Bill & Claudia Ch. 03 free porn video

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♪ ‘Let my lay down beside you…let me give my love to you.’

Once they were back inside she asked if he’d start a fire. She poured two glasses of wine leaving the bottle and the glasses on the table in front of the fireplace excusing her self.

‘I’ll be right back. There’s a stash on the mantle if you’d like to roll a few,’ she said before going into the bedroom.

He opened the small chest taking a whiff of the fragrance checking the bouquet. Clumsily he rolled four placing them on the table in front of the couch, next to the glasses of wine. Recalling his days in college and how the smoke made him feel, he was anxious to see how he’d feel being with her and under its influence.

When she returned she was prepared and anxious for anal intercourse with him. She had a short, silky and white translucent robe on. He noted no matter what she wore, it never diminished her femininity. Handing him his glass with one hand, she placed a blue pill in his other. He knew what it was of course suggesting they wait and see if they’d need it. They toasted to what their future might be. As she sat she crossed her right leg underneath her smiling her beautiful smile that somehow lit up the room, his senses.

Leaning forward she took one, lighting it for him before lighting another for herself. It took about 15 minutes before the wine and smoke began to impact them. He watched her, curious to see how she’d behave under the influence. That was what he intended but time began to lose itself as it stretched and blurred his awareness of its passing in its allusiveness.

He had no idea how much time had elapsed when he last took a sip of wine. In a sense it seemed like it was but a few moments ago and when he thought about it, it could’ve been hours ago for all he knew.

Her reaction was different as she began to giggle. At some point she reached between her legs proudly showing him her arousal, teasing him with it. Not unexpectedly it got his attention. His mouth felt dry as he took another sip of wine. He couldn’t believe how good it tasted as he licked his lips looking at her teasing him.

She understood and accepted the inherent appeal her sex had on him. He made her happy in knowing she had it to share with him. She knew she would never truly own but she was willing to share it with him since it pleased him, tickling that mysterious part of his brain.

She guided his head to kiss and suck her. He knew everything tasted better when under the influence feeling certain she would as well. But before allowing it to happen too quickly, she suggested they move to the bedroom.

Once there she allowed her robe to slip from her shoulders. It fell to the floor in a wisp when she climbed on the bed waiting for him. She lay on her back with legs bent opening and closing them as she had one hand on her sex while the other moved spreading her cheeks showing him her opening in invitation. She smiled seductively inserting a finger inside her, and then two as she hissed at him. She was void of inhibition, surrendering completely to the smoke and the lust she felt. Removing her finger she put it in her mouth licking it clean. Her message and what she wanted was clear to him whether it was intentional or not.

For the first time in his life he wanted to try analingus, probably because no one had evoked those thoughts or desires in him the way she had, the way she was doing with her sweet provacative innocence.

Knowing how fastidious she was about cleanliness, he began to lick her opening. At first it was with caution but when he neither smelled nor tasted anything offensive, he continued finding the experience far better than he expected.

Certainly better than the woman he reluctantly went down on once with her insistence. Finding it disgusting and telling a friend about it, his friend laughingly said,

‘Once you get past the smell you got it licked!’

Her reaction to what he was doing was reward in itself as she expressed herself with cries of delight and moans of pleasure. He began to use his tongue forcefully, fucking her with it. Her moans and exclamations rose to such a level he had to stop since he began to laugh hearing her pleas for mercy. He leaned back on his haunches when he smiled down at her seeing the expression on her face.

‘Oh my god, you’re not fucking real Bill.’

And then he took her in his mouth until he felt she was going over the edge when again he’d lean back on his haunches looking at her. Her expression looked more as though she was struck with terror than from one of pleasure. And then he entered her quickly and smoothly, fucking her until she began to tremble. He would withdraw only to repeat the whole sequence over again and again…

And as we all know such delicious torture can only be endured or sustained for so long. She is no different than you or me in that regard. Finally when he was deep inside her and they were kissing deeply, he felt her tremors of uncontrollability as she was lost in the throes of an unbelievable climax, her best ever since it was combined with love, a love she was unable and unwilling to deny any longer.

He felt her warm discharge squirting on his stomach. He thought of it as being her expression of love. Had it been ‘crazy-glue’ perhaps their future would’ve been clearer he thought laughing to himself. And then he did what we’d expect him to do, what anyone would do while being locked in such an intimate embrace with such an exquisite creature. Clutching her ass to him in a death-grip, she smiled through gritted teeth gyrating upward as she felt herself opening completely to receive him, all of him.

If she liked kissing him before, she found she loved it now as they cuddled beneath the covers. She loved the delicious sensations coming from her ass and from between her cheeks. His wonderful semen oozed from inside her, tickling her as it did so. Somehow it reassured her she was indeed the woman she felt she was, the one she’d spent her entire life in becoming and hopefully the one he needed.

Her secret revealed…

Their fulfillment and contentment was evident as they lay together composing themselves. She knew they had great sex but she had yet to play her trump card. She wanted to sell him on her suitability as a lover even more than she already had. He lay on his back as she lay with half her weight on him looking down at him when she said,

‘You’re a doctor, I want you to look in my throat and tell me what you see, or don’t see.’

He noted her tonsils had been removed and then he saw what she must’ve been alluding to when he saw she had no uvula, the small appendage that prompts the gag reflex, since it is loaded with nerve endings.

The little girl inside of her revealed it self when she cutely and proudly exclaimed,

‘I have a pussy with a tongue!’

‘When I had my tonsils out the doctor found a benign tumor on my uvula. He thought it was best to have it removed and after consulting with my parents, we scheduled a surgery after my tonsillectomy. I had no idea it would turn out to be a good thing until later when I performed oral sex for the first time. I found it easy to take it all the way to the back of my throat without gagging.

‘I thought everyone could do it until it dawned on me it was due to having my uvula removed. While performing oral sex, I discovered I could tell when they were about to ejaculate and then I’d take them all the way into my throat. I thought it was pretty cool since I didn’t have to taste or swallow their semen, not that I mind either but sometimes its a convenience for me, not to mention a lot of men like the feeling of being as deep inside me as they can get without causing discomfort.’

Hearing this and thinking their sex had already been enough, he was wondering how she was able to keep other men away, thinking there had to be many wanting her in their lives. She handed him something that looked lik
e a nasal spray. When he saw it, he recognized it as being a pain suppressant which is commonly prescribed to those having oral surgery, or as in her case, a tonsillectomy.

‘When I use this spray, it’s down the hatch Mr. Bill. So now you know my secret and why you probably found our sixty-nine to be so enjoyable before.’

She pinched his nose before kissing him and cuddling with him as they drifted happily off to sleep, to sleep the whole night through together for the first time. She smiled feeling her man had come along and would do anything and everything in her power to keep him…no matter what.

Mysterious awakenings…

They slept soundly holding one another and if either of them moved during the night the other would follow in order to maintain contact. She loved having him next to her and it was clear how much he cherished her, even in their sleep.

Not feeling his closeness for awhile, she reached out to touch and to cuddle with him only to discover he wasn’t in bed any longer. It stirred her awake fearing something was wrong. After grabbing one of her heavier robes she went first to the bathroom. He wasn’t there as her concern and curiosity prompted her search. She walked to the living room noting the remaining embers in the fireplace before seeing the door leading to the beach was open.

It was dark and there was no source of light as she cautiously walked down the steps to the beach. She felt a sense of foreboding fearing the worse, hoping nothing was wrong until she came upon him lying naked, unmoving in a fetal position. She went down on two knees touching him, feeling he was as cold as one of the cadavers she had to study in med-school. His cold flesh was like a slap in the face from the world of the dead. She imagined hearing the words, ‘How dare you,’ coming from beyond the grave.

She trembled nervously leaning forward to place her ear to his nose and mouth hoping he was still breathing and when she heard he was, she laid down beside him, opening her robe to cover him as she pressed her warm nakedness to him in hopes of preventing him from going into shock.

‘Bill, are you okay,’ she asked not knowing what else to say, thinking how foolish she may have sounded. She didn’t know much about his medical history thinking he could’ve had a stroke or some kind of seizure. She didn’t even know if he could respond to her question, regardless of how silly it may have sounded.

She heard him moan as though he was awakening from sleep when he expressed his confusion and disorientation. He began to shiver violently as his teeth chattered uncontrollably. Once his consciousness returned she asked if he could stand which he was able to do with her help. She removed her robe to wrap around him not caring that the cold night air bit into her exposed flesh with a vengeance when she too began to shiver violently. She held onto him trying to get them back inside as quickly as possible.

They huddled and stumbled together walking like two drunkards back to the house. She helped him up the stairs and back inside. He stood motionless as if in a daze when she closed the door. He looked like a zombie as she led him over to the couch sitting him down.

After throwing several logs in the fireplace she went to get the heaviest blanket she had. Still shivering from the cold and from being frightened, she put on a baggy heavy wool-knit sweater that went almost to her knees. It looked three sizes too big on her and like other things, it too had a story.

She wrapped him in the blanket then stoked the fire returning to sit at his side seeing he was still shivering uncontrollably. She waited for his shaking to stop before asking if he was okay. Eventually she saw the color returning to his face when he began to explain between shivers what he could. That he heard familiar voices calling him…

‘At first it was Charmaine. And then it was my son Kevin and then my daughter Theresa. Finally it was someone from work. I don’t remember seeing anything. I just went blindly following the sound of their voices.’

She asked if he ever walked in his sleep before, he told her he hadn’t blaming it on everything else going on in his life including the marijuana. He asked if it had been laced with anything since it seemed stronger than he remembered it being in college. She told him it was when they thought that was probably a contributing factor. She asked if he’d like some coffee, he did saying he’d like to take a hot shower first.

It was while he was showering when he saw the droplets of blood coming from his ear, splattering the shower floor as they were diluted before going down the drain. When he got out he tried to see inside his ear using one of her mirrors but was unable to see anything. He decided not to say anything less she worry. He intended to have someone look at it when he returned home.

Feeling better already?

He smelled the coffee, bacon and sausage when it hit him how hungry he was. His stomach growled when he thought his weakened state was due to his hunger, hungrier than he could remember being for a long time.

After looking in the mirror again he turned to go into the kitchen, following the smell that filled his brain, like the voices he heard while sleeping. The first step made him feel uncertain with his weakened state. After letting go of the sink he found the next step a little easier as he felt his strength returning until he was in the kitchen.

She had her back to him when he hugged her tightly from behind making her scream. Before she could turn around he reached between her legs feeling her when she gasped. She turned around as if to hit him with the spatula she held. The look of shock showed in her face. He did what came so natural to him, he kissed her. He moved his hands up and under her sweater to feel her wonderful ass, squeezing it with his approval. He’d never been as affectionate as he was with her, though it was his nature to be that way. The times he felt affection for Charmaine he opted not to, not because he didn’t love her, it was because it would be teasing her when he would be unable to follow through on it.

‘Well someone certainly has made a quick recovery…Bill are you sure you’re okay?’

He told her he was, saying how hungry he was. While they were eating they heard his cell-phone chiming from somewhere. Reluctantly she found it for him handing it to him disgustedly, thinking it was his wife.

She thought, ‘I don’t care how nice you are, he’s mine now.’

It was the hospital calling to ask if he could cut his trip short due to an emergency.

When he told her she looked crestfallen. She didn’t know what to say or what to do. Should she offer to go with him? She didn’t know how to behave. Should she throw a tantrum or be supportive? But above all else she needed something to hold onto. To know how she was to fit into his life and how he would fit into hers. Had she fallen too hard and too soon for him and was she as important to him as she thought she was, as he made her feel?

♪ ‘I’m leaving on a jet plane…don’t know when I’ll be back again. (Oh please…don’t go.) Promise me you’ll wait for me, hold me like you’ll never let me go.’

When he saw her reaction to his leaving it all came crashing down on them. He gave her all his phone numbers and his email address. It was little solace for her when he said,

‘It’s times like this when I wished I’d chosen a different profession.’

He held her telling her this wasn’t an ending for them, only an interruption hoping she could understand and that they both held their future in their hands.

‘You don’t think this was simply a fling for me I hope,’ he said adding, ‘This break will give us a chance to consider everything and maybe you can send me an email about your childhood. I really want to know all there is to know about you. All you’re willing to share with me.’

‘Okay,’ she said finally being able to offer a sm

He called Charmaine to tell her, apologizing for having to cut their trip short. She understood and said she had enough fun for awhile anyway. He asked her to find out when the next flight out was going to be and to make the necessary reservations before getting back to him.

They arranged so Claudia would take him to the airport. He realized he loved her and would give his left arm to be able to stay with her. She felt the same way about him, loving everything about him wishing their time could go on forever. She thought he was the nicest man she ever met and exactly the kind she’d always wanted in her life.

She remained in her car at the airport for various reasons. They kissed goodbye when he said their time together wouldn’t end, as long as she felt the same way, she did. He told her he’d call her and that she shouldn’t give up on him but to allow him time to consider their options.

The plane ride home…

Charmaine had a big smile on her face when she met Bill at the airport. They hugged but it was the same old superficial act they’d come to accept. It was the end of a chapter he knew, as he felt their distance growing. There was to be a new chapter in their lives, he felt certain of it but didn’t know how it would unfold.

Charmaine was watching a movie as he read the newspaper. She had her headset on and when something happened in the movie, she raised her left arm in response. It caught his attention as he took hold of her hand pressing it against his cheek. She didn’t know whether to laugh or cry with his unexpected display of affection. She pulled his head towards her so she could kiss his cheek and when she removed her hand, they saw the blood.

‘Bill, you’re bleeding!’

He touched his left ear looking at the blood on his finger. He went to the bathroom. Again he tried looking inside his ear but was unable to see anything. He asked the attendant if they had any cotton balls, they did. He placed one in his ear. When he returned she asked him about it. He was unable to offer an explanation saying he would have someone look at it when they got home.

‘You said you saw something very erotic and wanted tell me about it,’ he said more to change the subject than out of curiosity for what she’d seen. She leaned against him whispering in his good ear,

‘It was Diane’s and Steve’s first time…,’ she looked around making certain no one could hear her before continuing. ‘The three of us were talking in the living room when Hal asked Diane to dance with him. She agreed and when she returned she smiled proudly saying, ‘He asked me to, you know…to be with him.’

”What did you tell him?’ Steve asked curiously. ‘Well I got excited and wanted to make sure it was still okay with you. We talked about it enough but when he asked me, the reality hit me.’

‘She sat at one end of the couch leaning against the arm-rest with one leg bent on the couch. She wore a short plaid skirt which rose above mid-thigh. Steve sat at the other end of the couch smiling at her when Hal came over. He nodded at Steve as he stood behind Diane indicating his interest in her, if not his intention.

‘When she felt him begin to rub her shoulders, she looked up at him smiling, suggesting they’d made an intimate connection while they were dancing.

‘She had a very erotic smile on her face as she looked at Steve. It was almost like she was trying to tease him with the affection she was getting from another man, to make sure he was still okay with her being intimate with someone else. Or maybe it was all part of a fantasy they discussed? Whatever it was, it seemed staged to me adding to the sensuality. I could see and feel the excitement going on between them.

‘Hal leaned forward kissing her on the neck whispering something. She took his hand placing it on her inner thigh. He began to massage her thigh slowly moving higher. She looked at Steve as her excitement showed in her face. She then took her husbands hand and placed it on top of Hal’s hand, moving their hands higher on her thigh indicating what she wanted before removing her hand.

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Bill Takes me to a Formal Ball

I am a 22 y/o, 5'6", 100lbs, transgender lady. I live and work full-time and have been dating Bill for about 3 years. Bill is so kind to me. He takes me to nice dinners, the theatre, movies, and even on a few business trips when I can get off work. Last month he showed me an invitation when came over to pick me up to go to a movie. All I saw on the invitation was the words "Black Tie." I said to Bill, "I don't own a gown." He said the event was 't for over a month away and he...

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Bill and AmberChapter 3

Conclusion Amber's right leg was stiff from the half crouched position she had been laying in. She slowly opened her eye lids. The dried tears formed a cloud over her eyes and it looked like she was seeing everything through a thin veil. The house had an almost eerie feeling to it. Everything was dark, empty, lifeless. Amber remembered seeing Bill driving away. She knew it was useless but she had to try. "Bill," she yelled out, "Bill, please answer me, please Bill, I need you, please, oh...

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Bill and AmberChapter 2

After only being together a month, it didn't seem like it should be so hard to say good-bye at the airport, after all, it was only going to be for three weeks ... but it was hard ... terribly hard, for both of them. Bill had tears in his eyes when he took her in his arms and kissed her good-bye. Amber, trying to put on a brave face, forced a smile and gently wiped them away. "I'll be back, darling," she said. Amber looked into his teary eyes and knew she had to tell him; he needed to...

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Bill and Kate Conclusion

I awoke to find Kate d****d over half my body, eyes open and smiling."Good morning, honey," Kate whispered. Pulling her tight against me with one arm, I replied, "Yes it is. A very good morning.""With all that racket coming from the kitchen, I'd say Jess is up. I guess I'd better get up and go talk to her," Kate said. She gave me a soft, lingering kiss on the lips. "Or maybe...I should make her wait a little longer.""I think I've created a monster," I quipped."No. You've just let her out of her...

1 year ago
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Bill Claudia Ch 04

Bill returns to his old life…well, not quite. After returning home he was called to the operating room. One of his patients, a young man in his care had suddenly worsened making surgery necessary. The operation was more than successful. The onlookers recognized his fore-to-be-seen skill and expertise in the delicate procedure. It was almost as though he was on automatic pilot, receiving instructions from some unforeseen source with each step he took without the need for reflection. It was...

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Bill Lauren Ch 4

When we last left Bill and his girlfriend Lauren, Bill had taken his beautiful sister Michelle’s virginity after Lauren approved first though. Bill looked down at Lauren watching her sleep. She looked like an angel, her blonde hair let loose around her shoulders her soft breathing and that little smile that was always there if you looked. Just holding her like this was all Bill ever needed from her. There was such a nice feeling in the room with her resting on top of him letting out soft moans...

3 years ago
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Bill and Mary

BILL AND MARYI was late the first time I met Bill and Mary. I had naively agreed to meet them in an hour at a Mexican restaurant and bar, realizing too late that I was trying to get there in rush hour, and was going to be at least 40 minutes late. Not a good beginning. Fortunately I had Bill’s cell phone number, stopped alongside the highway, and called him to let him know. Bill agreed to wait for me, but I was convinced he was already wondering what kind of dufus he and Mary had agreed to...

2 years ago
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Bill is still Bill continuing nylon adventures of

Melody and Bill remained an item for a long time as teenage relationships go. Theirs didn't meet it's full demise until Bill's senior year in college with Melody just a year behind him when they had both just broken into their 20's.Bill had a love-hate kind of relationship unlike Melody who was cocksure of her love for her man. Bill knew Melody adored him like a loyal puppy but he couldn't keep his eyes and mind off of other young women especially if they were attired in sheer nylon. That,...

4 years ago
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Bill and Juliet Beginnings

Wondering what had just happened and knowing that a line had been crossed between fantasy and reality, Bill folded the sheer pink and white panties and placed them in his dresser drawer. Bill always had a love for lingerie and his desire to see women in panties bordered on a secret fetish for the dainty lacey material. For as long as he could remember the thongs, bikini cut panties, crotchless, butterfly, boy shorts, tangas, briefs, string bikinis and tap panties of all colors excited...

1 year ago
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Bill Candy and EttyChapter 4

Bill, Candy and Etty spent part of Thursday morning with Sarah, until she had to go to work. After that, they were somewhat at loose ends until two in the afternoon, when they returned to the Horseshoe. After a chat with Reg Smith, erstwhile former RSM and now second in command of the Centre staff, they went back to see IS29/15R – ‘Fifteen’ – Vera Crowe. She was running on a treadmill, running at an impressive rate. A fine sheen of sweat accentuated the movement of muscles under her skin. Her...

4 years ago
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Bill and Slave

or don't like stories involving mm sex, B&D, S&M and stuff like that, press N now or whatever is you do. Comments are always welcome. I'd love to see other stories with mm sex and B&D. Please post them! I'll try to post some more soon. Uploaded to EYE CONTACT BBS, San Francisco, (415) 255-5972 BILL By Luke Owens Portland can be a boring town. Sometimes. I was home on leave from the Navy and had gone out to Dahl and Penne's one Friday night (the Cell hadn't opened yet,...

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Bill kaulitz gay

Bill Kaulitz s gay Measure ****After the concert, Bill met with some hard guys from the biker scene.The bikers looked at him before the concert with looking up at his tight ass and also called to him; Hey Fickstutte surely no longer had in your asshole. Bill nodded lightly and went on without a word to the likelihood of him but clearly drawn into the face. After the concert, the bikers did not hesitate for a long time and Bill pulled him a dark road next to the road where the bikers shouted now...

2 years ago
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Bill Sutherland 6 in STOPWATCHChapter 39

Poor Bill. It seems almost every woman was mad at him. The sole exception was Aoibheann O'Riada. She was pleased as punch. Mina was mad because he bought a 'stolen' Lysander ... even if it was the bargain of the century. Megan was mad because he brought Aoibheann home with him. Meggers wasn't ready to give up Bill's excellent eleven. Laurel was mad because Megan was mad. Although, with Carl making like a horny rabbit, she was having a tough time staying mad for very long. Violet was...

1 year ago
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Bill Visits Again

She was almost cumming. Just the thought of Bill being with her again was causing her to be very wet. She finally gave in and went to her room, getting out her toy. It was nothing like Bill. It had a general shape, but it wasn't warm and throbbing. It wasn't accompanied by a warm hairy body with lips to melt her heart. It did, however take the edge off for a few moments. Pushing it in and out of her pussy while she fingered her clit, finally brought her to climax. It helped that she was...

Straight Sex
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Bill Candy and EttyChapter 3

Bill woke to the somewhat familiar sensation, his morning erection snugly enclosed in a warm, slippery pussy; Etty was riding him. Candy was still fast asleep, at an angle across the bed, with her head resting on his chest. His arm was loosely wrapped round her shoulders, his hand resting on her hip. He opened his eyes and looked up at Etty and smiled. “I love you, Skipper. You know that, don’t you?” she whispered. “And I hope you know I love you right back, Mister Mate.” Bill murmured,...

1 year ago
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Bill and Amanda Are They Really Broken Up Chapter 1

Bill was the average 17 year old junior high school kid about 6’2’’ and weighing about 225 lb. He was the star player on the football team(plays QB) and managed to keep a 3.5 GPA or higher most of the time. Amanda was a beautiful girl of 17, a junior in high school, leader of the cheerleading team and had a sculpted body with nice curves. She had 36C breasts and a big bubble butt. Amanda and Bill had recently broken up after Bill had beaten the shit out of one of Amanda’s friends for hitting on...

2 years ago
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Bill Candy and EttyChapter 2

In the small hours of the morning, one of them – it might have been Bill – needed to use the facilities, which resulted in all of them stirring. It was far too early to get up and anyway the bed was too comfortable and they were all still tired. Despite a general snuggling and fondling, they went back to sleep. Etty woke first, and prodded Bill and Candy to wake up. “Come on, you two. I want to know why Dad’s called us here.” Candy whined, just a little. “But Bill’s got...” “It’ll keep....

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Billys Introduction to a Sexfilled Weekend

Introduction: This work of fiction is based on a theme suggested by regular reader TexasDave14. The story is completely fiction, although the characteristics of the featured individuals are based upon real people. In 1985 we moved to Charlotte from Raleigh when I took a new job at a civil engineering firm. Connie had been an office manager at an insurance company before we moved, but decided to take the summer off before looking for employment again. However, we were soon to become involved in...

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Remember I said these experiences weren't in any particular order, well I've jumped right forward to Bill. He's another married guy who I am currently seeing from time to time.Again this is a true story of how I came to meet him.Bill first got in touch through Fabguys, he liked my profile picture, sent a friend request and after I accepted started to message me a fair bit. I had been seeing another married man Tony, who I actually met though here, and wasn't looking to hook up with anyone else...

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Bill Karen George and Connie Chapter 3

Bill, Karen, George and Connie: Chapter 3 By Ashley "Winnie, the sissy pooh!" George spat, "It's your serve!" George felt inwardly betrayed by Bill. This was a guy he grew up with. They were men together for Pete's sakes. "If this could happen to Bill, at Connie's hands? What might Connie have in mind for me?" George deliberated. "Even my wife can kick your ass, you lamer," George seethed. George never had a problem being openly hostile on this, their regular tennis day....

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Bill Sutherland 6 in STOPWATCHChapter 4

How to get into trouble without really trying. Mina was either in New Orleans, on the way there or on the way home. Bill didn't think he should go away ... just in case. What to do ... What to do? "Wanna play Monopoly, DD?" Bill was bored. "No, Bill." DD was still pissed. "Fish?" That's really bored. "Cards or river?" She might ... no ... she wouldn't. "Cards?" Really really bored. "No, Bill." "River?" "No, Bill." It's freaking winter, Bill. "Why didn't you...

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Billi Jos big brother revised

Introduction: submissive girl finds out who her true love is Bye Billi Jo lifted herself up, caressing the back of Dereks head, as they made sweet little kisses. Bye&hellip, he replied. She could hear her roommate gagging in the background. She did not care. She had moved to the city three weeks before, ready for college and a new life away from her boondocks family. Dont mind her. Billi Jo said as Dereks hand moved over her plush curves. She tried to remain still, hating the thought of him...

4 years ago
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Bill and Joan

It was back in the mid 90's, I was perusing YAHOO meet up/dating adds and came across an add from a couple (Bill and Joan) looking for a third party to have fun with. I answered the add and after a few days of the formality Q&A stuff (age, maritial status, photos, etc) they decided on a meet. We ***********ed a Monday morning visit. I arrived at their home around 5am and was ushered to the living room by Bill a rather large older gentalman, we sat over a cup of coffee and he explained...

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Bill Sutherland 6 in STOPWATCHChapter 42

They'd been in the air, E'veen leading, less than 10 minutes, when she made a 180. Although he couldn't hear her communications with Pounds, he decided she was declaring an 'in-flight emergency'. She wasn't. The Lysander didn't have the most up to date radios, so, when his cellphone rang it was the Pounds tower. "Sutherland." "Bill?" "Yup, who dis?" "Pounds tower." "She has an in-flight emergency?" "No ... just come on back." They landed. "I want to talk to...

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Billi Jos big brother revised

"Bye…” he replied. She could hear her roommate gagging in the background. She did not care. She had moved to the city three weeks before, ready for college and a new life away from her “boondocks” family. “Don’t mind her.” Billi Jo said as Derek’s hand moved over her plush curves. She tried to remain still, hating the thought of him thinking she was fat. She was fat, as far as she was concerned and nothing like her stick of a roommate. “Mmmm… I love your big ass.” Derek said as he...

2 years ago
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Billi Jos big brother

Introduction: girl learns to be submissive to her brother Bye Billi Jo lifted herself up, caressing the back of Dereks head, as they made sweet little kisses. Bye&hellip, he replied. She could hear her roommate gagging in the background. She didnt care. She had moved to the city three weeks before, ready for college and a new life away from her boondock family. dont mind her. Billi Jo said as Dereks hand moved over her plush curves. She tried to remain still, hating the thought of him...

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Billi Jos big brother

"Bye…” he replied. She could hear her roommate gagging in the background. She didn’t care. She had moved to the city three weeks before, ready for college and a new life away from her “boondock” family. “don’t mind her.” Billi Jo said as Derek’s hand moved over her plush curves. She tried to remain still, hating the thought of him thinking she was fat. She was fat, as far as she was concerned and nothing like her stick of a roommate. “Mmmm… I love your big ass.” Derek said as he...

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Bill Was Special

by Larry Malone It was the 1970s, height of the sexual revolution and way before the AIDS epidemic that cooled it down and I was in the middle of it living in the San Francisco Bay area. I became an eager participant of the “free love movement” with no reservations. I had recently tried being “Bi”, giving and receiving, and enjoyed the experience to the point I was really looking forward to doubling my pleasure and the number of available partners. I was experimenting with...

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Bill Sutherland 6 in STOPWATCHChapter 37

Oh, she wanted to go, alright. She wanted to go for a few days and then go back to school, and that wasn't exactly what Bill had in mind. Since she didn't want to stay, Bill decided he needed a new girlfriend. Dropping back to the past and buying his supplies was simple. He didn't need any help for that. It never occurred to him that the other simple thing would be to follow the map set up by cmsix, park in the parking lot behind the restaurant and try a few dates on the watch. So. Bill...

3 years ago
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Bill N HaleyChapter 6

Haley’s turn: I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been sitting in OUR SUV heading out for an overnight with my Bill. I was nervous the first time, I mean, after all, going out of town with a guy to stay at a hotel, you just KNOW you’re gonna go to bed with him, and when it’s me and my Bill, that’s a felony. This time, though, I’m not nervous. I’m giddy. The difference? One more time I hold my left hand up, looking at the gold band around my ring finger. I’m married. Sixteen. Married. And...

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Bill N HaleyChapter 10

Haley’s turn: Add another happy student to our mix. Deena’s friend Emily, like I said, was also no dummy. She and Deena both took the tests as part of a program by some university to spot gifted students. “How’d Emily do?” I asked Deena. “Twenty-seven,” Deena replied. “Her mom ‘n’ dad are gonna be proud.” “So will yours, you know...” “Dad, for sure,” she said. “Mom will be excited because I’m excited, but I don’t think she sees all this school stuff as that important like Dad does.” I...

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Bill Sutherland 6 in STOPWATCHChapter 14 The Devil went to Georgia Megan went to Louisiana

And this little piggy stayed home. Bill was pretty busy getting ready for the next adventure ... with three beautiful teenagers and a perfection called Mom, there was sure to be one. Mrs. Fox wouldn't let him into the safety deposit box but Mina had arranged for replenishment funds ... up to a point. Bill's Debit card had a million dollar limit ... but he didn't know that. Megan had slipped one of her Harrahs Debit cards into Bill's wallet ... but he didn't know that either. The only...

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Bill N HaleyChapter 26

Deena’s turn: If what Haley and I have done is incest, because we’re half-sisters, we argue that it’s not quite the same because we weren’t raised together as sisters. That specifically presents a quandary to me. I want Bill. Yes, I know he’s ‘Dad’. Been ‘Dad’ all my life, you know. But speaking from the standpoint of DNA, he’s NOT Dad. And what should it matter anyway? It’s not like if he and I started fucking (I hate that word. Can I say ‘making love’?) that I can get pregnant from him....

3 years ago
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Bill 2

As soon as Bill had returned home he messaged me saying what a great time he'd had, how lovely my arse was to fuck ...but mostly apologising for cumming so soon. I told him not to worry, I do it all the time with my wife! Would you like to come round again? Needless to say Bill was eager for round 2 and was grateful for the invite. A couple of weeks went by until a convenient date arose for both of us, again it was at mine. I was probably just as keen as Bill was for a repeat, and the day...

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