Rayne Ch. 01 free porn video

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Rayne stood with his feet firmly planted on the deck of his ship the Eclipse. God, how he loved the feel of the ship as it cut through the water and the deck rolled beneath his feet. It was an almost sensual feeling, not unlike that of a mistress as she moved beneath you. Rayne walked over and leaned on the railing and studied the ink-black sky with the sparkling stars that formed the constellations and provided a guide for the helmsman to follow. It had been a long time since he had returned home. No, not home, for he no longer considered the land of his birth as home. Home was where he had spent his free time for the past several years. The tropical paradise in the South Pacific Seas, Tahiti, that was where he called home. Where Navia was always waiting with open arms for him when he returned from long voyages at sea, where the nights were warm and filled with music and food and pleasure. He could still see Navia’s face, pale and drawn in worry, as he had boarded the Eclipse. She knew this voyage was different because he returned to ‘the other life’, as she referred to his life before their time together.

Rayne had first came to Tahiti after the untimely death of his beloved parents as a young man of twenty-one. His parents had died when he was eighteen years old and he had been forced to live with his grandfather until he had reached his majority three years later. His grandfather was none other than the esteemed Duke of Quinhurst. He was respected and feared in equal measure by the ton of London and with good reason. Lionel could make or break a person with the mere whisper of a few words, so great was his power in the highest circles of England. But Rayne had learned firsthand what a hard and cynical man his grandfather was and realized why his mother had never spoken of her father with great love. Lionel taught Rayne the lessons of life, in the most diabolical ways. He had earned Rayne’s trust and love, only to turn it against him and humiliate him in order to teach him to trust no one. But the one thing that Rayne could never learn to live with or forgive his grandfather for was the way in which he manipulated people’s lives. His grandfather truly believed that the end justified the means, in all things.

Rayne had learned early on in the relationship with his grandfather that he could count on him for nothing. So, he had become an excellent gambler and made the rounds of the clubs in London on a regular basis, a habit that had caused many a nobleman’s purse to be considerably lighter. He had gained enough blunt to invest in various ventures, enabling him to amass a small fortune. He always knew that sooner or later Lionel would demand something of him that he would not be able to abide. Such had been the case when he had calmly and matter-of-factly informed Rayne that he would marry the Heiress Besedjnek. While Rayne had nothing personally against the woman, especially since he had never met her, he refused to honor Lionel’s request. It had been a particular ugly confrontation, as were most of Raynes battles with Lionel, ending in Lionel issuing an ultimatum of obedience or disinheritance. Rayne had laughed in his face and walked out. That was the last time he had seen his grandfather. He had kept apprised of Lionel and his schemes through his agent in London who sent him regular reports on everything of importance. Thus it was that he learned of Lionels death. Rayne had felt no emotion at the news of his grandfathers death. In fact he had ceased to think of Lionel as his grandfather and simply thought of him only as Lionel. A grandfather represented someone kind and loving, neither term which he could relate to Lionel. He felt sadness at his lack of feelings, but it was what Lionel had taught him.

Now, he was returning to England to claim all that was his, but it brought him no pleasure. Instead he would much rather be sailing the high seas releasing Spanish galleons of their burdens of gold coin. Now, that was something he thoroughly enjoyed! Recently a new face had cut into his enjoyment on the high seas. One he had as yet to have the privilege to glimpse. This new pirate was of the feminine variety and boldly called herself La Gata. Few men had gotten a close look at her and lived to tell about it. It would seem she was of Spanish ancestry yet she harbored a strong hatred for Spain. And that in and of itself was enough to raise Raynes curiosity about her. It was rumored that she was tall for a woman, dark of complexion and eyes so dark one couldn’t be sure exactly what color they were.

Rayne lost in his musings didn’t hear his friend Javonnie approach. Javonnie was the resident doctor on board and he managed to keep the crew and sometimes-even Rayne in good repair. ‘A penny for your thoughts’ Javonnie said softly.

Rayne turned his head and grinned, ‘Hardly worth your money, I assure you.’

‘Worried about the return of the prodigal son?’

‘Not hardly, just annoyed that Lionel had to die at such an inconvenient time.’

Javonnie retorted somewhat dryly, ‘I’m sure Lionel took that into consideration when he died.’

‘Knowing Lionel, it was planned down to the very last detail. If I found a way to stay apprised of his activities, you know he knew every move I was making. If I learned one thing about grandfather dearest, it was to never underestimate him.’

Javonnie knew from experience that this was one argument he would never win with Rayne and thus moved on to more pleasant topics. ‘Poor Navia, she looked quite lost standing on the dock as you sailed out of the harbor. I do believe she fears you won’t be returning to her this time.’

‘Nonsense, why would I prefer to remain in England in the cold and damp climate that permeates everything it touches when I can live in a tropical paradise? She is just being silly.’

‘Silly? I wonder. Do you love her Rayne?’

‘Love, what’s love got to do with it. We’re suited to each other and our arrangement is of mutual benefit. She lives in a glorious hacienda where her word is law. She wants for nothing, clothes, jewels, perfumes, nor comforts. I enjoy indulging her and she meets my needs. What more could she ask for?’

‘Has it never occurred to you, that she might desire a more permanent relationship with you?’

Rayne scowled at Javonnie and turned to gaze out over the water before answering, ‘You know how I feel about marriage. Lionel would have shackled me to the Heiress for mere money and monetary gain alone. Mothers scurry about with their daughters in an effort to secure the wealthiest man available with no regard to the girls’ feelings. I think it’s absolutely disgraceful and I won’t be a part of it.’

‘Yet, were your parents married and deeply in love, if memory serves me correct.’ Javonnie knew this was a dirty trick, but one did what one must sometimes to make Rayne see reason. Rayne was a hard man to convince and even harder to reason with when he chose to be so, as he obviously was now.

Rayne swung a searing gaze on Javonnie for long moments before answering tightly, ‘My parents, and their relationship, were entirely different to mine and Navia’s relationship. You know that. My mother defied Lionel and married my father because she truly loved him. It cost her a great deal, more than even I can imagine. She never revealed just how much it cost her, because she said the joy my father and I brought her was worth any price. Thus do I feel the same about the sanctity of marriage. Should I ever chance to meet the woman that can bring joy into my world merely by entering it and cause me to feel that a day without her is not worth the living of it, you can be sure, then and only then, will I consider marriage.’

Javonnie chuckled and retorted, ‘Be careful what you ask for old friend, you may find what you seek when you least expect it!’

‘Ah, but one has to seek something to find it Javonnie, and you forget that I seek not a wench so comely that she can tread upon my heart till it bleeds’ Rayne responded
while his lips twitched with mirth. Javonnie, a believer of the unexpected, wondered what Rayne would do if such a woman should walk unbidden into his life. It would truly be interesting to observe.

‘Tell me Javonnie, any word of our most recent competition?’

‘As a matter of fact, I spoke with Jake and Tobias from the Raven who said they had seen her not three weeks prior attack another Spanish galleon. Freeing the slaves the Spanish are so fond of using, relieving them of their precious cargo and sinking the ship, leaving the Spaniards for shark bait.’

‘But, did they get a look at her?’

‘ Only from a distance, it seems she’s quite an accomplished swordsman, or perhaps I should say swordswoman? They claimed she was in the thick of the fighting and dispatched not a few of the Spaniards to the gates of hell.’

‘A woman, fighting with a sword? Preposterous! Why, how could she maneuver in skirts and heels?’

‘Oh, our little firebrand doesn’t wear skirts and heels. Tobias said she was dressed in black leather breeches and boots. She wore a scarlet silk shirt and a gold sash about her waist.’

‘It would seem Tobias saw quite a lot, to have seen her from a distance’ Rayne remarked, sounding somewhat doubtful of the truthfulness of the account.

‘Well, he did have the spy glass, but perhaps he did embellish a might. I guess we won’t know for sure until we are fortunate or unfortunate, as the case may be, to meet her ourselves. It grows late, and I believe my bunk is calling. Unless you have need of me, I believe I will call it a night.’

‘No, go ahead, I know about the card game that is scheduled below in the men’s quarters, just make sure you don’t take all of their cash, or there will be hell to pay when we make port.’ Javonnie feigned a look of injured pride before laughing heartily and heading down to the crews quarters.

Rayne continued to stay by the railing, this was his favorite time of the evening, when all of the ships chores for the day were finished, and the sailors were gathered in small groups dicing or gambling, or carving as did Red. Red was famous among the crew for his mermaid carvings and was continuously pestering Rayne to let him carve a masthead for the Phantom of a bare-breasted mermaid like the ones on the Vikings ships from days long past. So far Rayne had managed to keep the request at bay. Although it would definitely be a sight to behold a larger than life mermaid with bared breasts. He might have to give in to Reds request yet! He could hear the sad sound of a tune being played on Tuff’s harmonica. He had a good crew and he knew that there wasn’t a one among them that wasn’t willing to risk their life to save his. They also knew the same to be true of the man they served. All of the crew knew of his circumstances and had stood beside him through many a battle. But he dealt with them fairly and treated them as the men they were thus forming this bond of loyalty and respect.

He wondered what did await him in England. He had left few friends behind preferring his solitude and privacy to the whirl of social events that had drawn Lionel like a moth to a flame. However, as the new Duke of Quinhurst his obligations would preclude his own private wishes, at least to a certain extent. Yet, he vowed it would not control his life and he would not stay overly long in England. This decided, he turned from the deck and approached the helmsman and relieved him of his duty. He felt the need to control something, since he could not control the events taking place in his life at the present this release would have to suffice. He stayed at the helm until the wee hours of the morning when the second watch took over and he made his way to his cabin where he pulled off his boots, stripped off his breeches and sprawled naked across the large bed. He was weary from the physical exertion of guiding the ship, but it was a good tired and he slept deeply.

Sun streamed through the window of the cabin to find Rayne already up and dressed and breaking his fast. The cook, an ageless old man whom Rayne believed was at least a hundred years old, was an excellent cook. He had sort of inherited the old man when he had saved him from a beating at a dock-side tavern several years before. The old man had chosen to pledge his life to Rayne in thanks. There was a brief knock on the door of his cabin and at Raynes call to enter Javonnie strode into the room with a smile on his face.

‘Well friend, you look like the cat that swallowed the canary. Did you leave them enough cash for drinking and wenching when we reach port?’ Rayne inquired between bites of ham and biscuit.

‘Not very much. But, you know I’ll contrive to let them win it all back long before we reach England, I always do.’ Rayne knew it was true, Javonnie gambled with the crew just for the sport, not to line his pockets. The crew knew it as well, which could account for the lack of animosity toward Javonnie when he won all of their money. Javonnie poured himself a cup of steaming black coffee before seating himself across from Rayne. ‘What’s on your agenda for the day Rayne?’

‘Oh, I don’t know, I’ve been going over some of the papers from the solicitor and trying to grasp just what all I own now and what I’m going to keep and which holdings I’m going to liquidate. Once we reach London, I believe we will make use of the townhouse Lionel kept there, as it’s smaller than that mausoleum in the country. I never liked the country estate, but as it’s been in the family for centuries, I feel a certain obligation to hold on to it.’

‘You do know that there will be a ton of invitations waiting on you when you make port. After all it’s been neigh on to ten years since you were last there, and every mother and unattached female within marriageable age will be clambering for a look at the ‘Duke of Darkness’ as you were labeled so long ago!’ Javonnie reminded him. ‘With Lionel’s death the ton will know it’s a certainty that you will be returning.’

Damnation, he had all but forgotten the whole ‘Duke of Darkness’ episode, but leave it to Javonnie to place it in the forefront of his mind once again. During the months and years following his parents death when he was living with Lionel, he had become such a brooding young man. He scowled frequently and smiled only rarely. He chose to dress in total black, broken only by the white of his shirts. With Raynes raven black hair, dark complexion, and chosen somber wardrobe, in conjunction with his cold and brooding demeanor, the only thing that wasn’t somber about him were those vibrant blue eyes of his, a thwarted would-be mistress had dubbed him the ‘Duke of Darkness’. It had been said in a jokingly manner, but, unfortunately the title stuck. Well, if anything he was even darker now, burned a dark bronze by long days on the deck of the Phantom stripped bare to the waist. He wondered what England would think of him now. The ton would whisper about how he made his fortune and call him a savage behind his back. But he also knew it wouldn’t matter one fig to the money hungry mothers trying desperately to marry off their spinster daughters to a man of substance. ‘Let’s just say the ‘Duke of Darkness’ has returned and perhaps that damnable title will be enough to keep at least the faint-hearted at bay! I might as well get some use out of the name.’

Javonnie silently agreed with his friend as he finished up his coffee and left Rayne still pouring over the vast stack of papers he had received prior to sailing from his solicitor. The day and night passed uneventfully, with the ship making good time on it’s way to England. But on the following day, the wind slacked off and the sails had to be trimmed in order to catch the slight breeze, and by the night the ship was barely moving. This lull lasted for four days and nights, causing the crew to become nervous and easily irritated. There wasn’t a sailor alive that didn’t dread the lull in wind that could cause a ship to list for days and sometimes-even weeks. Late over in the ev
ening of the fourth day a fog rolled in, enveloping the ship in the thick murky mess but at least the wind had picked up. Scotty, the first mate, was taking the late watch. Rayne was sitting in his cabin with Javonnie enjoying a glass of Cognac and playing cards when there was a knock on the door. Rayne bade them enter and Red walked through the door. ‘Scotty said to let you know he spotted a ship off the port bow about 15 minutes ago. Figured you’d want to come take a look.’

‘Thanks Red, I’ll be right up to take a look.’ Rayne drained his glass and smiled at Javonnie with an impish grin.

‘Now Rayne, you’re not supposed to be a pirate right now, you’re supposed to be a Duke on his way home. Which does require that you behave yourself!’ Javonnie reminded him.

‘Now, why would you jump to the conclusion that I’m not going to behave?’

‘I wonder. Do you suppose it could be because you’re like a bully just spoiling for a fight? Or that I know you better than anyone else and I know what that grin usually means?’

‘I’m just going to have a look, and we will probably just pass on by them without them ever even knowing we were there.’

Muttering under his breath Javonnie remarked, ‘it’s that probably that’s got me worried’ to himself and the four walls, since Rayne was already out the door and halfway to the deck.

When he reached Scotty’s side he handed Rayne the spyglass as he informed him, ‘Cap’n, there’s a ship shadowing the first one. I didn’t even see it at first, the damn thing is painted black as the night, right down to the sails. Damnedest thing I ever did see.’

Rayne turned the spy glass in the direction Scotty had indicated, and at first he saw nothing, then there was a slight lift in the fog and sure enough there she was, riding proudly on the water looking for all the world like a black ghost ship.

‘Well, the lead ship is definitely a Spanish galleon, and by the way she’s riding so low in the water, I would be willing to bet she’s loaded with gold dablooms, fine Spanish lace and silk as well as spices. I see no reason why this ghost ship should grab all the booty, now do you Scotty?’

Scotty chuckled, ‘No sir Cap’n as a matter of fact I took the liberty of telling the boys to be ready. You know, just in case you decided we needed a little diversion.’

‘You’re a good man Scotty’ Rayne slapped him on the back as he raced to grab his sword. The Eclipse turned silently toward the Spanish ship El Mercado and was closing the distance fast when the black ship made a run towards the doomed vessel. Rayne saw what the other captain was trying and laughed. His crew was the best crew on the waters, and he had beaten worse odds than these to come out the victor. This was but a game to Rayne, and he fully intended to share the booty, but what would it hurt to keep the other captain guessing for a while yet. He was looking forward to seeing the look on the other captains’ face when he and his crew swooped down, plucking the treasure right from beneath his nose. He bet the man would be furious.

The helmsman maneuvered the Eclipse in between the two ships and the grappling hooks hit the side of the vessel before the Spaniards even suspected they were under attack. Within in moments Rayne and his crew were swarming over the decks subduing the feeble attempts of the Spanish crew. Suddenly the crew from the mysterious black ship joined in the fray and as Rayne battled against a particularly aggressive soldier he caught a glimpse of a slim man with extremely long hair. A second look proved him totally wrong. That was no man, it was a woman in black leather breeches that molded to her every curve, outlining the contours of her lower half in infinite detail. She wore thigh-high black leather boots with a red silk shirt that was open to the waist and tucked tightly into her pants with a royal blue silk sash tied at her waist. So, this was La Gata. She was battling, not one but two swordsmen, who were displaying more than an adequate skill. But she had no problem dispatching them both to their maker in short order. Her hair was a riot of black curls in wild disarray that fell to well below her hips. She whirled to face Rayne as she felt his gaze upon her. As Raynes eyes traveled the entire length of her body coming to rest on her face he was startled out of his appreciative glance by the fiery gaze he met starring at him from the emerald green of her eyes.

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1 Stormy MondayChapter 25

Raul manned the grill, and as was the tradition, everyone lounged around him in the back yard, watching him work, and making un-helpful suggestions. Bobby had managed to pull himself together enough that no one questioned his mood or behavior. He did see Sammy looking at him thoughtfully a few times. Shortly after all the food had been consumed, they heard Collette's Beemer horn out front. Bobby and Sammy expressed their sincere regret at not being able to stay and help clean up, and took...

1 year ago
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Football Fun

Well high school is back in and it’s time to have some more fun. I was ready to meet some new guy’s and to see what kind of fun or trouble I could get in to. I knew that there was a girl in school that didn’t like me very much and the feeling was mutual. She was miss prep and I was just a country girl that didn’t live on the right side of the river in my town. She thought that she was it, one because she dated a football player that was good looking and a stud so she thought that she was the...

Group Sex
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Incomplete ArchiveChapter 4 Pain in the arse

Welcome to the year 2010, a future where corporate mogul's have set themselves above governments and above the law. Into this future we find Richard Whipstaff the fifth who is what the English would call "a right bastard" he is also the chairman, CEO and largest stock holder of the R'Sup corporation. Richard is 45, married, with two children as well as several mistresses. R'Sup is a multi-national mega corp that sells food to rich countries and guns to poor ones. It also pays poor people...

2 years ago
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Manali Trek Gives Unforgettable Memories

Hello Readers! This is my first story on this platform so I request you to share your feedback. To describe myself, I am a 23 year old male working in Mumbai. I am 6 ft tall and have been hitting the gym for a few months. I have developed a decent physique now and am working on my way to get 6 pack abs. So this story happened a couple of years back when I had gone for a trek to Manali in June. We were a mixed group of around 30 people who had signed up for it. We all met at the railway station...

1 year ago
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A Dream Come True

This story is fantasy as far as actual relations with another person. The statements about my abilities and desires are true. For some this relationship is common; for me it is strictly a dream. ****************************************** ***** As I do several times a week, I walked downtown to the Post Office to check my mailbox. I tend to 'size up' almost all of the females I see. If I see one especially good looking, and especially in a dress or summer apparel that shows lots of leg or torso,...

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Real Life Incident With Neighbour Aunt 8211 Part 5

This story is 100% true and it is not a fictional one. This is the continuation of my series real life incident with neighbor aunt, thank you Indian sex stories friends for replying me and reminding me to post the continuation story..It will be a relief for you guys who want this story badly.. By this real story I am lucky enough to get open offers from couples especially from kolkata, vizag and a girl from khammam and I am pretty busy nowadays pleasuring them through my rock hard dick.Thank...

2 years ago
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alone in her ugly room, staring at her flabby figure in the mirror, aroused, taking pictures of her reflection with a cell phone, hiding her boyish face behind it, not caring about the pile of dirty laundry in the frame, the tip of her little cock, sticking out of her tiny immature panties, squeezed between her thick pale thighs and her round belly fold, her soft moist skin glistening after a shower, pink flesh, her tender budding tits in a black lacy bra, her adorable chubby feet out of...

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A Game of Lust Chapter Four

After my orgasm, I pant with my husband’s cum on my face and Scott’s spunk trickling out of my ass. I can still taste the tang of Chris’ cum while Luc presses his cock against my pucker. I am tired from their handling but can only groan in pleasure as Luc drives his cock into me. I cry out and he pulls me up by the collar, holding me tight against his body as he thrusts into my slick ass. The lubrication of Scott’s spunk allows him to thrust more easily though the tightness of my body still...

2 years ago
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Daddy dear

I loved to tease my dad by walking around the house almost naked. I could see him eye my tits and ass. I wore short tight t-shirts and a skimpy thong. I would walk by him and rub against him. I loved to brush my tits against him. and I did this slow. I knew it was hard to resist me.The other day when I left the shower, I walked to my room with my towel over my arm instead of around me and dad came up the hall and looked at my naked body. I walked by him and ran my exposed nipple over his arm. I...

1 year ago
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Ride Me BabyChapter 6

Louise tossed and turned, unable to sleep despite her exhaustion. Although Gary's loud snoring really wasn't helping, she knew her insomnia was mainly due to the high levels of frustration she was feeling after the aborted encounter with Rick. The lights had been switched off ages ago and she assumed he was fast asleep in his own bunk. Peering at the luminous dial of her watch she eventually decided she was thirsty. The more she thought about it, the drier her mouth became. After a while...

2 years ago
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Worlds greatest detective

So, few notes and warnings, this story started as just my amateurish attempt to write something here, I used to dabble in the dark arts of writing short stories and this is just a continuation or build up from that. Thing is, the more time I put into this story the more it seems to get serious. So be warned, this is not a story for everybody, there are a lot of dark undertones not many will enjoy, there will be a lot of plot points I feel necessary for the characters that might be a bit...

3 years ago
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An Arranged Marriage Part IX

With one hand gripping my forearm and the other hand the cane she led me from the bedroom to the dining room and came to a halt at the edge of the long table. I was nervous. I had never been in this position with any women before, it had always been the other way around and yet I felt a sexual excitement that I had never experienced before. Letting go of my arm she gripped my left buttock and gave it a squeeze. “You have very firm buttocks Master,” she told me. “Will they be able to take a lot...

4 years ago
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Uncle Gaston And NieceChapter 15

Madeleine doubted that she would ever get over her timorousness at a first appointment with a new patron. Perhaps in time, when, and if, one became seasoned, a certain callousing metamorphosis took place, but so far in her short career she'd noted no such mutation. In fact, at the moment, standing in the luxurious living-room of Julian Forrest's elegant suite before the appraising, lecherous eyes of the handsome Inspector, she sensed a tiny shiver begin at the calves of her legs to creep up...

3 years ago
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This story is based on fact. The person involved passed away in 2000 So am using other names in place. I first met Melissa Barnes at school in eastern South Dakota in 1955, Both attending the same schoo. We weren,t great friends though our parents were, her father owned the local service station and lived with Melissa, her mother Janet and brother Allen. Allen was in high school when I first met Melissa and as he as older except for fishing and hunting we had little in common as he was more...

2 years ago
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Kinky Vanilla Chapter 3

Introduction:The third chapter in a very long seriesThis explains so much. "So just to be clear, all of the porn you've watched is like this.""This is the only porn I watch.""What do you mean the only porn you watch?""Like, this is the only porn I watch.""What, like this genre?""No, this movie.""This...movie. Just this movie." "Yes.""...How many times have you watched it?""...Twice." Holy fuck.I rested the bridge of my nose in between my thumb and forefinger. Oh my God this explains so much."So...

2 years ago
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the teachers dream

Being attracted to the beautiful physical attributes of teenage boysis one thing. It is another to have that attraction and be a high schoolteacher at the same time. I love teaching and would never do anything tojeopardize it, but seeing these smooth young men in their physical andsexual prime makes my life pretty damn difficult. Needless to say, I jackoff nightly to the images of these guys sitting in their desks wearingnothing but a cute smile and a hard teen cock. It is Lane who manages...

4 years ago
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The HR Lady Katie

At my work there is a lady in the HR department that is sexy as hell. She has chin length hair worn kind of loose. She wears stylish button up dress shirts with no under shirt covering her bra outline. Her breasts are quite large, probably a D, and I could only imagine that her nipples are somewhat large as well. She usually wears skirts about knee length, but typically has these sexy black boots on that go up to her knee. Her ass fills her skirt up easily, as it somewhat larger, but she...

1 year ago
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Preeti ke ghar me uski chudai

I think that u may have read earlier version of this story send by me I received few comments from u ppl on my email. As u know I was in Kolkata that day and was going to see a match at Salt Lake stadium. Sun is planning to fry us in Kolkata and as the heat of Kolkata is normally very bad and it was like for this summer too – i walked down to bus stop and had wait for half hr to get the bus. Once the bus came I taken ticket and moved towards the middle of the bus. Fine there was rush in bus I...

4 years ago
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Saving SisterChapter 6

The timing of Bud's plan for enslaving Kim was excellent. Unfortunately, events conspired to make him move sooner than the plan. The Friday before his planned intervention, Kevin caught Bud on the phone just before Bud arrived at the high school for his afternoon classes. "Bud, there are rumors buzzing around campus about a party the Tri-Zeds are having tonight. It's supposed to be a BDSM theme. After our talk, I had a girl I know in some of Dawn's classes keep an eye on her. My friend...

1 year ago
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Muse skipped down the street, happily and blissfully ignorant of her surroundings. Traffic, had she bothered to pay much attention, was moving at a brisk clip, cars, trucks and buses moving through the streets, seemingly ignorant of the light drizzle of rain that was gradually turning the grey sidewalks and streets a glossy black. Though vehicles were in abundance, people were sparse. Those that walked on the sidewalks huddled beneath their umbrellas or scurrying from cover to cover to avoid...

2 years ago
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LimitsChapter 7

Session 19: “I start to jerk off again. What do you do?” “I ... I...” There was a slight struggle to her voice, like repeating the action was somehow worse than agreeing to it, but after a worrying minute or two of twitching, she settled down, and spoke in her familiar, almost soothing monotone. “I masturbate as well.” “You can hear my breathing, you can feel every movement that I make. You’re so used to seeing and feeling me get off that you can tell exactly how I’m feeling, exactly how...

3 years ago
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After the Reunion Ch 23a

Saturday afternoon, Dec 2, 2028When we finished tree decorating, Addie’s phone rang. From the way she was talking, I presumed it was Tanya, especially when I heard Addie practically screaming into the phone, “Oh my God, Victoria’s Secret, Oh my God!”The kids were still having fun with the tree while I listened to more of Addie’s phone call with Tanya, they were talking excitedly about Victoria’s Secret. It seemed that Tawns may have gotten an offer from them.An hour later, she finally was off...

Wife Lovers
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It Happened One Morning

This is my second true story and it was unplanned. I’ve been through some drama recently that was a total surprise and pretty hurtful. I’m sharing this for my lush friends who have been so encouraging and sweet to me. Four guys in particular - you know you who are (Mr. J for inspiring this - Mr. N for the daily shoulder - Mr. GW for being pissed off in my honor and Mr. A for letting me get him in trouble and for being too sweet to admit it!). But so many of you make me smile and keep the dirty...

2 years ago
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Nothing Gets Through Ch 05

Nothing Gets Through Ch. 05 © 2010 All rights reserved Dom had a quiet, neat apartment. There was very little decoration, and a bare minimum of furniture. That was all Lani got to observe before Dom took her coat, removed his own, and then pulled her into another searing kiss. He couldn’t remember at what point on the ride to his place he'd discovered he'd wanted her so much. After she had given up on going to a hotel, they'd both relaxed. There wasn't much conversation, but he hadn't minded,...

Love Stories
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First Time ndash Chapter 1

First Time – Chapter 1The first time you ever kiss Sam it’s an accident and while it is by definition a kiss you doubt anyone but you would consider it as such if only because it was a painful mishap more than anything else that leaves you with a cut on your lip and Sam with a bruise on her mouth.But for a whole week after you lick at the cut despite the sting and think about Sam's mouth on yours and ignore the fact that it happened when you were standing behind her at the breakfast bar,...

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It started with a kiss

Hello!! All ISS fans. As it seems that I have endless stories for you are you enjoying them or not??? There is another fucking and sucking story for u. As you all are aware of me that I am Abhishek, 18 male living in east Delhi. The story is not real. It does not match to any living being present on earth. It is made by me only for your enjoyment .if anybody having any questions, comments or anything to say about the story can freely mail me on or enjoy it dudes and babes. The story starts...

4 years ago
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Me And Friend Fucked His Step Mom

So,My name is Rohan.I’m 6’2 and I have a athletic body.I’m 21.I’m from Punjab and this story is a true story so don’t expect any out of the box things.This story is totally true and nothing of it is fiction.Hope you like it. This is about how I helped my friend to fuck his step-WILD-mom. This story consists of me,My friend, and her mom.My friend’s real mom passed away due to some sickness and his dad re-married soon after that.He was 4 at that time. So fast forward,his step was hot as fuck..a...

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Memorable Bus Ride To The Office With My Crush

Hi readers, My name is Amit and I m basically from Delhi and working here in Bangalore, I am fantasy filled guy and had uncounted intercourse with different ladies. Today I am going to narrate you my first Bangalore sex encounter, so I am Amit staying in Indiranagar, Bangalore and working in outer ring road, my usual conveyance is bus. So this incident took place when I had newly joined my current office. I was 29 then. As usual I waked up and left to office reached and was waiting for the...

1 year ago
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Vagina Dialogue

"You love the taste of cunt, don't you?" Natasha remarked. Julie removed her tongue from the thick lips and folds of her lover's vulva, and smiled at Natasha, a thin trail of saliva on her chin. "Yeah! Nothing beats it! It's got the best taste in the world." "And my pussy? How's that compare?" "It's good! Amongst the best. You've got a world class clit and I love the taste. No pussy-farts either!" "You don't like a burst of beaver wind?" "Smells better than the toilet...

1 year ago
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Giving her what she asked for

So this girl is a real fuck doll for me we talk on the phone and have phone sex all the time she say she needs my cock inside her she want me bad. But we can never seem to make it happen Until one day she called me and told me to come over her mom and dad were not there so we can fuck. I told her I would be there soon I knocked on the door my cock was already hard. She answered the door all ready naked she pulled me in and stared to suck my cock. She had no problem getting all my 9in cock in...

2 years ago
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Jennifer Lawrence and an old high school friend go

Dominic Bryan sat down in the log cabin hidden away in the Los Angeles countryside. His ears picked up as the sound of a car rolled up the drive, collecting gravel in its treads as it went. He stood up and moved away from the desk, peering out of the large window, Dom saw a big green SUV slow to a halt outside of the resort. Two people got out of the vehicle and walked to the back of the car. The larger woman opened the back of the car and hoisted a large bag out of the back. That must be the...

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“Are you going to have your second orgasm this afternoon for me? “You were masturbating like a madman while he was fucking me. “Did watching me take eleven-inches turn you on? “It obviously did because you didn’t last long at all. “And he was watching you while he was fucking me. “While I was having his eleven-inch cock watching you masturbate turned me on even more. “And the noise you made when you came was very exciting for all of us. “I know I promised he could give you blow job...

2 years ago
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Dont You Just Love Jelly and Cream

I looked at the state of the kitchen table and sighed. The aftermath of a children’s tea party is never a pretty sight, and this bunch of eight-year olds seem to have thrown as much jelly and ice-cream around as they’d eaten. But they’d had a good time, and now Alan’s parents had taken all ten of them to the cinema to see a film, which may or may not calm them down a bit. Alan and I had stayed behind to clear up – bad as the mess looked, I think we’d got the better side of the deal.

3 years ago
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Sex With My Virgin Student In Kolkata Part 8211 1

Hello friends, mera naam raghu (name changed) hai, mai kolkata ka rehne wala hu, age 23, 5-7 height hai meri and lund 7+ lamba and 4.5 mota hai. Average body hai. Mai ek masters degree student hu… Waise mai iss ka regular reader hu…   Waise meri last stories se kafi mails mili… thank you friends apke support k lie Specially to all bhabhis and girls… Love u muuaahhh   Please apna response mujhe mail kare – and mai fb and hangouts pe bhi hu…same id hai mera.   Aab jyada bore nahi karte hue...

2 years ago
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Incest GamesChapter 16

There was sweetness in his sister's cunt, and Glynn licked it slowly, savoring the honey there. He was replete, but not sated, and thought he would never be; there were far too many erotic things yet to do, so many farout combinations to try, and he meant to go through them all, one by one, if his body held out. Glad that he was young and horny, he continued to tease Lorena's still pussy with his tongue, until her body began to stir. She'd passed out, just about the time he was letting...

2 years ago
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Home sweet home

You've finally done it! All finished with high school and college, you landed a job as an IT specialist at the hospital. Your mom loans you the money, and tells you to pay her out of your first paycheck, you have enough to get your own apartment. You pull up in the moving van and start unloading your boxes. After you get finished, you notice a woman watching you. She's about 5'3", straight blonde hair that's down to her shoulders. Her clothes fit her body like they were painted onto her 34 C's...

3 years ago
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Rendezvouz With an Online Friend

He started off very safe, albeit a bit naughty. Nothing anyone would think is inappropriate. He was a businessman and traveled quite a lot. He wouldn't tell me his age but would always say that he was still young enough to please any woman and then leave with a naughty smile. He was very sweet; always greeting me good morning, checking up on how I was doing in my schoolwork. But every so often he would send me some naughty emails. For example: Good morning Sunshine! Have you recovered...

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