MC-125 Ch. 14 free porn video

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The following month John and Samantha saw more of one another, scheduling what time they could around their busy lives to be together. Brianna also saw more of John as Samantha now called on him more often to take care of her when she had a late night at the office. Things were moving along wonderfully until John again broached the subject of running more tests on Samantha.

“Just drop it, John,” she answered him for the third time emphatically as she shuffled around paperwork. “I’m not going to let you scan me and poke me to your scientific delight. I’m not a lab rat.”

“I didn’t say you were. But there is something different about you. You react differently to my touch, in a way that could never predict according to my original formula. I need to find out what makes you so unique. You hold the key, Samantha.” John paused as he thought about his next words. “And I think you already know what it is.”

Samantha froze. Her eyes grew taught with an internal conflict that John was now beginning to understand the scope of.

“This has something to do with Jeff, doesn’t it?” John stopped himself, not willing to push Samantha on such a sensitive subject. He let out a breath he didn’t know he had been holding. “Look, if you really don’t want to then don’t. I just…never mind. Look, I better go pick Brianna up. I’ll see you later tonight.”


“Yeah,” he cut her off on his way out. “I know.”


John tucked Brianna in and turned off the bedside lamp. He looked at the sleeping child and thought about her mother. Perhaps there was a connection to Brianna’s peculiar silence and Samantha’s guilt. He didn’t know. Samantha held onto her pained past even more than she did her daughter it sometime seemed. John shook his head. At any rate, he would simply have to wait until Samantha was ready to reveal just what had happened to her all those years ago. She was a distant woman for a reason.

John rubbed his leather clad fingers together, feeling the smooth slickness of the material, and thought of his own barriers. Was he right in exposing himself to Samantha? So far he had been the only one forthcoming with the secrets. He had revealed much and she very little. Just then he heard the now familiar sound of Samantha’s keys jingling faintly at the front door. John took the stairs down to the foyer and greeted his lover as she came in, giving her a gentle peck on the cheek.

“You know, these late night hours are starting to take their toll on you,” John commented.

Samantha gave a noncommittal grunt and slowly made her way to the kitchen for her customary cup of tea. John joined her and proceeded to warm tonight’s leftovers in the microwave.

“It’s time for our quarterly report and I have to make sure everything’s in order for the more meticulous of our investors. Plus a listing of future prospects and funding. Then there’s the…”

“Then there’s a daughter who stays up as much as she can to see her mom before she goes to bed.”

“Don’t patronize me about my own daughter,” she snapped. “I know very well that this is taking time away from her. But the investors wait for no one, that’s the speed of business. Not to mention I have to explain where the sudden shift in funding is going concerning your project. Some of the other chairpersons buy into the whole secrecy bit but not all of them.”

The microwave dinged and John got up and fetched Samantha her dinner. “Yes, secrecy,” he said simply, but the double meaning that reflected their earlier conversation suddenly loomed over them. John sat down across from Samantha and silently watched her eat, waiting for her next move. As intriguing and mentally titillating as it had been in the beginning, the emotional chess game between them was now becoming more of a hindrance.

John was now growing tired of the large block of her past that intruded. John had given it some thought. He normally wasn’t so intrusive but there was something about Samantha’s time with Jeff that kept bugging him. The few times from earlier in their relationship, when John had inadvertently touched her mind, had left lingering impressions on him. Even now he could remember the frightening tempest that rolled in her psyche. He wanted to help her. That she was now also tied into his research made John think more about it.

“You’re tired of waiting aren’t you?” Samantha’s words broke through John’s contemplation.

“I just care about you, that’s all.”

The remainder of the meal proceeded in silence, both of them unsure where things were going. John helped her wash the dishes and then headed for the front door like he did at the end of every night when he took care of Brianna.

“Wait,” Samantha spoke into the muted darkness of the foyer as John’s hand touched the doorknob. “Could you maybe stay the night?”

John paused, the cool of the metal seeping into his fingertips. “I don’t know if that would be such a good idea…”


The doorknob began to warm to his touch. “I don’t think it would be wise,” he answered after some more thought. “I can’t control myself in my sleep, in my dreams. It wouldn’t be safe for you, for me.”


“Goodnight, Samantha.”

The outside handle to the front door chilled John’s fingers as he pulled it closed behind him.


John didn’t hear from Samantha for the next week nor did he try contacting her. He didn’t have anything more to say. Samantha already knew everything there was about him: MC-125, his year of exploration, and Cassandra. What had she told him of her willingly? Very little in comparison. John had been patient with her but after being with her for a several months she had divulged very little willingly. Even Brianna’s introduction was an accident. At times John wondered when Samantha would have told him about her.

Behind him, John heard keys rattle at the door to his lab. He turned around to find a subdued Samantha walking slowly into the lab. At last, John thought. He hated having to play this waiting game with her, he missed her a great deal over the past week and could tell from looking at her that she felt the same.

“Could we sit down and talk a moment?”

John nodded and gestured to his desk where there was a pair of actual chairs as opposed to the usual stiff stools that dotted the rest of his lab. John sat down at his desk and waited calmly for Samantha to do the same. She surprised him and sat in his lap instead, John’s arms reflexively wrapping around her waist to prevent her from slipping off.

They stayed like that for a moment before she finally spoke. “This is really difficult for me so please be patient.” John didn’t say a word and just held her. He felt her tense body and knew how vulnerable she was. “Like always, you were right. I am different, because of Jeff, because of what he did to me. Because of what I let him do to me.” John raised a hand gently stroked her hair to comfort her. “It wasn’t only that he had me totally played for a fool, he had gotten me involved in other things. I told you my family was rich, and that they had disowned me. But I still had my trust funds. But that too dried up quickly. Money tends to do that when you’re feeding you addiction.” John’s hands stopped in surprised before continuing. This was her story. “Jeff not only was a charming bastard, he was also a pusher. He got me into cocaine and then I was truly hooked. It was one of the ways he kept me under his thumb. I was dependent on him for my next fix. I even experimented with heroin once. I really messed up my life. I was gone, a junkie. Then my bank account hit zero and Jeff disappeared. Not soon after I discovered that I was late for my period. Apparently I had accidentally skipped a pill. Everything change
d. Jeff was gone, my steady fix was gone, and now I was supposed to be a mother.

“That last part was what really turned me around. If it weren’t for me having Brianna things would have turned out very different. But now I was responsible for someone other than myself. That was it for me. I quite cocaine.”

Samantha shuddered in John’s arms and he could hear her sniffling, he could smell her tears.

“You have no idea what’s like trying to quite cocaine. All the little things in life are unappealing. Food tastes bland, nothing has any meaning. You can’t feel good about anything, especially about yourself. Even when I gave birth to Brianna I didn’t feel happy.”

Samantha broke down at this point. John clutched onto her, trying to shield her from memories. “I was so indifferent at first, can you believe that? I was an automaton, without feeling, without joy. Life was hard but something kept me going. I put my degree in business administration to use and was able to find a job. In time, after about Brianna’s first birthday I started feeling better, I could love Brianna for starters. She’s wonderful isn’t she?”

“She’s beautiful,” John replied as he gave her a gentle, encouraging squeeze.

“But later I realized something wasn’t right about Brianna.”

“She didn’t talk.”

“Yeah. I took her to the doctor but I already knew what he was going to say. Brianna can’t talk. My drug addiction cost my baby her voice. Cocaine messes with the neurochemistry of the user. It affects the baby too if the mother is an addict, like I was. There’s so much they still don’t know about the long term effects on…on crack-babies.”

Samantha broke down again in a fit of sobbing and John held her, tears rolling down his own cheeks. John knew a few things about cocaine. It was a dopamine transport blocker, inhibiting the natural dopamine recycling process in the brain. Dopamine effects the pleasure centers of the brain and the resulting buildup of it from cocaine caused the familiar ‘rush’ that addicts were hooked on. Unfortunately, the body would learn to cope with the unusual circumstances and build a resistance to the dopamine buildup. Normal levels of dopamine from simple joys would no longer be enough to trigger the pleasure response and hence the addiction. Drug addiction was a scary world and leaving it was just as frightening.

“And that’s another reason you scare me so much, John. When I’m with you, when I kiss you, I can feel it deep down, like before. I haven’t felt so much pleasure in such a long time. You make my body ache when you want it to. That first time at the Chinese restaurant… What you did to me was indescribable and every time since then too. You have no idea how much that frightens me. I want you so badly. My body wants you. And I can’t have that. I can’t face another episode like before. But dammit you make it so difficult because I know you’re different from Jeff. I can feel how honest you are. That first time you touched me, when you first explained MC-125, you took the pain from the memories away. I don’t know what you did, but it felt good. It scared me. You scare me but at the same time I can’t help falling…”

John kissed her then. He didn’t want to hear those words from her. Not yet. He opened up his mind to her, bared his soul, and felt her twisted agony like their first time. But this time he held her close, clutched her to him and held on. Storms raged, the skies wept, the seas thundered, and still he held her. He took her pain and pulled it into himself, she had suffered enough, too much. Somewhere in the dark depths was the woman he loved and he wrapped his presence around her and held on to her, protected her until the waves grew calmer and furious winds died down to a gentle breeze.

Slowly, John extricated himself from Samantha’s mind and found her asleep in his arms. He smiled at her now peaceful features. He cradled her in his lap and thought about her story. All the missing pieces were finally revealed and John now had a sense of just how strong a woman Samantha was. She had a hard life. Not only was she a single mother, but trying to do so while kicking an addiction to cocaine at the same time was something phenomenal. And Brianna…John felt only sorrow about that wonderful girl, sorrow and love. She was a remarkable child, but it would appear she would always be a mute because of her mother’s victimization. John thought about that some more. Yes, Samantha was a victim. John knew there were people like Jeff, preying on the innocent then tossing aside the dried husks when they were through.

John felt Samantha stir in his arms and he looked down at her. Slowly her eyes cracked open and she looked up at him. “You did it again, didn’t you. Like the first time.”

John nodded.

“Thank you.”

“I seemed to have put you to sleep. I didn’t realize I was such a crappy kisser.”

Samantha smiled at him lazily and kissed him. “Hardly,” she stated and kissed him again. “You never let me finish my sentences.”

“You talk too much,” he lightly jibed.

They held one another quietly for awhile until Samantha decided to get up. “So when do you want to begin the tests?”

John quickly looked at his watch. “Well, we have to pick up Brianna soon. Would tomorrow be good for you?”

“No, I’m completely booked with meetings tomorrow. How about on Friday, the day after?”

“I have a teleconference with that Swedish team.”

“The weekend?”

“No, I’m reserving that for you and Brianna.”

“Next, Tuesday?”

John thought about that. “That sounds okay. Next Tuesday it is.”

“Can you stay the night tonight?”

“Let me think about it. Like I said before, I don’t know what would happen. It could be that you’re partially immune to me, which would explain a lot. But let’s wait until I run my tests before we come to any conclusions.”

“Are you always this careful?”

“Only when it comes to the important things. And you and Brianna are as important as they come.”

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Since I’ve moved back to Aussie I’ve been swimming at the local pool three times a week on average. With my schedule being pretty open I go during the day when the pool is quiet and I don’t think I’ve had to share a lane yet. Everyone who is swimming laps is wearing speedos or jammers which is awesome (it wasn’t like that in Colorado last winter – I didn’t see a single speedo my entire trip). A few months back I jumped out of the pool and I saw this gorgeous body wearing a perfectly fitting...

2 years ago
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Hostage to FortuneChapter 12

In Crete they anchored in the bay at Heraklion and took the tender ashore, they shopped in the tourist sector where they wouldn’t stand out. Once they got their supplies, they got a taxi back to the beach and were soon back on board Bee Jay. They lay at anchor for the rest of the day and Samantha did a little sunbathing while Ryan did what maintenance he could with his one hand. In the evening, Sam cooked dinner and they shared a bottle of wine. By the time they turned in Samantha was a...

1 year ago
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Lovely boy ka lovely gift

Hi dosto me aik arse se hindi me stoies jama kar raha hoo me 1 lovvely sa loving larka hoo khair aik parha likha larka hoo per muze stories ka shauq bachpan se hai apni collection share karo so here is my gift. Stories of madhurima in her words. Let me tell you about myself first. I am 22 yrs young girl, fair, 5’6” in height. My name is madhurima. Though my name sounds Bengali, I am not. I have an inviting figure of 35-24-36. Right from my school days, I’ve been very much figuring conscious and...

1 year ago
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Roberta and CousinsChapter 8

The next morning we were up and at the Barton house by 9. Doug and I had the porch completed by noon. By 5 PM, with all of us working, we had the rest of the house painted. Ma had been over and boxed up all the stuff to be moved out of the house. As we were getting ready to leave Michelle complained about her aching back. Sara said, "All right Michelle, we would be happy to have you in the hot tub tonight." Michelle blushed and stammered while the rest of us thought it was a great joke....

3 years ago
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I licked her ass like a dog

I am a woman trying to think like a man. I have written one story and now my second attempt, an Interview with the world famous film director Jane X. I am sure you will recognize her, but her tastes in sex are weird, she is a dominant and uses men as live fuck things, so read on and see how my friends weird sexual tastes, are inspired from a female male point of view.As usual, any comments if you so wish, can be made at the end of your reading, and I really will be inspired if you can actually...

3 years ago
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Janes Story

Jane sat at her desk staring out the window while the rain poured down outside. It didn’t matter what the weather was like outside today because today was the day she would finally be free. In just a few short hours, her life would start over. At last! She opened the top drawer of the desk and fished out an envelope. Carefully Jane removed the paperclip that held the contents in place and slid the photograph out of its hiding place; the picture that had changed her life. Jane gazed at the...

Love Stories
4 years ago
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Battlemage Nonetheless Book 6 ApprenticeChapter 12

Dusty and Suzan reached the double doors that lead to the council chambers. They had passed a few offices that the council members and others made their own. Now they were at their destination. There was a single desk outside the council chambers, and at it sat a very striking and attractive red haired woman. She looked to conceivably be in her mid-thirties, but with mages that didn't mean anything. She was dressed in similar robes as the guard out front with the same sash over her...

4 years ago
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Me and Chechi

While reaching bedroom Pappu was very much ready for the next episode but every body needed respite and rest and I wanted to make sure he didn’t burn himself out too quickly. So I kissed him on his cheeks and told. “My sweet boy. Don’t worry. Just wait till night. We need some rest. So sleep near me without doing any naughty things.” He buried his face between my thighs to feel the perfect coolness there. After few minutes his tongue and mouth started to move around my love mound. To prevent...

3 years ago
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Prom Week 2

Fred was making a fortune. He had just sold 5000 worth of video. The video Amber's **** was selling faster than Furbies. Fred handed his friend Rick a tape and took the 50 bucks for it."What I wouldn't give to join in on the fun you were having" Rick admitted, getting stiff just thing about it. This gave Fred a great idea. "I have something planned for Amber during the prom, and for the right price you can be in on it". Rick agreed to an additional 1000 to be apart of it.Fred walked away to...

1 year ago
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Butlers DelightsChapter 15 The Visit

The dinner for the Emir was a great success, and Robinson and Caroline chatted with the Emir as though they were at table in England. Alzubra had high hopes that she would be offered to the Emir, but she was not called into her Master's presence. Robinson had not bothered to tell his wife the full purpose of the Emir's visit, and when the formal dinner finished they all rose, she thought for the Emir to leave. "We will now go into the bedroom, if it pleases my Master," said Robinson to...

1 year ago
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Sneaky Panty Smeller pt 3

Leaving off in part two, coming home with the small package, the panties and a video inside from Becky to me. She had busted me, but after I made her orgasm so fucking good eating her pussy and ass, she just wanted more. Now that I was home, I got a chance to look over the video and smell the soaking wet panties that she had gifted me. Nicely folded and messy like I have never seen before. The note she put in the package was wet enough from her panties, that the pen ink had run on the paper...

2 years ago
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Michelles Continuing Affair Ch 2

When I got back to the house, Michelle was dressed in a pair of sweats and thin T-shirt, no bra. That didn’t surprise me, she’s been going without a bra at home more and more since she started seeing Mike. It still made me a little horny, seeing her so obviously braless in front of another guy, even if she had spent the night naked with him. I kind of suspected she wanted to get me alone, so she could ask about my night with Jacqui…and I was anxious to tell her, but it wasn’t to be for a while...

1 year ago
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BackroomCastingCouch Angeline Sophie 3way

Have you ever heard the saying two is better than one? It’s not ALWAYS applicable, for instance two years in prison is NEVER better than one… unless you’re into that kind of thing. But in the case of this couch, two is definitely better than one. This week we’ve got Angeline and Sophie, and before I go any further I’ll preface by saying this is a FUCKING EPIC SCENE, we’ve got an hour and thirty eight minutes of debauchery. If you’re not into long...

3 years ago
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Im Straight I like Girls Gay

A man mistakenly watches a cock themed hypnosis video with rapid consequences.Eric closed his laptop with a sigh, its power light blinking a few times before it stopped. He rubbed at his eyes as they adjusted to the dim light. He tossed the wadded up tissue full of cum into the nearby bin and stood up. He changed into his bed clothes, switched off the lamp and got into bed.He lay there unable to sleep. His mind buzzing with a night's worth of graphic pornography. He thought back to what had...

4 years ago
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Flawed Wife

I consider myself very lucky to have such a beautiful wife, although she is only 23 years old, to my 29, she has lived her life to the full. I of course didn't know any of this until after I had married her, but after an initial shock I found it very stimulating to hear of her sexual adventures when she was younger. I sowed my fair share of wild oats in my time but its nothing compare to hers. So lets start at the being, I met her when she was just out of college and joined my company. It was...

2 years ago
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After the WarChapter 11 After Dinner

When coffee was served the twelve of them moved into the small ballroom, which turned out to be a large lounge with the carpet partly rolled back and several sofas arranged around the edge. After coffee and liqueurs had been served, there was some desultory dancing, but the couples soon drifted out to the bedroom quarters. There were eventually only two couples left and Lady Johnson asked why the Colonel had stayed to the end, and wondered, but did not ask, why she had not been subjected to...

3 years ago
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Alex and Vicki Business With Pleasure

As a business owner, it’s common for me to take a client ‘that I like’ out for dinner and drinks. On occasion, I’ll invite a client that both Vicki and I like to our home. With Tara away for the weekend, we invited one of my first clients, Terry and his wife Sally, over for cookout and a sleepover on Saturday night. Like Vicki and I, Terry and Sally are both in their early fifties. They are both small town people that opened one restaurant years ago, and then another, and then they just kept...

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Kay Goes to California

When I was in high school I feel in love with the boy who lived next door. Eric was one year older than me and had always treated me like a sister. We were always close but never as close as I wanted to be. I was so hung up on him that when Eric went to California to go to college I followed him out there when I graduated. I never was able to tell him how I felt. Instead I hoped that he would figure it out by himself, but he never did. After my first two years of college it became apparent to...

2 years ago
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Girls That Play Together

Kendra was glad that she wasn’t at home because if her mother would have found out about what she and her school friend had just viewed on the computer, life as she knew it would definitely no longer be the same. In addition, both girls were so obviously worked up they could barely contain themselves or speak in complete sentences. That would have been a dead give-away.Angela had slipped off the maroon tie of her school’s uniform earlier, unbuttoning her white pressed shirt well past what the...

3 years ago
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Female DelightsChapter 15 Review

The Chief Eunuch thought she was probably right when she led in the first six ladies of the harem, old Emir's four wives and his two favourite concubines. The new young Emir's eyes almost popped out of his head to see the harem costume. As the Chief Eunuch had been told, women in the west not only wandered about the streets only half dressed, even more incomprehensibly they stayed half dressed with their breasts and genitalia covered in their husband's or father's houses. The procession...

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Educating the TwinsChapter 9

There are a lot of things boys don't know about girls. Some of that is by design. We want to be 'mysterious'. It helps keep boys interested. They talk about us, sometimes in exasperation, but they pay attention. No girl likes being ignored or taken for granted. Some of the things boys don't know about girls is because we don't know them ourselves. Or if we do, we can't explain. Take physical sensation. Sure, I know what it feels like to have a cock slide into me, or have my nips...

1 year ago
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Testimonies of victims :"I was bought like catle ,those niggers were free to feel everywere before they bought me.Fingers entered me, wiggling their way inside ,my breasts were groped and squeezed, nipples pinched and yanked and twisted. I squealed and sobbed and moaned to the endless crowd of eager black men ,my body jerked to and fro as big black dicks slapped against my upraised buttocks.They all let me feel I was just fuckmeat�" Upon arrival in their brothel , without any ceremony, they...

4 years ago
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2014 A 50 Year Sex OdysseyChapter 14 Doing My Share to Help

I hustled out of the basement at Bev's house at roughly 5:10pm. As I passed by Barb, still sitting on the porch, I said "you're a Trooper" and "Thank you Ma'am". I got an amused but dirty look, and the question "Five Hours?!?"... "You really owe me now". As I dragged my mower behind me, I looked back at her and mumbled "I'll get my Rest". I was exhausted at the mid-point of this Holiday weekend, not only physically but mentally. It would be many years later, at the end of an...

3 years ago
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Lonely birthday

It is my birthday today and I brought 2 of my friends just to chill. My dad had gone on a business trip and wasn’t going to be back till next month. My mom went out with her friends after she cleaned up the house. I really thought this was the shittiest birthday ever because no one remembered so I decided to just keep it low key. It was already 10:46 when my mom got home. Like always she was wasted and my friends were still around.“Hey Luis I am home!”“Hi mom, we’re in the kitchen making some...

1 year ago
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Day 1 Afternoon Checking into the Artemis Club

Elaine sat at the breakfast table, her Auntie Jess smiling at her across the table. Auntie Jess had always been her go-to relative after she hit puberty. She always encouraged Elaine to spread her wings, as well as her legs, and to enjoy life while she could."Happy birthday Elaine, I got you a little present." Jess beamed at Elaine and held out a faux vellum envelope with a wax seal of a topless female figure drawing back a bow.Elaine grinned and wondered what this could be. Her knife slid...

2 years ago
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Diana Tribes

The forest is singing its usual quiet chorus. You hum to yourself, gentle fingers picking through the bush. Berries are getting scarce, with the tribe preparing for the upcoming occasion. You aren’t certain what exactly would happen, but anyone could sense the barely restrained tension suffusing the whole tribe. Supplies need to be gathered, and the forest is rich in food, even this late in the year. Your fingers brush across a cluster of berries, but they slip from your grasp. Frowning, you...


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