Hanna Ch. 10-13 free porn video

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Chapter 10

Dinner for Two

It was some time before either of us had the energy to even speak, let alone move, each content to lie in each other’s arms as our bodies slowly recovered from the totally shattering experience we had shared.

Hanna made the first move, slipping from my arms and sitting up then bending to kiss me lightly. ‘Would you like to stay over Mac?’

‘I’d love to Hanna.’ I said. ‘But it’s a bit impractical tonight, I have to be in Brussels early tomorrow morning and I brought nothing with me. If I’d had any idea.’

‘I know, I understand, I wasn’t certain myself.’

‘But you thought we might?’

‘Share my bed? Yes, well to be truthful, I hoped we might.’

‘I wish I’d know that.’ I replied, pushing myself up and taking her face in my hands. I looked deep into those darkly sparkling eyes for several long seconds and knew she could tell I was about to say something I thought important.

Although at that moment I knew exactly what I wanted to say to her I also thought I needed to be careful, not come on too strongly too soon, so I struggled to find the right words. Eventually I made a decision, and said. ‘I know this is neither the time nor the place to say this, but I’m going to take a risk and say it anyway. I have been waiting a long time for someone like you to come along, and I think you might have been doing the same thing. The only way we can find out if what we have been feeling for each other this evening is more than physical attraction plus a healthy dose of lust, is to spend lots of time with each other. And not all of it in bed.’ I added with a grin.

Just as it had earlier, when I’d been trying to dress after she had asked me to stay for a meal, I felt my heart start beating wildly when she replied. ‘I agree Mac, I think that’s a very good idea.’

I couldn’t help myself, I dropped my arms around her and hugged her tight. ‘Darling, darling Hanna.’ I whispered in her ear, feeling her bed-tousled hair tickling my face.

I hung on to her for a long time, at first fearing that if I let her go she might change what she’d said, but when I realised she was holding me just as tightly, just because it felt so good, so very, very good.

But eventually nature forced my hand and I released my hold. ‘I’m sorry but I really must use your bath-room.’ I said, adding with a happy grin. ‘But don’t you dare to suddenly disappear on me.’

‘I won’t, I promise.’ she said softly as she unwound her arms from around my waist.

The idea came to me while taking the much needed piss, and the more I thought about it the better I liked it.

When I returned to the bed-room she was still sitting up in bed, the sheets drawn just to her waist, leaving her beautiful breasts on display. ‘If you’re going to make a habit of sitting around looking like that I might never get anything else done.’ I said.

‘I’ll remember that Mac. And I could say the same about you.’ she replied.

‘Me? There’s not much to look at right now.’ I said, glancing down at my completely flaccid cock.

‘Oh I wouldn’t say that, and apart from anything else I have a particularly good memory.’ she added with a positively wicked grin.

‘That’s nice to know. But to more important things, two of them in fact. One, dinner this evening, will you join me? And two, what are your plans for this coming week-end?’

‘Dinner would be very nice Mac, and afterwards?’ she answered without any hesitation.

‘I’ll show you where I live.’ I said with a smile.

‘I should bring a few things with me then?’

‘That would be a good idea. And the week-end?’

That time she thought for a several moments before replying. ‘There is a small concert, but it’s not that important that I be there. And there were a couple of minor things I was going to do, but they can wait a few days. What did you have in mind?’

‘I’ll tell you tomorrow evening, there are a few things I have to organise first, so I’ll wait until I’m certain. But if all goes well I think you’ll like the idea. Now I had better get dressed, while I still have the will-power to do so.’ I said, moving closer and bending to kiss her, taking that brief opportunity to cup one breast in the palm of my hand.

She returned my kiss with passion and as she pressed herself firmly against my enfolding hand she disentangled her arms from the sheet, lifting one up around my neck and reaching down between my legs with the other.

‘Are you sure you don’t want to stay?’ she whispered when we broke for air, keeping her fingers curled around my totally depleted cock and balls.

‘No I’m not sure Hanna. But this time I must go, tomorrow night will be different, I promise. And if all goes well we’ll soon have several days, and nights together.’ I replied as I pulled myself free of her disturbing hold.

‘Promises, promises!’ she said, her face taking on a pretended sulking expression. ‘But this time I’ll trust you. Now, where to meet this evening?’

‘Oh let me pick you up, if that’s OK? I can drop you back whatever time you like the following morning. Or even in the middle of the night if you get tired of me.’ I added with a grin.

‘With that condition in mind, OK. What time should I be ready?’

‘Seven thirty, eight o’clock, is that all right?’

‘Perfect. And I hope your idea about the week-end works out Mac.’ she added softly.

‘So do I darling, so do I.’ I replied, bending to give her another, much briefer kiss before gathering up my discarded clothes.

First thing the following morning I made a few phone calls and within an hour or so I had two sets of plans in place. A couple of years before I had been heavily involved in the development of a resort complex on one of the smaller islands in the Aegean Sea, and rather than take my full fee as taxable income I had converted part of it to a time-share arrangement on one of the better apartments. I had stayed there only once myself, soon after finalising the deal, with a girl whose face I had to struggle to remember. Since then most of my allotted time had been used to ‘thank’ some of my contacts for their help in various ways, but I still had a healthy balance of time available, and had found the place could be made free for the days I wanted.

Another couple of calls had reserved alternative flights and cars, and a boat to transfer us from the Greek mainland, so all that remained was to see just how much time Hanna could spare from her commitments.

Later that morning I rang what I liked to think of as my ‘local’, a small restaurant next to my apartment building, and reserved a table for Hanna and I for that evening. Then really knuckled down to work, going right through until it was time to shower and change.

It was just a little after seven thirty when I pulled up outside the Bellecoeur and Georges, the seemingly ever present concierge, told me that Madame had just come down to the foyer. While he hurried back up the steps to bring her small overnight bag down to the car Hanna appeared, then gave me a kiss that although brief still somehow managed to convey much.

The evening traffic was no better than usual so our conversation was stilted and I thought I would leave the important questions until I had parked the car and we had gone up to my apartment to drop Hanna’s things off. But the questions had to wait a little longer than that, because no sooner had I closed the door behind us than we were in each other’s arms, kissing feverishly, our hands roaming over each other’s bodies.

We didn’t even get any further than the hall-way, we fucked right there, both of us equally unrestrainedly impatient.

Although I had been mainly concentrating on negotiating the traffic during the trip across Paris, that hadn’t completely stopped my other thought processes. Having her sitting so close, being able to see her out of the corner of my eye and having her subtle perfume
drifting up into my nostrils, all brought back pictures and memories of the previous evening, and triggered thoughts of what might lie ahead in the next few hours.

Images of her, standing naked in the middle of her bed-room, asking me which part of her gorgeous body I liked best. Sitting up in bed with her beautiful breasts uncovered. Of her sex, pouting moistly as I bent forward to kiss it.

Memories of the sound of her voice, ‘Your turn for a little selfish pleasure’ she had said before pushing herself down on to my rearing cock. Then ‘Yes, well to be truthful, I hoped we might.’ when the subject of whether or not she had anticipated us sharing her bed. Of her obviously delighted exhilaration when I took her to a climax.

But even stronger than those were the thoughts of what new experiences we had yet to share, what joys we had yet to give each other.

So although outwardly I may have appeared to remain cool, calm and collected, inwardly I was a seething mix of desire and need by the time we reached my apartment, and my cock had responded in its usual way. So when she crushed herself against me as we kissed there was no way she could have missed the feel of its already rigid length pressing against her thigh.

As our lips bruised each other’s and our tongues probed and twined Hanna gripped my bottom with both hands, pulling me even tighter up against herself. I didn’t even waste time trying to free her breasts but dropped both hands down and began scrabbling her skirt up with my fingers. I don’t know whether she sensed my intentions, or was driven by her own equally strong needs, but as I did that she let go of me and having pushed me back a little, began unfastening my trousers.

Even though our frenzied kissing gave us very little room to move somehow we quickly managed to free the lower halves of each other’s restraining garments, and then we both felt the jolting shudder that ran up through my body as her fingers closed around my already inflamed cock. ‘Oh that feels so good!’ she said breathlessly, then added in an even more urgent tone. ‘Do it to me, right now Mac!’

My early years in the building industry included a good deal of hands-on work and a sometimes volatile work force meant I had to learn to take care of myself, so I had developed a better than average musculature. And although later years had required brain rather than brawn I had maintained my general fitness and most of my strength. So I was able to lift Hanna straight up off the ground, then by putting my hands under her arm-pits and pushing hard against the wall, hold her there, suspended.

‘Good God, a bull!’ she exclaimed in surprise, but then realising what I was doing meant that the next move was up to her, she lifted her knees and spread her legs, then reached down to guide my cock-head to her sex.

The strength of the sensations that coursed back through it as I plunged deep into her warmly welcoming pussy were unbelievable, totally blanking out any thoughts of the finer points of love-making. I was driven by lust, pure, unadulterated, animal lust. And in that position, hanging there, Hanna could do little more than take whatever I did to her.

But that obviously suited her mood too, because once she knew I was fully embedded she slid both arms down around me and gripped my naked arse, her finger-nails digging almost painfully into the flesh as she urged me on. ‘Do it hard Mac! Fast and hard!’

For one brief moment I realised just how ridiculous the situation was. We were two mature adults, with a choice of comfortable venues, and both the evening and coming night to enjoy all the numerous aspects of love-making. Yet there we were, about to do it for all the world like two over-anxious teen-agers having to steal a minute or two of purely mindless fucking.

Yet right then I wouldn’t have changed a thing, the sheer excitement of such wildly spontaneous sex, especially with a woman as beautiful and as wonderful as Hanna was, was truly mind-blowing. So I began giving her exactly what she had asked for, began fucking her as hard and as fast as I could.

But even though it was what we both wanted it still seemed unfair that the needs driving us should be satisfied so quickly, that our bodies didn’t give us a chance to enjoy those thrills for just a little longer. But we weren’t, after just a couple of minutes of truly violent thrusting I felt my balls tightening as a rising surge built deep inside me. As it rose higher I thrust even deeper, each forcing a loud, grunting gasp from Hanna as my body drove her even harder back against the wall.

Feeling the sudden increase in both the speed and power of my action she managed to lift her legs higher and use them to grip me even tighter. Then, just as suddenly as my own responses had started, she cried. ‘Yes! Oh yes, yes! I’m coming! Come too Mac, come now!’

I felt her tensing, then, as though wanting to grip my cock as tightly as her legs and hands were my body, her pussy tightened, increasing the friction and so further intensifying the sensations I was getting.

That was more than I could stand and I heard myself crying her name over and over again as successive gouts of semen ripped up through me and jetted deep into her convulsing core.

And from Hanna’s response it was obvious that the furious pounding I was giving her was exactly what she needed right then, her initially excited cries turning to whimpers of happy disbelief as my cock continued pistoning in and out, each thrust spouting yet another load of hot, sticky semen.

But of course eventually my strength gave out, and the intensity of what we had done left me both trembling and weak-kneed, still pushing hard against the wall, but by then purely for the support it gave me.

‘Phew! I wonder where that came from.’ she whispered breathlessly in my ear when I lowered her back down to the floor.

‘I have no idea darling, but I’m not complaining.’

‘Oh nor am I, nor am I. That was exactly what I needed, and you were truly amazing. So strong, in every way.’ she said with a tone of admiration in her voice.

‘I always did as my Mother told me, ate all my vegetables so I would grow up big and strong.’ I said with a grin.

‘Well they certainly worked, on both counts.’ she replied with a low chuckle, then added as she bent to pick up her panties from where she had dropped them. ‘But now I’ll need to go a freshen up before we eat.’

I only had a momentary glimpse of the flimsy material before she scrunched it in her hand but saw it was pale green, and noted that as before, it was exactly the same shade as the shirt she was wearing under her suit.

Then I gave her a quick tour of the apartment, ending up in my bed-room and opening the door to the en-suite. ‘All yours darling, there’s no rush, I’ll pour us a drink while you are tidying up, what do you fancy?’

‘Do you have any Campari?’

‘Yes I do, how do you like it?’

‘With soda please, just a weak one, and lots of ice.’

While pouring the drinks I suddenly remembered that in the construction files for the resort I still had a few of its brochures, so while waiting for Hanna I went through to my study and popped one in my pocket.

‘That’s better, I feel respectable again.’ she said when she returned just a few minutes later.

‘That’s a pity, I could easily get hooked by the disrespectable side of you.’ I replied as I handed her a glass.

She gave that soft, deep-throated laugh that I was growing to love so much, raising her glass to me and answering. ‘If you can assure me it’s guaranteed to bring out the bull in you, I’ll make sure it’s never too deeply hidden Mac.’

‘That’s a deal.’ I said in return.

‘Now tell me what you have in mind for the week-end, you sounded quite mysterious about it.’ she said as she sat down on the settee.

I sat beside her and reached into my pocket for the brochure. ‘I didn’t mean to, it was just that I didn’t
know if the place would be available at such short notice. But it is.’ I said, handing it to her.

As she turned the pages I explained the back-ground to my involvement in the business and the time-sharing arrangement I had. ‘It’s not just available for the week-end either.’ I said. ‘As they have had a late cancellation we can have it for five or six days. Now I can’t get away for that long right now, but I can free up Friday and Monday, so we could have four days there.’

‘Friday and Monday too?’ she said thoughtfully, then turned to me with a smile and, arching one eye-brow, said. ‘But what would we do for four days?’

‘Well as you can see, there’s tennis, golf, fishing, scuba-diving and snorkelling, sight-seeing trips by boat. And although I have only been there just the once before, the dining is especially good, and there is a nice little combo to dance to, that gives everyone an opportunity to dress-up and step out. I don’t think we’d be bored.’

‘And if none of those activities appeals?’

‘Then we’ll just have to make do with the indoor sports, that or find ways of amusing ourselves.’

‘Ah, now that sounds much more promising.’ she said huskily, then added. ‘So long as you eat plenty of vegetables between now and Friday Mac.’

‘You can make it?’

‘I think so, I’ll need to check tomorrow morning. Certainly I can make the week-end and Monday, there are a couple of things I should be doing Friday, but I’m almost sure I can get someone else to take care of those. But even if I can’t, three days would be good wouldn’t it?’

‘Three days will be wonderful, three days and nights, simply heaven!’ I replied enthusiastically.

While we slowly sipped the rest of our drinks I told her more about the resort, how we would get there and in answer to her immediate question, what type of clothes were most suitable for her to take. Then when we had finished I suggested it was time we made our way to the restaurant.

‘Where are we going, I forgot to ask before, is what I am wearing suitable?’ she asked with a note of concern in her voice.

‘Perfectly Hanna, it’s nowhere special, just a small family restaurant, in the adjoining building. I eat there frequently. We just pop down in the lift, then pop back up again, that way we don’t waste too much time.’ I said with a grin.

‘Ah I see, very practical. So long as there is something else also popping up before the end of the evening.’

‘Oh I think we’ll be able to arrange that for you.’ I replied as I took her empty glass.

Although just one of the many family restaurants scattered throughout Paris I had been more than happy to continue using this one on a regular basis for several years. Their menu was a mixture of old, ever reliable favourites and a number of regularly changing dishes that never failed to please. Marie Claire took care of the kitchen, her husband, Jacques, plus their eldest son, Pierre, the front of house. In the time I had been going there I had become almost a friend of the family, and on a couple of occasions had been able to help them through small, quite temporary financial difficulties. Pierre and I had become especially close and although very happily married himself, and I rarely took anyone there with me, he never failed to check with me as to the goings on in my own love life.

So when we went in and Pierre hurried forward to greet us I immediately, but very discretely made sure he understood that Hanna was a very, very special lady. He raised his eye-brows in surprise, gave me a broad grin, then turned to Hanna. ‘A friend of Mr. McHenry is a friend of my entire family, welcome to our small restaurant, our service is here for your pleasure.’

I could see Hanna was a little taken aback by Pierre’s somewhat effusive greeting, but she smiled and thanked him for it, then turned to me. ‘I think we are going to enjoy our meal Mac.’

And that we certainly did. Pierre obviously quickly alerted his Mother and Father to the fact that I had a very special lady friend with me because I saw several pairs of eyes scrutinising Hanna, then smiles being exchanged when they apparently approved of what they saw. And with that they gave extra special care to all that they did for us, recommending minor variations to our initial orders, ensuring the dishes were both especially appealing to our eyes as well as our palates, and immediately attending to our smallest wish.

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His fantasy come true

Introduction: this is a long story so please keep that in mind Jack was an attractive man. Tall, dark haired, and had bright green eyes for his dark complexion. After his wife died it was never hard for him to find a date, if you could call it that. More like a long list of one night stands to satisfy his sexual needs. But there was always the look of his daughter Lilly that got a stern hard on in his pants whenever he saw her. Being the ripe age of 14 he would always just make excuses that she...

2 years ago
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Deciding MomentChapter 21

"Jessica," her father said as he looked outside, to see if anyone else was with her, "what are you doing here?" "I thought you might be pleased to see me," Jessica said in an almost teasing manor. "It has been a long time. Too long, Daddy. I've been thinking that we need to have a talk, so I came over to talk with you." He was so flabbergasted that when Jessica pushed past him and walked into the house, he continued to stand there for a moment. "I just need to make a call. It...

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A Modest FairytaleChapter 16

When they began the journey southward, Pardin had privately dismissed the idea of stopping off to visit his ma. Letting his imagination run wild, he was half convinced that she would run screaming into the village square when he presented his bride. Now that he had a dragon, he was sure his ma would flee in terror. Adray was insistent however. When the road cut right and headed due east towards the largest town and her marketplace, Pardin turned left down the rutted path that led to his...

3 years ago
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Not Quite a White Knight Book 2Chapter 13 Late Night Conversations

Marta’s House, Detroit About two hours later I woke again. I whispered in her ear that I had to get up and take care of some things. She said, “Okay honey, but when you get back you bett...” Then she faded out. I got up and went down the the kitchen stark naked. Marta was sitting there wearing a summer sleeveless nightshirt with a cup of coffee, like she was thinking of something, or waiting for me. Of course I kissed her and she immediately knew what we had done. “I like her too my son,”...

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Nancy Nertured

Nancy lost her mother at a very young age. She left her father Walter Kent, younger brother Ray, younger sister Sue, to pursue her studies, finally landing in the job of a teacher of History in a private school in Florida. Her dedication made her a very popular teacher in the school, but in her personal life nothing worthwhile happened and every body assumed her to very frigid and called her a loaner. After almost 10 years away from her family Nancy now all of 26 years took her first vacation...

2 years ago
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Feeling Adventurous Part One

My fiance and I are very much in love. Yes, some would say that the fact that we are engaged suggests that in itself, but even though we have been engaged for eight months and having sex for only about a year, the spark has not left our relationship like it does some couples. There is still that wonder and awe attached to these acts, I suppose the fact that he was my first and he is my only has a lot to do with this, he treasures the fact that he doesn’t have to worry that I have had better,...

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Girlfriend Sonali Gets Fucked Hard On The Car Backseat

Hello friends, my name is Sonali and I am from Bangalore. This story is about me and my boyfriend Kiran. A few days back, Kiran had some work in Chennai and so he wanted to go to Chennai. He also wanted me to go with him. Once Kiran asked me to go along with his, then the question of me refusing was not there as he used to get angry on small issues. Well, I was madly in love with him and in order to avoid fights, I used to say yes to most of the things he used to ask from me. I made an excuse...

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Going for a Drink

‘I’m really sorry, but I can’t come to the meeting, there’s just too much going on down here.’ Your voice is tinged with regret. I bite back the lump in my throat. ”Don’t worry, it can’t be helped. I’ll see you at the Assistant’s Training Course next month, won’t I?’ ‘Yes, Gavin roped me in to do a session.’ ‘I saw you on the programme. How about I come down early, we could go for a drink after you finish. We haven’t had time for a proper talk for ages. ‘ ‘That would be nice.’ ‘Jenny’s...

2 years ago
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Second Chance at LoveChapter 26

Jenny and Katie decided that there was no easy way to tell Jim about Katie's pregnancy. They agreed that Jenny would bring up the subject of children to Jim to see his reaction. The fact that Jim had desperately wanted children with Sally was encouraging to both of them. If Jim reacted badly to the thought of children, Jenny would back off and they would try to find another way to tell him. The following evening Jenny and Katie made a nice dinner for Jim. After dinner Jenny took Jim out on...

1 year ago
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Slut Transformation

Well my transformation did not happen overnight. I grew up in Texas like any normal k**. Did cheerleading in high school. Was the prom queen. I was hot and still am. I am a natural blonde with big brown eyes. I have "D" cup tits and petite and have been told that I a very hot woman with a dynamite ass. I have always been hit on a lot. I have only been with two men in my whole life, well up to the point where this story starts. I have been called a prude and a tease. But I had thought that was...

4 years ago
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How He Learned His Lesson Pt2

The women laughed and whistled in a sense of triumph. Not only did they find him sexy, but having this power over a man was an empowering satisfaction . “Well! Since Amanda was so gracious as to hand him off to me, we should let her do the honors!” Sara suggested. “Amanda, it is! Here you go.” Chelsea directed as she handed Amanda the towel. Amanda rested a hand on his thigh, as she brought the drooping towel to him. Wasting no time, she wrapped her hand around him in the towel, and gently...

Group Sex
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BrattySis Emily Willis Sky Pierce Thanksgiving Day Sex With Pilgrims And Pussies

Jake Adams is enjoying some Thanksgiving downtime watching TV in the living room with his stepsister, Sky Pierce, her friend, Emily Willis, and his grandpa, James Bartholet. Emily and Sky are clearly into each other as they chat about their Thanksgiving outfits. Jake isn’t a fan of the conversation, telling the girls they’re interrupting his football game. That’s enough for the girls; they take off to Sky’s room to go change. They’re no stranger to each...

3 years ago
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Sacramento California ORAL ALLSTAR

I had known Brittany Klesko for nearly 20 years. Her mother and I were friends and it was not hard to see that Brittany was a VERY mature young lady that was going to grow up to be EXTREMELY naughty.... EX-FUCKING-STREMALY!! Her boyfriends were always years older than herself and she admitted to fucking a few of her mothers boyfriends over the years so naughty is her middle name. About a week after her 18th birthday (I wasn't aware of her birthday) I was invited to her mothers home for a...

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EdenChapter 14

Even before the Gardener reached orbit, it was evident that there had been changes in the century since the Argo's visit. Dramatic changes. The rest of the planet—the landscape, the elevations and prominences, the distribution of life, on which most of the ship's scanning equipment was trained—was roughly identical to what the Argo had seen. Even such changes as were detected were more or less to be expected: slightly altered shorelines, minor expansions or contractions of arid desert...

2 years ago
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College Slut

My name is Lacy Harris and I'm a country girl. You may wonder why my name isn't Sally-Ann or Becky-Sue or something more hayseed-sounding. The truth is, we're not all the rednecks city-folk think we are. Most of the stories you hear about country-people are totally bogus. Most, that is. Some of them are bang-on. Sex, for example. We do a lot of that out in the country. When the power goes out because some drunk idiot ran into a pole out on Highway 313 and you're sitting around bored to...

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Anuradha Ne Kunwari Choot Dilwayi 8211 Part II

Hi friends! Rani is back with a new and trilling story. mere friend omi ki last story “mai aur anuradha” ka response bahut hi shandar mila aur ye meri new story hai. to chaliye mai aapko ek aur garma garam aur bindas experience dilati hu. suniye omi ki ye story usi ki zubani anuradha ke sath kolkata me training ke douran chudai ki jo lat lagi to ye haal ho gaya ki training ke poore 9 din anu raat ko 12baje mere room me aa jati aur subah 7 baje apne room me jati In 9 dino ke douran anu ne apni...

3 years ago
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Chronos Chronicles 3 Journey AroundChapter 17 Whos That

"I do not buy it." I snap at the boys as they give me a ridiculous hanged dog expression. "You have been chasing pussy like it is your god given right." I sweep the gun I confiscated at them. "It is going to stop. Now!" I push outward with my anger. I do to them on purpose what I did to Nimrod by accident. I am awash with pain of every girl they have accosted, for every bung hole they tried to fill. They cringe away from me in fear. It is glorious! The power to inspire this kind of...

2 years ago
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My Master

I was bent over my master with my skirt pulled up, he was spanking me hard and firm with his hand. I wasn't wearing any underwear naturally - he'd pulled them off a long while ago, as well as my bra and top. Masters knee was where my crotch lay, it dag into me and everytime he spanked my bare ass I got wetter and wetter, and pressed up against his knee. Something else also dag into me, his large and erect penis grinded into my stomach; arousing me further. I could feel my thighs getting wet....

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Tedra the Hermaphrodite

I stood under the hot shower and let the needle like spray soothe my tired muscles! "What a day," I sighed while cupping my full breasts and stepping onto the bath mat to dry off! While toweling off I admired my trimmer form in the full length mirror, smiling to myself when thinking about last night when Ted had taken her hard and fast bent over the back of the couch, bringing on a series of orgasms that had left her limp as an old wash cloth!!! my eyes moved from my full heavy chest and worked...

3 years ago
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Shadishuda Ki Chut Ki Aag Bhujai 8211 Part 1

Hello dosto mera nam sahil hai umar 23 saal hai mai delhi se hon hight 5’6 inch hai dekhne mai averge se thoda shi lagta hon mera lund ka size 7 inch lamba 3 inch mota hai bat 3 saal pehle ki hai jb mai apni stdy kr rha tha.Jb mere dosto k pass ek no tha jo ek married female ka tha sb usko ptane k liye try kr rhe the maine no manga to nhi diya humari shart lag gyi usko ptane k liye fir unhone no diya raat ko maine usko ek msg drop kiya aisa krte krte 1-2 din nikal gye fir reponce aya attitude k...

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Whispers In The Dark

Stepping into the room and gently closing the door behind him, he found her as he often had, standing by the window gazing up at the moon.  Her head tilted slightly and she watched his reflection in the window as he pulled off his suit jacket and laid it carefully across the back of a chair, leaving him in a waistcoat, pressed white shirt and tie.  Even looking at him through a glass window she could feel an electrical current go through her the moment her dark eyes locked with his as he came...

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Jurasic Fuck

There really isn’t a black or white way to classify a date that ends with you stranded in the Cretaceous Period [1] with a laptop, a solar cell, four condoms, a bottle of lube, 40 feet of high quality bondage rope, a pair of nipple clamps, and a half dozen cliff bars. I also had the company of Opal G. Wetzel, my date for the night. You see, Opal was a physicist. We met on OkCupid, the best place for shut-in nerds to meet other shut-in nerds who are looking for romance. I’m sure there...

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catching up with an ex

These events occurred years ago, but the memories are still very much ingrained.I went out with a girl from the age of 15 until I left school, she was older than me and significantly more experienced sexually. She had a very healthy sexdrive and was always fairly liberal. Not that I in any way appreciated it at the time, it was my first girlfriend and I genuinely thought that most girls were as lively as her. Sadly though I was wrong, but we had a fantastic few years shagging like rabbits and...

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A Best Friends Retort

[Author’s Note: This is sort of a continuation from another story I wrote. For your full viewing pleasure, I recommend you read my first story, ‘A Sister’s Crush,’ before reading this one. As always, take care and enjoy! Thank-you for reading.] ‘Boo!’ Lily jumped and sat up straight on the bench she was sitting on. She felt hands on her and turned around to see a set of beautiful green eyes and long, bleach blond hair. She smiled. The intruder that had scared her and was now wrapping her arms...

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Sitting at my desk in a busy office in Manhattan just after lunch time, I fixed a lose end of my white buttoned down shirt that was coming out of the back of my grey pencil skirt. My feet couldn’t wait to be out of my heels, and it was almost the weekend. Jen, an old friend of mine from college, was flying in to visit me from Florida and I don’t think I was ready for the wild weekend I was sure she had planned for us. She texted me as I was leaving my office and headed home to my apartment...

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Out WestChapter 10

"The girls had been tossed over a horse with their wrists and ankles bound. There are nine bad guys left. If we catch the extra horses the time we spend will easily be made up by allowing us to switch horses and keep riding until we catch them or ride past them to get ahead of them. We need to take them before they reach where they are going or more show up." I said. Everyone agreed with me and it only took about 15 minutes to catch the extra horses this gave each of us an extra we could...

1 year ago
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Deputy PorterChapter 206

After my meeting with Monk, I was optimistic that we could all coexist until spring at least. So I went home and to work. I was pretty much locked in the compound all the time. I tried to ride my bike any time I could squeeze a few hours away from the still. The old moonshiners said there wasn't time to do anything, but make liquor when you were making liquor. I got that feeling for sure. When the fermented mash went into to the cooker it was as demanding as a baby. I ran up to 170 in a few...

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7 X 6 JERK OFF One day in 2009 I went to the washroom I the mall and stand at the 1st urinal in a group of 4. There is nobody else in there. Finally, a guy comes in and he stands at the urinal beside me. I look at him and he looks at me - he's got a beauty in his hand - it's an incredible fat uncut piece of meat. I can't help myself, I reach over and indicate to him that I'd like to jerk him off. He turns towards me and I grab his cock and start "choking his chicken". Since nobody is in there,...

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Finnally Filled Her Hole

Hey, friends.My name is Krissh. I am slim built body…With height 5 feet 9″. I have been a reader of ISS for many years and after long thought, I decided to write down my best ever experience of sex with a girl who was always closest my ahem…My prize. Not dragging anymore I will jump to the story. This was 2 years back when I was in my first year. I was known to be very shy towards girls but that approach changed when I met jenny. She was my classmate but at the initial period, we never had...

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The Girlfriends LessonChapter 7

Roy Henderson slammed the doctor's office door behind him and hissed a list of obscenities. Shit! VD! Now who in hell would have given him that? Samantha, probably... or was it Susan? Hell, how could he keep them straight. VD and he hadn't even got off on sex with those bitches. Just a couple of sleazy bisexuals who were looking for a quick lay. But what did that make him? Damn, he wasn't any better, was he? He pressed the elevator button and waited for the red light to flash. Life was...

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An Afternoon Sex Cocktail

Nothing, but the worst guilt trip of her life, could have caused such a need to vomit up her soul as she now felt. Suddenly pulling her elegant appearing smokestone clear coat metallic colored 2009 Lincoln MKS to the side of the parking lot as the was beginning her drive home. Eleanor ‘Ellie’ Berkenstein stopped the dream of a vehicle she’d purchased, actually her husband had written the check for the $40,000 plus automobile, only three weeks previously. Before becoming sick...

1 year ago
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BethChapter 75

October 18, 2017 Dear Ms. Diary, [Written October 19] I woke to the jarring alarm at 6:20. I grunted as I slapped it off, then turned to Rhee. I spent a half-minute getting her awake and up, then headed to our guest’s room. As I was walking in the door, the alarm there went off. Since I was already there and it was faster, I headed to the bathroom via Gracey’s and Liya’s room. I noticed a pair of panties on the floor that were certainly too large for Heather, but I was distracted by...

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Desert DroppingChapter 35B

From the gray brick wall in front of the park's entrance I could hear the excited voices and screams of the people inside, smell the large amounts of chlorine in the water as well as the strong scent of nachos and hot dogs and I could see the slides, towering over the gates as Luke led Dave, Rick, Brian, Angela, Cathy, Meg, and even Mary, along with a few guys from his wrestling team that I'd met once or twice over the summer through them in front of me. I just stood there in my black swim...

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Replaced Chapter 2

I wasn’t anywhere close to having the house where I wanted it when I heard the crunch of tires on gravel in the driveway. Vince and my family had been gone for over three hours. They must have gone for a walk or maybe shopping after lunch.It was such a strange sight seeing the four of them walking from the car to the house. It felt surreal. I opened the door for them, waiting patiently and closing it behind them.Vince looked around the room. Partially empty boxes showed signs of progress, but I...

4 years ago
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Burning Bright

BURNING BRIGHT ============== Copyright C 1999, Daedalus This story contains what is known as "transgender material". It does *NOT* contain any elements of m/m, s/m, b/d, humiliation, pain, or anatomically detailed descriptions of sexual acts. If this lack offends you, do yourself a favour and read no further. All characters and situations described herein are fictional and any resemblance to any real or fictional persons or events is purely coincidental. The story...

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