Trading Stocks for Bonds
- 2 years ago
- 34
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Sarah pulled her new key out of her pocket as she lugged her suitcases off the elevator, shoving them down the hall to her suite. She smiled to herself when she saw the door already propped open, her suitemates apparently already having arrived.
‘Hello!’ she called as she pushed open the door and stepped inside, looking around. The apartment was pretty nice, considering it was a dorm, though most of the floor and counterspace in the central communal area and the open kitchen were completely covered with various suitcases, boxes and bags of new stuff.
‘Hey!’ two voices called in unison, two heads peeking out of the hallway to her left. Sarah knew from the floorplan housing had given her that the separate bedrooms were in twos on either side of the communal area. These two had apparently chosen to be hallmates already. She glanced to the right, wondering if her hallmate had arrived yet, but seeing no one, hoped it was because she wasn’t there and not because she was antisocial.
‘Hi! You must be… Sarah-or Taylor?’ said the taller of the two as they both came forward. She was partly Asian, maybe Japanese, pretty with pale skin and a bright smile. She was not as tall as Sarah at 6′, though hardly anyone was, but probably around 5’7′ with shoulder-length black hair. ‘I’m Ana.’
‘Sarah,’ the dark-skinned girl said, shaking her hand with her brightest smile.
‘I’m Penelope,’ said the other, a tiny blonde with a short bob and a Midwest accent. ‘But just call me Nel. Not Nelly.’
Sarah laughed and promised she wouldn’t.
‘Here, let us help you with your stuff. We got here early this morning and set up our rooms,’ Ana said, going out into the hall after Sarah, handing bags in to Nel, who ferried them into the living room. ‘We decided to be roomies, so I hope this Taylor isn’t a bitch or anything. You can hang out with us if she is.’
‘I’m sure she’ll be fine,’ Sarah said, poking her head into the hallway and looking between the two rooms on either end.
‘If you’re a morning person, I’d take that one,’ Nel said, pointing to the left room. ‘The sun shines right in first thing in the morning. If not, I’d go for the other.’
‘Oh, I am definitely a morning person,’ Sarah said. ‘Hopefully, Taylor’s not picky.’
‘Eh, she should have gotten here sooner then,’ Ana said with a playful smile, lugging in a suitcase behind Sarah and Nel.
‘This isn’t bad at all,’ Sarah commented, opening the closet, pulling out drawers, bouncing onto the bed once. ‘You hear all the horror stories about dorm rooms.’
‘This is, like, the most desirable dorm on campus,’ Nel said, hauling a bag onto the bed. ‘Want us to help you set up or leave you alone?’
‘No, no you can help if you want, but you don’t have to. Thanks,’ Sarah said, unzipping the big bag she’d been hauling, pulling out her laptop case and laying it on the desk. Nel and Ana dove into her other bags, pulling out her clothes and putting them into the drawers and closet, making her bed for her.
They quickly got Sarah’s room in order and were touring the other girls’ rooms when they heard a knock at the door. They all raced to open it just as it opened itself and a pretty girl with short red hair, wearing a smart pantsuit and holding a leather portfolio stepped inside, smiling distantly when she sw the three of them.
‘Taylor?’ Ana asked, stepping forward.
‘Ah, no, sorry,’ the young woman said, pushing open the door fully to reveal a veritable troop of people behind her in the hallway, holding boxes, bags and suitcases. ‘My name is Marnie, I’m a-friend- of Taylor’s. She’s been delayed in Rome so she asked if I’d come ahead and prepare her room for her arrival.’
‘Oh, uh, ok,’ Sarah said, glancing at the other two. This chick must be loaded. ‘Well, uh, let me show you which room she’ll be in.’
‘This will be suitable. A bit Spartan, but acceptable,’ Marnie said after inspecting the room thoroughly and coming back out into the living area where the three girls had retreated, watching with wide eyes. The woman snapped her fingers at the crowd outside in the hall and one by one, moving quickly, they moved in and out of the room, ferrying their loads. Sarah watched as a new, top of the line desktop computer zipped past. A very nice set of speakers, garment bags full of clothing, a brand new laptop still in the box and who knew what else in expensive suitcases all vanished into the room. In less than ten minutes, all but Marnie had disappeared back into the hallway and the leader faced the three girls, holding three black leather bags.
‘She asked me to tell you that she knows this is a weird way to meet, and not to hold it against her. Her jet is in the air now, and she should be here in less than three hours. She asked me to give you these gifts. She also wanted me to tell you that you may inspect her room, because you are no doubt curious.’
And with a nod to all of them as she handed a bag to each, she backed out of the apartment, bowing slightly to them.
‘Wait! Wait!’ Ana exclaimed, following her, the others on her heels. ‘ Is she royalty or something? I’ve never seen a parade like that for a normal person.’
A dark smile spread across the redhead’s petite features and she paused before answering.
‘I not at liberty to answer that question. I will however caution you to be extremely respectful. She is very important in many circles.’
And with that, she spun gracefully and stepped onto the elevator.
‘What the hell was that?’ they all said at the same time, dumbfounded, then burst into laughter.
‘Who knows. Must be rich as hell, did you see that equipment come through?’ Sarah asked.
‘What’s in the bags?’ Nel asked, moving to the counter and tipping out the contents. ‘Holy shit! Open yours up, guys!’
‘Whoa!’ Sarah said as she dumped hers out too, opening a large velvet jewelry box to reveal a large sapphire pendant necklace. There were also bottles and vials of expensive skin care products and shampoos. The others received the same thing, though Ana got a tanzanite necklace and Nel an emerald. Ana got a note in hers that she opened and read aloud after showing them the flowing, rather beautiful handwriting and linen stationery engraved with an intricate black and red crest.
‘Hi, I know this must seem crazy. I don’t think I come across like this in person, but you guys can be the judges of that. I’m so excited to meet all of you and hate that I’m going to be late. Please accept these gifts, I love giving presents, so I’m sure they won’t be the first. The scents should be good for everyone, but feel free to trade necklaces because I didn’t know which stones to get individually. You can go through my stuff if Marnie didn’t tell you that. I know I’d be dying to see what the hell that silent army marched in there. See you soon, Taylor.’
‘Jesus!’ Nel said, laying the box with the displayed necklace on the counter. Sarah and Ana lined theirs up as well.
‘Anyone have a favorite stone? I don’t really care which I get,’ Ana said, looking at the other two. ‘Think they’re real?’
‘You kidding?’ Nel asked, turning a box over to show them the bottom. ‘These are Harry Winston. Must be worth a fortune! Look at the size of these things!’
‘Can I have the tanzanite?’ Sarah asked shyly. ‘I’ve always wanted one…’
‘Sure!’ Ana said, passing the box to her with a smile.
Nel considered and kept her emerald, clipping the delicate platinum chain around her neck with an amazed smile. The other two did the same, fingering their new treasures.
‘I think I like her already,’ Nel said, laughing. ‘Hopefully she’s not trying to win us over because she’s a bitch.’
‘Her letter sounded nice,’ Sarah commented, looking it over. ‘She seems kinda funny, and she knows how nuts this looks. She sure has nice handwriting.’
‘You wanna look in her room?’ Ana asked, grinning. They all nodded and dashed into
the room.
‘Woah! Would you look at this stuff!’ Sarah said, standing in front of the desk, on which sat a very large flatscreen monitor and wireless mouse and keyboard. An impossibly thin notebook sat off to one side, an Ipod on top of it nonchalantly. Under the desk and behind the monitor sat an impressive array of speakers along with the tower for the desktop.
‘These sheets have to be 600 thread-count,’ Ana said, running her hands over the turned-down covers of the bed. A plush down comforter in deepest navy blue, piles of down pillows, snow-white sheets and matching navy curtains and soft rug under their feet were really the only decorations in the room.
‘She’s got great taste in clothes and the money to match,’ Nel said from her closet, standing on tiptoe to peer at labels. ‘Lots of Armani and Ralph Lauren. Definitely likes black and leather. I’d say her style is corporate Goth.’
‘She’s got jeans here and t-shirts,’ Ana said, carefully rifling through the drawers of the bureau. ‘They’re still designer though.’
‘She’s got a great figure,’ Sarah said, pulling a pair of black leather pants out of the closet and holding them up. ‘These are custom-tailored. Looks like everything is.’
She held them up against her own figure, gauging her height. ‘She’s not quite as tall as me, and jeez, must be built like a stripper. The waist is tiny but look at the hips and thighs here.’
‘She’s got big boobs,’ Ana commented, holding up a delicate bra. ‘Hmm, 34 D. That’s a very nice rack. Think they’re real?’
‘Get out of her underwear drawer!’ Nel chided, swatting Ana’s hands, who only grinned, putting the bra back. ‘I wish I could fit into any of this stuff, because I’d totally ask to borrow it.’
They finished gaping at all her belongings, sniffing her perfumes and ogling her jewelry, then wandered back out into the living room. They took turns showering and talking until dusk when they heard a key in the door and all stood excitedly.
‘Hello?’ a husky, very sexy female voice called. A black leather duffel bag was tossed inside, landing just beyond the edge of the kitchen counter with a muffled thud.
‘Taylor?’ Sarah asked, coming forward to pull open the door, the others right behind her. Out in the hall, their new roommate was saying good-bye to someone unseen, the elevator pinging softly a moment later.
‘Oh, hi!’ the newcomer exclaimed, stepping inside. ‘Oh, you’re wearing them!’
She was, as expected, gorgeous in tight-fitting, low slung jeans and a black long-sleeved t-shirt, nice running shoes. Sarah was right about her dimensions. Tall, firmly muscled but with heart-stopping curves. She had incredibly long, shining graphite-colored hair that cascaded in sparkling waves nearly to her tiny waist and the most stunning emerald green eyes, flawless pale skin. A giant ruby in an intricate silver collar was clasped around her throat. Sarah noticed a modern-looking platinum wedding ring on her left hand. She was displaying perfect white teeth in a 1000 watt smile, beaming at all of them in turn.
‘Hi, nice to finally meet you,’ she said, a very slight Southern drawl coloring that velvety voice. ‘I’m obviously Taylor.’
They all introduced themselves, shaking her cool hands with metallic black nails.
‘We met your entourage earlier,’ Ana said, raising one eyebrow.
‘Yes, the troops,’ Taylor sighed, rolling her eyes. ‘Sorry, that had to be bizarre. I told Marnie not to bring half the staff, but I knew she would anyway. They’re like a corporate army. I had an engagement in Rome that I had to attend last night, so I knew I was going to be late.’
‘It’s cool,’ Nel said, smiling brightly, looking her over from head to toe. ‘Are you, like, royalty or something? Marnie said she was- and I quote- ‘not at liberty to answer that question, but to treat you with extreme respect.”
Taylor laughed once, shaking her head an enigmatic smile on her pale lips. ‘Not in this world. I’m surprised she didn’t sit all of you down and have a lecture on proper etiquette. Anyway, did they set up my room?’
‘Oh, yeah,’ Sarah said, motioning her to follow Ana. She moved with a fluid grace somewhere between an exotic dancer and a kung fu master, not making a sound.
‘Let me guess,’ Taylor said with a snicker. ‘Marnie took one look at it and said something like, ‘well, it’s a bit bare, but it will do?”
‘Something like that,’ Sarah laughed. ‘Is she your assistant or something? You said ‘staff…”
‘No, well, technically she’s my husband’s assistant, but she handles my affairs as well. I don’t think I need an assistant just yet.’
‘You’re married?’ Nel asked, shock on her small features.
‘Yeah, for awhile now. You’ll meet him sometime,’ Taylor said, flashing her wedding ring in an off-hand way, plopping the bag on her bed and opening her closet, running her hands over her wardrobe appraisingly. ‘Well, she picked up a good assortment for me. I’ve been in Europe for a month so I didn’t really have time to shop stateside. Marnie picked all this stuff up for me this week. Think she likes to see me in black?’
‘Yeah, we looked over your stuff. It’s nice,’ Sarah said, blushing a little. ‘Hope that was okay?’
‘You kidding, I said it was fine. I know I’d be dying to look it over if all those people brought it in like a I was some fucking princess.’
‘To clarify, you are loaded, right?’ Ana said with a grin.
‘Oh, does it show?’ Taylor said with a faux-cringe that made them all laugh. ‘Yeah, I’m old money- very old money. I don’t think I’m a bitch about it, but definitely tell me if I am. I’m honestly not trying to show off.’
Sarah nodded, impressed with her overall. She had a disarming, magnetic quality about her that put them all at ease, though there was an undercurrent in her voice, her eyes, something darker, that made Sarah wonder. She was definitely accustomed to being an Alpha female, everything in her stance and demeanor, though to a degree calculatedly seductive, was a study in authority and careful training.
‘There’s this dance thing up in the main quad in an hour or so,’ Nel said. ‘We were planning on going. You in? We already showered so the bathroom’s free.’
‘Sure, I’m ready to go. Showered on the jet- yes I have a jet, deal with it.’
‘Holy shit! I know who’s sponsoring Spring Break this year!’ Ana exclaimed.
‘Absolutely!’ Taylor said, her face brightening. ‘How’s Fiji sound? We have a place not far from there.’
‘You’re serious!’ Nel squawked.
‘Completely,’ Taylor said with that enigmatic smile. ‘Anyway, we’ll get to that later. What are you guys wearing?’
She leaned into her closet, stretching one leg out behind her as she reached up high to put away the stilettoes she’d pulled out of her bag. As her shirt rode up her defined back, Sarah caught a glimpse of a very large black and red tattoo that covered her lower back and disappeared beneath the shirt.
‘I was planning on going as I am,’ Nel said, looking down at her jeans and belly-baring halter-top. ‘It’s outside on the grass and they’re supposed to be barbecuing so I don’t want to ruin any good shoes.’
‘Oh good, I am so tired of dressing up. Just wanna be in jeans for once like a normal person. Y’all can sit if you want. You don’t have to stand there.’
‘I would not be bitching if I had labels like that in my closet!’ Sarah exclaimed, sitting on the bed. Ana sat next to her, reaching into the bag and pulling out stuff to hand to Taylor. Nel sat at her desk, poking at the notebook.
‘Can I-‘ she asked, pointing to the flat computer.
‘Knock yourself out,’ Taylor said with a wave of her hand. ‘I haven’t even looked at it yet. Hopefully they copied stuff from my other one so I don’t have to send for it.’
‘Oooh, momma!’ Ana exclaimed, holding up a fantastically sexy piece of black lingerie. A gorgeously detailed satin bustier with long flowing pieces of silk att
ached to the bottom, Asian floral motifs embroidered into the silk in crystal beads. ‘What did you say you did?’
‘I’m not a stripper,’ Taylor laughed, taking the piece and hanging it in the closet. ‘Though I’ve been told I look like one. I’m not sure how to take that. I’ll choose compliment. I have a… unique life. It’ll take a while to explain all that.’
‘I bet,’ Sarah said, examining the long black silk robe that Ana pulled out next, similar detailing running its length. ‘I’d totally wear this as a dress.’
‘You guys are free to borrow any of my shit without asking. It’s altered to fit my shape, but it you can fit into it, by all means. Nel, you might be a little small, but you two might find some stuff that will be a tolerable fit. Though my ass is so much bigger than either of yours.’
‘Wow, thanks,’ Ana said, leaning to look around Sarah at the contents of her closet. Taylor smiled and moved out of the way so she could see better, indicating with a wave that Ana could take whatever she wanted, saying she was going to wash her face in the bathroom.
‘Can you even imagine having this much money?’ Ana whispered, looking like she was in heaven as she pulled out garments.
‘I thought my family was well-off,’ Sarah said with a shake of her head. ‘She’s so loaded she doesn’t even care if you ruin that five thousand dollar jacket you’re holding.’
‘I like her a lot,’ Nel whispered, smiling.
The others agreed, looking up as they heard the bathroom door squeak open, Taylor appearing a moment later, face scrubbed clean. She pulled a make-up case out of the top drawer of her bureau and sank gracefully to the floor, cross-legged, waving Sarah off as she started to stand.
‘Oh, I could totally rock this over jeans,’ Ana whooped, whipping out a tailored, pinstriped navy vest that was obviously part of a pantsuit. ‘Are you guys squeamish about boobs?’
They all shook their heads, Taylor glancing up from her eyeshadow, Sarah watching her, entranced by her skill with the Chanel products. Nel raised her eyebrows but continued to scroll through the applications on Taylor’s computer.
‘Want me to make you up?’ Taylor asked Sarah, obviously aware she was being observed. ‘Isn’t that what girls our age do?’
‘Yeah,’ Sarah laughed. ‘Sorry, you’re just really good at it.’
‘I’ve spent enough time with make-up artists to learn by now.’
She finished her own smoky make-up, which made her green eyes look positively eerie, then rose fluidly, coming to sit next to Sarah on the bed. Her hair fell over her eyes as she dug in the bag for a different palette.
‘What do you want?’ Taylor asked. ‘Queen of the Night or girl-next-door?’
‘How about somewhere in between. I really like your eyes.’
Taylor nodded then set to work.
‘Oh, I don’t have the tits for this,’ Ana sighed, inspecting her reflection in the full-length mirror on the back of the door.
Taylor laughed at her forlorn expression. Ana pushed at her cleavage, trying to force it to fill out the vest where it came to a V mid-chest.
‘I bet this looks fantastic on you! Here, put it on!’ she said, whipping it off and holding it out to Taylor. ‘And you are totally doing me next.’
Taylor raised an eyebrow, smiling darkly, obviously holding back some comment that amused her. She finished Sarah’s makeup, handing her a mirror, then took the garment from Ana, standing.
‘This looks great!’ Sarah said, not believing it was her in the mirror. ‘Oh, I feel like a pig suddenly. What kind of workout do you do?’
Taylor had pulled off her shirt, standing slightly in profile to Sarah. Her stomach was completely ripped, though still maintaining her smooth curves, arms toned, back sculpted. Her breasts held by the black, lacy and slightly transparent bra were obviously natural and very obviously pierced, large but proportional to her figure. Sarah could see a little of the giant tattoo from her view.
‘Jiujitsu, mainly,’ Taylor said, glancing down at herself as if she’d never really paid any attention. ‘Some blade training, though not so much anymore.’
The three girls looked at her for a moment, taken aback, wondering if she was kidding. The casual tone of her voice suggested she was not.
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The day was growing old, and the sun was starting to set. Who could of known that something so simple and so regular, like the sun setting could have drastic and horrific consequences. As the great ball of fire abandoned the lit sky, the world around it collapsed leading for it to change dramatically. Darkness spread across, leaving no gap unfilled, nothing could escape its cold grasp. As the light left, it seemed like other things vacated the world. Hope and happiness seemed to turn...
(((Just combining chapters to reduce length of my POST lost.)))BLOOD DIAMONDSChapter 1The Present... A Trash Dumpster, New York City"Rambo to Sugar Tits. Rambo calling Sugar Tits. You awake Sugar Tits? This is your wake up call.""Yeah, I'm awake Rambo," I groaned. Rambo's irritating, nasal whine wasn't something I wanted to wake up to. Ever! "And, stop calling me Sugar Tits."The earpiece/microphone was coming lose from my ear and I seated it firmly back into place as Rambo continued. "Hey, you...
Alicia hated her job. Sam's Tavern was ostensibly a biker bar, but its true clientele was a horrid mix of wannabes and parolees. The parking lot contained far more beat-up Honda Civics and rusty Ford Escorts than it did Harleys. As she wiped up yet another spilled beer on the bar, the perpetrator of the mess gave her a sharp slap on the ass, laughing uproariously at his own daring. She sighed but otherwise ignored his actions; she knew from experience that showing a reaction would just make...
Davik He used the whip again, demanding to know how I had gotten my abilities and what had been used. I tuned him out, thinking of other things, when a strange tickle occurred in the back of my head. Not on the skin, but deep inside, not unlike when I found the fire that triggered my abilities that first time. The tickle appeared just after a strike of the whip and after two more, it became much stronger. Instead of a tickle, I began to feel emotion, but it seemed off as if it were not my...
17 years ago... The sharp whoosh lasted only a split second before the dull thump of the arrow piercing the target sounded. The barb had struck precisely on the little heart drawn in red crayon on the drawing of the human-shaped figure mounted on the wall with the very cartoonish-looking set of dripping fangs drawn on the otherwise blank face area. Little Kaeli started to bounce up and down with excitement, but stopped as holding the bow made it a cumbersome gesture. The curved length was...
I awoke with a start, uncertain when and where I was. Something had disturbed my slumber. I looked around and it was as if I hadn't yet opened my eyes, there was nothing in sight. I do not mean that it was pitch black, I can see perfectly in no light, but there was simply nothing to behold. Stretching out with my senses I found that I was not on earth any more, it was some shadow realm. Upon taking inventory I noticed a lack of physical form; I had not brought my body with me, inconvenient....
What is a family? How do we become so attached to those that we grow with? Those that know us the best are the most capable of hurting us. Why do we always give them the power to do so? To claim someone as part of your family is to accept them into your life, into your heart. Those inside you are able to cause pain like no one else. This could be because they know you so well. They know which buttons will hurt the most. They know your secrets. They know what causes you pain. Lovers, brothers,...
It would seems my hight changed from 5'8 to 6'3. What ever I eat burns off like nothing, I've lost more weight then gained. For the first time in my life I have a six pack. I've also notice when ever I deactivate my power I feel light headed and lose my craving for sex. As far as the women go, the ones I have had sex with seem to forget about me the instant I deactivate my power, but as soon as I reactivate my power they all seem to call me by the name master. The women I have not...
I'm Jake. I'm 6 foot tall, well built. I'm a gifted athlete and well on my way to a decent college. I have a very good girlfriend and a very happening social life. I have a very loving family as well. My dad is a professor at the local university and my mom is a teacher at the local school. My life was perfect but it was gonna get a whole lot better. Some might call it twisted. I frankly dont know how to feel. You be the judge !
IncestBilly was cynical, though also very intrigued by his stepsister's risque proposal. He didn't completely trust her intentions, but he couldn't help following her down the dark road, no matter where it led. Once agreed upon, Nicole put her nefarious plan into motion. All she asked of Billy was that he do as she instructed, no questions asked."Are you willing to place yourself in my hands and do whatever I say?" He easily submitted to her will. She loved to be in control. The power turned her on...
TabooWritten with inspiration from an unpopular post bysexaddict66This story is fictional and is based in an older simpler time: Our parents were very foregoing, OPEN, and gentle people who were very supportive of us in many unique and different ways. But overall happiness came to saddening halt when our Father, our Mother's Husband died after he caught a horrific fever during a cold and brutal winter 3 years past.-Later after we coped and moved on:One early weekend morning I was outside doing some...
Na peru chandra naku 22 years living in hyd. Last year na B.Tech complete indi.Ma family lo 5 members untaru ma dad , mom, annaya,nenu,chelli. Naku inter daka sex korikalu levu kani after inter ma family antha city ki shift indi.City ki vochaka naku ealanti chedda alavatlu kalae.But annitikantae chedda alavatu okati indi adae sex. Nenu chala active ga undae vadini alanti na life lo nenu ela sex ki addict itha anukolae bt awakka thappale. B.Tech lo nenu ma senior love chesukunnam danitho baga...
All women have something a man can find attractive, but early on, you learned the exact type of woman you couldn't get out of your head. That type was MILFs. You couldn't help yourself from typing in MILFs into the search bar any time you felt aroused. Cock in hand, you watched endless amounts of MILF porn. Their big, jiggly breasts, thick swaying thighs that held up their juicy asses were etched into your mind, but there was one MILF that always popped into your thoughts mid stroking. She was...
IncestEverything in Nature adores the chaste virgin, as she walks through her Almighty Father’s Garden of Paradise, naked and unashamed. She will never know sin, so long as the snake is kept out of Paradise. When she has matured, the lover sees the beauty so breathtaking to behold, and innocence so pure, surely she must have the blood sacrifice of innocence, to atone for accursedness in his seed. Her lover places her needs for security and commitment, above his own base instinct, elevating...
Colin MacDonnell rode with haste through the countryside towards the attacking MacRae’s. It was his duty to watch them and ride back when they started to march for Donan. Having lived, travelled and hunted in the area all his life, he knew the best route to take and where he could safely watch them without being spotted. It was his deepest hopes as he prayed, that he could live through this night and return to his wife and family, alive and well. He’d seen the results of battle with Claymores...
As the men prepared the ship to leave port, Therese looked for a guard or soldier to give her last letter to. She spotted a soldier on patrol, coming up the pier and called out to him. The soldier recognized who she was and made haste to the gangway, before it was raised. He stood in front of her at attention and waited for her direction. ‘I want you to give this letter to the Earl, no one else. Make sure that he gets it, after, I have left.’ Her emphasis on after, being stressed to him. The...
The arrow went right through his Adam’s apple, all he managed was a gurgle before falling forward. The sound he made must have reached his comrades, as I heard them increase the speed of their approach. When he had hit the ground, the arrow was pushed even further through his neck, causing a spurt of blood to escape the wound. I could see that the arrow had pierced his spine, near the base of his skull. Within moments, he stopped breathing; a large puddle of blood was oozing out around him....
1875 Annabelle breathed deeply as her eyes opened. With a level of vigor she never thought she would ever feel again, she sat up in bed. Impulsively, she began to laugh. She felt ... strong. Revived. Alive. The fever that had ailed her for days, that had already claimed the rest of her family, was gone. She was herself again. No, that wasn't quite right. She felt better, stronger now, but not necessarily like herself. It was more like she felt like someone else. It didn't matter. By all...
The morning glow of sunshine washed the deck in orange hues, as men prepared the ship to leave port. Therese looked for a guard or soldier to give her last letter to and spotted a soldier on patrol, coming up the pier and called out to him. The soldier recognized who she was and made haste to the gangway, before it was raised. He stood in front of her at attention and waited for her direction. ‘I want you to give this letter to the Earl, no one else. Make sure that he gets it, after, I have...
While Garreth and Grayson awaited the start of the trial, James MacRae had already broken the cease-fire pact and sat with several leaders of smaller clans, at the head of the table of Andrew MacDougall. Andrew, sat on his left, in his deteriorating Dunollie Castle, while to his right was a captain of the Earl’s guard, dressed in full regalia for representation of his position. McCauley Fraser, Harlan Douglas and Jacob MacLean sat to either side of Andrew and the captain. He had put it to the...
Note: This is a work of pure fiction. Any persons, places or events that may seem familiar are purely by coincidence. Blood Wrong The sound, frogs croaking and of millions of crickets tuning up their legs for the same night time symphony that is played on most every night out here by the big pond. The occasional sound of a bird or two calling as they flit about the cattails before settling in for the night was familiar too. So peaceful out here. Out where the skies open up...
Paul walked into his apartment two hours later to find Rachel waiting for him, sitting up on the couch. "You're home late." Rachel commented indignantly. "I was unaware that I had to ask you permission to stay out late." Paul said with a raised eyebrow. "My apologizes Alpha." Rachel said recognizing her mistake. Sitting down in the love seat across from her, Paul said, "Marcus explained to me why you are here. I had to admit I was wondering." "Every new Were is expected to have...
1912 The door suddenly burst open, and Electra stood in the doorway. She looked very angry. "This madness has gone far enough!" Annabelle instantly sat bolt upright, clutching the bed sheet over her unclothed chest. The man in bed next to her, Paul, frantically shrunk back against the headboard. When Electra's rage was such that even Annabelle was frightened by it, it was only natural for someone else to go into outright panic. "First of all, we still have a right to privacy in this...
Drake dragged his sword as he wielded it. The blade was by no means light, but it seemed as he lost the strength to wield it, it gained the strength to wield itself. The battle had been long, and now it seemed no end was in sight. The on-lookers didn't shout encouragement. No witnesses spoke. He fought the monster he had once called Sage. He fought for his life. He had been betrayed by the man who had been a father to him. The monster lifted his sword and abruptly charged. Drake brought in...
Tom listened to the operation over the radio and had heard the orderly commands and replies of the SWAT team turn to gunfire and screams of pain followed by silence. He arrived at the premises less than five minutes later to find a scene straight out of hell. Bodies in blue uniforms lay everywhere, the entire scene painted in the rich carmine hues of fresh blood. He stared numbly for a moment, wondering how something like this could possibly have happened. He finally tore his eyes from the...
"I'm deeply sorry for your loss," said Father Likembe and nodded solemnly. He struck Ethan as a man of integrity and good will. His words sounded true enough, so Ethan obliged a sincere reply: "Thank you, father," he said and nodded pensively, suddenly lost in thought, his eyes fixed beyond the mass of people waiting for a meal. There was a peaceful murmur in the air, rarely broken by the sound of crying children. The people that had gathered weren't restless at all. He had been...
PART FIVE- Just Like Antoinette I dreamt the most splendid dreams that day: Kittie, Nathan and Dean working together in the restaurant, Dean being drilled by questions about the late 1800’s and all the things that he had learned. Dean told the highlights of his life but never delved into too much detail. Nathan and Dean joked back and forth, slightly irritating Kittie. “If Dana were here we would have an even match, but you guys are just picking on me!” she pouted. The guys just laughed and...
PART SIX: A Night to Remember Dean and Nathan got permission to use Ruby’s back room to change into their new suits and they joined us out by the car. We were quite a sight so see, the men in classic suits and Kittie and I in large billowing dresses with tight corsets. Kittie sat in the back with me and Nathan drove with Dean playing navigator, it would have been impossible for her to drive anyway. Kittie and I communicated telepathically and held hands as we headed out of town. “You know...
The rumbling had begun again. The ground shook so hard that without handholds we fell to the floor. The lights dimmed then went out. The cave became menacingly dark. I let Smyth go and covered my ears with my hands. The rumbling noise inside the cave echoed loudly. It seemed that the rumbling was becoming more frequent. Two lots of it in less than an hour had me worried. At last the rumbling and shaking stopped. I stood shakily then and helped Smyth to her feet, stumbling a little in the...
Chapter 1 April 1589 — Loch Leven The drenching rains fell heavy as they often do in spring, in the western highlands of Scotland. Through the trees in the early morning, grey haze, a flash of lightning illuminated the murderous eyes of a small army of clansmen peering upon the sleeping village. The evil in the eyes of the leader showed the mindset on carrying out the events about to happen. They made their way into Ballachulish on the south shores of Loch Leven, the thrumming of rain on...
Niya could already hear the tell-tale screams of cries of agony that marked Ashen's arrival as stood trapped in a small room at the back of the mansion. Looking for any possible escape she saw the window as she shot the bolt in behind her in time to see the door shake on its hinges. Rushing forward she burst through the glass rolling as she hit the ground. Not wanting to turn around, she broke into a run past the bodies of the dead strewn about the front yard of the lonely mansion, her only...
Lillian I left everyone in the room and made my way to the cellar of the, opening the door to find Violet, on the floor. The chains of the shackles were looped around a metal bracket on the floor, even Davik’s unique strength would not be able to pull it up. I looked down at her, memories of her sleeping after our love making filling my head and alerting me to her ruse. I walked up and planted a hard kick to her abdomen, causing her to scream in pain, as well as curse me for hitting...
Davik I could not tell how long I had been here, but my stomach was beginning to demand that I accept the food that the young girl had been bringing. True to her word, Brenson had stopped using blunt objects and began using a whip. I had to be careful as the pain of the strikes could have made me bite my tongue off, which would have been very painful, and I doubt I would have been able to grow it back. The whole time, he was asking how I was able to do the things I could, where I got my...