Emma Ch. 32 free porn video

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Fatima didn’t believe in starting any endeavour without doing some research first, so she found her way to the set of Schoolboy Fuck Fun, where Susan was currently being filmed, to have a few words with an experienced fuck film star. She spent a long time preparing herself: applying blood red lipstick and choosing clothes that showed as much stockinged leg as was physically possible and which showed all but the nipples of her perky full breasts. She had no wish to be recognised in this present attire by anyone she knew (particularly from either the Asian or Islamic community) and wore a pair of very dark sun-glasses to disguise herself. She watched with some interest as Susan and others were being fucked by the male stars or themselves did the fucking with the dildos provided, but she didn’t choose to reveal herself to Susan until the filming finished and Susan was preparing to go home.

Susan was dressed as she mostly did these days: a pair of shorts and nothing else to obscure her essential androgyny, especially the flatness of her chest. She wore a six inch dildo around her buttocks which thrust out grotesquely through her open flies and a pair of flat shoes. She emerged from the changing room by herself, looking somehow small and insecure. Fatima strode towards her, smiling and greeted her by name.

“How do you know who I am?”

“My lover, Salim, told me all about you,” Fatima explained. “I’d like to have a chat with you, if that’s alright.”

“Is it about Salim?”

“No, not at all! I want to chat about Amna. You know Amna, don’t you? You introduced her to the sex film industry.”

“Well, yes. I did.” Susan blurted out, with an attack of guilt. “But I didn’t know she was a virgin. And I didn’t know she was obsessed with me.”

“I don’t blame you for anything, Susan. I’ve come to you for advice.”


“Yes. I’ve taken on the task of acting as Amna’s agent. I just want to find out more about the industry she’s working in. Would you like to join me for a meal?”

“I’ve got nothing else arranged. Where have you got in mind?”

“La Maison Déclassé,” Fatima suggested, mentioning a restaurant that was known to be both expensive and fashionable. Susan readily agreed and the two of them were soon sitting opposite each other ignoring the stares they were attracting from the other guests (particularly the male ones). Fatima kept on her dark glasses and smiled broadly at Susan after they’d ordered the first two courses.

“I just want advice. I really don’t know a great deal about your industry. I’ve sold washing machines. I’ve sold lipstick. And I’ve sold encyclopaedias. What I need to know from you is what Amna’s most valuable assets are and how to maximise their sales potential.”

Susan mused over this. “Her best asset is undoubtedly her breasts. She’s got a good pair of tits. All she needs is to improve them and promote them.”

“Would surgery be the best course?”

“Undoubtedly! I can give you the name of a few good surgeons. Perhaps a bit of thigh enhancement. More pouty lips, maybe. She also needs to improve her physical technique. A bit of exercise, not only in making love but also to lose some of the fat around her stomach.”

Fatima pulled out a small notebook and started jotting down some of what Susan was saying: “Breasts. Thighs. Lips. Waist. Technique. What about her hairiness?”

“That’s okay: although she ought to reduce some of it on her arms and arsehole. It’s expected that she be a bit hairy. And her colour’s a good asset too. Better to be too dark than too light.”

The conversation continued in this form over the wine, food and accordion, and Fatima gradually moved the conversation around to Susan. She felt quite gratified to realise that even fuck film stars had worries. She learnt about her passion for Charlotte, her loss of feeling for sex with men and the feeling she had that she had no real lover herself, “excluding Amna, of course,” she remarked as an aside.

It was inevitable that Fatima should be invited back to Susan’s flat, and the two wandered along the street: Fatima nearly blind in the evening light who continued wearing her dark glasses despite the dimness and Susan attracting attention from the unsubtlety of her protruding dildo. Fatima felt a certain degree of alarm when she recognised Amna’s brother staring at them, but was sure that he didn’t recognise her at all and was rather more distracted by Susan’s rather odd appearance.

The two of them went up to Susan’s flat and as the young girl opened the door, Fatima was rather alarmed to hear the unmistakable sound of loud and passionate cries of lovemaking echoing about the flat.

“It’s only Charlotte and Josephine!” Susan explained, slightly opening the door to the living room where Fatima could see two men and two women engaged in very obvious fucking. Two penises were deep inside Josephine’s lower orifices while Charlotte’s tongue engaged itself furiously on the long erect lengths of them. Susan sighed slightly and closed the door.

“Doesn’t it bother you slightly?” Fatima wondered.

Susan turned about to look directly at Fatima’s sympathetic face. She nodded shyly. “I just wish Charlotte would show more affection towards me.”

Fatima put her arms around Susan’s bare shoulders and pulled her little girl body close to her. Susan sighed again and applied her lips to Fatima’s. The older woman hooked her thumbs around the top of Susan’s shorts and eased them down while passionately licking Susan’s teeth. She could sense Susan’s professional skills as the small girl reciprocated by easing off her own clothes and directing her caresses where Fatima felt the greatest need. She could also sense Susan’s desperation for affection and some of the girl’s loneliness. She took command of the situation.

“Shall we have some wine and a chat first?” She suggested, producing a bottle from the bag she carried with her. “Then we can make love until morning.”

“You’d like that?” Susan asked with some trepidation.

“Very much so!” Said Fatima unfastening Susan’s dildo and stroking her hand over the stubble of Susan’s vulva. “Very much so!”

Susan’s advice was not ignored, despite Amna’s initial complaints. However, the first thing Amna was aware of, as she gradually regained consciousness after the operation, was a slight sharp pain beneath her breasts and a duller one below her shoulders. The second thing, as she opened her eyes, was the sight of her aunt and Fatima kissing each other passionately while they stood at the end of the hospital bed in which she lay. She leaned forward, but in doing so she felt the pain around her breasts more sharply and a most unusual dull sensation around nipples that felt strangely stretched. She groaned slightly and let her body collapse back onto the bed, attracting Aunt Salim and her lover’s attention as she did so.

“She’s waking up!” Exclaimed Aunt Salim, guiltily pushing Fatima off her and rushing over to Amna’s side wearing a long dark dress and with her hair gathered under her silk scarf. “How are you, Amna, dearest? How do you feel after the operation?”

“Operation?” Wondered Amna, gradually recalling the circumstances which led to her being in the hospital bed. Her eyes scanned the brilliant white walls, the utilitarian metal furniture, the pushed back screen and Fatima, dressed far more modestly than she was accustomed to seeing her. Except for the dark redness of her lipstick, and the blueness around her eyes, she was dressed much the same as her aunt: not a trace of hair free of her scarf and nothing but her hands and face otherwise visible under her green satin jelaba. “What operation?”

“The one for your breasts!” Fatima re
minded her taking her hand in her own and squeezing it firmly. “Don’t you remember?”

“Breasts?” Asked Amna pulling up her arms and touching them with her dark fingers. She was naked except for a pair of white knickers and could feel the unfamiliar bulk of her breasts and her enlarged nipples. “I had them enhanced, didn’t I? That’s right, isn’t it!”

“It most certainly is!” Exclaimed Fatima gently easing the cotton sheet down to Amna’s waist so that she could see them more clearly. “The surgeon’s certainly done a good job on them. They look much better.”

Aunt Salim gasped. “They’re enormous! And unnatural! Are you sure we’ve done the right thing, Fatty?”

“Of course we have!” Fatima reassured her. “Don’t you think, Amna? You’ve now got a beautiful pair of forty eight double D cup, darling. Your breasts will be the envy of everyone!”

Amna self-consciously explored the contours and the strange weight of them. Her aunt was right. They were enormous! And they felt so hard and firm! She sat up slowly and felt them slowly drop as she became less horizontal. “What do they look like? I don’t look like a freak do I?”

“Not at all!” Fatima reassured her. “What do you think, Sally?”

Aunt Salim seemed less certain, but she nodded passively. “They make you look very … nice.”

Amna cupped her hands underneath them and supported their great weight. “I’m not a freak, am I?” She repeated. “Is there a mirror I can look in?”

Aunt Salim opened her handbag and looked inside, while the more resourceful Fatima stood up and unhooked a mirror from the wall and brought it over to the bed. She rested it on the bed sheets in front of Amna so she could gaze at the whole of her torso. Her breasts were monstrous! Not the biggest she’d seen on the set, but amongst the largest. They were very round. Very firm. And much bigger than she’d imagined they’d be. She placed her hands under them and jiggled them up and down.

“I’m not sure. Are they really mine? Can I change them back?”

“Don’t be silly!” Laughed Fatima, leaning over and licking her nipples. “They’re beautiful! You’ll never want to change back! They’re you! Just as much as your beautiful eyes. Your sexy mouth. And your welcoming vagina.”

“I hope you’re right!” Reflected Amna, aware now that unlike having a haircut or a manicure this was one change of her appearance she couldn’t easily reverse.

She left the hospital later that day, wearing a rather large shirt over her top and a pair of jeans. As she was led to the taxi by her aunt and her agent, she felt terribly self-conscious as people stared at her, perhaps wondering whether she was pregnant. She felt a desperate need to feel her breasts, to reassure herself that she was all right, to feel once again the curious new contours of her body, but restrained herself until she arrived home.

Fatima lay in bed with her for the rest of the day, masturbating her gently and massaging her breasts. Amna knew that at least one person loved her new appearance, but felt rather disturbed that her aunt was so shy of looking at her. In fact, she seemed to direct her gaze anywhere but at her breasts, and relegated herself to preparing food in the kitchen and tidying up the house. Fatima was much more enthusiastic.

“This will mark the start of a much more prosperous film career!” She exclaimed with delight, nibbling softly at Amna’s now almost permanently erect nipples. “We’ll be able to double your rate to match the doubling of your breasts!” She stroked a finger over Amna’s mouth. “Then we’ll do the lips. Then the thighs. And perhaps there’s something we can do to enhance your beautiful buttocks.”

Although Amna was aware that these enhancements would improve her market value, she found her new breasts rather an inconvenience. Initially at least, it was very difficult for her to even leave the house. Partly this was to do with her continued self-consciousness about her enhanced figure. Everyone stared at her. Their eyes were focused only on her breasts and hardly at all on the rest of her. Heads turned as she walked along the street. People stopped short in their tracks as they walked towards her, and stared long and hard at the magnificent wealth of breast that was barely hidden at all under her shirt.

The other reason was more practical. Not many clothes were made for women with her new enhanced figure – or at least those that did enclose her breasts were far from flattering. They either made her look pregnant or several generations older than she was. There were no dresses that looked even remotely attractive, and her breasts swelled out the contours of any blouse or tee-shirt. Fatima worked hard however to correct this. “You can’t go to a film shoot not looking sexy, dearest,” she said, while specifying details of dimensions to clothes manufacturers over the video-phone. “We’ve got to get you some brassieres and tops which show your breasts to their best advantage.”

Soon enough, Fatima’s endeavours supplied Amna with a choice of tops that made no effort whatsoever to disguise the enormity of her breasts: pushing them up, maximising the cleavage and ensured they pointed ahead. They were also quite uncomfortable and Amna felt relieved when she could return home and pull off her top and lie around the house naked. Fatima clearly enjoyed this, and her lovemaking with Amna had become much more passionate whereas Aunt Salim became a rather more infrequent lover. Fatima relished every contour and every detail of her breasts, and chortled with delight as Amna described the difficulties her fresh assets had caused her.

“You wait,” she said, her head squeezed between Amna’s legs. “You’ll soon see how much your breasts will enhance your career. I almost wish I had a pair like yours myself.”

Amna restrained herself from asking Fatima why then it was she and not Fatima who had the burden of carrying them around with her.

Fatima’s sex life had meanwhile become very complicated, as she reflected, her lips sealed to Josephine’s mouth and a penis deep inside her anus. Susan was sharing her lips between Josephine’s and her own cunt, while the man fucking her was also delving his tongue inside Josephine’s vagina. From the adjacent bedroom came cries of passion from Charlotte who was being fucked by a tall dark-skinned man with a hooked nose and a pair of athletic buttocks which thrust and thrust again into the deepest recesses of Charlotte’s cunt, her legs high up and clutched around his waist. Fatima had got rather used to the easy promise of sex available at Susan’s flat and enjoyed the attention of the men who had come with the promise of sex with the enfianced couple. She had always rather preferred a good fuck with a man to the more leisurely and rather more prolonged lovemaking she had become accustomed to with women. It hadn’t taken her long to inveigle herself into the lovemaking routines at Susan’s flat and rather enjoyed her new status as Susan’s lover: one that the small oriental seemed to prefer for Fatima’s very lack of wanting to commit herself whole-heartedly to it.

“It’s so much better when there’s no jealousy involved,” Susan would say as the two shared the ends of a double-headed dildo. “Aisha always wanted more from me than I could possibly offer. How can a sex actress ever be serious about a relationship?”

How indeed? mused Fatima running her tongue around the rearmost of Susan’s molars and tasting yet again the sweetness of her spittle (so much nicer than the taste of nicotine that stuck to Amna’s palate). She particularly enjoyed making love to Josephine whose affection for Charlotte was quite unfeigned, though she showed rather more eagerness than her fiancée for making love to their Muslim guest.

Amna was Fatima’s protégée, however, and Fatima felt a power
ful obligation towards her. Particularly with regard to improving her technique. It was not enough, she believed, simply to enrol the young girl in sex education classes where the girl was learning how to fellate, masturbate and fake orgasms convincingly. She needed much more personal tuition despite the fact that her agent always found it rather less than completely satisfying. Amna had not yet learnt to really enjoy sex. She was always somewhat distant from the intimate activity centred on her cunt or breasts. The latter still caused her anxiety (particularly with regard to what her family might think of them) and much of Fatima’s lovemaking concentrated on trying to persuade her that her newly enlarged breasts made her much more sexy and attractive. Privately, Fatima wondered herself on the wisdom of the operation. Amna was so self-conscious about them that rather than parade them to her best advantage, she went out of her way to obscure them, although she was happy not to wear any clothes around the house.

“And your lips. They could be oh! even more kissable with some enhancement!” She tried to persuade Amna who was not inclined to disagree with her agent’s advice. “And those buttocks! They could be so much more firm and delightful with such little effort!”

Amna nodded, as she obediently bobbed up and down on the dildo strapped around Fatima’s waist which thrust so deep inside her but stirred nothing more than the most vapid of responses. Fatima would chew Amna’s clitoris, thrust two fingers deep inside her anus while fucking her from the front, nibble her newly enlarged nipples, and push vegetables inside an orifice while busily stimulating her vagina with a tongue. Amna dutifully gasped and groaned, but Fatima could detect the insincerity. She just hoped that all the expensive lessons and her own time-consuming personal tuition would eventually bring the young girl to more genuine orgasms, and that at the very least they would be satisfactory for the career she was planning for her.

She persuaded Amna to take regular and relatively vigorous exercise to trim her waist, build up the muscles of her thighs and enable her to perform more enthusiastically for longer on the sets of films. She supplied her with an exercise bicycle and some weights, and supervised her ward as she went through the regulation exercises, monitoring her progress with a stopwatch and a tape measure. She made no effort to discourage Amna from smoking although she personally abhorred the habit. She was aware that this depressed the girl’s appetite and would hopefully wean her off the fatty and unhealthy food that she was still too inordinately fond of.

It was a strain on Fatima to continue her coaching of Amna. The age difference and outlook was undeniable. She really had no fondness for the loud electronic pop music that Amna listened to and got rapidly bored with the limited range of the girl’s conversation on pop music, films and fashion. She also hid from Amna as much as possible all evidence of her own relationship with Susan, whom the young girl still idolised. It afforded Fatima some pleasure to sit and watch videos of Susan in the various fuck films Amna rented from the video library. She was able to compare Susan the fuck actress with the Susan she knew so very much more intimately. There was no doubting that Susan was a consummate star and showed off her assets (or lack of them) to very good advantage. Her ambition was for Amna to use her own assets (particularly her recently enhanced ones) to very much the same effect, but was often discouraged by Amna’s real lack of genuine taste for the profession she had chosen. Fatima unashamedly used Amna’s idol as an object of emulation and hinted again and again that one of the rewards of a successful career in sex films could very well be the opportunity to make love to Susan. Hints which Fatima also believed she would do nothing herself to facilitate, and doubted anyway that Amna was truly to Susan’s taste. Her oriental lover preferred more mature and certainly more passionate lovers than poor young Amna.

She spent most nights in bed with Salim whom she still thought of more as her best friend than as her lover. She knew that Salim rued the loss of the exclusiveness of her relationship with Amna and was more than a little uncomfortable with the idea of the three of them sharing mutual sexual experiences, although it was relatively rarely that Amna and Salim made love together with Fatima. Salim was quite passionately in love with Fatima and very fond of Amna, but uncomfortably aware that her friend for so many years had somehow changed the pattern of her sex life to her disadvantage.

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I respected my manager, even admired her. I was an aspiring engineer at the time – a bit unsure of myself – but yet had a passion for the subject.  She recognized that, and appreciated my technical ability and my grasp of complex systems.  She was a fabulous engineer herself, and in a few years she became a mentor for me.She was in her fifties at the time.  I could tell she had looked like a supermodel in her twenties, but the years batter our bodies, not to mention having a few children that...

Office Sex
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NFBusty Hadley Haze Eyes On Me

Hot babe Hadley Haze takes her time getting ready for a good time with Rion King. Dressed in a lingerie bra that can barely constrain her big breasts and a matching lacy garter belt, she brushes her hair and applies her makeup before strutting out to where Rion is sitting in the living room. Rion has the choice between paying attention to the stunning blonde and his paperwork. Hadley makes that choice for him by slamming the paperwork closed and then kneeling before him like a busty buffet....

1 year ago
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Pretty Baby Ch 04

Part Four: Back In The Groove I was still a little sore the following morning after the gang-bang. There were faint bruises on my inner thighs and knees, and my hips hurt from being spread open for so long. Bu the discomfort would fade, I knew. As I hoped my heartache over Gary would. Julie came over that afternoon, bringing sweet and sour chicken and Diet Coke. I hugged her at the door, thanking her for her friendship. We sat on the floor and ate in silence for a while. I could sense that...

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Naruto Surprise at home Chapter 1 Aat the room

X - X - X - X - X The day at the office was exhausting, the documents just kept on coming his wrist hurts from signing too many papers. Naruto just wanted to get home and eat a delicious dinner made by his wife and relax watching television with her. Boruto's on a school trip and Himawari's sleeping at her grandpa's house, training to wake up the Byakugan. Finally getting home, he opened the grating that separated the street from the garden, and walked through it until he reached his...

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Cocktail Umbrellas and Other Things

Arriving home after a long shift, I almost don't notice a slightly bulky envelope among my mail. I glance at the return address and smile. Brushing aside my bills, I slit open the envelope. Out falls a single paper cocktail umbrella. I pick it up and twirl it around in my fingers. The sight of it brings a rush of memories. I tuck it behind my ear, sit down in my favorite chair, and let my mind wander.~~~~I remember clearly the first time I saw a cocktail umbrella. As a child, my family lived in...

Oral Sex
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Fiery Passion for Pain

However, there were also other signs, of a sexual nature. May thought it was a good thing to have Torchic, now a Combusken grow a lot by battling, perhaps neglecting to have a more even development of her entire team. This made Combusken display more courage, but also want to be the leader. As he entered the start of his process of sexual maturation earlier due to his quick development, his view of May expanded to his appreciation of her attractive body. Since he wasn’t exposed to many other...

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The Doctor1

The doctor was excited; it had been a while since he had a surgery this challenging. Despite the small room the doctor had to work with, the equipment in the room was easily worth more than the entire apartment complex the makeshift operation room was held in. The doctor looked for non-existing seams on the final piece of the artificial skin on her forehead. This was one of the more unique type of skins used, a type of organic flesh colored silicon, giving the look and feel of a doll. This...

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“Are you flirting with me?” I was trying to watch TV but my sister was acting coy and playful, trying to get my attention. “No, why would I flirt with my brother?” “Maybe cause I’m hot and sexy and you want to commit vile acts on my body?” Danni scrunched her face in a display of disgust “I don’t even do vile acts on my own body, yours repulses me completely.” I looked away from the TV and studied her face. “What the hell, you’ve got make-up on? When did you do that? Is it moms?” I...

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How Hox met River

River was lying on top of his covers naked with his door closed. This morning had been the last day of high school, ever, and he was celebrating by himself by jerking off. Being a lefty, his left hand was pounding furiously on his 7 incher, while the nails of his right slid up and down the light brown dusting of hair connecting his happy trail to his chest. River climaxed pinching a nipple and imagining Hox leaning over him biting his neck with his dick inside River’s ass. River jumped...

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The motherfuckers Part 4

Part 3 : https://xhamster.com/stories/the-motherfuckers-part-3-898260Mom and son step out of the shower and dry each other off. Carole has picked out the light blue g-string and matching light blue heels, not bothering with a top. Hell, everyone will probably be naked anyway! Ricky is wearing a pair of the sexy striped jockeys that Jojolove had recommended."Mom, look, we look different, don't we?""Yes...we are now...Mr and Mrs...Motherfucker!"Holding hands they walk down the hall and into the...

2 years ago
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Beth 1Chapter 1 Friday Night

We were all sophomores and juniors from the same high school. None of us on the A-list when it came to the cliques in school—no cheerleaders or football heroes in our group; nope, mostly theater and music people. Just a bunch of kids who'd get together most Friday nights at a local hangout. This particular Friday we were all decompressing from mid-terms and a general bitch session was picking up steam. I was already getting tired of listening to a couple of the guys griping about the amount...

1 year ago
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A work colleagues wife

I had worked with a guy called Steve for about eight years he was a section manager in my team and about ten years younger than me, it was generally discussed about this surprise because when ever we talked he would go on about the different women he had affairs with. About a year ago I had to pick him up and met this stunner of a wife who worked for a bank and was everything the others had talked about. I then a few weeks later had to drop off some papers to steve on my way home Sue answered...

Cheating Wifes
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Ellies First Real Lesbian Experience

Please refer to my previous story(s), VegasAdventure Part 1-2, for a description of myself and Ellie. When we returned from Vegas, Ellie and I went back to our normal lives, but we could not help but relive the events of the trip and discuss what was next for us. Since we are each married to other people, our chances to make these things come true only come around so often. We love to take advantage of them when we can. The more we discussed what happened and what we liked and wanted more of,...

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Anastasia and Mary

"Are you smitten by the waitress?" I teasingly asked Mary.We were having a few drinks after dinner, waiting for an up and coming local band to take the stage. The Night Moves restaurant, located in the East end of Toronto, was Mary's preferred watering hole. Mary had mentioned the bar to me on many occasions. She had also went on about a cute, new waitress that started working there. The waitress and Mary became acquainted very quickly, and Mary made an effort to go for dinner at Night Moves,...

Oral Sex
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TandraChapter 61

The next morning came very early and even more so when the day was only half of Earth's. I groggily got up after untangling bodies from all over me and carefully made it to a nearby tree to relieve myself. The donai cubs had awoken at my first movements and came outside to perform similar functions. The hand cleanser made my body tingle as it removed all of the detritus of last night. I started my mind to bring it around to the ideas of what to make for breakfast. There was more meat left...

4 years ago
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2 School Girl

Hello indian sex stories dot net readers my name is Neil. Ye story specially Un ladkiyo k liye hai jo abhi abhi college life me enter hui hain. Kyun ki college life ek sabse Acha anubhav hota hai kuch new try karne k liye. Ye story start hoti h ek school ki ladki jiski naam kanchan tha. Wo +2 ki student thi(18 saal ki ). Mere ghar k 10 km par uska ghar tha. Jab bhi wo har roj school jati to main usko dekh ta rehta or wo hame sha mujhe ignore karti thi. Jis school me wo padhti thi us ki just pas...

2 years ago
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The Breeding Room Part IV

Judy opened the door to Al. It was his third visit in as many months. As usual he greeted her with a quick smile followed by a long look at her belly. It had not grown in size since his last visit, in fact it had not grown at all over the year. Al looked up and smiled again. His wide smile told her that he was pleased, very pleased. Judy trembled. The year was up! As with his last visit Al reached for the hem of her dress and lifted it. This time he lifted it up to her breasts with one hand...

3 years ago
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Helping my sister in law

(This is a multi part story, that is not finished)Part 1"There is no way in hell I am helping that bitch move her shit." My wife had decided that "we" were going to help her twin sister move into the new house she had built with her fiance."Stephanie's a little bitch who only cares about herself, and she hates me. Why would I do anything for her?" I asked. "She is my sister and you will be there to help her out," my wife fired back. I finally agreed to be my sister-in-laws slave that day,...

3 years ago
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Fireball in a Wheelchair

"A prick up her jacksie might cheer the miserable bitch up a bit," Shirley declared. "And if it was stuffed up her bum, it might knock some of the shit out of her," Sally the receptionist commented, "You sure you don't mind parting with this Becky? It looks like it's silver and might be valuable." "Yes, it is silver but I got it in a job lot of jewellery at a car boot sale and only paid a few pounds for the whole lot. I've never liked it. It's more of a choker than a necklet and I...

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One Night With Mom

“Umm. What are you doing?” I immediately grabbed the blanket next to me and covered my crotch, and looked up at her in shock. “No, nothing mom,” I said, meekly. Mom just giggled at my predicament. Of course, this wasn’t the first time she had caught me ‘polishing my knob’. “I don’t know if you are really this careless, or if you actually want me to catch you wanking,” mom said, winking at me. “If didn’t change my mind about coming back to finish cooking lunch, I might have never found you…...

3 years ago
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*BEAP*BEAP*BEAP Your awaken to the annoying sound of your alarm and try too cover your ears by burying your head in your pillow but to no avail. So you get off the hotel bed too turn off the alarm and wonder why you had an alarm set. You turn your head too see if your girlfriend is still sleeping but you find her gone. Your too tired too think about what happened to your girlfriend so you just go to the bathroom to get yourself more awake. As you leave your welcomed too the sweet smell of bacon...

4 years ago
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Lifeguard Stand

“All right,” I said to the three boys in the room. “Your Mother and I are going for a walk on the beach. We’ll be back in a while. We’ve got our cellphones if you need us. Only call us for fire, flood, or blood- and there better not be any blood, ok?” “Ok, Dad,” said one of them non-commitally, staring at the TV screen. The oldest, my 15 year old, grunted in agreement as he continued to hammer away at his Xbox controller. The other sibling was silent, engrossed in watching his brothers shooting...

Straight Sex
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Saga of Stren the Hunter

The merciless sun beat down upon a barren landscape of stone spires and desiccated scrubs. It was shortly before noon and what little shade there was appeared as pools of deepest black against the bone-white rock. This was an inhospitable landscape, at the edge of the wastelands. Neither man nor beast nor any of the many vile creatures inbetween ventured here unless absolutely necessary. Beyond the spires lay the desert, which stretched on for ever and ever, home only to the wind and the rocks...

3 years ago
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A New LifeChapter 13

November 27, 1849 I sat there and couldn't believe what I was hearing, "He's dead! I shot him three times and saw him fall down. He can't be alive!" "Claire and I thought he was a ghost too when we saw him. After he bought us from the slavers he showed us where you had shot him. Apparently you hit a rib with each shot and the bullets splintered apart and tore up his chest and side. He said he still has pieces of the shots in him and you would pay for each one. Alex, I'm scared about...

4 years ago
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Crimson City Part 1

"We have reports of another murder, sir..." a shaky voice said over a walkie. "Again!? Ugh, alright. Drop off the details on my desk ASAP," another voice replied. "This is the fourth one in over a month... Just what the hell is going on?" "Same calling card as the previous three; whoever is doing this is one sick S.O.B.," the voice came back. Detective Owen Wilkes of the Crimson City Police Department had been on this particular murder case since the very first incident. Four...

1 year ago
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My wife and the neighbor

My wife and the neighborBy Chris Christopher All rights reservedHalloween always reminds me of the one and only time my wife let one of our neighbors into bed with her.It happened when we were living in Texas, on the northeast side of Austin. In our neighborhood the adults would get together and have a barbeque just about every holiday. For Halloween my wife had decided we would dress up as old west characters. I would be dressed as the bartender and she would be a saloon girl. For herself she...

2 years ago
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Your Secret Is Safe

copyright 2005 There was a young fellow named Kimble Whose prick was exceedingly nimble, But fragile and slender, And dainty and tender, So he kept it encased in a thimble. Mother stood there at the entrance to our living room holding father's robe closed with both hands, frozen in fright that I should be home. Dan looked from me to my mom and then back - a smirk growing on his lean handsome face. Me, I just stood there mouth open - my heart felt as if a hand clenched it while my lungs...

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Getting ByChapter 3

As we drove south, Garcia taught Smiley and Jamaal the basics of aiming and firing the weapons we had with us. Smiley, for some reason, was a whiz on the machine gun. He learned very quickly how to pick his targets and let the weapon's natural action lead the bullets into what he was aiming at, instead of starting off with the target in his sights and having his shots drift wide, as Jamaal was prone to do. With the M16, both got to where they could hit what they aimed at consistently, but...

3 years ago
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What a night

I am a Bi Male, have been all my life. Never thinking I was Gay. More into Women in my younger years, got a lot of pussy with my looks and gift to charm, plus 8” fat cock, they made fun of me in Jr. high in the locker room saying things how fat the head was, embarrassed me at first, things did change, so did I. That age I ran around with a guy 3yrs older than me a k** I went to church with, his mom was single worked most the time good Rob got him some girl mag’s xxx type he had out on his bed...

3 years ago
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A Delicious Procrastnation Part 1

My office was closed from December 23rd to January 4th and in the aftermath of the Christmas and New year break, with the distractions of th festive season, returning to work seemed like a dreary prospect. While at this time last year, the dreadful weather made getting to work a chore, it also had the effect of concentrating the mind - and there was little joy in trying to negotiate the treacherous streets, so one might as well be in the office. But this year, the weather has been relatively...

2 years ago
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Futas Forbidden WishChapter 3 Keilyrsquos Futa Surprise

I sucked on my sister’s futa-cock, newly sprouted into my hungry mouth. Sunset just passed, the moment, according to B the futa-fairy, when the magical energy in the world, or something, change. When the “curse” the futa-fairies gave my sister and me triggered. At sunset, my cock shrank back into the little clit my sister nursed on now while her bud sprouted into this huge shaft filling my mouth. My first day as a futa was over. But that didn’t mean the fun was. I shivered, my sister’s...

2 years ago
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The Man Who Served Drinks at His Wake

THE MAN WHO SERVED DRINKS AT HIS WAKE Arthur Nichols doted on his wife, Una, she was the only woman he had seriously dated, not that she was any more experienced, and it was her that asked him to marry, at their tender ages of nineteen. The only fly in the ointment was her sister, Merle, some eight years older. She was a lesbian and proud and Arthur would have joined her in that sentiment at least, he believed that everyone should be able to live the life that made them happy, as...

1 year ago
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The Trade OffChapter 37

Lucy. When I suggested that I might dominate her and make her my submissive, Heather blushed Furiously. But I also got the feeling that if I pushed her, she would readily submit to my demands. I certainly would have liked to pursue the matter but I was unsure what Charlie's reaction would be. I decided I would leave it for now and speak to him about it. If I made her my submissive, then she would in turn become his also. In fairness to him, and since we had withdrawn from multiple sex...

1 year ago
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MetamorphoseChapter 6

As Casey works his magic on Mark’s ass with his hands, Mark’s cock desperately wants to stretch itself out in its very restricted position. The trio ended up in a very nicely decorated and clean massage parlor on the north end of the city. Here, as per Mark’s advice, they came and were able to rent a room for private use. Casey gives his ass one hard firm squeeze before he moves around so that he is directly in front of Mark. Casey then begins to message his shoulders firmly. Mark Slyly...

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