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By Philip Johnson


Dolce Giardino. It means sweet garden in Italian, and that was the name of their estate, and an apt description. The year was nineteen twenty six, and Charles and Kathryn Philips lived on that estate, and in that new grand and sturdy looking brick home.

Charles and Kathryn loved the somewhat isolated location. They really weren’t that far from town, maybe seven miles more or less, and besides, they had a fancy new Cadillac and a driver. Life was good for them. Oh, he had to go off on business ventures from time to time, but then he’d be back, and he and his bride would enjoy their home and often walk the grounds. Then it seemed that almost over night he discovered that he enjoyed being naked around the house on occasion, and even the housekeeper would see him, or the old cook would see him and quietly turn away. Though totally out of character for either of them, Kathryn didn’t mind her husband’s new oddity at all. In fact, much to his surprise in the beginning, sometimes she would join him. On those occasions when they walked the grounds naked, it never failed to cause the gardener to stop and star at them from the safety of a bush.

She was quite attractive in her own way. Long of leg and hair, and lithe and flowing in her movements. She was a pretty melody for the eyes, and she had a bearing that could only come from being raised in a moneyed home. It was Charles’ money that urged her wealthy father to introduce his daughter to her now husband. Charles was lean and wiry, and much stronger than anybody might guess he could be. Clear blue eyes and a quick smile were his trademarks. But it was Charles money and potential for great success that made her father embrace Charles so early on.

The Philips had many acquaintances and friends of a sort, but only a few really close friends, so the walking around naked that they so enjoyed didn’t cause any problems or consternation at all as far as they knew. That is until one day when they undressed while on the patio, and went for a long walk toward the back of the estate and lost track of the time. Henry and Mildred Potter, their expected guests were punctual, and the maid showed them to the patio just as she had been instructed to do. That patio, where unfortunately the naked couple had left their clothes. The maid disappeared to fetch them refreshments as the guests noticed the garments piled on a chair. It was then that Kathryn and Charles, the naked wanderers, casually walked out into the open. They enjoyed their meandering walk back as they made their way toward the patio as their stunned guests watched them. The Potters, who were to spend a few days at the estate, really didn’t have any place to look except at their feet or at the naked duo. They could have turned away, but for some reason that option never occurred to them.

Then Kathryn noticed they were in full view of their guests and on display, and with their garments on the chair next to Henry. She was flustered and attempted to cover herself with her hands, which of course was futile, and had Charles attempted to cover himself with his hand, he was afraid it might have appeared that he was playing with himself. They had no choice but to walk up to their guests and beg forgiveness as they quickly dressed amid mumbled attempts at explaining how they lost track of time, and apologized repeatedly for their very unlikely actions. Mere nakedness in the open was so out of place for the moral standards and expectations of that period, and to be seen by others was a sinful tragedy of the first order. Things like that happened at Dolce Giardino on more than one occasion, but the Philips never wavered in their pursuit of their simple and, to them at least, their harmless pleasures. Charles enjoyed his work and he loved his wife dearly, and would do anything for her. They lost a few friends because of their determination to reject clothing on occasion, but the ones that learned to accept Charles and Kathryn’s eccentricities enjoyed some grand days at the estate. One couple even adopted their penchant for nudity. No inappropriate displays of affection though. Oh no, that would have been in very poor taste. They never gave much thought to those two conflicting ideas. Holding hands was the extent of their demonstration of their love for each other in public, and that only in the privacy of their huge backyard, and only around their very dearest friends.

Dolce Giardino was a gift from Kathryn’s father, and he expected many grand children in the coming years, but he wouldn’t get what he wanted and expected. In fact, that home would be the last significant thing he would be able to do for his daughter and son in law.

Chapter One

It was two thousand six, and Dell and Carrie Philips looked at the tall grand brick home. ‘My god Dell, Dolce Giardino is huge.’

‘It’s much larger than I had pictured in my mind, but isn’t it stately and impressive.’

‘I guess, but it could stand some work.’

‘I expected that. In fact it’s in much better condition than I ever expected.’

‘So this home was in your family how far back?’

‘It was built in…I think nineteen twenty five or six. Not long before the stock market crash. Kathryn and Charles Philips, my ancestors, lived in it for less than two years.’

‘They were murdered right?’


‘Not in the house I hope.’

‘I believe the story is they were found quite naked and quite dead in the backyard someplace.’

‘How gruesome. And you said they never learned who killed them.’

‘They never did. Then the house was sold for, well cents on the dollar, and after that there’s a long gap where I don’t know much about the house. We’ll find out more when we get all of the papers of course. Anyway, so now it’s ours.’

‘Forgive me if I don’t jump up and down with joy honey.’

He smiled and said, ‘I understand, and no we will not do any of the restoration work ourselves. Before we even move in I’m having it painted inside, some significant updating of the wiring and plumbing, and they’ll sandblast the brick to bring back the rich color.’

‘When can we at least go through it?’

‘A couple of weeks. Eager to see it?’

‘I’m not sure eager is the word I’d use. Let’s go with curious instead.’

‘When I look at it, I think personality, grace and of course grandeur.’

‘Well I hope so, because we’re stuck with it now.’

‘Oh, and we’re adding a garage and leaving the carriage house as it is, because I want to preserve what I can. We’ll be very twentieth century honey.’

‘That’s nice, but this is the twenty first century.’

He smiled and said, ‘Then we’ll just have to catch up won’t we.’

She kissed his cheek and said, ‘I can see in your eyes just how thrilled you are to own this and have it back in the family again.’

‘I really am. Are you sure you won’t go with me to see Aunt Mary?’

‘I’m sure. If she can remember anything about this old place, you take notes okay?’

‘Of course honey.’

Aunt Mary was the only relative old enough to remember the old home, and she had actually spent some time living there as she recovered from a fever and some complications, all from an undiagnosed ailment.

Aunt Mary now lived in an assisted living community, and she certainly hadn’t lowered her standard of living. No, her new apartment, though small, and especially so by her standards, but she had many amenities, and all the comforts that could be provided for her.

‘Good morning Aunt Mary,’ Dell said as he spotted her in the public area of her adopted home.

She squinted and studied him for some seconds, and he smiled and gave her all the time she needed. Then she smiled and said, ‘My word, it’s you Dell, come sit next to me honey.’

He kissed her cheek and handed her a small box of chocolates. ‘I’m told you’re not to have a lot of these, but I smuggled them in just for yo
u,’ he lied. True, her sugar consumption was monitored, but he had cleared those few chocolates with the nurse.

‘You’re a darling and thank you. My, I haven’t seen you in so long, how are you?’

‘I am well thank you.’

‘And Carrie?’

‘She too is well and thanks for asking. She sends her love and apologies for not being able to come with me.’

‘That’s sweet of her. Okay, so something brings you here and for you to bribe me with sweets,’ and she smiled as she sampled her selection from the fancy little gold foil box.

‘You always could see through me love. Okay first of all, to be fair to myself, I’m so glad to see you again, and that alone is worth the hundred mile drive.’

‘Liar,’ she said and almost laughed.

‘I want to see how well you can dust off your past and share some memories with me.’

‘That will be a challenge for me, but okay, test me.’

‘Do you remember Dolce Giardino?’

‘I’m older than the first sin, but I’m not senile just yet. Of course I remember that grand old place, what about it?’

‘We just bought it.’

She smiled and leaned forward as she said, ‘How wonderful, but whatever for, for heaven’s sake?’

‘It went on the market and I just didn’t want to see it go into some uncaring hands yet again. I felt it needed to come back to the family.’

‘If you need help with the costs, just say so. I know just maintaining all of that will be horrendously expensive.’

‘Thank you Auntie, but I think we’ll be okay.’

‘Well if it’s still in your hands when I die, I’ll put something in my will for the old place whether or not you approve.’

‘You’re a force to be reckoned with and you always have been.’

‘Okay so what do you want to know? Let’ see what I can remember.’

‘Anything you can think of that might be interesting or helpful. Let’s start with Kathryn and Charles, what do you remember about them?’

‘Well Charles was tall and wiry and he had penetrating blue eyes. He was devoted to Kathryn, and of course she felt the same for him. He was quite successful in business, or he was until he died. Both of them were very caring and…’ and then she smiled and said, ‘Well I was going to say proper, but they did have their own way of living.’

‘Now you’re going to tease me with that aren’t you.’

‘Let’s come back to that. She was quite pretty and happy and outgoing, and she always had a long row of planters about waist high that she would fill with all sorts of flowers. It was her version of a garden, made that way by the gardener, because she didn’t want to get down on her knees. She saw that as being not at all lady like.’

‘So did they entertain a lot?’

‘Not a lot as I remember it. They would occasionally have guests stay a night or two, or one of their local friends might spend an evening with them, but on the whole, they were fairly private. Of course on occasion, they would have to entertain for business reasons, but that was infrequent.’

Chapter Two

A young smiling aide in her pressed mint green and white uniform served them tea. She moved a small table close to them, and then served the tea and vanilla tea biscuits, and Aunt Mary thanked her before telling Dell, ‘I do love how they spoil me. I have tea and these biscuits every afternoon.’

‘You deserve to be spoiled. Your memory amazes me Auntie, please keep going.’

‘Well I remember their nineteen twenty six Cadillac three fourteen. Oh, what a grand vehicle that was. It was a sedan with a big engine and it seated seven. Even a full one piece windshield, and that was a pretty big thing back then. By the standards of the day that Cadillac was very comfortable, and so much fun to travel in. If I’m not mistaken, their gardener was also their driver. Oh my, I think Elmer was his name. Now I wonder why that that has stayed in my aging mind.’

‘This is wonderful, but let me know if I’m being insensitive and tiring you out.’

‘I’m fine, but thank you.’ She tasted her tea and then said, ‘There was a large carriage house, but with the Cadillac that wasn’t used for much more than a place for the Cadillac and storage.’

‘That’s still there and won’t require a lot of effort to preserve it.’

‘Send me pictures periodically.’

‘You can count on that.’

‘Okay Dell, I’ll let you in on their intimate secret. Kate and Charles developed a certain attachment to wandering the estate sans clothes.’

‘No, really? Back then, that would have been seen as scandalous and dangerously sinful.’

‘True, but sometimes more went on behind the scenes in those days than the history books would like you to believe. On the surface everybody, including Charles and Kate, were quite proper. But in the privacy of their home or the grounds behind the house, they would sometimes stroll quite naked.’

‘Now tell me the truth, did you watch Charles parade the grounds in the buff?’

She smiled and said, ‘Well of course I did, and I got quite an education.’

‘I’m sure.’

‘Kate was a blond from head to toe too,’ and she showed him a devilish smile.

‘Auntie you do surprise me.’

‘I was considered pretty progressive in my day.’

‘I’m sure.’

‘Be sure to look through the attic. I was never up there, but I seem to remember hearing something about little places where they could hide things. What they would hide and why I have no idea, and maybe they never did. Subsequent owners have probably found and disposed of everything, but there’s always a chance you’ll find something to help you with the history of the house.’

‘Fascinating. So tell me what you can about them being murdered.’

‘Oh, such a tragedy. My heart is still heavy from that. Her father never recovered from that, and he had to go to his grave not knowing who the guilty person was. They said it was a crime of opportunity, because Charles and Kathryn were killed with a shovel. Beat to death with a common shovel, what a horrible way to die.’

‘And they never even determined why they were murdered?’

‘Never. In todays world of course, they would have likely solved it. It was my thought that Elmer did it and I say that simply because Elmer had access to the gardening tools.’

‘And the reason?’

‘That’s a problem. Kate mentioned once that she thought Elmer and their housekeeper were having an affair, but what that would have to do with anything is speculation at best, especially with it happening so many years ago.’

‘So they would go to the back and just to be alone and to walk the grounds naked.’

‘Oh yes, and they were naked when their bodies were discovered. Elmer may have lived in the loft of the carriage house for a time, but I’m not certain of that. He was a poor but very proud and proper man.’

Aunt Mary sipped her tea and selected another biscuit and said, ‘If you could ever locate them, they…oh shoot, what was their name. I’m talking about one of the owners of Dolce Giardino toward the end of the depression. Give me a minute to think about that and tell me why you and Carrie have no children.’

‘Well as you remember I’m sure, I had that terrible accident and I almost died.’

‘I do remember that. Your mother, rest her soul, aged ten years from that mess.’

‘Well not to embarrass you, but, though quite functional, I’m not able to produce the…’

‘You’re riding an empty wagon.’

He laughed and said, ‘Oh Auntie I’ve missed your quick mind.’ She smiled at her own little attempt to shock him and nibbled on her biscuit. ‘Canter, that was their name. I believe they were Jewish, or that’s how I remember it anyway, not that it matters. Now his first name. It starts with a J, I’m sure. I may not get that into my mind for you, but I’ll work on it and e-mail you if I’m successful.’

He smiled and said, ‘You’re the only ninety plus year old I know that uses a computer.’

‘Mostly for playing car
ds and using e-mail though. You know, if I were to die tomorrow, I’d leave feeling much better just knowing the estate is back in the family.’

‘Why do you suppose that’s important to you?’

‘I don’t know, and I guess I’m not going to fret about that. It is as it is, but don’t worry, I have no plans to check out just yet.’

‘I’m sure you don’t.’

‘As I sit here I have to say that I’m surprised that you, as young as you are, would put so much importance and money into that old place. That’s what old people do.’

‘I don’t understand it either, but like you just said, I’m not going to fret about it.’

She smiled and accepted that answer. ‘That’s not to say I won’t put a swimming pool in the back some day.’

‘Good for you. Water is good for the soul. To touch it or to watch it is therapeutic.’

‘Fire and water. So opposite of each other, and both can be deadly, entrancing and hypnotic, and as you just said, soothing and good for the soul. Okay Auntie, I’m going to leave because you’re just too polite to tell me to get out of here.’

She smiled and said, ‘Don’t wait so long to come back okay?’

‘I promise Auntie.’

Going home a little later, Dell had to smile. Even if he didn’t learn a lot from Aunt Mary, he thoroughly enjoyed their brief visit, and he intended to keep his promise to her about going to see her again, but without waiting so long to do that.

Chapter Three

Dell shared with Carrie what Aunt Mary had told him, and he did indeed have notes to help keep him accurate.

The restoration of Dolce Giardino was in full swing over the next weeks, but just before the end of the third week, the two of them went out to the old home and went exploring. They had to step around a few things because the electrician and the plumber were deep into their projects, and painter’s cloths covered what furniture there was along with the old aged hardwood floors, and holes in the floor were in evidence from the crew installing air conditioning as well.

They stood in the archway to the kitchen and he asked her, ‘Well, what do you think?’

‘I think it’s too big, but it is very nice, and more modern than I expected.’

‘They said it had been updated a few years ago.’

‘And to think you bought this place without touring it.’

‘Well I did hire somebody to give it a thorough inspection. I knew that what we didn’t like or couldn’t live with, we could change as long as the home was solid.’

‘Well that is true.’

‘Plus I did have a drawing of the floor plan.’

‘Which you didn’t study very much.’

He smiled and said, ‘You got me with that one.’

They moved on and Carrie stopped and said, ‘I do love that grand staircase. So beautiful and in such wonderful condition.’

‘It’s a jewel in the crown.’

‘It really is, and that stained glass window above the front door. Wonderful. I’m not even a big fan of old, but I’m going to like it here.’

They went upstairs and explored a little, and then took the narrower and steeper steps up into the attic. ‘It sure is dusty and gloomy up here,’ Carrie said as she stood in the center and looked around. ‘What a huge and almost empty space.’

‘Junk all around the perimeter that we can poke through at some point.’

‘And we can look for those little secret hiding spots.’

‘That I doubt exist.’

‘Well I do too, but it’s fun to think about that.’

‘I’ll have the electrician put some lights up here for us.’

‘There’s an old painting over there,’ and she walked over and picked it up. She blew off the loose dust and said, ‘It’s in pretty good shape. Do you suppose this could be Kathryn?’

‘It certainly could be. She looks like she could be about the right age, and they would have had the money to retain an artist for her.’

‘But photography wasn’t all that new by then.’

‘No, but a lot of people still preferred paintings so they would have color, or just because, I’m sure, it was something of a status symbol.’

Carrie looked out through the dirty and dusty window and said, ‘Nice window. Or it could be if it wasn’t filthy. It might let a lot of light in.’

‘Well, have you seen enough until we move in?’

‘Sure. Two more weeks right?’

‘Right. Thanks to you, the movers are lined up so all we have to deal with are our personal things, and disconnect our computers and that sort of thing.’

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Jennifer's Cum-Pulsion By Jennifer James Introduction: This is an absolutely true story, with only a few (non- sexual) details changed for anonymity purposes. I've been transgendered since my earliest memories, and am living multiple lives as I always have been. Two of my lives are as a woman. In one of them I'm a well recognized member of the transgender community, and spend much of time either socializing within that community or out in the real world living as a woman...

4 years ago
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The Peeper Gets Busted Part One

I was over my friend's house for the evening. I thought it was gonna be a late night, because his parents were out for the entire night. We were just hanging out and watching TV when the phone rang and it was his girlfriend. When he hung up he said I had to leave right away and the girlfriend was on her way over. She had figured out some scheme so she could be out all night. I was a little but pissed, but what could I do? So I went home, but not without an evil plan. I figured there...

2 years ago
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Family Tragedy

Kelly was in her dorm room studying when the call came in. She actually dropped the phone when her dad told her that her mother had passed away suddenly from a stroke. She cried for over an hour with her dad doing his best to be strong and try to comfort her. She bought a plane ticket home as soon as she was off the phone and didn't sleep the entire night. When she touched down in her hometown late the next night she was emotionally drained and dead tired. Jack and his wife were there to...

2 years ago
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Sexual Encounter With An Online Friend

Hey, this is the Coolguy back with an encounter I had with another woman named Swapna (Name changed). I met her online after . This incident happened towards the end of March 2021. So not giving an elaborate introduction and getting to the story soon. So a brief introduction about me. I am 6 ft tall, 29 years of age, brought up in Chennai. In this story, I will be describing a sexual encounter that I had with a Swapna. I hope you all will enjoy it. An introduction about Swapna. She is 40 years...

3 years ago
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The rebirth of Andrew Bishop chapter 24

"So you can drop me off to pick up my truck and trailer?" asked Drew into the mobile phone. "Excellent, I'll see you then," he said and then hung up. He was standing in the apartment and staring out at the view of the city skyline. It was eight o'clock Sunday morning and it was shaping out to be a cracker of a day, weather wise. The sun streamed through the huge windows and warmed his naked body. Turning around, he saw Tess wrapped in her silk robe coming from the bedroom. "That was Geoff. He...

1 year ago
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I Met A Hot Lady

Hello guys, here I came with the story of one hot lady who got fucked by me… So let me tell you about me height 5.8″ and dick size is 6″ and big… If any spelling mistake is there then please ignore it. You can mail me on for your feedback regarding my story… I am a regular reader of indian sex stories dot net. So not wasting your time anymore I’ll go throw my story. Me Ahmedabad me rehta hu mere uncle ke sath ek din unke neighbor ghar pe aaye the kuch kaam ki wajah se husband and wife dono…...

3 years ago
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Why Me LordChapter 17

Lunch was about to be served when I got into the house. Carolyn, the twins, Marjorie, and Jimmy were already heading to the table and so I joined them. Maybel and Roberta started with the food then and I got onto my main job of making it disappear. "Mr Jefferson, Johnny came out and he's eating at the bunkhouse. He said you told him to come out for lunch and that we'd look for a garden spot after," Maybel said, as she set a big platter of fried chicken on the table. "Yes, I saw him at...

3 years ago
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Kays Adventure

Looking back on it, I guess I shouldn't have been surprised but, at the time, I was completely unprepared for the events of the weekend. I had made no secret of the fact that the couple I was living with had introduced me to bondage as well as group sex and I enjoyed them all. When one of the guys I was dating suggested a weekend at a beach house with another couple, I was eager since Tom is great company and I love the beach. When we arrived after work that Friday afternoon the house was empty...

1 year ago
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My Tiny Skirt Part Three

Having understood this, I didn’t feel angry anymore, in fact I requested Sis Mary to accompany me to give Eric’s house to give him a surprised visit. She said she can’t, she needed to prepare dinner in an hours time. I pested her, promising we will return at 5.30pm. I also told her that Eric parents went overseas for holiday leaving only Eric and their maid at home. She knew she couldn’t avoid my stubbornness. She agreed and asked me to get change first while she take out some fishes and meat...

2 years ago
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Whos In Control Here

Roberta had done a fine job as a single mother, bringing up her son Jason alone, from the day his father got kicked out (for cheating) right into Jason's high school years. He had taken his mother's encouragement to heart and read quite a bit, and to keep up with her son, Roberta also read what he was reading, especially since she worked from home very often. Her systems design (computer science) degree came in handy when it was time to toss Dave, her ex-husband. The child support from him...

1 year ago
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Chad and his brothers

It was Friday night, and Chad had nothing to do at the moment in the huge mansion he lived in. The house was worth $954,500, 6 bedrooms, 7.5 bathrooms, and many other rooms too. A backyard tennis court, a pool, and yards upon yards of land around. He shares a room with his brother Ashtin who was still in the shower. It was about 10:45 p.m. and all Chad kept thinking about was "what is it like to fuck a guy?" He thought, "Since Ashtin is in the shower, he's naked, and when he comes out, I...

1 year ago
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The Naked InheritanceChapter 6 Understanding

Mark still felt a little anger. He answered, "Yes." He felt a smoldering anger at what he felt was a snub toward him as a man. He decided to give the men's clothes a try and hope that might be a part of the answer. "Wait," Cole protested. I'm hungry and I got to go real bad. "You go ahead Mark. We'll join you in the men's shop in a little bit." She gave her son a fond look and pushed him toward the bathroom. Mark nodded and left. The loving look Rachel gave her son touched...

2 years ago
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Dragon ClansChapter 9

It was late afternoon as Michael walked back to the hotel his first meeting with Valerie had been a revelation. The feelings Valerie elicited were disturbing and wonderful all at the same time. Michael knew that he needed to move on, that the feelings he had for Valerie were the real thing. Sasha would want him to be happy, she would never want for him to be tormented by her memory, only to be comforted by it. Understanding that what they had lives on in him and his life is now an...

4 years ago
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No Reply

The drive home seemed interminable. My father, my uncle, and my cousin had maintained an inane chatter right from the time we departed Chambersburg. All I wanted was to get home as fast as possible. Probably because of that very desire, we stopped twice for something to eat, two separate times for drinks, and three times for bathroom breaks! A drive that should have been completed in four fours was taking seven. I had eagerly agreed to the golf/fishing trip with my dad, Uncle Steve, and his...

3 years ago
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Star Wars The Tie FighterChapter 4 The Sepan Civil War

GUSTAV jumped to hyperspace, leaving the Death Star, Tarkin, Vader, and J'Una behind. We had embarked Admiral Haarkov and several members of his staff and were enroute to the Sepan system. The most difficult, and potentially frustrating, mission that any military organization can be assigned is one whose objective is not clear. The real purpose of any military, when you think about it, is twofold: 1)to kill people and break things when so directed, and 2)use the threat of force to keep...

2 years ago
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Mr Woods are you okay

Just got off a plane and straight into a hotel limousine, I have come to hate hotels; I wanted a place of my own. I’m well off, in the world of finance. I’ve worked hard and set up my own business. I travel the world but my main port of call was London UK. I spent more and more time there than anywhere else, so I had thought for a long time about finding a place of my own, in or around London. I had asked several estate agents to look out for a place for me. I have been to see a few, but none...

3 years ago
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Audition 1

Why hello there, ah, what is your name again? Genna, she replied walking into my office. She was gorgeous. About 5'2", a petite 104 lbs, shoulder length black hair, hazel eyes, very pale skin. She had on a long dark blue dress that showed just enough of everything. She seemed a bit shy, but I could probably fix that. So, ah what are your previous acts and do you have a resume? Sure, she said, she handed me a folder and i looked it over. Most of it was pure fluff, a few singing telegrams and...

3 years ago
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Hot and Black

Often while making love to my wife Sue, I would initiate a little fantasy that she seemed to enjoy as much as I did. I would say something like, “Honey, you’re the hottest woman in the world. I would love to see you giving a young guy some… bet you would drive him crazy!” Then shortly after that I would add something like; “Makes me so hot thinking of him getting into your hot box. Bet he would be shooting in a few strokes it would be so good to him.” I...

2 years ago
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Youre Nobody Til Somebody Loves YouChapter 3

The following afternoon I mentioned that Mrs. Klugman appeared to resent the fact that I was staying at the house to Warren Klugman. "Nonsense," he replied. "She has to get used to you. Sheila has this thing ... she doesn't take to anyone right off. But once she gets to know you, why you'll be amazed at how well she'll treat you." "I don't know, Warren. She seems awfully cold toward me." "You're imagining things," he said and then chuckled, "Me too." "What do you mean?" I...

1 year ago
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Dont Daddy

The first time I knew Daddy was checking out the Web for nasty movies I was thirteen. He was in his den sitting in front of his computer. I was going to my room to study when I glanced in and saw a naked woman on the screen. Now I'd seen picture before and knew Daddy liked to see them, but this was the first time I'd seen him watching movies of naked women. I must have made some sound because Daddy turned and saw me looking. "Was there something you wanted, Sara?" His face was flushed and...

3 years ago
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MagicianChapter 64

It was decided by the Council that at this time we were going to expand our operations in the outer realms. We already had a small team there who were based near the stream I’d drunk from which, due to the wild magic pervasive on Azurana, had a displacement effect which meant you could not be detected save by anyone else who had drank from it. Nor did the water have an effect in our world; it lost its efficacy within minutes if it was removed from the source. Jerhz, Mergna, Telqua and Hinnit...

4 years ago
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Teasing Wife

Let's start this out with the facts here, first off this is a true story and my wife is a cock teaser. This all started years and years ago when I first met my wife before we got married and had k**s, but it never stopped. My wife has always been a big tease with me and a few other friends of ours. It has never bothered me much and sometimes it led to some great sex.So, let's get to the story now. I took my wife on a business trip out of state like 15 hours away. We decided to rent a nice car...

3 years ago
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Yeti Again

I knew I was dead; I just knew it. I shouldn't have stormed away from that dickhead who wouldn't leave me alone on the slopes. I'm a decent skier, but not ready for the slope I found myself on. It wasn't even part of the resort, so trying to get down it was the worst possible decision in a day of bad decisions.Semi-intelligently, I took off my skis and tried to find my way back, but I think I got turned around when I ran into a partially frozen rocky creek. I didn't remember crossing it on the...

Monster Sex
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Alex waited patiently in front of Shea’s house, he had been parked there for about four hours not knowing when she would be returning home. He thought about his plans for the night and wondered if this was the right way to do things. He had rented the honeymoon suite at the best hotel in the city and had everything arranged for a night of passion and love. Having to be away from her all these years was torture. He didn’t want to wait another second to be with her and the thought that she might...

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my sexy old neighbour

some time ago I moved house and after a few days had to return to my old residence to get my mail and I was expecting a few parcels. when I got there the house was still empty and after collecting my mail I noticed that the parcel I was expecting had not arrived or had been stolen. I decided to knock on next doors was opened by my old next door neighbour whose name was iris. this is how I would describe her. about five foot tall, sixty five years of age, slim, with big heavy breasts,...

4 years ago
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Investment Opportunity

It was the kind of call I usually have screened by my assistant. Being in the venture capital business, I'm used to people sucking up to me for money. I've put together some big deals and been well compensated for my trouble. Not yet 40, and I had the summer house in the Hamptons and the Maserati in the garage along with a lot of other toys. I was looking to retire by 45, and I was well on my way. The call was from Daniel Washburn. I'd met him a few times; he was brilliant but...

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With a couple at the Bathhouse

I'm Lisa. A 37 yo slutty and experienced CD who enjoys playing with groups of men.The following is the true story of what I was hoping to be the first of my visit to to one of the Bathhouse of my town - The Hawk in Portland, OR. It happened on February 2020 and after this first time I was planning to go more often especially this summer. Then Covid happened.... Anyway hope you'll enjoy and leave comments.By January 2020 I had decided that I was done with the Oregon Theater. Those who know the...

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Becoming A Slut Wife Tammy

This is just what the world needs - another slut wife story. This one is different though; the others all happened to someone else, this one is mine. My name is Tammy and I am married to Barney, a wonderful man, a great husband, a marvelous father and I love him dearly. I have two beautiful children, Staci who is nine and Brian who is six. I am living the American dream. I have a husband who loves me, two wonderful children who are the light of my life and a fine house in the suburbs. Barney...

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The Adventures of Brian BethChapter 2 Tech Support Anyone

The first few paragraphs take place before the events in Chapter One. There is a lot of background information in Chapter One; however, you don’t need to read Chapter One unless you want to. ;) Prologue This is the continuing story of Beth and Brian, two ex-lovers and old friends who find their long-time platonic relationship changing. Brian I suppose this part of our story begins with Beth getting a computer. I’ve had a computer for years and have tried to talk Beth into getting one...

3 years ago
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Teen Diaries 10 Fully Submitting

I’m Natasha. I’m 17, blonde, skinny, with milky white skin and 34C breasts. I’ve had a crush on this guy who goes to my dad’s gym for a while. More than just a crush, really. I dream about this guy. He’s at least six feet tall, blonde, blue eyes, tan skin, and incredibly muscular. He gets me so turned on when I’m on the elliptical and he walks by. It’s always super awkward when my dad comes to find me after his aerobic class. I typically don’t go to the gym without my dad, but I was pretty...

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The Trucker Friends

I often fantasized about that day with the trucker. I often wanted another session. So one day, I got the courage u and called him. He laughed and claimed he went too far and would not leave me in the motel again tied up for all to see....if I agreed to “serve” him again.I reluctantly agreed to "meet" him again so we went to a similar same cheap motel and met again. Again, I checked on and was instructed to be “ready” for him. I realized that it meant being totally naked, lubed, and with all...

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Ivy Barbie and Me Pt 1

First let me introduce the players: Ivy was 18, only 5’1” tall and weighed all of 90 pounds. She was a tiny red head, simply covered in freckles and since she was so tiny everyone just assumed she was a younger teen. She couldn’t wear adult sized clothes and had to buy her clothes in the children’s section, which didn’t help her look her real age either. In fact, when I first met her I insisted she show me her driver’s license before I would even let her get in my car without parental...

Group Sex
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is this Love

Sometime in the middle of the night, she was awakened by a noise that seemed to be outside her window in the back yard. it was a thump against the outside of her house. she stood up, putting on her robe, trying to see through the dark. she made her way downstairs, and through the kitchen to look out the back door window nothing hmm, she thought. maybe it was in her dreams. she made her way back through the house to be certain the front for was locked. as she turned to go back upstairs, by the...

2 years ago
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The Electricians HaremChapter 9

Clarice called Jarvis to check in. She told him she was in love. He reminded her to be careful. “You are so sweet to worry about me JarJar. You know why I know Paul is the one? He never thinks about taking, only what he can give me,” Clarice said. Jarvis apparently made some pointed comments about all the things I could give her like STIs and babies. She laughed and told him he needed to get laid and get a more positive outlook. “If you have any candidates in mind, Miss I do hope they...

2 years ago
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Note: This story is set in Maggie Finson's Whateley Academy Universe This is fan fiction for the Whateley Academy series. It may or may not match the timeline, characters, and continuity. Canon stories may be found at This is a edited version of the last post --cut in half so its not so big -- with added content part 2 of this will be added later this week if this works right "lets hope this works out better"...

4 years ago
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Navy LarksChapter 6

Tony felt desperately angry, as he reviewed his options. He was late when he got home and he managed to get to bed without waking anyone. When he arrived downstairs next morning he was surprised to see Mary and Arleen her sister having breakfast with Freddie. " Look who's here." Freddie said excitedly " I thought you would be in Brussels arranging your fathers funeral. "Tony said, as he sat down and reached for a slice of toast. "No darling he's in good hands with Debbie and the...

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The Nerd Part 4

I pulled into the garage, turned off the Porsche, and walked up into the house. I was surprised to see Morgan staring out the rear windows toward the marsh and the Intracoastal Waterway. Yet, something wasn’t quite right. I couldn’t make it out and then, as Morgan entered the room, naked as usual, I realized it wasn’t Morgan after all. “Hello, Sara. Welcome to our home.” Morgan beamed when I said “our” and Sara turned around to meet me. I could see subtle differences in their faces and...

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