Handsome Goes To College Ch. 03 free porn video

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Everyone depicted in a sex scene is 18 or older.


Chapter 3: Start Up Troubles

I called the producer Hayley had put me on to, and found him receptive once he placed me as the infamous high school porno king. He also gave me the name of a lawyer he said he did not have on retainer, but would certainly use if his present legal advisors failed him. I was careful to explain I had nothing at the moment, but was just putting things in place. I assured him I had all the actors, scriptwriters and cameramen needed when he offered them. Hayley had already told me he would try to get a foot in the door toward controlling things that way.

In the end, he agreed to back me financially, offering me $50,000 up front and another $35,000 after we finished the first film. I hung up the phone excited at how easy it was.

Next I placed a call to the lawyer Hayley had provided. He wasn’t in, but when I mentioned Hayley’s name, I was told he would get back to me the following day.

The ball was in my court, so following football practice I looked up Dan DeLeon and brought him up to date. He was impressed with my locating what he termed ‘A big time producer, and movie industry lawyer,’ but was confused when I told him about Sigourney’s role in the equation as Production Manager.

‘I don’t understand, we got girls, I got plenty of them. What’s she gonna bring to the table?’

‘Dandy,’ I said calmly, ‘what we’re going into isn’t a fly-by-night operation. If we do it right, and I fully intend to do just that, we’ll need key people to help us.’

‘It sounds like you’re taking over,’ he said bitterly.

‘I am taking over. You’ve got Wilbur, and a few sluts. If I wanted to I could probably hire Wilbur away from you. You know I can get all the sluts I need.’

‘Fuck you!’ Dandy spat out and turned away from me as if leaving.

‘Wait a minute! You’re an integral part of this enterprise. And it is going to be an enterprise. We’re going to be big, bigger than you’ve ever imagined. Dandy, I promise you we’re going to make a couple million on this deal. Are you willing to sit down and listen?’

He took a seat and waited for me to continue.

‘A: We’ve got a moneyman in Mr. X. (at this point I wasn’t about to reveal his name.) He has agreed to front us $85,000 for our initial expenses. We can get more if we give him good reasons. What I’ve agreed to with him is to make three feature length X-rated films of high quality.’

I took a deep breath and went on. ‘We’re not just making porn. Everybody and their sister make porn, but its sloppy porn. The idea is to make a decent film, with a semblance of plot that viewers will remember, and hopefully like enough to buy the next film we produce.

That brings me to B: The movies will be scripted. By that I mean really scripted. We’ll hire some English majors, or journalists to put together a cohesive script from the outlines the production manager and I come up with. Don’t get me wrong, ideas are always welcome. But we film from a script. The actors will have someone holding their lines on a large piece of cardboard. We will rehearse the lines beforehand so everyone knows their place and better fucking know how to pronounce the words they’re reading off the cards.

C: We’ll interview the actors. And yes, you can fuck them if they’re agreeable. Now this is important. The actors will probably come in all age groups. I mean, we might need a grandfather, or grandmother for a scene. I told you we’re going for quality with a story, so every scene isn’t a fuckathon. Then too, it’s possible we’ll have some scenes with MILF’s…’

‘What the fuck’s a Milfff?’

‘That stands for a mother I’d like to fuck. I know you’ve seen a few.’

‘More than a few, Dude!’ Dandy was getting into it, and I appreciated it.

‘And we can’t forget the use of extras. We’ll have to figure out how much to pay them and whether to do it hourly or daily. That brings us to D: Cameramen. Wilbur is good, very good, but what if we’ve got all these actors ready to go and he gets hit by a car? Obviously we need more of them, I think two more, with one in a reserve role.

Maybe use cameramen B and C on an alternating basis. Give them both work and keep them happy that way. It will also allow us more camera angles during the shoot. You can’t have too many.’

‘What else?’ Dandy said, ‘I’m sure you forgot something.’

‘I can’t think of anything … yes I can. The broads, we’ll need tons of them. You want to know how we get them. We interview them.’ I didn’t bother telling him I’d already covered the subject.

Dandy wanted to contribute and said, ‘We’ll place ads in the right places and then film the interviews.’

It was at that moment that I decided to get rid of him at the earliest opportunity. But not until he’d had a taste of making some films, and drawing a fair amount of money from the business venture. I made a mental note to have the lawyer evict him from the business before he knew what hit him, but in the nicest possible way.

‘Dandy,’ I said while thinking about the aforementioned. ‘It’s been said there’s no such thing as a bad blowjob. This is surely a lie. Anyone who makes this claim has never squirmed under a row of sharp teeth, nor suffered friction burns at the hands of a partner who just wants to get it over with, or endured the lazy manipulations of a mouth that would rather be wrapped around something… anything, else. So we interview them, and you and I can have the pleasure of pronouncing them qualified or unqualified. Understand?’

‘Oh, yeah, I see your point.’

‘While I’m on the subject, I’ll add that there really isn’t such a thing as a bad double blow job. For one, any girl who teams up with a playmate to work you over is arguably well acquainted with the act of fellatio. And neither girl wants to look bad in front of the other, so they both bring their ‘A’ games to the, err, court. If having two women at once is like winning the lottery, then having two women worship the knobbed idol of your masculinity is like winning the lottery and the Nobel Prize on the same afternoon.’

We laughed at my analogy, and after several more points were made, went our separate ways.


Later that afternoon I heard from the lawyer Hayley had referred me too. His name was Haliford. Harrison Haliford. He heard me out and gave me his rates for hourly and or yearly retention. Being full of confidence at the time, I opted for a yearly retainer of $12,000, as that reduced any hourly charges by half. I know this sounds exorbitant, but my thinking was that I was entering into a full-fledged possibly multi-million dollar business, and in that case the money was well spent.

Mr. Haliford and I met the following morning. I laid out my business plan and he concurred with it, making a couple minor suggestions which I accepted and promptly incorporated. He provided me with five different contracts: One each for the Actors, the writers, the cameramen, Sigourney, and lastly, one for Dan Deleon and myself.

He smiled as he described the nasty clauses in each, and how they favored me. I inquired about the contract between Mr. X and myself and was told that inasmuch as I had no paper as yet, but since he had already provided me with the first installment of the monies promised, I was at his mercy. It was then that I learned Mr. X was general counsel to the Gambino family in New York, a well-known Mafia family.

I swallowed hard, and I’m sure my complexion paled, for Mr. Haliford permitted himself a thin smile.

‘You have their money. You will make their, or shall I say, your movie, or movies. They will be generous, this I know from the few contacts I’ve had with them. They expect results from you. I would highly recommend you fulfill your obligation and get the hell out as soon as possible.’

‘And how would I do that, Mr. Hal

Haliford asked me another question. ‘Without incurring their displeasure?’

‘Yes sir.’

At the moment you have agreed verbally to make three feature length X-rated films of high quality for him to distribute nationwide. Did you address international releases with him?’

‘No sir.’

‘He will undoubtedly take that as his own, giving you either nothing at all, or a small pittance of those sales just to keep you happy.

‘And after I deliver the third film to him?’

‘Hmmm, it might be a bit touchy, but if you’re willing I can put you on to some, shall we say, legitimate producers in Silicon Valley who would be interested in working with you … if your first three films do well sales wise.’

‘You said, ‘touchy, ‘ would you care to amplify that?’

‘Yes, of course. I mean the Gambino Family might refuse to release you from your contract with them.’

‘I have no contract with them.’

‘But you do. You verbally agreed to make films for Mr. X in return for certain financial considerations.’

‘Yes, but … that covers three films…’

‘I know, but consider who you’re dealing with. They don’t rely on the courts to settle their differences with, um, their partners.’

‘On the other hand, after the third film they may let me go my merry way?’

‘Possibly. And if I may be candid with you, I expect they will. Unless…’

‘Unless what?’

‘Unless your films are resounding successes, then they will most likely want to keep you in their employment. They will give you more money, but still own your films.’

‘Have I committed everyone making the films to them as well?’

‘No, I shouldn’t think so. They would consider those personnel expendable. Not in the bad way, of course, but replaceable, unless they win some sort of awards for their work. That might change their viewpoint.’

I left his office enraged and frustrated at Hayley’s obvious betrayal. Shortly after, as I drove back to the campus, I realized that Haliford was also recommended by Hayley, and headed away from the campus and toward my Aunt Nicole’s home.

I stopped at a CVS Pharmacy and called her before dropping in unannounced. She was glad to hear from me and told me to come right over.

She looked better than ever and gave me a promising hug, kissed me lightly on the lips and whispered, ‘No hanky-panky tonight, Julius will be joining us for dinner. You are staying?’

‘Um, yes, of course I am. Thank you for inviting me.’

I had a few minutes to fill her in and she saw no problem in telling her husband about my circumstances. ‘The Gambino family, my God, Aubrey, you move in the strangest circles.’ But she was smiling that nasty smile of hers at the time.

We had dinner, and after I had filled Julius in on my football experiences at the University, Nicole told him that I needed his advice on a more serious note. Then she left us alone.

Julius listened carefully while I told him exactly what I was up to and what had happened.

‘Are you eighteen or older at the present?’

‘Yes sir.’

‘Too bad, although I doubt that legality would matter to the Gambino’s. So that leaves us with my second option, actually my first, but I had to determine your age. I should tell you I admire you’re gumption in making these films. Nicole tells me you’ve already made some and they were quite profitable, although considered illegal.’

I explained the circumstances to him and he smiled. ‘This Hayley seems quite the girl.’

‘Yes sir, she certainly is in a Machiavellian way.’

Julius grinned and said, ‘It’s not the end of the world. Let me make a few calls tomorrow. It’s possible there is no Gambino connection. They may just be scamming you into turning over the profits from what appears to be a highly profitable enterprise.

‘Hayley’s father is a very wealthy man. I think he may have a finger in the porno business.’

‘That supports my theory about there being no real criminal organization involved. Although, what they’re trying to pull off is criminal enough.’ Julius said, and stood up.

I took that as a signal that my time was up, and thanked him and asked him to thank Aunt Nicole as well.

‘It’s my pleasure. I’ve heard so many good things about you. And it appears you’re trying to live up to them. I’m sure I’ll have good news for you tomorrow. Call me around three. I should have a couple answers by then.’

I thanked him again and drove over to Sigourney’s.


There was another woman with her when I arrived. Her name was Allison. She turned out to be four years older than Sigourney and me, and she was married. There was just something about Allison that I found very irresistible, and I sensed Sigourney knew it and had arranged for her to be there when I arrived. (This turned out to be true, what’s the old adage? Women can’t live with them-can’t without them.)

She wasn’t a stunning beauty, but yet she had an innocent, wholesome look to her that was quite magnetic. She was about 5’7′ and nearly perfectly proportioned. Her medium build gave the impression of slenderness, and she had nice round hips which complimented her breasts in making an attractive, shapely form. Her light brown hair hung straight and loosely down to her shoulders. And with only a hint of makeup, she had a very natural look. But I think as much as anything, her personality is what drew me to her. Her demeanor was one of sweetness, yet I had spent enough time with women to see a bit of a mischievous streak in her as well.

Sigourney told me it was perfectly all right to discuss the porno venture in Allison’s presence, and I did so, recounting the events of the afternoon.

Both women were shocked. I made us Vodka Collin’s while Sigourney phoned out for pizza. After dinner, the three of us continued to indulge in several more vodkas and the mood had long moved from somber to giddy.

I may not have mentioned that Sigourney was a sophomore, and it turned out that Allison was one too. She had interrupted her education to get married. She had one child, a daughter, Mavis, now two years old. She was now in school thanks to a generous donation from her father-in-law. Her husband, Ned, was the apple of her eye, but from the way she kept glancing at Sigourney, I sensed that maybe she craved another fruit on occasion, and that possibly it was Sigourney.

‘Do you remember the time when we lived in the dorm and you came back one Sunday night with your mom?’ Sigourney asked Allison. ‘As soon as we heard your key in the door, I jumped up out of bed and ran over to slam it shut.’

‘Oh, yeah. I remember,’ Allison said. ‘That was really easy trying to explain to my mom why it was that my roommate was slamming the door in our faces. When you finally let us in you were in your robe with your lipstick smeared, I think she put two and two together.’

‘Well, she may even have heard Johnny, since he was hiding in the shower.’

Even I had to laugh at that scene. As the evening wore on, I began to flirt with Allison, I was fairly certain Sigourney wanted me too. In turn, that led to our starting a discussion about our sexual preferences.

Allison got right to the point, looking me right in the eye she said, ‘Aubrey, you guys seem to think that any time a gal has sex that a man seduced her, or forced her. Wrong, wrong, wrong. Look at us. Sigourney came onto the girls last night and then to you. Here I am, a married woman, coming on to you. One might say we’ve been stalking you. And what’s more, when the evening’s over I’ll go back to my little life as Allison, faithful wife, until the next time I get an urge.’

‘And there will be a next time,’ Sigourney said, handing me another drink.

‘Next time?’ I said, looking at both women.

Allison laughed and said, ‘Oh, sure. I’ll take classes for the two semesters. I’ll pick out a guy in each c
lass to get to know, kinda like tonight. Only I will admit tonight was at Sigourney’s instigation.

‘What do you tell your husband?’

‘I’m working toward my degree, studying my ass off while raising our child and keeping house. As far as he’s concerned, I’m too busy to cheat on him.’

‘Are all women like that?’

‘Aubrey, there are two kinds of women. First is the woman who thinks that she got the very best man that was available to her. Not necessarily her first choice, but the best that she could snare. She will be very timid, very protective of her hold on her husband.

The other kind of gal may or may not have got her first choice of men, but knows that she has the goods, she’s a hot ticket that has men making moves on her all the time. She, if inclined, can become the Man Eater that is written about, and has songs written about her. That woman knows exactly what she can attain by using her sexuality, flashing her tits, letting men think that they have stolen her pussy. She’s the one you see on the red carpet in Hollywood, or riding with The Donald in a limo. You guys only get what that woman wants to give you.’

‘Are women that calculating?’


‘I’m just a clueless simpleton.’

Sigourney laughed and said, ‘Want some advice, Aubrey?’


‘Marry a woman who is a bright, aggressive, good-looking bitch and a first class Man Eater. Tie your string to her and hang on. All women are bitches. The question is whether they are bitches for you or against you. Marry her and then stand back and enjoy the show.’

‘Are you a Man Eater?’

‘Got you wrapped around my finger, don’t I?’

‘Do you?’ I said, and caught the look of uncertainty that flitted across her face. ‘Sure do,’ she said a split second later.

I had to wonder if Allison’s husband had any idea of what kind of woman he was married to. I decided I would fuck them both and let them do one another while I watched or joined in.

I also wondered if I had I encountered this type female before. Probably, I thought, but they might have been too young to have refined their Man Eating skills at the time.

As our discussions continued, my eyes kept coming to rest on Allison. I couldn’t stop looking at her. I even stretched out my arm so that it reached behind her where she was sitting. She jumped at first but to my pleasant surprise, she didn’t move away. Actually, I think she even cradled a little bit back toward my arm and hand.

‘I know you want her,’ Sigourney whispered in my ear. ‘I’ve seen the way you look at her.’

I turned to Sigourney with a bit of a questioning look on my face, wondering if I had correctly understood what she had said.

‘It’s okay,’ she whispered to me as she rubbed her hand on my chest.

Man Eaters? I thought. Were they preparing a meal with me as the main course?

‘Hey, you’re awfully quiet, Aubrey,’ Allison said. I didn’t say anything, but disengaged my arm from around her shoulder, placed a finger under her chin and pulled her close for a kiss.

Allison let any thought of shock or inhibition slip away as she kissed me back, but there was no exchange of tongues.

‘Aren’t you forgetting someone?’ Sigourney said, pulling me away from Allison and kissing me soundly.

My mind and body were dancing with emotion and arousal. I never expected Sigourney would be setting me up with her friend so quickly. Still I was wondering what was wrong with this picture. They had insisted they were Man Eaters, and yet here they were making themselves available to me when I had little to offer them other than a good fucking.

Finally I told myself not to question the circumstances, but to enjoy what was happening.

Sigourney and I continued our kiss, Allison moved closer to me, and put her hand on my shoulder. I reached out and squeezed her thigh. Allison began to rub my shoulder and chest before placing her fingers up to play around with my lips as I kissed Sigourney. Eventually, Sigourney broke off our kiss and took Allison’s fingers in her mouth to gently lick and suck on them.

Sigourney’s eyes were a little glazed in arousal as she sat up and pulled her sweater up and over her head. Then, with one quick motion she reached to the clasp in front, opened her bra, and slipped it off of her shoulders. Her breasts fell free, and her nipples stiffened in the cool air-conditioning.

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Hello friends. Hope you are having a good day. This is a one-off story from my ‘Milky Adventure’ series. Please, after reading this story, please give your views about it and give me your feedback. I will be eager to read it all. (This episode takes place before Riya meets Rahul and Aman.) It was Monday, sunny morning. Riya woke up early since Rajesh had come home for the weekend. Now both Shreyas and Rajesh had to go, and their college bus could come anytime soon. Riya went to the bathroom...

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My First Sex In The College

Hi ISS readers, I like to read the stories of ISS as you like too. As I like reading the stories of ISS I want to share my story of my sex with my girlfriend at college. Please give me feed back of this story on my mail Id , so that I could write my other stories. At first I want to tell you about sex bomb of this story, her name is Priyanka (name changed). she was just 18 when I had sex with her she got perfect figure (32-24-32) with average boobs like big orange. She did had perfect round ass...

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An AllMale Private College

My name is James Hyperion. The year is 2030. I am ninety years old. I am dying. Nothing can change that fact. That’s okay because I am a man who has led a very fulfilled life. I was born in Atlanta, Georgia, in the year 1940. The eldest son of a poor African-American family. Nevertheless, I did fairly well for myself. I won a scholarship to the Georgia Institute of Technology in 1968 and graduated in 1972 with a degree in engineering. Ten years later, I started my own company, Hyperion...

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Jill Goes to College

Jill’s arms strained under the weight of the wavering stack of books she held as she made her way down the narrow hallway. With each trepiditious step, she struggled to prevent her grip from giving way while maintaining the precarious balance of the teetering pile. As she reached the closed door of her dormitory room, she firmly planted her chin against the top of the stack and lifted her knee from the bottom to help support her tired, shaking hands. As she fished into her pocket, rummaging for...

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Julia Goes on a Cruise

Julia and her husband decided to take a small vacation on a cruise from California to Hawaii and fly back, just because it had been so long since they had been on one. The k**s were out of the house and they wanted to make the most out of their free time. The cruise though would take longer if they didn't fly back and being on others in the past they understood that staying in a cabin can get a bit boring, no matter how luxurious it was. Julia's husband James was pretty successful in life so...

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Bet Games at College

This is s story about me which happened to me long time ago. I am a simple girl; at least i was. I am from the rural part of the country. Life was simple and going simple until i had to move to city area for better quality higher-education, as my parents thought it so. After I moved in to the city for higher education. First few weeks were hard to adjust. Everything and everyone was in rush. It took me a week to find the college after we moved in. I was really excited as the college was...

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BBC College

This is a work of fiction. Any likeness to anyone living or dead is purely accidental. No real locations were used in this story. No One was harmed in the making of it. I don’t condone rape, or anything that brings anyone harm at any time. This is purely Fantasy and probably shouldn’t be read by anyone….ever. All persons depicted in this story are fictional and over the age of 18. Comments Welcomed and Encouraged! I always like a visual idea of what is going on. So here is who I imagine each...

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Urvashi in College

Urvashi in College Let me introduce myself: I am Urvashi, age 18, size: 34bb-28-34. I cleared my 12th standard and got admission in college. After a long vacation, our college started and everything is new here. It felt like starting a complete new life, new people, new friends, new studies and everything. And, it really inspired me to study more harder and achieve my dream. There is an altogether a new energy in me, I couldn’t explain how it felts, but it gives me lots of energy, and...

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Becky Goes to Korea Part 2

~~Start of Part 2~~ I am up at about 0530 as is normal for me now, and I get in the shower and do my essential ‘S’s and go out to the main sitting area and order some breakfast from room service. They leave it by the door as the do not disturb sign is still out, so I go over and get the tray and bring it in and shovel it down in about 2 mins and put the tray over by the door. I go over and wake up Becky gently and say, “bathroom is open, and I am good to go and will be dressed by the time you...

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Anything Goes Inn

Feedback greatly appreciated The Milano’s Jeff - Me - 54 Meg - wife - 55 Liam - Son - 16 Mila - daughter - 18 Jen (Jennifer) - Anything Goes Inn Night clerk Michael owner of sex toy shop Jess RV Park attendant Neighbors - Jack and Pat Bar - Hangin’ Out Here Price List Blowjobs $10 Pussy Fucking $20 Ass Fucking (male or female) $30 We had decided to take a slow, cross-country trip in our RV. We had no particular destination, and told friends and family that we’d be gone 6...

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Hot Encounter With Landlady During College

Hey iss friends, this is khan with a story. I am 27 years from bangalore 5.6 height fair complexion Please provide your feedback on my mail or I am regular reader of indian sex stories dot net. Submitting my own story here. This happened during my post graduation days. When I was 21, due to college was far from my home where I got admission , dad did all calculations about hostel fees. And decided that I stay in a rented house nearby college. The landlord and his family were living on the...

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Love Making With A Friend In College

Hi everyone!! Received a lot +ve responses for my first story posted earlier. Thanks a lot to all of them. I am back to narrate my another experience which actually happened before the experience which I have already posted. Any girl or married lady can mail me at and be assured of all the secrecy of all the things that happen later. Lets start!!! I live in this amazing city of Pune. I was doing my 3rd year engineering from a very reputed college in Pune back then when this incident...

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Welcome to College

Introduction: Pre-frosh girl welcomed to college by being blackmailed for her virgin ass. Becky Freeman couldnt believe her luck. Here she was, an eighteen-year-old girl visiting a sorority house at the college she planned on attending in the fall, stuck sitting bored on a couch instead of exploring campus or checking out any of the weekend parties. As part of the schools orientation program she was paired up with one of the current students as a chaperone of sorts. In this case it was a girl...

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Fucking Best Friend On College

Hi! I am new to this erotic story writing. But this is a real incident that happened to me and I am eager to tell my experience. I was new at college and didn’t know how much fun the college life would be. School life had always been under some strict rules though as kids we had fun but under certain restriction. In college we don’t need our parents to be with us if we go on some trip and no time restriction is there as for how long we can interact with our friends. It was my first year at...

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Cynthia Palmers New LifeChapter 6 Settling in for college

The trip to college was quite the trip for cynful. You see, when you're riding with a sex crazed dog, like Teddy, that seems to want sex every couple of hours, a simple four day trek across country becomes quite the adventure. At first, they would stop at a rest area and cynful would take Teddy to the very back of the rest area as much out of sight as possible and let him fuck her. They found though that they were getting farther and farther behind schedule. When they stopped for dinner...

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Amy Goes From Hair Stylist to House Slave 4

Amy Goes From Hair Stylist to House SlaveChapter ElevenIt has been a few weeks since I’ve seen Mr. Kesler, Chloe, or Max. I’m hoping that Mr. Kesler will allow me to become part of their BDSM family. He is the lead Dominant, while Chloe is his wife and submissive and Max is their black bull slave.This morning when I woke. I was doing some cleaning around the house. Mr. Kesler has me naked when at home, along with a simple pink latex “training” collar. He says that it is a symbol of his...

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wife goes black

It all started a few years ago. My wife came home early from class one night and saw me watching porn on the lap top. No big deal she didn't see what it was just heard the moans. I was embarrassed and she got mad at me, said she felt betrayed. That I shouldn't have to watch that kinda stuff. She never asked me what it was or what was going on. I told her I was lonely and just needed to get off , that it was normal. She has never even seen porn. Well other than that on HBO. We talked...

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Logan First Summer Back from College

I was 19, just back from my first semester at college. My first year at college had been the most fun I had ever had in my life. In high school, I was well liked. I wouldn’t say I was popular, but I certainly wasn’t a loser either. I was about 5’10”, 160 pounds, thin build (I played tennis which no one paid attention too), but was relatively smart and focused on getting into a great university. In high school I had a few relationships that lasted a short while (a month or so), and one...

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Mom Fucked In My College

Hello indian sex stories dot net readers this is my first story about my mom that how she was gang banged by my mates in the hostel. I am Ravi from Udaipur and my age is 22 years and I am in 4th year of my college in Kerala. I live in a hostel here and I share my room with three other mates Ram, Anish, and Aznar. Three of them are from Kerala and of almost of my same age. I have a family of 4 people Dad, Mom and we are 2 brothers. My father is a business man and owns a shop and my brother has...

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Fun In Engineering College

Well, there ends the seventh semester of my college life. I am an Engineering Student in one of the reputed college of Nepal recently named as Central Campus, Pulchowk. I present here a story partly based on the happenings of my college life and partly as a fiction. If you are looking for a straight-sex-masturbation story this is probably not the story for you. I like to take things slow. All the characters are fictional and any resemblance to the real life is purely coincidental. It was the...

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Desi gangbang in college

I am a 21-year-old female. Mai Delhi se hu or ek college going student hu. Ye story ek tarah se shuruat hai mere multiple sex pleasures ki. I won’t waste much time and sidha start karti hu.Baat tab ki hai jab mai college ke 1st year me thi. Mai college me kafi popular ho gayi thi apne looks ki wajah se. Mera complexion wheatish hai, kaale baal jo ke mere boobs se niche tak jate hai. 34 ke chuche, 30 kamar or 36 ki gaand hai.Mere college me kai ladko ne mujhe propose kiya but mujhe uss waqt kisi...

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Spider Queen Book 8Chapter 7 Back to War College

“I am excited to be back here again. But I also did enjoy the weekend very much Jason. It was very relaxing on the estate and I was surprised how pleasant the Destroyer women are. They are much older than I expected and very experienced. “I don’t know how you managed to persuade Pleb to locate herself on Mars and manage her growing war academies colleges and universities from here,” said Ooryphyon. “Many from the Collective are very bored and I don’t think it was difficult to persuade her...

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How I paid for college

During the summer of 2003 I was between relationships and looking for a good time. I was 19 years old and was always straight acting in public but I often had thoughts about other men, but not often the desire or courage to act upon them. I was just out of high school and had a little experience with girls but wasn't sure if this is what I really wanted.I had experimented with a friend when I was in 7th grade and had traded blow jobs with him but things got weird after a certain point and we...

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Friend from college

My name is Rony. I’m from Kerala; after MBA from Bangalore I started working there itself . I did my graduation in Kerala. And that is where the story starts. This story is true. For people who think it’s not. . Well up to u.I am 28 right now and this happened during my third year in college. And our heroine was my seniorAnd man alive she was a bomb. Her name is Selma Basheer and she had an awesome figure. Great boobs, nice piece of ass, and she had these horny cat eyes.I’m not that bad looking...

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Fucking The Hottest Girl In College

Hey guys, Sahil (name changed) here. I’ve read a lot of stories on the site and today I would like to share mine. As you can see from the title itself it’s my first and a really special one. A little about myself. I am 21 years old and from Mumbai. Currently, in my final year of engineering. I’m 6 feet tall and I have an athletic build as I love working out. You could call me a fitness freak! This all began around a year or so back when I first saw Nikita. She’s a junior and a couple of years...

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Best Friends And Oral Sex In College

This is a real story and I haven’t dramatized anything here. As I tried and failed to find substitute names to narrate a beautiful experience, I am using initials. A (being the boy) and K (being me). First things first, A and I first met in our college’s first year. We’ve been friends ever since. He’s single and I am mindlessly committed to my high-school sweetheart. S (my long term boyfriend) lives in a different city. So, any physical contact we share is limited to a very unreasonably...

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Fucking A Hot Girl From College

Hello all, a little intro to start with I am vv ( shortened for obvious reasons) 22 yrs old 5.5 ft tall, living in Bangalore. This one is about how I have a nice time with my friend on top of the terrace during my college days. Let me tell you a little about this girl ‘s’. She is a fair girl, 5.3 ft tall with assets to die for. Since the time I saw I had an intuition that we have a lot in common and we would become good friends. During the college lunch break, I picked up my food and started to...

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Finally Got A Chance To Fuck My Hot Spanish Teacher In College

Hey guys ! I am rahul and I live in mumbai currently. I’m 23 years old and I’m working in an mnc. I would like to share my sexual experience with my teacher at college which happened when I was 20. Please send me your feedbacks at my email Let me begin by describing the teacher whom I had this sexual experience with. Her name is ananya, she was from delhi and was around 5.5 feet in height. She had a perfect 36 24 36 figure which made her the hottest teacher in our college. She had a very round...

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Off to College

At first this was going to be a Kristie story but then it sorta morphed into a collection of shorts. Hope you all enjoy. Off To College By Wolverine CHAPTER ONE: A LITTLE EPIDEMIC "The properties of simple chemistry do not apply to this organism, if it is an organism," the professor stated to his near sleeping class. "We here at the university have no idea what this thing is or what it is composed of. So far, we have been afraid to even touch it, let alone experiment with its...

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Blanke Schande College

BSC: One Girl's Story By Katie Irwin [email protected] CHAPTER 1—Amanda's Interested All summer long, it was in the back of Amanda's head. Soon, she would beliving a life of total nudity and that nudity was self-imposed. Back in March, in what she considered to be a rare show of courage and strength,Amanda had registered to attend a school in California named Blanke SchandeCollege. From her research it has one of the top liberal arts programs in thenation and its female graduation rate was...

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Amy Goes From Hair Stylist to House Slave 6

Chapter OneI have finished my term with Mr. Kesler’s (my Master) Institute. It was an exciting time and one that I will cherish forever. Master, his wife and submissive Chloe, and their black bull stud Max were present at my graduation ceremony. Chloe wanted to see our Master’s mark on me. Master requires that all of his slaves bare his mark, which is a small silver dollar size brand of his initials MK within a circle, placed inside the left hip bone on my lower abdomen. I showed Chloe and she...

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Jake goes for help

Jake goes for help Chapter 1 - The first Session Jake Carstairs buzzed the office of the councilors, and went inside when the door unlocked. He went to the receptionist desk, and told the lady his name. "Who are you seeing?" she asked. Jake pulled a piece of paper out of his jeans and read the name. "Jill. I think." "Ah, yes. She's just about done with her current client. Just have a seat. Would you like some coffee?" "Sure." Jake moved into the waiting area,...

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Bebe Goes To Hollywood 7

'A point is all that you can score.' ~ from Two Tribes by Frankie Goes To Hollywood XXX There was something. Something in the distance. Something calling her name. Something that wanted her attention. Something she wanted to respond to. Something she knew. Something she loved. Could she open her eyes? She tried. No. She tried again and there was a flicker of light and a blur of color. She tried again. This time she got them open, but couldn't make...

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Moms Day At Waterbury Hills College

“Hey Mom!  Are you ready to see what college is like in this century?”“Haha, very funny Jeremy.  It was only twenty years ago when I was in college.  I’m sure it’s changed a little, but not that much!”“Yeah, it has changed a lot.  And so have I!  You might be in for some surprises!”“Well let’s see! It’s going to be fun shadowing you in your classes today.  Let’s get breakfast and get started.”Jeremy and his mother, Ashley, started their day.  Ashley was a young mother who had her son while...

College Sex
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Moms Day At Waterbury Hills College

“Hey Mom!  Are you ready to see what college is like in this century?”“Haha, very funny Jeremy.  It was only twenty years ago when I was in college.  I’m sure it’s changed a little, but not that much!”“Yeah, it has changed a lot.  And so have I!  You might be in for some surprises!”“Well let’s see! It’s going to be fun shadowing you in your classes today.  Let’s get breakfast and get started.”Jeremy and his mother, Ashley, started their day.  Ashley was a young mother who had her son while...

College Sex
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I experienced that star black athletes in college openly cuckolded white guys whether it were frat brothers or white boyfriends, they didn’t care and plucked the best looking girls right under their noses. I previously posted these experiences on other posts but putting it together here as a thread. Not that it matters as most know about these kind of things regularly occurring in college campuses.I have only been with or dated black guys (athletes) when I was in college. Being in a football...

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Fucked And Shared Kanika In College

Hi guys, I am Hardik from Delhi, this story is not a fantasy but something that really happened and changed my life. This happened a couple of months ago (December 2014), I was in 1st semester so not everyone in my class knew everyone but everyone knew Kanika (All names in the story are real too), she is easily the sexist girl of our class, I don’t know the stats but she has a flat tummy, a round big ass and the nicest pair of boobs I have seen in real life. I had tried talking to her many...

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Fucking The Dream Girl Of Everyone In My College

Hi everyone, i am Ashu, an engineering student from Bangalore, with a 8′ long little brother, this is the story of how i fucked the most ravishing, hot, sexy girl in my college, she was the dream girl of everyone in my college but new i was the lucky one who deflowered her. The incident took place in the month of June 2012; i reached my college after a month long winter vacation, i was pretty sad to come back to college leaving home, as i guess everyone does the same. The very next day i had...

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