Emma Ch. 16 free porn video

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At last! Maisie was going to visit Emma’s home and meet the girlfriends that Emma had told her about. Actually, she’d would only meet one of them, Charlotte, because her other girlfriend was working abroad at the moment making sex films. But it was so exciting anyway, to be staying somewhere that wasn’t her normal home. And as Emma had explained to her, she might be staying at Emma’s flat quite frequently in the future. Ever since her mother had argued with Emma, staying at home had become quite awkward, with her mother being so sullen and being funny about her not wearing clothes. Why had it been alright to wear no clothes before, and now totally wrong? Parents were so funny!

Emma’s flat was in such a very old building which you had to go up ever so many stairs to get to. And when you got there you had to use keys just as you had to get into the building in the first place. But the flat was very welcoming, with a book-cupboard and a vase of dried flowers in the hallway just outside and a very pretty poster of more flowers on the actual door. Emma and Maisie hadn’t put any clothes on after leaving the studio and going by the car from the television car-park. Nor did they from getting out of the car in the apartment block’s underground car-park to entering the flat. It was a strange thing, Maisie thought to herself, to lead a life of no clothes. None of her friends did that.

Inside the flat were more naked bodies: there were two girls with shoulder-length hair lying on a sofa and idly playing with each other and another girl watching television from a sofa. Only this other girl wasn’t so naked and she looked quite young. In fact, as Maisie soon realised, this girl was wearing only a tee-shirt, advertising a popular soft drink, and only looked young because her body was so small and slight. She was Japanese or Vietnamese or Chinese or something. When Emma and Maisie entered the living room, there was a sudden eruption of activity as the girls jumped up to greet them. Maisie began to realise that none of these people had seen much of Emma for a while and were asking her ever so many questions about what she’d been doing and telling her about what they’d been doing.

‘And who is your young friend?’ asked Josephine, addressing Maisie, who not unnaturally was feeling rather out of place.

‘Maisie,’ announced Emma. ‘Her name’s Maisie. She’s on the cast of St Denis Street.’

‘I’ve seen that,’ said Susan rushing up and kissing Maisie tenderly on the cheek. ‘You’re not called Maisie on the program. Though I can’t quite remember what you’re called. It’s a very popular soap opera.’

Charlotte was feeling rather overwhelmed by the arrival of the other love in her life. And where was this teacher that Emma was supposed to be living with? And what about this boss of hers? And what had this girl … this 18-year-old naturist girl …got to do with anything? She soon pieced together from the conversation that Maisie was this teacher’s daughter and that because her home was such a long way from the Harlot TV studios it made sense for her to stay the night at the flat. Why did it make sense now and not before? wondered Charlotte before being rushed off in the group towards a chattering mass of anecdotes and recollections which surrounded the preparation of dinner – which everyone had a hand in – and its consumption over a bottle of wine.

Josephine and Susan were excellent with youngsters – especially Josephine who shared Maisie’s enthusiasm for fluffy toys and for life in general. Susan helped in her own way by being a sort of bridge between Josephine and Maisie, and the conversation she was having with Emma. Emma was affectionate as she’d used to be, and in fact was rather less tense than Charlotte had mostly remembered. It was as if some load had been taken off her mind.

She was even rather surprised to see that Charlotte was still shaving her crotch. ‘There’s really no need to do that for my sake!’ she exclaimed. ‘I’m really not worth such love!’ Charlotte felt her old warm emotions swell towards Emma as the conversation went on. She was right, she said to herself, to have kept her loyalties to Emma.

It was not long until Charlotte’s thoughts moved towards sex. She kept her hands and arms on Emma as much as she could and was pleased to see that Emma wasn’t pushing her off. After the dinner, she and Emma sat together on the sofa, their arms around each other, tenderly kissing each other’s face and breasts and talking intently. Charlotte allowed her hands to wander down to Emma’s crotch and was just about to start stimulating her clitoris in the way that Emma had always seemed to like, when Emma abruptly pushed her hand to one side.

‘Don’t forget Maisie!’ Emma remarked pointing out the girl who was busily discussing computer games and pop music with Josephine and Susan. Charlotte nodded and decided that it was probably best to wait until the girl had gone to bed, before she and Emma became more physically intimate.

When Maisie did go to bed though, in Emma’s own double bed, Charlotte was surprised to see Emma going to bed at precisely the same time. Emma was not known for being the sort of girl who went to bed especially early, but it particularly peeved Charlotte. She had hoped that she and Emma would be going to bed together. Josephine could see that Charlotte was disappointed, but as a faithful friend she let Charlotte herself take the initiative in moving towards bed where Susan was already waiting. Susan could also see that Charlotte was disappointed, and so it wasn’t too surprising that with both of Charlotte’s lovers being so concerned about her welfare that very soon all three of them were making intense love together. And not too long until the flat was shaken by the sounds of the three girls passionate cries – particularly those of Charlotte, who despite her disappointment was still intensely excited by Emma’s return to the flat.

After a while, Charlotte, Josephine and Susan felt that they’d had enough and lay exhausted on top of each other, the salt of Susan’s sweat dripping down her nose and into Charlotte’s mouth, while Josephine’s shiny moist legs wrapped around Charlotte’s own. It was at that stage that Charlotte became aware of the sound of lovemaking coming from Emma’s bedroom: a sound at once familiar from the countless conjugal couplings that her bed had been party to and unfamiliar because Emma had been so much absent of late. But yes! it was lovemaking. And it was coming from Emma’s bed. There were the unmistakable gasps that Emma made when she was at her most passionate and a thundering noise as her bed rocked repeatedly against the wall.

Charlotte put a finger to her mouth and looked at Josephine with a quizzical expression. ‘Who …?’ she mouthed.

Josephine smiled reassuringly and whispered, ‘There are two people making noises in there.’

‘Two?’ wondered Charlotte, but sure enough there was another relatively squeaky voice also making sounds indicative of passionate love. ‘Surely not Maisie…’

‘She’s very honest about her relationship with Emma,’ commented Josephine, reminding Charlotte of who had been talking to Maisie all evening. ‘It seems they’ve had a relationship for several months now.’

Charlotte looked down at Susan’s face peeking up cheekily from just beneath her stomach. She couldn’t help smiling back at the good humour that Susan was emanating, and felt a peculiar feeling as a certain weight of mystery about Emma’s intentions and desires suddenly became lifted by the light of Susan’s illumination.

Josephine also smiled, but her thoughts were elsewhere. Much as she dearly loved Charlotte, she was aware of an element of deception in their relationship. She knew that Charlotte didn’t really have any lovers besides herself and Susan – a situation basically unchanged since Emma’s return to the flat – but this didn’t deter her from making love widely and freely, and not just because her job required it. However, she appreciated Charlotte’s
sensitivity on such issues better than Susan. She knew how much Charlotte loved her, and also how much hurt it would cause her to know that she might have made love to one or more men during the day. Josephine also knew that her love for Charlotte couldn’t possibly equal the intensity of Charlotte’s for her. Or even Charlotte’s for Emma. This despite the fact that since Emma had returned to the flat, she’s spent virtually all of her time with Maisie.

It felt strange to Josephine to be in the midst of so much love and passion. It wasn’t that she didn’t feel love or passion herself. It was just somehow less intense. Less exclusively focused. She rather appreciated her own flat on the other side of town, where she would sleep one or maybe two nights a week: often just by herself in amongst her cuddly toys. It wasn’t just Charlotte’s love for Emma and herself, or Emma’s passion and jealousy of Maisie, there was also Susan, who was so absurdly obsessed with Charlotte. Not that this prevented Susan from having sex with men, nor if the opportunity occurred, either through her work or otherwise, with other women. As a sex actress, her attitude towards sex was extremely ambivalent, and although Josephine didn’t share the same feelings, she could see how it might be possible to feel passionately in love with one woman, and still really enjoy sex with many other people including, of course, Josephine herself.

Susan had made her worship of Charlotte into something of a religion. Not just shaving Charlotte’s crotch (which had now discontinued since Maisie’s appearance on the scene) but in the way she always brought Charlotte breakfast in bed, fussed around her all the time and combed her hair. Indeed, if Charlotte had allowed it, she would probably wipe her arse clean after Charlotte had had a shit. Susan had even tried to demonstrate the permanency of her love by getting a small tattoo put on her upper shoulder with Charlotte written on the face of a red rose.

Josephine knew more than Charlotte of the intensity of Susan’s passion, as she was in the position of Susan’s confidante. She knew that Susan always fantasised about making love with Charlotte whilst making love with other people. She knew that Susan claimed to have never truly loved anyone else before. This was why previously she could only make love to an audience, as a way of exciting her libido through exhibitionism. She knew that Susan religiously spent half an hour to an hour each day masturbating with a variety of sexual aids, concentrating her sexual passion entirely on Charlotte.

Although Josephine knew that Charlotte was fully aware of Susan’s love for her (it was after all declared almost every day) she was sure Charlotte wasn’t aware of its intensity or its purity.

The way that Susan would selflessly sit aside to permit Josephine to make as much love to Charlotte as her true love desired, and only participated when her well attuned sexual instincts told her that Charlotte was truly prepared. The way Susan would tirelessly watch Charlotte and jump to attention whenever an opportunity to be helpful occurred. The way Susan never betrayed, even to Josephine, the frustration and disappointment she must have felt in not having her love reciprocated.

Josephine didn’t have to go to work that morning. Indeed, the only one who had to was Charlotte, and, with a little help from Susan, she’d been packed off to work in her overcoat and sandals while Josephine was still luxuriating naked in bed. In fact Josephine was really only stirred into real wakefulness when Susan slid back under the sheets after slipping off the kimono she habitually wore, lowered her hands down to her crotch and began stroking her clitoris as she often did after bidding Charlotte off. Josephine rolled over to watch Susan’s fingers busy themselves around the top of her vagina, while her other hand stimulated her nipples. She looked up at Susan’s face to gauge whether she wanted more than private pleasure, but she knew enough by now that although she would probably have participated with apparent enthusiasm in any lovemaking Josephine might propose, most likely her preference would be to excite her imagination.

Josephine really didn’t feel like disturbing Susan, so she swung her feet off the bed, rubbed some of the detritus from her eyes and quietly wandered off to the kitchen. When she got there, she noticed that she wasn’t the only one wanting breakfast at that time. The kettle was boiling and a couple of mugs were standing prepared with teaspoons inside. Just by the kettle was a bread board with a plastic bag of sliced wholemeal bread and organic margarine. There also was Emma: her bare behind sticking suggestively out as she leant over to look in the cupboards, quite as beautiful from behind as from anywhere else.

Josephine heart leaped as the eroticism of Emma’s posture struck her, and, following her own desires, she picked up the margarine, fingered out a scoop of it onto her forefingers and approached Emma. She tenderly started stroking Emma’s behind in the way she knew Emma would enjoy. At first Emma started, but as she felt Josephine’s practised caresses, she grunted appreciatively, and relaxed as with one hand Josephine stroked around Emma’s buttocks and gradually eased open her cheeks. Then she brought her other hand round and with a little force eased the margarine into the squeeze between the buttocks, while at the same time exercising Emma’s clitoris and cunt with the other hand and kissing her neck from behind. Then when Emma’s arse was sufficiently greased, she pushed her fingers deep inside her anus and pushed away from the rear while at the front pushing harder and harder into Emma’s vagina. Emma lay her hands against the wall, surrendering herself to this unexpected erotic assault.

While Josephine was thus engaged and Emma’s little gasps became more throaty, she felt a hand brush against her back. It was Susan who was smiling broadly and was handing her a rather long carrot. Josephine took the hint, and while still stroking and exercising Emma’s cunt, she gradually eased the cool rough carrot into Emma’s anus. As this was happening, she felt Susan’s hands grip around her as Susan herself began stroking Josephine’s vagina and then passionately kissing Emma full on the mouth.

Josephine found that she who’d instigated all this was somehow in the midst of it with Emma in front and Susan behind. Her senses began to swim: partly from passion and partly from the strain of making love while standing up on the kitchen linoleum. It didn’t surprise her too much to feel Susan’s fingers probe deep inside her own backside, though her gasp of pleasure surprised her when it erupted from her. ‘Oh Emma! Emma!’ gasped Josephine in great passion. ‘Oh! Charlotte my love!’ whispered Susan a little inappropriately. ‘Ooohh! Ooohh!’ gasped Emma in little eructations of ecstasy. ‘Where’s the tea?’ came a quite different voice.

Startled, Emma pulled herself free and looked at Maisie who had come into the kitchen, naked as always, to see three naked women indulging in sex with vegetables and margarine. ‘I’m hungry,’ Maisie complained rubbing her eyes with her fists. She didn’t seem at all perturbed by the girls’ intimacy, and in fact made no comment of it at all as Josephine, Susan and Emma hastily disentangled themselves from each other and shared in the task of preparing breakfast for Maisie and chatting about the day ahead.

When all four were finally seated on stools by the breakfast table, all naked except for Susan who had chosen to put some long socks on, Maisie smiled broadly. ‘It was ever so funny watching you all buggering each other,’ she chuckled. Josephine slightly whitened (it was after all she who’d made it happen) but her reaction was as nothing compared to Emma who visibly reddened from her brow to her breast and spluttered incoherently.


‘That’s what it’s called isn’t it?’ Maisie continued, clearly enjoying the embarrassment she’d caused. ‘I’ve often seen it on the telly.
And it’s ever so clever that two of you were being buggered at the same time.’ She leaned over as if to confide with Josephine. ‘Emma’ll never bugger me, although she often gets me to shove a dildo up her arse!’

‘Maisie!’ gasped Emma, who appeared outraged. ‘How can you talk about private things with other people like that?’

‘It can’t be that private if you’re doing it with the others!’ retorted Maisie. ‘And why can’t I join in? Why is it you can have sex with Susan and Josephine, and I can’t? I think it’s really unfair!’

It was Josephine’s time to blush now. She looked up at Maisie, incapable of saying a word, and looked for guidance at the even more embarrassed Emma, who was smiling in a kind of helpless and uncertain way. It was however Susan, impossible to embarrass on matters of sex or love, who rescued the situation. ‘I’m sure Emma’s got no objection to you making love with either Josephine and me. And we’ll be delighted to make love with you. But not now, as you’ve got to be at the studio to rehearse today, haven’t you?’

‘I suppose so,’ said the mollified Maisie. ‘But we will later won’t we, Emma? Won’t we?’

‘Sorry. What will we do?’

‘Make love. Have sex. All of us. Together. You promise. Don’t you?’

‘I suppose so,’ concurred a reluctant Emma.

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Vanessas Island Chapter Eleven

Vanessa leaned back against me in the bath as I played casually with her soapy nipples. She turned her head and kissed me lightly on the lips. ‘Isn’t this bliss?’ she sighed. ‘I love bathing you,’ I said, ‘but I can’t wait to dress you too. I love the feeling of looking after all of your body’s needs.’ ‘All of my body’s needs?’ laughed Vanessa. ‘Next you’ll be wanting to wipe my arse for me after I take a shit. Hey, I felt your cock twitch. Don’t tell me that thought turns you on.’ ‘It’s a...

4 years ago
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Susan at work Part 5

“You can have tomorrow off Susan but I’ll expect you in the next” day Lee told her as they drove home the next morning. Susan was worried her husband might suspect something but he didn’t, even when they got to bed and he wanted to fuck her, she was sure she was somehow different. But no, he got on with it in his usual way and gave her a good fucking before they both went to sleep. He didn’t seem surprised when she said she had the day off and even said how good her boss was to pay her extra...

2 years ago
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Council house sluts revisited

Following on from our first meeting with Gordon and Sandra we did meet up again on a couple of occasions. These were almost always last minute meets. On the first occasion we had arranged to meet some old friends who had to cry off at the last minute. Sandra had messaged us on the off chance late on the previous evening and we were delighted to accept. On another occasion Joe was working in the area and Gordon invited him over for a mid afternoon MMF session with Sandra, the juicy details of...

4 years ago
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KarenChapter 3

“Thanks for asking me to the dance, Greg.” “Thanks for coming. Thanks for looking so sweet. Mmm. And tasting sweet, too.” “Mmm ... Greg! Don’t!” “Are you going to tell me Mike didn’t?” “Well... , he didn’t on our first date.” “But you’re my girl, now. I’m your guy. Can you keep me from unbuttoning a blouse that Mike unbuttoned? C’mon. Mmmmmm.” “Mmm.” “So sweet. So soft. Mmm. Now, lean forward.” “Greg!” “C’mon. I’m asking you. Just lean forward. Mmmf. Now kiss me when I’m out...

1 year ago
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They Cant Be Real

© 2002 John Helms let out his breath as he reached the end of the story. "Man, It would be great to be a member of that family," he thought as he finished looking through the list of new stories at StoriesOnline. "Everybody got in on the action there at the end; mom, dad, the brothers and sisters, even the in-laws and grandparents!" John shifted his hard dick to a more comfortable position in his jockey shorts and glanced once again at his bedroom door to make sure it was locked. The...

1 year ago
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My African Girlfriend 8211 Part 1

It is a true-life event that happened 2 months ago while working and enjoying my life on a ship. I have been reading a lot of stories on ISS since many years but I think I should share one. So, let’s move on to the story. I am basically from Mumbai and working overseas. I come to Mumbai once in 8 or 9 months for a 2-3 months vacation. This is an incident that changed my perspective of working overseas. I used to miss home and used to think of passing my time ASAP. It was like I wasn’t ready to...

3 years ago
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The SparkChapter 23

What a difference a couple miles make, living in the suburbs versus living in the city. Instead of open roads to run on where everyone was polite, running in the city was anything but polite as people were constantly cutting in front of my sisters and me and that was Sunday morning. Monday morning we decided to head to school and do our exercising there, due to the idiots that cut us off going to church would be cutting us off heading to work. It was just not worth it to get hit by a car....

3 years ago
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The Adventures of Marie and Nick

I sit down at the table, waiting for something interesting to happen. My parents were out of town for the weekend, and Jessica was about to leave on a week-long vacation with her boyfriend. I was gonna be home alone. Being a good little Christian, I am still a virgin. Of course, I’m only 17. But that didn’t stop my sister. I’ve read her diary. Simply put, she’s a whore. She lost her virginity freshman year of highschool and has gone to hook up with many guys after that. Now, at age 22, Jessica...

1 year ago
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My Gal SalChapter 2 The plan is set

I was forming a plan and also wanted a backup. I was going to need more help. I would try not to use any more people than necessary but this was just too much and too big for one country boy to set up. I asked Billy and Millie to do me a favor. They needed to rent the room that Tom was going to use to have sex with the mayor's wife. Sal told me that, in the appointment book, Tom had the following Thursday circled. Tom always used room nine since it was on the end and he wouldn't be spotted...

2 years ago
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Marriage of Inconvenience MChapter 3 Her Space

Bill Peirce got home Thursday night to find Carolyn arranging her office space. Her kiss was warm even though she looked a little distracted. She tasted only slightly of tobacco. “I was going to cook for you, but this was just sitting here.” “I understand. Too bad you couldn’t have had it for writing your papers. You still need a desk. Anyway, we can go out to eat.” “No! I’m done with school. I’m going to be a wife. Mind if I thaw something out?” “Not at all.” Carolyn’s left-overs were...

1 year ago
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Just a Crush Ch 02

I would like to thank everyone that took the time to read my first chapter. I heard wonderful feedback. To answer a lot of the same questions I received. No this is not an actual story, as much as I myself would like it to be also. All characters and places were made up with my imagination. I know my grammar could be improved. I’m trying, so bear with me and enjoy! Thanks again, all comments and constructive criticism are welcome. * School the next week was a blur to me. Travis made attempts...

2 years ago
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My Evil Neighbor

My life is perfect. I am living the American dream. I had married my childhood sweetheart three months ago. I have a good paying job and we have just bought a house in the suburbs. My new wife Kathy is an angel with her long honey brown hair and cute turned up nose, her petite sexy body and bouncy breasts; she is my living dream. My name is Bill, although Kathy insists on calling me Billie, and I am a systems analyst for HI-TECH COMPUTERS. When I married Kathy, who I have been in love with...

1 year ago
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HussiePass Jaymee Green You Should Be In Porn

Busty Frisco ? native Jaymee Green ❤ makes her industry debut ? right here on Hussie?Pass, and we paired her up with our good friend James Angel for today’s update ? The scene starts with our director, Johnny ?? Robins, helping us learn a little about the juicy newbie ??? followed by Jaymee stripping naked & digitally ?? warming up her pink pussy. James steps into the scene, and Jaymee can’t wait to get a taste of that dick! ?? He lubes up ? her phenomenal breasts ?? and...

3 years ago
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The Telescope

I've long been a fan of astronomy. Back when I was in elementary school, I was the one who'd create the model of the Solar System as my science project. I learned the names of the moons of the planets as well as all of the major constellations and many of the stars. Going through my teen years, I sort of lost interest, but picked it back up again as an adult. When I saw the telescope, I knew I had to get it and seriously renew my search of the Cosmos. That first night, I set up the...

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Anal Intensity Part 1 of 2

My girlfriend from high school (that's some 20 year ago) and I are still friends on Facebook. We are both married to other people, but we recognize that we have needs not being met by our spouses. Basically, we're horny as shit. We're both pretty perverted, too. There is almost nothing we haven't talked about doing -- to ourselves, or to each other. In fact, S (as I'll call her) has told me that she would be my slave, if I wanted. Her exact words, "I'll do anything for you. ANYTHING. My body is...

2 years ago
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INTERNET RELAY CHAT When Predator Becomes Prey

I.R.C. Internet Relay Chat “ When predator becomes prey.” © drkfetyshnyghts 2009 Foreword IRC stands for ‘Internet Relay Chat’. It was originally written by Jarkko Oikarinen in 1988. Since starting in Finland, it has been used in over 60 countries around the world. IRC is a multi-user chat system, where people meet on Channels (rooms, virtual places, usually with a certain topic of conversation) to talk in groups, or privately. There is no restriction to the number of people that can...

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Dinner with Charlie

 I lay on a blanket in the grass, sun reflecting off my black sunglasses and butterflies fluttered around in my stomach. "I'm so nervous!" I said. "Really? It's just dinner and a movie, right? What's there to be nervous about!" replied Monica lying next to me on the blanket. She was looking for shapes in the clouds floating by in the sky as we waited."No, he said dinner and a show. I think it's not a movie he has planned for us. But what kind of show is the question," I explained to her. I slid...

Straight Sex
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Glamour Shots Chapter 6

She reached for her small purse and opened it, withdrawing what was apparently a manila folder that she had cut down to protect the photos; it was obvious that she had put some thought into this, into waiting to catch me in a very relaxed, unguarded moment. She opened the folder and took out the photos in question - just a few it appeared, and in the same 5 X 7 format as the black and white ones she’d shown me about ten hours earlier. She set the folder aside and held the pictures in her hand,...

Wife Lovers
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Wife Did Custom Porn Vids

I met my wife while on vacation in her Asian country. We fucked, had a good time for a bit, and then I had to leave. We did end up staying in contact and I did end up going back, but before that we just chatted online. She started sending me nudes unsolicited, which I liked and asked for more. She was way more into it than I expected and started sending daily nudes and videos. This was the first time I was in possession of true original content nudes, and me being me, I decided to start posting...

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Ants at BEESChapter 15

I'd phoned Diana and confirmed for Saturday morning. She'd spoken with her parents, who were eager to meet me – just what I was most afraid of. We had our PR meeting at the museum and I was glad that I wasn't involved in regular meetings with twits. I spoke to Winnie and told her, again, that I'd be in the outback for the weekend. I was waiting for Diana a bit past eight on a warm Sydney Saturday. I'd filled the fuel and checked the coolant. I'd also brought four bottles of water. I...

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Big Game Hunting in AlabamaChapter 10

It really didn’t take much effort to reach an agreement with the mayor. I agreed to add four more hunting teams as soon as I could get them organized. Mary and Billy were sent on recruiting missions for four more drivers and hunters. I shook up the local dealer where I had previously bought the electric powered trucks by ordering four more and saying that I hoped to need more of them in the near future, but that was not a promise. The dealer immediately alerted the main office for the...

4 years ago
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A Bitter Princess

It's a few weeks after we kissed. Mum and dad are away, gone for a week long holiday in France, and asked you to keep an eye on the house and on me. Pia has a lot of work on this week so she suggested you come over to stay a few nights so I don't get into trouble, and you agreed in an instant, head full of ideas that have been burning themselves into your consciousness ever since I confessed loving you for as long as I've known what that means. Even longer, maybe. It's the Easter holiday of my...

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47 The Kids Play Hide Seek And Um Discuss Quantum Physics

Hide and Seek 9:15 A.M., Friday, July 7, 2017 PLUR-MAkKikM, just outside Honolulu, HI Paul Macon, eleven years old, tilted his head upward and sniffed the warm Hawaiian breeze. There was the scent of flowers in the air, and the scent of trees, and moist earth. Here in the woods this was hardly unexpected, but Paul was searching for another aroma, one he thought he had detected a moment ago. There it was! Unmistakable, it was the scent of the citrus perfume his girlfriend, Paula Akron, had...

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Sandy and Frank Ch 16

So, the preparations began. Clothes were selected and packed, cash for the kitty and other expenses was collected and, on Friday before taking off, Ruth, Judy, Claire and Sandy met in the office to arrange any last second issues that might come up. Totally unexpectedly, one of Sandy’s questions about the trip was to be answered. Ruth arrived with several 3 x 5 cards with colored marks on them, one color per card. She explained their purpose: ‘Bob and I will be staying in my grandparents’ room,...

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The Enemy WithinChapter 3

It had been a long five weeks, most of which Kyle had viewed through an oversexed fog, but they were finally close to their new home. The AI announced that they were coming out of hyperspace and would be arriving planet-side in eight hours. As much fun as the trip had been, scanning into the replicators all the items they had brought, having sex, planning and getting modified, having sex, learning new things and teaching classes, having sex, training to adjust to their new bodies, more sex,...

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This is how I want you

id love 2have you butt naked and bent over my desk with you hand cuffed, wrists and ankles to the legs. Id pinch your nipples and tell you what a dirty whore you are. Then id spread your cute arse cheeks and press your little brown arse hole with my finger but not actually fingering you just teasing. ill stand up behind you and bite your ear lobes while i press my hard cock through my boxers into your tight vagina making you want it inside but you have 2wait like a good little slut should. ill...

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ISABELLESex on legsEvery now and then you may come across a young lady such as Isabelle. They are though very rare in my experience. I have only met two or three in all my years. However; when you meet such a girl I think you will know it without a doubt.My Isabelle was quite simply ‘sex on legs‘. She even smelt of sex; it would drive me wild just to sit next to her; her sex was overpowering. She; of course, knew this and she exploited it to the full. She wore flimsy clothing that barely...

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DarkFyre Chapter Five

Silmaria was on her hands and knees in the drawing room on the west side of the Manor, scrubbing at the wooden floor with a soapy rag. She was not particularly in the best of moods, some idiot had tracked dirt into the room, which was made all the worse by the fact that no one ought to really have been in here in the first place. Of course, given how downhill the upkeep of IronWing Manor was these days, it wasn’t even noticed or addressed until several days later, when she got to be the lucky...

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