- 4 years ago
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By the time I woke up, the sun was already streaming through the widows. I heard the front door open and my mothers voice welcoming Diane into the house. A few minutes later I heard the teakettle squealing and the clink of a spoon against a cup. Their laughter peeled up from the foyer and I glanced over at Johanna who was breathing deeply. I slid out of bed quietly trying not to disturb her.
I stretched tall, pulling my arms over my head, pointing my breasts out. The cool air in the room was pleasant, and I slid my old robe from the closet and slipped it on. I tied the waist and shook Jo.
“Hmm?” She said sleepily, turning in the direction I was tapping her.
“I’m going downstairs for breakfast.” I went to the door and opened it. “Come down in a few minutes. We get to go shopping!” I heard her mumble a response, and I padded down the stairs to the kitchen. My moms face lit up when I walked in and seated myself at the table. She smiled at me and passed me a cup of hot water.
“I’m so glad to have you back Angel.” She said passing me the box of herbal tea. “It’s been awhile since we sat and had tea.” I smiled and sipped the tea after dumping 2 scoops of sugar into it.
“Mmm. That’s good.” I said, setting the cup in the saucer. I wanted to avoid getting sentimental with my mother because it never seemed to end. Ever. Instead I turned to Diane and asked her what was on the agenda for the day. She was dressed for the outing in a pantsuit, which was reliable with the cool spring weather.
“Well, first I thought we would go to Overview Mall and hit Macy’s, Hecht’s and Lord and Taylor. After that, I thought it would be fun to visit the spa and get manicures and facials. What do you think?”
Diane smiled brightly, glad to have the opportunity to spoil girls once in awhile since her family consisted of 4 boys, Josh being the youngest. She never had the chance to play dress up with a daughter. Angel didn’t mind the attention her mother’s best friend paid her, and although her mother was quite capable of doing these things with her, she knew how much it meant to Diane. Moments later a disheveled looking Johanna made an entrance in the kitchen, wearing boxers, a tank top and an open long sleeved shirt.
“Good morning all.” She said cheerfully plopping into the chair opposite me. She poured a cup of tea for herself and mulled over the choices in the box. Exactly 2 minutes later Brian walked in, and looking just as tousled as Johanna, went directly to the cupboard and retrieved a bowl and then the box of cereal on the pantry shelf. I glanced between them and in a flash I knew where Johanna had gotten the boxers.
“Johanna dear,” My mother said, passing the milk to her. “I hope the towels I left for you in the bathroom were okay. They were fresh from the dryer.”
Johannes head whipped up in mid sip, and glanced at Brian. He sat obliviously scooping the cereal into his mouth. I wasn’t sure what the exchange was about, but I made a note to ask Johanna about it.
“The were fine, Mrs. Freeman. Just fine.” She said, smiling sweetly. “So, what’s the plan of action today?”
“Well, Mrs. Hart is – “
“Call me Diane, Angel. You too Johanna. We are all friends and you are adults now.”
“Diane is taking us to the mall for some shopping and then to the spa for facials.” I said, standing and taking my cup to the sink. The clock on the wall was nearing 12, and I knew it was going to be a long day.
Jo, following my lead and took her cup to the sink as well. We made our way from the kitchen and back upstairs into my room. We striped our breakfast clothes and rummaged through our suitcases for something suitable to wear. Once dressed, we thundered back down stairs to the foyer and like children we waited at the front door for Diane to get her car keys.
The early afternoon was comfortable and warm with an early spring breeze. The evening would call for a sweater, but for now the sun was shining and bright. Diane’s Lexus SUV was shiny and the black paint reflected the trees overhead. I took the front seat while Johanna hauled herself into the back. On the way to the mall Diane updated me on her boys and the new grandson she had. She talked excitedly of Josh and Emily’s baby, wishing it would be a girl, so that she can finally have a female to spoil.
“You know, there are only 2 girls on Jack’s side of the family,” Diane said about her husband. “His cousin Mary and his niece Ashley. It would be nice to have another girl in the family.” Diane was concentrating on driving and she hopefully didn’t notice the wince I made when she talked about Josh. I sighed.
“So, Johanna.” Diane said glancing in the review mirror. “Where were you born dear?”
“Actually, I was born in Montana and my mom and dad divorced when I was 8. I moved with my mom to Virginia and when I turned 18 I moved out. A year ago I moved to Baltimore where I met Angel, and we work together now.” Johanna smiled, tugging on a small piece of my hair. I smiled back, sharing our small secret.
Normally Johanna is really shy about her family, mostly because they were poor and she wasn’t treated well by her mother or her mother’s various boyfriends after the divorce. Jo only talked when she wanted to and once in awhile she would open up and talk about her past and her childhood.
“How nice dear,” Diane said absentmindedly pulling into the large parking complex at the mall. Her attention was now on finding a parking space rather than continuing the conversation with Johanna. I shrugged to her and smiled again.
For the next 4 hours Johanna and I were marched from store to store, trying on an assortment of clothes, accessories and jewelry. My feet were killing me by the time we made it to the car and the day still wasn’t over. I looked forward to the spa and I hoped there was a massage waiting for me.
Sure enough, the salon was wonderful and very relaxing and Johanna and I felt great getting pampered with facials, manicures, pedicures and neck and back massages. The car was loaded with bags from the mall and the ride home was of a contented silence. We were starved by the time we made it back to my parent’s house and it was lit up as bright as a Christmas tree.
“Ma, we’re home!” I called into the house, struggling with the bags I was carrying. Johanna came up the walk behind me, equally weighed down with bags. Bursting through the front door, we immediately took our new items upstairs to my room and sorted through the purchases.
“What are you going to wear to dinner?” Jo asked me, arranging the clothes on the bed.
“Not sure. If we stay here, there’s no reason to get dressed up, but if we can convince my mom to take us out, it would be totally worth getting dolled up.”
“Not to mention you-know-who will be there tonight.” Jo said, stripping down to her new pink thong and matching bra. She had decided to wear it out of Victoria Secrets rather than wait to get home to put it on.
“Exactly.” I said, smiling. “I’d assume Brian would be coming too. Speaking of which, what was that look this morning at the breakfast table?”
Johanna smiled and turned towards the bathroom. “Nothing really, but it surprised me to know that your devious brother went so far as to actually take the towels from the bathroom and then seduce me the way he did.”
“I hardly think he seduced you, but if it was a trick, it was pretty good.” I laughed as I stepped out of my jeans and held up a new skirt and matching top for Johanna to approve. “What do you say we go to dinner, stuff ourselves and then hit a few of the clubs? We’d have to drive a little, because there is nothing local, but it could be a lot of fun.”
“I am up for anything, really.” Johanna said pulling a new shirt over her head. We walked dow
n the stairs after finishing doing our hair and makeup and heard voices coming from the sitting room. Diane and my mom were each holding a glass of wine, while my brother and Josh looked over a car magazine. I assumed Josh had come over while Johanna and I were getting changed. I glanced around and then stretched my view into the kitchen.
“She wasn’t feeling well.” Josh said from the couch. “Didn’t feel like going out of the house tonight.” I nodded and quietly gave a high five to myself, relishing in the fact that I now had Josh to myself for the night. He glanced at me with deep eyes, and my face flushed with dirty thoughts. I turned away.
“I say we go out to dinner tonight.” I said to the room. “It’s a nice night, much to nice to cook, and then Jo and I wanted to go to a few hot spots around here, do a little dancing.”
“I think that’s a great idea, sweetie!” my mother said, slapping her hands against the couch and then used them to push herself up. With dinner plans decided, we headed towards the door and out to the cars. My mother and Diane took one car, while the four of us took Joshes Xtera. This way, when dinner was over, we could go our own way without having to come back home.
Dinner was great, and it was nice having a good sit down meal with my family. Johanna fit right in, taking Diane on as a surrogate mother. My father even stopped by after a late meeting to join us for desert and coffee. By 9, we were all stuffed and except for Brian, just a little bit tipsy. Good thing too, because he was going to be our designated driver for the evening. Most of the clubs were 18 and up, and we didn’t mind that he was tagging along.
We cruised up the main stretch of Havana Street, glimpsing the clubs as we went by. Each one looked more enticing and fun than the last, and it was hard to choose which one to start at.
“Lets park near Agnes Street,” Josh said. “This way we can hit a few of the clubs on this side then walk across the street to those.” He pointed at various clubs on the other side of the street as we drove by. They were all bright with neon signs and music was pulsing from the inner part, which sounded more like a dull thumping from where we were in the car.
The first club we went to was the first at the corner of Agnes and Havana, and surprisingly had the shortest line. We made a beeline for the bar, and Josh ordered shots for all of us except Brian. When the bar tender lined them up, Josh handed them out.
“To tonight!” He said, raising his glass. “To fun, excitement, dancing and…hot women!” Josh stared at me with the last sentence of his speech. I flushed again, and I hoped he wouldn’t see me act like the gawky teenager he used to fuck in the dim lights.
Johanna, Josh and I drank down the shots and slammed the glasses on the bar. The bartender reappeared and Josh motioned for a refill, which we dutifully all took down with little less than winching. Brian stood by sipping a coke, and for a moment I felt slightly embarrassed for him, being the only one in our group not old enough to drink.
With the second round of shots down, we headed for the dance floor, as if the music was pulling us. Josh wrapped an arm around my waist and started freaking me, grabbing my ass occasionally. I reciprocated, by draping my arms around his neck. We danced to several songs and after several test tube shots, we were both hot and sweaty with beads of perspiration on our foreheads.
“Lets move to the back!” Josh yelled to me.
“What?!” I screamed back, leaning closer to hear him.
“Its too hot! Lets move to the back!” He yelled louder over the music. I nodded my head and took his lead, weaving in and out of the many gyrating bodies on the dance floor.
“Holy shit it’s hot in here!” I exclaimed, stopping next to Josh by the bar in the far corner. “Grab me an ice water?”
“Sure thing!” Josh said, as he took several steps to the bar. While he was getting me some water I glanced over heads to see if I could spot Johanna and Brian. There were so many people in the club and it was hard to make out who was who.
“Here ya go!” Josh said handing me the cup water.
“Thank you!” I said, pulling off the top and dipping my fingers into the icy water to fish out several ice cubes. I held them in my hand, and then placed them against my neck first, making sweeping motions across and then down between my cleavage. The ice melted almost immediately, and the cold sensation was enough for me to feel my body temperature drop a little.
“Damn girl!” Josh said staring at me. “That is hot!” I smiled and then popped the remainder of the cubes into my mouth. I pulled Josh towards me and kissed him, passing him the ice with my tongue. I felt it melt as he swished it around with his mouth.
Before I was able to pull away from the kiss, I felt a tap on my shoulder and the startle made me jump. Turning, I saw Johanna and grinning like idiots.
“Lets get to another club!” Jo said, leaning close so I could hear. “This one is way too hot!” she emphasized by fanning her face with her hands.
We made a chain and wound our way to the front of the club, and Johanna waved to the bouncer as we left. We went to the next club a few down and this one was no cover for ladies. Jo and I grinned as we waved at the boys while they stood in line. We were the first to the bar and had already downed a shot by the time Josh and Brian made it in.
Again we snaked to the dance floor and danced the alcohol out of our systems so that our buzz was on the way out the door. Johanna and another girl were dancing provocatively with Brian, who was grinning ear to ear. Eventually he was allowed into the twosome, and then became the center of their grinding and slithering.
Several hours and several clubs later, it was last call and we took the bar tender up on the offer. Laughing drunkenly, we made our way back to Agnes Street as Brian led the way. He popped the doors with the auto unlock, and Johanna took the front seat as Josh and I climbed into the back. Instantly, Josh was on me, groping for my breasts while sliding a hand in between my legs. Giggling, I leaned back against the door and he covered me with his body. I saw Brian glance in the review mirror and shake his head.
The next instant, Brian looked into his lap to see Johanna starting to unzip his pants. He swatted at her hands, but she only glanced up at him and smiled. He swatted again, a little more persistently, which only fueled her passion. I knew Johanna and when she set her mind to something, it wasn’t easily removed. I glanced in the front seat momentarily and giggled again to see Jo’s head start to bob up and down on Brian’s cock.
It was strange, seeing my brother get head from my best friend, but I was too involved with where Josh’s hands were going. The drive home was short and jerky, on account of Brian being serviced in the front seat, but we made it in one piece, although very horny and slightly drunk.
We stumbled to the house and as quietly as possible, made our way to the club basement. Johanna pulled Brian to the oversized loveseat and immediately jumped on top of him. She kissed him deeply and started unbuttoning the shirt he was wearing. Brian looked slightly uncomfortable being in the presence of others while he was being mauled, but tuned out the rest of us in the room.
Uncaring, Josh had removed his shirt and had me encircled around the waist. He kissed me hard, grinding my mouth to his. He hands clumsily groped my breasts, rubbing my nipples hard through the fabric of my shirt. I helped him by taking my shirt off and unsnapping my bra.
He walked me back to the couch and his large body covered mine, while slowly sinking me into the leather. It was cold for an instant until my body adjusted. The feverish kisses were making me tingle, which provided enough heat to compromise. I sli
d my hands down to his pants and felt the incredible bulge behind his zipper. He moaned as I began to caress it and he kissed me harder.
I heard squeals coming from the couch on my right, and I looked in time to she Johanna climb on top of Brian, who was now naked. I noticed his form and realized that although he was my little brother, he wasn’t little where it counted. I saw his shaft in the pale light before Jo impaled herself on his cock. Josh was also looking, and caught Brian’s eye, who gave a nod.
“We’ve been here before.” Josh said, focusing back on me and sliding off my new panties. “Do you remember?”
“I think about that day all the time.” I replied.
“Why don’t we take a trip down memory lane?” He suggested. “With a few modifications.” I smiled as his hands griped my hips to slid me to the edge of the couch.
“Why don’t we try something different?” I suggested, half standing and then turning around. I kneeled on the couch, lifting my ass into the air. “Fuck me from the back.”
Eagar to comply, he stooped slightly and grabbed my ass with both hands. He slid into me, pulling me back to him. The first sensation was electrifying, sending rivets of pleasure through my body. He moved a hand around to the front of my body and slid it between the lips of my pussy to massage my clit. I griped the back of the couch with my hands, trying to steady myself as Josh rammed into me over and over.
I could hear Johanna’s moans on the other couch and Brian’s grunts as he banged into her. The voyeuristic atmosphere was turning me on more and more, making me wet for Josh. He sensed it too, and leaned over my back to whisper in my ear, “I like seeing Johanna get fucked.” He said without slowing his pace.
“Please,” I begged of him, “please don’t stop Josh. I need to cum!”
“I’ll make you cum.” He said. “I’ll make you cum hard around my dick!” He emphasized this by thrusting with all his might into me. I gripped his cock with my pussy, creating heat between our bodies. I was lost in the moment until I heard Johanna from across the room.
“Yes! Oh, yes!” Johanna moaned. “Fuck me!” the response from Brain was hearty grunt, and a loud slapping sound of his balls against her ass.
I felt my orgasm begin to rise in my belly, and I bounced back on Josh, feeling his hands grab fistfuls of ass. His fingers dug into me, kneaded me and massaged brutally as he rammed into my tight hole. I screamed with each jab, each one more forceful than the previous, but each one deliciously filling.
“Josh!” I screamed, “Fuck me, fuck me! I’m gonna cum! Its so tight Josh!”
“Yeah?” Josh asked. “You like getting fucking from the back huh? You like my fat cock deep in your pussy don’t you?”
“Yes, Josh yes! Oh god, it feels so good!”
“I’m gonna cum in you Angel,” Josh now whispered, again leaning over my back to talk into my ear. “I’m gonna bust my nut deep in you, and your gonna love it.”
“Yes, yes! Please, cum inside me!” I reached down to flick my clit as Josh hammered into me. The feeling of his dick and my finger on my clit was almost too much to take. Almost.
“Here I go!” I seethed, pressing the side of my face against the couch. “I’m cumming Josh! I’m cumming around your cock!”
“Yeah!” he said, with equal strain. “Here I go!” He thrusted once more, deep and up to the hilt and I felt the warm jizz pulse into my pussy. I waited a second, letting my contractions milk his cock of every drop. When the pulsing subsided, I felt the warmth of Josh’s body leave mine as he pulled out.
“There still going at it.” I said, turning around now to sit on the couch.
“Yeah boy!” Josh said, grinning, watching his friend fuck Johanna like there was no tomorrow. “The boys got stamina.”
“I think I could help them reach their peak.” I said, a sly smile creeping over my face.
“Oh yeah? What can you do?” Josh asked.
“Watch.” With that, I stood and walked the short distance to where Johanna was on her back and her forearms were supporting herself on the floor while the rest of her was on the couch, held up by the ass by Brian’s strong arms. I kneeled so my head was bent over Johanna’s face and I kissed her. Between our lips I heard her moan with each thrust of my brothers cock.
She reached with one hand to fondle my breast, pulling me closer to her, darting her tongue deeper into my mouth. I kissed backwards, towards her navel, trailing my tongue over her body. Brian leaned back when I got the top of the trimmed patch of hair covering her cunt. I could feel Josh’s eyes on my and I turned to look at him.
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Vienna, 1899 We turned the corner and arrived in the notorious Spittelberg Alley. I knew the place by reputation, but the thought of visiting it had never crossed my mind before that evening. My friend, on the other hand, seemed perfectly at ease. And he was not the only one, I noticed as I spotted a number of well-dressed men either going into or coming out of the houses lining the street. This was one of the few places in Vienna where class distinctions ceased to exist. No curtains hung in...
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Last January my life changed in a way I never would have thought possible. The following story tells of the even that triggered this change. Before I get into the story let me tell you a little about myself. My name is Angela and I am 21 years old and a housewife in Tucson, Arizona. I am five feet six inches tall and weigh 110 pounds. My husband Travis always tells me I have a great body and he says he loves my 34B breasts. We have been married for a year and a half. Travis is 36 years old. He...
It was early one morning when I happened upon Angela. I was bored and browsing an internet dating site when her profile jumped out and bit me on the pecker. ‘I love hardcore sex,’ it said. Now that is a very unusual way for someone to sell herself on what is a supposed tame dating site. My interest was piqued and without delay I wrote my first mail to her. I realised that she would be inundated with mails of the lascivious type, I also had a suspicion that she was a clever cookie, one that...
It was early one morning when I happened upon Angela. I was bored and browsing an internet dating site when her profile jumped out and bit me on the pecker. "I love hardcore sex," it said. Now that is a very unusual way for someone to sell herself on what is a supposed tame dating site. My interest was piqued and without delay I wrote my first mail to her. I realised that she would be inundated with mails of the lascivious type, I also had a suspicion that she was a clever cookie, one that...
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Laura for several years now had been developing a routine of retreating to her bedroom shortly after dinner and pulling up porn videos on her computer while her son did the dishes and watched tv. She would lay on her bed with her legs spread wide, one hand clicking through her laptop beside her and one hand attending to her aching pussy. Occasionally she let her fingers drop down and run along the ridge of her asshole. Laura would bring herself to orgasm and would try in vain to keep her moans...
The Story of Dawn - Making Arrangements to Work With a Friend at an Adult Fantasy Party Service Note: To truly understand the "evolution" of Dawn and the events that have led up to this story, be sure to read the previous stories I have posted on this site... Promising to call Sandy back later this evening, I decided that I really needed to compose myself and come down from the cloud that I was floating on after my date with Charles. He was such a darling all day and the sexy...
Monday, November 8, 1976 “Michael, I am going to discharge you this morning, all of your test results have come back negative, there are no traces of toxins in your blood. You have active antibodies for the many diseases you were afflicted with. I am amazed by your recovery. I have honestly never seen anything like it. I talked to Dr. Albright about your case and your earlier hospital stay, he told me about your previous remarkable recovery. So, I think holding you any longer would be...
CHAPTER 1: A GAME OF CHANCEIt was a hot summer night in Philadelphia and Colin, as usual, was out with Sheryl. He probably wouldn't be home until late. With nothing better to do, Aileen went to the small alcove of their apartment where the computer was set up and signed on. Perhaps she would play a couple games of gin rummy, but what she hoped for most was that Ben would be online.Aileen Reilly had been divorced for almost ten years. Even though she hadn't had a serious relationship since her...
Hello my friends. Ur Bablu is back with another gem of a story which is real. Its with my bhabi Reshma jo ki mere dil ki rani hai tab se jab woh dulhan banker mere ghar ayi thi. Reshma ki shadi ko 6 saal ho chuke hain aur woh mere cousin brother ki wife hai. Reshma abhi 34 saal ki hai aur ye hamari chudai ki ghatna 3 months pehle ki hai. Main apne village gaya thajo ki uttar Pradesh mein hai ,koi july ka mahina tha, mere gaon mein mere bade tauji ,unki wife ,unka beta aur unki bahu Reshma rehti...
The tale continues ……Aunty Bev led me into the bathroom and after stripping off her lingerie she ran a shower for us and we washed each other, taking time to lather up and explore each other’s bodies. Aunty Bev decided that all traces of hair were to be banished and set about shaving my pubic area and my bum, which I may add was a very pleasing experience. After towelling ourselves Aunty Bev began rubbing me all over in a body lotion.“This will help stop any shaving rashes and keep your skin...
BONEHEAD SQUARE Upon my arrival, there didn’t seem to be a lot of activity, so I stayed at the counter and conversed with the clerk. Few words had fallen before I heard footsteps, looked to my right to get a visual on a man walking toward me from the area where I should have gone right away. The look of longing on his familiar and handsome face as he walked toward and then past me with a nod of acknowledgment told me I’d arrived too late to attend to the needs of his thick and uncut seven inch...
Hello iss reader kaisay haal hay aap logon k main kuch dino k liye out of india chala gaya tha isliye aap logon ko story nahi bhaij paya laikin aap logon k itnay email ko dikh kar aaj he ek story bhaijnay ka man bana liya aap ka dost yaad hay na sexy.vicky main ghatkopar mumbai main rehta hun or sirf apnay shauk k liye zinda hun kisi mast maal ko agar mujh sey sex karnay ke ecchaa ho to befekar ho k mail karay aaj main jo aapko kahani sona raha hoon woh meray dost Ashok ki sachi kahani hai jo...
Hi all..This is Vish here again with a new story of mine. This is my second post. This is a real story. I live in Ahmadabad. My father is working in another city as he has been transferred and promoted so he has to live alone as i do study in Ahmadabad and so mom has to live with me to take care of me. I am 18 years old. My mom’s name is Amita. She is very attractive and does have a good figure as well of 38-29-37. She is at the age of 38 but still she has maintained her figure As per my last...
3-2-1! And the Bulldogs win. "Way to go boys" I yell as I watch all the young sweaty bodies jog into the locker room. I head home clueless to the night and early motning that awaits me. My son Chad was out late partying, this being the last basketball game of his senior year, and no dad around to reprimend him. About 1:00 a.m. I hear him and his friends come in the back dorr, drunk off their young asses. They all head up stairs, trying to be quiet, although its not working. Know all these young...
Group SexThis is a tale told to me by my cousin, about her friend sharing her first real experience with anal sex, as it was told to me. My cousin had invited her friend for coffee one evening and while she was there my cous said she could see that her friend was wanting to share something that was on her mind. These two share everything when they chat, even personal stuff as their sex lives. This lady starts telling my cousin about her day. I was home alone when my husband came back from work early, I...
EroticSummer Experiment Chapter Five The problem with early morning love making, Frankie thought as he rushed to get ready, was that it blew their schedules out the window. As they both rushed to get dressed and out, Frankie looked in horror at the mirror. He had showered much earlier and forgotten to wet his hair and pull it back into a tight ponytail at his neckline. Now his hair was a real mess. It had not been cut since last year and except for the occasional dead end trimming...
While preparing the lunch I rang up Vineeta and told her what I had seen. “ Wow, ” she remarked, “ Don’t waste any more time go for it, dear.’’ “How?’’ “ Your hubby won’t be back for another week, isn’t it?” “Yes.” “ First start dressing sexy for the young man – make him restless. I am sure he will again jerk off to you.’’ “No, I don’t want him to waste his precious cum.’’ I was stunned by the words that emitted from my mouth. “You don’t have to, let him have access to your bra and panties. I...
IncestBy [email protected] After being laid off from my lucrative job as a wealth manager, I had no luck getting another job. As weeks turned into months, I lost all hope and aspirations. Finally thanks to my wife, I found a job as security supervisor for the building she works in. She also works in a bank but was lucky to have her job despite the recession. The building is actually 50-storyes and I had a nice cosy office in the basement just below the control room on the first level. All the CCtvs...
Introduction: ok people trying something new….. Let me know if u like the whole 3 chapters at once or back to the 2 at once Chapter 19 It was finally time to go to the grocery store to restore our diminished supplies. You ready to go AJ? I asked. Yep Ill be there in a second. he replied hugging his little brother bye and running out to catch up with me. I hooked the trailer cart up to the ATV and we were off to town. We walked into the store a little while later to a raunchy smell. Eww oh my...
You are a man in a woman's world, but that hasn't stopped you from becoming the man you are, you posses skills and power that can compete with the beautiful fighters yet you still live in thier shadow perhaps you can change that if you truly wish it. Let us step into the lives of these men and see what awaits before them, what decision they will make and how it will affect the world as they know it.
This story is a prequel to an earlier story called Hard Time Sex and was begun soon after we finished our earlier collaboration. Unfortunately, it has been more than a year since I have been able to reach Jennifer to get an Okay from her to publish this final version of the story. Since I have not heard back from her, I am sending it in for your enjoyment just as I finished it. I only hope that my interest in perversely exciting characters and situations has not gone too far for...
She didn’t know he was behind her as she walked to her car carrying shopping bags. Between two big trucks it was dark and he put his hand on one shoulder to spin her around. She dropped what she was carrying. Hands on both shoulders forced her to the ground on her back. One hand pushed up her skirt and ripped her panties off as the other one held her down. When he fumbled with his zipper to extract his penis she saw her chance. Her left hand went down her blouse top to the gift her policeman...
The television, still muted from a commercial break half an hour ago, silently flickered images and strobed the dark room, bathing it in a chaotic band of ever-changing colored light while Schrödinger softly and silently padded through. Her lean body cast long shadows from the television over the carpet, and her cursed collar was now laying on the bed upstairs. She took a seat on the soft carpet, licked one paw, and briefly considered the dozing boy on the couch. She knew this one. She had...
Black Friday By Jena Corso Edited By Angela Myers Part 1 "You guys have fun today," Lisa said as she kissed her husband. "And don't get hurt." "It'll be fine," said Marc. "I've played before." "Yeah, but it's been years," said Lisa. "Just be careful, and take good care of him Derek. See you Sunday night." "Shall do. Enjoy your shopping, and good luck seeing your mother," said Derek. Marc peeked out the window, watching his wife drive away as Derek sat sipping some...
[West Georgia] The next day started our process of setting up a station. After a lot of discussion, we decided to use a neighbor's house that was closer to the road and somewhat centrally located. It had some big rooms that would work for meetings, also. We went there and were met by Ed and Janice who had volunteered to help. It was obvious even to me that they were an "item" though there was something wrong. I didn't know what it was though and just ignored the feeling. I later wished I...
I met Trevor, my husband, after work a Grand Central. Trevor was a banker and normally worked late. I usually left the ad agencywhere I worked much earlier and took the five fifteen train to get home in time to make dinner – like a dutiful wife. But this summer Friday, Trevor was taking the early train with me. He’d made reservations at a rustic inn and we were going to dine and spend the night there together. It was just after five and the platform was packed with commuters as well as...
ReluctanceCondom Compromise.John [email protected] wife and I had been swinging with other couples, groups and selected singles for some time and very much enjoying the experience. Being nudists our main criteria was to have all naked and just let it all happen as we all felt comfortable. Bernice, my wife is lightly bi as am I, though her preference was for cock and lots of it in all holes so we often entertained an extra guy at our “gatherings” to keep the women happy and the only thing...
Well isn’t this romantic! One brunette Janice Griffith gyrates sexily in the sunlight wearing black gothic lingerie whilst waiting for her dark prince Xander Corvus to come find and fuck her. Simply the thought of getting his nice fat cock makes her pussy drip with antici…pation! That trickle of cunt juice turns into streams upon streams of girl cum once Xander starts pounding away at her precious twat! All squirts and smiles, Janice is the human equivalent of a waterfall, having...
xmoviesforyouGreen-eyed Gwyneth is a curly curvy weird warm wicked witchGwyneth loves to torture men mentally, and girls physicallyGwyneth is a big breasted blonde beauty and openly sadisticGwyneth has a big mouth, bright brain and a small hot heartGwyneth has only one sexy secret: her masochistic sexy sideGwyneth is happy she finally meets her match: Professor PeteGreen eyes turn blue, her heart red and her sexy snatch wetGwyneth needs a walk and a deep breath before she meets me!Gwyneth walks to the sex...
Chapter One Old Jim Grinsted had been up and down the aisle a couple times. Married once – the father of three now grown children – he’d been married again for a few years. Didn’t work out. So now he was on his honeymoon with Sabina – 30 years his junior. Honeymoon? Horsefeathers! Yes, he’d given her a $2,000 diamond ring (small change for Old Jim), but it wasn’t like they’d gotten any licenses or seen any preachers. Nothing legal about it. But Sabina thought it was her honeymoon, she fooled...
Growing up in the late 70s-early 80s things were quite a bit different back then…. We didn’t have internet or any real outside connection to the world, and my only opportunity to get away from home and venture out a bit was the occasional trip into town with a neighbor of mine.Marcus and I had become friends at an early age. Our parents were lifelong friends and he and I always hung out together and had basically grown up together as we lived close to each other. He was two years older than me...
BisexualHi I am Justin form Kerala hope you have read my story a small ring on my pussy first I am sorry to mis use my name as Parvathi any way I think my story is good now I am here to say a new story I had with Rahana (name changed) the storry starts from a party function which occurred in my opposite house. I have become ready to go to party and was looking the people coming there for function from my house Suddenly a female backside caught in my eyes I get stared at her figure she was wearing a...
Jasper bounded straight between my open legs. His snout touched the lips of my pussy before his tongue attacked it. My hands instinctively went to either side of his head as I was at first concerned his teeth might want to take a nip of me. The sheer force of his rough tongue that sought and found my clitoris took me by surprise and it went further inside me more than any human one had. Jasper’s tongue was a sexual weapon in itself. I found myself quickly climaxing and I heard myself...
Sam came round on friday after checking i was dressed as i should be he took linda out, she told me to be ready for her when she got back as sam was telling her all about what was planed for me,about three hours later they came back linda looked a mess and went straight upstairs telling me to follow, sam looked at me and said see you tomorrow sweetie and gave me that evil grin as he put a bag in the hallway, i went up to linda who was in just her underwear kneeling on the bed, get under here i...
“Ouch!” Allie yelped. “That really hurt.’ Allie began frantically rubbing her ass after receiving the full velocity of a squash ball right on her butt cheek. Dave rushed over to apologize and to assist her in any way he could. “I’m so sorry. I hope you’re OK,’ he said apologetically. “This is going to leave a mark on my ass for sure. I did not realize that the competition was so fierce in this squash tournament,’ Allie said with a smile as she continued to rub her ass to relieve the sting....