Knackwurst free porn video

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It had been frustrating and he’d become agitated. He was in a hurry when he left early and walked to his car. As he tried to back out of the slot there seemed to be a never-ending meeting by a small group of people at his bumper. Finally the group dispersed to their own cars and he started to pull out as a pick-up nearly hit him and he’d had to slam on the brakes. When he was ready to pull onto the street a crowd appeared strung out on the sidewalk and blocked him. Finally on the street he was blocked at every intersection by a red light. He was cut-off in the traffic lane twice in three blocks by some Kamikaze driver. He’d lined up at the metered entrance to the freeway and it was the longest line of cars that he could remember. On the freeway the lanes were packed and he was sandwiched between trucks.

Finally he’d realized the source of his frustration and relaxed. He was just in a hurry to see her. She was his inspiration, his lover, his friend and his wife of five years. Each day was new and fresh for him since they’d met so long ago. He loved her and cherished her in everything and at every moment of his day. She was incredible in everything she did. She was solid in her job, an expert housekeeper, a loving wife and his sexkitten. He enjoyed being around her, holding her and making love to her.

It seemed hours later when he got home and called her name softly as he entered. No answer. He called again a bit louder and still no answer. He’d parked in the driveway and she always parked in the garage and shut the door. He hadn’t noticed her car gone. Puzzled, he walked through the house and finally into the bedroom. The bedding was folded back neatly and the scarlet sheets were on the bed. The bed was piled high with white pillows. They’d always liked lots of pillows on the bed. There was a sheer white scarf in the center of the bed and a monogrammed note lying in its center.

He reached for the note as he thought about how she was always leaving him notes of love everywhere. She had gone out to get some of his ‘favorite’ sandwiches for dinner. He smiled at the thought of the sandwiches that she called his.

The sandwiches were a reminder of a little visit they’d made just after their first date. They were in a hurry to get somewhere and neither had eaten all day. He’d noticed an old delicatessen in the center of a block as he drove. On a whim he parked and they’d walked in together. A large sign over the counter announced a special on the delicatessen’s own Knackwurst sandwiches. While she was looking, he’d ordered the special for himself. She’d watched as the sandwich was being made and watched as the sharp knife sliced the Knackwurst lengthwise and then it was opened and spread on the top of a lettuce bed piled high on hand sliced fresh bread and then lavishly covered with their special white horseradish mustard.

When it was time for her order, she’d decided on the Knackwurst also, but when the lady making the sandwich prepared to slice it she’d softly asked her not to. The lady said something about the plump sausage being in the middle of the sandwich but she’d insisted that it was exactly the way she wanted it. The lady gave in and finished the sandwich and then wrapped it to be taken out. He carried the cokes and sandwiches and they ate in the front seat, but as he handed her the sandwich he had no idea.

She carefully unwrapped and folded the paper around the outside and turned sideways with one knee up on the seat as she worked. She was wearing a knee length skirt, but it still managed somehow to maintain its propriety. She looked him straight in the eye as she nibbled the edges of the bread and then the lettuce. Her tongue and teeth teased that lettuce in the smallest quick bites and she nibbled around the sausage. He ate heartily but couldn’t take his eyes off her even though they were eating not talking.

Finally she’d licked the end of the sausage with her tongue and rolled her eyes and closed them. A few moments went by as her tongue circled that sausage. Her tongue extended and she’d managed to pick up a small amount of that white mustard on it and it seemed suspended in air for minutes before she slowly drew her tongue back and he could see her tasting it against the roof of her mouth. She moaned softly. She opened her eyes and was staring straight at him as she opened her mouth and her lips closed around the sausage. She moved her knee and the skirt fell back exposing her thong. He stared and stopped eating as she sucked on that sausage before dragging her teeth around it without piercing the covering. It was the most erotic thing he’d seen on a date. And when she closed her eyes again and bit slowly into it he could see the sausage compressing between her white teeth before penetration. When her teeth finally entered the sausage it literally seem to explode and expand between her lips. She smiled at him as her hand went to her thong and entered through its top.

He didn’t remember where they’d been going, but they never made it and that first session of love was mind shattering and he still remembered every moment. But, the note said that she’d already showered and was wondering what they’d think of her at the deli if they knew she was wearing nothing beneath her sheer black capri’s and her starched blouse. She told him to shower and relax until she got back.

He removed most of his clothes, folded them and placed them on the bed and then slid his briefs down and caught them with his foot and tossed them too onto the heap. Slowly he reached down and rubbed his groin and lightly scratched himself. He noticed how the memories of that sandwich had aroused him. He turned on the shower and then shaved as the water was warming. As he slid the door back on the shower and stepped in he felt the welcome warmth and gentle massage on his skin. A shower doesn’t do for a man what it does for a woman he thought as he took down the hand unit and directed it over his body. He returned it and picked up the bar of soap and thoroughly lathered himself while enjoying the way his hands slid over his body and his cock. The urge was there but he held off.

When he finished the shower he was feeling horny, but dried his hair and wrapped a towel around his ass. Then he turned out the light and… did a double take. She was back and lying on the bed. Not just lying there but her cute bottom was nested on top of two pillows and she was reclining against three more. Against her back they had been turned long way up and cradled her soft shoulders. Her arms were wrapped around her knees with her breasts fully hidden. He was so surprised that he released the towel and it slid to the floor. When she saw the effect she’d had she smiled at him and the best part was she was completely nude. As he stared with mouth open and wide eyes she sat back, removed her arms from her legs and simultaneously spread her feet and thighs. Her eyes never left his erection and her eyes had fondled it as it rapidly grew in size.

For a moment he was dumbstruck and his eyes traveled from her breasts to her pussy and back again and again. She was looking at him and her arms stretched out to him and like a drowning man he walked slowly to the foot of the bed. Her body was in stark contrast to the scarlet sheets and her hair was the same way as it surrounded her face accented by the white pillows. She brought her hands down and slowly placed them on each side of her lips and spread them as she watched him. He reached the foot of the bed and raised one knee to the bed as his cock dragged on the top sheet… and for a six foot tall man that is unusual. She was ready for him and she looked more beautiful each time he saw her.

Her pussy was open and he could see the long nested lips so wet and pink inviting his attention. He dropped onto his elbows and his hands went under the pillows to raise her even more to his waiting mouth. With his mouth buried, she released her grip and raised her hands to his head and her fingers toyed in the short dark stran
ds at the back. She stiffened as he laved that sweetness between and her hands tightened pulling him even closer. This was always a sweet part of their lovemaking… a sweet foreplay that neither of them could get enough of or tired from. As he worked, the wetness he cleaned was replaced by even more until he sensed that she was ready.

Her scent was powerful in the air as his mouth located the sweet spot of her clit and his lips closed firmly over it. She started thrusting slowly at first and then with more fervor as he worked. He raised his hands and reached under to actually hold the warmth of her cheeks in his hands as he feasted. She moaned in ecstasy as she approached her peak. She raised her legs and placed them over his shoulders and crossed her ankles behind his head and began an urgent hump of his face. She was crying his name and he could tell that tears were forming in her eyes. She was being pleased.

Suddenly she raised her hips as high as she could, tightened them and held them as she quivered and her hands pulled heavily on his hair. A moment and she was twisting and thrusting and thanking and asking and calling him. He increased his fervor just as she climaxed for the first time this evening. She rocked back and forth and slowly came back down and relaxed with her ankles still wrapped tightly. He took a deep breath and slowed his stroke and widened the lave. She relaxed.

As her breathing slowed and she regained control, he shifted his hands and he embraced her hips. Slowly one hand lowered and circled her. His fingers moved to coat with juice that had escaped his mouth and ran behind. His fingers were lubricated as he returned a strong finger to circle her anus. The combination of softness and muscle tightening told him that she was nearing yet another response to him. He circled slowly and brought his free hand forward and rested his wrist next to her lips and adjacent to his face. In one quick move he found her pussy, entered and entered her anus. He was gentle but demanding and soon he looked up to see her head back, her eyes closed and her tongue playing kiss me with her upper lip.

Again he seized her clit and circled it with his lips as his hands began their delicate job. One finger had entered behind and was circling patiently inside and waiting for her to respond. The second had entered first one and then two and finally three fingers into her pussy and her moan increased even further. She gasped that he was too perfect a lover. She raised her hips and circled them as he teased her. He knew from previous discussions that her pussy and clit were buzzing now and her breathing was shallow and then deep and then ragged and still he teased. Again he felt her tighten on the fingers of each hand. He held his hand still as her body forced itself to be entered and exited. He felt the pucker as she let out a soft scream of passion and drop herself on his finger hard and his hand came alive again as he alternated pressure on the wall between pussy and anus.

She was actually pounding on his head softly with her passion and then raised herself and ground her pussy hard into his face. Inside he was smiling knowing that she was at that point of foreplay where she lost attention to anything. Except what she was experiencing. He’d often wondered if she even remembered that he was there when she was above this point. She would beg him to stop but he knew that if he did she would be disappointed and he continued. His cock was hard against the bed as he worked but he only knew her pleasure. Later he would have minor burns on his knees and elbows from the sheet, but now he was happy too.

It had been a long enjoyable experience but all things have to slow down and so eventually she pushed him away and brought her legs down to rest and recover. She was feeling mellow and as he lay beside her she nested her head on his arm and spooned against him. She was quiet, eyes closed and thinking for a few moments. She turned her face toward him and they both knew what was next. She had always wanted to know if he actually enjoyed giving her oral. And she already knew his answer, but she couldn’t help but ask again. She did ask. He smiled and waited for a moment and gave her his stock, honest answer as he said that she grew sweeter every time. She smiled and nestled back into his arm.

They rested and dozed for a few minutes and then she reached down to hold him again, and again his mildly flaccid penis responded quickly to her touch and he opened his eyes. He smiled and greeted her before asking if she felt any better. Her smile answered him and he was grateful. She told him that she’d been thinking of returning the favor and when he asked what favor she shook him in her hand and smiled. She was several inches shorter than he and called herself a big woman. He’d never argue but in his mind she was the perfect woman.

She toyed with him for a few minutes by stroking and squeezing him before leaning forward and placing a kiss on his cheek and then on his chest. Her tongue teased his male nipple and he smiled. He’d always joked about how worthless nipples are on a man, but it was pleasant when she toyed with them. Now she brought her knees up and turned as she crawled over him and descended with continuous kisses down and across his stomach. He was no longer in the shape he’d once been in but she still loved this part of his body. She got a slight bite into the skin below his navel and worried it for a moment before continuing in overlapping nibbles toward what she’d been holding in her left hand. She’d never bite hard, but she enjoyed using her teeth on his cock and its head. It was never the point of her teeth but more a tight squeeze with her lower lip and with her upper teeth almost parallel with the head. It felt good and his mind responded with the pleasure and forced him to take a deep pleasing breath and fill his lungs.

She liked to mount his arm while she pleasured him and if he tried to touch her she would push his hand away and rub his biceps with her pussy. The pleasure would sometimes cause her a minor climax while she pleasured him. Her mouth was now covering his head and she was using her lips and tongue in a slow tease as she rocked on his arm. He raised his head and planted a kiss on the closest cheek of her ass and then chased it with a small roving bite. Her hand moved lower and he opened his legs as she reached under and gently extracted his swelling balls and she rubbed them smoothly without slowing the movement of her mouth.

She’d always had a special way of pleasing him and he was feeling good as he arched his back and stretched a bit toward her. He heard her giggle and then she took him deeper and wrapped her lips around his head while running her tongue around the sensitive ridge. She paused at the completion of each circle and teased the tiny sensitive spot under before continuing. As his body’s arousal followed that of his male member she took him deeper and began a steady bobbing that always brought him over. Her hands were now wrapped around him and stroking as her head moved and he was clenching his ass and his hands. She could feel the muscles in his stomach tightening and hear his breathing increase and then she stopped.

Instantly he was coming down and she hopped forward and over him and sat above his wais. She raised one leg high and leaned to bring him in contact and then with her hand wrapped she moved him along her lips and slowly increased the pressure to force them open. The wetness and warm softness of her was bringing him back up faster than before as she stroked herself with him as the tool. She spun him around her clit and back between her lips and with just his head she forced him in and rotated it around her pussy. The pressure and depth was just enough to stretch her and coat his head with her lubrication. Around and around she forced him and he felt her excitement approaching his own. She was teasing herself and held off her satisfaction until they were both ready. Slowly she slid her hand lower and allowed
more of him inside but continued the manual rotation. She took a deep breath in each slow circle as his head scrubbed her g-spot but she didn’t stop.

Soon her hips were lowering on him and she was still facing his feet. He raised himself on his elbows and then sat up behind her and reached around to her mound and found her clit and rotated in unison with her own circling. He raised his other hand and cupped a breast and lowered his mouth to her shoulder and kissed it and teased it with his tongue. The hand at her breast caught her nipple between its thumb and finger and he rotated and pulled the nipple. His grip on her nipple increased and soon the nipple was hard and he held the pressure tighten. She was almost completely down on him and couldn’t rotate him now as she removed her hands and bend forward to put her hands on his knees and she started rotating her hips. The blessings of a big girl were demonstrated to me and she was light as a feather and so sensuous.

She was full on him and then back up and still her hips rotated and soon she was fucking him hard. He responded just as hard and his teeth were hard against her shoulder and both of them were working their bodies and breathing hard. He was beginning to lose control just as he’d made her lose it so many times before. She had never fucked him this seriously, with such single-minded determination before. Her head was violently thrown forward and back by their body movements and they continued. He brought his knees back a little to gain purchase and thrust harder. The movement brought her more upright and she began slapping her body down on him. He didn’t think he’d ever been this deep before and still they fucked.

He was nearing that moment and whispered and then shouted that he was going to cum and he heard her ragged voice urging him to do it. He felt it deep and then rising and his body was tight and he gave her one last deep thrust and told her that he was here. He felt her clench him at just that moment and heard her whisper that it felt so good and that she was there too. It was almost simultaneous as he filled her and the warmth and pressure of his cum put her over the edge and she ejaculated and flooded them both. He’d never before believed that a man could tell whether one or both balls were discharging but this time he could feel them both and it was mind numbing to him.

When they finally lay back with her back still on his chest she began talking. She thanked him and told him how special this was. At first she said, she thought that she’d pee’ed on him, but now she knew what it was. She announced that she’d never ejaculated before and never been so aroused. She was proud that it had happened and then started telling him that she thought the pressure of his head rubbing her from behind was the reason and then she rolled off him and turned over to lie facing him. They were still breathing hard, but he’d almost gotten to normal while her constant description kept her out of breath. She thanked him again profusely and he only smiled and said that this was the ‘best fuck ever’ and kissed her cheek.

When she recovered she was neither tired nor ready for sleep. She bounced off the bed and retrieved his special sandwiches. They were still warm through the wrapper as she tore them open and handed him one. He knew already what was coming as she nibbled the lettuce on hers and this time she was watching his cock for a reaction. He tried to be nonchalant, but it wasn’t possible. After all they’d been through she still wanted to tease him and it was working. She asked if he’d enjoyed making love a few minutes ago and he told her about both balls letting loose at the same time and she was fascinated. She talked about how they’d both reached a milestone in their marriage that night and she was right.

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Just a short recap from the last chapter. I was being literally painted by my hubby’s old schoolmate, the artist for about several months. It was about three months after I had met the artist, my hubby and I were on the bed chatting and he asked, ‘Darling, do you remember you had met two of my friends, Simon and Robin? They had came to our place twice before just after our marriage, remember?’ I was trying to recall and so I replied, ‘Oh yes, I remember. What about them?’ ‘Oh nothing, they...

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Game of DominanceChapter 6

The cold metal door screeches open but Janice doesn’t bother to get up let alone turn to look in its direction. Instead, she remains laying on the floor, staring blankly at the bodies of the two dead men. The smell of death fills the small room and even that doesn’t bother her anymore. Beth steps into the room, the sound of her stilettos bounce off the walls. Janice can hear the disappointment in the woman’s breathing. She knows exacting what that disappointment is considering the new...

4 years ago
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The Last Escort Part Eleven Chapters 4144

Chapter Forty-OneMac and Grace were enjoying their night out at Dinnertheater Schoenbrunn when Alice called Mac’s cell. He let it go to voicemail, but she didn’t leave a message. Instead, she called back three more times before Mac finally said to Grace, “I’m sorry, it must be urgent, or she would have given up by now.”Grace took a deep breath. “It’s fine; go ahead a call her back so she will stop interrupting our evening.”Mac stepped out into the hallway and dialed Alice’s number. She picked...

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NubileFilms Trinity St Clair Game Time

Trinity St. Clair is tired of her boyfriend Alex Legend ignoring her so he can play video games. When she finds herself all dressed up with no attention from Alex’s quarter, she takes matters into her own hands by planting herself in front of the TV and taking the controller from his hands. Then she turns around and lifts her miniskirt, revealing her sexy panties with no crotch. Alex may be into gaming but he’s no fool when it comes to choosing between a video game and a hot fuck....

4 years ago
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A Much of a Which of a WindChapter 5

"I'm in charge of Susan Malone's—well, Ariel Shaughnessy's—case for the Marshals Service," Brodine told me. "For the moment I need you to bring me up to speed on what's happened, if you will." I gave him a synopsis of what I knew about the hit-and-run, and what the doctors had told me. He wasn't taking notes, but I figured he didn't have to; he was attentive all the way, even for having been got abruptly out of bed—I assumed that was the case based on his slightly disheveled...

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Naughty Abigail

Fictional story where names are mentioned is purely coincidental.It was a cold winters evening and Abigail was waiting for Gerry to come back after being on a work trip for 2 weeks, Abigail and Gerry had been married six months only being able to spend about 2 months in total, due to work commitments on both parts, they had met via friends and fell for each other at first sight, Abigail was stunning long raven black hair a perfect figure and deep brown eyes, Gerry had a brother Simon that only...

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Love Never ChangesChapter 26

Sierra was overjoyed that Mr. Bradberton had changed his mind. We had to sit on her a little bit about not being too annoying to him, but she finally agreed. She also agreed to stay down in the Vault, only going back up into the office area itself to use the bathroom. We gave her enough food and water to last two weeks. Things here would be resolved one way or the other before that. The silence of the elevator ride back up was broken by Deacon’s comment. “How in the fuck did that woman...

4 years ago
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Learning about jacking off Part Eight Mrs Wilson

I was in my room the next day. I looked down at Mrs. Wilson's yard and watched her walking to her chaise lounge. She looked up to my window. I waved. She turned her head to the house, turned back to look at me, and gave me a small wave and a come here signal.I walked down and out the back door. When I got to the fence Mrs. Wilson asked about yesterday. I didn't tell her about Gloria. "It was great. She was very happy when I left. Here's your twenty dollars. Mrs. Wilson extended her...

3 years ago
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Say Yes to the Dress for a Slave Bride

Catherine sighed and sipped her coffee. It had already been a terribly long day and she was more than ready to go home. She vaguely wished she'd never told her boss that she was willing to pick up the extra hours, but then again she did need the money. With a touch of resignation she fumbled through the file cabinet for the next appointment sheet. She blinked in astonishment when she found it. Normally they were covered with notes, the brides measurements and a host of inspirations. This one...

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Woman Partner Chapter 27 An Unexpected Turn of Events

Author's Name: Lee Anne Montgomery ([email protected]) Story Title: Woman Partner (Chapter 27, An Unexpected Turn of Events) ******************************************************************** This work is copyrighted to the author (c) 2003. Please do not remove the author information or make any changes to this story. You may post freely to non-commercial "free" sites, or in the "free" area of commercial sites. Thank you for your consideration. I look forward to, and hope...

4 years ago
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Trapped Pt 1

TRAPPED By: Simon Mason To say that I had frequently fought with my stepsister Melanie would be akin to describing the Arab-Israeli war as a minor tete a tete. Our semi sibling rivalry had frequently driven our respective parents, her mother and my father, to tears and only their strong love for each other had enabled their relationship to survive. In retrospect I must have been a nightmare stepson - bookish, anti social, fiercely protective of my space and property. ...

2 years ago
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the Girl 4

Later that night the device did it's job. It almost didn’t as the Dame was afraid to remove it but had to in order to open the safe. The Villain convinced her by guarantee his punishment would be double whatever her new secret lover could muster. She unplugged herself for just a few seconds to mount the safe-dick and by that opening the door. Every theory of how the safe worked was proved and the location in the basement of the Villains office building was revealed. The next couple of...

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Quote the Raven1

Because for the majority of Raven's life it has just been the two of us and since we live out in the country she has lived a very sheltered life and has been hone schooled her whole life. As far as I know she is still a virgin cuz to my knowledge she hasnt shown an interest in boys, with it being just the 2 of use we tend to take care of eachother she takes care of the house work and I work and pay the bills. I was sitting in my office jerking off to some porn vids that I...

1 year ago
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Lustful Desires 8211 Part 1 Meeting Her

Hi, I would like to share this story to tell the incidents with a pinch of erotism in some, and sometimes more of it confined. This story will take some time to unfold, unlike other fiction stories where people get into action in the next minute. I have planned many parts of this series. Please don’t mind if the contents are less or sometimes more. The story It was 5:30 PM when I woke up in the dingy, dark room in my apartment in Bangalore. Lying on my bed naked, I browsed my phone for some...

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The trap under the sink wouldn’t budge, I decided to use the wrench, as it came loose I used my hand to finish loosening it, that's when the water from the full sink hit me. Like a novice I had not emptied the sink, and laid on my back, I got it all.The sound of laughter stopped my swearing, stood in the doorway was Lindsay, one of the hotel workers. Spluttering I moved out from under the sink.“don’t you look a drip” was the comment from Lindsay“it would have be better if you’d emptied it...

2 years ago
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Friday Mid Morning, On the Deck “It’s beautiful!” she said, as they got out of the car and looked around. The cabin looked like a log cabin off the side of a mountain somewhere, it needed a little TLC, but it was quaint. It sat a short distance from the lake, and was surrounded by trees and fall wild flowers. The trees were at their fall best—beautiful bright reds, oranges and yellows, with the pine trees adding the green. There was a porch that wrapped around the cottage. The front overlooked...

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The surprice

Daddy and i had been together a couple of years now, since i was 18.Daddy have been a good friend of the family for years, but i never told mom and dad that daddy was my man.The day started as always, i woke up dressed in latex dress, stocking, gloves and ofcause, my latex hood. Daddy`s routine was, my enema-training at 09.30 in the morning, right after the morning blowjob daddy wanted.09.30 every day was where i could shower, wash my latex and my inside, so i always was ready for some anal...

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Its The Most Wonderful Time of Year

The house was filled with people, all enjoying the annual neighborhood Christmas party. There was music, drink and socializing but I was focused on one particular guest. I couldn’t take my eyes off of him. He was handsome with dark hair, soulful brown eyes and a smile that made even the customary Christmas lighting seem dull by comparison. It was those magnificent dimples… yes, those delicious dimples that made his smile that much more radiant. The noise and jostling of the crowd was like a...

3 years ago
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Playing Doctor Ch 03

Chapter Three: Emotional roller coaster All I could see was the bore of the pistol pointed at my midsection. The barrel looked wide enough to drive a bus through, and it was pointed right at me. Then, with an odd moment of clinical detachment, I noticed the blood on his hand, red and fresh. He jarred me out of my thoughts by jabbing me hard in the side with the pistol. ‘I said, ‘Drive,’ dammit!’ With my hands shaking in fear, I started the car and put it into reverse. Somehow I managed to...

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Lightning in a BottleChapter 7 Piecing Together the Past

June 25, 1980 Diana got over it. Real quick. Two days later, early in the afternoon, she called me on the phone, acting as if nothing had happened. She invited me over to her house. My adult mind told me that she'd decided that she wanted some more of what she'd gotten, and elected to ignore my alleged "practicing". And of course, that was the truth. And you know what my answer was? What do you think? I dropped everything I was doing, and began the long trek on foot over to her house....

2 years ago
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Starlight 300Chapter 21

I don't think I've ever seen Candy so happy since she first stepped foot on 299. We were down at our permnanate base on Sol 3 doing some routine maintenance but it looked anything but routine. She and Tasha had stripped one of our engines down to its component parts and were looking at them minutely with focus interest. "Will you look at them," said Erin nodding towards the conspiratorial pair. "Yeah," I agreed. "Good job we weren't panning on going anywhere." "Who says you're...

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The Friendship

They met when they were around 21 years old. Chris a young nerd that had invested some monies when he started work at 18 and became a millionaire. He own his own beach front 3 bedroom unit in Tugun overlooking the morning sun rising over the ocean. He did pick the unit that no one else could see in. Tom was from a well to do family that had left him a few dollars to set himself up with. Unfortunately a few months ago both his parents, who were actually separated, were killed in Africa so, as...

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Lori Becoming a HotWife

“Look, this is what you are going to wear, he really wants to see you in it, I mean you asked for it and he bought it for you, you have to.” Jim was sitting in the room as Lori was looking over the package that had come that afternoon. As soon as it arrived, Jim called Lori at her office and said that it had arrived and it was in a nice discreet black wrapping, not a cheap package that screamed out sex or anything like that Jim explained to her over the phone. It was here and it was in the...

First Time
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Welcome to the neightborhood Part One Introductions

Ellen watched in disbelief as her daughter, Samantha, ‘Sam’ to her friends, dashed down the stairs. She had ten minutes to get to work and she’d only woken up five minutes ago. Apparently her alarm hadn’t rang, but Ellen knew her daughter – more likely she’d forgotten to set it, or completely ignored it. Samantha ducked into the kitchen, offering a quick, ‘Thanks for waking me! Gotta’ go!’ while pawing at a slice of toast. A moment later, she was gone, leaving a tutting Ellen in her wake....

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Second Thoughts and Last ChancesChapter 15

I sat there in the study for quite a while. How long I'm not sure, because the chair faces away from the only time piece in the room, an old style mariners clock that resides on my roll-top desk. I held the glass of vodka in my left hand, my head in my right; staring out in the direction of the doorway yet seeing nothing but the swirling dissonance of my own thoughts. All the downstairs lights were off, the only illumination was a small nightlight plugged into an outlet halfway down the...

2 years ago
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Mollys Revelation Part 4

Molly's Revelation Part 4 Following my great date, my assumption of the role of Molly continued to evolve. Based on self examination, I was aware that I should refrain from sexual encounters as that would place me in great risk of possible danger from a bad reaction from a guy or gal. My therapist warned me to avoid that behavior. We concentrated on more and more exploration of the issues of transgendersim in my solo sessions and joint session with my...

1 year ago
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AssParade Valentina Nappi Keisha Grey Two asses are better than one

Keisha Grey is the type of girlfriend most men dream about. Beautiful, seductive, and a great ass. What more could you want…oh yeah how about a girlfriend who brings you another girl with a fantastic ass to fuck on your birthday. We all need girl friends like Keisha. Keisha and Valentina Nappi proceed to give Keisha’s boyfriend the best birthday threesome ever. The girls shake and giggle and the boy fucks both girls, alternating from one pussy to another. What other birthday gift can compare to...

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DaddysLilAngel Tiffany Watson Fuck My Ass

Lusty coed Tiffany Watson wants some, and her stepbrother is her first choice to satisfy her lusty urges. When she’s unsuccessful in seducing her stepbrother with the promise of her perfect tits and her sweet landing strip twat, she tries begging. Tiffany’s ratted her out to her stepdad Tony, who confronts Tiffany in her bedroom. He turns Tiffany over and spanks her while spelling out her punishment, and she offers to do anything if he’ll agree not to take her car away. When...

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Sallyrsquos Guilty Pleasures

Sally’s Guilty PleasuresSally was the local dealer… dealer in guilty pleasures, that is. In other words, she was the only Girl Scout on the block. If you wanted cookies, you had to track down this cookie girl and share some of her “stash”. Each year, I would see her in her green vest going door to door taking orders and later delivering the boxes. Sally was kind of plain until she smiled. Then her face would beam like the sun. She had skinny legs and a slight figure. Her blonde hair was...

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Swing Party Part 2

Part 2So, I needed to fuck. as I walked down the hall, realized that, there were more women here than men, and all of the men were busy. I was a bit hungry, so I went into room 409. There were people in there, mainly women, eating and chatting.This lovely woman, named Michelle, asked me if I was having fun. We talked for about ten minutes, she was twenty nine and an experienced swinger. It turns out the she was co-host, and tried to get me to join the club. She also said that the crowd would...

Group Sex
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Summer Island Romance Ch 01

I awaken from my slumber with the sound of calling seagulls and waves crashing on the beach. Slowly stretching my limbs, I threw the thin silk sheets off my body. My eyes still shut, I procrastinated on getting up. Finally, I scrounge enough will power to get to my feet. Still half asleep, I stumble out through my bedroom bay doors to the outdoor shower. I could feel the slight tickle of the warm breeze across my naked body. Turning on the faucet, I could feel the cool water rushing over my...

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Aditi The Beautiful Housewife

It’s incredible to get an overwhelming response to my previous experience. Thank you, beautiful ladies, for the compliments and sex chats. Aditi was one of those lucky ladies who emailed me and complimented me. It was 1:20 am in the night (morning to be precise!) when I was trying to check my work emails and got a chat request on hangouts. It was Aditi who pinged me said “loved your experience with Priyanka. She is so lucky!” I am Rohit, well-travelled (about 17 countries), well-read guy. I...

2 years ago
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The Good Ship Venus

Yet again, something unexpected erupts from me... Okay who's got the dirty mind? You can stop the sniggering now and grow up. So, as I was saying, before I was so rudely interrupted, an unexpected story from me, as it just slipped out while I was concentrating on other things. It owes a hell of a lot to Heinlein and E.E. 'Doc' Smith, but I am pretty sure it is all my own work (It may sound silly but a few wonderful ideas I had recently have been written already. John...

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