Emma Ch. 23 free porn video

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Near Emma’s and Charlotte’s flat was a news agent where the girls and their friends often went to buy newspapers, milk, magazines, sweets and food, as it was one of these news agents that stayed open long after the supermarkets closed. It was a fairly modest shop, with a standard selection of alcoholic products and the full range of magazines, cigarettes and sweets that one would expect. The owners were an Asian family who invested all their time and money into the enterprise and in which all members of the family were meant to contribute some effort. Amna was the eldest girl in the family and now she had finished her schooling with fairly mediocre qualifications, she had no excuse for not helping out in the shop in the evenings or other times for the not particularly handsome remuneration she received for the effort.

Amna’s families were Muslims, but not especially strict ones. She wasn’t require to cover her long thick black hair, and her parents didn’t object too strongly to the blue jeans she wore which always seemed rather too tight on the hips constrained inside. Her fondness for tight jeans often caused her grief as Amna was especially hirsute, not just in the form of the black hairs along her arms and legs which were nearly hidden against the darkness of her Bengali skin, but in the thick pubic hair which spread from the end of her anus to nearly her navel. Her white knickers were almost swamped by the thick luxuriance of it. Fortunately, her full round breasts didn’t share in her general hairiness, but it was they that attracted most comment from her parents as she continued to grow out of her previous bras and blouses. Her clothes struggled to contain them. Frequently she was advised to put on a loose sweater or pullover to obscure them.

The young girl was fascinated by Emma’s friends’ visits to the shop. Emma herself didn’t visit so often herself, but her presence was always the most memorable as she wore so little in the way of clothes: usually nothing at all to hide her breasts and sometimes nothing to hide anything else. And whatever she wore always seemed like it had been thrown on in a hurry and often fit her extremely poorly. Although Amna looked forward to Emma’s visits with particular interest (as she was the one who promised most in terms of potential thrills), it was Emma’s flatmates that Amna enjoyed most. Emma was never very chatty and always seemed to have her mind somewhere else.

Charlotte and Josephine were always very civil, and often exchanged opinions on the weather. The two girls paid her more attention than most visitors, and Josephine was especially tactile. She’d often be holding Charlotte’s hand and on one memorable occasion Amna watched the two of them lost in a passionate embrace. Their tongues were deep in each other’s mouth and they only stopped when another customer entered the shop. There was also a young girl, Maisie, who wore almost as few clothes as Emma and smiled at Amna in a cheeky direct manner which often disturbed her. She would often be holding the hands of whoever was accompanying her to the shop (she never came by herself) and often gave her companion a kiss on whichever part of the body or face that was most easily available. Maisie was most often accompanied by Emma who on these occasions had all her attention focused on the girl and showed no ability in preventing her consort spoil herself on whatever comics, magazines or sweets she demanded.

The customer who Amna looked forward to the most, however, was Susan who, right from the first time she came in to the shop, established her presence in an easy relaxed way. She chatted with Amna with great familiarity as she discussed what wine to buy, and with no embarrassment whatsoever spoke of her work in sex cinema and the parts she had to play.

“Are all your friends in sex cinema too?” wondered Amna, who felt somewhat both shocked and titillated by the idea. Her image of sex cinema had been taken from the magazines on the top shelf of the magazine rack which showed men and women having sex with each other in great explicit detail, or the listings she’d read of sex television or sex movies.

“My friends?” Susan queried.

“The other girls you come into the shop with,” Amna explained, feeling a bit embarrassed at revealing her interest in her customers’ affairs.

“Goodness no!” Susan said. “I’m the only one in sex cinema. Although all of us except Charlotte work in the sex industry to a certain extent.”

“It must be a strange kind of job,” Amna commented visibly envious of the more exciting life led away from the counter where she would swivel around on her chair near the till seeing nothing more of life than customers and their money. The most exciting aspect of her life was that she was able to unzip her jeans and pull them down her thighs to ease the pressure her hips and stomach exerted on her waist aware that none of the customers would notice a thing.

“Is it something that you’re interested in doing yourself?” Susan wondered sympathetically.

Amna shook her head nervously. “I’ve just never thought of it. It just seems something other people do. I don’t know if I could…”

“Oh! It’s simple!” smiled Susan. “You really don’t need to be particularly skilled at acting or anything. All you’ve got to do is like sex. I mean, you enjoy fucking don’t you?”

“Well, of course!” laughed Amna who’d never had any sexual encounter with anyone. She’d never really considered it, and she’d always thought it was one of those things that only became possible when one left the protective embrace of the family. On the other hand, the idea clearly excited her as testified by the warm heat rising from between her legs as she discussed the matter.

“So,” continued Susan, “It’s not a problem. A girl like you – with your kind of body and appearance – shouldn’t have any difficulty getting into sex cinema. Is it something you want to take up? If it is, I’m sure I could help.”

“Could you?” asked Amna. Then realising that sounded a bit like a request, she corrected herself. “You could?”

“Well, there’s an audition for parts for Asian girls coming up soon, which I’ll be going to. Now, I don’t know what it means by Asian. Do they mean Indian, Slavic, Oriental or Arabic? I don’t know! They might mean the lot. I don’t know when the audition’s coming up, but if you like I’ll keep you informed and we could go together.”

“Well, that sounds interesting,” said Amna curiously excited by the idea.

“In that case, I’ll keep in touch,” Susan announced, leaning over the counter and kissing Amna tenderly on the lips. She then pushed out of the shop in her long white tee-shirt loosely belted around the waist. In the echo of the shop door ting, Amna watched her go across the road with a newspaper under her arm and felt a sudden uncomfortable rush of heat to her head. She wasn’t sure that it was the prospect of working in sex cinema which caused her ears to burn and heart to pound at the base of her throat. Somehow the idea normally left her somewhat cold. Although she’d often masturbated to the images in the sex magazines she sold and had read articles on sex actresses with some attention, it left her feeling quite indifferent.

She didn’t really wish to admit it to herself, but what had left her in a state of frantic bewilderment, and why she suddenly felt committed to at least auditioning for this sex film, was the brief kiss she’d just received. She’d only been kissed before by relatives and family, and never before had it felt so good, so warm and so much something she wanted again more and more. And from Susan in particular.

The time eventually came when Susan presented Amna with details of the time and place of the audition. It was a film with the unpromising working title of Hot Asian Lovers, for a film com
pany with the unappetising name of Sextasy Stars, but as she’d already expended so much effort fantasising about and masturbating to the image of appearing in a sex film with Susan, Amna didn’t feel capable of backing out even at this stage.

“You’ve never been to an audition before, so I’d better tell you some of the basic rules,” elaborated Susan kindly. She gave advice as to how to dress. This was essentially to reveal her assets to their best advantage before and during the audition. Amna should ensure that she didn’t obscure her cunt from view at all. “You’ll find that all sex actresses, including me, discard their knickers and anything else covering their cunt while still in the reception room. As your breasts are such an obvious asset, you needn’t actually display them, but you mustn’t obscure them in any way. A blouse a size or two too small will be quite adequate.”

The part of the exercise that filled Amna with the most trepidation, however, was not the actual audition. She considered this to be an ordeal best get over as quickly as all the unsuccessful interviews she’d had for office jobs. In fact, it was the prospect of going to Emma’s flat in the building opposite the shop. She didn’t tell her parents about the nature of the job interview she was going to and wore her most revealing clothes underneath an overcoat. She set off up the lift to the flat after a girl whose voice she couldn’t distinguish over the intercom let the door to the building open with the buzz which released the latch. She was let into the flat by Charlotte who smiled at her reassuringly, and stood in the hallway waiting while Susan was getting herself ready. She could hear panting and thumping noises coming from the living room that she at first ignored. Her first thought was that it was someone exercising, as her brothers did to give themselves the full muscular figure they found so attractive. However, when Charlotte opened the door to the living room as she passed Amna from the kitchen with a sandwich she’d just made, she could see Maisie and Josephine enmeshed in the position the sex magazines called a sixty-nine, with Josephine rather straining to bend her neck round to apply her mouth to Maisie’s vagina. The two of them were making passionate cries as they pushed their tongues deep inside each other’s welcoming crevices. Amna watched their activity with horrified compulsion, seeing in her mind’s eye the vision of what she imagined Susan’s vagina might look like.

After a few moments, and what seemed like much more, Susan appeared, thick in make-up in a dress pulled tight against her skin and confirmed what Amna had always suspected: which was that she really had no breasts to speak of. She ran her fingers down the length of her body to smooth the creases to the top of her thighs where the dress just about stopped. “We’d better get going, dearest!” She announced. “We don’t want to be late.”

As the two of them were escorted in the taxi which Susan ordered, and insisted on paying for, Amna listened as Susan explained in great detail the little tips her years of experience had taught her would maximise her chances of passing the audition. These amounted to appearing to enjoy the audition by making more noise than necessary, ensuring that her cunt was in view of the auditioners as much as possible and, in Amna’s case, running her fingers as frequently as possible over her breasts. Amna nodded to each of the items of advice, not really listening but admiring more the smooth white skin of Susan’s shoulders and the little dimple in her cheeks whenever she smiled.

There were several other women at the audition, most of whom were Asian like herself. There were Punjabi, Afghani, Malaysian, Vietnamese, Cantonese and Inuit candidates, all of whom, as Susan had advised, had taken their knickers off before leaving the reception room, and sat in the bare plastic chairs supplied in stockings, bras, vests or, like Susan herself, in nothing at all. Amna felt quite overdressed in her blouse which she pulled up and knotted to reveal as much midriff as she could. She didn’t know how encouraged she should feel by her own assessment that of all the women there that despite her inexperience she was actually one of the most physically attractive. Not the most attractive, she felt, admiring Susan’s slim white body with the nipples only a little more prominent than those of a young boy and the patch of pubic hair that was so much sparser and shorter than Amna had imagined, having visualised it as more resembling her own pubic splendour.

The first part of the audition consisted of the auditioners, who were men in their forties in expensive clothes and beards, outlining the plot of the film the details of which sounded thoroughly disgusting to Amna when her mind wandered away from anxiety about the appropriateness of her appearance, the bushiness of her pubic hair (which was so much greater than that of anyone else) and her admiration for Susan’s body. She barely even noticed that throughout this process Susan held her hand reassuringly in her own, until she felt a little squeeze on her thumb as one of the men detailed that there was actually no particular policy as to exactly which kind of Asian women would be suited to the film. “We know there is a market for Asian sex which is not really adequately exploited, and we want to have as broad an appeal as we can manage.”

The audition passed in a haze to Amna, as she took most of her cues from Susan who kept a kind eye on her as they went through the motions. It started fairly amusingly as each of the girls stood up in turn and spun around while fondling their bodies with simpering smiles. As Susan suggested, Amna undid her blouse almost fully so that she was able to pull her breasts out and reveal the full lipsticked nipples that she’d carefully massaged into shape. Some of the other girls were even less expert at this than her: especially the Inuit whose movement was decidedly wooden and raised a slight frown from the producer.

The next part of the audition was the part Amna had dreaded the most, which was the occasion in which, unknown to everyone, she was to lose her virginity. It was quite a painful process for her as a large muscular Persian man whom she’d never be able to recognise again plied open her legs and pushed his quite large penis in and out of the hairy mass of her vagina. She’d never believed that it would be so painful, and the cries she’d started making on Susan’s advice first to suggest pleasure, became much more genuine and much louder ones of pain. Fortunately nobody seemed to be able to distinguish them from the quite theatrical cries that some of the others released. However, the Persian seemed a little puzzled by the blood that had painted his penis as he released ejaculations of semen over her breasts after several minutes of fucking.

Amna was able to watch Susan as she was fucked by another man, who was a slightly overweight black man who never bothered to remove more than his trousers and underpants. Amna admired Susan’s professionalism which was only matched at all by an Afghani girl who despite her skill at fucking had an unattractive grey pallor to her skin and droopy thin breasts. Susan took control of events and was able to bring the black man to a more satisfying ejaculation than Amna’s Persian had ever achieved, catching some of the semen in her open mouth.

The part of the exercise that Amna had most thought about in advance and which more than the fucking had filled her with trepidation, was the lesbianism. “Let it be with Susan!” she’d begged to herself. “Not with anyone else! It must be Susan!” The urgency of her request became greater after the pain she was feeling between her legs which made her feel as if she’d been viciously punched there and then had her insides torn out of her. Unfortunately for her, it was actually the Afghani girl whom she found herself allocated to making love with, while Susan was wrap
ped up in the body of the Vietnamese girl. Amna watched in envy as the Vietnamese girl pushed her tongue deep into Susan’s anus while Susan responded by pushing her fingers deep into her vagina and stroking her clitoris with her thumb.

The Afghani girl had a skill at making love that somehow compensated for the salty taste of her skin which Amna licked with badly disguised reluctance. For the first time, Amna felt she was getting some pleasure out of the sexual proceedings, as the girl tweaked her clitoris in her fingers and licked up the traces of blood that had got caught in her hair. It felt quite pleasant to have someone’s nose deep in the mass of her pubic hair even though it gave her much less pleasure to stick her nose into the unpleasant smelling area of the Afghani girl’s anus which seemed to have as much hair as that around her vagina. But it was genuine cries of pleasure she was able to emit as her lover pushed first two and then three fingers into the fleshy and not yet elastic opening of her cunt.

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Nice Work When You Can Get It

I park up and get out of the car. Nice place, I think, walking up the drive. Wish they were all like this. The door opens before I can ring the bell. "Hi. You must be Mark." The voice, low and throaty, has the same effect as it did when she called. It makes me think of tussled sheets. Now the visuals don't always match the audio in my (considerable) experience but in this case they do. Smiling at me in the entrance is a real honey. She's a sassy-looking blonde with a pretty face, a...

3 years ago
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Born to SuckChapter 2

As I dropped back to my knees and looked up at Mr. Jarvis expectantly, his fingers worked rapidly to undo his belt. "That's a good boy, Joey. I think I'm gonna be able to give you at least three doses of medicine today. Taking it straight from the source, you should be feeling better in no time." Once he had his belt undone, he stopped and came around the desk until he was standing right in front of me. "I want to get nice and comfortable this time. Undo my shoes for me." I reached...

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A Girls Life Chapter 5

A short time later mom and I were sitting in the coffee shop. She looked at me with a serious look. "Andy what you did to yourself, taking those hormones is very serious. Do you really realize what you've done to yourself. What if you change your mind someday and decide becoming a girl was the wrong decision, you'll never be able to father a child and what you've done to your body you may never be able to look like a man." "Mom I've felt like a girl for as far back as I can remember....

2 years ago
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TeenCurves Daisy Stone Thick Booty Therapy

Daisy Stone was pumped and ready to get her booty outside for a day of intense exercise! Too bad the weather wasn’t too permitting. Feeling super bummed out, Daisy reached out for some bodywork to maybe relax her already tense muscles and prepare her for her next workout even more than she already was. Sure enough, the bodyworker arrives and skips the small talk and gets right to oiling up and massaging DAT ASS. This workout has turned into errotic massage.They both started feeling the heat,...

3 years ago
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Would You Like to Play Again Book 1 First StepsChapter 2

I was really getting tired of waking up from a strange nothingness as it felt exceptionally weird each time it happened. You would think I would have at least dreamed something while I was out, but, alas, I was not so fortunate. It seemed like only a moment had passed since I had lost consciousness and once again, I found myself waking up in a barely lit room. I was disoriented and a little woozy, with no idea where I was this time. Unlike before, I was not lying on the ground when I came to...

2 years ago
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A Little HelpChapter 3

The following day I found out that I indeed didn’t need my usual morning jerk off session to start the day. As a result, I ended up at the office a good twenty minutes earlier than usual. Unfortunately, the workday seemed to pass a lot slower than it normally did. I had put in a lot of unpaid overtime the previous days and I decided to leave early, knowing that my manager would be okay with it. He knew very well about the extra time I had put in this week and the company was flexible with how...

2 years ago
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The Agoraphobe

This will be a story about a wannabe gang member who breaks into the home of an agoraphobic woman. it will be told through either a consensual path or non-consent path. Both paths will have an Illustrated Personae Dramatis after the first chapter

3 years ago
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Leprechaun Wishes

Leprechaun Wishes by Bad [email protected] You must be 18 to read this story. It deals with theme's and issues that would corrupt the youth of America if they were exposed to it. Actually, it deals with sex and human desires, both of which are best kept from children. So, if you are under 18 please do not proceed. If you are 18, don't you have better things to do than read stories like this? One last disclaimer, Leprechauns are not real, there is no magic and all the names in this...

3 years ago
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Kim Blackmailed part 4

Kim: ehhhmm, what is it mom? Ann: …ehm…,oh yea… sorry… just thought about something… just forget it. Kim (not really opening her eyes): ye, okay then I go back to sleep Then suddenly Ron realize he is starring at Kim’s big nice boobs, and tries to talk it away by yelling out: NO, Kim ehmmm we are late for school, you’re ready? Kim (suddenly open her eyes wide): OH MY GOOD. (trying to cover her boobs and running up on her room again) be right there Ron sorry for what you had to see (Kim...

4 years ago
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Impressions Ch 06

Gin walked down the sidewalk, groceries, sci-fi novels, and crayons in a bag under her arm, on the way to Aren’s apartment enjoying the unseasonably warm sunny spring weather. It had been three months since they had returned from the beach. The semester was so crazy and she and Aren were having so much fun, the time had flown by. She couldn’t believe it was already spring break. She was happy to have some downtime to spend with Aren. Lately, the only time they had together was while sleeping,...

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The Private Screening

The email came from him, and it just said ‘Invitation to a Private Screening.’ She had been emailing with him for weeks. They started out innocent enough, just getting to know each other and killing time. She has responded to an ad he posted online, and they had been intrigued by each other from the start. True, she was young. But she was worldly and wise and not interested in boys her age. He was in his early 40s and looked good. When their emails got more personal, she learned that he was a...

4 years ago
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Road TripChapter 11

We have had the ahead ... now for the behind. In the beginning there was Russia and Russian Alaska. A Dane, Bering, leading a Russian expedition discovered Alaska in 1741. By 1778, Russian Fur Traders were firmly established and sending out serfs to trap and trade. In Alaska. a serf could buy his freedom by hard work. Not in Russia ... a serf was bound to the land and what ever Duke, or Baron owned the land. Nikolai Post, Post is a Russian name, Nikolai was sent to Alaska to trap and work...

4 years ago
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Super Slut Dolls part 3

Super Slut dolls 3 This is my 3rd installment. Hope you all like this one, more to come for sure. If you want a cameo appearance just leave starting description and what you want to be turned into in the review section!! Victoria was busy in the lab cracking what she could do to Amazonia and have her keep her powers. She could change the woman's skin to latex and change the brain as much as she wanted to, though her telepathic doll had already been working on the woman. She...

4 years ago
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New York New York

"Oh Rhonda, your so sweet" laughing "Details?" "It's black tie, pick you up in a limo at 8 and your on your own" now my turn to laugh. "Sounds good to me" "Have fun Princess" and hung up as she laughed. Tanya had a German background, a natural blonde, blue eyes the color of widex and a body that just wouldn't quit. Now 19, she was going to a University to become a Lawyer with a percomality that made you feel comfortable, no matter male ot female. Quite a find for me and...

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Jack and the Beanstalk A Twisted Fairy TaleChapter 15

Elizabeth stopped to rest. She wasn’t used to this kind of activity. She clung to the vine and panted lightly, looking around. There wasn’t much to see. She was in the clouds, and all there was within sight was beanstalk. Her stomach growled. All this climbing had made her hungry. Her eyes fell on a pod. She broke the pod open and chewed several beans, and put another handful in her apron pocket. After all, if she got to see Mortie, she knew he’d want to renew their relationship the same...

4 years ago
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I had known Bryan for years and considered him my best friend. We were very close, but something unspoken had always prevented us from advancing our friendship to the next level, even though we were compatible in so many ways. When he had moved away for college, I was heartbroken, for I ended up staying behind and working in the family business instead, but I was elated when he returned four years later for a job in a neighboring town, for once again my best friend was not someone I could see...

2 years ago
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Lucyna Polish Boardroom Bang

A few years ago, I got into an extra curricular relationship with a Polish girl at work. We were both seeing other people at the time, so everything that was wrong about it was very wrong, but we couldn’t leave each other alone and the lack of opportunities was making us both hornier by the day. We would steal kisses in the lift, or spend 10 minutes in a bathroom, but in a fairly small building, it wasn’t easy to be alone or find time when either of us wouldn’t be missed. We’d nip out for...

4 years ago
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The Fantasy Memory Of Carlana Callende I Mis

Thanks for existing. You’re the woman of my dreams (。-‿-。)Every single night. I dream of you, masturbate. Solo sex routine ♡ _ …-=≡ξ;゚o゚)I want your sexy body. Like right now baby, not tomorrow NOW! Massively horny (‿!‿) ԅ(´ڡ`ԅ)Undress already. I like you better naked. Jiggling your precious ebony boobies ( • )( • )♡⃛(꒡ε ꒡ღ)I worship your beautiful ebony body. & would never overlook an inch. Bow down too this Nubian Queen ♛Fantasize with me. Don’t call me twisted. You make me want you soooo...

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Gender Role Reversal The Affair

It was half-past ten when Alex's wife Lucy finally came home. To say that Alex was cross would be an understatement. He was furious. Lucy had forgotten their anniversary again! And Alex had spent all day preparing a lovely meal for them to celebrate. And now hours after she was supposed to have come home the evening was ruined. Alex had eaten his meal alone. The candlesticks that he had put out had gone unlit and he had left Lucy's plate covered up in the fridge, all though sometimes...

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My Ultimate Fantasy MTSMSSBBW Fourway

Originally, my plan was to feature only true stories from my own sexual history, here. However, at the advice of one of my Xhamster friends, I am going to publish what is, for me, the greatest unattained fantasy I have. Obviously, this is not a true story - although, I wish it were. The other individuals in this story are invented, with some aspects inspired by people I have known or have seen in videos. I hope you enjoy; I realize this is an extremely specific fantasy, and not for everyone. My...

3 years ago
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Enjoy watching

Hello, ladies and gentleman. This is Shobh one more time after "Enjoying sex ; with wife Kum and her sister Pyari .My sweet salli.. Before going to the story let me introduce myself I am Shobh here age 28 years. I am living in the city of navabs hyderabad. So lets start the story. This is about 4 month back in November there was marriage party in Mount Opera some 35 km from city. This marriage was my Wife’s friend. So we decided to go by 5pm in the evening. We were about to get ready to go to...

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Sex With Office Maid 8211 Part 1

I am 41 years old as now and am living with my wife and two children. Since last couple of years my wife is experiencing a loss of libido due to which I always feel sex starved. Having sex in her opinion is a wasteful exercise. Even if I have sex once in a while with my wife my sex demands are not met for the reasons that I am a porn addict and need variety in the sexual acts which obviously my wife has strong objections to. These varieties may most importantly include non penetrative sex such...

1 year ago
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The Apartment on Tabor Road

After picking up the key, I turned around and drove back to building thirteen. My section sat across from the others which meant I had a hike to the laundry room. Still, I liked how the first floor unit felt tucked snugly away under the stairwell. The key slid into the lock and opened smoothly. The door needed a little push but that was okay. Upon entry, I sat down the box I had brought with me from the car and took a look around. The living room seemed smaller than the model I’d seen a few...

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My True Story 2

I will admit, I drank too much. So some parts are a little foggy. But I will try to get Adam's input on the parts I don't remember very well. Again, our names are changed. Also, trying a narration-only style story this time. It's easier cause I don't remember a lot. Make sure to tell me what you think. The night started out like any other night. Adam and I were hanging out with my sister and her husband, drinking margaritas. All night I was sending texts to Adam about how horny I was, and how I...

Wife Lovers
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The Waiting Game Ch 3

For the record, I am not a morning person. Never have been. For me, the challenge of overcoming the inertia of my groggy sleep state conjurs mental images of Houdini, breaking free of a straight jacket and fifty iron chains while under twenty feet of water. Yet somehow, I always manage. And as I was stumbling though the garage, groggily searching for my car to go to work, I bumped into Claire. Normally the sharpest, most together person at the office, today she looked every bit as exhausted as...

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Indian GF Videos

Looking for real user submitted amateur Indian girlfriend videos at IndianGFVideos? There are many different porn sites that you can check out and they all have their little niche to them. Now, there are certain themes are more popular than others and it comes as no surprise that the Indian niche is one of the most popular ones on the internet. The reason being is that there are just so many damn Indians out there and you won’t be able to get away from them and their needs when it comes to porn...

Premium Indian Porn Sites

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