On Forgetting Ch. 05 free porn video

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Phew! Exams are done for now, and I’m still moving (barely). My apologies for the delay with the last chapter. There was a lag from when I submitted and when it was posted, probably because of my formatting.

This is a bit of a short entry, but I was excited to get it to where it is and wanted to post as soon as possible. I should have another chapter finished before Christmas, and depending on how quick it’s posted, it should be up for you to read just as fast.

Any comments and feedback are welcome!

Thanks for reading,



Langdon paced around the flat. She had been home from the hospital for five days and she was starting to grow bored. No, she shook her head, bored didn’t encompass the feeling. She was feeling discontent, agitated, stir-crazy.

Dismissing Eamonn’s advice to ‘take it easy,’ she had been waking up at an ungodly hour with Connor and while he went to work, she went for runs in the morning. The longer the run, the better she felt, until yesterday. She had been running for a good half hour. Crossing a small side street, a careless driver had nearly clipped her. It had startled her, shaking her from the zen of the run. Once she had calmed down, it slowly dawned on Langdon that she had no idea where she was. And while she did make it back to her flat, it took nearly two hours and the help of a number of shop owners. As a result, she shied away from a run this morning. Instead, she kept herself busy around the flat.

She had cleaned and re-cleaned everything in sight and even everything out of sight. She had pulled everything out of her closet, cataloguing in her mind the different clothing she found, the shoes, and the boxes of photos and knick-knacks. It seemed she only owned work clothes and gym clothes now. No tee-shirts, one pair of jeans, everything could be worn to the hospital or to church. At least she seemed to have decent enough taste in wardrobe.

Even once she had finished in the bedroom, Langdon had continued rifling through every other room in the flat. The room that she and Connor shared as an office was lined with books, some of which she recognised. She flipped through a few of the unfamiliar titles only to find her hand writing in the margins. Oddly enough, the topics struck her as familiar. Reading a random paragraph on the treatment of Reye’s syndrome, she had the strange impression that she could predict the next sentence or two. Slightly unnerved, Langdon abandoned the medical books for the tv. Maybe she would watch a movie.

The sitting room held numerous framed photos, both her family and Connor’s, their friends, their class pictures, graduation pictures, and one small frame filled with the Christmas picture of Katie and she dressed as elves and Connor as Santa. A sharp stab of pain and loneliness struck right in the pit of her stomach. She missed Katie. If anyone could understand, could help her through this, it’d be Katie. With a forlorn glance at the picture, Langdon decided she didn’t want to sit still. She wasn’t going to be able to sit at home all day for much longer.

Dismissing the idea of a movie, Langdon turned to the last refuge she could find – the kitchen. When they had just been friends, she’d been pleasantly surprised at Connor’s skill in the kitchen. She loved the fact that Connor could cook, and she enjoyed puttering in the kitchen as much as he did. They tended to compromise on the odd evening they shared a meal, he’d cook dinner and she’d bake dessert. She was much better with desserts and Connor tended to happily eat much more than his fair share of her baking. She opened and closed each of the cupboards a few times to get a sense of what was available before deciding what to make. Then she threw herself into cooking, not stopping to think until she slid the dish of lasagne into the oven.

She was in the process of drying her hands when a knock on the door startled her from her thoughts. She frowned and opened the door cautiously, peeking outside. ‘Paul?’

Paul Cavatoni stood on her doorstep with his hands in his crammed in his jean pockets and a guilty look on his face. One of the older guys from her class, Paul always looked as though he was doing a poor impersonation of James Dean. ‘Hey, Lang. Mind if I come in?’

She shook her head, ‘No, not at all,’ and stepped back, allowing him to pass over the threshold. As far as she could remember, Paul had never been a close friend. A friend, sure, but not close. There was always something about him that rubbed her the wrong way. Then again, he was from Jersey, and she had more than one ex-boyfriend from the Garden State. He probably just reminded her of one of them. After a few moments of silence, Langdon shifted awkwardly. ‘Can I get you something?’

‘No, no,’ he answered quickly. ‘I just stopped by to see how you were doing.’

Langdon sighed and smiled. ‘I’m doing ok, thanks. Come on, sit down and I’ll get a coke or something.’ She gestured to the couch and headed into the kitchen, returning with two cans of soda.

Paul accepted the offer and smiled. ‘Are you really doing alright?’

‘Is this you asking? Or is this the whole class asking?’ she asked wryly.

Paul laughed. ‘You know everyone knows and everyone is worried. That’s the problem with being in a small class. We’re all up in each other’s business.’

‘I’m doing ok, Paul. And you can bring that back to whomever you see at the hospital.’

‘And if it’s just me asking?’ he met her eyes seriously.

Langdon frowned. ‘I… I don’t know what to tell you. I mean, look, I don’t know how close we are, and I’m really not trying to be rude, but it’s just weird to think about it without knowing about… You know…’

‘It may be none of my business, Lang. But…’ he rested a hand on her shoulder. ‘What happened?’ The startled look on her face caused him to back pedal. ‘I mean, I know you… you fell in the Liffey, but how did it happen?’

Langdon glanced down at where her hands lay in her lap, her brow wrinkling. ‘I don’t know, Paul. I don’t actually remember it. I’m missing a huge chunk of time.’

‘Is that why you’re taking time off?’

Langdon nodded. ‘Physically I’m fine. A bump or two here and there, but that’s it. There are things that I know how to do, but I don’t really remember stuff. So, for now, they want me to take a break.’

Paul gave her shoulder a squeeze. ‘So you’ll be back with us soon, then?’

Langdon forced a smile. ‘I guess. I just… Never mind. Thanks, Paul. How’s the hospital?’

Paul grinned. ‘It’s the same old, busy, mundane, overwhelming place.’ He glanced at his watch and gave a beleaguered sigh. ‘The same place I have to get back to. I’m sorry I can’t stay.’

Langdon shook her head. ‘No, Paul, it was nice of you to stop by. I wish I could offer you dinner, but it won’t be ready for a while yet.’

Paul laughed. ‘Don’t worry about it. I’m sure you’ll be having us over for dinner parties again anytime now.’

‘Dinner parties?’ she raised a brow.

Paul looked confused for a moment before he understood her question. ‘Oh, um. Yeah, you and Connor have people over for dinner all the time. You know, dinner parties. It’s really quite civilised of you.’

‘Oh,’ Langdon shook her head and gave a short laugh. ‘Yeah, then I’m sure we’ll have you over for dinner soon.’ She stood to follow as he walked toward the door. She leaned against the open doorway as he started down the hall. ‘Hey, Paul?’

He turned, ‘Yeah?’

‘Thanks for coming to see me.’

‘No problem.’ He shoved his hands back into the pockets of his jeans and headed down the stairs.

Langdon turned back into the flat and closed the door. Somehow, she couldn’t shake a very strange sensation of apprehension. She leaned against the closed door, letting her eyes flutter shut. Was it going to be that awkward with everyone she knew? What about people she’d met after that day at the co
ve? She wouldn’t know them from Adam. She heaved a sigh and contemplated curling up for a nap, but the timer on the oven sounded and she rushed into the kitchen, hoping she hadn’t burned dinner.

A few hours later, Connor groaned as he dropped unceremoniously onto the couch, draping his forearm over his eyes. Langdon looked up from the newspaper he had brought home and gave him a smile. He looked worn-out, sleepy, ruffled, and yummy. As tired as he appeared, there was something about him wearing a suit that tweaked her heart. ‘Long day?’

He groaned and nodded. ‘You know how crappy the Out Patients rotations are.’ Langdon winced, but said nothing, turning back to the paper in her lap. She wanted to get back to work, but every time Connor said anything about his days, it merely reminded her of how little she remembered. Connor groaned again, ‘Oh God, Laney, I’m sorry.’ Though her cheeks coloured slightly, she didn’t respond. He reached across to her chair, dragged the paper from her hands, and pulled her onto his lap.

She released a squeak of protest as she tumbled, rather ungracefully, into his arms, and flailed. ‘Damnit, Connor! What are you doing?’

He settled her in front of him, pulling her back against him, catching her wrists and pinning them to her chest. ‘What do you think I’m doing?’ he nuzzled her neck. She shivered as he kissed the exposed skin behind her ear. ‘And more importantly, do you really want me to stop?’ Her breath caught in her throat as he closed his teeth gently over her earlobe. It was so hard for her to think when he did things like this. She let out a sigh against her will and he chuckled softly against her neck. With his laughter, the awkwardness and embarrassment rushed back, and she stiffened. Connor felt it and gave himself a mental shake. She wasn’t ready for this. Ugh! He thought. I’m such a clumsy fool. He released her and pressed a chaste kiss to the top of her head, before shifting her to a vacant seat on the couch. Langdon eyed him warily for a moment. It was like emotional whiplash dealing with Connor. He forced a smile and tousled her hair. ‘I’m sorry, I keep forgetting.’

‘You… Keep forgetting?’ Langdon furrowed her brow in consternation. She tried to glare as Connor realized what he had said. An honest smile stretched across his face and he tilted his head to the side. It reminded her of a golden retriever when he did that. He looked like a lost puppy. She couldn’t keep the good humour from quirking the corners of her mouth. As her resolve faded, the silence disappeared into their laughter. ‘Do you want me to remind you of why Out Patients is horrible?’ he asked wryly.

Langdon nodded. ‘Would you like something to eat first?’

The smile spread further across Connor’s face. ‘Only if you made it.’

‘I was bored,’ she murmured. ‘I figured it wouldn’t hurt to make you some dinner.’

‘Only if it didn’t put you out any to slave over preparing my food.’

She grinned, ‘I was hungry too.’ She jumped up and dashed into the kitchen, retrieving flatware and a large plate of food from the microwave. Handing it to Connor, she settled on the couch and resumed her reading.

Connor pulled the short coffee table close to the sofa and settled himself on the floor in front of Langdon. ‘This smells fantastic,’ he whispered. Langdon smiled, but allowed Connor to eat in silence.

Finishing the meal, Connor released a contented sigh, leaned back so his head was nearly in her lap, and smiled at Langdon. It was a goofy, lop-sided grin. ‘Laney, that was fantastic.’ He patted his stomach. ‘My belly and I are glad you haven’t lost your touch in the kitchen.’

‘I started cooking long before I came to medical school, Connor,’ she scolded him slightly, softening her words by the play of her fingers in his hair. ‘I’m pretty sure I could survive on my twenty plus years of experience with food.’

Connor tilted his head back so he could see her. ‘Oh yeah? And just when did you learn how to make spinach-ricotta vegetarian lasagne with pine nuts?’ Langdon started at him blankly. ‘I’m guessing you used just a bit of gorgonzola?’ he pressed.

Langdon nodded slowly. ‘Well, yeah. Some gorgonzola to give a bit of flavour.’

Connor grinned. ‘It’s my mom’s recipe, Laney.’

She blanched. ‘Your mom’s?’

‘Sure. When you found out how much I love it, you insisted she teach you how to make it.’ Connor shifted to lay his cheek against her knee. ‘And you make it just as well as she does.’

‘I’ve met your parents?’ she whispered, mortified.

A deep chuckle rumbled through Connor’s chest. ‘Graduation, Laney. They were here for graduation.’ Langdon let out a frustrated grumble and dropped her head into her hands. Connor was up at her side in an instant. ‘Hey, none of that,’ he said softly, tucking her hair behind her ear and allowing his fingers to linger along the curve of her jaw. When she finally turned and met his gaze, he smiled. ‘Quit beating yourself up, Laney, it’ll come back.’

She sighed. ‘You know, Paul came by today.’


‘What’s that face for?’ Langdon furrowed her brow. ‘He wanted to see how I was doing.’

‘Nothing, I just didn’t think you two were that close.’ Connor rubbed her back gently, ‘He just wanted to say hi?’ Langdon nodded. ‘Well, that was nice of him, I guess.’ He wrapped her in a hug, resting his chin on the top of her head. ‘Anything else good happen today?’

‘You mean, aside from me feeding you?’ She nudged him playfully in the stomach.

He oofed in response and laughed. ‘My stomach definitely thinks that’s a good thing.’

‘Tell me about Out Patients and why you hate it.’

‘You hate it too,’ he muttered. ‘It’s just the patients, and the complaints. You get sick of it rather quick. ‘Doc, my cough is back.’ Gee, are you still smoking? ‘Doc, I can’t seem to lose weight.’ Well, are you still eating McDonalds every day?’ He sighed and held her tighter. ‘There’s just a grind that gets you down after a day of it.’

‘So,’ she rested her head back against his shoulder. ‘If you’re so cynical, why do you do it at all?’

‘We both do it for the same reason.’ He pressed a kiss to her temple. ‘OP may be rough and annoying, but it’s only a small part of it. Every day that you’re on the wards, there’s just something that drive you.’ He shrugged, ‘I don’t know. There’s something about the work that’s a little addicting.’

She sighed. ‘I miss it,’ she whispered. ‘I don’t know what it is exactly that I miss, but I know I miss it. How long until I can get back in?’

‘How about tomorrow we go have a chat with Prof?’

‘Really?’ She practically bounced from the couch, turning to straddle his lap. ‘Really?’ she asked again.

He laughed. ‘Really. Tomorrow’s Friday, so you probably can’t get back in until Monday. But you seem to know how to do everything you need, so I don’t see why they wouldn’t let you start again.’

She grinned. ‘Really really?’

‘Really really.’

‘I could kiss you!’ She grabbed his face between her palms and pressed a firm kiss to his lips. He groaned slightly as she pulled away. When his eyes opened, she flushed under the intensity of his gaze. ‘Sorry,’ she whispered.

‘On the contrary,’ a grin quirked the corner of his mouth, ‘I quite enjoyed that.’ She blushed a deeper shade of red and shifted to move off his lap. His hands rose to capture her hips. ‘Oh, don’t move on my account.’

‘Connor,’ she chewed her lip nervously.

‘Just,’ he captured one of her hands. ‘Just wait a second. I won’t do anything too drastic.’ He raised her hand and brushed his lips across her knuckles. ‘If you want me to stop, tell me to stop, ok?’ Langdon nodded, watching him nervously. Connor grinned again and turned her palm over in his hand, raising it to his lips again and pressing a kiss to the heel of her hand.

Langdon felt the blush creep down her neck and across her chest, a warm tightness forming in her belly.
Connor’s lips began a slow path up her wrist and along the inside of her forearm. When he kissed the soft side of her elbow she giggled, the tickling sensation too much for her. ‘What’s so funny?’ Connor asked with a warm chuckle in his voice. ‘You aren’t ticklish are you?’

Langdon shook her head. ‘No.’

He nibbled along the crease of the joint. ‘No? You wouldn’t be lying to me, would you?’

She squirmed. ‘No.’

‘Hm?’ his hands grazed her sides and she convulsed with laughter. ‘I thought you said you weren’t ticklish.’

‘No!’ she laughed, trying to catch his hands. She missed and he pulled her close, trapping her against his chest and tickling mercilessly. ‘No fair!’ she squealed and tried to pull free, only finding relief when he stopped.

‘Is it unfair that you’ve told me before that you’re ticklish?’ Connor’s breath on her neck made her shiver. She pulled back far enough to attempt glaring at him, but it failed when his fingertips trailed down her spine. She let out an eep and squirmed. ‘Because you’re ticklish just about everywhere.’

‘Where are you ticklish then?’ she tried to get a rise out of him, sneaking her fingers under his arms.

Connor raised a brow with a smug look on his face. ‘Who said I was ticklish?’

Langdon stuck out her tongue and reached for his neck. ‘You have to be ticklish!’

He chuckled, and another flick of his fingers had her jumping. ‘I do not.’

She growled with frustration and tried his sides. He grinned and traced a line up the side of her neck. ‘Ack!’ she tried to defend herself by bringing her shoulder up to her ear, but only trapped his hand against her neck. ‘Not fair!’ She bit her lip to keep from shrieking. Glaring, she dropped her hands to his stomach. Everyone’s stomach was ticklish.

Connor flinched and snatched her wrists away. ‘Oh, no you don’t.’ He pinned her hands behind her back.

‘Hey!’ She twisted her wrists where he held them in one large palm. ‘You liar! You are ticklish.’ She gasped as he renewed his tickling in earnest. Struggle as she might, she couldn’t seem to free her hands and she started laughing so hard that she had trouble breathing. ‘Stop it!’ she laughed, burying her face against the crook of his neck. ‘Connor!’ Connor’s chuckle bubbled from deep in his chest, but he didn’t stop. Langdon turned her face against his shoulder and bit his neck. She didn’t bite hard enough to leave a mark, but hard enough to startle him.

‘Gah!’ Connor held her at arms length, frowning, but his amusement shone clearly in his eyes. ‘Did you just bite me?’ Langdon giggled and shook her head. ‘You little liar,’ he grinned. ‘You are in so much trouble now.’ He flipped her onto her back, pinning her to the couch. She took the opportunity to free one of her hands and tickled his stomach. He convulsed reflexively and drew back sharply, the movement causing him to lose his balance. Connor tumbled to the floor, landing on his back with a thud.

Langdon scrambled up, pressed a hand to her mouth and stared at Connor where he sprawled on the floor. ‘Oh, Connor, I’m sorry.’ He propped himself up on his elbows and glared. Langdon struggled to suppress a giggle. ‘I didn’t mean to…’

‘You are in so much trouble,’ his voice was rough, but the heat in his eyes was unmistakable.

‘It was an accident?’ she offered, picking up a pillow and holding it as a shield.

Connor slowly pushed himself up to a sitting position. ‘First, you bite me.’ He rolled to his knees then rose to his full height. ‘Then you push me off the couch?’

Langdon shrank back against the couch. ‘I didn’t mean to?’

Connor straightened his shirt. ‘And then you laugh at me?’ He couldn’t keep a smile from quirking the corner of his mouth.

Langdon saw it and flushed. ‘It was funny?’ Connor leaned forward, and Langdon shrieked out a laugh, scrambling over the back of the couch. Connor took off after her, chasing her into the bedroom. Langdon put the bed between them, giggling. ‘Oh, come on. You’re the one that tickled me first.’

Connor lunged across the bed, reaching for her. Langdon dodged and dashed for the door. But Connor recovered faster than she expected, catching her around the waist and tossing her down on the bed. ‘And you’re the one that lied about being ticklish.’

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Jack Spangler was buried balls deep in his stepson’s tight asshole. Robby was flattened on the bed face down as Jack drove his 7+’ cock deep into the bowels of the 19 year old. Robby’s ass moved under his stepfather but Jack’s strength and drive kept Robby pinned under him. Jack’s powerful buttocks clenched and unclenched as he pummeled Robby’s ass. The thick cock drove into the shapely ass and then retreated until only the head remained in the rectum. Robby felt the powerful cock move in and...

3 years ago
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A Better World

(Hi All. This is one of the first erotic stories I ever wrote, back in the days of yore. It was never really written with CHYOA's format in mind, but I figured it's worth a shot to submit. The perspectives change between characters and it's primarily women being desperate for men. If there's any further interest or it seems like it gets a decent amount of submissions, I might make it public. Hope you enjoy reading it.) Richard was late. He knew Tom and Harry wouldn’t mind, but he still prided...

2 years ago
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Preachers WifeChapter 5 Expansion

While Bill was suffering from knowing too much, his wife and son were laying in bed, their arms and legs still entwined, both of them simply enjoying the closeness of their lover. They were tremendously happy. John was lying behind his mother, his right hand filled with one of her heavy, pregnant breasts, while his left hand stroked her expanding belly. John was still awestruck by the thought that it was his children who were making his mother's belly so large. He was holding her close to...

3 years ago
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Halloween CD Slut 2

After I wobbled my way home in the cold, getting sidelong glances from thecouple of people I passed, I collapsed into my bed in my outfit. I couldfeel the squish of cum inside my ass and the wet spot in my panties whereI'd come just from the feel of him fucking me so deeply. I reached into mypanties and rubbed my dick, not like I normally would, but rubbed the frontof it with two fingers under the panties like a girl. I touched my chestand my hard nipples with my other hand. Smelling his sweat...

1 year ago
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Tight Holes and Toys Make Explosive Combinations

I have always been a little more wild than my girlfriend. She can be considered more vanilla in a lot of the things we do, including bedroom activity. That is not to say our sex-life is boring, far from it. She has always been shy of using toys, something I on the other hand think would add volumes to our activities. For our upcoming anniversary, we had been looking online for some lingerie to mark the occasion. We had plenty already but we enjoy getting new things. On the particular site we...

4 years ago
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Biwi Ke Samne Pati Se Chudwaya Part1

Hello dosto, mere pyare dewro, bahen chod bhaiyo mai aap sabki pinky fir se le aai hu ek aur mast chudai ki sachhi kahani. Mere bare me aap sab log jante hi hai umar 29 sal figure 36 30 40. Bra ka cup size d hai . Aur gand golai me hai. Yani ek dam bhara hua badan hai mera. Kyu sun kar lund khara ho gaya na. Mai shadi shuda hu aur husband business ke silsile me delhi me hi rahte hai par mai apni sadishuda life se bahut kush hu kyuki mujhe alag alag lund se chudwane ko milta hai. Aur mere purane...

2 years ago
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She writes:  hallo, it is nice to meet you. I don’t offer an adventure; I would like to have one. To meet someone I can connect to, and feel like a teen again, and do all the things one could not do when you were 16. Like being silly and love and laugh and be yourself for once. I got married young, had 2 k**s and so I think now is my time. I want to try as much as I can before I get too old. I would like to enjoy life and everything in it. I am not only talking about sex, which is important to...

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The Solarian Soldier 1

"You can take your orders and shove them up your shit-filled cunt, Earther bitch. Even if you shoot us down, I have 30 killers aboard my ship just waiting for your goons to set foot on our deck. So one last time fuck off and crawl back to the miserable shithole planet you belong" The men's tattooed face was twisted with hatred as Commander Daniel Lafontaine watched him on the integrated display of his combat seat. The hostile skipper had not run out of colorful insults directed to the...

1 year ago
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Order in the House

Order In The House By StilettoScorpio A buttery soft black leather finger lifted his chin until his eyes meether cold icy stare. Looking directly into his soul, she quietly scorned. "You'vebeen masturbating again. Haven't you." "No Mistress." He gallantly replied in a feeble attempt to hide the truth.Instantly her soft black leather gloved hand stuck a firm blow across his leftcheek. Regathering his jaw in her soft black leather gloved hand and once morefixing her frigid gaze upon him, she...

1 year ago
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Sex with female friend

Hey friends I am Amit back with a story to give a real pleasure to all of you. First of all thanks for your response on my last story. It was overwhelming. But the only problem I had been facing that no girl or woman contacted me to share their super personal secrets with me. I really need it yaar; I just want to experience my girlfriend’s sexual expectation and behavior. That is possible only with your help. So please help me yaar. Secrecy is 500% assured. So contact me on my id given in the...

1 year ago
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GangbangCreampie Agatha Delicious G335

The Cocksmen begin Agatha’s FIRST GANGBANG EVER eager to have a feel of her tight body. The hands start wandering all over her red dress until they inevitably pull it down to reveal her firm tits with permanently erect nipples. Her nipples aren’t the only thing erect in the Gangbang Station as Agatha finds herself surrounded by FIVE COCKSMEN, more men than she has ever had at the same time before. All of them are hard and ready to fill her with creampies, thanks to her amazing...

2 years ago
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Tom and Morgan Growing Together Pt 3

Edited and some re-writes 2019 Co-edited by takemedown... All rights reserved by the Author ((((((((((((At the end of part 2))))))))))) Re-written to be told from Morgan's perspective. Morgan has returned home from college for the summer and stumbled upon her Daddy's sexual relationship with her classmate, Mary. Tom and Morgan Growing Together Pt. 3 A Daddy/daughter Story I was so turned on while I watched my Daddy interact with our neighbor, Mary. Then I heard him use my name when...

2 years ago
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Dost Ki Randi Maa Aur Sexy Sister

Hello dosto mera naam Sonu hai. Meri age 21 hai. Main sex ka bada hi dewana hu. Main kafi waqt se sex story padhate aaya hu main Mumbai ka rehene wala hu. Ye meri frist story hai. Mujhe aunty. Bhabhi ladkiyo se jyada pasand hai. Main aasha karta hu ki ladies log is kahani ko padhake apni chut ka paani rok na payegi. Or bhai log hilate hilate mer jayenge. Chalo ab story pe aata hu, Ye ek sacchi ghatana hain. Mera ek dost hai uska naam Vicky hai. Hum best friends hain. Hum hamesha saath saath...

3 years ago
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Back to the Farm Ch 09

I thought I wasn’t going to be able to finish this chapter until after my next exam but happily my muse turned up again, LOL. There won’t be another chapter for a few weeks now though–for definite this time. I’m sorry, but I really need to get stuck into my studies for now. Don’t worry–I will finish this story, I promise! But in the meantime, thanks for being patient with me! Lily -x- * ‘What a difference a day makes’–Words & Music by Maria Grever & Stanley Adams (recorded by Dinah...

3 years ago
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MILF Wife Gets No More Anal From Biker Boyfriend

It had been four months since I came home early from a business trip with the multi-million corporation I founded only to find my forty-three year old suburban housewife Debbie getting ass fucked by her young biker boyfriend in our basement. After that I began to notice my wife’s whole demeanor changed. She started swearing a lot, every other word out of her mouth was fuck, asshole, or bitch. She began to drink a lot at home and on occasion you could smell the aroma of pot around the house. ...

3 years ago
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Delhi Ki Ladki Sabse Sexy

Hello, to all the iss readers, may Amiya fir se aap logo ki samne hajir hun mera ek new story leke. Aap to jante hi he ki may Delhi ki rehne wala hun. Mera age 26 he. Or may ek private company may job karta hun. Dikhne may gora or smart v hun. Or ek bat fir se bada du ki may delhi may bht sare females ko satisfied kar chuka hun. Agar koi delhi ki ladki, bhabi, aunti mujhse satisfied hona chahti he to bina dare mujhe mail karo. Ye bat kuch din pehle ki he. May mara purana ghar sift kar k naya...

2 years ago
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real anal story

Highschool Fun He was in wood shop class in highschool and he saw a tiny young black girl who was lonely and tiny. She was an underdevloped 16yr old and had never been properly fucked. At first he swonned her not caring if she would liek it or not but she loved every second of it. He liked the tightness of her bo0dy and wondered what it would look like without those cloths on. She was a black but she had crazy ideas in her mind. IT seemed that she might have been abused or something...

2 years ago
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The ResearcherChapter 5 Sam

Two days later when Kim got back from the library there was a message on the telephone answering machine. It was John, telling her there would be a guest to dinner and would she prepare an especially nice meal. She was to wear her red sheath dress and wear her hair up. She was also to wear the collar he had bought her. Rapidly she went out to the supermarket and bought salmon, some sirloin steak, vegetables and a ready-made tort for the dessert. By the time John got in, the dinner was...

3 years ago
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Sean comes back for more

Garry and Susan had a long lie-in the following day.  They made slow, lingering love all morning until it was time to stir.  Susan had never felt so sexually alive as she did right then.  Garry had always been a great lover, had always satisfied her in every way.  But her time with Sean had given her a deeper satisfaction than ever before.  She loved Garry and loved having sex with him.  But she couldn’t get Sean out of her mind.  She wanted him again. She knew that he was planning to visit...

1 year ago
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Pooja Ki Chudai

Hi indian sex stories dot net dosto mera naam Varun hai aur ye meri pehli story hai jo mai likh raha hu. Agar aap logo ko pasand aye to please mujhe email jarur kijiyega () aur koi bhi female pune me rehne wali kisi bhi umar ki mujhse chudna chahti ho to mujhe mail kare. Ab Mai thoda apne bare me batata hu mai pune ka rehne wala hu. Meri umar 24 saal hai mai dikhne me bhut jyada to nh par ha smart hu. Rang khula hua aur lund ka size 15 cm hai. Ab aap logo ka time jyada na waste karte hue mai...

1 year ago
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xHamster Amateur

I know you’re a regular visitor to xHamster. You might not count it among your favorite websites if somebody asks out in public, but their mountain of pornography has got to be one of the reasons the Internet was invented. It’s massive and throbbing, engorged with an ever-flowing torrent of hardcore smut delivered straight to your phone or laptop. In a little over a decade, xHamster has amassed one of the biggest dirty movie collections on the Internet. Let’s talk about their Amateur...

Amateur Porn Sites
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It was a beautiful Saturday morning as I watched my friend Mark and his daughter, Laura pull up in front of my large suburban home. Mark got out of the Lexus and helped Laura with her suitcase as they made their way to where I was standing on the stoop. My cock had been waiting for this all week. Mark and I shook hands before I gave Laura a peck on the cheek."Her clothes and some other surprises are in here, Jeff." Mark said, handing me Laura's suitcase "Thanks a lot Mark." I said, putting the...

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bro cant get enough of me

It happened again.My brother and i was left alone at home again.My parents went to a wedding for 4 days.Right when my parents left the driveway,my brother pants were already down."oh no not this time.That was a one time thing." "come on u know u loved it." "yea i did nut still."while i was talking he pulled out a pair of handcuffs. "why do u hav those." Without saying a thing,he picked me up and threw me on his bed.Before i could get up,he handcuffed my hands over my head,pulling off my...

3 years ago
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The Diary of Sarah DuncanChapter 6

Entry One Hundred Forty Eight, Dear Diary, So, as promised yesterday, before I got really drained, here is the account of what happened on Thanksgiving Day and the Black Friday that followed it. Don’t worry, we didn’t go shopping. That was an insanity that the whole family avoided like the plague. Anyway, supper was made up of leftovers, of course. We had more turkey, more ham (good thing that we’re not kosher, right?), more mashed potatoes, and more stuffing (though Kevin called it...

1 year ago
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MonstersOfCock Larem 18 yo Latina Takes on a Monster Cock

Larem is a 18 year old hot Latina that is brand new to the business. She’s only shot once before, and for her second scene she wanted to get a taste of some monster cock. We invited her over to satisfy her needs, we paired her With Jax Slayher. She was full of confidence at first, but once the giant black cock came out she was evidently nervous. However, Larem took on the beast. She gagged on Jax’s giant black cock several times trying to see how far she could go. Soon after, his monstrous cock...

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Arabian Night

There are some friendships that go on for years and go nowhere beyond the point of "Best friends". That's how I thought my friendship with Joey was going. Joey and I met in the fourth grade, we were always best friends, we crazy experiences. We entered high school and tried in every way to end up in the same classes. We both desired careers in the Medical Department, so we ended up in the same classes a lot and it was great. We grew up together and adapted to each other's personalities. Joey...

4 years ago
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another porn shop visit

i was walking back to the booths to check out some movies and as i am walking towards the man sitting in a chair outside the booths in the hall. he looks at me.. we make eye contact and he looks down at my crotch area and pulls his tooth pic out of his mouth and says need any help with that.. then looks me in the eyes waiting for an answer.. as i stop infront of him to answer him he puts his hand out under my balls and raises his hand and closes his hand around my balls and gives a good...

4 years ago
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Flights of Consciousness Book III Charitable Good DeedsChapter 34

"I can't believe what just happened," Danny said to her image in the mirror. She was applying makeup before dressing for cocktails and dinner. Twenty minutes earlier, Nora had left her to do the same. Bisexual. I'm bisexual. I've got to be, she thought, or I wouldn't have enjoyed Nora as much as I did. Who'da thunk it? No, you're rationalizing, Danny told herself. You suspected all along. You enjoyed masturbating with Ella when you were ten, and you'd read enough about sex, even at...

2 years ago
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Room for Two Part 1

Elisabeth boarded the train and chose a seat at the back of the car. The last seat always felt cozy and isolated, a good place to sit and think with little distraction. She settled in and opened the small bag she wore on her waist and removed a small envelope. She slipped a card out of it and read the hand written note with a smile. She'd read it several times that day. Each time she read it, warm flashes of excitement filled her and made her smile. Seth had left the note for her before leaving...

Wife Lovers
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Our Dinner with the Hostess

Dinner with our Hostess After a very relaxing bubble bath I shaved Renee's legs and her sweet pussy, she gave me some pampering and shaved me. This was a real treat. I got a very sweet reward by Renee. She allowed me to eat some serious pussy after the bath. As we lay down on the rose petals the soft skin and mix of fragrance from the bath oils and rose petals was intoxicating. I gently caressed her skin and gave her butterfly kisses down her body. I couldn't resist caressing and...

2 years ago
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Moving Kelly

Hello My name is Mike and let me tell you about my sister Kelly. She is 5`8" 120lbs with an athletic build blond deep green eyes. Me I am 5’11 around 250, I would not say I am fat but a large guy.Kelly just got out of real bad relationship she thought this guy was the one, but he cheated on her with his secretary and it was all over from there. Now she is moving to a new city in a different state and I’m the one who gets to help her move.I guess the day started like any other day I got up...

1 year ago
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The Arrival

A knock on my door arises my senses and sends my mind racing. Could it be her, is she here already? I jump off my bed where I had been laying and race to the door. I peek out the peep hole and see your beautiful frame looking around waiting for someone to answer your knock. I compose myself with a quick deep breath and open the door with a smile. Taking you by the hand I lead you into my apartment and to my room, making small talk along the way. As I guide you into the room in front of me,...

2 years ago
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The Millionaire Next DoorChapter 36

Sunday afternoon, Sally received a call from Ann letting her know that the mural was done, and that she should bring Dan over to see it. They rushed to the car and headed over to the pizzeria. As he drove, Dan said, “This is going to be it.” “What do you mean?” Sally asked. “I get to see the pizzeria as my customers will see it for the first time,” Dan said. So far, the pizzeria hadn’t been complete. Now all of the pieces were in place and he’d get to experience the full effect. “I didn’t...

3 years ago
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Rest of Kats Replacement

After eight months Kerry is so taken with Kat's way of controlling a woman that she ask Kat to teach her some things. What do you mean teach it just comes out of me when I see a woman I'm interested in things just seem to happen and before long I either get her or give up the chase. Kerry says you mean some get away? Oh yea not everyone falls but most do. Like how many can I ask? Kat smiles lets find out together ok she leads Kerry to her bedroom and a drawer opening it it's full of panties...

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Casino du RoturierChapter 11

JJ and George waited alone in their respective rooms until Bianca retrieved each man and ushered them both back to the penthouse living room. There a large, green felt-covered gaming table now sat in the middle of the room. Television monitors and cameras circled the table. Bianca motioned for each man to take a seat. Just as they did so, John Cord swept into the room. "Gentlemen, one of you is about to win $500,000. And, one of you will walk away with literally nothing... naked as a...

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