Blood, Sweat, & Fear Ch. 07 free porn video

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I stared at the scene below. The rocket lay on its side, the front tip mere inches from the cave wall, the slightly wider base with its multi-booster canisters at the opposite end of the room.

I had never seen a rocket close up before. I was fascinated by its size and repulsed at the thought of its possible uses.

Turning then, I stared at Miles’ profile. He watched the proceedings below in an intense interested manner. His eyes carefully surveyed the entire scene, watching each man work.

His hand tightened around mind. “Well Bess, what do you think of all this?”

“What’s it for Miles? What are you going to do with that rocket?”

An agonised scream rang out. Miles cursed under his breath. I followed the direction of his gaze. Horrified, I watched as the whip struck, leaving skin torn on the back of a man strapped spread-eagled on a vertical triangle. The fourth landed on the bloodied body, criss-crossing the others. He screamed, writing in pain.

“Martin? Oh my God! Martin!” I pulled my hand from Miles’ grip, then ran down the narrow stairway and raced across the chaotic cave floor to him. Two guards stepped in front barring my way. As I tried to push through them, they grabbed my arms pinning them behind my body.

“Let me go!” At my anguished scream, Martin turned his head.

“Bess. Bess is that you?”

“Yes Martin. It’s me.”

“Don’t worry Bess. It looks worse than it feels.” His tiny smile was short-lived as the whip landed again. All that escaped Martin was a groan followed by laboured breathing that hissed from his body.

My scream bounced off the walls. I hadn’t seen Miles arrive at my side, but his hard slap to my face left me in no doubt he was seriously angry.

“Tie her.” His curt order yielded instant results.

I struggled as one guard held me while the other bound my hands. The tie cut into the skin around my wrists but the blood oozing from Martin’s back overrode any pain I felt.

“Why are you doing this to him? What’s Martin done that deserves this kind of punishment?” I demanded answers from him.

Martin answered before Miles could speak. “I pissed him off a bit Bess.” I think he laughed then, but the whip landed and the odd gurgle sounded more like a pained moan.

“He caught me while you were swimming and washing yesterday. He knocked me out then dragged me here. He wasn’t happy when I let him know his precious secret would be common knowledge soon.”

The whip landed again. Martin grunted.

“Shut him up,” Miles growled.

“It’s too late Miles. They’ll be here soon no matter what you do to me.”

“Gag him now!” Miles demanded. A guard leapt forward tying a filthy piece of material around Martin’s mouth. His eyes glittered with hatred as the whip split his skin again.

“Are you insane?” I screamed at Miles.

“Hell yes.” His sneering laugh chilled me to the bone. “But I’m alive, and I’ll still be alive in ten years time unlike the majority of the world’s population.” He ran one fingertip along my jawbone, then traced my lower lip. “If you play your cards right Bess, you’ll still be alive too.” Repulsed at his touch I bit his finger hard.

“You bitch! You’ll pay for that! Give him another twenty!” He barked out the order to the whipper.

“No! Punish me! Not Martin! Me! He didn’t do anything. Oh Martin, I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean…” The whip landed but the grunt never came. Martin had passed out.

Disgusted, Miles snorted and walked away. The guard shoved me forward. I followed, my mind spinning back to Martin’s words. He’d said ‘they’d’ be here soon. I wondered who he meant. Before I could think the thought through, I found myself pushed into a room foreign to the stinking hot barrenness of the cave rooms.

I stood gaping until the guard shoved me further into the room. The silence was incredible as he shut the doors. It was painful after so much noise.

“Welcome to my home,” Miles smiled as he walked across plush cream carpet to the drinks cabinet. He poured himself a whiskey and stood contemplating the contents of the glass.

I was too stunned to utter a word. The room was fantastic. The instant temperature drop had me shivering as my sweat soaked body cooled rapidly. An enormous tropical fish tank stretched the length of one wall. The pump inside was the only other noise in the room. Dozens of bright coloured fish gently glided through the rocks and plant-life. It was odd to feel the beginning stage of relaxation.

“Will you untie me?” I asked, our eyes meeting over the wet rim of his glass.

“You realise there’s no point running, no point tying to leave me, don’t you?” He sipped his whiskey.

“Yes I realise that.” I figured I’d be able to escape at some point, but it’d be easier if I complied with the madman’s wishes for the moment.

A slight nod and the guard cut the tie with his knife.

“You stink. The shower is through there, use it.”

I bit my tongue hard to stop from making a smart comment back at him. It was anger that brought the hot flush to my face. The guard pushed me across the room through a door. He pulled it shut behind me.

I should have been getting used to surprises. But the bathroom threw me totally. Everything was gold and white. The taps were gold. I looked closely at them and knew them to be real gold, not imitation. The shower was placed in the far corner of the room. I stepped tentatively forward and turned on the single tap. There were no walls to the shower, simply a moveable attachment on the wall and a grate hole on the floor. Steam from the shower rose. Automatically a ceiling grate gently sucked the wet air out of the room.

Like the other room, the bathroom contained no windows. But the two walls adjoining with the shower were floor to ceiling mirrors. They must have been heated, as the steam did nothing to fog them up.

I took my clothes off. I did stink, and although the clothes had been recently given to me, they stunk too. I placed them in a pile and walked barefoot to the shower. The hot water pelted down on my body. A dispenser placed on a shelf oozed a measured amount of green shampoo into my palm. Grateful at last to wash my hair properly, I almost moaned in pure pleasure as my hands massaged the shampoo against my head.

I thought I heard the door open and close, but when I turned to look there was nothing amiss. I held my head under the sprinkling water, letting the shampoo rinse right out. The swirl of bubbly water at my feet still looked filthy, so I repeated the shampooing. Rinsing out the shampoo, I followed with conditioner. The smell of fresh apples encouraged my stomach to grumble loudly. What I would give for an apple right now.

Blocking the thought of food from my mind, I held the soap against my body sliding it down slowly. I opened my eyes, my wet hair plastered against my head, my eyes wide and staring as I watched the soap glide over my skin. I lathered every inch of skin, until it shone pink in the mirror and then washed all over again just for the pure pleasure of being able to watch my hands in the mirrors.

As the soap slid over my heavy breasts, my nipples hardened. I used a little more shampoo, washing my pussy with it. Apple scent wafted around the room. My fingers moved gently between my legs, I bit my lower lip as I slipped one fingertip inside. It felt so good that I dropped the soap, slid to the floor of the shower area, then watched with fascination in the mirror as both hands brought my body to orgasm. The pink flush that covered my body was not due to the heat of the water but solely to the most beautiful orgasm I’d ever had. Watching my own hands as they played, stroked and then rubbed against my body, was a unique experience for me. My arousal had be
gun with the soap slipping across hardened nipples, and ended with one finger deep inside my body.

I relaxed, enjoying the feel of the water as it pelted from high above me, landing on my body. Closing my eyes, I gave myself up to simply feeling the peace surround me. I wondered what it would be like to have another person showering in such a huge room with me. I wondered what it would be like to hold and rub the soap erotically against their body, to lean forward at will and flick my tongue over their nipple… as I wished someone would do to mine.

My imagination shattered as teeth clamped down on one nipple. I hadn’t heard him enter the room. But Miles was on the floor beside me, the only part of his body touching mine were his teeth holding my nipple.

“Get off!”

His answer was to tighten his grip on my nipple. Pain sliced through my body.

“Ouch! Get off me!” I raised my hand ready to smack him across the face. I screamed as his teeth bit harder. My hand dropped to the floor.

“That’s better.” He spoke still with his mouth holding me. An electrical pulse zapped directly from my breast to my pussy as his tongue licked my nipple. His body was as wet as mine was. When his mouth closed over my nipple, I braced myself for the pain. Exquisite deliciousness filled me as he suckled. Instead of smacking him with my hand, I used it to hold his head against me.

Disappointment flooded me as his mouth moved away. Realisation struck quickly though as I felt his warm mouth moving lower, nuzzling between my breasts. His tongue flicked out, circling my belly button and moved lower. Such slowness taunted me. I knew where he was aiming, he took forever to arrive there. When he did, my moan was loud and left him in no doubt I enjoyed his ministrations. His tongue lapped my juices. When he’d cleaned them from me, he gently probed inside. The warm wet abrasion against my pussy lips had my hands holding his head pressing it against my body. He slipped his tongue out, licked upward and found my clitty. He played with her, stroking her with his tongue. She swelled under his attention. My body trembled and quickly he pushed his tongue deep inside. I came for him then. I heard him slurping and sucking my orgasm from me. My shuddering caused me to slip until I was lying on my back, his tongue still inside me, rhythmically moving in and out.

I couldn’t stop the shuddering, I lay there with the water hitting my body revelling in the magic his mouth played.

When eventually he lifted off me and stood up, my eyes were glazed over. I had let another man touch the most intimate part of my body. I didn’t loathe myself for it, nor did I loathe him.

“Get up.” Miles harsh voice ripped me back to reality.

I stood.

“Look what you’ve done.” He let his own eyes drop briefly to his fully erect cock.

My eyes followed, then quickly I looked back up.

“Yes Bess. It’s time now. Suck me off. Make me cum in your mouth.”

I wasn’t too sure I wanted to do it. For a kick-off, his cock looked like it would choke me, add to that the bitter taste of cum. I took a step back from him.

“Bess, either you do this voluntarily, or I force you. Which is it to be, it’s your decision.”

It didn’t take too long to toss the options. I knew he wouldn’t hesitate to hurt me if it meant I would do as he wanted. I fell to the floor of the shower, my knees against the hard floor. I had to hold his cock and bring it down to my mouth. I knew it would be more than a mouthful, the previous time in the jungle I had sat on top of him it had felt huge as he’d rubbed it against me.

Closing my eyes, I tentatively ran my tongue around his tip, his moan far above me sounded muffled. I opened my mouth for him, suckling slowly just on the tip. His moans encouraged me to take him deeper, his thrust pushed his cock right inside my mouth and I gagged as he hit the back of my throat. I pushed him away, but his strength pushed back and I felt his cock pressing harder against my throat until it slipped a little way down inside. I couldn’t breathe. My eyes were streaming salty tears. I pushed my hands against his legs hard, heard his awful sneering laugh as he pulled out of my mouth.

“Nearly got it right Bess. Stand up.”

I took a few minutes, trying to breathe deeply. The pressure to gag had been great and I tasted the nasty vomit reflex. I stood, drank deeply of the shower water until he pushed the tap off.

I shivered as a fluffy white bathrobe was placed over my shoulders from behind. Arms reached around and knotted the tie. I was pushed forward, back into the room with the fish tank.

I looked quickly towards the doorway, hoping it was open. I should have known it wouldn’t be. I heard a click beside me and part of one wall moved away revealing a bedroom. The huge bed looked so inviting, I realised I could have slept for a week. But I also realised I wouldn’t be allowed to.

Turning, I saw Miles wrapped in the arms of one of the guards. At least I thought it was a guard until I saw her face. Her naked body showed her bruising, but she leaned against him like a limpet to a rock. Lorris looked over his shoulder at me and to my surprise, winked.

She looked a lot cleaner than the pile of rags I’d seen her as, last. The wink surprised me totally. I didn’t think she’d have the strength to stand again, let alone hang off Miles’ body in such a manner.

Miles pushed her away, looking over at me. My startled expression evidently amused him as his laugh echoed around the room. He whispered something to Lorris, she left him and brought me a drink.

“Drink up Bess. The night’s young and you’ve lots to do for me.”

I took the drink from her, our hands touching. Our eyes met and hers seemed to be telling me to stay calm, that I’d be okay. Whatever she saw in my eyes satisfied her, for with a small nod, she backed away and stretched herself out on the bed.

I gulped the drink down knowing what the immediate future would hold. Placing the empty glass back on the cabinet shelf, I walked over to the bed. Miles sat himself on the only armchair in the room at the foot of the bed, leaned back and placed one ankle over his knee in the relaxed manner males tend to do.

Looking down at Lorris I discovered her natural hair colour was not unlike my own. Still the dyed blonde head colour seemed to suit her. I settled down on the bed beside her. I already knew the magic her mouth could bring for me. I didn’t stop her from undoing the tie of the bathrobe. When she opened it, I looked anxiously across at Miles.

“Relax dear. Enjoy it. You’re going nowhere until I say you may.”

I knew this for the threat it really was. With Martins lashings etched on my mind, I lay back on the bed. I stilled my circling thoughts and calmed my breathing. Lorris looked down at me.

“It’s okay Bess, I won’t hurt you. I love to touch your body. I love to feel its smoothness against my palm, like this.” She held my breast in one hand, squeezing it gently. I closed my eyes willing the tension to leave my body. A warm trickle ran down between my breasts. With my eyes wide, I sat up.

“Lay down Bess.” Miles ordered. “I think she needs to be tied and blindfolded Lorris. I don’t think she can be trusted not to move.”

“I promise I won’t move.” I hoped like hell that he wouldn’t have me tied again. I loathed not being able to move my hands.

“Too late Bess.” He grinned at me.

Too quickly Lorris moved. She grabbed one of my wrists and tied it to what I discovered was a ring on the headboard of the bed.

“Lorris, please don’t do this. Please don’t tie me.” I wasn’t beyond begging her not to do it.

“It’s okay Bess, I won’t hurt you. Trust me. I’m tying you up for your own good,” this as she grabbed my other wrist and tied it to the
other ring. The rope she used rubbed against my already raw wrists. My head was a mere inch from the headboard.

“Lift your head Bess.” Miles ordered me from where he sat reclining.

I lifted my head to look at him. His smile widened as he watched Lorris covering my eyes with dark material and tying it at the side of my head. I let my head fall back, unable to see anything, I listened intently for what would happen next.

“Get the bar.” He ordered her.

She tied one of my ankles then the other, when I tried to move them I couldn’t bring them closer together. I swore then.

“Shit, bitch! What the hell are you doing to me? Get it off!”

“I can’t Bess. Lie still.” I knew she was serious. The slight quiver in her voice let me know just how scared she was of Miles.

“You know what to do Ms Smyth.” Somehow, his quiet instruction scared me to death.

Icy cold wetness landed on my breast. My gasp was swallowed as Lorris leaned over my body licking my lips with her tongue. When it slipped inside, I felt her warm tongue move over my teeth, and rub sensuously against my own tongue. The cold on my breast increased and seemed to move over my body. My nipples felt like they were climbing to get away from my body.

Her mouth left mine and I heard a kind of sloshing sound, moments before one nipple was tugged hard and something cold and metallic was placed over it. The other was tugged and the same feeling of cold metal pressed against me. The coldness was not too bad a feeling, but the tightness of the metal gripping my nipple caused me to arch my back and gasp. I became accustomed to the feeling.

Warm fingertips separated my pussy lips. Something told and metallic pressed against my tender clit. It felt like it was being squeezed or clamped. I writhed, trying to move away from it.

“Please stop Lorris. Please don’t do this any more. You’re hurting me. I want you to stop.”

“Gag her.”

She did as Miles bid her. A wad of cloth was placed in my mouth, I tossed my head from side to side to avoid being gagged but it happened regardless. She tied the gag firmly. All I could do was moan against the cloth. As she tied it, she whispered, “It’s okay Bess, just go with it hon.”

“Tighten that one.”

My clitty was squeezed. I grunted against the gag.

“Good. That’s better. I don’t want it falling off.”

The constant pressure of having my clitty squeezed had my pussy dripping in anticipation. The light pain I felt was turning me on. Heat flushed my face and neck.

“Ahh yes Bess, you’re feeling good. I can tell. Okay Ms Smyth, carry on.”

Something tickled against my thighs. It felt light and touched me so gently I almost cooed. Warmth covered my clitty. She was blowing warm breath against me. Warmth covered my nipple as she encircled it with her mouth, her tongue flicked over it very slowly. My back arched a little off the bed. She felt real good. I wanted the nipple sucking to go on forever. My pussy pulsed hard.

She sucked my nipple a little harder, taking it into her mouth.

Warm wetness on my pussy. Her mouth hadn’t left my breast. What was happening now? I couldn’t figure it. The whisky dulled my wits. It felt too good for me to worry about working it out. Something firm slid inside me and then slid back out. My clitty was pinched a little tighter. I grunted again at the surprised pain. She bit my nipple between her teeth. The cold wetness on my breasts began to warm. Something light rested against me. Something tightened on my other nipple. She took her mouth off and tightened something there too. The bed moved as she lifted herself off it.


I waited for either of them to move. Nothing happened. I breathed deeply, the gag tasted foul. My head rested back against the pillow. I could wait for whatever it was that he had planned next for me.

I leapt and screamed as an electrical charge zapped through my body. The charge zapped me again. After the third one, my numbed brain cells told me to stop screaming.

The zapping stopped.

“That didn’t take you long to learn Bess. Good girl.”

He was pure evil and there was nothing I could do. He was insane. God alone knew where Lorris had disappeared to. My breathing slowed again. I tried asking him to not hurt me. But the sound that came out made no sense to anyone. The gag took care of that.

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1590 Very few things in the world had the power to frighten Electra. Her master's wrath happened to be one of them. And even that was usually only enough to make her take a step back and bow her head. Right now she shrunk down to the floor, positively cowering. Dracula's shadow aura was practically causing the whole keep to tremble with his rage. "Dost thou dare presume to insult my intelligence, Electra?" "No milord," Electra responded weakly. "I spoke only truth to you." "Then...

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Blood RoseChapter 8

Her hair is like blood, her eyes violet jewels And she governs the fates of all whom she rules. Her voice is of silk, but her words are of steel. Look in her eyes, and your fears become real. A blossom of blood, with thorns that can kill, She will bend all your dreams to the ways of her will. Her beauty is pure as the clear driving rain, But to enter her world will bring only pain. The blade that she holds you cannot defy. Kill her you might, but she will not die. There is but one...

2 years ago
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Bloodlines 3 Bats All in Leather

BLOODLINES 3: BATS ALL IN LEATHER I was growing extremely disillusioned with the LAPD. Here I had been hiding in my (recently deceased) Uncle Gregory's decaying Hollywood mansion for almost three weeks and STILL they had not discovered the body of Rick Herzog. I mean... what in the Nine Billion Hells of Nyarlathotep are we paying taxes for? I was almost tempted to grab the first cop I saw and drag him over to Rick's apartment. Saner council prevailed, however. And I soon realized...

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Blood of BrothersChapter 13 Dining with Demons

What is the nature of demons? Are they the demons case down by god, the spawn of Satan, as humans tend to believe? Do they come from a different world? What are they? Demons come from all over the worlds. They are dimension travelers, but most specifically, they are beings that feed off of life. They are parasites. There are few that know the true origin of demons, most of them being the first demons. Some of them are still alive. Stories claim that the demons came originally from a harsh...

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Blood Lust

My name is Jackson Shaw; at least that is what I call myself now. I have gone by many names over the ages. I am a vampire. I was turned the year the great pyramid was completed. Yes, I am over 2000 years old, ancient even by vampire standards. I have lived in the shadows for most of recorded human history. I say human history because it has been a long time since the title human could be associated with me.  Time teaches all to he who has the luxury of eternity. And what the ages have taught me...

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Basketball Sweat by loyalsock

This was the last game of the over-30 women's basketball league. Our teamhad done pretty well, and if we won this game we would be in the playoffs.Our opponents were in the same situation and wanted to win just as badly.Unlike a lot of out-of-control men's games, the women usually take itpretty easy, but with the playoffs on the line everybody seemed to beplaying a little harder and rougher than usual.It was near the end of the game and we were down by one, and I had the balland was trying to...

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Blood Moon Chronicles Book 2 As the Waning Moon SetsChapter 13

I made my way from the inn to the market east of there, where Clive had said they had been ambushed. When I arrived, there was a bustle of activity, normal for a market of this size, as well as a grouping of soldiers on the far side. I suspected that was where the attack had transpired. I weaved my way through the crowd until I arrived at the other side, where three soldiers were investigating the area. “Good afternoon gentlemen, what exactly happened here? Do you have any idea who did...

3 years ago
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Blood RoseChapter 3

Six years ago... It was almost midnight. Brad and Ritchie had already retreated to their tents; Anthony was alone. Aside from the chirping of crickets and the crackle of his campfire, it was quiet. The pale light of the moon danced eerily on the ripples of the lake. He sat calmly in front of the fire, gazing out around the darkness of the woods. She was out there. He was certain he'd seen her once already. Last night when they got back from their hike he was certain for a split second...

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Blood of BrothersChapter 19 Death

Every morning we vampires die, and every night we are born again. Each and every day must be a new experience or we will become bored with the world we live in. A vampire's world is sharper and stronger in every fashion. Every taste a vampire experiences is new and exciting. Every smell, every touch, every emotion is an educational opportunity. Vampires are children of the night, seeking their degree in the world. Each chance they have to learn is an opportunity worth taking. The new life...

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Blood Diaries Ch 03

Chapter Three: The Angel of Death I had no fear for my life, if he had wanted to kill me he would have already. I realized that the warm feeling I had been getting was him feeding on me, but I was confident in my assessment that he wouldn’t make me his next victim. He wanted me to panic, to flee and leave him, but I couldn’t. instead I leaned forward and embraced him. He became very shocked at my reaction. ‘Who made you the way you are?’ I asked. ‘I have never told this story before,’ he...

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Blood Sword

Blood Sword by Eddie Glover Brenlan felt the familiar twinge in his body. He reached for the sword he'd brought back from the east, the sword to which he was cursed. "That's a hell of a sword!", the bartender whistled in admiration. Brenalan turned with a frown, "You have no idea of it's strangeness or powers my friend.". He could now feel the sword's pull and the beginnings of his own change. "Help!", a woman screamed from outside. "Damn! It's about time I was...

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Blood Sword 2

Blood Sword 2 by Eddie Glover Brenlan watched from the shadows as the men he'd been tracking approached a lone woman. He'd long suspected that these men were mercenaries, just the kind of scum he'd been looking for. The sword began to vibrate in his hand, letting him know that it would soon be needing the blood he so often gave it. Should he fail to appease the blade he would become a buxom woman of whorish looks. "I have no quarrel with you.", the woman said as the mercs...

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Blood Moon Chronicles Book 3 A New Moon RisesChapter 7

“If you do not mind, Davik,” A familiar voice from behind me said, “I would not mind a plate of that delicious smelling food.” I jumped in surprise and turned to see who had just said that. To say I was shocked would have been an understatement. “What in the seven hells is going on, Lillian? You’re a Voguel?! How can you change into a wolf without a blood moon? Why have you been helping me all this time?” She laughed at the rapid succession of my questions and it was only then I realized,...

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Blood of BrothersChapter 6 The First Meal

The rush of wind in the face, watching the people move like ants, being withdrawn from the crowd, above it. Tim experienced all of these things as he leaped tall buildings in a single bound. Sinbad had first led him to a store that was still open at two o'clock in the morning. It was a specialty shop catering to a particular crowd. Suffice to say, Tim walked in wearing the tatters of a pink dress, and left wearing a suit of black leather, with a long black trench coat on over it. Guided by...

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Sweat second visit

The Sweat Lodge. Second VisitSue had not arrived by the time we were ready to enter the sweat lodge. The couple were missing as well, a couple of new people resulting in 6 men and 8 women. I learnt that the tall woman with nice tits with acorn sized nipples, dark short hair was called Ruth. All naked as the day we were born, we crawled into the lodge I had Ruth immediately behind me. The hot stone was brought in and the opening covered in pitch black. Could not see a thing but I immediately...

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Blood of the Clans Ch 17

The three story-tellers stood at the prow, looking at the faces of the love-struck women, as they heard the story of Garreth and Therese. They couldn’t help but feel they were telling a love story, the way they all sighed and moaned, at all the romance of it. They had made it to the tip of the western coast and came to Neist Point Lighthouse, perched atop a jagged out-cropping of rock, the sheer bluffs surrounding it. The yacht plowed through the breaking waves, making the turn to head north...

2 years ago
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Blood Lust Part Two

My name is Jackson Shaw. I'm a historian, a philosopher, a night club owner, and oh yes, a vampire. I live in Ohio, and for the most part I have a neat, quiet existence. I wake up every morning at 6, hop out of bed, have a shower, get dressed, and then head over to my favorite coffee shop for my morning tea. This has been my morning ritual ever since I arrived here about a year ago.  Now I know to most, this is not what you were expecting the life of vampire to be. I know that the imagination...

1 year ago
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Blood Pressure Check

I have a medical history of high blood pressure. It's not surprising, even though I'm only twenty-eight years old. My parents were both hypertensive, as were my grandparents. The life-style that I live doesn't help much either. On my days off I drink beer and smoke marijuana, both to excess. I smoke cigarettes and drink coffee every day. I don't get much exercise either. My doctor has given me some pills to keep it down and for the most part they work pretty well; except for in one...

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Fear, it always seemed to be a part of his life. Fear was the feeling coursing through Tyler Croft at this moment as he entered the hotel and headed to the small bar just off the lobby. The initial excitement he had felt upon his arrival had faded and the fear returned. He felt eyes on the movement of his butt under his leather miniskirt he entered the bar and located an unoccupied booth. The seat and back cushions were soft and the interior was warm, cozy, and richly appointed and he began to...

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My Sweat Goddess Neelima

Hi, Friends, this is Krishna from Hyderabad 27 years old. I have a lot of experiences to share with you. Basically, I’m from Bhimavaram, staying at Hyderabad Kukatpally. So let’s dig into the story. This is a real incident that happened 6 months ago in my apartment. Her name is Neelima, I’m a die-hard fan of aunties. I have a bad habit of sniffing armpits of girls. I like summer because of sweating which I like most. I usually go for night shifts. One day while returning from the office I’m...

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Wiped My Teacher8217s Sweat With My Lips And My Cock

Hii this is Ranjith again with my sex experience with my dream girl who is nothing but my computer teacher. Her name is Thanuja, age 28 with having ultimate figure of 36-26-36. I had this experience when I was in grade 12th. I had friends who thought me to watch porn and masturbate. So my sexual desires started from that time itself. While seeing my teacher’s hot ass I used get erect in my pants. So I was masturbating myself thinking of her. To say about her she was teaching us computer. She...

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Blood of the Clans Ch 50

Iain saw his men following MacRae towards the shore and broke from cover. Screaming as loud as he could and waving his arms, he hoped his brother, or one of the others would hear or see him. Grayson joined him, both waving their arms and yelling the MacLean motto and then more voices joined in. Stuart MacLean was riding with his clansmen in the last half of the charge, when his arm was pulled by one of his men and told to turn and look at the two men on the battlefield. Iain was instantly...

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Blood of the Clans Ch 47

The Justice rocked against the anchor chains, as its guns roared, its shots peppering the thick stone walls. Chunks of stone sprayed off the walls, leaving foot deep impressions behind. From the south, MacRae watched as the cannon took shot after shot, until it found the gate. The wood shattered and splintered open with the impact, leaving the castle open to attack. From across Duich, the thirty two pound cannon barraged the west wall, demolishing the new cannon battlement and any means of...

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Blood Lust

The day was growing old, and the sun was starting to set. Who could of known that something so simple and so regular, like the sun setting could have drastic and horrific consequences. As the great ball of fire abandoned the lit sky, the world around it collapsed leading for it to change dramatically. Darkness spread across, leaving no gap unfilled, nothing could escape its cold grasp. As the light left, it seemed like other things vacated the world. Hope and happiness seemed to turn...

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(((Just combining chapters to reduce length of my POST lost.)))BLOOD DIAMONDSChapter 1The Present... A Trash Dumpster, New York City"Rambo to Sugar Tits. Rambo calling Sugar Tits. You awake Sugar Tits? This is your wake up call.""Yeah, I'm awake Rambo," I groaned. Rambo's irritating, nasal whine wasn't something I wanted to wake up to. Ever! "And, stop calling me Sugar Tits."The earpiece/microphone was coming lose from my ear and I seated it firmly back into place as Rambo continued. "Hey, you...

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Blood LustChapter 13

Alicia hated her job. Sam's Tavern was ostensibly a biker bar, but its true clientele was a horrid mix of wannabes and parolees. The parking lot contained far more beat-up Honda Civics and rusty Ford Escorts than it did Harleys. As she wiped up yet another spilled beer on the bar, the perpetrator of the mess gave her a sharp slap on the ass, laughing uproariously at his own daring. She sighed but otherwise ignored his actions; she knew from experience that showing a reaction would just make...

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Blood Moon Chronicles Book 3 A New Moon RisesChapter 32

Davik He used the whip again, demanding to know how I had gotten my abilities and what had been used. I tuned him out, thinking of other things, when a strange tickle occurred in the back of my head. Not on the skin, but deep inside, not unlike when I found the fire that triggered my abilities that first time. The tickle appeared just after a strike of the whip and after two more, it became much stronger. Instead of a tickle, I began to feel emotion, but it seemed off as if it were not my...

1 year ago
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Blood RoseChapter 6

17 years ago... The sharp whoosh lasted only a split second before the dull thump of the arrow piercing the target sounded. The barb had struck precisely on the little heart drawn in red crayon on the drawing of the human-shaped figure mounted on the wall with the very cartoonish-looking set of dripping fangs drawn on the otherwise blank face area. Little Kaeli started to bounce up and down with excitement, but stopped as holding the bow made it a cumbersome gesture. The curved length was...

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Blood of BrothersChapter 2 Rude Awakening

I awoke with a start, uncertain when and where I was. Something had disturbed my slumber. I looked around and it was as if I hadn't yet opened my eyes, there was nothing in sight. I do not mean that it was pitch black, I can see perfectly in no light, but there was simply nothing to behold. Stretching out with my senses I found that I was not on earth any more, it was some shadow realm. Upon taking inventory I noticed a lack of physical form; I had not brought my body with me, inconvenient....

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Blood of BrothersChapter 20 Emergence

What is a family? How do we become so attached to those that we grow with? Those that know us the best are the most capable of hurting us. Why do we always give them the power to do so? To claim someone as part of your family is to accept them into your life, into your heart. Those inside you are able to cause pain like no one else. This could be because they know you so well. They know which buttons will hurt the most. They know your secrets. They know what causes you pain. Lovers, brothers,...

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A New Taste Part 40 Sweat and Swallow

As lockdown eased I found myself still furloughed and sat at home during a heatwave. My weekly visit from Tom continued to be a delightful affair but a little bit of me yearned for an opportunity to worship a larger member. I wasn’t shy in asking my regulars but I needed to be patient and be satisfied with my good fortune, they would contact me when they needed my services. Nick did call though. He had some news. “Listen Ben, do you fancy helping me out? I have a new ‘friend’ and I need you to...

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A Lesson in Fear

A Lesson in Fear        You enter the living room where I am curled up on the couch reading quietly. Pacing around the room You stop to stand in front of me. Placing both hands on your hips You glare down at me. I look up slowly meeting Your eyes and gasp at the anger I see there. Quickly setting the book down I crawl from the couch and kneel before You.  ?What have I done to anger You this time Master? I ask helplessly.  ?This time pet? ?You question in an angry voice. ?Yes Master, You are...

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Blood Sacrifice of Innocence

Everything in Nature adores the chaste virgin, as she walks through her Almighty Father’s Garden of Paradise, naked and unashamed. She will never know sin, so long as the snake is kept out of Paradise. When she has matured, the lover sees the beauty so breathtaking to behold, and innocence so pure, surely she must have the blood sacrifice of innocence, to atone for accursedness in his seed. Her lover places her needs for security and commitment, above his own base instinct, elevating...

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Blood of the Clans Ch 10

Colin MacDonnell rode with haste through the countryside towards the attacking MacRae’s. It was his duty to watch them and ride back when they started to march for Donan. Having lived, travelled and hunted in the area all his life, he knew the best route to take and where he could safely watch them without being spotted. It was his deepest hopes as he prayed, that he could live through this night and return to his wife and family, alive and well. He’d seen the results of battle with Claymores...

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Blood of the Clans Ch 18

As the men prepared the ship to leave port, Therese looked for a guard or soldier to give her last letter to. She spotted a soldier on patrol, coming up the pier and called out to him. The soldier recognized who she was and made haste to the gangway, before it was raised. He stood in front of her at attention and waited for her direction. ‘I want you to give this letter to the Earl, no one else. Make sure that he gets it, after, I have left.’ Her emphasis on after, being stressed to him. The...

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Blood Moon Chronicles Book 1 Beneath the Blood MoonChapter 12

The arrow went right through his Adam’s apple, all he managed was a gurgle before falling forward. The sound he made must have reached his comrades, as I heard them increase the speed of their approach. When he had hit the ground, the arrow was pushed even further through his neck, causing a spurt of blood to escape the wound. I could see that the arrow had pierced his spine, near the base of his skull. Within moments, he stopped breathing; a large puddle of blood was oozing out around him....

3 years ago
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Blood RoseChapter 2

1875 Annabelle breathed deeply as her eyes opened. With a level of vigor she never thought she would ever feel again, she sat up in bed. Impulsively, she began to laugh. She felt ... strong. Revived. Alive. The fever that had ailed her for days, that had already claimed the rest of her family, was gone. She was herself again. No, that wasn't quite right. She felt better, stronger now, but not necessarily like herself. It was more like she felt like someone else. It didn't matter. By all...

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