Innocents Pt. 03 free porn video

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Doreen sat in the shadows, watching as the front room gradually grew lighter in the pre-dawn. She heard Luke’s truck pull into the driveway, and her entire body tensed, her foot bouncing up and down against the carpet as she perched on the edge of the sofa cushion.

He walked inside and froze when he saw her. ‘What are you doing up?’ he asked.

‘Waiting on you,’ Doreen said, her voice quiet and even. She looked him up and down. Luke was dressed entirely in black except for a red flannel shirt he normally kept in his truck. ‘Where’ve you been?’

Luke closed and locked the front door, and then he strode past her. She got to her feet and followed him to his bedroom, lingering in the doorway while he took off the flannel shirt and began unbuttoning his jeans.

‘You won’t have to worry about Scott Brooks anymore,’ he told her, pulling the black shirt over his head.

Doreen’s breath hitched in her chest, and she had to remind herself to draw in a lungful of air. ‘What did you do?’ she finally managed to ask.

Luke moved with a nervous energy as he undressed, seemingly mindless of her standing there watching him. When he had stripped down to his boxers, he sank onto the bed and ran a hand through his hair.

‘I didn’t kill him,’ Luke said. ‘But I don’t think he’ll be back at school this year, and I doubt he’ll be playing football anymore.’

Doreen closed her eyes, and the silence that fell between her and her uncle roared in her ears. ‘I never should have told you what he did.’

‘Doreen.’ Her name was sharp on Luke’s tongue, and she opened her eyes to look at him. ‘It had to be done.’

Doreen slumped against the doorframe. ‘It didn’t have to be done. You were the one who told me that I’ll be out of that hellhole soon enough and I won’t have to see those people ever again.’

Luke let his hands hang between his knees, his shoulders drooping with exhaustion. ‘That boy wouldn’t have stopped. He would have ended up assaulting you, and then I would have killed him.’ His gaze dropped to the floor, and he nudged his discarded clothes and shoes with his foot. ‘I need to wash this stuff,’ he said. ‘I don’t think I got anything on me, but I want everything clean, just the same.’

Doreen looked from the clothes to her uncle, and before she could stop herself, she ran toward him. Luke let out a surprised cry as Doreen threw her arms around him and they fell back against the bed. ‘Girlie, what…’

Doreen showered his face with kisses. His bare chest was cool beneath her body. What she couldn’t say with words, her lips revealed on his skin. Each peck against his rough beard, his forehead and eyelids, his nose and neck, was a thank you, thank you, thank you.

Luke laughed and eased her off of him. ‘All right, all right, that’s enough.’

She stood and gave him a sheepish grin, then gathered his clothes from the floor.

‘Doreen,’ Luke said, and she grew still, waiting. ‘Word about what happened is gonna get around fast. When you hear about it at school, it’s important that you act as surprised as everyone else, like you don’t know a thing about it.’

Doreen nodded. ‘Of course.’

‘If the cops end up talking to you later on, make sure you say that you didn’t tell me anything about what Scott was doing to you. Tell them I took you in after your mama died, but that you and I aren’t close, and you’re looking to move out as soon as you graduate.’

She clutched his clothes tighter to her chest. ‘What about the neighbors? What if one of them saw you leaving early this morning?’

Luke sighed. ‘I’ve thought about that, but I don’t think we need to worry about it. For one thing, I’ve stayed out of trouble. As far as anyone knows, I obey the law, and I’m an upstanding citizen of the community, so it would be a stretch for them to connect me to Scott Brooks. Plus, my hours are all over the place. I’m in and out of here early in the morning and late at night for work. Granted, I don’t normally leave as early as I did today, but it helps that my schedule ain’t regular. Also…’ Luke hesitated, as if he didn’t want to tell her what he was thinking. ‘If push comes to shove and I end up needing an alibi, I have a friend at work who might be willing to give me one.’

Doreen swallowed, and the sound of her throat moving was audible in the quiet room. ‘You mean a woman friend.’

Luke nodded. ‘She could tell the cops I was with her.’ He must have seen something in Doreen’s face that bothered him, because he added, ‘And she is just a friend.’

‘I know,’ Doreen replied, and she realized how stupid that sounded, because she really didn’t know. ‘I’ll throw these clothes in the wash.’


Later that morning, Luke and Mack walked from the administrative building toward the library. The spring semester had ended, and summer classes would start next week. In the interim, a lull had fallen over the campus.

‘Did you hear what happened out at the Brooks place this morning?’ Mack asked.

Luke worked to keep his voice casual, appearing only mildly interested. ‘No. What’s going on?’

‘Scott Brooks was attacked while jogging. You know he was the school’s star quarterback, right? And he’s probably in some of Doreen’s classes. Anyway, someone hit him in the head with a baseball bat and busted his kneecap.’

‘Jesus Christ,’ Luke said. ‘That’s horrible. Do the cops have any idea who did it?’

Mack shook his head. ‘Hal said the attacker was wearing a ski mask, so the kid couldn’t see his face.’ Hal was Mack’s cousin. He worked as a sheriff’s deputy and kept Mack up to date about crime in the area.

‘So they don’t have any suspects?’

Mack glanced around, as if to make sure no one was close enough to hear them. ‘The boy might be a hell of a football player, but he’s also a punk. Turns out he roughed up his girlfriend at a party last weekend. Of course, she claims to be in love with him and didn’t want to press charges, even though he gave her a black eye, but her dad was fucking pissed. So the cops are looking at the dad and the rest of the girl’s family real close, wondering if one of them did it.’

Luke’s knees grew weak with relief. ‘Sounds like a logical place to start asking questions.’

‘He also played dirty on the field,’ Mack went on. ‘He caused plenty of injuries to other players, so the police ain’t ruling out the possibility that it could have been someone on a rival team holding a grudge.’ Mack sighed. ‘It makes you think, though. What if some crazy asshole decided to come at us with a bat here on campus? Or a gun? Since we ain’t allowed to be armed, all we have to defend ourselves is some goddamned pepper spray.’

Luke shrugged. ‘Occupational hazard, I guess.’

‘You got that right.’ Mack nudged him in the ribs. ‘Hey, you think that redheaded cutie is working in the library today?’

Luke rolled his eyes. ‘You’re married, Mack.’

‘Yeah, but you ain’t, and if I was single and that girl looked at me the way she looks at you…’ He made an obscene movement with his hips that got his point across.

‘Real classy, pal,’ Luke said dryly.

‘What are you, a fucking priest? Ask her out already!’ Mack persisted. ‘Then you can tell me how wild she is in bed.’

Luke smiled and shook his head. ‘A gentleman never tells. But then, you wouldn’t know about being a gentleman, would you?’

‘Hell, no!’ Mack said with a shit-eating grin.

Luke clapped Mack hard on the back, making him stumble. ‘And that is why Georgia doesn’t give you a second glance, my friend.’


For weeks, the attack on Scott Brooks was all anyone talked about in school. Doreen pretended to be surprised, and she grew quiet when some of the other kids said Scott was an asshole who deserved what he got. The cops did talk to a few students, including Scott’s girlfriend, who remained as loyal to him as ever even as a nasty bruise circled her eye
. But they never did turn their attention toward Doreen, and by the beginning of June, both she and Luke were almost certain they were in the clear.

On the night Doreen graduated from high school, Luke sat in the auditorium, surrounding by families of other students. He was the only person present to cheer on his niece, but when she met his gaze and grinned, Luke realized that for once in his life, he was enough.

His eyes grew wet as he watched Doreen receive her diploma, and he knew his mother would have been thrilled to see her granddaughter’s accomplishment.

After the ceremony, Doreen reluctantly posed so Luke could take some pictures of her in her cap and gown, holding her diploma. ‘All right, now, that’s enough,’ she finally said, but there was laughter in her words.

An older woman stopped and touched Luke’s shoulder. ‘Would you like me to take a picture of the two of you together?’ she asked him with a kind smile.

‘That would be great, thanks.’ He handed her the camera, it was one of the cheaper point-and-shoot types, and the lady had no problem figuring out how to use it.

Luke stood beside Doreen in the high school corridor and slipped an arm around her shoulders. He felt her arm wrap around his waist, and the woman told them to smile, then took the picture. As she handed the camera back to Luke, she looked from him to Doreen. ‘Your daughter is just beautiful,’ she told him. ‘She looks a lot like you.’

Luke opened his mouth to correct her, but Doreen simply said, ‘Thank you, ma’am. And thanks for taking our picture.’

They left the school for the last time, and Doreen let out a cheer in the parking lot. ‘Freedom!’ she cried, waving her diploma over her head.

Luke laughed as they climbed into the truck. He drove her to Fairview so they could have dinner in a nice restaurant, and he insisted that she order the filet mignon and not her usual burger. When she took the first bite of steak, she closed her eyes and moaned in appreciation. ‘This is delicious.’

He grinned as she savored each bite. ‘I’m so damn proud of you, Doreen,’ he told her.

She ducked her head shyly. ‘I haven’t done anything special.’

‘Of course you have, girlie.’ Before he could stop himself, he reached across the table and grabbed her hand. ‘You’re gonna have a great life—I just know it.’

She squeezed his fingers. ‘I couldn’t have done it without you.’

He slid an envelope toward her. ‘Go on and open it.’

She picked it up and studied her name on the front. ‘What’s this?’

‘Your graduation gift.’

‘This dinner is my graduation gift,’ she protested, but she tore open the envelope and read the front of the card he’d picked out for her, a soft smile playing at her lips. Then she gasped when she saw the money inside the card. ‘Luke, I can’t take this. It’s too much!’

He’d been putting a little of his paycheck aside each week so he could surprise her with a nice gift. ‘Yes, you can, and you will,’ he said. ‘I want you to have it.’

She shook her head and smiled. ‘Did I mention that you’re stubborn as hell?’

Luke winked at her. ‘Maybe a time or two.’


On the first day of summer, Doreen sat behind the wheel of Luke’s truck and drove to the DMV. Luke sat in the passenger seat, and she felt him staring at her. Doreen wouldn’t take her eyes off the road. ‘What is it?’ she asked.

‘I still don’t know why you run around with wet hair every morning. You’re lucky you didn’t catch your death when it was colder.’

Doreen tossed her hair over her shoulder. The long strands were still damp from her earlier shower.

‘My hair’s so long, it would take me forever to dry it.’ She used the turn signal and checked her mirrors and blind spot before changing lanes. ‘Do you think I should cut it?’

‘No,’ Luke said, a little too quickly, and Doreen tried to bite back a grin. ‘I mean, cut it if you want to,’ he went on, ‘but I think you’ve got pretty hair.’

Doreen pulled into the DMV parking lot, and before they got out of the truck, Luke patted her knee. ‘You’ll do great, girlie.’

She took a deep calming breath. ‘I sure hope so.’

They sat inside the DMV for what felt like an eternity, but Luke didn’t seem to mind. He told her funny stories and joked with her, trying to keep her nerves at bay as she chewed her fingernails down to the quick. When her number was finally called, she told Luke, ‘Wish me luck.’

He gave her hand a squeeze. ‘You don’t need it, Doreen.’

She took the driving test, her stomach churning the entire time, and could have fallen over with relief when she learned that she’d passed and could get her license.

‘Now you’re gonna want to borrow my truck all the time and go out joyriding,’ Luke teased her as they headed back home later that morning.

‘No way,’ Doreen said. ‘I know this truck is your baby. I’d be terrified something would happen to it.’

‘You have to get used to driving on your own,’ Luke told her. ‘You start out making small trips to the store, or the gas station, and before you know it, it will be second nature to you.’

As the days grew hotter and even the unceasing wind brought little relief, Doreen and Luke settled into an easy routine. While he worked at the college, she stayed at home, cooking and cleaning. In her free time, she sat out on the porch and read books Luke brought her from the library.

On a moonless night in late June, Doreen stood in the front yard, peering at the sky. She heard Luke come outside and walk toward her. ‘Well, girlie,’ he said as he stood at her side, ‘show me what you’ve learned.’

Doreen pointed out the constellations above them: Cygnus, Hercules, and Draco, which snaked across the sky. She showed him the Summer Triangle comprised of three bright stars.

‘And what’s that?’ Luke asked, pointing toward a shining celestial object ascending in the west.

Doreen studied it for a moment. ‘Jupiter,’ she replied.

‘Hey, Doreen,’ Luke said, and she turned to him. ‘You’re happy here, aren’t you? With me?’

She wanted to ask what prompted that question, but he looked away from her, back up at the sky. ‘Of course I am. Happier than I’ve ever been.’ He smiled, and Doreen stepped closer to him, slipping her hand in his. ‘In fact, I might just stay here with you forever and ever,’ she went on, only half-joking.

Luke’s smile widened. ‘I wouldn’t mind.’


Right after the Fourth of July holiday, Luke was working the evening shift at the college, and he made his way to the library at nine to wait for Georgia. She stepped outside and gave him her usual sweet smile. ‘You’re sure you don’t mind walking me to my car?’ she asked, even though he’d been walking her to her car for over a year now.

‘No, ma’am,’ he said, returning her smile. ‘Just give me a few minutes to lock up the building.’

Once Luke was back outside, he escorted her to the parking lot. ‘This is the highlight of my night,’ Georgia said.

‘What, finally being able to head home after work?’

Georgia laughed and shook her head. ‘Well, there is that. But what I really look forward to is you walking me to my car.’ She moved closer so her shoulder brushed his arm. ‘One of these nights, I might actually convince you to grab a late dinner with me.’

Luke looked down at the ground, trying to hide his grin. ‘I’m too old for you, sweetheart. What are you, twenty-two, twenty-three?’

‘Twenty-five,’ she corrected him. They reached her car, and in the shadows cast by the overhead lights, Georgia raised her head to look up at him. ‘Don’t you like me just a little, Luke?’ She gave him a pout, teasing with her voice and her eyes.

Normally Luke would have taken a step back, made an excuse to return to the campus, but tonight, he couldn’t stop staring at her full lips. ‘Oh, I like you plenty, Georgia,’ he said, the words husky in his throat.

She tra
ced a fingertip over the buttons of his shirt. ‘You never show it.’

Luke stepped closer to her. ‘You want me to show you?’ he murmured. Georgia nodded, and Luke backed her up against the car before lowering his lips to hers. He tasted her warm mouth, heard her moan as they kissed.

Her hands roamed over his chest and shoulders, and Luke wanted nothing more than to pull Georgia into the back seat of her car and fuck her right there in the parking lot. For years, he’d lived like a monk, and now as he felt her cup his ass and then slide her palms over his thighs, inching her fingers closer to his cock, unbridled lust muddied his thoughts.

As Luke pressed his body against hers, he felt her hips thrusting toward him of their own volition, and he realized it had been a long time for her, too. He buried his face in her hair and breathed in her scent, hoping she could feel how hard he was for her.

The sound of approaching footsteps made Luke pull away fast. Georgia looked over his shoulder, and her eyes grew wide. ‘Wayne,’ she said.

Luke turned and saw Georgia’s ex-husband swaying on his feet and holding a gun in his hand. He was clearly drunk. ‘I knew it was only a matter of time before I caught you whoring around,’ he said as he waved the gun from Georgia to Luke, his finger dangerously close to the trigger.

Georgia’s face grew ashen, her skin appeared waxy under the parking lot lights. ‘Wayne, please put the gun down.’

Wayne laughed. ‘Oh, now you want to talk nice to me, Georgia? Is this all it takes?’ He raised the gun and aimed it at her.

Luke held up his hands. ‘Let’s talk about this, Wayne,’ he said, trying to draw the man’s attention away from Georgia.

Wayne strode toward him, stopping just a few feet away, and then he pointed the gun directly at Luke’s face. ‘You’d better shut the fuck up,’ Wayne said through his teeth.

In that instant, when time seemed to both speed up and grind to a halt, Luke’s thoughts raced: Maybe there is a god and this is my punishment for bashing that boy’s knee and what will Doreen do without me to take care of her…

Wayne turned back toward Georgia, jabbing the gun at her. ‘What did I tell you, Georgia? I told you if I can’t have you, nobody else is going to, either.’

Georgia shielded her face with her hands. Tears streamed down her cheeks, but she didn’t make a sound.

‘I got nothin’ left to lose,’ Wayne went on. ‘I should just kill you both and then blow my brains out.’

Luke knew there was no way he could reach for his two-way radio. One move would provoke the man into shooting him, and probably Georgia, too. As Wayne began shouting at Georgia, berating her for leaving him, for destroying his life, for fucking other men, a plan formed in Luke’s mind.

While Wayne was still distracted, with all his attention focused on his ex-wife, Luke lunged at him. In an instant, they were on the ground, rolling over the pavement, and Luke made a grab for the gun, trying to wrest it from Wayne’s grip. If he could just get hold of it… But the bastard fought him, swearing as he tried to point the pistol at Luke.

Georgia was screaming so loud, Luke was sure folks in the next county could hear her. She kept screaming as Luke used all his strength to prevent Wayne from turning the gun on him. Wayne let out a grunt as Luke managed to bend the man’s wrist, fighting to get hold of the weapon.

As Luke turned the barrel back toward Wayne, the gun went off. Luke’s ears rang from the deafening noise, and he couldn’t hear Georgia screaming anymore.


Doreen lay in bed and tried to read a novel, but she couldn’t concentrate. It was almost midnight, and Luke should have been home long before now. Horrible images flooded her mind as she pictured him mangled in an accident on the highway.

Finally she got up and began pacing the house. She thought about calling the college, but she didn’t figure she would reach anyone.

The phone rang, and she jumped to answer it.

‘Doreen, something’s happened,’ Luke said, and she felt her heart plummet into her guts.

‘What’s wrong?’

‘There was a shooting at the college tonight,’ he said, his words rushed. ‘I’m okay, but I’m at the police station now, and it looks like I’ll be here for a while.’

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The next 3 days were a blur of boredom, chores, and school. The only bright spot was a surprise call from Ellie on Sunday. I didn’t recall giving her the house number, though I could have. “Barnim, it’s so nice to hear your voice.” “It’s nice to hear your voice as well. So, how’s your day going.” Ellie must have heard the questioning in my voice. “I’m sorry if I overstepped Barnim. I actually had to make a couple of calls to get your phone number.” “It’s ok. Thing is I’m very particular...

3 years ago
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Revolutionary Magic 100 A Cell A Spell

Sure enough, after the polite raps the door swung open and one of her jailors slipped into the room. Lady Bellemir was dressed in her winter work clothes, a long blue-gray woolen skirt, a thick dark-blue woolen overjacket, soft low-cut leather boots, and a floppy yellow woolen cap holding her hair. Neress shuddered as she realized that the lady's story of being able to dress lightly in the winter because she was less affected by the cold than most must be a lie. If Bellemir saw the shudder...

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MagicianChapter 93

Ketty looked radiant in the way that expectant mothers often do and Niras looked proud, almost fit to burst. “How long?” asked Morgana before glancing at me. “Shut up, John.” “Yes, my Mage,” I chuckled. Another 7 months yet,” Ketty admitted with a smile. “He knew?” “He did. Apparently before you did, though kept quiet about it,” Morgana replied. “I thought you were my friend, John?” Ketty asked rhetorically with a woeful expression, followed by a grin. “You wouldn’t be the one getting...

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Castaway Vons HavenChapter 25

Once again, my bird's eye view widens for me to see the area. A color path projection overlays the warships with time-to-land estimates for various courses. All time projections were after sunrise with the highest probability they would sweep along our shore rather than swing out to sea again. Orange targeting rings surround the ships marking them hostile. A legend left of the view identifies Orange as standby mode, red as offline, green as engage. The view changes to the normal weather map...

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Futa Naked In School 03 Futa MVPs Reward Chapter 3 Futa MVP Claims Her Reward

Chapter Three: Futa MVP Claims Her Reward By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 Charisma Lacy's Week, Saturday The stadium cheered. Roared. I shuddered as I watched the game naked, my left breast painted purple, my right gold. My sister bounced, equally naked and painted in our college's colors, beside me. Her arm pumped in the air as Shelena, the futa-quarterback, fell back for another play. The Mares blitzed her. Defenders broke past our line, chasing Shelena. She didn't hesitate. The...

1 year ago
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Killing Time part 1

You where with him, alone at your house on a Friday night trying to kill some time before meeting up with some friend later. You had decided to put on a movie to kill a little bit of time. The movie did have a sex scene, but you forgot about that when you put it in. You sat down on the couch and started to watch. As the movie started, you noticed that he kept on looking at you and would occasionally catch a smile on his face. You wondered what was going. You thought he was cute, but had never...

First Time
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It was a relatively mild sunny day in fall when I finally turned 18 and as my birthday present my family gifted me a BMW – man I really loved that car and the sound and vibrations of the powerful engine were electrifying. During the whole day at school I couldn’t think of anything else than driving. Anywhere. Aimless.I was so focused on it that I skipped the last 2 lessons of that day. It was just arts anyway and I was already finished with my drawing. So I hopped into the car and drove. At...

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The Neighborhood MILF Nicole

My husband DJ and I recently celebrated our anniversary. We’ve been married 27 years and have raised two beautiful daughters. Our relationship has opened up over the past few years to whet my appetite for the bisexual lifestyle and occasional threesomes. I’ve had several affairs with some of my girlfriends, who are just as curious as me to explore their inner lesbian desires. DJ has been very supportive of my new sexual urges, and why wouldn’t he be? Isn’t it every man’s secret fantasy to make...

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I came up with this story after reading Heaven Or Living Hell by Anime Dude, so a lot of this was inspired by that little story. I took the basis of that story and ran in a different direction with it, so this isn't just a rip-off. I hope you enjoy. Warning By Wolverine I don't know how much time I have so please read this quickly. It's a warning about what I've unleashed upon the world. Several years ago, I was an eighteen year old man named Robert Fremen. I was an arrogant...

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Furry Fuck Flick

I run my padded fingers through my belly fur, feeling the softness. I pant a little, squirming as I look in the mirror. My purple eyes look back at me. It had been a stressful day at work and I just want to relax. It had also been awhile since I had last gotten laid. I wasn't much good at masturbating, never really could get off from touching myself, but that didn't mean it didn't feel good. So here I am, desperate for touch, desperate for a fuck. The fur on my thighs is wet and...

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--- Hormones (Mf, 1st, cheat, cons, inc, oral, impreg, reluc, f-solo) by Krosis of the Collective --- I'm blue, I will bleed, I will die I'm in need of a guy. - Misheard lyrics for "Blue (Da Ba Dee)" by Eiffel 65 --- Alie's mother rapped on the bathroom door. "Alison? You okay, honey?" Alie was not okay. She was lying in the fetal position in the bathtub, shaking from the pain of her monthly visit from "Aunt Flo". She was naked from the waist down, her...

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That Night Chapter 2

Finally you get to learn theyre names! Feel free to leave a comment, even if you hated this. The more feedback I recieve, the better. ___________________________________________________________________________________ Awaking to the bright rays of the sun, the girl blinked her blurry eyes a few times. She grumbled and rolled onto her side, her eyes closing as she welcomed sleep back to her. As she rolled back to her side to sleep, strong arms encircled her and pulled her close. She didn’t...

1 year ago
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TeenPies Cece Capella Creamy PikaPies

Cece loves her Pika. She talks to it, takes care of it, and even lets it suck her tits and pussy. She wishes Pika was real so that they could be boyfriend and girlfriend, but for now, just letting the doll eat her out will have to do. As the Pika is neck deep in Ceces pussy, one of her brothers friends hears her moaning. He creeks the door open and sees whats going on, then hears Cece once again say how she wishes Pika was real. Richie gets an idea. As Cece is sleeping, he goes into her room...

2 years ago
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The Babysitter and the Great DaneChapter 3

Theresa had fed the baby and was finishing her own dinner. She sipped her coffee, scratching Thor on the top of his head. "Were you a good boy for Nancy?" she asked, gently twisting a pointed ear. Thor whimpered, his head on his mistress's lap. His tail wagged, and his big black eyes looked up lovingly into Theresa's face. Theresa heaved a sigh, her nose picking up the faint scent of pussy. She sniffed again, her dark flashing eyes lighting up. She finished her coffee. "C'mon, boy....

2 years ago
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Libby Laura and Mars

Dante and Marci were on a trip, staying at the Excelsior, when they met Libby Laura and Mars. Mars: dark and good-looking and sixteen. At the party, Marci began conversing with Mars and found out about his knowing Mercury from school. Libby Laura had been talking to him when Marci introduced herself to him, and Marci had taken her for his girlfriend. Libby Laura was a classmate of Mars's at Summerhill and they had just encountered each other at the party. Libby Laura was a petite and pretty...

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Gray Jedi Ch 3

“Ok, here goes…” Malik concentrated on the stack of rubber mats in front of him, trying his best to imagine them as a person in need of help. As they were dealing with lightning, an inherently uncontrollable force, he had decided using rubber mats would be the safest practice. He placed his hands on top of them, channeling the Force through his body and… nothing. Nothing happened. He tried once more, but still with no success. “Huh… wonder what that means?” he asked. “I think it...

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Trading Clothing For Drinks

THE BACK STORY In 2001, I was playing strip trivia with Barb and Spidey and a few other people. It was men versus women. Barb and I were down to our panties. Spidey was down to his Jockeys. Everyone else was naked. There was a two-point carryover, because nobody had answered the last two questions. That often happens near the end, when the game is on the line, because if you are the first to answer, and you are wrong, you lose a garment. If you are naked, you accumulate a penalty for each...

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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 84 Shopping at Raging Rockys Rags

Wednesday, April 20, 2005 (Continued) I parked on the street roughly where Julia wanted. All the girls got out and I followed very reluctantly, still in disbelief that we were going shopping rather than to bed. With Donna walking impatiently behind us, and my least favorite wives holding an arm of mine each, Julia and Carol dragged me toward wherever it was we were going. No one had bothered to tell me. Why would they? We entered a men's clothing store that I'd never been in before. It...

4 years ago
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Clothing Store Encounter

My name is Ginger and I am 62 years old. I take very good care of my body, I work out three days a week but my husband does not seem to pay any attention to me. I am five foot tall, weigh about 98 pounds and have a nice figure as men tell me this all the time. I dress classy. I was in another State with my husband on a business trip. He was at a late meeting and I went shopping. It is raining and I stopped at this cute womens clothing store, no one else was there. The man behind the counter...

4 years ago
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Experience With Neighbor Teen Guy

This is another real incident happened in my life a year ago with neighbor teen guy who almost seduced me and stayed with me whole night. I am 34 male good looking guy living in my own house in Chennai. I have shared my exp with my lovely brother in law Ravi in another story (). After that incident me and Ravi used to enjoy when ever we get time. Some times we have very soft sex like kissing, sucking in our terrace when ever he comes to our home. My house is a 2 floor building we live in ground...

Gay Male
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Girlfriend Fucking Stranger

Hi, I am back with another adventure of my gf. This story is about us in a movie hall which is empty and an old stranger comes and sits with us. As you know we used to be pretty open about sex and experimentation. We loved to try all new things in sex except maybe a couple of things. We loved to talk dirty in Hindi and fuck while talking. We’ve always been open about sex and loved it together. One particular night we were watching a porn movie which had a stranger sit next to the wife and the...

1 year ago
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The DefencemanChapter 31

Monday morning I woke up feeling a sense of anticipation as I was going to see the twins in just three days. I jumped out of bed and got ready to go quickly. I was out the door early, even for me. The parking lot was empty when I arrived at the arena and Rolf was just starting to clean the ice with the Zamboni as I walked in. I quickly got changed and was out on the ice as he was putting Patrick on the far goal. "Hey Rolf, how's it going?" I asked. "Getting by Mike, and you?" he...

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Clube cinema

I headed out this afternoon with sexy on the brain. I wanted to be fucked again & was super horny. Decided to wear my new red suspenders & purple satin panties under my jeans when leaving home. I drove straight to club x & bought a pass to cinemas & lounge. I went into ram lounge first to see if anything was happening. Not much but a guy a couple years older then me was sitting in end room with his pants down rubbing his cock. I stood checking him out as he started running his...

2 years ago
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Taking Risks Chapter 1

He was a junior in college, so he's about two years older than me. He was linebacker on the football team and "Mr. Popular", everybody knew him and seemed to love him. Then there's me...the geek. I didn't get shoved into lockers or wear army pants and flip flops, but i was definitely low on the social scale. And by this point you already know "oh she was in love with the guy"! It began when i snuck out of my dorm with my friend Katie. Her iPod, and favorite bra had been...

4 years ago
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Daddys Baby Girl

The cliché that’s this little story. You don’t just marry the girl, you marry the family too. As I was dragging myself awake two days ago. This story awoke before me. I wrote it in part of that day. Edit and post took part of the next day. So I hope it’s not too rough. I almost put this into the romance category. But it’s non-erotic, but there’s still a romance, just from a very different point of view. Again there’s no sex in this little tale. It’s all narrative from one person’s point of...

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Bikini Beach The Divorce

Bikini Beach: The Divorce By Bashful Cecil Mathers, 'Cec' to his friends, was a real S.O.B.. He was ready to end his three-year marriage just because he was tired of his wife. He had to figure some way to get out of paying alimony though. "Jack, you avoided the alimony bit, how?" Cec asked his best friend. Jack Carson had successfully gotten out of his five year marriage without paying his former wife a dime. She was now working at the all night waffle house as a...

4 years ago
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Pygmalion By Cal Y. Pygia Some of the coed students in Professor Higgins' Sculpture 101 class regard him as a sexist or, as Amanda Blake describes him, as if she were living back in the sixties, "a male sexist pig." He does have an eye for the ladies, I'll grant you that (he's ogled me enough times!), but what man doesn't who isn't gay or dead? Amanda's suspicions of Professor Higgins' sexism were confirmed (for her) when, as our final art project, he assigned us the task...

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Life after June

Life after June CHAPTER ONE Being with Louise was like all my unhappy past times with June had severed for good. June, only 59 died last year and left me a shattered wreck. She was my everything and after an innings of nearly thirty years it did seem she was part of me, the wedded bliss had lasted that long. Yet, oddly all that was now in the past and meeting Louise was like a breath of fresh air, and- this may sound couth and I hate to say it – but it is as though I have just discovered my...

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In a Secret GardenChapter 8

It was a wonderful Saturday night just after bedtime when the Molotov cocktail of burning gasoline shattered against Garry's living room window. What saved our butts from being burned to extra crispy bacon was that all of the windows in the house had all been replaced from cheap contractor glass frames to ultra energy saving double-paned transparent vinyl, or something similar by the previous owner. In any case, the glass didn't break and the home made fuel bomb exploded outside the window...

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She Wants To Cross The Limits

Hi, I am the regular reader of ISS. Mein kafi din se soch raha tha ki mein bhi apni story likhu to aaj mein aapko aapni story bata raha hoon. Mera naam rahul hai. Mein job karta hoon. Jab mein college mein tha to meri kafi girl friends thi. Jab mein 2nd year mein tha to meri friendship SIMRAN naam ki ladki se hui. Who itni sexy nahin thi but apne apko maintain karke rakhti thi. Who jab taayar hoti thi muje dikhane ke liye to sex bomb lagti thi. Jab mein usko first time date pe leke gaya to...

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The pussycat the tiger and the bag of tricks

My name is Jack. I am 49 years old and work in the security industry. I have close cropped hair and sport a closely cropped beard that is starting to turn grey. I am reasonably fit although I have been told recently to stop smoking; drop 10 kilograms and eat better. So what’s new you might ask? If you want to know if I am handsome I can’t tell you this. But what I can tell you is I have not had difficulty with the opposite sex all my life. I am reasonably fit and if I find the time, I like to...

1 year ago
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Nina aunty 5

100% fiction! hi guys this is sundhar again. i hope u liked my last stories and am feeling very thankful to all of my readers. then in this story its with my aunt again with new encounter. as my life is full of enjoyment with my aunt and one day before two month an recent incident had happened and let me go to the story. one day on early morning i was sleeping and my aunt was not feeling well. so i make her dressed and i called to doctor and i went to take the doctor and then when doctor...

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The Three Signs Book 1 CathyChapter 7 Four in a Boat

The next day, Sunday, I spent time playing the piano and swimming in the pool. After dinner, I walked down to church; hoping Cathy would be there. I wasn’t disappointed; both she and David were there; David, of course, sitting with Gina. “How was your lunch?” I asked. “Not too bad,” Cathy replied. “But I kept thinking about what we may do tomorrow. Are you sure you are comfortable with being with the other two as well?” “Yes, but can we talk about it afterwards?” I said. “You don’t have to...

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Sister in Law II

I caught one bad review of my original story and it was probably deserved. The story is true but I changed and shortened it in case the sister in law in question read the story. As I thought about it the chances of that are nil to none so I am including more details to making it as close to real as I can remember :   My wife of many years, Karen had decided that sex was no longer something that she wanted to do. I wasn't ready to give up on it yet and every girl I saw started to...

Wife Lovers
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A Bad Day part 2

Lauren wiped her lips and stood up. "Wasn't that nice?" she asked. Peter grunted but she saw he was looking past her, his eyes locked on Ruiz. Lauren realized with a quick shudder that the blowjob probably hadn't fully satisfied him. He was still on fire. Ruiz hung moaning and dripping sweat, the marks up and down her body starting to swell, the pink stripes darkening to bright red. She no longer tried to shift her weight back and forth between the ass hook and her shoulders, she...

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Samson Gets Familiar Part 3 Kaylies Return

I'll never forget the day my bandages came off, staring at myself in the mirror and admiring their 42H glory. I couldn't help but be sad and remember Samson and what he would think of them. Sadly he'd never find out, having passed 5 years before my surgery. I hadn't loved another dog since that summer, not physically or emotionally. That all changed when I bought my first house this year at 36. I'm a moderately successful single woman with the terrible problem that in my small town...

1 year ago
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PornWorld Kitana Lure Nympho Nurse Kitana Lure Takes BBC DP Plowing at the Clinic

It’s a Wednesday and that means that Nurse Kitana Lure is working with her favorite colleague Darrel. Kitana, being the nympho that she is, mostly loves Darrel because he’s got a massive black cock. So, when the two are alone, she wastes no time fucking him. After a quick fuck, Kitana has to get dressed quickly because she has a patient waiting to be seen in the other room. When she heads into the other room to see the patient, she realizes he’s got a BBC as well, and it doesn’t take long for...

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Moms Friend

Ella was mom's best friend. I found out by mistake just how close they were. Ella took me to the mall with her one day and after we shopped for a while she told me she wanted to buy me some sexy underwear. We went into the store and she picked out some really revealing undies and I was surprised when she went with me to try them on. She got me naked and then put on the panties and a sexy bra. She ran her hand over my ass and then across my tits and told me "That looks amazing on you. You have a...

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