Summer Of '88 free porn video

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Here I was again back in the good old Summer of 88. It was the summer I first fell in love and nothing and no one had compared since. There were things I needed to do differently this time around and with the knowledge I had now that I could never have had that night would hopefully make all the difference.

I took a deep breath and took a twilight zone step into Skate City. My heart was pounding loudly in my chest and my nerves were going crazy. I couldn't believe I was here again. The familiar smell of buttery popcorn and overcooked hotdogs flooded my nostrils as I neared the concession. The upbeat sound of Rick Astley's "Never Gonna Give You Up" boomed on the speakers.

Now you might be wondering if there was some dangerous possibility of me running into myself and fucking things up. I asked those questions also and learned that I'd appear just as I did on that original night. So my rules weren't the same as Marty McFly's and running into myself wasn't going to be an issue. But with that said I still felt uncertain. I am, after all, a time travel novice so I quickly went into the bathroom to find a mirror.

I gasped at my appearance. I forgot how much makeup I used to wear. Or how crazy my hair actually was. I also forgot what it was like to wear clothes this short and tight. I couldn't help but gaze deeply at my reflection and seventeen years old "me" gazed back with a look in her eyes that had nothing but love and hope. In spite of this, I knew that in several short hours from now that look would be forever wiped from my face.

My thoughts were, however, interrupted by the one voice that had been left in braille upon my heart for all these years.

"Hey, babe, what's taking you so long?" I turned slowly and looked at her. The world felt like it was suddenly in slow motion and the impossible was possible.

I studied her for a long silent moment, remembering every curl and curve and the way her lips pouted a bit even as she smiled. Then finally I stared into her eyes that looked like oceans and pulled me in like a tide.

"What's wrong with you, Lola? You look like you've seen a ghost," Dana said with a bit of a chuckle.

Even though this was what I came back for I still couldn't believe I was really seeing her again. I had been hopeful but skeptical. It was almost overwhelming.

"I'm fine. Just making sure my hair wasn't doing that thing it does," I lied.

"Oh, the Alfalfa thing. I think it's adorable. Stop hiding it and just be yourself."

She was always telling me that and she would be the only one I ever knew who truly meant it I thought quietly to myself.

"Let's go rent those skates and hope they aren't gross," I said as I reached to take her hand gently into mine, lifting it up to my lips softly.

We walked hand in hand, something we had only recently started doing, towards the skate rental booth.

"A size 6 and 7. Please make sure they are clean this time, Ricky," I said to the tall considerably good looking senior. In just three years from now, he would be dead from an overdose. My first instinct was to tell him but he wouldn't believe me anyway and I'd be breaking my time travel agreement.

"Alright, ladies have a radical time," he said flashing a smile before helping the judgmental cheerleaders behind us.  

I heard them whispering loudly, "Gag me with a spoon. I'm pretty sure Lola and Dana are bone buddies," then laughing. I felt myself begin to blush a bit. Dana on the other hand could care less what a bunch of preppy cunts thought and that was just one of the many things I had always loved about her.

Besides, little did both those cheerleaders know that they were both going to turn into fat sloppy depressed divorcees whose husbands met at one of their barbecues and skipped off into the sunset together, leaving them with nothing but Percocet and soap operas to keep them happy. And that thought alone made me smile.

"Come on, let's go. ''Tell It To My Heart'' is playing. That's our song, babe!" Dana practically screamed excitedly.

We took each other's hands again and skated onto the busy rink full of laughing teens and scented with weed. We'd never be this young again. We'd never be this full of life again. And I wished more than ever I had taken the time to cherish the moments. Thank god for second chances. 

We held each other tight and moved to the beat of the song, skates sliding against the hard wooden floor of the rink, our singing completely out of tune. But it didn't matter.

I leaned in and whispered into her ear, "I love you and I'm glad we're together."

Hours and countless songs passed. As "I Don't Want to Live Without You" began to play I knew that we were reaching the hour in which everything counted. I couldn't fuck this up. It would be my only chance. I had to make this right.

I looked over at the group of guys standing in the corner passing a flask back and forth. Dread and disgust filled me instantly.

The leader of their gang was laughing and looking at us. I saw him mouth the word 'dykes', one hand buried in his jean jacket and I knew that in one of those pockets he was carrying the switchblade that was going to cut Dana's life short.

They were your typical homophobic scum. The kind of filth that Charles Bronson dealt with in the Death Wish movies and the kind of scum previous me didn't have the guts or the know-how to avoid. I thought to myself, Not tonight boys. Not ever.

"Let's go to our quiet spot," I whispered softly to her.

She seemed surprised. "Last time we went you said you weren't ready."

I had said I wasn't ready previously, and ever since then, I had been pretty sure that, had I not, things would be different. Much different.

"I'm more than ready," I said as I directed her hand between my legs so she could feel the damp warmth of my shorts.

Her smile lit up like a thousand fireworks in the night and we skated off the rink and changed into our Converse's and headed towards the backdoor.

We broke out into the cold air of the night and made our way down the alley.

We kissed hard and deep, the intensity almost burning me, yet making me shiver at the same time. But my shivering wasn't just because of the kiss. I knew that in a matter of seconds I'd have to be braver than I ever was before and being someone who always failed at everything I didn't have confidence in anything, especially myself. What I needed now more than anything was some of George Michael's "Faith."

It was just then that I heard the shuffling sounds of footsteps on the pavement.

Prior to coming here, I had a few hours to spare which meant I had time to go to my parents' house and open my dad's dresser and grab his .44. Later, I hid it in the alley behind Skate City where a brick had come loose.

During a short period of time in which Dana and I had become grounded from seeing each other, we had used it to pass notes back and forth. After that, it became a spot to stash our weed. While you might think that risky, the fact that no one stole the weed in the two years I had been storing it there was a reassurance that it was safe. I had never fired a gun but I had seen plenty enough movies to understand the gist of it, but if my calculations were right I wasn't going to have to blow any grungy motherfuckers away.

"What do we have here guys?" spoke the jean-jacketed punk.

"Looks like a couple of dykes swapping spit in the alley to me, Scuzz," one of his equally trashy friends replied before laughing a little.

"I know that, dipshit. It was rhetorical," Scuzz answered, his tone sounding a bit more annoyed than before. "Now shut it, Knuckles."

When it had happened on that night I had run screaming down the alley with my heart pounding to the point it felt like exploding. Fear had taken me in its grasp. I thought Dana was following behind me. She was the brave one, not me. How could I know? How have I lived with myself for so long after this night?

Slowly I took a step backward until my back was against the brick wall. I got myself into a strategic position.

"Don't you know that being a lezbo is wrong?" Scuzz said before laughing his hyena laugh.

"Yeah," parroted Knuckles, the obvious doofus of the gang.

"Hey. Now don't be too hard on them. Maybe they've never known the pleasure of being with a man before," said another member of their skeezy little gang.

"So... let's teach 'em a lesson they'll never forget then," came the reply of the pizza-faced fat guy in the back who had clearly had more than his fair share of whatever the fuck was in that flask.

"First good idea you've ever had, Rash," Scuzz replied before taking another step closer.

"Who should we start with?" Knuckles asked excitedly.

"I like the curly-haired one," Scuzz said with a smirk, referring to Dana.

"I like the other one. She looks like a scared little bitch," Rash said laughing hard.

"Go home and fuck your mothers you stupid pieces of trash!" Dana said all of a sudden. Any amount of fear she might be having was masked by the pure rage she was now feeling. Though I wondered if Dana had ever felt scared about anything in her entire life.

Scuzz reached into his pocket, which instantly brought my anxiety up to a full one hundred, and quickly brought out a shiny switchblade that he waved threateningly at us. 

"Now, now, you girls wouldn't make me have to use this would you? That wouldn't be very nice of you at all." 

I knew the answer to that. Luckily, while he was busy talking and showing off his blade, I had managed to wiggle the brick loose. It dropped with a loud crash to the concrete.

"What the fuck? You think you can fight me off with a fucking brick?" Scuzz growled.

My hand was lightning quick as I grabbed the .44 and held it up in front of me.

"No, but I'm pretty sure I can fight you off with this, seeing as how you literally brought a knife to a gunfight." My voice was as calm and cold as it had ever been. 

Up until this moment, I hadn't said a single word. I had just been quietly contemplating exactly what I would say.

Out of the corner of my eye, I could see the dim street light shining on Dana's surprised face.

Scuzz and his gang moved back for a moment in equal shock but to my disappointment began advancing again. "You don't have the lady balls enough to use that," he said in an angry stammer.

It's now or never, I thought quietly to myself. Fuck it.

I clicked the safety off and cocked it. I raised the gun and pointed it at the boy pausing for a moment and meeting him dead in the eye. I then pointed it down at his crotch making him jump and scream.

"What was that? Something about not having lady balls?" I said with a contented smirk. 

They were backing away now but I wasn't done, not by a long shot, This was the day of reckoning I had dreamed of for years.

So they'd know I wasn't fucking around I took a shot at the trashcan beside them. "I have no problem blowing a couple of low-life scumbags away. I'm pretty sure I'd be doing the world a favor by doing it. So don't test me, motherfuckers."

"Come on, Scuzz, she's fucking insane. All dykes are. Let's go," Rash said before he and Knuckles and the one whose name never came up ran as fast as the could out of the alley leaving Scuzz behind.

"I'll get you for this bitch. I'll see you around," Scuzz said his voice trembling with small dick energy before taking off.

"HOLY FUCK! What was that? I can't believe you did that?!" Dana said excitedly. 

"Me neither. But what was I going to do, run?" I said smiling softly.

"Running would be the first thing the Lola I know would do," she said as she lightly moved her fingers over my face caressing softly.

"Yeah, well, maybe I'm a better Lola now," I said as I moved to wrap my arms around her and pull her tightly to me.

"That actually kind of turned me on," she whispered lustfully into my ear.

Which instantly made my heart flutter in my chest. "Shall we continue on towards our spot?" I asked hopefully.

"I love our spot," Dana replied, her voice echoing a tone more loving than usual. 

Our spot was the most beautiful place in town. It was where a small stream ran by the largest oak tree I had ever seen in my entire life. The roots of the tree branched out over the water and made a small waterfall that had created a small deep pool. We spent countless days and nights just talking about life there in between long make-out sessions.

We walked hand in hand and in my heart, I knew with every step we took we were walking into our future. 

Once we got there we began kissing harder and deeper than we ever had before. Each kiss growing more intense and wetter than the last. We hardly even stopped to breathe. We slowly undressed each other with the light of the full moon shining down on us.

"Hold on," Dana said reaching down to get something out of her shorts' pocket and retrieving a small portable tape player. She hit play and "New Sensation" by INXS began to play. 

"You brought our mixtape!" I said smiling.

"Of course, I always carry it on me," she replied, her tone soft and loving.

I laid down on the soft mossy ground and breathed deeply the scent of damp earth. I felt renewed in every way possible.

No words were spoken. No words were needed. We lost ourselves in each other. We kissed, licked, and tasted every inch of each other. Our moans covered by the sounds of music.

"I've wanted this for what seems like an eternity now," I said speaking in a low sexy voice that had replaced my usual perfectly made for cartoons voice.

"So have I, babe, so have I," Dana replied, as she moved between my legs and easily positioned herself until our pussies met. We rubbed our hot glistening swollen lips that ached with forbidden timeless passion.

Slowly she began to rock back and forth, hips moving up and down, as she began rubbing and grinding her slippery wet cunt against mine. We moaned together as our bodies writhed.

Hot wet slapping sounds mixed with 80s jams filling the air while she thrust her cunt harder and harder against mine. The sensations were unlike anything I had ever felt. I couldn't believe I had always stopped us. What had I been so afraid of? Why had it been so hard for me to accept that love is love? 

I arched my back and lifted my hips slightly up off the ground and humped my pussy into hers. My heart pounding louder than the drum in a hair metal song.

Our juices were flooding down my thighs and onto the surface. My fingers moved to squeeze and pinch her nipples before groping her perfect tits as she continued fucking me harder and faster with every movement. I had been fucked by a guy before and it didn't compare to this, and at this moment I was certain that nothing ever could or would.

"Cum with me. I want to be covered in your juices," she moaned out as our clits danced and sent electrical shocks through my entire body.

"Oh, fuck!" I moaned out as I felt her cunt begin to quiver and pulse, exploding onto mine like a hot geyser. That was all it took. I saw the stars align and began to squirt against her still flooding cunt.

We laid still wrapped in each other's arms. Drenched in each other's cum mess.

I held her tighter, pulling her as close as I could possibly get her. Wanting this moment to never end. Then I closed my eyes.

I felt my eyes open as I let out a soft yawn. The early morning light was shining in through our window.

"About time you woke, babe," Dana said with a smile. "Coffee's ready and the cats have been fed. You promised you'd go thrifting with me today," she sang.

I felt the weight of decades lifting off of me. She was safe. She was mine. And I was never going to let her go. I had changed our destiny and all it took was fighting for what I love. 


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Steele Part Two The Celebration

Second part of (probably) a trilogy. First part should be read first, but not essential.Two days after the completion of the Cartwright Yard takeover, and initiation of the first phase of the expansion plan had started with a detailed tender for demolition and other remedial work.Mandy Deakin, PA to CEO Benjamin Steele, had written an internal press release for all available employees to attend a celebration event, scheduled for that friday night.Obviously, the trampers (Drivers who slept in...

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Licked out in the library

This story is from my first year in college, in the days when I was seeing Gemma. Back then I was still to have my first experience with a guy, but Gemma and I were in each other’s panties at every opportunity. Gemma, for those who haven’t read any of my stories is a half Japanese cutie, with long black hair and big brown eyes. She is a little taller than me but with very pert small boobs and a juicy peach of a bum. I was almost as booby as I am now, but being 17 I was still developing. On this...

Oral Sex
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The Smuggler

When I began my career in teaching twenty years ago, I promised myself I would never allow myself to get involved with a student. I'd been Dean at Jefferson High School for six years. Every teacher, counselor or dean had at least one student who winds up being a thorn in his side. Joey was my thorn. Joey was a real problem. I was beginning to worry that he intended to make high school his life long ambition. He was nineteen, would be twenty by graduation... if he graduated. His file had become...

2 years ago
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Chairs 4 Sale

Things were getting a little cluttered in my townhouse, and I decided to sell an extra set of dining table chairs I had. Thank goodness for Craigslist! I got numerous calls but on a Saturday morning you called and wanted to come by and look at the chairs and we set it up for 4pm.. Being the good host I am - I showered, cleaned up, and cleaned up the place for you - and being coy I put on just a touch of mascara, perfume and then a unisex shirt and some wickedly tight tush shaping...

4 years ago
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Nick thursday morning

I got home thursday morning after going to gym and went upstairs to the bathroom to have a shower and wash all the sweat off of my body. After stripping out of my gym clothing and standing naked in the bathroom the doorbell rang. I put my gown on and went downstairs to see who it is. Opening the door It was my lover Nick who came by for obvious reasons. I invited him in and told him that I was about to shower when he rang on the doorbell. We made our way upstairs to the bathroom when I asked...

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Doing a Friend a Favor

I finally found myself sitting there with the phone to my ear, hearing the words that my friend Beverly was saying but not really believing them. She'd called me at home one evening, and after we'd exchanged pleasantries, Beverly came right out and asked me if I'd do her a huge favor. I always hated it when someone would ask that question before letting me know what the favor would be. But, when Beverly then proceeded to spell out what she wanted from me, I struggled to deal with the reality...

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Summers of Love Part 1

A couple of weeks ago my wife hosted an Ann Summers party. I had hoped to sneak away for the evening as, though I would have been more than interested in the lingerie on display, I didn't fancy listening to the constant cackling common to "women only" parties and also the inevitable anti-partner jibes such as: "I ask are you in yet and he says I'm finished", "he picks his nose and farts afterwards" and "you'd think he was rodding a drain the way he goes about it" etc. The wife had other ideas...

2 years ago
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Loosening Up Book 3 GrowthChapter 9 Serious Consideration

Since Matthew was due back in the afternoon to swim at the pool and be with Heather, the Circle cleaned up their act for the afternoon. Cleaning up their act meant no public sex, men wearing swim trunks or athletic shorts or other pants, and women wearing at least a monokini. Heather had schooled Matthew to understand that everyone made up a unique group of people, and so the partial nudity of the women among the men was ‘normal’. Dave got out of the pool from a swim with Donna, Nancy,...

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Traveling is always difficult, flights and hotels, cab rides and city maps. It always helps to have a few friendly faces to sit down and relax with when away from home. Business trips are sometimes especially lonely since the rest of the family stays home. Bill found himself in just that situation as he grabbed his suitcase from the airport baggage claim and headed for a cab ride. He asked the driver about the area, hoping to hear about some social hot spot, but alas all he got was a few...

Group Sex
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Bachelor Party Service

Bachelor Party Service By Linda Laving [email protected] For any of you who might have read my previous story, 'Under The Table', you probably know a little bit about me. But there have been some changes in my life, so bear with me for a minute. I'm now 39, still 5'7 and 130 lbs., and my eyes are of course still blue - but I'm not sure I'd describe myself as a transvestite these days. Actually, I'm not sure where in the transgender spectrum I fit. I've been finding myself...

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Dark Days 2 Dawns Early LightChapter 12

The next day, Dean and I could sit down and talk about this calmly. I think he had needed that release as much as I did. I told Dean about waking up, tied hand and foot, in the darkness of the bilge. I told him everything, sparing no detail, about my terror and the flashbacks. Then we went through every detail for the entire time I was gone. Dean was a relentless interrogator. He knew me like no one else, so he knew if I was holding back. He was pissed about the range of the beacon in my...

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Doontoon Abbey

Doontoon Abbey AUGUST 1904 Doontoon Abbey is an estate in North Yorkshire, the large and well- staffed country home of the Earl and Countess of Grantham. Robert Crawley is the Earl of Grantham and his American wife Cora is the Countess. They have three children: Mary, Edith and Cyrus. As our story opens Mary is 14 years old, Edith 12 and Cyrus 10. Cyrus Crawley was bored. He was always bored, which wasn't surprising because his only playmates were his older sisters who...

3 years ago
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Modern Relations part 07 Alexandras Freshman Year

“Breakfast is served. Everything a growing girl needs,” Kevin said, cheerfully walking in the bedroom with eggs, bacon, coffee and OJ.. Alex sat up sleepily and arranged her pillows. Kevin put the tray on her lap then kissed her gently on the cheek. “Thank you,” she said. Then she stretched into a yawn, “Mmmm, What time is it?” “Not quite Seven.” She picked up a piece of bacon and waved it at him accusingly, “That’s a little early given the night we had don’t you think?” He looked on...

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Not on my watch

Note: I do not own this picture! The main premise is how humiliated characters will find ways to overcome their troubled lives and reclaim their self respect and develop character growth. The antagonists however will face humiliation themselves when their plans come apart. Please feel free to enjoy whatever makes you happy and consider giving this story a chance. Thank you again from Rolanrunn! (If anyone wants to try their hand at making your own story then feel free to go ahead.)

4 years ago
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Real Encounter in brief

This is the true encounter I had with a cpl a 18 months ago.The couples were 45+, husband was a true gentleman and the wife was a real stunner of a lady. Husband was very friendly and we use to chat on yahoo everyday. They use to invite me to their home town to meet and have fun but due to time constrain I use to postpone it .One fine day I got a official work near their town and I decided to give them a surprise. I finished my work and called the husband saying that iam in their home town. He...

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Desperate Mom

Note : This story is completely fictional! Hai readers this is for my Incest loving readers who addicted Mom and son Incest. Desperate mother turns to her son for the satisfaction she has been literally gasping for. Not long, I suggest you read it all. It's all a build up to the climax at the end read it all for the full effect. My name is Annambal, and I’m forty eight. I’m average height, slim, with an ample chest and what I like to think is a tight ass. All in all I like to think I am a...

2 years ago
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Loosening Up Book 2 CohousingChapter 18 Family and Friends

Aaron and Shelby reappeared shortly before dinner, so Dave or Alice didn’t get a chance to talk to either of them to test whether things were all right. They seemed less intense and more relaxed than they’d been right after their arrival, but that could have been due to a nap or a little nookie or both. Appropriate to the Circle’s dress code, Shelby had dressed really sexy with some Daisy Duke shorts that revealed through the intentionally torn material that she wore no underwear, and a...

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What a Deal

By Deadeye_76 Chapter 1. This started about two months ago. I came home from work on a Tuesday to find my wife, Cindy, and her friend, Diane, sitting on the couch. Diane was in tears, sobbing almost uncontrollably on my wife’s shoulder. My wife could see me and just waved me off. I knew what she meant and since it was not a pretty sight, I just went upstairs to change clothes and watch TV. After about an hour, I heard the front door close and my wife came upstairs. I looked at...

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Sabrina was starting to ask questions slowly, sensing that I was spinning out of control, lost in the intensity of the moment, “Do you have the camera on?” “…Yes,” I slowly replied. I was hardly able to concentrate. I sat atop my wife’s upper body with my hard cock gently bobbing near her chin. Again, Sabrina could sense the blood flow was being cut from the less vital parts –like my brain, “Are the headphones still playing the music now?” I checked the MP3 player. “Yes,” I responded. I was...

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Another kammerer story

So after I had so much fun the first time I decided to head back again. I got there at night and my cock was throbbing the whole ride there. I got there and made my way immediately to the back. As I walked in I noticed several grayvdaddies hanging by the front. I walked past and felt them eye fuck me as I walked past. I made my way to a booth and immediately stripped naked. Sitting naked was so exhilarating because I felt so vulnerable and Slutty. I began to slowly stroke my cock and...

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My Desire to Breed a Married Woman Chapter 5

 For the next two weeks, Cathy and Debbie worked together, but she never came over to our house. I guess she was just staying close to home and trying to make Jim feel like he was part of her pregnancy.Then on Friday, Jim stopped by to ask, “Any chance you and Cathy could come over tonight for dinner? I’m planning to cook some steaks on the grill, so could you bring the wine?”“I don’t know of any reason why we can’t do that. Can Cathy make the desert as well? What time works for you?”“Sure,...

Wife Lovers
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Happy Valentines Day Daddy

John was looking forward to Lexi's weekend visit. She didn't usually get to come home from college in February, but she was in the middle of her internship, so she was on a different schedule than in previous years. Both Lexi and her boyfriend Raymond were working toward advanced degrees in exercise physiology. The two of them were coming to stay with him for Valentine's Day. Lexi had spent New Year's with her mother. John had gotten used to not seeing his daughter every holiday since the...

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Interview with Tara Strong

When I was younger, one of my favourite shows growing up was Fairly OddParents. A few years later, I was in college and one day I was researching something which linked me to Tara Strong, the voice actress who had performed the voice of Timmy Turner, the main character of the show.I found out that she lived near to where I went to college, so I e-mailed her and asked her if she would like to do an interview with me as part of a project I was working on. She e-mailed me back and told me that she...

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Incredible ChangesChapter 332 Needy Needs

How did they decide on one unisex area? The helpers are one thing, but the other kids? After getting the girls the right bra fit, or training bras for the ones that didn’t need a bra except to keep their buds from showing through their shits, we had an influx of kids that stripped off everything they had on, threw most of it in the trash, went to shower, and then come back to find clean clothes. I didn’t even bother telling girls what size bras to get. Instead, I got the right one and put it...

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The Spell

Charlie was your average middle class suburban kid, currently studying at college. He was good looking, had an athletic body, a decent enough sized dick and did OK with getting girls but was certainly not a lady's man. Like every guy at college, he jerked off regularly and particularly enjoyed watching porn where the girl would be fucked by a big dick which also meant an enjoyment of interracial porn. Additionally, Charlie weight trained and despite being in good shape, he dreamed of being...

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Secret Treasures

* based on a true story. I am Jessica female30yrs. The rain pelted down on the Victorian style home . Legand was it was haunted. Lights would turn on without cause.. dripping faucets.. drawers creaking Open. But, it was beautiful. I loved the home. My cat and I were ready for bed when a knock at the door startled. It was aunt Kim. Come to visit.’ Your father asked me to look in on u..’ she said. Ok Kim..make yourself my cat and I went to bed. The rain on the window pane pelted...

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Auntie Anne and her slips

Several weeks ago, whilst on vacation from college, I had the most extraordinary, but wonderful experience with my Auntie Anne. She had discovered that I had for many years harboured a secret desire to see her slips, or petticoats as she called them. On this particular day I was sitting opposite Auntie, who is an attractive woman in her mid-forties, and caught sight of the lace hem of her slip as she crossed her legs - rather provocatively I thought. I immediately felt my cock swelling at this...

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A Walk by the Sea

Never seek to tell thy love, Love that never told can be, For the gentle wind doth move Silently, invisibly. Love’s Secret William Blake He had felt this heart’s storm coming for so long he failed to pay heed to the meaning of his words. In the end, he knew, he had failed to understand the terms of their contract, the bargain they had struck, all rendered meaningless by time. For years now, her hand in his had been a bittersweet thing — nothing now was as it had been. The sound of her...

4 years ago
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Slut wife gets a job

Please read "slut wife but don't tell her husband before reading this. Any and all comments are greatly appreciated. I love getting your ideas for further parts of the story too.Sarahs husband was called into his bosses office and asked if Sarah had a job, the answer was no, he earnt enough for her to stay home. Then he was asked if she had ever done any secretarial work, the answer was yes, she used to be a secretary. The boss then asked him If he thought Sarah would like to become 1 of the...

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