Night Skies Hotel IV The Lost Worlds
- 4 years ago
- 39
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Of course I immediately noticed his scars. Anyone who claimed otherwise would be lying. And of course I did my best to pretend I didn’t notice them, just as any decent person would have.
I was behind the counter of Mildred’s Restaurant, where I’d worked for the past six months, when the little bell above the door chimed and he stepped inside. It was just before three on a Friday afternoon. The lunch crowd was long gone, and those wanting an early dinner hadn’t begun to trickle in yet. I had only one table, where two elderly ladies sat sipping coffee and lingering over pie.
He looked around, and then his stare settled on me. I smiled, maintaining eye contact just long enough to be appropriate before I grabbed a menu and some silverware and walked toward him.
‘Welcome to Mildred’s,’ I said, leading him to a table near the window. ‘I’m Morgan, and I’ll be taking care of you today.’
‘Hello, Morgan,’ he said without looking at me.
As he sat down, I noticed that he wore jeans and a button-down shirt, along with a leather jacket and work boots. I was bad at guessing ages, but I thought he looked about thirty. ‘Has it warmed up any out there?’ I asked him.
He glanced out the window, and I used that moment to sneak a look at him. Scars crisscrossed his face from the corner of his eye all the way to his jaw line. The other side of his face was equally disfigured. A beard would have covered some of his scars, but he was clean shaven, and he wore his dark hair short. I noticed that he had no scars on his neck or what I could see of his hands. No defensive wounds. It must have been an accident, I figured. I also noticed that he didn’t wear a wedding ring.
‘No, it’s still freezing,’ the man said, then turned back to me, and I busied myself with pulling a pad and pen from the pocket of my waist apron.
‘The forecast this morning called for snow,’ I said. ‘I saw a few flurries earlier. I just hope it holds off until my shift ends.’ He nodded and gave me a polite smile as he looked over the menu. ‘What can I get you to drink?’
‘Coffee, please.’
‘Cream and sugar?’
‘No, thanks.’
I went back around the counter and started a fresh pot of coffee for him. As I waited for it to brew, I tightened my ponytail and studied the bulletin board on the wall over the sink. Pinned to it was a piece of paper folded in half to look like a card. On the front was printed ‘Happy 1993!’ in uneven handwriting. Even though it was the third week of January, I couldn’t bring myself to throw away the card, which a customer’s child had made for me right before the New Year.
Will appeared in the doorway leading to the kitchen, arms folded over his chest. ‘What are you doing just standing around?’ he asked.
I gestured to the coffee pot. ‘I’m making coffee.’
‘Where’s Leah?’
‘She went home at two. She was feeling sick.’
Will smirked. ‘What else is new? How long’s it been since she worked a full shift?’
I wasn’t interested in badmouthing a fellow waitress with him. ‘We just got a customer, so don’t disappear out back for a smoke break, okay?’ I said.
Will was the restaurant owner’s grandson, and we’d gone to high school together. He’d been accepted into a state school but had flunked out during his first semester last fall and was now working as a cook here. I’d liked my job a lot better before I had to start spending my shifts putting up with his smart ass remarks.
He looked around the restaurant and spotted my newest customer. ‘Christ, what’s wrong with that guy’s face?’
I shushed him and glanced over my shoulder to make sure the man hadn’t heard. ‘Don’t be a dick, Will.’
‘It’s a good thing we’re not busy. That would be enough to ruin anyone’s appetite.’ Will wasn’t trying to keep his voice down, if anything, he’d gotten louder. If Will weren’t related to the owner, he wouldn’t be allowed to act like such a creep, but since Mildred adored him, everyone had to handle him with kid gloves. The manager, Shelby, was conveniently in the back office doing paperwork. She never seemed to be around when Will was acting like a jackass.
‘Look,’ I said, stepping closer to him, ‘I’ll give you five bucks if you’ll just be quiet and go back in the kitchen.’
Will looked me up and down and grinned. ‘How about this: I’ll be quiet now, and you give me a blow job when my shift is over.’
I felt my hands clench into fists, and my face grew hot. ‘You’ve got a lot of nerve even suggesting that after what you did last year.’
Those words caused him to draw back, and the smirk disappeared from his mouth. ‘Wait, wait,’ he said. ‘Just give me the five bucks. You used to be able to take a joke, Morgan. You’re not turning into one of those born-again virgins, are you?’
I gave him five dollars of my tip money, wishing I could tell him to go fuck himself, but I was well aware that he could make my life hell here by mixing up my orders or dragging his feet getting the food ready. I’d seen him pull stunts like that before when Leah crossed him. He pocketed my money and went back into the kitchen.
I took a deep breath and pulled at the hem of my blue shirt, which had the restaurant name printed on the front. My black pants had grown a little loose in the waist, but I hadn’t resigned myself to wearing a belt just yet.
A large portion of my tips depended upon my friendliness and efficiency, but I knew how much my appearance also played a factor. When I first started working here, I spent time before each shift teasing my hair and carefully applying my makeup. Now I didn’t even bother with blush or lipstick, and because I’d lost ten pounds in the last several months, my clothes didn’t fit right.
I carried the steaming cup of coffee to the man. He sat with the menu closed in front of him, gazing out the window. ‘Sorry about the wait,’ I told him. ‘I wanted to make a fresh pot.’
‘I appreciate it,’ he said.
‘Have you decided on what you’d like?’
‘I’ll have the BLT.’
‘Sure thing.’ I scribbled the order down on my pad so Will couldn’t accuse me of relaying it to him incorrectly. Back in the kitchen, I put the slip of paper right in Will’s hand. ‘This shouldn’t take you very long,’ I said pointedly.
Will snorted. ‘You making sure he has everything he needs? Did you ask him if he’d like a bag to put over his head?’
‘I paid you five dollars to shut your mouth,’ I snapped.
He sighed. ‘Fine, fine.’ When I didn’t leave the kitchen, he stopped and stared at me. ‘What are you still doing in here?’
I folded my arms over my chest. ‘I’m staying here while you make that sandwich.’
‘Morgan, you’re being a real bitch today. You got customers out front.’
‘All the more reason that you need to hurry up and get that BLT made,’ I said. Something in my face told him he shouldn’t bother arguing with me, but I heard a few swear words muttered under his breath at me. I no longer cared if I was on Will’s shit list. Jobs were hard to come by in this town, but I’d find something else if I had to.
Will had the sandwich and fries made in record time. ‘There you go. Happy now?’ he said through his teeth as he held the plate out to me.
I gave him a sweet smile. ‘Very.’
Back out front, I hurried over to the man’s table and set the plate before him. ‘Here’s your sandwich, and some extra napkins.’
‘Thanks very much.’ This time he raised his head and met my eyes.
‘Ketchup’s on the table,’ I said. ‘Is there anything else I can get you right now?’
‘I think I’m good.’
The two older ladies made their way to the register, and I went to ring them up. They left me a decent tip, considering they ordered only coffee and pie, and I thanked them. ‘I hate to go back out there,’ one of them said to me, shivering in her heavy coat. ‘Seems like winter will never end.’
‘Two more months of it,’ her friend sa
‘You two ladies have a great day. Stay warm,’ I said, watching them shuffle out of the restaurant. I lingered behind the counter and shot furtive glances at my only customer. His paper napkin was smoothed over his lap, and he took careful bites of the sandwich. I felt a twinge in my chest, I hated to see someone eating alone. Sure, some people preferred to eat by themselves, but it made me sad just the same.
I ambled over to the table the two ladies had left and began clearing it. ‘I haven’t seen you in here before,’ I said to the man, trying to keep my voice casual.
He turned to face me, as though surprised I’d spoken. ‘I grew up near here, but I haven’t been back in years. I live in Springfield now.’
‘Oh? What brings you back this way?’ I didn’t make a habit of engaging in personal conversations with customers I didn’t know, and I was aware that the man might not appreciate it. I studied him, waiting for a sign that he’d prefer it if I got lost.
He wiped his mouth with the napkin. ‘My mother’s sick in the hospital here.’
‘I’m sorry to hear that,’ I said, wondering if I knew his mom. It was a pretty small town, and most people were on a first-name basis.
‘She lives thirty miles away, toward Madison,’ he went on, ‘and the closest hospital is here in town. I’d stay at her house, but I’d rather not make that trip back and forth from there to the hospital when the weather can turn nasty so fast in these mountains. Can you recommend a place nearby for me to stay?’
I moved closer to his table, hands tucked in my pockets. ‘Sure. There’s a motel just up the road from here. I know Sandra, the owner. It’s not anything fancy, but she keeps it clean, and the rates are really reasonable.’ I gave him the name of the place and directions to it.
‘Thanks a lot,’ he said.
I figured hovering around him any longer would venture into inappropriate territory, so I went back to cleaning the table. Another customer came in, and I seated her and took her drink order. Glancing at the clock, I saw it was half past three. In another thirty minutes, Nina would show up for her shift. I was working noon till closing at nine, and with Leah home sick, it was sure to be a busy night if we didn’t get a lot of snow.
I took the newest customer’s order and gave it to Will, who was now subjecting me to the silent treatment. Then I went back to the man’s table. He’d finished his sandwich, and I asked him if he’d like another cup of coffee or dessert.
‘No, thanks. Just the check, please.’
‘I’ll ring you up at the register whenever you’re ready,’ I said, handing him the ticket.
When he approached me to pay the bill, I found myself fidgeting, brushing my bangs out of my face and shifting my weight from one foot to the other. In six months, I’d shown no more than a passing interest in any guy, but this man was different. If he asked me for my number, I planned to give it to him.
I rang him up, and he slid a ten across the counter—more than enough for the meal and a generous tip. ‘Keep the change,’ he said.
‘Thank you very much.’ I couldn’t help but beam at him like a stupid teenager. I watched as he reached into his wallet and withdrew a five. He held it out to me.
‘This is for the five dollars you lost because of me.’
I was so mortified, I wanted to fall through the floor. I also wanted to go back into the kitchen and splatter hot grease all over Will’s face. This man had heard every word we said. ‘I am so sorry about that, sir,’ I stammered. ‘I’m going to speak to the manager about him.’
‘Best not to,’ the man said. ‘He doesn’t seem like a person you’d want to have as an enemy.’
I stared at the money in his hand. ‘I’m not taking that. In fact, let me give you your meal for free.’ I held out the ten, and in the back of my mind, I realized we had to look kind of crazy, pushing money at each other.
‘Morgan, no,’ he said, his voice firm. He left the five on the counter and headed toward the door. ‘Hope you make it out of here before it snows.’
‘Have a good day,’ I called after him, feeling like an idiot. After he was gone, I drew in a shaky breath and resisted the urge to burst into tears. A crazy impulse, but I felt like shit and had no way to make the situation better.
I managed to keep my emotions in check for the rest of my shift, and by the time it ended, the snow hadn’t yet begun to fall. I helped Shelby close up, while Will took off as soon as nine o’ clock rolled around. ‘I can take care of the rest of this,’ Shelby said to me. ‘Go on home before the weather gets bad.’
I thought about telling her what Will had done earlier that day, but I noticed how tired she looked, and I remembered that she was a single mom struggling to make ends meet. Yes, she was the manager, but Will knew he could do almost anything here and still keep his job.
I ended up simply telling her good night as I pulled on my coat and headed out the door. Once I stood in the parking lot, I looked around and shivered. The air felt heavy, like an invisible blanket had been thrown over the sky. It sure felt like snow out here.
I walked over to my Mazda. It wasn’t four-wheel drive, but I’d saved up enough money to buy some snow tires for it, so it handled well in bad weather. I got in the car and started it, sitting in the darkness as I let it idle and warm up. I couldn’t stop thinking about the man with the scars.
From a purely rational perspective, I knew what happened wasn’t my fault. If Shelby couldn’t keep Will in line, then I sure as hell wouldn’t be able to, but I still felt horrible. Peering through the windshield, I didn’t see a single snowflake. I could make a quick stop by Sandra’s motel and see if the guy had checked in.
It was a crazy idea. The man had given no indication that he wanted to see me again, he probably didn’t want to be bothered, especially at half past nine. I shook my head as if to dislodge the thought from my brain, but now that the plan had presented itself, I couldn’t get away from it.
I left the restaurant parking lot, and instead of taking a left toward home, I made a right, which would take me to the motel. On the way, I stopped at the convenience store Wade owned, which was thankfully empty, like most places in this town after nine at night.
Through the store window, I could see Wade behind the counter reading a newspaper. He looked up when he saw my headlights shining from the parking lot, and when I got out of the car, he gave me a wave. ‘Hey, stranger,’ he said when I walked through the door.
‘Hey yourself.’ I’d always liked Wade, had even worked for him here for a few weeks before I began waitressing at Mildred’s.
‘You’d better get on home,’ he told me. ‘It’s supposed to start snowing any time now.’
‘I just need to grab something really quick.’ I strode toward the coolers in the back and picked up a six-pack of beer, hoping Wade wouldn’t give me trouble about it.
He frowned and folded his arms over his chest as I approached the counter. Wade was a big, burly guy with a beard. I used to call him Paul Bunyan, which he found funny, but that was when we were still fucking.
‘If I remember correctly, you ain’t twenty-one yet, girlie,’ he said. ‘Hell, you ain’t even nineteen.’
‘How do you remember shit like that?’ I asked. ‘I’ll be nineteen in two months. And the beer’s not for me anyway.’
Wrong choice of words. His frown deepened. ‘Who are you buying beer for?’
‘A friend. An older friend,’ I added.
‘Why can’t your older friend buy his own beer?’
I tried not to wince. Of course he would assume it was a male friend. Never mind that he was right, it still stung. ‘Look, his mom’s sick in the hospital, and he’s staying here in town so he can be with her, and he’s had a really shitty day. And I don’t even like beer!’ I blurted.
Wade snorted with laughter. ‘Okay, okay. You’ve convinced me. But
don’t you breathe a word of this, understand?’
‘Of course.’ He rang me up, and I paid for the beer. ‘Thanks a lot, Wade.’
‘Take care of yourself, Morgan,’ he said. ‘I always did have a soft spot for you.’
I couldn’t help but grin. ‘From what I remember, there’s not a soft spot on you.’
‘Get outta here, you flirt.’
I left the store and headed toward the motel. Still no snow, maybe my luck would hold. Several cars were parked in front of the main building, and I wondered which was his. ‘He might not even be here,’ I muttered to myself.
Sandra was at the front desk, cigarette dangling from her mouth as she adjusted the rabbit ears on a small black-and-white television. ‘Piece of shit,’ she said as I stepped inside.
‘Hey, Sandra.’
‘Hey, doll.’ She gave up on the TV reception and turned to me, noticing the six-pack I held. ‘That for me?’
I laughed. ‘You want one?’
‘Nah.’ Taking a long drag on her cigarette, she blew smoke above her head. ‘Thanks for sending some business my way. It’s been slow lately.’
My pulse quickened. ‘You mean the man with the…’ I gestured to my face.
‘The scars? Yeah. He checked in a little after eight.’
I leaned against the desk and gave Sandra my sweetest smile. ‘Can you please tell me his room number?’
Sandra raised an eyebrow and tossed her long black hair over her shoulder. ‘I take it those beers are for him.’ I nodded. ‘I don’t know, Morgan. I don’t give out room numbers unless the cops are asking.’
‘Pretty please? I feel like I owe him an apology. When he was at the restaurant today, Will made a crack about his face.’
Sandra’s eyes widened. ‘Are you shitting me? Will needs a good ass kicking. That would straighten him up real fast.’
I wasn’t interested in talking about Will, my attention was focused on each precious second ticking by as I stood there. ‘If the man asks, I’ll just tell him I knocked on every room door until I got the right one.’
Sandra sighed and stubbed out her cigarette. ‘Fine. He’s in Room 12.’ I turned toward the door. ‘Wait, Morgan. You don’t even know this guy. What if he’s a serial killer?’
I grinned. ‘Then let’s hope he’s the strangler kind and not the slasher type, or you’ll have a hell of a mess to clean up.’
‘Not even funny,’ Sandra snapped. ‘Go on then. You’re a grown woman, and I can’t stop you.’
I thanked her and hurried outside toward Room 12. A sliver of light worked its way through the drawn curtains. Standing in front of the door, which was painted a dull red color that reminded me of dried blood, I raised my hand and knocked.
It took him a minute to answer, and I held my breath as I waited. When he opened the door, I let out a huge sigh and grinned like a lunatic. ‘Hi,’ I said too loudly.
The man blinked at me in surprise. He still wore his jeans and a pair of socks, but his shirt was unbuttoned. It looked like he’d just pulled it back on. I glanced at his chest and saw no scars there, just thick dark hair. ‘It’s Morgan from the restaurant,’ I rambled stupidly.
‘I remember.’
I held up the six-pack. ‘I thought I’d stop by and see how you’re doing.’ When he didn’t answer, my smile faded, and my cheeks began to burn. ‘I’m sorry,’ I hurried on. ‘I shouldn’t have bothered you.’ I thrust the beer toward him. ‘Just take this, and I’ll be on my way.’
‘Wait,’ he said. ‘Please forgive my bad manners. I’m just, uh, a little surprised to see you. Come on in.’ He held the door open wider.
‘I hope I’m not disturbing you,’ I said as I entered the room and he closed the door behind me.
‘Not at all.’ He busied himself with buttoning his shirt. ‘I got back from the hospital earlier and checked in here, and I was just watching a little television.’
I looked around the room and spotted his suitcase, still closed. He’d tossed his leather jacket over the desk chair, and his boots were on the floor beneath the window. ‘Have a seat,’ he said.
I sat in one of the chairs, and he settled on the edge of the bed just a few feet from me. I handed him a beer, still cold. He thanked me and popped it open. ‘I could certainly use one of these right now.’ He hesitated before taking a sip. ‘Aren’t you going to have one?’
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It happened in an instant. You, a young man about 6 foot-two-inches in height and who is about 23 years of age, had fallen asleep after playing video games and doing coursework on a Tuesday night. You were studying for the chapter finals of a course covering theories and concepts on the existence of multiple universes. And you thought you were ready, when you awoke the next morning not to the familiar sights of your room, but to a confusing sight of dunes and endless sands. Your first question...
FantasyThe Futa Empire continues to conquer the small isolated Free Male States one by one. Your story takes place in a border territory of the Empire, in a medium size city of 500,000 or so people. The male population of the territory has been shrinking and if the trend continues, major problems could arise. A small mountain range separates you from a Free Male State (FMS). Although this protected them from the Imperial Army for many years, the end has begun. The state is large for an FMS (just under...
TranssexualThe Netherworlds. There are a countless number of them in the universe, all with their own societies and customs. Why, nearly anything you could think of could be represented in the form of one of these demonic worlds. A world that has been converted into a gigantic spa resort run by slimes that poison their customers instead of detoxifying them? Why not? A planet-sized brothel that contains only prinny sex workers? Go for it. How about a world that is made entirely of pastries, populated by...
Paris, 1630. Or possibly 2017, it's up to you. Athos, Aramis, Porthos and d'Artagnan are known for their devastating good looks, swashbuckling swordplay and military prowess, but it's their success in the bedroom (and salon and palace and tavern and stable and basically everywhere else) that I find more interesting. This is a "sexworld" AU, so public sex is commonplace while STI's and pregnancy are not a concern. Ah, the joys of fiction. Different paths may not align. Hope you enjoy!
You get home on friday evening, a little tired after a week of work, but glad and excited to be able to enter your fantasy realm within the VR machine you have in your bed room. The machines were invented a little over a decade ago. At first it came out that they were being developed for military purpose, but soon people got their hands on the technology, through illegal means or maybe even leaked by the government? Who knows. Either ways, you're glad it happened because they are now a public...
Jim sat in his dorm room and was playing on his computer when a mail popped up in his inbox with the subject line “Ready to become a WorldMaster™?”. On the first view it looked like spam, but for some reason he still opened it and started to read. Are you ready to become a true WorldMaster™? Have fun with every woman you want to fuck and use our WorldMaster™ smartwatch to adjust everything to your desires. Sign up today for the free beta test and maybe we will pick you to become a true...
Mind ControlThe Adventures of American-man: Dreamworld By Paul G Jutras Chapter One: Doorway of Doom October 31, 3086, a historical team uncovered a weird chest with pictures carved all over the outside. Each was dressed in hiking boots, knee-high socks, too tight shorts, sleeveless shirts and pit helmets. As one of them broke open the chest a mist rose out and formed into a skull headed demon. Rays shot from it's eye socks, transforming the girls' skin to plastic. As they fell over, the...
Escape from GirlWorld by kimmie oh Kirk came crashing through the undergrowth behind me. Ahead of us was a clearing and then more woods. We were both naked, our clothes having been taken from us shortly after being captured. We had come to Gaia on a diplomatic mission from the distant planet all males of the human species had been banished to after the Gender Wars of 2040. We had left our landing craft with a proposed treaty and struck out for the capital of the Gaian world....
Overworlder by ~Daguss WARNING: Contains Racist Comments, mildly used, but still present. The Author asks that you be patient and approach the story from a non-biased stand point. No offense is intended to any party of differing ethnicity, or sexual orientation. The view expressed in this story do NOT represent the views of the author. Thank you. ************************************************************************* The old man limped down the empty side walk, a long, ornate...
On the living room sofa, Rolanda continued to stroke my spent body with her soft hands, dragging her beautifully manicured red nails gently through the cum-soaked hair of my chest and my pubic arch as we smoked in relaxed silence. She was the picture of mature loveliness in her chic nautically-themed outfit. I looked down and admired her stunning red pumps, and then we kissed again, interrupting my reverie with the insertion of her minty smoke-scented tongue between my teeth while...
Wild world Prologue As the judge enters the room, I stand up, just as everybody else in the courtroom does. He sits in his bench, everybody else, but me, sits, and then he looks straight into my eyes and says, "Having heard all evidences presented in this case, I concluded that the accused is guilty of raping and murdering a young woman." "Do you wish to say something before I give my sentence?" So, I am doomed, and with nothing else to save, but my pride, I answer, "Yes, your...
Westworld April 3, 2028 "Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome the CEO of Future Global, Malcom Sanders." The lights in the conference hall dimmed and a spotlight appeared on a man dressed in jeans, tennis shoes, and a Hawaiian aloha shirt as he walked across the stage. After an initial robust round of applause the attendees fell silent. Malcom Sanders was the latest Silicon Valley technology wizard that had quickly established himself far above his competitors in recent years....
Wild world by Sylvia Wechsel Prologue As the judge enters the room, I stand up, just as everybody else in themcourtroom does. He sits in his bench, everybody else, but me, sits, and then he looks straight into my eyes and says, "Having heard all evidences presented in this case, I concluded that the accused is guilty of rape and murder of a young woman." "Do you wish to say something before I give my sentence?" So, I am doomed, and since I have nothing else to save, but my...
Andra screamed into her ballgag. She screamed as my whip hit her beautiful ass again. She'd been screaming herself hoarse since I started working my way down her back with the horsewhip. She screamed when I hauled her up by her bound tits, her wrists tied to them and they tied to a pulley fixed to the ceiling. Her ankles were tied together with cruel handcuffs, almost too tight for her. Her big toes were tied with wire to a D-ring in the floor and her head was covered in a gag and...
Copyright© 2001-2005 by DB. I remember Westworld before the troubles happened. I was fortunate enough be able to go more than once before the Big Crash, and later the Big Scandal. Like too many good things in life, you come to count on them always being there. Then suddenly you turn around, and they're gone. I've loved westerns all my life. When I was young, it seemed that was all that ran on television. My grandfather taught me to shoot starting when I was six, and I can't say how...
As usual Mistry was wondering what it was like for the Dryworlders. They had all covered the stories in history lessons at school, but Mistry had continued to ponder the unanswered questions on and off over the years. For long periods of time she barely thought about them, but then it would all come flooding back, and she would become obsessed. Her work suffered, and her friends worried about what was wrong with her. The basic facts were undeniable, no matter how vague the details were. Before...
Roy returned to the hotel to find Cara in the sitting room of their shared suite. She was lounging in a comfortable chair with her legs up gathered in a feminine fashion. A field screen displaying apparently local news floated before her. Cara had her long silvery hair open and wore something soft caressing her curves. To Roy, she had always been an exceptional beauty of exotic grace, but now his mind compared her to his Tanya, and in his mind, no female could compare to her. Just as he was...
Note: Please activate Game Mode for the best experience! It is Sunday, September 4th, and the golden sun of a late-summer afternoon is streaming into Natalie's window as she lies on her bed reading, getting ready for the start of school. Stretched out on her bed with a mug of tea and her phone on the table next to her, she's got her summer reading book open on her knees: Basic Anatomy, Sexual Education, and Sluttery for Women. Nat turns the page and keeps reading as she takes another bite of...
FetishOver the time I have been writing erotic fiction, I have always found it fascinating to create alternate worlds with new rules and norms. This interest inspired my name and all of the stories I have published on this site. To some degree, I think the world building has been my favorite part of writing the stories. It is exciting explore how different concepts would impact different parts of the world. This “story” is not really a story but a collection of world ideas that I want to flesh out....
Due to their overly simplified design, at first, I thought that Pink World has nothing good to offer, but I was wrong and that does not happen often. I mean, I still stand by my words when talking about the overall design of this place, but their content ain’t bad at all. There is a lot of great shit you can see here, and I shall go over all the important aspects.Very basic design with user-friendly featuresHowever, even if the design is very shitty, it is not like you could get lost when...
Porn Link SitesLooking for 3D incest comics at Crazy XXX 3D World! When you think porn comics and animated videos 2D images or SFM style animations are probably what comes to mind first. That kind of content is fucking awesome, but that’s not what we’re diving into today. This shit is a lot more niche. And it’s all done by artists who have a passion for the craft. This is the world of 3D porn comics and videos. Fully modeled characters, story arcs, and much more. These artists put a lot into this work, and it...
Premium Porn Comic SitesWelcome to The Hentai World! Ever want to see Mercy or DVA from Overwatch give amazing blowjobs or watch that thick bitch 2B for Nier: Automata get fucked? The answer should always be an eager yes. You can see all of that and more in the wonderful world of hentai porn. It comes in all kinds of sexy formats. Pictures, videos, SFM animations, VR, and more. No other kind of porn allows all of your darkest, kinkiest fantasies to come to life. Watch impossibly proportioned sluts get fucked in every...
Hentai Porn SitesWorld Sex! When you know that a site has been here since 1996, it is hard to expect anything than good things to come your way, right? is a free tube site that has managed to survive years and years, in fact, decades of challenges and has stayed on the top of the pops for so many years. With that being said, you might expect something that's going to blow your mind. Well, I browsed around the site, saw some good things and saw some bad, but like I like to think, the test of time is...
Free Porn Tube SitesScat World! There are no two ways about it; scat porn is degenerated, weird, and repulsive. And that is me being nice. This is no genre for ‘normal’ people if at all you could term people who jerk off to porn normal. As a matter of fact, if you are reading this review while having lunch, my apologies for ruining your meal. The shit I’m about to talk about is messy and gross, and if I’m, to be honest, I don’t understand how y’all sick fucks get turned on by the sight of chicks shitting all over...
Scat Porn SitesAdult Games World! This website’s a fucking classic, I tell you. We’re way past Flash games and the kind of shit you play in your browser. These days, the proper high-quality porn game scene is all about downloadable PC titles. If you’re a Mac user, you’re usually shit out of luck, but some of these games have ports. I’m getting ahead of myself; let me start over. AdultGamesWorld is a gigantic repository of top-notch porn games, the likes of which humanity has been working towards for over 20...
Free Sex GamesTeen Mega World describes itself as the Best Teen Porn Network, which is a pretty bold claim, the kind of possible exaggeration I see every day as a reviewer of Internet pornography. By the numbers, they aren’t pulling quite as many masturbators as big-name competitors like TeamSkeet, though they’re certainly not languishing in obscurity either. They’ve been around since 2005, which counts for a lot. Back then, people thought MySpace would be around forever, but when’s the last time you jerked...
Premium Teen Porn SitesDo we live in a Busty World? Since the inception of the artificial tata, I think the answer is an easy yes, but honestly? The world was full of big naturals even long before silicone came along. You just had to know where to find them. In this day and age, with access to the internet, finding those giant jugs is easy as hell. In fact, this next website is a fucking paradise of flesh pillows, both real and synthetic, attached to some of the sexiest pornstars ever to walk the earth and get boned...
Premium Big Tits SitesJAV World! If you are ready and willing to get off to an amazing assortment of JAV content, you already know that there are so many options available for your horny ass. You already know for a fucking fact that you have a wealth of content that awaits you. You have browsed ThePornDude on the regular, so of course, you know how many Japanese adult videos are waiting to feel your semen sticking on its proverbial pretty faces!This brings me to my latest offering today: JAVWorld! The aptly named...
Asian Porn SitesTHE BEST OF BOTH WORLDS I guess it all started about three years ago when my company sent me to Sydney, Australia, on an extended posting. I work in the mining industry and whilst I had previously visited Perth, this was my first time in Sydney. I have worked for my company, TransWorld Mining, for about twenty five years and am now in my middle 40's. If I am honest I have to acknowledge that my career peaked some time ago. I am no longer "up and coming", but, fortunately, neither am...
THE BEST OF BOTH WORLDS A short story by Tamsyn A crossdresser wakes to find himself tied and gagged and at the mercy of a masked sadist. But is everything as it seems? The sound of laughter, the clink of glasses, soft music... Slowly I came to, consciousness returning to my befuddled brain. It was like trying to claw my way out from under a heavy tarpaulin or a rockfall. I opened my eyes. It was dark, pitch black, but the room still seemed to swim in front of me. Had I...
So I live two lives, both in Georgia. One in the twenty-first century, where I’m Mr. Politically Correct, rubbing shoulders with all races, colours, creeds and sexual persuasions; and one in the nineteenth century, where I am - like almost all moneyed white gentlemen - a slave owner.I discovered the ability to step between the worlds when I was but a teen. The first time was an instinctive flight response to a threat (a mugger). It took me some time to figure out what had happened, and even...
What if worlds turned into sex worlds? Girls turned into tools for pleasure, Cocksleeves, Cum-toilets Goddess's turned into sluts for men, that's what this is about
Mind ControlI wrote this story largely as an excuse to play around with both virtual reality and multiple genres in one story. I don't think that it's one of my better stories, but I had fun writing it and hope that you find it amusing. The Mosaic World By Morpheus I paused in front of the gates of Virtutech Industries, frowning deeply as I did so. It certainly wasn't the first time that I'd stood there since it was the same place that I'd worked for the last two years, but this time was...
POV: Kirk "You don't think I'm some taboo freak for wanting to do it with your daughter, do you?" I asked, bringing her to my bed."No, do you think I'm some cheating slut?" she pondered, lying down."No, you deserve to be fucked, I'm sorry my dad doesn't please you, but I can't do it again after this though," I let her know, getting on top of her. "I love you so much more now than I did just yesterday, but I can't help you commit adultery," I explained, before kissing her."You...