- 3 years ago
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The days fell into a nerve-racking routine for Gabriella, with Torquemada playing with her like a cat plays with a mouse. Teasing her with torture and humiliation and at the same time, treating her like a lady. She knew it was all a ploy to gain her trust so that she would let her guard down. She was not that gullible and watched his every tactic, learning his thought processes. He wouldn’t catch her off guard, but perhaps she would be able to play the part of trusting fool and he would be the one caught off guard.
Each day she was allowed free roam of the ship, while she knew he watched her every move, so she tried to appear relaxed and serene. While in actuality her nerves were stretched to the breaking point and her mind screamed for him to make his move. The game was wearing her down mentally, but she refused to show it or let him win this game!
In the evenings, she was given her choice of beautiful dresses to wear, with all the garments, shoes and jewelry a woman could need or want to dress the part of his female guest of honor. Little did he know that she always picked a dress that allowed her to hide the tiny dagger so that it was always within her reach. that alone brought her some measure comfort. Dinner each evening was always a palates delight, especially given that they were in the middle of the ocean.
What Torquemada had not taken into consideration when he started his little emotional game was that Gabriella was no ordinary woman. The longer he played this game, the more time she had to consider her options and contemplate his next possible move. She knew that once he caught on that this wasn’t working the way he had anticipated this game would be over and the torture would begin.
Torquemada watched Gabriella stand in the bow of the ship the wind whipping her long blue-black hair, the sun kissing her skin turning it to a golden hue making her enormous green eyes appear even darker and she became more alluring. Yet, he could find no sexual desire for her, she was a grown woman, and in his perverseness that held no appeal for him. He much preferred helpless, someone who held no real challenge to him. He cursed her silently for thwarting his plans of all those years that he had searched for her. Now that he finally had her within his control, she still held the upper hand, and he knew he must not let her know that.
He could just picture her disgust and hear the laughter if he tried to force himself up on her and his flaccid member would only hang limp between his aging thighs. He had some powders he had picked up on one of his travels, that should it come down to it, he could partake of that in a glass of wine and he would be up and throbbing, but he much preferred to have his cock twitching and throbbing because of her begging him for mercy.
In the meantime he would bid his time and watch and learn all he could about this strong woman. For he had no doubt that he could break Gabriella’s spirit and diminish her to a quivering, begging mass of humanity, for he had done so with men that were generals and kings, men of power. He chuckled to himself, she was but a woman, and she dared to think she could best him. He knew that if he could ever see fear on her comely face that it would provide sexual stimulation for him.
Little did he know that he really did not know this woman, for she was forged of steel thanks to the atrocities she had seen this demon thrust upon family and friends and that her resolve to see him dead only made her stronger. She refused to let herself dwell on thoughts of Rayne, it made her to feminine and vulnerable to her emotions, and she must remain emotionless at all costs.
So, she walked the decks to keep her muscles active and her thoughts at bay. That evening as the two adversaries sat across the table from one another eating the meal that the cook had prepared for them Gabriella was disgusted by the slurping and smacking sounds coming from Torquemada. It was all she could do to force the food down her throat and she only did so because she knew she would need all the strength she could muster. For she knew he grew impatient and would soon make his move, she only hoped it would be his last!
‘Gabriella, you are more quiet than usual this evening, is something on your mind?’
Gabriella looked at him, her thoughts screaming ‘On my mind? Why yes, as a matter of fact I was contemplating the many ways I could slit your despicable throat!’ But instead she demurely said ‘no, I suppose the salt air has made me sleepy, there is nothing else on my mind.’ She watched his face closely beneath a fringe of eyelashes to see if he was gullible enough or vain enough to believe the drivel that had just fell from her mouth. She could tell by the confident look on his hideous face that he indeed believed every word she allowed to grace his ears. She was thankful that he did not have access to her inner thoughts and schooled her features to not give away anything she was really feeling or thinking.
Torquemada sat back watching her, looking for a glimpse into her inner workings, and saw nothing other than a simpleminded female who thought she could beguile him into letting her go unscathed for all the trouble and frustration she had put him thru. It never entered his mind that his captive might be as devious and beguiling as he himself was. He was in for a very rude awaking.
She tried in vain to befriend some of the men under his control, however, they wouldn’t even so much as speak with her. She was sure it was out of fear of retribution from Torquemada. They gave her a wide berth at all times. Gabriella knew she could expect no help from that quarter yet she still attempted daily to befriend them to sway them to her predicament, but it was to no avail.
That evening started like all the rest, Gabriella dressed for dinner, slipping her stolen dagger into her pocket and joining Torquemada for dinner. Yet there seemed to be something different in his demeanor. He was more cocky and self assured than she had seen him thus far and that bothered her, causing her to clasp the dagger thru her gown with the hand she had in her lap. Stroking it seemed to bring her some measure of comfort, bolstering her resolve that she would find a way to use it when the time came.
Little did she know that Torquemada had dumped the powder from the secret compartment of his ring into his glass of wine, for he tired of this waiting game. He was convinced that he had Gabriella all figured out, that she had lost all of the bravado that she had initially exhibited the night he had boarded her ship.
Following dinner the cook came and cleared the dishes away and Gabriella sat waiting, muscles tense and nerves stretched to their limits. Torquemada roamed the cabin, waiting for the powders to take effect. Within an hour the powders were having the desired effect and his member started to harden, and desire flared up within his gut. He approached her from behind as she sat in the chair. She felt his despicable presence behind her long before his hand brushed across her barred shoulders. It was beyond her control the shudder that raced through her body. But it wasn’t a shudder of fear, it was one of revulsion.
Torquemada, sadly, mistook it for one of fear. He grinned an evil grin behind her back and licked his lips in anticipation of the torment that he would soon heap upon her person. ‘Ah, my lovely senorita, you and I will enjoy many a night here in this cabin, beginning tonight’ he breathed into her ear.
Try as she might, Gabriella couldn’t squelch the angry words and they tumbled unbidden from her sensual lips, ‘you and I will not enjoy anything together, not here, not ever.’
Torquemada was taken aback and infuriated beyond words and his hands painfully gripped her shoulders, as he hissed ‘one of us will, trust me, one of us will!’
Gabriella was out of the chair and turned to face her adversary, and awaited his next move. She longed to whip out the dagger
and slash at him, but she knew he must be in closer proximity for her to have any chance at doing any damage, and for now he was out of her arms reach. If only she had her sword, she would have him dancing a new tune and it would be she who held the upper hand, but alas, she didn’t have that luxury.
She didn’t have long to wait, for Torquemada in one quick move grasped her arm and pulled her hard to his body and forced his mouth onto hers. Gabriella’s head reeled from the stench of his breath. It was fetid and his person reeked and her stomach threatened to empty the contents of the meal she had just forced down. It took all the will power she had to force it to stay down.
He ground his lips on hers, and his free hand squeezed her breast painfully. All Gabriella could think of was freeing herself from his grip and she twisted in an attempt to get out of his forced embrace but it was futile. Instinctively she bit down hard on his lip until she tasted his blood. Torquemada immediately released her and swore vehemently
‘You filthy bitch!’ he screamed in pain.
‘It’s not I who is filthy, you whoreson, it is you! It is little wonder you have forced yourself on small children, no woman would ever look twice at you!’
The taunts infuriated him, and he reached for her and she twisted away, his hand only making contact with the neckline of her gown, which ripped from the force of the tension being put upon it. The gown hung down off of one shoulder, exposing the top of her left breast. The creaminess of the bared flesh only seemed to excite him further, and he could wait no longer to see all of her in her naked glory. He quickly grabbed her before Gabriella had time to react and she felt the tug on the gown heard the rip and the dress fell exposing her to the waist for his eyes to feast on. She almost reacted by crossing her arms to cover her breasts from his searing gaze, however she knew he would see it as weakness and she managed to refrain. Instead she tossed her head defiantly and looked him in his eyes and only the slight narrowing of her eyes betrayed the full hatred that she felt for this monster!
He saw the look and recognized it for what it was, loathing, pure and simple and he slapped her hard across her face causing blinding pain and the taste of her own blood in her mouth where her teeth cut into the tender lining of her cheek. A small drop of blood appeared at the corner or her mouth and she slowly reached up and wiped it away with her thumb, her eyes never leaving his. It galled him that she would show no fear of him. It was a new experience for Torquemada and it bothered him more than he was willing to admit.
Her other hand, hidden by the folds of the gown slowly closed around the dagger and she smiled knowing that sooner or later she would use this jeweled piece of cutlery to carve his face to ribbons and slit his throat! Her smile seemed to drive him to madness and he backhanded her hard across the face. She staggered backwards at the swiftness of the attack and fell sprawled across the floor. Before she could regain her feet he was upon her, pinning her to the floor through sheer brute strength, his mouth on hers again, brutalizing it, forcing his tongue into her mouth and making her gag. His free hand pinched her nipples unmercifully, twisting and pulling, yet she still refused to cry out! Clamping her lips closed and willing herself to retain some shred of dignity.
She could feel his cock hard against her inner thigh and the thought of him touching her, forcing her almost made her lose her mind, yet she struggled on, bringing up a knee in an attempt to knee him in his crotch, but he had her pinned too tightly and she only caused him to laugh manically. He bit her neck, and breasts leaving marks that quickly turned to bruises. His free hand shoved her skirts up and he painfully grasped her inner thighs, pinching and squeezing until he reached the apex of her thighs and his hand harshly grasped her mons, squeezing and pinching making him moan in anticipation. He thrust and humped her leg as his eyes glazed over in lust and spittle drooled from the side of his mouth. It wasn’t even so much the desire to have her, it was the desire to break her spirit that drove him on.
Gabriella would not give up without a fight and struggle, but it did no good, she simply was no match for him in this situation, and she tried feverishly to get her left hand free so that she could reach the dagger, but he held that hand tightly in his grasp. ‘Patience!’ she schooled herself, but it was difficult when she knew that her brutal ravishment was only moments away!
Torquemada tore the pantalets away, the only barrier between his cruel hands and her woman’s flesh and he brutally thrust his fingers inside of her. There was no moistness like when Rayne had stroked her to a fevered pitch. He was met only with a dryness that caused her soft flesh to tear and still he thrust his fingers relentlessly into her, reaching down and freeing his throbbing member free of the confines of his breeches. Panic swirled upwards through Gabriella for she could see no way of averting the inevitable, but swore she would have her vengeance on the bastard for submitting her to this atrocity!
He inched upward on her body until his pulsing cock brushed against her woman’s center and with one rough thrust he entered her. As much as it nearly tore her asunder in the dryness of it all, she tore her mind away from what was actually happening and paid attention to all other aspects of the situation and realized that he was so engrossed in the rape of her body that he had completely let her left hand go and she ever so slowly moved it downwards and managed to locate the pocket of her gown and her fingers closed around the dagger.
She stroked it lovingly for a long second before withdrawing it and brought it swiftly upwards intending to bury it in the demons throat, but at the last second Torquemada caught sight of the blade and turned his head in an effort to escape it. Instead of slitting his throat, a long gash from the corner of his left eye, down his cheek and through his bottom lip was opened. The wound was deep, cutting his cheek to the bone and his left eye immediately had a droop to it, signaling that the nerves and tendons had been severed. His lip hung down, and blood spurted all over both Torquemada and Gabriella and she glorified in the warmth of the stickiness.
Torquemada immediately fearful of what the bitch had done, lost complete interest in the brutal rape of Gabriella, and his cock now hung limp and flacid. He howled in both outrage and pain and leapt from her semi nude body and grabbed a linen napkin from dinner and held it to his wounds to staunch the flow of blood. He cursed and raved like a lunatic and Gabriella sat uncovered and laughing at the damage she had done.
Had Torquemada not been so concerned with his own damages, he would have killed the bitch then and there, but that would have ended her life and his torments and he had not broken her spirit yet.
He opened the cabin door and bellowed for his surgeon who arrived posthaste. As the physician examined the wounds he not once wondered how she had not managed to kill the man and a shudder ran through his body as he feared exactly what the retaliation would be.
Torquemada had two of his lieutenants summoned and screamed that Gabriella was to be thrown back into the hold of the ship with no food or water.
The order was carried out immediately and as she sat rocking to and fro, trying to maintain a grip on her sanity, she smiled gleefully that while she might not have killed him, yet, but he would have something to remember her by and she knew the next confrontation would not go well for her, but then again, this one had not gone well for him!
And so, the games began…
husband) This is a story originally published on another site by a " writer" that calls himself Noah frog. The first part is what this purveyor of brutal humiliation porn the second is my answer to Noafrog. Noafrog in my estimation is a weak , lilly livered control freak, who doesn't have the balls to practice in real life what he writes about. To all those of you who enjoy this kind of rape and humiliation and wimp cuckold husbands. This is for you . I hope you enjoy the...
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xmoviesforyouAs a fan of Cam Smut, I really fucking love cam sluts. Live webcam porn has been a thing since the early ‘00s, but I’d argue that we’re living in the golden age of the format. For one thing, consumer-level cameras are better than they’ve ever been, so the shows look crisp and crystal clear, letting us see every last drop of vag juice and every single butthole wrinkle. Hot chicks are also coming to the platform in bigger numbers than ever, bringing with them exhibitionist attitudes forged by the...
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I knew Shannon from the old neighborhood. We lived a few doors down from each other as k**s and she was at least six years older then me so we never hung out together but I had a crush on her as a teenager. In high school she was tall about 5’9 and slender with shoulder length hair curly that was the color of a summer sunset, and in the 70’s she was wearing tube tops and short denim cut offs that affected me in ways that I didn’t understand then. I actually met her again in a supermarket by...
I tugged at the bottom of my skirt as I hopped up the stairs. I always felt self conscious wearing my short cheerleading uniform anywhere outside the gym. Even though the school was deserted at this hour, I worried someone would notice me in my revealing outfit. As I walked through the empty halls on my way to the locker room, I could feel the evening air on the back of my thighs. Their bareness reminded me of cheer practice earlier that day when I had been lifting Marnie up into one of our...
Jesus, these hookers are like cockroaches; you just can't get rid of them he thought to himself as he turned on the red & blue lights of his patrol car. Dan thought about calling it in, but decided against it; he wasn't very well liked by his fellow cops these days. Nothing good would come from mentioning this to dispatch. Officer Rosita, his former partner had just been assigned desk duty, pending an investigation thanks to testimony that Officer Dan had provided to...
I wrote about our vacation about a month ago in a story titled “A tourist in a local bar” in the exhibitionism section. I told you I would write about how we ended up having an vacation without underwear. I decided to put it in the reluctance section because my wife, Linda, has been reluctant to relive our more adventurous days when we were dating and first got married. I have been trying to get Linda to wear more skirts and dresses and going without underwear for a number of years...
ReluctanceDelivering pizza was an easy gig for a k** fresh out of high school. It left plenty of time for community college during the day and I could actually pull in some decent cash on busy nights. The small mom and pop store I worked for was super relaxed. I basically rode around smoking pot and listening to the radio all night while still taking in eighty to one hundred dollars in a shift. Not bad for a full time student.I would wait in the parking lot between runs. I would cruise the primitive...
I wandered a bit on Saturday morning and bought a present for Weena: a t-shirt with "BABY" on it and an arrow pointing down. She could wear it in four or five or six months. I then had a snack, checked out and took a taxi to the airport. The short flight to Melbourne was just that. I was able to read more of Seven Kinds of Ambiguity on the long leg to Perth. Weena was waiting for — still excited. "PSM! You can service me in public whenever you want! Well, you may not want to for the next...
I'm sorry for the delay, I know I hate to wait see the end of stories as well. The first three parts of this story just seemed to flow out but this part that was very, very different. I actually already had the end written before I finished part one and all the parts up to this point were just more or less setting the scene this was to be and is the part that I wanted to get inside the mind of the characters mainly Craig. I actually have completely written this part of the story out...
“Let’s get this booty into the house, then we’ll go there now.” “Mr. Sandusky, will you? I will be your slave for life, and Juana will also, if we are together again. She loves me like a sister and I love her so much.” “There will be no slaves in this family, though I may make you pretend,” I laughed. “I love to pretend. Make me do something now, Mr. Sandusky.” “Get on your knees and suck his cock like I showed you, Monica, make him give you a big load of his sperm and swallow all of it,...
The shopping mall began to fill about 6:00am. By about 8:00 the old men had finished walking. They gathered on one side of the food court, where they pulled several thermos bottles and Styrofoam cups out of a couple of backpacks. Their hats and manners suggested that a good number of them might have last names of Epstein, Goldstein, or Rubin. A number of women of the same age had gathered after their walk and settled for several tables a short distance away. They were waiting for the Starbucks...
Please remember to vote by clicking on one of the stars at the end of the story. If you really liked it, click 5. If you really hated it, click 1, but please click something. This one is TOTALLY non-erotic. If you are looking for erotic, just skip this one. = = = = = I was just supposed to be the assistant to the scout master, that’s all. I was never a boy scout. My idea of roughing it on vacation is a three-star hotel without an indoor pool. But Tim said, ‘Dad, we have to have two...
If you read part 1 Thru 6 of (the neighbor needs my help) this starts where Part 3 & 6 ended.Lynn's Birthday PresentThe week started out pretty normal on Wednesday evening Joan came over. Lynn answers the door and Joan comes in with a shopping bag in her hand. We sit and talk for a while then Joan tells Lynn if is going to have sex with Chuck she might want to try her fake Chuck toy first to be sure that she can handle his huge cock. Lynn's smiles and says do you think I really need to. I...
Paisley (Paisley Porter) and Seth (Seth Gamble) finally get their long awaited appointment with the best Fertility Clinic around. After the meet and greet, Dr. Dera leads Paisley to the exam room as Nurse Snow accompanies Seth to the waiting room. Dr. Dera’s creepy and unorthodox methods soon make Paisley question the doctor’s credentials but the naïve hopeful is so desperate to become impregnated that she allows the exam to continue. Meanwhile, Seth is quite upset at what he’s seeing on the...
xmoviesforyouAnna was miserable. While I'd been gone, her "friend" had come early. Unexpected, it had caught her by surprise when she was out and only the fact her clothes were dark made her feel she could show her face. I was grateful that she wouldn't be asking me to perform; it had been an exhausting weekend. Still I wasn't going to let her tell me "No" when I tapped at the window when I knew she really wanted me and was only trying to avoid disgusting me or even have me reject her. "Let me...
My son came over to my house, dressed gorgeously, high heels, short skirt, a neat purple cardigan and her hair was silky smooth reaching just below her neck."Hey mom" She said in her cute as ever voice."Oh Hey sweetie, how are you darling" I approached and kissed her on her smooth cheeks then a long one on the lips."I know right, am great, running an office for finance help, am basically the manager" she said with the biggest smile on her face."OH MY...I knew I raised a good son, well done you"...
Anne Amari and Kendra Cole are super excited to go to prom, but when their dads overhear them talking about fucking their dates, they are worried about their daughters innocence! The concerned guys call up their dates and make sure they do not step anywhere near their daughters. Instead, the older guys take their girls to prom, showing them a good time as they cut a rug. When they get back home, the horny dads realize that they should be the ones to take their daughters virginity. They swap and...
xmoviesforyouThis is my WINTER HOLIDAYS STORY CONTEST 2014 entry. Please vote. * I didn’t always hate the holidays. There was a point in my life when I eagerly anticipated the season of giving and thankfulness, back when I had a family and a reason to be thankful. Now all this Holiday Cheer does is cause me more pain. I walk through the stores and see the decorations and they take me back to a time when my home was full of joy. Every Christmas Eve was the same. There would be a scent of spice in the air...
My mother trains boys to be come sex slaves for women. She has a trio of boys that she has trained and plans to sell to a slaver from another country. I have not gone through the training. Mother believes that that I know what is expected and knows what is expected of me. The slaver is here. I line up with the rest of the boys. We are all naked. Mother orders us to stand straight as the slaver enters. I am stunned because she is so beautiful. She has blond hair falling down to her shoulder. The...
Molly rang Dan the following day and told him that a visit to Gina that day would be a waste of time. She was drugged to the eyeballs with painkillers and was hardly aware that Molly was there. She suggested that Dan left it until six the following day which Dan could and did do. He was appalled at what he saw. Gina's head was bandaged. What could be seen of the right side of her face was badly bruised with many butterfly stitches and a mass of smaller scabs in between. She had a black...
Saturday, October 15 (After Chapter 19 of Triptych) aroslav: Harold Anderson? HAROLD: Yes. Please come in. I appreciate that you came to see me. I don't think I could have made it to Seattle. The trip to Minneapolis pretty much exhausted me. aroslav: I hope your health is improving. HAROLD: Not likely, but I still have some hope. So what is it you'd like to know? aroslav: Well I usually start out with basics like name, age, and birthdate. HAROLD: Okay. Well, my full name is Harold...
She laid on the bed for a while, holding the shark, trying to process everything she had been exposed to. She thought about the interactions she had with each of the people in the house, knowing that they were all about to have sex. She thought about her interactions with Lacey specifically, the thoughts lingered as she drifted into a nap. Knocking on the door startled her awake. It was Scarlette, who was showing off shimmery blue nails. “Lacey would like you to wear this bikini under this...
One lazy Sunday during the summer I found myself pretty much alone. Everyone including my girlfriend had taken off for family commitments etc. Even my parents had taken off to go drinking with the aunts and uncles. With nothing but some cheep porn mags under my mattress and a burning desire to have sex with anyone who would play. I'm pretty much bi and I enjoy sex. I had had several suck buds and one who liked to dress in my mom's attic clothes. Mostly it was fumbling and just over to fast!...
Hey, girls and aunties, I am your beloved Pavan came up with another real incident which happened in Hyderabad. I narrated my previous stories in Telugu. I would like to write this sex story in English. I would like to thank all the readers who responded me after reading my previous stories with you valuable feedbacks. And to girls and aunties who are expecting a secret relationship can mail me at Coming to the sex story I got a mail from ISS that my sex story was submitted. Thanks to ISS for...
Hi friends, my name is sanjay main mumbai ka rehne wala hu. Mera lund ka size 7 inch hai or 3 inch mota hai main daily gym jata hu isliye meri body athletic jaisi sexy hai. Meri age 21 hai or mere mom dad ki age 56 or 48 hai. Mom dad ki arrange marriage hai Meri mom dikhne me bahut gori hai sexy hai or uske chut pe bilkul baal nahi hai. Meri mom ka size 36-34-38 hoga. So story mai yeh hua ki mom dad nange hoke sex kar rahe the or main chupke dekh raha tha or muth bhi mar raha tha tabhi papane...