Strip o Gram
- 4 years ago
- 38
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Note : This story is completely fictional!
I looked out the train window at the blur of green landscape as it passed. Going to stay with grandma had always been one of my fondest memories as a kid, the train ride just the beginning to a wonderful summer spent with her on her farm in northern Connecticut. Just me and her, lazing away the days and enjoying each other's company. For seven straight years from the time I was seven years old to fourteen I stayed with her, and for those summers we were inseparable.
From the ages of sixteen to eightteen however, I spent my summers at football camp, and the visits with gram regrettably went on hiatus. I didn't see her for close to four years, as she lived literally across the country from mom and I, and though I missed her terribly football was my life at the time, so I dedicated myself to it.
Finally, after my senior year in high school, I decided that before I went off to college I had to spend one last summer with her. It may have been my last chance before I got too busy with life to do it, I reasoned. One last time for it to be just her and I, lazing around and enjoying each others company like it'd been in the good old days before football and girls.
Now obviously, in the four years It'd been since I'd seen her I'd changed quite
a bit. I'd grown a good six or seven inches since I was fourteen, when I was
already as tall as her. My voice had completely changed, my shoulders broadened
out and my frame lean and muscular from training and hitting the weights in
football for three straight years. The round boyish features of my face had
squared and matured. I'd become a man, a young one anyway, erasing the boy she'd
remember from summers past.
And I'd also discovered pussy.
I lost my virginity to Theresa Riordan at a party around Christmas when I was
sixteen, and my first taste of pussy drove me crazy. I found very quickly that I
was a big fat tits I could
suck on as I fucked them. I didn't know where the urge had come from or why I
had it so strong, but I didn't care, I loved tits, the bigger and fatter the
After losing my virginity to Theresa-- looking up at her milky white tits
hanging down and swaying over me as she slipped back and forth on my dick, and
becoming enraptured by them-- I started to chase every girl I knew with big tits
at school. Being a football player, tall and decently handsome I could usually
get them into bed, especially cheerleaders. The bigger their tits, the harder
and longer I'd fuck them. From my sophmore to senior years in high school I
fucked as many big busted girls as would have me, and by my eighteenth birthday
I'd cut close to twenty notches into my bedpost, and had no intention of slowing
down when I hit college.
This was why, in my last summer with grandma, when I got off the train to meet
her as I'd done so many times before, I froze in my tracks the second I saw her.
I realized something I'd sort of always known but in my pre-teen, mostly pre-sex
drive young boy mind had never had a reason to care about: Grandma's tits were
I felt a rush of mixed guilt, horrification and excitement as I spotted her
working her way through the crowd toward me, a huge smile on her warm round face
and her arms open to embrace me.
She was wearing a thin button-up sweater that was open over what looked to be a
snug cotton turtleneck. She was slightly short and chubby, her figure voluptuous
and soft. Her hair was a slate gray, tied up in a neat bun with pretty green
combs tucked into it. Her features were pretty in a faded, weathered way. She
had a soft double chin which probably hadnt been there when she was young, but
seemed to compliment her voluptuousness now. It was grandma, the same grandma
I'd known and loved and hugged and laughed with since I was born, but in my
newfound addiction to busty women, it wasnt just grandma anymore. It was one of
the biggest, softest pairs of tit's I'd ever remembered seeing in person, and
grandma had them. The blue cotton turtleneck clung to her bosom snugly, sloping
underneath their huge heft and hugging her belly. The sweater draped over them,
hanging down loosely around her waist. I'd looked at the cup sizes of a lot of
huge tittied porn actresses online since I'd become obsessed with tits, and in
the few seconds I had to ogle her before we hugged I figured they had to have
been G or H cups, if not bigger.
"Sweetheart!" Grandma chirped excitedly as we met each other and hugged. I
smiled, still slightly dazed. My heart started beating faster as her chest met
my abdomen, her huge tits bulged around my belly as she put her arms around me
and squeezed. I felt a pang of panic and shame as I realized my dick was
starting to get hard and pulled away from her quickly, reaching over to grab my
suitcase which I promptly held in front of me.
"Look at you, sweety, you're like a different person!" She said, reflexively
pulling her sweater together, as it tended to open around her massive chest when
it wasn't buttoned. "You've grown into such a handsome young man! Where's that
chubby little smooth faced boy I sent home on the train just a few summers ago?"
"I'm right here Gramma," I said with a sheepish grin, taking an almost
involuntary darting glance at her chest then down to the ground. "I just got a
little bigger."
"A little?!" She said with a huff "Honey, you've grown into a right young hunk,
just like I knew you would," she said, beaming. "You're going to be as handsome
as your father was. Lord, you already are!"
I laughed and my face turned red, which made grandma laugh too. As she laughed
her big soft tits shook, causing her sweater to slip around them again, making
my cock press even harder against the side of my suitcase.
"Let's go honey, you've got to be tired, car's over here." She said, linking her
arm in mine and leading me toward the parking lot.
As we drove I looked at the countryside, familiar but in a strange way new
again. I kept my gaze at the window so I wouldn't find it wandering toward
grandma's giant juggs, shaking and bouncing under her snug cotton shirt as we
drove down the bumpy dirt road that led to her farm.
I silently anguished.
What's wrong with me? Your dick isn't supposed to get hard for your grandma,
it's not, it's just fucking not... but I can't help it. Her tits are... are
driving me wild and there's nothing I can do about it.
"... and your cousin Roger got honor roll this year, so he's-- Hon, are you
listening?" Grandma said, looking my way and placing an affectionate hand on my
I looked back at her, making sure to keep my eyes on her face and said "Yeah
gram, I'm listening, just a lil' tired. Keep going." And managed a smile.
She smiled and squeezed my thigh, then faced the road again and went on talking.
As she did this, my eyes flitted down to her tits. They were resting almost
against the steering wheel, midway down her thigh. My mouth went dry and I felt
my crotch explode with warmth as I watched them bounce up and down as we hit
each bump and divot in the road. Staring, almost hypnotized, I noticed after a
few seconds that grandma had stopped talking. I blinked, snapping out of my daze
and looked up to see her looking straight at me. Our eyes met and I realized in
absolute horror that she had to have seen me staring. My face went
expressionless and so did hers. After what seemed like an eternity but couldnt
have been more than a few seconds she threw a warm smile at me, then reached
over and squeezed my thigh again. This time-- I couldn't tell if I was imagining
it or not, but it seemed-- a little closer to my throbbing crotch.
I turned back toward the window quickly. Grandma remained silent for a few
seconds, then went back into her gossip almost without skipping a beat. "And
Uncle Larry still hasn't gotten his back surgery, I don't know what that man is
thinking, I..."
Her voice faded off into the distance as I sunk into a pool of shame and
embarrassment in my mind, staring out the window unmoving and wishing more than
anything the car ride was over.
The next morning at breakfast as Grandma sat a plate of bacon, eggs and toast
down in front me me, I again found myself glancing out the corner of my eye at
the massive mounds of tit meat that jutted out from her tied night robe. Neither
of us had mentioned the incident in the car the day before, so I felt a little
better, but I still found my horomones going crazy every second I spent around
her. A long line of soft white cleavage showed where her robe opened at the top,
and my dick again began to spring to attention. She obviously wasn't wearing a
bra yet, the hefty sag of her bosoms and the way they swayed lazily back and
forth as she tooled around the kitchen told me that much. My gut churned as I
realized I was still in my underwear and couldnt get up till I'd calmed down,
which wouldn't be till my grandmother removed her giant tits from my view. I
didn't know how I was going to make the month, it seemed impossible.
"Now if you want seconds you dont by shy, you hear? Growing man like you
deserves two helpings." She said, watching me eat with a smile. "You want more
orange juice babe?"
"Sure Gram" I said.
She walked over to me and did something I thought strange. Instead of grabbing
the glass on my right, she walked up to my left side until her expansive bust
was a hair's breadth from my face, then leaned slowly over me to grab my glass.
Her giant melons fell heavily across my left arm and shoulder as she reached,
and her robe split further apart at the top to show a widening crack of bursting
cleavage. My mind raced. Was this innocent, or did she know what she was doing?
I decided in an instant that grandma would never act that way toward me, not in
a million years, she was just getting me more juice, she would never--
Then her nipples hardened, stabbing my arm through her robe as she grabbed my
glass and pulled away, letting her tits slip off my arm slowly.
I stared down at my plate in a daze, my cock standing fully erect and oozing
I heard the glass fill behind me, then the slam of the refrigirator door and the
soft pad of her house slippers as she made her way back across the kitchen.
I remained still, then jumped slightly as I felt huge hanging tits suddenly rest
firmly against my back. Grandma leaned over me from behind, her massive chest
smashing obscenely against the back of my neck and shoulders, and placed the
glass of juice on the table next to me.
"There you go, honey" she said, then put her arms around my neck and hugged me
tightly from behind. The top of her breasts bulged around the back of my neck,
her nipples hard and warm at my back. She kissed the crown of my head, then
pressed her cheek against it. "I'm so darn glad to have you here, babe" she
said, then kissed me lovingly on the cheek. "The summers just havent been the
same without you, they've been so lonely."
"I'm glad to be here too, I've missed you" I said back, chewing my food but not
tasting it. She pulled away from me and walked out of the kitchen, calling
behind her "I'm gonna run and take my mornin' shower hon, you eat up."
The second she was out of view, my hand flew to my swollen cock. It was
painfully engorged, and a small wet spot had formed at the tip. I squeezed my
massive boner and my entire body pulsated at the tought of what had just
happened. Had she done it on purpose? Had grandma just rubbed her gigantic tits
all over me because she knew that I was now amazed by them? What was she doing?
What was she thinking? What do I do or think? I put my plate in the sink, the
meal half uneaten, then headed down the hall to lock myself in my room. I'd tell
her I just decided to lie-in a little longer if she asked, I thought, but really
I just needed to get somewhere and jerk this load of cum out of my prick or it
was going to explode.
I headed down the hall, then slowed my walk as I neared the bathroom. I could
hear the shower running and grandma cheerily humming a tune as she bathed. She'd
left the door open, I realized. I slowed gradually, heart slamming against my
rib-cage, then reached a full stop directly in front of the open door. I looked
at the plastic white shower curtain, steam rising up above it, and imagined my
own grandmother's naked wet tits. I grabbed my cock and squeezed it as I stared,
imagining I could see the water cascade over the mountainous slopes of her
breasts and waterfall off of them. My eyes closed and her soft melodic humming
drifted through my brain. Then, as suddenly as I had drifted away still gripping
a handful of underwear and stiff cock, the water turned off and the shower
curtain whooshed open.
Grandma stood in front of me, glistening wet and naked, and I got the view only
moments earlier I'd been daydreaming of. My eyes went immediately to the her
giant hanging tits. They rested just above her navel, but were plump and full
with perky nipples and rosey areolas that pointed at me rather than the floor.
Her belly had a slight sag to it, typical for a sixty-five year old woman who'd
birthed three kids, but it wasn't unsightly. Her hips, thighs and ass were thick
and meaty, with a smooth creamy complexion and a patch of darkish gray hair that
trailed off between her legs.
My eyes bulged, my heart skipped a beat, and I cummed. A hot gush of jizz that
spread slowly out from my tented crotch. Grandma yelped lightly in sudden shock
and threw her arms across her still dripping tits, which smashed and bulged
around them and slipped through them. I cummed even harder.
Before I could finish, I forcibly jerked my body from it's paralysis of ecstasy
and darted for my room. I slammed the door behind me, locked it, then fell onto
the bed and put my head under the pillow like a frightened ostrich.
It was over. Grandma knew for a fact that her grandson was a deviant. A once
well-adjusted, bright eyed boy that had turned into an incestuous, perverted
young man that pined for his own flesh and blood. This would change everything,
she'd never forgive me, and she'll tell mom and I'll have to be ashamed about it
for the rest of my life. They'll probably want me to go to therapy. I felt tears
well at my eyes as shame and embarrassment pierced my thoughts.
Then came a soft rap at the door.
I looked up, wiping my eyes. Another soft knock.
"Sweetie?" I heard grandma's light voice say from the other side of the door.
"Sweetie, open the door."
"I can't, I'm too embarrassed." I said back through a watery voice.
"Oh, sugar." I heard her say with real concern in her voice. "Open this door up
and look at me." she said, followed by another soft rap. "You don't have to be
I got off the bed, then found a pair of shorts and slipped them on over my
stained wet underwear. I walked to the door, put my hand on the knob hesitantly,
then with a deep breath opened it a crack.
Grandma glared back at me with a look of fierce love, bordering on lust. Her
night gown was thrown back on, but it was still open, clinging to her wet body.
The huge heavy curve of her soft white tits showed where the robe was open, and
water still streamed down her chest and belly to her fully exposed patch of
fluffy pussy hair. Her gray hair lay wet around her shoulders, she'd thrown her
robe on without drying off.
"Let me in, honey." she said, pushing the door open with one hand while
unabashedly kneading her huge left breast with the other.
I felt dumbstruck watching it bulge around and between her fingers as she
squeezed it, then when the door swung open she grabbed the other and went on
kneading both of them, pinching delicately at her stiff nipples.
She walked in the room, then closed the door with a bump of her ass.
"I know what you were doing." She said, running a hand down her cleavage line
and stomach. "You were masturbating to Grandma, weren't you."
I stood with my mouth open, but no words came out. Finally I stammered "No,
gram, I... I was just... scratching myself." I said, looking at the ground and
feeling as weak as my excuse must have sounded. "I'm so sorry I.. I saw you..."
I stopped, feeling mute.
"You saw me naked?" She said. Her delicate finger trailed the line of her
cleavage, which bulged as she squished her tits together with her elbows. "You
weren't scratching yourself, you were jacking off, son." She said, looking down
at the again growing tent at my crotch. "Jacking off to Granny's big bosoms,
werent you?" She said, and her hand wandered down to her still wet and
glistening patch and started to rub.
"No Gram, I--" I said, and with a sudden, quick movement grandma grabbed my
hands and placed them on her gigantic tits.
I stood in dumb disbelief as she placed her hands over mine and began to rub and
squeeze them together. The cleavage under her open robe bulged and parted as I
fondled them, and I looked up to see her looking back at me with fierce, hungry
"I want you to suck on them, honey. Would you do that for me?" She said in a
soft whisper, then leaned up and kissed me softly on the lips.
I looked down at those massive tits rolling and squishing through my hands and
nodded silently, then looked back up just in time to see grandma lean up and
plunge her tongue into my mouth. We kissed long and slowly, our tongues dancing
and flicking around each other.
"I love you so much, sugar," she said in a heavy, passion-soaked voice. "Sucks
gram's big titties, honey, suck on them."
Without hesitation I opened the robe around the side of her huge left tit, then
stared at it in silent admiration for a moment before grabbing as much of it as
I could in one hand and lifting it to my mouth. I plunged on to it greedily, the
entire nipple and smooth white flesh around it disappearing into my mouth.
I tried to suck too much of it in and it popped back out, glistening and
flopping back down onto her stomach. Grandma moaned lightly, her face turned to
the roof and her eyes closed. Her hands were resting on my head, her fingers
running through my hair.
"Suck them. Mmm, suck them baby." She said. I squished them together and took
turns sucking each breast and letting it pop out of my mouth. I licked and
nibbled her thick nipples as grandma's hand dropped slowly to my bulging crotch.
She gripped my warm length through the shorts and squeezed.
"Oh, my big boy." She said over the squelchy, sloppy noise of me sucking on her
enormous udders. "You've gotten so big, sweetie."
"Mmmm.." I moaned indifferently, pulling away and pushing her tits up under her
chin, completely lost in passion.
"Come here." she said, then took my hand and led me to the bed. She sat down on
it and pulled me down next to her, then looked deep into my eyes.
"I want to show you how much I still love you honey," she said, then got on her
knees between my legs. I panted and trembled as she unceremoniously yanked my
shorts and underwear down. She gasped lightly as my rock hard cock sprung out
and slapped against my stomach.
"Oooohhh.." she said and grabbed it with one hand, then looked up at me. "Your
penis is so pretty, sugar. It's so big and pretty..." then, still looking up at
me, she placed the head in her mouth and started to suck gingerly. I moaned and
tilted my head back, reaching down with my hands and mashing and squeezing her
massive juggs together as I watched my cock disappear inch by inch down her
throat. She looked up at me and pulled back off of it, letting it pop out of her
mouth, then licked her lips. "Mmmmm" she said, jacking the shaft slowly, then
plunged back onto it, this time down to the balls. She held it in her throat
until she gagged, then spit it back up. A line of thick white slobber and
pre-cum stretched from my engorged penis head to her bottom lip. She slurped it
into her mouth and started pumping my cock again slowly.
"Nice and slippery. Good. Now lay back." She said, and placed a hand on my
chest, pushing me slowly but firmly back onto the bed. My cock stood straight in
the air at its full throbbing eight inches, and before I knew what was happening
I felt grandma's enormous tits smother it completely in mounds of soft white
flesh. She moaned as I slowly started to fuck her tits. As I thrusted, the head
of my dick poked out the top of her massive cleavage. I clenched both tits in
each hand and pressed them together, fucking them hard.
"Fuck them, yes, fuck them babe, fuck gram's tits, oooohh," grandma moaned,
taking the head into her mouth as it emerged and letting it pop back out.
"Hhuuunnhhh..." I felt my pelvis tighten and a wave of giddy pleasure wash over
me as I drenched my grandmothers face and tits with hot cum. She opened her
mouth, catching all she could on her tongue as it spurted, then leaned up and
let her heavy breasts hang free as she jacked the remaining cum out of my dick.
My body trembled and quaked as she drained me. When I was done cumming she
slowly and thoroughly licked my shaft and balls clean with her tongue, then got
up and layed down on top of me, face to face.
Her still wet hair cum covered tits bulged against my
solid chest.
"That was so nice, baby." She said, kissing me sweetly on the lips. "You've made
me happier than I've been since... well, since the last time you were here."
I looked up at her, and even though I didnt know what to think or feel and knew
my life had been irrevocably changed, I knew I wanted to suck on her tits again
and again, and eventually fuck her brains out. I wanted to feel my grandma's
warm, slippery wet pussy hug my cock, and I didn't care whether it was right or
She looked into my eyes once more. "I think this is going to be our best visit
yet." She said, covering my forehead and cheeks with soft kisses, which made me
shiver. "The one we'll never forget, and never tell anyone about as long as we
"Can... we do that again?" I asked, not sure what else to say.
She looked at me and smiled. "Oh baby, we'll do it again, and again and again."
She kissed the tip of my nose, then rolled off me to go wash the cum off her
chest and face. She stopped at the door and looked back, "Well it looks like
I'll need another shower.... you gonna join me this time?"
"Love to," I said, smiling back at her, "be there in just a few."
I lay back on the bed and splayed my arms out, my cock still semi-rigid, and
stared at the ceiling. I didn't know what had just happened nor how I felt about
it, and I didn't know what was going to happen nor how I'd feel about that
either, but one thing I knew for certain was that this was already my favorite
summer at Gram's yet, and it seemed like it could only get better from here.
End Part 1
I cant believe I have to stay in this nowhere town all summer. I'm a city girl and I need the excitement of the city. You get into trouble one time and your daddy thinks you are damaged and need to be put away out here in the boonies with your grandfather where you, as my father said, can learn to be a proper young woman. You see, my father caught me having sex with my boyfriend in my bedroom. We'd been doing it for months right under his nose, but damn if Billy didnt actually find my G spot...
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Becky was nice at first but once she hit 18 it was like a switch went off in her head and she became crazy. She'd smoke pot then claim I gave her it (I didn't touch the stuff), would steal my beer from my room's fridge and generally make my life a misery. When my uncle moved back to the coast I was relieved but my antagonist was to return. Joy of Joys. My mom and her boyfriend had rented a cabin for themselves and left us 3 to fend for ourselves, Kelli being the oldest at 24 was put in...
No human thing can last forever. I moved off Rachel and lay beside her. I could not break the contact so I kept a hand on her breast and stroked her hair with the other. She turned to face me, and we spent a few minutes gazing at each other. I would have fallen asleep staring into her eyes had she not sat up. "Let's get food," she said, smiling down at me. I nodded and got out of bed. I could feel her eyes on me as I walked to the bathroom, picked up my swim trunks, and left the room....
I went to spend a month at my grandparents place in Naples,Florida.They lived in a beautiful apartment complex that was complete withswimming pool. An added plus was that it was only a few blocks fromthe beach and the Gulf of Mexico. My Grandfather and Grandmother weremy father's parents so I felt comfortable with them, although I hardlyknew them. The last time I had seen them was when they moved here.They had moved to Florida five years before. when he retired fromthe civil service. I had very...
The amount of time I was spending at the mansion did not go unnoticed. My mother said nothing about it. Marisa would have been vocal about my lack of attention, except that Michael spent more 'working' dinners and weekends at our house. (The divorce got uglier and with Rachel and I fucking up a storm, the mansion was not a good hiding place.) Karen seemed relieved and at times angry at my absence. She was confused about anything and everything to do with me, especially how she felt about...
For as long as could remember my grammy had this camel toe. I was not sure why as none of the other women in my had this. But grammy did, I would go stay with them and grammy would come out with these pants on and there was the camel toe. It was not like grammy was big and fat but I guess her pussy was. I tried not to stare but sometimes I could not help it and I wondered what her pussy would look like. I had finally made it to my mid teens and went to stay with gramps and grammy. Again...
He knew this was his last summer. A year from now he’d be job hunting, so he could work to put money away for college. He was a smart kid and knew that this was important but couldn’t help feeling a bit wistful that these few months would be his last time of pure childhood freedom. John’s story took place in the sweltering Florida heat. Where, before school was even out, the temperatures were almost in triple digits and the humidity made it feel like you were breathing through a hot, damp...
"I'm sorry we won't be here to take you to the airport, honey." "That's okay, Mom. Megan said she would drop me off," I replied. "But you're leaving again! I won't see you until Christmas. You know, Bob and I don't have to go." "No, Mom, that's crazy! Don't do that. It's fine, really. I'll call you as soon as the plane lands so you'll know I'm all right, okay?" She shook her head. "All right. I'm just going to miss you so much!" She hugged me like I was dying. I...
Dave came home from work early, his bitchy boss having told him he wouldn’t be needed there anymore. He hated his life! How was he ever going to get laid when he was unemployed and still lived in his mother’s apartment at 25? Something was weird. His mother’s clothes are scatted all over the living room. She pitched a fit if Dave so much as left his jacket on the arm of the couch, but now her bra is hanging from the ceiling fan. Her clothes weren’t the only ones either. A man’s jeans and...
Note : This story is completely fictional! I called my grandfather in August, the last opportunity I would have before school started. I wanted to wish him a happy birthday. He was turning sixty one the following Sunday. I asked him what he wanted for his birthday. His answer was short and what I would expect. "You," he said instantly. "Can you come down to celebrate an old man's birthday? I won't be having many more you know." I was instantly concerned. "Are you sick, grampa?" "No, nothing...
IncestPluto was rudely awakened by a loud dinner triangle, ringing as Persephone walked down the stairs. “Time to eat up slave!” as she walked down the spiral staircase. Pluto had been locked into the large cage he had seen the night before. He was still completely naked, save for the chastity cage which very uncomfortably suffocated his penis. He looked up and his jaw nearly dropped. He had seen Persephone last night, but that was in a confusing, hazy daze. Now he had his full senses about him and...
[email protected](I’d like to acknowledge the great work by Trent Wolf in his ?Domino? stories for the inspiration to pen this style of story and to the ?House of Gord? for ideas of some of the predicaments that befall Suzzanne, finally a great fan Rollo T for his ideas and inspiration)AGENT BURNEDThe Further Adventures of Agent Suzzanne Midsummer - 3 CHAPTER 1 The ballroom was crowded and brightly lit filled with the sounds of laughter and multi lingual conversations. Suzzanne Midsummer...
[email protected] (I’d like to acknowledge the great work by Trent Wolf in his ?Domino? stories for the inspiration to pen this style of story and a great fan Rollo T for his ideas and inspiration)The Continuing adventures of Agent Suzzanne Midsummer 5 ?DOWN AFRICA WAY? CHAPTER 1 The black cab pulled to the kerb and the door swung open and an elegant leg followed by another stepped out onto the wet pavement. ?Thanks and keep the change? smiled Suzzanne as she paid the driver. ?Much...
[email protected](I’d like to acknowledge the great work by Trent Wolf in his ?Domino? stories for the inspiration to pen this style of story and to the ?House of Gord? for ideas of some of the predicaments that befall Suzzanne, finally a great fan Rollo T for his ideas and inspiration)SUZZANNOBOT!The Further Adventures of Agent Suzzanne Midsummer - 4 CHAPTER 1She rose from the surf like a Venus, the water cascading down her body giving her tanned toned skin glossy lustrous appearance in...
LIONEL, LORD OF THE JUNGLE by Jason "Ooooooggg, yahoooooooo!" With the ease of an animal born to it, Lionel Lord of the Jungle moved through the lush forest canopy of equatorial Africa with practised elegance, huge biceps bulging, sinews stretched, fine toned muscles rippling the entire length of his near naked, glistening body. In a mode of travel unique to him and the lesser primates he swung effortlessly from trailing vine to trailing vine to cover in a few minutes a...
On the following Tuesday, Carrie Ralston and her mother returned from their summer in Indiana. Carrie had discovered that I was at work when she stopped by the house earlier in the day, and was waiting for me on the porch when I got home. I think that she was way beyond surprised and on her way to shocked at my appearance. "Sammy? Oh my God!" She said before I'd even hit the first step. "Hi Carrie." "What happened to you?" "I had a good summer, grew a little, put on some...
Persephone finally had Pluto where she wanted him. It had been a tiring chase, but she knew the prize was worth it. With most men being hunted nearly to extinction, she was determined not to let this one get away. Now he was tied down on her milking table, in the depths of her dungeon. And she was going to extract every drop of semen from him however she could.With technological advances and women's growing superior intellect, most women decided that the world did not need men and all of their...
I'll be updating this story as often as I can, and as inspiration comes. For now, I hope you enjoy what's here! Atlanta, Georgia, 1988. The hottest summer of the past fifty years. The Cold War is reaching its climax, but things have never been hotter. America is absolutely burning up, and the temperature is only rising. In one of the busiest cities in the South East, even finding a place to cool off is starting to become a rarity. An ice cold glass of Coca-Cola, even one that's lukewarm is...
InterracialDisclaimer: None of these characters belong to me. Harry Potter and all the associated characters named in the story are the property of J. K. Rowling and her publishers and have been used without permission. As fan fiction, no money has been charged, or may be charged, for publication of this work. Hermione Granger had snuck out of the castle that was Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry because Hagrid, the half-giant game keeper, had finally agreed to show her what she had wanted...
There were twelve of us in the summer of 1969. Six guys and six girls. We were lifeguards for Milwaukee County Parks and Rec at Bradford Beach. Although we had all just graduated high school, we took our jobs very seriously. This was evidenced by the fact that we had only two drownings that summer and 92 rescues. The rescues were usually because the water was cold and some folk’s cardiac system couldn’t handle the temperature, or they got out too far and couldn’t swim well enough to get back...
Julia had spent the last days of summer at this place that had always beckoned her back to the days of her childhood before her parents had divorced. And here she was once more before school began, enjoying the crash of the waves and the feel of heated sand squishing beneath her toes. As she headed into the crashing surf once more before it became too late in the day, the sun was already starting sink towards the distant horizon at the place where the ocean seemed to suddenly break off and...
The further I got into August, the faster time seemed to go. Everyone knew I was leaving soon, and none seemed too happy about it. The worst ones handling my imminent departure were the R's. On more than one night I ended up comforting them in my bed. "It's not fair!" wailed Roberta or Rose. "We just get here, and you leave." I would hug them. "I know, and I'm sorry. But my employment contract is only for the summer. If I could stay here longer I would, but I can't." "What if...
Sex with Rachel became less important the closer the twins' return came. There were other things I would not be able to do with her that seemed more difficult to let go of. Like her smile when I walked into the mansion, it welcomed me as her man and not her sons' best friend. She sprang her gifts on me during our last night together. I arrived at the mansion dejected. I wondered if it were possible to fuck from the moment she opened the door until we had to pick up the twins. Rachel let...
May 24, 1981, West Monroe, Ohio I was up early on Sunday morning to head to Holy Transfiguration. As Head Acolyte, I was responsible for being at the church about ninety minutes before Matins so that I could refill and light all the oil lamps, replace the tapers in the candle box, sift the sand in front of the icon of the Theotokos to remove the candle stubs, and ensure that the nave was in proper order. When I arrived, I unlocked all the doors, adjusted the thermostat to cool the nave,...
The Last Week of the Summer Holidays.John [email protected] being home from school for the long summer vacation had been very pleasant, sexually for the most part it had been difficult living where we were in a rural part of southern Ireland and though I had made the best of it my carnal appetites awoken on hitting puberty last term at school along with all the opportunities offered by that situation had caused me to develop a great appetite for sex – sex of pretty much any...
Introduction: This is a romantic story I wrote. There wll be more parts later. No sex yet but I hope you will enjoy it. The paragraph in brackets is a flashback Lily woke up slowly from her bed. The morning light shone through her window giving her the illumination of a godess. She was smiling as she woke, her dream was good but she could not remember what it was. She looked over at her calander and remembered that it was the last day of school. She smiled and thought of the wonderful summer...
My grandparents lived in a beautiful colonial home near downtown. My grandpa was an active senior, he went to the gym regularly and was active community Elks member. While my grandma was usually a stay at home, plant and play in her precious garden. One summer night a severe thunderstorm hit the downtown area. My grandpa was away with his Elks lodge planning for the upcoming Fall town fair, by the time he got home there were fire trucks surrounding the block. My grandparents house was struck by...
Here's a little story that bit me while I was working on a longer piece. I kind of think of such stories as gargoyles. When the stonecarvers working on the great gothic cathedrals needed a rest from making angels, they'd carve a gargoyle. These pieces, some of them, are a way of resting while I work on a real long story. Also, since I created the "Mirror Site" about a year ago for Halloween, I thought now was a good time to revisit it. Let me know how you like the story, and,...
100% fiction! I have to tell you about my sis who I honestly haven’t really noticed over the last three years since I went away to college. I was 18 and she was 18. Then she was just girl with braces just trying to get a life in junior high. I left for college about 3 hours away and for the most part because of school and work I have not been home since. The family has been to visit me a couple of times but, that’s it. This year though, all that changed. This last semester things started to get...
IncestSarah gropped her perky 34B breasts, pushing them together to make them bigger. Sighing she gave up and had a quick check to the rest of her young 17 year old body. She had beautiful pale skin without any blemishes, nice long copper hair that almost fell to her well rounded ass. She was only 5ft tall and was the shortest girl in her grade but she knew what she lacked in height she made up in beauty. She had big innocent green eyes and a cute straight nose and small pouty lips that made...
Wishbone LITE By TwoSpiritsTG ----------------------------------------------------------------------- This was a short story I entered into a TG fiction competition a few years back with a 1000 word maximum (This story is 1010 words). For the record, I did win first place. I originally wasn't going to upload it here because of how short it is, but decided otherwise and here we are. If there is demand to expand it to something more I'll gladly do...
"Mount up, babydoll!" he said. At last understanding, Christine squealed and leapt to her feet. She pulled up her skirt and wiggled her hungry red beaver at him. She needed a trim. With a wish, all her pubes fell out, then an arrow-shaped landing strip grew in their place. "Are you really going to fuck me Mr. Phillips?" she asked eagerly. "You bet your sweet ass I'm going to fuck you, Christine!' he exclaimed, reaching around to grab said ass. "It really is your only hope of...
Springtime for Summers (c) 2002 by Nom de Plume Anne Summers had always thought that Christmas would be the worst time. The death of her husband Patrick the preceding September had been such a devastating shock, she had barely gone through the motions that first December, in an effort to create a semblance of joy for her three year old daughter Lindy. In her fragile state, she had succumbed to the smooth advances of her investment advisor, Andrew Nash, a...
Hermione the Shiteater Interview with Hermione Granger taken by Rita Skeeter in Hogwarts, 1st June 1998. Wizarding Wireless broadcast. RITA SKEETER. Good morning, my dear listeners. I'm Rita Skeeter, your favorite journalist, and I'm visiting Hogwarts School today. Make your wizarding wireless louder, because you'll hear the most mind-blowing interview in my career. Of course you know how our glorious and mighty Dark Lord banned all the mudbloods and blood-traitors from attending...
AnnSummers! When shopping for sex toys, lingerie, or even something for your BDSM backroom exploits, it’s always important to choose a retailer you can trust. Well, perhaps you enjoy walking into your local sex shop and chatting with the cashier, telling them how you appreciated their nipple clamp suggestions last week, but not everyone is into that.In the 21st century, most people prefer to purchase their sexual paraphernalia discreetly from the comfort of their own homes. But, still, it’s...
Online Sex Toys ShopsHermione's New School[Contains fantasy ball-, tit- and cunt-busting, castration (many, some graphic) and big tit themes]HermioneHermione sat on the broken down school bus with her arms folded tightly across her budding breasts.“I bet I finger the new girl first.”“No way - I’ll have her stink on my fingers before home time.”A chill ran down her spine and she re-crossed her arms tighter over her tender young tits. It had been a month since she had been expelled from Hogwarts and a week since her...
Mrs. Summers’ SlipsChapter 1, "Curiosity" Shortly after my thirteenth birthday, I discovered the appendage between my legs had another use. As I experimented with these new-found sensations sometimes 3-times a day, and usually with the assistance of a purloined stroke mag), it became very clear that I preferred looking at pictures of partially clad women over full frontal nudity. By partially clad, I mean looking at pictures of women wearing seductive or frilly bras, panties, nightgowns, etc....
Hermione's POV Ronald That name had been floating around in Hermione's head for the past weeks. He was the only thing she could think and dream about. She would spend hours and hours laying awake in bed at night just thinking about how it would be like if she had told him that she loved him all these time. She wasn't stupid. She knew that Ron has feelings for her. But why he hasn't said anything? Why is he so afraid? Is it the war? Is it that he still has feelings for Lavender? Or...
Realizing that I was on board, Summer’s face lit up. She jumped at me, wrapping her arms around me giving me a big hug.Ashley sat down on the couch across from us.“You’re sure about this?”Summer looked at me tentatively.“Yeah, we’re sure.”“Wait!” Summer spoke up. “What about Maddie? You’re sure that she won’t be mad at me?”“As I said, there’s no possession or jealousy. We all understand that we’re free to do what we want.”With her mind at ease, or at least the pretense of guilt removed, Summer...
CuckoldAfter Summer’s threesome with Darren and Carl, she continued to see Darren on and off for a few months. After just a few dates though, Summer complained to me that Darren was starting to get jealous and possessive. He didn’t care about me, but when she was with him and her phone rang he’d want to know who was calling, or if she wasn’t free to meet up with him he’d demand to know if she was going out with someone else (she usually was). Things came to a boil when Darren found out that she’d been...
CuckoldWhen it came time to move, Summer decided that she’d rather get a few guys from her gym to help out than hire movers.“Why pay strangers when we can grab a case of beer and some pizza – that way, we can enjoy it too?” Her reasoning made sense, and again it was her money, so my say didn’t amount to much.That was the first time that I’d come face to face with Darren. He seemed like a nice guy, but I did my best to avoid him because it felt strange to be around him. He looked as much like Denzel...
CuckoldWhen I was younger we lived in a small town that hosted the county fair. My parents would take my little sister and I to see the animals, ride the various amusements, and to see the homemade items that county fairs are famous for. We looked at all the huge vegetables, the quilts, canned foods and nick knacks but my favorite were the animals. We didn't have the room for any farm creatures where we lived so the closest I could get was the fair. I loved walking through the animal barns, the sheep,...
LesbianI’d left Summer’s place full of hope, thinking that I’d formed some kind of special bond with her, but within a matter of days I thought that I’d blown it with her. After spending what had been the best day of my life with Summer, I was a little too eager to see her again. Could you blame me?After our time at her parent’s place, we made rough plans to go out sometime. I called her later that same night, but she didn’t answer. I called her again the next day and when she didn’t answer the...