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Another uncomfortable college party. Camilla nursed her drink, bobbing her head to the music, feigning enjoyment. She felt like a fool in her skirt and best blouse. Everyone else wore jeans or yoga pants, t-shirts or tight spaghetti-strap tops.

She swirled her drink. This is my third, she thought. Better slow down or I’ll find myself in trouble.

Camilla didn’t even know whose house they were in, but her friends insisted it would be a blast.

“Everyone will be there,” her friend had said. “The guy’s parents are away, so we have the whole house to wreck. Great chance to find someone. Maybe finally get laid.”

Camilla didn’t want to wreck anyone’s house, and the last thing she wanted was to lose her virginity to some frat boy. She simply wanted to find a nice guy. She broke up with her boyfriend back home last October when the distance and their changing lives made it seem pointless. Now February, all she did was study, hang out with her friends, and avoid being dragged to parties.

The living room was too bright and the music too loud. She had spent most of the evening with her friends, sipping coolers, trying to talk over the music. Camilla and her friends were all chatty. They joked and gossiped, and when a song they knew came on, they sang along at the top of their lungs. When her friends got up to dance, Camilla begged out, feeling self-conscious and wobbly from the booze. She moved to a corner to look for anyone she knew.

Camilla hoped that maybe... yes! He was across the room. How had she missed him? Stuart. Super cute, funny Stuart who sat up front in English Lit.

In class, Stuart always had a smart remark or funny spin on questions he asked the professor. She found herself fixated on him from the first day. Something about how he held himself. He wasn’t a walking ego, but wasn’t shy either. Maybe it was the soft looking sweaters, or his big sneakers. She didn’t know, but Camilla watched him through each class, straining to hear every word he said. She noticed him whenever he walked by on campus or in a corridor and wondered where he was from, if he really was as nice as he seemed.

Camilla had never spoken to him. Her friend knew one of his friends, and just once they had all hung out in the cafeteria. Stuart had sat at the far end of their table, but she caught him sneaking glances at her. Was something wrong with how she looked? Had someone said something bad about her? No, it was probably just her. She was well aware how poorly she compared to her pretty, outgoing friends.

Why couldn’t she be as confident as Stuart looked? Camilla felt like she was still back home in high school—self-conscious, out-of-place, overwhelmed. The only relief then were the times she could sneak away with her boyfriend to talk or for awkward petting sessions in his basement rec room. They had progressed from shy fumblings to oral sex and nearly worked up the courage for actual intercourse before Camilla had to leave for college. Camilla missed those sessions—the thrill of the naughty explorations, how easy it was to please him, the fire his fingers and tongue lit inside her. She especially missed the cuddling and warm comfort of their talks afterwards.

Stuart was in trouble. She saw it. Camilla didn’t know many people on campus, but she knew Deirdre. She was large. She was loud. She always wore sleeveless black dresses. And most days she needed better deodorant. Stuart stood in the opposite corner as Deirdre shouted in his ear, gripping his arm. He was smiling and nodding, but his eyes darted, eager to escape.

I can do this, thought Camilla.

She downed the rest of her drink, wormed her way through the crowd and tapped Deirdre on the shoulder. Camilla waved hello and gestured toward Stuart.

“He owes me a dance,” she shouted, but regretted it. Her throat stung from shouting all night with her friends. Deirdre was about to object, but Camilla grabbed Stuart’s hand and pulled him into the crowd of dancing partiers.

Stuart gave her a grateful smile and mouthed a thank-you for the rescue. When Camilla smiled and mouthed, “You’re welcome,” he took both her hands and started dancing.

Camilla tried to find the beat and look like she could dance. The alcohol helped loosen her movements. She was nervous. Had she really done that? Did he even remember her? Would he think she was another pushy woman trying to force her attention on him? Camilla wanted to find somewhere to talk.

Stuart looked at her with a confident smile, his warm hands holding hers. When a new song came on, a cheer went up and more people crushed onto the dance floor, pushing Camilla and Stuart together from all sides. He shrugged and pressed himself close, putting his arms loose around her waist with an apologetic half-smile. They stood nose-to-nose, looking at each other and swaying to the deafening beat.

They danced through one more song, and Stuart leaned forward and said “Dwamna... gshh...” He held his throat and grimaced. Camilla guessed he had spent most of the evening shouting too.

He pointed to the hallway with a questioning expression. Camilla nodded eagerly and was thrilled when he pulled her out of the crowd.

Camilla rubbed her ears in the relative quiet of the front hall. Stuart seemed relieved too. It seemed neither of them were partiers, but Camilla had already guessed that about him.

Stuart tried to speak but again only a croak and a hiss emerged. He touched his throat and looked apologetic. Camilla tried to reply but had the same results—a hoarse croak that hurt like hell. They both hissed in laughter at their painful predicament.

There was a den or library on the other side of the hall. Camilla took Stuart’s hand and led him inside the doorway. It was dim, but she saw it was occupied. One couple lay on the couch kissing and pawing each other. In a corner another girl was bent over the arm of a recliner as a guy stood behind, fucking her.

Camilla gasped. She heard stories of what went on at college parties, but never expected to see people screwing in plain sight. She looked to Stuart and saw his disgust mirroring her own. They backed into the hallway to search for another place to be alone.

The basement was one long room. At the bottom of the stairs was a carpeted area with guys sprawled on couches watching videos and passing around a joint. The skunky stink filled the room. They walked past a pool table with two drunk couples trying to play. At the far end of the room were bookshelves and a door. Camilla tried the handle: locked. Stuart examined it and found a paper clip on a nearby bookshelf. He unfurled it and stuck an end into a hole in the doorknob. The lock popped. Stuart looked inside and, checking behind them that no one was looking, pulled Camilla with him into the room.

Camilla giggled at his audacity. So naughty! Inside, enough light came through the high window for her to see it was a guest bedroom. There was a twin bed, nightstand and dresser. Boxes filled one corner and two sets of skis leaned in another. Stuart closed the door and locked the handle.

They sat beside each other on the bed. The room was cool and smelled like linen and musty basement. The ceiling shook with the thump of the music and stomping dancers. Even through the ceiling, the music was loud.

Unease filled Camilla from being in the room without permission. The owners must have locked it to keep out guests. Well, she and Stuart were only there to get away from the crowd and talk. She would make sure they left it undisturbed.

She turned to Stuart. “Eraw awk gruuk,” she started to say, but it felt like she had swallowed razors.

Great, she thought. I’ve got this great guy alone and I’ve completely lost my voice.

Stuart smiled and tried to reply, but winced with pain.

Camilla reached over to turn on the bedside lamp, but he stopped her, pointing to the gap at the bottom of the door.

Right, Camilla thought. Someone will see the light.

When she turned back to Stuart, he surprised her by pressing his lips to hers.

Camilla was wide-eyed in disbelief, but soon kissed him back. He tasted of beer and smelled masculine and enticing.

Stuart leaned back and searched Camilla’s eyes. He jabbed a finger to his chest, made a “V” with two fingers and pointed to his eyes, and then pointed to Camilla and made an outward sweeping motion with both hands as he looked up and around.

I think I get it, thought Camilla. ‘I see you everywhere.’

Stuart pointed an index finger at her again, placed a hand over his heart and with a smile gave an emphatic thumbs-up.

‘I like you... a lot,’ she translated in her mind. A small thrill quickened her heart. Really? Oh my God... he likes me!

Finally, Stuart pinched two fingers of each hand together as if grabbing an elastic, stretching his arms wide and then tapping his watch.

‘A big... no. A long time.’ Camilla smiled when she got it. Wow, if she ever played charades, she wanted Stuart on her team. Then realization of everything he said sunk in. Despite the chill of the room, it ignited a heat in her chest.

Camilla tried her own pantomime. She longed to tell him how she felt, how much she liked him, what she hoped... so many things! But she was excited, nervous, and a little drunk. Stuart watched her, his forehead creasing with concentration as Camilla gestured wildly.

Every time he shook his head or shrugged with confusion, she became more frustrated and more self-conscious. She needed words. She was good with words.

Finally, Camilla gave up and simply pointed at him, put her hands over her heart and smiled.

Stuart understood that. He pulled her into a deep kiss, sliding one hand behind her neck. She returned it with passion and the two kissed and embraced. Camilla drew a breath when he dragged fingertips through her hair, sending delightful shivers through her. She noticed that squirmy itchy feeling starting between her legs.

She tried to hug him, but it was awkward sitting side-by-side on the little bed. Kissing him was fantastic, but she wanted to get closer.

When Stuart gently cupped her breast and massaged it, Camilla was surprised. She was about to guide his hand away but it felt good. She didn’t want to seem like an inexperienced schoolgirl and wanted to give him something for admitting his feelings about her and her frustrating failure to communicate.

He liked her! All these months she had been sneaking glimpses of him, wondering about him, feeling too plain and childish ever to be attractive to a guy who was so together. He had been watching her? Why hadn’t he said anything? Why hadn’t he approached her? It struck her: was he shy too? Did he feel as uncertain and unappealing as she did? But he was so cute! He had to know that, didn’t he?

He didn’t seem shy now as he kneaded her boob and smoothed her hair while they kissed. Camilla longed to tell him how she felt, and find out everything about him: where he was from, what other courses he was taking, why he had been watching her and not said anything, but even trying to form a word was painful. It was frustrating, but talking would have to wait.

Camilla then realized she was laying on her back on the bed with Stuart half on top of her, now kissing her neck, still doing wonderful things to her breasts. When did that happen? Oh well, it was more comfortable than sitting twisted beside him.

She raked her fingers through his hair. He moaned and kissed her harder. Camilla felt delight that it pleased him.

When Stuart broke their kiss, her disappointment became excitement when he slid lower and kissed her neck and nipped her earlobe. Camilla gasped and squirmed, feeling embarrassed at the warmth and growing slickness below. She shouldn’t be so turned on. It was just kissing. But it had been so long since she was with her old boyfriend.

Outside, someone rattled the doorknob and knocked.

They froze and held their breath. Camilla met Stuart’s eyes, and they lay together, terrified to make a sound, waiting. The doorknob rattled again then whoever it was went away. Stuart grinned at Camilla, and she grinned back, sharing his relief at not being caught.

He pecked Camilla on the lips and then resumed kissing her neck and feeling her boobs. Camilla realized his hand was now under her top, caressing her through her bra.

Okay, she thought, That’s far enough for one night. As wonderful as it felt, she didn’t want to seem easy. Stuart was just getting carried away. Boys were like that.

Before she could guide his hand out of her top, Stuart skillfully released the center clasp of her bra. The cups fell away and Camilla sucked in a breath when Stuart’s warm hand enveloped the bare skin of her breast. He ran the smooth back of his hand across a nipple, sending jolts of delight straight to her damp pussy.

Oh, that feels good, thought Camilla, feeling both aroused and concerned. He’s so gentle. But that’s far enough. She could feel him pushing his hardness against her leg.

She struggled to sit up, and felt alarm when Stuart stayed lying across her, weighing her back on the bed, kissing her neck. Camilla pushed against him again, relieved when he lifted himself off her.

Now he’s got the message, she thought, just as Stuart slid her top up, exposing her breasts to his gaze. Her unease condensed into a twinge of fear, but then she looked at his face: Stuart looked at her bare chest, obviously pleased with the sight, then looked into her eyes. His expression was the happy, wonder-filled gaze of a boy who had just unwrapped the best birthday present ever. There was no look of conquest or even lust; just happy appreciation.

Camilla’s heart leaped with excitement and pride. Her old boyfriend always complimented her boobs, but no other boy had ever seen them. Until that moment she wasn’t certain he had been sincere. There was no doubting Stuart’s expression as he gently swept a palm across one breast then looked at her for a reaction. When Camilla gave an involuntary intake of breath at the feeling, his little smile reappeared.

She watched Stuart lower his head and give one breast a warm, wet lick. He looked for her reaction then latched on to nurse gently. Camilla arched her back and instinctively held him close, feeling a swell of endearment towards him. She lay back and enjoyed the sensations, stroking his hair as he sucked, massaged and teased her sensitive breasts.

She didn’t want him to stop, but was afraid of what she might let him do if he didn’t. Her need was growing and her hips pushed against him as he continued pressing against her leg.

Camilla gathered her strength, preparing to push him away when she felt a hand slide right under her skirt onto her bare thigh, almost touching her panty-clad pussy.

She gasped at the contact. His hand was warm as he caressed the sensitive skin of her thigh. The need growing inside her blossomed.

His fingertips brushed against the side of her pussy for an instant, sending tantalizing pleasure through her. Camilla’s hips lifted on their own, seeking firmer contact but his fingers moved away.

Stuart’s attentions created a surging need within her. She was still glowing from his silent admission he had been watching her, that he liked her. Now she was alone with him, and he was focused completely on her.

Her elation, the thumping beat from above, the fogginess from chugging her last drink, her escalating need and the nagging worry about getting caught all swirled within her. It was too much, too soon. She had to get up, gather her thoughts, get back to her friends. Imagine their surprise when she showed Stuart off to them, but she chastised herself for thinking of him like a prize she had won instead of a…

Stuart moved on top of her, lifting her skirt up and pushing her legs apart. His jeans were rough against the skin of her inner thighs and his hard crotch pressed directly against her panty-covered mound. He kissed her again, and Camilla discovered her arms were wrapped around him as if welcoming his bold move.

She felt surrounded by him. The weight of him, his intense attentions, the grinding of the rough jeans against her aching pussy, his shirt against her bare breasts started dangerous images to form: a dreamy vision of them naked, her accepting him inside her, making love, then her on top of him, grinding and sliding as he held her breasts while they gazed into each other’s eyes.

She shuddered. Camilla wanted that to happen. Stuart was just the type of boy she wanted to be her first, but later, once they knew each other better.

If things work out, she thought, I’ll get on birth control so it will be natural, without anything between us.

While she basked in that image, Camilla felt Stuart lift himself and reach between them. He slid his fingers past the leg of her panties and touched her bare pussy. Camilla gasped at the thrilling sensation. She automatically pushed her hips back against his caressing hand. She was concerned she was letting Stuart go too far and was embarrassed how wet she was. Doubts about her self-control rose and then faded as the delightful sensations from Stuart caressing of her most intimate place swept through her.

She needed to stop him, and if he was anyone else, Camilla was sure she would have. But Stuart was so sweet, so nice, and what they were doing was so naughty. She had never been so aroused. She burned with need and longing stronger than ever before.

I’ll just... let him have this and enjoy it for another minute, she thought and gasped when he touched her in a wonderful new way she couldn’t quite figure out. It’s been so long. Just a few minutes and I’ll stop him. I don’t want him to think I’m some timid little girl. We’ll go back to kissing. Maybe get back to the party.

Her growing heat and excitement sparked the first feelings of orgasm. Camilla wondered if he could make her come. Her boyfriend had tried many times. She got close, but always something kept her from going over the edge. But he was never as gentle and attentive as Stuart was being. Nor as skilled.

Camilla sighed with pleasure and clutched Stuart to her as he kissed and touched her. She felt herself becoming lost in her growing need. At least he still had his pants on. In her basement explorations with her boyfriend, she had one iron rule: one of them had to keep their pants on. Camilla was sure that had saved her from pregnancy many times.

When Stuart pulled his hand out of her underwear, Camilla reached down, trying to find his hand and guide it back, but he was pressed tight against her and was wriggling. When he stopped, he shifted and something hard pressing into her. With her hand, Camilla felt Stuart’s bare ass and lowered jeans. It was his naked penis poking into her through her panties.

Okay, that was too much. Stuart must think she’s on birth control, she thought, like every girl at the college. He must think I'm experienced. Camilla chastised herself for not getting a prescription when her friends insisted, but she didn’t have a boyfriend anymore... why did she need it?

At the exact moment Camilla pushed back on Stuart, trying to get him off her, he pulled the gusset of her panties aside and rubbed himself against her naked pussy.

“Oh.... mmm,” Camilla hummed. Oh, God that was dangerous, but it was so much better than his fingers, especially when he pulled her panties further to the side and slid himself up through her wet folds and across her clit. He repeated it several times and Camilla wriggled in delight, hugging him to her.

Stuart’s cock caught at her opening and popped just inside.

Camilla gasped and froze, staring at Stuart. He gazed back, mouth open, eyes half closed. He pushed further; drawing another gasp, then gently began to sink in.

“Haaaaaa,” Camilla groaned hoarsely. A thrill electrified her as she felt him opening her. It couldn’t be happening. Was he really going to do it?

She need to stop him, but she felt frozen. He pulled back slightly and pressed in again, a little deeper. It didn’t hurt, exactly. It was just a stretching, a filling sensation, like with her boyfriend’s fingers but more so, and it was so much better. He pushed deeper still and she gasped. It was everything her body wanted, and it was everything her mind didn’t. Camilla pressed at his chest, pushing him up but it only caused him to slide deeper still. They both groaned when he paused, his length now fully inside her, his hips pressing hers into the bed.

Camilla basked in the exquisite sensation of fullness. He was inside her. She wasn’t a virgin now. A man was inside her finally. Then rising panic washed over her: she was unprotected. They had to stop.

Stuart lifted his weight off her slightly and his penis jabbed even deeper inside. Despite herself, she moaned in animal satisfaction at the sensation.

He was looking at her. Did he see the panic in her eyes? Or did he only see her wide expression, her open mouth, and hear her heaving excitement?

Stuart withdrew from her and Camilla felt a sinking loss and emptiness. She fought an urge to pull him back, but then he sank back into her so slowly Camilla wanted to scream with elation. She arched her back, spread her legs and gave a raspy groan. Stuart eased back out again and slid into her once more, causing Camilla to pant from the exquisite thrill and the realization that he was beginning to fuck her.

Okay, she thought, it’s done. We’ve gone this far. Just a little more. He can do it a little more, just so I can get used to it. Then I’ll get him off me. It’s okay. I’ll make him stop.

She marveled at how it felt. It was so unlike her experiences with fingers and her boyfriend licking her. This was real sex. This was making love.

No, she realized, this is fucking. I’m being fucked. I’m being fucked by a man for real for the very first time. And it’s Stuart. Beautiful Stuart.

Camilla knew she had to push him away, but she couldn’t help but wriggle a little when he stroked fully inside her, grinding her clit against him and angling her hips to seek the best sensations. With foggy thoughts, she realized he was speeding up, fucking her with more force.

Okay, got to end this, she thought and found the strength to push at his chest. Stuart raised himself and stopped moving.

He got the message now, thought Camilla. He’s stopping. But then he jammed himself deep, and she felt a surging wetness inside as his penis throbbed.

Oh no. Already? He can’t be coming already. Oh God!

She pushed hard against Stuart’s chest and lifted her hips trying to throw him off, but it only drove his spewing cock deeper. She could feel his spasms as he pumped sperm into her unprotected body.

Camilla struggled to breathe, both from panic and from Stuart’s weight when he collapsed on her. She squirmed beneath his body and could feel his still-hard cock stirring inside.

She worried they had made a stain on the bed, or a wet spot on the skirt rumbled under her ass. Then the biggest worry landed like a thud: he could have made her pregnant. It was the perfect time of the month. Videos from high school health classes flashed through her: the millions of sperm racing inside her, searching for her fertile egg, vulnerable to their eager assault. She couldn’t help but picture them from the videos: happy cartoon wrigglers each wearing a top hat and bow tie, carrying a rose. She laughed at the image in spite of the cold dread in her chest.

Stuart kissed her neck again and hugged her. When he lifted himself up, she felt like hitting him, yelling at him no matter how much it hurt her throat. How could he do that to her? He didn’t ask. He just led her to a room and fucked her like some dumb slut sorority bimbo. He didn’t care about her. He didn’t like her. She was just meat. A conquest.

But he was looking at her again. Loving, thankful, even a little embarrassed. If his look from before was like a boy seeing the best birthday present ever, this time it was Christmas. Even in the dim light, Stuart’s eyes shone. It wasn’t a look of conquest; it was a look of affection, even adoration.

Something about Camilla’s expression made concern cloud Stuart’s face. He tried to speak but winced again. He resorted to more pantomime: he pointed to Camilla then gave a thumbs-up with a questioning look on his face.

‘Are you okay?’ she translated.

Camilla’s anger drained. Did womanizing frat boys ask their victims how they felt? Was it possible Stuart had been swept along by desire just like her? He couldn’t know she was a virgin. That she was unprotected. And she never said no as things progressed. But she didn’t say yes, either.

She didn’t know how she should feel, but she nodded to him and noted his look of relief. He kissed her tenderly and rolled off to lie beside her.

Camilla propped up on an elbow to study his face. He was still looking at her. She realized her top was still pulled up exposing her breasts, but he was ignoring them, his soft eyes locked on hers.

She didn’t feel mad any longer. Camilla felt just as responsible for what they had done. It was stupid, undisciplined, and the hottest experience she ever had. She accepted it, and within her emerged a new confidence. She felt less like a shy high school kid and more like a grown woman.

The damage is done, she thought. I’ll get the morning-after pill, or Plan B or whatever it is. She felt his stuff leaking from her and reached down to feel it with a mixture of fear and wonder. Well, their first time had been natural all right.

She looked down the length of Stuart’s body. Comically, his jeans were halfway down his legs with his cock exposed and shrinking. Camilla realized she felt incomplete and unsatisfied. What they had done was over too soon. She was still on fire. She wanted more. She needed more.

She thought, Well, if I’m going to leave here doing the walk of shame, if I’m going to be knocked-up, I should make it worthwhile.

Camilla stood up. She removed her skirt, pulled off her blouse and shed her underwear while Stuart watched, questioning, from the bed. She yanked off Stuart’s jeans and gestured for him to remove his shirt. Both naked, Camilla lay beside her new lover.

Stuart looked at her wide-eyed, and Camilla pinned him to the bed with a hungry kiss. She ran her hands over him, feeling his broad chest, squeezing his biceps, running her fingers through his hair. He was such a contrast to the familiar contours of her old boyfriend. Stuart was a little taller and in better shape. Camilla made a mental note to ask him what he did to stay fit... later.

She reached lower and felt him. He had softened. Camilla slid up and stuck a boob in his mouth. Stuart’s mouth and hands did delightful things to her breasts while she stroked him. It took some time, but she got him back to full attention.

She climbed onto him, lined up and sank down, sighing as she felt herself being spread with the return of that wonderful fullness. She sat up straight, driving his length deep into her and rolled her hips, enjoying the new sensations deep inside.

Stuart looked so serious, his gaze wandering from her eyes, to her breasts, to where they were joined, and back. He moved to hold her hips, but Camilla intercepted his hands and planted them on her breasts. He massaged her as she slid back and forth, riding him.

Camilla groaned and shut her eyes when she found the best angle. She rested her palms on Stuart’s chest and rocked back and forth, basking in the newness of his naked cock inside and the sensations against her clit. That warm feeling was spreading again.

The room was cool against her skin and the small bed creaked as she rode him. She wanted to come. She needed it. His hands dutifully massaged her breasts. When he thumbed her nipples or ran the flat of his hands from the underside of her boobs up across her nipples, delightful shivers raced through her.

She moved with more urgency, feeling her peak approaching. It was fascinating seeing Stuart breathe faster and begin jamming his hips up into her. Camilla felt another twinge of pride at the lust she had brought to his face and reveled to realize that this time, without any doubt, it was her fucking him.

Camilla rode Stuart back and forth, up and down. She reached down to give her clit direct attention, adding to the satisfying fullness inside. She was close. She pounded down on him, sliding and strumming her clit. Just a little more and she would be there.

She barely noticed when Stuart gasped, bucked up hard and came inside her again. He grabbed her waist, trying to get her to slow her motions on his now sensitive dick, but Camilla kept riding him, using his still-hard cock as she chased orgasm.

After a few moments of concentrated effort, it began: the coiled urge released into a wave of warm ecstasy spreading through her. Camilla arched her back and froze as she came for the first time with a man inside her. It was more intense than any orgasm she ever had alone. She shut her eyes, overwhelmed and lost in the delicious joy of release.

When it finally passed, she found Stuart panting, looking up in wonder. Camilla couldn’t meet his gaze. With a long breath, she closed her eyes and slid off to lay on the bed with her back to him.

He must think I’m a total slut now, she thought. She cringed, thinking of the wanton lust she had just displayed. If he had gone too far with her before, she had just done worse. She had only used him for her pleasure. He’ll never want to see me again, she thought.

She felt Stuart wrap himself around her from behind, cupping her breasts and delivering light kisses across her shoulders.

Clearing his throat, he managed to croak out his first actual words to her that evening: “So hot. So beautiful.”

Really? She turned around in his arms. Once again he had that wonder-filled little boy look, only this time it was like he had a birthday, two Christmases and won the lottery all on the same day.

Stuart brushed a strand of hair from her face. “Talk. Tomorrow.” he croaked. “Okay?” His little smile returned.

Camilla nodded. Yes, they had a lot to talk about. Though they hadn’t spoken a word, she felt like she had already learned things about him, and even more about herself.

Should she admit she was a virgin? Had been a virgin, she corrected herself, getting used to the idea. Should she burden him with the cold days of dread waiting to see if she was pregnant? Damn right she would. If this was the start of a relationship, Camilla would be honest with him. And he should know what he did and share the consequences.

She laid her head against his warm chest, hearing the thud of his heart, looking forward to their talk, what she needed to say and thinking of all the things she wanted to do with him after that.


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I had just sent my son, Adam, off to high school. I was asleep on the couch when the phone rang. I slowly got up and checked the phone. It was the school. I knew exactly what they were calling for. My son got in trouble again and his teacher wanted to meet with me after school. I wouldn't care as much if his teacher wasn't my ex boyfriend. After Adam came home I yelled at him for beating up one of his friends and then I left to talk to his teacher. I walked down the hall and stopped in front of...

Group Sex
4 years ago
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First Date

Out of the blue, I got a call from an old c***dhood friend. Our little band of misfits grew up together exploring the woods, the creek, heading across cow fields, getting chased by the bulls but we had not spoken in about 30 years. He had seen my picture on Facebook and mentioned how the little filly he remembered had developed into a beauty. He wanted to know if he could buy me a drink sometime and catch up. I was still really self-conscious about how Iooked regardless of all the positive...

3 years ago
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Wanting my Mother

Mark was a typical teenage boy. Ever since his hormones took over, most of the time, all he could think about was sex. In the last year, he had found that he was growing like a beanstalk and was rapidly approaching the six-foot mark. Though still thin, he was starting to fill out but not just his body. His cock had somehow turned from a small worm into a fat slug overnight. And that was when it was soft. Fully erect, it stuck out like some curved pole. He was quite proud that when he had a...

1 year ago
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WebYoung Adria Rae Sofi Ryan We Need Our Own Place

Sofi Ryan and Adria Rae are making out in Adria’s bedroom. When Sofi asks Adria if she’s sure her parents aren’t home, she assures her they won’t be interrupted. When her dad suddenly pops into her room to ask if she needs anything from the store, the girls are jolted right out of their make-out session. As he leaves, the girls realize that they’ve had enough with the interruptions: they need their own place! Sofi gets excited at the prospect of living with her...

2 years ago
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Maid Servant8217s Daughter

Hi this is the first story that I am writing in ISS. I am regular reader of ISS and daily I masturbate after reading at least one story and then only I sleep. This is my usual routine. coming to me I am doing my PG in Hyderabad now and am 5”7” tall not that fair and has a good body structure. My man hood is big with 7” and 3” diameter. Any girl who sees the dimensions will definitely fall for the tool. The incident that I am going to tell here has happened when i was in doing my Degree college...

1 year ago
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From Bus To Bedroom

Hi, viewers. Welcome to my story. It all happened a year ago, during my college days. I was traveling home from college for vacation, in a bus. The journey was near about 5hours, and I had my flight. As I boarded the bus, I saw a beautiful girl and occupied the vacant seat beside her. There was also an old friend of mine in the next seat, and we started chatting for some time. After about 5min. we were done talking. All of you know, two boys really don’t have much to talk. Then, I turned...

1 year ago
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Dorm Story

During practice early in the season, I was talking to some of the older guys on the team. They mentioned how much of a prick Jake was, but that it was typical because he was on the soccer team. Now, for some reason, there existed this horrific rivalry between our basketball and soccer teams for years. I don’t know how it started and even the seniors aren’t quite sure when or how it started. All I knew is that we hated each other. One of the common slangs for our soccer players was “field...

4 years ago
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Sex Trafficking Part 6 Jeff and Anitas Story Begins3

Anita’s goal was not even close to being a woman seeking meaning for her life by making a man happy with her ‘performance’. Not even close! Her goal was to be a nationally broadcast feature reporter. All the work and sacrifice in pursuit of her goal made it easy for her to choose a break up with Brad to pursue her goal over a life with him. Having put himself in the position of either carrying through on his ultimatum or living with the embarrassment of backing down, when Anita refused he...

4 years ago
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A Witchs Harem

Chapter One: Oh the places you?ll go Intellegent Perv A young woman stands by the second story window of small, dirty, old house in Grandville. The moonlight turns her skin luminous and her hair dark silver. Even her eyelashes, dark and heavy in the daytime look like they have been stolen from the head of a moth in the moonlight. Her full lips are pale but perhaps they are the same in daylight. Her long, sharp nose cuts a shadow through her face and her small little titties try to burst from...

3 years ago
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Dont ShoutChapter 5

Carla Sathie lay in bed and fretted about her sons. Her husband had been gruff and annoyed when he had arrived from the bathroom fresh from brushing his teeth and after much cajoling had relayed to her the events he had uncovered in Clayton and Caden's bedroom. Cole's announcement had shocked everyone to varying degrees, but the two middle brothers seemed most affected. Cory was too young to understand, and as the only girl, idolised her eldest brother like a god. Chase was not yet a...

2 years ago
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A Weekend with Jarvis

Jarvis, one of my class mates in college, stopped by our dorm room looking for Daryl. Daryl and Jarvis was long time fuck buddies till Daryl discovered that he could have sex with me and not have the drama that went along with it. However I did find out that Jarvis enjoyed having sex with a willing piece of boi pussy also. Jarvis has a nice size cock, close to eight inches long and as thick as a polish sausage, and Jarvis do enjoy making his sex partner moan from pleasure not pain. Once...

1 year ago
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A Man and His PetsChapter 20 Courtneys Release

New Years came and went with out notice. A week or so later, Jim gathered Trina, Cindy, and Melissa in Cindy's quarters in the early evening. Jim gave all his pets gift wrapped boxes. The girls excitedly tore into the wrapping paper and threw the box tops aside. Then they saw the new clothes. Jim's pets weren't all that happy with the clothes. They said they had become comfortable being nude and didn't really need clothes. Jim just smiled at the girls. He then pointed something out to...

2 years ago
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A Virgin Incest Love Bond

Hello, friends, this is Arjun. I am from Hyderabad a good height fair handsome 18-year-old boy. You all can hang out me on for feedbacks/queries/etc etc. This is my real sex story. I have an elder sister, her name is Neha. Age 20. She is super cute and looks damn sexy. Her cute thighs often blew me up. Her silky hair, her adorable arms are just too sweet to describe. Best sister in the world. This morning, I got up with a huge tight hug and a face full of sweet kisses from someone very special...

2 years ago
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Crinolines and Leather Ch 01

The cold wind billowed about Sir Edward Manderley as he stepped over the threshold of his new home, and he gratefully slammed the door behind him, sealing the gap between him and the wild weather. He removed his hat and gloves, wordlessly handed them to the servant who appeared at his elbow like a shadow and strode into the parlour where his wife reclined in an armchair, lazily plucking chocolates from a satin lined box. She made no attempt to greet him, he noted with bitter resentment,...

3 years ago
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Hot and steamy sex with my colleague Ruma

Hi it’s joy again. I am working at a call centre. I am 29 years old, physically very strong man. I always wanted to fuck married ladies who are not satisfied by their husband. In my office there is a lady named ruma. She is 30 and stunningly beautiful with big juicy boobs and gorgeous buttocks. From the very first day of my work, i lusted about her. It took me months to get close with her. But as we were not in the same department, it wasn’t easy for me to take advantage of her body. She was...

2 years ago
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The Point 2 Chapter 3

Mark checked in with the boys at the weight room the next day. He wanted to get a quick workout in and he wanted to see Luke and Maxi. When he got there, they had clearly already told Zach about what had happened the night before.To Mark’s surprise, Zach didn’t seem to be too upset to hear about their threesome. Zach asked Mark if he could talk to him in private. Mark obliged and they headed to a secluded corner. Zach said that he had been thinking about their recent conversations and that he...

Gay Male
2 years ago
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Flattery gets you everywhere

I had just got back from the gym and was sitting in a towel at my computer desk after a quick shower when I decided to check my Facebook. I wasn’t overly interested in the usual ‘I’m bored’ status updates from various people I vaguely remembered from school. I was there for the App which was allowing me to flirt with women online at the click of the mouse. The main idea behind the app was that you would load up your picture’s into a separate profile and give a description about yourself. People...

3 years ago
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The ExhibitionistChapter 7

"YOUR WIFE!?!" Lt. Jefferson was dumbfounded when Ann walked into the conversation. She was wearing her ninja suit, and it fit her like a second skin. All of the soldiers had trouble paying attention to duty. Even the sergeant was staring. Women in this day and age just did not walk around showing off their legs, even if they were completely covered by cloth. I had a hell of a time not breaking out in laughter, but Ann couldn't help a little giggle. "Lieutenant, please relax. I have to...

3 years ago
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A Highland Fling

Clouds scurried swiftly across the sky and the early morning air was crisp with the first hints of autumnal frost as I started my southerly drive over Rannoch Moor. I'd set off deliberately early, hoping to avoid the worst of the late summer holiday traffic on the A82. Behind me lay Fort William and a fabulous week's holiday in the Scottish Highlands, where I'd visited Kilchurn Castle, explored my paternal ancestry on the Isle of Skye and searched unsuccessfully for the Loch Ness Monster. Ahead...

3 years ago
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Do it for Daddy

I know why i am a submissive, and i know why i let myself be used and taken and controlled by the Man i love.  I let my Man tell me what to do, how to do it, what to say, and i enjoy it. He tells me "say it" because he wants to have that control over me, He wants to know that i will SAY IT whatever IT is he wants to hear. I wear His collar, around my neck and in my heart and on the fourth finger of my left hand. But those aren't the only reasons. He takes the power from me because i want Him...

4 years ago
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The Realtors Agent

It was going to be a hot summer. School was out and I needed a summer job. Unfortunately, because I waited until the middle of May;all the good summer jobs were already taken. I didn’t want to get stuck mowing lawns again for the summer, even though as a strapping nineteen year old guy, I had no problem with manual labor.One of my dad’s business buddies got a job transfer and placed his house up for sale. He hired a real estate agent to sell the house but asked if I would keep an eye on the...

4 years ago
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A Binding RelationshipChapter 27

We all finish and return to our offices. Nick makes sure he walks me to my door but does not give me a kiss. We made an agreement that while we are working it would be professional. But when we are off the clock it's a different world. I start to think about that phrase. "A different world." I want to rock Nick's world. Before I knew it I had put in another day at work. Nick was standing at my door and Shelly was wishing us a good night with a wink. I turn off my computer. He walks in and...

2 years ago
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Tracy in TroubleChapter 23

Tracy and Evelyn looked at each other for a while. They had no choice, since both had been tied so that they had to. Tracy couldn’t talk and Evelyn didn’t say anything to her. She knew the humiliation Tracy was suffering. Soon, despite their awkward positions, both of them drifted off to sleep. The next morning, Christina, Linda, Sue and Beth all woke up in the same bed, holding each other. What a wild night they had together. They got up quietly, so as not to awaken anyone else. Before...

2 years ago
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Mene Sagi Behen Ko Choda

Hello friends. Ye meri pehli story he agar koi galati ho kaye to maf karna. Mera name raman he me vidisha mp ka rehne wala hu. Me 20 saal ka hu aur mere lund ka size 6 inch lamba aur 3 inch mota h ko kisi ko bhi satisfied kar sakta he.Mere ghar me mere alawa 3 log mom, dad aur choti behen he. Mom housewife aur dad ki private job he aur ye story meri aur meri cchoti behen ki he jo 12 class me he. Aur abhi 18 year ke h. Meri choti behen ekdum mst mal he 32-34-32 figure bilkul mst kisi ko bhi pani...

3 years ago
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Just a Little RideChapter 4

Rob. I dare say there will be those out there who are thinking – or even shouting – something like, “What the hell are you messing about at?” Or some variation on the theme. In almost any porn story the two protagonists would have been in bed doing the bump ugly long before. But this isn’t a porn story. Not like that, anyway. I’m a heterosexual male, true. But remember that, at twenty-seven years old I’d never had a meaningful relationship with a woman of any age (other than my mother, but...

2 years ago
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Farm FamilyChapter 3

Beth covered her face with her hands, feeling nothing but shame and horror for having responded to her son's fucking. Her face burned as she recalled some of the things she had said, the wanton way she had fucked her ass back at him, encouraging his incestuous actions. And that awful man was watching it all, gloating over her shameful defilement! With a slick thrill she realized her pussy was still throbbing and itching, even as she felt her son's cum running from it. She sobbed into her...

3 years ago
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The Palpable ProsecutorChapter 4

As part of her “rehabilitation” Bob commented on the fact that all she seemed to have was work clothes. His next suggestion changed their relationship a little more. “Lacey?” “Hmmm?” She was sitting in a chair in the living room, wearing her new green robe. Her knees were bent and her feet tucked into the corner of the chair. “I don’t want you to take this the wrong way, but I think you could benefit from some new clothes.” “Clothes?” “Don’t get me wrong. I like the way you look in your...

2 years ago
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Hideki Ascend

"When you need to be somewhere, but can't get there? You need the Hideki Ascend. There is no distance that will keep you from making your mark on the world. Be sure to sign up for the Ascend Ambassador program, and you'll always have access to a body in any Hideki location around the world. Be everywhere." The commercial for the new Hideki invention flashed on a nearby screen. It began with a woman looking at flight tickets from New York to Berlin, seeing she missed her flight. The commercial...

1 year ago
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Hot Midwest Summer Part 1 Breaching Into Unknown Territory

Trista finished her shower, barely dried herself, threw a towel around her body and wrapped her head in the other towel her sister used to dry off. She inhaled her sister’s aroma as she tied up her hair. Killian and Terrana had embraced their new lifestyle of wife sharing. Terrana never imagined she’d be a loving wife, but here she is as her husband puts it, killing it. In all their adventures, it has always led them back to their deep passion and full understanding of trust. Terrana was...

2 years ago
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Out in Public

b]Tales of a Crossdresser: Dressed in Public[/b]Author's note: This post originally appeared on my blog, Tales of a Crossdresser. If you are looking for a story with oodles of hot, kinky sex, you better keep looking I'm afraid......Bri[/i]I used the clicking of my heels on the neon-lit sidewalk to keep time with the mantra I was chanting in my head, “Point the toe, heel first, straight line, swing the hip…” as I turned the corner of the alley where I had parked the car and onto the crowded...

4 years ago
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Outpost Bisexual EditionChapter 3 Charity

Schaffer dreamed that he was warm, no, hot. Growing hotter. Sweat coated his body, he felt as if he were on fire. Was he in hell? Was that what fate had decreed? His mind was muddled, unfocused. He reached out his hand, feeling downy fur and yielding fat. He opened his eyes with a start, this was not a dream. He was awake, out of the snow and out of his suit, too. It was too dark for him to see anything, and all around him, the same soft fur pressed against his naked skin. There was an odd,...

1 year ago
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Trading UpChapter 8

The next morning, I got up late and called Cecilia. “Hey, Stud,” she said sweetly. “How’re you feeling today?” “A little hung-over,” I admitted. “You talk to Princess Barb today?” “Oh yeah!” she said enthusiastically. “She told me about your talk last night and the promises you got out of her. You know she’s gonna fail them, right?” she asked. “I knew before I asked,” I told her. “You think you can get around to driving past the house on your way home from work while I’m away? I just want...

2 years ago
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Marriage With My Widowed Cousin Pinki

My cousin pinky age 25, lived a happy life with her family in Chennai. She was married to my jiju for about 1½ years and they had a 6-year-old daughter. My didi and I shared a great rapport with each other, we shared everything about our lives with each other. Alas, one day the biggest tragedy took place in her life, all her family members were dead in a plane crash. Apparently, my jiju’s company had given him free tickets to Dubai for his good work, my cousin didn’t go since she was afraid of...

4 years ago
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Box That Dirty Talk

“Get your cute little ass out of that business meeting now!” I directed him through the phone.“Do you know I’m blowing off work right now because I’m just so horny for your body?” I begged.  “I’m so fucking horny for you that I’m dressed for work but sticking my hand down my panties.  Do you know how wrong this looks?  A professional woman frigging herself to exhaustion in her best business suit?  Fuck, my clit is so aroused.  I can’t stop touching myself, all dressed up for work but thinking...

Quickie Sex
1 year ago
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BangbrosClips Ginebra Bellucci Misha Maver Double Anus Trouble

Misha Maver and Ginebra Belucci are two girls who love it in the ass. They start by licking each other tight buttholes. They eat each other’s holes until it’s real wet. Their beautiful round asses twerk all day outside. They come in for a surprise. Potro De Bilbao big fat juciy cock is wating to be fucked. The girls fight for the cock. They both suck him off at the same time. One of them gets what she wants and gets her asshole filled with Potro’s gigantic cock. She moans in...

1 year ago
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The Futas MindControlling Panties Chapter 3 Caught by the Hot Wifes Husband

Chapter Three: Caught by the Hot Wife's Husband By mypenname3000 Copyright 2020 Note: Thanks to Alex for beta reading this! Mildred Dean I lay sprawled on the floor, knocked over by the man of the house coming home. My cock had popped out of Bryana's cunt. The twenty-year-old girl lay beside me, panting from her orgasm and from being knocked on her ass. “What the fuck?” the man said as his two daughters just calmly greeted him. The other daughter, Chloe, was getting her ass licked out...

2 years ago
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Lifes Tales Intro Chapter 1

Introduction: I havent really named this yet but its a story Ive been working on for a while now. Let me know what you think…it starts off kinda slow but itll get there INTRO: I dunno why this female thinks shes gonna win this battle. She aint bout shit! She obviously thinks Im scared of her or somethin. She just dont realize the only reason Im not and havent beat her ass yet is cuz my boy wont let me. He says she aint worth my time, which she really aint, but shes pissin me off! I spent my...

1 year ago
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An Indecent Execution

Edith was just 18 years old when the new king's soldiers attacked her family's hamlet.  It was in reprisal for their support for a pretender to the throne when the old king died childless. She had wandered into the edge of the wood gathering fruit when the soldiers came. She crouched terrified in the thicket of brambles where the blackberries abounded, watching as the soldiers forced everyone into her parents' wood and thatch cottage at swordpoint then set it alight. As the flames rapidly...

4 years ago
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Allys Sharing My Room pt1

So it all started with the annual family reunion. My relatives flock once a year to someone's house for a weekend and partake in festivities or something like that. The only good thing about having it at our house this year is that I would not have to go anywhere; I could seclude myself in my room and ride out the weekend. But other than that, it sucked. Who the hell likes a bunch of people roaming around their house; family or not it gets annoying real quick. At least I wouldn't be...

4 years ago
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A Hot First Date

Charley Wilson hadn’t had a decent date in months. Twenty-two years old and full of raging hormones, he just had to find a suitable woman for his needs. He didn’t understand that he was a jerk, just that he had a pretty face and an athletic body. Charley finally signed up with an internet dating service, as all the women he approached in singles’ bars, restaurants and at work, walked off after a few words with him. He entered his profile into the database, including his age, great bod,...

3 years ago
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Dont Judge a Book By Its Cover and Other Lessons Learned 2nd in the Golden Series

When a second girl drank my piss I was a little less surprised than I was the first time around. There were a couple of reasons for this apart from the obvious of previously having an old girl friend drink my piss in as act of atonement. The second girl who ended up drinking my piss was actually the third one that I spoken to over the course of a few months who was willing to try. So when it happened I already had a sense that it was just a matter of time and circumstance, but still the build...

2 years ago
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Eden RescueChapter 41

After considerable thought and discussion they decided they needed to bring the Edenites into their confidence. Heisinger at first was dead set against it, joined by her new husband. "They don't trust us, trust our diversity," she said. "Don't you remember, Amanda? That was the old mother's big point that first day in their nest. They think together, in harmony; we don't, in dissonance. That's a difference we certainly don't want to emphasize right now." "You have a point,...

4 years ago
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441 after Montys cherry5

441 [Cc52] after Monty`s cherry.5The story continues see 437,to 440. At breakfast as she served the food, a smiling Bessy was moving a little carefully, hoping madam didn’t notice. Monty however did and asked if she was all right… blushing the woman thinking quickly said she had, “slipped and marked herself getting out of bed in the night!”, to which her mistress said that, “if it is a problem I could get doctor Gordan to have a look at you tomorrow, he`s coming to see me.” the cook quickly...

2 years ago
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Mom watched me doing my wife

I have always loved sex and was wild in my tastes. I was married at the age of 28 and my beautiful 24 year old wife neha who was my equal in her wild tastes and hunger for sex. So we had fun. Our hunger for each others body did not dwindle even months after marriage and we had a real fuckfest, tasting and pleasuring each others bodies daily non stop. Neha wasn’t the traditional hindu girl and took pleasure in doing anything she felt like. Smoking, drinking, everything was ok with her. So most...

1 year ago
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PromisesChapter 4

Jim sat in the little club thinking. Why did Sylvie wish to speak to him after nearly nineteen years? She said when she called it was about a promise she had made to herself a long time ago. -- Older, much more mature and still attractive, she came up to the booth behind him. He stood and greeted her and when they sat down she said, "It has been a long time, Jim. I asked you to meet me here to give you some information. You know when I left that time so long ago I was falling in love with...

4 years ago
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The Potion

To the shadowy players, the fields and forests of Tarag are a convenient board on which to play an occasional game. More than once, though, it has become a stage where crucial battles have been waged. "Yes, I did promise that you might have the black pieces this time," the First Player concedes. "But since I won last time, you must still take the first move." "To cure all the ills of man or beast. Only one tiny bottle of this magical elixir and health and happiness shall be...

2 years ago
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Angel in Disguise Chapter 3

Chapter 3 Both Dale and Amanda left the house. "We will go in your car, it's a boy's car, and I will be driving," said Amanda Dale managed to swivel round in the passenger seat with his tight dress and high heeled shoes. "You look fantastic, it's just like looking at myself in a mirror, the hair the stubble, how did you manage that?" asked Dale. "Lessons with a make-up artist whilst you were chatting up the barmaid," Amanda replied, in a deeper male voice. "The one...

1 year ago
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about my friend

This is about me and my best friend.....................................................................................we were in high school in the 00's.we both worked at the same place..........It was around the 2016 when he asked for...

3 years ago
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Emmas slut birthday

Emma’s birthday and Annie and I had arranged a night we hoped she wouldn’t forget. As far as she knew it was just dinner, a girl’s night at my local hostelry. Annie and I left work early to finalise the arrangements and have a leisurely soak in the bath before our guest arrival. Emma and our new friend Ellie arrived at five and we did the usual birthday things, giving presents and generally chatting. Our table was booked for seven so five minutes beforehand we wandered down the lane to the pub....

1 year ago
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Nap Time Part III

This story is completly fictional, never try this at home. Wednesday after school Susan went straight home. There was a lot on her mind. She sat her books on her dresser in her room. She went to the kitchen for a glass of milk and sat down on the couch to watch some TV but just stared at the screen for 15 minutes. When a commercial came on she realized she had no idea what she had been watching. Susan turned off the TV and went back to her room and laid down and covered her eyes tring to rest....

2 years ago
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Landlord part twotoes and feet

They way the rules are is there no locks only the main door has a lock so u have to have a key to the main door only tents and jerry and 5 of his friends have keys . its a everday thing to come home from work and hear moaning and baning are find a old man in bed pounding my young wifes tight pussy. the set up is nice any husband are wife can fuck who they want in the house we understand the rules it go's hubby's ,jerry's friends'jery all the young wifes pussy belong to jerry and jerry pnly....

3 years ago
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How We First Got Started Cucking

The story of being cucked by my wife, Annie, goes all the way back to when we were dating in high school. We were steady throughout most of senior year, and during spring break we had sex for the first time. I assumed she’d had sex before and was perhaps still doing it with other people even though we were dating. But it wasn’t a subject we discussed directly. The first time I had to confront the question head on was at our class’s big graduation party. After commencement, a few dozen of us...

1 year ago
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Pleasure of her entire life in one night

I am a 35 year old guy and I have dated French, Russians, Turkish and English babes. I nowadays get a kick in having sex with females in the age group of 35 – 55 who have tremdendous sex urge. I once got to chat with a lady who was around 42 years and was starved of good sex for sometime. Her hubby works in a rig and is on-site for one month and comes home the next month. She works in a private company in Chennai. We decided to meet for coffee one day and see how it goes from there. I told her...

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