Emma Ch. 27 free porn video

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Amna dreaded the day, but it finally came, when she was to have her first day working on the set of Hot Asian Lovers. She arranged to meet Susan at her flat, so, for Amna, she got up quite early and took the bus across town to the block of apartments opposite her parents’ shop. She prayed while waiting for a prompt reply on the intercom to give no time for her family would see her standing there, and fortunately nobody did. She was dressed in just the underwear she usually wore around Aunt Salim’s home, highly conscious that whatever she should do she mustn’t unbutton the overcoat she wore from fear of revealing her pubic hair or the breasts that only with effort she’d managed to keep hidden. Taking Susan’s advice she’d plied plenty of red lipstick onto her nipples, but couldn’t see the point of doing a similar job with flesh-coloured lipstick around the opening of her vagina. Nobody would be able to see anything through the thick mass of her pubic glory.

When she reached the flat, she found the door had been left thoughtfully ajar and was greeted by the girl whom she’d spoken to on the intercom. It was Maisie wearing just a pair of cut-off denim shorts and a large dildo strapped around her buttocks which protruded rather prominently through the unbuttoned flies. Amna didn’t know it, but Maisie had been rather taken by an interview she and Emma had had with a community of women who proudly termed themselves Dildo Dykes. These were girls who practised the fashion of wearing dildos wherever they went. This was meant as a statement of their rejection of the male ethos of feminine modesty, and also as an unambiguous statement of their dyke-hood. It was also a statement, as the very chatty crop-headed interviewee had made clear, that as Dildo Dykes they were “always ready to fuck!” This was a sentiment that particularly attracted her, although it offended Emma’s own views as to the impurity of wearing even as few clothes as that.

Amna had no views or understanding of women who wore dildos. She thought it rather ugly and disgusting. She’d often seen girls on the underground and in record shops with dildos sticking provocatively through the flies of their shorts, trousers or skirts. Or even without any clothes at all to otherwise disguise their lower regions. She had a vague idea that it might have some meaning or significance, but it was the femininity of women that she found attractive, and this seemed to rather negate that.

“You’re here to see Susan, aren’t you?” smiled the girl, stroking her chest.

“It’s my first day at work,” Amna admitted.

“Your first day ever?” Amna nodded. “I remember my first day of fucking on the screen. It was heavenly! It was gorgeous. The men are so good! They just keep fucking and fucking. I don’t know where they get their energy from! You’ll like it for sure. Here,” she smiled wickedly, “let’s see your body.”

Amna nervously complied, feeling that she could scarcely refuse in front of a girl who was so accustomed to seeing naked women. She unbuttoned her overcoat and parted it revealing her nylon underwear.

“Golly! You’re very hairy aren’t you! But you’ve got nice tits.” She leaned up to squeeze one. “It’s so lovely and firm. I’d love to fuck you whenever you want.”

Amna didn’t know what to say. This wasn’t the sort of thing she’d ever hope to hear from her younger sisters, but she assumed that for sex actresses there was a totally different moral and ethical order. If she wanted to get to know Susan better she’d have to get to know and understand it however much it contradicted all that her parents had ever inculcated in her.

“Let’s see Susan,” announced Maisie, pushing open the door to a bedroom which disclosed Susan and Josephine making love to each other. Susan’s mouth was joined with Josephine’s and both had their fingers probing deep inside the other’s vagina. Susan looked up at Amna and Maisie, sweat pouring off her face and down over her shoulders. Amna shuddered with passion and guilt as she looked at the girl’s smooth white body and her tiny nipples while the taller Josephine obscured the sight of Susan’s crotch by her wobbling buttocks.

“Why hello… Amna… dearest!” gasped Susan in the throes of passion. Amna smiled shyly, not at all sure what to say.

“Do you want to join in?” asked Maisie sweetly putting one of her small thin arms around Amna’s upper thighs.

“Won’t they mind?”

“Fuck no!” said Maisie laughing. “Fuck no!” She looked at Amna quizzically to ascertain whether she would actually take up the offer. Amna stood frozen in uncertainty: torn between her desires and her shyness.

“Well, if you won’t, I will!” announced Maisie, undoing her denim shorts and pulling them down over her slender thighs and pulling her tiny feet through them. She then approached Susan with the dildo sticking out prominently in front of her, its strap secured around the top of her buttocks and secured by a tiny buckle just between their two small round orbs. She stroked Susan’s crotch with her hands, while Josephine arched her neck round and pushed her tongue into Maisie’s mouth.

It was then that Amna stood, petrified by her inhibitions, watching Maisie insert the length of the dildo (longer than most men’s penises, Amna was sure) deeper and deeper inside Susan’s cunt while the girl released gasps of pleasure and ecstasy with each thrust. It was a very unsettling sight to see a girl so young having such total possession of the woman who was the constant companion of all Amna’s private sexual fantasies and longings. She scarcely noticed as Josephine discreetly disengaged herself from the couple, stood up and put her long naked arms around Amna’s overcoat-covered shoulders. She made no effort to entice Amna to indulge in any sex herself, perhaps realising the true centre of the young girl’s gaze. This was Susan’s cunt into which Maisie thrust her dildo backwards and forwards in imitation of the men she watched so avidly on the set.

Amna didn’t know how long her ordeal lasted. She was feeling both aroused by seeing the object of her desires indulging in the sort of activities she’d fantasised about (and which got her so hot, sweaty and sticky) and frustrated by the fact it wasn’t she who was giving the oriental so much pleasure.

“Maisie’s always like this,” sighed Josephine in what seemed like the far distance of Amna’s awareness of the world. “I’m sure it’s because she’s so young and that sex is such a novel thing for her. All she ever thinks about is the physical act. She never concerns herself about the emotional side.”

Amna was aware that these comments were meant to comfort her, but her feelings towards Maisie at that moment were not of the most charitable kind. She was relieved when, with an effort, Susan persuaded Maisie that they should bring this to a halt as she had to go off to work. Amna’s greatest desire then leaped out of bed, gave her only too brief a kiss (but so very reassuring!) and then in a matter of seconds pulled on a sweater and a pair of very skimpy white shorts.

“Underwear, darling!” exclaimed Susan, noticing how Amna was dressed. “Not perhaps the most sexy or expensive. But don’t worry appropriate clothes will be provided on the set. Come on, or we’ll be late!”

Today was also the first opportunity that Amna had got to read the script for Hot Asian Lovers, which she hurriedly skimmed through, searching with a pounding heart for a scene in which she was cited as having sex with Susan. There was no scene which mentioned that explicitly, although there were a few where she was expected to have sex with several men and girls. The story seemed to focus on a male lead who was apparently quite a famous sex actor (not, Amna was pleased to note, for the size of his penis, which however was still big enough as far as sh
e could see). He wasn’t remotely Asian, although almost everyone else in the film was. His part was as a visitor to some unspecified Asian country as a visitor where by chance he came to have sex with almost everyone he met. And, also by chance, almost all these people were women with a curious indisposition relating to keeping their clothes on and their knees closed. This Asian country wasn’t one that Amna had ever heard of (seeming to be an amalgamation of countries like Thailand, China, India and Afghanistan). There were no shortages of Hindu temples, deserts, mountains or sex bars. Susan had one of the more substantial rôles of any of the women, presumably in recognition of her track record as a sex actress. She was playing a Japanese tourist (although Amna was sure that her origins were very probably not Japan) who wore the standard cliché dress of such a person: baggy shorts, striped singlet and a camera strapped around her shoulders and not at all hindered by any protuberances on her flat chest. As a tourist, Susan got rather a few opportunities for sex, including several without the male star.

Amna’s rôle was rather more modest, as a native of this curious Asian country, where she was to wear a rather revealing sari and a red tear-drop painted on her forehead. She wasn’t inclined to tell anyone of her ignorance of the Hindu religion, having been brought up as a Muslim, as she was sure that she wasn’t really expected to bring any specialist knowledge to her rôle. As Susan unsubtly informed her, she was chosen for her sexual potential, not her acting one.

Even though it was the first day, the director didn’t want to waste any time. He handed the cast a timetable of shoots in which certain scenes were to be filmed and advised the starlets that their presence was expected even when they weren’t scripted to perform. He explained, waving his large hands about when they weren’t stroking his beard, that he had a philosophy of allowing the filming to take its own course, even when it diverged greatly from the script and that he might want to improvise with the delectations offered by the assorted cast whenever it seemed appropriate.

Amna was slightly horrified that she was one of those due to be filmed on this very first day, as she was cast as one of the male star’s first encounters on arriving in the country. Her scene was to be played in the mocked-up interior of a curious temple which mixed Hindu, Buddhist and Muslim iconography where she was supposed to play a temple regular. In this scene the star was meant to start masturbating for reasons that were not really well explained: despite the obvious incongruity and indeed inappropriateness of the surroundings. While masturbating, Amna’s character was meant to feel aroused and then to entice the star into full sex while other temple-goers would look on in great delight and approval. Amna knew that if even a small part of this occurred in the mosque where her parents sometimes took her there would be uproar and would probably lead to something being written in the local newspaper.

However, the part required learning virtually no lines, and those few that there were, she was told, were intended merely as a guide. Amna allowed herself to be taken away to the dressing room which she shared with everyone else except the male star. Susan comforted her with advice, as did another girl, a Pakistani with somewhat paler skin than hers and with quite short hair. She was told not to worry. They weren’t expecting great acting. Just apparent enthusiasm and willingness. Susan cuddled her and kissed her frequently on the lips and face, which was really all the comforting she needed, while the Pakistani adjusted the sari and learnt fairly early on that Amna knew no Punjabi at all. Or any other language other than English, except for a few words in Arabic. Amna dared to reciprocate Susan’s affection with a few kisses of her own, the veins of her neck beating so hard from her daringness and her fear of rejection that she feared that it might choke her.

“Come along! Come along! What’s keeping you?” demanded one of the technical assistants poking his head into a room full of naked or near-naked women. “We haven’t got all day, you know!”

Amna was hurried along with various other unhelpful epithets such as that time was money, the technicians were on an hourly rate and that more footage would be filmed than would ever need to be used, so she shouldn’t play the prima donna. Amna was distressed to see Susan stay behind in the dressing room with the Pakistani with whom she seemed to be developing a closer friendship.

She took her place on the set, standing by a papier-mâché statue of an elephant god dancing in a Krishna pose, while the male star was filmed wandering along the linoleum covered floor of the supposed temple admiring what were in fact just the top of the scenery’s cardboard walls. He paused by a mural of some women making love according to the dictates of the Karma Sutra that must have been a blown-up photograph of the real thing. He then pretended to get aroused by the contorted poses and the plethora of penises and vaginas. He pulled down the shorts he was wearing to reveal a semi-erect penis and started stroking it with skill. Amna watched with dread and fascination, her hands down by her side and the sari threatening to flop off to reveal her left breast. She felt very exposed with just her navel and waist showing, aware that soon, according to the script, everything was to come off.

“Psssttt!” came a voice from behind her as one of the assistants gestured her on. Amna sighed. She now knew what stage-fright was, although her only audience was the silhouetted figures of the technicians and some of the cast that she could glimpse beyond the arc-lights. “Psssttt!” repeated the voice more urgently.

Amna wandered onto the set, feeling the throbbing nerves of her neck echoed by the thump of her heart and the sweat pouring down her forehead, as she uttered the first words of her film career. “Oooh! You’ve got quite a thing there!”

“Would you like to touch it?” asked the star kindly, looking up at her with a not unsympathetic expression.

“Can I?” she asked with all the eagerness she could muster for the requirements of the script.

“Of course,” smiled the star taking her hand in his own hairy firm hand and guiding it to his now erect penis.

“It’s so warm!” commented Amna, departing from the script, as she observed her own first impressions of holding an aroused penis in her hand.

“It’s hot for you!” improvised the actor.

In actual fact, Amna’s first performance was not at all the failure she feared. The male star was actually very helpful, perhaps sensing her inexperience and shyness, and took her totally in control. She soon found that she was losing sight of the cameras trained on her, and, more worryingly, the censorious gaze of the director. She couldn’t say that she actually enjoyed putting his penis in her mouth and drawing it in and out, while uttering appreciative moans. She certainly didn’t enjoy his penetration of her, although he had taken great care to moisten her cunt as much as possible with his fingers and tongue. “You’ve got so much hair!” he commented smiling, with strands of pubic hair caught between his teeth. The fucking was something that went on rather too long for Amna’s taste. Surely it must finish soon, she speculated while trying to remember to make her gasps of pain sound a little more like ones of pleasure. She felt the top of her cunt bruise with each of the star’s deep thrusts and she felt sure that such a painful ordeal was totally removing any of the last of what maidenhead she’d still left untorn.

Her speculation was confirmed when he pulled his penis out from her battered naked body and with a few gestures released a torrent of warm semen over her. There were small droplets of blood gathered around the glans and the smooth sh
ine of the juices on it had a distinct reddish tinge.

“Very good! Very good!” said the director afterwards, congratulating the male star, while Amna lay naked feeling helpless and humiliated on the cool linoleum temple floor, her sari lying over one of her thighs and her eyes focusing on a plaster-cast model of a crescent moon. “And you too, dear,” added the director unconvincingly, looking at her with a not too sincere smile.

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After Club Pure I was not so pure

This true story is a result of several chats with my dearest sweetest GF Lindzy. She asked me to write this experience as a Lush story. It is her inspiration that makes this so sensuous. I had met Kevin at my favorite club Pure and we hit it off famously. That is to say we fucked till dawn. He didn’t often come to my city except on business, so when we saw each other we made it a special event. As he was leaving one Sunday morning he mentioned he had two friends who might come along on his...

1 year ago
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Chastening Day

This story is a work of fiction. Do not copy anything in the story.CHASTENING DAY   Act I:   A BOY?S LUCK, A PRIEST?S CALLING? smack magnetCh 1: A priest, a boy and a villagePavel couldn't wait for chastening day. After years of imaginings, he was old enough, and fortunate enough, to join in the spring festival. There were so many girls he might be paired with. There were two or three who he had often imagined chastening. Many were astonished at his luck in being chosen at all. But to be chosen...

3 years ago
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Kissing Causes Incest 8211 Part 4 Bro And Sis Lose Virginity

This is the fourth part, please read the previous parts to understand the story. I compare the woman in the story to actresses. So think of someone when you read this story, and I will continue the story where I left. Sister and I started a relationship of incest, which only started by kissing to pleasuring each other in any means. We learned about many things by watching movies. Then sex videos and internet searching. We learned about condoms, which is what we don’t have. But we learned a...

4 years ago
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She Knew Hed Be There

Sara walked through the glass door of the nightclub and adjusted her eyes to the dim light. It was impossible not to see him, their gaze meeting briefly before she strutted to the bar, jutting out her peachy arse and ample breasts to offer him the best view he could get. She knew he’d be here tonight. The floor was filling up, and was extremely busy for a thursday night, all of a sudden she sensed someone behind her, hot breath on her cheek, the anticipation building in the pit of her stomach...

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Behan ke bad mom ke sath suhagrat

Hi friends. I am again. As you know that I made my 1st honeymoon with my elder sister in Simla. And after that I always fucked her whenever she came our home. As usual I fucked her, we forget the door close. Suddenly our mom came in room when I was fucked my Sis. She did not say anything and went back to her room. We finished our fucking very fast and I asked sis Didi ab kya hoga. Wo gussa ho gayi aur boli, tum se jara bhi nahi ruka ja raha tha, Darwaza to lock kar lete. Main bola ab ladne se...

4 years ago
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First time love

This story I wrote down with many stops and starts, so my excuses for that from the start. I don't think that I should try to put down my "first time" love story with too much care. After all, love usually hits one without warning and first love especially creeps up without much care about how one will look after the event. As a teenager I was "socially disfunct", so much so that I didn't have many real friends, nor the knowledge of how important having those are either. Due to various...

4 years ago
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Toying Around Part 1

Mark was the picturesque example of a family man. A good father of two teens, a hardworking provider and faithful husband of 22 years. He never cheated on his wife once although he had his opportunities. Although he was a handsome man and in great physical shape for a 41-year-old, he never once went behind his wife's back although he had been propositioned a couple of times. His was a happy marriage based of trust and respect, yet he had one secret that even his wife didn't know about.It was a...

1 year ago
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Jayne III

My wife was due to return home in two days. In the meantime, I'm staying at my sister-in-laws.Making sure her prick of a husband doesn't return, and cause any more problems for her. My wife had insisted that I stay there with her sister. This was fine with me because I was keeping her sister occupied in various ways.With two days to go before my wife returned, I thought it best to begin to ease off with her sister.As much as I enjoyed the sex with her, it was time to cool it.I decided to get up...

3 years ago
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Broken Bliss Ch1

Blowjob, Erotica, Incest, Male/Female Teens, Masturbation, Older Female/Males, Reluctance. I apologize for any confusion this may cause, but if you don't like any of those themes, turn back now. Otherwise, please enjoy. ===================================== I couldn't believe it. What was she thinking? And with Jones, of all people! I needed to get away. Jumping on my motorcycle, just a modest Honda 500, I took off out of my neighborhood, away from my cheating girlfriend. Images of...

3 years ago
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Picture This

Part I: Hospital Morgue Picture this! You've just come on duty as the night shift morgue attendant. The phone rings; they have a client for you that was DOA at the emergency room. You arrive at the elevator and take possession of the body and roll it into the morgue. You roll the gurney up next to one of the stainless steel tables and remove the sheet. Imagine the shock as you are staring at an incredibly beautiful woman! She is tall and well tanned with shoulder length dark brown hair with...

3 years ago
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What a Bus Trip

I tried to sleep at first but wasn’t able too. I did not have much with me and this was back in the days before there was data on cell phones, so all a phone could do was call. I only mention this because if this story would have taken place today, it would not have happened this way. So, I watched people get onto the bus and awkwardly find a seat, and occasionally they would move around but luckily for me my row stayed open for a long time. I would say we were about halfway across the...

3 years ago
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Slave For Black Cock

Introduction: After stumbling accross some videos of her best friend fucking a black guy, she starts to fantasize about fucking him herself. I hope she wanted what she got! My wife and I had always joked about having her fuck a big, black cock and how much she wanted it. You know, typical kinky sex talk. We had a great sex life, but we both also knew how wet she could get even thinking about it. A few months ago a friend of hers started dating a black guy names (of course) Tyson. He was a...

2 years ago
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The Voyeur Den0

I snuck into the building late at night around 1:00 am. With a backpack full of goodies. Mainly, a drill. Through an entrance to the crawlspace in the school basement, I climbed up into a space right next to the girl's locker room. I drilled a few holes in the bottom of the wall that was parallel to the girls showers. I measured carefully and managed to make the holes pop out in the middle of cracks between the tiles. I attached some of the remaining stone to small string I...

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Suzys College Entrepreneurialism

As a young woman at college in the late sixties, I soon became aware of the power I could exert over guys of my own age! Although this was supposed to be “the swingin' sixties”, anything of a sexual nature has passed my small village by. I was the sort of person who liked to study what was going on around me though, so when I got to college, as a virgin, I was intrigued to explore aspects of sex for the first time. I guess it was due to having an elder brother and hanging around with him and...

4 years ago
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The first day of school

So I walked in and a cheery brunette girl greeted me. “Hey, my name is Anna. I am here to introduce new students to people in their grade”, she said with a large smile. I just nodded my head, and followed her to a room marked ‘10th Grade English’. I assumed this was my homeroom. I looked around and saw a group of 7 boys. Anna shouted, "Hey guys, this is um...” “Gabe”, I said bluntly. “Oh sorry, Gabe. Guys this is Gabe, he is in your homeroom”, she said hurriedly. Then she just walked...

3 years ago
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Being A Slut

Hello everyone! This is me Bhavna with next part of my sex trap. I hope you all read the last part trapped to be a slut. Now I was sure that this PE teacher and his son are going to make me their slut. Next morning I woke up with my pussy wet a little. I was all night wondering that what this father and son are going to do with me in campus! Thoughts of being fucked in school campus were enough to arouse me! I wore a red sari with backless pink blouse and pink bra. I like to show my navel so I...

2 years ago
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Bitch in the Bar 2

My blog is at http://singlesexysecrets.blogspot.com.au/ ----------------------- That little cunt. My rage finally hit. My temper finally caught up with my humiliation. She was just another whore. Just another bitch whore. Quick as lightening I grabbed her wrist, she went to jerk my head, but I was too strong, I squeezed her hand, forcing her vice grip to drop. I felt her hand spasm, she didn’t squeak in pain, but that look of ice in her eyes was lifting. She had only played...

1 year ago
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My Wifes Studio Photoshoot

I got into photography many years ago when we went on holiday together and borrowed a decent camera as I couldn’t afford one. As years passed and we got financially more comfortable, I bought one and started to learn how to use it properly. One thing I wanted to try was studio photography and I learned through a friend of a new place that was opening up nearby and I joined one of the clubs that the owner was setting up which allowed us to use the studio together and thus save on costs....

Group Sex
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UniversityChapter 72

We were barely in the Lexus when I told Rachel: "I've got to apologize to Winnie and Sandra." "Hmmm?" "I was rude." "I know. You've always been that way. When you get irritated, you respond. When you protected me when we were little; when you feel others are mistreated. Tonight you felt that the bloke from Manchester was treating us like students. Well, we are students; but in that situation, we were guests; as he was. So you responded to his disdain." "Another...

3 years ago
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Letters from Sky Part 9

Letters from Sky By Jan S Part 9 © 2008 by Jan S ____________________________________________________ Sunday, May 4th (night) Hey MIKE!!!! Great to get you letter. I really am sorry about all that. Just blew up I guess, and I'm really sorry, and I'm just so glad you're not all mad about it. Yeah, the hair cut thing. Look, that was an accident, and she didn't really mean to do...

2 years ago
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bus stop

I was heading home from a friends house that i spent the night with after heading to a party..but i had no ride , so i had to wait for a bus. When the bus arrived, it was packed with people… as it always was! So i had to sit next to a lady, who was way beautiful for her age. Her name was diane. She was about 40-42 years old if im correct. I sat beside her and began a conversation of how packed the bus was, she smiled at me.. all i could look at was her breast. They were almost bigger than the...

3 years ago
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Valentines Day Forever

On Valentine's Day he brought me two dozen roses, one for each year of my life, a bottle of Cabernet, the same 2001 Beringer that he had brought when I fixed him dinner the first time, a box of hand made chocolates that he had driven to Gatlinburg to buy from from the candy store where we had brought chocolates on our first weekend away together, and a beautiful leather paddle with a pink heart emblazoned on the front. The paddle was the most significant gift because it signified that he was...

Love Stories
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Politics Makes Great Bedfellows

Life is good. I’m not making tons of money or creating the most challenging projects, and that is okay, but my marriage is good, although the sex is marital sex. That means I have sex, but it isn’t wild and dangerous, passionate, frequent enough, nor do we do it with as much experimentation or variety as I want. But we still do it, and there is lot’s of it. We have read Open Marriage and talked about some of the possibilities of bringing another person into our sex life. I wonder a lot about...

Straight Sex
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Welcome Home Daddy

Daddy works away from home so I don't get to see him as often as I would like, if I had it my way I'd have him come home every night to me waiting on my knees wherever he commands. But when he does come home I always like to do something special for him, to help him unwind after such a stressful week and show him just how much I love and worship him. A good kitten should know how to worship their daddy, for the handsome king that he is.I thought id give you an idea of what ill do for when he...

1 year ago
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Lifes a BitchChapter 2

I woke in my bed, in my house. I could tell because light was coming in through the window, and even though the window wasn't in my bedroom, it was enough light for me to see that I was in my house. Still dressed as I had been when I tried the "Glock shot to the head" trick, I was lying on my own bed. No doubt whoever had fucked with me had given up. I got off the bed, walked to the front door and opened it. It was my house but I still wasn't exactly home. There was a giant pine not...

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The Serendipity of Freedom Part 5 A New Life

Author's note: Please feel free to post this story to any free site, as long as the following conditions are met. It shall not be posted to any site charging a fee for reading it, either direct or indirect (avs), the story remains fully intact, and the original author shall be credited in entirety. This story contains harsh language and scenes of a frank sexual nature and is not suitable for younger readers. Also if you are offended by Transgendered, Gay, and Lesbian themes,...

4 years ago
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Moms friends

ntroduction:Brad enjoys his mom's highschool friendsFinally summer holidays had arrived! Brad had just finished his sophomore year in high school. He had even managed to raise that ever struggling geography grade so his parents weren't going to insist he worked on it during the holidays. This was actually a bit of a surprise, so for now the grand plan was to practice football and hang out with his friends and then relax as much as possible in between."My condolences .. yeah? .. oh? .. sounds...

3 years ago
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A young couple are offered a chance

Maura burst into tears and grabbed her pocketbook and dashed off to the ladies room. For about the millionth time. So much for this night. And this marriage. We’d had a decent run as husband and wife. Most marriages founder on the same rocks – bad communications, children, outside interference, money, sex, bad communications, ridiculous expectations about money or sex, bad communications, ridiculous disagreements about money or sex, etc. Ours had run aground on sex. In the...

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