Faith And Gracie: Episodes 1-4 free porn video

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Finn didn't bother knocking as he burst into his sister Gracie's room. She appeared to be watching television, but he put a dismissive hand up, already anticipating her outburst. Gracie: "Get out of here!" Finn: "Chill out, Gracie. I just need your phone charger, stop being so melodramatic." Grabbing the phone charger from her desk, Finn noticed Gracie sitting in front of her television. There was an old book open in front of her, as well as candles, a wooden board with some odd symbols and a teen magazine. He blinked at her, his fingers gripping the charger as he began to back out of the room. But Gracie still seemed to be freaking out over the interruption. Gracie: "I'm not being melodramatic, you're gonna ruin---!" There was a blinding flash of light. Finn's head spun, a wave of dizziness overtaking him. His vision was still blurry, as the scene slowly came back into focus, and they were standing in the living room. Although something was off. It was a larger, more open version of their own living room. Almost like a stage. Finn: "Uhhhh. Where are we?" Gracie: "How many times have I told you not to come in my room?" The rebuke fell on deaf ears, as Finn's head was still aching. When he went to rub his temples, he noticed a mass of blond waves replacing his once brown hair. Examining his hands, he saw that they were smaller, more delicate... and manicured? Finn: "Gracie... what's happening?" Gracie: "You screwed up my spell!" Finn examined his hands again, then pinched a lock of his hair so that he could examine it, feeling the tug on his scalp. Looking down, he saw that he was in girls pants and a white blouse. And were those... boobs? Finn: "Why do I have boobs, Gracie?" At the sound of his new high-pitched, lilting voice, Finn began to cough. Finn: *HACK* "What's wrong with my voice?" There was an odd sound, seeming to come from all around them. Almost like laughter. Yes, it was definitely laughter. Were people laughing at him? Finn: "What was that?" Gracie rolled her eyes, and sat on the couch sullenly. Gracie: "Studio audience. We're in a sitcom." Finn: "Wait... people are watching us? That's insane. And answer my freaking questions, Gracie!" Gracie: "Sort of! It's magic, but like, combined with technology. Which you aren't supposed to mix, but I thought I figured out a way to make it work. Until my idiot brother interrupted." The audience laughed again and Finn looked for a camera or something to glare at. When there was nothing to be found, he simply shot another angry look at his sister. Finn: "Don't blame this on me! Why am I a girl?!" Gracie:: "I was using magic to create a pocket dimension. Nothing too convoluted. Just a nice, light, sitcom world with low stakes where I could have some fun and unwind. Which is where we are now." Finn: "Okay... That's a lot to take in... You created a sitcom dimension and we both got pulled into it. So why are you still you, but now I'm a girl?" Gracie: "Most of the structure of this world is based on ours, but with sitcom rules. And when I was setting up the parameters, I made it so I don't have a brother in this universe. No offense, I just need a break from you sometimes, because you do things like come into my room without asking." There was another echo of laughter from the audience. Finn: "Oh, shut up." Gracie: "During my test runs, it worked perfectly. I'm an only child here, and the universe literally revolves around me. But since you messed up the spell, I think it's rearranging this entire universe to integrate both of us. For instance, I still don't have a brother here... I have a sister." Finn's mouth hung open at the revelation. Gracie: "You look just like me. Only a girlier version. Maybe we're twins or something." Finn: "Well, since I'm not interested in being twins or hanging out in your sitcom universe, how about you magick us out of here?" Gracie: "I'd love to, but I wasn't finished creating an exit route for this trip. So until I can figure something out..." Finn's shoulders slumped. Finn: "We're stuck here?" Gracie nodded, as the television in front of them popped on, depicting Finn in his new girly body and Gracie in her glasses and basketball jersey. The title Faith & Gracie appeared over them. An awful, lilting pop song followed. "We're twins, but we're different" Finn: "That's literally the worst song I've ever heard." Gracie: "I guess you're Faith now. And how did you get top billing in my universe? That's total BS." Finn: "Could you just turn it off?" Gracie: "Sure thing, Faith." The audience cackled and Finn slumped onto the couch next to his sister. Finn: "I hate sitcoms." *** Episode 2: Twice the Wardrobe! The next morning, Finn and Gracie slogged into their shared bathroom. It was spacious enough, befitting their new sitcom house, but Finn still grumbled. Finn: "Can't believe we have to share a bathroom." Gracie: "At least we have two sinks." The two stepped up the adjacent sinks to begin their morning routines, when a gratingly upbeat pop tune kicked in. "We're twins, but we're different" Finn: "It's that godawful theme song again! Screw this, I'm putting in earbuds." Gracie: "Girl, same." Finn glared at his sister and somehow the laugh track sounded over the cloying theme song. Gracie: "Sorry." The two slid their earbuds in and went to work getting ready for the day. But by the time they were dressing, there was a knock on the door and their mom stuck her head in. Mom: "Morning, girls!" Gracie and Finn looked at each other. Sure, this woman looked just like their mom, but there was something strange about her. Gracie: "Hi, mom." Finn: "Hi... um... Mom?" Squeezing Finn's elbow, Gracie pulled her transformed brother over and whispered in his ear. Gracie: "The spell used Mom as a template, so this isn't technically Mom, but she should be pretty much the same." Finn: "Pretty much?" Gracie anticipated a day of relaxing around the sitcom house, so she slipped into a comfortable basketball jersey and shorts. But when Finn grabbed a t-shirt and jeans from Gracie's closet, their sitcom mom intervened. Mom: "Faith, just what do you think you're doing?" Finn: "Getting dressed?" Mom: "Oh no, I won't have my daughter gallivanting around in jeans and a shirt." Finn: "Um... What?" Finn motioned at Gracie, who stood there in her shorts and jersey. The twins watched with confusion as the sitcom mom threw open the doors to Finn's closet to find it completely empty. Mom:"That's strange. You're usually such a little fashionista." Finn: "No, I'm not." Mom: "Fine, you can borrow your sister's clothes, but it certainly won't be a pair of jeans, young lady." Mom darted over to Gracie's closet, combing through rows of clothes and hangers before finally pulling out something she approved of in pink. Mom: "So adorable! Gracie, do you mind if Faith borrows this dress?" Gracie couldn't help but laugh and the invisible audience laughed along with her. Gracie: "I'm never gonna wear it, Mom. It's all hers." Mom:: "You're such a good sister. Now go on, Faith. Slip this on and then I'll help with your makeup." The audience laughed again as Finn shot Gracie a look of pure spite before taking the dress. After he slipped it on and fumbled for the zipper, they laughed even more. Finn: "Oh darn, I can't get the zipper, guess I'll have to wear pants." There was another wave of laughter as Mom assisted. Mom: "I have it, don't worry, sweetie." Once Finn was zipped into the dress, Mom took his hand and led him into the bathroom, helping him with lip gloss, blush and mascara, gushing over how pretty he looked while paying no attention to Gracie, who just applied a simple lip balm. Finn was horrified at the final results, but Mom was thrilled. Mom: "You look beautiful, dear." Finn: "Great, just what I wanted." His voice was dripping enough sarcasm that the audience couldn't help but laugh. Mom finally left the room and went back downstairs, as Finn looked to Gracie for an explanation. Finn: "What the hell is happening? Why isn't she making you do all this crap?" Gracie: "Mom, I mean our real mom, always wanted me to get more into clothes and hair and makeup... So when I was designing this universe, I made some tweaks so that she wouldn't bother me about it here." Finn: "But the tweaks were just there to keep her from bothering you, right?" Gracie: "Looks like it. This mom still wants a girly girl daughter, and since it can't be me... it's you. Finn: "Great." Gracie: "Kinda weird that your closet is completely empty, but I guess the spell is still adjusting to there being two of us. If it makes you feel any better, you look super cute in that dress." There was even more laughter and Finn's face went red. A few minutes later, they were in the living room. At least they could enjoy a quiet day at their sitcom house and Gracie would have plenty of time to find a way to get them home. But as the two sat on the couch brainstorming, Mom bolted into the room. Mom: "Faith, get your purse. I'm not sure how you got rid of all your clothes, but we're going to the mall to get you a new wardrobe." Finn: "I don't need a new wardrobe! And who even goes to the mall anymore? Just order everything online." Mom: "Nonsense, honey! Do you honestly want to sit at home all day when you look so pretty?" Finn: "Yes, that's exactly what I want to do!" The audience cracked up, but Mom grabbed Finn's purse for him, a purse he didn't remember having earlier that day. It was in glittery pink and covered in bedazzled butterflies. It was then that Mom noticed Finn slipped on a pair of Gracie's purple sneakers when she wasn't looking. The audience laughed, but Mom was clearly not amused and scowled at the sneakers, then at Finn. Finn: "They're purple... that's a girly color." Mom: "After today, you can say goodbye to sneakers, young lady." There was more laughter, as Mom led Finn out of the house. The door slammed behind them and Gracie put her feet up. Gracie: "I should probably look into fixing the spell... but I think I deserve a little me-time." The audience cheered. Gracie would have plenty of time to figure out how to get them home, but getting stuck in a sitcom was pretty stressful and she needed time to unwind. She took the remote and turned on the television. Meanwhile, Mom and Finn were somehow already at the mall. Mom subjected him to a barrage of bras, panties, skirts, blouses, dresses and everything in between. The scene would've made for a perfect sitcom montage, but Finn had to suffer through every agonizing second. Mom insisted on snapping pictures and sending them to Gracie for review. Back at the house, Gracie sat comfortably on the couch with a bowl of cereal in her lap and a game controller in her hand, not bothering to do any spell research now that she was home alone. As the flood of pictures came in, Gracie sent back the same message on every single one. Gracie(Texting): "So cute, get it!" The crowd cackled, especially at the angry scowl on Finn's face in every single picture. It was like he was trying to scowl directly back at Gracie for putting him in this situation. Mom said they were on the way to the shoe store now, and Gracie reminded her that a girl can never have too many shoes. When Mom and Finn arrived home after hours upon hours of shopping, their arms were full of bags and boxes from dozens of stores. The ones piled in Finn's arms were so high that his face was hidden. Gracie rushed to help, taking some items from Finn to reveal the same angry scowl from the pictures. Gracie laughed nervously, and the audience with her. Gracie: "So... how was shopping?" Finn kept scowling and didn't answer. Gracie: "That bad, huh? Well, at least you got lots of new clothes." She looked at all the boxes, but then from outside came the sound of a truck backing up. Mom was ecstatic. Mom: "There's the rest of it!" The audience lost it at the joke, as Mom left Finn and Gracie in the house and rushed outside to grab even more clothes from the truck. Finn set the last of his boxes down and collapsed onto the couch. Finn: "If a sitcom episode is only like twenty-four minutes, then why did I just spend a whole day at the mall?" Gracie: "I guess we still have to go through our daily lives here, but yeah, it is a little weird. I mean, it was great to have some time to myself and just chill out and play video games all day." Finn: "Do what all day?" Gracie: "I mean I tried to fix the spell and then I played video games. To relax from all the spell-fixing that I was doing." There was more laughter, and Finn grabbed the controller, eager to relax a little himself. But then Mom came back in, leading a pair of movers with even more clothing boxes. Mom: "No time for video games, Faith. We need to organize your new wardrobe." Finn: "Grrrr." Finn passed the controller back to Gracie and stood up, stomping bitterly up to his bedroom as the poppy theme song kicked back in. "We're twins, but we're different," Finn: "Yeah, no shit." "One's girly, one isn't," Finn: "Is that a new line? And wait a second... Am I supposed to be the girly one?" Gracie: "You ARE the one in a pink dress." *** Finn clopped into the bedroom, the audience oohing and aahing at his new outfit. He took an unsteady step in his new shoes, and Gracie offered him a hand. Gracie: "First time in heels?" The audience cackled and Finn crossed his arms angrily. Finn: "You know it is." Gracie: "Wow, Mom really dolled you up. She wasn't kidding about wanting a girly-girl daughter." Finn took a few more unsteady steps and sat down on his bed, relieved to be off his feet. But as soon as he relaxed for a moment, the poppy theme song kicked in. "We're twins, but we're different," "One's girly, one isn't" Finn: "I hate that fudging song! And I'm not fudging girly!" Laughter rang out from the crowd, as Finn shook his head, looking at Gracie in confusion. Gracie: "Did you just say 'fudging?'" The audience laughed again. Finn: "No... I mean, yeah... but I was trying to say... Hold on, let me try something... I was trying to say... 'Fudge.'" His eyes went wide with horror as the laughter continued. Gracie: "Oh, I get it! You're trying to swear! Drop an F-bomb?" Finn: "Yes! Why the fudge can't I?" Gracie: "This is gonna sound crazy." Finn: "Crazier than getting sucked into a sitcom, turned into your sister's twin, and forced to dress like a princess by your new mom?" Without realizing it, Finn crossed his legs, anxiously bobbing one foot in a decidedly feminine manner. There was more laughter, and then Gracie offered an explanation. Gracie: "So the sitcom universe we're in... it's rated TV-PG." Finn: "What?" Gracie: "It means we're only allowed infrequent coarse language, maybe some suggestive dialog. But definitely no F-bombs. Unless you're talking about fudge, of course." Finn: "So... I can't fudging say fudge?" The audience was laughing again, and Finn stomped his pink wedges on the floor in frustration. Gracie: "Wait a second... I have a theory. Say fudge again." Finn: "Fudge again." Somehow, the viewers laughed even harder, as Gracie motioned for Finn to try again. Rolling his eyes, Finn did. Finn: "Fudge." Now the audience was howling with laughter, prompting Finn's face to turn a furious red over his inability to curse. Gracie: "Just like I thought. I'm pretty sure 'fudge' is your catchphrase. Finn: "What do you mean it's my catchphrase?" Gracie: "We're in a sitcom. That means lame jokes, conveniently resolved plot points and... Cheesy catchphrases." Finn: "Great. I'm stuck in a sitcom, I'm a fudging girl and now I can't even use swear words." Gracie: "Honestly, I'm a little jealous. I want a catchphrase." Gracie's joking pout got an aww from the audience, as Mom called to the two from downstairs. Mom: "Girls, don't stay up too late! Remember you have school tomorrow!" Finn: "Awesome, can't fudging wait." Mom: "And yes, Faith! You will be wearing a dress! Finn's reply was loaded with sarcasm, and the crowd ate it up. Finn: "Golly gee, Mom! Can I wear tights and heels and makeup again, too?" Gracie: "Hey, I think I've got a catchphrase! So you just asked Mom if you could wear all that stuff to school tomorrow, right?" Finn: "Obviously I was being sarcastic." But Gracie seized the opening, determined to have a catchphrase of her own. Gracie: "Oh, Faith... You're such a girl!" The crowd absolutely roared, cheering for Gracie as Finn stared at her angrily. He stood up for a moment, ready to storm out of the room, but a stumble in his wedges sent him tumbling back onto the bed. Finn: "Fudge you, Gracie." There was more laughter, but Gracie was still basking in the reception of her new catchphrase. Meanwhile, the theme song kicked back in. "We're twins, but we're different" "I'm stuck in a dress, and your hair is a mess" Gracie: "Hey, what the fudge, I washed my hair today." *** Finn: "Gracie, help!" Gracie rushed into the room, holding a bowl of oatmeal that she was shoveling into her mouth as she ran. The invisible audience was already guffawing. Gracie: "I'm trying to eat breakfast! What's your problem?" Finn stood dressed for the day in a black skirt, white blouse and pink tights. His hair and makeup were flawless, but she seemed to be struggling. Not just with the prospect of his first day at school as a girl, but with keeping the closet door closed. His back was pressed against the door, and his stocking feet were digging into the carpet, trying to find traction. Gracie gobbled down her last bit of oatmeal and studied the situation while Finn kept struggling Finn: "My problem is... I was looking for some shoes to wear to school, and as you know I have like five-hundred pairs now... Mom put the flats all the way at the top of the rack, so when I climbed up to get them, the whole thing toppled over and now I'm holding back a... shoe avalanche." The audience cackled and Finn went red at their reaction. Gracie stepped forward to help, but made no effort to hide her amused smirk. Gracie: "A shoe avalanche, huh? Oh no!" But before Gracie could assist, the closet door burst open and the twins were buried under a miniature mountain of jellys and clogs, slingbacks and stilettos, pumps and wedges and ballerina flats and t-straps and Mary Janes. There was not a single pair of sneakers anywhere in the mix. The crowd cackled as Finn and Gracie popped out of the pile. Somehow, Finn emerged holding a powder blue shoe in each hand. He looked at them and groaned. Finn: "Ugh, fine. I guess I'll wear these." Gracie: "I can't believe you have an actual mountain of shoes. Oh, Faith..." Finn: "Don't fudging say it, Gracie." Gracie: "You're such a girl!" The audience was howling with laughter as Finn struggled out of the pile and slipped the shoes on. A moment later, the terrible pop-rock theme song kicked in. "We're twins, but we're different," Finn: "Nope, not listening! I'd rather go to fudging school." Grabbing a pink camo backup and his bedazzled butterfly purse, Finn minced out of the bedroom. Gracie fought her way out of the pile and followed. A moment later, the two of them were walking down the halls of their high school, modified with wider halls and open classrooms. Apparently their sitcom hometown was Townsville, and the two were now students of Townsville High School. The two stayed close, examining the sitcom versions of their former classmates as they walked to their lockers. Of course, Finn was complaining. Finn: "Can't believe all you had to do was roll out of bed and throw on some pants and a shirt." Gracie: "Hey, I took a shower!" Finn: "Mom woke me up a whole hour early just to help me with my hair and makeup and pick an outfit. I showed her, though." Gracie: "Um... How? Finn: "Remember when she said I had to wear a dress to school? I wore a skirt instead." There was more laughter, as Finn smiled confidently and then dipped into a quick curtsey. Gracie was unimpressed. Gracie: "Yeah, you're such a rebel. And did you just curtsey?" Finn: "Did I? Maybe it was... like a sarcastic curtsey." Gracie: "Looked pretty legit to me. You crossed your ankles and everything." Finn stopped in the middle of the hall and seized Gracie by the shoulders. Their sitcom classmates walked around them, offering annoyed looks that made the audience titter. Finn: "Why would I curtsey, I don't know how to curtsey, I've never curtseyed before in my life!" Gracie: "Fudge, I was afraid of this..." Finn: "Afraid of what, Gracie?" Gracie: "Okay... It's like with Mom. To fill up the sitcom world with people, I used our town as a blueprint. Everyone we know is basically the same personality-wise, just a sitcom version. Sort of like NPCs." Finn: "Have I ever told you you're bad at explaining things?" The audience laughed again and Finn rolled his eyes, trying to find an invisible camera he could glare at. Finn: "And I'm so sick of that stupid laugh track." Gracie: "I thought it would add to the atmosphere! So anyway... Everyone's an NPC based on a real person. But there's no Gracie NPC based on me, because I'm just me. Real Gracie playing sitcom Gracie." Finn: "Right." Gracie: "But there's not actually a Faith in the real world... And since I didn't set up Finn in this world, the spell got all wonky and turned you into a copy of me. Only, I don't think it's done..." Finn: "Don't think it's done with what?" Gracie: "You heard the stupid theme song! We're twins, but we're different. I think the sitcom logic is working off the polar opposite twins trope. Which is why Mom is so insistent on you being the girly one. Not just because she wanted me to be girlier, but because it makes sense in the world of a corny sitcom for one to be the tomboy and the other to be the..." Finn: "Girly girl? I'm so fudging sick of that term." Gracie: "I'm not even sure if it's best to resist the spell or just go with it. You're already responding when people call you Faith. When's the last time you even referred to yourself as Finn?" Finn: "Right now! My name is Ffffff... My name is Fuh... Fuh! Fudge!" Finn kept struggling to get his name out, almost as if the words were catching in his throat. Meanwhile, the audience cracked up at his effort. Finn: "My name is Fai... No, no, no!" A female classmate of theirs walked by, looking the twins over and giving them both a smile. Classmate: "Faith, I love those shoes!" Finn seemed to drop his struggle for a moment, smiling back. Finn: "Thanks, girl! Omigod, love your skirt!" As soon as the words left Finn's mouth, he gave Gracie a look of pure horror. The audience thought it was hilarious. Finn: "Gracie, you have to fix this right now and get us the fudge home!" Gracie: "I'm trying! Mixing magic and technology is already messy, and since this isn't a show about magic, like magic doesn't even exist in this universe as far as I know, there isn't much I can do for research." They walked to their lockers, Finn's shoulders slumped as he clopped along, actively resisting the natural grace his body moved earlier. He noticed a black haired girl in jeans walking by, her sensibilities obviously more alt than either him or Gracie. Finn: "Hey, it's Cass. She was always in the front row at my punk shows." Gracie: "What front row? You played in front of like eight people." Finn: "God, I miss wearing jeans." Cass noticed the twins looking at her and she walked over, joining the two of them by their lockers, exuding the aura of a television bad kid. Cass: "Hey, Two-of-a-kinds. Wearing heels to school again, huh? Wow, Faith... You're such a girl." The audience roared, as both Finn and Gracie crossed their arms in unison, which made the audience laugh even harder. Gracie: "That's my catchphrase." Finn: "They're barely even heels... They're Mary Jane wedges and they're... cute." Finn pouted when the last word left his mouth and the audience awwed at his reaction. Cass: "Just giving you crap! See you around." Cass disappeared down the hall, as Finn and Gracie watched her go. Finn: "She used to have a huge crush on me." Several boys walked by, nerds and jocks, bad boy loners and enthusiastic otakus. More than a few of them gave Finn quick looks. Gracie: "I don't think she's the only one..." Finn: "Whatever, let's go to class." The two searched through their phones, looking up their schedules for the sitcom school. Surely grades wouldn't matter in this universe, but it was best not to upset the balance of that universe until they could escape. Distracted by the search, Finn was unaware that he began humming a familiar tune, even mumbling the words to himself. Finn:"We're twins, but we're different. One's girly, one isn't..." Gracie: "Dude, are you singing the theme song?" Another horrified expression spread across Finn's face, and he shook his head to clear the song out, sending his blond tresses flying for a moment. Finn: "No... I mean... It's like any crappy pop song. Sure, it's terrible... But somehow... It just gets stuck in your head." Gracie: "Maybe we should go to class. I've got molecular chemistry, what about you?" Finn: "Let's see... What the fudge? Modern dance?" Gracie: "You mean a class where you have to squeeze into a tutu and then prance around and then if you're lucky, you get hoisted into the air by some hot guy? Why wouldn't you take a class like that? After all, Faith... You're- Finn held his hand up in front of Gracie's face and then stormed off in the direction of the dance theater, heels clacking through the halls Finn: "I know, I know! I'm such a girl!"

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Gracie 06 ndash Bruce and Kerin

Gracie and I went to Gizmos. I couldn't go back to LeStat after fucking Brad in the toilets there. I don't know if I can ever go back there. I wore another low cut blouse and I'm starting to feel much more comfortable showing off some tit now. Being with Gracie helps a lot. The first thing anyone notices about us when we go out is our tits. "Four great tits" as Gracie described us.My drunk act works a treat and it's kind of exciting and kind of sad how many men are predatory enough to want to...

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Gracie The Love Triangle Ch 05

“Why do the good girls always want the bad boys?” (No Doubt’s song BATHWATER by G. Stefani, T. Kanal, T. Dumont) Gracie watched him from across the table. Her was so sweet and so attentive and he loved her, she knew. True, he did lack something in his performance in bed and was not overly demonstrative – but wasn’t that a good thing? Matthew would be a good father, husband, provider and wasn’t that what all women wanted, needed, desired? Desired? Desired. Her eyes wandered across the table...

3 years ago
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A First For Gracie

Darkening the doorway as she let her eyes adjust, Gracie took in the bar that she was entering. At the bar to her left was a young couple lost in each other. Down at the other end of the bar was a nice-looking woman; mid-twenties, she surmised. Along the tables to her right was a group of men talking about the upcoming Super Bowl. Too much testosterone there, she thought.She stood in the door with the sun at her back. In the transparent low cut top she was wearing, anyone from the inside could...

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A First For Gracie Gracie Gets Disciplined

As Gracie, Daddy, and Candy started to leave the bedroom to get some pizza, Daddy touched Gracie on the shoulders to stop her.  She stopped and glanced up at him. “Clothes off,” Daddy said with a firm stare into her eyes.  Gracie was unnerved by this but was expecting it.  She knew that the last two days of her sexual independence came with a price.  A price she would pay tonight. “Yes, Master,” she replied.  She dropped her top and skirt where she stood and stepped out of her shoes. Candy...

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Gracie 04 Fucking the Fat Little Pig

Gracie and I had a Big Day Out on Monday, the Queen's Birthday Holiday. There were events on all over town and we went to a free concert in the Park and I discovered that Gracie shares my love of classical music, especially the baroque. They played Vivaldi, Brandenberg Concertos and Mozart and we lay on the grass in the sun enjoying the music for hours. We had lunch on the Boardwalk and strolled along the riverbank than sat and watched the boats on the river. We stayed till dark and watched the...

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Gracie and the Boy in the Leather Jacket

Gracie was, by all accounts, a good girl. She seemed quiet, but her mind was constantly spinning. When she was a little girl, many of the boys in her class liked her. She didnt understand how she was supposed to respond, and thought of them as friends. She soon realized that the boys wanted more from her, so she became secluded in an effort to protect herself. The years passed and Gracie grew into a beautiful young woman. Her copper-brown hair tumbled past her pale, slim shoulders. A few small...

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Gracie 02 Squeal Like a Pig

Gracie and I hit Clancy's on Friday night, the night after we had met, full of excitement and optimism. We were up for anything. One guy or two guys, whatever we could get. Two sluts on the prowl, looking for cock. Gracie was so uninhibited and it was catching. She made me feel uninhibited and comfortable with my slutty nature. We planned our night at Clancy's, to pick up a guy, take him home and fuck him, the way we would have planned a shopping trip. Gracie was so different to my girlfriends,...

4 years ago
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Gracie is back

For quite a while, Gracie has not been “herself”. She had a skin cancer scare and just about the time that ended, COVID hit the world. The skin cancer thing is over and done with and I am happy to report that all is well.During our “down time”, our sex life was diminished to almost nothing. It was totally understandable and I didn’t push it. My wife knew I was still horny and did her best. A handjob here and half-hearted blowjob there was about it.One day out of the blue, my wife said “I need...

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Amazing Gracie Pt 3

Amazing Gracie Pt. 3(The GILF down the hall)The following happened one night about a week or ten days after Gracie and I first met. I showed up at Gracie’s door and knocked gently. Gracie opened the door dressed, not in slinky lingerie, but in appropriate outdoor summer wear. She had on a loose fitting blouse / shirt hanging outside (not tucked in) a pair of khaki color shorts. She was barefoot and had a glass of wine in her hand. I had showed up hoping for a night of hot nasty sex, but her...

2 years ago
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Daddys Daughter Gracie

After she left her daddy’s room, a thousand thoughts and ideas started to run through her mind. The 18 year old daughter, Gracie, headed back to her room, but with some hesitancy as she wished she could have stayed with him all night long. Seeing as she did go back to her room she could still feel it all. She loved how his body felt all over hers. She began to smile as she “felt” him all over her too. She felt the sensations or so she thought she did and as she thought about it some more she...

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Amazing Gracie Pt 3

The following happened one night about a week or ten days after Gracie and I first met.I showed up at Gracie’s door and knocked gently. Gracie opened the door dressed, not in slinky lingerie, but in appropriate outdoor summer wear. She had on a loose-fitting blouse/shirt hanging outside (not tucked in) a pair of khaki-colored shorts. She was barefoot and had a glass of wine in her hand. I had shown up hoping for a night of hot nasty sex, but her dress and appearance had me wondering if she was...

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Amazing Gracie Pt 3 Contd

AMAZING GRACIE PART 3 (Continued) NOTE: First, thank you all for the kind words and feedback I have received. My stories are retellings of actual experiences I have had. As such, I can’t really can’t alter the facts or endings. If you are looking for stories that will follow a certain storyline and conclusion you prefer, I suggest you read any of the fine fiction pieces on this site. Again… Thank you! This is the continuation of Amazing Gracie 3. While this is a stand-alone story, reading #3...

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Daddys Daughter Gracie

After having been with her daddy and all that he’d done for her, the 18 year old daughter Gracie, hesitantly, went back to her room. Despite that she did she still love how she felt all over. She loved feeling his cock in her hands. That amongst everything else felt great. It felt awesome and feeling her daddy’s cock in her mouth as well felt out of this world. Gracie couldn’t believe she’d put her daddy’s cock, of all men, into her mouth. And on top of that she actually sucked him off she...

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Amazing Gracie Conclusion of Part 3

As I lay next to Gracie in a contented sleep, I became aware of a stirring in my penis. It was nothing specific, just a very pleasant feeling. I assumed I was asleep and having a dream after the incredible sex I had enjoyed with Gracie earlier. I began to realize I wasn’t asleep and the feeling was very real.I opened my eyes and in the semi darkness I could both see and feel Gracie. She was laying on her left side with her head on my chest. With her tongue, she was licking and gently sucking on...

4 years ago
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Amazing Gracie Pt 2

Gracie and I embarked on a period of time where we had the “mutual irresistible” for each other. It was strange, but she and I could not get together without feeling a heat. When we would go out in public we would usually end up cutting our evening short and hurry back to one of our apartments for private, carnal activities. As I learned more about Gracie’s history, her current attitudes made more sense.Gracie had been born and raised in a semi-rural area of Kansas. Her parents had a large,...

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Daddys Daughter Gracie

The daughter, after having been with her daddy, and all that he’d done with her and for her went back to her room. She loved how she felt. She loved feeling his cock in her hands and in her mouth as well. As far as she was concerned she’d let him do it all over again with her but one thing was for sure. Gracie absolutely loved how her daddy’s cock felt inside her mouth for sure. No man’s cock, not even her boyfriends had ever entered her mouth in all the time she’d been with him. But daddy’s...

1 year ago
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The Gracie Experience

This is a true event. This email was received on July 3, 2019.When Gracie was 55 years old, she had sex with a young gentleman. He was grossly obese and worked at McDonalds. Addicted to video gaming and porn, she wanted to make a difference. The event changed his life. My wife is devoted to making people happy and has a soft spot for those "less fortunate". I am so very proud of my wife.Please enjoy.Dear PJ,When I first wrote to you, I never dreamed that I would actually get to have sex with...

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Not Quite a White Knight Book 1Chapter 22 Return to Gracie

Monday Afternoon I was back in LA by 3:00 in the afternoon Monday - early rush hour and much earlier than I expected when I left. Between the airport and the Fort I swapped out the Porsche for the C-1500 at the Casa, where I picked up a clean suit for the office - whenever I got there. Then I swapped for the S-10 at the Batcave. I missed my dear Vicky and the freedom from LAPD she gave me, but that was too risky to drive right now with that Mustang on the loose, looking for trouble....

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Not Quite a White Knight Book 1Chapter 37 Getting Gracie Out Of LA

Tango wanted to talk to me about it after, “to be sure...” but I explained that Abril was a free agent and not a romantic interest of mine. Also, I said that as one of my men, he deserved the best, and we agreed she was. I was something I repeated often because I knew it built loyalty. Plus I almost believed it; I believed in saying it. Still, he wanted to ride along with me for the day, so I told him to grab the Green Shotgun (beanbag rounds) from my armory plus his own guns and a pair of...

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Amazing Gracie

Before last night it had been three or four weeks. Last night he was really horny. He fucked me for almost three full hours and his cock felt like a steel rod. No wonder he left me so sore And I lost count of how many times he and I came. All I know is he had a lot of cum built up in his balls I was in my mid 40’s when this took place. At that time, I was living in an apartment on the 11th floor of a building in a downtown area. My job had me traveling frequently, and sometimes for...

2 years ago
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Gracie and her best friends son

Gracie was attending a birthday party at her friend Rachel's house, who's son was turning 18... Gracie:"I've known Rachel for more ten years now and she is one of the few type of friends who actually stick around. It felt as if not too long ago I was turning 18, but I was now in my early thirties and Rachel probably felt old too now that she was was nearing forty!... But anyways let's continue with the story...There was plenty of alcohol available, for those in the appropriate age range of...

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Nandita To Nandini

Hi, To all Iss reader this is my first story hope U all would like it a complete self raj i live in Mumbai this story is about my aunty nandita,let me describe her she is in her 30s,lives with her husband and daughter.She is born beauty with an awesome fig of 36.28.40 ..her assets are her huge melons of 36 d and her ass that will give a hard on to any guy who looks at it So now my story starts this was like 5 years ago when I was appearing for my 12 th HSC examination at that time my...

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Gracie Meets Lucky

I watch her come into the bar on a hot Saturday afternoon.  I cannot help but stare, my eyes following her as she makes her way across the room to the bar.  Her wavy red hair is flowing over her shoulders, almost as far down as her what have to be DD breasts bouncing in her Chicago Cubs crop top.  The bottoms of her breasts are uncovered and her nipples are proudly poking small tents in her top.  Her tight midriff is covered in a light sheen of sweat and leads down to what I suppose are daisy...

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Not Quite a White Knight Book 2Chapter 7 CrowdSourcing To Get Gracie Back

I left Resha’s home at about 11 in the morning and drove to Sam’s office to talk about the security proposal. On the way I passed the parking garage where Gracie switched into the Town Car for her drive to Detroit with Marta. That was only 9 days ago but it felt longer. I missed her. I never felt “miss her” about anybody before, yet suddenly I was tempted to fly to Detroit right now. But I knew that would do nothing to get us back together long term. Plus, I had too many irons in the fire....

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Amazing Gracie

I was in my mid-forties when this took place. At that time, I was living in a nice apartment on the 11th floor of a building in a downtown area. My job had me traveling frequently, and sometimes for extended periods of time. But currently, I was enjoying some time at home base following a six-week assignment to the great northwest (Washington State).There was a very nice lady that lived down the hall from me. Her name was Gracie, who was a widow in her late fifties. Gracie was not a little old...

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A First For Gracie Sami Candy And John Get Together

“Wow, that was so much fun,” Candy said as she and Sami walked into Frank's Place hand in hand.“Oh, I know!  I can’t remember when I’ve had more fun with sex,” Sami answered.The bar was fairly busy since it was Saturday night but they found two seats at the end of the bar and settled in.  Carol, Sami’s coworker, walked up.  “Hey girls, what can I get you?” she asked.  “Nice markings, by the way, you two have been messing around, huh?”“Um, well yes, we have, as a matter of fact,” Candy...

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Faith and the Thai episode

FAITH AND THE THAI EPISODEorFaith’s Sexual awakeninga novel byNicoletta Sanchez Duran Faith and the Thai episode – Part 1 This is the story of Faith Griffith, 30 year old Manhattan school teacher whose husband Greg Pope had died whilst on honeymoon in Thailand. What Faith had never told anyone was that Greg had been found in an abandoned shack dead from a heart attack attributed to a combination of Viagra, crack and cocaine. Two days after their honeymoon started in Bangkok he had disappeared...

2 years ago
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Gloryhole turns good girl Gracie into jizz drinkin

There's one fantasy that I Gracie finally let myself live out. The fantasy of being a cock sucking, cum swallowing, gloryhole girl. I’m not sure where my interest came from. I think it has something to do with finding my cousins porn collection on his laptop he let me use when I was visiting them when I was younger. I wrote down a few of my favorite links he had. When I finally convinced my parents that I needed my own personal laptop for school, I finally was able to check those sites out in...

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Andersonville 12 The Day Linda Anderson Came To Town

I slid the report into the proper file just as he walked into the room. Dennis Butz stood there wearing his three-piece suit, looking as handsome and charming as any man could. But I was not to be tamed by his charm. "Hello, Linda," he said with a friendly grin. "Judge Herns isn't in today," I replied back in a frosty tone. "I'm not here to see her." "My plane leaves in less then an hour Dennis, what do you want?" I slammed the file drawer shut and walked past him to my desk...

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A First For Gracie Sami Candy and John get together Part 2

John was dreaming, had to be dreaming.  Sami’s breasts were in his face, one nipple in his mouth.  She was riding him cowgirl style moving her hips back and forth on his raging hard on.  “That’s it, Miss, just like that,” he moaned as she rode him hard.  Then she started bucking up and down on his cock. “Oh fuck, I am going to cum,”Suddenly, he woke up.  He was indeed cumming but it was into Sami’s mouth, not her pussy as he was dreaming.  He looked down at her as she took every rope of cum he...

Straight Sex
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Sissy Gracie Life Begins Anew

sissy gracie As we all know, this is a work of fiction. Parts of this are true. The beginning premise did happen. True and played out by moi. A lot of the truth has been embellished. Enjoy. As a blossoming sissy and knowing and accepting what a good sissy does.... this sissy decided to pay a visit to the local ABS..That is an Adult Book Store. Located in a large city in South Fl. Once inside, and checking out the mags and dildo's, i walked into the private video area to...

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Sissy gracie Life begins anew

Sissy gracie, Life begins anew Chapter 2 As i stood to dress.. the first guy asked me.."So cunt.. you are wearing sissy clothes underneath and all lockedup. Do you have other clothes .. other sissy clothes?" 'ohh Yes Sir' i replied... "Good .. tomorrow.. bring the key.. and wear more.. i want to see you all sissified...... no pants.. just sissy clothes.. prissy dress.. stocking.. high heels.. make up... make your tits look big...... do it up...... and I will hold your key...

2 years ago
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Gracie Goes To Hollywoods

My husband died in my arms early in 1969. He was thirty-one years old and I was a devastated eighteen-year-old.Edward's parents were every bit as wonderful as he was and did everything they could to help. They even offered, without being the least bit pushy, to take my step-children. This made perfect sense. They loved me, but they had known their grandparents all their lives. They would have a stable home, something I could not promise, and they would not have the stigma of a mommy who had sex...

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Amazing Gracie

It was like a teenager’s wet dream except it was real! Mrs. Abercrombie, Gracie, my best friend’s mother, really was riding on my bone. Beautiful and bountiful boobs that I could barely keep my hands on as she had ordered, kept reminding me that this was really happening. Her late thirties body was better than practically all the ones on the web I jacked off to. I’d had day and night dreams about it especially since I peeked through the fence when she was sunning and saw most of it naked one...

3 years ago
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Lost Episodes

Lost Episodes. Those Creepypastas with lost tapes, one and only time airings, and other hidden content. They can be television shows, unreleased cuts of movies for the big or small screen, and even various Commericals. All Evidence is usually destroyed before the episode could be proven real. These lost episodes are not Creepypastas. They are not horror, no matter how high or low quality they have. These are a different genre all together. No... these are the Lost Episodes of Erotic. Episodes...

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Randis Vacation Part 3 of Randi

Randi's Vacation Randi woke up to his alarm and quickly silenced it. A quick glance to his left confirmed the Denise was already up. She almost always got up before him preferring some extra time between getting ready for work and needing to walk out the door. He preferred to have enough time to get ready, eat and go. He walked to the bathroom which was right in the master bedroom. The condo they bought was a bit extravagant but provided plenty of room and they could afford it on...

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Chanda Ki Gandi Chudai 8211 Part 2

Hum dono abhi bhi nange hi thay. Chalte chalte usne paad maari. Uski gaand mein abhi bhi haddi akti hui thi. Nadi kinare, jhadiyon ke bich usko bithaya. “Hug le saali madarchod. Kab se paad rahi jai bhosdiki.” Woh hugne lagi. Uski gaand se haddi nikal gayi. Uski garam moot ki dhaar mere pairo pe giri. “Saali maderjaat! Mere pairon pe mootegi. Saali raand muh khol,” main uske muh mein mootne laga. Lavda uske gale mein ghus kar mootne laga. Maine apni tange faila di aur wahi khade khade hugne...

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Chanda Ki Gandi Chudai 8211 Part 1

Mera naam Rudra hai. Ek number ka harami aur besharam. Mera dimaag mere lavde mein hai, jo saala har waqt chudai ke liye uchalte rehta hai. Kasarati badan jo ghanto tak lavde ka saath deta hai. Waise toh bachpan se hi kaafi chudai ki hai. Lekin yeh wali sabse achi wali, ya yeh kahu ki sab se gandi wali hai. Main tab 30 saal ka tha. Shaadi hui nahi thi. Ghar mein rehta hi nahi tha. Naukri hi aisi thi ke sheher-sheher gaon-gaon bhatakna padta tha. Peshe se ek civil engineer, jiski degree paiso se...

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Andrea Standing part 2 of Andreas Stand

Andrea Standing (part 2 of Andrea's Stand) A note at the beginning. One of the problems with writing a serial story is that the author feels a need to recap what happened in the prior portions. Please go back and read part 1, "Andrew Running". It will make this a better story. Briefly Andrew at 19, abused by his father, runs away to a distant relative, Aunt Clara. Andrew goes along with a joke played by Clara's lover Marnie, and ends up as Andrea working in Marnie's luxury used car...

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Faith Hill and her guard dogs

Tim Mcgraw and his beautiful wife Faith Hill were in their bedroom getting ready for bed. Tim had already had a shower and was lying on the bed with his hands behind his head talking to Faith. He usually wore a pair of cotton shorts to bed but tonight he was nude, he was anticipating making love to his wife and figured he would have a head start. "What are you doing in there woman" he called to Faith who was still in her dressing room between the bedroom and bathroom. "Just a minute hon I...

2 years ago
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Faith Anthology Part 2

Author's notes:This is three more short stories centered around Nigel Shaw becoming who he really is, Faith Shaw. The stories are in chronological order. 2-4-6-8 Faith was in her red and blue generic cheerleading outfit holding pom poms as she stood in front of the television watching an old football game, which her dad never took off of the Tivo. Her dad offered to buy her an outfit which was black and gold with Knights on the front. She politely declined, Faith was going to earn...

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Faith or, How I learned to love a Witch. This is a sequel to my story "The Witch, the Warlock and me." If you haven't, you might want to read it to find out about a few of the characters in this story. ---------------------------------------------------------- 1. A first meeting. My name is Carl and during the break between my junior and senior years in college, I'd taken a drive to a little town on the ocean about an hour from campus. I was walking...

3 years ago
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Faith Hope and Charity 1 Beeder

Introduction: the continuing exploits of Charity Jones Hello once again my faithful readers As you may or may not recall, my name is Charity Jones, not my last name of course but one does have to keep their secrets. I am writing these memoirs as I reflect on the last 24 years of my life and how it has led me to my current lifestyle, church-going PTA mom by day, slut by night. It wasnt an overnight transition to where I am now, happily married with kids and a sex life that would make porn stars...

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Faith Hope and Charity 1 Beeder

As you may or may not recall, my name is Charity Jones; not my last name of course but one does have to keep their secrets. I am writing these memoirs as I reflect on the last 24 years of my life and how it has led me to my current lifestyle; church-going PTA mom by day, slut by night. It wasn’t an overnight transition to where I am now, happily married with kids and a sex life that would make porn stars blush; but a gradual transition. For those of you who have read my earlier...

2 years ago
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Faith and Hope

My high school girlfriend was an absolute doll – about five-foot-four, pleasingly round, with short blonde hair, big brown eyes, a gorgeous butt and a firm pair of tits that I'd say were probably a size C. Faith was, like me, raised in a very religious home in our small Texas town and had vowed to "save herself for marriage". She even wore a "purity ring" on the third finger of her left hand. I respected her decision to wait even though sometimes, particularly when I was kissing her, I...

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Faith Anthology Part 1

Faith Anthology Part 1; This is the four short stories centered around Nigel Shaw becoming who he really is, Faith Shaw. The stories will not be in always be in chronological order. I will not be responding to any messages on the thread so do not get offended if I do not answer any question asked. Thank you in advance for understanding. I am Not the Best at Words (The Content of a letter which was slipped underneath the door of a teenage girl's bedroom) We have to talk, and you...

4 years ago
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Faith Hill and Kenny Chesney Just Friends

Tim McGraw, his beautiful wife Faith Hill and Kenny Chesney have been good friends and buddies for quite some time and when Kenny toured with them in 2002, they became even more so. Tim and Kenny were like two little kids when they were together, they roughhoused and pulled pranks on one another constantly, Faith was just as bad, she was like one of Kenny's sisters, she teased him unmercifully about everything. Faith is a wonderfully put together 5' 9", while Kenny is 5'7". She was always...

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Faith Rednecks Pleasure

PERSIAN STYLE VENGEACE  ?? FAITH ? REDNECK?S PLEASURE By Sonya Esperanto? [email protected] (Faith is a character from Buffy the Vampire Slayer, and was a renegade-turned-good vampire slayer).   Synopsis: Faith falls under the power of two rednecks whom she thought she could their asses high into the air.   Story Faith is walking on what looked like a ghost town.? Many people had fled towns because of the vampire epidemics, but most didn?t realize that most of the vampires...

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The Tuscan sun was quietly burning off the last wisps of grey morning mist from around the rising cypress spires in the near distance as two cars arrived at the villa, grinding the gravel under their wheels like strong waves breaking on shingle. My mother lifted the palms of her hands towards my face and allowed them to brush the outline of my veil, as though anything more than the lightest touch would cause it to disperse into fine white powder and drift away into eternity. She stood back a...

Straight Sex

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