Speechless Ch. 01 free porn video

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NOTE- This is my first work on the ROMANCE genre so please forgive any mistakes. I’ve done my best to edit it.

Votes and comments will be appreciated.


After the doorbell rang for the fifth time, I broke out of sleep, quickly assaulted by the hangover headache.

‘GODSDAMNIT!’ I groaned rubbing my forehead trying to relieve the pain. I quickly pulled himself out of couch.

A distant voice came.

‘SAM, open the door!’

I looked around alerted by my mom’s voice.

‘MOM!’ I yelled back moving towards the main door.

‘OPEN THE DOOR!’ She sounded annoyed. I quickened my pace.

The door was opened and revealed Mom, and a young girl I could not recognise.

The girl gasped strangely, more like chocking. Mom frowned.

‘What were you doing? Put a goddamn shirt!’

I looked down gaping at my torso, showing my well defined musculature. Nothing too over the board but still enticing as many of my exes pronounced before. I am eighteen and on my senior high school year.

Still Mom was early. Her return was due three more days.

I ran inside searching for the tee I was surely wearing last night, finding it hanging on the coat hooks.

Doing it on as fast fast as possible. I turned to find the girl looking at me. Mom was pulling the second handbag back from the porch. I ignored the creature for few moments instead going to mom’s side and taking over the luggage.

After five minutes I was back with the last one taken care off. Then I faced the girl finding her standing on the exact place with an amused face.

I checked her out. Raven hair, a cute face with pouty lips and an upturned nose. She was wearing a round neck tee that showed almost no cleavage. Her tits were somewhere between C or D cup. But they were firm I can say with my experience on this matter. Maybe a little small for my taste. A good midriff and slim long legs wrapped in a military style Capri. Her ass wasn’t visible so I can’t mention about that.

‘Hi, I’m Samuel Gray.’ I offered my hand.

She glanced at my outstretched palm then moved her own to coincide mine. He hand was soft and pinkish just like her complexion. He fingers delicate.

‘Gwen, your room will be upstairs.’ Mom came down and stared at our joined hands and again frowned.

We both withdrew our hands as fast as possible blushing furiously. Her face was almost red because of her blush.

Mom’s expression softened just by looking at her.


She looked and me. ‘She is Gwen, Martha and Luke’s daughter. They are going on a world trip, so she will be staying with us for a while.

Gwen’s grew pale with every word. It was evident that she wasn’t happy about it.

I nodded in approval. Martha was my mom’s best friend till she married and moved away. Or so I was told, because I have only a vague memory of a huge women with curly brow hair and a sad smile on her face.

Mom took Gwen to her room. I moved back to the couch. Thank god, my girlfriend is out of town for a week and I was alone last night. Or else it would have been a very awkward situation.

I took out some pasta that I made last night and put it in the microwave. Mom came down as I was heating the pan, planning for bacon and eggs.

She took over without my consent.

I moved back to the couch. Our living room and kitchen were adjoined so I can talk to Mom while she cooks.

I initiated the conversation.

‘Mom… have we met before? I mean Gwen and me?’

She looked back at me and shook her head.

‘No. Martha and Luke visited us only twice over the years and they didn’t bring her with them.’ She answered sadly.

I caught the tone and also the look she gave her earlier, a sympathetic look.

‘Mom, what’s wrong?’ I asked in a small voice.

She sighed putting the bacons and eggs in three separate plates along with the pasta from the oven.

She placed the plates in the dining table. I followed her every move.


‘Gwen…’ She whispered, ‘Is suffering from a mental impairment due to brain damage at the time of birth. She cannot talk among other things.’

His hit me hard, and my eyes widened. That pretty girl I just met can’t talk? That’s why she didn’t said her name when we shook hands.

‘Is that why they left her, her parents?’

‘Martha wanted her along but Luke didn’t wanted her along.’ Her tone was still sad. ‘He thinks of her as a burden unlike Martha who loves both her children equally.’

We haven’t touched the food.

‘You mean she have a sibling?’

Mom nodded looking at the steaming pasta on her plate. She responded after a pause.

‘His name is David and he is twenty-two doing his masters in computer science. He is just as worse as his father, always troubling his sister for petty things. I don’t understand why they behave like that to her. It isn’t her fault that she can’t talk.’ She literally growled.

I felt a pang of sympathy towards Gwen. She surly have suffered much.

Mom called Gwen down who came down changed to more casual clothes. A T-shirt and pink knickers. A refreshing aroma of Jasmine flowed with her.

Must be her shower gel, I thought never taking my eyes off her. She noticed it and blushed. Her still damp hair clung to her beautiful neck and throat. I noticed how long her hair was. Almost touching her curvy hips.

‘Join us, honey.’ Mom invited her to the table. She mouthed a thank you, but not even a squick came out. Her head zapped at me in alarm, her eyes wide in panic. Mom touched her arm making her sit.

‘He knows, honey.’ She added touching her cheek, ‘And he doesn’t mind at all.’ Mom looked at me threateningly. ‘Right?’

‘Yeah, yeah. It’s okay. We can be friends.’ I blurted out. She looked at me like if my nose grew an inch or two, just like Pinocchio.

She rummaged out a notepad from a hip pocket that he didn’t knew was there. A small marker was attacked at the backbone. She scribbled something, ripped the small note and passed it to me.

I read, ‘REALLY?’ All caps.

I thought what was the big deal then realised, maybe because of her impairment she doesn’t have many friends. I smiled at her and said, ‘No big deal.’

She beamed at me delightfully. Now, I’ve mentioned I did have a fair share of experience with girls. But all this never prepared me for the cute little creature, who smiles with dimples on her cheek and shine in her emerald eyes. And then I experienced something which was almost new to me. A sudden ache in my heart and a strange attraction towards her. I felt like to hold her kiss that soft looking lips stretched around her perfect white teeth. They were irresistible. Maybe my dilemma showed on my face because Mom cleared her throat indignantly.

‘Finish the food then pass notes.’ She scolded almost like a teacher who caught students passing notes while she was teaching. Gwen blushed again furiously. When she blushes her face and neck grew almost red resembling a oversized tomato. I cracked out on her expression earning a glare from Mom.

After the short affair, Mom told me to show Gwen around while she fetch some groceries. I was too happy to oblige.

Gwen looked comfortable enough with me as I gave her a brief tour of our house, pointing out my bedroom, the master bedroom along with her own, on the first floor. Then the bathroom on the same one. Then we came down. I took her to our back yard and showed her the swimming pool. She almost burst out with joy at seeing the clear blue water. She scribbled a not which said that she is a great swimmer. I told her that we can swim later, together at which she again blushed and looked away embarrassed. When I told her that I was serious, she looked alarmed and scribbled another note.

*What will your Mom think about me?*

I smiled slyly and said, ‘She don’t have
to know.’

She still looked unsure and slightly concerned.

‘What you don’t have a bathing suit?’ I nudged her mockingly. Her blush deepened if that was even possible.She wrote.

*I do. But it doesn’t feel right. We barely know each other.*

So it was her shyness then. I really wanted to see more of her, but it would be wrong to force her so I dropped the matter for the time sake.

After I showed her the basement area we settled down on the couch and turned the TV on. Mom returned after few more minutes with a huge load of groceries and stuff. Apparently they noticed the almost meagre stocks left. I had a party two days earlier and most of it was my friends fault.

After placing the stuff in their place, Mom joined us for a while.

‘Gwen why don’t you join Sam’s school.’ She advised. I popped my eyebrows.

‘Yeah, it’s really a nice place. They will love to have you.’ I said looking down at her. She was biting her lower lips in contemplation.

‘Are you okay with it, honey?’ My Mom zeroed in on her taking my place forcefully. She placed a loving hand on her back and rubbed, Gwen’s tension flew out of the door. I assumed Martha must have told Mom how to relax her.

She nodded in agreement at last. Mom kissed her on the temple.

‘You know I always wanted a daughter, but I ended up with this.’ She moved he finger up and down where I was standing, like I was something she bought in auction.

‘Hey.’ I frowned crossing my arms, genuinely offended. I ‘do not’ want her as a sister! She is too much sexy for that.

Both the females giggled. At that moment I realised, just as Mom did that when she laughs, she sounds almost like a normal teenager. So her vocal cords really vibrate and weren’t dysfunctional. She noticed the astonished looks on our faces and stopped doing it. She arched a perfect eyebrow not so amused anymore.

Before she can draw out her notepad Mom stopped her and framed her face with her hands.

‘I know what you will ask, honey. We are surprised…’ She looked at me then back, ‘…that you can form sounds.’

Gwen nodded sheepishly.

‘Have you ever tried talking. Speaking out letters and words? Will you try now? Say something to me!’ I was really hopeful. She stared at me for a while without blinking. Then she opened her mouth several times. My amusement dying down at her failing effort. Seeing this her eyes glistened with moisture and she looked down at the floor firmly clenching her shut. Tears brimming out and trailing down her rosy cheeks down her trembling chin. I instantly felt guilt. Stupid, stupid, STUPID!

Mom brushed her tears away and pulled her to a hug, constantly rubbing her back. She hid her face in her shoulder and sobbed.

‘It okay, Hon. It will happen one day. You will talk to everyone and no one will bother you. Come lets go upstairs.’

She stayed upstairs for most of the day. Mom instructed me to encourage but not force her to talk in the future. I always kept the stairs in my peripheral vision hoping she will come down eventually. She came down only for lunch and then dinner, ignoring me completely. I again felt the same strange ache in my heart when I saw her puffy red eyes. My instincts cried out to comfort this little creature whom he had indirectly caused a great deal of pain. But I reigned myself in.

Even in my dreams, her smiling face appeared randomly.

Next morning Mom left for work early, waking me up and asking me not to cause Gwen any kind of discomfort and to look after her needs. I told her not to worry.

I was heating the breakfast when she got down. I looked at her and noticed urging her to sit down. Her composure was much better today, and she wasn’t ignoring me anymore was a huge relief.

During the breakfast, I have an idea to cheer her up. After we finished, I patted her on the arm and said, ‘I’m going swimming. You can join me. That is if you get over of your blasted shyness.’ I smirked pulling out my tee while going out, giving her a perfect view of my muscular back.

After fifteen minutes in the pool waiting for her. I gave up. My plan was a failure so I swimmed to get out but was stopped when the backyard door opened slowly. I stopped and removed water from my eyes and gasped.

Okay to be honest, the first thing I noticed were her boobs. Call me a pervert if you want but it was just too good to miss. I believe I’m a boobs man and I was fucking wrong but it made me happy instead. She wasn’t a C cup. She was a GODDAMN double-D. She must have been wearing those compressor bras earlier because there was no way in hell I wouldn’t have noticed THEM.

She just stood their blushing while I groped at her with my eyes. Her whole body was flushed, her one piece clinging to her shapely curves like a second skin. Her nipples already poking out. My jaw was so hung.

After I gained sanity enough, I called her out to join me. She slipped down into the water making the swimwear stick even more closely to her body. Now I was blushing because of the imminent bulge in my shorts. Hopefully she didn’t noticed it. She stayed three foot away from me and I did the same, not daring to go any close. Her hair was damp down her shoulders floating around her like hundreds of tiny needles. I felt a compulsion to touch them, to feel them flow off my hands.

I was literally speechless for minutes gulping down the dark haired beauty standing before me twitching with the water. She seemed equally dumbstruck. For the first time I felt what every man feels when they saw a steaming hot gal, lust. Maybe t was always there and I didn’t noticed it before or maybe not. My sudden attraction towards her yesterday multiplied tenfold.

‘You look good.’ I atlast broke the awkward silence. She just nodded for the appreciation.

I scooted a little closer. She seemed determined to jump out if I tried something. I chuckled at the thought. She looked alarmed and drew a little back.

‘Seriously? I won’t try anything don’t worry.’ I eyed her up and down making her shiver, ‘Or my Mom will kill me and burn my entrails in the bonfire.’

This seemed to loosen her up a little. She smiled weakly.I smiled back and took her hand drawing her with me as I swam towards the end. She yelped then giggled. Her tone was like chiming crystals, I wished that she could use her voice and say my name.

We swimmed for a while and during this time we really came very close. The lack of conversation wasn’t a hindrance when two teenagers are swimming together. Maybe it’s natural. She was the first one to come out of the pool, which I expected was the first thing you can say she did for purely teasing purpose. She sensually climbed back. He suit diving in her ass crack and stretching over the heart shaped globes of yum. I almost blew my load when she stood and gripped her long hair, water flowing down her shapely legs, all the time with her back towards me and knowing I will be watching. I almost blew my load in my trunk right then and there when she deliberately looked back and winked those shining emeralds at me.

Oh, I’m so breaking up with Tina when she comes back. Gwen’s worth it.


Let me know how is it and if I should continue or not.

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Joined By The NightChapter 4

Brianna stared up into his eyes, seeing the sincerity and kindness in them. It was almost more than she could take. With a small cry, she took a step backward, her hand going to her forehead as a wave of dizziness spilled over her. Matt reached out, grabbing her arm and hearing her cry of pain. "What is it, Bria?" "N-nothing, really. I'm just a bit dizzy," she managed to say, wishing she could melt against him. "When was the last time you ate?" he asked, looking into her wan...

2 years ago
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Bully owns moms pussy

"Ohh FUCK THAT PUSSY," John hear as he open the door to his house. For the past 18 years, his mom was a decent traditional Asian lady. He enters his living room and his heart stops. There, on the carpet, his 35 year old mom and his bully Jamal fuck. Jamal's big black cock thrusts deeply into his mom's pussy. His heart further drops when he see the heap of clothes near his mom. A pair of short denim shorts with a wet spot on the crotch, soaked panties, sports bra, and a halter top. He carelessly...

3 years ago
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Blowing Rusty

On Friday nights, I would go watch the game, just to see Rusty in his tight little football uniform. Just the sight of his tight teenage ass in those white pants almost pushed me over the edge. Damn, I would have done anything to be in that lockerroom after the game, watching Rusty and his teammates showering their hard, sweaty bodies, their cocks swinging freely, the water running down between the globes of their hot asses. FUCK!!!! Funny thing was, during all my daydreaming at work, it...

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Dont Sleep on the Subway Book ThreeChapter 28

(DEC 1941 JAPANESE BOMB PEARL HARBOR) Author’s Note: I apologize for the interruption of the unfolding story, but wanted to draw attention to the fact that there is some lag time between the Historical side of the story and the plot with the time-traveling Jack Kruger from the twenty-first century. As I previously indicated at the beginning, chapters 27 and 28 are the pivotal chapters of the war in Europe during World War Two and the events in these two chapters are the alpha and the omega...

3 years ago
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Loving you

After 30, most of women becomes a mass of meat like Sabitha, my dearest wife ! My name is Chandu, we are celebrating 10th year of our marriage. I am 44 and Sabitha is 36, and we have not yet decided to have children. We are living at an old fashioned house surrounded by our plantation land. Life was much more good since we bought this land and shifted almost four years back. Living permanently at such a place is not easy for most city grown couples. But, luckily we both love this place very...

2 years ago
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My Girls III Truth Power and HopeChapter 48

It didn't take long for the girls to be ready. Melinda and Melissa assured everyone they would watch over Terzo, but no one really believed the Empress would attack there. She'd be smart enough to know that Patrick would take her daughter with him, and no one on Terzo could provide her with the power she was seeking. The teleportation to Cornaza was over in an instant. Everyone clustered together, making plans. "They'll come down here," the Advisor said. "This is the center of...

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My First Penis

I was in my early 20s when I first put one in my mouth. My teens were spent watching straight porn, and I loved it, but I always fantasized about cock. Big cocks, small cocks, hairy, smooth, cut and uncut cocks--I found them all fascinating and sexy and I wanted one in my mouth. It was after a long relationship with a woman who was homophobic that I started exploring my sexuality. I became more open-minded with porn and started watching videos with transwomen, crossdressers, and eventually an...

3 years ago
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Sibling Seduction Ch 22

“Do you want to have a shower?” she breathed after awhile. Jeff tried to control his arousal as memories of Amy asking that same question hit him. “Yes.” Was all he said. He pulled his soft dick out of her with a ‘slurp’ and stood up. Bonnie hustled into the bathroom, his eyes on her skinny ass the entire way. It was different than with Amy. With Amy, they cleaned each other off, enjoyed each other’s bodies with their hands. With Bonnie, she was already done cleaning her body and hair as he...

4 years ago
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Home for the Holidays

It began like that cheesy Christmas movie, where the guy was in a race against time to make it home for the holidays. Except instead of racing, I was taking my time. Why, you ask? Have you seen the movie "Christmas Vacation"? Well my family is actually like that. It's stressful, embarrassing, and a ton of other things that aren't fun. After a 5 and a half hour drive, I finally arrived in my home town. Like it always is in the winter, my town was really snowy, and really cold. You couldn't take...

Straight Sex
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Broadcast Sexuality Ch 01

Chapter 1: I’m A Nice Guy The girl whimpered as she backed her sopping pussy onto my cock. Well, maybe ‘girl’ isn’t the word. It sounds a little misogynistic. It sounds a little wrong. No, staring down at this 28-year-old brunette, listening to her moan in shock and terror and need as she shoved herself back until my cock bottomed out against her cervix and her ass quivered against my hips, I realized she wasn’t a ‘girl’ at all. A ‘girl’ didn’t moan like that. A ‘girl’ didn’t reach back to...

2 years ago
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Sex Ed Teacher

Hi, my name is Kelly, I'm 27, and I'm a sex education teacher at Valley Park Community College. Okay, my offical title is Instructor of Health and Wellness 100, a freshman level elective. As a health nut and fitness junkie, I enjoy teaching young people about the benefits of a healthy lifestyle, but my passion lies with the week long sex education portion that I teach during the last week of each semester. I get a sense of fulfillment when I teach first year college students about safe sex, the...

4 years ago
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The Babe Bike BluesChapter 20

In the end, it was generally agreed upon that Bob and Jennifer's continued presence at the hospital wasn't going to produce any gain, as far as the patients were concerned. Life needed to go on, where it could, while other lives would remain on hold until healing was well enough along that they could complete it at home. So it was, that night, Bob and Jennifer prepared to stay their last night in the Best Western motel. The mood was a little like what some people feel on a Sunday night,...

1 year ago
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StepSiblingsCaught Alexa Nova Did You Cum Inside Me

Rion King wants to renew his carnal relationship with his stepsister Alexa Nova, and despite her initial hesitation she agrees. Rion is all about Alexa’s pleasure, taking the time to rub her small boobs and massage her creamy bare pussy. Once Alexa’s thong is gone, Rion gets to enjoy watching Alexa rub her bare slit and pierced clit. Pulling off his own clothes, Rion pulls Alexa close so that she can suck him off while he takes over rubbing her twat. When she rolls onto her back and...

3 years ago
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Her Second Time

I was on vacation going snowboarding with a few friends. Usually after going boarding all day, you party in the late afternoon/evening/night. I took private lessons from a guy employed by one of the local skiing and snowboarding schools.Soooo long story short, one night I didn't go party with my friends, because I was invited by my snowboard coach. So Carl, my coach, invites me to go partying with him and of course I'm allowed to bring friends, but since at that point we kinda had the hots for...

4 years ago
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BugsChapter 16

"Where is it bitch?" "Where's what?" asked Rhonda. "The disc from Mark's apartment." It had been a week since Wendy had first arrived at the door of the apartment. Since, Rhonda had suffered through endless nights of sexual torture. Eric's sadistic lovemaking had become even more extreme, Rhonda, at times, begging him to stop, but her cries for mercy were met only with his laughter and renewed vigor. "One of the surveillance discs is missing. I know that idiot Mark has the hots...

1 year ago
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Slut Melanie

Melanie was bored. She was in a rut, and her toys and imagination were not enough to keep her from being in a funk. She was getting that feeling, the one she got that motivated her to do "things." Oh well, there was something that seemed to work for her when she got like this.She had a very sheer top that most women would never wear out in public, especially without a bra. She also had a short cheerleader skirt. Those with some sandals, and she is headed out. She knew that if she acted slutty...

3 years ago
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After Work Treatmen Ch 1

Introduction: Alena is a woman in her mid-twenties who works her ass off in a bureau. After some extra hours she just wants to treat herself… After an hour long train ride home I was completely exhausted and done with my life. I havent really slept in nearly 32 hours just because I was working. Ive always hated extra hours but they were paid pretty good so I agreed on staying longer in the bureau. The only thing I wanted was my nice bed and a good amount of sleep for the whole weekend without...

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Montana Wildcat

Chapter 1 I thought my life was supposed to be a milquetoast rhapsody of chemistry and laboratories. Underneath where I never looked I secretly wished for love, sex, kids and a home in the suburbs; but life had already shown me that a person's dreams should not exceed his grasp. I am chemist, respected and complimented; I make the perfect lunch table companion. That's about it unfortunately. I came from a city school where geeks were easy targets and intelligence was something to be beaten...

1 year ago
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Sex Treatment

I am new to the site and my story hope my story will be interesting, I am married and we are three sisters now we are married for three years and this happened one year after our marriage, all three of us have a age difference on 2 years and I got married just 8 months after my elder sister got married. after marriage she went to the place where her husband was working and then we got married and we also moved to Agra, we moved to agra immediately after marriage with in one week and we were...

2 years ago
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StupidChapter 4

Are people anything but selfish? All the people I've met have tried to change me, my actions to the perspective they have of me. Even I'm no different. I'm trying to do the right thing as I find it. I don't know. I wish I didn't have to find these answers. I went through with the divorce. I went for a 50-50 split. I donated as much money as I could over the next month. Rest I left to the government relief fund, I don't care what happens to it. I moved to a motel, far from where I...

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An Ordinary Mans Life Ch 18

Edited by tangentjoker. Great job. Thank you. ***** The two and a half weeks after the sex incident at the ‘Club’ was filled with a series of lovemaking sessions between Todd and his lovelies. It seemed the intensity of their sexual gatherings increased day by day knowing it would end soon. When Todd picked his well tanned and relaxed parents up from the airport, after their vacation in Cabo San Lucas, he told them everything that happened while they were away. They knew their son very well...

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Submissive Lover part I

James had been slowly grooming his latest lover to follow his every command. A powerful man by appearance James was tall, looming over a full foot taller than Sarah’s 5’3” frame. His face was angled, muscles rippled over his chest and arms giving him a “don’t fuck with me” body language. He was used to being in control and wanted his lover to enjoy being submissive. When he met Sarah she was independent, strong willed. She refused his sexual advances at first. James was persistent, first...

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Mother Superior And I

My girlfriend is a recalcitrant Catholic (forgive her father for she has sinned, it’s been 10 years since her last confession) and I was born a protestant but have been eternally in love with the Catholic Church.In my country, people call lesbianism ‘supi’. To the best of my knowledge, supi is not a word derived form any native Ghanaian language. It appears to be a slang word which was coined somewhere along the line. I have not done any specific research on the origins of the word ‘supi’ and...

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My Girlfriend And Me

Hi I am Ric 24 year old guy working in Chennai. This is love incidence with my girlfriend. I want to express how I started to love my girlfriend and how our relationship continued. I came to Chennai at 2011 for my studies. At my first year in college once I met a girl named Jancy (name changed) in campus and started to talk. She studies in another department. She looks nice with a slim figure but mostly wears half sari which is a kind of traditional dress in Chennai. We both are in almost same...

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Femdom Invasion

A society of aliens, ruled by females, is invading Earth. Here are the options: Amazines: Human in appearance, the Amazines are a barbaric people who are very strong and tall. They want to show all other races the superiority not only of Amazines, but females in general. Felinineceans: a cat-like society of hunters, the males of their species are not sentient. As a result of these two factors, they seek to hunt and dominate males of other species. LLirgs: a race of completely hairless...

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Lust or Love you be the judge

Romance. A feeling of mystery? The sense of excitement? The promise of love?Survey a thousand people and ask what romance means to them and you'll hear a thousand different similes. Is romance a medieval tale based on legend? Chivalric love and adventure, ethereal or the supernatural? Perhaps a prose narrative treating imaginary characters involved in events remote in time or place and usually heroic, adventurous, or mysterious? Could romance merely be a love story especially in the form of a...

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The Angry Whore Book 1Chapter 16 Cogs Stories

3 August, 1686 Night Jack stood looking out over the tropical moonlit horizon at nothing in particular completely absorbed within his own thoughts. For so long now he had only understood one thing, the killing of Bass, now however it seemed he had been dealt an entirely new hand. His original plan to commandeer the Angry Whore for himself, collect a crew then wait for Bass to discover him was in shambles. After coming to know the women he now felt they deserved to have a hand in killing...

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Inside the pleasure dome

My wife bent over the black PVC horse, after the height was adjusted, and allowed her legs to be spread and ankles strapped , a wide 20cm strap wrapped over her waist pinning her down. Then an elderly man inserted his penis into her glistening, excited pussy. I watched as he began to pump away at her. But now, my redhead was ready. Her partner had pulled out of her, leaving a spermy trail, now it was my turn. When you first join the 'Pleasure Dome' you have to be tested for STD's, as you are on...


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