Emma Ch. 41 free porn video

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It was the start of Rosemary’s first academic year at the university where she was to study Economics and General Business Studies. Although she’d long been looking forwards to this day, it was also with some trepidation that she’d also started the hunt to find digs for herself in the area. She scoured through the local newspapers and studied the student notice-boards, but it was the note in the window of an Asian newsagent’s where she spotted the advertisement to flatshare Susan’s apartment at what was a remarkably reasonable rate. She took a note of the number on her pocket PC, and dialed it on her mobile phone. The girl who answered the phone sounded very enthusiastic, and very pleased that Rosemary was a student. Clearly, it had just not crossed her mind to rent out to students, despite the many colleges and universities in the vicinity.

“But before I offer you space in the flat I’d better see you,” Susan commented. “Some of the people who’ve shone interest have been … well … not best suited to sharing with me. Nor would they have got on very well with my friends.”

Susan’s flat was a great deal better appointed than Rosemary had imagined. How could it be so inexpensive? she wondered. It was quite high up in an apartment block, with a beautiful view of the city below. With some self-conscious nervousness, she pressed the buzzer, wondering what this Susan might be like. She vaguely imagined someone in a smart business-suit with prim wire-framed glasses and hair tied back. What she didn’t expect to see was a slim, not especially tall, oriental girl wearing only a baggy pair of shorts with a monstrous black, anatomically correct dildo protruding out of its fly and pointing towards her. The presence of the dildo didn’t distress her too much. After all quite a few of her fellow students wore them. It was the fashion. Although most students had less prominent ones, usually worn decoratively over tight jeans, or worn instead of knickers. No, the presence of the dildo was not the most startling feature about her. Nor the fact she was an oriental with no accent to speak of. Nor that her hair was boyishly short. Nor that she was topless. To Rosemary’s eyes the most stunning feature was Susan’s almost total lack of breasts. She’d never been aware that it was possible for a woman to be so conspicuously unendowed, and yet to show absolutely no concern about it.

Susan was also rather startled. As well she might be. Her conversation on the phone had prepared her for a young female student, which she’d rather welcomed. She’d been very worried about sharing with a man, what with her career in fuck films. But it had no way prepared her for a girl with such massively disproportionate breasts. Unsurprisingly it was the very first thing that announced itself to her, although Rosemary was otherwise still a very attractive girl, not at all plump despite the dimensions of her bosom, and dressed remarkably demurely for a first year student. Her long mousey brown hair flowed down over a shirt which was quite clearly not designed to be worn by a woman, and tied together as best it could to contain her breasts, which protruded bralessly from beneath her denim jacket and supported only by their own properties as few bras could ever contain such full round breasts, the nipples of which alone were many times larger than her own tiny bust. She wore tight denim jeans and white trainers, and carried a flowery bag which clearly contained her books and bits and pieces.

Rosemary smiled shyly, used now to the curious effect of her appearance. It was not one for which she was at all grateful. Most men, when they spoke at all, spoke to her cleavage and not to her at all. Women also treated her strangely as if she were suffering from some cruel disability. Even her friends found it difficult to accommodate her breasts into their acquaintance without some nervousness. And she’d never yet found anyone brave enough to acquaint her with the pleasures of romance or love-making.

“I’ve come about the flat,” said Rosemary at last.

It was only the following day that Rosemary moved into the flat, glad to no longer have to sleep in a sleeping-bag on the floor of a friend’s room in the student halls. She hauled her bags across town, up the elevator to the twelfth floor and then into the third of the three spacious bedrooms in Susan’s flat. As she undid her bags and laid the clothes tidily into the many drawers, she couldn’t help exulting in her good fortune in having found such a luxurious well-appointed room in such a nice part of the city. And with such a nice flatmate, or, really, landlady. When she’d got used to Susan’s semi-nudity, the two girls had had such a nice chat seated on the large leather armchairs in the living room. All around them were beautiful rugs on polished floor-boards, a massive television screen, beautiful painted portraits, still lifes and landscapes, and classy modern furniture. Susan was ever so interested in Rosemary’s life, her studies at the university and, oh!, all sorts of things. She was so good at listening, and didn’t seem at all bored as Rosemary prattled on. Oh! She was so lucky, thought Rosemary as she arranged her ornaments and possessions on the cupboards.

Eventually she emerged from her bedroom and wandered into the living room where she found Susan sitting on an armchair listening to some gentle jazz music and thumbing through a magazine. She looked up as Rosemary entered, and smiled at her. “I’ve ordered you a desk to study at,” she announced. “It should arrive tomorrow and then you’ll be settled for your studies.”

Rosemary was only half-aware of what Susan was saying as she was slightly alarmed to see that Susan was totally nude, not even wearing the dildo which she’d come to think as being integral to Susan’s appearance. She’d not often met naked women before, but Susan seemed totally unembarrassed by her appearance, so she made no comment. She gingerly sat herself down on another armchair, and felt herself sink into its firm leather upholstery.

“Would you like a glass of wine?” asked Susan, standing up and revealing her full erect nakedness. Rosemary nodded, but her thoughts were focused on Susan’s naked crotch which was shaved and made her look several years younger than she was. But such a beautiful crotch: so tidy and smooth against her flat taut torso.

Rosemary and Susan sipped the chilled Argentinean wine, a taste which was still quite novel to Rosemary, and continued their conversation from the previous day as if there had only been the briefest of pauses. They discussed Rosemary’s choice of studies at university, why she had been attracted to the discipline of Economics and her school childhood.

“But how did you cope with the attention that your … erm … assets must have provoked from your teachers and class mates?” wondered Susan.

“My assets?” wondered Rosemary at the delicate phrasing.

“Your bosom, I mean. It must have attracted a lot of comment.”

“It did that,” admitted Rosemary blushing. “I’ve often wished for smaller.”

“Not ones as small as mine, though,” joked Susan, running a hand over her own very different bust.

“Well, at least you don’t have the problems I have in finding clothes that fit,” Rosemary retorted bitterly. “Nowhere can I find anything that’s designed for my fuller figure. And what I can find is always designed for people very much fatter than me.”

“I appreciate that,” smiled Susan. “You have to wear just shirts like the one you’re wearing? Nothing else?”

“Dresses are horrible and shapeless. Blouses are the wrong shape. And even the biggest tee-shirts rides up my boobs, showing half my stomach.”

“Well, you don’t have to wear anything on top while you’re staying here, Rosemary sweetest.”

“Sorry?” wondered Rosemary, who wasn’t sure
she’d heard right.

“Don’t be silly, Rosemary,” smiled Susan standing up and placing her wine glass on the glass top of a table. “If those tops are uncomfortable, just take them off. It’s not as if I’d ever object.” She walked towards Rosemary, leant over and unbuttoned the top of her shirt. “Come on. Take it off. You’ll feel much more at ease without it.”

Rosemary blushed even deeper. “Are you sure? Won’t I feel a little chilly?”

“Not in the temperature I keep the flat,” Susan assured her, unbuttoning her shirt to the waist and parting it. Rosemary’s breasts fell out with a kind of woomph and revealed their whole glory. Susan was amazed to see that natural breasts could be so naturally enormous. They were round, full, and dominated by nipples whose aureate dark pinkness spread around a taut sculptured centre which, in their unaccustomed bareness, stiffened to the size of small thumbs. Should I? wondered Susan momentarily. But she dismissed the thought, and eased Rosemary’s blouse off her shoulders and onto the floor. Where it lay looking very sorry for itself in a white heap of shapeless linen on the intricate patterns of the Afghani rug Susan had bought on one of her more exotic film shots.

“Don’t you feel so much better now, Rosemary?” asked Susan, with a sympathetic smile.

And then, as if nothing had happened, Susan returned to their conversation about life in the city and in Rosemary’s own town as if her breasts had never once intruded themselves onto the discussion. This even though it was uncomfortably clear to Rosemary that Susan’s mind still continued to wander back to the breasts which heaved in front of her, and even without the hindrance of clothes weighed very heavily on her spine and brushed occasionally against her be-jeaned knees.

As the days passed, Rosemary started her studies, bringing back piles of dry Economics text-books on inflation, web-enabled business, stock market fluctuations and business management. She would sit at her desk with the computer that Susan let her use, or on a chair by the window with the sun streaming in onto the turgid, polysyllabic prose of her chosen discipline. And bit by bit, she was persuaded to abandon more than just her top, revealing to Susan a firm body, with none of the folds of a plump woman, but blessed with thighs and knees of appropriate proportion, and a waist which curved in enough to give her sufficient contour for a woman of much smaller mammary dimension. Her unviolated vagina had a bush of brown hair which faded well into her slightly olive skin. But after a while it was Rosemary’s face that Susan most fell in love with. Her large brown eyes, her slightly turned-up nose and a beautiful toothy smile that stretched her seductive thick lips.

So, it was not at all surprising to Susan, nor to anyone who knew her, that she and Rosemary found themselves together in Susan’s large bed one evening after slightly more glasses of wine than usual, even though it was something that clearly took Rosemary by surprise. This was not what she thought sharing a flat was about. Sharing a bed, especially with a woman, had never been on her agenda when she was looking for digs. But she found it very pleasant, perhaps, to her surprise, more than she’d imagined. Although her new-found proclivity also alarmed her. What would her friends think? What would her fellow students think? And even worse, what would her parents, who were always so considerate and kind to her, think?

Susan was a very gentle and tender lover, bringing Rosemary gradually towards the bed and onto the welcoming sheets. Guiding her with her hands, and then exploring her body with her tongue, lips and then teeth. Her fingers explored the crevices and contours of Rosemary’s fully intact labia, while her tongue licked and her mouth gobbled greedily on her lodger’s monstrous nipples. Her palms stroked the full roundness of Rosemary’s knees, her lips nibbled on Rosemary’s eyebrows and ears and toes. And then her fingers gently explored the inner sanctum of Rosemary’s virginity, bringing the girl to unaccustomed and thoroughly frightening gasps and choked cries of delight as strange vibrations and spasms shook her sweaty, almost slimy, body.

Of course, Rosemary always wondered how Susan could afford such a nice flat but she never really suspected that it was as a result of working in the sex industry. In fact, until they’d made love, Susan had been very coy about disclosing what she did for a living. In fact, she’d been singularly evasive. It was only after the two girls had had several more nights of progressively more passionate lovemaking that Susan imparted this to her, but so casually and matter-of-factly that it took Rosemary rather a few hours to comprehend the enormity of this fact. Which was, of course, that the first person she’d ever surrendered her body to habitually made love to others, men and women, in front of cameras. And that evidence of her lovemaking with these people was widely available in sex shops, supermarkets and newsagents throughout the country. And, indeed, the world.

However, the horror of it soon passed, and she allowed Susan to take her most precious commodity, her maidenhead, with one of her smaller dildos. And, Christ! It was painful. But the pain soon subsided, and she soon forgot what had so recently happened to her, despite the clear and bloody stains on the bedsheets and still glutinously shining on the length of the pale pink penis-shaped dildo that Susan had chosen for this initial foray.

However, this was followed by more nights of similar penetration with dildos of steadily larger dimensions and of shapes and forms which Rosemary had never expected: including studded ones which gave spasms of pleasure in the depths of her vagina she’d not even imagined. Even the long black dildo she’d originally seen protruding from the fly of Susan’s shorts came into play, removing the very last traces of her maidenhead in a small bloody spot on the very centre of the sheet. There was even a dildo for her arse, which she allowed to enter her with some fear and anxiety, but was strangely not unpleasant, rubbing against the sensitive nerves of her vagina from a new and quite delightful direction.

Although she truly enjoyed the penetrations, it was the other lovemaking with Susan which gave her the most pleasure, and gave her the deepest and most satisfying orgasms. In fact, there was something grotesque, even comical, about the strange positions she and Susan had to adopt for her lover to adopt the masculine poses required for strap-on sex. She much preferred to explore her smaller lover’s tender white skin, the tiny breasts she so enjoyed licking and teasing, the porcelain beauty of her hands, the delicious contours of her smooth small feet and its perfectly proportioned toes. And, of course, Susan’s face, with her beautiful dark eyes and her mouth. The ivory hardness and whiteness of her teeth. The liquid muscular flexibility of her tongue. Those long passionate kisses which were the prelude and epilogue to their long passionate stints of lovemaking.

Nevertheless, Rosemary couldn’t remain forever secluded from the reality of Susan’s profession. And it first became clear to her one day when she came home from a lecture on Money Supply to find Susan entertaining two friends who were introduced to her as Amna and Fluff. It shocked her to see these two much more vulgar exemplars of the sex profession than her own darling loveliness, Susan. Fluff particularly shocked her: totally nude, although Rosemary was still wearing a baggy student sweatshirt and slacks. And her face. That horrible tattoo that totally defaced it, partly obscuring the fact that her head, unlike her vagina, was totally shaved. And wasn’t it a tattoo of erect penis spurting a load of yellowish semen onto her cheeks? How could anyone voluntarily consent to such a disgusting disfigurement? And this was merely the most prominent of a series of tattoo
s, mostly of penises, but some of vaginas and naked women scattered about a body which was only tattoo-free from below her breasts and to the top of her thighs.

How could anyone make love to a woman like that? Rosemary wondered, although she knew that the answer lay in Amna, who was herself voluntarily disfigured, if not in such a hideous provocative fashion. Amna wore nothing but a black leather jacket open at the front and a large black dildo strapped onto her hips. Her lips were curiously puckered, although she was clearly not of African ethnic origin. Her stomach was clearly outlined by the muscles of her exercise and practise. Her arse, when she stood up, was prominent and quite unnaturally round and firm. But this was as nothing to her very firm, very hard and rather large breasts, of a composition quite different to her own still larger breasts. The nipples seemed unnaturally small for such a large bosom.

“So this is your new girlfriend, Susan!” Fluff commented with a smile, just barely visible through the pattern of her facial tattoo. “And what a fucking find she is too! Don’t you think, Amna? Just look at the size of her fucking breasts! And they’re fucking real too, aren’t they?”

Susan nodded shyly, clearly a little embarrassed by the rudeness of her friend. She stood in her shorts with a dildo protruding through the fly as she had when Rosemary had first met her.

“They are real!” commented Amna in awe. “It’s almost unreal! Gain without pain! I’ve never seen a pair like them in my whole career!”

“Nor me!” smiled Fluff. “Come on, Rosemary! Don’t be so shy. We’re not going to hurt you. We’re just paying Susan a visit. We’ve just not seen her in a while. Have we, Susan.”

And then, to Rosemary’s jealous horror, she put an arm round her darling Susan’s perfect bare white shoulders and kissed her very fully on the mouth, an arm around her back, while stroking the slight bumps of her bare breast with a familiarity which came so easily and so smoothly, it could only be because it was expected of her. Rosemary felt slightly giddy, and steadied herself slowly into one of Susan’s welcoming leather arm chairs. As if on cue, Amna also sat down, while Susan and Fluff stood together, arms around each others shoulders and back, and Susan really not looking nearly as uncomfortable or awkward as Rosemary would have hoped.

However, Susan could see Rosemary’s distress. She eased herself reluctantly out of Fluff’s embrace and sat on the arm of Rosemary’s chair, put her arms around her neck, beneath the long hair which cascaded onto her chest and tickled her bare midriff. “Oh, Rosemary! Darling! Sweetheart! Don’t take so! Amna and Fluff are friends of mine from, oh! so long back. I love them dearly. But you are my dearest and closest!” She placed a tender kiss on Rosemary’s lips and took her limp hand in her own ivory white one. “You must believe that you are the one I most love!”

“Fucking romantic, ain’t you, Susan!” laughed Fluff. “I almost fucking envy you. But I’ve got my own dearest heart. Haven’t I, Amna, honey!” And she joined Amna on the chair where she sat, and with no prelude or invitation, thrust her tongue deep into Amna’s mouth, and ran her fingers over the full firm contours of Amna’s round nearly spherical bosom, briefly tweaking a nipple between a forefinger and thumb. “You fucking love me, too, don’t you, cherry pie?”

“I love you more than I can say!” gasped Amna, Fluff’s saliva dribbling from the corner of her mouth: a small droplet detaching itself from her chin and plopping onto one of Fluff’s hands otherwise preoccupied with her nipple.

“I don’t … I don’t … I don’t know what to say…” gasped Rosemary.

“Don’t say fucking anything!” sneered Fluff removing Amna’s jacket from her shoulders and kissing her fully on the mouth. Amna gasped with an expression of delight and hugged her lover hard against her large breasts.

“Oh! I love you! I love you!” Amna cried.

Rosemary sat transfixed with Susan’s arms around her shoulders, watching for the first time in real life as a couple made love to each other. It was a passionate animal experience that she knew intimately but had never witnessed, not even on celluloid. The two bodies grappled onto the floor intertwined, sweating and so so absolutely physically naked. This is what it looks like, Rosemary thought, as she watched Amna’s enormous dildo find its way into Fluff’s vagina, and as Amna thrust her absurdly full buttocks backwards and forwards above her.

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Meri Sexy Padosan 8211 Bhabhi

Hello friends main kapil aapke samane ek aur story ke sath hazir hu. Aapne meri pehli story ‘Meri Sexy Padosan’ ko achha response diya. Thanks uske liya. Waise to intro ki zarurat nahi lekin fir ek short intro. Mera nam kapil hai, meri age 27 hai, mai mumbai se hu aur mera email hai – May mahine ki chuttiya thi isliye colony ke bahotse log apne native place gaye huye the. Is saal mere pappa aur mammi gaon gaye huye the to gharpe main aur meri badi behan the. Meri didi to job kar rahi thi...

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My transition to a whore

My name is Mikiya. When this story took place, I had just turned 19, was in college, working full time and living on my own. Although I had enough money to cover my expenses, I didn’t have any extra money for fun. I didn’t have time to get another job and I really needed money. One day, I was on the Internet surfing around and I came across a site called Craigslist. As I explored the site, I found a section called erotic services. I was curious about it so I clicked it. Boy was I surprised....

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harry 07

DISCLAIMER: I sadly do not own any of the characters that I am writing with. J.K. Rowling does may she continue to write great books. I only own the plot. "Rowena is this such a good idea?" asked Helga as she and the three other founders gazed at the school with longing, but failed to gasp like the other first years as they had created it and it seemed normal for them, this did not get past Hagrid who was in the boat next to them. Rowena Ravenclaw, Helga Hufflepuff, Godric Griffyndor, and...

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Reddxxx is one of those sites that you might stumble onto entirely by accident, only to find it’s exactly what you’re looking for. It’s all in that clever name, just a couple keystrokes off from Reddit and XXX, the same search string you’d use if you weren’t exactly sure where to find all the smut on the platform. In case you missed it, I’ve got a huge list of NSFW Reddit subs catering to all kinds of perverted tastes. Alternately, you the site we’re about to talk about right now.In case you...

Porn Pictures Sites
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I first met Elsie when she was about 12 years old. She was part of the Scout troop my wife was helping with. Elsie’s mother was one of the other leaders. If there was anything to do with animals you would find Elsie there in the thick of things. She was almost an expert on the raising of goats, yes at 12. She had direct access to one of the college professors that teach what ever goat raising is called. They talked often about what ever goat raisers talk about. Now, at this point, I want to...

1 year ago
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Scoreland Krystal Swift Two Men For Miss Swift

Krystal Swift not only has a double date, it qualifies as a tag-team match also. Krystal is about to do the nasty with George and Steve. They play for the Prague Hard Cox and welcome Krystal as their team-mate. And what a beautiful teammate she is. Hair of gold, fair of skin, big of tits. The perfect playmate. They don’t go anywhere on their double date except the bed… George and Steve take turns plugging her pussy, feeding her cock and balls and tit-fucking her. A lot of stamina...

3 years ago
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Blood of the Clans Ch 49

Grayson’s eyes were locked onto Blair, never taking them off of him. The bow cast the spray into his face, his red hair becoming drenched, as the birlinn skimmed the surface of the dark water. Blair and his men could see them coming and rowed as fast as they could, the inability to steer making it more difficult. Blair could see his father and yelled out to him, but he was still too far away for any assistance in cover fire. MacRae sat on his horse and watched, as Grayson’s birlinn closed on...

2 years ago
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Daddys DiaryChapter 8

A short diary entry this morning. I'm trying to get this down before Jackie and the kids are up. Holy shit ... what a day so far! I followed my usual Saturday morning routine and was up and into the shower early. I knew everyone else was still in bed and I would have some quiet time. I showered as usual, turned off the water, reached out for my towel and got mostly dried. When I opened the frosted shower door to exit and finish drying, I was greeted with quite a surprise. "Good morning,...

1 year ago
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A Wild YearningChapter 9

But could it be? Jan, her beautiful young daughter, Jan, seduced by an animal!? Cavorting like a shameless whore with that German shepherd? Yes, she could remember now the soft mewling whimpering of the dog on the other side of that bedroom door. That was some sort of explanation for the dog being in Jan's bedroom altogether. But on the other hand it was unbelievable. It was quite one thing to witness this sort of thing in a show of this kind, quite another to learn that your own...

3 years ago
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Apologetic Sex

Introduction: This is my very first sex story and I am very excited to share it. It is a complete work of fiction. Constructive criticism is always welcome. I also need an idea for the next story. Should I write about how the two started? Should Sasha be the dominant one in the next story? Ideas are welcome and all will be taken into consideration. I hope you enjoy this story. I felt him before I heard him. Taking a deep breath I braced myself for what I knew was coming and I opened my legs for...

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Leap of FaithChapter 9

The Rookie – Tayari Plaza, nine hours after drop. The Rookie moved into the building, the waypoint on his HUD leading him towards the nearest stairwell. He checked his corners, sweeping his plasma rifle across open doorways and pockets of shadow. This place was still crawling with Covvies, but he didn’t have time to clear every room. He mounted the stairs, trying to ignore the pain in his shoulder, passing the first floor, and then emerging onto the second. A sudden screech from somewhere...

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Repo Man2

I didn't see any cars insight but I did see a large German Shepard laying directly in front of the boat. I was about to chalk this up as a lost cause when I noticed a young girl standing off to the side of the house. The pickup I was in did not have any markings on it and I decided to take a chance on the young girl. I got out and walked up to the front of the yard and asked the girl if her Mother was home. "No, she ain't home". "She went shoppin' ". So I asked, hoping the...

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Babs and Mike

Babs and Mike had reached the seven year mark. In fact they’d celebrated their wedding anniversary. No kids though. Babs was eager but Mike wanted to wait, for them just to enjoy being a couple for a little more time. They were well into their mortgage, having bought their first home during their engagement eight years ago. They lived in a comfortable semi-detached two bedroom house in the suburbs of Guildford. They both worked: Mike as a telephone engineer and Babs was a shop assistant on a...

4 years ago
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Dorothy Mature and YoungerFlashing/UpskirtsCum/Creampie Dot sat in her living room sipping a glass of wine, she smiled to herself thinking “not bad for a 54 year old gal”. She felt happy as cum dribbled into her pantie gusset, recently deposited by 28 year old Gavin. He had fucked her until his cock wouldn't stand and left begging to come back tomorrow. She had kept him at bay for 8 months, only because she had 5 lovers and no room to add him. Keeping them apart and maintaining her reputation...

4 years ago
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Ladies Night at the Gay Cabellero

“What do you think about this one?” “She’s nice. I like her.” “What do you like about her?” persisted Tom. “I like her tits, Tom. They’re bigger than mine and I would like to suck them.” replied his wife, Penny. Penny was sitting on her husband’s lap. They were both studying a girly magazine. Tom turned the page. “There, look at her cunt. Do you like her cunt, Penny?” “I love her cunt Tom. I like the way she’s trimmed her pubes. It’s pretty.” “Would you like to lick it, Penny?” “Would...

1 year ago
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A shy dude get help

I am a nineteen year old boy with a story to all of ya, i have always been shy dude till one at a beach with friends having fun and then all i saw two hot white girls getting closer to us with my eyes fixed on them i began to get a hard on which very difficult to control so i run of the to jerk myself off in an isolated area. I was masturbating on the edge blow my seed and then i heard whispers in my on turning around i saw these girls behind me which made me came at once i thought it was an...

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The Ring AOChapter 89 Zacs Worry

On Friday both Suzanne and Zac came over on the morning flight. They had booked a suite with instructions Helena and Fred were not to be told. They met them at lunch time in the restaurant. Helena was most pleased to see Suzanne. Zac was quiet. Going up to Helena room after lunch Zac asked Fred for a quiet word. They went back down stairs to the bar area. Fred asked “Whats troubling mate?” Zac showed Fred his valuation of the title deeds he sent over. Zac had commissioned a valuer to value...

3 years ago
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Game Night Changed My LifeChapter 11 Thursday

Thursday morning I went to school feeling good. A good night of sleep had helped my ribs a bit and, thanks to Natalie the night before, I was temporarily satiated. I did go to the library on Thursday morning, but I didn't know if I should expect Natalie or not. She said she wasn't done with me, but made no mention of coming back that day to the library. I just dropped my stuff on the table and started to work. I really did have to get some stuff done for my paper and I would never get it...

2 years ago
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Master In Training Chapter 1 of 4

Master in Training by Murry Davis Chapter One As I wake this morning, I slowly become aware that my cock is being sucked. At first, my only thought is about how wonderful it feels to be waken this way, but I soon begin wondering who is doing the sucking. I open my eyes and glance down at my crotch. I cannot see a face, only a mass of beautiful dark hair bobbing up and down. The hair suddenly becomes aware that I'm awake and, while keeping its mouth firmly planted on my cock, lifts its...

4 years ago
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Jokes and Giggles Part TwoChapter 155

From a friend of J & G. President Trump invited the Pope for lunch on his mega yacht, the Pope accepted and during lunch, a puff of wind blew the Pontiff’s hat off, right into the water. It floated off about 50 feet, then the wind died down and it just floated in place. The crew and the secret service were scrambling to launch a boat to go get it, when Trump waved them off, saying “Never mind, boys, I’ll get it”. The Donald climbed over the side of the yacht, walked on the water to...

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My sisters workout part 2

Introduction: Another morning workout with my sister….. Mom? Brian, what happen? You guys at home? Yeah, We are here.. Im gonna be late, Look after your sister, okay? Dont leave her alone. I know , I know, She is not a kid by the way.. As soon as we came home, I called my mother to tell about what happened. Actually I told bunch of lies, that we discussed on our way home. My sister told me, mom went to the hospital to visit our neighbour Janet. They are a young couple that moved here a while...

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Forbidden love

Forbidden Love Ramona was bored, went to Reddit to her favourite subreddit. Maybe something new there. Maybe she's is there as well. She loved reading her blunt comments. Loved how the persons those comments were targeted at reacted, obviously not sure how to properly react and with each reply only provoking a more sarcastic blunt reply. She knew nothing about her. Only that she's on Reddit. Trans, just like her, and hated people who don't respect them and treated them like their...

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Road Trip Orgy Part 2

The big road trip Part 2 [part 2 of 2]By: Friskee_cpl ([email protected])The Big Road Trip Part 2Although Kath and Kim are real people, the stories here are pure fiction. If you would like a picture of what Kath and Kim look like (not the real girls but uncannily close) send your email with a comment at the end of the story. Enjoy.-------Kim and Kath hopped back into their old car and pulled back onto the Hume Highway."Well that was interesting" Kath said as she spread her legs and...

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Fallen Doll

Could you imagine being one of those pathetic cucks that still faps to shitty games that don’t even have HDR? Cringe. If you’re going to jerk your dick to animated waifus getting fucked by monsters, then you should at least go all-in and do it right. I wanted to find the best of the best in terms of hot, monster-filled porn games. I didn’t want any 2D bullshit that looks like it was drawn by a horny high schooler during homeroom. And, well, I wouldn’t be writing this if I didn’t find the...

Free Sex Games
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Victoria - by Miss Vicky My name is Vicki, well that is not entirely correct, my name is actually Jim, but I now answer most of the time to this new name given me by my Mistress. I am writing this account explaining how this came to be at the behest of my Mistress. As I enter this into my computer, I am wearing a lacy pink baby doll nightie with matching panties. My Mistress is sitting beside me dictating what to write. Every now and then she strokes my panty covered cock to...

2 years ago
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Family Christmas

"This is nice." Emma said rubbing her crotch from side to side against his. Steve eased his fingers inside her knickers. "Careful mum's in the kitchen. Come into my room when mum and dad are asleep." Whispered Emma. "Emma! Steve! Stop it! I've warned you about doing that." Their mother said sternly as she walked out of the kitchen and saw Emma wrapped around her brother with his hands underneath her skirt. Climbing down Emma straightened her clothes. "Hello love. It's...

4 years ago
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For Blood or MoneyChapter 14 Wet Welcome in the Windy City

I WOKE UP IN A STRANGE BED in a strange city. The sounds were not my sounds, the smells were not my smells. Chicago. I lay staring straight up at the ceiling trying to put the pieces of the story together that got me in this place. A shipment of antiques. Far East Exchange. Chicago. A harebrained notion to take a midnight flight and check it out personally. I’d gotten to my hotel in Chicago at about six o’clock. It was a decent hotel right in the center of the Loop. Blessed sleep. I...

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BraceFaced Courtney Falls Cooling Off With Some Cum

Courtney Falls air conditioner is broken yet again. But luckily, her dad is a responsible guy. He calls over the local air conditioner guy to fix the problem right away. This air conditioner repairman probably has intentions of coming over and fucking this guy over on the price of repair. But instead, Courtney makes it clear that the only fucking that is going to happen is with her tight, young pussy. Courtney slides her mouth all over our studs cock, making sure to slip her braces over his...

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I have been dreaming of this night for as long as I can remember. I have imagined her pussy and tits pressed against my mouth most everyday of my life. Her naked body is what I see almost every time my cock is getting sucked. And when I close my eyes the thought of fucking her in the asshole has made my dick hard for decades. Tonight is the night I am finally going to stop imagining about her naked body and actually lick her pussy. It will be the lips of her hot cunt wrapped around my meat...

2 years ago
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The Master DownstairsChapter 3

After getting dressed, I gathered Brenda and Kristen back in the living room with Jeremy, still tied to the table. He was shaking though and I realized, he's been tied up for a while. Indeed, he had to use the restroom, but did not want to bring it up since I had wanted him tied to the table. I released him and a few minutes later he returned, kneeling next to the two women. This brought up a whole bunch of new questions I needed to think about though. What about the other people he had...

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Twelve Days a Slave Part 5 of 13

After the woman is convicted, a “sentence negotiator” gets her sentence reduced to a public day of repentance followed by eleven days of public punishment. Following that, she is to serve one year of penal servitude. This story deals with non-consensual punishment, pain, and involuntary slavery. If such topics offend you or upset you, I would advise skipping this particular book. There are thirteen chapters to this story. The chapters can be read on their own, but the story is much...

2 years ago
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Fit to be hot house wife

This is max with my 5th story I hope u all liked my stories still now I thank all of you for encouraging me I have got good response from many of them .I am max 28 yrs from Bangalore 5.5, hairy chest, dusky colour,7″inches black cock with pinkish nob to fit in any couples for 3 some, ladies, hot housewife, divorcee, single girls pussy of any age those who want to spice up their sex life can mail me I would like to maintain confidential vice versa. cocks please excuse. It was when I was 22 and...

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Her Him MePart Three

An hour or so passed and Nicki got up to have a shower, leaving a sleeping Jack and myself in her room. I reached across Jack to pick up my cigarettes and a lighter. As I lit up he rolled over and in his deep, husky voice whispered "Morning beautiful"... I think he noticed my face light up as I tried to hide my grin behind the cigarette. He still had a thin sheet draped over his legs held up by his erection. At first I thought he didn't think I noticed but it soon became apparent that he...

Gay Male
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My version of the 12 days of Christmas

On the second day of Christmas, I gave my true love two black eyes and a bloody nose to go along with that divorce decree. Why, because he called me a lazy ass bitch, adding the divorce was my fault. I’m usually not a violent person honest. On the third day of Christmas, I told my true love, three curse words in French words. He still had two black eyes, and the divorce decree! On the fourth day of Christmas, I told my true love, oh hell, why am I calling him my true love, because he...

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