellow bands that marked those the Sioux used. I asked him if he had seen anyone, but he said it was dark and they were gone quickly once he and his friend started shooting back. He thought there were only three or four of them, though.

As I worked at removing the arrow, I told the injured man, ‘I don’t think you were attacked by Indians. The arrow that hit you in the shoulder was Crow, not Sioux. The colors are all wrong – the Crow use black and blue and the Sioux use yellow and red. The Crow are enemies of the Sioux. They would hardly ever be found around these parts, especially a small party. From this, and some other similar attacks I’ve heard of, I suspect that it was white men that attacked you, trying to make it look like it was Indians.

‘The Crow are normally found in Montana, or near the border, not around here. Do you know of any prospectors near here from Montana? If there are, then there’s a good chance that’s where the arrows came from.’

He frowned in thought for a few minutes then he remembered something, ‘Now that I think of it, there’s the Baxter brothers – they’re from Miles City. They must’ve struck it big because they always seem to have lots of money. It seems like they’re always over at the Lucky Lady Saloon. I think they live in one of the rooms upstairs. But, what’s so odd, they never seem to be at their claim, and they haven’t been here all that long to have made a big strike.’

His friend spoke up. ‘Funny you should mention the Baxters,Pete Now I think of it, the first robbery and killin’ happened about the same time they first got here.’

The conversation had distracted the man enough that I got the arrow out without too much fuss. Once it was out, I cleaned and sutured the wound, using about eight stitches to close it properly. After bandaging it, I told him how to tend for his wound properly, emphasizing cleanliness, and instructed him to come back in 10 days to have the stitches removed. I charged him $12 and told him the follow-up was covered by that.

As the men were getting ready to leave, I pinned on my badge to some very surprised looks. I said, ‘Guess the word hasn’t gotten around that as of yesterday there’s now a regular lawman for the area. I’m fair, but I think you also know from what happened yesterday that I don’t take any guff either. Right, Mr. Miller?’ That worthy just nodded.

I checked my guns and flexed my hands. I smiled coldly and drawled, ‘Now then, why don’t we all just head on over to the Lucky Lady where you can point out the Baxter Brothers. Someone’s trying to stir up Indian trouble by making people believe that it’s the Indians doing all the killing, when in fact it is actually white men, who then make it look like it was Indians.

‘Whoever it is, did the robberies and then killed the prospectors and planted those arrows to hide their identities because they think dead men can’t tell. I’m here to tell you that to a trained lawman though, who knows what to look for, dead men do tell. From what you’ve told me of the Baxters, and what I have learned about how these crimes are being committed, I have a feeling that it’s them who are responsible.’

We were all quiet, lost in our own thoughts as we walked together down to the Lucky Lady, which was about three doors down from Sam’s saloon. When we entered, we found it to be a dingy, disreputable place, just the stereotypical type of bar where you would expect to find outlaws and other people of low character – a place right out of a B-western. I half expected to see Clint Eastwood and Eli Wallach facing each other down at the long, dirty bar.

However, real life wasn’t quite that dramatic, at least not this early in the morning. Still, for as early as it was, there were several patrons in various stages of inebriation. I asked the men with me to look around. Did they see any of the Baxter brothers there? They said they didn’t.

I approached the bartender and asked if the Baxter brothers lived there, and if so, where they might be. At first the barkeep was of the attitude ‘who wants to know?’, but paled as he looked at my badge and checked out how I wore my guns. Deciding he didn’t need the kind of trouble I represented, he allowed as how they did in fact rent a room there, and yes, they were presently in residence…

Gathering my witnesses together, we went up to the room the barman had indicated. I knocked politely on the door. Shortly a man opened it, looking and smelling as if he hadn’t bathed in a very long time. It was apparent he was a real slob. What I could see of the room behind him reinforced my opinion, as it looked like a pigsty.

The slob tensed when he saw the badge on my shirt, but kept any rude remarks he may have been contemplating to himself. Stepping out into the hall with us, he asked what we wanted.

I remained polite as I asked, ‘Sorry to barge in, but we’re looking for someone. Would you mind telling me your name, please?’

‘Joshua Baxter, Marshal. Anything else?’ the man replied, responding favorably to my polite enquiry.

‘Yeah, sorry to be such a bother, but is there anyone else in here?’ I asked, still maintaining the polite façade.

‘Yup, my brothers. I’ll get them for you.’ How obliging could he get? Before I could say anything else, he turned and called out, ‘Hey guys, c’mere! There’s some people here looking for somebody!’

In response to his call, I heard some grumbling from deeper in the room, then the squeak of bedsprings being relieved of weight. Presently, two men, equally as scruffy as their brother, joined us in the hallway. One of the two was obviously the oldest of the three.

When they were all out and clear of easy cover, I simply said, ‘Baxters, you’re all under arrest for robbery and murder.’

The oldest one immediately went for his gun. I never hesitated, despite this being my first real gunfight. I instinctively drew my cross-draw and shot him, center-of-mass, in the chest, dropping him in his tracks.

The second brother still reached for his gun.

‘Drop it! Or join your brother on the floor!’

When you look into the business end of a .44, it looks like a cannon. He obliged.

I had the men that were with me start to search the room.

‘You men search the room while I keep Josh and his brother covered. Now don’t you boys try anything stupid. I’m a little jumpy right now…’

It didn’t take long before my companions found several pouches of gold and many other valuables. The most telling find, though was a small bow and about a dozen Crow arrows.

‘You fellers have done a fine job. Looks like that’s about all we’re going to find here. Mr. Miller, you take that rope over there and tie Josh and his brother’s hands behind them. No need to be gentle. Now my friends, let’s take these clowns over and introduce them to Judge Mitchell. I think he
‘ll be very interested in what they have been doing for a living.’

I herded the Baxters out of the saloon and up the street to the courthouse. When I passed the bar on the way out, I handed the barkeep two dollars and told him to arrange for the dead man to be buried. We formed quite a parade to the courthouse.

When we entered the courthouse, I introduced myself to Judge Mitchell.

‘Good morning, Judge. We met yesterday – I’m Clay Thomas. My Uncle Henry and I were in to see you about leasing some land.’

‘Good morning, Mr. Thomas. Last I heard, you were the new doctor in town. Now I see you wearing a badge. I’ve heard some rumors, and Jack left before I could talk to him. Now I’d like to hear it from you.’

‘Clay, Your Honor, just Clay – Mr. Thomas was my father. As you know, Uncle Henry and me got called away just as we finished up. We went to help our women folk get rid of a drunk. There was a bit of a dustup and the Marshal got involved. He liked how I handled myself and made me a deputy. I’m still the doctor, though. My rounds through the local area will let me do both at the same time.’

‘I’m glad to hear Jack got himself another deputy. He’s stretched too thin by himself to do the job that needs doing. With you covering part of his territory, we’ll be able to keep trouble under better control. Speaking of trouble, why have you brought these men here all trussed up like Christmas turkeys?’

‘Judge, remember we told you yesterday about finding those prospectors dead and that it looked odd? Whoever did it, made the attack look like it was Indians, but they were sloppy.’

‘I recall. Go on. Consider this an official report. Don’t stop until you’re done.’

‘Well, from evidence we collected today, it is apparent these men are responsible for that and several other attacks. They have robbed and killed at least six men, and they attacked this man’s claim last night. He was lucky and survived with just an arrow in the shoulder. In each case they tried to make it look like an Indian attack, but goofed and left clues behind that it wasn’t.

‘The Baxters are stupid, and even with that, might have gotten away with it, but they really caught a bad break when Uncle Henry and me stumbled on that one massacre. They’re amateurs, where we are both trained, experienced lawmen and investigators.

‘These guys – these Baxters – made a bunch of brainless mistakes. They left boot tracks instead of moccasin tracks. Their horses were shod. They robbed their victims of things white folk consider valuable – money, gold, jewelry. They left behind things Indians value – clothing, weapons and horses. Riderless horses returning to the stable was the first sign of trouble, but they shouldn’t have come back. Indians would have caught them and kept them.

‘But if the killers were trying to blame the local Indians, they totally screwed up by using Crow arrows. Like I told these men here, the Crow mark their arrows with blue and black bands while the Sioux mark theirs with red and yellow bands. The massacred prospectors, and our wounded friend here, all had Crow arrows stuck in them. But even without the arrows, we already knew it was done by white men.

‘Judge, anyone who’s lived in these parts for very long knows that the Crow and Sioux are enemies. So, you would hardly ever find Crow in known Sioux territory. The Crow territories are in southern Montana and northern Wyoming – not here.

‘Once I figured out white men were the killers, I asked if anyone had recently arrived from Montana where they could easily acquire Crow Arrows. The only ones were the Baxter Brothers, from Miles City, which made them suspects. Even more damning was that they arrived at about the same time the robberies and killings started.

‘We went to see them this morning and they convicted themselves by their actions. One is dead because he pulled a gun on me, and here are the other two, under arrest for robbery and murder. When we searched their room we found gold and other valuables. Some of the jewelry can be linked to the dead miners. We also found a small bow and several arrows with Crow markings.

‘That’s the whole story, Your Honor. We have ’em dead-to-rights. They’re guilty as Hell. What do we do with them now?’

Through my whole report, the Judge had sat impassively, just nodding his head at certain points. When I finished, he looked at all of us then asked the injured man and his friend if everything I had said was right.

Pete declared, ‘Couldn’t have said it better myself.’

His partner and Mr. Miller agreed.

The Judge regarded the Baxters under beetling eyebrows. ‘You boys are in a heap of trouble. You didn’t stand a chance when Hank Thomas and his nephew here got on your trail.’

The two so-called bad-asses where strangely quiet.

The Judge turned to me.

‘Now, on to more practical things. We don’t really have a jail here in Hill City to keep the likes of them. The best we can do is a couple of storerooms in the basement here where we more normally throw the drunks and rowdies to sleep it off. I’ll arrange for some extra guards. We can keep them there until we can have a trial. After that, I won’t matter much because it’ll be a short one. With the evidence you have collected, they will most likely hang. Justice is swift out here. They won’t be using their room for long…’

I was skeptical of the incarceration plans, but what else could we do? We had no options short of taking them all the way to the stockade at Fort Laramie. And then they’d have to be brought back for the trial. Besides taking for ever, and keeping me away from other more important work, it allowed too many chances for them to escape. No, keeping them here, while not ideal, was still the best plan.

‘I guess that will have to do. At least I can get on with other things that need doing right away. I have urgent medical business in Deadwood, as I find that I am also the only doctor in the area. I should take a quick trip around the local area both as a marshal and as a doctor. Plus, I have a lot of work to do back at the ranch.’

The Judge grimaced. ‘Sounds like you’re gonna be busy, Son. How long you figure you’ll be gone? I want you here for the trial for your evidence, but I can’t wait too long, either. When they hear we caught the killers, some people are going to demand quick justice. The sooner we have a legal trial, the less likely we are to have a lynching.’

‘I understand, Sir. The most urgent thing is the call to Deadwood. That shouldn’t take long. Regardless, I will be back in a few days just to check on my patients here. I’ll be using two of the cabins behind the general store as my doctor’s office and as a place to stay with my wives when I’m in town. You can always leave a message there for me. I’ll get it no matter what time of day or night I roll in.’

‘That’s good, Marshall. I won’t hold you any longer from your rounds. Lock these fools up and be on your way.’

After I locked the Baxter Brothers in one of the storerooms and made sure they were secure, I thanked Mr. Miller and the two miners for their help.

I told the man with the wounded shoulder, ‘I should be back in a few days for the trial, Pete. Come back and see me in 10 days. If everything is Ok, I will take the stitches out then. Now remember what I told you about keeping it and the bandages clean. That will prevent it from getting infected. OK? Thanks again for your help, fellers.’

I left the courthouse and returned to the cabin and my wives. Grandpa and the rest of the family had already left for home. I thought Standing Bear would be going back to the ranch to be with the other boys, but he was with his mothers when I returned. I advised new family to get ready to head out.

‘Get ready to hit the trail. Good, Standing Bear, you’ll be a big help with the stock. We need to head up to Deadwood. I have to check out the Oasis Saloon. One of their girls has a diseas
e that she gave to one of my patients. While we’re up there, I also want to let everyone know there’s now a doctor in the area. And while I’m at it, I want to check if anyone around there is trying to stir up trouble with the Indians too.’

It had been just coming daylight when I was rousted out to treat Pete’s arrow wound. Although a lot had happened since then, it was still quite early. Seeing as we hadn’t had breakfast yet, we decided to eat before we headed out.

We walked down to the same restaurant where we had supper the night before. When we entered, we discovered the same waiter as last night. This time when we ordered, he seemed slightly more cordial to me, but still acted pissed off that he had to serve Indians. As he grudgingly delivered our food, his surly attitude grated on me.

‘Hey, bud! You don’t seem to like us much, even though we’ve never met before last night. Just what is your problem?’

‘We shouldn’t have to serve any dirty stinking Indians in here. T’isn’t right making white men eat with Indians. They should just wipe them all out.’

‘What makes you think that? This is their land! It was theirs long before the white man arrived. They hunted the buffalo here for hundreds of years until we came. After we stole most of their land, this part was given to the Sioux by treaty at Fort Laramie in 1868. Technically, all the white men in these parts are trespassing on Sioux land. They own it. Period.’

‘Those dirty Sioux don’t need any stinking land! All they do is roam around! They don’t build anything! They don’t even bother picking up the gold, just roam around! When white men come here and try to build something for themselves or pan for gold, they go on the warpath and start killing everyone! It’s not right! If all they want to do is follow the buffalo, they can do that anywhere. They don’t need this land.’

I’d about had enough. First it was the drunk yesterday, then this asshole, and now, here he was ranting at me again. I could see Standing Bear was getting agitated by the man’s attitude, but he wisely held his tongue. Good Boy!

‘I’ll tell you this once more. This is their land. If they don’t want you on it, then they have the right to drive you off, same as if you ran someone off your place back east. Now, I warned you yesterday, and I’ll warn you again, but this is the last. If I ever hear you call one of my family a stinking Indian again, you better be able to back it up with more than your mouth.’

The jerk carried on as if I hadn’t said a word. This idiot did not hear or want to hear what I was saying. His bigoted mind was made up and don’t confuse him with facts.

‘Why don’t you just go someplace else? We don’t need your Injun lovin’ kind around here stirring up trouble, siding with all those dirty Indians. Why don’t you just take your squaws and leave town?’

‘I have a home, a family, and a couple important jobs here. I’m afraid that I’m going to be around here a lot, whether you like it or not. This is my home. You and those like you are only here long enough to make a strike or go bust. You don’t live here.

‘My wives will be around here too. Get used to it! You will treat them with respect! If you don’t, maybe you had better leave town. How dare you and your kind come in here and tell me to leave my home where I was born and raised because you don’t like Indians!’

‘It ain’t right a man having more than one wife, and you got three! What are you, some kind of damn Mormon?’

‘No, I’m not no Mormon! I just happen to have three wives, not that it’s any business of yours.’

I felt myself falling into the trap of a schoolyard argument – ‘Is so!’ – ‘No it’s not!’ – ‘Is too!’ – ad infinitum, until it breaks down in name calling. At this rate, we’d be here all day. In the end, nothing would be changed. He’d still be a bigot. I’d still be pissed. Our food would get cold, and we’d be late leaving for Deadwood. Even Standing Bear was acting more mature! Time to wind it up.

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One summer day I was walking along a lane near the village where I live. It had been raining but the skies had cleared and the day was warm and bright. I was dressed in shorts and tee shirt. A car passed me and sprayed me with water from a large puddle. I was soaked to the skin. To myself I cussed the driver and was angry at what had happened. I was surprised when the car stopped and the driver got out and returned to me. It was a good looking young woman. "I`m terribly sorry," she said. "You...

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The Professor

 It was an unseasonably warm day in mid-October as I strolled up to our usual meeting spot at the southeast corner of the university quad. I was the first of the group to arrive, so I snatched up a seat at the picnic table, at the far end, that was excluded from the shade of a nearby tree.I took off my jacket, exposing my shoulders to the late afternoon sun. Let the warmth wash over my body, knowing that this would be one of the last balmy days before the weather chilled for fall.I pulled out...

College Sex
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Sex With A Hot Maid Christmas Gift

Hi everyone hope all is well .As all old readers know me, for new readers I’m romil from ahmedabad gujarat. Last story me kafi mail aye girls k b jinme se kai logo ko satisfaction de chuka hu aur sex chat b kar raha hu I’m with good physics average looks and most important having a tool which is capable to satisfy any girl or aunty . Koi b ladki aunty bhabhi ya koi çouple jo intended ho muje mail kare privacy and satisfaction guaranteed so coming to the story which happened before a week,...

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sold into sissyhood

They were standing in a small group, drinking beer, smoking, and laughing. I could hear the rap music thumping aggressively from their boom-box. I could see them watching our car.It was late, well after midnight, and this particular park was no place for a white sissy to be at this hour. I've never been a physically or mentally strong person. Im very easily intimidated. And there I was in a tiny plaid mini and white pump sandals about to mince my way passed a group of young black street-toughs....

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Virgin In Heat Chapter 1

I was a late bloomer in terms of my sexuality. Never kissed a boy, never been on first dates that led to a second. Guys always seem surprised by this, as though they either can’t believe their luck, or wonder what was so wrong with me that no one else has scooped me up yet. It was the summer after I graduated from high school. I was a bit of a loss as to what to do with myself now. I had been a long distance runner, and had received several scholarship offers from different collages, but I had...

3 years ago
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The Erotica Novels Elaine Takes Charge

After he left the pub with the ladies from the meet, he was sat in the middle of the back seat of Elaine Hardwicke's car, hemmed in by the blonde and brunette doms. They teased him with stories about riding crops, crucifixes and ritual castrations; this only served to make his erection all the harder. He caught Elaine's eyes looking at him in the mirror, and looked at her delicate hands, gloved in black leather as they gripped the wheel; he had only just met this woman but longed to be...

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The Big Break Part 1

I had been seeing Patricia for about three months and she decided it was about time I met her best friend Monica and her husband, Pete.Patricia had worked with Monica for over ten years as cabin crew for a British airline. After a significant scare, Patricia decided to re-train as a teacher. Monica also changed careers not long after. As a consequence, the pair didn’t meet up as often as they would have liked.A Saturday night was arranged for Monica and Pete to come over for dinner at...

Group Sex
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Enticed Pt 13 Holiday Gaiety

A couple weeks after I’d learned of the heartbreaking story of my private client Johnny committing suicide out of despair over his AIDS diagnosis, I decided to do a show just for him.Johnny had requested a private audience with me wearing normal street clothes -- jeans and a button-down. He wanted a regular, normal “date” that ended in a mutual masturbation session -- no touching, just sensual watching, so to speak. I gave him a sensual strip and the masturbation he was looking for. But, he was...

Gay Male
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For the Sake of ArtChapter 4

Because of a whole series of totally unexpected events, that winter marked the end of my childhood and the onset of, uh, lets say early adulthood. The morning after our last class, I got a call from Aaron asking me if I'd be interested in earning a little extra money for the holidays. He owned the Radio Shack franchise in town and they were keeping late hours to accommodate the heavy-duty holiday shopping going on. He asked if I could work after school until Christmas vacation and then full...

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DevilsFilms Mickey Violet Odette Fox My Husband Brought Home His Mistress

Isiah Maxwell leads his mistress Mickey Violet into his bedroom. They can’t keep their hands off each other, or their lips apart. Mickey asks him if he’s sure they should be doing this at his pad… after all, what if his wife Odette Fox catches them? He assures her that there’s nothing to worry about- Odette won’t be here for a while. He then puts her into a doggystyle position, revealing her amazing ass, and starts unbuckling his belt. Isiah starts fucking Mickey-...

4 years ago
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Lucky To Meet Raj

Hello readers this is Charlie currently living in Bangalore, Karnataka. I am 6′ tall and fair 19yo with handsome looks. It’s my first story so forgive mistakes and enjoy reading comments are really appreciated. It was a really late night and I am on my way to uncle peter’s house for cousins wedding on coming day. It’s a country side village so there’s no chance of have a peaceful journey in public bus as its really mid night bus was crowded by drowsy vegetable vendors, smelly country men and...

Gay Male
2 years ago
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BangBrosClips Janice Griffith Unlocking That Pussy

Janice Griffith accidentally locked herself out of her own house. She broke her key in the lock. So she had to call a locksmith to fix her problem. He arrived and in no time unlocked her door. She was so appreciative that she offered him to come in. Inside, she proceeded to do a quick strip tease for her before shoving his cock in her mouth. From there, he slammed her pussy all over her house. Fucking her from the kitchen to the living room and in several different positions. Finally, he blew a...

3 years ago
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The Early Years

           As I think back, I cannot remember a time when I did not know about the wonderful transformation my penis was capable of in response to touching.   Some of my earliest memories, maybe around 5 or 6, involve lying in bed late at night with my sleeper and underwear pulled down to my knees, playing with my penis.   I had no idea why all this happened, but I would rub my penis until hard, pull it down toward my legs by the head, and then let it go.   The quick returning slap of my...

3 years ago
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Do Boobs Prove Intelligent Design

Do Boobs Prove Intelligent Design? By Cal Y. Pygia Breasts are remarkable structures. Not only are they functional, but they're also beautiful, with a design that's truly hard to beat (although, among gay guys, the penis and testicles are likely to demonstrate superior inventions). I wouldn't be surprised if breasts become a new linchpin in the age-old cosmological argument, or argument from design, which suggests that the intelligent design that's evident in the universe...

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Cheryl And Karl Have A Quickie

Cheryl Bancroft did not sleep well because she was jealous that some other woman in town was now bedding the young hunk Karl, she did not know his surname, that had walked into her shop a few days before and offered to give her a good fucking.The eighteen-year-old Karl had certainly done that, in fact, he had given her a few, but Cheryl had not seen him since and her effort to connect with him via mobile phones had led to the discovery that he was then servicing another woman. The sex had been...

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The cost of a Hero

Disclaimer: This story is my intellectual property, and should be treated as such, do not plagiarize, or post without permission. If it is not legal to view writings that are sexually explicit and may have themes of bondage, feminization and other 'deviant' sexual experiences: don't read this. Don't read it, if it is not legal to do so where you live. Going any further is of your own free will, and responsibility is solely on yourself. Any similarity to real people or events is highly...

1 year ago
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My First Time With Another Couple

I woke up and looked down with a smile. I must of had another great dream. It was Saturday morning I had no plans for the weekend and here I was lying in bed with a fully erect penis and no one to share it with. About an hour later I finally got out of the bed when the phone rang. It was Sue and Peter. As much as I love them I hated it when they rang me as they always had me on speaker phone and they both would talk over each other. (I hope you are reading this guys it is annoying.) They were...

2 years ago
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Jasmine cuckolds me

Hello, my name is Tim. I am a 30 year-old married man. I have been married for five years to my wife Danielle. She is an absolute beauty of a woman. I remember when we were married, I felt like I was the luckiest man in the world. Since I am no hunk myself, standing at just five foot six and extremely lanky, I felt like I didn’t deserve such a nice, gorgeous wonderful woman.Let me describe my wife to you. Danielle is five foot seven, fair with blonde hair. Her bright blue eyes and charming...

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Sly Foxx vs the Bunny Girls

FROM THE ANNALS OF PEST CONTROL :SLY FOXX VS. THE BUNNY GIRLS By C Part I Like other vulpiform bipeds, Sly Foxx was a handsome fellow, withhis bright red fur, his big pointed ears, and his toothy grin. His handsand feet were black-furred, and looked just like pretty boots and mittens.Though he was tall for his kind (almost five feet), he kept the solid buildnormal to human-fox hybrids. Like other vulpiforms as well, he was a giftedhunter. His teeth were sharp syringes, dripping with an...

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My New Life of Slavery The Bookstore Part II

After a few hours in T.J's trunk i found myself standing naked I thought T.J then was unbinding me telling me I was outside of the city and had seen my C.L ads and was part of an internation sex slave ring and as he was pulling me around slapping me and yanking me he started to dress me. He made me aware he was going to take pictures of me and then try to sell me. I found myself wearing strange feeling womens clothes when I was sleeping on the floor of the bathroom. I fell sleep for around 6...

4 years ago
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The RescuedChapter 62 SM03Pi Day 9 continued

Steve left his bedroom, and headed for his 'office' to prepare for his meeting with his brothers. He stopped along the way to update Anna on what he'd done with Linda, and to ask her to check up on his slave periodically if he was tied up in his meeting for too long. A quick hug and kiss later, he was on his way to the office. Once there, Steve made a quick call to Laura Braun in the Steve/Eta household. Antonia had told him privately that she was going to update Laura on their actions...

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Santa Clause Cums Tonight

I won't bother trying to describe myself. You've all heard my description-- "nose like a cherry", and a "belly that shook like a bowl full of jelly" and all that shit. What the prick who wrote all that about me didn't know was what was hanging under that bowl of jelly. What's the point of fulfilling all those wishes for everybody else if you can't help yourself out once in a while?I get around a bit, about once a year. Most of the time I'm just hanging around the old pole, trying...

2 years ago
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Bound To Please

Prologue - Episode 1 She had always liked the thought of being helpless. Overpowered by her lover/partner, with her sexual desires building up, but unable to satisfy herself. It was when she was small, and playing with some boys in the neighborhood, that she discovered the stimulation from being held captive. Once, while playing "Cops and Robbers", she had been tied to a chair. The excitement and rush she felt from trying to get free, caused her to have her first orgasm. Since then, she had...

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The Reunion

My encounter with Eric got me to thinking about another old friend who I had lost touch with over the years. Not that I ever really stopped thinking about him … No matter how hard I tried ….Jamie was a former co-worker who I had fun flirting with; and being that we were almost instantly comfortable together, he later became a dear friend and confidante during a time when my marriage was on the rocks. It all started one day when Mike had suddenly started not speaking to me for no apparent...

Wife Lovers
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Terrace temptations

Hello ISS Lovers! They were close friends before becoming relatives. One girl eventually marries her close friend’s brother. But, she was not aware of the excitement future unfolded for the three of us. Please let me know your honest opinion about this story at Nivedita apparently had no idea about Latha’s newfound curiosity and hence was not paying much attention to the way her sister-in-law looked at her. Latha’s eyes were almost scanning all over the thin fabric, which revealed Latha’s dark...

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Playing turns to sex

I bought my wife a remote control vibrator for her birthday. It's controlled by a phone app. She likes wearing it while she lays by the pool sunning. She has even worn it out in public while we are in nice restaurants. It's not at all odd to see a well dressed woman with her phone while setting at the table in the restaurant. She would set it on a low setting and enjoy the feeling while we chatted. I found the site and down loaded the control app onto my phone. I couldn't wait to use it on her...

3 years ago
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A Welcome Guest 15

Sekhmet - Goddess of fire, war, and dance Hathor - Goddess of the sky, dance, love, beauty, joy, motherhood, foreign lands, mining, music and fertility. Serket - Goddess of scorpions, medicine, magic, and healing venomous stings and bites Maat - Goddess of Truth and Justice Tefnut - Goddess of Rain, Air, Moisture, Weather, Dew, Fertility, and Water Mut - Queen of the goddesses and lady of heaven Isis - Goddess of health, marriage, and wisdom (wife of Ra) Ra – God of the...

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Its All Academic

It was a Saturday morning. I'd slept in a little, and was lying on my bed, covers tossed back, in the process of taking care of a morning hard-on. Just as that first wonderful-feeling, tension-releasing spurt of come began to leave my prick and start its upward journey, my mother burst through my bedroom door. "Soren, I- Ohmygosh!" I turned my head toward Mom and our eyes locked. She stood there, frozen, and time went into slow motion just long enough for that first dollop of come to reach...

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Banged Up Witch

The door banged behind me and I face into the room that was going to be my home for the next two years. 10x6 feet with two bunks and a bucket for sloops. I wasn't alone however, on one of the bunks was a middle-aged man reading his paper. He didn't acknowledge me though, which didn't bode well. But then after a few minute he put down his paper and looked at me. "What are you in for?" he asked straight out. "Burglary," I replied, "three years. You?" "Manslaughter," he said with a...

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The GauntletChapter 6

“Did you know,” Jacques began, whispering softly to Marguerite as they danced, speaking each time she drew close enough to hear him, “this dance tells a story?” Marguerite grinned as she looked up into the tall man’s eyes, “Oh, does it? What kind of story?” Jacques leaned in closely, “It is a story of seduction,” As they drew together, he raised her hand, “The would-be lover pursues the lady, obsessed with her beauty and charm.” Marguerite turned and took two steps away. “The lady is...

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Magic Ink V The Third RealityChapter 7

The following historic characters appears in the next few chapters: General George Rogers Clark Major General, Commander of Fort Henry, Conqueror of the Northwest Territory, 6'-0" tall, 190 pounds, 48 years old, red hair going gray, brown eyes The others were all waiting for me when I reappeared in G & G's, Gwyn and Glanda -- my older Sisters, shell after leaving the Headquarters. James had Jillian off to one side away from everyone, and had his arms around his twin to calm her...

4 years ago
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Jenny 1 My conversion

My introduction to this world started three years ago. Would you believe it but l was still a virgin. Now you must think l have to be fat and ugly to still be a virgin at that age but you would be wrong. I’m considered by many to be attractive, five foot seven inches, natural blonde, 34 B boobs and a body that shows l play a lot of sport. I was six months into my apprenticeship in a solicitor’s office and still living at home. I say l was a virgin, and officially l was but the barrier had...

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my mom and uncle and gf

hii this is lakshmi u know very well. here comes the story my mom was roaming in saree and petticoat alone infront of uncle now my uncle got mood and he wants to seduce my mom so he approached mom in kitchen and touched her from behind and pressed her butt and mom also co operated and kiseed him my uncle was happy and carried to bed room and shocked to c aruns grand pa nude there shooting everything in handy cam . he explained everything to my uncle and they both fucked my mom there and tore...

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Prostitutes Daughter

"Darling, I'm going out to the garage apartment to meet with Mr. Evans. It's almost eight and you know how prompt the man is." "He's not your favorite, is he?" the blond teenager replied in sympathy. "Hardly! He always insists on getting atop me even though he's so large, so fat." "That's very inconsiderate of him," the pretty young girl remarked as she gathered her books from the dining room table. "Indeed it is, and I intend to get rid of the boor as soon as can I replace...

2 years ago
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The Unexpected Pleasures 8211 Part I

Hi guys my name is Rahul. I am 18 years old. I am going to tell you about some incidents happened in my 16th year which changed my life (also many others). My life was sooooooo dull and boring. I just used to go to college come back masturbate and collage again, until she came. Harika. She happens to be the daughter of my mom’s sister so officially she’s my sis. A full 10 months older. So i had to call her akka (sister in English). But she preferred me calling her by her real name. Her mom died...


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