Dolce a la Gondola Peak to Peak
- 3 years ago
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By Philip Johnson
Dolce Giardino. It means sweet garden in Italian, and that was the name of their estate, and an apt description. The year was nineteen twenty six, and Charles and Kathryn Philips lived on that estate, and in that new grand and sturdy looking brick home.
Charles and Kathryn loved the somewhat isolated location. They really weren’t that far from town, maybe seven miles more or less, and besides, they had a fancy new Cadillac and a driver. Life was good for them. Oh, he had to go off on business ventures from time to time, but then he’d be back, and he and his bride would enjoy their home and often walk the grounds. Then it seemed that almost over night he discovered that he enjoyed being naked around the house on occasion, and even the housekeeper would see him, or the old cook would see him and quietly turn away. Though totally out of character for either of them, Kathryn didn’t mind her husband’s new oddity at all. In fact, much to his surprise in the beginning, sometimes she would join him. On those occasions when they walked the grounds naked, it never failed to cause the gardener to stop and star at them from the safety of a bush.
She was quite attractive in her own way. Long of leg and hair, and lithe and flowing in her movements. She was a pretty melody for the eyes, and she had a bearing that could only come from being raised in a moneyed home. It was Charles’ money that urged her wealthy father to introduce his daughter to her now husband. Charles was lean and wiry, and much stronger than anybody might guess he could be. Clear blue eyes and a quick smile were his trademarks. But it was Charles money and potential for great success that made her father embrace Charles so early on.
The Philips had many acquaintances and friends of a sort, but only a few really close friends, so the walking around naked that they so enjoyed didn’t cause any problems or consternation at all as far as they knew. That is until one day when they undressed while on the patio, and went for a long walk toward the back of the estate and lost track of the time. Henry and Mildred Potter, their expected guests were punctual, and the maid showed them to the patio just as she had been instructed to do. That patio, where unfortunately the naked couple had left their clothes. The maid disappeared to fetch them refreshments as the guests noticed the garments piled on a chair. It was then that Kathryn and Charles, the naked wanderers, casually walked out into the open. They enjoyed their meandering walk back as they made their way toward the patio as their stunned guests watched them. The Potters, who were to spend a few days at the estate, really didn’t have any place to look except at their feet or at the naked duo. They could have turned away, but for some reason that option never occurred to them.
Then Kathryn noticed they were in full view of their guests and on display, and with their garments on the chair next to Henry. She was flustered and attempted to cover herself with her hands, which of course was futile, and had Charles attempted to cover himself with his hand, he was afraid it might have appeared that he was playing with himself. They had no choice but to walk up to their guests and beg forgiveness as they quickly dressed amid mumbled attempts at explaining how they lost track of time, and apologized repeatedly for their very unlikely actions. Mere nakedness in the open was so out of place for the moral standards and expectations of that period, and to be seen by others was a sinful tragedy of the first order. Things like that happened at Dolce Giardino on more than one occasion, but the Philips never wavered in their pursuit of their simple and, to them at least, their harmless pleasures. Charles enjoyed his work and he loved his wife dearly, and would do anything for her. They lost a few friends because of their determination to reject clothing on occasion, but the ones that learned to accept Charles and Kathryn’s eccentricities enjoyed some grand days at the estate. One couple even adopted their penchant for nudity. No inappropriate displays of affection though. Oh no, that would have been in very poor taste. They never gave much thought to those two conflicting ideas. Holding hands was the extent of their demonstration of their love for each other in public, and that only in the privacy of their huge backyard, and only around their very dearest friends.
Dolce Giardino was a gift from Kathryn’s father, and he expected many grand children in the coming years, but he wouldn’t get what he wanted and expected. In fact, that home would be the last significant thing he would be able to do for his daughter and son in law.
Chapter One
It was two thousand six, and Dell and Carrie Philips looked at the tall grand brick home. ‘My god Dell, Dolce Giardino is huge.’
‘It’s much larger than I had pictured in my mind, but isn’t it stately and impressive.’
‘I guess, but it could stand some work.’
‘I expected that. In fact it’s in much better condition than I ever expected.’
‘So this home was in your family how far back?’
‘It was built in…I think nineteen twenty five or six. Not long before the stock market crash. Kathryn and Charles Philips, my ancestors, lived in it for less than two years.’
‘They were murdered right?’
‘Not in the house I hope.’
‘I believe the story is they were found quite naked and quite dead in the backyard someplace.’
‘How gruesome. And you said they never learned who killed them.’
‘They never did. Then the house was sold for, well cents on the dollar, and after that there’s a long gap where I don’t know much about the house. We’ll find out more when we get all of the papers of course. Anyway, so now it’s ours.’
‘Forgive me if I don’t jump up and down with joy honey.’
He smiled and said, ‘I understand, and no we will not do any of the restoration work ourselves. Before we even move in I’m having it painted inside, some significant updating of the wiring and plumbing, and they’ll sandblast the brick to bring back the rich color.’
‘When can we at least go through it?’
‘A couple of weeks. Eager to see it?’
‘I’m not sure eager is the word I’d use. Let’s go with curious instead.’
‘When I look at it, I think personality, grace and of course grandeur.’
‘Well I hope so, because we’re stuck with it now.’
‘Oh, and we’re adding a garage and leaving the carriage house as it is, because I want to preserve what I can. We’ll be very twentieth century honey.’
‘That’s nice, but this is the twenty first century.’
He smiled and said, ‘Then we’ll just have to catch up won’t we.’
She kissed his cheek and said, ‘I can see in your eyes just how thrilled you are to own this and have it back in the family again.’
‘I really am. Are you sure you won’t go with me to see Aunt Mary?’
‘I’m sure. If she can remember anything about this old place, you take notes okay?’
‘Of course honey.’
Aunt Mary was the only relative old enough to remember the old home, and she had actually spent some time living there as she recovered from a fever and some complications, all from an undiagnosed ailment.
Aunt Mary now lived in an assisted living community, and she certainly hadn’t lowered her standard of living. No, her new apartment, though small, and especially so by her standards, but she had many amenities, and all the comforts that could be provided for her.
‘Good morning Aunt Mary,’ Dell said as he spotted her in the public area of her adopted home.
She squinted and studied him for some seconds, and he smiled and gave her all the time she needed. Then she smiled and said, ‘My word, it’s you Dell, come sit next to me honey.’
He kissed her cheek and handed her a small box of chocolates. ‘I’m told you’re not to have a lot of these, but I smuggled them in just for yo
u,’ he lied. True, her sugar consumption was monitored, but he had cleared those few chocolates with the nurse.
‘You’re a darling and thank you. My, I haven’t seen you in so long, how are you?’
‘I am well thank you.’
‘And Carrie?’
‘She too is well and thanks for asking. She sends her love and apologies for not being able to come with me.’
‘That’s sweet of her. Okay, so something brings you here and for you to bribe me with sweets,’ and she smiled as she sampled her selection from the fancy little gold foil box.
‘You always could see through me love. Okay first of all, to be fair to myself, I’m so glad to see you again, and that alone is worth the hundred mile drive.’
‘Liar,’ she said and almost laughed.
‘I want to see how well you can dust off your past and share some memories with me.’
‘That will be a challenge for me, but okay, test me.’
‘Do you remember Dolce Giardino?’
‘I’m older than the first sin, but I’m not senile just yet. Of course I remember that grand old place, what about it?’
‘We just bought it.’
She smiled and leaned forward as she said, ‘How wonderful, but whatever for, for heaven’s sake?’
‘It went on the market and I just didn’t want to see it go into some uncaring hands yet again. I felt it needed to come back to the family.’
‘If you need help with the costs, just say so. I know just maintaining all of that will be horrendously expensive.’
‘Thank you Auntie, but I think we’ll be okay.’
‘Well if it’s still in your hands when I die, I’ll put something in my will for the old place whether or not you approve.’
‘You’re a force to be reckoned with and you always have been.’
‘Okay so what do you want to know? Let’ see what I can remember.’
‘Anything you can think of that might be interesting or helpful. Let’s start with Kathryn and Charles, what do you remember about them?’
‘Well Charles was tall and wiry and he had penetrating blue eyes. He was devoted to Kathryn, and of course she felt the same for him. He was quite successful in business, or he was until he died. Both of them were very caring and…’ and then she smiled and said, ‘Well I was going to say proper, but they did have their own way of living.’
‘Now you’re going to tease me with that aren’t you.’
‘Let’s come back to that. She was quite pretty and happy and outgoing, and she always had a long row of planters about waist high that she would fill with all sorts of flowers. It was her version of a garden, made that way by the gardener, because she didn’t want to get down on her knees. She saw that as being not at all lady like.’
‘So did they entertain a lot?’
‘Not a lot as I remember it. They would occasionally have guests stay a night or two, or one of their local friends might spend an evening with them, but on the whole, they were fairly private. Of course on occasion, they would have to entertain for business reasons, but that was infrequent.’
Chapter Two
A young smiling aide in her pressed mint green and white uniform served them tea. She moved a small table close to them, and then served the tea and vanilla tea biscuits, and Aunt Mary thanked her before telling Dell, ‘I do love how they spoil me. I have tea and these biscuits every afternoon.’
‘You deserve to be spoiled. Your memory amazes me Auntie, please keep going.’
‘Well I remember their nineteen twenty six Cadillac three fourteen. Oh, what a grand vehicle that was. It was a sedan with a big engine and it seated seven. Even a full one piece windshield, and that was a pretty big thing back then. By the standards of the day that Cadillac was very comfortable, and so much fun to travel in. If I’m not mistaken, their gardener was also their driver. Oh my, I think Elmer was his name. Now I wonder why that that has stayed in my aging mind.’
‘This is wonderful, but let me know if I’m being insensitive and tiring you out.’
‘I’m fine, but thank you.’ She tasted her tea and then said, ‘There was a large carriage house, but with the Cadillac that wasn’t used for much more than a place for the Cadillac and storage.’
‘That’s still there and won’t require a lot of effort to preserve it.’
‘Send me pictures periodically.’
‘You can count on that.’
‘Okay Dell, I’ll let you in on their intimate secret. Kate and Charles developed a certain attachment to wandering the estate sans clothes.’
‘No, really? Back then, that would have been seen as scandalous and dangerously sinful.’
‘True, but sometimes more went on behind the scenes in those days than the history books would like you to believe. On the surface everybody, including Charles and Kate, were quite proper. But in the privacy of their home or the grounds behind the house, they would sometimes stroll quite naked.’
‘Now tell me the truth, did you watch Charles parade the grounds in the buff?’
She smiled and said, ‘Well of course I did, and I got quite an education.’
‘I’m sure.’
‘Kate was a blond from head to toe too,’ and she showed him a devilish smile.
‘Auntie you do surprise me.’
‘I was considered pretty progressive in my day.’
‘I’m sure.’
‘Be sure to look through the attic. I was never up there, but I seem to remember hearing something about little places where they could hide things. What they would hide and why I have no idea, and maybe they never did. Subsequent owners have probably found and disposed of everything, but there’s always a chance you’ll find something to help you with the history of the house.’
‘Fascinating. So tell me what you can about them being murdered.’
‘Oh, such a tragedy. My heart is still heavy from that. Her father never recovered from that, and he had to go to his grave not knowing who the guilty person was. They said it was a crime of opportunity, because Charles and Kathryn were killed with a shovel. Beat to death with a common shovel, what a horrible way to die.’
‘And they never even determined why they were murdered?’
‘Never. In todays world of course, they would have likely solved it. It was my thought that Elmer did it and I say that simply because Elmer had access to the gardening tools.’
‘And the reason?’
‘That’s a problem. Kate mentioned once that she thought Elmer and their housekeeper were having an affair, but what that would have to do with anything is speculation at best, especially with it happening so many years ago.’
‘So they would go to the back and just to be alone and to walk the grounds naked.’
‘Oh yes, and they were naked when their bodies were discovered. Elmer may have lived in the loft of the carriage house for a time, but I’m not certain of that. He was a poor but very proud and proper man.’
Aunt Mary sipped her tea and selected another biscuit and said, ‘If you could ever locate them, they…oh shoot, what was their name. I’m talking about one of the owners of Dolce Giardino toward the end of the depression. Give me a minute to think about that and tell me why you and Carrie have no children.’
‘Well as you remember I’m sure, I had that terrible accident and I almost died.’
‘I do remember that. Your mother, rest her soul, aged ten years from that mess.’
‘Well not to embarrass you, but, though quite functional, I’m not able to produce the…’
‘You’re riding an empty wagon.’
He laughed and said, ‘Oh Auntie I’ve missed your quick mind.’ She smiled at her own little attempt to shock him and nibbled on her biscuit. ‘Canter, that was their name. I believe they were Jewish, or that’s how I remember it anyway, not that it matters. Now his first name. It starts with a J, I’m sure. I may not get that into my mind for you, but I’ll work on it and e-mail you if I’m successful.’
He smiled and said, ‘You’re the only ninety plus year old I know that uses a computer.’
‘Mostly for playing car
ds and using e-mail though. You know, if I were to die tomorrow, I’d leave feeling much better just knowing the estate is back in the family.’
‘Why do you suppose that’s important to you?’
‘I don’t know, and I guess I’m not going to fret about that. It is as it is, but don’t worry, I have no plans to check out just yet.’
‘I’m sure you don’t.’
‘As I sit here I have to say that I’m surprised that you, as young as you are, would put so much importance and money into that old place. That’s what old people do.’
‘I don’t understand it either, but like you just said, I’m not going to fret about it.’
She smiled and accepted that answer. ‘That’s not to say I won’t put a swimming pool in the back some day.’
‘Good for you. Water is good for the soul. To touch it or to watch it is therapeutic.’
‘Fire and water. So opposite of each other, and both can be deadly, entrancing and hypnotic, and as you just said, soothing and good for the soul. Okay Auntie, I’m going to leave because you’re just too polite to tell me to get out of here.’
She smiled and said, ‘Don’t wait so long to come back okay?’
‘I promise Auntie.’
Going home a little later, Dell had to smile. Even if he didn’t learn a lot from Aunt Mary, he thoroughly enjoyed their brief visit, and he intended to keep his promise to her about going to see her again, but without waiting so long to do that.
Chapter Three
Dell shared with Carrie what Aunt Mary had told him, and he did indeed have notes to help keep him accurate.
The restoration of Dolce Giardino was in full swing over the next weeks, but just before the end of the third week, the two of them went out to the old home and went exploring. They had to step around a few things because the electrician and the plumber were deep into their projects, and painter’s cloths covered what furniture there was along with the old aged hardwood floors, and holes in the floor were in evidence from the crew installing air conditioning as well.
They stood in the archway to the kitchen and he asked her, ‘Well, what do you think?’
‘I think it’s too big, but it is very nice, and more modern than I expected.’
‘They said it had been updated a few years ago.’
‘And to think you bought this place without touring it.’
‘Well I did hire somebody to give it a thorough inspection. I knew that what we didn’t like or couldn’t live with, we could change as long as the home was solid.’
‘Well that is true.’
‘Plus I did have a drawing of the floor plan.’
‘Which you didn’t study very much.’
He smiled and said, ‘You got me with that one.’
They moved on and Carrie stopped and said, ‘I do love that grand staircase. So beautiful and in such wonderful condition.’
‘It’s a jewel in the crown.’
‘It really is, and that stained glass window above the front door. Wonderful. I’m not even a big fan of old, but I’m going to like it here.’
They went upstairs and explored a little, and then took the narrower and steeper steps up into the attic. ‘It sure is dusty and gloomy up here,’ Carrie said as she stood in the center and looked around. ‘What a huge and almost empty space.’
‘Junk all around the perimeter that we can poke through at some point.’
‘And we can look for those little secret hiding spots.’
‘That I doubt exist.’
‘Well I do too, but it’s fun to think about that.’
‘I’ll have the electrician put some lights up here for us.’
‘There’s an old painting over there,’ and she walked over and picked it up. She blew off the loose dust and said, ‘It’s in pretty good shape. Do you suppose this could be Kathryn?’
‘It certainly could be. She looks like she could be about the right age, and they would have had the money to retain an artist for her.’
‘But photography wasn’t all that new by then.’
‘No, but a lot of people still preferred paintings so they would have color, or just because, I’m sure, it was something of a status symbol.’
Carrie looked out through the dirty and dusty window and said, ‘Nice window. Or it could be if it wasn’t filthy. It might let a lot of light in.’
‘Well, have you seen enough until we move in?’
‘Sure. Two more weeks right?’
‘Right. Thanks to you, the movers are lined up so all we have to deal with are our personal things, and disconnect our computers and that sort of thing.’
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Portions of this story may be used in short critical reviews. Reproduction, in whole or in part, for commercial purposes is strictly prohibited. *** WARNING: This story contains coarse language, descriptions of activities that may be forbidden by law(s), and adult situations. It is intended for a mature audience only. All references to actual people, places or things were employed intentionally and for satirical or artistic purposes. *** This story contains the abbreviated...
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The Swarm Cycle Universe Copyright© 2007 The Thinking Horndog Any resemblance between the content of this story or any of the characters depicted herein and real persons or events is highly unlikely and purely coincidental. “Hello, Cliff. Your usual tonight?” “Yeah.” “Lets see. You want a medium-rare flatiron steak, with either the baked potato or the veggies. We’re having broccoli tonight. You want the salad bar. Put a hold on the hot food until you tell the server and you’ll want a mix of...
Mummie's Hair Robertson Russell spoke harshly in the phone. "Damn it, Giles, I want theTunstall contract on my desk ASAP!" There was a frightened murmur of assenton the other end of the phone, and then a question. "No, I won't be there.I'm staying home to look after my mother. I expect you to be able to handlethis contract. Thanks. Goodbye." Hanging up on his menial, Robertson Russellwent to change out of his Armani suit before bringing his mother her tea. Bobbie knocked on his beloved Mummie's...
Introduction: Wannabe Cuck watches wife fuck for the first time Before reading you need to read part 1 by way of an introduction! Part 2 His reply was very measured and flattering. Not at all like the replies he had left on my postings or messages. He apologised for the rather depraved nature of his comments , explaining that they were written for hubby and not intended for her eyes. He went on to say how turned on he was by her gorgeous blonde hair. How he couldnt stop looking at her sexy...
“Do you not want me to sleep with you just yet?” I asked. “No, it's not that, we'd definitely be at boyfriend and girlfriend status then, are we sure we wanna move to that already?” Ray asked. He had a good point, but I loved him and I wanted it. “Well, maybe it's a little fast, but I think once you find that person, why wait?” I asked. “You mean you wanna be with me?” Ray asked. “Yes, so why wait? We know we love each other and are gonna start sleeping together sooner or...
Thank to NaughtyAnn for her priceless help. I suggest to read the previous parts before this. Comments greatly appreciated. One week passed by and Serena could tell that I had regained my strength. In fact I was fully recovered and I felt that it was time to pay my respects again to Mistress and her role. Also I wanted to show her how grateful I was for having her look after me in the past few days. When she had returned home from shopping, she found me with my collar back on my neck. I was...
2003: Rosanna had only received one phone call from Matilda in the two weeks since her abrupt departure. She called to say that she was fine and would be staying with a friend in upstate New York. She did not offer a name and Rosanna stubbornly did not ask for one. She simply listened, her blood boiling and temples throbbing as Matilda explained that she needed to think about their future. Rosanna offered that perhaps they should discuss their future together, but Matilda had said that she was...
Hi everyone, you must have read many stories on this site and this one gonna be the one of those I’m bringing it down to notice that very incident took place in my life…. Here I have to mention the lead character of the stories with whom I was happened to have sex, her name is Indhu who is a teacher in a reputed school in one of the town of TN. So any hot woman wants try me in an around the Bangalore and if Chennai also okay…just mail me at i’m there to please you and promise your relationship...
Lisa most likely made it to her car before I began to regret having had sex with her. There weren't enough places to eat in town for me to avoid seeing her again. She was literally meant to be a one night stand. I sure hoped that she understood that. For the next few days I worked on the images from the old farm shoot. I really did like that kind of thing. Saving small bit of a lifestyle almost lost. I couldn't do much to preserve it, but I planned to do my best. Saturday before the...
Hello friends, mera naam Priti hai. Main apni kahani aapko batane ja rahi hu jo meri zindagi ki sabse ajeeb kahani hai. Main ye kahani kisi ko batana nahi chahti thi lekin mera man kar raha hai ki main ye kahani aap logo ko batau. Main apne papa ke dost se chudi. Mujhe kabhi yakeen nahi hota hai ki main apne papa ke dost se chud sakti hu. Mere papa aur unke dost hamesha ghar par drink karte the. Mere papa ke dost mujhe hawas bhari nazro se dekhte the lekin main ye baat ghar mein kisi se batayi...
It’s time for you sleazy cucks to crawl out from under the floorboards. I have a site that you definitely don’t want to get caught watching, especially if you live at home. I know you betas are getting desperate. You turn to any girl who gives you an ounce of attention and try to make her spread her legs for you. You’ve tried babes at school, the bar, and the club to no avail. Hell, even your favorite e-thot streamer has shunned you and banned you from her chat. Where are you to turn? Maybe...
Incest Porn SitesHii Readers, This is Suma again. For those who are new, a brief introduction. Im 27yrs , from Kerala. Hope u have not forgotten my earlier story named Suma, Daddy and His Friends, My Home 1 & 2, and all. I am here to share more with u. Do give feedbacks about my stories on This incident happened a few years back when I was doing my degree. I had a project for which I had to stay in the city for a month or so. So I was left to stay with my uncle Vinod who was staying there. He was a divorcee...
Thanks to the Knee Doctor for editing my work. I was confused for most of my life. It was a sexual thing. As I was growing up I found that I was not turned on, or excited by pictures of beautiful naked women. All of my friends would go nuts looking at the blonde, blue- eyed "Barbie dolls" in the girlie magazines. I would go along with them because I figured it was what I was expected to do but inside I just did not understand what all the excitement was about. High school proved to be really...
„Julia Chant on report...“The trembling figure knelt, Miss Judith alongside her. There was no longer any need for the grip of assistants. Julia had learnt that lesson, at least.„What is it this time?“ asked the grim-faced Madame Vesta.„Disobedience, Ma’am.“„Again!“„Yes, Ma’am...“Miss Judith went on to recount the incident... and also stated how Julia had finally been made to submit.„The fact that she finally obeyed does not excuse her,“ said Madame Vesta.„I agree, Ma’am, that’s why I put her on...
I didn't know how long the phone had been ringing since I was in the shower. But I heard at least three rings when I stepped out of the bathroom. I hurried to the phone and answered it. "Hello?" "Is this John?" a voice asked. I frowned, trying to place the voice. It sounded familiar, but I couldn't think where. "This is John." "This is regarding the entry for the contest. We're pleased to inform you that you are the grand prize winner. Congratulations, sir! You have won a date with a Hollywood...
Larry, who I worked with had been on me for the last month about doing a poker game at my place. I finally agreed to hold it at my place after thinking about it over several days. I hadn’t played in a poker game in many years. Larry had lined up myself plus him and a buddy of his. His buddy also brought along a younger gentleman named Rob with him so we now had had a table of four playing. I didn’t know this other younger gentleman, but he was only in his 20’s and had a very cocky attitude.
Finally arriving at our camping spot, we chucked off our backpacks and started to get set up with the towels, blankets, hamper and other things. I hung the swing chair and string hammock while JJ attended to the other preparations for our day at the beach.Having made this our regular weekend retreat, we had made a few frames on previous visits. These supported the hammock and swing so that it was easy to get settled in quickly. We remained almost hidden from the main traffic to and from the...
ExhibitionismAs time went on, Michele and I became friends and frequently sought out each other to chat during the day. Things started to turn towards more than a friendship when she asked me to stop by the bar with some other co-workers on the way home. As I sat next to her at the bar, she would lean over and put her hand on my leg, whisper things to me, and rub her foot against my shin. Things took the next step on Friday evening as we went for one bar to another to shoot a few games of pool. ...
"You've made a rush to judgment, Josh," Sandy said when we talked the next morning. I'd just described the events of the previous afternoon. "Explain," I said. "You introduced Pearl to some complex issues, which she accepted, one of them being that she could have sex with other girls." "As long as she didn't sneak around or lie about it." "True, but some elements of her previous beliefs have to be lingering, getting in the way of completely accepting our approach to life and...
This story starts with a lot of drinking.On my 18th, I invited a lot of my friends around my house for a drink and a celebration. As the party started to flow, so did the alcohol. The party went well into the night with a lot of people having a bit of a romp. At around 3am, everyone had left the house, bar from my friend. Being a gracious host, I offered my friend a room for the night as he was in no state to walk home. He obliged and we went to bed at around 4am.Now, at this point, I should...
He crossed to us, his erection leading the way like the bowsprit of a ship, and distributed the mugs of steaming liquid, careful to give the unfortified, alcohol-free one to Carly. Setting his cup on the low coffee table he retrieved his red union suit and began to disentangle it, apparently planning to finally cover his nudity.I think my jaw probably dropped when my wife looked up at him and said, “You don’t have to get dressed on my account.”He laughed. “Good to know you’re not offended by...
Wife Lovers“So you see, honey ... we’re both free to kick back and enjoy things much more, especially for you since you’ve been intimate with Lilith. How does it feel ... being drained by a succubus? I want to be one, I know that much. I don’t know how to become one for sure, but I’d love to be one at last. It’s been a secret fantasy of mine for years, ever since I watched ‘Lost Girl,’ though I doubt that it works like that. I’ve missed our wild, wanton love affair, Jack. “Herb here means well, but he...
Glory HoleUnzip, Unload, Leave.Good looking guy, Great Skills.No conversation, No Reciprocation.The ad caught my eye on the local MfM chat board, with a four day back up and no prospects at hand (well other than my hand) for some one way pleasure my interest was piqued. I read and re-read the ad, my bloated balls clouding any reservations I may have had...I clicked the link and sent off an inquiry.Hi-Good looking guy, 38, tall and athletic, hung average and cut. Looking for some quality service...
I was 18 years old when I first became aware of my father's gambling problem. Throughout my c***dhood I had grown used to his absence in the evenings, but the reasons had never been explained to me. Then one day as I was fixing my bike on the front lawn, an extremely large, intimidating black man came up the driveway. He wore a mauve suit, and had huge gold rings in his fingers. He asked for my father, so I ran inside to fetch him. My father told me and my mother to wait inside while he went...
Dolled up in fishnets, leg warmers and clear heels, young brunette Kimber Woods struts — the wild babe flaunts her cheeky rear through a seductive striptease. She joins Sam Shock for freaky anal reaming. Slobber gushes from Kimber’s mouth through a hard throat fuck. She hops onto Sam’s hog for a rowdy cunt fuck. Kimber masturbates and talks dirty as Sam’s big cock slams her sphincter. Crude sodomy comes with a gagging, ass-to-mouth blowjob and climaxes with a messy cum...
xmoviesforyouThe third week in September finally arrived it was time to leave for Lancaster Becky and our Mother came with us to help sort things out there was one further surprise instead of Halls of Resident Mother had bought a two bedroomed house for our use for the next five years she passed the comment ‘ Becky and I will know where you both are and we know you are sleeping together so we won’t worry there was one final item our Mother told both of to call her by her first name Linda as we were both...
I ran through the crowded downtown streets following Jim and Ian. We could hear the cops not far behind us and they were gaining. We had nearly pulled of the heist successfully, but one of the clerks had tripped the silent alarm and we had to split. I was running through the crowd and someone didn’t get out of the way quickly enough, we both went down. I found myself sitting on top of the most beautiful woman I had ever seen. She looked terrified, but there was something else in that gaze. Next...
LesbianDeClan gently tucked Mal next to his mother and Tabby then got up, changed clothes, opened the door for Fuzz and followed him out of the room. With a large mug of coffee in his hand he went out into the garden, the air smelled of fresh wet grass, the flowers still damp from the rain during the night, he wandered through the garden noting the tree's, the flowers, the bushes all as he had sketched out on his plans, with a few large tree's along one side of the garden for the cat he guessed,...
“Okay Dude, flank them on the right and I will maintain fire.” I instructed Ted. “George, cover him.” Ted slipped around the building and came behind the squad we were fighting. They were caught in our squad’s crossfire and quickly fell. “Victory!” Ted cried throwing his arms up and letting his controller fly back over the couch. The rest of our squad, who were located across the country, cheered through our headsets. “Fuck that was awesome. Way to go guys.” Our Wednesday night tournament...
Lucy was thrilled to be offered a place at Carbeach University for a media studies course. It was a two year course and was far enough away from home to mean she would have to stay in the Halls of Residence. The University student accommodation wasn't the normal big blocks with students all crammed into dormitories, but individual houses each taking ten students.Lucy was being shown around her new home by the senior student liaison officer, a dishy looking postgraduate student called Mike. He...
SpankingWe had said goodbye to our new friends Friday at lunch before they all left for their homes. We had a leisurely dinner at the little bistro in the hotel that night. Our vacation together was starting and I was happily in love with the woman in the bed. We had been very close friends for over ten years. We fell asleep in each other’s arms after making love. Sometime during the night, Shelley had gotten up and put on a pair of red lace panties. It was early Saturday morning and the sun was just...
Marian was waiting, and not all that patiently. She deserved the same degree of devotion and attention that I gave to the first two. Ruth studied me with a new expression and just a bit of hope in her eyes as I knelt before Marian and gently pried her knees apart. Ruth had undressed her, and she waited naked until we finished our conversation about adding Ruth to our marriage. None of my wives uttered a word while I talked to Ruth about joining us. That was something special, as how many...
Why in the world anyone would choose to build a tiny little cabin on a tiny little island in the middle of a tiny little lake is something I've never figured out. But there it is and there I was going. It'd come down from my wife's side, and when her parents died she and her siblings had turned it into a sort of family trust. We all split the costs of the upkeep and share a vacation destination. The unwritten by-laws still work fairly well. The obvious hot dates are doled out democratically;...
Two weeks passed. Allie absentmindedly caressed her midsection as the slim blonde strolled through the girls’ camp, spear in hand. With Karen hunting, and Mary in the cage for another turn trying for a baby with Rodney -- Mary’s period having arrived a couple weeks previous -- Allie was the only one left in their dwindling tribe on guard duty. “Psst!” She looked around. That noise had come from off to the side of the cage. There, off in the scrub along the edge of the crescent canyon their...
Chapter 10 – The Grand Inquisitor Has His Way Back at Hans’ chambers, he opened the door to his room, and pushed Emma in the direction of the bathroom. ‘Quick!’ he ordered. ‘Have a toilet, then strip off and come to the playroom, as quickly as you can!’ Puzzled, Emma complied. Two minutes later, naked, she entered the playroom, and in the very subdued light, saw Hans, in his shirt sleeves, pulling to the centre of the room what looked like a very narrow vaulting horse, about fifteen...