Emma Ch. 45 free porn video

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Emma was delighted that Tanya had become a frequent visitor to her suburban home. She had come to love Tanya’s body, although she wasn’t so sure how well she loved or even knew Tanya’s mind. But there was nothing about her that seemed anything other than the perfect lover: always devoted to her, passionate in bed, and the only person outside of work with whom she could discuss her job. She hadn’t realised just how much difference it made to have someone to talk to who was as passionate and informed about television management and programme production as Tanya was. She bubbled with so many good ideas, and Emma was pleased to do whatever she could to help further the television career of someone who she had come to view as her protégé. She spoke to producers and other executives about Tanya’s beauty and her television presentation skills, based, she was sure, not just on her affection for the girl but also on an objective appraisal of her abilities from the many times she’d watched her in the Harlot TV studios. She was aware that her reputation for quality production and her famous naturist and vegetarian credentials gave her judgment rather more weight than the opinion of many others.

While Emma did what she could to further Tanya’s career, her lover seemed not only incredibly grateful (expressing her gratitude for each new appointment or pay rise with the most passionate lovemaking), but she never seemed satisfied. On the one hand she expressed the opinion that Emma was seeing too much in her modest talent, and that she really did not deserve her good fortune. On the other hand, it was invariably Tanya who would put the seeds in Emma’s mind of another area in the Harlot TV hierarchy of presenters where her skills could be even better used. Emma loved helping Tanya’s career. And she loved the rewards she gained from her assistance when the two of them retreated to Emma’s large bed and she could enjoy once again that slender frame, the perfect torso and the skills of a lover who nonetheless was carefully not to indulge in any of Emma’s rougher sexual practices.

“I don’t want to appear in front of the camera covered in bruises,” she explained. “That would be most unprofessional. As I’m sure you agree.”
Emma agreed sadly, but the quality of the other sex they enjoyed together was passionate and raw enough, tiring her out and leaving her waking up every morning with the sweet smell of sweat and vaginal discharge. Sex with Tanya was addictive, and Emma was addicted.

Emma was concerned about how Maisie would view her new lover. She spoke to Maisie about it on one of those several nights in the week when Maisie was at home and Tanya was elsewhere. She reminded Maisie of her own sex life away from Emma with her own other boyfriends and girlfriends, not to mention the sex she so often enjoyed in front of the camera. She was secretly pleased but also worried by Maisie’s brief show of jealousy. It was satisfying that her younger lover was still so desirous of her, and enjoyed the passionate lovemaking that followed their discussion as she reassured the girl that her love for her was in no way displaced by her love for the older woman, however beautiful she was.

She expressed her concerns about Maisie to Tanya and was pleased when her older lover suggested that the three of them should make love together as a means of ensuring that Maisie would not become more jealous and see her as some kind of a rival for Emma’s love. “After all, it’s clear to me that although you are first in my affections, she is first in yours. And I wouldn’t like to be responsible, however unintentionally, in any lessening of her love for you.”

And so it was that Tanya and Emma invited Maisie to make love as a threesome in Emma’s bed. Maisie readily agreed. She enjoyed her conversations with Tanya, and had heard from Rochester what a good lover she was. In fact, she knew that Rochester was still depressed about Tanya leaving him for Emma, which actually made her feel the more keen to get to know Tanya better. She found Emma’s other lover very beautiful, and of course she’d become quite accustomed to seeing her naked around the house. She knew that Tanya was not really a naturist, but she was aware that Emma preferred nudity in the home. Maisie loved the sight of Tanya’s trimmed vagina, the long slim legs and the way she would sit on the sofa, a broad toothy smile on her face as she listened to Maisie talking about the pop groups she listened to, the films she watched and the other people she worked with. In fact, Tanya seemed tremendously knowledgeable. In fact, even though it was Tanya and not the boy who had brought the relationship to an end, she was curiously solicitous as to his welfare and was remarkably sympathetic about his apparent heartbreak.

As all three girls were already naked, there was very little prelude to the girls’ first lovemaking together. Maisie was escorted between the two older, taller women, an arm from each around her shoulders and around each others’, and her arms around their waists. And then into the tastefully restrained decor of Emma’s bedroom, onto the large bed where Emma and she had spent so many nights together, her arms around Emma, and Emma’s tongue between her legs. Maisie lay down, slightly nervously, as she always was when she was about to make love with someone new and different, and enjoyed the attention of the two older women as they stroked and kissed her, their show of affection for her punctuated by displays of love towards each other. Emma’s mouth opened with a slight gasp and plunged her lips onto Tanya’s lips, while her hands traced Maisie’s breasts. And then the mouth transferred itself to her own crotch, while Tanya’s tongue entered Maisie’s mouth. It tasted so sweet, the teeth nibbled gently on her tongue and lips and her body shivered with the massaging of four hands as they trailed around her thighs, round her buttocks, around her back.

Bit by bit, the lovemaking became more intense. Maisie began reciprocating the love shown her with more passion. Her tongue licked the smooth folds of Tanya’s vagina, while her eyes explored the gorgeous contours and the evenly tanned flesh of Emma’s older lover. Meanwhile, two tongues and two pairs of lips explored and probed her own vagina and anus. And then fingers entered and explored, while Maisie pushed in as many fingers as she dared into the forbiddingly perfect orifices of Tanya’s lower regions. And, inevitably, spasms and tremors of orgasmic pleasure rose and crashed and rose again, as the passion became ever more urgent, ever more daring and ever hotter and sweatier.

From then on, those evenings when both Tanya and Maisie were at home became nights when with Emma the three girls enjoyed nights of passion which both Emma and Maisie found they came to enjoy more than those nights when there were just the two of them. Indeed, for Emma, sex with Maisie had actually become more frequent now that Tanya was around. She almost felt guilty on those nights when Maisie was visiting her friends or staying with her mother, and on which occasions only she and Tanya made love together. It was those nights, however, when Tanya and she would talk about Tanya’s career and how, with Emma’s help she was getting more responsible and lucrative production roles and taking a more starring role in the television shows she co-hosted, or was even the sole presenter. Emma felt proud of her role as Tanya’s mentor, although she guessed that other presenters and producers on Harlot TV, no doubt equally as talented, resented Emma’s part in Tanya’s career tangent.

However, Emma needn’t have felt guilty about Maisie’s absence from these nights of passion. Tanya had taken to watching Emma’s other lover at work, as Maisie was pleased to see. She always preferred it when someone who loved her took a direct interest in her work. The sex on screen was always the more passionate, her sexual techni
ques the sharper, knowing that either Emma or Tanya were in the wings watching her.

After one show, as Maisie left the studio, wiping the rich smelling cream of semen from her chin and lips, she was surprised to see Tanya waiting for her just outside her dressing room. Normally, Tanya kept a discreet distance, perhaps waving at her or smiling encouragingly, but not normally to be found in the areas reserved for the stars. She ran up to Tanya, crumbs of semen baked on the back of her hands, and kissed her lover full on the lips. “What did you think of my performance? Jimmy Ratchet was great, wasn’t he? I just didn’t know I could get so much dick in my mouth!”

Tanya trailed a hand over Maisie’s bare shoulder and an arm around her waist. She smiled at Maisie. “Just looking at you made me feel hot!” she said uncharacteristically. “That’s why I thought I’d wait for you here.”

“Really!?” exclaimed Maisie. She knew that Tanya was a good lover, but she’d never thought that she actually loved her. She always thought that it was only because of Emma that she and Tanya ever enjoyed making love together. She studied Tanya’s trim figure: the waist as always uncovered from marginally below the hips up to just above the heave of her apple-shaped breasts. Those classic curves! That clear golden skin! And the smile: teeth so white, eyes so libidinous (if faintly calculating), and the cheeks puffed out by the broadness of her smile. Tanya gently squeezed one of Maisie’s sweet round buttocks, and her face and mouth descended onto Maisie’s.

“Shall we?” she asked.

“Here? In the corridor?”

“No, silly! What have you stars got private dressing rooms for?”

Maisie knew that in her case it wasn’t really for dressing. She wore very few clothes on set, and those that she did covered very little of her, and rarely any of those assets which most people kept hidden. However, it was here that her hair was combed and brushed, make-up discreetly applied on her face, nipples and the rest of her. After a show, Maisie normally just cleaned off whatever stickiness and sweat was still clinging to her body, before picking up the shoulder bag where she kept her music player and headphones, and what few clothes might be necessary should she venture into the streets outside the television studios. This time she knew that the dressing room would be serving quite a different purpose, as still hugging each other, Tanya pushed open the door and the two of them rolled into its confines.

Maisie looked at their reflection in the wall-length mirror as they cuddled by the door. Tanya so much taller than her: taller indeed than most women. The serpentine curves of her body against Maisie’s slender frame. And then as Tanya eased down her shorts and unclasped her top, the full uninterrupted view of Tanya’s beauty. Still the most beautiful woman Maisie had made love to. More beautiful even than Emma, whom she so dearly loved.

The girls clung together and fell onto the floor and rolled around on the carpeted floor together. Tanya’s tongue probing into the crevices of Maisie’s vagina, her hands grasping her buttocks, her fingers insinuating themselves into her arse. Maisie groaned and moaned, unable to compete in the artistry of lovemaking, surrendering herself to Tanya’s tongue, teeth, fingers and flesh. Sweat poured down her chest, her nipples shone in the harsh neon of the dressing room lights, her tongue ached from its exertions in Tanya’s own crotch: the taste of Tanya’s vagina rich in her nose. And then back against the mirror, with Tanya pushing crotch against crotch, the two of them standing. Maisie moaned and shook her head, vaguely conscious through the spasms of ecstasy shaking through her frame of her lover examining her own reflection in the mirror with a curiously dispassionate vanity.

Tanya pursed her lips and tenderly kissed Maisie on the cheek and ear. “We must do this again,” she said.

“We must! We must!” gasped Maisie, as Tanya gently eased herself down her body, her tongue trailing down her face, throat, breasts, stomach, and finally to where it was somehow most at home, slobbering and prodding about in Maisie’s crotch.

Their sessions of lovemaking together without Emma’s knowledge or prior consent became more frequent. Maisie looked forward to those occasions when she and Tanya met at work, and even at home there would be times when Emma was in another room or working late that the two of them would exchange kisses and caresses. And sometimes, when it seemed that Emma would never find out, more passionate sessions.

There inevitably came the occasion when Tanya invited Maisie to stay the night with her at her flat with the excuse that Rochester, Maisie’s one-time co-presenter, was also visiting. This was an opportunity that Maisie couldn’t refuse. Much as she loved the attentions of her female lovers she also enjoyed the rather different passion and the very different sex that a male lover provided. But she and Tanya colluded, on Tanya’s suggestion, to hide the exact nature of their separate nights away from Emma.

Maisie enjoyed her night with Tanya. Her flat was different to Emma’s house. So much closer to the centre of town and all its attractions, and the decor was so different from Emma’s. None of that ethnic furniture that Maisie thought so tacky, none of those rugs and cushions which made Emma’s home so miscellaneous and inconsistent, and paintings and pictures more figurative and somehow more urban. And sex with Rochester as great. He had the sex skills of a practised porn star, as he now was since he’d got a part as the difficult nephew in the new soap opera, Connecticut Square.

It was clear that his prick felt more at home inside Tanya than inside her, and he kept trying to grab more of Tanya’s attention than hers, but Tanya would have none of this. She only allowed him inside her once Maisie was fully satisfied. She loved the taste of cock, she loved its thrust in her groin and she loved the feel of Rochester’s body against her. She joined Tanya as the two of them took his erect penis in their hands and their two mouths worked at its stiff length, their two moist and dripping tongues touching against the other, and their lips parting to allow both tongue and prick to enter. However, Rochester was less than pleased as, the lovemaking progressing, Tanya’s tongue and mouth found its way to Maisie’s crotch more often than it did to his own, however tumescent and however much he clearly needed it.

Emma was not sure when her idyllic menage à trois became less idyllic. It was certainly after the board meeting where Emma proposed that Tanya should take a senior position within the Harlot TV hierarchy in a role at least as senior as her own. She was surprised by how readily her proposal was accepted by the other members of the board. She’d somehow imagined that there would be more opposition, particularly as Tanya’s rise had been so meteoric, unlike her own and unlike that of most of her colleagues. She was also taken aback by how strong the support was amongst the male majority, not suspecting that Tanya was quite capable of petitioning on her own behalf both in the bed and out. It was scarcely unanimous. One or two members protested that Tanya’s administrative skills hadn’t yet had the opportunity to mature, and others that as a presenter she was good, but not really that good. However, they all concurred when the oldest member of the board, who was at least in his sixties opined that whatever else Tanya was she was a good fuck, and anyone as good a fuck as her deserved to get on in the organisation.

Emma began to notice that her lovemaking sessions with Tanya only ever happened with Maisie: she and Tanya never made love alone. And, reluctantly, she was aware that the passion that Tanya showed for Maisie was exceeding that she’d ever shown for Emma, and indeed that the passion she expressed towards Emma was less
than it had been: even in the deepest throes, even when dildos were deep inside either of them, even when Emma was orgasming in the delirious, unfocussed, helpless way that came on her when she was most taken away by the exertions of sex.

And there were the increasing numbers of evening when she was alone. When both Tanya and Maisie were elsewhere. She might have suspected they were together, but Maisie had, anyway, often stayed away from home at night long before Tanya became a significant player, and she readily accepted Tanya’s explanations that her increased workload was taking up her evenings. But even when only Maisie was there, and the two were embracing in her bed, there was less of the old passion.

Maisie herself was becoming aware, at first vaguely and then more acutely, that her relative passion was becoming greater for Tanya than for Emma. Tanya was so much fun to be with. Always showering her with gifts like the CDs which although sometimes a bit off the mark generally approximated to her taste in music. Something which Emma had never done. Such an accomplished and uninhibited lovemaker. Never afraid of taking Maisie out to night clubs and restaurants. For her, the nightlife of the city was so alluring and so much fun. Whilst Emma, however much they’d love each other, had never been so fun. She was always so serious, so protective of her lover and young ward. And with all those weird eccentricities, like naturism and vegetarianism. She could never imagine having such a wild time in a night club with Emma, as she and Tanya gyrated and boogied to the pumping dance sounds that thundered around her, and her uninhibited lovemaking under the flashing lights, not caring at all about the lascivious stares of the less bombed-out fellow dancers. She loved the feel of Tanya’s tongue on her naked body as the chords rose and fell on their emotional highs and lows, and she appreciated Tanya’s empathy on the come down as the effects of the pills and alcohol gradually gave way to the inevitable lows and hangovers.

Emma may not have known how much time her lovers were spending together without her, but she was noticing the change in her life more and more acutely. Her work began to suffer as her emotions conflicted with her business. She forgot to attend meetings, she missed deadlines, she made more and more mistakes. All the while conscious of Tanya’s increased presence in Harlot TV’s intercinine politics and her ever-increasing profile within the station.

And then, Tanya stopped visiting her altogether. And at work she was polite, but no longer intimate. Emma became more aware of the attentions she was attracting and encouraging from the more senior people in the Harlot TV hierarchy. She became accustomed to seeing Tanya kissing and cuddling other people. And even fucking them, as she discovered on a visit to Amelia’s office. It wasn’t just that she was having sex with her one-time lover that appalled her, but her unashamedness and the all too obvious intensity of their passion.

“Why don’t you visit anymore?” Emma challenged Tanya with an effort when the two met by chance at a coffee machine.

Tanya smiled. But distantly, with none of that affection in her face that Emma still remembered and cherished so well. “Oh, Emma! I would do. But work! You know how it is …”

Emma now knew for sure that she would never sleep with Tanya again. But at least she had Maisie to love. Even if she was out so many evenings these days. She was a little worried about her young lover. When they did meet, she seemed so tired and exhausted. And she never seemed to have the energy, or even the inclination, to share Emma’s ever-welcome bed. This was bad enough, but the next shock demonstrated to Emma how much she had lost what she had once had: something which had for a while seemed so perfect, and had swollen her with pride, lust and contentment. Maisie shyly but firmly announced that she was leaving her to live with Tanya.

“With Tanya!” gasped Emma. “I didn’t know that you and she were still … Or had ever without me … Tell me this isn’t true. You and she! What about me? I thought I was your lover. All those times you … What’s happened?”

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“You’re sure she didn’t say who else would be there?” my lovely, unfaithful wife Alice asked as we drove across town towards the house where our friends Carmen and Steve lived. “All she said was that she was arranging ‘a gathering’ as she called it and that it wouldn’t be complete without us,” I replied, “I know it’s infuriating but she’s as much your friend as mine. You could have asked her!” We drove on in silence for a few minutes before Alice continued. “She wouldn’t tell me anything about...

4 years ago
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Daves Australian OdysseyChapter 50 The First Wedding

Saturday Week 23 They slept in, with Kellie waking up with a start as she realised it was 8:30 am. "Sorry, Dave, I've got to fly. You can stay in bed if you want, but I have to be leaving in an hour, so I'm off to the shower" she told him, kissing him gently on the mouth before bounding out of bed and rushing into the ensuite. Dave lay there for a few moments, but then got up and joined Kellie in the ensuite. It was really a full bathroom, with a large double shower, a spa bath for two...

1 year ago
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NFBusty Blake Blossom In Bloom

Check out the way Blake Blossom fills out that bra with her big titties. Her big ass is incredible in a g-string, but this young thing’s real treasure is her boobs. Follow Blake as she peels off her clothes and gets soaped up in the shower. Once she’s all clean, she shakes those jugs for her hookup, Tony. Tony is happy to lie back and relax as Blake does all the work to get started. Her enthusiasm is evident as she sucks the tip of Tony’s cock while stroking his long shaft. Leaning down, she...

1 year ago
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My latest cruise excapade Nov 2015 Part 1

Just got home from another cruise and I want to tell you about two things that happened. During the cruise we dined at a table with three other couples. Seated next to me was the wife of a couple from a small town in upstate New York. The couple, in their early 30's, were very nice and the lady and I became quick friends. We also, unknowingly picked two of the same tours. One was a rainforest tour. The other, a party catamaran, snorkel and beach tour. While on the party tour, my new friend,...

3 years ago
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Hätte nicht jeder Mann in bestimmten Situationen gerne die Gedanken einer Frau gelesen, um eine richtige Entscheidung zu treffen? Und dann ließ man sich prompt zur falschen hinreißen und richtete einen großen Schaden damit an! In dieser Story sollten ein paar Gedanken ausgetauscht werden, die die Neugierde der Männer in Bezug auf die Reaktionen von Frauen stillen sollen und natürlich auch umgekehrt. Fragen an die Frauenwelt oder an Männer die Erfahrungen gemacht haben sollen hier untergebracht...

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The Great Shift Why I Hate Wrestling

Why I hate Wrestling ( a great shift story) by Eric A supplement to Raven's Tale :The Great Shift: The Shift Hits the Fan I fight my way through the crowd of sub-human creatures who like wrestling. It was almost as bad as being at a National Political Convention!! How did I ever let Steve talk me into this - damn silver tongue lawyers!? Before you know it up is down and bad is good and morning is evening! I stand in line for beers. To think we could be having a evening of culture...

3 years ago
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Wine Fire or was it just Lust

My wife and I ran into an old friend the other evening. We had known each other for many years and had not seen him for over ten years now. He had got divorced, moved away, and changed his life. Jeremy invited us over to see his new place and since we were not doing anything else we went. After his divorce, Jeremy became serious about his workouts and managed to get himself into excellent physical shape. He told us how he loved working out and had started as a way of relieving stress but now...

2 years ago
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Beth goes to the dogs Chapter 04

Toni and I spent time after Claudia left amusing ourselves with the Rottie and each other. We returned the dog to Cindy and headed home, satisfied with our work with Claudia. I had a feeling that the next time her husband asked about getting a dog she would totally agree. “See Toni” I said “she only needed to have dog sex without the pressure from her husband”. Toni chuckled “yes and being set upon be two horny women also helped” she said. I had to agree. We had certainly got her worked up,...

2 years ago
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A New BeginningChapter 6

On my return I was just about to go into the tent when a loud "Hello!" stopped me. I turned and saw a slightly older lady in her mid-forties, small, slim and with a massive pair of glasses coupled with what appeared to be a massive case of the frizzies in her hair. "Hello," I replied. "I wonder if you can help us," she said. "We've just arrived today and can't seem to get our stove to work." "I'll be glad to have a look," I said and followed her to the tent next door and a...

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Pictures of MommyPart 6

So Woody, his dad and his granddad gave Cindy a real good rogering. There was no professionalism here it was a straight gang bang and I had to film what I could when I could. Cindy was great she urged the men to fuck her harder and harder. The film ended with her wanting more as her cum soaked body lay on the floor.Hot stuff. She was insatiable!That night Cindy was supposed to go home. She called her sister to have her pick her up at the station. Mom had not been able to get the cum completely...

1 year ago
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SxyPrn Blowjob

There are few better feelings in life than cumming down a hot bitch’s throat. If you’ve never done it, I feel sorry for you; if you have, you get the sensation. It’s fucking sexy seeing a chick with your cock in her mouth, but feeling her drink every drop as you relieve yourself by coating her esophagus with man cream, it just doesn’t get any fucking better than that! If you’re ready to masturbate to the thought of that alone, then I have the perfect free tube site for you horny bastards:...

Blowjob Porn Sites
4 years ago
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The Panty Zone Part 2

Bob follows Mike into his house, heart pounding hands shaking in anticipation of what's to come.“lets go downstairs, I feel safer there. If anyone comes in it will give us time to get dressed”“ok sounds great”At the bottom of the steps there is a long hallway with a den on the left and looked like a few bedrooms on the right, with a bathroom at the end of the hall. Mike leads Bob into the den and tells him to make himself comfortable. On one side of the room is a long table, maybe for craft...

3 years ago
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Rehabilitation Part 3

Tuesday 4th March, 2020; 21:36 I was well aware, after today's earlier events, that the guards would be watching me and reporting back to Miss Stevens, so decided to stick firmly to my decision to only have a wank when I was on the toilet or in the shower. She only had herself to blame for the exploitable wording of her order, and I intended to exploit it to the maximum. Being in solitary just made it easier - I'd jerked off 3 times already - and I still had another day before I was...

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Gurl Training

Introduction; A fem boy gets taken in by an older dom daddy and gets turned into his own transgender sex slave. I was an 18 year old boy, when my mother decided to re-marry. His name was Mark and not a nice guy in my book. I have always been small. At the time, I had just turned 18, I was 5ft8, 130lbs and the only hair I had was on my head. I had already quit college and was working as a dishwasher at a restaurant. I didn't like washing dishes but I loved the money. Mark and I got in a big...

4 years ago
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hacked facebook account convo

Amanda (my crush)soo i havent talked ot u in forever and im sure ur busy and so am i...but i havent talked to u about any situations i like alwayas forget to ask u girls about that kind of stuff cause im used to know :(......but like whats new???? any bouys/ a boy? and is there anything new? drama u need to talk about? hows karen and tom? dave still being gay sometimes? lol ya know just curious cause i feel like i know jack shit lol not ur fault, but becasue i dont ask cause i forget i dont...

3 years ago
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Being a good sub sissy

I was awoken with the sound of my wife coming home at one thirty this morningI heard. George asking for a drink and another women laughingI dozed back off , then woken again as they came upstairs and into Lynn's roomI could hear moans and groaning and vibrators buzzing and lots of laughterAt eight o'clock my mobile phone rang, it was Lynn calling me from her room.We would like two cups of tea one with two sugars the other with none and one coffee.Also six slices of toast with marmalade bought...

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Dave ndash Massage By Jilly Part 3

I looked up at her as she stood laughing at her shorts, I could now see her lovely pink hanging lips and the perfectly shaped bubble butt, for someone who was a 5 in the beauty stakes she was definitely a 10 in the body stakes, she looked at me smiling, “I think that cleared out the cobwebs sir, how do you feel?” she sighed softly getting back into her professional persona, I felt absolutely wonderful and have just experienced the best evening of my life with Jilly, she is truly wonderful and...

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Snowdonia. A truly magnificent part of Wales. Rugged peaks and deep valleys. Babbling brooks and roaring waterfalls. Green and grey, all at the same time. Whether washed by the pure rain, buried under feet of snow or drenched in glorious sunshine, this land of princes and castles, myths, legends and history dating back to the dawn of time, is simply breathtaking! My husband and I often visit the tiny villages with their slate houses and little Victorian steam railways, which are the best way...

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Long Days and Easy Lays

Joshua was looking forward to the next few days away from his wife. His work had called a training week. 'Time to have a bit of fun and let my hair down, ' he thought to himself. It would certainly be an eventful few days away for him but work training weeks always were. They were his chance to catch up with all the new faces in the office and even meet up with some of the older ones that he had his fun with in the past. Joshua was looking forward to meeting the new secretary. As soon as she...

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Anita Chachi

Hi ISS readers. I my name is Rohit, from Mumbai. This happened a week ago with my aunt. I m 24 years and I m working as an engg. My aunt is 32 and she’s house wife. About her, she is really beautiful with a nice fat ass and she has got boobs, which will be protruding out of the saree. This incident happened on Saturday. My aunt whos name is Anita is housewife as i said earlier. My uncle is in merchant company and stays out on trip for six months of a year. And now he is out of country from pass...

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It was not too far from the middle of nowhere. I stood beside the rented truck, arms folded protectively against the wind, eyes searching the landscape for any sign of life. North, south, nothing but pale, dead fields. East, west, only a slim gray road. Both views for as far as the eye could see. ‘Well, Sanvalle is about ten miles west.’ I turned quickly to face the only other soul on this desolate patch of land, and the only person I’d spoken to in over eight hours. ‘Straight down this road,’...

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The Judicator Part 01

As I woke up in my third year of being the Judicator for the region, I felt dick harden and the need for another release. The blonde in front of me, June, Julie, Jessica………who cares, her body was nice enough, soft C cups with slightly oversized nipples, fair long legs, an round firm ass, and a flat belly with a small innie belly button. She was in the last year of her education problem meaning she would was expected to know my pleasure came first. Her blue eyes sleepy blinked as she...

2 years ago
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Neighborly Lust

Look, I was young, just another horny teenage boy looking for sex. My friends all bragged about screwing girls in our high school. I was a fish out of water, a bird without wings. I was a virgin. Before my senior year, that had to change.The only girl who had approached me as more than an awkward nerd was Alexis my next-door neighbor. We grew up together, played together from kindergarten until now, late summer heading for our senior year. She was in the Harry Potter club. I was in the computer...

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Battlemage Book 2 Scarlet RedemptionChapter 3

"Son of a BITCH!" thought Aric with some frustration, as he lay once again on his back looking up at the sky. He had already lost count of the number of times Brianna had put him down there today. It was frustrating him that she was so easily knocking him to the ground. He never really realized how poor his skills with a sword actually were until today. Aaron wasn't kidding with his advice. Every time he thought he figured out what she was going to do next, she did something different....

2 years ago
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Restoring the Castle Ch 01

[Restoring the Castle is a mostly nonerotic mystery romance. Brief sex scenes will be found in chapters 1, 4, and 6. It will post in eight chapters, at an approximate interval of one week, and will be completed within two months of the posting of the first chapter] * Khaki green was perhaps her least favorite color. So, why was her world swimming in it? ‘Swimming’ was the word for the sensation, too. It seemed like she’d been swimming around in heavy water that was keeping her just below the...

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Where No man Has Gone Before

Where No Man Has Gone Before By Wholeman SUMMARY: This in an original work. I wrote a story just to stretch my creative muscles. We all know aliens are ugly gray skinny dudes without any sexuality at all. Don't we? WARNINGS: Contains transgender themes, Sci-Fi, explicit sex, mild violence, bad words, and virtually no plot. It has onlythe strange things that dribble from my head. If you are not legally allowed to view such a story, don't! Permission is hereby given to archive...

1 year ago
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He Knows

100% fiction! Hi, I'm Roger, 20, 5'9 and packed with average dick, 6.5 inches to be exact. I've never considered myself gay but there's always something that's not right about me. This story that I'm about to tell you is about me and my dad. I've always loved my Dad ever since. i look up to him and as i grow up i realized that i do like looking at him literally. he's about 5'10 tall, broad shoulders, medium belt and a beautiful tan (cos we're in a tropical country) maybe the fact that he's a...

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Ann and the HandymanChapter 80

The tiny clearing Lena had found was sufficiently far in to the bushes such that we could not be seen from the path. She faced me, and in a fair impression of a sexy female genie said, "Oh most horny one, lover of my pussy, sucker of my tits, licker of my clitty, what would you have me do?" I felt like laughing but I was too randy to even smile, instead with a straight face I said, "You can eat my snatch, NOW!" Lena immediately dropped to her knees amongst all the leaves and twigs. "Oh...

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Grans story Ch2

Gran's Story Ch. 02            A continuation of Ian's journey.......   This is a continuation of Gran's Story –(the tale of a boy and his Gran). It was so well received that I thought I had better get on with it – Thank you to all the people who read and commented and emailed me your personal comments. Let's hope this chapter is received in the same manner, and please don't forget to vote. This chapter is told by Ian and his Gran. A few months after my initial experience with my Gran, she...

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Robin By Belinda Robin has been transformed to live her life fully; an unexpected gift from King Tut and Catwoman. It is a few week after Robin return to Gotham from the Ancient Egyptian city she was able to grow and mature... Robin is at Wayne manner. She likes her true role and life. Previously, Robin was glad to be a part of the dynamic duo. Even, the villains both Batman and her battled knew Robin was accommodating too much as a the boy wonder. There was an uneasiness,...

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My reawakening The Final Frontier

"You have a G spot too, you know", Sally mentioned as we lay cuddling after a lazy afternoon fuck. I had my eyes closed, laying on my back, enjoying the post orgasmic bliss of a leaden body, and the soft touch of my lovers body molded with mine, our legs entwined, her fingers languidly tracing patterns on my chest as she lay on her side next to me. "Hmmmmmm?", I responded, her words not really sinking in. "You have a G spot, or, more correctly, a P spot...in your bum. I've been reading about it...

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Airplane Trip

The weather was miserable, but it was mid-December after all, so what could I expect. A family shake up had needed my presence on the East Coast, so I'd gone. I never did figure out why they needed me, but it is nice to be needed anyway. After all, I'm retired now and don't do much more than write these stories. Anyway, I was heading back to the West Coast and the weatherman decided to throw everything at the country that week. The trip turned out to be nice, as my seatmate was an...

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Whos Crying Now

Hey folks ... I just wanted to start out by saying thanks for another great year. It was a year full of changes and highs and lows. Among the highs were getting a lot of great letters and e-mails from you, telling me what you liked and even what you didn't about my stories. Among the lows were losing my long time editor and friend to health problems. But this next year will be one full of new highs and I'm sure, new lows as well. I wish you all the best. Happy New Year. Thanks to my new...

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