A Mind’s Wish Ch. 04 free porn video

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As he walked down the street, Erik looked ahead at the greatest challenge presented to him yet. He was following, invisibly, a pair of girls named Terry and Lana. It was Terry whose mind he had delved into, and whose fantasy he meant to make reality. In actuality Erik had been in her mind several times, always coming back disappointed.

His early attempts had shown that the girl had no dark, secret fetishes or desire. Trying a little harder next time he found her one wish, her greatest desire, was to be loved unconditionally. Looking into her mind all he saw was her desire to be loved, to be wanted by another. Images of marriage and other romantic scenes dominated her mind. Erik was actually about to give up on her when that morning he gave it one last shot.

Once more he saw such images. But then something caught his mind’s eye. It was one specific fantasy, of her standing there in a wedding dress next to her betrothed. Erik had noticed before that the groom had no face, no well defined form in her mind. He interpreted it as in she simply hadn’t decided who that was yet. But that day he recognized something, recognized the haze around that groom.

He had seen it before. It was a shroud in the mind, used to hide something. The more someone did not want to confront something, the more this haze hung in the air. He felt stupid for not recognizing it before, quickly pushing past the barrier with his power. That’s when he saw what Terry was hiding, from the world and herself. In her fantasy wedding, her spouse was female.

Although she too had no face, there was no denying that the form Terry was lovingly clung to was female. The unknown female still wore a traditional tuxedo, but had a clearly defined and obvious feminine form to it. Erik had raced around in her psyche at that moment, trying to find more answers, more clues. He couldn’t understand why this girl was so concealing of her sexuality. Terry’s mind had shown her to be completely open and understanding about such things, it seemed to go against her personality.

Erik found his answer in a wayward thought. Terry did not admit her desire because of fear. Not fear of being revealed, but fear of never finding that love. She had gotten into her head that it was impossible to have that true love scenario she desired with another woman. Indeed all the romantic images in her mind were based on typical male and female roles.

If he had been presented with the challenge sooner, Erik would have thought it impossible. Sure he could force her to love, and be loved by another girl. But that wasn’t the challenge, the challenge was to make the fantasy really come true. Such a feat would normally have seemed impossible, if it were not for another same sex couple that Erik himself had created.

Ricky and Vance apparently had become regular fuck buddies. Erik was absolutely shocked one day to find that Vance was feeling honest affection for his new partner. It had all started with one horny encounter, spurred on by a command from Erik. But Vance had shown no homosexuality in his mind before the incident, and Erik had pressed none on to him.

Yet there it was, a blooming relationship between the two. They did extremely well to hide it from the world, but they could not hide it from Erik. Not when he could so easily read their minds. He easily saw that the two were suddenly a full on couple in private, both giving and receiving something from it.

He wasn’t about to call that the true love scenario that Terry wanted, but it was something. It proved that such desire could be brought forth without direct control. All Erik had to do was present the right scenario at the right time, and nature could take it’s course. But what scenario could bring Terry the love she wanted?

Erik knew his best chance was probably with Lana. The two girls were best friends, and if he could work with any existing emotions it would help. As the two girls were walking home, Erik followed so he could delve into Lana’s mind. Unfortunately Lana was not a lesbian, either in practice or by some secret desire. But then again, Vance hadn’t been gay, so Erik wasn’t deterred. What he did find was that Lana was a tried and true friend. Even without any sexual content, Lana still really like Terry. That was why they were so close.

Delving deeper, Erik was looking around to see how Lana might react to a physical encounter with Terry. Nothing concrete came back, but an image did. Lana saw herself, rightly so, as a strong girl. Physically capable, and athletic. Then the image of Lana as a knight, a protector flashed into her head.

Bingo. It was absolutely perfect. That very same image had shown up in Terry’s mind, with her one true love standing over her, a knight in shinning armor. He had the link he needed, and a scenario quickly formed in his mind.

Using his power, Erik commanded the girls to stop. They froze, mid stride, following his mental orders. Confident they would stay there, Erik walked off to find the prop he needed. Using his powers it wasn’t long before he came driving back in a nice big van. As he pulled up behind the girls, he released the hold command on them.

The pair continued on like nothing had happened, chatting it up as they headed for Lana’s place. Both of them heard the van behind them, but neither took real notice to it. Erik took a moment to plant a couple commands in the girl’s heads, illusions over how they would see him in order to help the scenario along.

With everything set, the play went into action. Both the girls did take notice when the van stopped beside them and it’s side door flew open. Out from it flew a large man in a black mask, leaping right at them. Before either girl could react he had jabbed something into their sides, and they slipped into a deep sleep.

Erik of course had not done anything to them. All of it was a metal illusion. He was not so large, and he had no mask. He certainly pumped no drugs into the girls, he just ordered them to think he had and fall asleep. Quickly he caught the pair, dragging them back into the van. A very short drive later and he was where he wanted the van to be.

Crawling into the back, Erik stripped down the girls. Despite the fact that he hadn’t planned on taking either of them, he couldn’t help but admire their naked forms. Lana and Terry had almost identical hair, both the same dirty brown and shoulder length. But the similarities ended there. Terry had a somewhat undeveloped body. Her breasts were small and her form thin, lacking shape. Her face however was striking. It was very well formed, with perfect proportions, topped off with her pair of bright green eyes. When had been raping the girls at random, Erik almost always cummed on that face.

Lana was almost the exact opposite. Her face was a little too chubby, rounding out around the sides to make her appear much fatter then she was. Lana’s body however was amazing. It was trim, fit, athletic, showing off her labor in exercising. Lana’s skin was well tanned color, even around where she wore her workout clothes. But she never wore a bra, not even a sports one. Lana didn’t need it, as her breasts were impossibly well formed. Most guys couldn’t tell that she went without a bra, because her tits stayed shapely on their own as if they were being supported.

Although he had felt them several times before, Erik couldn’t resist reaching over and squeezing one of Lana’s breasts. He was still amazed that they were real, being that trim yet as supple as any tit he every fondled. But he didn’t play with her long, instead going right to work.

When the girls started to wake up, they found themselves still in the back of the van. It took a moment but they soon realized that they were naked. Terry moved to cover herself, but felt that her hands and feet were bound together, then bound to the floor of the van. Looking over she saw that her friend Lana was equally naked and equally bound. Even with fear rising in her Terry could
not help but stare at the exposed female flesh in front of her.

It was at that moment that Erik, still appearing as a great big masked man, stepped between the two. He knelt down and smiled an evil smile, putting on his best would be rapist act.

‘Yes, very nice.’ He said, reaching out to touch Lana’s leg.

‘Let… go of me!’ She yelled in response, struggling to pull away.

‘That’s right.’ Erik responded. ‘Go ahead and scream. The Van is sound proof.’

That wasn’t actually true, but it didn’t need to be. If anyone heard them Erik would just do a quick mind alteration on that person to ignore it. Taking his time Erik shifted over to Terry, revealing to the girls that he had a nice long knife in his hand. This too was an illusion, for he carried nothing. But the sight of it put real fear into the girls.

‘Please…no…’ Terry pleaded, her great big green eyes getting moist.

‘Don’t worry pretty, I’ll be gentle.’ Said Erik. But his voice was not comforting as he leaned over her, licking at her face. And he certainly did not seem harmless when he ran that knife just inches above her chest.

‘Leave her alone!’ Lana called out, flailing against her bindings. She didn’t know it, but the ropes were not holding her back as much as the command Erik had put into her mind that she couldn’t escape them.

‘I will.’ He answered. ‘After I have had my fun. Now don’t resist girly, or it will only hurt more.’

‘Noooo.’ Terry said, starting to cry openly as her legs were spread apart. When the masked man let them go she quickly shut her legs again.

‘Keep them open!’ He demanded. ‘Do it or I’ll make you bleed!’

Raging against her binding, Lana screamed ‘Don’t touch her you bastard!’

With a great evil smile, Erik asked ‘Why should I?’ then proceeded to lick her face again.

After a moment’s pause, Lana responded coldly ‘Because…because I’ll let you have me.’


‘Just leave her alone and… and you can do whatever you want to me.’ Offered Lana, her voice having trouble remaining steady.

‘Thatta girl!’ Erik cried out, quickly rushing over to her.

‘You can’t Lana!’ Terry said, fighting back her tears.

With as soothing a voice as she could manage, Lana responded ‘It’s ok Terry, It’ll be alright.’

‘Yeah,’ The masked man spoke up ‘we’re going to have lots of fun.’ With that he cut away at her bindings, letting the girl’s hands and feet go free.

‘Now don’t try anything.’ He warned her. ‘With that juice still running through your veins you wouldn’t get a step before I gutted you.’

Indeed Lana felt a little buzz. But it was nothing really, not even an annoyance. Terry seemed a tad more paralyzed however, so they had apparently been drugged. Lana chalked it up to her metabolism, but still played the part of helpless captive.

Erik moved behind her, wrapping his arms around Lana. His tongue quickly went to her neck, and one hand went to a breast. The other hand spread her legs out, then quickly started playing with her pussy.

Terry could only sit there and watch. She worried for her friend, immensely. But even she couldn’t deny that her heart started to race at the sight of her friends beautiful body being worked over. As Lana started to squirm a little under the pressure, Terry found herself staring wantingly at the scene.

Perfect, Erik thought. One part done, now to move onto the next. Still playing with Lana he leaned forward, breathing hard into her ear.

‘I’m going to enjoy taking you, then taking her.’ He whispered to her, making sure they both could see Terry. ‘And I think I’ll carve your name into her back, just for kicks.’

‘You promised!’ She snapped back at him.

‘I promised nothing.’ He whispered back. ‘And there is nothing you can do about it, not with my drug in you.’

That was it, that was all Lana needed to hear. When the masked man stood up to change position, she suddenly jumped to her feet and kicked him right in the groin. Erik thanked god that he had been constantly reading her mind, so he knew it was coming. He let the illusion show him getting nailed dead on in-between the legs, but in reality he forced Lana to mentally stop short.

Playing the part, he rolled over in mock pain, making sure to hold onto his illusory knife. At that moment Lana reached for it, but couldn’t get it free. She had only stunned him she knew, and the man would soon be back up. Her only chance at escape was to run right then and there.

But she didn’t run. Lana ran to Terry’s side, quickly trying to free her bindings. Terry was too in shock at the events to respond initially. But she shout out a warning ‘He’s getting up!’

‘You…bitch!’ Erik roared, spinning around with weapon in hand. He stood there for a moment menacingly, waving his knife back and forth. ‘I’m going to cut you, cut you deep. And then I’m going to cut your friend. Cut that pretty little face.

Standing her ground, Lana responded ‘Over my dead body.’

Looking up at her friend, Terry stared in amazement. There Lana was, risking her life, for Terry It was the briefest of moments but the image of her dashing knight suddenly had face, Lana’s.

And that was it. Erik knew it was time to end his part in this play and let the rest of it take its course. He rushed forward, illusionary knife leading, confident in what would happen. Just as he expected, the agile Lana ducked under the swing, and in one fluid motion she rose up and hit the masked man with a solid uppercut. He was decked right to the ground, seemingly knocked out. Lana didn’t bother to check, she simply went back to freeing her friend.

It was surprisingly easy. What they didn’t know was that Erik had made it so, lifting his mental command on them to feel imprisoned. While her hands and legs were still tied together, Terry was free from the Van’s floor. That was all they needed as Lana quickly scooped her up and opened the van door.

Lana’s heart soared when she saw there were only a couple houses away from her house. She knew the front door would be unlocked, it was a gated community, so she took off running with Terry in her arms. As they got inside, Lana quickly locked the door behind them, breathing hard. Once more her heart soared as she heard the van rev up, and looking through the window she watched it drive away in a rush.

Erik marveled at his own skill at that moment. Not only had he managed to race ahead of the girls, getting inside the house through an open window before them, but he also managed the illusion of the van fleeing. He now stood in Lana’s house, with the girl having no idea she was there.

Still holding up Terry, Lana let out a sigh of relief. Nobody was home, and if the masked man had come after her she didn’t know what she could have done to stop him on her own. Walking over to the closest room with a bed, her own, Lana meant to put her friend down and help her finally get loose of the bonds.

‘Are you ok?’ She asked, looking down at the friend in her arms. To Lana’s utmost horror though she got no response. Terry was completely out, and her skin had grown pale.

Fear taking over, Lana rushed the girl to her room, shouting in attempt to wake her. Fearing that her friend had been harmed, Lana quickly tore off the remaining ropes and looked Terry over. She had no wounds, but then it dawned on her, the drug. As her skin grew more pale, Terry seemed to be dying.

‘No, no Terry!’ Lana pleaded, trying to wake her friend. She put her ear to the girls exposed chest and did not hear her take breath.

‘NO!’ She cried out, shaking Terry hard. She had to wake up, she had to! But Terry did not respond, did not move. After a long moment Lana felt her eyes go moist, and she started to weep. Her friend, her best friend in the entire world was dead. So deeply did she cry that the tears blinded her.

So blinded, Lana did no see Terry stir. The girl was waking up, having bee
n affected with nothing more then sleep induced by Erik’s mental command. Her ‘death’ had been like much of the encounter, an illusion.

Laying there, Terry slowly opened her eyes. She did not understand why Lana was crying over her, was she was so sad. Softly, she called ‘Lana.’

In pure shock Lana opened her eyes, staring down in wonder at her revived friend. ‘You’re alive!’ She cried out, throwing her arms around Terry in a great big hug.

‘Of course I am.’ Terry relied. ‘You saved me.’

Fighting back her tears, Lana held onto her friend tightly. She wanted to never let go, never let something happen to her again.

‘Where are we?’ Lana asked, still laying on her back.

Erik, who was invisibly watching the whole scene, held back a laugh at the comment. One of the girls was an emotional wreck, and the other just wanted to know what the heck happened.

‘It’s ok, were at my home.’ Lana assured her, pulling back enough so she could run a reassuring hand through her friend’s hair.

After a moment’s pause, Terry repeated ‘You saved me.’

With a little smile, Lana responded ‘Of course.’

‘But why?’ Terry had to ask. ‘You could have escaped on your own. He could have killed you! Why?!’

‘Because I…’ Lana started to respond. Then it hit her like a ton of bricks. The words that wanted to come out of her mouth at that moment shocked her. Never had she felt this way about someone, and certainly not with a girl! But looking down at her friends beautiful face, she couldn’t deny what was in her heart.

‘Because I love you…’ She answered.

Terry lay there, staring back up at her friend in awe. In a single moment Lana had become every romantic fantasy she ever had. She was the knight, the groom, her lover. It almost seemed too good to be true.

‘You…you love me?’ Terry repeated in an uneven tone.

‘Yes.’ Lana quickly responded.

‘You… you’ll stay with me?’

‘Yes.’ A happy Lana promised. ‘I’ll stay with you forever. I’m going to protect you, I swear.’

Letting a wetness come to her own eyes, Terry leaned up and hugged her friend. ‘Thank you. Thank you Lana. All I’ve ever wanted is to be loved by someone like you.’

With that Lana embraced her right back. She didn’t know what she would have done if her friend didn’t share her feelings. It had been to painful to even consider. But they held each others at that moment no longer as a pair of friends, but as a pair of lovers.

The fact that they were both still completely naked was not lost one either of them. As they pulled apart from their hug, both their breathes growing heavier. They stared each other for just a moment before both quickly closed the gap again, this time embracing with their lips.

Still watching the entire scene, Erik leaned back with a triumphant smile on his face. He wondered if he could ever top what he had done there that day. But despite his rather noble accomplishment, Erik didn’t do it completely for the challenge. He had no qualms with letting out his cock at that moment, working it as he watched the incredible scene unfold.

The girls laid there for a long while, simply holding that first amazing kiss. Both of them could feel their skins grow hot as Lana lay atop Terry. Their kissing grew more passionate for just a moment before the broke off, each of the breath heavily. There the two stayed, each of them completely aware of the position they were in.

Running a hand across her love’s face, Lana said ‘You really are beautiful.’

Of course Terry blushed at the remark. ‘You’re the beautiful one.’ She responded, looking up at the stunning tanned skin girl who caressed her face.

There was worry, trepidation in Lana’s heart at that moment. She knew what she wanted, but she didn’t know if she should. The only thing that spurred her on was the way Terry stared at her, stared at her body. She couldn’t take another moment, leaning down to kiss her love on the forehead.

It was a soft one, and quickly replaced by another on her cheek. Lana worked her way down, kissing chin, then neck. Stopping only slightly at that point, she swallowed hard then moved on, kissing Terry around the chest. When she kissed Terry on the breast, Lana was careful to listen for any protest. Terry breathed in deeply, causing her lover to look up into her eyes.

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The Christmas Wish

Please email me at AngelJediGirl (at) gmail (dot) com before posting this story to any other site. Posting to a pay site is prohibited. Comments and suggestions are also welcome at the above email address. --- The Christmas Wish By AngelJedi (Megan Campbell) (Released: December 24, 2020) My mom was screaming - again. It was like the third time today or something. She clearly wasn't enjoying Christmas break as much as I was. Thankfully, she wasn't screaming at me...this time....

2 years ago
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Unlimited Wishes

2020, Somewhere in the UK, a universe right next door. “So I get infinite wishes?” “Yes.” “That seems weird.” “Ok.” “You get that it seems weird, right?” “Not really.” “Well who gets infinite wishes? There’s always a limit. Like three. Three wishes I would have understood.” “...You could stop wishing after three if you like. But you can have as many as you like.” “And out of curiosity have you made this offer to many people before?” “No.” “So how many people have received infinite...

4 years ago
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Reward For Wishes

I had the idea for this while writing "A Strangeness at the Sorority," but it just didn't fit into the story line. This would have been posted earlier, but I didn't like my first ending. The story uses language that may be offensive to some. It may be archived at any *free* archive site. Just let me know you're archiving it. A Reward of Wishes by Bill Hart part 1 I awoke, sweating profusely, with a start. It was dark outside. And for a moment or two, until I...

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Can of Wishes

This one isn't particularly original, but I think that I threw a few interesting things in as well. Mostly it was just something that amused me to write. Can of Wishes By Morpheus My name is Gary Billings, I am 36 years old and I am a fully accessorized man. At least that `s what I tell people. I come with all the extras. I have a generous spare tire, an extra chin, and I even come with the solar powered brain and sex drive. Yessiree, I have all the accessories. As I...

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Ronnies Three Wishes

Ronnie's Three Wishes By Mark Dayette The teenage years are a time of struggle, pain, love, hope, and finding yourself, and still in the midst of everything that is happening to you there's a yearning to be free. One such group of teenagers were in the middle of that journey in the State of Arkansas, they were known as the Razorpack. The Razorpacks were six restless youths living in the small town of Henshaw located in the Arkansas Valley. Henshaw was about equal distance from the...

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Consequences of the wish

Consequences of the wish Six months ago ... The handsome arabic man smiled at me, and asked, "Are you sure that's your wish?" I nodded. "Yes. I want all the boys to know what it's like to wear skirts or dresses. I can't believe how they tried to look under my skirt today, so the shoe should be on the other foot." "Granted," he said, and vanished. The next morning, I hurried to school, anxious to see how embarrassed the boys would be to be in skirts. Then they started to...

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Making Wishes

Making Wishes By Thames It wasn't the sort of thing that should have fallen into the wrong hands. Nevertheless, the vessel was drawn toward the desperate and the lowly, toward those whose lives needed desperately to change. So it was perhaps fitting that it ended up at a bar. Jack Booker sat at the bar, grinning, but unhappy. He was lonely, but was too self-absorbed to admit it. The fact that he spent so many of his nights sitting on that same barstool should have been...

3 years ago
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Seven Deadly Wishes

Just to give fair credit for inspiration, I came up with the idea for this story shortly after reading one of JRD's Zodiac Coin stories. Seven Deadly Wishes By Morpheus PROLOGUE New York City, 1883 Jacob Meyers was a respectable man and fairly successful in his chosen profession as a silver smith. He owned his own shop, which he lived above, made a decent earning with his skilled craft and was even able to afford what modest luxuries he desired. Yet it was not enough and...

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Seven Wishes

Seven Wishes As usual, this is a story containing graphic sexual content. If you are not legally allowed to view such a story, don't download it, read it, touch it, lick it, eat it, burn it, use it for toilet paper, or even stand near it.Permission is hereby given to archive this story on any site so long as this disclaimer is attached, no fee is charged, and I am credited as the author (I've actually gotten hate mail for having claimed to write my own stories, because other people have...

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Seven Wishes

As usual, this is a story containing graphic sexual content. If you are not legally allowed to view such a story, don't download it, read it, touch it, lick it, eat it, burn it, use it for toilet paper, or even stand near it. Permission is hereby given to archive this story on any site so long as this disclaimer is attached, no fee is charged, and I am credited as the author (I've actually gotten hate mail for having claimed to write my own stories, because other people have made...

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Bad Wishing Erins First Wish

This story contains scenes of an erotic and/or controversial nature, and is not intended for the perusal of minors. Further if perusal of such material is considered illegal in your area or immoral by your religion or personal beliefs, you should likewise bypass this story. This story remains the property of the author. Permission is granted to download, photocopy, copy and repost so long as any such action contains these disclaimers, and no attempt is made to profit from this...

2 years ago
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The Wish

One day, there was a young Trans-woman named Sandra Lee. She had begun transitioning in high school with her parents consent and love and was ready for the final transition when tragedy struck. Both of her parents died while on vacation, leaving Sandra all alone with a farm to run. She called upon her best friend to come help her as she was not a farmer. Bobby Joe agreed to help her as he loved farming and was sweet upon her. He fell in love with her and she with him. In school,...

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Being JimCh07Barbras Wish

* Life is a tapestry, a cloth woven from many different threads that create the whole. This story is a thread, a part of Barbra's story, contributing to the waft and weave that is the Whole cloth, being Jim. Being Jim-Ch.07-Barbra’s Wish By Frodov * This story is based entirely on true experiences from my past, names and a few details have been changed to provide anonymity for those involved. Discretion is a precious commodity and is becoming rarer every day. I reached...

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Make a Wish

© 2009 All rights reserved. * ‘Miss Morgan?’ the nurse said quietly. Julie turned in response, her face pale as she sat between the two hospital beds holding her parents, both in comas. ‘Yes,’ Julie said, her voice rough. ‘Dr. Terrance would like to speak with you, and I’m sorry to say that visiting hours are over.’ The nurse, Alia Easton, spoke very gently, trying to be as kind as she could to the young woman sitting between the beds. Jim and Ilsa Morgan had been recovered from the site of...

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Cinderella Wishes

Cinderella Wishes --------------- A pair of teenagers find a genie in a bottle on the beach, and begin to make wishes... --------------- My boyfriend and I were walking out along the beach when we found an old bottle washed up on the shore. No it wasn't the usual garbage that floats up on the shore these days; this was a rather ornate fancy looking bottle. My boyfriend Phillip pulled the stopper to see what was inside, or if there was anything good inside. Hey, we were a couple...

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One Wish

Dark coffee slopped over the side of the wimpy styrofoam cup as Trish banged her fist on her desk. “God, I can’t seem to make a break on this case,” she groaned. While tangling her fingers in her hair, long tendrils escaped their braid to rest along her forearm as she leaned over the case file. She’d been working with the police department for two years, and they’d finally given her a “biggie.” ‘ Well, if you can call a string of break-ins with the homeowners bound naked in bed with duct tape a...

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A Christmas Wish

Lauren watched her younger brother play basketball with his best friend, Jeremiah. At twenty-one, they were only six years her junior. She had just come home for college, only to find that both her step brother and friend had grown into very attractive young men. Garth was the shorter of the two. But he still towered over her 5'10" height. And Jeremiah actually made her feel like a midget with his 6' '7" frame. It was obvious that both men had played basketball in high school. It showed...

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The Wish

The two friends were having a coffee, a ritual that had been in place since they both retired from the workforce. "You know mate" said Trevor who was just a few months older than his companion. "It amazes me how people can fall for this sort of rubbish". "What rubbish is that", Harry replied. "These fortune telling advertisement", Trevor replied. "This one for example says 'Your wish is guaranteed, just a small cost of ten dollars and what you have wanted will be yours within...

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Not Quite Three Wishes

After reading a lot of stuff I've finally written one for everyone else. Sort of a return favor. -This is my first story of this flavor, so bear with me. But I written many stories before, and published a few. So I can't imagine it being too difficult. But I may be wrong. Oh and feel free to post this anywhere.- -Suzanne Not Quite Three Wishes by Suzanne Dave walked lazily along the street. He noticed that the sun seemed particularly bright this autumn day, but other...

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Three Wishes

Bree and I were at a vacation rental at the beach with our Great Dane. It was early pre-dawn and I was walking the beach with Duke while Bree laid still asleep exhausted and satiated from our threesome with Duke last night. I saw an ornate bottle with a sealed top that had washed up on the beach with the tide. It looked very old and expensive, strangely it had no marine growth on it. I picked it up marveled by the beauty. There appeared to be a gaseous vapor swirling around in the...

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A Naughty Christmas Wish

A Naughty Christmas Wish                                                                                     I shopped quickly and hurried home to pack.  Robbie was taking me to a little chalet in the mountains for the Christmas holidays and would be arriving very soon.  Since I’d never been skiing before, he thought it would be a special time for us and a great way to spend the holidays together.  I was actually quite nervous about it.  As I am not the most graceful woman, the fear of breaking...

Love Stories
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Three Wishes

Just another short, classic genie and 3 wishes story I had in mind for a couple of years but never wrote down and why you never found the genie afterwards... 3 Wishes As I walked by the beach I noticed a glince in the water. I walked towards it and found a bottle with dirt all over it. Curious about its contents I took the bottle home with me. At home I opened the bottle and as in all classic movies a cloud came from the bottle and a genie appeared in front of me. "I am the...

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I Wish

Hello everyone out there. I have a new story that I've been working on. It's pretty much done so I hope you all enjoy it. Post it anywhere you'd like except pay sites. I've gotten so much from the net so I'm trying to give something back without people having to pay for it. Thanks... Your standard disclaimer should go here......x But of course you should know what it is by now. If you are too young, too old, too offended, not offended enough, too disturbed by TG or a conservative...

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The Wish

Her alarm went off with a steady buzz. It was 5:30 in the morning. The only redeeming thing about the day was that it was a Friday, the last day of work. Anne got slowly out of bed, her cat falling away from over her legs and made her way to the bathroom. She looked into the mirror and thought, ‘I’m 32 years old and if I weren’t so plain looking I’d be happily married with at least two kids and I wouldn’t be living in this stupid apartment.’ This had become almost a ritual for Anne. She...

1 year ago
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As You Wish

Hi! My name is Sakshi and I am from Rajasthan. This is my 1st story. I am publishing it because my boyfriend wants me to share this to you all as he learn (and also tought me) many things from stories posted here! I study in a college in Bangalore. The duration of our course is long. So, rarely you can find anybody, who is single in our class, I am no exeption, in fact I’ve steady boyfriend from first year. He is from Haryana. His name is Akash. We loved each other from very begining and...

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Two Wishes

Introduction: For the man who has everything. Luc look dazed, and for a long time it seemed he didnt know what to say. When he did speak up, it was the same thing everyone always says: So I can wish for anything I want? Almost anything, Darius said. A newspaper and a cup of coffee sat on the café, table in front of him. Luc was having nothing. Technically, there are limits. But so far no one has ever wished for something I couldnt give them. The waitress brought more coffee. They waited...

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Two Wishes

Luc look dazed, and for a long time it seemed he didn’t know what to say. When he did speak up, it was the same thing everyone always said: “So I can wish for anything I want?”"Almost anything," Darius said. A newspaper and a cup of coffee sat on the café table in front of him. Luc was having nothing. "Technically, there are limits. But so far no one has ever wished for something I couldn't give them."The waitress brought more coffee. They waited until she'd left to say more. It was a warm...

Group Sex
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A Simple Wish

A Simple Wish by Ellie Dauber copyright 1999 This short-short can be posted to any free site. It was a lovely warm Summer afternoon, so Paul Jeffers decided to walk through the park. He didn't feel like going home anyway. There was nobody waiting for him. Besides, sitting at home would only remind him that he'd just been fired. Again. He'd tried to make a go of the job, but things had just seemed to work against him. They always did. At forty-one, he was a man...

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A Christmas Wish

A Christmas Wish By Eve Smith I looked at my twin sister, she was so lucky. I so wanted to be her. Although we were twins, she was a girl and I was a boy. We were only 10 years old, but I knew that we both should have been girls. By a freak of nature I had been born a male. She did not appreciate all the lovely clothes that our mother bought her and preferred to slob around in jeans. How I wished that I could wear the lovely dresses, skirts, blouses and other girl type...

3 years ago
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The Wish

It was Christmas Eve. Another big argument with his wife, Mona. Another night spent in Mulligans bar on Maine drinking beer and shooting pool with his friend, Harry. John Morgan had been married to Mona for nearly ten years and whatever sparkle there had been in the beginning had definitely faded. Mona was a damn good name for her, John liked to think at moments like this, moan, moan, moan! As he tipped the remnants of his fourth beer down his throat, John looked at his watch: 11.40pm. He’d...

1 year ago
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My wish

It was Christmas Eve. Another big argument with his wife, Mona. Another night spent in Mulligans bar on Maine drinking beer and shooting pool with his friend, Harry. John Morgan had been married to Mona for nearly ten years and whatever sparkle there had been in the beginning had definitely faded. Mona was a damn good name for her, John liked to think at moments like this, moan, moan, moan! As he tipped the remnants of his fourth beer down his throat, John looked at his watch: 11.40pm. He’d...

Group Sex
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Two Wishes

"Almost anything," Darius said. A newspaper and a cup of coffee sat on the café table in front of him. Luc was having nothing. "Technically, there are limits. But so far no one has ever wished for something I couldn't give them." The waitress brought more coffee. They waited until she'd left to say more. It was a warm spring day, and through the window they watched couples stroll arm-in-arm while children played in Pasteur Park. Occasional tourists wandered by. "And I get two...

4 years ago
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A Million Wishes

So that Babylonian artifact I found in my dad’s garage is now my keychain, and I just need to put a hand in my pocket to get anything I want. The little stone dude went from holding up three fingers, to two, to one, and now he’s permanently holding up all three again and forever because he fell for the oldest trick in the book. There are rules to this thing, but you can experiment and find the loopholes all you want once you’ve wished for a million wishes. The first thing I found out is that...

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Last Wish

LAST WISH BY PAUL G. JUTRAS It was Jan 1st 2000 and the sea cruise was on its New Year voyage. On board Tom and Hank toasted to the year of their success at the gambling tables. "To wealth!" Tom announced. "To wealth!" Once pass the three mile limit, the casino was open. Tom took the table while Hank took the slot machines. "C'mon make me rich!" They cried. "Thirty-two! Let it ride on Thirty-two!" Tom cried. "I'm...

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Sometimes I Wish

Sometimes I wish I was a butterfly with a pair of beautiful rainbow wings. I would take flight in the endless heavens above. My wings would assuredly brush the constant changing character of puffy clouds. Maybe my touch would bring the change itself. A child far below could gaze as the shape shift takes place. All wide eyed wonder would be played out on their face. I would drink the sweet nectar the pretty meadow flowers offer. Just to decide which brilliant one to choose from would be a...

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SRU One Selfless Wish

This story was written to the specifications of Debbie L as part of a story swap. SRU: One Selfless Wish By Morpheus Pissed off, Cody Burke glared at anyone in the mall that got in his way, smirking as an old woman stepped aside. He couldn't believe it. First his girlfriend Valerie had dumped him, claiming that he just wanted her for sex, (which Cody had to admit that was true), then his roommates started threatening to kick him out since he couldn't pay the rent. As far as Cody...

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