Winning A Genie Harem Chapter 13 Sultry Genies Naughty Competition
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Chapter One: No Ordinary Girl
There were two things that Cypress Madison had never been. She had never been anything more than ordinary. She was not talented, or graceful, or even very smart, although most people assumed she was a genius of some sort. No, she had no ability for anything like sports or the arts. And her GPA was usually just enough to keep her from being flunked out of college. There was simply nothing special about her, and she was used to it. Content with it, in fact, ordinary people like her had ordinary worries. It was not something she should have been upset over.
Cypress had also never been pretty. Ask anyone, and they would tell you the same. She was tall and gawky, with frizzy mouse brown hair that stuck up all over the place. Her vision was poor, and she wore thick glasses. Only a few months ago she’d gotten her braces taken off. Everything about her screamed ‘dork’, as it had all her life. But again, it was not something she should have been upset over. That was what her father had always told her.
Which just goes to show you, Cypress thought, as she shouldered her book bag, parents haven’t a clue what they’re talking about. They just pretend they do. She braced herself as she started out of the classroom, there was, of course, the usual jostling to contend with. People tended to push past her as if she weren’t there. Some of them did it on purpose, she knew. Cypress had realized, that first day of college, two semesters ago, that what people kept telling her was completely false, college was not any better than high school. Just as high school really hadn’t been any better than middle school. The only years of school that didn’t suck, in her opinion, were the preschool years.
School was bound to be a lousy endeavor for any glasses-wearing, frizzy-haired girl whose mother had named her Cypress and then run off, leaving her with just her father, anyway. This was not really a big surprise. She simply had thought that by this point in her life, people might have matured a little. A smidgen, even. But no, there they were, sticking out their feet as she walked past, trying to trip her. Naturally, Cypress thought, as she stepped over an all too familiar leg, making sure to trod on her would-be tripper’s other foot as she passed, I get stuck in community college with the goons I went to school with all my life.
‘Bitch!’ The usual cry when she stepped on any of their feet—she wasn’t exactly dainty-footed herself.
Cypress smiled. ‘Hello, Jake,’ she said, without even looking over her shoulder. ‘How are you this morning?’
‘I was better before I had to see your ugly face,’ Jake shot back angrily.
‘I can empathize,’ Cypress said calmly.
She could handle dopes like Jake. Perhaps she wasn’t Ms. 4.0 GPA, but she was still about a thousand times smarter than him. He wouldn’t know a real insult of it jumped up and bit him on the ass. Jake was your typical football-playing, Backstreet Boy clone sort of guy. He was a pain in the ass, but Cypress could always console herself with the fact that he was one test away from flunking out completely.
She could also handle people like Jake’s girlfriend, who happened to step out in front of her at just that moment. Kelly and Jake were so painfully perfect for one another, because they were the two biggest clichés in the known universe. She was the petite, busty blonde cheerleader whose hair was never out of place. Who says the cliché is just a literary device, Cypress thought, coming to a halt. No, Kelly and Jake were living proof that art mimicked life. Or something to that effect.
‘Watch where you’re going, Bigfoot,’ Kelly said, tilting her head to the side in that annoyingly snotty way she had. ‘You might hurt someone with those gargantuan feet of yours.’
‘God forbid,’ Cypress said. She rolled her eyes. ‘You mind? I’ve got this little thing called class…you know, that place where you go to become smarter.’
Kelly smiled. ‘Oh, don’t let me stop you,’ she said, with saccharine sweetness. ‘You might as well have brains, since you’ll never have beauty.’
‘I know the desire to learn is a hard concept to grasp,’ Cypress said, as she pushed her way past, ‘what with your IQ equaling your bust measurements and all.’
‘It’s a good thing yours doesn’t,’ Kelly called after her, ‘or you’d be dead!’
I would only be so lucky, Cypress thought. Okay, to be fair, most people had progressed beyond the pubescent stage that Kelly and Jake seemed to be permanently stuck in. Well, some people, at the least. And all of those people were much too busy with their own lives to notice a little bit of nothing like Cypress. Or in her case, a very tall bit of nothing. If she was an inch under five foot ten, she’d be lucky. Yet for some reason, even though she should stick out like a sore thumb, the only people who ever seemed to notice her were the ones from her childhood who still felt the desire to torment her.
Which just proves that old adage, Cypress thought, ‘life sucks and then you die’. She made her way through the crowd in the hallway towards the stairs. There was simply no way she was going to squeeze herself into that damned elevator. From what she could tell, they hadn’t changed the elevators in this place since they’d built it. The only thing that moves slower than those elevators is a snail, she thought, and snails are useful, at least, cause they—oof!
Cypress stumbled backward and—naturally, because her life didn’t suck enough already—fell. She lost her grip on her bag, which skittered across the floor, spilling notebooks and pens everywhere. Really, God, this isn’t necessary, she thought, as she pushed herself up onto her elbows. You’ve already proven to me that I am the biggest loser in the history of mankind. I may not be a genius, but I’m not slow, either. If she hadn’t been convinced before that God was just a sadistic prick, much like a kid with a magnifying glass and a defenseless ant, she was now.
‘Hey, are you all right?’
No, Cypress thought, looking up very, very slowly. No, I’m not all right. I’ll never be all right. Never. For she soon found herself staring up into the gray-green eyes of Avery Bachman, who was in her Philosophy class. Except that he undoubtedly didn’t know he was in her Philosophy class, because it was unlikely that he even knew she existed. Except he does now, you dork, Cypress thought, seeing as how you just, oh, ran right into him! And because she wasn’t embarrassed enough as it was, she found herself unable to look away.
But really, who could blame her? Because aside from those gorgeous eyes—which were framed by the kind of long lashes that made girls melt—he was absolutely dreamy. A juvenile description, perhaps, but wholly accurate, what with his somewhat curly, reddish brown hair and sort of cat-like features. He had olive-toned skinned and Cypress suspected that, if you gave him some antlers and put him in a loin cloth, he could easily pass as some kind of Celtic spirit or god. Even with the thin, wire-framed glasses he wore in order to see the blackboard. He looks like a god in his glasses, she thought, and I look like a dweeb in mine. Yeah, that is so fair.
‘Um…excuse me?’ Avery said, his eyebrows raising. ‘Are you okay?’
‘Yeah I uh…yeah,’ Cypress stammered. Oh, I’m great, she thought sarcastically. Not to mention witty and articulate. ‘Um…thanks…’
‘Here.’ Avery straightened and held a hand down to her.
‘Don’t you know,’ Cypress said, as she placed her hand in his, ‘that I’ve been outted as Feminazi? Sure you want to help me?’
Avery grinned. ‘I’ll risk it,’ he said, as he pulled her easily to her feet. ‘Besides, my best friend is a Feminazi.’
Cypress turned away quickly and began to gather up all the things that had spilled out of her bag. She had to turn away, because he cheeks were turning red. Okay, what is going on here? she wondered. A totally gorgeous guy is talking to
me and goddamnit, Cypress, stop acting like you’re fourteen! Easier said—er, thought—than done. She noticed that her hands were trembling as she reached for one of her notebooks. Because Avery was helping her gather her things, and he was standing close enough that he bumped against her every time he moved. Cypress just didn’t know how to be around guys—or anyone, for that matter—without freaking out.
‘So um…why is she friends with you, then?’ she asked, because the silence was getting awkward. ‘The Feminazi, I mean.’
‘Well, we met in middle school,’ Avery explained. ‘I was…well, a skinny dork. Not exactly a threat to the female of the species, if you catch my meaning.’
‘All too well,’ Cypress assured him.
She couldn’t imagine him ever being a dork, but she supposed it took all kinds. Maybe then he might have some sympathy for other dorks, she thought, as she stuffed her notebooks back into her bag. He could even, you know, like other dorks. Except there was no way he could have ever been as big a loser as she was. And besides which, he was Avery Bachman. The guy Kelly occasionally talked about leaving Jake for. Cypress’ only hope was that someone like Avery was too smart to be interested in a girl like Kelly. Ha! she thought. Maybe when hell freezes over.
‘Here,’ Avery said, handing over her Philosophy book. ‘I think that’s all of it.’
‘Thanks again,’ Cypress said quietly. She looked down at the floor. ‘I um…I’m very…’ She stopped, her eyes widening. ‘Late! I’m late!’
Well, of course she was late. She’d just spent ten minutes in the hallway talking to a Celtic forest spirit. Professor Davidson is never going to let me hear the end of this, Cypress thought, as she sprinted down the hallway, regretfully ignoring Avery’s voice calling out her name. He is such a prick! She skidded around the corner and into the stairwell, which was completely empty. Securing her bag on her shoulder, she made her way down the stairs as fast as she could go.
Not since sixth grade, Avery thought, has a girl run away from me that fast. Ah, well. He doubted that it had been meant as an insult. Still, he’d actually been enjoying his conversation with her. He hadn’t thought that Cypress Madison spoke much to anyone. She was in his Philosophy class and she was always so quiet. The only reason he’d noticed her, from that very first day, was because it was pretty hard not to notice a five foot ten girl named Cypress. Also, sometimes she spoke in class, when called upon. Avery had always thought that she had a nice voice.
And a great sense of humor, actually, he thought, as he turned to head to his own class. Not like Vivian…hey… There was a notebook on the floor, half hidden beneath the lockers sticking out from the wall. Avery hadn’t seen it before. Damn, he thought, and we don’t have Philosophy again until Friday. He picked it up and flipped it open, figuring that it must have been notes. Except it wasn’t a notebook at all. It was a sketchpad. She’s an artist? he wondered, as he flipped through it. No…not quite… They were clothes. Every sketch was a design.
He would never have taken her for a fashion designer. Any girl who wore combat boots, Army issue pants with the knees torn out, and a Pantera t-shirt with a long-sleeved thermal shirt beneath it, didn’t exactly come off as the fashion designer type. Takes all kinds, I guess, Avery thought, as he reached back and put the sketchbook in his backpack. He’d have to find the time to get it back to her. Obviously it was something of a private hobby, and he knew how he’d felt, if some jerk didn’t give him back something of his that was important. He liked to avoid being a jerk when possible.
And when not possible, he thought, turning slowly, excuses help. Like being late for class. Except that he currently wasn’t, so when his fiancée Vivian came bearing down on him, he didn’t have any way to get out of it. Technically, their engagement wasn’t official yet—at least, not as he saw it. Avery seemed to be the only one whose opinion on the matter hadn’t been asked. But his parents, and Vivian’s, were determined that they marry. Unfortunately, Vivian was also quite determined, too. In everything she did. It took a lot of effort to peel her off.
‘What are you doing out here?’ she asked, tossing back her hair in that very annoying way she had. ‘I was waiting for you to come get me!’
‘You don’t need my help to leave your classroom,’ Avery told her.
‘Oh, don’t be such a baby,’ Vivian said, sticking out her lower lip in a pout. ‘Come on, let’s go down to the cafeteria.’
Sheila keeps telling me I’m pussy whipped, Avery thought, as Vivian tugged him along. Except that no amount of sex with Vivian would make me want to actually marry her. The problem was more that his parents and hers—and her, too—didn’t seem to accept ‘I just don’t want to’ as a good reason for him to not marry her. And while Avery was working on convincing them, he didn’t want to be an ass about it. He’d known Vivian since childhood, after all. It’s just that we’re not right for each other, he thought, letting her drag him along. I doubt she would ever make jokes about being a Feminazi.
The apartment building in which she lived might be dilapidated, but it was home. Cypress found it comforting to walk into the living room and find her father slouched on the couch, watching T.V. and munching on Chee-tos. He grumbled a greeting as she bent over and kissed him on the cheek, that was just his way. Humming off tune to herself, she went into the kitchen to prepare a snack. That was her afternoon ritual: come home, kiss her father hello, get a snack, and go upstairs to do her schoolwork. Not terribly exciting, but it was what she knew.
A small chirruping sound greeted her as she walked into the kitchen. It was followed by a loud thump as her cat jumped off the kitchen table. He was a big, black Maine coon and he weighed a good twenty-five pounds or so. Grinning, Cypress swooped him up into her arms.
‘Hello, Phil,’ she said, giving him a gentle squeezing before setting him down.
Most people didn’t know it, but Phil was short for ‘Where’s the Cream Filling?’. Because he was black all over, except for one small spot on his tummy, like a Hostess cupcake. That had been Cypress’ favorite snack when she’d gotten the cat—still was, in fact. That was what she grabbed now, before heading up to her room. The one blessing she had in her life was a fast metabolism, allowing her to eat pretty much anything. Although admittedly, she wasn’t sure it was exactly a blessing to be as tall and thin as a tree.
Cypress’ room was the one place in the world where she could be completely alone, if she wanted to. Which was why she was not happy—and more than a little surprised—to find someone sitting on her bed, waiting for her. She had to swallow hard, almost choking on a bite of cupcake in an effort not to scream. Never mind the fact that she didn’t have any friends. Never mind the fact that her father hadn’t mentioned that there was a visitor. Never mind, even, that this girl wasn’t someone she recognized.
It was because she was dressed like a…like a belly dancer, or something. In those kind of see-through puffy pants, with a bra top, and lots of dangling, jingling things attached to a scarf around her waist. She had long, blonde hair that was as smooth as silk, and up in a high ponytail. Bands of gold circled her upper arms, and she was wearing—believe it or not—slippers with bells dangling from the curved toes. She looks like something out of a bad Disney rendition of a classic Arabian tale, Cypress decided.
‘Who the hell are you?’ she demanded out loud.
‘Aw,’ the girl pouted. ‘Is that any way to greet your sister?’
Cypress took a moment to shut the door—this was not something she wanted her father to hear—then turned to frown at the stranger. ‘I don’t have a sister,’ she said.
‘That isn’t very nice,’ the girl said, rising from the bed. ‘Oh, I know you’ve never actually met me, but I am your sister. I’m Ephasia.’
I don’t remember inhaling any gas fumes on the way home, Cypress thought, backing up against the door. God, this is weird. Well, it wasn’t impossible for her to have a sister. After all, her mother had just up and left almost right after she was born. But a sister named Ephasia? Who went around dressed as some kind of belly dancer or gypsy or something? Cypress just couldn’t see how she would have failed to find out about this sooner. Like, oh say, when she’d walked in the door and her father told her that she had a whacko sister named Ephasia waiting for her in her room! Because there was no way, even in his somewhat oblivious state, that her father would have missed this.
‘Don’t be afraid, Cypress,’ Ephasia said, taking a step forward and holding out a hand. ‘I know this is a little weird…but trust me. I’ve been wanting to meet you for so long.’
‘How did you know about me if I didn’t know about you?’ Cypress asked, frowning warily.
‘It’s a long story,’ Ephasia replied, taking another step forward. ‘Come with me, and I’ll tell you.’
Cypress would have asked where exactly Ephasia intended to go. Really, she would have. But this strange girl who was claiming to be her sister got a hand on her arm, and that was it. Any thought she had of asking anything was gone as the room dissolved around them. She could hear Phil yowling outside the door, but there was nothing she could do. Cypress thought she saw a glimpse of maliciousness is Ephasia’s eyes, but then the world went strangely dark, and she saw nothing.
Chapter Four: What You Don’t Know…Sucks The sunlight was coming in at an odd angle. Avery was used to it coming directly across his face in the morning, but he could feel the heat of it on his feet instead. Startled awake by this odd change, he found, upon opening his eyes, that he was sleeping on his couch. God, I had such a crazy dream last night, he thought, rolling over onto his back and forcing his eyes open to slits. Cypress was a genie! And a hot genie, at that… But wait just a minute....
Chapter Three: Even Genies Get it Wrong Sometimes There was a hierarchy among the society of the djinni. Those at the top, like Ephasia, had it easy in life. How could your life not be easy, when you were the daughter of the djinn who ruled Iifa, and the sister of the future ruler? And there were those who fell somewhere in the middle, like the many young female djinni who attended Ephasia. They were lucky enough to have a cushiony spot in life. Tending to the daughter of Iifa’s ruler was a...
Chapter Two: Step One: Never Trust Another Genie! To say that the old apartment building was dilapidated would have been diplomatic. It had to be a serious fire hazard, with the roof sagging like that, and most of the paint coming off in dangling strips. But it was the correct address, he was positive of that. There was only one Georgia Street in town and this was it. Well, I wanted to know where she lived, Avery thought, as he made his way up the creaking steps and onto the apartment’s front...
Chapter Six: How to Readjust Your Genie If she laid very, very still, she could almost pretend that her skull wasn’t splitting. Suddenly Cypress knew how her father felt, those mornings after he’d had a wee bit too much to drink. Of course, her father had always had her there to bring him a nice big mug of black coffee. She wasn’t even sure that would help this headache, since it wasn’t from a hangover. At least, I don’t think so, Cypress thought. I can’t quite remember what happened last...
Chapter Five: Step Two: Avoid Leaving Your Master’s Side at All Costs! The biggest problem, when it came to having dinner with Vivian’s parents, was that for some reason they always want to sit around the table at his place. Sure, there were plenty of other problems, too, but Avery considered this one to be at the very top of the list. On any other occasion, Vivian’s parents liked to go out to expensive five star restaurants for dinner. Why they felt such a strong need to invade his personal...
Jeanie the GenieCopyright Oggbashan August 2015Edited September 2015The author asserts the moral right to be identified as the author of this work.This is a work of fiction. The events described here are imaginary; the settings and characters are fictitious and are not intended to represent specific places or living persons.The information about genies is fictitious. Don’t try any of the information on your neighbourhood genie. September edit is to correct a minor plot...
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Being a genie has its perks, my breasts are perpetually firm and they never sag. My immortality lets me keep my youth. While being blessed with the vitality of a young woman is fantastic, to be honest, sometimes the wait to be found can be most annoying. It may not feel as long as it actually is, but sitting in my bottle for decades on end sure can be lonely. I've come across some of the most interesting people with this life. Not many people know how we become genies and most don’t care, they...
Fantasy & Sci-Fi(Author's note: While the events in this story are based off real life, there are some obvious embellishments. Also, all the characters involved in sex acts are at least 18.)I woke up with Ms. P’s soft skin pressed against my back, a ray of sunshine peaked through the mini-blinds warming my abdomen. Groggy, it took me a second to recall the night’s events: I had fucked my best friend's mom!Ms. P was an attractive middle-aged woman. The first thing any man noticed about her was the flaming red...
Harry awoke the next morning with a smile on his face. Of course, this wasn’t a particularly unusual occurrence. Since finding Sarosa’s lamp 7 months ago, his life had been perfect. His every desire had been granted to him by this magical girl, who desired only to please him. Someone up there must like him, he figured. Harry looked around the bed at the chaos on it. His duvet (Not a problem, since his room was always at a magically perfect temperature) and bedsheet, along with both pillows,...
************************************************* Copyright Oggbashan May 2003/October 2013 The author asserts the moral right to be identified as the author of this work. This is a work of fiction. The events described here are imaginary, the settings and characters are fictitious and are not intended to represent specific places or living persons. ************************************************* Reginald was a nerd, a geek, a wimp. He was the man who had sand kicked in his face, who...
Genie had been serving his master Aladdin for some time now.Sure he thought of Aladdin as a friend, but as a genie he was never able to make his own fantasies come true. Always having to grant wishesto make other people happy.Aladdin said he would be setting him free and once he did, Genie was going to make his own come true.It took a long time, Genie had to go through all kinds of bullshit because of Jafar wanting more power. But finally Aladdin made his last wish and set him free.Now that he...
The opening of Chapter 1 was originally written by Oren the Otter for a contest a couple of years back - which I humbly acknowledge winning - (I was the only entry so obviously no one felt they could top my story in the contest. :) It was rewritten late in the last millennium. The Genie And Adolph Hitler By Caleb Jones CHAPTER 1 Adolph didn't know what to expect when he opened the box, but this wasn't it. What hovered before him was a wisp of smoke from the waist down. From...
I've always told my mother that she works too much.She's a full-time attorney by day, and she somehow finds the time to teach a few evening classes per week at the law school which I attend.As a result, her love life had really suffered. Her workaholic behavior came as a result of the divorce several years ago. Overworking was her way of coping and moving on, and it left her in a cycle of being lonely and longing for the perfect man in her life.The Sex GenieIt was late in the afternoon and I...
Matt laid on his bed, nude, thinking about all that had happened recently. Many times in his life he’d imagined what his life would be like if he found a genie. Of course, once he’d hit puberty, his thoughts had turned to all the sex he’d have. To some extent, that had come true, since he very much doubted he’d ever have had an orgy with an entire girls’ PE class without magical help. He’d probably not have gotten a girlfriend for a while either, and he was happy to have Sophie. He’d always...
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“Mistress, calm down,” Afericus said, trying to comfort her. “Everything will be okay.” “Of course it’s not, they’re going to destroy the universe!” Charlie shouted. “Oh shut the fuck up,” Sarosa said to her. “Well sorry, I just don’t like the idea of not existing!” “Any reality where I don’t have to listen to your whining is a good reality.” “Girls girls, break it up!” Daniel shouted, getting between them. “Honestly, is it me or do humans get less intelligent as time goes by?” Alexis...
————- Prelude: Very early, about the 6th or 7th Century AD ———————- From the sparse artifacts and record fragments it can be determined that, of the small group of genie trainees graduating in this one class, most had absorbed the information and direction well, yet there remained a thread of individualism in each. Some were more pliable, other more impetuous, given to act first and think later, some, especially a couple of the girl genies, were anxious to please and seeking to become the best...
So now, both girls were on their hands and knees on Sophie’s bed. Each girl had one guy fucking her ass, one guy underneath fucking her pussy, and two more guys in front having their dicks sucked. The remained 3 guys were having their cocks jerked off by the girls. All 13 of them were orgasming intensely, the girls’ pussies contracting and the boys’ dicks expelling large quantities of semen. All of them were in sexual nirvana. At around 2am, the humans collapsed into a big, sweaty, cummy...
Justin’s family went up earlier in the day to visit family and he was getting a ride with his Aunt Krista later in the afternoon. Justin was rather excited because it would be just him and her. Justin has always had sexual fantasies of her; he always was fucking the shit out of her and layering her face in his warm hot cum in his dreams but they have never come true. However he wishes they did he always wanted to be with a older women. Justin was watching some porn before his Aunt came;...
“Another ale, my friend,” he said, flicking a coin in the direction of the bartender. “You’re not from around here, are you?” The bartender asked him. “No I’m not, but don’t worry, if all has gone to plan, I’ll be out of here before long.” A few minutes later, a man arrived in a cloak, carrying an ornate box. “Do you have it?” The Englishman asked, excited. “Yes, it is in this box,” the other man replied. “Good…let’s go into the back room. We need some privacy.” They went into the...
"Dan ... Daaaaan..." Daniel heard Charlie's sweet voice, pulling him out of his dream. He opened his eyes, and saw Charlie looking over him, smiling. She was dressed in her school uniform. "Charlie?" "Morning Dan. Have fun yesterday?" Daniel sat up, and realised he was in Harry's room. Memories of the previous day came flooding back to him. "Yesterday? But it was like midday?" "You slept all day and night. You were exhausted." "I'm not surprised. What the fuck did...
This is the first story I've dared post. I have no idea if I'll ever post anything more. I wrote it two years ago and haven't been terribly motivated to do much with it since then. It's arguably rather derivative and not terribly good, but I enjoyed writing it. Rather than let it sit on my hard drive indefinitely I figured I'd stick it up here. Maybe you'll like it, maybe not. If not, I don't care. It was written for my own enjoyment and nothing more. This story is very clearly...
3 years later the king was very much enjoying his power, both political and magical. In his private chambers in his palace there was a large bathtub carved into the floor, filled with water that was impossibly pure, aside from various scented oils and the like which had been magically added for the benefit of the king. In the tub were four figures; Tutankhamun himself, and three girls his age. He was relaxed against the sides while one of the girls rode him reverse cowgirl, and the other two...
In the year 2013, at 32 Wayford Way, 12 teenagers and a genie were having the time of their lives. The senior football team had just won the big game, thanks in no small part due to some “wishful thinking” on the part of one Sophie Swift. In fact, it would be fair to say that they utterly trounced the opposition, although victory was likely even without magical intervention. After the game, Sophie and her genie Alexis had taken the 11 players home, telling them that they were their reward for...
THE RELUCTANT GENIE By Persephone © 12/15/2010 My best buddy, Lee, joined the Army right out of high school. I opted to further my education so I went to college. Well, community college anyway. A four year school was a bit beyond my folks means and at the time I didn't even have any means at all. Lee tried to get me to join the Army with him to take advantage of all the educational benefits. I told him that a free education wasn't worth a whole lot if you were killed in Iraq...
------------------------------- Sophie Swift woke up slowly. She was sprawled out on her bed, and from what she could tell, she was naked. That was strange, she thought. She normally wore her pyjamas. Sophie thought back to the weird dream she’d had last night. She’d dreamt that an old man had given her a lamp with a genie, and that the genie had had sex with her. Twice. With only a break for dinner in between. It was a really vivid dream though. Her pussy was still tingling a little...
Arthur Hayden was probably one of worlds least ambitious people. Not because he was satisfied with what he had but because he was to lazy to put any effort, or to be precise he always believed being lazy was cool and going through life with a very minimum effort was a proof of him being better than other people. Most people who heard of his life would feel that he came out better, considering he lost both his parents at the age of 10 with no living relatives he got in to foster care. Kept...
FantasyThe early midday sun startled me as I left my building. Like every day. I should have gotten used to it. But still every day I winced at the bright sun and needed a moment for my eyes to adjust. I definitely wasn't a morning person. And yes I was aware of the irony. After I could see again without tears coming to my eyes I started walking to my 'work'. Not that I had to walk anywhere to do my work. I just preferred to be found in one spot. As I walked on the sidewalk I heard the sound...
“What do we do!? What do we do!?” Charlie asked, panicking. “Mistress, calm down,” Afericus said, trying to comfort her. “Everything will be okay.” “Of course it’s not, they’re going to destroy the universe!” Charlie shouted. “Oh shut the fuck up,” Sarosa said to her. “Well sorry, I just don’t like the idea of not existing!” “Any reality where I don’t have to listen to your whining is a good reality.” “Girls girls, break it up!” Daniel shouted, getting between them. “Honestly, is it me...
Greetings to my friends and faithful readers. If you enjoyed this glowing start to the real story behind the legend of Genie, you can find the rest of this thrilling novel at my E publishing web site. Not only can you purchase all styles of erotic fiction on this site at a significant discount, but you can also make money by sponsoring this site like many of my free to join members already do. If you have a talent for...
“Good morning Mistress, would you like some breakfast?” Sophie turned around, to see Alexis sat there on a chair, holding a tray, with a big plate of pancakes and syrup. “Alexis?” She said, yawning. “I told you to go into your lamp.” “You once told me that you consider me your best friend,” Alexis said. “Best friends don’t always do as they’re told.” “You’re also my genie, and you have to do what I say.” “Fine, if you’re going to be like that, I’ll just leave, and take these delicious...
I think it came down to one vote for slutty schoolgirl, so here we are! Chapter Two The office faded away, and I was once again left in the inky black void, staring into what looked like a distant star. I groaned. The genie leaned over me. "You look tired. Work can be very tiring, I guess." "Please... either just let me wake up, or let me go," my voice was hoarse. "Where would the fun be in that? I can keep you informed though: this isn't a dream. I'm very, very real,"...
Sophie Swift woke up slowly. She was sprawled out on her bed, and from what she could tell, she was naked. That was strange, she thought. She normally wore her pyjamas. Sophie thought back to the weird dream she'd had last night. She'd dreamt that an old man had given her a lamp with a genie, and that the genie had had sex with her. Twice. With only a break for dinner in between. It was a really vivid dream though. Her pussy was still tingling a little bit. Sophie opened her eyes, and saw...
“Give him some time,” Antonella said, the van driving away quickly. “He’s had quite the shock. We’ll need him conscious though for the journey.” “What journey?” Daniel asked. “Right now that guy is almost certainly phoning his superiors, meaning he’s about to realise he’s been fooled. He knows who Harry is, meaning he could find his house, and from there, find yours, Charlie. You can’t go home.” “Of course we can!” Charlie said. “I’m sorry, but it’s not a good idea. I’ve put protection on...
Jerusalem, 1195 AD. In a tavern, an English traveller in his early 30s was waiting for a man to arrive with a delivery. Something for which he'd searched for over a decade. Something which, if his contact had been successful, was going to change his life forever. "Another ale, my friend," he said, flicking a coin in the direction of the bartender. "You're not from around here, are you?" The bartender asked him. "No I'm not, but don't worry, if all has gone to plan, I'll be out of...
Matt had his typical Saturday morning lay-in the next day. Though to be fair, recent events had left him rather exhausted, what with the large amount of sex he’d been having. Not that he was complaining in the slightest. When Matt eventually got up, he got dressed, and started walking downstairs. He could hear giggling from downstairs, followed by his sister saying “Fuck, he’s coming”. Matt walked into the living room, and found Becky and Jamie sat on the sofa, trying to look innocent....
"Oh, Josh-ee that feels so nice!" cried the most beautiful girl in my graduating class, as she rode me; her huge breast engulfing my head while my lips were tightly affixed to her left nipple. She then pulled my head out of her immense tit flesh to soul kiss me; alternating kisses and phrases of encouragement every fifteen seconds or so. Of course out came my dominant streak. "You're mine, Reenee! I'm taking you! You're mine forever!" "Oh, Josh-ee!" she moaned. "Oohhh ... I feel...
At Sophie's suggestion, Matt went home that evening. They didn't want to risk anyone suspecting that he had a genie, so they decided that he should probably keep away from her in public for a bit. Matt agreed, although he'd have much rather he didn't have to. Matt laid on his bed, nude, thinking about all that had happened recently. Many times in his life he'd imagined what his life would be like if he found a genie. Of course, once he'd hit puberty, his thoughts had turned to all the...
Chapter Two: Headmistress's Naughty Desires By mypenname3000 Copyright 2019 Note: Thanks to Alex for beta reading this! Characters Main Characters Corey Derrickson: College senior, friend of Kyle Unmei, given the chance to marry one of four genie, each from a different tribe, if he can find them at St. Maria Theodora Catholic School! Aleah Buckley: Corey's first sex slave. College senior. He claimed her after Kyle suggested she'd be a good canidate for starting Corey's harem. Tania...
When Matt had woken up on Tuesday morning cuddled up to a nude Sophie, he’d enjoyed it greatly, and it was something he’d definitely wanted to repeat as often as possible. This morning, Matt had the pleasure of waking up with not one nude girl, but 4, all of whom had wanted to get in on the group cuddle. Matt opened his eyes, and examined the current positions of everyone. He was laid on his back, with Sophie in pole position, cuddled up properly with him. On his other side was Kelly, who...
I was normal 20 year old boy. i was 5ft 6, had a chubby body. I had a good thick 7 inch cock though. I was a very horny boy though, but girls dont go out with tiny chubby boys. I didnt like any girls in my college though, i had my eyes on someone close to me. My step sister, Irina. She was 18 and had a curvy body, 36-32-38. I wanted to fuck her and its not like i didnt try, i tried my best to seduce her but nothing worked infact things got bad. She didnt wanted to indulge in sexual activities...
In the year 2012, 15-year-old Sophie Swift was confused. She'd felt an irresistible compulsion to go inside a mansion, where she'd met a nude man and girl. The man had told her that this girl was his genie, and that he was giving her to him. And now all that was left was a lamp, sat on the floor. She approached it with caution, not really understanding what was happening. She reached out a hand to touch it. It felt cold. Dormant. Sophie put the lamp in her bag, and walked home. Whatever...
David was annoyed. He was annoyed for a number of reasons, the most of which being that he had to spend the day with Donna the old lady from down the street. Why did he have to spend his day with this woman? The answer was another one of his annoyances he had been suspended from school, again. It was October and David being 14 had just started high school. David had been tall for his age most of the time growing up and also a little chubby. He wasn’t round and tall like some of those...
Note: This story has some heavy sex. Like the movie Romeo & Juliet (1968) it fits. If because of laws, age or religion you should not be reading this then don't. If you are just looking for sex just read the first part. Don't go beyond her waking up. The magic is magic and works the way I say it does. Just Another Genie Story By shalimar I was taking another vacation alone. Again Marsha, my wife of 10 years did not want to come along with me. It is getting to be a habit, and...
Genie Rules By Sue Kidder "You have three wishes, Master Jack," the genie said. "But only three, and only you may make them." "Great!" I said. "I assume that a later wish can undo an earlier wish?" "Yes," the genie replied. I had always wanted to see what it would be like to be a woman, but I never wanted to make a career of it. This way I could try it, then return to my male self and still have a wish left. So... "For my first wish I want to become a beautiful...
HumorChapter Seven: Virgin Deflowered By mypenname3000 Copyright 2020 Note: Thanks to Alex for beta reading this! Characters Main Characters Corey Derrickson: College senior, friend of Kyle Unmei, given the chance to marry one of four genie, each from a different tribe, if he can find them at St. Maria Theodora Catholic College! Aleah Buckley: Corey's first sex slave. College senior. He claimed her after Kyle suggested she'd be a good candidate for starting Corey's harem. Tania Buckley:...