Doc Ch. 12 free porn video

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I awoke to someone pounding on the door of the cabin. Dawn got up and slipped into her dress to answer the door. Upon opening it, she discovered the storekeeper and two other men. One of the other two was hurt, with an arrow protruding from his shoulder.

I heard Mr. Miller ask, ‘Is the Doc here? We have a wounded man here. There was an Indian attack at his claim. Him and his partner here managed to run them off before they could do much, but he got shot with an arrow.’

I went to the door and quickly checked the injured man. I looked out toward next door and saw that Rose and Sally already had the boys up and out, getting ready to return to the ranch. Seeing that the cabin I normally would use as my office was therefore free, I told the men to take the injured man to the next cabin, and that I’d be right there.

As soon as I was dressed, I went next door to examine my patient. I noted that the arrow in his shoulder was the same as those we’d seen stuck in the two dead prospectors Grandpa and I found. Like those, it had the black and blue bands of the Crow, not the red and yellow bands that marked those the Sioux used. I asked him if he had seen anyone, but he said it was dark and they were gone quickly once he and his friend started shooting back. He thought there were only three or four of them, though.

As I worked at removing the arrow, I told the injured man, ‘I don’t think you were attacked by Indians. The arrow that hit you in the shoulder was Crow, not Sioux. The colors are all wrong – the Crow use black and blue and the Sioux use yellow and red. The Crow are enemies of the Sioux. They would hardly ever be found around these parts, especially a small party. From this, and some other similar attacks I’ve heard of, I suspect that it was white men that attacked you, trying to make it look like it was Indians.

‘The Crow are normally found in Montana, or near the border, not around here. Do you know of any prospectors near here from Montana? If there are, then there’s a good chance that’s where the arrows came from.’

He frowned in thought for a few minutes then he remembered something, ‘Now that I think of it, there’s the Baxter brothers – they’re from Miles City. They must’ve struck it big because they always seem to have lots of money. It seems like they’re always over at the Lucky Lady Saloon. I think they live in one of the rooms upstairs. But, what’s so odd, they never seem to be at their claim, and they haven’t been here all that long to have made a big strike.’

His friend spoke up. ‘Funny you should mention the Baxters,Pete Now I think of it, the first robbery and killin’ happened about the same time they first got here.’

The conversation had distracted the man enough that I got the arrow out without too much fuss. Once it was out, I cleaned and sutured the wound, using about eight stitches to close it properly. After bandaging it, I told him how to tend for his wound properly, emphasizing cleanliness, and instructed him to come back in 10 days to have the stitches removed. I charged him $12 and told him the follow-up was covered by that.

As the men were getting ready to leave, I pinned on my badge to some very surprised looks. I said, ‘Guess the word hasn’t gotten around that as of yesterday there’s now a regular lawman for the area. I’m fair, but I think you also know from what happened yesterday that I don’t take any guff either. Right, Mr. Miller?’ That worthy just nodded.

I checked my guns and flexed my hands. I smiled coldly and drawled, ‘Now then, why don’t we all just head on over to the Lucky Lady where you can point out the Baxter Brothers. Someone’s trying to stir up Indian trouble by making people believe that it’s the Indians doing all the killing, when in fact it is actually white men, who then make it look like it was Indians.

‘Whoever it is, did the robberies and then killed the prospectors and planted those arrows to hide their identities because they think dead men can’t tell. I’m here to tell you that to a trained lawman though, who knows what to look for, dead men do tell. From what you’ve told me of the Baxters, and what I have learned about how these crimes are being committed, I have a feeling that it’s them who are responsible.’

We were all quiet, lost in our own thoughts as we walked together down to the Lucky Lady, which was about three doors down from Sam’s saloon. When we entered, we found it to be a dingy, disreputable place, just the stereotypical type of bar where you would expect to find outlaws and other people of low character – a place right out of a B-western. I half expected to see Clint Eastwood and Eli Wallach facing each other down at the long, dirty bar.

However, real life wasn’t quite that dramatic, at least not this early in the morning. Still, for as early as it was, there were several patrons in various stages of inebriation. I asked the men with me to look around. Did they see any of the Baxter brothers there? They said they didn’t.

I approached the bartender and asked if the Baxter brothers lived there, and if so, where they might be. At first the barkeep was of the attitude ‘who wants to know?’, but paled as he looked at my badge and checked out how I wore my guns. Deciding he didn’t need the kind of trouble I represented, he allowed as how they did in fact rent a room there, and yes, they were presently in residence…

Gathering my witnesses together, we went up to the room the barman had indicated. I knocked politely on the door. Shortly a man opened it, looking and smelling as if he hadn’t bathed in a very long time. It was apparent he was a real slob. What I could see of the room behind him reinforced my opinion, as it looked like a pigsty.

The slob tensed when he saw the badge on my shirt, but kept any rude remarks he may have been contemplating to himself. Stepping out into the hall with us, he asked what we wanted.

I remained polite as I asked, ‘Sorry to barge in, but we’re looking for someone. Would you mind telling me your name, please?’

‘Joshua Baxter, Marshal. Anything else?’ the man replied, responding favorably to my polite enquiry.

‘Yeah, sorry to be such a bother, but is there anyone else in here?’ I asked, still maintaining the polite façade.

‘Yup, my brothers. I’ll get them for you.’ How obliging could he get? Before I could say anything else, he turned and called out, ‘Hey guys, c’mere! There’s some people here looking for somebody!’

In response to his call, I heard some grumbling from deeper in the room, then the squeak of bedsprings being relieved of weight. Presently, two men, equally as scruffy as their brother, joined us in the hallway. One of the two was obviously the oldest of the three.

When they were all out and clear of easy cover, I simply said, ‘Baxters, you’re all under arrest for robbery and murder.’

The oldest one immediately went for his gun. I never hesitated, despite this being my first real gunfight. I instinctively drew my cross-draw and shot him, center-of-mass, in the chest, dropping him in his tracks.

The second brother still reached for his gun.

‘Drop it! Or join your brother on the floor!’

When you look into the business end of a .44, it looks like a cannon. He obliged.

I had the men that were with me start to search the room.

‘You men search the room while I keep Josh and his brother covered. Now don’t you boys try anything stupid. I’m a little jumpy right now…’

It didn’t take long before my companions found several pouches of gold and many other valuables. The most telling find, though was a small bow and about a dozen Crow arrows.

‘You fellers have done a fine job. Looks like that’s about all we’re going to find here. Mr. Miller, you take that rope over there and tie Josh and his brother’s hands behind them. No need to be gentle. Now my friends, let’s take these clowns over and introduce them to Judge Mitchell. I think he
‘ll be very interested in what they have been doing for a living.’

I herded the Baxters out of the saloon and up the street to the courthouse. When I passed the bar on the way out, I handed the barkeep two dollars and told him to arrange for the dead man to be buried. We formed quite a parade to the courthouse.

When we entered the courthouse, I introduced myself to Judge Mitchell.

‘Good morning, Judge. We met yesterday – I’m Clay Thomas. My Uncle Henry and I were in to see you about leasing some land.’

‘Good morning, Mr. Thomas. Last I heard, you were the new doctor in town. Now I see you wearing a badge. I’ve heard some rumors, and Jack left before I could talk to him. Now I’d like to hear it from you.’

‘Clay, Your Honor, just Clay – Mr. Thomas was my father. As you know, Uncle Henry and me got called away just as we finished up. We went to help our women folk get rid of a drunk. There was a bit of a dustup and the Marshal got involved. He liked how I handled myself and made me a deputy. I’m still the doctor, though. My rounds through the local area will let me do both at the same time.’

‘I’m glad to hear Jack got himself another deputy. He’s stretched too thin by himself to do the job that needs doing. With you covering part of his territory, we’ll be able to keep trouble under better control. Speaking of trouble, why have you brought these men here all trussed up like Christmas turkeys?’

‘Judge, remember we told you yesterday about finding those prospectors dead and that it looked odd? Whoever did it, made the attack look like it was Indians, but they were sloppy.’

‘I recall. Go on. Consider this an official report. Don’t stop until you’re done.’

‘Well, from evidence we collected today, it is apparent these men are responsible for that and several other attacks. They have robbed and killed at least six men, and they attacked this man’s claim last night. He was lucky and survived with just an arrow in the shoulder. In each case they tried to make it look like an Indian attack, but goofed and left clues behind that it wasn’t.

‘The Baxters are stupid, and even with that, might have gotten away with it, but they really caught a bad break when Uncle Henry and me stumbled on that one massacre. They’re amateurs, where we are both trained, experienced lawmen and investigators.

‘These guys – these Baxters – made a bunch of brainless mistakes. They left boot tracks instead of moccasin tracks. Their horses were shod. They robbed their victims of things white folk consider valuable – money, gold, jewelry. They left behind things Indians value – clothing, weapons and horses. Riderless horses returning to the stable was the first sign of trouble, but they shouldn’t have come back. Indians would have caught them and kept them.

‘But if the killers were trying to blame the local Indians, they totally screwed up by using Crow arrows. Like I told these men here, the Crow mark their arrows with blue and black bands while the Sioux mark theirs with red and yellow bands. The massacred prospectors, and our wounded friend here, all had Crow arrows stuck in them. But even without the arrows, we already knew it was done by white men.

‘Judge, anyone who’s lived in these parts for very long knows that the Crow and Sioux are enemies. So, you would hardly ever find Crow in known Sioux territory. The Crow territories are in southern Montana and northern Wyoming – not here.

‘Once I figured out white men were the killers, I asked if anyone had recently arrived from Montana where they could easily acquire Crow Arrows. The only ones were the Baxter Brothers, from Miles City, which made them suspects. Even more damning was that they arrived at about the same time the robberies and killings started.

‘We went to see them this morning and they convicted themselves by their actions. One is dead because he pulled a gun on me, and here are the other two, under arrest for robbery and murder. When we searched their room we found gold and other valuables. Some of the jewelry can be linked to the dead miners. We also found a small bow and several arrows with Crow markings.

‘That’s the whole story, Your Honor. We have ’em dead-to-rights. They’re guilty as Hell. What do we do with them now?’

Through my whole report, the Judge had sat impassively, just nodding his head at certain points. When I finished, he looked at all of us then asked the injured man and his friend if everything I had said was right.

Pete declared, ‘Couldn’t have said it better myself.’

His partner and Mr. Miller agreed.

The Judge regarded the Baxters under beetling eyebrows. ‘You boys are in a heap of trouble. You didn’t stand a chance when Hank Thomas and his nephew here got on your trail.’

The two so-called bad-asses where strangely quiet.

The Judge turned to me.

‘Now, on to more practical things. We don’t really have a jail here in Hill City to keep the likes of them. The best we can do is a couple of storerooms in the basement here where we more normally throw the drunks and rowdies to sleep it off. I’ll arrange for some extra guards. We can keep them there until we can have a trial. After that, I won’t matter much because it’ll be a short one. With the evidence you have collected, they will most likely hang. Justice is swift out here. They won’t be using their room for long…’

I was skeptical of the incarceration plans, but what else could we do? We had no options short of taking them all the way to the stockade at Fort Laramie. And then they’d have to be brought back for the trial. Besides taking for ever, and keeping me away from other more important work, it allowed too many chances for them to escape. No, keeping them here, while not ideal, was still the best plan.

‘I guess that will have to do. At least I can get on with other things that need doing right away. I have urgent medical business in Deadwood, as I find that I am also the only doctor in the area. I should take a quick trip around the local area both as a marshal and as a doctor. Plus, I have a lot of work to do back at the ranch.’

The Judge grimaced. ‘Sounds like you’re gonna be busy, Son. How long you figure you’ll be gone? I want you here for the trial for your evidence, but I can’t wait too long, either. When they hear we caught the killers, some people are going to demand quick justice. The sooner we have a legal trial, the less likely we are to have a lynching.’

‘I understand, Sir. The most urgent thing is the call to Deadwood. That shouldn’t take long. Regardless, I will be back in a few days just to check on my patients here. I’ll be using two of the cabins behind the general store as my doctor’s office and as a place to stay with my wives when I’m in town. You can always leave a message there for me. I’ll get it no matter what time of day or night I roll in.’

‘That’s good, Marshall. I won’t hold you any longer from your rounds. Lock these fools up and be on your way.’

After I locked the Baxter Brothers in one of the storerooms and made sure they were secure, I thanked Mr. Miller and the two miners for their help.

I told the man with the wounded shoulder, ‘I should be back in a few days for the trial, Pete. Come back and see me in 10 days. If everything is Ok, I will take the stitches out then. Now remember what I told you about keeping it and the bandages clean. That will prevent it from getting infected. OK? Thanks again for your help, fellers.’

I left the courthouse and returned to the cabin and my wives. Grandpa and the rest of the family had already left for home. I thought Standing Bear would be going back to the ranch to be with the other boys, but he was with his mothers when I returned. I advised new family to get ready to head out.

‘Get ready to hit the trail. Good, Standing Bear, you’ll be a big help with the stock. We need to head up to Deadwood. I have to check out the Oasis Saloon. One of their girls has a diseas
e that she gave to one of my patients. While we’re up there, I also want to let everyone know there’s now a doctor in the area. And while I’m at it, I want to check if anyone around there is trying to stir up trouble with the Indians too.’

It had been just coming daylight when I was rousted out to treat Pete’s arrow wound. Although a lot had happened since then, it was still quite early. Seeing as we hadn’t had breakfast yet, we decided to eat before we headed out.

We walked down to the same restaurant where we had supper the night before. When we entered, we discovered the same waiter as last night. This time when we ordered, he seemed slightly more cordial to me, but still acted pissed off that he had to serve Indians. As he grudgingly delivered our food, his surly attitude grated on me.

‘Hey, bud! You don’t seem to like us much, even though we’ve never met before last night. Just what is your problem?’

‘We shouldn’t have to serve any dirty stinking Indians in here. T’isn’t right making white men eat with Indians. They should just wipe them all out.’

‘What makes you think that? This is their land! It was theirs long before the white man arrived. They hunted the buffalo here for hundreds of years until we came. After we stole most of their land, this part was given to the Sioux by treaty at Fort Laramie in 1868. Technically, all the white men in these parts are trespassing on Sioux land. They own it. Period.’

‘Those dirty Sioux don’t need any stinking land! All they do is roam around! They don’t build anything! They don’t even bother picking up the gold, just roam around! When white men come here and try to build something for themselves or pan for gold, they go on the warpath and start killing everyone! It’s not right! If all they want to do is follow the buffalo, they can do that anywhere. They don’t need this land.’

I’d about had enough. First it was the drunk yesterday, then this asshole, and now, here he was ranting at me again. I could see Standing Bear was getting agitated by the man’s attitude, but he wisely held his tongue. Good Boy!

‘I’ll tell you this once more. This is their land. If they don’t want you on it, then they have the right to drive you off, same as if you ran someone off your place back east. Now, I warned you yesterday, and I’ll warn you again, but this is the last. If I ever hear you call one of my family a stinking Indian again, you better be able to back it up with more than your mouth.’

The jerk carried on as if I hadn’t said a word. This idiot did not hear or want to hear what I was saying. His bigoted mind was made up and don’t confuse him with facts.

‘Why don’t you just go someplace else? We don’t need your Injun lovin’ kind around here stirring up trouble, siding with all those dirty Indians. Why don’t you just take your squaws and leave town?’

‘I have a home, a family, and a couple important jobs here. I’m afraid that I’m going to be around here a lot, whether you like it or not. This is my home. You and those like you are only here long enough to make a strike or go bust. You don’t live here.

‘My wives will be around here too. Get used to it! You will treat them with respect! If you don’t, maybe you had better leave town. How dare you and your kind come in here and tell me to leave my home where I was born and raised because you don’t like Indians!’

‘It ain’t right a man having more than one wife, and you got three! What are you, some kind of damn Mormon?’

‘No, I’m not no Mormon! I just happen to have three wives, not that it’s any business of yours.’

I felt myself falling into the trap of a schoolyard argument – ‘Is so!’ – ‘No it’s not!’ – ‘Is too!’ – ad infinitum, until it breaks down in name calling. At this rate, we’d be here all day. In the end, nothing would be changed. He’d still be a bigot. I’d still be pissed. Our food would get cold, and we’d be late leaving for Deadwood. Even Standing Bear was acting more mature! Time to wind it up.

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Doston mai Kanpur ka rahene wala mera nam Mahendra hai.Mai antarvasna.Com ka niyamit pathak hun. Mai noida me job karta hun. Mai apko ek apni kahani sunane ja raha hun. Meai 22 sal ka mere lund ka size 9 inces muthhh marte marte tedha ho gaya hai but ache achho ke pani chudha deta hai.Samay na barbad karte huye kahani me aata hun. Mera ek frnd hai kanpur ka Raj vo Bangalore me job karta hai usko ek girlfriend hai uska nam soni thi. Rajveer aya chuttii me to ham mile to usne soni ko bulaya...

2 years ago
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Teasing Pleasing FamilyChapter 2

Christy and her parents left the next morning. The minute they were on the highway, Christy's parents started discussing their country relatives. "I know Meg's my sister and she's got a right to live her own life," Brad Conway told his wife. "But how she could marry a redneck like Luke and waste her life out here in the middle of nowhere still beats me." "They seem happy enough," Helen Conway said of her in-laws. "But Meg went to college, had her whole future in front of her,"...

1 year ago
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The Amulets of Power IV the Burma ConflictChapter 11

During the formation, MSG Sorenson checked everyone’s uniform and medals before the Major appeared, and he reported to him that everyone was present. The Major had a few words for us before we prepared to leave for the Airbase. “Nawng-awn should be a peaceful place. However, we will carry our weapons and six magazines of ammunition each just in case it isn’t as peaceful as it is supposed to be. We’ll be leaving for the Team House to draw weapons right after the formation.” He then turned the...

1 year ago
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A little different style

She smoothed lotion down her arms and legs. The tiny bits of glitter in the lotion caught the light, making her skin glow. She stepped over to the bed of the hotel room she had rented for the night.It’s not like you’re a virgin. She began to dress. The lingerie she was wearing was the exact tone of her skin and from a short distance it would look like she was nude. The bra was very sheer and she could see the darker skin of her aureoles and nipples through the shimmery fabric. She put the silk...

3 years ago
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Purity Of Incest 8211 Part 2

Dear ISS Readers, thanks for all your wishes and encouraging me to come up with part 2. In my previous story, I mentioned about Incest Incident Number one: My father with his mother and if any of you missed out my previous part, you can see in the link on top. In this part, I am going to narrate about the Incest incident number two : My Uncle (Chitthappa ) Kaviarasu with his mother. After the incident when my father had his day with his mother, my grand father asked my father to take care...

4 years ago
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A Night Out With Nancy

Let me tell you a little about my wife, she is 49 years old, a little over weight but that only adds voluptuousness to her all ready large “36D” tits and her beautiful round ass. She was raised a Mormon, but in my hands has become a really nice slut who, with a couple of drinks in her and some coke up her nose, will do the dirtiest sexy things. I like to see my wife dress provocative when we go out on nights like this, and tonight she didn’t disappoint me. She came down stairs dressed to...

2 years ago
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Hermione and her Cursed Penis

(All characters in this story are at least 18 years old) Hermione, Ginny and Luna where in the school's potion lab, the room was for students to make potions for extra credit, Hermione and her two friends where working on a new potion, this potion was going to be for woman who want to look younger as well as sexy'er then what they are now. "Are you sure this is the right color" asked Ginny who was stirring the potion, the potion was a light red. "yes, now stir it clockwise two more times, and i...

3 years ago
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How it started with Mums dirty knickers

As I was stretched out on the sofa when I heard the front door open, and then Mum's familiar voice, "Hello Darling I'm home, how was your day?"I turned towards her. "Hi Mum. It was fine thanks."She came up to me and gave me a big hug and a motherly kiss on the lips, Mum was what most people would call pretty. She wasn't stunning and she rarely turned heads, but she had an almost c***d-like face, which had its own attractions. She kept her dark brown hair fairly long. She had a good shape, curvy...

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FrannyOlga Etc

Olga was a 53 year old naked mom with 5 inch spiked heels , the Russian blonde was currently being assfucked by her 20 year old maledom & son Igor , ballgagged Olga was experiencing the pain & pleasure of her son's 10 inch prick as it ripped her ass apart. Franny was jerking Todd off as she she watched the taboo extreme fuck. She & Olga had become bffs since their sons had hynotized them . Just last week they had 69d while the guys watched while they received bjs from Sharon &Mabel two...

3 years ago
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The Farm

The scream broke the tranquillity of the warm, hazy afternoon. That the scream was cut off by a horrid, choking, gurgling noise terrified all who heard it. The afternoon had been calm, unhurried, as the farm workers went about their usual daily routine. Birds sang. A light breeze eased the heat of the sun. There was little humidity in the air. Tall maize, and sunflower, swayed to that slight breeze. It was from the sunflowers that they had come, inappropriate as that seemed. One moment there...

3 years ago
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Genie 1

Greetings to my friends and faithful readers. If you enjoyed this glowing start to the real story behind the legend of Genie, you can find the rest of this thrilling novel at my E publishing web site. Not only can you purchase all styles of erotic fiction on this site at a significant discount, but you can also make money by sponsoring this site like many of my free to join members already do. If you have a talent for...

3 years ago
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If everything was going as planned Kim’s partner Cathy will have invited her man friend over by now. Kim smiles in anticipation as she hurries to get home at the designated time and ‘catch’ her lover in the act. She can’t help but caress her erect nipples as she drives quickly through traffic. They love each other so much. When Cathy jokingly suggested that she needed a man to satisfy her cravings, Kim jumped at the idea. It surprised her how much the thought of a man fucking her lover...

4 years ago
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Chatroulette date ends in public sex

After going through a few guys who skipped her, a guy stayed on and started talking to her. After awhile he started getting a little more aggressive with her and eventually asked her to take off her clothes. Not knowing our agreement, he was surprised when she agreed. When she took off her bra to reveal her 32C beautiful tits he started stroking his dick like there was no tomorrow. I didn't want the guy to cum before she showed her pussy so I told her to tell him to stop till...

2 years ago
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A Beautiful Love

He sat up in bed and watched her sleep, watching her chest rise and fall with every breath. She looked angelic with the morning light playing across her lovely face. The night before, he had proposed to her as they walked on the beach hand in hand. She had smothered his face with kisses, saying “yes” over and over again. They had come home to his little apartment by the beach and made love. And of course it was incredible, like every other time. He loved her so much he was almost in pain. He...

2 years ago
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Ladies LodgeChapter 6B Bondage Whipping and Punishment

"I think I've had enough hill climbing for the rest of this year", said Harriet as they prepared to sleep later that day. They had found a disused hut - probably a former shepherd's refuge and had sat for several hours talking animatedly among themselves repeating jokes that they had probably told each other several times already and speculating about the future after November 23rd. "Shame on you, Harry - this is easily the best part of the country for this kind of thing and we really...

3 years ago
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Cottaging Memoirs

There are only so many ways that you can describe having illicit gay encounters in public toilets with older men, before it all becomes a slight variation of the same tale. What was always different were the nuances of the thrill leading up to those meetings. Whether it was the tension of standing at the urinals and checking out who was actually having a piss and who was looking at other guys cocks, or sat in a cubicle and listening out for a sign that somebody was up for a little fun, causing...

1 year ago
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Freaky Friday Part 2

Every time I fucked I got more and more comfortable with the situation of actually having sex with a dude. I was even warming up to the idea of performing a blowjob. On about the seventh day of the experiment I went out to grab some lunch and possibly find a new mate. The place I went to grab my salad was practically empty so paid and ate then started to head back to my apartment. On my way back I spotted an opportunity to fulfill God’s wishes. I saw three boys who were probably around...

4 years ago
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RomanceChapter 24

"You'll be so proud of me," said One, she was still in the saddle, trailing the packhorse behind her. "Right at this moment, we're considerably more interested in what you brought," Jack said. They began unloading the packhorse. As soon as the horse was curried, watered and fed, Jack and Sultry began opening the side packs. Carrots, potatoes, onions, turnips, parsnips, lentils, lima beans, lettuce, broad beans, but no meat, neither smoked nor dried. "One, where's the beef?" asked...

2 years ago
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Client 03

I've recently stumbled upon Lush and have really enjoyed the great writings here over the past few weeks. I knew immediately that this would be the perfect place to share my stories.I'm 36 years old and I'm a massage therapist. I've been in practice for 11 years and thoroughly enjoy what I do. As an ex-college athlete I had my share of injuries and spent a good amount of time in the trainers room as well as on the massage table. I grew to learn what I liked and what I didn't and became quite...

Oral Sex
4 years ago
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Fatherdaughter Date MothersonChapter 10 Union

The following week was quiet after Brad and Marjorie Reese had succumbed to the sexual whims of the three teenagers in our household. Misty did not go home during the week; her parents were away. The rest of us were blessed. She was unusually affectionate. Brad and Marjorie had joined us for a nonsexual dinner on Monday night, and they were traveling Tuesday through Friday morning, albeit in different directions in the country. No one broached the elephant in the room at Monday’s dinner –...

4 years ago
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Britney Late Comings Chapter Three

Britney, Part 3: Late Comings - [email protected] Intro: It was later on possibly Sunday afternoon when Jess called and arranged a quick meeting for a chat and catchup. I rushed away eager to see Jess, who I must admit I was starting to get a big crush on again. We met for Coffee at our usual place, Jess was feeling better from her bout of sickness which was the first of the positives of our conversation. Jess was not her normal self however. I could see she was just...

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Labyrinth of Lust

The flyer read, "Where will you be October 31st? Cum one, cum all to 'The Labyrinth of Lust.' Do you dare enter the labyrinth and risk facing the Minotaur of Desire or his seductress? All over 21 are welcome. Must be in full costume to enter. Spend an erotic Halloween in the labyrinth making your fantasies a reality, and your reality a fantasy." Yvonne Tyler read the flyer several times to herself. In the center was a picture of a Minotaur from Greek mythology next to an image of Medusa...

1 year ago
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The Knight and the Acolyte Book 2 Chapter 6 The Grieving Mage

Book Two: Magic's Clash Chapter Six: The Grieving Mage By mypenname3000 Copyright 2016 Note: Thanks to B0b for beta reading this. Journeyman Mage Faoril – Esh-Esh, Magery of Thosi My head lay on the rough wood of the table watching the retreating barmaid. The world was blurry from my drinks. I couldn't believe this day. How could it keep getting worse? I failed my test, I lost my dream, I was broke, and now I owed an inn money for food and drink. They would throw me in...

4 years ago
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A TS Friend Part 3

This is continuation of the series posted earlier with the titles “A TS Friend: Part 1” and “A TS Friend: Part 2”I went home drained after unloading so much of myself into Kim in the suv. I had said good bye to her at her door and was driving home. I got home at a decent hour and went to bed. The following day at work I could only think about how wild a time we had together and began fantasizing about the whole affair when my cell phone went off.Amazingly enough, it was Kim sending me a text...

2 years ago
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Kathleen Ch 4

Given the surprises she seemed to come up with each time we got together, I wasn’t sure what to expect when Kathleen called me the week after our lunch with Jennifer and asked if I were free to drop by about eight the following Wednesday evening for a drink and to meet her brother, Marc. I remembered she had mentioned him the night of our whipped cream fuck and had even lent me his running shorts but with that one exception I couldn’t remember her ever speaking of him so other than the fact...

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Three o'clock in the morning with just a deck chair a three quarter bottle of whisky and a full glass which I knew if I started to drink I won’t stop. Battered bruised and feeling sorry for myself following a very painful divorce. The only true statement my wife made during the divorce was I thought more of my Mother than her, yes it’s true.I found my wife now my ex wife naked riding my bosses penis whilst slapping her thighs with a riding crop I instantly resigned by the only way I knew...

3 years ago
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القصه بداة لم سبت البيت ورحت سكنت فى شقه بعيده عن اهلى تانى يوم انا مخدة الشقه فى امين شرطه وامراته جم سكنو فى الشقه الى جنبى فى نفس الدور المهم انا عايش فى حالى ولئنى شخصيه خجوله محولتش اعمل مع الراجل جارى اى نوع من انوع الصدقه مفيش مبينى وبينه اكتر من السلام والست بتعته انا معرفهاش خالص ولكن صوته بصراحه كان بيهيجنى هى بتحب تسمع اغانى طول اليوم وصوته على وهى بتتكلم مع جوزهيوم ورا يوم بدات الخناق مبنهم واجوزه بدا يضربه وهى تشتمه وتصوت صحيت من النوم مفزوع فتحت الباب لقيتو بيضربه امام...

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Me and her

This is the story to narrate, how I got the attention of this lovely chick. I work at a Departmental Mall, and so does she. Nadia is her name. I must say, she’s the most beautiful creature on earth. I love her because the shoulder-length blonde hair, the vivacious face, and the nice curvy figure make her a celestial being. A pair of 36C tits, as round as her hips, are set proportionately with her slim waist. The close-fitting dresses accentuate the voluptuous curves of her body, it always...

4 years ago
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Susan is Complete

Like most of us, my cross dressing started with wearing pantyhose. This is a true story. My older sister (she was 14 and I was 9) would wear them to school (private school with uniforms) everyday. She started to notice that I would stare at her legs when she wore them. To this day I don't know why, but she would tease me trying hard for her not to be obvious about it, letting her skirt hike up to the point where I could see her reinforced band of the pantyhose, clicking her heels on and off...

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Area Wali Bhabhi Ki Sex Journey

Hello ISS Readers me Rocky from Mumbai ek nae story jo mere area ki bhabhi ki hai. Koe bhi girls aunt ya bhabhi mujhse sex karna chahti hai to mujhse mail kare Ye story Rupali bhabhi (name change) ki hai jo mere area me hi rehti hai. Nam isliye change Kiya qki mere friends bhi yaha stories padte hai aur unko jante hai. Wo kisi ko apne bare me nae batana chahti siwaye mere. So story continues. Rupali bahot hi sweet cute short heighted big boons pure white bhabhi ki hai jo mere ghar se 15 min k...

3 years ago
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This is dedicated to my dog, Shandy, who died around the same time I had my wisdom teeth out. And of course, my lovely lady, Liv. The events in this are fiction, but the background with my teeth and dog actually happened. RIP Shandy 4/26/02-5/5/12. You’ll be in our hearts forever. Hope you like it. I had a hell of a week. My dog died on Saturday and I had my wisdom teeth yanked the following Monday. I couldn’t eat much and could barely talk. I missed school 3 of the 5 days that week. And my...

1 year ago
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Perks Promotions And Penises 8211 Part 2

Angad looked down at Swati lying on his bed with her eyes closed. Her naked flesh was sweaty. Her wet hairs were all over her face, and her vagina was still dripping her creamy juices. So far, Angad was more than impressed by his new secretary’s conduct. Swati, as usual, had performed much better than his expectations. Not only did she agree to serve him, but she also did the same with equal vigor. Swati was enjoying along with Angad. She was also contributing well with her slutty moans. This...

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Master Pc the James Olsen Saga Part IIChapter 19 Jim Takes a Trip

Between his growing consulting business and his regular work, Jim was doing a lot of traveling. This trip took him to a major Midwestern college town, which will, for the purpose of this story, remain nameless. He checked in to the local Red Roof (this consulting gig wasn’t as high end as some he’d done) and headed for the bar with a few members of the executive team. That’s when he saw something that nearly gave him a heart attack. There, sitting at the bar, was Tiffany. There was no doubt...

2 years ago
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The boy next door part 2

The days seemed longer now for some reason. It seems that ever since I met those boys next door I just can't seem to get them out of my head, especially Kevin. Unlike lil Josh who I thought of more as a nephew, I thought of his older brothrr Kevin in a more attractive way. I hadn't thought of any guy like this in a long time and really it caught me by surprise, that I was reluctant enough that Kevin actually wanted me in that way too. That night when I watched over the boys, I almost couldn't...

2 years ago
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The Womens Church of True Light

Reminder (ad nuaseam?): First floor of buildings in UK is second floor in US. THE WOMEN'S CHURCH OF TRUE LIGHT I woke up with a splitting headache, in a strange bed in a room I didn't recognise. As I slowly started to think again, I realised that I must have been in a terrible accident, feeling pain in so many parts of my body. As well as my headache my face hurt as if it had been stung by a thousand bees and pain extended from my chest down to my crotch. My first thought was...

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